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your local radfemreligion is male supremacythe personal is political
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girlfishes · 13 hours ago
sorry lol just to you think that judaism is exempt from having colonialism inherent to its theology? like why only talk about 2/3 abrahamic religions?
i actually don’t know too much about Judaism in comparison with Christianity and Islam which is why I left it out, and I don’t think I’ve read/watched an essay or analysis regarding positive/negative societal effects of Judaism unlike a few particular essays abt Islam and Christianity I was thinking of when writing the post. The main reason I call Islam and Christianity colonial is because they both have mandates on their followers to spread the “word of god” and convert them others to their religion, and that Islamic and Christian conversion have been over the centuries used as justifications for imperialism. To the best of my knowledge I don’t believe that religious Jewish people have a similar mandate to convert others, and I haven’t come across conversion as a justification for colonialism in regard to Judaism.
I know that people certainly make the connection between Judaism and the actions of the state of Israel against Gaza, but at the moment I don’t think I know enough/am comfortable to defend that argument. Doesn’t mean I necessarily disagree but it is beyond my historical understanding as I’ve studied both Christian and Islamic imperialism at my time in university, but not Judaism in a historical or modern imperial context. If you have any insight on this I’d love to hear it.
I hope this doesn’t sound like a cop-out but just me only saying what I know enough to defend.
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girlfishes · 15 hours ago
so tired of people speaking/writing about harm caused by religion and then having to always start with a disclaimer like “I know that not all Islam and Christianity is bad and that you are probably one of the good ones and I’m not trying to offend you and religion can be good sometimes and you’re probably such a good person” before they make their actual point.
And I don’t think so only because I believe that both Christianity and Islam have misogyny and colonialism inherent to their core theology, but also because this disclaimer undermines any point about the religion itself and reduces it only to a sociological analysis instead of a philosophical or theological analysis.
It implicitly asserts that there is some sort of morally perfect form of Christianity or Islam that with just the right amount of liberalism can be achieved and harm absolutely no one.
And the thing is, if you are a Christian or a Muslim you probably think this is true about your respective religion. However, you would agree with me on this point about the opposing religion because the truth claims of Christianity and Islam are mutually exclusive.
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girlfishes · 23 hours ago
some people just have no true appreciation for terrible women. oh she killed and ate people? well maybe she was hungry. "I cant defend her anymore-" well then fucking stand aside so i can talk to my client
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girlfishes · 1 day ago
𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘞𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘯'𝘴 𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘬 𝘐𝘴 𝘕𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘋𝘰𝘯𝘦
𝘞𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘯'𝘴 𝘙𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘏𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘙𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴.
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This painting is a bit of a departure for me from my usual portrait art, but serves as a small attempt to channel my fury over Friday’s Supreme Court decision.
It seems women still have so much work to do to be equal citizens 💔
I am selling prints of this piece in my Etsy Store (Link in Bio) and all profits will be donated to the National Network of Abortion Funds in the USA to help provide health care to women negatively affected by this ruling.
Painted in digital gouache and gold leaf on Procreate. The nouveau style of this piece was inspired by my art hero Margaret MacDonald.
As always on Tumblr, click on the images for better quality. 
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girlfishes · 1 day ago
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oh boohoo I'm blocked. anyway
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girlfishes · 1 day ago
Hearing a women say that she’s feeling more “he/him” than “she/they” lately because she feels defensive when anyone calls her a woman and the urge to shake her and ask her why being a woman limits her character.
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girlfishes · 1 day ago
Throwing things, hitting furniture, and slamming doors when you disagree with them or to intimidate you are still abuse and in fact a threat of physical violence.
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girlfishes · 2 days ago
"you can't find me annoying or the conservatives win!" is an opinion a disturbing number of people have
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girlfishes · 2 days ago
guys im tellin ya when terfs finally learn about intersex people theyre gonna blow a gasket n lose their heads.
you think men cant have a uterus and women cant have dicks? honey youre only seeing a tiny piece of the picture, youre denial and reducing people to their genitals out of ignorance is making you so blind.
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girlfishes · 2 days ago
ewww yeah this is def a fetish thing
Anytime a man does something strange online it can almost always be explained by him having a fetish. Like 99.9% of the time.
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girlfishes · 2 days ago
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From a male…..yeah I’m not discussing any “incident” with anyone.
Anytime a man does something strange online it can almost always be explained by him having a fetish. Like 99.9% of the time.
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girlfishes · 3 days ago
thanks so much I’ll def read this tomorrow when the feeling passes <3
Experiencing a bizarre form of body dysmorphia right now where the human form in general seems so alien and weird. I was supposed to be a much nicer shape like a hexagon or triangular prism but somehow I got put into this series of connected pods with long and short bony sticks sticks protruding from it.
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girlfishes · 3 days ago
Do you have a post that debunks that one stastic that m*n us everytime about lesbian being more abusive than men ??
I'll debunk it here
The stats:
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The problem:
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So 32.6% of the perpetrators were men. Let's remove it from the percentage of domestic abuse experienced by lesbians so that we only see the abuse experienced by actual lesbian couples.
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Well, would you look at that? Lesbian couples experience the least amount of domestic violence than any other group of women.
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girlfishes · 3 days ago
Experiencing a bizarre form of body dysmorphia right now where the human form in general seems so alien and weird. I was supposed to be a much nicer shape like a hexagon or triangular prism but somehow I got put into this series of connected pods with long and short bony sticks sticks protruding from it.
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girlfishes · 5 days ago
i think you should be able to emoji react to MyChart lab results
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girlfishes · 5 days ago
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she’s right
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girlfishes · 5 days ago
I feel like a lot of liberals, especially the younger generation, don't really have any core beliefs other than "let everyone do as they please!" they're radical individualists. If something makes me happy, then it's good. If something makes them happy, then it's good because who am i to get in the way of someone else's happiness and freedom. No structural analysis. No attachment to anything other than individual personal fulfilment. Very spineless imo and antithetical to socialism and feminism.
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