#Napoleon artifacts
ltwilliammowett · 1 year
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Prisoner of war bone ship model of the "Victory" made of bone, hair, brass and wood, English/French, early 19th century
Not only is its size of 69 cm x 86.5 cm x 25.5 cm exciting, but also the fact that the person who commissioned it is known. For the model was acquired by Joseph Mann (1761-1847) from a prisoner of war in Portchester Castle.It then passed to his daughter Ann Mann (1816-98), who married William Masterman Harris (1816-90). The property then passed to Frederick William Harris (1843-1929), then to Cecil Mann Harris (1876-1942) and finally to Ian Ernest Cochran Harris (1927-2010).
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empirearchives · 9 months
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First French Empire era travel mirror. Monogram of Caroline Bonaparte.
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clove-pinks · 6 months
I vaguely remembered an improvised fish hook in the Fort Meigs Museum's collection of artifacts recovered on the site, and I went looking for it since so many War of 1812 narratives from Fort Meigs mention fishing in the Maumee River.
I didn't find fishing gear of any kind, but they had this:
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A pothook (real), a pothook made from a ramrod, and a pothook made from a bayonet!
It's like beating your swords into plowshares and your spears into pruning hooks but with a different culinary implement.
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blueiscoool · 3 months
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Napoleon’s Ornate Flintlock Pistols Sell for $1.83 Million
Two flintlock Gossard pistols once owned by French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte have sold at auction for €1.69 million ($1.83 million).
The guns were sold at French auction house Osenat in Fontainebleau, just outside Paris, on Sunday. They were originally valued at an estimated €1.2 million-€1.5 million ($1.3 million- $1.63 million).
According to the auctioneer, they were given to Napoleon’s friend and squire Armand de Caulaincourt just after the emperor attempted suicide in April 1814.
Leading up to this date, Napoleon had fought a series of battles against a coalition of European states formed in response to his invasion of Russia.
Despite Napoleon winning a number of these battles, Paris fell to the allied coalition on March 31, 1814.
In the days before the suicide attempt, Caulaincourt said, “Napoleon had been talking about how to kill himself for days,” according to Osenat. The emperor “had frequently examined his pistols, removing bullets from his nécessaire” during this time, Osenat reports Caulaincourt as saying.
Eventually, Osenat says, Napoleon tried to kill himself using poison after signing the Treaty of Fontainebleau. He survived the attempt, abdicated and was exiled to Elba, an island off the Italian coast.
The guns were sold in a Burr walnut box with an ebony inlay. The lid of the box is lined with green velvet embroidered with the letter N, which is bordered with embroidered flowers. The box and two guns also bear Napoleon’s cipher.
Last November, Osenat sold one of Napoleon’s famous black hats for a record €1.932 million ($2.1 million).
Osenat said that the pistols were declared a National Treasure by the French government a week before they were sold, meaning that they cannot leave France.
“This pair of pistols represents the fall, the end, the abdication” of the French emperor, auctioneer Jean-Pierre Osenat said in a video posted by the auction house.
“Napoleon fell from the pinnacle of power. With this pair of guns, he considered committing suicide,” he added.
“It therefore represents the end, the image of the fall.”
By Catherine Nicholls.
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nickysfacts · 5 months
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The Younger Memnon is probably one of the most impactful sculptures in world history, yet very few know about it today𓀲
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ausetkmt · 2 years
The Rosetta Stone has been in the hands of the British since the early 1800s. But now Egyptians say they want it back. Repatriate Rashid, an online petition started by a group of Egyptian archeologists, is calling for the British Museum to return the ancient artifact to its rightful owners.
As the petition points out, Egypt was controlled by the Turkish Empire and was not in control of its cultural heritage at the time the four foot granite stone was taken from them. Therefore, the stone and other artifacts the Brits took back then are not rightfully theirs.
The petition states:
“The Rosetta stone was undeniably a spoil of war and an act of plunder that was outlawed in the 17th and 19th centuries. The presence of these artifacts in the British Museum to this day supports past colonial endeavors of cultural violence and deprives Egypt as the country of origin of not only the physical return of these objects but also of their important role as Egyptian cultural heritage that spans a millennia of rich history.”
The Rosetta stone is a piece of a larger stone slab with a message carved into it about King Ptolemy V. But because that message was inscribed in three different scripts, including Ancient Greek, the stone became an important tool to help scientists decode hieroglyphics.
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The stone was “discovered” by Napoleon’s army in 1799. But when the French surrendered Egypt to Britain in 1801, the Treaty of Alexandria gave them the stone and other artifacts along with it.
As the petition points out, returning the stone and other artifacts to Egypt is a major step in righting the wrongs of the past. “History can’t be changed, but it can be corrected. And despite the withdrawal of political, military, and governmental rule of the British Empire from Egypt over a century ago, decolonisation is far from being over.”
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revolutionarywig · 9 months
Frev locations compile
Thought of compiling a list of frev significant locations so it can help with recommendations for anyone who happens to be travelling/visiting! This is only done to my knowledge and not a complete list, please feel free to suggest if you happen to know more locations that I completely missed!
so here is the frev pilgrimage list! Long post warning.
(Note: The items are not in any particular order)
(Note: I typed this post up a long time ago but couldn't finish, a lot of thanks to the people who helped out on contributing information and your patience with me.)
Musée Carnavalet (Paris)
This one is very obvious, it is a must go for seeing a collection of frev related artifacts and paintings, including Couthon’s wheelchair, Robespierre’s hair, the most iconic portraits etc. Also its FREE.
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Panthéon (Paris)
You can see the statue of the National Convention deputies. It doesnt have too much related to frev directly, but Rousseau and Voltaire (and Carnot…..) are interred there
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La Conciergerie (Paris)
If you want to see the Deseine bust of Robespierre, but cant go to Vizille, there is a copy of it here within Paris at the conciergerie. It is the place where most frev figures as well as Antoinette spent their last monents.
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Musée des archives nationales (Paris)
(June 2023) There is a temporary exhibit featuring frev rn which I highly recommend (also its free to go so like GO)
But beyond the temporary exhibit, I believe there are still a few things in permanent collection (Robespierre’s note book page, Antoinette’s last letter in prison, Comte d’Artois’ letter etc), including the famous 9 thermidor table that Robespierre supposedly lied on. the museum is free to visit.
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Père la Chaise (Paris)
@robespapier wrote a better post on navigating the cemetery. It helped me so much with finding the graves of Lebas, Elisabeth and Eleonore Duplay! Thank you so much for the guide!
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Rue Saint Honoré (Paris)
the current address of the Duplays household is 398 rue saint-honoré, which is now next to a louboutin store…. There is a commemorative plaque there indicating Robespierre’s residence there. Im not sure about going inside the residence….There was construction when I visited and the door was open, heres how it looks on the inside.
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SJ’s bust (Paris & Angers)
I have not visited either of the two locations yet, but you can find that white bust of Saint-Just (that seemed to be modelled after the pastel portrait in the Carnavalet) in either Petit Palais (Paris) or Galerie David d’Angers (Angers). @orpheusmori has posted some Petit Palais pictures here @robespapier has posted some Galerie David d'Angers pictures here
Marat sign (Paris)
i have an image of this plaque sitting on my phone, I forgot where it was located until @orpheusmori helped me track the location of it! It is in the Odéon area and should be in the small narrow street with the back side of Le Procope. It commemorates the location as an important area during the French Revolution as well as the place where Marat established his printing shop.
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The front of the same building also has another Marat plaque! I didnt know about it before thank you @orpheusmori for finding and contributing the photo! This one is above an Jewellery store (Amour de Pierres) https://maps.app.goo.gl/8X9zgKYpMiLJcULq7
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Olympe de Gouges sign (Paris)
Once again, i have a photo of the plaque proving its existence, but I took it years ago and i dont remember where it was exactly.... It was all in the Odéon area, it shouldn’t be too far from the other….
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Danton statue (Paris)
there is a Danton statue! Right outside the Odéon metro! You cant miss it. Also the placement of the statue is where he once lived.
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Procope (Paris)
Its a really old cafe frequented by a lot of philosophes as well as many frev figures. There is also a bicorn from Napoleon inside. Right now its still a restaurant establishment, and its difficult to visit unless you eat inside….which is expensive…. However ! This whole general Odéon area is full of other frev landmarks (some more mentioned below). Including the metro station which has a bust of Danton.
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Versailles revolutionary room (Versailles)
Beyond the royal family, there is a room dedicated to a lot of major Revolutionary Army generals and battles. Theres that one painting of Lafayette if u into that
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Musée des armes/Invalides (Paris)
It has a significant collection of military artefacts from the French Revolution and its a really good resource for armory researches. The museum also has a sword that belonged to Lafayette, as well as a sword belonging to Carnot during the Directoire (image below)
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The Louvre does not have a lot relating to the French Revolution but it has a few significant paintings and a lot of David’s work. One of the Death of Marat copies produced by David’s studio should be in the museum, as well as a painting featuring the battke of fleurus (with SJ cameo)
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Tennis court (Versailles)
Near the palace of Versailles you can find the room where the deputies swore the famous oaths. It is free to enter, although last time I went it was undergoing construction, hopefully it should have finished by now.
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Musée de la Révolution Française (Vizille)
If you can go to Vizille… GO TO VIZILLE! The easiest way by transport would be to stay at Grenoble then take one of the buses that runs between Grenoble and Vizille. It is a whole museum dedicated to the revolution (and it is free) and the park is really pretty. This is where you can find the statue of Marat,
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The Deseine busts including dear Bonbon,
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And DJ Saint-Just.
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Also special thank you to @citizentaleo for taking me there, I would’ve otherwise been lost in the French mountains lol, thank you!
Maison Robespierre (Arras)
You can visit Robespierre’s residence in Arras. It is possible to visit the inside, but it has a very specific and short opening hours.
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I wasn’t able to go in since I was only in Arras for a few hours….But I got to attend a conference by Hervé Leuwers aaa (He is very sweet and I learned quite few new things from the presentation, but thats post for another day)
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Robespierre metro stop (Paris suburb)
There is in fact, a Robespierre metro station on line 9! Not much beyond name but at least some credit to him! Alas it is not exactly within Paris and just on the outskirt. (Oh and there is also Voltaire)
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Cordeliers club (Paris)
I dont have much information on what happened to the original location of the Cordeliers club and how it was modified, but the location is part of the sorbonne campus now i believe. I'd be very curious if anyone knows more information on this.
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Place de la Bastille (Paris)
The Bastille is of course not there anymore, but the ground around the square and including the metro stations near by have traces/marks of where the old prison would have stood.
(and yea the picture was taken during a manif)
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Pavillon de flore (Paris)
The pavillon attached to the Louvre and next to the Pont Royale is the Pavillon de Flore, which is where the Committee de Salut Publique worked.
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Jacobin club (Paris) Alas the original convent in which the Jacobin gathered is no more and replaced by a commercial centre instead (Passage de Jacobins) . There is a sign however recognizing the place for what it was.
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Place de la Concorde (Paris) Originally Place de la Révolution, there is a plaque remembering the executions that took place here near the obelisk.
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Maison SJ (Blérancourt) I have not been to Saint-Just's house yet, because it is very hard to commute there without a car. But it certainly is still there and (I believe) maintained by the Saint-Just Association.
Catacombs (Paris) According to wikipedia....The bone remains of many revolutionaries buried in Cimitière Errancis (which has a plaque indicating it in the 8th arrondissement, according to wikipedia) are transferred to the catacombs, including Robespierre, Danton, etc. The catacomb is roughly organized chronologically but there is obviously no sign indicating which bone it actually is.
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Cluny La Sorbonne station (Paris) It is on metro line 10 and the waiting tunnel is decorated with signatures of prominent French figures. It doesn't have any actual frev artifacts, but it looks cool and you can spot Robespierre, Danton, and Camille Desmoulins' signatures on the ceiling.
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Louis le Grand (Paris) The school that Robespierre attended is still under the same name and still in use as a school! (i've reached the image maximum alas i cannot add more images...)
And that is all I can think of so far! There is surely a lot more that are out there (including outside of France). Once again, please feel free to mention if you know more frev landmarks that I missed out on. And to whoever happens to be travelling I hope you find this list helpful to start with.
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whencyclopedia · 3 months
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Alexandria: The City that Changed the World
"Alexandria: The City That Changed the World" by Islam Issa is a biography of a city. It explores the history of Alexandria, Egypt, and its place in our collective memory. It is in part history book, essay, and travel guide, suitable for casual readers. Issa covers up to the 1952 Egyptian Revolution through the lens of his family history. Along the way, he describes the physical city, from the waterfront Qaitbay Citadel where the Lighthouse of Alexandria once stood to the congested downtown.
The book begins with Alexandria's founding by Alexander the Great after he conquered the Persian Empire. Like its legendary namesake, the city was destined for fame. Its strategic and symbolic value made it a coveted prize of world conquerors like Augustus, Napoleon Bonaparte, and Admiral Nelson. The city witnessed the death of Cleopatra, Christianity's triumph over paganism, the rise of the Islamic Caliphates, and the Industrial Age. Even today, Alexandria is an important center of trade, culture, and industry.
The Ptolemaic dynasty, who ruled Egypt in the interim between Alexander and the Roman Empire, transformed it into their crown jewel. Through institutions like the Library of Alexandria, the city became a capital of knowledge and scholarly collaboration. The combined civilizational heritage of East and West birthed a unique urban culture and architectural marvels. This wealth and cosmopolitanism attracted the artistic and scholarly communities that shaped the city's image.
Issa is a professor of literature and history at Birmingham City University, and his family lived in Alexandria for generations. The result of his experience is a powerful monograph on the city’s cultural significance. It is firmly rooted in historical fact, and it is easy to pick up on Alexandria's personal importance to the author. In the prologue, he recalls his father's old stories about Alexandria's former glory, and how they took on new significance for him as he confronted the legacy of Alexandria as an adult. The memory of the ancient city lives on as part of Egypt’s national mythology, inspiring modern-day monuments and legends.
Rather than repeating myths, Issa seeks to critically examine them in light of factual evidence, allowing both the real and imaginary Alexandria to exist side-by-side. At the beginning of the book, there is a series of maps depicting the city at different points in time, from its foundation to the 21st century. It also contains a collection of photographs, some capturing the city today and others portraying its historical sites and artifacts. While intended for casual readers, the book has endnotes and a bibliography to point readers in the direction of further study.
The author concludes the book with an examination of Alexandria's identity and Egyptian national identity in the present day. In contemporary Egypt, there is broad support for historical preservation, but politics determine which histories are deemed worthy of preservation and which are censored. Environmental changes and the rapid construction of an ever-growing modern metropolis on top of the ancient city threaten archaeological efforts. As has been true since the city’s foundation, what is believed about Alexandria’s past – and what it means to be Alexandrian – is constantly changing.
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starfirewildheart · 8 months
I am so sorry for the delay. RL has been in my face and also writers block has been a bitch!
Chapter 14
Scars and Souvenirs
Summary: Sy and his lady both retire from the army but not before tragedy befalls Sy. He slowly tries to adjust to life again on their ranch.
Pairing: Sy / OFC
Word count: 3,131
Rating: mentions of war; being a POW, death, talk of trafficking, forced prostitution and assult.
Sy looked around his kitchen, which quickly had become their war room. He looked at his four friends, his four brothers at Arms, four of the five people he could always count on. He knew no matter what, these people would be there for him. This was his Special Forces Unit - Black Ops. They did missions under the radar, things not many people could do.
Farthest to his right was a younger man with curly brown hair, tall build, piercing blue eyes. To any normal person he would look completely unsuspecting and innocent. This man was Will Shaw. Will's family was CIA. He came into it naturally. Will was their cleaner. He would go in after every mission and make sure everything was cleared so there was no evidence against the unit or anything that could trace back to anyone. 
To Will's left was another tall, well-built man with sleek, dark hair, piercing blue eyes and high cheekbones. A man who always dressed very dignified, usually in a three-piece suit. That is unless he was in fatigues or Mission attire. This man was Napoleon Solo. Napoleon was the finder. Any artifact, any information, any person, any lost item, Napoleon was the one that found it. He could find anything. 
To his left stood another tall well-built man with what Sy lovingly called a porn stash. This mustached man with dark hair and also with piercing blue eyes was August Walker. August was the true definition of a spy; it's the work he loved most. August wasn't afraid to get dirty, he wasn't afraid to blur the lines between black and white and sometimes he lived in such a dark gray area that it made the others uneasy. Walker could be a petulant asshole, he could be stubborn, bullheaded and even arrogant but he always had your six. 
Next to him stood the man that Sy felt was the big brother he'd never had. Of course he felt that all the men were his brothers but there was a bond that he had with Geralt that was hard to explain. He could see Geralt as almost a father figure, a big brother, a guide, a mentor. Grealt was muscle and so much more.. He was the leader, the planner. Geralt knew things instinctively that sometimes the other guys missed. He was a master at defence and weaponry and could be diomatic when he needed to be and was not afraid to step in between any of them when they were fighting. He was menacing but had a heart of gold.
Then of course there was Sy himself. Sy was the calm head, the planner, the leader. He kept things cool and calm. He kept everyone on task. Sy was the muscle, he was the one that wasn't afraid to go in and put his life in danger. He would lead them and do anything in his power to keep them safe. 
These are the men Sy trusted with his life, with Debbie's life. These are the men that were going to go in and help him save her.  They were all dressed in black, their faces covered with black paint black and gray paint, armed to the hilt. Guns of every kind and size. They had flash bangs, grenades, everything they needed to go in quietly or to make a big noise if need be. 
Sy glared at August as the man rubbed his sore jaw. had punched him. August tried to insist that Sy stay behind when they went on this mission. He tried to say that Sy would be a liability because they were going to get his girlfriend. It made Sy vulnerable and it made him one track minded so to speak. He didn't want Sy to get hurt but, being August he didn't phrase it the way. He said that Sy would be a liability and needed to stay in the surveillance truck with Shaw. Sy took offense. He told August that he was full of shit. He was going in to get Debbie with or without them then punched August in the jaw. Needless to say August didn't like that one bit and a scuffle ensued. Geralt of course stepped between them and scolded them like they were young kids fighting over the last piece of candy. Needless to say It was decided that Sy would indeed be going. 
Geralt knew that there was some logic to what August said but he knew Sy was a professional through and through. It was what would happen after the rescue that Geralt was worried about. What they found would likely crush the man and it would be up to his Brothers to rally around them until they could pick up the prices. 
It was two a.m., time to head put. They all loaded into the box truck that had been fitted with the surveillance equipment and they're coms where Will would be staying while the mission was taking place. He would guide them via the cameras that they had hacked into that were in the building using earwigs. 
Walter, who hadn't been happy about being left out of the mission, met them at the predetermined location. He was to help Will in the surveillance van then notify authorities at the right time. Walt would be given full credit for taking down the S17's local trafficking ring, not that he was concerned with credit. He was pissed at first when Sy told him he  couldn't go but after a long conversation about how Sy didn't want Walt to have any blood on his hands and not wanting to endanger his shared custody of Fay if anything went wrong during the mission he reluctantly agreed.
They parked the box truck out of sight and moved to a position at the back gate tgat was not under any surveillance where they cut through the metal fence and the barbed wire to get inside. Once they had breached the door into the building they encountered guards and had to take a few of them out, which they did silently to not draw attention to themselves. The others were subdued with zip ties around the wrists and ankles and injected with sedatives before height hidden out of sight. 
Moving silently as a team, each clearing every doorway, every hallway or every possible spot for someone to be hiding. Will follows their steps on camera from the surveillance van telling them which way to turn and the quickest way to get to where they believed that Debbie and Mike were being held. They were able to avoid a lot of people in the hallways thanks to Will's guidance with the cameras. However they did meet face-to-face with a few people here and there. Did their best to subdue them but would use deadly force whenever necessary. They moved with stealth like skills as August and Sy simultaneously snapped the necks of two guards and Solo stabbed under the chin dropping him silently to the ground. 
It seemed like it was taking forever to clear their route but in truth they had only been in the building for under five minutes when they reached the room they thought Debbie and Mike were being held in. 
Cautiously they breached the door and stepped inside and were instantly hit with horrible smells they all knew too well. Smells that happened when someone was held prisoner and tortured. The smell of urine and blood filled the air and the copper and ammonia  scents made their nostrils burn and eyes water.
The room was solid concrete with a drain in the center of the concrete floor.  In the right,back corner Mike was curled into a ball,, hugging his knees to his chest rocking repeatedly muttering, “No, please, no! No more!” His hands and feet were bound tightly with plastic zip ties wrenched so tight that his hands and feet were turning blue and the skin was bloody and raw. Solo and August went to acces him.
Sy's heart pounded and constricted when he saw Debbie. She was hanging by her arms from a metal pipe, feet barely touching the floor. She was bloody and battered. Her face was swollen, both eyes blacked, nose and mouth bloody. Her shirt had been cut open and was hanging off her body and shreds her bra was cut open as well. Her skin was a myriad of bruises, burns and gashes. Her wrists were bloody from the metal cuffs she was hanging from. The skin on her neck was red  raw and different shades of blue and purple like they'd tried to hang her.
Sy and Geralt went straight to her. Sy began accessing her injuries as Geralt worked freeing her from the cuffs. “No!” She rasped, her voice gone at this point as she struggled and kicked out at them with one leg. “Get away from me!” She bit at the nearest skin near her which was Geralt’s arm.
“Fuck!” He hissed quietly.
“Deb it's me, shhh. Darlin’ It's me,” Sy told her. “We're here to get you baby.”
She burst into tears at the sound of his voice. He was here for her. “Told them you would come,”  she whispered before losing consciousness.  
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merovingian-marvels · 5 months
The grave of Childerik I
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Childerik (sometimes written as Chilperik) was the son of Merovech, the namegiver to the Merovingian dynasty.
Childerik I was the last fully pagan king of the Frankish era. He was buried at the Belgian town Doornik/Tournai, which borders France in the Picardian region.
During works nearby St. Brixius church in Tournai anno 1653, a deaf and mute stonemason stumbled across the grave of the late Merovingian king and army leader. According to legend, the screams of the otherwise mute Adrien Quinquin gathered a crowd. Wholesome detail, the stonemason was rewarded for finding the grave.
The grave itself is incredibly rich. It contained 21 sacrificed horses, a complete armor/weapons set, a coin hoard and gold-garnet jewelry.
His signet ring is made completely in Roman style, but the portrait shows a man in long hair. This is indicative of not only his Germanic origin, but also shows how he identified.
The whole gravesite was recorded by order of Leopold Wilhelm of Austria. All the finds were described in detail and copper etchings were made. This account is regarded as the earliest archaeological recording of a (grave) site.
The treasure was gifted to Louis XIV in 1665, after the death of Leopold. The whole grave set was stored in the Louvre palace.
On the faithful night of 5-6 November 1831, about 80 kg of treasures were stolen from the Louvre, including the Childerik treasures. Later, the police discovered that all artifacts in gold had been melted. Only the garnet-inlayed pieces had survived, hidden in bags, lowered into the Seine.
Later excavations of the Tournai site showed that Childerik was buried under a burial mount which measured 20 meters in width.
Unfortunately, 70-90% of the treasure is permanently lost. Painful detail is that because of the 17th century copper etchings, researchers know exactly which pieces are missing. The original bees have become an icon for the hoard, even inspiring Napoleon Bonaparte to use bees as a contrasting symbol to the French royalist Fleur-de-Lys.
All pictures of the “complete” hoard are replica’s made for museum display.
Image credit:
Drawing by Jacob van Werden for copper engravings by Cornelis Galle the Younger. Drawings published by Jean Jacques Chiflet in 1655 by order of Leopold Wilhelm of Austria.
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artzychic27 · 1 year
So, with the new special coming up with Shadybug and Claw Noir, I’ve gotta ask, what are Scarlet Beetle, Ikati Black, Monarch, and Prince Paon’s alternate selves like?
Blood Beetle
Cold, calculated, greedy, and just a little bit flirty with his “Kitten.”
He works out so he’s stronger than his opponents and can easily snap them like twigs
This guy does NOT care about the lives of innocents, as long as he’s got the cash and jewels he stole, then he’s fine
Will not hesitate to put people in danger if it means getting his way, and makes people BEG him on their knees to use his Miracle Cure…
… Only to not use it
And quick thing to remember: Unless you have a death wish, never try to flirt with Ikati Bleak
When he’s not Blood Beetle, Kim is tormenting people at DuPont Dormitory For Wayward Teens for cash and breaking every PDA rule with Max
He was sent to DuPont for attacking just about anyone who looked at him funny
“Kitten~ Steal that gem for me, would you, baby?”
“Ugh! It’s not my fault this light weight can’t take a punch!”
“Come on… Beg me, and maybe I’ll fix your shit city.”
Ikati Bleak
Ikati Bleak is extremely smart and knows how to get in your head. Never trust him
He’s the brains behind every robbery committed by himself and his “Blood Bug.”
He can easily hack into the government and cause all sorts of mass destruction with the push of a button if civilians step out of line
Like Blood Beetle, he doesn’t care about the lives of other people, seeing them as only stepping stones in their path towards total domination
Whatever Blood Beetle desires, he is more than happy to do whatever it takes to make him happy
Enjoys using his cataclysm on famous landmarks and important artifacts
As Max, he’s deceitful, gets a thrill out of using his intellect against others, and uses his tech skills to torment the student body
Max was sent to DuPont for hacking into the grade books and ruining everyone’s GPAs just for the hell of it
“Whatever my Blood Bug wants, he gets.”
“Ruining lives is just no fun when they don’t cry.”
“One little button. That’s all it takes to see your city turn to dust.”
One word… Insane
Emperor has no goal other than to cause mass chaos and make all who stand before him kneel at his feet
He turns people into Akumas against their will and uses psychological and/or emotional torture to make them comply
He forces them to steal, cause property damage, and attack a few people he doesn’t like
He only has a soft spot for Prince Pain and will drop everything to just kiss his hand
As Nathaniel, he’s just as unhinged as Emperor. People would say he has a Napoleon Complex, but the last person to say that mysteriously fell down the stairs
Note: Nathaniel hates it when people even imply that he’s inferior
Those at his last school were relieved when the School Tyrant finally left
“Princey, allow me torment this undesirable for you, darling.”
“Aw~ Why so serious? And here I thought we were having so much fun.”
“Oh, I have ways of making you comply, dear.”
Prince Pain
He’s every bit of crazy as Emperor, but braver. He’s jumped off the top of the Eiffel Tower and landed on the back of a winged Senticreature
This guy only has a soft spot for Emperor and his babies
He can’t bear to part with them, so he lets them run around Paris, destroying everything in sight on a weekly basis
He’d never send an Amok after a civilian, becuase then they can turn his Senticreature against him!
He’s got the personality of Evil!Spinel with a bit of Harley Quinn mixed in there, always clapping and laughing when someone gets hurt
He will follow Emperor to the ends of the earth for no reason other than to cause chaos with him
Marc was sent to DuPont because there was no mental facility that would take him
“Hear that, babies? Other daddy is proud of you, my little weapons of mass destruction!”
“Voices in my head say I’m perfectly normal like any other person.”
“I don’t like the words your saying… Do you need your tongue removed?”
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ltwilliammowett · 1 year
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A Napoleonic Prisoner Of War' bone ship model of a ship of the line ,French, early 19th century
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empirearchives · 5 months
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A Nagasaki black lacquer on metal and aogai inlaid lidded box. Around 1805
Portrait of Napoleon after Louis Leopold Boilly, showing the young Napoleon as the first consul of the French Republic in 1802.
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t1meslayer · 7 months
By Moonlight
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What happens when you mix she/they Napoleon with an autistic tech nerd who has hobbyist sleep deprivation?
A fanfiction I'm finally getting around to write because of Side Order hype :) You're welcome, Pearlina fans.
Fandom: Splatoon
Pairings: Pearl/Marina
Summary: Pearl is awoken by a strange piano melody in the middle of the night. Nobody could have anticipated the knock-on effects this late rendezvous would have for Off the Hook's future. Rated 'Teen' cause Pearl's in their undies — but also Marina's shirt.
Click through the Read More below to get a preview of the latest story. Thanks for reading <3
"It's an artifact of Old World music culture raided from a holdover Kamabo facility. The way this thing was preserved is incredible!" The irony of how tightly Marina clutches the book to her bosom is clearly lost on her. "Between all the plastic and air-tight storage, there's hardly any mold on these pages!"
She opens it to double-sided lined sheets like any other, headlined in barely legible Octarian scribble over completely illegible typography: "Moonlight Sonata."
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blueiscoool · 4 months
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The Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Theft
Five things you probably didn’t know about the biggest art heist in history
Most art galleries and museums are famous for the art they contain. London’s National Gallery has Van Gogh’s “Sunflowers”; “The Starry Night” meanwhile, is held at The Museum of Modern Art in New York, in good company alongside Salvador Dalì’s melting clocks, Andy Warhol’s soup cans and Frida Kahlo’s self-portrait.
The Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston, however, is now more famous for the artwork that is not there, or at least, that is no longer there.
On March 18 1990 the museum fell prey to history’s biggest art heist. Thirteen works of art estimated to be worth over half a billion dollars — including three Rembrandts and a Vermeer — were stolen in the middle of the night, while the two security guards sat in the basement bound in duct tape.
The robbery is a treasure trove of surprising facts and unexpected plot twists. Here are five things that make the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, and its famous theft, so interesting.
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The woman behind the building:
Isabella Stewart Gardner, the museum’s founder and namesake, is a fascinating character. The daughter and eventual widow of two successful businessmen, Gardner was a philanthropist and art collector who built the museum to house her stash.
“When she opened the museum in 1903 she mandated that it be free of charge, to gain the appreciation and the attendance of all of Boston,” Stephan Kurkjian, author of “Master Thieves: The Boston Gangsters Who Pulled Off the World’s Greatest Art Heist”, said in the programme. “Her museum, at that point in time, was the largest collection of art by a private individual in America.”
Gardner also had links to the fledgling campaign for women’s political rights. The museum displays the photographs and letters of her friend Julia Ward Howe, an organizer of two US suffrage societies, and a print of Ethel Smyth, a composer and close friend of the English Suffragette leader Emmeline Pankhurst.
Gardner met Smyth through their mutual friend, the painter John Singer Sargent, whose portrait of Gardener raised eyebrows for the low-cut neckline he gave her.
Gardner seemed to enjoy flirting with scandal and gossip: she once arrived at a Boston Symphony Orchestra performance in a hat band emblazoned with the name of her favorite baseball team, Red Sox, and an illustration in a January 1897 edition of the Boston Globe showed her apparently taking one of Boston Zoo’s lions for a walk.
Somewhat ironically, when the Mona Lisa was stolen in 1911, Gardner told her museum guards that, if they saw anyone trying to rob them, they should shoot to kill.
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The art not taken:
The thieves’ loot is estimated to be worth over half a billion dollars. However, they left the building’s most expensive artifact: “The Rape of Europa” by Titian, which Gardner bought from a London art gallery in 1896, then a record price for an old master painting.
Why commit history’s greatest art heist and leave without the priciest piece in the museum? Well, size may have played a role. The largest artwork taken was Rembrandt’s “Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee,” famous for being Rembrandt’s only seascape and measures roughly 5x4 feet. “The Rape of Europa,” meanwhile, is larger, at nearly 6x7 feet.
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The Napoleon factor:
Around 2005, the investigation into the stolen artworks took a detour to the French island of Corsica in the Meditteranean Sea. Two Frenchmen with alleged ties to the Corsican mob were trying to sell two paintings: a Rembrandt and a Vermeer. Former FBI Special Agent Bob Wittman was involved in a sting to try and buy them — but the operation eventually fell apart when the men were arrested for selling art taken from the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Nice instead.
Why would “Corsican mobsters,” as correspondent Randi Kaye described them in the programme, be interested in robbing a Boston art museum? The answer could lie in the Bronze Eagle Finial, the 10-inch ornament stolen from the top of a Napoleonic flag during the heist.
“It was sort of an odd choice for the thieves to take (the Finial),” Kaye said, “but it turns out that Corsica is essentially the homeland of Napoleon.” The French emperor was born on the island in 1769, and a national museum is now housed in his former family home.
“It is a very compelling notion,” Kelly Horan, Deputy Editor of the Boston Globe, said in the programme, “that a Corsican band of gangsters might have tried to steal back their flag and pull off the entire rest of the heist in the process.”
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A rock’n’roll suspect:
March 18 1990 was not the first time a Rembrandt had been stolen from a Boston museum. In 1975, career criminal and art thief Myles Connor walked into Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts, and walked out with a Rembrandt tucked into his oversized coat pocket. He was the FBI’s first suspect in the Gardner case, however the walls of federal prison — where he was incarcerated on drugs charges — gave him a pretty solid alibi.
When he wasn’t lifting famous artworks from their displays, Connor was a musician. It was through gigging that he met Al Dotoli, who worked with stars including Frank Sinatra and Liza Minelli.
In 1976 Connor was jailed for a separate art theft committed in Maine. Hoping to use his stolen Rembrandt to leverage a lesser sentence, he needed Dotoli — who was on tour with Dionne Warwick — to turn the painting in to the authorities on his behalf.
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An invisible thief?
One of the stolen artworks, Édouard Manet’s “Chez Tortoni,” was taken from the museum’s Blue Room on the first floor. The painting stands out for two reasons, the first being its frame. The thieves left almost all of the frames behind, cutting some out of the front.
“To even leave remnants of the painting(s) behind was savage,” Horan said. “In my mind, it’s sort of like slashing someone’s throat.”
The “Chez Tortoni” frame was unusual for where it was left, though: not in the room it was stolen from, but in the chair of the security office downstairs. Even more remarkable, not a single motion detector was set off in the Blue Room. Bar investigating the possibility of ghost robbers, investigators wondered if this pointed to the plot being an inside job.
“At the FBI we found that about 89% of museum institutional heists are inside jobs,�� Wittman said. “That’s how these things get stolen.”
By Caitlin Chatterton.
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besides baxter's engineering, chemistry, and his other scientific talents, do u think he has non-scientific hobbies?
I do actually! Baxter definitely enjoys other things aside from science & has for sure hobbies & interests outside of them. Of course. Those said hobbies vary & depend on which version of him. Starting with 87, he's definitely someone that enjoys reading
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Granted it could be considered a reach cus it was just a brief animation, but he still awes me as a literature type. Non science too believe it or not. In fact, 80s Baxter strikes me as somebody that enjoys history. I can see him being into artifact collecting or just overall researching historical figures & landscapes. I mean. He didn't mind conversing with "Napoleon" in the asylum plus in the episode "Curse of the evil eye" he specifically wished himself a Taj Mahal
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Of all the mansions or big laboratories he could have made he chose this. He's clearly fascinated by the lifestyle. Another example he likes reading could be traced back to sea stories like the "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" & or "Moby Dick" considering in the same episode & "The incredible shrinking turtles" he not only owns a boat but a diving suit as well.
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Another hobby I could see 87 enjoying is laying back with snacks & maybe even a friend. Both examples we've seen in the series.
2003 Baxter also strikes me as a literature type. His very first words in the series was literally a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson,
"A wise man once said, Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door.”
Not to mention he references Mary Shelley's Frankenstein when he's creating the genetic aliens for Bishop. Maybe said book or ones like that inspired him to pursue science in the first place. Aside from that. 2003 dives himself in his work, so the most he may do outside of it is read or even try to live in the moment of the outside world he took for granite before losing his body. Maybe even reminiscing about the short time he had with his mother & think about her in general.
IDW also falls into this category. We saw in the armageddon game opening moves #2 that he just only works & not even the holidays makes him stop. But he's still a human being & has to have some non work enjoyments. And we've seen multiple times that thing is alcohol.
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IDW is a man that enjoys a good drink of wine or whiskey after a good or a long day of work. Maybe even check what's going on in the news whether it's paper or live. He is the Mayor after all so he has to have an interest or some knowledge of politics. Another unrelated hobby could be sitting in silence to nothing but old soul or blues music to just think. Maybe even continue playing chess after all these years to keep his brain power flowing.
2012 is a very different story however. He canonically has hobbies outside of science as he revealed in "The Insecta trifecta" & the 2012 free comic book day annual & #9 of the Panini comics
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2012 is the definition of a nerd & he's not 1 but ashamed of that. The inventions that follow him are just an extension of how passionate about Nerdism he is. He's big into comic books & fantasy alongside martial arts films even.
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Granted he could have watched those just to use his robots to beat the turtles but I doubt it was only them that made him a martial arts fan. I can even peg him easily as a major Toku (Sentai & Kamen Rider) fan who definitely listens to the theme songs in their entirety. Speaking of music, 2012 also has a music hobby like his IDW counterpart, the taste obviously being drastically different. I HC he has playlists for different settings like all of us do, one being even for inventing. The songs at most being Asian pop, 90s/80s songs & even r&b sound wave remixes
2012 can also be labeled as somebody that has a collection, action figure or not.
Bayverse is also a nerd, but he mostly (keyword mostly) keeps it professional & hidden. We saw in his interaction with April he even knows a few differences between the labels that follow geek & nerd culture. It's a good chance he likes to watch sci-fi fantasy & comic movies on the side, as he does have a bit of a God complex of himself shown through the film. This chess board we see in his lab could also indicate he plays it & may possibly even have a similar backstory to his IDW counterpart because of it. Who he plays with tho could probably be a mystery. Most likely his computer since he's clearly lonely & wants a companion.
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And finally Rise/Stockboy is a no brainer to have hobbies considering he's still a kid & enjoys kid things video games being one of them thanks to Albearto in "Al be back"
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And when he's not playing games he's most likely watching someone else do it since the boy is chronically online. Downtime 100% consists of YouTube, Instagram, Tiktok & even Twitter. A part of him might even enjoy stacking & does it in his free time too. Maybe it was Remy 🐀 situation & his folks saw that as a sign of "new job for you".
He might also be into singing & karaoke. 2 reasons being 1. His VA Ramone Hamilton does in fact sing & wonderfully I may add & 2, in the deleted scene of the Rise movie he was excited to do karaoke & visibly disappointed when it didn't happen
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(re-animation over the animatic credit goes to @camilieroart )
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