Ork Vox Frequencies
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Vox transmissions from a Ork Boss (40k ork posting at its greenest)
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ork-vox-frequences · 4 years ago
Seems like I start everything with its been a while. But I have an excuse I have been painting things (and other things)
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I have been working on Necrons since October.
I am pretty sure you all saw my orc stuff from spring, not much change for the green tide it sort of got pushed off my too small work table for a bit since i got my warboss Battle Ready. I'll get back to it eventually they are more of my get to when ever project as they have so many old molds that there isn't much rush to them.
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ork-vox-frequences · 4 years ago
How do you topple a building?
Yeah yeah same old same old don’t make much use of this. Actually I am not sure you have seen anything I have done recently as I only showed you one shot of my warboss project.
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Ok so you are caught up on him, I can’t show you the work I have done on my Dark Pulpit project as apparently I have never taken pictures of that.
Any way back to the question at hand. I still can’t do it as I don’t have room for game table even with the new smaller table size, but I was thinking recently I have never seen an urban fight table that doesn’t take place in the suburbs.
I mean sure we might some industrial stuff but almost everything is smaller then 3 floors tall and that is just frankly unrealistic. We have descriptions of chapels to the Emperor that soar into the sky, there are are Hive Cities that are man made mountains dominating the landscape. So obviously Mankind knows how to build up.  I want to one day when I can afford the space make a urban combat board where the main focus is made up of a fallen sky scraper.
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That is a Chinese building that just fell over, it was part of a complex and the other buildings are still standing but this 12 story building is now on it side. Instead of placing figures on a floor you would put them on a wall and treat the entire piece as difficult terrain as you might fall through a window or have a section give way. This particular building has several places that would work for hard cover from other people on the same building.
Now this is actually rather small scale to what I was actually thinking but it gives you an idea what I am talking about. 
What I was actually thinking was take an 8x6 board (ok so this would work better at a con or large store event) and having a fallen building 4 feet wide run the entire length of the table have some areas where it is mostly intact and you can run over it other areas where you run through the building in canyons created between the 42nd-45th floors. Instead of hiding behind walls all the cover is made up the actual floors and floors are the old walls.
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ork-vox-frequences · 5 years ago
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What do you do when you say the baddest ork to ever lead a waaaagh is too small and weedy. You make him bigger.
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ork-vox-frequences · 5 years ago
Why do I bother!
I just spent hundreds on buying the stupid ork and space marine boxed set and I won’t be able to paint them.
I have to strip the primer of the ones I just primed because they went fuzzy and lost all the detail due to how humid it is here. I can’t spray outside as it is always too windy, so I bought a spray tent but it is so damn humid the spray went bad as I sprayed inside because it is too damn hot outside.
I just keep spending money on stuff I can never finish or ever use. Like here just have my fucking money and toss everything in the garbage as that is basically all I am doing.
I don’t even get to enjoy it like I would a steak before it turned to shit!
I haven’t finished anything since the Dark Imperium box was new, every other thing I have bought is still unfinished or unstarted.
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ork-vox-frequences · 5 years ago
There’s been one thing we’ve been asked for more than anything else in the last three years (aside from the Lion riding a Thunderhawk): “Can my digital codex come bundled with my print version?” Well, Noble Hobbyist, yes. Yes it can. Whenever you buy a 9th edition codex, you’ll get the digital rules for that codex in the app for free.
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ork-vox-frequences · 5 years ago
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I had nothing else to do since we got into lockdown and I can't seem to focus enough to really paint my back log of figures. So I decided to work on painting the front railing for the house.
Well that is basically done now and I still have about half a can of paint, which just happened to look like it could pass for Stormhost Silver.
So a quick dip and a not so quick blow with the airbrush to move the excess off the figures and here we are.
Either I have some really shiny statues now or I have figured out a really fast way to paint Silver Skulls.
And because I can't remember if I showed any progress on my Horrors here a group shot from my last session with them.
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ork-vox-frequences · 5 years ago
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So last time we showed you Snow-tex which we were trying out to see if we liked it.
This time we are showing you why we are trying snow bases.
There is nothing different about the models in these pictures, the only change we made was to turn off the desk lamp in the second picture of each pair and for the Pink Horrors use a UV flashlight to charge the minis as they hadn’t been sitting under the lamp for half an hour like the Brimstones were.
Given that they are bigger we are adding pink reflected light to the snow in addition to having it be radioactive green, if you look close at the base of the standard bearer you can see that the pink also glows it just takes more time to charge as Pink LIT is less reactive then normal LIT. I assume when I do the Blue Horrors it will be much the same with the Blue LIT as it is a very pale blue.
The best part about the LIT paint is it is ever so slightly green so it can just barely be made out on top of the white snow but until it starts to glow it is easily missed so it doesn’t overpower the pink reflections. 
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ork-vox-frequences · 5 years ago
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So I have shown you most of these guys before, but what I want to show you today is SNOW.
So before we all went into lock down probably back in February I was in Hobby Lobby and I found a pot of Snow-tex by Decoart. I figured I have been wanting to do snow bases for a while and it is fairly cheap.
I probably used a sixth of the pot doing these bases but the are for the most part big and empty bases if you had some rocks or were doing just patches of snow the pot 4oz pot would last for a pretty long time.
Rather sticky, the first scoop out of it made a noise like fresh marshmallow fluff when you go to get from a jar. It spreads fairly well it is less paint like then GW texture paint but the texture tool and work it into the nooks and crannies well enough that I don’t suggest ruining a brush with it.
I put a all covering layer down let them sit for about ten minutes and then added some more in places that were approximately where I think it would have been kicked up and it held it shape fairly well as it dried.
I don’t know if it has the same level of texture as say Valhallan Blizzard it is a bit grainier then real snow would be at that scale but $5 for a 4oz (118ml) pot rather then $7.80 for a 24ml of V.Blizz is a lot more bases per dollar.
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ork-vox-frequences · 5 years ago
oops wrong blog.
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Ok so a quick social isolation update for every one that might be tuning in.
The Stormcast Eternals from the last update are still moving along, I have six that need to raise the armor up to the same level of whitish that the rest of them have and then we can move on to details.
In the meantime however I am taking an insanity break and working on a project I had been putting off for a while. A full squad of horrors, I technically need a second box of blue/brim but since I just bought them for painting and don't actually have any way to field them I don't think it will be an issue right now.
As you can see my make shift paint mixer in action, unfortunately as Fluffy the flesh hound can attest the first mix of paint was still a bit loose. We did get that fixed though so it worked out.
Getting decent photos in my house is rather difficult, in the end I stuck my phone and the mini right up to the ceiling lamp to get a shot.
That ungodly yellow in the background of the one picture is the base color for the Brimstone horrors. Nearly every paint I am using reacts to UV like a glow stick but that yellow is insane in regular light.
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ork-vox-frequences · 5 years ago
Testing Testing
No that is not a is anyone still listening, that is the topic for today.
I have long been a fan of the Sister of Battle, they were the first actual codex I bought back in second edition. Now with their currently release I might actually be able to afford an army of them, provided I can resist me heretical urges to buy the Junith and put a chaos a Dark Apostle on the pulpit. I’m not a strong man I am easily swayed by dork influences... or maybe Ork Influences too bad Dethkoptas can’t take flamers.
Thing is I like the Order of the Sacred Rose, I always have. Much of the forces in this hobby are made up of dark colours so the white armor is visually very striking on the table. I don’t care what the rules give Sacred Rose as soon as they released the new figures I knew I’d be painting up loads of white armor.
Thing is I hate using white paint, in fact I only have one pot of White Scar and one of liquitex Titanium White ink as I typically won’t base coat in white (prefer to use DG Green). So I figured I have some really pale skin tones as I bought the paints for  Idoneth skin, Daughters of Khaine, and Daemonettes maybe I can work with them. So that is what I did, in the pictures below going from left to right the figures are shaded with Druchii Violet, Nagaroth Nightshade, Carroburg Crimson, Casandora Yellow, Serephim Sepia. I do have Reikland and Agrax but those are both basically brown so I saved them for later I’ll tell you when. All these are done over a black red base from my playing around my airbrush but since they are all base coated it makes no difference.
The First Group is the Idoneth batch, Ironrach and Deepkin.
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Now I did make a mistake here as originally gave them a dry brush with white before going over them with screaming skull, but that was because the screaming skull was used on the rest of them so to balance it out I fixed it here.
The Second Group is the Daughters batch, Rakarth and Palid Wych.
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The Third Group is the Daemonette batch. Daemonette Hide and Slaaneshi  grey.
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Now the very first batch the shades were thinned down with Lamia Medium but I quickly realized I was not going to be doing that over 50-60 Sisters and tanks so that went out the door for full strength shades.
So I am going to shut up for a minute and just show off the shade comparisons, which are just the three figures for each of the shade used.
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Now for shits and giggles I did two more test groups, first are the guys for the ballista just Drybrushed Zandri Dust then Screaming Skull, second are my wolf riders with The Fang and Fenrisian Grey but each one got either Serephim Sepia Reikland Fleshshade or Agrax Earthshade (I honestly on’t know which one got what at this point).
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I want to Thank/Blame Brent at Goobertown Hobbies as he did a video recently about using surplus figures to test paint ideas. If it wasn’t for that video I would not have tried this and as a result likely would not have gotten most of a Stormcast army accidentally painted.
As for which one is going to be my choice for my Sisters right now I am leaning towards Daemonette hide with Casandora Yellow Shade. Which if your looking for it is the Female Stormcast with shield with the brown bit on her thigh, second from the right in the group of five, or the fourth picture of the group of three on the right.
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ork-vox-frequences · 5 years ago
Where the heck have I been??
Yeah yeah yeah, turns out I have been waiting for the Sisters of Battle to get released before I felt like painting anything. Seriously my orks have been stalle my table for months, I have made more progress testing my new airbrush and compressor on some Sigmarines to see if the paint I wanted to use was going to work for the Sisters this last week then I have in almost a year.
So originally I had planned to do my assorted collection of Gryph beasts like the ones in the middle sort of a Red/brown like Cardinals as I had planned to mount Thunderwolf Cavalry on the chargers and the hounds were going to be fenrisian wolves. Didn’t pan out as the Classic marines really didn’t want to sit on them. The more colourful five in front well something I was proud of just didn’t fit with anything else but the bases were nice. Good solid classic sand a fishbowl gravel painted brown with a bit of blood pools. Now ever everything was getting a fresh start with Black 2.0
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Unfortunately, Black 2.0 is really really dark and getting a consistent mixing in the airbrush pot is hard as it always looks black. Which leads to issues like inconsistent coverage.
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One of my two airbrushes is a siphon fee so if I can get a second bottle for it I can try mixing it on the vortex mixer I bought to mix GW pots, rather then mixing a small amount in the cup.
Slightly more frustrating is that my new compressor doesn’t have a regulator so it is a constant 40psi but even that is not enough pressure to keep the paint flowing. I wonder if I get a second compressor and Y them together to the brush if I can at least over come the pulsing issue. Anyhoo.
So after getting everything bathed in the void, my pizza box paint catcher switched from Black 2.0 to Liquitex Titanium White acrylic ink. If you haven’t tried using acrylic inks you really should give it a shot check out this video by Goobertown Hobbies to see some in action. Time to see if I could get a zenithal highlight or just shoot my load all over everything.
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Ironically my older airbrush likes the new compressor better, especially with the inks then it does the little dinky one it shipped with. Given that it jumped from 13psi to 40psi it is not really a surprise. With that out of the way it was time to try a different colour then I normally prefer to work with.
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Now my original plan was to paint any Sisters I buy in the future as Sacred Rose but for inks I only have Napthol Crimson, Vivid Lime, Phalyocyanine Green Blue, and of course Titanium White. Seeing as how I was testing out the airbrush that was rather limiting, I am actually thinking I am going to still do Sacred Rose but rather then paint the armor a base of white I am going to use the Idoneth Skin tones of Ironrach and Deepkin which I do have as brush on paint an then just brighten it up later with the white.
In the meantime however I have some very red Stormcast. Shame I didn’t have yellow ink as I’ve gotten pretty good at that lava monster technique GW showed off last year. Really makes my stompa’s boiler pop compared to its old paint.
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Red hot freshly reforged Stormcast.
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ork-vox-frequences · 5 years ago
Crusha one year later.
So as you might remember last year I spent a large portion of the end of summer working on my custom stompa for Orktober.
Crusha has spent the last year at my local games store as she is a big girl and she deserves more attention then just collecting dust on a shelf in my store room. So I picked her up a couple weeks ago to give her a cleaning and try and update her paint a bit as I was not really happy with the final results anymore.
So her is her old paint job.
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I am pretty happy with how the iron gob and the skull turned out but everything else just too flat and dull for my taste as I came to orks back in 2nd ed 40k when everything was stupidly bright and colourful. So I expect orks to always be stupidly bright and colourful.
So here she is now as we try to dress her up more to how I wanted her to look.
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We have lost a bit of the rust from the skull and gob for now, but she has gotten a second red to her tiles (and not shown some blue tiles to help break it up and make her mor’ lucky!) which helps make her seem less flat. She has gotten an all over wash of my special fungus wash which you can see pretty clearly right now, a mix of green inks and pigments that glows in the dark (and in thicker areas in the light as we use LIT by Stewart Semple) to have her ooze fungus oil from zealous grot oilers doing their jobs really well. (you can sort of make out my Big Mek in the background, He’s was made out of a Dreadknight back when that model was released and is also getting a refresh to match the rest of the army)
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One of the areas that I really wasn’t happy with was the power plant it looks good physically being a bodged together collection of bits of scenery  from the Renegade Knights box but like the rest of the paint it just felt flat. 
So using the GW Lava Armies painting concept I decided to make the main chamber of the plant look red hot like it is about to melt down from being pushed too hard. The green bits glow in the dark and were the original plasma pipes from before I repainted it.
I really wanted to use the lava look as it is the defining feature on my speed freeks that all the engines are literally running at the limit and the hot exhaust are ready to melt the headers.
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Since Crusha is the literal flagship model of my army anything that I do to the rest of the warband needs to show up on her somewhere.
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ork-vox-frequences · 5 years ago
From da foreign corrie... from the News From Away desk. Dis just in.
“The Ecclesiarchy would like to remind all loyal citizens of the Imperium that this day like all days are a glorious testament to the God Emperor of Mankind.
On this Day of the Dead, please turn your many prayers to worship of the Immortal God Emperor by sparing a thought for his Legion of the Damned.”
“I have been told by the plague father, to hope you all had a pleasant Hallowed Night. He has also informed me to tell you all to not floss as often, and to drink more sewer water.”
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ork-vox-frequences · 5 years ago
First impressions.
Yeah yeah nothing much on the painting front. The weather forecast says there is a drought coming and that actual progress will be few and far between.
So lets get down to business. GW sent me an email update with a link to the Nova stuff, so what do we think.
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Ok this right here is exactly why I have been in favor of digital codices, they just released a new Space Marine Codex and less then two weeks later we have new rules to go in the damn thing.
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Ok look as a long long time member of the Frateris Militia I have wanted the Sisters to return in plastic, but damn if I didn’t forget how old the Howling Banshee models were. Someone buy that Eldar player a drink before you kill them on the battlefield for being Xeno loving scum.
A Hero reborn!
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Ok so firstly all the Emo kids from when I was in high school back in the 90′s would like their haircut back. Secondly primaris beakie helm? it doesn’t look primaris in any way and how is he supposed to wear it? Does the comms antenna retract like a car radio antenna? When you said Primaris Beakie helm I was actually expecting that you had a proper helm head we could use or that the lower mask was beaked and the upper part was on the hip like we had seen before. Cause that would be awesome as then we could get Primaris reivers with snarling muzzles for Space Wolves.
Let us skip right over Middle Earth and Warcry as I don’t care about Middle Earth and as cool as the stuff for Warcry and Shadespire is I am never going to buy it so my opinion means nothing.
So the next big thing for AoS is, Bonecast Eternals.
I am not going to lie I think the forces of the Realm of Death are in a good place visually right now and I really don’t think they need more. That said this chap is fucking awesome.
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The entire Bonecast line is stunning and honestly if I was a new player this would be the kind of thing that would draw me in right away, a death army that looks like it will be numbers wise on par with Stormcast no endless hordes to paint no large blocks to move. Probably still not going to get them as it appears that...
My money has already been spent.
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Ok so it says 25 figures are in the box. We know that the Cannoness is in there as it says so in the article, but seeing as how we have only seen seraphim and line sisters I am hoping that this box gives us a proper patrol army and not the kind of shit we get with the start collecting boxes where it is one troop one heavy one elite and no hq.
I mean it probably will as this is the special limited release box and is probably going to sell for $250-300 canadian as it has a limited edition codex and probably data cards and markers and all the usual shit.
Time to stock up on black paints as I don’t do red or white well.
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ork-vox-frequences · 5 years ago
Gone to pieces.
So my primaris faced an enemy so powerful that they just fell apart completely.
After watching a Goobertown hobbies video about removing paint I decided to strip my dark imperium primaris. I figured I would try LA’s Totally Awesome as it worked pretty good in the video.
So I bought to jugs of it, I mean you can get it cheap at dollar general so even if it didn’t work well for removing paint I still have lots of cleaning liquid for actual cleaning.
This stuff works great. I filled a glass container with the primaris and poured it in put the lid on and walked away. Came back six weeks later (I meant for a month but got distracted for two weeks) and rinsed every thing off with a old toothbrush.
Now I will say it did not completely remove the paint, but I suspect that is due to the paint I used actually staining the plastic not that there is paint still on the parts.
I do mean parts, every single one of the marines is now a pile of bits. The only figures that survived were 5 daughters of khaine and voldus of the grey knights. Those survived mostly intact by virtue of the fact that unlike the primaris they were thermally bonded by plastic cement rather then built using super glue which the LATA disolved as it ate the paint.
So if you have a model that you want to take completely apart soak it in LATA and it will go to pieces in a couple weeks, it will even soften greenstuff so that it will safely fall off.
I am not sure I will put these primaris back together now as unlike classic marines each one only fits together in a certain way and they are just an unlabeled pile of bits rather then a nice sprue. I miss how old marines went together you didn’t need instructions.
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ork-vox-frequences · 6 years ago
Speed waaagh!
So just to prove I am doing things even if it has been quite quiet here.
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So these are about a week old I’ve done some work since but I haven’t taken any pics since these.
I’m show these as I wanted to talk about the quirk that I am doing for the vehicles in my Speed Waaagh! Now I know some of you might be car guys and have seen this before, but I was watching an episode of engine masters a while back and they dyno’d this engine to the point where the down pipe on the exhaust headers were glowing red. Sort of like this:
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Do you understand what that is? The engine is producing so much heat that the metal is glowing. Tell me that is not the most ork thing you have seen.
Now I had forgot which buggy was which so I did the Shokkjump first so I need to go back and add some blue glow to the orbs on the back still. The Burnablasta with all its pipes is currently more yellow then red at this moment as I just started on it.
So speaking of the Speed Waaagh. I did a battle scribe on what I currently have for it. I haven’t counted boyz yet as I need to strip and repaint them so they don’t count yet.
I have my for HQ Big Mek in mega armor, I just bought a Dethkilla Trike.
No troops yet.
12 deth kopters with kopta rockets
6 bikers
2 wartrakks
1 shokkjump
1 burna blasta
and technically one Stompa though since I don’t actually know if I have the ork codex as I can’t find it if I do so I am not sure if I want to use that yet.
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ork-vox-frequences · 6 years ago
Let there be priming weather!
So finally the weather has started to be in my favor and I can get some spray priming done outside. Actually seeing as how we have large portions of the garage emptied out the weather will soon no longer be a factor as I can just prime in there out of the wind and rain.
This is good news as like everyone one else, all I have been hearing about are these new contrast paints. Unlike poor Chapter Master Valrak my painting schemes (not like I have any) are not dependent on GW’s glazes and coloured primers so any colours that might be going away soon are not that big of a concern to me.
Now I do want to get a few things out of the way. 
Yes this blog has been quite of late. I truthfully haven’t been working on anything lately I shelved a bunch of things to get them off my desk as I was not making any progress with them, this includes my one Chaos knight that was being over taken by plants, the details on were just not coming together on anything.
The result of this is that I have been able to start on some newer kits that I had been ignoring well I didn’t work on other things. 
Things we are either looking forward to or will be working on “soon”.
Contrast Paints (obviously) I am planning on getting then entire thirty colour range as from the moment I saw them announced I wanted to try colour shifting with them. As we know they are made to be use with contrast primers which are basically just white and grey, and that they are somewhere in between a glaze and a proper paint. IF you haven’t seen it  check out this video by Pete the Wargamer where he experiments with the contrasts over a metallic base.
The fact that you can now do a quick Alpha Legion legion paint in two steps in great as it was taking me 4-5 steps to get similar effect using Vallejo’s Blue Metallic and Biel-Tan green shade over a black base. Unfortunately I have a very large number of classic marines that need to become sons of the hydra and it was taking a longer time to paint them then I was liking. Actually I have a picture it seems.
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I really want to see how the contrast paints work with opposing colours, things like bright reds and yellows with darker blues and purples. Sadly I don’t have a picture but my HH Ahriman was based in a red and then shaded and worked with thousand sons and ahriman blue on the limbs to show him changing over to the post heresy colours.
Speed WAAAAAGH!!!! So I did buy the speed freeks box when it came out, but other then priming them with leadbelcher and doing a few red panels I didn’t get very far with them as I bought it at the same time as my Stompa and Renegade Knight box.  My Speed Waaagh currently sits at one Giant Meka-boy, the Stompa, two classic GorkaMorka trakks (they actually came from the GM box when the game was released), the two buggies from the SF box, 6 bikers, and a full dozen of the plastic dethkopters. I just happened to get 9 unpainted one day at my local shop recently. Unfortunately the three DK I already had no longer had flying bases so since I didn’t think I would be getting more I put them on 60mm round bases and have them flying over debris. Now unless I wanted to be a massive ass having 12 60mm round bases moving in a single squad might be a bit much. So I might need to put them onto some oval bases or get a lot more  junk bits for the rest of the squad to fly over.
New Paints, at christmas I added a cheap airbrush to my tools and since them have been playing with various acrylic inks. I highly recommend the Liquitex range but I also suggest if you do make sure to get an airbrush that is easy to clean as I seem to spend as much time cleaning my airbrush as I do using it.
I need to see about ordering paint sets from some of the other companies as I am lacking in a seriously vibrant green. I keep seeing people get some really crazy bright greens and nothing I have seems to be the right base green to mix that way. I think it might be one of the P3 greens,
Necromunda, currently on the work table are 20 gangers to proxy various cultists. They are the main reason I need the green actually.
Up next is either my WAAAGH or since I found them my classic Flesh Hounds. I currently have two variations on Flesh Hounds and if I can get some cash rounded up there is 3 boxes of them at the local shop plus a box of Wraith and Glory. 
I think that is everything.
I don’t expect this blog to suddenly become very active but now that the weather is in the priming temperatures again I can get back to painting. 
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