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rabbitcruiser · 1 month ago
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National Peking Duck Day
Juicy, succulent, and bursting with flavor, Peking duck is a mouth-watering Chinese dish that will tantalize your taste buds.
Many people find roast duck to be a dish that is delicious but often saved for a special occasion. But what kind of occasion could be any more special for eating roast duck than celebrating National Peking Duck Day?
Take some time on this National Peking Duck Day to learn about, celebrate and enjoy everything that has to do with this delicious dish that hails from China!
History of National Peking Duck Day
Very few culinary dishes can claim as long an ancient history as Peking duck. Dating back as long as 700 years, this dish has a rich history that comes from the Northern parts of China and it is specifically named after the city of Beijing.
The first printed recipe for Peking duck can be traced back to the year 1330 when a rather complicated recipe called for roasting the duck inside of the stomach of a sheep.
In modern times, Peking duck has continued to evolve in style and the way that it is cooked. Most notably, the dish has changed from being cooked in a closed oven to cooking the ducks by hanging them in an open oven.
Peking duck is often sliced into very thin pieces that are served with a pile of thin pancakes. The meat is rolled up into a pancake and then dipped into a sweet sauce. It’s a delicious way to enjoy this tasty treat.
In classic and iconic restaurants in the Chinese city of Beijeng, Peking duck is served as a specialty dish. Some of these restaurants have been around more than 100 years and still are running today. One of these most famous restaurants is the one called Quanjude that has had tons of different famous political guests over the years.
National Peking Duck Day offers a delicious opportunity to celebrate and enjoy the hundreds of years of history that come along with this dish and the Chinese culture that cultivated it.
National Peking Duck Day Timeline
500 BC
Duck is roasted in China
As a predecessor to Peking duck, ducks are roasted over open fires in the Northern and Southern dynasties of China.
1330 AD
First recipe for Peking duck 
Written in the book, Yinshan Zhengyao (The Proper and Essential Things for the Emperor’s Food and Drink), an early recipe for Peking Duck appears.
Bian Yi Fang restaurant serves Peking duck
This restaurant in Beijing is one of the first to start serving Peking duck on their menu.
New style of cooking Peking duck
After traditionally cooking Peking duck in a closed oven (menlu), a new style of hanging the birds inside an open oven (gualu) begins.
Quanjude restaurant opens in Beijing
Peking duck becomes famous at this restaurant and has even been credited with positive relationships between US and Chinese governments.
How to Celebrate National Peking Duck Day
Culinary days are some of the most delightful and fun days to celebrate because they always come with delicious and tasty endeavors. Consider some of these amazing ideas for getting involved with National Peking Duck Day:
Enjoy Peking Duck
In honor of National Peking Duck Day, the clearest way to get started is to head out to a favorite Chinese or Asian style restaurant with some taste buds that are ready to celebrate! Order some Peking Duck from the menu, complete with pancakes to roll the thin slices of poultry into. Then, dip it into the special sweet sauce and get ready for a flavor explosion!
Learn Some Fun Facts About Peking Duck
Raise awareness and spread the word about National Peking Duck Day by letting others know about it. One delightful way to do that is by memorizing and sharing fun facts with family members, friends and coworkers.
Get started with some of these bits of trivia that are related to National Peking Duck Day:
Peking duck is named after the wrong city Although Peking duck is named after the city of Beijing (another name for it has been Peking), the dish’s actual origins come from the then-capital city of Nanjing, which lies hundreds of kilometers to the south of Beijing.
Quanjude restaurant has grown significantly In its more than 150 years of operation, the famous Peking duck restaurant, Quanjude, in Beijing, has expanded and grown so much that it has franchises in places as far away as Australia, Canada and Portugal.
Quanjude has its own Peking Duck Museum Opened in celebration of its 150th anniversary, the Peking duck established the museum which contains all sorts of educational information, golden duck sculptures, art displays depicting the duck roasting process and much more. It also has a picture of US President Richard Nixon eating Peking duck with chopsticks in 1972.
Peking duck takes many steps to prepare There are up to 20 steps in the preparation of the dish, one of which is pumping the bird full of air to separate the skin from the body which, ultimately, makes the skin taste much crisper and more delicious.
Take a Trip to Beijing, China
Follow National Peking Duck Day to the extreme and get the most original experience of Peking duck, by taking a trip to China! Since Beijing is the place that the dish is named after, this capital city in the north would be the perfect place to start the Peking duck adventure.
While there, the first order of business, of course, would be to visit a restaurant and order up the Peking duck. If possible, try heading over to Quanjude’s spot, the famous restaurant that has served Peking duck to famous names such as President George Bush, Richard Nixon and Fidel Castro. In addition to their main location, Quanjude has venues that cater to visitor hot spots all over the city, in the Silk Market and other places.
While in Beijing, consider taking a guided tour, and don’t forget to check out some other amazing sites of this 3,000 year old city, including places like:
Great Wall of China. This section sits just an hour’s drive north of the city and can be experienced with a hike or a gondola during its 12-hour opening time each day.
Beijing Summer Palace. Located in the suburbs of Beijing on the northwest side of the city, this site provides a beautiful oasis that includes a tower, hall, pavilion and gate, plus the impressive largest imperial garden in the entire country.
Imperial Palace (Forbidden City). Also called The Palace Museum, this attraction is situated on the north end of the famous Tiananmen Square and has been a place of wonder and intrigue for more than five centuries.
Nanluoguxiang Neighborhood. Get a feel for the culture of the city by wandering through this incredible neighborhood that boasts boutiques, vendors and market stalls. Of course, this might be a great place to enjoy some tasty Peking Duck!
National Peking Duck Day FAQs
What is Peking duck?
Peking duck is a celebrated dish named after the Chinese city of Beijing (formerly Peking).
How to cook Peking duck?
Peking duck is roasted on a wooden skewer and after the skin of the duck is marinated in white sugar or other flavorful agents.
Where did Peking duck originate?
Peking duck originated in North China in the imperial court during the Yuan dynasty, at least 500 years ago.
How to pronounce Peking duck?
In English, Peking duck may be pronounced “pee-king duhk”.
What does Peking duck taste like?
This dish has a strong, red-meat sort of flavor that is more gamey than chicken. The crispy skin offers a sweet balance.
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bestmessage · 1 year ago
National Peking Duck Day Messages and Quotes
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This day celebrates the nation dish of China and calls for sharing Peking duck captions for social media with everyone. Have the most unique Peking duck quotes and wishes shared with all.
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nobertsales · 1 month ago
National Peking Duck Day
This dish is considered a delicacy due to its elaborate preparation and intense flavors. Since the Yuan Dynasty, established by Kublai Khan, Peking Duck’s roots are steeped in tradition that chefs have perfected over thousands of years.
The crispy, flavorful skin is the signature element of #PekingDuck.
The cooked Peking Duck is traditionally carved in front of the diners and served in three stages. First, the skin is served dipped in sugar and garlic sauce. The meat is then served with steamed pancake spring onions and sweet bean sauce. Several vegetable dishes are provided to accompany the meat, typically cucumber sticks.
#NationalPekingDuckDay #FoodOfTheDay @NobertSales #NobertSales #Food #FoodSolutions #FoodService #FoodServiceSolutions #FoodSales #WeKnowFood #FoodConsultant 
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"The crisp skin, the succulent meat, the delicate pancakes... Peking Duck is an experience.”
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ariefekosaputro · 2 years ago
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National Peking Duck Day, on January 18th, recognizes the national dish of China.  . Tidak diketahui secara pasti mengenai sejarah perayaan Pecking Duck Day ini. Namun, Hari Bebek Peking Sedunia tersebut masih dirayakan oleh masyarakat Tiongkok dan berbagai belahan dunia hingga saat ini. . Meski tampilan hidangannya sederhana, pembuatan bebek peking ini cukup rumit. Resepnya berasal dari zaman Dinasti Yuan sejak didirikan oleh Kubilai Khan. Seperti halnya semua makanan, resep bebek peking telah berkembang selama bertahun-tahun, sesuai dengan tradisi daerah masing-masing termasuk juga di Indonesia. . Salah satu cara untuk memperingati Pecking Duck Day adalah dengan memasak dan menyantap makanan tersebut bersama teman atau keluarga. . . . #18january #nationalpekingduckday #pekingduckday #bebekpeking #bebekpekingindonesia #bebekpekingjakarta (di Bebek Gantung 10) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnkRjC_S1sV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kevinmason · 2 years ago
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Today is National Peking Duck Day. #pekingduckday . . . . . . #pekingduck #nationalpekingduckday #todayis #socialmedia #intensitymedia #noBS #nobull #noBSsocialmedia #noBSsocial #philosophy #nashville #musicrow #musiccity #musiccityusa #tennessee #youtube #videoseries #marketing #media #music #whatwedo #howcanwehelp #socialmediatips #totallyfree #nospin https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnjn6FoOBNc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chw131 · 7 years ago
This is how you fillet a Peking Roasted Duck. Repost @cy_eats - That Ducking Beautiful Bird 😍 Happy #NationalPekingDuckDay! From @philippechownyc.
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pipskay · 5 years ago
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So my Lovelies Saturday January 18, 2020 is #nationalthesaurusday 📚!! And it is #nationalmichiganday !! And it is #nationalwinniethepoohday 🍯"Silly old Bear!" And it is #nationaluseyourgiftcardday 💳!! And it's #nationalpekingduckday 🥘!! (at Middle Earth) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7cvsV2hOST/?igshid=1e7b0fi9y6v7a
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uniquegiftsus · 8 years ago
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(via National Peking Duck Day  - Gift Gallery Too)
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violasbabygirl · 7 years ago
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📙 #nationalthesaurusday I gotta pick the book over food today cuz I'm not down with the duck...well, not yet anyway. I've never tried it. 😏 #nationalpekingduckday
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year ago
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National Peking Duck Day
Juicy, succulent, and bursting with flavor, Peking duck is a mouth-watering Chinese dish that will tantalize your taste buds.
Many people find roast duck to be a dish that is delicious but often saved for a special occasion. But what kind of occasion could be any more special for eating roast duck than celebrating National Peking Duck Day?
Take some time on this National Peking Duck Day to learn about, celebrate and enjoy everything that has to do with this delicious dish that hails from China!
History of National Peking Duck Day
Very few culinary dishes can claim as long an ancient history as Peking duck. Dating back as long as 700 years, this dish has a rich history that comes from the Northern parts of China and it is specifically named after the city of Beijing.
The first printed recipe for Peking duck can be traced back to the year 1330 when a rather complicated recipe called for roasting the duck inside of the stomach of a sheep.
In modern times, Peking duck has continued to evolve in style and the way that it is cooked. Most notably, the dish has changed from being cooked in a closed oven to cooking the ducks by hanging them in an open oven.
Peking duck is often sliced into very thin pieces that are served with a pile of thin pancakes. The meat is rolled up into a pancake and then dipped into a sweet sauce. It’s a delicious way to enjoy this tasty treat.
In classic and iconic restaurants in the Chinese city of Beijeng, Peking duck is served as a specialty dish. Some of these restaurants have been around more than 100 years and still are running today. One of these most famous restaurants is the one called Quanjude that has had tons of different famous political guests over the years.
National Peking Duck Day offers a delicious opportunity to celebrate and enjoy the hundreds of years of history that come along with this dish and the Chinese culture that cultivated it.
National Peking Duck Day Timeline
500 BC
Duck is roasted in China
As a predecessor to Peking duck, ducks are roasted over open fires in the Northern and Southern dynasties of China.
1330 AD
First recipe for Peking duck 
Written in the book, Yinshan Zhengyao (The Proper and Essential Things for the Emperor’s Food and Drink), an early recipe for Peking Duck appears.
Bian Yi Fang restaurant serves Peking duck
This restaurant in Beijing is one of the first to start serving Peking duck on their menu.
New style of cooking Peking duck
After traditionally cooking Peking duck in a closed oven (menlu), a new style of hanging the birds inside an open oven (gualu) begins.
Quanjude restaurant opens in Beijing
Peking duck becomes famous at this restaurant and has even been credited with positive relationships between US and Chinese governments.
How to Celebrate National Peking Duck Day
Culinary days are some of the most delightful and fun days to celebrate because they always come with delicious and tasty endeavors. Consider some of these amazing ideas for getting involved with National Peking Duck Day:
Enjoy Peking Duck
In honor of National Peking Duck Day, the clearest way to get started is to head out to a favorite Chinese or Asian style restaurant with some taste buds that are ready to celebrate! Order some Peking Duck from the menu, complete with pancakes to roll the thin slices of poultry into. Then, dip it into the special sweet sauce and get ready for a flavor explosion!
Learn Some Fun Facts About Peking Duck
Raise awareness and spread the word about National Peking Duck Day by letting others know about it. One delightful way to do that is by memorizing and sharing fun facts with family members, friends and coworkers.
Get started with some of these bits of trivia that are related to National Peking Duck Day:
Peking duck is named after the wrong city Although Peking duck is named after the city of Beijing (another name for it has been Peking), the dish’s actual origins come from the then-capital city of Nanjing, which lies hundreds of kilometers to the south of Beijing.
Quanjude restaurant has grown significantly In its more than 150 years of operation, the famous Peking duck restaurant, Quanjude, in Beijing, has expanded and grown so much that it has franchises in places as far away as Australia, Canada and Portugal.
Quanjude has its own Peking Duck Museum Opened in celebration of its 150th anniversary, the Peking duck established the museum which contains all sorts of educational information, golden duck sculptures, art displays depicting the duck roasting process and much more. It also has a picture of US President Richard Nixon eating Peking duck with chopsticks in 1972.
Peking duck takes many steps to prepare There are up to 20 steps in the preparation of the dish, one of which is pumping the bird full of air to separate the skin from the body which, ultimately, makes the skin taste much crisper and more delicious.
Take a Trip to Beijing, China
Follow National Peking Duck Day to the extreme and get the most original experience of Peking duck, by taking a trip to China! Since Beijing is the place that the dish is named after, this capital city in the north would be the perfect place to start the Peking duck adventure.
While there, the first order of business, of course, would be to visit a restaurant and order up the Peking duck. If possible, try heading over to Quanjude’s spot, the famous restaurant that has served Peking duck to famous names such as President George Bush, Richard Nixon and Fidel Castro. In addition to their main location, Quanjude has venues that cater to visitor hot spots all over the city, in the Silk Market and other places.
While in Beijing, consider taking a guided tour, and don’t forget to check out some other amazing sites of this 3,000 year old city, including places like:
Great Wall of China. This section sits just an hour’s drive north of the city and can be experienced with a hike or a gondola during its 12-hour opening time each day.
Beijing Summer Palace. Located in the suburbs of Beijing on the northwest side of the city, this site provides a beautiful oasis that includes a tower, hall, pavilion and gate, plus the impressive largest imperial garden in the entire country.
Imperial Palace (Forbidden City). Also called The Palace Museum, this attraction is situated on the north end of the famous Tiananmen Square and has been a place of wonder and intrigue for more than five centuries.
Nanluoguxiang Neighborhood. Get a feel for the culture of the city by wandering through this incredible neighborhood that boasts boutiques, vendors and market stalls. Of course, this might be a great place to enjoy some tasty Peking Duck!
National Peking Duck Day FAQs
What is Peking duck?
Peking duck is a celebrated dish named after the Chinese city of Beijing (formerly Peking).
How to cook Peking duck?
Peking duck is roasted on a wooden skewer and after the skin of the duck is marinated in white sugar or other flavorful agents.
Where did Peking duck originate?
Peking duck originated in North China in the imperial court during the Yuan dynasty, at least 500 years ago.
How to pronounce Peking duck?
In English, Peking duck may be pronounced “pee-king duhk”.
What does Peking duck taste like?
This dish has a strong, red-meat sort of flavor that is more gamey than chicken. The crispy skin offers a sweet balance.
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nobertsales · 2 years ago
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Happy National Peking Duck Day! The history of the roast duck can be traced back to the Ming Dynasty, which is about 600 years ago. Cooks from all over China traveled to the Forbidden City and wanted to cook for the Emperor because only the best chefs could enter the palace kitchens.   It was in these kitchens where dishes of exceptional quality such as the Peking Duck was first created and crafted to perfection by palace chefs.   When the Qing Dynasty ended in 1911, the chefs who left the Forbidden City worked in restaurants around Beijing and brought the Peking Duck to all people. The meticulous preparation of the Peking Duck includes a rather interesting step, where air is pumped into the duck so as to separate the skin from the fat. The duck is then soaked in boiling water for a short while before it is hung up to dry. 🦆 #NationalPekingDuckDay #PekingDuck #FoodSales #FoodConsultant #FoodDude #FoodService #Food #FoodServiceSolutions #FoodOfTheDay #DrinkOfTheDay #NobertSales @NobertSales (at Germantown, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnkBQXJuvRJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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goepicurista-blog-blog · 8 years ago
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Today is National Peking Duck Day, honoring the national dish of China. Did you know this delicacy achieves it's signature crispy skin by cooking techniques that are over a thousand years old, dating back to the Yuan dynasty? 🥘 🥘 You may have seen ducks hanging in the kitchen of Chinese restaurants. This is part of a 24 hour process to dry and glaze in a sugar coating to achieve the crispy skin. 🥘 🥘 Step inside @morimotoasia in Disney Springs and you’ll see the bustling kitchen behind a glass wall. The showman Iron chef Masaharu Morimoto has created a show kitchen like no other. There as the focal point are perfectly crispy peking duck hanging all in line waiting for your order. The plate presentation is perfect for sharing, served with steamed flour pancakes, pickled onions, hoisin miso sauce and apricot sweet chili sauces, to make fun wraps. 🥘 🥘 For more info on this and other Fun Food holidays to celebrate in January, check out the blog. I'm adding a new one every day! Go celebrate with friends and #MakeSomedayHappen #GOepicOrlando #MorimotoAsia #NationalPekingDuckDay #TBIN (at Morimoto Asia)
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kevinmason · 3 years ago
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Today is National Peking Duck Day. #pekingduckday . . . . . #pekingduck #nationalpekingduckday #todayis #socialmedia #intensitymedia #noBS #nobull #noBSsocialmedia #noBSsocial #philosophy #nashville #musicrow #musiccity #musiccityusa #tennessee #youtube #videoseries #marketing #media #music #whatwedo #howcanwehelp #socialmediatips #totallyfree #nospin https://www.instagram.com/p/CY3HD7YA8i6/?utm_medium=tumblr
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offensivelyfestive · 8 years ago
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National Peking Duck Day! #nationalpekingduckday #pekingduck #duck #foodporn #foodholiday #offensivelyfestive
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phillygrub · 2 years ago
Berks County-Based Duck Farmer Celebrates National Peking Duck Day at Cabela's in Hamburg, PA
Berks County-Based Duck Farmer Celebrates National Peking Duck Day at @Cabelas in Hamburg, PA 🦆 #NationalPekingDuckDay
Did you know that Wednesday, January 18th is National Peking Duck Day? To celebrate, Cabela’s in Hamburg, PA (100 Cabela Drive) will be hosting Joe Jurgielewicz & Son, Ltd., a Berks County duck farm in Hamburg, PA that is the largest provider of Pekin Ducks to restaurants across the Nation. Joe Jurgielewicz & Son, Ltd. will have their food truck selling fresh whole Peking duck, legs and breasts…
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