#Natural Methods for Testosterone
Boost Testosterone Naturally: A Guide to Natural Methods for Optimal Hormonal Health
Testosterone is a crucial hormone responsible for various essential functions in both men and women. It plays a significant role in maintaining muscle mass, bone density, libido, energy levels, and overall well-being. As we age, testosterone levels tend to decline, leading to potential health issues and a decrease in vitality. While medical interventions are available, there are also several natural methods to boost testosterone levels safely and effectively. In this article, we will explore some of the best ways to naturally increase testosterone production.
Maintain a Balanced Diet:
Eating a well-balanced diet is fundamental to supporting hormonal health, including testosterone levels. Incorporate nutrient-rich foods such as lean proteins, healthy fats (omega-3 fatty acids), complex carbohydrates, and a variety of fruits and vegetables. Foods high in zinc, vitamin D, and magnesium have been shown to positively influence testosterone levels. Zinc-rich foods include nuts, seeds, seafood, and whole grains, while vitamin D can be obtained from sunlight exposure and fortified foods. Magnesium can be found in leafy greens, nuts, and legumes.
Regular Exercise:
Regular physical activity is not only beneficial for cardiovascular health but also plays a vital role in maintaining optimal hormone levels. Engage in a combination of resistance training and cardiovascular exercises. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) has been found to be particularly effective in boosting testosterone. Compound exercises such as squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and lunges stimulate multiple muscle groups, leading to increased testosterone production.
Get Sufficient Sleep:
Adequate sleep is crucial for hormone regulation, including testosterone. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation or poor sleep quality can lead to decreased testosterone levels. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to optimize hormone production and overall health.
Manage Stress:
Chronic stress can disrupt hormonal balance and lead to a decline in testosterone levels. Implement stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, yoga, spending time in nature, or engaging in hobbies to manage stress effectively.
Maintain a Healthy Weight:
Excess body fat, especially around the waistline, can contribute to hormonal imbalances, including decreased testosterone levels. Maintain a healthy weight through a combination of proper nutrition and regular exercise to support hormonal health.
Limit Alcohol and Caffeine:
Excessive alcohol consumption and high caffeine intake have been associated with lower testosterone levels. Moderation is key, so consider reducing alcohol and caffeine consumption to support healthy hormonal function.
Stay Hydrated:
Proper hydration is essential for overall health, including hormone regulation. Ensure you drink an adequate amount of water daily to optimize testosterone production.
Consider Herbal Supplements:
Some herbal supplements have shown promise in boosting testosterone levels. Tribulus terrestris, fenugreek, ashwagandha, and ginger are examples of herbs that may have a positive impact on testosterone production. However, always consult with a healthcare professional before adding any new supplements to your routine, especially if you have underlying health conditions or take medications.
Boosting testosterone levels naturally is a multi-faceted approach that involves lifestyle changes and healthy habits. By following a balanced diet, engaging in regular exercise, getting enough sleep, managing stress, and making conscious choices regarding alcohol and caffeine consumption, you can support optimal hormone levels. Remember that individual results may vary, and it's essential to be patient as natural methods may take time to show significant effects. If you have concerns about your testosterone levels or hormonal health, consult a healthcare professional for personalized guidance.
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fullfriendnerdclutch · 2 months
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Artie grinned mischievously as his friends profile started to appear one by one. The app linked to the saved contacts in his phone and somehow they managed to extract a fairly accurate profile of Artie's friends, resulting in a couple avatars that Artie can choose and tweak to his likings. The app, called Chronivac, not only changed Artie's physique to look like a 30+ years old hairy muscle hunk, it also molded the reality in accordance to the final prompt Artie typed in, turning the 20 years old college dropout into a bonafide hunk living life lavishly from workout courses and OF, and he's about to spice things up in the life of his dear friends.
He started from Randall.
He started very methodically as he put Randy as the new name. Then, when the profile options opened, he started his work. Get rid of the glasses. Get rid of that acne scar and blackspot. Retain the face but make the jaw angular. Styling the hair so it's no longer greasy and moppy. Face done, now the body
Randall is quite a perv and his biggest turn-on is big titties, but well, most untouched virgin are perv anyway so maybe he should make Randy turned on with himself by giving him this large pair of muscle tits? Lol, that's hilarious, he thought to himself. Humh.....so maybe keep Randy as a 255 lbs fuckers? Well, turn all the fat into muscle and click "Optimize" because he can't be bothered to perfect Randy's muscle distribution.....hot damn that's one massive unit! Finalize the whole change with the short prompt
"Randy is a gym junkie and absolute freak of nature. He's probably the biggest 20 years old in the entire Americas. He's one of my mentee and he looked up to me as his inspiration, he even will not hesitate to take my cock if I instruct him to do so to get bigger, quite the dumb oaf he is,"
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Click Save and then Process. Several seconds later, a transformed Randy appeared in the room that Artie booked for this holiday. Randy appeared to be sleeping while he got altered earlier, Artie just realized it's night time in the States so no wonder Randy is asleep. He will check him out later as he still have several more profile to go
Andy. Oh, yeah, the profile arrangement is based on surnames. Coleman, Randall. Garcia, Andy. Andy is Artie's bestfriend from childhood so Artie knows very well what Andy really wanted to look like.
Keep the name and lineage. A little tweak in his testosterone to boost that facial hair growth and make that balls pumped full faster with mini Garcias. Andy admired his hotter, older brother, Juan, so badass and clearly a true symbolism of what Latin American community deemed as macho, so Randall ensured that whatever feature Juan possessed, Andy is going to make that even better. Thicker hair, more defined abs, bigger biceps, bigger triceps, rounder delts, voice that trembles anyone that hear it, obviously bigger uncut piece of meat, more tattoos, all lodged in as part of the new Andy's persona. The avatar is looking quite a looker already so Artie just added a bit of simple prompt, click the Save button and then Process the changes. Andy suddenly appeared in the day bed next to Artie, still sleeping soundly and Artie just smirked as he continued his work
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He tweaked Ollie's profile right after, making the pale and lanky 6'5" Norwegian-Lebanese former ballet dancer to be closer to his Lebanese roots as he shrunk him to a 6'1" muscle daddy. Ollie, or Olaf, quickly turned into Ali, and just like Andy, appeared in the same resort where Artie stayed
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Michael is supposedly next on the list, but James is already quite distracting for Artie so he decided to work on James first. He's really not that close to James and to be honest, if it's not because James is Andy's college roommate, Artie probably would have 0 interest to befriend him. He might be clouded with jealousy because Andy seemingly enjoyed James company, and even worse, a little crush on him, but well, with a reality-changing app in the palm of his hands, why should he accept things as it is when he can change it? So, rather than focusing on the physical aspect, Artie simply turned his focus to James mental part. He smirked devilishly as he turned the pretty-much straight James into a horny, lustful bottom. Artie practically emasculated James and he felt zero remorse whatsoever as he then added to the prompt that James tagged along to this trip as he's a clingy cum dump that Michael fucked once in the seedy bar that he and Andy frequented. Yup, that's the plot of his change to the innocent Michael.
Artie quickly tweaked Michael profile, the smallest and shiest one in the friend group is now the horny beast who needs to fuck a hole in daily basis. Artie based all of them in the same city, the same apartment building even and then created this whole backstory of their ascendancy to the top of OF and independent adult industry in Michael's prompt space. When he clicked Process, the sound of James moaning in delight echoed all the way to the swimming pool, Michael is basically fucking the shit out of James
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The noise also managed to wake Andy's up. Despite seemingly confused at first, Andy quickly find his senses and instead of freaking out or reacted in surprise, he seems to be very much comfortable and at home. Artie sighed with relief, thrilled that his little handiwork resulted nicely.
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It seems like that Andy is totally not aware that his life has been dramatically altered by his own best friend that just whipped out his cock from the swimming shorts he's wearing. With a grin while his right hand started pumping his meaty cock and the phone flipped and locked in the table, Artie said
"Care to help a friend here? We can drench Ali to wake the fucker's up when we are close,"
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lastoneout · 6 months
Things that can go in/pass through the vagina just fine:
penis (and/or semen)
sex toys made of body-safe materials
condoms (male and female)
infants you are actively giving birth to
all that other shit that comes outta there during childbirth
period blood
mucus your body naturally produces so long as it doesn't smell or look weird
tampons and menstrual cups
IUD or other insertable birth control methods
ovulation tests
medical devices used during pap smears and pelvic exams or IVF treatments
dilators for those who've had bottom surgery
medications as directed by your doctor(like estrogen cream to prevent vaginal atrophy when on testosterone)
Things that should not go in there!!!
soap, oh my god do not put soap in there holy shit
flavored condoms/lube
douching fluids
crystals/special rocks
blood that isn't yours
pregnancy tests(you're supposed to pee on them)
sex toys made out of non-body safe materials unless you put a condom on them
stuff that isn't sterile or hasn't been cleaned properly
no fr like if you are doing anal you NEED to clean your penis/sex toy or at least swap to a new condom before putting it in the vagina holy fucking infections batman
anything you're allergic to(this includes everything on the safe list, if you're allergic to it it's not safe)
the body parts/bodily fluids of someone who has an STI unless you guys have protection(condoms, dental dams, latex gloves, you're taking PrEP/medications to keep your HIV viral load low enough that you can't pass it on, ect.)
Not a comprehensive list ofc but like since it does seem we occasionally need the reminder here ya go. If you're unsure about anything planned parenthood has a lot of sex education material up on their website, def check it out!!
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look i know todd coward cares next to nothing for actual humans but transgenderism in elder scrolls is For Me, a Man with Removable Bits, and my love of this franchise
Here we goes
Argonians can just talk to a tree and get immediate top/bottom surgery. First of all, we knew the Gender Fluid came from nature, humans have been making herbaceous pastes and fluids for centuries that help block estrogen/testosterone. Second, lucky bitches. Where the Hist at can I get an amen
Orcs probably have the wise woman do their hormone potions and then the surgery when needed. I personally like to think Grar the big and bulky is like ‘take this paralysis sleep mixture and then we will remove the organ you deem unworthy.’ Malacath is god of the outcast, and of the strong and worthy, and who would understand that more than a trans Orc?
Altmer just use the Alteration/Restoration school. Their plentiful magicka means they can use some form of Transmute spell to remove bits and Restoration to heal afterwards. Likely takes way more skill and only highly trained mages may do the Transition Spells but it would be funny if i just *skyrim spell noise* grow peepee
Bosmer do a mix of Altmer and Argonian shit, but in a different way. Herbs and potions for the hormone blocking, and ancient forest magic to make things get off the bod. Hircine can and has killed others who hunt the trans Bosmer, for to hunt prey that is already weak is dishonorable to him. (Yeah, OOC for Hircine, but it’s my treat)
Dunmer call upon spells, potions, and the Daedra. Azura warped their body in appearance as a curse, so logically, she could do it again for the removal of tiddy. Doesn’t mean she would, though, so the Dunmer call upon Telvanni wizards to help out with the grueling and difficult magic of gender affirmation. Hey, maybe Neloth will grant you two dicks instead of one for research purposes. Go grandpa go
Khajiit would just…do really problematic surgery in a back alley with nothing but skooma and moon sugar to help them brave the pain. I don’t know how they would do trans shit, it’s a cat with dick barbs. I don’t want those.
All the human races can’t do spells as well, nor can they brew potions with utmost care, but dammit, they want to feel whole, so the try every way they can. Wise women in Morthal, mages in taverns, the College of Winterhold, and every other method under the sun. I’d be bitten by a vampire to go get their magic skills and make myself feel me if i could, but nah that doesn’t exist.
I am glad i live in a state where gender-affirming medical care is still possible, and where trans children have no need to worry about hiding themselves until they turn 18. For the rest of my brothers and sisters, I can’t tell you how sorry I am and how i wail for you. We’ll have our win, we’re still fighting, and we’re still here. I love you guys.
Stay frosty in Dawnstar my bitches
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bigification · 10 months
A Dad's World - Prologue
Report 127: Summary of Findings
Author: Alan Farren
Date: November 12th, 2023
Location: Fairhaven Outpost
Days since outbreak: 87
It has been nearly three months since the initial outbreak of what we are now calling the 'Father virus'. Almost three months since all women and children disappeared, and the remaining men began transforming into larger and more mature versions of themselves.
It was quickly discovered that the virus spreads through bodily fluids entering the body. This is most commonly observed with saliva, blood, and cum. The best ways to avoid the virus are to cover as much skin as possible with clothing, making sure to reinforce exposed wounds. Take extra care to cover every orifice using goggles, face masks, and protection for the anal cavity as these are most common entry points for the virus.
Symptoms appear almost immediately after contact with the virus in what's referred to as the 'Transformation stage' of infection. Symptoms include rapid multiplication of fat and muscle tissues, changes to physical anatomy, and heightened testosterone production resulting in changes in behaviour, growth of body hair, thinning of hair on the head, and growth of sexual organs. Although symptoms differ drastically from person to person in the transformation stage, symptoms seem to stagnate afterwards, only reappearing in very specific situations explained in further detail in paragraph 4. The infected are commonly referred to as 'Dads', due to the physical changes brought in by the virus.
We have discovered 7 types of 'Dad'; the jock, the farmer, the nerd, the father, the elder, the entertainer, and the athlete as organized by most common to least common. Each exhibits different behaviour and have different physical and mental changes upon infection. In most cases, the type of infection is determined upon infection and does not change. But in cases observed in small communities, individual infected may reenter a transformation stage and change into another type of dad. This is thought to be a mutation in the virus in a struggling environment attempting to change its host into something more fit for its environment.
The following is an in depth record of each type of infected that has been discovered as of November 12th, 2023.
The Jock:
There are 2 sub types of Jock, type a) and type b).
Jock a) aka. Ripped Jocks
Mental Attributes:
The ripped jock has the lowest mental capacity of the known dad types. They are limited in their capabilities when not instructed by others, but are great at following orders. They do, however, seem to have instinctual knowledge of how to use many types of weapons and show good hand to hand combat skill without training. Most ripped jocks tend to be loud and imposing, but don't tend to have much of meaning to say. They're also the most hostile to uninfected humans.
Physical Attributes:
The ripped jock has the second highest muscle mass of the dad types, falling just behind the Tank Jock. Muscle mass is highest in the biceps, chest, and thighs. The ripped jock has a very small body fat percentage, especially for how much muscle mass they have. They have the largest genitalia of the dad types, this is thought to be for means of infection as cum is their most common method of infection, and it is also potentially used for reproduction. The ripped jock tends to have a large lower jaw, broad shoulders and chest, and thick thighs. They sweat a considerable amount, and tend to smell musky. Like other types of dads they tend to have short hair, but ripped jocks are the only type of dad that has been observed hairless. Although it is unknown whether this is due to them shaving, or if some ripped jocks are naturally hairless.
Average weight; 350 pounds
Average height; 6'8"
Ripped jocks are most often used in the dad's military force as soldiers, due to their proficiency with weapons and combat, as well as their obedience. They have also been observed as labourers in construction and landscaping due to their physical strength. Ripped jocks are also rarely found in fight clubs if their community has them.
Visual Signs:
A dad with a wide jaw, large chest and biceps, and a six pack will almost always be a ripped jock. Though if a dad is hairless, it is a ripped jock as no other type has been observed without body hair. They tend to wear either sports gear, tang tops, or are shirtless unless they're in military gear.
*Example of Ripped Jock Specimen*
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Jock b) aka. Tank Jocks
Mental Attributes:
Tank jocks or tanks are still among the dumbest of dad types, but tend to be slightly more intelligent than ripped jocks. They're also far more independent than ripped jocks, tending to have hobbies outside of their roles. They are good fighters, but rely more on their sheer size rather than technique when they fight. Tanks are often kind and sweet despite their stature, and are very good at listening. Some can even hold a good conversation.
Physical Attributes:
Tanks are the largest type of dad, combining the muscle of the ripped jock and the fat of the father. They have the highest muscle mass of any type, and have the third highest average fat percentage below the father and the elderly. They store most of their fat in their stomach, chest, and thighs with some going to their biceps and ass. Like the ripped jock, tanks tend to have large lower jaws, but theirs get covered in a layer of fat giving them a soft jawline and somewhat chubby cheeks. They have broad shoulders, soft round pecs, a large gut, and generally very soft features. They are also on average the second hairiest type of dad, just behind the farmers and they're the second most likely to be bald, just behind the elders. Tanks tend to have large hands and feet as well as sun damaged skin from all of the labour outside.
Average weight; 500 pounds
Average height; 6'6"
Tanks are often labourers in construction and landscaping, they can be used for anything that requires strength. They occasionally join the military force, but their natural kindness often clashes with it, making it a rare sight.
Visual Signs:
Tanks are massive, anyone with huge muscle and a ball gut is a tank. They tend to wear baseball caps to avoid the sun, but don't often have shirts on due to the rarity of clothes that fit. Jeans and work boots are also very common.
*Example of Tank Jock Specimen*
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The Farmer:
Mental Attributes:
Farmers tend to be slightly below average intelligence, though they're very knowledgeable when it comes to tending to plants and animals. They're very reserved, preferring to be with animals than other dads. Though when they are with others, they tend to be nice. Farmers rarely have hobbies that don't involve their roles and spend a majority of their time working.
Physical Attributes:
Farmers have an average build for a dad, though they do have a high variability in body fat percentage compared to other types of dad. Farmers with a lower body fat percentage tend to have a V shaped torso with a tight waist and a fat ass. Farmers with larger body fat percentages tend to store most of their fat in their guts. They're the hairiest type of dad usually sporting a large beard and a thick layer of hair over most of their body. Farmers have a modest amount of muscle for a dad, but have massive hands to help handle crops, animals, and farm tools.
Average weight; 250 - 350 pounds
Average Height; 6'2"
Most farmers fall into one of two roles, crop farmers and livestock farmers. Crop farmers grow fruits and vegetables, and occasionally grow flowers when in thriving communities. Livestock farmers raise and care for animals, using them for animal products and protein. Though in smaller communities, farmers often take on both of these roles. In rare cases, farmers may take on other roles depending on environment and community needs. Farmers have been observed in roles such as lumberjacks and fishermen.
Visual Signs:
Farmers are the hairiest type of dad, look for big bushy beards, and thick hairs covering the body. Avoid using weight and physique as farmers have a high variability in weight. Farmers often wear jeans with suspenders, big boots, jean or flannel button ups, and usually sport baseball caps or straw hats.
*Example of a low BMI Farmer Specimen*
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The Nerd:
Mental Attributes:
Nerds are by far the smartest type of dad, having a higher average IQ than even the smartest elders and athletes. They're well spoken and kind, but a high percentage of nerds exhibit narcissistic behaviours, often seeing themselves as different or better than other types of dads. Nerds can usually talk about topics they're interested in for hours, but only seem to talk to dads they deem smart enough. Nerds are the only type of dad that has been observed to be non hostile to uninfected humans. They tend to rather converse with humans they consider intelligent or intriguing, though they tend to show hostility otherwise. Nerds have the most varied hobbies of any type of dad, they tend to hyperfixate on topics they deem interesting. They have even been observed conducting experiments and doing research into scientific topics that interest them.
Physical Attributes:
Nerds tend to be tall and skinny compared to other types of dads. They have a low body fat percentage and medium muscle mass, having relatively normal human proportions. Though nerds that have an interest in physical health may have proportions closer to the ripped jock. Nerds have bad eyesight, so they usually wear glasses or contacts if they can find them.
Average Weight; 250 pounds
Average Height; 6'8"
Nerds have high versatility compared to other types of dads. Though they tend to take on roles in healthcare and education, they can take on a variety of roles including architecture, psychology, and sometimes even high ranking roles in the military.
Visual Signs:
Nerds almost always wear glasses, if a dad is wearing glasses and doesn't look old then they're most likely a nerd. They tend to be tall but otherwise have relatively normal proportions. Nerds tend to be well kept with short stubble and clean skin. Nerds also tend to dress fancier than other types of dads, usually sporting suits or dress clothes.
*Example of Nerd Specimen*
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The Father:
Mental Attributes:
Father type dads are caring and sociable. They tend to put other dads before themselves and spend most of their time socializing, usually with other father type dads. They're of average intelligence among the dad types, they can become somewhat knowledgeable on topics of interest but tend to struggle keeping up with anything the nerds talk about. They show high degrees of empathy toward other dads, but have only been observed as hostile towards uninfected humans.
Physical Attributes:
Father type dads are obese. They have the highest body fat percentage of the dad types, concentrating most of it in the stomach and chest. Fathers don't have very high muscle mass, but have been shown to be very strong when under stress. They tend to have round faces and even rounder guts, with the rest of their bodies being plump and soft. Father type dads are slow and unathletic, being the easiest type of dad to escape other than the elders.
Average Weight; 400 pounds
Average Height; 6'6"
Fathers most often take on caretaking roles. They often cook, clean, and generally nurse the sick and elderly dads. Though they can take on communal roles, such as cooking and cleaning for their entire communities, especially when there are few sick and elder dads. They are rarely seen filling the roles of entertainers when there are an abundance of fathers and a lack of entertainers
Visual Signs:
Fathers are very fat, but lack the muscle and excessive body hair of the tanks. They often wear very loose fitting and casual clothes, most often seen in jeans and t-shirts.
*Example of Father Specimen*
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The Elder:
Mental Attributes:
Elders are the second smartest type of dad behind the nerds, though they possess more wisdom and maturity than the nerds. They're emotionally intelligent and tend to provide life knowledge that the nerds are incapable of providing, even if they're only recently infected. They tend to have simple hobbies, but do not need much to stay entertained. Despite being intelligent, elders tend to have a poor short term memory.
Physical Attributes:
Elders are the weakest type of dad, with the lowest muscle mass of any type of dad. They have the second highest body fat percentage, only slightly behind the fathers. They have similar fat distribution to the fathers, but tend to be much hairier. They're nearly immobile and are rarely a threat to humans, usually requiring assistance when they walk, if they get up at all. Elders have white hair and are usually balding, with mostly white hair covering their bodies. They have wrinkled and sagging skin, reminiscent of elderly humans. Elders have large round guts and soft breasts, similar to father types.
Average Weight; 350 pounds
Average Height; 6'0"
Elders are the only type of dad that have been observed without roles in their communities, though most of them still have roles. They tend to take on roles in politics and law due to their wisdom, maturity, and ability to be impartial. Most elders that do not have one of these roles tend to contribute to their community by making art and clothing.
Visual Signs:
Elders tend to be the only type of dad that has majority grey hair. They also tend to have much older looking features than the other types. Elders are also very slow and often use assistance to move. It is not advised to use body shape as a sign due to the similarity between the body shape of elders and fathers.
*Example of Elder Specimen*
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The Entertainer:
Mental Attributes:
Entertainers are of average intelligence among dad types. They tend to lack the book smarts that nerds have, but they have excellent people skills. They're extremely good at reading other dads and have the ability to be very deceptive if they choose, though they often choose to be charming and persuasive rather than deceptive. Entertainers are confident in themselves and their abilities, and can even become competitive if their abilities are questioned. They enjoy pleasing other dads and often use comedy or sex to try to cheer them up. They have the highest libido of any dad type, up there with the jocks, but are much better at controlling their desires around other dads.
Physical Attributes:
Entertainers tend to have average builds, though they do have a relatively high variation of muscle mass and body fat compared to other dad types. They're on average a lot more conventionally attractive than other dad types. Their muscle usually concentrates in their biceps, chest, abs, and thighs, giving them the appearance of having more muscle mass than they do. For entertainers who have a higher body fat percentage, their fat tends to spread evenly throughout their bodies. They also tend to hairier than the average dad, having full beards, hairy bodies, and unlike most other dad types, they almost always have a full head of hair. The occasional entertainer will be completely bald, but they have never been observed in the stages of balding. Entertainers have some of the largest genitalia of any dad type, just falling short of the jocks.
Average Weight; 250 pounds
Average Height; 6'4"
Most entertainers work as sex workers within their communities. They often work with jocks to satisfy their high libido and to keep them from getting too aggressive, as sexual frustration is a common problem among jocks. Though, in larger communities with many entertainers, they often take on roles as artists. They will usually pursue acting, visual arts, or even music if the need for sex work is low. Although they rarely ever stop having sex with dads regardless of whether its their role.
Visual Signs:
Entertainers rarely wear clothes other than jockstraps or leather, and they often wear jewellery. They also tend to be more conventionally attractive than other dad types. It is unreliable to rely on body shape, as there are many other dad types that may share the same shape.
*Example of Entertainer Specimen*
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The Athlete:
Mental Attributes:
Athletes possess higher than average intelligence for dads. They're great strategists and problem solvers, always finding a way out of bad situations. They act the most similar to the average human man, at least similar to the average American man. They're tough on themselves and on others, as a result, they can be quite intimidating to other dads despite their stature. They tend to spend their spare time working out or occasionally reading philosophy and self help books. Athletes tend to be quite good at knowing peoples weaknesses and exploiting them.
Physical Attributes:
Athletes are much smaller than other dad types. They're much shorter than other dads and have quite lean bodies in comparison, though they're stronger than they look. Athletes are quick and nimble, being great runners, climbers, and acrobats. They look very similar to humans, though they appear to be on the hyper masculine side of regular men. They tend to have good definition, but it doesn't show that well through clothing. Athletes usually have trimmed beards, sharp features, and big hands, feet, and genitalia relative to their size. They also tend to have loud and deep voices and their faces often appear angry or annoyed even at rest.
Average Weight: 180 pounds
Average Height: 5'8"
Due to their small stature, athletes are often used for any role that involves running or climbing. As such they're often used as messengers between dad communities and as scouts for human outposts. Their agility and speed make them amazing spies as well. Also, due to their ability to strategize, they often work high up in their community's military.
Visual Signs:
Athletes are extremely dangerous as they resemble uninfected men. Be cautious around assertive and hyper masculine men, especially if they're relatively short as athletes are shorter than men on average. Athletes often wear baseball caps, but don't tend to have any preferred clothes other than that. They also tend to have large hands and feet, but not a significant enough difference from men to reliably use to spot athletes.
Other Notes:
Athletes seemed to have evolved after the initial outbreak. After the initial wave of men to infect, dads struggled to find humans, so athletes seemed to be their response to this need. A smart, quick, and nimble dad who blends in with humans is exactly what they needed and got.
*Example of Athlete Specimen*
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butchpeace · 4 months
Pelvic Floor Health for Detrans Women
A disclaimer before we start: I am not a doctor, a PT, or an expert of any kind, I just noticed there was a lack of information about pelvic floor health in the detrans (and trans) communities and I wanted to compile the information that I’ve gained. If there are any issues or you have any wisdom to share, please DM me! I plan to add to this post and edit it over time as I learn more.
95% of females who have been on testosterone report pelvic health issues, which can include urinary leakage or retention, bladder pain, difficulty emptying the bladder, general pelvic pain, pain with sex, vaginal dryness, vaginal atrophy, vaginismus, anal issues, and more. (Source)
If you’ve experienced any of these problems, you’re not alone, and there are things you can do!
Vaginal Atrophy
The vast majority of detransitioning women (and females who are transitioning) have vaginal atrophy, which is a thinning and weakening of the tissues that line the vaginal wall. Atrophy can lead to pain during sex, or with regular movement, bleeding due to small tears in the vaginal lining, narrowing of the vaginal canal, urinary issues, and more.
Because testosterone affects our ovaries, we can think of this issue as something similar to GSM (Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause). Many of our symptoms mirror what happens to women as they age and their estrogen production decreases.
Treatments for Atrophy
1. Vaginal estrogen comes in the form of creams, suppositories, and insertable rings.
2. Vitamin E suppositories have been found to be as effective as vaginal estrogen in some studies. (Source)
3. Regular sexual activity can help by filling the vaginal wall tissues with blood, which can help to revitalize those tissues.
There are also many options for dryness, including vaginal moisturizers, aloe, coconut oil, and more. Sometimes the simplest natural options can be the most effective! Always talk to your gynecologist and do your own research on products you’re considering buying and make sure the ingredients are safe. Some people may experience yeast infections and other issues when using certain products.
Vaginal atrophy itself is to blame in many cases for the urinary symptoms that many of us report, and treating the atrophy may be all that’s needed in order to improve the urinary symptoms.
In other cases, we also need to look at overall pelvic floor health. I would argue that taking care of your pelvic floor is essential for any woman at any stage of life, since it can help with so many things!
Pelvic Floor Muscle Issues
Pelvic floor health issues can be divided into 2 types - Hypotonicity and Hypertonicity. Both types can lead to bladder issues, among other things.
Hypotonicity is the classic type many women experience after having children or during menopause. It’s also described as having a weak pelvic floor, and kegels are often the best treatment. The YouTube playlist at the end of this post includes videos for beginner and advanced kegel exercise methods and yoga.
Hypertonicity is the opposite type, where the pelvic muscles are chronically tight. For this, the treatment is to use muscle release methods to relax the pelvic floor. Remember - Relaxed muscles are the best at doing their job.
You wouldn’t think at first that Hypertonicity could lead to urinary symptoms like leakage, but when your muscles are overly tight, they just don’t work the way they should.
And when you have a urinary issue, or you’re dealing with the aftermath of childbirth, surgery, or any other medical trauma to the pelvic floor, there can be a tendency to reflexively tighten your muscles all the time, for fear of what might happen if you don’t. Some people with hypertonicity also experience their symptoms getting worse if they do a lot of kegel exercise. In these situations, kegels can become counterintuitive.
That said, using methods to address both types can be the best option for some people. As long as you listen to your body, keep track of how each method makes you feel, and talk with a doctor or pelvic floor PT if you have serious concerns or don’t understand how to do something, you should be able to figure out something that will help!
Vaginismus is also a very common condition that’s connected to hypertonicity and potential mental causes. You’ll know you have Vaginismus if you’ve always had trouble inserting things into your vagina, or if your partner has had trouble with it. Many women describe it as a sensation of the vagina closing up when faced with something trying to get in. You may find that at certain times or with certain objects, you have no problem, and at other times or with other objects, you do. Stretches and massages for hypertonicity can often help with Vaginismus.
Prolapse is a relatively common issue in women who have had kids and older women in menopause. This can also cause urinary symptoms. The incidence of pelvic floor prolapse in females on testosterone is not known, but due to atrophy weakening the walls of the vagina, it’s possible that testosterone will increase your risk. It’s also more common in people who have had a hysterectomy.
1. Vaginal dilators can be helpful for people who have trouble with Vaginismus or feel like their vagina is small. These are also helpful for people who have difficulty inserting fingers
2. A pelvic wand can help you to massage the internal muscles, if needed
3. Vibrators can be helpful for releasing tight muscles
4. Kegel trainers come in various types and can help you perform kegels more effectively if you know that your issue is hypotoniticy
5. Pessaries can help in cases where atrophy has led to pelvic floor prolapse. Make sure you get diagnosed before using one!
6. Your hands! Don’t underestimate the power of using your hands for external or internal massage
The biggest thing to take away from this post is this - Don’t be afraid of your vagina! Don’t be afraid to try things that may help you improve whatever issues you’re having.
Your vagina is a normal part of your body, and especially when you’re experiencing issues, that’s when it’s time to get to know it inside and out. If you’re anything like me, you’ve gone your whole life being too afraid to do certain things or explore your vagina in certain ways. We need to reduce the fear, stigma, and awkwardness of vaginal and pelvic floor issues, and the first step is to get to know your body. 💪
I’ve put together a playlist of YouTube videos that have helped me in this process, which I will continue to add to. I hope they help you too!
And again, please DM me with any information you think is helpful or stories about what worked for you.
And if you’re a medical professional, I would love for you to review this post and suggest edits or additions.
Please share this with all your friends! My intention is for this to be a community resource we can use to spread awareness✌🏼
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suzumori521 · 1 year
I saw the trans beastmen question and I think the closest we have to that as an animal are species like the clown fish where; when the female dies a male takes on the role of female and another from the school becomes male. There’s also a species of lizard where they’re all female, but some have a random boost of testosterone which tricks another female into believing they’re being mounted by a male and begin producing fertile eggs. Hope this helps a little.
I just learned about the clownfish's ecology! 😳 Thank you! It's fascinating how creatures can change gender or have unique reproductive methods.
However, I'd like to share some interesting information about insects here! 😋
There's an insect called Neotrogla where the reproductive organs of males and females are reversed. These cave-dwelling insects have a unique mating behavior where the female inserts her "penis" into the male to receive both sperm and nutrients, allowing her to efficiently nourish herself.
Additionally, the red flour beetle is known to engage in mating between males. The benefit of this behavior lies in one male transferring its sperm to another male, which can then indirectly fertilize a female when that sperm-carrying male mates with her.
I found these facts to be incredibly fascinating. Nature is truly amazing!
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Comprehensive Overview on FTM Bottom Growth
FTM Bottom Growth
FTM bottom growth refers to the physiological transformation where clitoral and labial tissues enlarge and adopt a scrotum-like configuration under the influence of testosterone hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in transgender men. Testosterone promotes growth in the clitoris and labia majora, leading to size increase and structural changes resembling a scrotum. This process typically begins within weeks to months of starting HRT and continues over several years.
Notably, hormone therapy is not universally chosen among transmasculine individuals, with some opting for alternative genital surgeries. The rate and extent of bottom growth vary significantly due to factors such as age, genetics, and testosterone dosage.
Experiencing FTM Bottom Growth
FTM bottom growth represents a significant aspect of physical transition for transgender men, requiring a realistic understanding of its developmental course. Initial stages of HRT may entail mild growth and heightened sensitivity in the clitoral area, accompanied by sensations like tingling or discomfort. As treatment progresses, further changes may include increased clitoral girth, length, and reduced vaginal lubrication.
Over time, these changes intensify with ongoing reshaping of the labia majora into a flatter contour and continued clitoral enlargement. Variability in the pace and magnitude of these transformations underscores the individualized nature of hormone-induced bottom growth among those undergoing HRT.
Self-Care During FTM Bottom Growth
Maintaining self-care practices is crucial for overall well-being and satisfaction during FTM bottom growth:
Hygiene Practices: Ensure meticulous hygiene to prevent infections by using gentle soap and lukewarm water for genital cleansing, avoiding harsh chemicals or scented products.
Safe Sexual Practices: Employ barrier methods consistently during sexual activity to minimize the risk of STIs, including condoms and dental dams.
Exploration of Sensation: Embrace evolving genital sensations by experimenting with different forms of stimulation to discover what feels pleasurable and fulfilling.
Effective Communication: Foster open communication with sexual partners about evolving needs, preferences, and boundaries during this transition phase to enhance mutual understanding and satisfaction.
By prioritizing these aspects of self-care, individuals navigating FTM bottom growth can foster a supportive and empowered approach to their physical transition journey.
FTM Bottom Growth and Stimulation with Pymander Packers
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Questions often arise regarding pleasure and usability of Pymander Packers' stimulating mouths:
Inclusive Pleasure: Our products are designed to maximize pleasure for users of any body type, regardless of their hormone therapy status.
Customization: We recommend exploring our diverse range of products, including rods with various mouthpieces, to tailor your experience and find what suits your preferences best.
Personal Satisfaction: Our goal is to provide inclusive and effective solutions that cater to the diverse needs of all customers, ensuring a positive and fulfilling experience with our stimulating products.
Preventing Bottom Growth
For transgender men wishing to manage or slow down bottom growth during hormone therapy:
Adjust Testosterone Dosage: Consult with healthcare providers about potentially lowering testosterone levels to mitigate the conversion to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which drives clitoral enlargement and other masculinizing effects.
Dutasteride/Finasteride: These medications can block the conversion of testosterone to DHT but may cause side effects like menstrual return and reduced body hair growth. Discuss benefits and risks with healthcare providers for informed decision-making.
Enhancing Bottom Growth
For those seeking to enhance bottom growth under hormone therapy:
Clitoral Pump: Safely increase clitoral size and sensitivity using non-medical suction devices, particularly effective post-HRT initiation.
Usage Tips: Follow manufacturer guidelines rigorously to avoid discomfort or injury, gradually increasing suction and using appropriate lubrication for smooth operation.
DHT Cream: Topical application of synthetic testosterone can promote genital growth and secondary sexual characteristics development, though individual responses vary.
Individual Variability: Responses to hormone therapy and enhancement methods differ among individuals.
Consultation: Seek guidance from healthcare providers specializing in transgender healthcare to personalize interventions aligned with individual needs and goals.
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squirrelstone · 2 months
The International Boxing Association is corrupt af stop pretending their word means anything
This was originally meant to be a reblog of this post, but then I ended up on a rambling deep dive into the IBA's suspicious actions surrounding disqualifications.
What's happening with Imane Khelif is the same thing with Lin Yu-Ting. These are two intersex(1) women of color being discriminated against for being good at their job. And this is a feature, not a bug. I recently found out that in the 19th century, British and American scientists argued that only white people could fall within the gender binary; everyone else was suspect(2). The use of gender testing by the IBA is a remnant of that racist ideology.
Speaking of the IBA, their practices are arguably suspect based on their own meeting minutes. On page 2, the CEO and Secretary General stated that neither athlete was tested until it was requested by the Medical Jury and Technical Delegate. However, in the very next paragraph they said both athletes were tested the previous year and their results delivered after the competition, implying they would have been disqualified if not for the delay in testing. In that case, why not test the women before the event in the year they were disqualified? The CEO then went on to contradict himself by claiming that he had results from "two independent laboratories in two different countries" but that he couldn't get the second set of tests until after competitors arrived in New Delhi. And then of course there's the claim of "independence" when this is the doping authority chart:
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The only situations they don't have authority over are multi-sport events (like the Olympics) and the sample collection for an international event not organized by the IBA.
Having presented their findings across seven paragraphs, the IBA only included the following line about the opposition: "Mr Adel Bouda, Acting Ambassador of Algeria in New Delhi, was invited to present the position of the Algerian side and requested a second opinion on the issue." That's it. One sentence. Didn't even acknowledge if the request was granted.
Oh, and when the IBA board of directors voted to disqualify Yu-Ting and Khelif, there were four members missing. The board's own rules state there should be 18 members, but as of right now there are only 17, three of whom were not in place until after the vote, so who knows how many people were in the meeting. Let's be generous and say sure, they had all 18 at the time, that means 12 voted in support of disqualifying them, or two thirds of the board. Not bad, it's a fair majority. Alternately, let's go the other way and say there were only 14 people total, in which case 8 voted in support of disqualifying them, or around 44% of what the board should have been there.
Fun fact! The President of the IBA Board is Russian. You wanna know who came in third overall? Russia. Which country did Khelif beat when it got down to 16? Russia. And who would she have been up against in the finals? China, one of Russia's (unofficial) allies. And which country did Yu-Ting beat in the semifinals? Kazakhstan, another one of Russia's allies.
We could go around and around about the IBA's suspicious behavior as a group, but ultimately the International Olympic Committee determined that their methods and outcomes were bullshit (3) and let these women compete.
(1) Neither Yu-Ting nor Khelif identifies as intersex in the cultural sense (unsurprising as neither of their home countries are very queer-friendly), but the general consensus in Western medicine would classify them as intersex due to their natural testosterone levels.
(2) This is the post where I learned this info, and supporting information can be found here and here. As a warning the second of the three links is a letter from the time period and contains outdated, racist and sexist language.
(3) This BBC article states "the IBA failed to meet set reforms following its 2019 suspension over governance issues and alleged corruption" so the IOC been calling them sus for a while
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sarielsnowings · 11 months
Awoooo ✨🌙
Spooky season is for SELF INDULGENT ART ONLY.
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The paragraph that follows goes into my own body image issues around body hair and transitioning so if you don’t feel like reading some personal thoughts you can skip it! ^^ I just felt like sharing a bit of the thought process behind this piece.
I’ve been getting more hairy ever since starting testosterone (to be expected, of course) and I’ve had encountered feelings about it. On one hand it’s exciting to see the changes but on the other, having always been a fairly hairy person (and presenting feminine throughout my teens) I had a lot of self hate and insecurity around my body hair. It’s dark and strong and grows everywhere, but getting rid of it was an immense ordeal since I’d have to shave very often (and took forever to do so) and more long lasting methods like waxing or any other form of pulling hair out would usually just cause injuries. I felt ugly and unlovable because of something my body was just naturally programmed to do in order to keep me safe and protected. I’m glad I could change my mind, slowly dismantling all the fucked up expectations and beauty standards my surroundings (family, friends, society) had implemented so deep in my brain. For me, realising I was non binary was a huge help, as I didn’t feel like I had to conform to the idea of “womanhood” anymore, but most people don’t have the luxury of that first encouraging push! If you’re a woman, or if you’re anyone who’s ever felt pressured to have a particular relationship with your body hair (and your image in general), you should still be able to live your life as comfortably as possible within your body. You shouldn’t have to feel ashamed of the way you look. It should be YOUR decision whether you’d like to shave or not, for aesthetic reasons or comfort or health or otherwise! YOUR choice. Anyway… a few years have gone by, I’m glad I have a much healthier and kinder relationship with my body in that sense. Then I started testosterone treatment (which has made me incredibly happy so far) and I noticed more hair growing, and some of these thought came back to haunt me. The insecurity and fear… but I’m not 13 anymore. I’ve lived through the anxiety and the stress and the insecurity and now I can face this with new, slightly wiser eyes. And it’s alright. It’s ok! I look how I look, it’s cute! It’s affirming. I love seeing the changes, I love discovering the pattern in which my faint beard grows, just like a musketeer’s, I love my happy trail spiralling down into my bellybutton. And if I ever want to change things up, I can always shave, on occasion, but I’m glad I no longer feel like I HAVE TO. This new stage of hair growth made me think of werewolves and their transformation, and you know what? Maybe that’s it. Maybe I’m not a ghoul, a vampire or a skeleton this Halloween. Maybe I’m a fluffy wolf howling at the moon. A wild creature baring fangs, eyes shining in the underbrush. A soft, tail-wagging friend happy to receive head-pats... It’s all good. I’m alright.
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Boost Testosterone Naturally: A Guide to Natural Methods for Optimal Hormonal Health
Testosterone is a crucial hormone responsible for various essential functions in both men and women. It plays a significant role in maintaining muscle mass, bone density, libido, energy levels, and overall well-being. As we age, testosterone levels tend to decline, leading to potential health issues and a decrease in vitality. While medical interventions are available, there are also several natural methods to boost testosterone levels safely and effectively. In this article, we will explore some of the best ways to naturally increase testosterone production.
Maintain a Balanced Diet:
Eating a well-balanced diet is fundamental to supporting hormonal health, including testosterone levels. Incorporate nutrient-rich foods such as lean proteins, healthy fats (omega-3 fatty acids), complex carbohydrates, and a variety of fruits and vegetables. Foods high in zinc, vitamin D, and magnesium have been shown to positively influence testosterone levels. Zinc-rich foods include nuts, seeds, seafood, and whole grains, while vitamin D can be obtained from sunlight exposure and fortified foods. Magnesium can be found in leafy greens, nuts, and legumes.
Regular Exercise:
Regular physical activity is not only beneficial for cardiovascular health but also plays a vital role in maintaining optimal hormone levels. Engage in a combination of resistance training and cardiovascular exercises. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) has been found to be particularly effective in boosting testosterone. Compound exercises such as squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and lunges stimulate multiple muscle groups, leading to increased testosterone production.
Get Sufficient Sleep:
Adequate sleep is crucial for hormone regulation, including testosterone. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation or poor sleep quality can lead to decreased testosterone levels. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to optimize hormone production and overall health.
Manage Stress:
Chronic stress can disrupt hormonal balance and lead to a decline in testosterone levels. Implement stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, yoga, spending time in nature, or engaging in hobbies to manage stress effectively.
Maintain a Healthy Weight:
Excess body fat, especially around the waistline, can contribute to hormonal imbalances, including decreased testosterone levels. Maintain a healthy weight through a combination of proper nutrition and regular exercise to support hormonal health.
Limit Alcohol and Caffeine:
Excessive alcohol consumption and high caffeine intake have been associated with lower testosterone levels. Moderation is key, so consider reducing alcohol and caffeine consumption to support healthy hormonal function.
Stay Hydrated:
Proper hydration is essential for overall health, including hormone regulation. Ensure you drink an adequate amount of water daily to optimize testosterone production.
Consider Herbal Supplements:
Some herbal supplements have shown promise in boosting testosterone levels. Tribulus terrestris, fenugreek, ashwagandha, and ginger are examples of herbs that may have a positive impact on testosterone production. However, always consult with a healthcare professional before adding any new supplements to your routine, especially if you have underlying health conditions or take medications.
Boosting testosterone levels naturally is a multi-faceted approach that involves lifestyle changes and healthy habits. By following a balanced diet, engaging in regular exercise, getting enough sleep, managing stress, and making conscious choices regarding alcohol and caffeine consumption, you can support optimal hormone levels. Remember that individual results may vary, and it's essential to be patient as natural methods may take time to show significant effects. If you have concerns about your testosterone levels or hormonal health, consult a healthcare professional for personalized guidance.
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identitty-dickruption · 3 months
how I acquired testosterone
caveat: I live in Australia, in a place that uses an informed consent model. this is probably different in different places with different laws 👍
FIRST: I went to my local queer community charity to talk to them about what getting T would look like in my area. they were able to recommend a GP who was unlikely to be weird about gender
SECOND: I had an appointment with that GP. he asked me:
my family + medical history
my psychiatric history
about the nature of my gender dysphoria
he then gave me a referral to my local sexual health clinic + sent me off to get a blood test. the blood test was all the normal ones (iron levels, vitamin levels) and specifically hormone-related ones
THIRD: I had an appointment with one of the endocrinologists at the sexual health clinic. she asked me about:
gender euphoria
my sexual history
she then told me every single possible thing that could go wrong if I took T, as well as everything that could go right. she gave me the expected timelines for transition depending on the T dosage + method
FOURTH: I had to wait (minimum) one month. during this time I had more information to read about T, some more questionnaires to do, and some forms to sign. the waiting period is part of the informed consent model (they want you to sit and think about the pros and cons of hormones before taking them)
FIFTH: I had another round of blood tests during the month-long waiting period. this is because my GP didn’t prescribe one of the ones he was supposed to and also because the endocrinologist wanted me to get checked for various STDs
SIXTH: I had my second appointment with the endocrinologist. she weighed me, checked my height, and double-checked my bloods. she asked me what I’d decided I wanted (low dose of T gel). she prescribed it!
SEVENTH: I went to a pharmacy to get my first script :D my endocrinologist put it in the system as a “testicular deficiency” so that I could get it on the PBS scheme. this means it costs about $35 for four months worth of testosterone
and that’s it! I have to get blood tests every two months for the first couple years, but then it’ll only be an appointment to renew the script. none of it is as scary as it seems, I promise. they make it very easy to opt out if you change your mind at any point. but I cannot emphasise how much I recommend giving it a go if you’re curious about it
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thegoofyfanaticus · 10 months
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(( Commission from the incredibly talented ArtReplicant )) Shawn let Marc's hands drop from around his face and fall to the mat. He let his elbow then dig into Marc's pecs as he grinned and slowly got him self up to his knees. Marc groaned in pain as Shawn's elbow pressed into his very tender pecs. Shawn then rolled Marc over to his stomach and sat on the small of Marc's back. Marc was in too much pain to resist. Shawn then leaned forward and grabbed Marc by the air and pulled him back enough to be able to grab his jawline. Marc's back radiated pain as it was bent backwards while Shawn was sitting on top of him. Marc groaned in agony as the back started to bend. Before Marc could support himself with his hands, Shawn locked Marc's arms next to his body with a body scissors. Shawn squeezed tightly using his legs as vise grips to crush the sides of Marc. Marc's groans turned to cries of pain as the back and sides were being assaulted. "The pain has only begun, asshole. You refused to admit I owned your ass, so now I will make it so unbearable you will be begging me to release you. You will wish you submitted earlier." Shawn continued to pull on the jawline of Marc increasing the pressure on his back. Marc tried his best not to cry out more, but could not contain his pain. "Yes! Cry you little bastard! Cry like the cub you are!" Shawn smile widely as he bent Marc back slowly and methodically. He knew the pain would rise and fall as the positions held and changed. He chuckled as Marc cried out in agony. "We're just getting started..." Shawn had Marc all the way back to his chest. Shawn looked down at Marc and smiled, "Enjoy your demise..." Shawn used his left arm to force Marc under his armpit and locked in a modified dragon sleeper cranking Marc's neck back on top of the back. Marc was smothered in Shawn's hairy pit. His nose and mouth were directly in the center as Shawn's bicep flexed and pushed on the side of Marc's head. Subjected to the mixed smell of sweat, testosterone, and natural odor, Marc started to gag. Shawn's pit hair was dripping sweat into his nose and mouth. The body heat from a long match radiated over his head. Shawn's sweat the side of his pecs rubbed onto Marc's face. After locking in the modified dragon sleeper, Shawn now locked down everything in the hold. The body scissors crushed Marc's sides of his torso and arms. The sleeper pulled his back far beyond normal means and Marc's neck was cranked far back. Pain soared through Marc's body. His cries of agony became screams of sheer pain that were muffled by the smothering pit. Shawn Sat back and flexed his right bicep smiling smugly with his eyes closed as he tortured Marc. "FFFUUAAAAAACCCCKKKKK!!!!! I SUBMIT!" Marc finally cried out in agony and pain while being smothered by Shawn's pit. Shawn looked down and demanded, "Say it!" "FUCK! SHAWN. YOU. OWN. ME! FFUUUUAAAAAACCCCCKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!"
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
A new drug was able to quickly and temporarily immobilize sperm in male mice, according to a study published Tuesday in Nature Communications, a discovery researchers described as a “game-changer” that could pave the way for a male contraceptive pill and could ultimately allow men to share equal responsibility with women for birth control.
A single oral dose of the drug immobilized mice sperm for up to two and a half hours and was 100% effective in the first two hours, the researchers said.
Treated mice showed normal mating behavior but none impregnated a mate despite 52 different attempts to do so, the researchers said, compared to almost a third of mice impregnating mates after being treated with an inactive control substance.
The drug is fast-acting—Melanie Balbach, one of the study’s authors and a researcher at Weill Cornell Medicine, said it worked within 30 to 60 minutes—and works by inhibiting an enzyme needed for sperm to function.
It is also temporary, with efficacy dropping to 91% at three hours and fertility returning to normal by the next day.
These properties set the drug apart from many of the other efforts to develop a male contraceptive, the researchers said, which often rely on hormones to control fertility and can take weeks or months to be effective or to wear off.
The study demonstrates proof-of-concept for “safe, non-hormonal, on-demand, male contraceptives,” the researchers said, and while it may work in theory any product will be many years and a great deal of testing in the future.
-via Forbes, 2/14/23
And there is ANOTHER breakthrough with a different method from just two months later:
A ground-breaking contraceptive pill for men could be just around the corner after a major genetic breakthrough. Scientists at Washington State University have identified a gene which temporarily renders sperm infertile after they remove it.
The research team discovered a protein encoded by this gene, found solely in the testicular tissue of most mammals, which reduced sperm counts and deformed remaining sperm to make them incapable of fertilizing an egg when altered. The potentially historic breakthrough contraceptive pill would also have no hormonal side-effects and could be additionally help control animal overpopulation — replacing castration.
Crucially, the destabilization of the infertility protein is not permanent, meaning sperm will recover once the person or animal stops taking the treatment. Scientists have hailed the discovery as potentially important for the future of the human race. In their study, researchers identified the expression of a gene called Arrdc5 in the testicular tissue of mice, pigs, cattle, and humans...
However, disrupting the functions of this protein will not require any hormonal interference, a key hurdle considering the multiple roles testosterone plays beyond sperm production in men, including the building of bone mass and muscle strength as well as red blood cell production. The team also says that designing a drug which only targets this protein would further make it easily reversible as a contraceptive.
-via Study Finds, 4/19/23
Note: Please excuse the cissexist language from the sources here, which I have not edited out for accuracy, etc. The Forbes article does respectfully discuss trans and nonbinary people and their birth control needs further down.
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mpreglover225 · 8 hours
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Chapter 1: The Journey Begins—Understanding Conception in Expectant Fathers
Embarking on the journey to parenthood is an exciting and transformative experience. For expectant fathers, understanding the intricacies of conception is the first step towards a healthy and fulfilling pregnancy. This chapter delves into the biological processes of male fertility, the various methods of conception—including natural intercourse, artificial insemination, and in vitro fertilization (IVF)—and the significance of the monthly heat cycle when ovulation occurs.
The Male Reproductive System: An Overview
Anatomy and Physiology
Understanding your body is essential for maximizing fertility and achieving conception.
Testes: Produce sperm and the hormone testosterone.
Ovaries (Male Ovaries): Specialized organs that release eggs (ova) during the heat cycle.
Heat Cycle: A monthly period of increased fertility when ovulation occurs.
Uterus (Male Uterus): The organ where a fertilized egg implants and develops into a fetus.
Anal Canal: Serves as the birth canal during delivery.
Hormonal Regulation
Testosterone: Influences sperm production and libido.
Estrogen and Progesterone: Regulate the heat cycle and prepare the uterus for pregnancy.
Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH): Control the release of eggs during ovulation.
The Heat Cycle: Timing is Everything
Understanding Ovulation
The heat cycle is a critical window for conception.
Duration: Typically lasts 5-7 days each month.
Ovulation: Occurs mid-cycle, releasing a mature egg ready for fertilization.
Signs of Heat:
Increased body temperature.
Heightened libido.
Mild abdominal discomfort.
Clear cervical mucus discharge.
Tracking Your Cycle
Calendar Method: Mark the start and end of each heat cycle to predict ovulation.
Basal Body Temperature: Measure daily temperature to detect the slight rise during ovulation.
Ovulation Predictor Kits: Detect LH surge indicating imminent ovulation.
Monitoring Symptoms: Be attentive to physical and emotional changes.
Natural Conception: The Traditional Path
Sexual Intercourse During Heat
Engaging in sexual activity during your heat cycle increases the likelihood of conception.
Optimal Timing: 1-2 days before and after ovulation.
Frequency: Regular intercourse every other day during the fertile window.
Positions for Conception:
Positions that allow deep penetration may facilitate sperm reaching the egg.
Remain lying down for 15-20 minutes post-intercourse to aid sperm travel.
Factors Affecting Fertility
Lifestyle Choices:
Nutrition: A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals supports reproductive health.
Exercise: Regular physical activity promotes hormonal balance but avoid excessive training.
Substance Use: Limit alcohol and avoid smoking or recreational drugs.
Health Conditions:
Hormonal Imbalances: Can affect ovulation and sperm quality.
Chronic Illnesses: Conditions like diabetes or thyroid disorders may impact fertility.
Medications: Certain prescriptions can interfere with reproductive function.
Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART)
When natural conception is challenging, assisted methods offer alternative pathways to parenthood.
Artificial Insemination (AI)
Overview: Sperm is collected and directly inserted into the reproductive tract during ovulation.
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI): Sperm placed directly into the uterus.
Intracervical Insemination (ICI): Sperm deposited near the cervical opening.
Performed in a clinical setting by a healthcare professional.
Sperm can be from a partner or a donor.
Success Rates: Vary based on age, fertility issues, and sperm quality.
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
Overview: Eggs and sperm are combined outside the body, and the resulting embryo is implanted into the uterus.
Ovarian Stimulation: Medications stimulate multiple eggs to mature.
Egg Retrieval: Eggs are collected using a minor surgical procedure.
Fertilization: Eggs are combined with sperm in a lab.
Embryo Transfer: One or more embryos are placed into the uterus.
Time Commitment: IVF requires multiple clinic visits and procedures.
Emotional Impact: The process can be emotionally taxing; support is essential.
Cost: IVF can be expensive; explore insurance coverage and financing options.
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
Overview: A single sperm is injected directly into an egg during IVF.
Indications: Used when there are sperm quality or quantity issues.
Procedure: Similar to IVF with the additional step of sperm injection.
Preparing for Conception
Preconception Health Check
Medical Evaluation:
Visit a healthcare provider for a comprehensive health assessment.
Discuss medical history, medications, and any chronic conditions.
Fertility Testing:
Semen Analysis: Evaluates sperm count, motility, and morphology.
Hormonal Tests: Measures levels of testosterone, FSH, LH, estrogen, and progesterone.
Ultrasound Examination: Assesses the reproductive organs for any abnormalities.
Lifestyle Modifications
Increase intake of folic acid, zinc, selenium, and antioxidants.
Consume plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.
Engage in moderate physical activity to maintain a healthy weight.
Stress Management:
Practice relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, or deep-breathing exercises.
Avoid Environmental Toxins:
Limit exposure to pesticides, heavy metals, and endocrine-disrupting chemicals.
Supplements and Vitamins
Prenatal Vitamins:
Start taking prenatal vitamins at least three months before attempting conception.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids:
Support hormonal balance and fetal development.
Consult a Healthcare Provider:
Before starting any supplement regimen.
Emotional and Psychological Preparation
Communication with Your Partner
Shared Goals:
Discuss family planning desires and expectations.
Emotional Support:
Be open about feelings, fears, and hopes.
Maintain a strong emotional and physical connection.
Coping with Challenges
Infertility Concerns:
Acknowledge that conception may take time.
Seek professional counseling if needed.
Managing Expectations:
Understand that each journey to parenthood is unique.
Building a Support Network
Family and Friends:
Share your plans with trusted individuals.
Support Groups:
Join communities of other expectant fathers or couples trying to conceive.
Professional Guidance:
Consult fertility specialists, counselors, and reproductive endocrinologists.
Understanding the process of making a baby empowers expectant fathers to take proactive steps towards achieving pregnancy. Whether through natural conception during the heat cycle or utilizing assisted reproductive technologies, being informed about your options and preparing both physically and emotionally are crucial components of this journey. Remember, patience and persistence are key, and seeking support along the way can make the experience more rewarding and less daunting.
Key Takeaways
Know Your Cycle: Understanding your heat cycle enhances your ability to conceive.
Healthy Lifestyle: Nutrition, exercise, and avoiding harmful substances improve fertility.
Explore Options: Familiarize yourself with both natural and assisted conception methods.
Emotional Preparedness: Open communication and emotional support are vital.
Professional Guidance: Regular consultations with healthcare providers ensure optimal care.
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genderisareligion · 6 months
They are now trans-ing black Civil Rights Activist Pauli Murray
I had already reblogged this but you just reminded me to go back and read it.
What's bothering me is the fact that a lot of this "decision" to "trans" Pauli is apparently being done using her own words, from autobiographies and such, unlike the likes of Marsha Johnson who didn't write as a career and thus has less lived proof available for us to post humorously analyze.
Like this in her own words really stands out to me:
In Murray’s “summary of symptoms of upset” she included lists of questions she had been seeking answers for, and was hoping to find relief within the medical sphere: “Do I have a ‘male’ attitude towards life, or is there such a thing?” “Why the very nervous excitable condition all my life and the very natural falling in love with the female sex? Terrific breakdowns after each love affair that has become unsuccessful?” “Why do my emotional attractions flow consistently toward members of my own sex, without excluding friendliness on my part of members of the male sex?” “Why cannot I accept the homosexual method of sex expression, but insist on the normal first?” “Why are normal women whose experiences have been satisfactory with the male sex, find themselves emotionally attracted to me, and often admit that they wish they could find my qualities in the male.” “What is the physical basis for my tendency toward ‘boyishness’ in structure and appearance?" “Do I have tumors which are causing my emotional disturbances? Would the removal of these tumors return me to normal female reactions.” “By what means, other than an exploratory operation, can it be determined whether or not I have hidden testicles? ….[Could] it be possible that I have one normally functioning ovary, and one male organ, producing a physical and therefore emotional conflict?”
TRAs could never ask so many hard hitting questions and actually want the answers.
The end of the first question alone - "or is there such a thing?”- tells me that this woman was more akin to the modern equivalent of Gender Critical than she was "transgender." She went into questioning her sexuality with an open mind and already willing to accept that she could be wrong, which TRAs who shut down any criticism as "fascism" are currently incapable of.
Also notice that she refers to women as members of her own sex.
Anyway I'm so sick of nonblack liberals Noble Savaging us in particular to self flagellate about how "diverse" their praxis is. They're so clumsy with it they just end up doing more damage
Also also:
I find it interesting that the testosterone pills which Pauli was so fervently pursuing, were openly and unapologetically intended to be used as conversion therapy on gay, effeminate males. I also do not think it’s a coincidence that Pauli struggled with her own homosexuality, and saw this pill as an antidote to her same-sex attractions. What’s more, modern-day hormone therapy has been shown to have the same effect on its users, as far as changing their sexual orientation. It continues to baffle me that cross-sex hormones for ‘gender-affirmation’ are still viewed as progressive. I think we can all glimpse into the history of experimental hormone usage as a means to change one’s “gender expression” and examine the roots of where it comes from.  Given what we know about the factors that prompted Murray to seek testosterone, is this really something that we should celebrate and glorify? 
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