#Natural Oven Cleaners
fastovencleaning · 1 month
Keeping your oven clean is essential for both hygiene and functionality. However, many commercial oven cleaners contain harsh chemicals that can be harmful to both your health and the environment. Natural oven cleaning solutions offer an effective, eco-friendly alternative.
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laurfilijames · 2 years
Nights Like This
Pairing: Will Johnson x female reader
Words: 4,360
Warnings: rated E, 18+. alcohol consumption, unprotected intercourse.
Summary: You and Will make the most out of the cozy autumn weather, indulging in warm treats by a campfire, but a storm rolls in and helps turn things into an even steamier affair.
A/N: @i-did-not-mean-to is an angel and as always, tried to build me up when I experienced a lull in my writing by sending me some fictober prompts to get inspired. Naturally, these prompts screamed Will Johnson to me, so I apologize to anyone wanting Fili, and also to @sunnyrosewritesstuff who also sent me a prompt for “campfires”.
The prompts used were: Changing of the leaves, Warm beverages, Hand holding, Sweet treats, Rainstorms, Campfire, Cinnamon, Baking, Sweater weather, Whispers, Candlelight, Cuddles and as a bonus challenge, IDNMT threw in Monsters. (Please note I did not technically fulfill candlelight, but used firelight instead. Sue me.)
The grasses that blanketed the mountains were deepening in colour; a burnt amber hue seeping through them to signal the arrival of autumn, and you noticed even the leaves on the bushes that surrounded the cabin had already changed in just a few short, brisk days that were followed by even colder nights. They rustled vigorously in the sharp wind as you watched through the kitchen window, making you adjust your cardigan to rest further up on your shoulder even though the roaring fire in the stove had the cabin plenty warm enough.
You smiled to yourself as you continued on with your task of rolling out dough for the cinnamon rolls you were making, a flush rising over your cheeks as you recalled the morning you had; waking Will by placing kisses all across his chest and stomach until his sleepy voice cooed to you, your naked limbs tangled together until a lazy ecstasy took you both while the sun rose, and finally the lingering kiss that you swear you could still feel on your lips before he walked out the door with his gun and gear over his shoulder.
"What are you going to do while I'm out?" He had asked earlier while still laying in bed, his arm up over his head as you twirled your finger through the damp curls on his chest.
"I'd like to bake something, I just can't decide what."
"Cinnamon rolls."
You smiled again, remembering the complete absence of indecision in his request, making it clear he had been thinking about the sticky, sweet treat for a while.
"I think I can do that."
"I'll be dreaming about them the whole time I'm hunting. The deer will start looking like them."
His hearty chuckle still echoed in your ears even hours later, and you hoped the thought of the warm, aromatic buns would send him home sooner than he intended, knowing your hunger for him was far greater than his was for your baking.
The sun had sunk low behind the hills that sheltered the cabin, and as you dried the last of the dishes, the familiar sounds of Will clambering about outside caught your attention. The cinnamon rolls were ready and still warm from the oven, and apple cider simmered in a pot on the stove with cinnamon sticks floating on the surface, filling the entire cabin with the comforting fragrance. You reached for the bottle of single malt whiskey from one of the shelves, pouring a couple ounces in two mugs to add a little something extra to the hot drink.
The door creaked open and Will popped his head inside, a grin plastered on his face as the mixture of welcoming smells filled his nose.
"Coming to get cleaned up?" you asked, expecting to see his hands soiled from field dressing whatever he had bagged, but your head tilted in surprise when you noticed they were far cleaner than normal as he tapped his fingers on the door frame.
"Nah, all good. I, um, have something for you," he said almost shly through a crooked smile, winking at you as he nodded his head behind him, gesturing for you to come outside.
"Is that so?" you chimed, trying to disguise how big your smile was spreading across your cheeks by pulling your bottom lip in your teeth, reaching for your coat on the hook by the door as you passed it.
A prideful look decorated Will's face as he took your hand and led you out, bringing you over to the area he had set chairs around a roaring campfire with what looked like every blanket you owned laid out across them.
"I don't see any deer…" you teased, your remark making him roll his eyes as he dropped your hand to take hold of a stick, poking a couple logs to get them going with the rest of the fire.
"Ah, I gave up pretty quickly today," he admitted, straightening himself to place his hands on his hips, looking at you pointedly. "I couldn't wait to get back home."
Your smile at his sweet comment lasted for only a moment before changing to a shocked laugh when he quickly added, "For the cinnamon rolls."
"Well then I better go get them for you to enjoy by the fire!"
You turned and walked back to the door, shaking your head at his cheekiness.
"Need any help?" he called out.
"No, I'll only be a minute." You looked back to see him smiling at you warmly and lovingly, and you matched it with your own before you stepped back through the doorway, the warmth from the stove welcoming you like a hug. You questioned if you would be able to comfortably sit out in the dropping temperature for long enough to please Will, but you knew how warm his thick body always ran and that you would be more than fine in his company.
Carefully, you poured the cider into the mugs already set out on the counter, the heat of it making the smell of the whiskey come off stronger in the steam. You lifted two rolls out of the baking pan and placed them on a plate, licking the icing off your fingers, proud of your efforts and excited for Will to try them.
As you made your way back outside, you paused by the window that flanked the door, looking out to admire him as he sat staring into the fire in front of him. The orange glow highlighted his features; shadows landing to accentuate all the pieces of him you loved so much from the crook in his nose to the indents in his cheeks that showed themselves even without him smiling, and the blue of his eyes seemed even brighter as the light from the fire complimented them. Could he be any more perfect? you asked yourself, letting the door fall shut on its own behind you as you walked down the stone steps with full hands.
The smile he gave you when you returned proved that he certainly was more perfect than you could imagine him being, and he stood to take the mugs from you and placed them on the arm of the chair he had been sitting in, allowing for you put down the plate that had been balancing on your arm on the other chair.
A gust of wind blew, feeling like it ripped right through to your bones, and you hurriedly grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around your shoulders, moving to take a seat.
"Sit with me," Will requested, looking up at you as he settled into his chair and scooched it closer to the fire, his dimples breaking out as he grinned at you brightly.
"Mmm, gladly," you said. "You'll keep me warm."
You perched on his lap, already feeling heat radiating from him regardless of the fact he was only wearing a flannel shirt and no jacket. His arms folded around you, holding you close to him, one of his hands rubbing and squeezing your leg from over the blanket as his other reached for a mug and brought it to his lips. He blew on it before taking a sip, tucking his lips in his mouth and licking them to clear his beard of any left behind after he swallowed, a satisfied hum vibrating through him.
"That's good. Just what I needed," he praised, his eyes sparkling with appreciation, and even a hint of lust that was emphasized by the fire light that danced in them. You slipped your fingers through the handle of the second mug, holding it with both hands to help warm them, and relished in the burn down your throat as you took a drink.
"Don't let your bun get cold," you warned, nodding at the plate.
"I've been too busy trying to keep yours warm," he teased, his hand sliding down to pinch your bum, swallowing your giggle as he stole a kiss. Cinnamon and whiskey lingered on his lips, and leaning in for another kiss, you knew you’d rather taste it off his tongue than from your own cup.
Will gave a low growl as he peeled away from you, looking at you hungrily with gritted teeth as if he was torn between tasting you or the cinnamon roll.
"Go on, you can kiss me later," you assured him, and with one more peck on your kiss-bruised lips, he picked up the baked good and took a large bite.
"Oh my God," he praised, his satisfaction evident in the way he tipped his head to lean against the back of the chair, his eyelids falling shut as he savoured it. Rather than taking another bite after he finished chewing the first, he rushed to meet you in a desperate kiss, the sweetness from the icing that clung to his beard transferring onto your taste buds, mixing with the lingering burn of the whiskey.
After a brief intermission, you both finished your snack, your bellies satisfied but your hunger for each other increasing by the second. Remnants of sticky icing lingered on Will's fingers, and before he had a chance to clean them, you gripped his large paw and brought his finger into your mouth. His eyes widened, but the colour of them darkened drastically to reveal his approval of your gesture as you slowly encased his thick digit and swirled your tongue around it. A longing moan resounded from you as your eyes fell shut, and your arousal peaked as you imagined sucking a different stickiness from another appendage of his. You released his finger, opening your eyes to see him staring back at you with a feral need that proved itself more when he gripped your legs to aid in adjusting your body to straddle his lap instead. A hard bulge greeted you as you sat your core against him, making you grind against it as he pulled you down onto him even more by your hips and covered your open mouth with his. You inhaled deeply, indulging in the freshness of the outdoors that clung to his skin and hair and added to his appeal even more than was necessary; your body already signalling wanting him and readying itself for him as the wetness in your panties rubbed against your tingling clit and sent a shiver up your spine. Will's mouth travelled along your jawline while his hands became occupied with the various layers of fabric covering your upper body; his fingers peeling each piece open and away from your skin, down off your shoulders and finally your chest until your breasts were revealed to the harshness of the night air and your nipples tightened in protest. Somehow, his hands remained warm as they smoothed up the plump curve of each one, the gentleness he showed them contrasting to the increasing roughness of his kisses.
Your mouths broke apart; Will trailing a path down along the column of your neck causing you to tip your head back and press your chest into him as you arched your back, your hips naturally beginning to roll on him.
"Will…" you hummed, your fingers raking up his back and through his hair to tug at his waves as you forgot about your surroundings and plunged into the lusty heat that raged between you. You could feel him chuckle, his belly moving against your torso in his amusement of the state he put you in so quickly, and he hummed against your neck as he rubbed his face in back and forth motions to tickle you with his beard.
"What's so funny?" you inquired with your own giggle, leaning back slightly to try to look at his face.
"Nothing," he explained with a sideways grin, his dimple making an appearance before dipping his head back to graze his lips along your neck. They moved slowly up toward your ear, the sensation making your skin erupt in goosebumps, and his voice dropped to a whisper when he spoke again. "This is perfect," he muttered. "You are perfect."
His lips closed around the lobe of your ear, pulling and biting ever so slightly, and when his tongue joined in and his exhale covered the wet spot with warm breath, you moaned, your need for more doubling in an instant.
A breeze gusted through the area you sat, swirling the smoke from the campfire enough to make you fold yourself into Will's shielding body even more.
"Maybe we should go inside," he whispered again, his voice raspy as he pressed a gentle kiss onto the side of your neck where your pulse beat furiously.
"I'll be alright," you fibbed, not wanting to disrupt this moment between you just because you were a little chilled.
Will looked at you earnestly, his eyes searching yours for signs of truth, the corners of his eyes wrinkling as he squinted.
"Only if you're sure," he said, tilting his chin to look up at the night sky. "I don't think those clouds will hold for much longer anyway."
Looking up as well, you watched thick, dark clouds waiting to let go of the moisture they held whisk by hurriedly above you; glimpses of bright, white stars twinkling between their breaks. Glancing back at Will, you watched as he admired the troubled sky above, his face soft with a happiness you could never tire of seeing. You couldn't help yourself, moving your hand to trace your fingers across his brow where bruises had marked his skin before, causing a contented sigh to leave him.
"What are you thinking about?" you murmured, not wanting to interrupt his thoughts, but unable to stop yourself from asking.
He smiled and met your gaze again, his eyes alight and glistening. "That out of all the skies to see in this world, I get to see this one with you."
Cupping his cheeks, you leaned in and captured his lips, the intensity and passion from before returning as soon as your tongues passed each other.
Thunder rolled in the distance, and after a moment the wind picked up more, causing the clouds to shroud the sky completely and send down a raindrop that landed on your bare chest. Another, and then even more fell, sprinkling against the tops of your heads and everything around you, forcing you to cease your kissing and pay attention to Mother Nature's demand.
"I guess we are going inside now," Will laughed, standing up with you still wrapped around his front. He held you tightly as he made it up the steps and into the safety of the cabin just before the sky opened up and poured down in a deluge, extinguishing the fire as rain pinged forcefully against the empty plates and mugs that were left behind.
Your combined laughter died out with the echo of the door slamming shut behind you, the cabin perfectly enclosed and offering protection from the wrath of the storm. Letting your feet fall to the floor, your smiles met together again, fading out as your lips opened to each other and you picked up where you left off.
The cabin had grown dark since you were last in it, the sun having fully set after you had gone outside, and the only light that allowed you to see was the faint glow of the dying fire left unattended in the fireplace. You pressed your hand against Will's broad chest, pushing yourself away from him as you took a step back, the look of raw desire on his face and his heaving chest making your skin burn at seeing how much he wanted you.
"I'm just turning on some lights," you explained, moving to flick a switch on a nearby lamp and then crossing the room to illuminate another.
"Good. I like seeing you when I'm ruining you."
His remark made you pause as you brought your hand away from underneath the lamp shade, and looking over your shoulder at him, you let the blanket that still hung over your shoulders along with your open sweater drop to the floor.
A dark chuckle resounded in your otherwise ringing ears, your arousal clouding your senses, but soon you recognized the sound of his belt unfastening and his jeans sliding down his legs.
Thunder shook the walls and a crack of thunder snapped loudly overhead, making you jump and the lights flicker to match your surprise, and another second later, darkness consumed the room again. It seemed even darker than before now that your eyes had briefly adjusted to the light, everything appearing black aside from the coals that remained and backlit Will's form as he stood in front of it, turning him into a shadow.
An eeriness crept up your spine despite knowing you were safe, your skin tingling with nerves while your other senses worked to heighten in your diminished sight. Still, you couldn't mistake the view of him undressing, watching as he removed his plaid shirt and then peeled the t-shirt underneath up over his head, his naked silhouette one you couldn't confuse with anything else.
“Are you afraid of monsters?” Will's voice asked from the other side of the room, his tone low in an attempt to scare you. You stood in place, smiling as you heard his footsteps carefully carry him over the floorboards, an appropriate creak even sounding through the noise of the pouring rain and intermittent booms of thunder.
“Only ones that look like you…”
A jittery feeling swarmed in your stomach in anticipation of what your words would make him do, and you couldn't help the nervous grin that spread out on your cold cheeks.
“Good, you should be afraid…” he replied, and you could hear the smile in his voice as he drew closer.
You jumped and squealed when his arms locked around you and spun you so he was holding you from behind, pulling you against his heated body, his beard tickling your neck as his mouth nuzzled against it.
“...I bite.”
His statement held promise despite it being told in a whisper, his lips moving up to trace the shell of your ear, and you moaned as your head fell back onto his shoulder and your hands gripped his fuzzy forearms in pleasure rather than fright.
"Come here," Will requested, taking your hand in his to spin you around as if you were dancing.
He walked over to the kitchen table and stopped to face you, letting go of your hand so he could bring both of his up to hold your face, placing a gentle kiss on your waiting lips.
"Sit," he muttered, the words making his lips move against yours in a tantalising way.
You held his stare as you did as you were told, shifting your bottom so you sat at the edge of the table, your legs spread slightly to give him a place to stand. In the faint light you could see the outline of his cock; long and hard, bobbing as he walked into your open legs, the tip oozing and making your mouth water.
His fingers landed on your waist, tracing up and down your side until you squirmed slightly before he hooked them in the band of your pants and slowly folded it down. You assisted as best you could; shifting your weight from cheek to cheek while holding onto his shoulders until he pulled them to your knees, bending down so he could peel them completely off of you. He paused, inhaling as he did, the scent of your arousal making him drunk, and gripping behind your knee he brought his lips to the inside of your thigh and kissed the quivering flesh. The trail he created sent you to insanity; your breathing ragged, your fingers clawing at the table desperately, your aching core still covered by the thin, and extremely damp, material of your panties as he pressed his lips everywhere but there.
He hummed in approval as his nose reached the closest to your center it had been, nudging you slightly to make you whine and cry out his name in a plea to put you out of your misery. Finally, his fingers hooked in your panties and began to slide them past your hips, over your bottom and down your thighs, his mouth marking the spots the thin material intended to land before it got there. Now that he had you naked he still didn't put you out of your misery, his arms bracing on either side of you against the tabletop, one of his hands covering yours to interlace your fingers together. His face was close to yours, and yet his features were barely visible by what little light remained from the fire; the glint in his eyes mischievous but not monstrous by any means. Tilting his head, he slowly drew closer to you, his nose brushing your cheek as you shared the same breath while his lips hovered against yours, and like he couldn't take it any more either, Will rushed to meet you again in a forceful kiss. The hand that wasn't still clasping yours wrapped around your back and he flattened his palm against the dip above your bum, sliding you closer to him with ease until the tip of his cock became wet as it gently began to part your folds. You squeezed his hand tightly as he breached your entrance, your foreheads pressing together as he pushed into your depths in one agonizing go. You whined and your stomach quivered as you took a shaky breath, your eyes falling shut as you relaxed to the fullness of him buried in you and the slow, but deliberate strokes as he pulled out and back in again. The calm tempo he initially set didn't last for long; the sensation of your wet heat enveloping his throbbing cock and the lewd noises casted upon your ears because of your soaked middle had his mind spinning, the harshness of his thrusts increasing drastically. Releasing your hand from his momentarily, he slipped it beneath your knee and pulled upwards, prompting you to shift nearly off the table aside from your heel that now supported you on its edge. You attempted to repeat the same with your other leg, but the change in angle proved to be enough for him as he growled with satisfaction and pounded you deeper than before, settling with this leg dangling in the bend of his arm. Wrapping one of your arms around his neck for support, you began rocking with his movements, using the other to help lift yourself up off the table ever so slightly to match his thrusts, the table squeaking from the assault put on it. The blows to your cervix had you tigthening around him and barrelling toward that cravable high in no time, and the crude sounds coming from where your bodies connected only encouraged more wetness to appear, allowing him to fuck you without holding back thanks to your generous lubrication.
Will's hand blindly found yours again, allowing you to claw at the back of it rather than the polished wood surface as he intertwined your fingers once more, squeezing back in assurance as he moved his face to meet your disoriented gaze. It was an intense look, one that managed to continue his berrage despite his physical actions relenting temporarily, having slipped from you nearly all the way other than his engorged tip that lingered at your aching opening.
His face screwed up slightly when he plunged back in, slamming into you to the hilt with what you knew was all of his power, the lines around his eyes the last thing you saw before your eyes were forced shut again and you succumbed to his treatment. Your moans were swallowed as he covered your mouth with his, sharing needy, sloppy kisses until you felt the familiar pressure explode inside you and your body became limp under his touch.
You clung to him tightly and your head fell onto his shoulder, allowing him to take all control as he fucked you through your high and began to chase his own. The table bucked against the wall and his grunts echoed in your ear as he wildly came undone and coated your contracting walls with spurts of thick cum, the coarse hairs above his pulsing cock havocking your already-destroyed clit to make you shiver and jolt.
Kisses were peppered all over your face; beginning at your right cheek, over your nose to your left one that burned with the flush of your afterglow, and finally onto your forehead. Will sighed as he allowed his lips to linger there, and his fingers drummed on the top of your hand as a signal of this blissful moment ending. He watched as he pulled out of you, already thinking of wanting to be inside you again, and glanced over his shoulder at the stove where the fire was almost completely extinguished. You released your hand from his as you stood from your perch, allowing Will to run his hand through his sweaty waves, a flash of lightning illuminating the whole cabin drawing your attention away from his alluring form.
"I'll get this going again," he spoke, his fingers carefully holding your chin to turn your head in his direction again. "You go get the bed warm…" His eyes danced back and forth and when he smiled, they seemed to light up brighter than the strobes of light in the night sky; a playful hint returning to the icy blue. "...I want a cuddle."
With a wink, he turned and began tending to the fire, leaving you to carry yourself over to your inviting bed on wobbly legs, and as soon as you wrapped yourself in the blankets you felt a wonderful sleepiness wash over you. Your eyes drifted closed as you listened to the storm pummeling overhead, thinking how wonderful nights like this were, and soon you felt the mattress dip as Will crawled in and pulled you into his embrace; his skin blazing from the fire and chest hair toasty against your cheeks.
Everything: @guardianofrivendell @midearthwritings @cassiabaggins @lilith15000 @trishthedishofreis @linasofia @unbeatablecurlgirl @the-poldarkian @lathalea @enchantzz @blairsanne @legolaslovely @middleearthpixie @i-did-not-mean-to @sketch-and-write-lover @jotink78 @medusas-hairband @feeweeeee @missihart23 @fortheloveofdurin @i-am-still-bb
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cyberr-v0id · 4 months
And it’s a spring almost summer day
And I’m sat in my room with an oversized hoodie and fluffy winter socks
Because it’s been raining all day and now it’s cold
Probably because of the heatwave we had last week
(I learnt something about it in geography once, before I met you)
And despite this I am still wearing the skimpiest pair of bright blue summer pyjama shorts
Because they’re comfy and I can get away with wearing them twice before they need washing
And I’m sat here
Birds quarrelling loudly in the hedge across the street
The sound of yet more construction vehicles
Somewhere near by- I don’t know quite where but I can hear them through my open window-
And a timer is going off for the oven
And I’m sat here, legs bent awkwardly as always
And I’m worrying about you again.
And I know that you don’t like it when I worry about you
And I know that you tell me not to
But I’m worrying about you again, as always
I can’t help it, I swear, I’ve tried
I just care too much
But it’s in my nature, see?
I know I act big and strong and bold like but worrying is in my nature.
It’s been in my nature since I was six years old and sat crying on the benches
Since I was eight and made a ton of worry fills out of pipe cleaners because our teacher who’s wife is from South central American taught us about the worry dolls from Guatemala
In my nature since I was ten and a girl told me that my friends had been talking about me behind my back
Since I was twelve and realised that I didn’t actually have any friends.
And I wish I didn’t have to worry about you, honest, but I care about you and caring about people makes you worry, and lately
You’ve been acting off
Been acting like
- Worrying, another poem by me
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forgotten-daydreamer · 7 months
Dumb vent post, like, super dumb I swear, ignore this.
Not to talk shit about my housemates, because I love them, okay?
But I wish they were more house trained.
Why is it that I'm the only one who washes the waste bins from time to time? Or the shower mat and oven mitts? Why is it that if one of them leaves the bucket full of dirty mop water in the middle of the corridor, I'm the only one who actually goes to empty it? 'Cause one of them mopped the floor and left, for like a week, to go back to her parents'. And she didn't bother emptying the bucket. And I always do that for her, and for the others, because apparently I'm the only one bothered by a bucket of dirty water and it's better to just- leave it there instead of wasting thirty seconds to empty it right away? But anyway, I told myself "Mh, let's wait and see." I gave up after three days.
Or- the trash. God. We take turns, okay? We take turns as in, like "this week it's my turn to clean the bathroom" etc. And so yes, turns for taking out the trash too. But I always do it because they just- keep stuffing the bins until they're full to the brim and things start to fall out of them.
Not to talk about the countertop, or the table. Please. Please, how long does it take to grab some kitchen paper and degreaser?
Or... hair. Hair!! Sometimes I find lil balls of hair that is defeinitely not mine and I'm like mh. who's gonna pick it up. Who's gonna whip out the vaccuum cleaner? Nobody. It's horrible. I'm not squeamish when it comes to hair, at all- I'm actually the one who pulls it from the drains (we have the lil thing you put on the drain but it just doesn't work?) but come on.
Please. Like okay, yes, my mother is a clean freak, I have always always been taught to be pristine all the time and to leave my house spotless. Always. As in going to bed at one am even if you have a plane at 6 because the house has to be spotless before we leave for holidays (I always joke "wouldn't want the robbers to rob a dirty house").
But like, I don't think I'm asking for much.
We mop once a week only (shoes must come off the moment we step into the apartment so it's less gross than you'd imagine) and we do the dishes once a day only- on a scale of one to five, one being pigsty and five being "Alfred Pennyworth was here", this house is a solid 3 ½ most of the times. But... it's mainly thanks to me.
And I hate it. I hate it because "omg you don't need to do that" no, no, I do need to do that because nobody else will.
And while I could hypothetically tell them this, I cannot tell them "Please check if the toilet is actaully clean after you go n #2 and also clean the toilet brush before putting it away." because that's- no. Can't bring myself to.
Earlier I went to my room right after dinner because something came up with a uni project so i left my two dirty dishes, fork, and glass on the table "I'll be right back, sorry!" And? Three hours later what do I find? Everyone's dishes in the sink but mine. Left them right there, on the table. so, naturally, now, at 00.42 am, I'm going to wash only my shit, out of spite, yeah.
Come on. I get it, they're all younger (the youngest is 19 anyway so yeah, still old enough). But I didn't learn to clean after myself only after moving here.
I've been doing that for over a decade. Not as in "I was a slave" but as in "a 10 yr old can absolutely load and unload the dishwasher, set and tidy the table, put their (already folded*) clothes in their closet, wipe the sink after they brush their teeth, ..."
Under supervision and without consequences if I decided not to, one day, but I was house trained since I can remember and it's the best thing to do to help your child grow into an adult who can actually adult.
* I have sensory issues so folding clothes and touching cloth in general makes me want to puke and makes my teeth hurt (I'm serious, don't ask). Even with gloves, it's the sound too. Thinking about it made my teeth hurt. But I promise I can fold clothes.
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loveblackculture · 1 year
Tumblr media
1 Cup.Of baking soda.
1/2 Cup.Of salt.
1/4 Cup.Of white vinegar.
1/4 Cup.Of water
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grlbts · 1 year
The Tyranny of Convenience
by Tim Wu
Convenience is the most underestimated and least understood force in the world today. As a driver of human decisions, it may not offer the illicit thrill of Freud’s unconscious sexual desires or the mathematical elegance of the economist’s incentives. Convenience is boring. But boring is not the same thing as trivial.
In the developed nations of the 21st century, convenience — that is, more efficient and easier ways of doing personal tasks — has emerged as perhaps the most powerful force shaping our individual lives and our economies. This is particularly true in America, where, despite all the paeans to freedom and individuality, one sometimes wonders whether convenience is in fact the supreme value.
As Evan Williams, a co-founder of Twitter, recently put it, “Convenience decides everything.” Convenience seems to make our decisions for us, trumping what we like to imagine are our true preferences. (I prefer to brew my coffee, but Starbucks instant is so convenient I hardly ever do what I “prefer.”) Easy is better, easiest is best.
Convenience has the ability to make other options unthinkable. Once you have used a washing machine, laundering clothes by hand seems irrational, even if it might be cheaper. After you have experienced streaming television, waiting to see a show at a prescribed hour seems silly, even a little undignified. To resist convenience — not to own a cellphone, not to use Google — has come to require a special kind of dedication that is often taken for eccentricity, if not fanaticism.
For all its influence as a shaper of individual decisions, the greater power of convenience may arise from decisions made in aggregate, where it is doing so much to structure the modern economy. Particularly in tech-related industries, the battle for convenience is the battle for industry dominance.
Americans say they prize competition, a proliferation of choices, the little guy. Yet our taste for convenience begets more convenience, through a combination of the economics of scale and the power of habit. The easier it is to use Amazon, the more powerful Amazon becomes — and thus the easier it becomes to use Amazon. Convenience and monopoly seem to be natural bedfellows.
Given the growth of convenience — as an ideal, as a value, as a way of life — it is worth asking what our fixation with it is doing to us and to our country. I don’t want to suggest that convenience is a force for evil. Making things easier isn’t wicked. On the contrary, it often opens up possibilities that once seemed too onerous to contemplate, and it typically makes life less arduous, especially for those most vulnerable to life’s drudgeries.
But we err in presuming convenience is always good, for it has a complex relationship with other ideals that we hold dear. Though understood and promoted as an instrument of liberation, convenience has a dark side. With its promise of smooth, effortless efficiency, it threatens to erase the sort of struggles and challenges that help give meaning to life. Created to free us, it can become a constraint on what we are willing to do, and thus in a subtle way it can enslave us.
It would be perverse to embrace inconvenience as a general rule. But when we let convenience decide everything, we surrender too much.
Convenience as we now know it is a product of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when labor-saving devices for the home were invented and marketed. Milestones include the invention of the first “convenience foods,” such as canned pork and beans and Quaker Quick Oats; the first electric clothes-washing machines; cleaning products like Old Dutch scouring powder; and other marvels including the electric vacuum cleaner, instant cake mix and the microwave oven.
Convenience was the household version of another late-19th-century idea, industrial efficiency, and its accompanying “scientific management.” It represented the adaptation of the ethos of the factory to domestic life.
However mundane it seems now, convenience, the great liberator of humankind from labor, was a utopian ideal. By saving time and eliminating drudgery, it would create the possibility of leisure. And with leisure would come the possibility of devoting time to learning, hobbies or whatever else might really matter to us. Convenience would make available to the general population the kind of freedom for self-cultivation once available only to the aristocracy. In this way convenience would also be the great leveler.
This idea — convenience as liberation — could be intoxicating. Its headiest depictions are in the science fiction and futurist imaginings of the mid-20th century. From serious magazines like Popular Mechanics and from goofy entertainments like “The Jetsons” we learned that life in the future would be perfectly convenient. Food would be prepared with the push of a button. Moving sidewalks would do away with the annoyance of walking. Clothes would clean themselves or perhaps self-destruct after a day’s wearing. The end of the struggle for existence could at last be contemplated.
The dream of convenience is premised on the nightmare of physical work. But is physical work always a nightmare? Do we really want to be emancipated from all of it? Perhaps our humanity is sometimes expressed in inconvenient actions and time-consuming pursuits. Perhaps this is why, with every advance of convenience, there have always been those who resist it. They resist out of stubbornness, yes (and because they have the luxury to do so), but also because they see a threat to their sense of who they are, to their feeling of control over things that matter to them.
By the late 1960s, the first convenience revolution had begun to sputter. The prospect of total convenience no longer seemed like society’s greatest aspiration. Convenience meant conformity. The counterculture was about people’s need to express themselves, to fulfill their individual potential, to live in harmony with nature rather than constantly seeking to overcome its nuisances. Playing the guitar was not convenient. Neither was growing one’s own vegetables or fixing one’s own motorcycle. But such things were seen to have value nevertheless — or rather, as a result. People were looking for individuality again.
Perhaps it was inevitable, then, that the second wave of convenience technologies — the period we are living in — would co-opt this ideal. It would conveniencize individuality.
You might date the beginning of this period to the advent of the Sony Walkman in 1979. With the Walkman we can see a subtle but fundamental shift in the ideology of convenience. If the first convenience revolution promised to make life and work easier for you, the second promised to make it easier to be you. The new technologies were catalysts of selfhood. They conferred efficiency on self-expression.
Consider the man of the early 1980s, strolling down the street with his Walkman and earphones. He is enclosed in an acoustic environment of his choosing. He is enjoying, out in public, the kind of self-expression he once could experience only in his private den. A new technology is making it easier for him to show who he is, if only to himself. He struts around the world, the star of his own movie.
So alluring is this vision that it has come to dominate our existence. Most of the powerful and important technologies created over the past few decades deliver convenience in the service of personalization and individuality. Think of the VCR, the playlist, the Facebook page, the Instagram account. This kind of convenience is no longer about saving physical labor — many of us don’t do much of that anyway. It is about minimizing the mental resources, the mental exertion, required to choose among the options that express ourselves. Convenience is one-click, one-stop shopping, the seamless experience of “plug and play.” The ideal is personal preference with no effort.
We are willing to pay a premium for convenience, of course — more than we often realize we are willing to pay. During the late 1990s, for example, technologies of music distribution like Napster made it possible to get music online at no cost, and lots of people availed themselves of the option. But though it remains easy to get music free, no one really does it anymore. Why? Because the introduction of the iTunes store in 2003 made buying music even more convenient than illegally downloading it. Convenient beat out free.
As task after task becomes easier, the growing expectation of convenience exerts a pressure on everything else to be easy or get left behind. We are spoiled by immediacy and become annoyed by tasks that remain at the old level of effort and time. When you can skip the line and buy concert tickets on your phone, waiting in line to vote in an election is irritating. This is especially true for those who have never had to wait in lines (which may help explain the low rate at which young people vote).
The paradoxical truth I’m driving at is that today’s technologies of individualization are technologies of mass individualization. Customization can be surprisingly homogenizing. Everyone, or nearly everyone, is on Facebook: It is the most convenient way to keep track of your friends and family, who in theory should represent what is unique about you and your life. Yet Facebook seems to make us all the same. Its format and conventions strip us of all but the most superficial expressions of individuality, such as which particular photo of a beach or mountain range we select as our background image.
I do not want to deny that making things easier can serve us in important ways, giving us many choices (of restaurants, taxi services, open-source encyclopedias) where we used to have only a few or none. But being a person is only partly about having and exercising choices. It is also about how we face up to situations that are thrust upon us, about overcoming worthy challenges and finishing difficult tasks — the struggles that help make us who we are. What happens to human experience when so many obstacles and impediments and requirements and preparations have been removed?
Today’s cult of convenience fails to acknowledge that difficulty is a constitutive feature of human experience. Convenience is all destination and no journey. But climbing a mountain is different from taking the tram to the top, even if you end up at the same place. We are becoming people who care mainly or only about outcomes. We are at risk of making most of our life experiences a series of trolley rides.
Convenience has to serve something greater than itself, lest it lead only to more convenience. In her 1963 classic, “The Feminine Mystique,” Betty Friedan looked at what household technologies had done for women and concluded that they had just created more demands. “Even with all the new labor-saving appliances,” she wrote, “the modern American housewife probably spends more time on housework than her grandmother.” When things become easier, we can seek to fill our time with more “easy” tasks. At some point, life’s defining struggle becomes the tyranny of tiny chores and petty decisions.
An unwelcome consequence of living in a world where everything is “easy” is that the only skill that matters is the ability to multitask. At the extreme, we don’t actually do anything; we only arrange what will be done, which is a flimsy basis for a life.
We need to consciously embrace the inconvenient — not always, but more of the time. Nowadays individuality has come to reside in making at least some inconvenient choices. You need not churn your own butter or hunt your own meat, but if you want to be someone, you cannot allow convenience to be the value that transcends all others. Struggle is not always a problem. Sometimes struggle is a solution. It can be the solution to the question of who you are.
Embracing inconvenience may sound odd, but we already do it without thinking of it as such. As if to mask the issue, we give other names to our inconvenient choices: We call them hobbies, avocations, callings, passions. These are the noninstrumental activities that help to define us. They reward us with character because they involve an encounter with meaningful resistance — with nature’s laws, with the limits of our own bodies — as in carving wood, melding raw ingredients, fixing a broken appliance, writing code, timing waves or facing the point when the runner’s legs and lungs begin to rebel against him.
Such activities take time, but they also give us time back. They expose us to the risk of frustration and failure, but they also can teach us something about the world and our place in it.
So let’s reflect on the tyranny of convenience, try more often to resist its stupefying power, and see what happens. We must never forget the joy of doing something slow and something difficult, the satisfaction of not doing what is easiest. The constellation of inconvenient choices may be all that stands between us and a life of total, efficient conformity.
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alfiejacob · 1 year
Weekly Cleaning Toronto: A Comprehensive Guide to Keeping Your Home Spotless
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Welcome to our comprehensive guide on weekly cleaning in Toronto! Keeping your home clean and tidy is not just about aesthetics; it also promotes a healthy and stress-free living environment. Whether you're a busy professional, a full-time parent, or someone who simply wants to maintain a clean abode, this article will be your go-to resource.
Toronto, a bustling metropolis, has unique cleaning challenges due to its diverse weather conditions and urban lifestyle. However, with the right approach and effective cleaning strategies, you can tackle any mess that comes your way. In this guide, we'll cover everything from room-by-room cleaning tips to eco-friendly solutions and expert advice to make your weekly cleaning routine a breeze.
Weekly Cleaning Toronto: The Basics
Before diving into the specifics, let's understand the fundamentals of weekly cleaning in Toronto. The key to a successful cleaning routine is consistency and efficiency. By breaking down your tasks into manageable chunks, you'll avoid feeling overwhelmed and maintain a cleaner home all week long.
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Living Room Cleaning
Your living room is often the heart of your home, where you relax, entertain guests, and spend quality time with loved ones. Here's how to keep it sparkling:
Declutter and Organize: Start by tidying up any clutter and organizing items like books, remote controls, and magazines. Use decorative baskets or shelves to keep things in order.
Dust and Polish Surfaces: Use a microfiber cloth to dust all surfaces, including shelves, tables, and electronics. For wooden furniture, apply a suitable polish to restore its natural shine.
Vacuum and Clean Floors: Thoroughly vacuum carpets, rugs, and upholstery. For hardwood or tile floors, mop with a gentle cleaner to remove stains and grime.
Kitchen Cleaning
The kitchen is the heart of any home, and proper cleaning is essential to maintain a hygienic space for cooking and dining:
Clear the Countertops: Remove all items from the countertops and wipe them clean. Disinfect using a food-safe cleaner to eliminate germs.
Clean Appliances: Wipe down the refrigerator, microwave, oven, and other appliances both inside and out. Check the fridge for expired items and dispose of them.
Scrub the Sink: Use a non-abrasive cleaner and scrub the sink thoroughly. Don't forget to clean the faucet and handles.
Sweep and Mop the Floor: Sweep the kitchen floor to remove debris and mop with a suitable floor cleaner for a spotless finish.
Bedroom Cleaning
A clean and cozy bedroom promotes better sleep and relaxation. Here's how to keep it inviting:
Change Beddings: Strip the bed and replace the sheets, pillowcases, and duvet covers with fresh, clean ones.
Dust and Vacuum: Dust all surfaces, including nightstands and dressers. Vacuum the floor, paying attention to corners and under furniture.
Air Out the Mattress: If possible, take the mattress outside for a few hours to air it out and eliminate odors.
Organize Closets: Declutter your closet regularly and donate or discard clothes you no longer wear.
Bathroom Cleaning
A clean bathroom is essential for personal hygiene. Here's how to keep it sparkling:
Clean the Toilet: Use a toilet bowl cleaner and brush to thoroughly clean the inside of the toilet bowl. Wipe down the exterior with a disinfectant.
Scrub the Shower and Bathtub: Use a bathroom cleaner and scrub the tiles, tub, and shower area. Remove soap scum and mold.
Wipe Sink and Countertops: Clean the sink and countertops with an all-purpose cleaner. Don't forget to shine the faucets.
Replace Towels: Replace used towels with fresh ones. Launder the used towels promptly.
Eco-Friendly Cleaning Tips for Toronto
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Use Vinegar and Baking Soda: Vinegar and baking soda are natural cleaning powerhouses. Use vinegar as a surface cleaner and baking soda as a gentle abrasive for tough stains.
Make DIY Cleaning Solutions: Create your own eco-friendly cleaning solutions using simple ingredients like lemon, essential oils, and water.
Invest in Microfiber Cloths: Microfiber cloths are reusable and excellent for dusting and wiping surfaces without harsh chemicals.
Weekly Cleaning for Seasonal Changes
Summer Cleaning: Focus on decluttering and keeping your home well-ventilated during hot and humid summers.
Fall Cleaning: Prepare for colder weather by cleaning gutters, sealing drafts, and organizing winter clothing.
Winter Cleaning: Combat winter blues with regular cleaning, fresh scents, and cozy ambiance.
Spring Cleaning: Deep clean your home after winter and prepare for the vibrant season ahead.
Weekly Cleaning Hacks for Busy Professionals
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Create a Cleaning Schedule: Plan specific cleaning tasks for each day to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
Delegate and Involve Family Members: Share cleaning responsibilities with family members to make it a team effort.
Use Quick Cleaning Techniques: Learn efficient cleaning techniques, like the 15-minute room cleanup, for busy days.
Q: How often should I clean my home on a weekly basis?
A: Cleaning your home once a week is generally sufficient for most households. However, if you have pets or allergies, you might need more frequent cleaning.
Q: Can I use vinegar on all surfaces?
A: While vinegar is safe for many surfaces, it's acidic, so avoid using it on natural stone countertops.
Q: What's the best way to remove stubborn stains?
A: For stubborn stains, use a mixture of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide, or consider seeking professional cleaning services.
Q: How can I maintain a clean home with a busy schedule?
A: Utilize quick cleaning techniques, set a cleaning schedule, and involve your family in the process.
Q: Are there any eco-friendly cleaning services in Toronto?
A: Yes, Toronto offers various eco-friendly cleaning services that use sustainable products and practices.
Q: How can I prepare my home for special occasions?
A: Plan ahead and focus on key areas, like the living room and kitchen, to make your home party-ready.
Final Thought
Keeping your home clean and well-maintained is an essential part of modern living in Toronto. By following the tips and strategies outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can easily manage your weekly cleaning tasks and enjoy a spotless and comfortable living space. Remember to stay consistent, involve your family, and embrace eco-friendly cleaning practices to make the process enjoyable and efficient.
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Why Is It Time for You to Deep Clean Your Home This Rainy Season?
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What Is Deep Cleaning?
Deep cleaning is a thorough and detailed cleaning process beyond your regular cleaning tasks. At the same time, routine cleaning might involve simple tasks like dusting and vacuuming, deep cleaning addresses hidden dust, grime, and allergens that accumulate over time. It ensures every corner of your home is meticulously cleaned, which improves both the look and health of your living space. This type of cleaning is especially important during the rainy season, as increased humidity can lead to mold growth, mildew, and other issues. Deep cleaning helps to combat these problems by thoroughly cleaning areas that are often overlooked, making your home healthier and more comfortable.
Key Areas for Effective Deep Cleaning
Walls and Ceilings
Walls and ceilings are often neglected during regular cleaning but can collect dust, cobwebs, and stains over time. During the rainy season, moisture in the air can make these issues worse. To clean them, use a gentle cleanser and a soft cloth or microfiber duster. This will help remove dust and grime. For stubborn stains, a mild detergent mixed with water can be used. Keeping walls and ceilings clean can also improve air quality in your home.
Electrical Appliances and Furniture
Your electrical appliances, like refrigerators, ovens, and microwaves, as well as your furniture, can gather grime, spills, and dust. During the rainy season, moisture can lead to additional buildup. To clean appliances, wipe down all surfaces, clean out vents, and make sure everything is working properly. For furniture, dust all surfaces and clean underneath and behind items where dust and crumbs can collect. Regular cleaning of these areas helps maintain the efficiency and appearance of your appliances and furniture.
Mirrors and Windows
Mirrors and windows can get streaked with water spots, especially during the rainy season. Clean mirrors and windows to let in more natural light and make your home look brighter and more inviting. Use a glass cleaner or a mixture of water and vinegar for a streak-free shine. Be sure to clean both the inside and outside surfaces of windows for the clearest view. Clean mirrors regularly to enhance their reflective quality and keep them looking new.
Floors can trap dirt, dust, and allergens, which can affect the air quality in your home. During the rainy season, additional dirt from outside can be brought in. To deep clean floors, use the appropriate method for your flooring type. For carpets, vacuum thoroughly and consider steam cleaning for a deeper clean. For hard floors, use suitable cleaning solutions to remove embedded dirt and restore their shine. This helps keep your floors looking good and reduces the amount of dust and allergens in your home.
The kitchen is a high-traffic area prone to spills, stains, and food residue. This is especially true during the rainy season when humidity can contribute to additional mess. Deep-clean countertops, cabinets, and appliances to maintain a hygienic environment. Don’t forget to disinfect high-touch areas like handles and switches. Clean behind and beneath appliances to remove hidden crumbs and spills. Keeping your kitchen clean helps prevent the buildup of bacteria and keeps your cooking area safe and pleasant.
Bathrooms are particularly susceptible to mold, mildew, and soap scum, which can worsen during the rainy season due to increased humidity. Focus on cleaning tiles, grout, and fixtures with strong disinfectants. Pay special attention to areas around the toilet, sink, and shower or bathtub. Regular deep cleaning helps prevent mold growth and keeps your bathroom looking fresh and sanitary. This process helps maintain a clean and inviting bathroom environment.
Sofa and Carpet
Sofas and carpets can trap dust, dirt, and allergens, which can affect the air quality and comfort of your home. During the rainy season, moisture can also contribute to mold and mildew growth in these areas. Vacuum carpets thoroughly and treat any stains with appropriate cleaning solutions. For sofas, use a vacuum with upholstery attachments and consider professional cleaning for a deeper clean. This helps maintain the appearance and longevity of your furniture and carpets, ensuring they remain comfortable and hygienic.
Toskie: Best Home Cleaning Services Company
When it comes to deep cleaning, Toskie Home Cleaning Services is your go-to solution. We offer a thorough and professional approach to ensure every part of your home is meticulously cleaned. Our team of experienced cleaners uses high-quality tools and eco-friendly products to tackle all areas of your home. From detailed dusting and scrubbing to advanced carpet and upholstery cleaning, Toskie provides a comprehensive range of services designed to meet your deep cleaning needs. Trust us to deliver exceptional results and maintain a fresh, healthy living environment.
Deep cleaning Your home is essential, especially during the rainy season, to keep your living space healthy and inviting. This comprehensive cleaning process addresses often-overlooked areas and helps manage issues related to increased humidity, such as mold and mildew. For a thorough and hassle-free deep cleaning experience, book Toskie’s full home cleaning service today. Our expert team will ensure your home is thoroughly cleaned and revitalized, leaving you with a cleaner, healthier, and more comfortable living space.
FAQs: Deep Cleaning Your Home During the Rainy Season
1. Why is it important to deep clean my home during the rainy season?
Deep cleaning during the rainy season helps manage excess moisture, prevent mold and mildew growth, and improve indoor air quality. Rain can introduce dampness, making it easier for allergens and bacteria to thrive, so a thorough cleaning is essential for a healthier home environment.
2. How often should I deep clean my home during the rainy season?
It’s recommended to deep clean your home at least once every 1–2 months during the rainy season to effectively manage moisture and prevent the buildup of allergens and mildew. More frequent cleanings may be necessary if your home is particularly damp or prone to mold.
3. What are the key areas to focus on during a rainy season deep clean?
Focus on high-moisture areas such as bathrooms, kitchens, and basements. Ensure you clean and inspect areas prone to mold, like behind appliances, under sinks, and along baseboards. Pay special attention to ventilation systems and air filters to keep the air quality optimal.
4. How can I prevent mold growth during the rainy season?
To prevent mold growth, ensure proper ventilation in high-moisture areas, use dehumidifiers to reduce indoor humidity, and promptly address any leaks or water damage. Regularly clean surfaces and use mold-resistant cleaning products.
5. What are the benefits of hiring a professional cleaning service during the rainy season?
Professional cleaning services have the expertise, equipment, and cleaning solutions to tackle tough jobs and manage high moisture levels effectively. They can perform thorough cleaning and inspections, ensuring your home is free from allergens, mold, and mildew.
6. Can deep cleaning during the rainy season help with allergy relief?
Yes, deep cleaning can significantly reduce allergens like dust mites, mold spores, and pet dander, which can be exacerbated by rainy weather. This can lead to improved indoor air quality and relief from allergy symptoms.
7. What are some DIY tips for deep cleaning my home during the rainy season?
Use dehumidifiers and air purifiers to manage moisture and improve air quality. Clean and vacuum carpets and upholstery regularly, wipe down surfaces with antimicrobial cleaners, and ensure proper ventilation to help control dampness and prevent mold growth.
For more info visit: https://www.toskie.com/home-service/home-cleaning/Hyderabad Call: 080 6917 9999
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cleaningecogreen50 · 21 days
Cleaning Companies in Vancouver: A Comprehensive Guide
Those who have been to Vancouver would inevitably agree that the city is clean, and one of the reasons for this is because of the development of good injecting cleaning habits. Efforts should be made to keep clean the iconic high-rise buildings in the centre, the quietnities, and other commercial areas. In such cases globally, cleaning companies are critical on their efficiency in keeping homes, offices, and public areas of good sanitation. This paper focuses on the world of cleaning in Vancouver and particularly what the companies do, the nature of their work and how they explain their work and how one should be careful when picking any cleaning service.
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Cleaning Services in Vancouver
Cleaning services in Vancouver are numerous and competitive in nature tailoring for different both individual and group needs. There are companies that clean houses, others offer office cleaning or general cleaning where most of the deep cleaning is focused, green cleaning, and many others. This diversity is because of the nature of Vancouver, with both residential, and commercial houses, all requiring different cleaning services.
The sector has experienced expansion as a result of the growing concern towards hygiene, more so after COVID-19. Both Corporates and domestic owners have lauded the issue of sanitation leading to increasing use of cleaning services. This specific demand had stimulated creative activities in the industry whereby companies expanded their lines to include disinfection cleaning and green cleaning services.
Task-Based Cleaning Service Provision
House Cleaning : House cleaning services are primarily aimed at people living in private homes who would want to keep clean their living space, but are not interested in doing it themselves. Such serves range from regular (daily, weekly, two weeks, a month) sanitization services to a one-off cleaning that could either be spring cleaning or pre-cleaning and post-occupancy cleaning. Ordinary activities involve dusting, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning counters and floors in kitchens and bathrooms, and more. Some of the companies provide extras including washing windows, cleaning carpets, and cleaning ovens.
Commercial Cleaning : Commercial cleaning has become of utmost necessity among the Vancouver businesses for keeping office spaces, shopping centers, and other types of business facilities clean and appealing to clients. These services are highly customizable and may include additional cleaning tasks than the generic package which avails janitorial services, cleaning carpets and upholstery, window cleaning, and deep cleaning of bathrooms and kitchens on a daily basis. Generally, commercial cleaning services would allow for on-site work schedules which would cause the least disturbance to the clients, their employees or the business in general.
Industrial Cleaning : Industrial cleaners provide cleaning facilities to factories, warehouses, and other manufacturing establishments, as such operations require special cleaning services. These services usually use gloves with special tools and equipment to clean the industrial range of grease, dust, and other pollutants. There is a lot of safety involvement in this cleaning sector which is why all companies under this umbrella are compliant to all regulatory and best practice protocols within this industry.
Clean Up After Construction: Most of the time a construction or renovation site remains with dust and other dirt and usually requires post construction and pre occupancy cleaning. Companies that offer cleaning after construction in Vancouver face these problems and make sure the area is habitable. Services included are- clear outdoor space from rubbish, indoor dusting, vacuuming and cleaning the small or delicate surfaces more very clean.
Green Cleaning: Contributing to making an environmental-friendly Vancouver is the priority of the Vancouver residents that goes beyond simply living in the city. To the delight of many individuals and companies, new cleaning companies offer professional cleaning services with environmentally safe products. These are also ideal for people who worry about the use of chemicals and their effects to people. Available green cleaning services include those for homes and businesses.
Cleaning Of Carpets and Other Fabrics: Dirt, dust, and other allergies can be found in carpets and upholstery hence regular washing is important to propagate a healthy environment in the house. There are carpet and upholstery cleaning services in Vancouver that do steam cleaning, hot water extraction, etc, for surface cleaning and rejuvenation. A lot of companies also provide upholstery cleaning, stain removal techniques and fabrics protection services.
Window Cleaning: It is essential to have a window cleaning service in a city like Vancouver where buildings are constantly constructed with a lot of glass that requires proper maintenance. Professional window cleaning services undertake the responsibility of getting rid of any stains and apparent dirt on the windows of tall structures or private homes by employing various advanced strategies and equipment.
Choosing the Right Cleaning Company
It is not easy to find the best cleaning services in Vancouver given the many cleaning service providers in the area.
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Here are some key factors to consider:
Reputation and Reviews: Try to find companies who have a modified management which includes satisfied clients. It's too easy to find negative feedbacks, as for the positive ones, they should be properly reassured before placing an order. Websites like these make the search for subcontracted labor for cleaning companies easier. If a service provider consistently receives positive reviews, then such service provider’s services are recommended.
Services Offered: Not all the cleaning companies provide similar services. Specify your needs and make sure that the company you decide on is capable of fulfilling those. For instance, where environmentally safe washing agents are required, the company hired ought to do green cleaning. If you’re looking for availing routine upkeep, make sure they have a suitable cleaning schedule, which allows partial cleaning.
Experience and Expertise: Experience matters in the cleaning industry. Companies that have been in business for several years are likely to have developed efficient processes and trained staff. Additionally, expertise in specific areas, such as industrial cleaning or post-construction cleanup, can be crucial depending on your needs.
Licensing and Insurance: Ensure that the cleaning company you hire is licensed and insured. This protects you in case of any accidents or damages during the cleaning process. A legitimate company will be transparent about their credentials and willing to provide proof of insurance.
Pricing and Transparency: While cost is always a consideration, it’s important to look beyond the price tag. Beware of companies that offer extremely low rates, as they may cut corners or use inferior products. Instead, look for a company that offers transparent pricing with no hidden fees. Request a detailed quote and ask about what is included in the service.
Flexibility and Reliability: A good cleaning company should offer flexible scheduling options that fit your needs. Whether you need early morning cleaning before your office opens or a weekend deep clean at your home, the company should be able to accommodate. Reliability is also crucial; the company should consistently show up on time and complete the job as promised.
Customer Service: Excellent customer service is a hallmark of a reputable cleaning company. From the initial inquiry to the completion of the job, the company should be responsive, courteous, and professional. Good communication is key to ensuring that your expectations are met.
The Importance of Professional Cleaning
Hiring a professional cleaning company in Vancouver is not just about convenience; it’s about maintaining a healthy and safe environment. Professional cleaners have the tools, products, and expertise to thoroughly clean and disinfect spaces, reducing the risk of illness and creating a more pleasant atmosphere. For businesses, a clean workplace can boost employee morale, increase productivity, and make a positive impression on clients.
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In residential settings, regular professional cleaning can help maintain the value of your home, extend the life of your furnishings, and improve indoor air quality. This is particularly important in a city like Vancouver, where damp weather can contribute to mold and mildew growth.
Cleaning companies in Vancouver play a vital role in maintaining the cleanliness and hygiene of the city’s homes, businesses, and public spaces. With a wide range of services available, from residential and commercial cleaning to specialized eco-friendly solutions, there is a company to meet every need. When choosing a cleaning service, it’s important to consider factors such as reputation, services offered, experience, licensing, pricing, and customer service. By making an informed choice, you can ensure that your space remains clean, healthy, and welcoming, contributing to the overall well-being of the vibrant Vancouver community.
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With our specialist home cleaning experience, Cleaning With EcoGREEN Cleaning services can clean your carpets, rugs, and furniture with the same degree of professionalism that we provide to our commercial clients. You can count on us to clean your house in a way that is both safe for your family and the environment and suitable for pets.
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Optimal Home Care: A Comprehensive Guide to Keeping Your House Clean
Optimal Home Care: A Comprehensive Guide to Keeping Your House Clean
Maintaining a clean and tidy home is crucial for a healthy and comfortable living environment. A well-maintained house Cleaning not only looks appealing but also prevents the accumulation of dust, allergens, and pests. This comprehensive guide will provide you with practical tips and strategies to achieve optimal home care, focusing on cleanliness and organization.
1. The Importance of a Clean Home
Health Benefits
A clean home reduces the risk of allergies, asthma, and other respiratory issues by minimizing dust, mold, and pet dander. Regular cleaning company also helps eliminate harmful bacteria and viruses, reducing the likelihood of infections.
Mental Well-being
A tidy and organized space promotes mental clarity and reduces stress. Living in a clutter-free environment can improve your mood and increase productivity.
Keeping your home clean and organized minimizes the risk of accidents. Clear pathways and properly stored items prevent trips and falls, especially important for homes with children and elderly residents.
2. Creating a Cleaning Schedule
Daily Tasks
Make the bed: Starting your day by making the bed sets a positive tone.
Dishes: Wash dishes after each meal to prevent buildup.
Surface wipe-down: Clean kitchen countertops, dining tables, and bathroom sinks daily to keep surfaces free from germs and stains.
Weekly Tasks
Vacuuming and mopping: Vacuum carpets and rugs and mop hard floors at least once a week to remove dirt and dust.
Laundry: Schedule regular laundry days to keep clothes and linens fresh.
Bathroom cleaning: Clean toilets, showers, and bathtubs weekly to prevent mold and soap scum buildup.
Monthly Tasks
Deep cleaning: Focus on one room each month for a deep clean. This includes washing windows, cleaning under furniture, and dusting ceiling fans.
Appliance maintenance: Clean kitchen appliances such as the oven, microwave, and refrigerator to ensure they function efficiently.
3. Essential Cleaning Supplies
Cleaning Tools
Vacuum cleaner: A high-quality vacuum with HEPA filters effectively removes dust and allergens.
Mop and bucket: Choose a mop suitable for your floor type, such as a microfiber mop for hardwood floors.
Dusters: Use microfiber dusters for furniture and electronics.
Scrub brushes: Various sizes for different cleaning tasks, including grout and tile.
Cleaning Solutions
All-purpose cleaner: Versatile for most surfaces.
Disinfectant: Kills germs and bacteria on high-touch surfaces.
Glass cleaner: Ensures streak-free windows and mirrors.
Specialty cleaners: Products designed for specific tasks, such as stainless steel or wood polish.
Eco-Friendly Options
Consider using eco-friendly cleaning products to reduce your environmental impact. Many natural alternatives, like vinegar and baking soda, are effective and non-toxic.
4. Room-by-Room Cleaning Guide
Counters and surfaces: Wipe down countertops and stovetops daily.
Sink: Clean and disinfect the sink regularly to prevent odors and bacteria.
Refrigerator: Organize and clean the refrigerator monthly, discarding expired items and wiping shelves.
Oven and microwave: Use appropriate cleaners for these appliances to remove grease and food residue.
Toilet: Clean with a disinfectant to kill germs and prevent stains.
Shower and tub: Use a mold and mildew cleaner to maintain a spotless shower.
Sink and mirrors: Wipe down with glass cleaner for a streak-free finish.
Floor: Mop with a disinfectant solution to keep the floor clean and fresh.
Living Room
Dusting: Dust furniture, electronics, and decorations weekly.
Vacuuming: Vacuum carpets and rugs to remove dirt and pet hair.
Upholstery cleaning: Use a fabric cleaner to refresh sofas and chairs.
Windows: Clean windows and window sills monthly for clear views and dust-free spaces.
Bed linens: Change and wash bed linens weekly.
Dusting: Dust furniture and decorations regularly.
Floors: Vacuum or sweep floors to keep them free of dust and debris.
Closets: Organize closets monthly, decluttering and donating unused items.
Home Office
Desk and electronics: Wipe down the desk and clean electronics with appropriate cleaners.
Organize paperwork: File important documents and discard unnecessary papers.
Dusting: Dust shelves and office equipment weekly to maintain a tidy workspace.
5. Decluttering Tips
The KonMari Method
Marie Kondo’s method involves decluttering by category rather than by room. Keep items that "spark joy" and discard the rest. Categories include clothing, books, papers, miscellaneous items, and sentimental items.
The Four-Box Method
Use four boxes labeled "Keep," "Donate," "Trash," and "Relocate." Sort through each room, deciding the fate of each item. This method helps make decisions easier and keeps you organized.
Seasonal Decluttering
Tackle decluttering tasks seasonally. For example, clean out closets and storage areas at the beginning of each season, removing items that are no longer needed or used.
6. Maintaining Cleanliness with Pets
Pet Hair Management
Vacuum regularly: Use a vacuum with pet-specific attachments to remove hair from floors and furniture.
Lint rollers: Keep lint rollers handy for quick removal of pet hair from clothing and upholstery.
Grooming: Regular grooming reduces shedding and keeps your pet’s coat healthy.
Litter and Odor Control
Litter boxes: Clean litter boxes daily to prevent odors and maintain a sanitary environment.
Pet bedding: Wash pet bedding regularly to keep it fresh and free of odors.
Deodorizers: Use pet-safe deodorizers to neutralize odors in your home.
7. Seasonal Cleaning
Spring Cleaning
Windows: Wash windows inside and out to let in more natural light.
Outdoor areas: Clean patios, decks, and outdoor furniture.
Air vents and filters: Replace air filters and clean vents to improve air quality.
Summer Cleaning
Grill cleaning: Clean your grill before the summer barbecue season.
Ceiling fans: Dust and clean ceiling fans to ensure efficient operation.
Carpets and rugs: Deep clean carpets and rugs to remove built-up dirt and allergens.
Fall Cleaning
Gutter cleaning: Clear gutters of leaves and debris to prevent blockages.
Fireplace: Clean the fireplace and chimney before use.
Closets: Rotate seasonal clothing and store summer items.
Winter Cleaning
Heater maintenance: Ensure your heating system is clean and functioning properly.
Entryways: Keep entryways clean and organized to manage dirt and snow brought in from outside.
Holiday preparation: Clean and decorate for the holidays, focusing on areas where guests will gather.
8. Professional Cleaning Services
When to Hire a Professional
Consider hiring a professional cleaning service for tasks that require specialized equipment or expertise, such as deep carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, and post-construction cleaning.
Choosing a Cleaning Service
Reputation: Look for reviews and recommendations to find a reputable service.
Services offered: Ensure the service offers the specific cleaning tasks you need.
Pricing: Compare prices and choose a service that fits your budget.
9. Sustainable Cleaning Practices
Reducing Waste
Reusable products: Use reusable cleaning cloths and mop pads instead of disposable ones.
Eco-friendly products: Choose biodegradable and non-toxic cleaning products to reduce your environmental impact.
Conserving Water and Energy
Efficient appliances: Use energy-efficient appliances to reduce electricity consumption.
Water-saving techniques: Avoid excessive water use by using efficient cleaning methods, such as spot cleaning instead of full mopping.
10. Conclusion
Achieving optimal home care through cleanliness requires a combination of regular maintenance, effective cleaning techniques, and proper organization. By following the tips and strategies outlined in this guide, you can create a clean, healthy, and comfortable living environment for you and your family. Remember, consistency is key; establishing a routine and sticking to it will make home care more manageable and less time-consuming in the long run.
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wilsonaron · 29 days
The Ultimate Guide to Using Soapstone Cookware USA
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Soapstone cookware, a timeless and durable choice, is gaining popularity in American kitchens. Renowned for its natural non-stick properties, even heat distribution, and rustic charm, soapstone is becoming a go-to material for cookware enthusiasts. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a home cook, understanding how to use and care for soapstone cookware can elevate your culinary experience. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about using soapstone cookwares USA.
Why Choose Soapstone Cookware?
Soapstone has been used for centuries in various cultures, prized for its unique properties. Here’s why it’s making a comeback in American kitchens:
Superior Heat Retention: Soapstone is known for its excellent heat retention. Once heated, it stays hot for a long time, ensuring your food remains warm even after cooking. This is particularly useful for dishes that require consistent heat, like stews, soups, and slow-cooked meals.
Natural Non-Stick Surface: Unlike other cookware materials that require coatings, soapstone has a naturally smooth, non-porous surface. This makes it non-stick without the need for harmful chemicals. It’s perfect for cooking delicate foods like fish, eggs, and pancakes.
Versatile Cooking Options: Soapstone cookware is versatile and can be used on various heat sources, including gas stoves, electric burners, and even open flames. It’s also oven-safe, making it ideal for baking and roasting.
Durability and Longevity: Soapstone is incredibly durable and can last for generations if properly cared for. It’s resistant to cracking and chipping, making it a long-term investment for your kitchen.
Health Benefits: Because it doesn’t react with acidic foods, soapstone is a safe and healthy option for cooking. It won’t leach chemicals or metals into your food, preserving the natural flavors of your ingredients.
How to Use Soapstone Cookware
Using soapstone cookware is relatively simple, but there are a few key steps to ensure the best results:
Seasoning Your Cookware: Before using your soapstone cookware for the first time, it’s essential to season it. Seasoning involves coating the cookware with a thin layer of vegetable oil and heating it. This process helps to enhance the non-stick properties and creates a protective layer on the surface. To season your cookware:
Wash the cookware with warm water and mild soap.
Dry it thoroughly.
Apply a thin coat of vegetable oil to the inside surface.
Heat the cookware in the oven at 300°F (150°C) for about an hour.
Let it cool naturally before wiping off any excess oil.
Preheating: Soapstone cookware should be preheated gradually. Start with low heat and gradually increase it to the desired temperature. This allows the stone to heat evenly and prevents thermal shock, which could cause cracking.
Cooking with Soapstone: Once preheated, you can cook your food just as you would with any other cookware. The even heat distribution ensures consistent cooking, and the non-stick surface makes flipping and stirring easy. Remember, soapstone retains heat exceptionally well, so you may need to adjust your cooking times accordingly.
Serving and Storing: Soapstone’s ability to retain heat makes it an excellent serving dish. You can take it directly from the stove or oven to the table, where it will keep your food warm for longer. When storing, avoid stacking other heavy cookware on top of your soapstone pieces to prevent accidental damage.
Caring for Your Soapstone Cookware
Proper care and maintenance will ensure that your soapstone cookware remains in excellent condition for years to come:
Cleaning: After each use, allow the cookware to cool down naturally. Avoid pouring cold water onto hot soapstone as this can cause thermal shock. Wash it with warm water and a soft sponge. Mild soap can be used if necessary, but avoid abrasive cleaners that could damage the surface.
Re-Seasoning: Over time, the seasoning layer may wear off. If you notice food sticking or the surface looking dry, it’s time to re-season your cookware. Follow the same steps as when you first seasoned it.
Storage: Store your soapstone cookware in a dry, cool place. If stacking is necessary, place a soft cloth or paper towel between pieces to prevent scratches.
Where to Buy Soapstone Cookware in the USA
Soapstone cookware is becoming more accessible, with many specialty kitchen stores and online retailers offering a variety of products. When purchasing, look for high-quality soapstone with no visible cracks or imperfections. Some popular places to buy soapstone cookwares USA include:
Online Retailers: Websites like Soapstone cookwares, Amazon, Wayfair, and Etsy offer a wide range of soapstone cookware, often with customer reviews that can help guide your purchase.
Specialty Kitchen Stores: Stores like Sur La Table and Williams-Sonoma may carry soapstone cookware, allowing you to see and feel the products before buying.
Local Artisans: Many local artisans and small businesses craft soapstone cookware by hand. Purchasing from them supports local craftsmanship and ensures you get a unique, high-quality product.
Soapstone cookware offers a blend of tradition, functionality, and health benefits that make it an excellent choice for American kitchens. Its superior heat retention, natural non-stick surface, and durability make it a versatile tool for cooking a wide range of dishes. By following the tips and guidelines in this guide, you can ensure that your soapstone cookware remains a cherished part of your kitchen for years to come. Whether you’re new to soapstone or a seasoned user, there’s no better time to explore the benefits of this timeless cookware.
For more information visit:
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karamele0 · 1 month
Pizza Base | Karamele Bakery
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corn flour, xanthan gum, and guar gum. Once you’ve savoured these exquisite bases, traditional pizza crusts will pale in comparison. Indulge in a delicious pizza experience that’s both gluten-free and vegan, enriched with the nutritional benefits of sorghum flour and the natural sweetness of organic jaggery
Pure and Natural Pizza Bases
No Additives: Unlike many other gluten-free pizza bases on the market, these pizza bases do not contain any binding agents such as tapioca starch, arrowroot starch, corn flour, xanthan gum, and guar gum; ensuring a cleaner and a more natural product.
Healthier Choice: Eliminating these agents reduces the intake of potential allergens and digestive irritants, making these pizza bases a healthier & safer option for everyone.
The Power of Sorghum Flour
Sorghum (Jowar) flour offers numerous health benefits, making it a valuable addition to any diet. It’s gluten-free, making it an excellent choice for those with celiac disease or gluten sensitivities. Rich in dietary fibre, sorghum aids digestion, promotes gut health, and helps maintain a healthy weight. It is packed with essential nutrients like iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and B-vitamins, supporting overall health and vitality. Additionally, its antioxidants help fight oxidative stress, reducing inflammation and potentially lowering the risk of chronic diseases. Sorghum’s glycemic index helps in managing blood sugar levels, making it beneficial for diabetics
A Luxurious Experience
Karamele’s Original recipe of Gluten-Free & Vegan Pizza Bases offer a luxurious, natural experience with every slice. The unique texture and flavour of sorghum flour create a delightful eating experience that rivals traditional pizza crusts. Whether you top it with your favourite sauces, plant-based cheeses, and fresh vegetables or create unique pizza combinations, our pizza bases are crafted to elevate your dining experience while meeting your dietary preferences
Sorghum flour, water, yeast, rice bran oil, jaggery (for activating yeast) & salt.
How to use
Preheat your oven to 180°C (350°F).
Place the pizza base on a baking tray.
Add your favourite toppings and return to the oven until the toppings are cooked to your liking.
Bake for 7–9 minutes (oven times may vary, so keep an eye on it).
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thekitchnpro · 3 years
Choose the Right Countertops for Your Kitchen
New Post has been published on https://thekitchnpro.com/choose-the-right-countertops-for-your-kitchen/
Choose the Right Countertops for Your Kitchen
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Countertops! You have a huge number of options to choose from. If you walk into any home improvement store, you’ll probably see at least two dozen different types of countertops. This can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be! Here are the basics on how to choose the right countertops for your kitchen or bathroom.
-Typically there are three main types of countertops material: natural stone, wood, and man-made composites such as laminates. Each material has its own benefits and drawbacks depending on budget and style. 
-The easiest material to maintain is a laminate countertop because they don’t stain easily and all scratches can be easily buffed out with a damp cloth. A disadvantage is that laminates cannot withstand heat from ovens or dishwashers. 
-If you want to add character with organic materials but also need durability, then stone is an excellent choice for its resistance to heat and other abuse while still being easy to maintain because it does not require sealing as marble does.
Granite Countertops
Granite is one of several types of solid-surface countertop materials. Solid surfaces, which include granite, quartz, and engineered stone, are durable and easy to maintain. However, they’re also more expensive than laminate and manufactured stone countertops. To find out if a solid surface is a good choice for your home or business, here’s what you need to know about each type:
Granite: Granite has natural variations in color and texture that make it an attractive option for the kitchen and bathroom counters. It’s hard but not as hard as engineered stone; however, it can be damaged by acidic foods or cleaners. Granite tends to cost more than other solid-surface materials because it requires careful cutting and shaping during installation. But it still considered a fairly affordable countertop option.
Quartz: Quartz offers many of the same benefits as granite, including low maintenance and high durability. The material has been popular since roughly 2010 because of its timeless appeal. It can be found in different colors ranging from neutral whites to reddish hues. Quartz does require sealing, but it doesn’t stain easily, unlike some woods.
Quartz Countertops
Before you dive into your quartz countertop project, it’s important to learn about different types of quartz and their pros and cons. Different types of quartz include brushed, polished, matte, vintage-finish, and high-gloss. You can also choose between solid or engineered quartz. Another thing to consider is whether you want commercial or residential grade; most homeowners will opt for residential grade for its durability at an affordable price point. However, if you’re planning on selling your home anytime soon (within three years), commercial-grade may be worth splurging on since it won’t show signs of wear as quickly.
If cost isn’t a factor, other considerations might be aesthetic appeal and ease of maintenance. Ultimately, determining which type of quartz countertop is best for you comes down to personal preference. To help make your decision easier, use our guide below to compare the pros and cons of each type. Once you have decided on what type of quartz countertop is best for your budget and lifestyle, move on to choosing a color. Then find out how much does it cost to install quartz countertops in five easy steps.
Marble Countertops
Granite is considered to be one of, if not the most popular type of stone used for kitchen and bathroom counters. With thousands of colors, patterns, and textures available it’s no wonder that granite is so popular. However, some people prefer other types of stone over granite because granite can be quite expensive and they want a more unique look.
If you fall into that category then take a look at these other types of stone that are also used in kitchens and bathrooms. And while we’re on the subject don’t forget about quartz countertops. Quartz isn’t technically a stone but rather man-made material made from silicon dioxide (sand). It does look like a solid surface or marble and is almost always more affordable than actual stone options like granite or marble.
No matter what type of stone you choose though make sure to consider maintenance issues before buying your new kitchen or bathroom countertops. Maintenance requirements vary widely depending on which kind of stone you choose. Stone counters require periodic resealing by professional contractors who coat them with clear sealants; unless you enjoy doing things like that yourself I would recommend against using stone as your primary choice of countertop material. No matter what kind of budget you have though there’s definitely a good choice out there for anyone looking to update their home’s kitchen or bathroom!
Concrete Countertops
Concrete is a versatile and robust material that’s easy to work with. Formed from cement, water, and aggregate materials such as pebbles or recycled glass, concrete has a number of distinct advantages over other kitchen countertop options. It can be used for large solid slabs or as thin tiles affixed to plywood or particleboard.
Lightweight and durable, it’s also easy to clean and maintain—so you won’t need to seal it as often as some other surfaces. But if your goal is to create a unique piece of architecture, consider some options for decorative finishes on top of your concrete slab: You can opt for colored cement or paint that provides a consistent look throughout. Or add texture by placing multiple layers of matte-finish stucco and sealing them together. The possibilities are nearly endless when it comes to creating your own custom style, whatever you choose.
There are a few guidelines worth following: Always choose natural stones like granite or marble over-engineered stone products. While engineered stones may seem cheaper initially, they tend to have inferior qualities in appearance and durability after installation (not to mention environmental factors). Engineered stones don’t hold up well against wear-and-tear as natural ones do; at least half will crack within 5 years of installation due to their soft composition.
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bestfoodlove · 1 month
Tips for cleaning and maintaining an OTG oven
Regular cleaning and maintenance of your OTG oven are essential to keep it functioning at its best. Over time, food residue, grease, and spills can build up inside the oven, leading to unpleasant odors, uneven cooking, and even potential safety hazards. By taking the time to clean and care for your OTG oven, you can significantly prolong its lifespan, ensuring that it continues to deliver reliable performance for years to come. Additionally, choosing the best OTG oven for your needs from the start can enhance your cooking experience and make maintenance easier. A high-quality, well-designed OTG oven will not only perform better but also be easier to clean and maintain, ensuring that you get the most out of your investment.
In this post, we'll share practical tips and techniques to help you clean and maintain your OTG oven effectively. Whether you're a seasoned cook or a beginner, these easy-to-follow steps will make the process simple and hassle-free.
Gathering the Necessary Cleaning Supplies
Before you start cleaning your OTG oven, it's important to gather all the necessary supplies to ensure the process goes smoothly. Having the right tools on hand will make the task easier and more efficient, helping you achieve a thorough clean without damaging any parts of the oven.
Essential Cleaning Materials
Mild Detergent: A gentle detergent is perfect for cleaning the exterior and non-stick surfaces of the oven.
Baking Soda: Known for its natural abrasive properties, baking soda is ideal for tackling stubborn stains and grease inside the oven.
White Vinegar: A natural disinfectant, vinegar works well for cleaning and deodorizing the oven.
Soft Cloths and Sponges: Use these for wiping down surfaces without scratching them.
Non-Abrasive Scrubber: This will help you remove tough, baked-on food without damaging the oven's interior.
Glass Cleaner: A glass cleaner or a vinegar solution can be used to keep the oven door clear and streak-free.
Safety Precautions
Unplug the Oven: Always ensure the oven is unplugged and cool to the touch before starting any cleaning process.
Use Gloves: Protect your hands from harsh chemicals and hot surfaces by wearing gloves.
Ventilate the Area: If using any strong cleaners, make sure the area is well-ventilated to avoid inhaling fumes.
With these supplies ready, you're well-prepared to start cleaning and maintaining your OTG oven effectively.
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Cleaning the Interior of the OTG Oven
Keeping the interior of your OTG oven clean is crucial for maintaining its efficiency and ensuring that your food tastes great. Over time, food particles, grease, and spills can accumulate, affecting the oven’s performance and potentially leading to unpleasant odors. Here’s how you can clean the inside of your OTG oven effectively.
Removing Racks and Trays
Step 1: Take Out Removable Parts: Begin by carefully removing the oven racks, trays, and any other removable accessories. This makes it easier to clean both the interior of the oven and the accessories themselves.
Step 2: Soak in Warm Soapy Water: Place the racks and trays in a sink filled with warm, soapy water. Let them soak for a while to loosen any baked-on food or grease.
Cleaning the Oven Walls
Step 1: Create a Cleaning Paste: Mix baking soda with a little water to form a thick paste. This natural cleaner is effective for breaking down grime without the use of harsh chemicals.
Step 2: Apply the Paste: Spread the baking soda paste on the interior walls of the oven, focusing on areas with visible stains or grease.
Step 3: Let It Sit: Allow the paste to sit for 15-20 minutes. This gives it time to work on loosening the dirt.
Step 4: Wipe It Down: Use a damp cloth or sponge to wipe away the baking soda paste, along with the grime it has lifted. For tough spots, you may need to scrub gently with a non-abrasive scrubber.
Dealing with Stubborn Stains and Grease
Step 1: Use Vinegar for Extra Cleaning Power: For particularly stubborn stains, spray the area with white vinegar. The vinegar will react with the baking soda residue, making it easier to scrub away tough grime.
Step 2: Scrub Carefully: Use a non-abrasive scrubber to work on any remaining stains. Be gentle to avoid scratching the oven’s interior surface.
Cleaning the Heating Elements
Step 1: Exercise Caution: The heating elements are delicate and should be handled with care. Ensure the oven is completely cool and unplugged before attempting to clean them.
Step 2: Wipe with a Damp Cloth: Gently wipe the heating elements with a soft, damp cloth. Avoid using too much water, as it could damage the elements or the electrical components of the oven.
Step 3: Avoid Harsh Scrubbing: Do not scrub the heating elements or use any harsh chemicals on them, as this could cause damage.
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Cleaning the Exterior of the OTG Oven
Maintaining the exterior of your OTG oven is just as important as keeping the interior clean. A clean exterior not only enhances the appliance’s appearance but also helps prevent the buildup of grime that can affect its performance over time. Here’s how to keep the outer surface, glass door, and handles of your OTG oven looking spotless.
Wiping Down the Outer Surface
Step 1: Prepare the Cleaning Solution: Mix a small amount of mild detergent with warm water to create a gentle cleaning solution. Avoid using harsh chemicals that can damage the finish of your oven.
Step 2: Dampen a Soft Cloth: Dip a soft cloth or sponge into the cleaning solution and wring it out to remove excess water. The cloth should be damp, not dripping wet.
Step 3: Wipe the Surface: Gently wipe down the entire exterior surface of the oven, paying special attention to areas that are prone to fingerprints and grease buildup, such as around the door and control panel.
Step 4: Dry the Surface: After wiping with the damp cloth, use a dry, soft cloth to remove any remaining moisture. This helps prevent water spots and keeps the surface looking clean and shiny.
Cleaning the Glass Door
Step 1: Mix a Vinegar Solution: To maintain a clear view through the glass door, mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Alternatively, you can use a specialized glass cleaner designed for oven doors.
Step 2: Spray the Glass: Spray the vinegar solution or glass cleaner directly onto the glass door, both inside and out.
Step 3: Wipe with a Soft Cloth: Use a clean, soft cloth or paper towel to wipe the glass in a circular motion. This helps to remove any streaks and leaves the glass clear and shiny.
Step 4: Focus on Stubborn Spots: For any stubborn spots or baked-on grease, you can apply a little baking soda to the area, then spray with vinegar and scrub gently with a non-abrasive sponge.
Polishing Handles and Knobs
Step 1: Clean with Mild Detergent: Dampen a soft cloth with a mild detergent solution and wipe down the handles and knobs to remove any grease or fingerprints.
Step 2: Polish for a Shiny Finish: After cleaning, use a dry cloth to buff the handles and knobs, giving them a polished, shiny appearance. For stainless steel surfaces, you can use a stainless steel cleaner to enhance the shine.
Step 3: Check for Dirt and Grime: Pay attention to the areas around the knobs and handles where dirt can accumulate. Use a toothbrush or a cotton swab dipped in the detergent solution to clean these small, tricky spots.
Maintaining the OTG Oven
Proper maintenance of your OTG oven is crucial for ensuring its longevity and reliable performance. By regularly inspecting and caring for your oven, you can prevent issues before they become serious and keep your appliance running smoothly. Here are some key maintenance practices to follow.
Regular Inspection
Check for Signs of Wear and Tear: Periodically inspect your OTG oven for any signs of wear and tear. This includes checking the power cord for frays or damage, ensuring that the knobs and handles are securely attached, and looking for any cracks or damage to the oven’s exterior.
Inspect the Heating Elements: Make sure the heating elements are in good condition and free from any buildup or damage. If you notice any irregularities, such as uneven heating or a damaged element, it’s best to consult the manufacturer or a professional technician for repairs.
Test the Oven’s Functionality: Regularly test all functions of the oven, such as the timer, temperature control, and various cooking modes, to ensure they are working properly. If you notice any issues, address them promptly.
Cleaning Frequency
Interior Cleaning: Depending on how often you use your OTG oven, it’s recommended to clean the interior at least once a month. If you use the oven frequently for baking or grilling, consider cleaning it more often, especially after cooking greasy or messy foods.
Exterior Cleaning: Wipe down the exterior of the oven at least once a week to prevent the buildup of dust, grease, and fingerprints. If the oven is used daily, you may need to clean the exterior more frequently to keep it looking fresh.
Deep Cleaning: Perform a thorough deep clean, including removing and cleaning the racks and trays, every few months to keep the oven in top condition. This is especially important if you notice any persistent odors or stains.
Avoiding Common Mistakes
Avoid Harsh Chemicals: When cleaning your OTG oven, steer clear of harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners that could damage the oven’s interior or exterior surfaces. Stick to mild detergents, baking soda, and vinegar, which are effective and safe for most oven materials.
Don’t Scrub Too Hard: Be gentle when scrubbing delicate parts of the oven, such as the heating elements, glass door, and control knobs. Scrubbing too hard can cause scratches or damage to these components.
Don’t Neglect the Oven Door: Ensure that the oven door seals properly to maintain efficient cooking. If the door is loose or doesn’t close tightly, it may require adjustment or replacement.
Protecting the Oven When Not in Use
Cover the Oven: When your OTG oven is not in use, consider covering it with a protective cloth or cover to keep it free from dust and debris. This is especially useful if you don’t use the oven frequently.
Keep It in a Dry Area: Store your OTG oven in a dry, well-ventilated area to prevent moisture buildup, which can lead to rust or electrical issues. Avoid placing it in damp or humid environments.
Unplug the Oven: If you’re not planning to use the oven for an extended period, unplug it to protect it from power surges and reduce the risk of electrical issues.
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countertopsource · 1 month
How to Maintain Your Countertops and Keep Them Looking New in St. George
Maintaining your countertops in St. George is crucial for ensuring they remain beautiful and functional throughout their lifespan. Whether you have chosen elegant natural stone countertops or more contemporary materials, understanding the right maintenance techniques is key. Here’s a detailed guide on keeping your kitchen countertops in St. George pristine, enhancing your home’s beauty and functionality.
1. Natural Stone Countertops
Natural stone countertops, such as granite, marble, and quartzite, are favored for their unique patterns and enduring nature. To maintain these materials:
ᄋᅠDaily Cleaning:ᅠUse a soft cloth and a mild, non-abrasive cleaner. Avoid acidic cleaners that can etch the stone.
ᄋᅠSpill Response:ᅠBlot spills immediately to prevent staining, especially with oil and wine.
· Sealing: Regularly apply a sealant to natural stone countertops to protect them from stains and moisture.
2. Engineered Stone Countertops
Engineered stones like quartz are popular in St. George kitchens due to their durability and low maintenance:
· Daily Cleaning: Wipe down with a soft cloth and a gentle cleaner. For tough stains, a non-abrasive sponge can be used.
· Heat Protection: Use trivets or pads under hot pots to prevent thermal shock.
3. Laminate Countertops
Laminate countertops are an affordable and stylish option, perfect for busy households:
ᄋᅠDaily Cleaning:ᅠClean surfaces with a mild detergent and a damp cloth. Rinse thoroughly with clean water to avoid detergent residue.
ᄋᅠScratch and Heat Protection:ᅠAvoid direct cutting on the laminate and place hot items on protective pads.
Preventive Measures for Longevity
To extend the life and appearance of your kitchen countertops in St. George:
ᄋᅠUse Cutting Boards:ᅠAlways use a cutting board to prevent scratches and nicks on your countertops.
ᄋᅠAvoid Harsh Chemicals:ᅠSteer clear of bleach, harsh drain cleaners, and oven cleaners which can damage countertop surfaces.
· Regular Maintenance: Schedule annual inspections, especially for natural stone countertops, to assess the need for repair or resealing.
Professional Help is Available
If you need expert advice or professional maintenance services for your countertops in St. George, you’re not alone. Call us at 435-344-4668 for guidance and service. Whether it’s sealing natural stone countertops or repairing chips and scratches, our team is here to help ensure your countertops always look their best.
In conclusion, maintaining your countertops in St. George involves regular cleaning, timely spill management, and taking preventive measures to protect the surface. By following these simple steps, you can keep your kitchen countertops looking new for years to come. Need professional help or have specific questions about your countertop maintenance? Don’t hesitate to contact us at 435-344-4668. We’re here to help you enjoy your investment to the fullest with well-maintained countertops that reflect your style and elegance.
Source URL :- https://sites.google.com/view/countertopsource7/home
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themopandbroom · 1 month
The Ultimate Checklist for a Thorough Deep Clean
A deep clean is more than just a surface-level scrub; it's an investment in your home's health and your peace of mind. This comprehensive checklist will guide you through every nook and cranny, ensuring a sparkling clean environment.
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Gather Your Supplies
Before you dive in, gather your essential cleaning tools:
All-purpose cleaner
Glass cleaner
Bathroom cleaner
Toilet bowl cleaner
Scrub brushes
Microfiber cloths
Vacuum cleaner
Rubber gloves
Kitchen Deep Dive
Appliances: Clean inside and out of the refrigerator, oven, microwave, and dishwasher.
Cabinets and drawers: Empty, wipe down, and reorganize.
Countertops: Disinfect and remove spills or stains.
Sink: Scrub and sanitize.
Floor: Sweep, mop, and disinfect.
Bathroom Bliss
Toilet: Scrub the entire toilet, including under the rim.
Sink: Clean the sink, faucet, and countertop.
Shower/tub: Remove soap scum and mildew.
Mirror: Clean and polish.
Floor: Mop and disinfect.
Bedroom Refresh
Mattress: Vacuum and spot clean.
Bedding: Wash sheets, pillowcases, and blankets.
Closets: Organize and declutter.
Windows: Clean inside and out.
Dust: Wipe down furniture, blinds, and light fixtures.
Living Room Revival
Upholstery: Vacuum and spot clean couches, chairs, and rugs.
Electronics: Clean TV screens, remotes, and gaming consoles.
Windows: Clean inside and out.
Flooring: Vacuum and mop carpets and hard floors.
Other Areas
Hallways and stairways: Dust, vacuum, and mop.
Light fixtures: Clean light bulbs and shades.
Baseboards and doors: Wipe down to remove dirt and grime.
Windows: Clean all windows throughout the home.
Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products for Your Deep Clean
Choosing the right cleaning products can significantly impact the effectiveness and environmental impact of your deep clean. Opting for eco-friendly alternatives not only protects your health but also contributes to a greener planet. Here are some essential eco-friendly cleaning products for your deep clean:
All-Purpose Cleaner
Look for all-purpose cleaners made with plant-based ingredients and free from harsh chemicals. These cleaners can effectively tackle a variety of surfaces without leaving harmful residues.
Glass Cleaner
Vinegar-based glass cleaners are an excellent eco-friendly option. They cut through grease and grime while leaving behind streak-free shine.
Opt for hydrogen peroxide-based disinfectants. They are effective against germs and bacteria without the harshness of bleach.
Bathroom Cleaner
Baking soda and vinegar are powerful natural cleaning agents for bathrooms. Combine them to create a non-toxic cleaning paste for tubs, sinks, and toilets.
Floor Cleaner
Choose a floor cleaner made with natural ingredients like Castile soap or vinegar. These options are gentle on surfaces and safe for the environment.
By incorporating eco-friendly cleaning products into your routine, you're not just cleaning your home; you're contributing to a healthier planet. These products are gentler on your family, pets, and the environment while still delivering effective cleaning results. Remember, small changes can make a big difference. By choosing eco-conscious options, you're taking a step towards a more sustainable future.
So, the next time you restock your cleaning supplies, consider opting for eco-friendly alternatives. Your home and the planet will thank you.
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