#now I don’t know if the two yagami names have the same characters or not
otome-corner-cafe · 10 months
Hibari: Does your family have any kind of notoriety to its name?
Nayuta: From my immediate family, no. I do have a distant relative who made the news a while back. Does the name Light Yagami ring any bells?
Hibari: (leans over to Kasuga and whispers) The background checks weren’t very thorough, were they?
Kasuga: I suppose not.
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Title : Extinguish the Embers… (Chapter 2)
Fandom: King of Fighters
Characters : Kyo Kusanagi, Dr.Makishima, Iori Yagami
[Sequel to About That Kind of Desire…] Meanwhile, Kyo and Iori were still recovering after the fierce encounter versus ‘Nagi, the prototype of clones meets one familiar doctor. How will it end? Read and find out.
AO3 Link
An hour passes. Finally, Makishima starts to wake up. When she sits, she gets alerted. How did she end up here? Whose place is this? Who dragged her here? Could it be?… — These questions don’t give a rest for the blonde.
Suddenly, Makishima gets startled when she hears someone opening the bedroom door. However, the blonde’s eyes widen when a familiar person walks in and addresses her in a gentle tone ‘‘Mother… You’re awake. How are you feeling?’’. The doctor is still bewildered at seeing one certain brunette.
However, as Shiro gets close to her, the blonde only speaks in a doubtful voice ‘‘Kyo?… Is it you? You are alive. I…’’.
Just before she could finish the sentence, the prototype of clones tightly hugs her. For a moment, the blonde was surprised. Yet, after closing her eyes, she hugs Shiro back. Without even realizing it, when she smiles, the tears start to run on the doctor’s cheeks. There is simply an overflow of emotions for the brief moment. Even no words could describe. The blonde misses Shiro so much that finally being able to see him alive and well makes her glad and relieved. Perhaps, hugging the brunette as her child is her way of showing one of the noblest feelings like motherly love.
After a while, Makishima places her hand on her precious son’s left cheek while giving a guilty look ‘‘I’m so sorry… You must be suffering a lot because of me, and, even now, you’ve been going through unnecessary pain.’’.
Yet, the artificial being gives a comforting smile ‘‘Why are you apologizing? You did nothing wrong. If anything, I should be grateful that you gave a life to me. So, losing one eye was a small price to protect my two most important people. However, I cannot hold a grudge against the same person who speaks ill about you and Original. After all, not only did he take my brothers under his care and shelter us, but ‘Nagi gave me and the rest of us new names. I’m no longer Kyo, Mother. Since that moment when ‘Nagi found me, I live as ‘Shiro’ now. Perhaps, I should also thank him for giving the clones another chance, and with the new names – a new life.’’.
‘‘I was certain that all clones were terminated… Shiro, I need to find them as soon as possible. Where are they?’’ — Makishima asks in a serious tone.
The brunette’s eyes sparkle with innocent excitement ‘‘I’ll show you tomorrow. But today, you need to rest as much as you can.’’.
Unfortunately, the blonde’s face darkens, and she lowers her head ‘‘You don’t understand at all, do you? Bad things may happen soon if they are still alive. I need to take responsibility for what my research caused and how I doomed you and the rest of these poor children to have miserable lives. So, I need to end their suffering and kill them before anyone captures them and uses them for nefarious purposes again. It’s for their own sake… I already failed as a human being. So, at least this is the best thing I could do for them…’’.
For sure, such a response shocks Shiro. Yet, seeing the doctor is weighed down by the sense of guilt, which makes the brunette feel bad for her. More importantly, it hurts him to see how his dear mother suffers. So, Shiro places his hands on the blonde’s shoulders. After Makishima lifts her head, she stares with sad eyes.
Finally, the brunette addresses her ‘‘I have no idea what you have done, but I know one thing for sure – nothing good comes from the violence and death. More importantly, no one wants to die. Yes, my brothers went through many hardships after they escaped the lab. They were scared and alone against the outside world, which is unfamiliar to them. Even during the first day when Big Bro brought them to the storage, my brothers stayed close to each other and mistrusted him. ‘What if that man is as horrible as the original or that stupid doctor?’, ‘Why did he bring us here? Is he going to treat us like these scientists and make fun of us while we suffer?’ — it was their first reaction of ‘Nagi. However, he ignored such reactions, and just brought them food, water, whatever they might need to survive. Slowly, but my brothers started to see him as less than a threat, and eventually, he won their hearts and mind. Even to this day ‘Nagi is their beloved Big Bro, who protects them from any threat.’’.
Now, he adds in a calm tone ‘‘ ‘Nagi still cannot forgive me that I chose Original over him and for that reason, he sees me as a ‘traitor’. He even told the clones that the man wielding the purple flame killed me. However, I cannot force myself to hate him. After all, the clones are safe and living their best by his side. So, do my brothers suffer and want to die when they can finally have a normal life, Mother? I think that the very least on their mind are depressing thoughts…’’.
After Shiro removes his hands, he patiently stares. Yet, Makishima remains speechless. Only after a short pause, the blonde speaks up in a bitter-sweet voice ‘‘You grew a lot since the last time I’ve seen you, and you even have a real family. Perhaps, I should leave you and not interface. After all, I’m just a wanted criminal, and you’ll hate me for ruining your life, Shiro.’’.
As the blonde tries to get up, the brunette stops her, and objects ‘‘Please, don’t speak like that, Mother. How could I hate you? I… I missed you so much! Even being able to see you again makes me happy. There is a lot I want to talk about with you. And, I want to know what happened to you after you let me escape. So, please, can you stay for a bit longer?’’.
For sure, it was hard to say ‘no’ to that begging gaze. Maybe Shiro does deserve to know the truth… Or so, Makishima wonders. As she closes her eyes and sighs, the blonde replies ‘‘Fine if you insist.’’. Now, she begins to explain ‘‘After one of the project team members discovered that I released you, that person reported me to the leader of NESTS. However, I refused to tell them anything about where you've been sent, nor the name of the person who helped me with letting you escape. I was prepared for the worst torture or punishment imaginable, but I remained silent. The only thing, which was scarier than being killed, is NESTS capturing you and making you go through the same treatment as you were in the lab again. They even sent soldiers to retrieve you, Shiro… ’’.
‘‘Then, it explains where did ‘Nagi get these firearms, bullet-proof vests, and other equipment, which had something similar to NESTS’ logo before selling them… Perhaps, these people were…’’ - Shiro comments in a serious tone without being able to finish while listening to his mother’s story.
Such notice makes Makishima cover her mouth with a palm. She can even feel the cold sweat running down her skin as she wonders what kind of brute is that fearsome man, or what he is capable of. Who knows, what may happen if he got into the hands of that evil organization instead of that Kusanagi boy.
Yet, the blonde jolts as she feels someone placing a hand on her shoulder. Now, the brunette asks in a concerned tone ‘‘Are you okay, Mother? You look so pale.’’.
Makishima only shakes her head and continues ‘‘I’m fine. Please — do not worry about me. I was just a bit surprised, that’s all. Anyway, where was I?… Right… The NESTS decided to keep me alive because they saw me as a valuable resource and wanted me to continue to work for them. In the end, I was strictly supervised during the research. Even when I got permission to rest, someone would still be watching me over. Every little step, word, breath, or gesture – I was monitored 24/7. Thankfully, one day, there was an incident when unknown beasts broke into the NESTS’ facility and ran wild in the lab. Who knows what kind of inhumane creature could get through NESTS’ security and freely rampage until it reached the lab. Fortunately, during the panic, I used this as a chance to escape. I may get shot by the security guards or crushed by falling ruins, but I didn’t care – I desperately wanted to leave that place and to find you. ’’.
After taking a deep breath, the blonde continues ‘‘Perhaps, the fortune was on my side, after all, and I didn’t meet that wild creature who caused this chaos. However, its eerie howling and, sounding like calling someone’s name, froze me in fear. Maybe I was just imagining, but it sounded like a desperate scream for that person. However, I closed my eyes and run as much as my strength allowed. After I managed to escape that hell, I had nothing left – all my things were left there, including my passport. I was nothing, just like a refuge… However, I did what I could to survive another day, and with the hope to see whenever you are alive or not. I begged to get to any job. Yet, it wasn’t easy when you are undocumented, people may be suspicious of you. Thankfully, one old lady took me inside and asked me to assist her and help to take care of her husband. It wasn’t an easy job, but I got the roof under my head and warm food, even if it were for a brief time…’’.
As she lowers her gaze, Makishima sighs, and only after a short pause does she adds ‘‘One day when I was doing the house chores, I noticed that this old couple let inside the men, who wore business suits. I hid behind the corner and listened to what they had to say. They told that one of their relatives had gone missing. Once they showed a printed photo of me and told them that they are looking for me, I was shocked, and I didn’t know what to do. There was no doubt – these men were from NESTS… However, just as this old couple nodded, I looked for the nearest window to escape without getting noticed. So, for months I had to constantly change my place but with the hope that before I’ll die I might see you again. But then, all strength abandoned me, and I passed out. ’’.
Shiro just silently and pitifully speaks up ‘‘Mother…’’. He is unsure what to do or say. Lastly, he tightly hugs the blonde while comforting her ‘‘It’s alright now… You don’t need to go through that nightmare anymore. Everything will be alright from now on. I won’t let the bad people harm or threaten you, I promise. Tomorrow I’ll call Kyo to come in, and I’m sure that together we can help you, Mother. Just wait, and you’ll see how he is a kind person.’’.
Although, Makishima understands that these are just naive thoughts, yet instead of crushing his hopes, the blonde nods ‘‘Perhaps, you are right. But for now, we need to rest, don’t you think?’’.
For sure, after hearing these words, Shiro’s eyes sparkle with excitement ‘‘Sure! I can’t wait to see you two meet. So, rest well and good night, Mother.’’. Just before, the brunette leaves the bedside, he adds ‘‘ But if you need anything, let me know. I’ll be resting on the couch.’’. Yet, when the blonde closes her eyes and smiles, she just politely waves.
After Shiro leaves the bedroom, Makishima couldn’t sleep. There was simply too much on her mind. More so, the blonde is worried about how the original Kyo might act towards her. The doctor is certain - Kyo won’t greet her with open arms and, as warmly as Shiro. That’s for sure. Maybe the original still holds a grudge against her and would want to see her dead. Makishima realizes perfectly that. More so, such a reaction won’t surprise her. Yet, for some reason, she is afraid to face him.
Lastly, the doctor lies on her side and closes her eyes. While Makishima prepares herself mentally for the fateful encounter, she doesn’t realize how she fell asleep.
Chapter 1 Link
Chapter 3 Link
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stardustincarnate · 3 years
DANCING IN THE DARK // Light Yagami x Reader
word count : 4992 genre : fluff, crack summary : it’s your birthday, and the yagami siblings have prepared some tricks up their sleeve.
a/n : made this for my birthday last year because why shouldn’t i and honestly light is my comfort character. also i keep on saying this but the internet needs more light fluff fics :) and for anyone reading this on their birthday, may you have a wonderful day! <333
"Happy birthday [Y/N]! Thanks for inviting us!"
"Oh Sayu, behave yourself!" Sachiko scolded her daughter who was running in circles around you before hugging you. You shook your head, implying that it's alright. You were close with her anyway. "Happy birthday [Y/N]. We hope you'll like these small presents we got you."
"Thank you! But you shouldn't have.. Really." You blushed. They only clicked their tongues friskily. "Hah! Though that's nothing compared to what Light got you!"
"Oh, where are your parents dear?"
"They're in the kitchen preparing and.. stuffs. Come on in you two before it starts—" You barely even summoned the rain, but there it went, an immediate, hostile rain invaded the city just as you had expected. They quickly stepped inside and before closing the door, you checked it there was anyone—someone in particular— who'd come running to your doorstep. But there wasn't.
"Mr. Yagami's still at work?" Sachiko nodded. "He'd be here by dinner time. I told him to go straight here."
"I understand." You replied meekly and shifted your gaze to the window. "How about Light? Where is he? Is he coming?"
"Of course dear! Why even ask? That boy wouldn't miss it for the world. He should be here in some minutes. He said he was gonna pass somewhere before heading here."
Before you could reply, as if summoned at the mention of his name, came Light casually barging in the front door. You thought he looked more like a thief rather than a prince coming to see his damsel who's not really in distress.
A thief drenched in the rain, that is, holding a bouquet of roses and nicely wrapped boxes of different sizes. He sure got you a lot of presents.
"Light! What did I tell you about bringing a raincoat?" Sayu huffed.
"Haha I said I'd be quick though— and it's fine.. Hello there [Y/N]. Good evening." He ran to you, handing you the presents and bouquet before hugging you tightly, the rainwater on his clothes permeating on yours. Of course you couldn't properly hug him back since your hands were occupied. You merely gave his cheek a peck and he whispered, "Happy birthday [Y/N]," before pulling away with a grin.
"Thank you Light! Although I really appreciate your gifts, what I don't is this." You pointed to your clothes with your lips, looking at them. His grin widened. He anticipated this to happen. "You are soaking wet."
"Yeah. I'll go change clothes. Be right back!"
"It's raining cats and dogs! You're gonna get even more drenched!"
"I already am so that won't matter when I enter the house."
You watched the siblings continue to quarrel. You sighed fondly and handed Light an umbrella. "There ya go. Though you really should've brought an umbrella or raincoat first."
"I'm sorry then, Ma'am." He chuckled. "You should go and change too." And with that, he headed back to his house, three blocks away from yours. Sayu snorted. "I thought he was incapable of being a dummy. Guess that can't be helped."
"I heard that!"
You giggled and put down the presents before going upstairs to change clothes.
Surprisingly when you went down he was already there. Guess you took too long to change. He seemed to be having that kind of conversation with your father. On the other hand, your moms were talking and laughing to themselves. You had no plan of interrupting either of their conversations so you went to Sayu who was idly playing with her hair, sitting on the carpet. As expected, she was full of topics—mostly just about girly stuffs which you didn't really mind— especially her continuously fangirling to that TV actor, Hideki Ryuga. And, well, you actually were too. It wouldn't kill you to fangirl sometimes, right? It went on like that for about some minutes.
A hand being suddenly placed on your shoulder was enough to startle you. You turned around, gazing up to see Light whose brow was raised.
"Oi oi Sayu. Don't brainwash her into joining you and your addiction to that TV star."
"I'm not brainwashing her! I mean, who wouldn't fall for Hideki Ryuga? Right [Y/N]?" She squealed.
"Precisely!" You winked. Light heaved a sigh dramatically as he sat beside you. "Psh. I am more handsome than him, and [Y/N] can attest to that."
"Who says I can?"
"I— whatever. Can't believe you'd choose that actor over me." He huffed and looked at you with disdain.
"Of course I will! Any girl will dump her boyfriend for Ryuga—"
"Hmm. Are you really older now? Or just a thirteen-year-old trapped in that body?"
"Hey! What makes you say that?"
"Nevermind me. Go and join Sayu in her silly fangirling and keep your childish mode activated." He rolled his eyes and was about to stand up, but you clung to his arm and began to act like a cat by playfully rubbing your head against his cheek— which was odd to say the least. He gave you a dubious and irritated glance.
"Oh! Is my Light jelly? My my, you look like a girl on her period, which is kinda adorable."
"Cut it out! Do you mean to say, you on your period?"
You slapped his arm. "I don't act like that during my red days! I certainly don't!"
"Oh yeah because you act way worse than that."
"Augh. You're just jealous! Come onn saaay it! My babyboy is jelly~"
"Good Lord, would you mind cutting it out? If admitting it is gonna make you stop then yes, I am jealous."
He was internally dead. Seeing his reaction made you laugh maniacally (c̶o̶u̶g̶h̶s̶ ̶k̶i̶r̶a̶ ̶l̶a̶u̶g̶h̶), even getting your parents' attentions.
"Talk about being childish, hah! Babyboy got jealous over an actor~ Ah, you are so adorable that I might even squeeze you to death!"
"Shut up. You're no fun."
"Oh, but you're enjoying this, aren't you babyboy?"
"One more of that ridiculous nickname and I swear I'll kill you."
"Shut up, or I'll shut you up!"
"I dare you babyboy!"
He looked severely annoyed when he glared at you and leaned his face closer to yours. He looked like he was going to eat your face rather than kiss you, but then—
There went Sayu, whose presence was completely forgotten by the both of you.
"Oh. Would you mind leaving us alone? We need privacy. Kids aren't supposed to see what's next."
"No way! You're taking her all to yourself Light! That's no fair."
"Fair enough since I'm her boyfriend."
"And I'm her bestfriend?!?! You're just her boyfriend. Bestfriends come first before boyfriends!"
Sayu rebuked, clinging to your other arm and pulling you away from Light. He had no rebuttals and only clung to your other arm, keeping you away from Sayu who was also determined to get you away from him. You already knew where this was going.
'Good Lord' you mentally sighed. And yup, there they went, playing tug of war, with you as the rope.
"I came first, so get your ass away from us, Light!"
"You get your ass away from us!"
"No you!"
"..Err...Sorry." The two Yagamis murmured and let go of you. You three soon heard a chuckle coming from behind. It was your mom.
"While you guys wait for the food, why don't you try out the karaoke? I'm sure you are great singers. Hmm my [Y/N] may be an exception though."
You whined at your mom's comment. You stood up and Light grabbed your arm before Sayu could, giving her a sharp glare. "She's gonna stay with me, got it?"
"Hmph. Fine then. Enjoy it while it lasts, big brother."
She pointed her fingers from her eyes to his before playfully winking at you. You grinned and shook your head as you made your way to the sofa. You had no idea that their exchanged glares had a double meaning to it.
After they finished picking song numbers and it was your turn, Light secretly handed Sayu two eggs, telling her to be careful in handling those.
Yup, he had five eggs—no not including his own and certainly NOT the number of his own—hidden inside his jacket's pockets the whole time.
You three had made it clear that you were the first one to sing even though you were all fully aware that you suck at that. They innocently looked at you when you glanced at them. You eventually entered the numbers and just as you were about to murder your first notes you heard a loud CRACK! You thought something fell somewhere in the kitchen, but then the second CRACK! came. It felt like something fell on top of your head. And you were right.
But you were already too late when you saw egg shells falling down your hair. And they weren't the only thing—
"What in the nine circles of hell is this?! Oi—" CRACK! CRACK! and CRACK!
The last one missed but by the time you were already a mixture of skin and eggs. The worst part was that one yolk was dripping on the right side of your face, and your mouth was opened due to shock at the same time so some of it got inside your mouth. You absolutely hated the smell and worse— you were sticky! You looked at the siblings who then burst out laughing. The adults were too.
"Now that's what I wanna have for breakfast." Light quipped.
"SHUDDAP! Were you guys all on this?!"
They didn't respond. You walked towards the siblings who were now slowly backing away. You scowled and raised your hands, about to touch them, but they scurried away, with Sayu using her brother as a shield.
"I am so gonna get you two! Sayu, why must you betray me?"
"It was Light's idea!"
"Hey no—" The three of you continuously ran in circles in the living room, with them (mostly just Sayu) screeching and frantically flailing every now and then the closer you got.
They were terrified of the egg monster that you were.
"Don't be mad [Y/N]. Did you know that eggs will do wonders for your hair? At least you don't need to go to the salon now."
"I know but it wasn't only my hair! I am so gonna get you, Light, you little ass!"
"Welp there you go [Y/N]! He's all yours!"
Sayu halted and tripped not only her brother but you too since you were accelerating too fast. Light fell on his chest, and you fell on his back, the gooey substance dropping to his jacket. And to make it worse, you nuzzled his hair with your yolk-covered one. He squirmed, panted, and whined ridiculously.
When he regained his strength he immediately wiggled you away from him. He stood up and removed his jacket, but the smell still lingered since his hair and nape were also covered with yolks and egg whites.
"This wasn't part of the plan.. Sayu..."
You dramatically threw your hands up and wheezed to get their attention.
"This is very unfair. I just changed clothes and now I definitely need to take a shower to get rid of this yucky smell."
"I may have to as well."
"Are you implying that we'll shower together?"
"Of course not! Unless you want to— but on second thought, no way! I'll go back home and return—"
"Nope, you're not going anywhere. I had it worse than you! You can easily wipe it away."
"But the smell—"
"You'll have to live with that until the party's over, mister."
You glared at him and walked upstairs to straight-up take a shower that took about thirty minutes. Even though you used as many shampoos as you could, there was still a slight smell left. You honestly weren't anticipating that.
As you languidly made your way downstairs you heard the clicking of metals, indicating that they had already started eating without you, the fucking birthday girl. Mr. Yagami had also arrived. Guess you really took too long and missed some tea— if there ever was.
Light glanced at you and gave a smile of mischief. You raised your middle finger but quickly hid it when your mom glanced your way.
No other choice but to sit beside your stinking boyfriend since it was the only vacant seat left. And you couldn't help but laugh when you saw the egg remains there.
"Let's properly start dinner then." Your dad announced. "Huh? I thought you guys had already started."
"We did. But it wasn't official. Of course we won't officially start without the birthday princess~"
"What difference does it make? And really, dad?"
After the prayer you eventually started eating. Just looking at the food already made you feel full and you were sure that you'd soon look like a pregnant woman after eating all those. Of course, there also had to be some entertainment otherwise it wouldn't be a normal dinner for you.
"Few visitors, huh?" Light elbowed you. "Obviously."
"Why didn't you invite the other neighbors?"
"Do I look like I'm close with those vivacious people?"
"Of course not." His grin somehow irritated you. He's doing this on purpose.
You puffed your cheeks. It was true though— you only had limited visitors this year, specifically the Yagami household. Let's just say that they're the only benevolent family in the neighborhood. You weren't really acquainted or interested in befriending your other neighbors and their kids since first of all, they're literally kids. And even though some of them were at the same age as you and Light, you couldn't really vibe with them. You had lots of friends though, but their houses were too far from yours. You could've had invited them too but it was raining cats and dogs. They might get stranded and you weren't really a fan of sleepovers. They did greet you via text earlier. Although, it was still rather saddening.
Both your parents shifted the topic to your university lives, the rankings and all that stuffs, including reminiscing old times, but they weren't comparing. It was all good to them.
"As expected! Your son is number one as always." Your mom smiled to Sachiko. Your dad then butted in, "Oho, I heard [Y/N] once swearing to beat him. Would you let that happen Light?"
"No way." He chuckled. You shook your head. "Watch me do it."
"I've been doing that for years."
"Tch. I was always first but then you stole the spotlight. Be thankful I don't hold a grudge on you." You jested. Him and your parents chuckled in unison.
"The spotlight isn't the only thing I stole from you though."
"Wow, you are capable of being cheesy too?" You coughed to apparently hide your smile and avoided your parents' sly looks. "Yes yes, you stole my heart too Mr. Know-It-All. You were supposed to be my rival but you cursed me."
"Did not. My charms were only being effective."
"Wow, you two might be the smartest couple I've ever seen! But you know my teacher once told me if two smart people were to collide then it'd be chaotic." Sayu butted in.
"Why is that?"
"Because they'd keep on contradicting each other with their own beliefs and when they get into arguments it'd be super long but very logical. She also said it's not good because there's no contrast between them. They're already perfect and too much perfection isn't good."
They may be some truth to what she said. You and Light exchanged glances, mentally communicating.
"There's a bit of rivalry. Sometimes. And it's rather fun." He replied. You nodded in agreement. "Besides, we're not entirely perfect. Look at your brother, he's very meticulous in mapping out scenarios and good at speculating probabilities. He's the school prodigy. But that school prodigy has a secret. Wanna know what? He dances like a withered vegetable being shaken up in someone's hands." You, except for him, all giggled. But he had a comeback of course.
"I can dance, excuse me. Hiphop just isn't my style. And you know what? Not only does [Y/N] destroy a song's purity, she can never be a match for any sports for me."
You harshly stepped on his foot, earning a loud groan from him.
Dinner went smoothly. You felt like you didn't need to eat for at least three days, however there were still some desserts to eat. The conversation regarding each families' personal matters continued with you being quite invested in it. Then eventually, the 'most' awaited part arrived—they actually saved it for last—wherein they sang you a happy birthday as you made your wish. Who knows what it was? Only you know the answer to that. You blew your candle and they clapped happily. It made you feel like a kid but it was fun. And then you continued to eat. Cake, ice cream—and there were a lot more. For some reason you also requested a bag of potato chips.
And you already felt bad for the horrors your toilet was about to see.
It was the karaoke's time to steal the spotlight, again. You only watched them sing, although a bit out of tune they were clearer better than you completely murdering those notes. You tried ushering Light to sing but he irritatedly responded a no to you for the nth time. There were only two times you heard his singing voice— and damn, he really is a talented man. But it wasn't exactly his main forte so he refused to do it again.
"Let's get drunk too!" You jested, looking at your parents who were now acting like drunk and cheesy teenagers. Welp they had some drinks.
"[Y/N], you know I don't drink." Light shook his head and sighed, sensing an incoming annoyance at the way you were acting.
"Oh? If that's the case then mind you explaining to me why you're still alive because-not-drinking-would-lead-to-dehydration-which-apparently-leads-to-your-death-if-not—"
"You know that's not what—"
"Let's get high on caffeeeeeine insteaaad!! One cup of bullshit and the other crappuccino!"
Your parents glared at you. Your boyfriend was beginning to get highly concerned. "Why is she like this?"
"Perhaps too much coffee is really unhealthy, that's why, son."
"Whaddaya mean coffee? She didn't even drink any! All she drank was milk! Eight glasses every other day! Blame the milk!"
'What did I do to deserve this?'
He thought, and there you went again with your maniacal laughter. If Light and you hadn't known each other he'd definitely think you're a complete psychopath.
"Oh dear! Did I just say that? God, why did I do that? Liiiiiight..." You shook him. "If I ever start acting like that again please stop me."
"You are acting lke that right now. That's not cute. You're not even drunk."
"Quit being a killjoy, I'm enjoying my 'drunk' state. This is an experiment."
"What the hell? You are sober yet you're doing things worse than people who aren't do."
"But it's honestly fun."
"I can't blame you for being so irritatingly childish since it's your birthday, but it's time to stop that. Stop it. Get some help."
"Stop me then. You're the good guy here."
"How can I stop someone so crazy?"
"They say a kiss on the forehead can stop someone doing crazy stuffs.."
"You're only making that up."
"So what if I am? I speak facts. So, go on, please."
He pressed his lips together and thought about it. It was barely visible but you were sure that he's blushing.
"HAHAHAHA! I forgot my babyboy can't kiss without feeling so yucky about it."
"Psh, don't bite on me mate! I'll do the honor then." You were already kissing his forehead the moment he thought about running away. You weren't able to hold back a smirk as you did. He was grimacing the whole time, but he was actually enjoying it. But of course, he'd never let it show.
To 'annoy' him more, you butterfly pecked your way to the tip of his nose. You pulled back at least an inch or two from his face. And to your surprise, he pecked your lips.
It was so light that you thought it felt like hair on your skin. Thankfully your parents and Sayu—or maybe not Sayu—were too busy to give a damn about it.
You wordlessly sank back, face the reddest it could ever get.
"You stay still now."
"Heh... How about one mor—"
"Absolutely not. That's a kiss worth for three months. We had a deal back then, didn't we?"
"I'm starting to regret that deal."
"It was your idea."
"Let's disregard that deal."
"Nope. I gave my word. You did too."
"Oh come on!"
"'Kissing is a waste of time,' you say."
"I take it back!"
"You don't." He chuckled. You elbowed him and groaned.
You then were idly eating more of the chips as you watched your parents dance shamelessly. They began to coax you and Light to do the same because it was your special day after all. You and Light had different opinions about it. And, he was in.
"Why not? Afraid of your true skills being exposed?"
"Why should I be afraid to expose talent? Heck it's just not my liking. Besides, didn't we already dance?"
"Yeah but that was last year on your 18th birthday. You danced with other guys too. So maybe, maybe— just maybe, I only want to solo you right now."
"Wha— pfahahahaha! Did you just say that? Say that again!"
"Ah? No. Nevermind. Forget it."
"Awe sorry. It's just rare to see that side of yours. Hmm, how can I refuse now?" You pressed your lips in order not to laugh at the way he looked, as if he was regretting everything he did in his life. You stood up and offered him your hand, in which he refused to accept since it was his job to do in the first place.
"Oh! But I don't wanna dance here. Let's go to my room. I have an idea." He merely nodded. "Mom, dad, we're just going to go upstairs! In case you'll wonder why we suddenly disappeared."
"Can I come with you? I don't really want to dance or sing with them." Sayu jumped at you. You shook your head and Light spoke on your behalf. "Kids aren't allowed. Let us have our privacy this time."
"—Sorry but he's right. I do have some games you can play for you to pass the time. Or books, over there if that piques your interest. Don't worry, we'll be back quick to make sure you won't be lonely."
"Alright! Thank you!"
"Ah but why not join us here?" Your mom frowned.
"We have some business to do in my room—" That came out vague, but it was too late. Your mildly drunk dad had already replied, "Don't forget the protection, okay?" Leaving you, Light, his parents, and your mom to have that 'What the fuck?' look on your faces.
You two raced to your room nonetheless, quickly locking it. He was surprised to see how much of a mess it was. Mostly just the bed and the heap of completely random things on top of your cabinet. If he's a neat genius, you're the untidy one.
"Do you ever seriously clean?"
"Why clean it when it'll just eventually turn into a mess again? I can work perfectly fine in this state."
He shook his head and picked up a pillow and the bedsheet lying on the floor, but you stopped him before he could lay his hands on your one-hell-of-a-mess bed.
If you two ever do get married someday, the marriage would certainly include a lot of chaotic things and arguments about the chaos you've bestowed upon your damned house.
"I didn't bring you here to be my personal cleaner. Stop that."
"I'm actually doing you a favor???"
"We have other business. Cleaning is uninteresting. As your girlfriend, it's my duty to stop you investing yourself in such a boring activity."
"You're not really much of a good influence, are you? Fine. But I'm gonna do it once we finish anyway."
You snorted and opened the curtains to add a slightly relaxing view to the scene.
The rain hadn't stopped, still hostile and loud. You were lucky your room had a nice view of the streetlight. Though it would've looked better at dusk— more romantic to a lovers' liking when they dance as the sun sets, coating the sky in a mixture of lively, serene colors, with the streetlight slowly coming to life and they wouldn't realize it because they're lost in their own world.
You smiled at the thought. You wanted to do that with Light even though you knew you would never say it out loud— or who knows?
While your boyfriend was looking at the window, you turned on your lamp and the purple LED lights you had hanging on the walls and turned off the ceiling light. The room was then turned to a dull purple one. But it looked better than before—if you were to ignore the tangled mess on your bed of course, in which case was thankfully barely visible now— and at least to set a specific mood.
"Outdoing ourselves, aren't we?"
"Yes, well.. doesn't it look more.. romantiiiiiic to you?"
"Maybe. All that's missing now is the music. And maybe roses too, hmm? But it's alright. I have the prettiest rose here already."
"Oh my God. Are you really Light Yagami, or just a spirit who had taken over?"
"Shut up. I thought the word romantic was never in your dictionary."
"Ah, but I have a lot of words in my dictionary, so you'll never know, my dear." You winked and took one rose out of the bouquet he had given you. You handed it to him. "There goes your rose."
He cringed, but he was smiling too. He tucked your hair behind your ears and placed the rose on top of it. Now all that was left to do was to play the music.
"Hey Light. We're gonna regret being this overly romantic one day, aren't we?"
"Probably. And all that cheesy stuff. But who knows? We may or may not end up like our parents and continue whatever this saga is."
"Yep. But I also think we'd regret it more if we don't grab the chance to do it."
"Well said, [Y/N]."
You grinned and went on to play the music on your vintage gramophone. Needless to say you were quite the quaint one. And Light knew well of this.
"Shall I have this dance, my lady?"
"Why, I thought you'd never ask."
You hid a smile as well as he. You loosely wrapped your arms around his neck. His hands were on your waist and you two slow danced, the rest of the world falling away. You thought whenever someone would say it, they're just exaggerating. But you were wrong. It really did feel like it that it might have been the closest to heaven you'd get.
Wise men say
Only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you...
His eyes were locked on yours. This time, he wasn't holding back anymore. He was feeling the moment just as you were. And who cares if your movements weren't completely in sync with the music that was barely audible due to the rain?
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin?
If I can't help falling in love with you...
The smile you were hiding broke out when he pulled you closer. It was definitely a rare event so you had to savor it. Slow dancing in the dark, just like old lovers.
Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be...
You might've had already ran out of steps halfway to the song. You two stood still, bodies pressed with you looking up at him. He rested his forehead against yours. Your faces were so close that you swore you could already feel his lips against yours.
Take my hand
Take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you...
And at that moment you really felt that you wanted him to take your whole life. You couldn't dream a world without your Light anymore.
To your surprise, he cupped your face and kissed your forehead, his lips lingering there for a while as your bodies merely swayed to the rhythm of the song.
You love this man. He's not entirely perfect, but he's the best for you. He's your match. He's your lover. He's your rival. You were his, too.
"Psst, Light. I love you.." You whispered, pecking his cheek.
He stared at you with amusement, his adorable smile growing wider.
"I love you too."
"Even if you smell like shit right now..."
"You too. But did I complain?"
"Oh shush." You laughed. His arms tightly embraced you, and you rested your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes and smiling to yourself as you two continued to lightly sway your bodies. He as well closed his eyes, leaning his cheeks against your head.
He considered this moment to be one of the bests where he's genuinely happy.
And outside, unbeknownst to you, stood a lonesome fellow under the streetlamp, drenched in the rain, a wistful smile on their face as they looked up to witness a moment like that from you two, wishing that one day they'll get to do that with someone too.
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simpsamaa · 4 years
Haikyuu Captains Dating HC’s
Have some dating headcanons with some of the captains in Haikyuu because i’m not a total simp for captains. 
I also kinda got carried away with Kuroo’s- I just love him so much-
Also Bokuto’s is kinda suggestive- so- warning?
also my requests are open
so you can request characters from BNHA or Haikyuu for headcanons or scenarios 
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Daichi Sawamura
When you start dating this man, you automatically become the mom for the team
Well second mom cause Suga’s the first mom.
You guys meet because you become a manager with Kiyoko and thus start a friendship with Daichi
and it leads on to more-
Will use stupid dad jokes on you when you feel down
Is the type of bf who would send you good night and good morning texts
He acts like an alarm clock for you
He will send you the good morning text at a certain time just to wake you up
Also so you have time to get ready in the morning, cause he’s a loving boyfriend
I expect this guy to be into PDA
But like
it’s just hand holding when you guys are in public
When you guys are alone, 
cuddles, hugs, kisses, etc.
but every time you guys do something affectionate the team makes fun of you.
You guys act like an old married couple
Will take you out on the cutest dates
Wear his jersey to one of his games and his receives will be spot on
same with his spikes and serves
Honest to the team you’re a lucky charm so-
“Dai-kun, how are the first years?” You asked your boyfriend as the two of you entered the gym. Only the third and second years were in there, the first years were still taking an exam. 
“Hmm, Tsukishima and Kageyama need to work on their interaction with the team, Hinata has been hyper as always, and Yamaguchi has some good progress on his jump serves.” Your black haired lover explained, making you smile at how he talked about his teammates.
“How have Tsukki and Tobio been working together? I think they’re the only ones who can’t sync properly” You said, crossing your arms while watching Nishinoya receive another spike from Tanaka.
“Well,” Daichi started with a deadpan look on his face, “Kageyama and Tsukishima can sync, they just argue over it half of the time.” He finished, making you laugh at the thought of them arguing.
“Mmh, maybe a training exercise for the both of them?” You asked, grabbing one of Daichi’s hands into your own, playing with his fingers.
“That might work, but-” “OI DAI-SAN STOP MAKING US FEEL LONELY” Tanaka cut off Daichi as he saw that you were playing around with the captains fingers. 
“YEAH DAICHI-SAN, NOT ALL OF US HAVE AN ADORABLE SHORT GIRLFRIEND” Nishinoya joined in, making you glare at Nishinoya.
“I’M NOT THAT SHORT” You yelled back to the male with spiked hair. “YOU’RE SHORTER THEN ME” Noya yelled back.
Daichi let out a sigh, watching his girlfriend bicker with his teammates with a small chuckle. 
“God, I love her so much”
We stan Daichi
Will cook you lunch
In the end
100% husband material 
Also call him daddy
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Oikawa Tooru
Now let’s talk about this flat ass man
He loves PDA
Will tell you he loves you
Will grab your hand, pull you onto his lap, kiss you in front of his fangirls-
He means the best-
Loves it when you wear his clothes-
Wear his jersey, his hoodies, his track jacket 
He loves it
Cause it shows that you’re his
He’s lowkey possessive 
Hates it when you and Iwaizumi team up on him
“Flatass oikawa“ Is your nickname for him
It’s Tooru
Yes you call him by his first name cause we’re basic bitches here okay
You’re basically the unofficial manager of the team cause you care about them too much
They all love you
Sends you good morning and good night texts with his face
cause he’s like that
And Oiks gets jealous
Will wake you up at three am to take you out to see the stars
and look for aliens 
“TOORU OIKAWA DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS?“ You exclaimed to your boyfriend as he dragged you out of the window, sitting on the roof at three fourteen in the morning.
“I know it’s late, but Y/n-chan,” The brown haired male started, “there’s a meteor shower and there could be aliens. So we have to watch tonight,” he explained making you sigh. 
You knew you weren’t getting out of this. 
“Don’t you have morning practice?“ You asked, locking your hues with his chocolate coloured ones. He gave you a smile before turning his head up to look at the stars, “Maybe, but that doesn’t concern you,” 
You scrunched your eyebrows before hitting Tooru’s shoulder with your own, “It does concern me,” you started, glaring at the male. You were looking at his side profile. “You’re my boyfriend, and I love your team, of course i’m concerned,” you finished making his eyes widen.
Giving you a small smile, he pulled you in to a side hug, leaning his head on your shoulder.
“Let’s just watch the stars tonight and not care about what happens later”
You and Oikawa miss the next day of school cause the both of you are tired from staying up all night-
I don’t think Oikawa can cook
The meals his fan girls give to him-
eat them sis
He’ll never know anyway
His fangirls learn to like you too, because Oikawa likes you
and they like everything Oikawa likes-
though there are some of the delusional fans who think Oiks is just using you
Which he’s not btw
but take care of this baby-
he needs some love
In the end
100% Tooru material 
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Kuroo Tetsurou
Can we talk about this gif for a second-
Like the fourth season did him so good
lowkey daddy material-
He adores you 
If you try a different style or change your hair style, he thinks it’s adorable
He’s highkey a simp for you
Loves PDA
He loves to grab your thigh when he sits next to you
he’s a thigh guys alright-
Loves kissing you in front of people
etc the whole team-
in front of Daishou-
Does get jealous sometimes, but only if he doesn’t know the person
You and Yaku are mom friends
After all, you do have to take care of a 187cm child
Kuroo lowkey think’s it hot how much you care about people and take care of people-
Study dates are a yes with him
You’ll go to little cafes with him-
Sends you good morning texts at five am
and good night texts at four am
cause ISTG this man does not sleep-
Loves to tease you
If you’re shorter then him-
You’ll be called chibi-chan
Cough Yagami Yato Vibes COUGH
Loves it when you hug him
It makes him feel like a giant 
which he is but- ight
You’ll be doing homework in his room and he’ll pull you into a breathless kiss and leave you wanting more-
You twirled your mechanical pencil in your fingers, you eyes glanced down at your homework, science. 
You weren’t the best at it, nor were you the worst but you still had trouble with it. Taking off your glasses, you rubbed at your temples before trying to solve the equation once more. 
Tetsurou glanced into his room, his gold hues stopping at your figure hunched over his desk, homework in front of you. Turning around he got a glass of water and walked into his room once more.
“You’re going to get wrinkles early if you keep doing that face,” The black haired male teased, making you groan and press your forehead against the dark wood of his desk. 
“i don’t get how you like science? It’s so boooring,” you groaned, the pencil rolling out of your hand onto the desk.
You heard your boyfriend chuckle before hearing him walk over to you. You raised your head, watching as his golden hues skimmed over the paper before he let out a small ‘pfft’. 
“This is easy,” he said before explaining it.
You gasp as you finally get it, pushing Tetsurou’s hands away and grabbing your pencil, you began to scribble  the answer down, only to be pulled into a heated kiss. 
Kuroo’s tongue pushing past your lips to meet yours. Your eyes were wide, face slightly pink and hands curled up into loose fists gripping his shirt. You were about to close your eyes before he pulled away, a large smirk formed on his face as he saw you. 
“You need to get back to your paper, I guess i’ll leave you alone”
Let’s just say- you did not get the paper finished, but it was a good outcome-
I’m like thirsting Kuroo-
So this is long as fuck-
Kuroo can cook basic things
Will cook for you only if you ask
But if oyu cook for him-
He’s whipped
100% Daddy Boyfriend material
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Bokuto Koutarou
Season four bokuto got me feeling some way-
they did my baBY SO GOOD
Hyper boy loves PDA
Will hold you when he has the time to-
Loves to kiss you
Even when Akaashi tells him that it’s going against the school rules-
Loves the difference between your hand and his
The way your hand is so small compared to his
and soft
his hands are huge btw-
Loves to call you pet names 
Birdy, Baby bird, dove etc..
Lots of bird related ones-
Loves it when you go to practice and his games
His spikes will be on p o i n t 
You and Akaashi are buddies
You both have to deal with this hyper male-
Like Kuroo he loves your thighs
if the two of you are cuddling-
hands on thighs
and ass-
He loves to hold you-
Sends you good morning texts at six in the morning
and good night texts at nine pm
This man actually sleeps i think-
The team loves you
You raise bokuto from his lowest on the court.
Will state how much he loves you everyday
Will get very whiny when you try to do something other then love him
Becomes depressed bokuto until you give him the love and affection he deserves.
Bokuto wasn’t at his best today at all. His spikes were off, his serves either hit the net or went out of bounce. Why, you might ask. well today you decided to get up early without waking up your boyfriend and go to school without waking him up. 
You walked into practice, scrolling threw something on your phone. Quickly looking up you gave the team a small smile before going to sit on the benches, your eyes going back to your phone. 
Bokuto let out another groan as you did’t give him a hug or a kiss or any type of affection. Akaashi soon caught on to what you were doing and marched over to where you were on the bench.
“Y/n-san stop ignoring bokuto-san,” the dark haired male said making you look up at his tall figure before giving him a small laugh. “how did you figure me out?” you asked while standing up and brushing your skirt. 
“Bokuto gets in his depressed mode when you ignore him,” The younger male stated before turning his body so you could see the spiked haired male whining.
You gave the second year a smile before walking over to your whining boyfriend. 
“kou are you alright?” you asked pressing a kiss to his cheek as he was hunched over. Golden hues locked into yours before Bokuto pulled you into his muscular chest.
“Are you done ignoring me?” his whispered as he nipped your ear.
“Yes sir“ you quietly responded, eyes darting around, making sure no one was looking at the two of you.
“that’s a good girl, now go over there and wait for me. You’ll get what you deserve after practice”
Okay well we’re done for now with these headcanons- i started this in july and only finished it now-
anygays- I hope you enjoyed these and if you have characters you want me to write a scenario or headcanons. just ask!!
BTW DID YOU KNOW: Oikawa is taller then bokuto, but Bokuto weighs more. That ass got weight that Oikawa’s non-existent ass doesn’t have-
i love you guys💗
✨thank you for reading!!✨
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yato-sensei · 2 years
Top 5 anime for first timers
If you are considering watching anime for the first time and don’t know where to begin, this blog will give you some options to get your teeth into.
Over the past couple of years, anime has become considerably popular outside of Japan and thanks to streaming services such as Netflix, Crunchyroll and Funimation, it has also become easier for people to access and enjoy. The rise of anime is upon us and people are wondering where to get started with it all.
With the increase in popularity, we have also found that some people are hesitant to watch it, thinking it is simply for kids. But let’s get one thing straight, when it comes to anime, age is not a factor. There are many genres of anime and some are marketed at an older audience. Seinen for example is a subset that is generally targeted at a 18–30+ year old male audience. Josei is the same age group, but towards a female audience.
But if you are looking to start your anime adventure, I wouldn’t put an age to anything. Most of us here at Anime Manga UK are in our thirties and we enjoy shonen (which is intended for a slightly younger audience). In our opinion, genre labels don't matter. The only thing that does matter is that you enjoy it.
There is something for everyone if it's a nail biting thriller, a trip to a fantasyland or even a good laugh.
If you are looking for something to watch with breathtaking storylines, vibrant characters, amazing back stories, fantastic action scenes or simply something that will leave you satisfied - then get on the anime bandwagon. Below are five anime that I would recommend for first timers:
1.   Death Note
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So, the first one on our list is the iconic show Death Note, which is full of twists and turns and is a nice short one with only 37 episodes. It is intelligently written, smartly paced, and consistently engrossing. It follows high schooler Light Yagami who discovers a mysterious notebook that has the power to kill anyone whose name is written in it. With this new power, Light tries to ‘cleanse the world from evil’, and effectively plays God. But hot on his heels is a fantastic detective named ‘L’. If you are looking for something to binge over the weekend, this is the one to put on. 
Watch if you enjoy shows like Dexter, Sherlock and Ash Vs Evil Dead.
Watch if you love suspense, supernatural, and psychological thrillers.
2.  Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
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If you are looking for adventure and a taste of Shonen, then Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is the perfect mix of action, character development and a little bit of the feels. Only 64 episodes, it pulls you in as you go on an adventure with brothers Edward and Alphonse as they try to find the Philosopher’s Stone to restore their bodies. However they aren’t the only ones seeking the stone. Just be aware that there are two Fullmetal Alchemist shows; the first is Fullmetal Alchemist released in 2003, the other is Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, released in 2009. I would suggest watching Brotherhood as it follows the source material (manga). Sadly the 2003 version isn’t as good.
Watch if you enjoy shows like Shadow and Bone, Merlin or High Dark Materials.
Watch if you love fantasy, adventure, and action.
3.  One Punch Man
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Now when we first saw the title, we were instantly put off, but this parody show does not follow your usual anime stereotypes. The synopsis of the anime is simple. A superhero who can defeat any opponent with a single punch. It is a hilarious series which is filled with monsters doing stupid things, silly named heroes and full of dialogue that will make you laugh at every corner. If this is your first attempt at the anime genre and love superheroes, I highly recommend watching this show as it is simply brilliant and it might even draw you further into other shows like My Hero Academia or Tiger and Bunny.
Watch if you enjoy shows like The Tick, The Umbrella Academy and The Boys.
Watch if you love comedy, action, and superheroes.
4.  Fruits Basket
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Originally, we were put off by the romance element in this anime, but we're so glad we gave it a chance in the end! Even if you aren’t into soppy stuff, this is just beautifully written from start to finish and you will end up falling in love with all the characters. It is the perfect mixture of supernatural and fantasy with a dash of mystery, romance and drama added in for good measure. The anime follows a recently orphaned girl, who gets caught up in the drama of a strange family who are possessed by the animals of the Chinese zodiac.
Watch if you enjoy shows like  Charmed, A Discovery of Witches and Grimm.
Watch if you love supernatural, romance, and mystery.
5. Naruto
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We weren't going to include Naruto as it has over 700+ episodes (if you include its second part Shippuden). But as this was one of the first shows to get us into anime, we thought it should be included. Naruto is a show that has an amazing storyline which is motivating, inspiring and entertaining. It follows the story of a young kid who wants to have recognition from her peers and to follow his dream to become Hokage (leader of the village). The show is full of amazing characters, adventure, bad-ass fight scenes and has something for everyone.
Watch if you enjoy shows like  Iron Fist, Wu Assassins and Into The Badlands.
Watch if you love martial arts, adventure, and fantasy.
Daydreamer & Moonflower x
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sincerelytan · 3 years
Girlfriend V / S Bestfriend
Girlfriend v / s Bestfriend
Word count: 4245
Prompt: “Free Day” Day 7 of Digiweek 2021
Features Characters: Yamato, Mimi, Taichi, Sora, Takeru, Kari, Koshiro and Joe
A / N: I had written this a while back and thought I would post it during day 7 of free day. Hope you enjoy my attempt at this little humours fic.
Also Today is August 1st - Happy Odaiba Day
Summary: Yamato finds himself in between yet another argument of Taichi and Mimi, but this time Sora has a solution that just might solve the age old question or just make things more awkward for Yamato
“I hope we are not too late,” Sora commented as she, Yamato and Takeru were making their way to Taichi’s house.
“We are very late,” Yamato replied blandly.
“We would have been on time if you hadn’t taken so much time in picking out a gift for your girlfriend,” Sora shot back caustically. “besides, you asked us for our help.” she further pointed out.
“She’s right you know,” Takeru added; “who knew you would take so much time!” he muttered “in choosing a dress,” last part almost to himself.
“Yeah, whatever,” Yamato said rolling his eyes, clearly having heard what Takeru said.
“Thanks for helping though,” Yamato murmured after a bit of walking in silence. “I really want this date to be special.” And Takeru; Yamato said halting and turning towards his brother, “She better not find out about this surprise.” Yamato commanded Takeru in a playful warning tone, remembering how Takeru had a habit of confiding in her in just about anything and everything.
“My lips are sealed!” Takeru said enthusiastically. “Relax, she will love it! I’m sure, besides your anniversary is next week! He said beaming at a nervous Yamato.
Sensing Yamato still needed some assurance, Takeru added, “You got the black dress, the necklace, you booked the table at Il Ristorante - Luca Fantin,” he stopped and looked at Yamato, “You booked it right?”
“Yes, of course, a month ago” Yamato added.  
“And we got the limo, I know because I booked that one, Sora’s going to give you the flowers in the morning” Takeru added counting down the list on his fingers, “We have the perfect coverup story so now,” he continued as they reached Taichi’s house “let’s just hang out with the others and not let her suspect anything.” He said beaming to a somewhat confident Yamato.
Great, poker face, Yamato thought as they rang the bell to Taichi’s door.
 When they arrived at Taichi’s all 3 of them were revising their excuse as to why they turned up together and that too late. The excuse was going to be that Yamato and Takeru were held back by their mum and on the way to Taichi’s place they bumped into Sora who was going to say she came from her tennis class that was near Takeru’s place and thus they ended upcoming together.
As it turned out they didn’t really have to worry about their excuses because they could hear Taichi and Mimi arguing while they waited outside for someone to open the door.
“What’s the argument about this time?” Sora asked as Joe opened the door.
“You wouldn’t believe me even if I told you” Joe sighted back rubbing his forehead.
“Are they finally here?” Kari called out from the room.
“Yeah,” Joe shouted back.
“Tell them to come here and end this now.” they heard Koshiro say clearly sounding annoyed.
 “We have been friends forever.” They could hear Taichi claim loudly at Mimi.
“So have we! and we’ve been dating for 3 years now.” Mimi shot back.
“Ha please, you’ll didn’t even talk with each other during elementary school.” Taichi declared assuming his victory.
“So what! I know things that you would never ever know,” Mimi replied back with a smirk, “I am the one that sleeps with him.”
Yamato blushed bright red overhearing this conversation as he, Takeru, and Sora entered the room.
“Are you two fighting; over who knows Yamato better?” Sora asked with amusement.
 “Obviously I do!” Mimi smiled as she approached Yamato and gave him a quick kiss.
“Kissing someone doesn’t necessarily mean you know them,” Taichi said shrugging his shoulders. “I kissed Catherine a couple of times; didn’t know she already had a boyfriend.”
“That’s because all you guys did was kiss,” Sora commented back dryly.
“Touché!” Taichi smirked at the guys as Sora and Kari shook their heads. 
 “Anyway,” Yamato said butting in “I guess I would say, Mimi does know me better than you, sorry Taichi.”
“That’s my man,” Mimi said happily sending an air kiss in Yamato’s direction.
“Whipped” Taichi smirked as he received a glare from Yamato.
“Anyway, I know you are just saying this because you want to continue sleeping with her.” Taichi continued now rolling his eyes at Yamato. “and you know I am right, thus further proving my point that I know him better,” Taichi concluded with his hands gesturing and looking at everyone to agree with him.
As Yamato opened his mouth to argue back, “A quiz!” Sora chimed in quickly.
“I will ask both of you’ll a few questions about Yamato, and whoever answers most of them correctly is the winner.” Sora continued excitedly as Yamato, Mimi and Taichi looked at her with confusion.
“That’s a good idea but obviously Yamato will agree with Mimi and cheat,” Taichi said shooting a look at Mimi.
Before Mimi could argue back to that, “Written cards” Koshiro butted in. “Sora can ask the question, all 3 of you’ll get a card to write the answers and then everyone can reveal the answers that they wrote at the same time, so no one can cheat,” Koshiro explained.
“You can’t be serious!” Yamato said facepalming while Taichi and Mimi were giving it a serious thought.
“This is a great idea” Takeru chimed. “Although technically I am supposed to know him better than both of you’ll.” He said pointing at Mimi and Taichi, “but this way I will find out things I don’t know about you” he added with excitement.
“This is going to be so much fun” Sora smirked with gleaming eyes as she looked directly at Yamato.
“I’m sorry Yamato”, Joe added sympathetically patting Yamato on his shoulder. 
  While the others prepared the questions, Yamato, Taichi and Mimi waited in the other room.
“Better game up Tachikawa,” Taichi said stretching his neck, getting his game mode on.
“You’re going down Yagami,” Mimi said narrowing her eyes at Taichi.
“Oh Boy!” is all Yamato could mutter.
 “Okay, we are ready,” Kari giggled as Taichi, Yamato, and Mimi entered the room.
“Please sit at your assigned seats,” Joe said, pointing to the chairs that had each of their names, a bunch of empty cards, and a marker for them to write with. “This way no one can cheat,” he said as Yamato, Mimi, and Taichi took their seats.
“Rules are simple,” Koshiro continued, “Sora will host, asking you’ll questions about Yamato, you get 10 seconds to write your answers on the cards and when asked you will reveal what you have written after which Yamato reveals his answer, Kari keeps score, and we can see which one of you’ll knows Yamato best.” He finished taking his seat near Joe and Takeru as Sora stood in front of the three participants.
 “Welcome to the game of Girlfriend v/s Best friend; a game where Mimi, the girlfriend, and Taichi, the best friend or is it the other way around?” Sora spoke commanding everyone’s attention as she began the game joyfully in her best host voice.
“Anyway, where both will try and answer some questions about Yamato. The person with the most correct answers wins the game and proves to the other that they do indeed know Yamato better.” She continued gleefully.
 “Okay, let’s do this!” Mimi said with a determined look on her face. 
“Bring it on!” Taichi answered equally determinedly.
“You all are enjoying this way too much,” Yamato said annoyed.
“You have no idea,” Sora replied giggling.
  “Starting off with an easy Question, Question 1 for girlfriend vs best friend is What colour M&Ms are Yamato’s favourite?” Sora asked grinning at the three.
As soon as Sora finished asking the question Mimi, Taichi, and Yamato quickly wrote down their answers as Koshiro timed them.
And “Mimi” Sora said pointing at Mimi as Koshiro gave her the nod indicating the time was up.
Blue – Mimi’s card read. “He always snatches up the blue ones while I go for the red ones.” She said smiling broadly.
Blue – Taichi’s card also read “this is too easy.” He said lazily.
“And now for the reveal, Yamato?” Sora asked turning to Yamato.
Yamato sighed and held up his card, where it was written Blue, “remind me why I agreed to this again?” he asked in a defeated tone.
“Because it’s fun and we get to take your case,” Sora said with a bright smile. “Also, I get my revenge on you for dragging me through 20 different shops” She added the last part softly to Yamato while Mimi and Taichi were busy taunting each other. “A point to both Mimi and Taichi” She concluded loudly pointing at Kari who giving a thumbs up and wrote down the score on the board.
 “After an easy start moving on to Question 2!” Sora continued with the same enthusiasm; What is Yamato’s favourite food?”
As before all 3 of them wrote down the answer as soon as Sora asked the question and Koshiro began his timer. With a nod from Koshiro, Sora asked Taichi and Mimi to reveal their answers.
Pizza – Taichi’s card read. “obviously” he muttered while showing his card.
Onigiri/Mochi – Mimi’s card read “I know this because I cook for him.” She answered giving Yamato a sweet but dangerous look indicating his answer better be this.
Onigiri – Yamato’s card read. “I like pizza and mochi as well,” Yamato said looking at Taichi apologetically, while Mimi gave him one of her widest smiles.  
“Oo bad luck Taichi, looks like Yamato’s favourite food is Onigiri.” Sora concluded in her host voice. “and that’s a point to Mimi." She said pointing at Kari who put another point up for Mimi.
“Whose favourite food is not Pizza!” Taichi said out loud and annoyed as he threw his answer card down.
“We all like pizza but you have an unhealthy obsession with it Taichi,” Kari said sighing. “Seriously I once saw him finish 2 large pizza’s in 1 go,” she added looking at the group.
“Hey, those pizzas were to die for,” Taichi said defending his love for pizza.
“Oh, is it the place you insisted we go for my birthday?” Koshiro asked. “Oh yeah, those pizzas were really good” he agreed, much to Taichi’s delight.
“The very same” Taichi answered happy that Koshiro was there to back him up.
 “Which reminds me, we should order some food for later,” Joe said taking out his phone to place an order. “Any suggestions?” he asked looking around.
“Pizza” Taichi answered before anyone else could. “And Yamato my Pizza is on you for not answering pizza.”
“And mine too” Mimi added. I agree with Taichi on this, she giggled much to Taichi’s delight.
“Wait, What! But Onigiri? Fine!.” Yamato said just throwing his hands up and giving up.
“Hey, I am the host, my Pizza is on you as well,” Sora added to the mix.
“I keep the score” Kari chimed in.
“and I time you guys,” Koshiro added.
“and I am your brother,” Takeru said giving his best puppy dog face.
“you guys torture me like this and expect the pizza to be on me?” “Some friends you are!” Yamato started protesting.
“Pizza is on me and Yamato,” Joe said giving Yamato an apologetic look as Yamato put his hands on his face in annoyance.
 “As Joe orders the Pizza, we move on to Question 3, What is Yamato’s preferred pizza topping?” Sora continued in her host mode.
“Was that question on the list?” Koshiro asked giving Sora a confused look.
“Well, I just thought of it” she added. “come on guys it’s a relevant question!”
Alright, muttered the three as they wrote down their answers.
“And for the reveal,” Sora said pointing towards her best friend, “Mimi”
Double Cheese – Mimi’s card read. “Yamato really loves cheese”
Double Cheese – Taichi’s card read as well; “you better not answer anything else, our friendship is literally at stake now” Taichi said dramatically.
Double Cheese – Yamato’s card read, “you know it” Yamato exclaimed as Taichi grinned chanting, “Our friendship is saved.”
 “Mimi leading by a point, we move on to Question 4,” Sora said laughing at the exchange. “Which is Yamato’s favourite band?”
“And answers,” she said as she got the nod from Koshiro.
Mimi and Taichi held up their cards at the same time
Nirvana – Mimi’s card read, “Yamato absolutely loves them, he also likes Linkin Park though.”
Nirvana – Taichi’s card also read. “Yeah, I remember this from elementary school.” He said shooting a look at Mimi.
Nirvana – Yamato’s card also read. “I think everyone knows this.”
“Apparently they do, adding a point each to Mimi and Taichi.” Sora concluded.
 “For Question 5” Sora continued; “Which sport does Yamato least suck at?”
“Thanks for putting it that way,” Yamato said rolling his eyes at Sora.
“My pleasure, and Mimi?” Sora smirked, clearly enjoying her role as the hostess.
Basketball – Mimi’s card read “He loses against Takeru every time,” she said earning a grin from Takeru and a very annoyed “hey” from Yamato.
Basketball – Taichi’s card also read. “He really sucks at soccer.” Earning a further “hey!” from Yamato.
“I can beat every one of your asses in Basketball,” Yamato stated as he showed his card that read Basketball.
“and yet somehow you always lose to me”
“Shut up Takeru.” Yamato glared at Takeru as everyone laughed.
 “Moving on to Question 6,” Sora continued. “What is Yamato’s favourite guilt trip series to binge?”
Doctor who – Taichi’s card read when Sora called out his name to reveal his answer. “I don’t know why but he loves that show.”
Glee – Mimi’s card read next.
“Mimi that’s your favourite guilt trip series, not mine” Yamato said, showing his card that read – Doctor who.
“but you always watch glee with me” Mimi pouted.
“yes, because you enjoy it, I watch it with you,” Yamato said smiling at her, at which she further pouted.
“Looks like Taichi knows Yamato’s Tv preference here better than Mimi” Sora concluded. “With a point to Taichi, he is now caught up with Mimi.”
 “And for Question 7,” Sora continued in her best hostess impression. “If Yamato could have anyone’s superpowers from the Avengers team, who’s powers would he want to have?”
“Great question!” Kari said looking at Koshiro, who had suggested the question. Blushing at Kari’s comment, Koshiro nodded to Sora as the time ended.
 “Mimi? Your answer please” Sora asked her friend.
Captain America – Mimi’s card read as she looked at Yamato with a dreamy expression.
“Oo Captain America, that would be a hot choice,” Sora giggled. “Taichi?”
Iron Man – Taichi’s card read. “Please, Yamato is more like Tony Stark, also he’s the coolest.
Thor – Yamato’s card read. As everyone gave him a bland expression. “What?” he added.
“Seriously? I thought you like Captain America, you have a keychain of his shield” Mimi squealed, somehow offended, “also he’s the hottest! and you definitely have the Ass, perhaps not America’s but definitely Japan’s Ass.” Mimi added winking to a very red Yamato.
“Hmm I don’t know, maybe; Yamato, give us a twirl now, will you?” Taichi said trying to check out Yamato.
“And deleting that image from my mind,” Takeru said making a face at Yamato.
“Yeah, but I would prefer Thor’s powers, I could fly and manipulate thunder and also not to mention I would be a God.” Yamato tried defending his answer.
“Okay, no points for anyone, looks like you guys need to buck up your game, if you wanna win who knows Japan’s Ass better,” Sora concluded laughing.
“Shudd up.” Is all Yamato could say red in his face as everyone laughed.
 “Moving on to DC, Question 8!” Sora continued as the laughter died down. “Who is Yamato’s all-time favourite DC character?”
“I actually like DC more than Marvel” Takeru added to the room.
“Nah aa, marvel all the way” Kari shot back at Takeru. “They have better movies”
“Please, who can compete against Batman?” Takeru chimed in.
“Have you read any of the comics?” Koshiro asked them both.
“some” Takeru mumbled while Kari shook her head.
“And before this gets into a Marvel vs Dc or TV vs Comics, answers please!” Sora slipped in halting that discussion.
Batman – Taichi’s card read. “obviously”
Nightwing – Mimi’s card read. “This time it’s definitely the butt," she added with a squeal.  
Nightwing – Yamato’s card read. “It's not because of the ass” Yamato added to a gleaming Mimi.
“Okay, seriously Yamato, you have got to give us a twirl!” Taichi exclaimed.
All Yamato could do was glare at Taichi as the girls giggled and the boys laughed.
 “We are just getting started on to the good questions” Sora added cheekily as the laughter subsided. “Moving on to the next question! Question 9” “What age did Yamato have his first kiss?”
Yamato and Mimi both blushed hiding their faces behind their cards as they wrote the answer.
“And Mimi?” Sora asked
13 – Mimi’s card read
16 – Taichi’s card read. “He was a late bloomer” Taichi teased
13 – Yamato’s card read as he held it up to cover his face.
“13? Really? Who?” Sora asked surprised, asking the question that was on everyone’s mind as Yamato was extremely closed off as a person that time.
“Mimi,” Yamato answered slowly “the day she was leaving for the states”
“But you guys weren’t together that time,” Koshiro asked. “or were you already secretly dating”
“Well, it was unexpected for me as well, I mean I did have a crush on him that time but didn’t think he had, so imagine my surprise when I went to tell him goodbye, he kissed me.” Mimi smiled at the memory, “And he’s really improved a lot since then in that department” she added in a teasing tone.
“I knew I saw the two of you kiss, you told me I was seeing things,” Takeru exclaimed at Yamato.
“I didn’t really want anyone to know,” Yamato said apologetically to Takeru.
“Those mood swings make so much more sense now” Takeru added laughing.
“Okay, moving on” Yamato gestured to a smiling Sora.
 “This game is just getting started,” Sora said amused at Yamato’s embarrassment.
“I am going to kill all of you,” Yamato replied pointing towards Sora and the other spectators.
“Kari, would you tell us the score please,” Sora said sticking out her tongue at Yamato.
“Taichi needs to game up, as Mimi is leading by 2 points.” Kari added with a giggle.
  “Revealing more secrets of the lone wolf, moving on to Question 10” Sora smiled “What is Yamato’s favourite alcoholic beverage?
Even before sora could ask for an answer,
Beer – Taichi’s card read. “phh please” he added with an air of confidence.
Old Fashioned – Mimi’s card read. Please, Yamato likes his classic gentleman’s whiskey drink”
Old Fashioned – Yamato’s card read.
“What old fashion? Are you kidding me!!!! We always drink beer together” Taichi bellowed.
“But I like a good whiskey, bourbon, or scotch.” Yamato tried to defend himself.
“And you don’t like the beers we drink together?” Taichi asked absolutely furious.  
“Yeah, of course I like beers but that’s not my favourite alcoholic beverage Taichi” Mat tried to explain.
“oh! So now beer isn’t sophisticated enough for you! First, you turn your back on Pizza and now Beer!” Taichi crossed his arms absolutely fuming.
“Taichi” Yamato tried to continue.
“Next boys’ night you get your own fancy-ass drink” Taichi pouted cutting Yamato off “Sora, next Question”
“Taichi” Yamato tried again.
“Next Question Sora”  
 Giving Yamato an apologetic look, Sora continued “Moving on to Question 11, What is Yamato the most afraid of?”
Ghosts – Taichi’s card red. “Remember the time when me, Takeru, and Mimi pranked Yamato” Taichi said laughing at the memory as they had spooked Yamato quite badly.
Ghosts – Mimi showed her card, smiling at the memory.
Ghosts – Yamato’s card read as well, cursing Takeru for revealing his secret.
 “With Mimi still in the lead, Question 12” Sora continued with a knowing smirk towards Yamato. “Which celebrity is on Yamato’s list? Basically, which celebrity does Yamato wish to sleep with?” she further clarified.
Mariya Nishiuchi – Taichi held up his card excitedly
Merei Kiritani – Mimi held up her card with a stoic expression.
Mariya Nishiuchi – Yamato held his card, looking anywhere except at Mimi.
“oo she is pretty” Joe let slip to everyone’s amusement.
“Didn’t she come for one of your shows?” Takeru asked with an innocent curious look, while Mimi looked surprised, and Yamato tried to signal him to shut up.
“I don’t know what you are talking about” Yamato dismissed Takeru.
“Hang on!” Mimi added looking at Yamato now. “When was this? And how do I not know about this?”
“She came backstage as well” Takeru added. “I remember it was when you were in New York for your work visit,” Takeru said looking at Mimi.
“Mimi, I swear, nothing happened. She came to meet the band and that was it, I walked out of my dressing room when she came in”
“Okay this even I didn’t know,” Takeru said amused. “I just remember she came backstage to tell you guys she really enjoyed the show.”
“Are you telling me, you had the opportunity and you chickened out?” Taichi roared with laughter.
“Excuse me?” Mimi said tartly to Taichi.
“I didn’t chicken out Taichi, I didn’t want anything to do with her.” Yamato replied just as tartly.
“Not what you said when we were watching ..” Taichi continued in a teasing tone
“Shut up Taichi” Yamato cut Taichi off. “Mimi, babe, its not ..”
“We shall talk about this later,” Mimi said narrowing her eyes.
 “Is this over yet?” Yamato asked to the room where the others were just giggling at his misery.
“no no, I want to see what else I don’t know about you.” Mimi replied in a teasing manner.
“Is it lets torture Yamato Day, today?” Yamato asked rhetorically.
“Mimi,” Joe asked cautiously, still not convinced of her mood, to which the ever bubbly girl just smiled and winked. Satisfied that Yamato won’t be in much trouble, Joe cleared his throat, “I think we have 3 more questions” to which Sora and Koshiro nodded.
The bell rung indicating the pizza was here. Joe and Yamato went to get the pizzas and pay for them, with Yamato insisting to pay for the whole thing and Joe politely but sternly telling him that they can split it amongst both of them.
 Handing everyone their food and beverages, as Yamato and Joe got back in their place, Sora continued the game.
“To continue on to Yamato’s torture, Question 13,” she asked, “What type of porn category does Yamato like?” in a very serious and calm voice.
Joe almost choked on his drink while Koshiro spat out his drink, as the remaining two roared with laughter.
 “Taichi?” Sora asked barely able to contain her laugh,
Cheerleader – Taichi’s card read. “I remember the time when he used to fantasize about Mimi in her cheerleading outfit all the time. I don’t think he’s gotten over that.” Taichi said raising his eyebrows cheekily at Yamato and Mimi.
Threesome – Mimi’s card read. “Really? You used to fantasize about me back then?” she asked amused. “And here I thought you were dropping hints for a 3way.”
Cheerleader – Yamato’s card read. “That wasn’t a hint, Mimi. I told you it was a misunderstanding.” He said blushing furiously than he ever had.
“Shame,” Mimi said casually checking her nails, “I might have been game.” She added with a wink towards him.
Taichi nearly fell off his chair, while Koshiro did fall off his chair, his mouth open with shock.
“You lucky lucky son of a gun,” Taichi added to a blushing Yamato, with a slight hint of jealousy in his voice.
“Misunderstanding?” Sora asked trying to fish for the story, while Kari just laughed and Joe looked down embarrassed.
“Okay, too much information for me,” Takeru said clearing her throat. “Next question please,” he said gesturing towards Sora.
 “So having that opportunity taken away from him, moving on to Question 14.” Sora continued still between her laughs. “What is Yamato’s safe word?”
Sora wiped the tears rolling down her cheeks and gestured for all of them to reveal their answers.
Orangutan – Taichi’s card read.
Orangutan – Mimi’s card also read.
Orangutan – Yamato’s card read as well.
Seeing the shocked look on everyone’s face, Mimi looked over to Taichi’s card and in a very loud pitch voice, almost shouting exclaimed, “What!!”
“What! No way, What! How do you even know that?” Mimi bellowed.
“Are you fucking kidding me right now?” Taichi laughed falling off his chair, as Yamato just stared at Taichi with total shock. “Dude we really are soulmates.” Taichi managed to say between laughs as he struggled to get off the floor.
“I’m done, you know what I am done. All the other questions are irrelevant now” Mimi dropped her cards, got up, and walked out the room.
“Mimi come back,” Taichi tried calling behind her. “Princess,” he called after her as he got up and ran behind her still laughing his head off at the coincidence.
Yamato just shook his head, covering his face with his hands, as the rest of the people in the room erupted in laughter that went on for quite a while.
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dutchforstrangers · 3 years
Digiweek 2021 - Day 4 Dark/Light | Shades of red; a Taikoura fanfiction
Chapter 4/7. Amory
Chapters [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
Characters: Taichi Yagami & Hikari Yagami (background Koushiro Izumi & Sora Takenouchi) Genre: Hurt/comfort, family Rating: T Wordcount: 2.179
!Trigger Warning!: Depression, angsty feelings
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Art by Sanni @seventeenlovesthree
The untouched phone on his bedside table had been there for days, only using it to call in sick to work. He had been in this state before, when he was only seventeen. Back then he was more resilient, better able to hide it all away. Now, more than ten years later, it was tough to put on that mask again, even though the reason was a much more different one.
Everything tasted the same, everything smelled the same. All the clothes he owned felt heavy and itchy around his skin. Actually, everything felt heavy around him. His stomach dropped to the bottom, his legs feeling as if filled with a thousand stones making every step heavier and tougher to make. Not to mention his heart felt at pain due to all the doubt and confusion that was consuming him.
The bright lights that lit up the sky outside the window pane of his childhood bedroom were nothing more than unwanted distraction to him. The noise that came from the lights got mixed up with the constant beeping of his phone. He knew what those beeping sounds meant, but he didn’t care. Just like he didn’t care about the colors anymore, they no longer had meaning. Through his eyes they all looked the same, plain and dark grey with no specific color and no specific shades. No blues, no greens, no yellow, pink, purple, orange or red.
Taichi sure had been a mess before, but this plight felt as if someone had extinguished a harmless fire. His fire. Taking away all his precious reds.
A soft knock on his door made him wake up from his ever heavier growing thoughts. Even though the knock wasn’t as loud as the fireworks nor his phone beeping, he could still hear it. It usually meant food was brought to him, but knowing it was past 12am he expected something different. He expected the same thing as those beeping noises wanted to tell him. So he buried his face deeper into the pillow, telling the one behind the door to come in anyway, his voice muffled by the pillow.
“Happy new year,” he heard Hikari softly say as she took place on the edge of his bed. He lifted his head slightly so she was able to hear him without his voice being muffled against the pillow again.
“Did you close the door?” Taichi asked her, not wanting their parents to interfere too. He had celebrated Christmas at their place and was supposed to go home afterwards. Instead he had found himself staying after he felt himself slipping into a deep dark hole, not able to take care of himself anymore. Somewhere deep inside he felt grateful for their care, he knew that, it was just hard to show it.
He looked up when no verbal answer came only to see Hikari nod in the confirmative, his bedroom door behind her indeed closed.
“They are worried you know…”
He knew that, but he didn’t care. And as much as he wanted to care, he simply couldn’t. He didn’t know how to anymore. Just like he didn’t know a lot more. It reminded him that literally everything looked and felt grey.
“I’m worried too…” Hikari continued. Taichi turned his head towards Hikari, his eyes now looking at his younger sister. If there was one person in the world who could drag him out of darkness and depth, it was this girl sitting on his bed. He knew she was worried, he could feel it and it did have an effect on him. But just like everything else he didn’t feel able to properly act on it. So he stayed quiet, replying with a swallow as he let his head hang down, gently nodding to let her know he knew she was worried.
They stayed quiet for a little while. Taichi just stared into the unknown while Hikari played with her fingers. “Do you have any new year’s resolutions?” She eventually broke the silence. He had no answer to that.
“Taichi please, talk to me…”
He had no answer to that either.
“Taichi…” She tried again which he answered with another silence. “Taichi!”
Unable to ignore his sister, growing agitated he replied “Just go, I—”
“No.” She interrupted. “I’m staying and we’re going to talk. Like it or not.” Her voice was louder than usual, determined and worried. This affected Taichi and he couldn’t ignore her anymore. He sat up as straight as he could on his bed against the wall, taking the pillow with him to tightly hug it against his from the heaviness aching stomach.
“Listen, I don’t know what’s happening underneath that big brown mess of yours, but the last time you were like this I had to yell at you too. To wake you up… And I’m doing it again if I have to.”
“I already received that note,” he said, tiredness seeping through his words. “Go ahead, scream. I can take it.”
“I rather talk to you instead of yelling, so let’s start with that.”
Taichi sighed, biting his lip, hugging the pillow a little tighter as he decided to talk, no matter how heavy it felt. She deserved to know at least something. “I have this strange feeling in my stomach upon seeing or thinking about a… er, certain someone…? My head gets dizzy, I can’t think straight, I feel both nauseous and happy at the same time… Hikari, I’m confused…”
As he looked at her he saw her smiling, letting out a giggle and shaking her head a bit. He didn’t understand what was so funny, but before he could ask her, she already spoke.
“Sounds like you’re in love.”
He was. “It’s complicated…” He hesitated.
“Hm-mh, I bet.”
“No like, really complicated.”
“Then tell me what you mean exactly with ‘really complicated’.”
This was it. The one thing he was trying to avoid. The one thing that had him slip down. And now his sister had asked him to give it a name. Them a name. The darkness surrounding him was slowly fading at the moment Hikari stepped into the room and forced him to talk. His thoughts were getting a bit more clear and he felt a spark of courage glowing inside of him, ready to open up. Even if it was just a little bit.
“Er… There’s this… boy…” Taichi said, almost in a whispering tone. He could feel his face lit up a little by the thought of him alone. A small blush. He remembered the color pink.
“So you are—”
“… and a girl.” He quickly added, not wanting Hikari to think he was gay. Was he? Maybe…? His face lit up a little more, seeing the face of the girl before his eyes. He couldn’t be gay when he felt the exact same towards the girl as he felt towards the boy. Was he bi? Could be… Taichi felt more like he could fall in love with anyone, as long as he felt attracted to him or her. Or they. Them.
His mind started racing. Trying to focus he checked Hikari for her reaction. She was thinking, processing everything he had told her moments before. Taichi felt anxiety kicking in, afraid she would think he was weird. That he needed help. Maybe he did need help…
“As in you’re in love with a boy and a girl? At the same time?” She eventually asked him, sounding more curious than judging.
“I guess…” He answered, looking confused at her, trying to figure out what she was thinking. But he wasn’t able to read her. “I told you it’s complicated. No one is able to safe me from this. Neither are you.” He panicked.
“Safe you from this? From what? Who said you need to be saved?”
“Hikari,” he said, desperate feelings kicking in, “how can one be in love with two persons?! I do have to make a choice, for myself. But it’s so incredibly hard, I can’t just make a choice. Hell, I don’t want to make a choice. But I can’t have both.” His eyes widened, his heartrate quickly speeding up. Anxiety took over, afraid he would lose everything. Lose them. Hikari seemed confused herself, but Taichi rambled on anyway. “I don’t want to ruin the bond I have with them and dating will only make it worse. Besides, what if the other, or worse both of them, can’t answer my feelings—”
“But why would you make a choice?”
From one moment to another his heart dropped, skipping a beat. He had to make a choice, right? Hikari looked at him, stern eyes filled with hints of concern. Taichi wasn’t sure if she just wanted to be polite by taking his side or that she wanted to make an actual point. But for some reason that one question made him feel lighter. She always made him feel lighter. Lighter from both the heaviness and the darkness.
“I said why would you make a choice when you can have both?” She repeated herself, now a bit more urgent.
“Is that a thing?” Boy, did he wanted that to be a thing.
She shrugged, a small smile marking her facial expression, showing him the sweetness he had been missing the past few days. “Apparently there’s this thing called polyamory…” She had said it with an open ending, probably to make him curious. However, it only made him confused more. Something Hikari must have seen, so she continued, the teacher inside of her taking over.
“Polyamory is not so much of a sexual identity, but you could see it as a way of life. It means that you can have more than one relationships at the same time. It’s a beautiful concept and if you’d ask me, I think it fits you. Taichi, you have so much love to give and it wouldn’t be fair to yourself or anyone if you’d shield yourself from any kind of love. Especially a love you want or need.”
Why was she always like this? His mind went blank. He heard everything she said, but couldn’t respond. She definitely made his dark lighter and lighter, bringing back the taste, smell and colors bit by bit. Still that elusive feeling of unknowingness lingered on in a way it felt like it would never leave him alone.
“I think you should confess. It will lighten things up, for you and for them.” She stated when another silence took her too long.
“But how?”
“Well, that’s something you have to figure out yourself. And I’m sure you’re able to do it on your own.” She said standing up from the bed. As she turned around her soothing eyes met his tired ones, tears stung behind his.
“I don’t know…” He sounded vulnerable feeling so incredibly unknowing. But Hikari smiled anyway.
“See it as your new year’s resolutions.” She raised one finger. “Research polyamory,” she raised another, “confess to the ones you love,” and eventually a third, “and become more open about your feelings in general.”
Taichi stared at those three fingers she was holding up in the air. It sounded and looked so easy, but he knew it wouldn’t be as near as easy as she made it sound like. “That’s easier said than done.” He sighed for the umpteenth time that day.
“I know. But you can do it, you’ll figure it out. Just… give yourself some time.”
With those words one single tear rolled down his face. Time was such a relative thing. The last few days he had seen the clock ticking, but it meant nothing to him. The days had been feeling long yet short. Mostly heavy and dark and tiring and useless. But time could also be seen as a solution to his unknowingness. A solution he couldn’t see himself due to all the darkness. Luckily for Taichi he had his sister to bring him the light he needed.
The sound of the fireworks outside died down, a few small explosions could be heard vaguely in the distance. He nodded to Hikari, showing her his gratitude before she walked over to the door of his bedroom.
“Hey Taichi…?” While turning the knob of the door she turned around, her voice filled with carefulness and softness yet sounding curious and a tad bold.  
“It’s about Sora-san and Koushiro-san, isn’t it?”
Taichi’s jaw dropped, not expecting her to know that.
“I’ve seen the way you look at them and they truly brighten you up in return.” She continued. Knowing things he was unknowing of. Understanding things he barely understood. And though it was still present, she was able to take away some of the heaviness in his legs, stomach, head and heart. Bringing back the colors and the red he loved so much. All thanks to the light Hikari shined.
He was unknowing. But what Taichi did know was that he could rely on her. Her presence always the reliable light that would guide him through his darkness and back to reality.
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btwitsgoku · 2 years
Top 52 best Darkest anime quotes by some of the darkest anime characters
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Hey guys, welcome back to animesimp. This article will provide you with the top 52 best darkest anime quotes by some of the darkest anime characters. First of all, I hope you know about the darkest anime quotes. But if you don’t know, the darkest anime quotes are the types of quotes that serve as a reminder of life’s harsh realities.
Furthermore, these darkest anime quotes tell you bitter truths that are so much more difficult for an ordinary person to endure. Sometimes, the darkest anime quotes do not tell you about truth or reality, but rather about an emotionally depressed person’s perspective and thoughts about life.
So, without further ado, let’s dive into the Top 52 best darkest anime quotes of the darkest anime characters.
1. Johan Libert
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I think if we talk about the darkest anime quotes and Johan Libert is not there, then it’s kind of a lack of knowledge. That is because Johann Libert is a character who thinks very deeply about life and gave us some of the darkest anime quotes.
So, let’s take a look at Johann Libert’s best and darkest quotes.
1. The only thing humans are equal in is death.
2. Do you think your sin will disappear if you lie?
3. Tell me what do you think is the ultimate fear? I really thought that I’d already reached the darkest of the dark, but then, ahead of me, I beheld a darkness even greater still.
4. Doctor Tenma. For you all lives are created equal, that’s why I came back to life. But you’ve finally come to realize it now, haven’t you? Only one thing is equal for all, and that is death.
5. There’s nothing special about being born. Not a thing. Most of the universe is just death, nothing more. In this universe of ours, the birth of a new life on some corner of our planet is nothing but a tiny, insignificant flash. Death is a normal thing. So, why living?
2. Madara Uchiha
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We all know that the Naruto franchise is considered the greatest life learning anime. Most of the characters in Naruto taught us many life lessons, but if we talk about which character in Naruto taught us the most life lessons, only one name comes to mind: Madara Uchiha. Because of his wisdom and experience in life.
So, let’s take a look at Madara Uchiha’s best and darkest quote.
1. In this world, wherever there is light – there are also shadows. As long as the concept of winners exists, there must also be losers. The selfish desire of wanting to maintain peace causes wars, and hatred is born to protect love.
2. Wake up to reality! Nothing ever goes as planned in this world. The longer you live, the more you realize that in this reality, only pain, suffering, and futility exist.
3. When you fall in love, you love with all that you’ve got. You must learn to bear anger, hatred, keep your ego and attitude aside and handle things with care, calmness, and love.
4. Human beings are nothing but a medium of the general process of carrying out life. They do want to live in peace, but want to win it over by war because ultimately victory is what brings them peace.
5. Love is an essential element, but not everyone gets it. It’s okay not to have love, but to survive in this world, you need to make yourself capable and achieve success. That’s where you actually stand.
6. Man seeks peace, yet at the same time yearning for war… Those are the two realms belonging solely to man.
3. Light Yagami
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Light Yagami is the most beloved antagonist in anime. This is because of his ideology and his belief in his unique justice. As a result, this character gives some of the darkest anime quotes.
So, let’s take a look at Light Yagami’s best and darkest quotes.
1. I’m Ridding The World Of Evil And Creating A Utopia. No Matter How Much Time I Have, It Won’t Be Enough.
2. This world is rotten, and those who are making it rot deserve to die. Someone has to do it, so why not me?
3. You can’t ever win if you’re always on the defensive. To win, you have to attack!
4. I can’t develop feelings. That’s how most idiots screw up.
5. Look around you, and all you will see are people the world would be better off without.
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secretshinigami · 3 years
Late Night Show
Title: Late Night Show Author: @complicatedmerary For: @fogspecs Pairings/Characters: Misa/Takada tease, Kiyomi Takada, Misa Amane, Hitoshi Demegawa (cameo), Light Yagami (mentioned only) Rating/Warnings: Teen and Up, alcohol mention, Demegawa being a gross boss, tabloid gossip nonsense, mean girl behavior, mild language, mild violence Prompt: Misa and Takada have romantic tension between them. Author’s notes: Misa and Takada, you say? Don’t mind if I do! As I was drafting ideas for the offered prompts, it occurred to me that the only time Misa and Takada met in canon was when Misa had no memories of being Kira. If we are being honest, that was a missed opportunity. Then, I thought, what if Misa has her memories intact, but Takada is not Kira’s spokeswoman? How will their dynamic change? Hope you enjoy!
“I’m telling you, Miss Takada, with your great assets and even greater personality, you will have my audience eating at the palm of our hands. My show has been craving a female perspective on scandalous gossip, you have no idea how much hate mail I receive for being unfair to these airheaded celebrities. If we get this right, no one will ever accuse me of having no substance, we are respectable journalists, dammit!”
Kiyomi Takada had barely started her first day of work and she already regretted every second of it. Truth be told, it was not a regular job, it was a weird hybrid of an internship that she had to fight to be eligible for credit and an arduous job that guaranteed humiliating tasks and low pay. The real reward is experience, she kept telling herself over and over as she reluctantly took this opportunity after being rejected by reputable news network stations. She had the nagging suspicion that Hitoshi Demegawa only chose her based on her looks rather than her impeccable academic record, but at this point it was too late to challenge this. No, she had to swallow her pride if she wanted to prove herself to be worthy of broadcasting intellectual journalism in the next few years.
“Hey, hey, what’s with the gloomy face?” Demegawa snapped his fingers close to Takada’s nose, startling her. “Celebrity gossip is supposed to be fun! Well, unless I report the usual actor breakdown, but that’s just show business, no one is truly getting hurt anyway.” He chuckled, holding himself by his belly.
Takada barely flinched.
“Come on, I’m just joking, don’t be so serious. We have something juicy coming up in thirty minutes and I need you to familiarize yourself with the news that has happened this morning.” Demegawa stopped speaking, gave Takada a nefarious grin, then patted her cheek as if she were a kid. “How about smiling for once? You will fit right in when people don’t see you as an ice queen.” He turned to the side and snapped his fingers repeatedly. “Everyone should be getting their makeup done, don’t you dare step out if your face is a mess!”
She took note of scrubbing her cheek raw until there was no trace of his dirty hand.
Takada looked over her script as her makeup artist fluffed some blush across her cheekbones. She wasn’t the type to focus on such frivolous things, but if she had to play the role of the tabloid host darling, she will gladly do so to keep Demegawa satisfied. Her credit and career depended on it.
She flipped the page with a lack of interest; Hideki Ryuga was out of the country for the third time this month? It wouldn’t surprise her if he ended up caught in a money laundering scheme, he seemed to be just that dumb. Next up, was A-list actress, Suki Aragaki, marrying his longtime beau, movie director, Kenji Ozu, after enduring a nasty love triangle that ended Ozu’s decade-long marriage. Congratulations, I guess, Kiyomi snorted, rolling her eyes at the absurdity.
She continued flipping until a familiar name made her stop on her tracks. Misa Amane. Without realizing it, her knuckles turned white as she gripped the script, and her jaw clenched painfully.
“Are you alright, Miss Takada?” The makeup artist placed a hand on her shoulder.
“Of course,” Takada let out a deep breath as her anger simmered down. “I’m just nervous, that’s all.”
The makeup artist nodded. “I understand. Don’t let Demegawa intimidate you, he is quite sweet once you get to know him.”
That was doubtful, but she was not about to argue, her attention was somewhere else. Misa Amane. The same silly model who appeared on campus and snatched Light Yagami away from her. To make matters worse, Amane randomly texted her out of nowhere months ago to let her and all of Light’s “other girls” know (which came as a disturbing revelation to her) that Light asked her to move in together and to back off. Why did Light love such an insecure, clingy woman? What could they possibly have in common besides good looks? And her classmates dared to call her superficial, how laughable.
As she kept reading the script, the gloom evaporated like a burst bubble. Misa Amane has been caught buying a pregnancy test despite declaring over the weekend at the premiere of her latest movie that she and her private boyfriend were waiting till marriage. Are we expecting wedding bells for the lovely couple, or did they marry in secret already to avoid the ire of her rabid fanboys? Unless there is something more sinister going on and her boyfriend is not the father of that baby. Perhaps that’s why Hideki Ryuga is out of the country, he is running away from his duty as a father! Those two have been fighting the persistent rumors of romance on set and that might settle it once and for all. Whoever the baby’s father is, congratulations to Misa Amane and her bundle of joy. We can’t wait to have more single mothers in the entertainment industry, such an underrepresented group in our society!
Takada tried to stifle her giggles between her fingers, but her amusement couldn’t be contained. For once Demegawa’s brutal commentary came in handy, there was no way Misa Amane could recover from this scandal. If there was anything juicier than an affair, it was a pregnancy resulting from the affair!
Oh, tonight’s show was going to be so much fun.
“It just does not make any sense, Miss Takada,” Teppei, her co-host, shook his head. “How can this movie be such a critical success when every review I have seen declared it the worst movie of the year even though we are halfway there? Who is bribing the industry to keep promoting it on television when no one wanted this movie to be made in the first place? It is a conspiracy; I am so sure of it.”
Takada pretended to act interested in the topic and simply smiled widely. She barely met Teppei today and she finally had the confirmation that she was dreading: He was a certified spoiled brat who assumed himself to be the greatest thing that has ever happened to comedy. The son of a politician, he got far enough to step into movies and television because his father left him a bottomless pit of money. He wasn’t good looking, so he relied on his short stature and misogynistic jokes to compensate for the lack of attention he never received in the spotlight. It worked perfectly enough to be perceived as harmless and now he got to hang out with late night show comedians and tour around the country. Takada wondered for how long mediocrity was going to be standard. If he were someone else, Demegawa would have no doubt chewed him out, but money and publicity ruled in his greedy heart.
“The real conspiracy is,” Takada pointed at the screen, a photo of Hideki Ryuga and Misa Amane on set, holding hands. “What is up with these two? They keep stating over and over that there is no romance, but I have yet to see her publicly with her supposed boyfriend. What exactly is she hiding?” The next slide showed a paparazzi shot of Misa Amane allegedly going to the pharmacy for a pregnancy test.
The audience gasped loudly, as expected, thanks to the teleprompter.
“Woah,” Teppei spun around dramatically. “Didn’t she say she was waiting till marriage?”
“It makes you wonder why Hideki Ryuga is out of the country for the third time this week,” Takada gasped. “What are the odds that he found out about her pregnancy and is panicking about the possibility of being a father?”
“If that’s not the case, then she married her boyfriend in secret to keep up with her indiscretion and avoid the ire of her fans.” Teppei covered his mouth and giggled like a schoolboy. “Sucks for him because if they were supposed to be celibate, then that’s Ryuga’s baby! Man, things are not going well for Misa Amane!”
“Congratulations to Misa Amane and her bundle of joy,” Takada recited the script with unnecessary enthusiasm. “We can’t wait to have more single mothers in the entertainment industry, such an underrepresented group in our society!”
The phone rang on the set, which meant that a fan of the show had the opportunity to give their perspective on the topic. This was Demegawa’s idea to encourage “respectful dialogue” on live television, but Takada knew better: It was to enforce the trashiness of the show with inflammatory controversy, and there was no doubt one of Misa’s fanboys was calling to defend her “honor and dignity.”
Yeah, you cannot defend something that never existed, Takada thought bitterly.
“Looks like we struck a nerve,” She hummed and picked up the phone, setting it to onset speaker. “Yes, how can we help you?”
“YOU DISGUSTING, UGLY BITCH!” A shrill voice echoed around the studio, creating some feedback on the boom microphones. “I ought to sue every single of you for defamation of character! I would never cheat on my boyfriend, especially not with Hideki Ryuga! You are all sick in the head for lying this bad!”
Takada couldn’t help the grin that was plastered on her face … No one could mistake that voice to someone else. So, Misa Amane was the type of celebrity who watched gossip shows to hear if she was relevant? This was just too hilarious and unsurprising for her.
“Sorry, Miss Amane, we are just reporting the news,” she said coolly. “We are not fond of frivolous lawsuits, so I ask you to respect the press.”
“YOU ARE NOT REPORTING ‘NEWS’, YOU ARE SPREADING GARBAGE!” There was a brief silence on the other line, and then the sound of chugging down a liquid echoed on the speaker. “You are just jealous that I’m in a committed relationship and you are stuck with your misery,” Misa’s words were slurred. “How about spreading some good news? Whatever happened to being kind?”
“With all due respect, Miss Amane,” Teppei had a smug grin on his face. “You are in the entertainment industry; we don’t owe you kindness. If you can’t handle criticism, maybe being a celebrity is not the job for you.”
Takada covered her mouth, hiding the twitch on her lips that she couldn’t contain any longer. Was this truly the end for Misa Amane? No one seemed to be on Misa’s side, and she was humiliating herself on live television. Things were finally looking up for her.
“Oh, shut up, Teppei, no one likes you, you are only relevant because of your daddy,” Misa shot back. “And as for you, Kiyomi Takada, my boyfriend will never be with you, he prefers me, he said so himself, so knock it off.”
The bombshell caused a murmur amongst the audience and Takada stiffened on the spot. No, she was not going to let Misa Amane win this fight, not now, not ever.
“Wow, Miss Amane, are you having a mental breakdown?” She chuckled. “Jealousy is not part of a healthy relationship, it’s not good that you are projecting your insecurities on me. We don’t even know each other.”
“That’s it! I’m going down to Sakura TV, find you, and kick your butt! You’ll be sorry for messing with me—”
“Like that’s ever going to happen.” And with that, she slammed the phone and there was nothing but the dial and laughter from the audience.
She wondered if she ruined her chances of ever being taken seriously, but one glance at Demegawa’s blissful face told her everything she needed to know: This episode was one for the books.  
It was close to midnight when the show finally ended, and Takada stayed overtime to talk to Demegawa about the possibility of hosting the show by herself. He said he would think about it, but he couldn’t guarantee anything despite the reception. That was good enough for her. For now.
As she approached the parking lot, she heard footsteps to her left, but there were so light that for a second, she thought she imagined it in her head. She was tired and it had been a long and overexciting night, she couldn’t wait to go home and sleep on her bed.
“There you are!”
Takada turned around and she couldn’t believe what she saw: Staring at her with malice was Misa Amane, standing up straight with her legs apart, and clenched fists.
“I told you I was going to find you and kick your butt! Now, don’t you dare move!” Misa sprinted forward with so much velocity on her direction, her gaze still focused.
Takada panicked for a few moments, darting her head back and forth, looking for a way out. Instinctively, she raised her arms across her face to defend it and swung her leg on any direction her adrenaline asked her to do, her eyes closed.
It all happened so fast: As Misa aimed to kick Takada on the shin, she tripped on Takada’s swinging foot, and she landed on the concrete, stomach down.
Takada opened her eyes when she heard the agonizing whines below her and gasped at the sight of Misa laying flatly in the middle of the parking lot. Oh, God, I didn’t hurt her that bad, did I?
“Are you alright?” She felt pathetic; of course, she was not alright, she just tripped her with her foot, what a terrible question!
“Here, let me help you—”
“Don’t touch me!” Misa shrugged her off as she managed to stand on her own. Well, just barely, she couldn’t maintain her balance as she tried to step away towards the street.
Despite hating that woman with a burning intensity, she was not going to let Misa walk by herself with injuries all over her, especially in such a shady area. No, if she drove away and Misa ended up missing (or worse, dead) because she was alone, she could no longer call herself a virtuous person.
“You are not going anywhere. Come on, I need to take you home.” Takada dragged Misa roughly by the arm towards her car.
“Let me go!” Misa tried to resist her, but her balance betrayed her. “I’m not going to tell you where I live, you are going to stalk Light if you know!”
God, would she stop being so freaking loud?
“Either you tell me where you live, or you have no choice but to spend the night in this parking lot,” She pushed Misa inside the car and dropped her legs on the passenger seat. She then held her arms as she put the seatbelt over her body.
“I don’t have time for this, you are a grown woman, act like it—” She caught a whiff of cheap wine on Misa’s breath. “Ugh, so you are drunk. That’s it, I’m going to drive all around the city until you tell me where I should drop you. I’m not stopping until you get over yourself.”
The drive did go longer than expected; it was one in the morning and Misa refused to speak one word to her. Two could play the game, Takada did not say one word either. The only sound filling out the silence was the pop radio station playing the same song for the third time. At this point, she wondered if she will ever get peace for at least trying to help another woman out.
“I did mean what I said on the phone,” Misa murmured quietly. “Light does not want you, he never did.”
Why was she bringing that up now? Why did it matter after she ignored her this time entire time?
“I don’t care,” Takada rolled her eyes. “You don’t need to do this, you have him, why isn’t that enough for you?”
“It’s easy for you to say,” Misa snorted. “He dumps you and you act like it never happened. If Light were to dump me, I don’t think I would want to continue living.”
Good lord, this woman is insane.
“You want to know what the worst part is?” Tears suddenly rolled down her eyes. “The reason why I don’t want you to drop me to my apartment is because you will not find him there. He has been acting so weird since—” She shook her head. “No, he is a man, this is a man thing. It’s normal for your boyfriend to not spend every night together, right?”
Takada really wanted to say, no, it was not normal, but she didn’t know what she could possibly say that could make this situation better. She didn’t ask for this personal information, this was none of her business. And yet, why did she want to hear more about Light’s inability to keep his own girlfriend happy? What the hell was wrong with him?
“I’m not pregnant, you know,” Misa whispered, and Takada’s glanced at her, confused. “We have tried—Well, I tried my best to let that happen. I’ve been so hopeful that maybe if we have a baby together, we will be bonded for life. That, maybe, just maybe, he would look at me differently. Yes, I did buy that pregnancy test, and yes, the photos are real, but I’m not pregnant. Are you happy now? You got your little revenge by making fun of me, now I’m asking the media to do the same.”
It was hard to swallow, her throat was so dry. She couldn’t believe this, but she felt guilt. Guilt for even entertaining the idea of messing up someone’s life in such a public manner. Guilt for doing that in the first place for the sake of ratings!
Sorry was not going to be enough, she wasn’t even sure what was she apologizing for. Sorry I tripped you with my foot? Sorry I bullied you so badly that you had to get drunk to deal with the pain on live television? Sorry Light Yagami is not a perfect man? She felt nothing, anything that she could possibly say was going to be in vain if she didn’t mean it.
She suddenly stopped her car and parked on the side of the road. She turned off the radio and breathed out slowly, attempting to calm herself. Screw this, she had to do the right for once.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea that you are left drunk in your apartment.”
“What?” Misa’s eyes widened.
“If Light is not there to keep an eye on you, then—”
“What are you trying to say?” Misa was instantly furious. “I can take care of myself, I’m not a child. When Light comes back in the morning, he won’t even notice I was drunk, it’s like it never happened, we are back to being a normal couple. If you are suggesting that I would do something drastic … I’m not stupid! What do you take me for?”
“Please listen to me,” Takada pinched the bridge of her nose and breathed in and out slowly again. “I’m not saying you are stupid; I’m just trying to say that you are not in control of your emotions, and I don’t trust you to be by yourself for now.”
“I am in control of my emotions.”
“You literally cried to me that Light is not spending every night with you.”
Misa kept her mouth shut.
“All I’m saying is that I need to keep an eye you.” She regretted the words once they left her lips. Was it the guilt talking? Was she considering taking care of Misa until she got over her drunkenness? What the hell was going on here?
“I know what to do now,” She restarted the engine and shifted to drive.
“Where are we going?” Misa asked with suspicion.
“I’m taking you to my apartment and give you the chance to rest there.”
“YAY!” Misa hugged her suddenly and kissed her cheek, almost causing Takada to let go of the steering wheel. “We are going to have a girls’ night, we could stay up all night, tell each other stories—”
“Not happening,” She cut her off, but she smiled despite herself.
Misa giggled. “You know, your numbers just switched, it’s like they moved up.”
“Oh, nothing, nothing that you should ever worry about.” She said in a sing-song voice.
Takada rolled her eyes. It was going to be a longer night than anticipated.
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lalis-fandom-stuff · 3 years
Original twins headcanons
I'm finally making this after months. Here's some random facts from my fic. Let's go.
Ok mostly they're opposites in everything (very predictable, I know). Rafal dresses like a royal, Rhian has an infinite amount of copies of the same outfit like a cartoon character. Rafal is charming and good at speeches and all that jazz, Rhian doesn't want to be percieved. Rafal is a Light Yagami kinnie, Rhian has 0 self esteem. Rafal is an absolute monster, Rhian is a literal angel. You get the drill. One thing that they do have in common is that they're both introverts.
They're left handed. It's not relevant, I just accidentally made them left handed in a drawing and now I decided it's canon.
Random Rhian facts: he's your typical Hufflepuff. He has a pretty smile. He hates responsabilities and talking to stranger. He likes walking in the woods. He deserved better. I miss him a lot (and I make him suffer in every chapter even tho he's my favourite character).
Rhian is the only valid straight person in sge sorry I don't make the rules 😔✋🏻. I think I accidentally made Rafal aromantic. I sincerely apologize to all my aro followers for that.
According to Personality Databes, Rafal's MBTI type is INTJ. I decided that Rhian is INFP because I kin him.
As I said in a previous post, Rhian is a cottagecore king and Rafal is too much into dark royalcore. Uhm. Interesting contrast.
Rhian's talent is ice magic (because their dad is related to the Snow Queen) and Rafal's is controlling shadows (Shadow!Rafal canon ✨).
They actually became school masters a short time after their third year (does that count as a fourth year quest?!). The reasons why they put two litteral 18 year olds on charge of protecting the most important entity in the woods? 1. They're two twins from different schools, therefore a perfect symbol of balance between Good and Evil (wich was very needed in that time period). 2. They're some of the best students from that year. 3. The previous School Master died suddenly (... long story) and they were really desperate to find a new one. 4. Their dad is famous and no one wants to upset him. 5. "They're siblings!! They should get along!!! Right?!" (And then they didn't).
Rhian didn't even want to be a School Master, one day Rafal basically went "Hey I know you want to live in a cottage with your gf and shit but I wanna become the School Master very badly and they probably won't let me without you" and Rhian was like "😀?!?!? Ok I guess?!?!!!!" (Spoiler: it was a terrible idea).
Pretty irrelevant but young Rafal wears a shitton of rings because I think they're cool. Later on he gets into gloves (because they give creepy vibes and also for sad edgy reasons).
Their mother (Ingrid, name stolen from @tedros-is-helpless ) is a former Ever and their father (mr Isa Mistral, that fucking bastard) is a Never. Wich creates a lot of drama, even tho Isa doesn't live with them.
Rafal is good at seeing people's true natures (=mostly if they're Evers or Nevers) and Rhian is good at understanding other people's emotions. Except that they use these qualities in the worst way possible. So yeah my first hot take from today are "Rafal has some sort of emotional intelligence but he only uses it for evil".
Rhian is generally better at magic and Rafal is furios about it, even tho he doesn't show it.
Rafal really gets into weapons (especially very fancy daggers that can conveniently be hidden in your sleeve to kill your brother).
No but they were actually very close when they where little, but they broke apart a little bit when they started school. Rhian kinda hoped that becoming the school masters would solve everything, but as you might expect it got really shitty real quick (and it was Rafal's fault, as always. He's gross).
My secon hot take is "the only person Rafal ever loved was Rhian and deep down he regrettes killing him". And he knew that Rhian cared about him but he simply decided to ignore it and pursue power instead. (Also his idea of "caring" is "I want him by my side and I don't want him dead" and not "I want him to be happy").
Rafal felt like he could only be truly himself with Rhian, wich either means "snarky edgy teen" or "manipulative and controlling monster that only cares about himself" depending on the context. Basically he's only nice to important people and he's passive aggressive.
Rhian is only twenty-something when he dies and that breaks me (even tho I wrote it). Also he always tried to justify Rafal's actions because he didn't want to lose him and, even tho he eventually had to put the School's safety first, he loved him until the very end. Maybe it doesn't hit you as hard described like this, but it definetly hit me hard a worring amount of times a day.
So yeah. Here's what, as the kids say, lived into my mind rent free for the last year. I wrote most of this at 1 am and it shows. Please like it.
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plush-rabbit · 4 years
Can I Ask You Something?
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |
You were online a week later.
It was a boring day, with a slow start and by night, you were starting to feel restless, your feet bouncing and an empty bag of chips rests on your nightstand. You were itching for something to do, anything to distract but no show or game could hold your attention. You throw your head back and gnaw at your bottom lip.
Your fingers tap against the keyboard, and with a glance at the time, you pull up the calendar for the group time slots and with a fairly positive outlook that that you wouldn’t run into the other team members, you booted up the game, and started a simple mission but even then your attention couldn’t be held. The game had already lost its spark for you.
You admit that you reacted childishly in response to being yelled at. You were always sensitive, you cried too much and took everything personally even if you tried not to but for some reason it just hit different when he had yelled at you.
You were so angry with him at the time. But when you awoke the next day, you were angry with yourself. You made that dumb post and now you had to hold off for a month to show that his words didn’t hurt you- you had a point to prove, you didn’t want to seem as someone who reacted so childishly.
You thought you would miss the game but having not played for a period of time, you were starting to enjoy your time. You slept a bit earlier, your back wasn’t sore from hunching over and you had started to pick up old hobbies that you dropped when you got sucked into this game. Picking it back up, the game no longer felt the same. You remember you could get lost in this game for hours, you liked the customization options, the weapons, and the soundtrack was pretty good, but for now as you wandered around a forest, looking for a crystal that wouldn’t be of any real use to you seeing as you had already decided to quit the game for good, you were grateful for the distraction.
But as the clock ticked on, you had already grown bored, feeling your joints become sore and a headache forming. You were about to exit out of the game and pray that none of the members would see that you were active but then a ‘ding’ startled you awake. You peeked at the corner of the screen, a familiar icon popping up. You frowned, your shoulders slumped and you debated with yourself on whether you should open the message or not but your curiosity won over.
>Are you quitting the game or not?
“Blunt as always,” you thought to yourself, your fingers already typing at the keyboard.
His reply came a second later.
You wanted to type, “Why do you care?” You really did. You had the words on screen, the cursor blinking back at you, but you couldn’t force yourself to press the ‘Enter’ key. The corner of your mouth twitched and you backspaced, the message disappearing and replaced by another.
>I don’t know. I’m kinda sick of it, you know? The user base is p toxic and I know that can be said for most games but I don’t know┐(´~`)┌
>Plus after taking a break and coming back to it,,, the game doesn’t feel the same anymore
>I’m kind of bored of it
>That’s stupid
You let of a scoff, rolling your eyes at his answer.
>I have been known to be pretty dumb
>I’m sure you’ve called me stupid before too lol
You watch as the three dots bubble up and down the screen, signifying his reply is being typed out and having no other form of entertainment, you take in a deep breath and with butterflies flapping around in your stomach, you type out more before he can reply to your original message.
>Will you be fine without me?
>You won’t miss your bestest pal uwu
On the other side of the screen, Shigaraki narrows his eyes. His eyes shine dangerously, and he’s positive if you knew who were talking to, you’d be shaking and begging for you life. Or perhaps you’d be dead. He’s not sure.
>I have better ‘friends’ than you
“Ouch.” You cringe inwardly. “Strike one.”
>Wow, rude much??
>Well if I’m quitting, do you want my stuff? I’ve racked up a decent amount of gold and other stuff:P
“I sound like I’m dying and writing my will, stop being weird about it. You never even meet the dude,” you mumble to yourself, grateful that the voice chat function was off. “Oh my god. He could be like super old or something”
>Does it look like I take handouts?
“Is that a strike two?” You chewed on the idea of your cheek. “If I have to ask, it probably was.”
Can I ask you something?
You just did
You were about to type out your question, the four words staring back at you unblinking. It would be weird, right? Of course it would be. And even if you did ask him that, the odds of him accepting would be slim. Plus, if he did reject, that would be strike three and you really didn’t want to strike out so much.
>How old are you?
You threw your head into your hands and let out an agonized moan. Maybe you should just delete your account now. You don’t even know the guy’s name and he doesn’t know yours. So you could just delete your account and that would be it. You’d never have to speak to him ever again.
>You’re weird
You start laughing.
>Says the guy who would tell other players to be careful who they’re talking to
>Who are you? Light Yagami?
>That’s a shit reference
>You got it tho
>Why do you want to know?
“You have nothing to lose really,” you try to convince yourself as a way to just get to talk to him more.
>I don’t know
>After a while, I always thought of you as a friend
>The other members sorta liked me, but I think it was more of them putting up with me
>But I thought we were beginning to form a friendship so I don’t know
>I guess a dumb part of me thought we could’ve been friends outside of the game:P
Shigaraki stares at the screen in disbelief. You must not have much or any friends at all if you thought he was being friendly. He’s positive that he would kill you if he knew you in real life. Probably right away if he met you on the street or maybe he’d take you as a hostage. He’s sure that he’d kill you but now he’s not sure when.
>You really are dumb
>I can’t tell if you mean it or not
>Knowing you, you probably do
>Can I say good-bye to you? Like facecam wise?
He’d kill you on sight.
>You don’t have to turn your camera on!! I guess, as my last like dumb wish, I wanna say bye?
>I’ll promise to log out afterwards
Shigaraki stares at your messages, trying to gauge at what you’re trying to get at. Do you really want to just say bye? Who the hell gets so emotional in a fucking game? But he would be lying is he said he wasn’t at least a bit curious to see what you look like. Maybe if he’s lucky you’ll be attractive and he could probably jerk at the thought of you before he goes to bed.
>I’m not showing my face
You smile at his answer. It’s the best that you were hoping for and you start to brush your hair out of your face, checking the mirror on your nightstand to see if you look presentable.
>Fine by me
>It’ll be quick, promise:)
And soon he’s staring at the pop-up screen asking if he’d like to request a video call from you. He’s tempted to click no. He cranes his head behind him and once he’s certain that the door is closed, he accepts your call.
You pop up on screen. You’re cute, that’s as much as he’s willing to admit. You adjusting yourself, putting a strand of hair behind your ear before you realize that the call has been accepted. You look startled, and a shade of pink fills in your cheeks. You giggle nervously, waving a hand at the screen.
“Ahaha, hi!” You giggle nervously and he’s pretty sure you’re already regretting this decision. “So like I promised to keep this short and all, so I will.” You looked determined; you stand a bit straighter and take in a deep breath. You remind him of an anime character, someone with exaggerated movements and he’s positive that you’ve confessed your feelings to someone before in that same action.
“Now, now,” his voice freezes you in place, he reminds me you of snake, slithering towards their unassuming prey and you’re pretty sure that’s what he’s trying to convey, “what’s the rush? I thought we were “bestest friends”.” His voice is sickly sweet, taunting you with words that you’ve spoken. His words make you nervous, your hands clenching together and your stomach forming knots.
And suddenly it’s clicked in your mind that he wants to make you feel uncomfortable. He’s probably getting off at the thought of it. And while he is succeeding at that, you don’t want to lose whatever game he’s playing.
“Ha! You admitted it.” You swallow the lump in your throat and flex your fingers. “Okay bestie,” the way you say the word is like you’re trying to bait him into something, and even you’re not sure what you’re leading him into, “I gotta ask. Are you an old man? You sound kind of creepy. Not like a pervy creepy but like you’re gonna kidnap me and murder me in your basement kind of creepy.”
He laughs and you decide that you want to hear more of it- even if it does sound eerie.
“Do me a favor? If you do end up kidnapping me, can you at least bring me a smoothie from BlueBird’s?” You test out your luck, hoping that he’ll play along so you’re not the only talking and maybe it’ll disrupt whatever ruse he was planning.
“What flavor?” He sneered, playing at this sick roleplay that you made up.
You smiled brightly, as if you had gotten one over him, and surprisingly, he didn’t hate your smile. He’s seen all sorts of smiles directed towards him- crazed, trying to get into his good graces, smiles that held murderous intent but yours just looked happy, happy that you were talking to him. Illuminated by a yellow glow, his sneer looks more twisted, his upper lip curling in a twisted way and crimson eyes narrowed with revulsion.
“Mango, please and thank you.” You nodded your head, your smile wasn’t gentle as it was before, it was now playful, as if you wanted to continue this whole kidnapping scenario. He wanted to see how long this conversation would go before you said goodbye. For good. “Anyways, I said I’d make this quick and I will. I—”
“I’m not an old man.”
You laughed at his answer, covering your smile with your hand, and you looked up at him, your eyes brimming with mischief and excitement.
“Okay. And I’m not some elderly person either.”
“Yeah dumbass, I can see that.”
You crossed your arms and you continued to smile at him. “I get that we’re besties and all, but do you really have to keep insulting me?” You pouted your lips, before they broke out into a toothy smile, it was a bit forced but it was only to show that you were joking around with him.
“Is there any other type of friendship?” He genuinely sounded a bit curious.
“Mm, maybe?” You tilted you head to the side and he had a fleeting thought that you reminded him of a cat. “I mean, when I’m with my friends, we joke a lot but we don’t really insult each other too often.” You frowned a bit, your eyebrows furrowed before returning to the screen, giving out a half smile and shrugging your shoulders. “Thin skin, I guess.” A pause was in the air, too uncomfortable for your liking. “Are your friendships like that? Insulting, I mean.”
He hesitated for a second before replying, his voice drenched in fake nonchalance, “That’s a dumb question.”
You took that as a clue to not dwell on the subject any longer. You nodded to yourself forgetting that you were screen, only to hear him chortle on the other side.
“Are you agreeing that it’s a dumb question?”
You stretched your mouth into a nervous smile, heat lighting your cheeks as you racked your brain for a solid excuse on why you nodded to yourself. “Um, yeah?” You didn’t sound confident in the slightest but Shigaraki was curious on how you would save your own skin this time even if this conversation was rather dull. “Like, I guess it would make sense that you said that.” You brought your hands up, and shrugged them, your fingers curling inwards. “It was you who like really enforced the rule about not talking about your personal life so it makes sense that you wouldn’t want to talk about your IRL friend groups.” You leaned further back, your pillows providing comfort against the hard wood that was your bed frame.
No noise came from him other than that of fabric being moved around and scratching at the microphone. “Did you really just say ‘IRL’ instead of ‘in real life’?” He sounded smug about it, as if he had proof that you were a total dweeb. “I never took you for one of those people.” He said ‘those people’ as if it left a sour taste in his mouth.
You let out a nervous laugh, before it grew into a snicker with your eyes shut. “First of all, ‘IRL” is faster to say compared to ‘in real life’ so jot that down. Second of all,” you tilted your chin upwards, giving you a false sense of superiority, “you’re the only always going on about “eat shit and die” and “suck my dick”,” your voice dropped an octave, a poor imitation of the man who hide behind a black screen. “So if I’m one of those people, then you’re like the poster boy of a gamer gatekeeper.”
“It’s not my fault other players are shit.” He breathed out.
“Oh yeah, the other players are shit; it totally isn’t you acting better than everyone.” You rolled your eyes, shaking your head, your tone teasing.
“I’m glad you agree,” he replied, letting out huffs of air through his nose.
It grew silent once more, and this time you weren’t uncomfortable with it, it had actually felt nice. Comfortable, even. Well at least as comfortable as it could get when you couldn’t see the other game but he could see you and all your mannerisms. You clasped your hands together, intertwining them, your attention focused on the black that took up nearly all of your screen, save for your own square that held you on the left hand corner.
“I think,” you started out, the words heavy on your lips, “I think I’m ready to say goodbye.” Once you started, you couldn’t stop. A part of you wished he would interrupt and maybe ask for your email or phone number so you could continue to keep in contact, but you knew that wouldn’t happen. Whatever this was, this odd one-sided friendship, stayed and died here. “It was fun talking to you. Even if you were a dick.” You gave the man a smile, you hoped that it was seen as happy, teasing one. “I liked this one-sided friendship. Even if it hadn’t lasted for long.” You bite down on your lips, your teeth dragging against your dry, bottom lip and you reached over to your nightstand, grabbing your chapstick, rubbing the tube with your fingers before clenching it in one hand. “It was nice knowing you Tomaraki. Take care, okay?”
You didn’t wait for his reply- you knew that you wouldn’t get one. You scrolled your mouse of to the telephone outline, and as you were about to click it, his voice rasped out, telling you to wait. Startled you pulled back, the mouse jerked downwards, moving past the outline and you stared at him, eyes wide and head cocked to the side, waiting for him to speak further.
He hadn’t known why he shouted for you to wait. He didn’t even want to talk to you in the first place, it was your promise that you would leave him alone that even convinced him to accept your request but here he was, barking at you to wait as you stared at him with owlish eyes and a closed mouth as you gave him the floor to speak. He didn’t know what to say. He didn’t know why he sounded so frantic at the thought of you leaving and then quitting the game, any form of communication getting erased within minutes.
“I,” he started out, grateful that the screen was black on his end, his hands coming up to pick at his neck, “What’s that?” He was going to kick himself later, he was sure of it.
You tilted your head, your eyes narrowing before landing on the tube in your hand. “This?” You held the tube upright, a confused smile gracing your features. “It’s chapstick. It’s uh-” you turned the tube over, looking for the label where it stated its flavor- “It’s vanilla honey flavored.” You opened the tube and rubbed the chapstick on your lips, smacking them together. “Why? You looking for recommendations?”
He decided to go for a truth, knowing that it wouldn’t give anything away. “I have dry lips.”
“Oh.” You pursed your lips, and you scratched at the area where your jawline meets your neck. “I’m not knowledgeable about the different types of chapsticks, I usually like to get the ones that have a nice flavor. I had this peppermint one but I lost it. Are you drinking enough water? That should help too. You could also try lip scrubs. You don’t have to buy them, you could always make them at home but you’d need brown sugar for a rougher feel.” You rambled on, moving your hands around, and his eyes stayed trained at your moving hands, your voice growing distant. He could only hum in response as you continued to talk and mention stores that sold lip scrubs.
“Uh, Toma? You there?” You asked, your hands clenching and bringing them closer to your chest.
He raised his eyebrows at the sound of a nickname. “Toma?”
“Hah, uh yeah. Tomaraki is too long, I mean unless you want me to call you something else?” You seemed invested with continuing the conversation and he could understand why. You always craved attention- always undermined your skills, all so someone could praise you. But why did he want to continue this conversation? Was it simply because he had someone talk to him about mundane things, things that didn’t carry so much weight? Was it because you treated him as if he were a person first, rather than a villain?
“No. No I don’t mind.” His voice came out softer than he expecting, than you were expecting given that your eyes widen, your mouth pulled into an ‘o’ shape before you smiled gently at him, your lips turning slightly upwards.
“Okay.” You held your breath for a second. “Do you wanna call me by my name?” Your voice was soft, matching his tone from earlier.
He wanted to snap at you, asking why he would even want to but he couldn’t bring himself to. He didn’t know how to answer you without snapping. But you took pity on him, his silence deafening and you told him your name, you voice sweet and heating him up from within, the heat pooling in his stomach before travelling upwards into his chest, a momentary blast of warmth before it faded away. He tested your name on his tongue, the word heavy and foreign on his tongue. He repeated your name, the odd feeling being replaced by familiarity.
“That’s my name, don’t wear it out.” You smiled, your tone playful but still soft, as you sank deeper into your mattress, your legs aching in protest from being in a still position for so long.
He didn’t have a comeback. He remained silent, repeating your name in his head, the tone of your voice when you asked him if he had wanted to know and when you spoke it, invading all of his thoughts.
“You know,” you started out, stifling a yawn behind a hand, “if you had wanted to continue this conversation you could’ve just said so. I don’t mind talking to you.”
“You’re tired.” He opted to avoid confirming or denying your accusation.
“It’s late, of course I’m tired.” He suddenly took notice of the way your eyes were starting to droop, how your eyes would widen, forcing them to stay open.
“You should go to bed.” His voice was stiff, he didn’t want to continue this conversation but he saw you frown, your lips downturned, noticing the difference in tone but you quickly smiled, any features of disappointment being erased.
“But this conversation was just getting good,” You whined, another yawn coming out, tears pricking your eyes. “Hey, I got a dumb idea,” you said.
“All your ideas are dumb,” he muttered underneath his breath, missing the fall of your face that disappeared before he could turn back.
“You want my number?” You ran a hand through your hair, swallowing deeply, your mouth suddenly dry and the chapstick on your lips too heavy. “If you want, of course. You don’t have to exchange yours. But you aren’t obligated to reply to me either. Obviously.”
He hesitated to answer; both to see you squirm in your seat but also because he was unsure. Did he want to continue this friendship that would only end sour, that wouldn’t progress further than what it already was. He reasoned to himself that if the friendship was going to stay stagnated, what was the harm of saying yes? What was the harm of talking to you a bit longer?
He nodded his head, only to realize that you couldn’t see him. The only reason you weren’t reporting him to the police, calling and screaming for heroes was because you couldn’t see him. A hand reached over to grab Father, his other hand tugging at the skin on his neck, feeling the cold air of the room sting at the raw flesh. Your reaction to his answer gave him an odd sense of pride on how you had swelled up, giving him a wide grin, the smile reaching your eyes and you sat up straighter, asking him if he was ready and you began to tell him your phone number, repeating it to make sure he had gotten it down correctly, the grin on your lips never leaving.
Ten minutes later, your account was deleted, all assets transferred over to Toma. Your eyes burned with sleep, the blankets on top of you suddenly weighed a ton, and right before you gave in to sleep, butterflies slowly started to form in your stomach.
In a dark room, only lit up by the screen of his phone, Shigaraki stays up, his eyes burning with the need for sleep as he just stares blankly at the your number. He wonders to himself why he had even agreed to accept your number, but he couldn’t go back in time and reject your offer- the most he could do was not message you. He closed his eyes, his mind drifting back and forth between ignoring you tomorrow or attempt to have a conversation with you.
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jippy-kandi · 4 years
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Digimon Adventure: 2020 – Episode 13: Garudamon Of The Crimson Wings (Review)
Thoughts on the thirteenth episode of the Digimon Adventure reboot series.
So . . . I really liked this episode. *surprised Pikachu face.* The plot was fine enough for a kids’ show, and I just personally really love these characters. That’s enough for me! :P
The funbeemon are so cute! *SQUISH* But don’t they sound like Takeru/Patamon? lol.
Cannonbeemon being a floating base was pretty cool. And I definitely got Star Wars vibes when the Waspmon were floating around while Sora and Yamato were on the forest floor, and when they were inside the hangar in Cannonbeemon -- plus all the laser attacks being like the guns/lightsabers. And Jou was even in a garbage chute! I just like all the references to other movies that the reboot keeps paying homage to.
I did laugh when Jou fell off Birdramon, lol. But the reboot did go overboard in this episode with just how pathetic Jou is . . . he was pretty unlikable here, instead of just amusing. They better “redeem” him in his super evolution episode! :P But his relationship with Gomamon continues to be endearing.
I did like the reference to the OG when reboot Taichi “jokes” that he’ll whack Koushirou’s laptop to get it to work -- but it highlighted the main difference between OG Taichi and reboot Taichi, with reboot Taichi looking worst off. Because when reboot Taichi said it, it seemed “off” for him -- because he is a more responsible and, frankly, bland version of Taichi. It made sense later when he said he was just kidding, because it really didn’t suit him. But it does suit OG Taichi, and that “irresponsible” boyish charm he had is definitely missed.
I liked Yamato and Sora standing in front of their digimon to protect them -- it’s a nice switch up. But . . . that’s pretty dangerous, you know? Your digimon should protect you! :P
Yamato and Sora riding Garurumon together, with Sora holding onto Yamato = ICONIC. XD; Is it Christmas? Is Toei Animation OK??? XD; I honestly can die happy as a Sorato fan now, lmao. Who would have thought 2020 was going to revive Sorato this blatantly? Especially after how tri. treated them? Not me! But I’m definitely super happy to be on this ride. :)
I still don’t understand why the reboot keeps doing what I assume is supposed to be a “slow-motion” thing -- but that doesn’t even look like it’s slow-motion? Yamato and Sora jump off Garurumon, but just continue to float in the air for several long seconds . . . HOW!? XD;
As expected, WereGarurumon’s “stock” super evolution sequence is way better than the first time around, just like MetalGreymon’s. I guess they didn’t have time to finish animating complete sequences for the earlier episodes due to the pandemic? Who knows. But I likey. WereGarurumon is actually my favourite digimon, design-wise. (Well, besides Omegamon.)
These kids are so incredibly brave to just jump out of a floating digimon . . . they were basically skydiving with no parachute! :P Just the trust that Piyomon would evolve in time to catch them. Respect. XD;
But Sora held onto Gomamon and Jou with one hand . . . lmao. Sora is jacked!!! XP; Yamato, don’t argue with your future girlfriend, she will kick your arse. XD;
Sora: “I’m going to save the others!” Yamato: “I knew it.” Sora: “How come?” Yamato: “If you remember what happened with Neamon, it’s obvious. I knew you wouldn’t just leave those funbeemon behind.” Sora: “*smiles*” I. LOVE. IT. This is my favourite exchange of the episode, and is the most direct “equivalent” to the OG’s episode 26 (where Birdramon evolves to Garudamon), in regards to Sorato. OG Adventure episode 26 is the actual start of the Sorato foreshadowing, where Yamato is shown to understand Sora and support her and “let her cry”. Here, Yamato is shown to be perceptive and understanding of what Sora would do, and support her in her endeavour. IT’S FUCKING GREAT! :P
Well, at least Jou and Ikkakumon helped out with the waspmon, so they weren’t completely useless. :P
Sora finally addresses Yamato by name in this episode, and she does it without honourifics -- she just calls him “Yamato”. I personally would’ve preferred that she called him “Yamato-kun” so that she could’ve dropped the “-kun” later in the series (as she does in the OG), to show that they’ve become close friends . . . but I suspect the reboot wants to keep the “name significance” to Yamato and Taichi (the blatant main characters of the series). Yamato calls Taichi by his last name “Yagami” -- it’s therefore going to be A Big Deal when he finally calls him “Taichi”. Yamato has never addressed Sora by name -- though it’s likely he’ll call her “Takenouchi” (if he ever does address her), until he finally calls Taichi by his first name. I think only after that happens, will Yamato ever address the other kids by their first names, because the reboot is “saving” it for Taichi. Taichi already immediately called Yamato by his first name only, with no honourifics, and this is probably more due to the reboot wanting Taichi to seem super friendly (ie. he makes friends fast and immediately called Yamato his friend). Sora, however? I think it’s more because they are the same age that she chose not to use honourifics for him. Although, because she calls Jou “-senpai” and Mimi “-chan” . . . I would’ve expected her to call Yamato “-kun” or “-san” for a while first, just because she comes across to me as someone who uses honourifics respectfully. BUT HEY. No honourifics straight off, OK, fine, I’ll accept that they’re close friends as soon as Yamato calls Sora by her first name. :P
I think Sora’s super evolution felt the most flat. But at this point, I don’t care, I’m just going to accept all the super evolutions as a necessary speed-through to hopefully get to the juicier character arcs for the mega evolutions. If this series does end up having 66 episodes, that’s a lot of time for character growth!
The reboot’s blatant favouritism of Taichi and Yamato is annoying at this point, though. Yamato’s digimon gets not one, but TWO super cool evolution sequences this episode -- and Sora’s digimon gets pretty much a blink to Garudamon, lol. WHO IS THE STAR HERE? :P Garudamon and her attacks are pretty cool, though.
Sora and Yamato were honestly really good teammates. What a competent duo! I will need more of this please, reboot. I’m sure you’ll deliver. :P
Overall, though the episode itself was nothing special, I still really enjoyed it due to Yamato and Sora being my absolute favourite characters. :P
But my one major criticism is that for a Sora-centered episode . . . it really didn’t have enough Sora. But Sora is great! She definitely is a better character than when she was first introduced. I love her. And so does Yamato.
And, completely off-topic, but . . . RIP Chadwick Boseman. An amazing talent gone way too soon. :(
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Ayesha Liveblogs Death Note
I’m watching this show specifically because of that text post that said, “Watch how quickly this one guy decides to be the worst person ever” and he has killed two people in the first ten minutes
Though 2 be fair he’s killing people to save people so it’s a trolley problem kind of thing for now
“In fact I’ve been waiting for you... Ryuk” ok weird flex Light but u do u
“You’re the first one to use to this extent in five days” WAIT DID HE MURDER ALL THOSE PEOPLE IN FIVE DAYS I THOUGHT HE WAS JUST LOOKING AT A LIST OH MY GOD??
“So there isn’t a price to using Death Note?” said Light, as if killing people is just a normal thing that we all do
Fhkjfhfkjb Ryuk really went ‘u used the book so we’re friends now’ 
I was wondering why the book was in English, and I guess that makes sense British and American imperialism really Did That
“I can write down the names of criminals, and slowly reduce the number of evil people” uhhhh doesn’t u being a Book Murderer also make you a criminal Light
“Human lives shouldn’t be taken so lightly” bah dum tss
Also I guess that revelation lasted about thirty seconds for you huh
Update from 15 seconds later: Even less than that
“I would create a world of earnest, kind humans” really because I don’t think places that allow the death penalty are generally nicer societies 
It’s interesting that they use English in the classes and the notebook but the conversation at Interpol takes place in Japanese (despite the implied internationality and Ryuk’s aforementioned claim about English being most common) 
Huh I won’t lie I do think it’s confusing that the main characters are L and Light, which also starts with L
“I am justice” I mean if anything this show just proves that no one should be allowed to use the death penalty on apprehended suspects in criminal justice cases ever 
Wow this show is full of mind games already I guess I can see why like, crime show fans would dig it
“But I’m going to say this as your roommate” OH MY GOD THEY WERE ROOMMATES KJHRGKJHKJHG
Interesting that someone is following Light specifically already
I mean not to poke too many holes in your plan Light but wouldn’t it clash with your plan to become God if you die at like 35 or smth 
“You’re already much more of a shinigami than they are” Ryuk said my friends are BORING I want to hang out with this MURDER TEEN
“I may not look it, but I’m pretty popular” Light is exactly the kind of guy who ends up in a true crime special where a bunch of people say he seemed like a nice, charismatic young man
Man this poor girl that Light brought on this date is going to be straight traumatized after this
I mean isn’t it MORE suspicious if someone dies around someone with direct ties to the police even if it’s not a heart attack
“You were indeed a brilliant FBI agent once, but now you’re my fiancée” kjhfkjhg WHAT FBI AGENTS CAN’T BE MARRIED 
“Once we have a family, you’ll be so busy that you’ll forget that you were an agent” I’m not a fan of Raye Penber 
What’s the point in killing Raye at all???? He told you he was part of a special investigation so clearly he’s not that suspicious of you
Light sure is bold to announce his Killing People Experiments in the middle of a busy sidewalk 
Incredible that consistently no one notices Light’s increasingly threatening declarations????
Fjkfkfhk these five cops finding out their Hail Mary is this strange little goblin man,,,, wow
This woman has really pushed Light to the brink just by giving a fake name, I admire her tenacity
Cops wearing fake IDs really did not age well oh boy
Wow it really took only eight episodes for L to track Light as close as one of two families
“You have a wife and daughter, right?” “I know!” I mean..... not 2 be that guy but... cops
 “To me, apples are like... Well, like cigarettes and liquor to humans” Vcvhcjhj every once in a while Ryuk says something that really tickles me
I know the word sociopath is kind of outdated but man does Light have actual interests outside of school or does he just do stuff to fill the void of his lack of interests (outside of murder)
JKHGKJHGKJHKJHG I cannot believe that this has turned into a fake classmate situation first of all 1) are you going to become friends and 2) How old are you Ryuzaki/L?
“Where is that rich kid from? And he’s even at the top of his class? What a jerk” honestly a mood
I DESPERATELY want Light’s mother or sister to overhear his evil cackling will someone finally eavesdrop on this god complex
“If I sit normally, my reasoning skills drop by 40%” weird flex but same 
Sidenote: I can’t believe how many episodes of this show I already have watched
Ngl I was VERY shook that Mr. Yagami had a heart attack. Also does Light care if his family lives or dies or is he kind of neutral on the subject? 
“If Kira is an ordinary person who gained this power, then he is a very unlucky person” Dad and L said ‘if u ARE Kira could you please stop murdering thank you <3′ 
Light really underestimated how much cops hate anyone who has killed a cop oops
Update from ten seconds later: Two people, I guess
Well this explains the girl in the short dress which serves as the Netflix thumbnail of this show I was wondering when she would show up 
Also she sounds like she’s very young? Clearly Shinigami don’t have a minimum age of informed consent when it comes to their Murder Eyes Contract 
Hahah I bet Light didn’t imagine that his petty and fucked up apple joke would bite him so quickly in the ass
Dhkjdhdkjhd Misa is so bold dropping her Death God deets in a video for anyone to see 
“The way to kill a Shinigami, is to make them fall in love with a human” does this mean that Ryuk is going to fall in love with Light or Misa? Both would make me uncomfortable
Oh wild guess Misa became a Death Note Wielder through the Power of Unreciprocated Voyeuristic Love
“Yeah, I have a girlfriend now,” said Light, after a girl contacted him through a series of anonymous video tapes implicitly vowing to be his disciple 
“No one could tell who he’s attached to if I’m with this many people” [20 seconds pass] “Found him!” HAHAHA the funniest part of this show is consistently watch Light going “got ‘em” before it immediately is revealed that he doesn’t got ‘em 
Why is Light so incredibly searchable??? I think the only way people people could find my height online is if I happened to answer it for one of those Facebook note memes in 2007 lmaoooo
“There are many places that will go and sell your personal records” ah, data breaches; a problem that has not gotten any better in the last 15 years since this anime came out
HKJHFHKJFHF Light immediately jumping into fake-dating his weird disciple in front of his mom... what is this show
“Please make me your girlfriend” OH MY GOOOOOD
This is one of the weirdest romantic dynamics I’ve seen in recent memory but you know what? Whatever, at least it’s not Anxiety and Murder
“Does that mean I’ll have to deal with her until she dies?” Light is truly exuding some Ladybird Book of Dating Energy rn: 
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The fact that to kill L all Light had to do was get an obsessive girlfriend... astounding
Beautiful that it took Misa less than a week of knowing Light to ruin his whole 15 episode game plan and also life
“I think I may be Kira” Well this show keeps taking one escalation after another this is exhausting why can’t Light just be a normal person who found it, tried it out of interest in the occult, discovered he’d committed a horrible atrocity and then went to therapy for the rest of his life only to confess to Magical Murder on his deathbed while his family goes, ‘Wow, Grandpa’s crazy’
Does L not think that keeping three different people imprisoned for days on end will lead to some psychological repercussions for him
FOR WEEKS ON END????? OH MY GOD???? The fuck L, I know two of these people are murderers but there are some minimum conditions of correctional facilities and this seems a little Stanford PE
“I will make arrangements so you and I are together 24 hours a day” call me crazy but I would not want to spend 24/7 with the man who imprisoned me for over a month while playing cruel psychological games all the while
“I’m one of those people who’ll accept Kira, I’d think of ways I could help him” Misa said Bimbo Rights
“I could never toy with a woman’s emotions like that” Light’s dating life and personality has gotten a LOT funnier since he forgot he was a murderer I kind of wish THIS could be the whole show 
Also: Nice to know Light USED to have standards of how to treat women
Honestly fair play to both L and Light they both deserved to be punched and it’s funny to see eighteen episodes of mind games culminate in punching and kicking each other in the face
“Matsuda’s being an idiot again” “Well, Matsuda is a natural at that” wghkjhgkj what has Matsuda done to any of you
"He’s punishing criminals as a front, and killing people for the benefit of this company” is Light unknowingly going to solve the murder chain he himself started... inspiring
“I was testing you” this is why Light is your only friend, L, Aizawa has kids and it’s a dick move to ask him to put his convictions before them
Poor Matsuda realizing he’s got the least to offer to their team... me in high school science labs 
I understand Aizawa’s moral crisis but why do NONE of these cops care about their wives or daughters they’re just kind of like, ‘I will provide for you but I have no interest in or fulfillment from being part of your life’ (ACAB)
Matsuda is truly about to die for being dumb and eager to help 😔 Rest in Pieces
“We must not allow Yotsuba to figure out that we are investigating them,” said L, just after it cut from Matsuda being obvious about investigating them. Oh Matsuda 😔 you’re so bad at your job 😔
MATSUDAAAAAAAA oh thank goodness; Bimbo Rights save the day
“I can’t go along with your idea, it’s wrong!” said Light, despite the fact it took him 15 seconds to get over murder the first couple of times he did it 
Staaaaaaaaay Good Light, I don’t want ur Deathnotesona I want this young man with moral convictions!!
The level of hubris it takes to answer a phone call during your secret Murder Meeting while people continue to talk about their Murder Plans is just out of this world
“If I die, you could probably become the successor to the ‘L‘ name,” said L, to the person he has been trying to catch for twenty episodes 
“I won’t say anything under any kind of torture” “Yes that’s true” Which he knows because he tortured her for six weeks!! You see that that’s fucked up, L, right? RIGHT??? RIIIIIIIIGHT? (LIIIIIIIGHT???)
Seriously not to beat a dead Shinigami but Light is so much better like this. He doesn’t want to throw people’s lives away for the investigation! He wants to protect Misa! He thinks Kira is wrong! Why does he have to be a murderer!!! Why can’t this show be about a nice young man!!!!
Wow Rem is so ride or die for Misa protecting Misa from creepy Higuchi, giving her info and telling her to trust Light, that’s love bitch
Props to Misa for getting a confession out of Higuchi after one (1) car ride 
Why do I feel like L is going to be responsible for reawakening Bad Light is it because he psychologically tortured him for six weeks? Had his dad hold him at gunpoint? Forced Misa to investigate on his behalf? Constantly and unerringly presses him on what Kira would be thinking as he’s handcuffed to him 24 hours a day? Maybe!! This is like Build-a-Bear but he’s customizing his Teen Murder Friend 
“Only Mr. Matsuda can do [the mission to lure out Higuchi!Kira]” Death Note really said the Himbos, Herbos and Thembos shall inherit the Earth 
They keep saying they don’t know how he kills but it seems pretty obvious that he writes down their names to kill, they literally saw him do it
I really don’t want any of the investigation team to die but things are not looking hot :(
“Ryuzaki, I never knew you could fly a helicopter” “It’s just intuition” what does that MEAN
“Those aren’t allowed in Japan,” said Light, about a gun, as if he had not killed probably thousands of people without one 
In spite of this fact I really do want Good Light to stay 😔 Why! Can’t! This! Show! Be! About! A! Nice! Young! Man!
Also they really are playing into this father-and-son duo I will be very sad when the dad inevitably dies as I’m sure he will 
Family side note: I’ve been wondering this since the prison ep but where do Light’s mom and sister think he IS now that he’s dropped out of first year uni to be a teen criminal investigator handcuffed to a maladjusted homebody private eye
AIZAWAAA and also the other two guys I guess there was a plot relevant reason for him to rejoin the police huh
Well what a clean ending to this Kira arc. No one died and the killer was caught! Yikes that the next ep is called ‘Revival’ tho 😔 Rest in pieces Good Light
Also a new and very threatening intro???? What happened to the Twilight Apple Hands 
BOOOO I knew Light would get his memory back but I was hoping it would at least fuck him up for a while he sorted out his two personas but I guess all roads eventually lead to Bad Light 
Full disclosure I stopped watching for a few days just after Light got his memory back and let me tell u coming back later hasn’t made it any more tolerable I am truly not built for this EUGH
“Do you really want to halve your life a second time” “Well, that can’t be helped” REALLY???? CAN’T IT BE HELPED MISA??? WHY ARE YOU AND LIGHT SO CRAZY
Oh I guess we’re back to Light saying incredibly suspicious things right near the investigators lmao what if those cameras secretly had audio or you know, L simply knew how to read lips 
“Misa, let’s make a new world together” Remember a bunch of episodes ago when Good Light was all ‘I could never toy with a woman’s emotions’?? What was the reason!!!
“Have you ever told the truth at any point in your entire life” L cutting straight to the core lmao (also the answer is obviously ‘no’)
This show has taken a jarring tonal shift why are they having a post-rain-confrontation massage and towelling each other off this is a level of intimacy I was not prepared for I NEED PEOPLE TOOK LOOK AT THIS:
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I guess L knew he was forcing Rem’s hand to kill him if he disproved the rules written in the book?? But to what end omg how does this help anyone 
“In April 2012, Light Yagami, age 23, joins the National Police Agency” should’ve known we’d land here eventually (ACAB)
Ah, I see another person who doesn’t know how to sit, clearly they will inherit the L title next lmao
Update from the first few mins of the next ep: “Near should succeed L” told you
“There’s no way I’m letting Sayu marry a detective” ahjfkhkjf he’s a little old for her I think but it wouldn’t be the worst thing this show has done romantically lmao; maybe Sayu would get to investigate her brother
“I might’ve considered going out with you, if you were a little younger” HA GOOD FOR HER
“[...] the Japanese police are unreliable. In order to solve this case, we want you to hand over the notebook to our country.” Of all the Japanese-speaking Americans in this show, this is the most accurate jkhfkhf the US government really is Like That 
Ah, so that’s where Mello’s gone, oh how the turn tables 
Also way to sell your subordinates out immediately, NPA Director, will you give them the Kira task force’s home addresses too
The real question is if Light actually cares about his sister enough to prioritize her over the notebook
“Call me... N” Oh my good L... M(ello)... N(ear)... Oooooooooooooooo
It’s my saving grace that I only need to get through 9 more eps but as always I must wonder where this is going will Light just die and end up in Shinigami purgatory while the people who knew him after the fact go, ‘hey, that guy was fucked up’
“If things get bad, I’ll have to kill Sayu” well I guess that answers that question, my expectations of Light are so low and yet he continues to find new ways to be awful
Good for Mr. Yagami and Sayu for getting out of that alive I guess but hoo boy I think this is going to have some psychological repercussions for both of them 
Uh oh this episode is called ‘Father’ I’ve been dreading this one bc I think that means Mr. Yagami is about to die 😭😭😭
“It was an institution for brilliant children, to raise them to become L‘s successor” okay calm down Professor Xatari that’s not what children are for lmao 
Well I guess it’s a lot easier to track down info about these two guys than it was to figure out L lmao
HAHAHA Sidoh haunting Ryuk to ask for his stuff is a fun addition to this madness  
“He’s scary for a human” jkhhfjh how unhinged does Mello have to be to threaten a literal Shinigami 
I truly don’t understand the logistics of how they revealed Ryuk to the police force isn’t the second Kira notebook supposed to belong to Actual Kira, in the police force’s eyes????? I do not understand how Light can just turn up with another notebook and everyone’s like ‘sure cool’ did I miss something 
Mr. Yagami killed for being unable to take human life ugh this is the worst 
Neither Mello nor Near seem overly concerned with the lives of people around them does being a Super Genius Investigator also mean you have to be a dick (is this Benadryl Coddleswab Sherlock syndrome)
Lmaooo genuinely love how it’s constantly apparent that Light is the least smart of all of the smart people Light spent five years working on his reputation and it took Near one (1) phone call to destroy it 
Ghjkhgkhgkgjh Light outsmarted by Near yet again never think people will prioritize principles over money
Lol yeah Aizawa needn’t have given a name after he said the “Deputy Director Yagami would kill Kira and then himself” thing, you don’t do that just for anyone who was he fooling 
How does Light keep track of all the renunciations and notebooks bc I certainly can’t 
Ffhkfjhfj Mikami truly looks like the son of L and Light it’s like Light missed him and was like, “Miss u boo :( (even tho I kinda killed u) I’ll adopt An Evil 27-year-old in ur honour :)”
Is Mikami’s story really, ‘I got bullied in high school and have mommy issues so now I think people I don’t like should die’ ok Shonen Snape 
“I just want you to meet with me and hear me out” Light really proving to Aizawa that he can lie AND manipulate people’s feelings 
“The truth is, she’s not smart enough to be my partner” first of all Light I think this show has proven you’re not that smart, and Misa’s Herbo Energy is effervescent and will outlast you, and third of all go to jail
“He’ll look suspicious if he doesn’t say something soon” “Ide, have you ever been in love” Matsuda continues to be the only good part of this show
“You’re the only man I’ve ever respected and admired in my life” GET SOME THERAPY KIYOMI
“You’re going to be the goddess of the new world” so it’s not enough for Light to be a murderer he must also be a cheater
Lmao Near’s powers of perception do seem a little B/BC S/herlock because L tried for literally months to work out the possibilities and Near is just like ‘I KNOW IT NOW’
“The only thing I can deduce from this is that Light Yagami is popular with the ladies” HEAVEN KNOWS WHY (PUN NOT INTENDED)
Every moment Aizawa gets closer to proving Light is Kira is another step closer to death 😔
“This is definitely Mikami’s handwriting” Not to be a know-it-all, Near, but handwriting analysis has been proven faulty many times in multiple courts of law
This truly is a game of Cat and Cat. All these hidden plans give me a headache fkjhkfjh call me Misa-Misa and spin me sideways I don’t have the braincells to spare
Well this is definitely some kind of s*xual assault absolutely fucking hate it wow this show truly just drains the life out of you 
“Matt, I never thought you would be killed” why wouldn’t you think that at this point anyone who comes close to this investigation eventually dies (also wjkhkjhgk why is Matt special didn’t you kill all those thugs you had before -- Mello said ‘the lives of my allies are only important if they are drawn in handsome protag style’) 
As of yet I haven’t really talked about Near’s wild toymaking but hoo boy is that L finger puppet something to observe
“Everyone who knows about the existence of the notebook will die” I’m still pulling for their survival, particularly Matsuda (himbo rights!!!)
Imagine if they just shot Light Yagami on sight how ironic would that conclusion to all these mind games be 
“I’m waiting, for the one who will solve everything, to arrive” Lmao if it turns out L is alive I’ll pee laughing this show is so fucking stupid 
Take a shot every time there is a Humpty-Dumpty-in-Puss-in-Boots style explanation about how everything actually happened
“I’ve won, Near” I bet/hope what gets Light caught is his inability to hold in his hubris for one (1) minute
Although the last episode is called New World, in which case maybe he wins in a very weird ending to a very weird show
Sjkfhkjhfkhfkjhf well I guess what gets Light caught is that the person he invited to be his murderous disciple keeps calling him God
“A second ago, you said ‘I win.’ That’s as good a confession as any” HA hubris strikes again also bold of Aizawa to clap Light on the shoulder knowing he is a mass murderer
Ohhh Matsuda he’s so nice and believed the best of Light :((((((((((((
Watching Light become increasingly desperate and crazed is very uncomfortable give it up dude u’ve been beat (though I suppose there is time for everyone here to be murdered still lmao)
Yeah I figured if one of them was gonna shoot it would be Matsuda :( :( Good for him for not killing Light tho!!
Huh I guess that’s the end of the show I thought Light would die but I did think we’d at least get to see him in Shinigami Purgatory or smth... what a wild ride. This certainly was a show.
27 notes · View notes
whateveralice-123 · 4 years
Deathnote - Mu Chapter One lxlight 18+
L lay on the cold floor.
The room was dark, but you could see dim light around him, it was visible enough for him to make out a person in the darkness. The stranger slouched in his chair and sighed heavily. A glimmer of light shined faintly revealing the man's biker style clothing: red jacket, jeans, and leather boots but his face was shrouded with darkness. L could just about see his mundane expression as he got up from the floor peering closer. The man sat on his chair with his fist brought up to his chin appearing quite tired. He shifted his head lazily to the left surprised as he had not expected someone to be right in front of him especially not L of all people.
Leaning forward he stared at the peculiar man he used to know. The disbelief clouded his judgement and like that his eyes widened, and his jaw dropped. He simply could not believe what he was seeing; it had been his belief since day one that he would never see another human again. Yet here was the strange individual that he had not seen for years, 5 years in fact. He knew if it were not for their strong rivalry and his unique looks, L's face would have been forgotten completely.
"L... Are you real? " he stuttered lifting slightly from his seat as if he were seeing a mirage.
"Hello Kira-Kun," L answered avoiding his question whilst smiling. Light was puzzled and this pleased L greatly. He could not remember the last time he saw Light look this way.
"So, this is the place of nothingness," he added, looking around the desolate space. The room seemed to go on and on, clouded in complete blackness. Besides the one chair Light was sitting on as well as the side table with its vintage lamp which gave enough light to see one another it was a wasteland. L thought that though it appeared menacing in the dark with the little setup Light had it would be quite peaceful to relax and perhaps read a book. Or at least as peaceful as it could be here.
"It's pretty bland" Light stated nervously. Taking a deep breath he pointed to a replica of a chair that appeared in front of him.
L looked amazed, how was that possible, he was sure it was not there a second ago. No, he knew it was not there before.
"Please sit," Light said gesturing with his hands for the dark-haired detective to crouch in his seat, in the odd way he was known for doing.
"Kira-Kun please sit also," Light sat back down returning to his nonchalant behaviour. "Here I thought the justice driven L would end up in heaven but here you are" Light stated with a questioning look.
"Oh, don't act so sad about it am I really that bad?" L asked. "If you must know I wrote my name down before the Shinigami did, this made her efforts to kill me futile... I would also like to tell you that I did not appreciate that creepy smile Kira-Kun gave me," L exclaimed making Light roll his eyes. It had been so long since Light had seen him, yet he appreciated that the detective was still the same.
"You never change, do you? He chuckled lightly but L found it far from funny.
"You know I'm waiting, Kira-Kun," he says tapping his finger on the edge of the armrest. Light looked at him blankly
"For what?" he asked receiving a tired expression. The younger of the two sighed and took a large breath preparing himself to admit his defeat. "You were right as always I was Kira," Light answered.
"And" L moves his wrist for him to continue. Light raises an eyebrow and sighs again.
"You outsmarted me and survived... But then again you also died so we can hardly call that winning, can we? " he finishes, L opens his mouth to speak but Light shuts it as a Deathnote sits in his hand. "Hmm let's see here," Light flicks the pages to get to L's real name but before he could reach the end L grabs it. "How did you get this I destroyed it?" L asked concerned
"Oh, calm down I manifested it and it doesn't even take effect in here," Light explains.
L was well and truly stumped. He had to admit he never thought he would see Light again or anyone. L had felt miserable. The detective had had a shitty day he remembered he was counting the minute, dreading the thought of dying. He had expected that he would be briefly be alive and then dead, he would no longer exist. L believed he had seen everything in life, nothing ever confused him and he found no true excitement, no mystery could not be solved but ever since he met Light this had changed. He knew that from here on out it would only get stranger after all he was no longer in the real world anymore.
"Manifested?" he questioned squinting his eyes at the brunette, Light then placed two cups of hot tea on the table. He adds two sugars for himself and stops before asking
"It was 6 wasn't it?" he asked, L nodded astonished at the sight in front of him.
Light adds the sugar to the tea moving it toward his guest before taking a sip of his own. "I never knew how you could drink that. Isn't it all sludgy?" L became wide-eyed at Light's interest, he had never really commented on his behaviour all that much, it seemed funny that now he would question his actions.
"Would Light-Kun like to try?" Light gave the cup a pondering glance before looking back at L nodding. He takes the cup savouring the warmth with his hands.
"What happened to you calling me Kira-Kun?" Light asked.
"What? Would you prefer me to call you that?"
Light just shrugs the suggestion "Lights fine," he adds taking a sip and cringing at the so-called tea before passing it back to the amused L.
"I also favour Light to Kira, Light... was a friend to me,"
Light's cup slipped slightly from his finger making a loud clank, fortunately, it was not shattered to bits. Light was startled as he tried to steady his cup, he was looking at L as though he was speaking another language. It had been his sneaking suspicious the first time L had said that, that it was a farce, a ploy to intimidate or guilt him.
"You actually... like me? " Light asks sitting far back into his chair surprised.
"Of course, Light-Kun I liked you. Why didn't a tiny bit of you like me?" L asks amused.
"Well yes, Ryu... L... Well, I'll be honest I didn't like you one bit," He said whilst watching L's expression not change. "But thinking back now I have to admit there was something very endearing about you"
Light could remember all the moments where they would purposely annoy the living hell out of each other. It was only natural he thought, they both had such a strong character. He felt a bittersweet feeling in his stomach, he had never had such a strong interaction with anyone in his whole life. This was before he had met the infuriating detective and he remembered how he wished to squish him under his shoe. No one had ever gotten on Light nerves as much as he had. But his distaste toward L was all in the past and he knew that he deserved to be here. He didn't fault his own beliefs of killing those who deserved it but there were ever so many people caught involved that he had murdered in the process. Biting his lip, he continued to lose track of the man in front of him. This realization abruptly occurred in his mind as he awoke from his thoughts embarrassed that he was so caught up in his head. "Um, Ryuzaki... "
L looked at Light concerned before placing his finger under his chin raising his head up to face him. "It's Lawliet," L says smiling gently, knowing there was nothing to fear anymore. Light looked confused before he smiled cheekily
"Well really L? How in the hell would I have guessed that? " Light said chuckling.
"Oh, I'm sorry, would you have liked me to serve it up on a gold platter?" L says giving Light's notebook back. "Well now that you mention it," he says shielding himself before getting a playful hit on the arm. They both exchanged a smile and then L remembered the memento he had obtained.
"Oh here Light-Kun," he says removing the watch from his wrist and placing it in front of Light "Is that my …" Light starts. "Well now L, I never would have taken you as a grave robber," he says grinning.
"It's hardly stealing more like inherited," L stated. "I'm only sorry that I never repaired it," L exclaims feeling a strange sense of guilt, not only did the watch have a crack but it had also stopped ticking, simply frozen in time.
"Are you sure about that? It seems to be working just fine" Light asks. L leaned forward wide-eyed.
"Did you do that?" L asks pointing to Light receiving a cheeky expression. Light redirects his hand to the startled detective. Leaving L confused, he skimmed through the notebook "Ahh here it is L Lawliet. You wrote ... Will die quietly 23 days after Light Yagami's death." Light gave a scrawl towards L before sighing heavily. "It has only been 23 days since I died huh, feels like a billion," he says with a bored expression on his face.
"You know Kira-Kun when I think about it, I'm pretty annoyed at you. You are the reason we are stuck here in the first place. Not only that Watari is dead because of you," L states coldly. It had taken that self-absorbed expression on Light's face to remember this man was not truly his friend. How could you even consider him to be a friend for even a second, he questioned.
Light looked down again for the second time. Swallowing loudly, he scratched the back of his neck giving L an anxious look "I really don't know what to say... I fucked up I don't even know how it even got to this point." He exclaimed refusing to look at L.
"At first, when the Death Note fell to the ground, I used it to kill bad people. It was something that made me feel like I was making a difference. I couldn't stand seeing these people doing such disgusting things and always getting away with it. I remember my father coming home every night looking older and older after witnessing all these horrible cases. I remember the dread on his face sometimes when he had to go in. Although he wouldn't admit it, my father is... my father was proud and wouldn't have let anyone know how he truly felt. I knew exactly what the punishments were going to be. All those cases where they were let off or got it too easy, it was sickening. I had grown tired of seeing good people suffer whilst evil people lived, waiting to be released to only continue to be cruel. It was truly disgusting. The legal system did not make it better, releasing rotten people for good behaviour when those bad people didn't have the balls to behave badly. Then there was those who faked good behaviour to get out sooner. It was truly repulsive to watch!" Kira growled, feeling all of his rage resurface.
He had spent many days trying to get rid of these feelings. God knows he had tried ever since he was little to accept the fact there were bad people. But let's face it even from the beginning before he had tested the notebook's power, he was intrigued at the idea that it could actually work. In fact, he needed it to work.
Light had been damn near perfect at everything, but he had lost his sense of joy for relishing over his own achievements. But being Kira was different. He found that he would gladly kill for himself. This was for him; this was something that meant something to him! Not to his parents or "friends". Not to those girls that would count all his achievements as reasons why Light was the perfect package for them. He had found something that was important, something that made him feel alive, that brought peace of mind. But the last shred of his humanity died when he killed L. Lind Taylor, it was then that he murdered a man he believed to be innocent. He believed it was L and he remembered the anger he felt when the man had called him "evil" the anger was too much for him to bear and that's when he had thrown away his morals completely. He had not only ruined himself, but he was responsible for killing those who didn't deserve it, he had gotten his father killed, his sister kidnapped and sent to a psychiatric hospital and this, of course, hurt his mother, the woman who had only supported him and was proud of him. The guilt that he had swallowed, starting to come up his throat and he felt it choking him.
He breathed in slowly gaining composure "But that is no excuse to harm you or Watari and I know it's not much but I'm truly sorry," Light sorrowfully said feeling his guilt rest in his stomach. L looked at him blankly he could see the emotions registering on Light's face. He practically saw the words and thoughts Light had, he knew that Light was in pain, broken and was swimming in guilt. He always wondered when Light would sink, after all he had done so much wrong. He knew he must have been in a numb state of repression, but he knew Light had never let himself feel. Since he had met him, Light appeared to always be in fight or flight mode. Everything he said and did was done for the purpose of survival, he never slipped up, he never let himself show any emotions. L could not help but relate to Light. L had been solving crimes for years and from working on cases he knew they were far from rejoiceful. It had been sickening at times and he knew that it brought him in terrible states as well as contributed to his insomnia. He could not fault Light's feelings. L felt his anger dissolve and his desire to make Light feel better grew.
"Forget it Light-Kun, it is all in the past, "L says gently. Light raised his head as if to say something but found himself apologetically smiling. "Now Light-Kun I wish to know more about manifesting. Show me how to do it, I wish for something sweet,"
"Okay I'll try and help you," he said sitting up. "Close your eyes. Now think of the thing you want. Now imagine it is with you let your senses become involved, smell it, taste it. Now believe it is here... Did you want a smartie?" L opens his eyes to see a singular sweet.
"Hmm... only one," L scowls. Before picking it up and eating it, tsking. L looked irritated, he had wanted a bowl of them, and here he was with one. It wasn't the fact that L had only managed to get one that was annoying, it was the tired feeling that came with manifesting it. Light couldn't bear seeing L scrawl, it had made him think L was behaving cute, which would certainly not do.
"Dear Lord. Stop pouting. You've made one, didn't you? You'll get better with practice, as well as rest," Light states feeling warmth grow in his cheeks.
"Kira-Kun is very testy right now, is it that he thinks of my unsuccessful attempt as a reminder of his own failure?" L says smiling, to this Light does something L never expected he would do. Light had turned to him and stuck his tongue out
"Isn't that a little immature? " L laughs.
"Perhaps," Light says throwing a smartie at L
"Now Light-Kun no throwing," Light grins evilly
"I thought you wanted smarties," he asks making a bunch rain on top of L before bursting out laughing. L sits there stunned before retrieving the sweets and eating them "That was very naughty Light-Kun," L exclaimed waging his finger in front of Light. Before drenching cold water all over Light grinning at his triumph.
"Ughh, really L really!" he says feeling cold.
"Light-Kun should wear something else before he freezes to death" Light chuckles at him "Sorry L but we're already dead can't get any deader," he says starting to remove his clothes. "Can't Light-Kun make more appear on his body instead of changing?" L asks "Why? Does me undressing make you uncomfortable?" Light asks teasingly.
"No of course not I just wish to know," he answered closing his eyes and turning slightly to the side with a blush on his face. Light smiled "I have to remove my clothes to manifest new ones" he answers.
"You know you don't have to watch me I'm not your Kira suspect anymore," Light says almost singing it. L freezes before looking away realizing what he had been doing. Ha Light thought. "All finished," he adds. Turning to L's flushed face smiling to himself. Why was he so cute when he blushes Light questioned.
"You know L even though you're a stubborn pest, I kind of like you being around," Light said surprising himself. Did I really say that? He asked himself looking back up to L noticing his expression.
The look on L's face showed he was touched. Never had anyone said anything so nice to him. From hearing other people's opinions on him he could say their opinions had been more than unsatisfactory. He recalled Naomi Misora and what she had told him a couple of months before the Kira case. He remembered asking about his double Beyond Birthday, he was only curious. Beyond was a man that looked so incredibly similar to him. His actions, his quirks, and even the way he spoke were close to identical. To this question he had gotten the most critical and heart-wrenching answer that he had ever heard.
"Creepy and pathetic... if we divided everyone in the world into those that would be better off dead and those that wouldn't there's no doubt in my mind that he'd be the former. Such a complete freak that it amazes me he hasn't killed himself," Stated Misora.
It had made L feel inadequate and useless as if he were nothing. But here stood Light gleaming at him and complimenting him. He held his gaze at Light before rising from his seat embracing him. Light was frozen, but he soon regained control of his arms and hugged L back smelling the sweet scent in L's hair. Coconut? What an intoxicating smell he thought. Smelling his hair much deeper this time he found himself wanting to play with it. L's grip slightly tightened he had never really been the hugging type but the way he felt inside he knew he had missed out all those years. All that time staying alone but at this moment he had been struck by Lights words. Why? They weren't particularly sweet words.
"You know L even though you're a stubborn pest, I actually kind of like you being around". It was then he felt Light's fingers moving up towards his neck. "Light..." he started feeling Light's soft lips kiss his forehead. It had happened so fast L had wondered whether he had imagined it. L felt the chair distort and transform into a soft couch under him. Light moved the detective back, tracing his finger softly down his cheek. L felt a shiver along his spine as his head started to cloud over. Looking into Light's eyes he could see that they were clouded with something he had never seen before.
Hope you enjoyed please let me know ❤️
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Matsuda’s Gift Exchange
From: @s-w-o-l-o
To: @memekami
Prompt: Matsuda organizing a gift exchange 
Word count: 1982 
Touta Matsuda blinked. “What?”
Shuichi Aizawa’s eyes never left his monitor. “You heard me, Matsuda.” 
Matusda frowned. Not surprised, but I didn’t expect such a short response. 
“Come onnn, Aizawa, this can raise the morale of the team!” 
“No.” Aizawa’s perpetually stern expression was unchanged. 
“It’s festive.”
Aizawa frowned. “Since when do you celebrate Christmas?” 
Matsuda shrugged his shoulders. “Since I saw online this thing the American’s call…dirty Santa?”
Aizawa’s typing stopped. “Is this a porn thing?”
Matsuda’s face reddened. “N-no! It’s a gift exchange. 
Aizawa paused what he was doing to finally give Matsuda a sideways glance. “What kind of gifts?”
Matsuda gave another hapless shrug. “Anything really! It’s really fun, everyone gets a gift, then we sit around and each chooses one randomly.”
Aizawa exhaled slowly. “I’ve barely got the time or money to buy my kids gifts, much less one for you guys.” 
“It’s nothing big! Maybe two to four hundred yen?” 
Aizawa frowned. “You really want to do this? Why?”
Matsuda let out a sigh, leaning back to his chair. “I don’t know sir…We’ve all just been working our asses off. More So lately than in the last five years, and…” He leaned forward and dropped his voice to a whisper, though they were the only two in the room. “The team needs this after what happened to the Chief.” 
Silence fell between the two as suddenly they tried everything in their power to avoid eye contact. It had only been a handful of weeks since Soichiro Yagami’s sudden passing following the team’s raid on the hideout of the terrorist only known as “Mello” and his allies from the American mafia. Father of fellow member Light Yagami, Soichiro commanded the respect of his subordinates- not only respect for his position but also for his character. The man had embodied honor, and his absence was felt heavily by the whole team. 
Aizawa shook his head. “Look…” He turned to Matsuda. “If you can get everyone- everyone- on board with this, and you set up a place and time.” He couldn’t believe he was saying this. “Then I’ll agree to this gift exchange of yours.” 
Matsuda was stunned. “Thank you sir!” He moved to hug Aizawa but was hastily pushed back into his chair. “Glad to see you’re feeling the Christmas spirit!” Matsuda gave him a wink. 
Aizawa tried to fight his grinning, jamming a thumb towards the door. “Its getting late, get home, you moron.” 
With glee Matsuda closed before him. Aizawa was always going to be the most difficult to convince. With him on my side, the others should go along easily! As if by fate, at the end of the hall Matsuda spotted his colleagues Hideki Ide and Kanzo Mogi, chatting with each other. 
“Ide! Mogi!” Matsuda shouted, sprinting down the hallway, waving the two down. He could already tell Ide had a disgusted look on his face, while Mogi stared with the same unreadable expression as always. 
“Stop running in the halls, Matsuda, we’ve been over this.” Ide chided. “The floor below us is going to complain again.” 
“Sorry! I just had to talk to both of you before you went home.”
Ide grimaced. “What is it?” 
Matsuda gulped. Ide was never one to hide his distaste for him- even all the way back to five years ago when they first started working together, and since Ide had rejoined the investigation…nothing much had changed. Observing the man’s already annoyed expression, Matsuda knew he was already on the losing end of the ensuing discussion. Taking a deep breath, he began his pitch with renewed confidence. 
“We’ve been through alot these last few months, wouldn’t you two agree?” Ide and Mogi gave each other confused sideways glances, and nodded slowly. 
“I was just talking with Aizawa, and I thought it was a great idea for us to have a gift exchange!”
Ide raised an eyebrow. “A what exchange?” 
“A gift exchange! For Christmas!”
Ide put a hand over his face. “Ridiculous…” He halfway muttered. 
Matsuda pursed his lips. “Aizawa thought it was a good idea-”
“He probably said that to appease you,” Ide’s hand slipped away to reveal disappointed features. “We don’t have the time.” “The time? We’ve been chasing Kira for five years! A night to ourselves wouldn’t hurt!” 
Ide gritted his teeth. “It’s pointless!”
“It’s not!” Matsuda gave Mogi and imploring look. For once, the giant seemed flustered, looking back and forth between the glaring Ide and Matsuda. Finally, he raised a hand to speak. 
“It’s a nice gesture, Matsuda, but Ide’s right. With the chief gone, the work has increased for all of us, and with Mello now to contend with, every night must be devoted in finding him.” Mogi spoke with a calmness, and Matsuda could tell from his eyes that he was speaking truthfully, and not just to brush him off. 
Matsuda stared sadly at his feet. “I guess you’re right..” He put a hand in his pocket and crossed his fingers tightly. Mogi gave Ide a disapproving look and an elbow jab in the ribs. Ide cursed him under his breath and looked back to Matsuda. 
“Hey, stop moping.” Ide drew a deep breath. “What would this gift exchange entail?” 
Matsuda beamed. “We would each draw a name, get a small gift we think that person would like, and then get all together at a restaurant or someone’s home to exchange!” He looked earnestly at both of them. 
Mogi looked to Ide. “It’s harmless, really.”
Ide opened his mouth to object but received another glare from Mogi. From the disapproval of him and the eagerness of Matsuda, Ide finally caved. Rubbing his temples, he simply gave a slow nod.
“Yes!” Matsuda took them both by surprise by wrapping an arm about both and embracing the two. “You’ve made my day.”
“What’s this?” The three froze in place at the voice of none other than Light Yagami coming from behind them. Ide practically threw Matsuda to the floor trying to get him off as the three tried to regain their composure in Light’s presence. 
“N-nothing!” Ide’s voice cracked. He and Mogi gave each other a nervous glance. Any interaction with Light outside of official investigation work was a rarity, and even after five years the team truly never knew how to react to his presence. Light for his part gave the same smile he ever did. Matsuda always thought Light’s smile, though it looked friendly, always had a certain chilling nature about it. Despite his smile, his eyes were always intense- he almost looked to be dissecting any person he looked upon.
“Hey Mogi,” Ide gave him a quick pat on the back. “Thanks for the offer to drive me home!” He gave a completely unsubtle head to the stairway exiting the hall and Mogi was quick to pick up on his hints.
“Of course! You’re very welcome.” Mogi gave an unconvincing performance. The two gave their goodbyes and quickly departed, leaving Matsuda alone with Light. The latter turned and gave Matuda that same lifeless look he had given his subordinate a thousand times before. He stayed quiet, almost daring Matsuda to speak first. 
“Ah…Light, what luck.” Matsuda played with his hands. “I was just hoping I’d run into you before you went home.”
Light’s smile endured. “Yes, Matsuda? I haven’t long, so make it brief.”
Matsuda’s words fumbled. “I was talking it over with the others, and I had an idea for a team building- yes! A team building activity!” 
Light cocked his head. “What would this activity be?” 
“A gift exchange! I saw online how the Americans do it! We still have time before Christmas!”
Light blinked. “What?” 
“I think the Americans call it dirty Santa…or White Christmas…or…something with an elephant?” Matsuda’s mind was starting to wander. 
“Stop, stop.” Light raised a hand. “A gift exchange? Why would we partake in such a thing?” 
“Well you see, I know the whole team has been down since…” Matsuda took a deep breath. “Since your father’s passing. I believe something like this can-”
“Stop.” Light didn’t have to raise a hand this time, as Matsuda choked on his last words. “Who has expressed any such feeling since his death?”
Matsuda raised an eyebrow. How could he talk so nonchalant about his own dead father?
“No one, Light, I just have a knack for feeling this sort of thing. I think we would all enjoy a little distraction from everything that’s been going on, and I know your father would want us to-.”
“Now I want you to just stop talking entirely.” Straighten his tie. “I find it offensive that you dare to even assume what my father would want when you barely knew the man, and then you try to explain to me, his son, how he would feel.” Matsuda felt dead inside, but he knew Light had only just begun. “You also insult my father by implying he would condone this frivolous garbage, and not only is it pointless, but it distracts from our goal.” He seemed to loom over Matsuda as he spoke these next words. “Now, if you want to spend all of your time planning ridiculous social events, I can easily have you transferred to a more…blithe department.” 
Kira, kill me now. Just so I wouldn’t have to be here any longer. Matsuda gave a weak nod.
“My apologies, Light, I spoke out of turn and without regard. I won’t let such distractions interfere with my work again.” 
Light placed a hand on his shoulder. The grip was harder than Light was letting on. “Thank you, Matsuda, I’m glad you understand.” After an eternity, he released his hand. “Now if you excuse me, I must be heading home.” 
Days later, Matsuda’s mood hadn’t improved in the slightest. He avoided Light as much as he could, and even the other three sensed that something had gone down between the two. Where Matsuda would usually hang around the investigation headquarters to chat with the team, now he was leaving as quickly as possible. All to avoid another unpleasant encounter with Light. 
A week after the confrontation, Matsuda noted that Aizawa and the others had packed their things and had left before him.
As he made his way onto the parking lot, in the ebbing sunlight he spotted three figures huddled around his convertible. He quickly realized as he drew closer that it was Aizawa, Mogi, and Ide. 
“You guys…?” 
Aizawa turned to him. “Matsuda!” He raised out a hand, clutching a small, wrapped box. 
Matsuda’s eyes widened as he realized what he held, and he noticed that the others held identical gifts as well. 
Aizawa noticed his confused glances. “We thought about it, and we decided your idea was a good one after all.”
“But Light-”
“What Light doesn’t know won’t hurt him.” Mogi spoke.
Ide sighed. “Now do you have your gift or not? Our reservations are in half an hour.”
Matsuda couldn’t believe it. “Reservations!?”
Aizawa smiled. “Yeah, Mogi here got us a table at that fancy ramen place, Ichiraku.”
“That’s incredible!” Matsuda was beaming. “My gift has been in the car for weeks, I was actually going to throw it out tonight.”
“Well, good thing you didn’t!” Aizawa laughed. “Now, you’re driving.”
“Ah hell, Matsuda is a terrible driver!” Ide complained. 
“Stop complaining and get in, Ide,” Mogi gave him a slap on the back of neck.
“Thanks for this guys” Matsuda said as he got into the car. “I really…” Aizawa noticed the heaviness that overcame him.
“Don’t sweat it, Matsuda, just drive. I’m starving!”
Matsuda smiled. Soon the four were on their way “Hey guys! I almost forgot, I burned a CD of some Christmas music. There’s a really good one on here, its called…What I want- No! All I want for Christmas!”
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dutchforstrangers · 3 years
Digiweek day 3 - Music | Shades of red; a Taikoura fanfiction
Chapter 3/7. Candy cane red
Chapters [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] 
AN!: Yes, I wrote a Christmas fic in the middle of summer. So get cozy, place yourself in front of a random pine tree, put on an ugly Christmas sweater and get yourself some ‘glühwein’ and ‘kerstkransjes’. Happy readings!
Characters: Taichi Yagami (Hikari Yagami, Koushiro Izumi & Sora Takenouchi and other Adventure and 02 DigiDestineds in background) Genre: Romance, songfic (Chirstmas!) Rating: K Wordcount: 1.568
Song used: Wrapped in red - Kelly Clarkson
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Art by Sanni @seventeenlovesthree
“Do we have to go?” Taichi sighed, slouching further into the couch. From where he sat he could see his baby sister rolling her eyes, simultaneously packing up the pie she made earlier today to bring to the party.
“Don’t be such an indifferent baby,” Hikari said, her eyes now directed to him. “It’ll be fun! I know you’re dying to see everyone together. Daisuke made some special ramen for us, Mimi-san spends this Christmas in Japan for the first time since three years, even Jyou-senpai and Iori-kun could take off from their busy work schedules.”
Hikari was right, he wanted to see everyone, especially together which was something very rare. Taichi tried to think back to the last time all of them were together, but it was hard. Meanwhile Hikari continued her enumeration, saying they should be prepared for Miyako and Ken showing off Miyako’s little baby bump. They would be the first ones to have a baby and Taichi suddenly felt old.
“Of course Sora-san and Koushiro-san will be there too.”
Taichi felt his face heating up hearing those names, immediately sitting up straight, his throat dry. Hikari’s suspicious gaze made Taichi feel even more uncomfortable as he swallowed trying to get back his cool.
“You forgot the blondes,” he quickly covered up his nervosity to which Hikari responded with nervosity of her own. Now they were even. However unlike Taichi, Hikari managed to keep her cool.
“I don’t have to mention them, because they obviously will be there as the party is hosted by Takeru.” her calm voice replied to him. “And of course he will drag Yamato-san with him just like I have to drag you with me. Kami, why do you two always have to be so stubborn and indifferent while both of you love to have the group complete?”
“No I love to have the group complete while Yamato just pretends to love it, when in reality he just wants to be alone with his guitar.” Taichi countered.
“You sure about that?” Though the counter was short lived. “Because Takeru told me he is bringing a girl. And you know, it’s Christmas... we’re at Takeru’s place... meaning there will be one or two mistletoes...” Hikari shyly smiled, a pink blush on her cheeks. Taichi sighed, standing up from the couch now having two good reasons to go to the party. One to see Yamato trying to act all cool but miserably failing being all nervous around the girl he would bring. And two to keep an eye on his sister, Takeru and the mentioned mistletoes.
Or maybe he had three reasons. After all, Sora and Koushiro would be there too…
Takeru’s Christmas party was a blast and Taichi had to admit he had a good time eating with everyone, catching up and seeing everyone all happy together. Not to mention that the booze was lifting up his mood. Also, luckily for him Takeru hadn’t decorated the place with mistletoes but instead everywhere were candy canes. The ricocheting light shining on the candy canes turning the room slightly red.
Taichi looked over to Sora and Koushiro who were in deep conversation with Mimi and Jyou. Their red colored hair fading because of the red shade filling up the room. Nonetheless they looked stunning to him, Koushiro dressed in a simple black trousers topped of with a forest green blouse and Sora in a stylish indigo colored cocktail dress. He dreamily smiled to himself enjoying the sight in front of him, the confusing romantic feelings he experienced during the past months coming all back to him at once. His heart speeding up by the thought of a possible confession.
He had thought about it for a while now, feeling like he had to confess his feelings someday. But it was complicated, he had no idea how to do it and, most important, he didn’t want to ruin his friendship with the both them. Besides, how did one confess his feelings towards two people at the same time? He could feel his head spin as he gathered all the courage inside of him.
Yamato interrupted his plans, taking a seat next to him. Not wanting or able to ignore him, Taichi shifted his attention from Koushiro and Sora to the blonde, giving Yamato a questioning look. Their friendship was either a stormy one or a quiet one and right now it leaned more towards the quiet friendship, because the only thing Yamato did was nodding a single nod in the direction of the improvised stage where his date picked up the microphone of the karaoke set.
Everyone in the room immediately grew quiet, just like Taichi had done, shifting their attention to the girl with the microphone. She told everyone she had played in a band, which didn’t surprise Taichi knowing Yamato’s type, and that she wanted to kick off the karaoke part of the night. He glanced over to Yamato -who looked a tad embarrassed- to gave him an approving nod. Making himself comfortable he leaned back in his chair, music accompanying the red light painting the room.
Everybody's happy Snow is falling down Prayers are being nicer Miracles all around 
The girl’s voice sounded soft in comparison to Yamato’s more raw sound. It had something magical with the redness in the room. That thought made his gaze drift off to his two favorite redheads once more.
From afar I've loved you But never let it show And every year another December comes and goes
A warm smile escaped Taichi’s lips upon looking at them. Kami, they looked gorgeous and so incredibly happy. He had looked at them for quite some years, but recently those looks felt more like deep stares. Or maybe those stares had always been there and he wasn’t sure anymore. Thinking back to it, how long did he have these feelings now? It was hard to remember as those feelings felt both confusing and strangely familiar for so long all the same. Because, well, he had to admit to himself that over and over again he was mesmerized by their appearances. Even after all these years. The way they looked, the way they smiled, the way they talked…
Always watching Never reaching
He had always watched them. Always. He knew them from the inside out. Thing was that they didn’t know him, or at least not the way he felt now. And to be honest, he had no idea how to exactly reach them about this matter. He never had been able to. Never.
Blue is where I've been Green can't buy me you Silver bells remind me That mistletoe's for two
Taichi looked to his left where Yamato was. His mouth was curled into a proud smile while his eyes were closed, deeply listening to his date’s singing. Then Taichi looked over to Mimi who was supportively and excitingly clapping for Yamato’s date like a little kid. His eyes then shifted to Jyou who’s foot was attempting at tapping along the beat of the music, a serene smile on his face. Of course his eyes then fell onto Koushiro and Sora sitting side by side. He whispering something in her ear. She laughing to whatever he had said to her.
The realization hit him there that they were already with two. Sure, as far as Taichi knew they weren’t a couple or a thing or each other’s date. But he couldn’t just interfere telling he loved them both, right? Besides, a romantic relationship existed of a maximum of two people.
So I found a color That only tells the truth That paints a picture Of how I feel for you
They were messing with him. It was messing with his head. He was messing with himself. The confusion in his body and mind only grew bigger and Taichi could feel himself slip. He had to tell them. For all he knew he had to. But how? Or when? Where? Who? Who…
I'll never feel you If I don't tell you
All he knew was that he had to confess and that tonight could be his chance. Having no clue where it would lead him. Lead them.
But this Christmas I'm gonna risk it all
But Taichi had to risk it all.
This Christmas I'm not afraid to fall
He could fall deep. And if so, he could still count on them to catch him. Right…?
So I'm at your door with nothing more than words I've never said
What were words anyway? It was all it took, words. It would be best to just tell them the things he had been afraid to tell them. He had been afraid to confess.
In all this white, you'll see me like you've never seen me yet
It would definitely place him in a new light. Though suddenly he wasn’t sure if it was a good or bad light. A bright and shiny one or a cold and darker one. He didn’t want to seem desperate. It had to be sweet love, like the red of the candy canes all across the room.
Wrapped in red
But what if it turned out to be the bitter red of fury and he would destruct their bond like a raging fire… He could feel his courage fading, a dark shade of doubt replacing all the shades of red he cherished and loved so dearly.
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