#Nayuta Yagami
marinejelly · 11 months
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Commissions for sasarasoda, thank you so much!! <3 Please, DO NOT Edit/Repost without my/the commissioner's permission, thanks! (Reblog is okay!)
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moeblob · 1 year
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Unfortunately I was reminded of Variable Barricade and I'm like "haha ah yes, the worst love interests you can imagine thrown into one game so that the MC can be disgusted with all of them". Then I was like "I miss my son, Nayuta. What a little freak. I want to draw him again". But also had no idea what to draw so I drew him getting yelled at by Ichiya and OH MAN. WHAT A SHOCK. It's Ichiya's birthday and it was completely unintentional I didn't mean to give the man art for his bday but here we are.
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elinciarune · 9 months
So I have been slowly but surely playing variable barricade and have been able to finish the common route and Nayuta’s route after a couple of months, and now I want to write everything in my mind before moving on completely to Shion XD
Possible spoilers ahead 🙈
To sum it up, I have been enjoying this game so much, it is really shaping up to be my favourite otome game! (Sorry Hakuouki you are still special and dear to me, but yeah, I’m being objective here XD)
At first, I was wary and kept my expectations low because the reviews were quite mixed. And I was entering the game assuming it is pure romantic comedy. I won’t lie at the first couple of chapters, the more slice of life-y tone that has some comedy sprinkled left me waiting for the rom-com to kick in Ouran-style, but the moment I appreciated and drilled in the idea that this game is indeed more of a slice of life, character-study kind of story, I immediately started enjoying the common route immensely!
The dialogue is top-notch, the character interactions are so good, and the characters themselves are multi-faceted and feel so real in a good way.
The common route was enjoyable from start to finish, every sentence and piece of dialogue I enjoyed.
Of course, Hibari herself has a huge role to play in this. She was thrusted in a very extreme and difficult situation from her point of view, so every thing she has said or done (including her ‘bratty’ attitude) totally makes sense and perfectly portray a 17 yr old teenager.
Plus she’s cute, really really cute, protect my baby at all cost 😤
So yeah overall I have been hooked😆🤝
Now for Nayuta’s route, I like genki, himbo guys so was looking forward to his route, and it perfectly delivered. I like how in the beginning, Hibari, as a way to work upon making sense of her choice of him, creates this scenario of him being her guardian and acts like a typical teenage girl who falls in love, and despite this shattering because of how oblivious and one track minded he is, her pursuing of him actually caused a huge ripple in his very straightforward simplistic world, where he sets on one thing and clings unto achieving it despite everything else.
That gets me to the fact that he was described as ‘selfish’. Which was a really interesting way to describe him. And yeah that one track mindedness of his and straightforwardness makes him put his own desires first and foremost and in a way he is ‘selfish’. But interestingly, as I said, the ripple caused by Hibari led to him gradually maturing in a way that uses such straightforward and ‘selfish’ thinking in a way that is more balanced.
In fact, I think him being ‘selfish’ is not bad at all! It means that his desires, when being directed towards becoming better and to also be and support those whom he loves, is actually much more better than a ‘selfless’ person who might put societies needs above theirs and would consequently get hurt or even hurt those around them.
So as his route progresses, I liked how he gradually started cherishing Hibari as someone dear to him for personal reasons, not idealistic ones, and he redirected his guardian skills in a way that made him perceptive of Hibari’s needs and compared to the beginning of the route, he became much more understanding.
By the end, the same one track mindedness that is an inherent part of his personality as well as the ‘selfishness’ became the drive for him to fulfil his desire to help Hibari and to be with her.
So 10/10 XD
Now to continue Shion 🤌
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protags-fic-blog · 1 year
Variable Barricade - Sick S/O
so i got really sick again. last time i made one for brothers conflict, and while i would make one for amnesia (edit: lmao i already did my memory is dying), ive got plenty of those headcanons coming after i get better and can brainstorm rather than writing what comes to me
chicken noodle soup baby
food in bed
brushes your hair to keep you feeling decent
will be your personal teddy bear to hold
won’t let you do anything. if you feel guilty about being a burden, he’d reassure you over and over that it was okay and that he enjoys taking care of you
the worst caretaker around
probably tries his best to make soup but it’s nothing compared to ichiya’s… but hey, you can’t taste the lack of herbs and spices anyway
would play video games or watch tv in bed with you
you ask for tissues and he gives you a pocket pack
cringes every time you sneeze or cough
either sleeps next to you with a surgical-grade mask on or on the couch
but he would try to keep you healthy on the outside
would pull some strings to get you custom designed loungewear so you don’t feel like you’re wearing a potato sack when sick
can’t get sick… but he sneezes in solidarity
after you get better he has the house cleaned from head to toe to protect you from germs
he’s about as good as taiga but he’s got enthusiasm
you probably call in reinforcements and after a while he resorts to just being next to you to help you feel better
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xxsycamore · 2 years
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𝐀 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐚𝐲
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↬ A lovely day at the park with your husband Ichiya and your dog Nayuta.
Ichiya Mitsumori x f!reader • rating: G • tags: Fluff; Tooth-Rotting Fluff; Married Couple; Married Life; Pet Names; Dates; Kissing; Humor • wordcount: 1,561 • masterlist
a/n: This is the product of infinite longing for Ichiya Mitsumori that I'm subject to because of diligently following the recommended route order. I fell for his prince charming persona and I wanted to write a little something with a reader that is head over heels about it and constantly gasses him up. Enjoy...?
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"Arf! Arf!"
You break from the kiss with your lovely, charming, perfect husband, and look at the object of your distraction - but not with anger, no! You chuckle at Nayuta's 'barking', holding a hand in front of your mouth. Your lips are so warm with the remainder of Ichiya's kiss…
"Nayuta, aren't you taking your role to heart too much now? You don't have to bark…"
" 's fine!! C'mon, throw it again! And further this time! Please!"
You sigh and take the ball that Nayuta dropped at your feet, standing up from the bench to power up your throw even more. You just pray it won't get stuck in a tree or something like that… not that it would pose a difficulty for your cute puppy- err, Nayuta, but still!
"Here we go!"
"Arf, arf!"
And he's gone.
"Where were we?"
Ichiya grasps your chin, ministrations feather-light but firm at the same time, as if he won't let you face away from him a second time. You stare at his candy-pink eyes that enchant you anew each time you meet his gaze, and sigh dreamily. Feeling bold, you giggle and shorten the distance first, inpatient to capture his lips.
"The part where you kiss me, silly!"
This must be heaven. Married to the number one most handsome husband in the world, where each day passes by in a domestic bliss, you can't wish for anything else. It's the weekend, and you woke up extra early today - the first golden rays of the summer sun not having yet greeted you two lovebirds when you did, and as per planned, Ichiya prepared and packed a light breakfast to take on your walk. He loves having the park all to yourselves in the early morning, and that's not just because of Nayuta's doglike behavior. He doesn't mind him getting the strange looks all that much, that's something the cyan-haired man did to himself, but rather… Tsk, he feels you pulling away so soon.
"Mm… you're still shy, honey. I told you. There's noone around. Just us."
"Arf! Arf!"
"Nayuta. I will be the one to throw you the ball this time."
You watch your dear husband, and there's a certain guilt that comes with finding the mark of anger in his demeanor sexy… he leaves your embrace, caressing your shoulder as if promising to be right back.
Ichiya rolls his shoulders, preparing himself for a big throw. He takes the ball from the ground, thankful, so thankful, that Nayuta's doglike-behavior hasn't stretched out to putting the thing in his mouth and thus coating it with saliva. Getting a good grip of the ball, Ichiya huffs out a large portion of air and inhales anew, circling his arm in the air to power up.
You can almost see flames… but it's not because of that why you start fanning yourself. Ichiya is… he's too damn attractive like that! The way he rolled up his short sleeve up his shoulder, biceps flexing… no, you're not going to survive this sight much longer…!
"T-Throw it high and far, hubby!"
As if your encouragement magically charged up his throw, a flurry of what once was the ball flies over the park. Nayuta watches its trajectory with his mouth agape, but doesn't waste much time just standing there. He starts sprinting until his figure visibly becomes smaller and smaller in the distance.
Ichiya claps his hands to dust them off, turning to face you - like an actor in the moment when the curtain falls, his frown metamorphoses into a picture perfect smile - a genuine one, because, such small distractions are nothing when it comes to spending quality time with you.
He takes hold of your hands, and you blink bashfully at him, secretly hoping that he'd give you a kiss again… but he appears serious now, for some reason.
"As much as I find that the best thing those lips of mine can do while in your presence is to lavish you with kisses… they get awfully sad when not uttering words of love. I do hope you'd understand my reason for putting a pause to our loving dance. I've been subject to witnessing your beauty in the early morning light for too long, and my mind is full of things I want to say… how am I to stay quiet? I'd be a fool if I don't compliment you. Please let me."
With watering eyes, you find it difficult to even nod, speechless at how romantic he is. No matter how much time passes, you still can't get used to it. You place a hand on your heart, as if to beg it to calm down, and breathe in deeply.
"Please go ahead, Ichiya!"
Mirroring you, Ichiya also fills his lungs with a large portion of oxygen, the material of his shirt expanding slightly at the chest area.
"My beloved… thank you for granting me the opportunity to take you out on this spontaneous but precious date. As if to compliment your presence, the day is a lovely one; the sun was eager to rise today, almost ruining my plans to walk you here just in time so you can bask in its first rays, as you'd like it. Though there's more to be desired of the temperature, it's not too chilly today - of course, I came prepared, and a soft cotton cardigan is folded for you in the picnic basket. You've told me that I radiate warmth, so I'm not too worried. You've been clinging to me this whole time, so I can see that you're warm enough - I'm content with that. But seeing your beauty up this close, for so long, I'm afraid it makes me too lightheaded. Come to your senses, Ichiya…! This I must repeat to myself again and again, lest I get lost in your eyes that follow me so stubbornly. And once I get lost, it's dangerous, I will only wish to serve you, like a man lost his soul for his queen. No, my dear, I'm fully aware that a queen is to be served, but you see… I must stay with a clear mind. I indulge in the sweetness of your lips and it already robs me of my sanity enough, if I get any more lost I'm afraid that we will remain here forever. Denying you hurts me, you know? I will forget about anything else, about anyone else… the gracious curve of your smile outstretches on the canvas of your face, another picture worth several thousand words, and I want to be the artist to paint an even wider smile there. Naturally, my tool is those lips of mine. So then, if you'd let me…I would love to share a few more kisses with you."
"Arf Arf Arf!!"
You're crying waterfalls by now, and Ichiya lets out a little gasp, hurrying to take a handkerchief and bring it to your weeping eyes to catch the falling tears.
"Like little dewdrops…Here, here, my dear… don’t cry, I didn't intend to… I'd hate to see your eyes red and puffed up, even if it’s the result of happy tears."
"Arffff Arff!"
"Ichiya… thank you… ahh, if only I was as good with words as you…!"
Your husband chuckles as he pats lightly the area under your eyes, and it's the sound of dozens of little bells playing a harmonious melody.
"Worry not. Your husband already understands. Your heart is speaking to me, and I hear it loud and clear."
You beam at Ichiya with moist gaze, nodding quickly a few times. He stands like that for a good minute, silently admiring you. Then the serenity leaves his expression.
"He's been quiet…Nayuta? Where did you-"
Throwing a look over his shoulder, Ichiya shrieks as he sees the horrifying scene taking place while he didn't suspect a thing. Nayuta's cheeks are stuffed like a hamster's, raspberry jam smeared over his mouth with the picnic basket wide open.
Ichiya's loud shriek must have startled him, because the caught-red-handed Nayuta freezes, barely remembering to gulp down before speaking.
"I'm sorry! I got hungry, and Ichiya-san's sandwiches are sooo good!"
Snatching the basket to check the remaining contents, Ichiya's soul nearly comes out of his body as he confirms that indeed, there is nothing left. So much for his romantic breakfast with you.
You're fast to pat Ichiya's arm, getting his attention.
"It's fine, Ichiya! All this running around must've made him real hungry! You should've made more for him!"
Ichiya sighs, switching between looking at Nayuta's sad puppy dog eyes and yours. He chuckles eventually.
"I feel like he would've eaten everything no matter how much I prepared… But you're right. Did you eat well, Nayuta?"
Nayuta almost lets out a ruff but settles for human words instead, thanking Ichiya for the meal. Then he wins himself a head pat from you, content with playing along with this whole puppy stuff when it makes you laugh so much and dote on him.
And before Ichiya can pout and show sighs of jealousy, as pathetic that might be…
"Ichiya, Ichiya! Let's go back home and cook a new breakfast, together! Just me and you!"
Hearing that, Ichiya's shoulders roll back again in a confident stance, as he stands up and offers you his hand.
"It would be my pleasure."
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Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran    @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @animeworldsposts @randomanimatedhusbandoseeker @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @pro-cat-stination @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou   @themysticalbeing @canaria-blackwell @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 ​ @ikemenlover24 @violettduchess @mcofthemansion @tiny-wooden-robot @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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otome-corner-cafe · 10 months
Hibari: Does your family have any kind of notoriety to its name?
Nayuta: From my immediate family, no. I do have a distant relative who made the news a while back. Does the name Light Yagami ring any bells?
Hibari: (leans over to Kasuga and whispers) The background checks weren’t very thorough, were they?
Kasuga: I suppose not.
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hellcatinnc · 1 year
Variable Barricade Review
Contains Spoilers
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So first off this game right out the bat was cute looking and I was looking forward to it since I kept reading it was like a rom-com and sometimes its nice to step away from the darker otome's or even the more in depth or sexual ones so this was a nice change. (however its not all light and fluffy but still loved it). I was confused when I started it and jumped right into choosing a rose to one of the guys and was married and done with the game I was like WHAT??? So I tried this again with each guy same out come different response of course.
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That being said I was like guess thats not how you choose the route you want so I had to restart over and this time try to get to know the guys not pick anyone. So out the door after being introduced to them all my favorites in order were Ichiya Mitsumori, Shion Mayuzumi, Taiga Isurugi & Nayuta Yagami. From here on out I will be putting them in order of how I ended up loving them in the end that was just my starting order and how I played it out as well. That being said I will review each love interest below of things I thought of them and it will include spoilers. The little game board they use of each final ending is adorable and such a nice twist unlike most otome games.
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Ichiya Mitsumori
The MC always seemed to be hateful to him in the beginning and I hated that because I usually love the flirty guy so I did like him. Like this is the guy who puts it all out there he does go over board in the beginning I say that because his words of admiration are of something that would be after you have known someone for a bit where his is the day he meets her on out. I do hate though that he thinks women need to eat such small portions I mean like he doesn't want them to gain weight.
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Ok on to my thoughts after I played his route they so changed I love him more than ever now. Like I can't for the life of me imagine why women are stupid and have walked away from him. Don't get me wrong I love a flirty man and he does over do it but then I saw him break down and in tears and tears started streaming from my eyes when he said he just wanted to love someone and be loved in return. This man soared to the top of my list I could relate and feel his raw emotion that made no one else matter anymore.
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Honestly I felt like the mc was so mean to him for so long until he admitted he couldn't live without her and wanted to die if she didn't love him. I broke down so many times for this man and I saw his geniuses even before she did. Alot of the remarks she made along the way pissed me off this man is a sweetheart who honestly I now want to just hug and hold him and tell him everything will be ok. This is going to be one of them men my heart wants to protect. That being said he was a great character and love interest from flirt, to low self esteem which made him feel more real to a man who wasn't eventually afraid to cry in front of a woman with a man who is willing to die for someone than live without her as well as the one I love most a man who honestly wanted a soulmate someone to love him like he loves her.
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I was irritated how his sexual assault that happened in his fake marriage mess. He was stripped down naked and drugged no matter what he lied about etc this was not ok. It obviously really messed up Ichiya as you see in his emotional status later. I am a rape victim this mess can cause some real PTSD. Poor Ichiya I can relate all too well. I'm just glad they never showed the CG picture of anything more than him laying on the bed out of it clothes with just his shirt unbuttoned. Still definitely a trigger warning for some. I found it wasn't my trigger this time but I could relate to his character the most.
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Shion Mayuzumi
There is something sweet about this man from the start. Like I know he is supposed to be the lazy one but who wouldn't let someone else do the work if they offered to take it off your hands. Does that really make him lazy if people jump to do things for him? Anyways I like how sweet he can be at times. He can come off as lazy the longer you get to know him but the only thing I don't like is he always talks about beauty being what matters thats like saying if your not beautiful then he will lose interest. What about when you grow old and your not so beautiful anymore will he still be around.
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As time went on I got to see the sides of him and its not beauty that he revolves around because he loves habari with everything he has. The sweetness he gives her and how he gently holds her not expecting anything in return. He would listen to her fears, her wants, and her rants without thinking twice. He was never once disrespectful to her and he always put her first. Now don't get me wrong I can't say I truly agree with how he handled saying he wanted to see her cry however I also understand it. He wanted her to realize more to life than her status and what people want of her. He wanted her to realize she loved him as much as he loved her.
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He is a very genuine soul and as you get to see his romantic side of the sweet words he says to her even when he confesses his love for her is absolutely beautiful. The way it ends the main story and how he admits he was possessive and didn't want to share his first kiss with the world I liked that side of him. He has a jealous streak down deep when he is in love with someone and that I can respect. Honestly I was really surprised with his words of her being his sleeping beauty and him being the prince. It really was a beautiful love story to watch them fall in love.
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Taiga Isurugi
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So in the beginning I wasn't going to choose him first but damn I'm a sucker for the Tsundere types so before I knew it I was deep into his story. He has a sweet back story even though it is also sad. He was a orphan however he is the man he is because he considers them his family. He is always there to put Habari in her place when she gets to high up and stuck up with being rich. That becomes not only funny but you also see how she gets close to him and she makes him even fall. Even though he wasn't supposed to be a suitor and just helping out her grandfather it was adorable how he switched up and told her he was going to romance her like hell. The cute date moments and the telling her she turned him on all these parts are just a great side of this character. He is funny, sweet, smartass, and a all around great love interest that will keep you on your feet. Even when he first tells her he loves her its in the middle of a knock down drag out fight. They push each other to the extreme until they express how they feel.
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They are the couple that would have yelling matches just to say sweet things to each. Its not really toxic because most times its just squabbles they only have one real fight but he does tease her often. He has some insecurities that makes him think she will leave him once she really gets to know him. He hurt her along the way but he apologized and has done everything he can to try to make up for that. He is such a real character its almost like seeing a every day love story with these too its not the happy ending like most with everything being perfect they still bicker at each other but they are both happy. I also thought was sweet the rest of the guys stopped perusing her when they realized she loved Taiga and went out of their way to comfort her and try to get them back together. The last part of the game where he writes his name on her hand then teases the guys that his name is on her she is his was priceless.
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Nayuta Yagami
He is cute but he is so annoying to me like I can't stand a guy who wants to be practically a slave to you and be treated badly honestly he sounds like he wants to be her bitch and have her use and abuse him. I really feel like he is into some kinky shit with that. I wanted to go back and do his route and probably will at some point and when I do I will probably write a more in depth review. I tried several times to do his route and I need a husband in the game not a pet he is sweet but honestly I can't imagine why any woman would want what he gives in a man just go buy a dog and be done with it just as loyal.
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Not gonna lie I know he isn't all that attractive and he isn't a love interest but I felt like from the very beginning he was in love with her. I feel like she trusted him enough if she had gotten off her high horse I think she would have realized he was good for her. Sadly the status of him being a servant would have never worked for her grandfather. Then when you see this man out in public one day shown above damn Kasuga got hot!!
Anyways he was another one that was a bit hot and cold for me although I did like him for the most part and his love for hibari was genuine. However even though I have yet to play Nayuta route I read online he is her brother. I was like are you serious I would have killed for a route with them. Its funny though cause I had to go back to the common route to see if I misread the love between them. I honestly still feel like he has yes been there her whole life but to me his jealousy at times is something that makes me feel like he is in love with her but would rather her be happy so he will step back for her sake.
I mean would it really be the first brother in anime/otome that was in love with their sister or visa versa. Anyways they could always do a route for him finding out where he thought he was her brother he was only adopted or something. Anyways unless its in Nayuta's route I don't understand why he would be her butler and not just her brother the whole time. Shit this will be what makes me go back and play his route soon as my heart is mended.
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Well this man was a refreshing touch to the game I really enjoyed his smile and his actions in itself. Saving the MC was so sweet and I don't know there was something sweet about him from the start that I really liked.
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Ok those were my feelings until I saw him in Ichiya's route and OMG he became a ass in 5 seconds. Even though I wouldn't mind seeing him as a love route fuck that he was a total dick to Ichiya and it kind of pissed me off.
After finishing the game my last thoughts and yes he has me wishy washy through the whole game so this is why its back and fourth. In the end I realized he did love his brother and wanted him and hibari to actually be together. He rooted them on in his own way while challenging his brother. When he thought his brother might kill himself he was right there and is already looking at hibari as his sister in law. All in all maybe he is a genuine guy just he is a workaholic and that part of him comes first the more serious side of him.
I still need to do the after story of all of them so i might do Nayuto's then. Ichiya took alot out of me so for now will be stepping away from this game but still love it. I will definitely be back but because I love them all so much I don't want to say goodbye forever. I know I'm probably weird but this way I know I have to come back to it as I have code realize, amnesia and more this is my way to need these men in my life again. This is now one of my favorite games.
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aishaarashi · 2 years
Variable Barricade ~Nayuta - Another & Bad Ending~
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This is a guide/walkthrough on how to get Nayuta Yagami’s Another Ending & Bad Endings.
❈ The “LOAD SAVES” in this guide corresponds to the “SAVES” from the Love Ending guide, which can be found HERE.
One recommended route order is: (Common Route) ➔ Nayuta ➔ Shion ➔ Taiga ➔ Ichiya ➔ True End.
I liked the heroine.
(No Choices)
An Incurable Illness
(No Choices)
Could It Be?
(No Choices)
Work Mode, Where Did You Go?
(No Choices)
Unfit to Protect
Is that what you really want?
“Getting It Right” For Dummies
(No Choices)
Whom I Really Want to Protect
(No Choices)
Unwanted Marriage
It is what it is.
One Last Memory
(No Choices)
Reason for the Lone Struggle
(No Choices)
I Want to Believe in You
I appreciate it.
My One and Only Guardian
They sound pretty childish.
➔ Another Ending - Just Can’t Wait To…
I’m fine.
My Very Own Guardian?!
(No Choices)
My Greatest Accomplishment
(No Choices)
I Need a Hero
(No Choices)
✉️  WHIS: Thanks, babe.
(No Choices)
When He Met Her
Thank you for what you did.
Real Life Kevin
(No Choices)
The Shocking Truth
If I’m bothering you, just say so.
Why I Cry
(No Choices)
Finally Found My Master
(No Choices)
From Suitor to Bodyguard
Wrong End
(No Choices)
Back to Square One
(No Choices)
Desperately Seeking Dates
They’re all out of the question.
Ichiya’s Date!
(No Choices)
Taiga’s Date!
(No Choices)
Shion’s Date!
(No Choices)
✉️  WHIS: Your feelings.
(No Choices)
Death by Cinema
I liked the heroine.
(No Choices)
An Incurable Illness
(No Choices)
Could It Be?
(No Choices)
Work Mode, Where Did You Go?
(No Choices)
Unfit to Protect
(No Choices)
➔ Bad Ending - Never Look Back
LOAD SAVE 1 (the one from the common route guide)
Take the orange rose.
➔ Marry End - The Graveyard of Life ~Nayuta Ver.~
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koladelight · 1 year
I just finished my first route of Variable Barricade. Have to say Nayuta's route got me like WTF IS GOING ON HERE!!???
Last time I had this reaction was with Gill's route in Cupid Parasite.
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designers-teaparty · 6 months
Really have to stop going into character Tags before finishing a game....
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moeblob · 2 years
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Man. May I just say. I love how in this game it’s like “you have four suitors and three of them are the most repulsive men on the planet then you have this really energetic guy who wants you to step on him if he does anything bad BUT he’s trying his best”.
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elinciarune · 9 months
(Varibari spoilers///)
Regarding Nayuta’s another end..
Honestly, as much as I like the true end and how funny and adorable it is, I feel I like his another end sliiiightly better XD.
I like how Nayuta in this end is given time to process stuff and he sounds mature and determined to work on himself for his and Hibari’s future. In my opinion, it is a more realistic ending for both Hibari and Nayuta, maybe that’s why I liked it a bit more 🙈.
Like the whole exchange is so precious:
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He’s his usual very pure, honest self but with a mature, self-aware tinge, and Hibari was appreciative, supportive and respectful of his wishes 🥹💜
And that cg at the end was sooooo cute and adorable I want to hug them 😭😭💖💖💖
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protags-fic-blog · 11 months
Congrats on applying to college! If you’re not too busy, how would the Amnesia and Variable Barricade guys react to being asked if they’d still love you if you were a worm?
thanks so much!!! It’s been a little stressful (if you can’t tell by my lack of posting), but writing is my passion, and I need time for it in my schedule, so I’m never too busy <3 Silly headcanons beneath the cut. Formatted a little different than usual but the names are all highlighted <3
Amnesia and Variable Barricade - Would you still love me if I was a worm?
"uh... no?"
would probably put you in some dirt
you repeat the question and he furrows his brow
"uh.... sure, i guess. i'll get you a pot of dirt or something"
he'd release you back in to the wild
you're horrified
"why can't i live in your plants??" "my plants have ample nutrients. a worm deserves to be part of its natural ecosystem"
"am i a worm too?" "no" "hm."
"would you still love me if you were a worm?" "sure, i'd love you!"
doesn't answer the question
the day continues as if that never happened
Variable Barricade
“of course! I’ll keep all the birds away from you”
he’d probably make a little worm pocket on all of his shirts to carry you around
truly heartworming
“no 😈”
the look on his face tells you enough
he doesn’t elaborate but he likes to think that you could live in one of his terrariums
…. just as long as you aren’t slimy
“I’ll protect you, even if you’re a worm!”
he wonders how you’ll punish him if he does something wrong though. eat his food? hide in the dirt?
i think, if you asked this question, and then hid from him the next day, he would probably go out of his way to put all the worm he sees in a little container so he can check when he gets home
worm friends
Bonus: Kasuga would say no. Hibari would give a VERY confused look, and Tsumugi would say yes and talk about how she would make you a worm garden and get you lots of flowers (ikebana moment).
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miku-meeku · 9 months
Gurl, Variable Barricade was literally the first otome game I played.
I'll give you a quick run down, our MC Hibari is an independent girlboss who's just awful at romance. She's from a powerful family so she expects an arranged marriage but her grandfather was like 'LMAO, no. You have to choose from these 4 trash men instead and your gonna live with them for a while'.
So for our 4 love interests are as follow, marriage fraud who is Ichiya Mitsumori who is also the ultimate male wife, the gold digger which is Shion Mayuzumi (material girl), submissive and bully-able Nayuta Yagami and finally gambling addict Taiga Isuguri (personal fav)
The game is very much a sort of rom com, our lovely Hibari has to pick one of them to be her husband which is hard when everyone seems like they would be a dead beat spouse. It's dangerously hilarious, like girl I was laughing every 10 mins
Also to me Taiga is definitely Whitney, hands down no arguments. Shion could be Robin since ya know, Robin doesn't do jack shit and is only there for eye candy, Nayuta is Kylar mostly because he would just straight up do anything Hibari says to the degree that if she said she wanted him to be her dog he would woolf, Ichiya is... I can't really see him as Sydney, well atleast corrupt Sydney, idk he wouldn't fit
Anyways play Variable Barricade
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i feel like literally only one character suits one of the LIs in DoL and its just Whitney BAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA
Shion is too pretty to be Robin (no offense Robin) but then again, I did a lil digging (cuz blonde boys makes me drop my pants) and wowie this mf doesnt do anything other than loiter, hes just like me frfr- and Robin also doesnt do anything other than loiter (sorry for Robin slander, ily Robin)
Nayuta's dog traits and obeying yada yada does seem to fit Kylar's but this guy is too happy, he reminds me of someone that I can't pinpoint HMMM,,, you think if i color his hair black, he'd look more like a happy version of Kylar,,,
and the one who doesn't fit anyone is Sydney BAHAHHAHA, I read a lil abt Ichiya and they literally have nothing in common, rip Sydney
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anws its actually kinda funny, back then i always look away from bad boys until recently with Whitney cough, TAIGA LIKES BRITISH ROCK BAHAHAHAHA ISNT THIS JUST WHITNEY FR, i wonder if he sounds like floyd from twst since hes voiced by nobuhiko okamoto or is using more of his bakugo voice instead (i really love nobuhiko okamoto sm)
honestly would love to play this game to immerse myself in romancing a Whitney look-a-like but....
no money
no nintendo switch
im poor sobs
goodbye japanese whitney voiced by nobuhiko okamoto
maybe one day in the future...
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otome-corner-cafe · 8 months
Stooooop! Nayuta. Nayuta, please I beg, don’t be so dense and stupid.
He’s so cute when he’s dumb and innocent but he’s completely missing MC’s feelings. And I’m cringing in my seat here!
Taiga’s little analysis of Nayuta being selfish is making so much more sense now that I have this perspective. Once Nayuta thinks or sees the world in a certain way, he’s locked into that view. His mental hierarchies and priorities give him complexity.
I was genuinely tickled by Nayuta’s stubbornness in protecting only the person he deems worthy. Wanna be hero characters are usually about saving everyone or as many people as possible. But Nayuta wants just one person to devote himself too. It’s sweet but also gives a hint of toxicity for him to use his strength for and hinge his worth (as a bodyguard) on.
Nayuta is wild like Ichiya. They’re both dealing with an issue of self worth. But Ichiya leans towards pathetic and he knows it. Meanwhile Nayuta is so determined to fulfill a certain role that he’s not in touch with the people around him.
Gaaaaah! I’m loving this. Variable Barricade really is turning out to be a good game. Love the characters and the way the relationships play out.
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hellcatinnc · 8 months
Character Birthday Masterlist
This is as many birthdays as I could find for all the games I have played and anime's I have watched. Trust me there are more characters but some have no birthday dates posted. I will update this list as I go but you can always find this on my pinned post to come back and check the birthday calendars for each. I did want to do a calendar itself for each month but when so many have the same birthdate I found this harder to do so chose to just do a master list instead.
There was so many birthdays I had to start a 2nd list here is the link to the 2nd one HERE
1st Natsume Asahina - Brothers Conflict
1st Yuito Sumeragi - Scarlet Nexus
3rd Wataru Asahina - Brothers Conflict
6th Herlock Sholmes - Code Realize
7th Saibara Kamui - Paradigm Parodox
9th Thoma - Genshin Impact
10th Yukichi Fukuzawa - Bungo Stray Dogs
11th Satoru Watabe - Stand My Hero
11th Eisuke Ichinomiya - Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
12th Gary - 100 Sleeping Princes and the Kingdom Of Dreams
13th Hades Aidoneus - Kamigami No Asobi
13th Victor - Mr Love Queens Choice
14th Kosuke Misaki - Tomo-chan Is A Girl
16th Vlad Garfunkel - Phantom In The Twilight
18th Henri Lambert - Piofiore Fated Memories/1926
19th Edgar Allan Poe -Bungo Stray Dogs
21st Sirius Dieke - My Next Life as a Villainess
21st Rui Sagisawa - Nil Admirari no Tenbin
23rd Camus - Uta no Prince-sama
27th Urie Sogami - Dance With Devils
28th Kou Mukami - Diabolik Lovers
29th Kanato Hibiki - Maji Kyun! Renaissance
31st Mozu - Bustafellows
2nd Lyney - Genshin Impact
4th Gin Akutagawa - Bungo Stray Dogs
5th Takamasa Saeki - My Forged Wedding
8th Allan Melville - Cupid Parasite
9th Abraham Van Helsing - Code Realize
11th Alhaitham - Genshin Impact
12th Tsukito Totsuka - Kamigami No Asobi
13th Merenice - Cupid Parasite
14th Ren Jinguji - Uta no Prince-sama
14th Hatori Otani - Stand My Heroes
15th Arashi Spring - Scarlet Nexus
17th Soryu Oh - Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
17th Fubuki Spring - Scarlet Nexus
20th Tifalia - Radiant Tale
21st Ririchiyo Shirakiin - Inu x Boku SS
22nd Kei Okazaki - Collar X Malice
22nd Yoshikazu Miyano - Sasaki to Miyano
22nd Monet Tsukushi - Magic Kyun! Renaissance
22nd Misuzu Gundo - Tomo-chan Is A Girl
22nd Louis Asahina - Brothers Conflict
26th Sophia Ascart - My Next Life as a Villainess
28th Light Yagami - Death Note
1st Ai Mikaze - Uta no Prince-sama
1st Ryuunosuke Akutagawa - Bungo Stray Dogs
2nd Raeliana McMillan - Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's/M
3rd Ukyo - Amnesia Memories
3rd Yuki Itose - Sign Of Affection
3rd Lindo Tachibana - Dance With Devils
3rd Naomi Randall - Scarlet Nexus
6th Rafayel - Love And Deepspace
7th March 7th - Honkai Star Rail
8th Carol Olston - Tomo-chan Is A Girl
9th Mayuzumi Shion - Variable Baricade
18th Tsugumi Kuze - Nil Admirari no Tenbin
19th Ion - Radiant Tale
20th Sakami Laito - Diabolik Lovers
20th Takeru Totsuka - Kamigamin No Asobi
21st Kanato Sakamaki -Diabolik Lovers
22nd Ayato Sakamaki - Diabolik Lovers
25th Rintaro Tatewaki - Magic Kyun! Renaissance
25th Shiden Ritter - Scarlet Nexus
26th Kamisato Ayato -Genshin Impact
27th Keith Powell - Sugar Apple Fairy Tale
31st Yusuke Asahina - Brothers Conflict
1st Kyosuke Tsuduki - Stand My Heroes
1st Scarecrow - Bustafellow
1st Avi - 100 Sleeping Princes and the Kingdom of Dreams
1st Kodama Melone - Scarlet Nexus
2nd Masato Hanzawa - Sasaki and Miyano
3rd Noah Volstaire Wynknight - Why Raeliana Ended Up Duke's/M
4th Canus Espada - Cafe Enchante
8th Yagami Nayuta - Variable Baricade
8th Rowan - Dance With Devils
9th Kiro - Mr Love Queens Choice
10th Takatoo Tokio - Paradigm Parodox
11th Otoya Ittoki - Uta no Prince-sama
11th Zen Wistaria - Snow White With The Red Hair
12th Toma - Amnesia Memories
12th Ota Kisaki - Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
13th Kagerou Shoukiin - Inu x Boku Secret Service
14th Jinnia - Radiant Tale
15th Jirou Ogasawara - Sasaki and Miyano
15th Hayato Ozaki - Nil Admirari no Tenbin
15th Himari Momochi - The Demon Prince of Momochi House
16th Baileu Ton - Phantom in the Twilight
17th Xiao - Genshin Impact
17th Lori Asahina - Brothers Conflict
17th Enomoto Mineo - Collar x Malice
19th Miyo - My Happy Marriage
22nd Yakumo Sumeragi - Scarlet Nexus
23rd Orlok - Piofiore
24th Ruki Mukami - Diabolik Lovers
24th Masaomi Asahina - Brothers Conflict
25th Baizhu - Genshin Impact
29th Chuuya Nakahara - Bungo Stray Dogs
29th Balder Hringhorni - Kamigami No Asobi
30th Diluc - Genshin Impact
2nd Ichiyou Higuchi - Variable Barricade
4th Tsugumi Nazar -Scarlet Nexus
5th Atsushi Nakajima - Bungo Stray Dogs
5th Shougo Ukawa - Nil Admirari no Tenbin
9th Akane Kinoshita - Loving Yamada Level 999
9th Aoi Nanamori - The Demon Prince of Momochi House
12th Mamiya Ayumu - Paradigm Parodox
13th Kaito Sumeragi - Scarlet Nexus
15th Karuta Roromiya - Inu x Boku SS
17th Leo Cavagnis - Piofiore
17th Radie - Radiant Tale
17th Impey Barbicane - Code Realize
18th Aki Myojin - Sweet Punishment
18th Gorou - Genshin Impact
21st Rosso - 100 Sleeping Princes and the Kingdom of Dreams
23rd Sosei Arakida - Stand My Hero
26th Luke Bowen - Phantom In The Twilight
28th Kaname Asahina - Brothers Conflict
1st Ikki - Amnesia Memories
1st Kotaro Yui - Stand My Hero
1st Arataki Itto - Genshin Impact
2nd Shiki Natsumezaka - Dance With Devils
5th Ibuki - Paradigm Parodox
5th Nagi Karman - Scarlet Nexus
6th Anubis Ma'at - Kamigami No Asobi
8th Sasazuka Takeru - Collar x Malice
9th Natsuki Shinomiya - Uta no Prince-sama
9th Syo Kurusu - Uta no Prince-sama
10th Kasane Randall - Scarlet Nexus
11th Lynette Mirror - Cupid Parasite
11th Eita Sasaki - Loving Yamada at Lv999!
14th Renshou Sorinozuka - Inu x Boku SS
15th Anne Halford - Sugar Apple Fairy Tale
17th Shuumei Sasaki - Sasaki and Miyano
19th Osamu Dazai - Bungo Stray Dogs
23rd Cyno - Genshin Impact
23rd Erika Shinohara - Wolf Girl & The Black Prince
24th Katarina Claes - My Next Life As A Villainess
25th Shirayuki - Snow White With The Red Hair
26th Shu - Bustafellows
26th Seto Narukami - Scarlet Nexus
27th Gilbert - 100 Sleeping Princes and the Kingdom of Dreams
28th Nicola Francesca - Piofiore
30th Shuichi Hishikura - Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
1st Gemma Garrison - Scarlet Nexus
2nd Ema Asahina - Brothers Conflict
4th Nathaniel Hawthorne - Bungo Stray Dogs
4th Kyouya Sata - Wolf Girl & Black Prince
7th Fuuto Asahina - Brothers Conflict
7th Il Fado de Rie - Cafe Enchante
7th Tomo Aizawa - Tomo-chan Is A Girl
8th Gonzaburou Tashiro - Sasaki and Miyano
9th Kaveh - Genshin Impact
7th Alice Ichijo - Scarlet Nexus
13th Mitsumori Ichiya - Variable Barricade
13th Reiji Kotobuki - Uta no Prince-sama
13th Kazu - Variable Barricade
13th Joe Sumeragi - Scarlet Nexus
16th Gill Lovecraft - Cupid Parasite
20th Tartaglia - Genshin Impact
23rd Yuma Mukami - Diabolik Lovers
24th Junichirou Tanizaki - Bungo Stray Dogs
24th Limbo - Bustafellows
26th Gilbert Redford - Piofiore
30th Michizou Tachihara - Bungo Stray Dogs
30th Rishe Imgard Wertsner - 7th Loop
1st Hikaru Asahina - Brothers Conflict
1st Apollon Agana Belea - Kamigami No Asobi
1st Taiga Hirano - Sasaki and Miyano
2nd Saint Germain - Code Realize
6th Tokiya Ichinose - Uta no Prince-sama
7th Toujou Hibari - Variable Barricade
8th Ignis Carbunculus - Cafe Enchante
10th Mitsunari Baba - Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
15th Louis Anjo - Magic Kyun Renaissance
16th Hanabi Ichijo - Scarlet Nexus
20th Alan Stuart - My Next Life As A Villainess
20th Geordo Stuart - My Next Life As A Villainess
22nd Vilio - Radiant Tale
23rd Tomitsuka Ryou - Paradigm Parodox
26th Victor Frankenstein - Code Realize
27th Kenji Miyazawa - Bungo Stray Dogs
29th Reiji Sakamaki - Diabolik Lovers
29th Zange Natsume - Inu x Boku SS
30th Doppo Kunikida - Bungo Stray Dogs
5th Yanagi Aiji - Collar x Malice
5th Zayne - Love And Deepspace
10th Maria Campbell - My Next Life As A Villainess
12th Kagero Donne - Scarlet Nexus
13th Albedo - Genshin Impact
14th Tasuku Kuresawa - Sasaki and Miyano
16th Douglas - 100 Sleeping Princes and the Kingdom of Dreams
17th Dante Falzone - Piofiore
17th Teika Ichijoji - Magic Kyun - Renaissance
17th Kasuga - Variable Barricade
17th Araki Mihaya - Paradigm Parodox
19th Yukinami - Paradigm Parodox
19th Hisui Hoshikawa - Nil Admirari no Tenbin
21st Mamoru Kishi - Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
21st Akito Yamada - Loving Yamada Lvl 999!
22nd Subaru Asahina - Brothers Conflict
23rd Dionysus Thyrsos - Kamigami No Asobi
23rd Kent - Amnesia Memories
23rd Tsuki Aoyama - Stand My Hero
28th Rindo Kaoru - Cafe Enchante
29th Ranmaru Kurosaki - Uta no Prince sama
7th Makoto Tsuduki - Stand My Hero
10th Banri Watanuki - Inu x Boku SS
10th Luka Travers - Scarlet Nexus
15th Paschalia - Radiant Tale
16th Xavier - Love And Deepspace
18th Shu Sakamaki - Diabolik Lovers
18th Shizuru Migiwa - Nil Asmirari no Tenbin
19th Hoshino Ichika - Collar x Malice
21st Ranpo Edogawa - Bungo Stray Dogs
24th Loki Laevatein - Kamigami No Asobi
24th Arsène Lupin - Code Realize
26th Sakunosuke Oda - Bungo Stray Dogs
28th Azusa Mukami - Diabolik Lovers
29th Kaedehara Kazuha - Genshin Impact
30th Helvetica - Bustafellows
31st Cecil Aijima - Uta no Prince sama
31st Junichiro Kubota - Tomo chan is a Girl
31st L Lawliet - Death Note
4th Subaru from Diabolik Lovers
4th Mary Hunt - My Next Life As A Villainess
4th Kyouka Izumi - Bungo Stray Dogs
8th Ritsuka Tachibana - Dance With Devils
11th Fyodor Dostoyevsky - Bungo Stray Dogs
11th Misyr Rex - Cafe Enchante
15th Lucien - Mr Love Queens Choice
15th Karen Travers - Scarlet Nexus
17th Rem Kaginuki - Dance With Devils
20th Zafora - Radiant Tale
21st Thor Megingjard - Kamigami No Asobi
23rd Wriothesley - Genshin Impact
23rd You Hattori - Stand My Hero
28th Luke Foster - Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
30th Shin - Amnesia Memories
30th Kaeya - Genshin Impact
30th Kyoka Eden - Scarlet Nexus
3rd Isurugi Taiga - Variable Barricade
3rd Ukyo - Asahina - Brothers Conflict
5th Tauryu - Phantom In The Twilight
7th Gojo Satoru - Jujutsu Kaisen
7th Akiko Yosano - Bungo Stray Dogs
12th Yang - Piofiore
16th Wataru Frazer - Scarlet Nexus
17th Aoi Suminomiya - Magic Kyun Renaissance
18th Neuvillette - Genshin Impact
18th Yuu Kusakabe - Wolf Girl & Black Prince
19th Soushi Miketsukami - Inu x Boku SS
20th Isaku Senagaki - A Girl And Her Guard Dog
20th Itsuomi Nagi - Sign Of Affection
22nd Keiya Uto - A Girl And Her Guard Dog
23rd Akira Kougami - Nil Asmirari no Tenbin
24th Shiraishi Kageyuki - Collar x Malice
25th Challe Fen Challe - Sugar Apple Fairy Tale
25th Akira Kagiura - Sasaki and Miyano
25th Misa Amane - Death Note
28th Keith Claes - My Next Life As A Villainess
28th Arnold Hein - 7th Loop
29th Masato Hijirikawa - Uta no Prince sama
31st Zhongli - Genshin Impact
31st Hyuga - Paradigm Parodox
31st Tsubaki Asahina - Brothers Conflict
31st Azusa Asahina - Brothers Conflict
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