#Narcissism of small differences
morlock-holmes · 3 months
I'm so tired of hearing about how the different US states are really "50 countries in a trenchcoat" because I'm sorry... Have you been to the states?
You're really going to sit there and tell me that Washington, California and Oregon are as distinct from each other as the UK, France and Germany?
With a straight face and everything?
The states are more like, I dunno, different denominations of protestantism, or different Shonen Jump battle series, or different versions of Star Trek.
Like, if someone earnestly talked about how The Original Series and Voyager are actually really different that person would be correct, but if another person said, "Come on man what are you talking about it's all fucking Star Trek" that person would also be correct.
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onewomancitadel · 6 months
Now I remember why I hate fandom sometimes because describing Darwi Odrade as a 'girlboss' makes me want to claw my eyes out. I'm taking away the slang from all of you, you're not allowed to say things like that anymore.
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Why we should stop focusing on our enemies
In the end, you become just like the people you hate. It's so sad that so few humans ever learn this lesson.
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convoloutedinjoke · 1 year
thinking about Jean having clinical depression and jean being a speed addict and jean being weirdly ripped and jean being openly disgusted with Harry's decline into uselessness and making silly little connections in my mind
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candont · 2 years
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intermundia · 1 year
i just read about the "narcissism of small differences," aka the idea that the more a community has in common, the more likely the people in it are to engage in interpersonal feuds and mutual ridicule because of hypersensitivity to minor differences perceived in each other, and i knew there was a reason my time in academia and fandom felt oddly similar lmao
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jenomi · 3 months
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this is totally something jaemin would do… play on words from his narcissism exhibition
✧・゚: *✧*:・゚✧
"where are we going?" you ask for the millionth time. your boyfriend jaemin had told you to be ready to leave in an hour and to dress in something cute, but he wouldn't reveal anything else.
"just get in the car" he says with a hint of a smile on his face as he opens the car door for you. you side-eye him as you get into the car.
you felt antsy as jaemin drives to the secret location. you wouldn't say you're one for surprises, but jaemin has always been so good at them. you're genuinely surprised when jaemin turns the corner to his exhibition site.
"what are we doing here?" "i need to check something really quick."
you both get out of the car and jaemin holds open the door for you. you walk deeper into the building you're all too familiar with. you came with jaemin to watch his Narcissism exhibition come to life and helped him with the set up and detailing while he was abroad.
as you walk deeper into the building, you come across a different sign than the one you saw every time before.
SELFLESS my love for you is endless
you stop in your tracks as jaemin whispers, "surprise" as he kisses the side of your head.
"what's this?" you look up at your boyfriend who smiles at you as he hands you an exhibition handset. he grabs your hand as he guides you further into the new exhibition.
you gasp in shock and adoration as you see the room filled with pictures of you through jaemins eyes. there's pictures of everything, the small and big moments from your relationship.
"i- i don't know what to say. this is…amazing" you gesture towards the room as you slowly take in the room. he shyly smiles in return as he gently guides you towards the photos for a closer look.
the first photo you approach is a photo of you working on the couch with lucy, luke, and luna cuddled up against you in multiple positions.
you enter the number of the photo and press play on the exhibition handset:
all my babies in one photo. as much as i love the lululu cuddles for myself, i love that they want to cuddle with you more because that means they love you as much as i do. you are also working so hard in this photo, one of the many things i love about you. thank you for being the best mother to our babies - but please don't forget to give me cuddles too
you laugh lightly as you move on to the next. it was a photo from one of your many picnic dates next to han river. your hair is caught in the wind and you're laughing at something jaemin said as you reach for the camera.
every time i look at this picture, i fall in love with you all over again. i am the luckiest man in the world to be able to call myself your boyfriend. i love when you laugh, it brightens all my days. i'm so happy to have captured this photo of you, showing your carefree spirit and smile forever
you can hear the sincerity in jaemin's voice in the audio, making you tear up. you squeeze his hand as you walk hand-in-hand to the next photo.
it immediately makes you laugh. it's a photo from your first meeting with jisung, jeno, and donghyuck and you're trying to teach jisung how to cook. jisung is obviously stressed as the other members are laughing in the background, but you have a supportive hand on jisung's shoulder as you walk him through the recipe.
i don't know why we tried to save our helpless son jisung, but thank you for being so kind and loving towards all my members. as i watched you try to help jisung at his greatest weakness, it was the first time i realized how much i loved you and how i could never let you go. do you remember when i first told you i love you?
"yes" you answer aloud to jaemin standing next to you, "i'll never forget it"
jaemin smiles as he pulls you closer to his side, "i love you"
you walk hip to hip towards the next photo. it's a photo of you and jaemin in japan at night. you and jaemin are the only clear things in the photo as everything around you is a blur of heads and lights. you're looking at each other with eyes full of love, and a small hint of a smile on both of your lips.
this photo is exactly how i see the world with you by my side. nothing else matters, as long as you're with me and happy. this photo was hard to edit, but i'm proud of the way it turned out. it will always just be you and me, when things come between us, i'll fight through them to get back to you.
you tear up again as you wrap your arms around jaemin's waist. if you could fuse yourself to your boyfriend, you would so you would never have to leave his side.
as you look at each photo and listen to jaemins recording explaining each photo, he would just watch you. watch your eyes as you examine a photo and notice the details he worked so hard to highlight and incorporate. watch you as you listen to his heartfelt words recalling his memories with you. watch you as you smile and/or cry at each photo and word he says. you were his living, breathing exhibition that he could marvel at everyday. luckily, he does.
and with each photo you look at, your heart grows fuller and fuller with your love for jaemin. it becomes so overwhelming, that you can't help but let a few tears drop. there's so many photos, photos of you asleep peacefully in bed, more photos of you with his members doing various things, a photo of you and his mom, and more pictures of you and jaemin.
in the center of the room, there's a stand with a black cloth draped over it. jaemin told you it was the grand finale of the exhibit. you lift the cloth to find a small note in jaemin's handwriting: "for you, i become selfless"
you turn around to share your love and appreciation for jaemin, but as soon as you do, you watch him drop to one knee as he opens a small felt box.
"y/n, i love you with all my heart, it hurts. i want to love you for the rest of my life and make more memories with you and capture them with my camera. i want this to be the first exhibition of many. will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?"
"yes" you exclaim quickly. you were never going to say no. you loved jaemin with your whole heart, and this exhibition and the amount of time and effort he must've put into this made you love him more. how could you not?
jaemin puts the ring on your finger (it fits perfectly because, of course, jaemin measured all your favorite rings) before picking you up and spinning you around as you laugh and cry. when he sets you down, you give him a long kiss.
the moment was perfect. you and jaemin in the middle of a room, happy and in love surrounded by photos of your love for each other. this would be an image you'd keep in your heart for the rest of your life. 🤍
(also you leave the exhibition with a photo book, similar to the merch sold at narcissism, but it’s just photos related to you and jaemin)
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sweet-as-an-angel · 1 year
Yandere Cult Leader! Headcanons
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Warnings: Toxic Behaviour, Obsessive Behaviour, Possessive Behaviour, Delusions of Grandeur, Narcissism, Manipulation, Indoctrination, Implications of Smut, Implications of Sexual Coercion, Kidnapping, False Imprisonment, Implication of Murder, Implications of Torture, Implication of Sexual Punishment/Reward, Implications of Pregnancy (Not of Reader), Poisoning, Stockholm Syndrome, Religious Themes, No Pronouns used for Reader except ‘You’.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, when he sees you for the first time, a quiver in your walk and your voice as you explain to him that your car just swerved into a tree, seemingly of its own accord, leaving you with no means of transportation, knows there is something different about you. Almost whimsical.
♡ Something that makes his stone heart stammer.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, when you shamble up to his front doorstep and plead for help, welcomes you with open arms into his house – the only one for miles – and tells you to “Take a seat. Please, make yourself comfortable !”
♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, after finding out that you’re unfamiliar with the area, that you’re not privy to where anything or anyone is, hence you didn’t see whatever caused your car to swerve, can’t help but feel something hidden, dark, light up in the back of his mind.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader who insists you “Stay the night; we’d be more than happy to have you !” And actively resists your declination, your promise that you’ll “Be fine if I can get to a hospital.”
♡ Yandere Cult Leader whose only elaboration on who “we” are comes in the form of taking you out the back of the house, which now you see is more like a manor, the front of the architecture being deceptively small and mousy, where, as far as the eye could see, a town slept. One filled with people – hundreds, it seemed – dressed in clothing so similar to one another that they formed a moving pattern.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, despite knowing there are always vacant houses available for any ‘late comers’ to his Association, tells you otherwise – that you will be “Staying with me.” Just until you’re better. Or the next morning, at the very least.
♡ With no phone signal and a growing headache, throupled with your limp, you feel you have little chance of survival out on the open road; especially at night.
♡ And, with what you suspect to be a concussion and no room to argue given how far from anything and everything you were, you accepted what you thought was a gracious offer.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader knows he has to act fast – while you’re still vulnerable and malleable.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, when he has one of his associates draw you a bath, takes your clothes and puts them somewhere only he knows, providing you with clothes of the same material and disposition as everyone else at the compound town.
♡ “For your comfort,” he says, smiling vaguely. “Those city garments looked awfully dirty and uncomfortable – especially since you’ve just had a nasty accident.”
♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, when you ask for an ambulance, does one better, bringing you the ‘in-house doctor’ who tells him exactly what he wants to hear. That you’ll “Need to rest for the next week or so, just to be safe.”
♡ Yandere Cult Leader who thanks whatever deity aside from himself exists who has gifted him such a lenient timeframe to grant you ascension into his Family.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, standing just outside your guest bedroom, can’t help but smile, knowing that a week alone with you will be a cakewalk. He’s converted people in a single night before now. Albeit through practices he just can’t bring himself to use on you. Not in isolation, anyway.
♡ Despite the unfamiliar sense of urgency that twists his heart in directions it has never known.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader who wastes no time in spinning a frivolous, magnificent story for you, proclaiming himself the mayor of this small, humble town, made up of hard-working folk – farmers, labourers, clothes makers; people who were driven from the city after industrialisation made it impossible for them to financially support themselves.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader who revels in the way your eyes glimmer when he divulges his accolades to you, though does so with the modesty of one who sees it as their everyday life. Yet, he knows he has not captured your adoration yet. Another idol lives in your heart; a pop star, a film actor, a god of some description. Not him.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader who promises to stamp this out of you. In time.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, in the couple of days after you arrived, commits every ounce of his free time to getting to know you, to understanding what makes you tick, what makes you submissive.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, being the only one in the Compound to understand your culture references outside of this town, having access to sources his Family does not, uses all his knowledge to create an image of himself as a relatable, well-adjusted member of society. Both yours, and his.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader can see you’re becoming more comfortable with him the longer he spends in your presence. And he picks up on your body language to know when you want to be left alone, when you want to speak with him, when you’re starting to feel uncomfortable for one reason or another, and acts accordingly.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, when you start to ask if you’ll be able to leave soon, knows what must be done.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader understands that, to create the perfect disciple, one must first give them the illusion of choice, and the illusion that, when given the chance to leave, they are making the right choice by deciding to stay.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader no longer accosts you when you go to leave the house anymore, instead feeding into your little fantasy that “You’re looking a lot healthier now ! I think you’re almost fully healed.” Even getting the doctor to confirm his false pleasantry musings.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, from the top floor of his sprawling manor, watches you interact with his Family. You’re so easy to track even without his assigned Protectors following you. You stick out with your mannerisms, your smile fresh and not derived from worship of him, but a million other things running through your mind.
♡ You’re a challenge. Oddly resilient to his attempts to charm you as not to want to spend every waking second in his presence as his disciples do. Then again, you’re much more strong-willed than them. Have something to live for.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, despite his goal of initiating as many people into his Family as he can, can’t deny that the more he knows about you – what little information you divulge to this perfect stranger – he feels…drawn to you. In the same way his disciples are to him.
♡ This, he cannot allow. Though he does humour this schoolboy feeling of his interest piquing, his heart fluttering whenever you laugh at his jokes, or relay something to him he never knew before.
♡ Sure, maybe he’s only known you for about a week at this point, but he knows potential when he sees it.
♡ And he’s seen it in you.
♡ Now it’s just a case of getting you – and it – to conform to his will.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, just like whenever he’s feeling overwhelmed or needs to dispel energy of a most nefarious nature, beds his willing disciples – those he knows will not say no, who will gladly take his seed, those who will bear him the fruits of his labour.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader lives for validation, and he’s essentially created his own serotonin farm to stroke his ego whenever he feels it deflating.
♡ And nothing makes Yandere Cult Leader’s ego swell more than seeing the women of his town with his children, knowing that they shall be his successors, the ones to continue his legacy, or fall into his personal army if they are too weak in the mind to take up his mantle.
♡ And that, he knows, is the root of all power. His power, at least.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, when he realises that people will start looking for you soon, decides to take matters into his own hands. He won’t let anyone take you from him. Not when there’s still so much he has to show you – to teach you.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader who fabricates your demise – an unfortunate car accident – sacrificing one of his family collective to take your place in the car, similar to you in every aspect in your physicality; your hair colour, your height, your eyes. And the parts that can’t be faked – moles, tattoos, patches – he has his associates cover up with a fire sparked when the oil leaked into the car engine.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, in the meantime, starts thinking of ways to keep you inside – to stop you from seeing anyone else besides him, from potentially escaping.
♡ That, and he underestimated your likeability, noticing his disciples beginning to take to you with something akin to haste. Something akin to that which he felt for you.
♡ Attraction.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader who sees this liking displayed when everyone is gathered in the hall for his talks, wherein he sees the odd person or two talking with you during his speeches. Something unheard of – straight-up forbidden – until now.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader decides not to punish you for this transgression. After all, you’re new ! You don’t know how everything works here (he’s made sure of that). But the initiator…
♡ Yandere Cult Leader makes sure they learn their lesson – a little etiquette in obedience. And you won’t be seeing them again for a while.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader doesn’t just see you as a distraction for himself anymore, but a potential weapon against his power.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader isn’t stupid. On the contrary, he’s entirely lucid and knows exactly what you’d call his little establishment. A cult. A blasphemy of heretics.
♡ And he can’t have you blabbing your mouth – as much as he loves hearing you tell him stories – to the wrong people. Or realising what you’ve been roped into.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader takes your health into his hands and begins adding a secret ingredient to your meals. One which is tasteless, scentless, yet weakens you with each passing day.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, now having the excuse to do so, rarely lets you out of the house (not that you can leave, anyway) insisting that you aren’t well enough to do so.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader makes sure he’s your main source of care and entertainment during your time of declining health.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader uses your weakened, bed-ridden state to feed you more glorious tales of his philanthropy and godliness. And you, with little else to do – little else you can do – listen. And believe.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, as the weeks go on, can see that the defiance in your eyes, the initial hesitation and wariness you displayed in your first days here, is starting to fade, along with any fight or hope you have of ever leaving this place.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader feels his heart clamour when you request his presence, an associate of his coming to retrieve him from his office on the rare day he isn’t there to care for you himself.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, when he can see you’re particularly pained, looks over his shoulder and, as if he’s letting you in on a secret, flashes you a smile.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader calls you his “Special little Lamb. My Saint,” and gets up, locking the bedroom door, returning to your bedside.
♡ His hand slips beneath the bed sheets, finding your thigh. First, with reassurance. Then, with something else. Hunger. Promise.
♡ And you, in your state of delirium, either cannot or choose not to resist as his hand travels further beneath your night shirt, creeping ever closer to your epicentre. All the while, he’s crawling on top of you, an archway to another world. A cage.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader tells you to “Keep quiet. We don’t want the others getting jealous now.”
♡ And all the while, as he’s taking care of you, making you gasp, too feeble to even make a sound, he tells you how he thinks “The Gods will heal you, if only you acknowledged them.” His gaze turns hard. There is no humour, no levity, within him. “Join them.”
♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, one evening, when he’s at your bedside, after months of his attempts to break you, feels his heart soar when you tell him you “Want to become part of the Family.”
♡ Yandere Cult Leader can’t tell if he’s eventually gotten through to you, either with his promises of restoration or his nights of gratification, but he sees your conformity as loyalty. Finally.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, seeing that he has you in his iron grip, ceases his poisoning and begins work on your ascension. Immediately.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, as your condition begins to improve, tells you that you are to become his ‘special assistant’ – an occupation everyone in his town would kill and die for.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader whose articulation of what ‘special assistant’ means comes in the form of a collar.
♡ And not just any collar. A shock collar. 
♡ Not that you know this. Yet.
♡ yandere Cult Leader who, when you’re able to stand, move, and even participate in everyday activities, has your ‘coronation’ organised. A celebration (and display of ownership_ of you and all that you will be bringing to the Family.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader who watches everyone’s reactions carefully, picking out those who showed doubt, even a sliver, and those who seemed overly-accepting of your presence.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, that night, as you went to go to your room, pulled you into his, locking the door behind him.
♡ “An assistant as special as yourself can’t be expected to sleep all by their lonesome,” he tells you, his hand on yours. Iron.
♡ “Not when it’s my job to serve you.”
♡ Yandere Cult Leader is a master manipulator. A lucid one at that. Though, his narcissism clouds his sense of self.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, that night, takes you for the first time, deeming it to be the claiming ceremony’ – one which has been a tradition since the inception of the Association.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader convinces you that this is the right thing to do, regardless of how much you want to do it.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader who doesn’t stop until he sees every ounce of resistance leave your eyes, and not just towards his advances. Extending far beyond tonight – into the rest of your life as you come to accept that this is your fate, one spent with a demon in a  god’s clothing.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader uses sexual gratification as a motivator (or punishment) depending on your behaviour.
♡ If you do something that displeases him, that risks making him lose face if only for a second, he can be vile. Promising the most promiscuously torturous and painful outcomes should you defy his word again.
♡ Such motivators of these punishments can be as simple as wanting to take a walk outside the Compound, asking him a question about the Uncaring Outside, or not doing what he asks of you immediately after he’s told you what he wants.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader is most unkind when he is displeased. And he’ll let you know how easily replaceable you are, how quickly he can find a willing body to take your place in his bed at a moment’s notice.
♡ And you know he’s right. That’s why you obey like you do, why you take the slings and arrows your existence is heir to now, why you plead and beg and cry that you’d “Do better next time ! Please, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry–”
♡ However, if you have displayed good behaviour, he’ll call you by any name you want to hear – “Sweetheart”, “Darling”, “Angel” – anything that reinforces your perceived importance to the Cult Leader.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader has you glued to his side forevermore. Anyone who tries tot ake you from him is deftly dealt with. Which is why you never see the people who’ve come searching for you, who stumbled upon the leader’s human enclosure as you had. Albeit with less guidance from the Leader.
♡ Yandere Cult Leader promises you that “Nobody out There loves you as much as I do. If they did, they’d have come to join you, wouldn’t they ?”
♡ God forbid if you disagree. The Leader didn’t groom you to be opinionated; he tamed you into his pet.
♡ And if you ever want a fighting chance of escaping this place alive, you have to make him believe that you’re dedicated to nothing but him.
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously and it is greatly appreciated :-)
Masterlist Yandere AI Masterlist Masterpost
AO3 Wattpad
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hillbillyoracle · 2 years
For those with home related New Years Resolutions:
I’ve been a disabled homemaker for 5 years now so I wanted to share the resources that have helped me take our home from complete chaos to reasonably functional and enjoyable.
If you’re not functioning...
If you’re constantly tripping over things and getting injured, eating food that makes you sick, dealing with pests in the home, and struggling to complete basic tasks like feeding, clothing, and bathing yourself, then you should start with...
KC Davis aka StruggleCare aka DomesticBlisters
I recommend KC Davis’s stuff with a big heaping dose of “keep what works and leave what doesn’t.” She’s one of the few people I’ve seen talking about compassionate care focused on maintaining a level of personal functioning rather than maintaining a home. Her stuff has been very helpful to me during some very challenging times. 
I think her some of her best work is probably her videos on the 5 step tidying process, the ones on setting up bedside hygiene and food kits, and the ones on dealing with DOOM (Didn’t Organize Only Moved) boxes. 
That being said she has a tendency to use neurotype as a shield for not reckoning with other dynamics in a situation (gendered, narcissism, etc) when asked for advice by viewers which can lead to this “all people with neurodivergence are good” vibe which I find off putting (especially as an autistic person). I mention it because her bleh stuff was all I was coming across and I missed out on her good stuff for a while. It’s worth picking through though. 
Her book is a little better on the whole. 
If you’re functioning but still very overwhelmed...
If you can complete your daily activities of living pretty regularly but you’re still losing papers you need, rebuying items you didn’t realize you had, or looking around your home at a mess that feels impossible to clean, then check out...
Dana K White aka A Slob Comes Clean
I love Dana K. White’s stuff. Honestly, I recommend her to every level on this list but I think she probably shines brightest in this category. 
Her 5 step decluttering process is pure fucking gold. It’s a decluttering process that doesn’t rely on feelings at all - really helpful for those with trauma or alexthymia generally. She has multiple videos explaining it and even more where you can watch her go step by step with someone over the course of an hour and make a huge dent in some very overwhelming mess. Its the process I’ve used to go through over 50 moving boxes to declutter so we could fit in this much smaller space we moved to in April. 
Her day to day cleaning advice is also excellent. Her concept of dishes math has really helped me make decisions about what chores to focus on when I’m low energy. Her 14 Days to Opening Your Front Door series is amazing if you’re having to host for a given occasion but your home is a wreck. 
If you’re not painfully overwhelmed by your stuff but there’s still a lot of friction in your home...
If your stuff doesn’t overwhelm you but your home still doesn’t feel that good to be in, you’re still not finding things when you need to or it’s taking you a long time to find them, you create homes for things but they look terrible or they never seem to stick, then you’d love...
Cassandra Aarssen aka Clutterbug
Clutterbug types were kind of a game changer for me. It’s what really opened my eyes to why the systems that worked for me did not work for my partner. She is a Bee - lots of small categories that are all very visible - and I am a ladybug - big bucket categories that aren’t visible. When I reorganized our space according to the compromise between our types, Butterfly - big categories and very visible - all of a sudden the systems just worked so much better. There were many fewer fights sparked by things not getting put away or not being able to find things. So I really recommend her videos on the different types and examples of each. 
Quick word of warning, she does have regular videos about diet and exercise that I personally find pretty triggering to my disordered eating habits so I’m not subscribed to her and just check her channels every now and then so it’s easier to skip over videos where that might be a topic she talks about. 
Cliff Tan aka Dear Modern
Cliff Tan’s work is the most recent of these resources that I’ve come across but holy shit I cannot recommend it enough. 
Because my parents didn’t originally intend on my partner using the room she wound up using, there’s simply not space to keep some of the furniture and items in there anywhere else. Meaning she just kind of has to keep a fair bit of junk in there. But after watching (read: binging) the Dear Modern YouTube channel and seeing him completely change spaces by moving furniture around, I redid my partners room over the course of about 2 hours and it’s a completely different room. Way more comfortable and she’s already mentioned she’s getting much better sleep. 
So I really really recommend his stuff. Sometimes what you really need isn’t new stuff but just rearranging what you already have. 
If you’re pretty content with your home but want to streamline the process of caring for it...
If your home is pretty functional but regular tidying, deep cleaning, and maintenance tasks specifically keep falling through the cracks, then you might like...
FlyLady System
The Secret Slob - YouTube
Diane in Denmark - YouTube
There are lots of systems out there for house keeping but I’ve yet to try or see one that seems to do better than FlyLady for me. Since with my illness my energy varies wildly, I don’t necessarily do things when her system recommends but I do them according to the priority her system ascribes to them as I’m able. 
FlyLady is a notoriously convoluted website so I really recommend learning from a secondhand source. The Secret Slob and Diane in Denmark are my favorites. 
Maintenance Lists
This Old House
There a lots of maintenance lists out there and honestly finding one and doing what you can is better than nothing. I personally like the ones from This Old House because they’re broken up into annual, seasonal, monthly, and some weekly tasks - which are essentially priority categories, similar to FlyLady. I’ve linked the winter one here but there are many others to pick through depending on what you want to work on. 
Bonus: Paper Clutter
My System
This is what I’ve arrived at after years of experimentation. It’s an amalgam of a few different ideas from different systems in one place. I keep mind on my fridge but put yours where ever you’re dumping paper anyways. If you’re in a room or live in a car/backpack - I have ideas on how to organize it for those in this post too. 
Sunday Basket
YouTube Video
The Minimal Mom’s Video
She’s in Her Apron Video
Need something a little more robust? The Sunday Basket is probably be best version of a paper (and other stuff) system I’ve seen. Got something that needs dealt with? Chuck it in the Sunday Basket. The creator also has videos on long term paper storage ideas if that’s something you need as well. But her videos usually run an hour long so I recommend starting with either the Minimal Mom’s video or She’s in Her Apron’s video. 
Bonus: Digital Clutter
PARA System/Building a Second Brain by Tiago Forte
YouTube Channel
Essential Video
The branding on this system can be very productivity tech wonk which is off putting to me but when I finally started hearing what was at the core of it and applying it - my digital life was changed. I’ve linked my absolute favorite video he’s done here. Ignore the bit about it being the last in the series, most of us are already using some note app and if you like it you can always go back and watch the rest. But just applying what’s in that video to your digital systems will make things easier to find. 
Hope this helps someone out there! 
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sjyuns · 1 year
bad boy heeseung x fem reader 1036 words warnings cursing genre fluff listen sugarcoat ( natty ) mikaela’s note sorry for the spam, i’m clearing drafts
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There are 171,476 words in the english language, but you could never string any of them together to explain how much you wanted to hit Lee Heeseung with a chair, against his head (hopefully splitting it open). Because he’s being extremely difficult at the moment — not like he ever was not.
“Can you not shut up for one fucking minute? You’re giving me a headache,” you groan, eyes rolling before you shoot a sharp glare at the purple haired boy, “just because a blueberry vomited on your head, doesn’t give you the right to be a whiny brat.”
He scoffs, and takes a step closer to you, eyes trailing from your eyes to your lips. It distracts you — his gaze, and you can feel your body heat up. He’s attractive; with his bambi eyes that held a contrasting devilish stare that hypnotises, his tall figure, muscular build, and that dark purple hair of his, which you hate to admit, suited him so well.
Heeseung looked like a corrupt angel, almost supernaturally handsome, and he was unnervingly unforgettable.
The task at hand long forgotten as you held his dead stare, and you cursed him in your mind over and over again. Who knew that one simple agreement to meet your father’s coworker’s family would lead you to him — the absolute bane of your existence.
“Hate me so much, sweetheart? The door’s right there,” he smirks, crystal eyes like gin and as pretty as sin, “leave, and you lose.” And it was like he knew what irked you because you weren’t ever one to back down from a challenge, even more if you were losing to Lee Heeseung, who only in your third time meeting him, managed to wring out every single drop of patience in your being. “Called it that you won’t ever be able to handle me.”
You heave a burdened sigh, eye filtering through the different stores in the empty mall, before fixing your eyes on the arcade. Without a second thought, you reach out to grab his hand, your eyes doe as you give him a sharp glare, as if challenging him to go against you.
“You need me here, Lee Heeseung, or how will you ever prove to your parents that you’re a so-called changed man,” you grin, pulling him over to a claw machine situated at the entrance of the arcade.
There’s an unexplainable feeling sitting uncomfortably in Heeseung’s chest as he stares at your figure; you were the kind of girl boys would swoon over, with silky hair, bedroom eyes, and cheeks like wine, your beauty was intimidating yet you smelt like white roses and had a voice of honey. And he thinks that as much as you’re different from the other girls he’s been with, he won’t think of you, he wouldn’t allow himself to.
“Get me that doll,” you say blandly, finger pressing against the glass casing of the claw machine as you point to a deer soft toy.
Heeseung scoffs at your demanding tone, “a deer?” he questions, eyebrows knitted together, “didn’t think you’d like deers, thought you’d be more of a cat person.”
The nerve of this boy, you think, face morphing into one of judgement, “what do you even know about me, Lee?” you say, watching Heeseung’s eyes glisten with competitiveness as he fixated on the small brown soft toy. “Plus, it kind of looks like you.”
“Ew, you think I'm cute?” He throws out and you’re shocked at his narcissism.
“No, it’s ugly. You’re ugly,” you reply, and god is that a big fat lie. Because the last word you’d use to describe Lee Heeseung, with his egotistical personality sugarcoated in glorified looks would be ‘ugly’.
He smirks as he bends down, face excruciatingly close to yours as his sinfully intoxicating aura encases you, “really sweetheart?” he asks, before his gaze drops down to your lips, “then why are you so red?”
Your palms push against his chest, eyes darting everywhere but Heeseung’s face which held a winner’s smirk, “just get me the fucking toy,” you mutter. He chuckles softly at your embarrassed state before he shifts his focus back onto clawing the soft toy.
And you aren’t surprised that it takes him less than three tries to successfully grab it — in fact you weren’t ever surprised at Heeseung’s excellence, because you knew that despite the arrogance that lined him, he was talented.
“Happy?” Heeseung questions as he looks at your elated expression, as you tightly grip the small soft toy in your hands, gazing at it adoringly. “You ever going to pay me back?”
There it is again, and you think there isn’t one full moment where he can shut up.
“You’re asking me to pay on our second date, Lee? That’s almost romantic,” you scoff, “the blueberry juice must have really seeped through your roots into your empty brain. Just as I was about to thank you for this adorable toy too.”
“Adorable? I thought you said it was ugly like me?” he swivels his body to face you, “you think i’m cute, pretty girl?”
“As cute as the disney troll that pissed on your hair,” you bite back, rolling your eyes as you quicken your step.
The expression on your face loosens when you’re sure Heeseung cannot see it, as you fight back a smile presented to you by the awfully interesting boy who makes your heart tremble at just the thought of him.
“Next week, same time,” Heeseung shouts at your disappearing figure, an unfiltered smile plastered on his face, “don’t forget, pretty girl.” And it’s a whole new sensation for him; to want to see you again even though you’ve just left.
You fall asleep with the bambi soft toy pressed firmly against the flesh of your cheeks, and you can’t help but let out soft giggles at the simple thought of the boy who looked like a fallen angel and handsome devil all at once, a boy named Lee Heeseung who calls you disgustingly domestic nicknames that your heart can’t help but flutter at the sound of. Lee Heeseung who — though is conceited and prideful, listens to your every word like it’s the most interesting thing on earth.
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mamani-bento · 10 months
what you're willing to give (satoru gojo)
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satoru gojo x reader, 1.3k, gender not mentioned
fwb!gojo + 'if we get caught kissing in a small, dark, kind of shady alleyway, it's on you.' from this prompt list, highly suggestive making out + fluff + humour (?)
summary - gojo wants more. you want more. the only difference is that he can admit it, but he likes you enough to wait until you can too.
minors do not interact!
i wrote this and i'm sooooooo at his characterisation here, this goes under fics-that-are-SO-well-set-up-for-a-sequel i'm a genius sometimes, fwb!gojo has not left my head since i read this incredible fic by @staryukis
mamani-bento's masterlist!
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gojo doesn't understand why you're complaining, honestly.
okay, he sort of does, but he doesn't understand why you're still complaining.
"do you want to stop?"
your answer takes a bit longer to emerge, and gojo can't help the smug grin against the side of your neck. he continues to nip and lave at your skin, paying special attention to a slowly-forming bruise near your jugular as he waits for your response.
"stop–ah!–stop fucking smiling."
gojo does not stop smiling, but he does lay off your neck, moving his lips upwards and catching your swollen ones with a low chuckle instead.
"so mouthy," he mumbles into shared breath, delighting in the reactionary tightening of your clenched fists in his hair. he can't help the groan he lets out at the feeling, and his large palm grips harder at the plump flesh of your thigh hooked over his hip. his body presses further into your front, pushing you against the wall. his long fingers curl at your scalp and he can feel the scrape of uneven stone against the back of his hand.
sighing pants and moaned kissing fill the dark alley behind the pub. gojo loves his friends, he really does, but he can't possibly be expected to pay attention to them inside when you're wearing that.
"i didn't think this would do it for you," you airily breathe out as gojo lets your leg down, groping at the flesh of your ass instead.
he catches your bottom lip between his teeth, revelling in the gasp he's rewarded with. "liar," he mutters, no real heat behind his words. "you absolutely knew that this would do it for me."
he could die with the sound of your giggle in his ear and he'd be happy as a clam. he's been feeling like he could die a lot this evening, ever since you entered in that outfit and made him nearly choke on air at the sight.
you trace kisses down the long column of his neck, and his eyes flutter shut at the pleasure. he gives your ass one last squeeze, large palms smoothing over the thin fabric of your panties, before he finally moves his hand out of your tiny skirt.
you had come to the halloween party dressed as him and it makes his head spin every time he thinks about it. the only modification you've made is the pants, traded in for a similarly navy skirt that shows off the plush of your thighs, and sheer stockings that end just below the hemline. he's very thankful for that skirt, very grateful for the access it's giving him to feel you up as he pleases.
and maybe, maybe, he should be a little concerned at what this means for his narcissism, that the sight of you like this, like him, is having such a profound effect. but all he can really think about is your teeth scraping against the underside of his jaw, your hands now tugging at the collar of his blue button-up, your skin moulding under the greedy kneading of his palms as he moves to your hips.
"where's your tie?" you manage to ask as you pull away, as if just realising that he's missing an integral part of his outfit.
"at home," he says, opening his eyes to look at you looking at him. your costume blindfold rests on your forehead, messily bunched up from all the movement, giving him the full effect of your partly disappointed expression.
your fingers fiddle with his undone top button. "would've liked if you had a tie," you mumble, almost complainingly.
he knows you're lying, fully certain that this halfway nanami-cosplay he's got going on is also doing it for you if your enthusiastic participation is anything to go by. and maybe, maybe, he left the tie out just so he could have a reason to get you in his house. he likes to pretend sometimes that he still has to convince you to spend nights with him. likes to act as though he's perpetually on a quest to win your affections, despite all the evidence to the contrary.
"come over. help me put it on."
the streetlight from the main road filters into the alley and the music from the building you're both leaning against is muffled and you look so thoroughly debauched with your lips swollen and your face flushed and your chest heaving, and all gojo can really register is the feeling of your body against his.
this is the only way he can have you. too risky to be in a relationship but not to fall into bed with each other at every social gathering, to ignore your colleagues and make out in the alleyway like teenagers. he knows, he knows, that something will give. he's largely stopped trying to hide how much he cares for you behind this dance of 'come over' and 'are you awake?', but your walls are so high, every brick laid by the fear of both being with somebody and being somebody who might not make it back home after a mission. until he can break them down, he'll take what he can get, what you're willing to give him.
"you planned that line?" you scoff with a shocking perceptiveness. or not that shocking. for somebody who claims to not care, you pay an awful lot of attention to his mannerisms outside bed. he'll wait for you to admit it to yourself.
he moves closer, thick arm familiarly winding around your waist until he can feel the ghost of your deep breaths fanning over his already lonely lips. "don't tell me you wore that and expected this to not happen tonight."
the silence is deafening in the wake of his low accusation. you can't deny it, of course you can't deny it. you know that your cherry lip gloss drives him crazy, that the sight of your thighs moving in those translucent silky stockings is enough to wind him up, that he's got an ego for days and seeing you dressed like him is basically heaven. you could've gone as anybody. shoko's only rule was to dress up as another teacher, she didn't specify anything about your-fuckbuddy-that-you're-pretending-to-not-have-a-thing-for.
his gaze shoots to your mouth as your teeth worry your lower lip, and he'd really like you to say something now. preferably along the lines of 'you're absolutely right, i'm in this outfit because i want to sleep with you, let's go' , but he knows it'll never be that easy with you.
even as your body presses against his, even as your hands move to play with the hair on the nape of his neck, you ask, "what about the others?"
gojo laughs, a bright thing that pierces the heavy silence of the dark alley. "they should be used to it by now, no? we'll send shoko an apology card in the morning for bailing."
he doesn't mean to push, but you never do anything you don't want to, and past experience tells him that you really want to do him. despite your initial reluctance, you always end up in his bed at the end of the day. despite your stubborn insistence that 'this is the last time' and 'this isn't a thing', it's never the last time and it's definitely a thing. and predictably, he can see your resolve wavering now, like it always does.
"she also deserves flowers, i think."
"sure, we'll send some flowers too," gojo easily acquiesces with a shrug. he'll send shoko a damn car if you ask him to. but he can't say that yet, won't say that until you admit that whatever ineffable instinct keeps pulling you two together runs deeper than back alley make outs and sweaty nights that feel inevitable.
"this is–"
"the last time?" gojo interrupts, unable to stop himself.
he ignores your unimpressed expression in favour of pressing into your hips with his, satisfied with the way wide eyes and a small gasp replaces your flat look. he makes no attempt to hide what you've done to him, what you always seem to be doing to him. he's affected at the best of times, but in this outfit? he never stood a chance. "is that a yes?"
you seem equal parts annoyed and aroused.
just how he likes you.
"shut up," you grouse, tugging at his collar until you're fiercely kissing him again, everything becoming a frenzy that promises to end with your clothes on his floor and your nails running down his back.
if this is what you’re willing to give him for now, he’ll gladly take it. but he wants more, and he knows that you want more, and it’s only a matter of time before something finally gives.
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11queensupreme11 · 30 days
Those comments about whether Percy should be the ✨️IT girl✨️ of the universe or the multiverse got to me
I started thinking about how beautiful she is and how she is accidentally causing a war between the gods, then I started thinking a little and remembered another situation where the beauty of a goddess/woman caused a war, That's right, I'm talking about the Trojan War
All that confusion (according to mythology) started because Eris threw an apple on the table and offered it to the most beautiful goddess, which caused a conflict between the goddesses who got up to get the apple (Athena, Hera and Aphrodite), not Would it be funny if we recreated this scene with the big three?
During act 4 the yanderes are watching the PJ world, they are watching the PJ gods interact at a visibly tense dance, it is very obvious that the three brothers are uncomfortable or irritated at having to interact with each other, during a small argument between the three of them the goddess Eris approaches
She praises the three for having such beautiful daughters and says she wants to offer this golden apple to the God who has the eldest daughter, she throws the apple towards the three and they all get up to catch it and that's when a huge fight begins over which semi -goddess is the most beautiful (let's change the age at which Thalia became a hunter and we will also change the age at which Bianca died so that they are both at the height of their teenage beauty to be able to "compete" with Percy)
The three decide to use the opinion of a quarter to decide who is the most beautiful, initially Zeus asks Hera to be the judge but she refuses (she totally does this as revenge because when she asked him to be the judge last time he refused), no goddess wants to judge this case so they choose a mortal woman to decide
PJ Hades knows that Bianca is not the most beautiful but it is a matter of paternal love to defend her honor, PJ Zeus is defending that Thalia is the most beautiful both as a political act and as a matter of narcissism but he knows that she is not is the most beautiful and PJ Poseidon is arguing that Percy is the most beautiful both because he loves her and because he KNOWS he is right (this will be the ONLY time that ror Poseidon agrees with PJ Poseidon)
In a similar way to the original tale, the three gods go to the mortal and each one makes a different proposal about what the woman will gain depending on which girl she chooses, meanwhile the three girls are next to their respective fathers, each wearing a beautiful dress and decorated with beautiful jewelry (Percy's dress has a marine theme and she is decorated with pearls, Bianca's dress has a gothic theme and her jewelry is all black, while Thalia's dress has a sea theme stormy night sky and her jewelry is more varied jewelry)
Percy (despite actually being the prettiest) loses the competition since Zeus's bribe was better, it all ends up in an even bigger mess than at the beginning because now Poseidon and Hades are particularly bitter about how Zeus is boasting about his victory and the enmity between the three increases
Unfortunately they are no longer at the height of Greece so waging a war to demonstrate dissatisfaction with the result of the contest like Hera and Athena did is impossible (ror Poseidon is almost having an aneurysm due to PJ Poseidon not starting a war or a massacre in the name of his daughter's honor)
How do the ror gods react to this? (more specifically the three big)
"Poseidon is arguing that Percy is the most beautiful both because he loves her and because he KNOWS he is right (this will be the ONLY time that ror Poseidon agrees with PJ Poseidon)"
there is nothing pjo!poseidon can do that would even satisfy ror!poseidon by 1%
he calls percy beautiful, and ror!poseidon would be like "THATS IT? only 'beautiful'? what, do you need a thesaurus or something, MY DAUGHTER IS MORE THAN JUST 'BEAUTIFUL', SHE'S--" *rants for the next few hours describing his daughter-wife's beauty*
he'd also judge the dress pjo!poseidon gives her 😭 like "is that the best dress you could give her? how DARE you insult by daughter by giving her such a sub-par dress! you're clearly trying to sabotage her!!! 😡🔱"
and omggggg when percy actually loses, someone would need to hold this man back. he's pissed at EVERYONE (except his daughter-wife ofc 🥺). he'd be pissed that pjo!poseidon doesn't even TRY to fight for his daughter's honor, pissed at pjo!zeus for cheating, and pissed at pjo!hades for thinking his daughter even had a chance (sorry bianca, but he hates you for existing 💔), pissed at the human for taking zeus' bribe, etc...
once hades gets a handle on what pjo!zeus' personality is like, he already knew it would end with thalia/zeus winning because he knows pjo!zeus WOULD cheat, so he's not that surprised. disappointed that he would cheat, but not surprised. he's a little miffed that the girls would be put in such a demeaning and embarrassing position tho, and if he were there, he would like to have a word with eris for causing this mess (again).
he'd definitely prefer it if percy won tho cuz he's in love with her AND knows that she's the prettiest of the bunch. sorry to thalia and bianca, but he doesn't know or care for them 😭
meanwhile zeus is cackling and laughing at his loser brothers 😂 he would definitely try to hide behind adamas when shit gets real, but adamas would happily kick him aside and let him face the consequences 😭
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ghoulsbounty · 4 months
Hii! What's your headcanons about relationship with Otis Driftwood? Nothing too violent towards reader after they became a s/o, if you could, without going into ooc <3
Otis Driftwood In a Relationship
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Warnings: smut (18+), control, possessiveness, gaslighting, mentions of sex work (not reader), canon-typical violence, aggression, narcissism, it's otis - he is a warning!
Words: 1.1K
A/N: Thank you for my first Otis request! I've been in love with this man for going on twenty years so I have lots of headcanons for him. I feel like this is realistically (to me) how he would have a relationship with someone who wasn't either a victim or murderer while still keeping him in character (I hope!) Also yes I had to get the quote in the last bullet, I was watching the film as I wrote this. I hope you enjoy it. I’d love to know what you all think to this, and feel free to send me more requests 💌
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→ It's widely known that Otis harbours some unconventional interests. In the small town of Ruggsville, the Firefly family's prominence, especially their ties to local celebrity Captain Spaulding, is undeniable. In this backwater community, everyone has their own shades of darkness when it comes to entertainment or survival, so you don't bat an eyelash at the rumours circulating about the family.
 → Otis charms you with his quick wit and sharp tongue, an aura of danger enveloping him and lingering in his presence. He frequents the local watering hole where you work, spending quiet summer evenings regaling you with stories of travelling the country with his younger sister, moving from one stolen car to the next. When you ask why he returned to the dead-end town, he nonchalantly declares that family is the most important thing to him. And then, with a mischievous grin, he casually mentions his involvement in a Satanic cult. 
→ Otis thinks that perhaps what draws him to you is your refusal to flinch at his unsavoury stories or the sly smirk you offer when he alludes to the sweet taste of your skin. He enjoys the recoil from others, welcomes it even because it's what he's known since he was a child and means he's got the upper hand. You give him pause, a dangerous thing indeed. In you, he sees a kindred spirit equally disillusioned with societal norms, and he wonders how long it will take to break you. 
→ With every aspect seemingly covered, there's no obvious place for you in his life. Yet, thoughts of you intrude on his mind during the day, distracting him from his tasks. The persistent idea that you might offer something different to his routine gradually consumes him, eroding all other thoughts until only you remain. 
→ His carnal needs are met by the bottom feeders he keeps around for a quick release. Sometimes, when their pleading becomes bothersome and he wants the peace and quiet, he will end it fast because it's easier when they're cold. He pulls them into his cot and curls into them until they have festered and rotten to the point that Tiny has to dispose of them. If it's a willing body he seeks, a trip to the whorehouse suffices. 
→ It's a few months before you meet the family. Otis doesn't need to tell you the importance of the moment, you can sense it in his tense demeanour, permeating the lounge as Mama parades you around the room like a prize pig at the county fair. You sense his eyes upon you, observing your reactions to each member, particularly noting your response to Tiny's imposing presence and your handling of Grandpa's vulgarity. In his mind, he rationalizes that you'll need a strong stomach if you are going to be with him. 
→ You are under no illusion that you're not the only person from whom Otis seeks comfort. He isn't shy about the fact that he needs more than what you can give him, says as much when he insists on you leaving him be for a few days to exorcise his darker urges. He doesn't approach the subject of you joining him sometimes until he is certain that you won't spring like a scared rabbit. When he finally does ask, you accept with a morbid curiosity.
→ Otis certainly has his private indulgences, but he takes great pleasure in involving you in some of his less solitary activities. Whatever the pursuit may be, it often concludes with him inside of you, his teeth leaving raw marks on your skin as he draws out multiple orgasms from your pliable body.
→ In these moments, he alternates between showering you with praise and delivering sharp, cutting remarks, his rough fingers encircling your throat as he thrusts into you with relentless force, pushing you to the brink of ecstasy until you're cock drunk and screaming his name. He relishes in the intensity of the experience, breaking you down only to rebuild you according to his desires, sculpting you into his perfect masterpiece.
→ Over time, Otis's possessiveness and control puts an end to your employment, your independence dwindling in the face of your need to be with him and his need for your servitude. His affection is conditional upon your compliance and submission, and when you prove yourself to him is when you get your reward of a tender kiss to your nose, or being pulled into his lap for a warm embrace. His love is a privilege to be earned, and he is fast to take it away if he deems you unworthy of it.
→ Otis perceives you as an extension of himself, expecting you to conform to his desires and interests. He finds pleasure in your engagement with his world, he likes when you lounge on his stained mattress in nothing but his shirt listening to his musings on the complexities of human nature. He encourages you to challenge his viewpoints, igniting debates that fuel his passion.
→ However, you soon discover that venturing into this territory can be perilous. It often results in Otis's eyes blazing with fury, his hands trembling with conviction as he towers over you, unleashing a torrent of berating and belittling words until you find yourself on your knees before him. It's a volatile dance of intellectual stimulation intertwined with the raw intensity of his dominance.
→ It falls to you to navigate these moments, gently guide him back to a sense of equilibrium with a steady stream of apologies and affirmations, trail open mouthed kisses down his body until you feel him relax under your touch. Sometimes his tumultuous thoughts wouldn't waver and he'd either take his frustrations out on your cunt or push you away until you are begging at his door. For Otis, isolation becomes a test of your loyalty—will you stay, or run? 
→ And time and again, you choose to stay, receiving no verbal apology afterward because that is Otis' way. However, when he deems fit, he leaves small tokens on the bedside table for you to find in the morning—a small sculpture, a painting—his non-verbal way of acknowledging his feelings about his actions. You know better than to draw attention to these gestures. Instead, you offer a kiss to his lips as a silent acknowledgment of his effort to make amends. His response is typically playful yet affectionate, a light smack on your behind accompanied by an eye roll, never one to dwell on sentimentality.
→ Overall, Otis is content with you, would dare say happy. You fit into his life with ease, don't give him much grief when you're not busy bitching a song about nothing. However, the devil makes work for idle hands, and there's still work to be done in fully acclimating you to his ways. He does love watching you break.
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starillusion13 · 3 months
i think NCT fic where the one of members are jealous would be very cool :), like they even pretend they arent jealous but they are very irritated not getting attention
Narcissism - for you
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Pairing: photographer!Jaemin x f! reader (background Haechan x reader; Jeno x reader)
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Psycho au
Warnings: jealousy, obsession, arguments, doubts on partner, threats, stalking behavior, psycho tendencies and evil intentions.
W.C: 4.1k Network: @k-vanity
Dear Anonie🎀 ik the plot is a bit different but there is jealousy and irritation but not like usual. It’s a bit different how I came up with late at night🤭 I hope you enjoy ☺️
👹. 🎀.💋
You had always considered yourself lucky in love. You met Jeno, Haechan and Jaemin during your freshman year of college, and your relationship blossomed quickly. They were always charming, attentive, and seemed to adore you. However, as your relationship deepened, you began to notice small signs of affections towards you and that brought you all closer. A mutual acceptance and accepting all three of them bloomed a new relationship.
Not a friendship.
But love.
There was not a single ounce of jealousy among them. The three loved you to the extent you couldn't even explain and even if you were glad, there was a tingling sensation itching your mind.
Would it be the same forever?
"Hey! Jaemin...do you know-"
"I am busy." He closed the door behind him and left you standing in front of his room. What happened to him? you kept staring at the closed door in confusion.
Someone appeared behind you and wrapped his arms around you, your body was stiff but soon started to relax when he nuzzled his face into the crane of your neck.
"What happened, y/n?"
Your fingers fiddling with his, in front of your chest and you tilted your head to the side when you felt him leaving kisses on your shoulder and neck, teeth nibbling on your skin and his breath rising goosebumps when he spoke to you.
You shook your head, relaxing in the moment, "I don't know. When I was not here with Jeno, did something happen, Haechan?"
Placing a kiss just below the ear lobe, he slowly turned you around. Giving you a tight cute smile, he pecked your lips and pulled you closer, "why? What did he say?"
"Nothing. He was just sitting on the couch and when he saw me coming towards him, he stood up and didn't let me say anything and said that he was busy and closed the door." Your pout earned a peck from Haechan and you both smiled at each other affectionately.
"don't worry. Maybe he is busy with his photography exhibition and needs some rest." He pulled you closer and rested your head against his chest, inhaling his cologne. You smiled and hugged him tighter. He caressed your head and other hand moving slowly up and down your back, "also, I will talk to him about this."
You nodded and pulled apart to stare at his face.
The youthful charm and that warming smile.
Oh, you love him too much.
Both of you heard the creak of a door. Haechan looked towards the direction of the sound and you quickly followed his gaze.
There stood Jaemin with a blank face, his eyes following the way you two were standing together in each other's embrace. When his eyes met with the boy, the older one gave him a smile but when his eyes traveled to your face, his gaze locked with yours and he scoffed.
"Jaemin." Haechan stepped towards the boy standing at the door and swung his arm around his shoulders, the younger had a sly smile and waited for the boy to speak whatever he wanted to. "I heard you ignored our girl earlier."
Jaemin tilted his head and raised his brows before returning his gaze back to you, "really?" he smirked, staring at you, "and she told you that?"
Haechan nodded, "talk to her. She missed you for the last two days." and when he noticed your unwavering gaze on the other boy, he left you and Jaemin alone and went towards his room.
"Jaemin... are you okay?" you asked quietly.
He licked his lips and stepped towards you, "do you really care about that? If you really missed me these days then you should have come to my room for once but you didn't." he stood in front of you, curling your locks between his fingers, "but instead you went out with Jeno. Why?"
"He told me that you are busy with your schedules and to give you some time alone, we went out." You smiled in the end.
He smirked, "so you wanted to give me some time alone." He shook his head, "you just wanted to spend more time with your two other boyfriends. Am I right?"
you furrowed your brows and shook your head, "what are you even saying? It's not like that, I really did want to spend time with you too but you were busy."
His hands sliding up smoothly, like a silk touching your skin traveling up your arms and ghosting over the collar bone when it stilled on your cheeks. Breathing in the soft touches from him, you smiled affectionately at him, "Jaemin..."
"I think about you everyday but I know it's not the same from your side." The pad of his thumb caressing your face. You felt bad for him. Did you really make him left out? You should have known his end too.
You wanted to let him know about your equal love for them. Grabbing his wrist with your hands, you kissed his palm.
"don't feel sad, Jaemin. I didn't mean to hurt you that way. I'm sorry."
"Are you?" he bent forward, his breath hitting your earlobe, fanning your hairs and your breath heaved, "I don't want your pity, y/n. if you truly feel sorry to make me feel left out...then you need to prove it."
"But how?"
"that's for you to know." He stood straight, meeting your gaze again, "otherwise the consequences won't be good, baby."
What's he onto?
Before you could ask about his weirdness, Jeno appeared at the scene.
"Hey, Jaemin. I have ordered dinner. Will you eat with us?" he approached you two and patted your head, giving you the sweet eye-smile, "and you should take a rest now. We had a long day today."
Jaemin's eyes followed the sweet smiles and words exchanged between the two persons in front of him. A pang of jealousy hit him when he observed that he was the one holding you and yet you were looking affectionately towards the other boy.
Do you even care for him?
He left your cheek and stepped back. Nodding towards Jeno, Jaemin kept staring at you. Jeno left you two alone again and you tried to step forward when he stopped you, "go back to your room, y/n. just think about the consequences you will get or maybe...others."
"what are you saying?"
He smiled, "just saying." And followed the path where Jeno went earlier.
Jaemin was always quiet and introverted, often found lost in the world of books or photography with his favorite camera. He had few friends and that's Jeno and Haechan and otherwise preferred his own company, until one fateful day, he met you.
You were a girl who radiates warmth and kindness. Your laughter was infectious and your smile could light up the darkest room --- even brings a little smile on his face. He had noticed you before, of course --- everyone had --- Jeno and Haechan used to show their feelings in obvious ways unlike Jaemin who used to steal secret glances but until one day you offered him a simple 'Hello' when you sat at the same table in the cafeteria when Haechan requested you to spend the lunch time with them.
That day Jaemin's world shifted. That small gesture with the soft voice did a magic for him to become completely enamored.
And he was the first one to propose to you.
His world turned into a paradise when you accepted the complicated relationship to be with three of them together.
You have noticed that Jaemin is the one who loves to spend time with you the most and he becomes all pouty and whiny if you ignore him. but since last year, he acts a bit different whenever you spend time with your other boyfriends.
Just like the last week when you encountered his unusual behavior after you and Jeno returned back home from the little date to park.
And what's consequences?
What was he trying to say?
The eerie feeling for his behavior left you to observe Jaemin more. You started to watch his every movement and some arguments with Jeno and Haechan --- which sometimes doesn't even make sense. And you tried to talk about it with him but as usual for the last few months, he ignored you and said the same words, 'the consequences.'
Initially, the dynamics were harmonious. Jaemin was charming and attentive, while Jeno was supportive and caring and Haechan was playful and protective. They communicated openly, ensuring everyone felt valued and secure. However, as their relationships deepened, in the last few months you began to notice small signs that something was off with Jaemin.
It started with his casual comments about your time with the other two. He would say things like, "Don't you think Jeno is getting too much of your attention?" At first, you brushed it off, thinking he was just expressing a need for balance. But as time went on, Jaemin's behavior grew more concerning.
One evening, you went out for a coffee with Haechan. You both laughed and reminisced about old times, enjoying each other's company. When you got home, Jaemin was waiting for you in your room, his face twisted with anger.
"Where were you?" he demanded.
"Just out with Haechan," you replied, taken aback by his tone.
"I don't like you spending so much time alone with them," Jaemin snapped. "You should have told me."
you felt a pang of frustration. "Jaemin, we agreed to this relationship. Jeno and Haechan are part of this relationship, just like you."
"Do I?" he shot back. "I saw the way you always preferred them over me. Do you even care for me?"
This was the first of many arguments centered around Jaemin's jealousy. He would constantly check your phone, question you about your whereabouts, and even accuse you of favoring them over him. your once vibrant social life began to shrink as you distanced yourself from others to avoid conflict with Jaemin.
Despite his controlling behavior, you loved Jaemin and hoped things would get better. you tried to reassure him, but his jealousy only intensified.
But one day you got to know about the deep secrets which you never thought to come across. You didn't know there's a little dark world hidden inside the place where you four live happily --- well kind of.
It was late at night and you knew Jeno and Haechan were coming home late because they went to a party and Jaemin was never a fan of these things and well his ongoing photography exhibition gave him a good and convincing reason to avoid that.
You were in your room after having a silent dinner with Jaemin. Well, you were ignoring him because of his childish jealousy over everything and his gaze boring onto your form across the table. He was observing you like a predator in a hunting mood.
You were like a prey to him.
In the middle of watching your favorite movie, you decided to talk things out with Jaemin when the other two were not there to interrupt your conversations and they wouldn't know about Jaemin's sudden irrational behaviors.
Knocking at the door, you called out his name, "Jaemin. Are you still awake?"
There was no sound from his room. You thought to return back to your room even when you knew that he was not a person to sleep early. He is a night-owl and if he is sleeping at this hour, then he might be too tired.
You heard something fall inside his room and when you asked him 'what happened?'
There was no reply. Did something happen to him? without thinking twice, you pushed the door open and you were hit with an undenied reality.
Jaemin's back towards you, he was in a sleeveless shirt and his biceps all sweaty. But that was not the reason for your shocked and frozen state. The room was the reason. Why didn't you think of it before? He doesn't like anyone to enter his room but if you had entered his room then what are these things you are seeing right now.
"Do you like it?" he turned around, smiling dearly at you. You were still focused on the things that were on his walls and scattered all over the room. You didn't realize when he approached you standing all zone out, he chuckled and engulfed you in a hug, "aww...y/n...you loved it so much that you can't take your eyes off."
He caressed your back and kissed the top of your head.
When your senses returned, you harshly pulled yourself apart, "what the fuck, Jaemin!"
He watched you walking towards his study table and pulling some papers off and throwing them away and repeating the actions all over again. He clicked his tongue, getting annoyed with you messing with his treasured stuff.
"y/n...don't throw them away." His low and dark voice was audible to you but the anger bubbling inside you was intense. You ignored his several warnings for you to stop but you didn't until he furiously went to your side and grabbed your hand and harshly turned you to face him. "What are you doing with my things?"
"and what is up to you, Jaemin?" you looked around, gesturing to the whole room filled with photographs and doodlings with some mirrors on which your name was written with red lipstick. "I thought you were busy with your exhibition and don't want us to disturb you with anything in your room then what's all these. Answer me."
He chuckled and licked his lips, looking around as if he never saw them before and right now you were the only one who made him notice it, "it's you, y/n. everywhere is you. You are mine."
"This is insane." You breathed in and out, "are you out of your mind?"
He clenched his jaw and kept staring at you silently. His dark eyes were reflecting his inner anger. Is he mad? But why?
You again took in the view. Pictures pasted on the wall in different angles with all focused on you, some very innocent, some aesthetically appealing and then there some with all the intimate details of you. Even if some pictures were taken in your concern but others weren't and if it was other times you wouldn't have complained but the rest of the mirrors and words written all over the room giving you the impression that something was off.
‘Mine…only mine to admire.’
It was written everywhere.
‘No one else should touch her.’
Then there were two separate pictures of Jeno and Haechan with cross on them with red lipstick.
"Yes. I am insane for you." He breathed heavily, "I want you to be mine. For myself."
"But I am yours. We are already together. We four are-"
"No!" you flinched at his sudden outburst. "I don't like sharing you with them. They are not my brothers but friends and...they were the only bait I could use to get to you. I have always noticed that you were all friendly with them, hanging out with them but never once tried to spend time with me. Why? You were all too silent and shy in front of me. And you know that made me determined to get you for myself. The one for me to protect."
He cupped your cheeks. You were shocked — yeah you were but you were trying to believe that it was Jaemin who was speaking those words to you.
"What do you think? I agreed to be in this relationship when I found out you won't hesitate to be in a relationship with us. Jeno and Haechan always wanted to try a thing like this and when they both developed feelings for you, I knew it that you would be in my grasp but the only problem is them to be included." he gave you a smile, "but that's not for longer. I will get rid of them soon. I promise you I will treat you better than them."
You shook your head, tears brimming your eyes, "no you won't do anything like this. You will get these insane thoughts out of your mind. Do you hear me, Jaemin? You will forget all these. We love each other. We are so happy together."
"No we aren't. Even if those two are, I am not. You know I don't like when they touch you the way I do, they kiss you the way I do, when they look at you the way I do… I feel like it’s supposed to be only me. No one else. I want you to be mine. They should know that you deserve me...not them...only me." his tears were flowing down his cheeks. You stared at him with a broken heart and anger inside you. Somehow you couldn't shout, you felt a little pain hearing his broken voice.
Why was he crying?
If only you knew, he wanted something to call his own. He never got a family that only belongs to him. He was raised in an orphanage where he met Jeno. They were best friends and inseparable but soon he realized that his roommate has another friend, Haechan. Look — not his again. But he tried to love them, he was glad that there were two people who stand for him, who would refer to him as their.
Sharing was not an option to him— it was always the only thing he would have to follow to survive everyday.
But in university days, when he felt the sudden emotion of love after meeting you. He knew he had to get you but there was an obstruction. Even though he was the first one to propose to you, the other two had made you fall for them already. He was too late to make you only his. He knew that they would happily share you between them but he had to fight for it and he started his game to make them the bait and get to you.
He agreed to share you with them.
And he hated the word ‘sharing’ with all his guts.
"Jaemin...please try to understand." you pressed the hold on his wrist tighter. You wanted to convince him that whatever he was thinking was not right? He should wake up from his weird dream but no — it's the undeniable reality for him.
But Jaemin didn't listen. His jealousy had consumed him, turning him into someone you barely recognized. The relationship, once filled with love and laughter, had become a battleground.
"What can't you try to understand me, y/n? I am not happy about this. Look around." he turned you around and pulled you closer to him. Your back hitting his chest and he grabbed your hands in front of you, turning you all the way around with him. The way he was purring your name seductively in your ear, his breath fanning over your earlobe, your body was stiff in his hold. "See those pictures...see them? Those are my perspectives of you. You are the perfect and prettiest in my eyes. Your beauty can't be compared."
He inhaled your fresh mint scent, “and I am the only one who would admire and worship a goddess like you. I am the best gardener for a perfect flower like you. I will protect you forever. I love you so much, y/n.”
He made you both walk towards the particular wall, where all the intimate scenes with him were displayed. You would have loved it but now you were feeling disgusting. Why is he making it so complicated? You loved him but you loved three of them equally — you can't comply with his jealousy all of a sudden.
This is not jealousy — it's a pure obsession.
You were hating the pictures in front of you. Those were not his perspectives but his obsession. You can't see his face but the way he was resting his chin on top of your head and humming, he was admiring the pictures in front of you both.
"We are perfect together. We don't need two other people to join us. We have always been meant for each other and we should get rid of the unnecessary things in our life. It's just a waste of time. See...if they were not here then we wouldn't have conflicts and misunderstandings. They are trying to separate us. This needs to be over."
He kissed the top of your head when you whispered, "what are you trying to say?"
He chuckled and stepped back, leaving you unanswered. You quickly followed his movements, he was fumbling with some gadgets on a corner table.
"What are you doing?"
He didn't reply.
You stepped forward when he spoke up, "stop right there. Wait for a while. Have patience, baby." he chuckled and grabbed the necessary items and placed them on the edge of the bed.
You were breathing heavily beside the study table, nails digging on the wooden edge in frustration.
What to do? What to think of? What to tell him? What to tell them? You were all confused and breaking down in pieces.
In pieces of his obsession.
You were always his prey, y/n.
A clicking sound echoed in the room when he pressed a switch, the room was all dark then and he stood beside you to pull a string, a white sheet covered the wall opposite to the bed, hiding some part of his jealousy displayed on the wall.
He pressed a button on the remote in his hold and the projector turned on.
The video started playing but your eyes were on him — a look of disbelief in your eyes.
He smirked when he noticed you and turned your face towards the screen by your chin.
The video started with the opening of a grand glass door, entering a luxurious building with shiny white marbled floor and white walls all around with photos decorated all around the room. Few albums, photocards, clean cut glass and classy fiber frames with pictures and some quotes written in the corners. Wait, the quotes are familiar — its in his rooms as well. Then you noticed the similar mirrors with words written on them with red lipstick and you know those doodling words are your name.
Then when the camera focused on the pictures, you could see it was all yours but in Jaemin's perspective. your face was hidden in most of the pictures but was focused on you with the background. Some had your eyes visible, they looked so nice and oh — the ones with lips — highlighting your smile — such a sweet one.
You could have loved it more if you weren’t in the current situation me.
The video ended with him smiling upward towards the ceiling at drone camera and letters appeared on the screen - NARCISSISM.
The same way he was smiling at you and admiring the beauty you were radiating when the video light was falling on your face.
The exhibition was not only about his photography but it was to prove his love for you.
The exhibition is to prove to others that you are his perfect little, y/n.
Suddenly the screen went blank and two pictures appeared.
Haechan smiling brightly at the lens and Jeno laughing beside him.
You stepped forward and touched the sheet, the projector rays shining on your body and you heard a click sound. You balled your fist in anger.
He clicked a picture of you.
Suddenly, a red line started to appear from the top corner of the screen and repeating from the other top too. You were confused but soon noticed it was making a cross sign on their picture. You felt a presence beside you.
"Now its perfect."
He was smiling at the screen.
You turned towards him, "what do you mean?"
he rested his palm on your cheek, smiling dearly with lots of evil intentions, "They should say goodbye to you."
Two voices announced their arrival from the living room area and you stared at Jaemin in horror.
(I'm debating whether I should post Taeyong fic or Jeno fic next!!!)
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Long note down here: 👇
It's a late night plot when I was obsessing over Jaemin with his new posts. So basically just a weird plot on how I want Jaemin to hold an exhibition for me and him. I love this man so much 😭
Also I had to keep Jeno and Hyuck here👹 and after the scandal if you want to ignore Hyuck then please leave my book coz you will find my twin Hyuck in every plot so if u hate him...you are hating on me as well.
Renjun come back to us soon. We are waiting and we love you so much baby😫
Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @anyamaris @yeoobin @icchyi @jwnghyuns @piratequeen-queenofgames @dinonuguaegi @oreharuuu @hwanring @hyuukah @kazscara @aceofspadesbiofalltrades @nvdhrzn @meowmeeps @vtyb23 @haechansbbg @corneliarstreet [open!]
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simonalkenmayer · 2 years
For those of you unaware of what is happening in USA politics right now, it’s absolutely historic. This is how the Republican Party began, and this time it’s them collapsing.
The Speaker of the House is third in line for the Presidency. It is an elected position within congress. Often it goes to the majority leader, but the majority leader is Kevin McCarthy. He’s being challenged right now from 20 house members of his own party. Which means that minority leader Hakeem Jeffries has 212 votes out of the 218 necessary, while McCarthy has only 202. If McCarthy cannot get 16 more votes, he cannot become speaker. Hakeem Jeffries is in line to be only the second black speaker in history. It looks as if those 20 will stand their ground. If they continue to hold the election hostage, we cannot place a speaker. Stable republicans might switch sides just to get it over with.
The last time this happened was 1856, when the government collapsed beneath Lincoln. And then yes…SC seceded of course, and but a bit later we began the civil war.
If Hakeem Jeffries flips just 6 republicans, he does something doubly historic and the country, in my opinion, will be much better off. If McCarthy gets 16, he does so at great cost. He’s fucked either way for the duration of his career.
Keep your eyes peeled. They voted 3 times today and adjourned to tomorrow. The record is over 133 votes.
Why am I telling you this?
Narcissistic collapse. Remember I predicted a bit ago that we would begin to see infighting and the narcissism of small differences? Well…they’re all bitching and moaning at each other and bickering over the carving of the carcass and how much they’ll get. They aren’t thinking at all about people. MTG did nothing but bemoan her lack of committees. McCarthy bemoaned his results and claimed he was being unfairly squeezed and so on.
Watch it. See what patterns you notice
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not-sleepys-blog · 4 months
Say yes to heaven
Content: CEO Nanami x assistant reader, smut office sex, p in v, fwb, protected sex, fingering
WC: 1,594
A/N: yall please ignore any grammar mistakes. My dyslexia is kicking my ass with this one 😭
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“Here.” You drop a stack of papers on his desk. “What’s this?” Nanami asked with a raised eyebrow. “Next week’s travel intnerary!” You hummed in response. “I already cleared your calendar for next week, That way you’ll have enough time before to get acclimated to Wonderland before Suguru visits.” You watch as he grabs the stack of papers and flips through them. His eyes taking in the information about the future trip and information on Suguru. From all his preferences to his family tree, not a single stone you left unturned. A soft smile on his lips as he looks through your work. “You can accomplish anything you put your mind to.” The smile on your face wavers as a blush graces your face. “Stop. Don’t start saying sweet things to me while we’re at work.” “Why not?” His soft smile now a smirk. “Because it makes me want to do something inappropriate to you…” “Like what?” You wag your finger at him. “I’m off-limits during business hours.” The blood rushes its way straight to his dick. “We could call in sick?” What the hell was he doing suggesting that the two of you should skip work.
You laugh. “It’s the middle of a workday, and you have a meeting with the head of Wonderland development in ten.” He checks the time on his computer. “Time is ticking then.” He presses an automatic lock button on his desk, the clicking sound making your brows rise. “What are yo-“ He latches onto his hand and pull you straight onto his lap. “You’ve lost your damn mind.” “Then I hope I never find it again.” He slams his lips against yours, ending all and any protests. An electric feeling sparks across your lips as you kiss him back with enough intensity to make his head spin. Kissing him feels like you cheated your way into heaven and you plan on soaking up ever second.
You break apart as you straddle his lap. His head drops back aginst as you press yourself against his cock, swiveling your hips in a way that drives him crazy with need. He grips your hips with a choke hold to keep you pressed against him. You kiss your way down the curve of his neck before sucking on the spot that makes his hips buck forward. A wet spot gathers in front of his pants from the way you rock back and forth against his stiff cock. He’s mindless as he pushes you up and down, switching different directions and making you moan as you grind into him from a different angle. The shrill of your phone threatens to kill the moment. You pull away, but he doesn’t release your hips from his grasp. “I have to get that.” Your husky voice sends a fresh wave of arousal through him. “Let it go to voicemail.” He grips your chin and pulls your mouth back to his. You turn your head at the last second, giving him your cheek. “It could be important.” “Not as important as this.” He helps you back onto your feet before turning you towards his desk. “Bend over and put your hands on the desk.” he presses his palm into the small of your back and push you sensitive self-control wavering because you do what he says without asking any questions. Your palms flatten against the wood as you lean forward, making the hymn of your dress lift to an enticing height. Your sharp inhale fills the silence as he runs the tips of his fingers of the back of your thighs. He lifts your dress, revealing your ass. “Did you wear this for me?” His dick is rock hard underneath his slacks as he plays with the lacy strap of your red thong. You turn your head so you can properly glare at him over your shoulder. “Your narcissism is showing.” “How so?” “Red is my favorite color.” “Since when?” “Since way before you adapted it as yours.” He shakes his head and regained control of the situation. “You know what I think?” “Feel free to keep it for yourself.” You suck in a breath as he drags his fingers up and down your thighs “I think you hope something like this would happen.” “Quite the assumption in your part.” “So you don’t want this?” He teases damn triangle of material before retreating, and you stare at him with the look of murder in your eyes. “I wouldn’t go that far.” he juggles as he graphs onto the strap of your lung and drags it down your legs. You left each foot for him and he bins down to retrieve it.
Your brow arches as you look over at him, pocketing the thong. “I didn’t take you for the souvenir kind of guy.” “Why would I need a souvenir but I can have you anytime I want?”He nudges your legs apart one at a time you bite down on your lip to stifle your moan as he drags his index finger across your slit, collecting your arousal. His heart pounds in his ears growing louder with each second that passes. he thinks a finger into you only to withdraw a second later making you hiss. You push your ass out. “Please.” “Please what?” He moves out of your reach and you grind against the air. “Make me come.” Your death stare turns into one of us as he thrusts two fingers inside of you his cock aches to replace them and his movements grow desperate to match. Your teeth digging into your bottom lip, quitting your moans he presses his thumb against your clit and rubs it in slow circles. Fingers brush against your g-spot, and your knees buckle as you clutch onto the desk for stability. You unravel, your legs dropping out from underneath you as you come. You are completely dazed as he undoes his belt, buckle and pulls his pants down. He quickly put on the condom, ignoring the way his chest tightened up at the idea of giving you his baby. He pushes his erection against your opening. You bolt upright, but he pushes you flat against the desk. He leans forward and presses his chest against your back. “I could come at the sight of you ass up, face down, and wet for me.” “That would be disappointing, to say the least.” You lease a short breath as he pushes your hair side, revealing your neck. He kisses the spot that seems to drive you wild. You buck under him, pushing the tip of his cock into you. He bites down on the inside of his cheek to stop his grown, although his eyes rolled back into his head. he has a meeting in five minutes and he’s too busy fucking you to prepare for it. It turns him on to consider them waiting outside listening to how good he makes you feel. You aren’t pleased with the lack of his action as you use the edge of the desk to push backwards, and he sinks farther into you. He grips onto your hips. “You’re not in charge.” “Oh honey, I’ve always been in charge. You were just too caught up in yourself to realize who’s running things around here.” He rams into you and your air makes him smile. “You were saying?” You laugh.
He withdraws only to thrust back into you with punishing strength. your dilated eyes still reflect amusement and it drives him that you don’t seem the least bit fazed by this connection. Desperation claws against his chest to show you who holds the real power between you. he takes out his frustration on your body, his hands grip onto your waist as he rams into you over and over again. Your breathing becomes more ragged and your grip on the edge of the desk slips along with your control. A knock against the door makes your eyes widen. “Mr. Nanami? I wanted to let you know I’m here for our meeting at three.” he leans forward and presses the pad of his thumb against your clit. “Talk.” “Hi, Mr. Haibara. We’ll be ready in a few minutes.” your cherry Voice doesn’t match the arousal in your eyes. you attempt to shift away from him, but he holds you in place. “What are you doing?” she whispers. “You’re not dismissed yet.” “Assjole” he withdrawals his cock and traces the same of your ass with the tip. “Does that mean yours is on the table?” “I will murder you with a pen if you try.” He shrugs. “Pity. Maybe next time.” he smiles as he slams back into you without warning. your gasp fills him with pride while the trembling of your legs makes him crazed. A tingle shoots down his spine as he fights off the urge to come. He works hard for each gasp and moan that makes it past your lips. He feels victorious as you come around his cock. your legs give out and he holds you up as he thrusts into you over and over again until he finds his release. Relief is all consuming filling his vision with black spots as he comes. You claw at the desk as he rams into you one last time, his legs starting to give out, but he refuses to withdraw yet. He doesn’t want to kill the connection, regardless of who’s waiting on the other side of the door. he leans over and kisses your neck. “Remember this when you think you’re in control here.”
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