#Nam Ra
quack-quack-snacks · 9 months
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Star Crossed - Chapter 4
❤️Happy Holidays all! Hope you all had a wonderful time and if you didn’t I hope sincerely that it gets better for you!❤️
| Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 |
The Star Crossed Masterlist
My All Of Us Are Dead Masterlist
My Navigation and Masterlist
Warnings: Normal AOUAD things, Word Count: 7,717
“Gyeong-su…” You heard Cheong-san say from behind you but it was like you were hearing it from underwater. The only thing you could hear was the sound of your own heartbeat.
And the thoughts that Gyeong-su might not have one soon.
As Gyeong-su wiped his nose to find it bleeding, he brought his hands up to see black and purpled prominent veins growing from underneath the cuff of his undershirt and he looked at them in shock, shaking his head and mumbling indistinctly.
He stood up and breathed shakily as he tried to speak while his chair skid across the flooring. “Hey, hey. What’s wrong with me? Something’s wrong!”
You stood up from your chair and stood in front of him. You grabbed his hands and he looked you in the eyes. You nearly started sobbing on the spot as you saw the whites of his eyes turning red but swallowed down the lump in your throat before smiling at him.
“Y-yo…” you tried the first time but couldn’t get the words out so you cleared your throat and tried again. “You just need a t-tissue. It’ll be okay.”
He nodded as tears filled his eyes. The both of you knew you were lying but it was okay to be delusional sometimes… right?
He’d be okay… right?
If you just kept repeating that then he would be okay.
Everything was fine.
Gyeong-su was fine.
You were fine.
You frowned as you heard the scurrying of footsteps behind you while you reached into your pocket to grab one of the crumpled tissues you had from earlier and gave it to him but he couldn’t seem to grab it and it dropped to the floor.
“It’s not true…” You heard Cheong-san say from behind you yet you kept all of your focus on the boy who was in front of you.
“Come on. Get rid of him. Get rid of him now!” You heard Na-yeon scream and just as you were about to yell at her to shut up you felt someone grab you by the hand and pull you away from the boy.
“No, no…!” You tried to complain and weakly pulled against the hands restraining you, already knowing who it was. “Su-hyeok, he’s not. Gyeong-su’s not! I was with him for half an hour, he’s not!” You tried your best to convince him and looked up at him just to see him trying to keep a straight face while tears filled his eyes. “No!”
“Gyeong-su, stay where you are!” You heard On-jo say from behind you which brought your attention back to the group as Gyeong-su had rushed forward but everyone stepped back into a corner to try and avoid him like the plague. “Stay back!”
“I swear, I’m fucking not!” Gyeong-su begged and your heart broke at hearing the confidence in his words faltering.
“I’m sorry, Gyeong-su. Please, stay back.”
You watched as the remaining bit of hope in Gyeong-su’s eyes vanished like a flame being doused by water. “I’ve turned, right?” He asked, his voice quivering. “Cheong-san, what do I do?” He begged for guidance that none of you could provide, especially not Cheong-san who was dealing with the fact that his lifelong best friend was about to die at the hands of a virus that turned the kindest of souls into a flesh eating monster.
“No, no. This doesn’t make any sense. Why would you…” He started, just as confused and in denial as you were when On-jo came up from behind him and tried to pull him away.
“Cheong-san…!” She begged but he just yanked his hand back.
“Let go!” His voice broke as he was finally coming to terms with what was written in blood red ink in front of him. “This cannot be true. Why would you suddenly…?” He shook his head, false certainty refilling his voice as he stepped towards his friend. “No, no. Gyeong-su you weren’t-”
��Step away. Don’t come any closer!” Gyeong-su yelled as he ran backwards in an attempt to put distance between his friend and himself. You stopped struggling against Su-hyeok’s hold a while ago and just let him hug you to his chest while you watched in shock.
“B-but, you were fine. Gyeong-su, you were fine!” You tried to convince him and yourself when suddenly his neck cracked to the side.
Na-yeon looked around frantically as everyone stood there in shock as their friend turned right before their eyes. “Hey! What are you doing?” She sputtered out. “We need to kick him out! We’re all gonna die!” She screamed and you suddenly found the voice you’d lost before.
“Shut up! He-” your voice dropped from its screaming tone to one barely above being completely silent. “He just needs a tissue.”
“W-what’s happening…? Fuck!” You could hear Gyeong-su desperately get out as he gripped his head like it was pounding.
Na-yeon ran over to the door and yanked the umbrella away that was blocking it from being opened. “Get out. I said, get out!”
“Shut the fuck up!” He screamed before discovering a newfound determination within himself. “I’ll leave by myself! I’ll leave. I’ll go on my own!” He started sobbing. “Why would I bite you? We’re supposed to be fucking friends. If I… If I leave, it will be better for everyone.”
Every step he took towards the door you could feel more of your hope for him to be okay being lost.
“Gyeong-su,” Ms. Park spoke up and you looked over to see she had walked forward to the front of the group to speak to him directly. “Why don’t you just go into the recording room until we can figure out-”
Na-yeon interrupted her before she could finish. “If he stays in here he’s going to kill us all!”
“Na-yeon!” Your teacher screamed at her.
“I’m just trying to stay alive,” she whimpered out.
“I’ll leave. I’ll get out of here on my own,” Gyeong-su grunted out while breathing heavily and staggering towards the door, using the table and chair on his way to support him. He turned to look at everyone around him but his gaze stopped on your shocked one for a moment. “Don’t worry,” he started sobbing more and your vision started to get blurry with unshed tears. “I’ll get out of here.”
“Gyeong-su!” Cheong-san begged as his own eyes filled with tears that had yet to stain his cheeks. His lips quivered as he tried to remain strong in front of the group.
“It’s okay. Thank you for everything. Stay alive.”
Right as he tried to open the door to leave, he turned around and started looking at all of you in terror while thrashing around and mumbling things under his breath before his body contorted in strange directions, his bones creaking and breaking until he stood up and let out an unnatural roar and growled at all of you. Dae-su started walking towards him and both you and Su-hyeok tried to grab his arm to pull him back, knowing your friend was gone, until he shook you off and rushed forward when Gyeong-su’s empty shell of a body charged at the group standing by the speakers. He threw him against the table in an attempt to save himself as well as his classmates. Just as the monster who you briefly viewed as your friend was about to attack again, the sound of a familiar tune filled the air.
While everyone was focused on the fight, Cheong-san had managed to raise himself onto the window and grabbed a hold of the rope, hanging off the side of the building with only that to support him. He sang their tune, the tune of Auld Lang Syne, and the body of his old friend came rushing toward him before Cheong-san jumped out of the way just in time.
The group had sat in shock for a while until some started to cry. Cheong-san had gone into the recording room and threw the table to the ground in a fit of emotional turmoil. On-jo had walked up to the door for a moment before deciding to walk back and to just give him space.
A gut feeling told you space was the last thing he needed right now.
You walked away from the spot you had been leaning against the wall with Su-hyeok. You had been comforting him on the loss of his friend as you knew he was grieving right now and didn’t want to focus on your own pain. He and Dae-su had hugged and were currently exchanging tissues.
That was what you had learned to do the best. Block out the pain. Be the emotionless girl everyone knew and few loved.
You walked over to the recording studio’s door before taking a deep breath and walking in. You took slow steps as you entered and saw Cheong-san sitting right underneath the large window on the wall of the door. He’d been crying until you walked in, that much was clear by his red eyes, glistening cheeks, and sniffles. He’d wiped them away and turned to look in the other direction of you. You walked over to him and sat next to him against the wall. You both sat in silence for a few moments before he spoke.
“I’m fine, if that’s why you’re here. You can leave now,” he spoke rather harshly but this time it didn’t affect you as you knew he was on stage 2 of grief.
“Go,” he told you, his voice breaking at the end and he pointed towards the door where you came from but you just looked at his hand before looking up to him.
You sighed and felt your nose and eyes stinging but pushed it down.
“You don’t have to be strong with me, you know?” He was taken aback by your words and looked visibly confused. You sighed before looking down at your fingers where they were playing with the hem of your vest. “I know none of you like me, and most of you think I’m like my brother,” you took a deep breath before you built the courage to look back into his eyes which looked even more astonished than before. “But in the short amount of time that I spent with Gyeong-su in this recording studio,” you gestured to the mess in front of you as you looked at the book and string Gyeong-su had been playing with before everything went down, now places in the corner of the room. “I’d like to believe I was able to call him my friend, and I’d like to be able to call you one too,” you looked back up at him once again to see tears had once again gathered along his waterline and he was looking at you with his lips quivering as he still tried to hold back his emotions. “So I’ll say it again,” you grabbed his hand from where it was resting on his knee and gave it a friendly and comforting squeeze. “You don’t have to be strong with me, Cheong-san.”
There were a few moments where the two of you sat there and stared into each other’s eyes before a teardrop streaked down his cheek. Another followed after that one, and then another, and then another, until he had started sobbing and you brought him into a hug while hiding your own tears which slipped onto his shirt. You didn’t say anything, you couldn’t even try to think of something to say in a situation as bizarre as this one. You just held him in his time of grief.
After a few minutes when Cheong-san had calmed down, he wiped his eyes with his sleeve and pulled away from you. Standing up, he lowered a hand down to you so he could help you up and you gave him a small smile as you accepted it.
The two of you walked out and Cheong-san gave you a smile before walking over to lean against the window, looking out onto the field. This time you let him be alone as you walked over to sit down next to Su-hyeok who was on the ground. You mirrored his position with your legs bent and your arms resting on your knees. Your shoulders were grazing ever so slightly and he leaned over to bump into your shoulder ever so gently. You looked over to him and he smiled at you. You couldn’t handle the softness in his gaze so you blushed and looked away, knocking your own shoulder into his as he laughed lightly.
“That asshole,” you heard Dae-su sob after a little while when the grieving atmosphere set in again. “Gyeong-su, why did you have to turn?”
Na-yeon opened her mouth and you just knew what she was going to say next would piss you off. “I told you all. He was infected.”
“Well, are you happy now?” Dae-su said as he looked at her in despair, you quickly stood up and put a hand on his shoulder, squeezing lightly. He looked back at you and had a bit of a shocked look which you internally rolled your eyes at but stopped when he put one of his hands on top of the one you had resting on his shoulder. You smiled softly but it fell immediately when Na-yeon started talking again.
“You were all wrong. Only I was right. What would you even do without me?” Your head snapped over to her.
“Na-yeon. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll shut up and let us mourn the loss of our friend. Don’t be heartless on top of being a bitch,” you told her and just as you looked back at Dae-su, you saw her roll her eyes and scoff.
Just as you were about to talk again, Nam-ra started speaking. “Hey,” she paused and you looked over at her. “Maybe you did it.”
“What?” Na-yeon questioned her in an annoyed tone.
Nam-ra grabbed everyone’s attention as she walked over until she was standing right in front of Na-yeon’s sitting form.
“I saw everything… Na-yeon,” Nam-ra told her, accusing her of something that had yet to be revealed.
Na-yeon stood up to be face to face with the class president. “What? What did you see?” She asked and seemed to get on the defensive quickly which had suspicion rising in your gut.
“You are the one who did it,” Nam-ra revealed, yet everyone was still confused.
“Who did what? I didn’t do anything to Gyeong-su,” she defended.
“I didn’t say anything about Gyeong-su,” Nam-ra told her, which kind of confused you.
It’s kind of inferred because we were talking about his death less than a minute ago, but okay.
“Knock it off!” Na-yeon told her, raising her voice a little.
“What are you talking about?” Wu-jin asked as Su-hyeok and Cheong-san - who were both minding their business - turned to look at the scene.
“I didn’t do anything,” Na-yeon insisted.
“While we were all watching Gyeong-su, you were in the back alone,” your friend explained, then turned and pointed at the broken mop that laid against one of the cabinets in the room. “You wiped that blood with your handkerchief.”
She hesitated before replying in a shaky and slightly fearful voice. “No, I didn’t.”
“You wiped that on the scratch on Gyeong-su’s hand.”
At Nam-ra’s explanation, everyone had a shocked look on their faces, unable to comprehend that their classmate was the cause of their friend’s death. Even you had nothing to say and your hand went limp on Dae-su’s shoulder, only being held there by his own, which tightened on yours.
“I did not,” Na-yeon tried again to defend herself but it was getting less and less convincing as Nam-ra was insistent on proving her to be the murderer of Gyeong-su. The innocent boy who was everything good yet died for nothing.
“It’s in your pocket,” the other girl voiced.
“So what?”
“Take it out.”
“If you’re so innocent you’d take it out and show us,” you sneered at her and your hand closed into a fist while tightly gripping the fabric of Dae-su’s vest.
“I said no,” she insisted while looking at you and slapping away Nam-ra’s extended hand. You glared and she visibly shrunk in on herself.
“Should I take it out?” Nam-ra paused for a split second before reaching for Na-yeon’s pocket until the girl pushed her hand away and slapped her face, most likely a lot softer than she intended to.
“Fuck you! Who the hell do you think you are? Huh? Class president?” She mocked before Nam-ra sent a hard slap across her face and her head snapped to the side.
“You never treated me like president.”
Despite the situation at hand, you smirked slightly as you saw your best friend standing up for herself and just being a complete badass. You let go of Dae-su’s shoulder and went to lean against the table beside where he sat.
“Nam-ra, that’s enough!” Ms. Park exclaimed as she sped-walked up to the two girls to break up the argument. She looked back and forth across the floor as she tried to figure out what to say before continuing. “Nam-ra, do you realize what you’re saying right now? If that is true, it means Na-yeon killed Gyeong-su.”
“It’s true. Na-yeon did it,” the girl confirmed. You looked over at Cheong-san as he watched. His eyes were filled with so many conflicting emotions: anger, sadness, betrayal, remorse. “She killed him.”
Na-yeon scoffed and rolled her eyes before she reached her hand into her pocket. “You fucking cunt,” she exclaimed angrily before throwing the handkerchief in Nam-ra’s face. Dae-su had to grab ahold of your sleeve to keep you from rushing forward. “There. Happy?”
Nam-ra, who seemed unaffected by Na-yeon’s treatment, reached down to pick up the cloth from the floor and inspect it. “This is blood.”
“I wiped Gyeong-su’s hand,” she claimed and you scowled as you could see the cloth.
“This is his blood?”
“You can’t tell?”
“If it was his fucking blood there wouldn’t be that much of it, you cunt. He’d stopped bleeding 10 minutes into staying in the studio room,” you told her and her eyes flashed with fear but her expression remained the same.
“Then put it on your wound,” Nam-ra told her in an attempt to show either her innocence or her guiltiness. “Wipe yourself with it if you’re so confident.”
You could see her searching for an answer. “Like his blood is so clean? He was a zombie.”
Nam-ra threw the cloth to the floor and stepped closer to her offensively. “He was just fine until you infected him with your handkerchief.”
“Na-yeon… you-” Cheong-san started and started marching towards Na-yeon until Su-hyeok held him back.
“Damn it! It wasn’t me!” She screamed while crouching down and picking up the handkerchief, hovering it above her wound as she looked around for someone to tell her to stop, that they believed her, anything for her to not do it.
Ms. Park, ever the mediator, ran up to her and grabbed her wrist, pulling her hand and the handkerchief away from her scrape, trying to pull it from her hands but Na-yeon resisted. “Don’t do it. Stop it.”
“Let go,” she whimpered as the teacher tried to yank it from her hands.
“I said to stop it. Give it to me.”
“Leave me alone! Fuck!” Na-yeon screamed while breathing heavily. She let go of the handkerchief and stood up with teary eyes. She looked across the room at everyone, “I should just die too then, huh? That’s what you want, isn’t it?” Nobody answered and so she sighed, looking away before turning back. “Why is Gyeong-su better than me? That dirty welfie pushed me,” she whimpered.
“You little cheat!” You yelled at her while trying to rush forward but Dae-su was still holding onto your sleeve. Su-hyeok abandoned his spot as the one to hold back Cheong-san to wrap his arms around you, restricting any movement of your arms while you struggled and kicked your feet.
“Na-yeon,” Park said after a while of silence, “You didn’t…”
“So you did do it,” Cheong-san spoke, devastated, until he raised his voice to yell at her. Dae-su rushed forward to hold him back. “How could you fucking-”
“I didn’t kill him, okay?” She insisted and you could hear your heart pounding in your ears with rage. Rage and loss. “Gyeong-su fell, but he got up and ran. He’s still alive. He didn’t die, he just turned.”
“You mother fucker! They’re the exact same fucking thing!” You yelled out at the same time On-jo spoke.
“Are you kidding me right now?”
“Stop ganging up on me!” She whined and threw her hands around like a toddler having a tantrum. “When I said he smelled, you all laughed. You all made fun of him too. Don’t try to act all innocent now.”
You thrashed around harder as you felt your eyes burning and your cheeks wet and you finally realized you were crying.
It had been a while since you’d done that.
Dae-su lost his grip on Cheong-san and he ran towards Na-yeon, Su-hyeok unable to stop him because of you in his arms already.
The boy pushed the girl to the ground and breathed heavily. “How could you kill him?” He screamed while Ms. Park told him to stop it. Na-yeon kept her head down.
“You’re… a murderer.”
Her head lifted and you saw tears falling down her face but you had no sympathy at all.
“I have no friends at all,” she whimpered out.
“I wondering fucking why,” you growled.
“I don’t need any of you. Fuck you,” she then stood up and shakily walked out of the room, Wu-jin rushing after her just as the door closed and Ms. Park moved to stop him.
“Listen,” she started and you were finally released from Su-hyeok’s grip after you stopped struggling. “No matter what happens, you stay alive. Also, you must never take a life. If you cause someone else to die, life becomes meaningless.”
She looked at you all with a remorseful and fond gaze and you were sure you knew what she was about to do. “All right?”
“Ms. Park?” You whispered shakily and she looked at you with a small smile before turning and running out the room, rushing after Na-yeon.
“Ms. Park! Wait!” Dae-su yelled and ran towards the door and Wu-jin held him back to the best of his ability.
“Dae-su, don’t go!” he begged.
You had never felt so helpless. Your feet seemed to be glued to the floor and your eyes stuck to the door where she had stood only moments ago.
Dae-su started sobbing into Wu-jin’s shoulder and your heart broke for him.
“Fuck!” You heard Cheong-san scream followed by the banging of his fist against a computer. You didn’t have the energy to stop him, even though you knew if he did it too much he could seriously injure his hand.
You were sitting in the corner next to Su-hyeok who had an arm wrapped around your shoulder, pulling you into his chest as you were too much in shock to cry; again. You saw On-jo walk up to Cheong-san as he was staring out the window but you couldn’t hear their hushed whispers.
“I feel like it’s my fault,” you said suddenly, only a breath above a whisper. Su-hyeok looked down at you in surprise and confusion.
“What’s your fault?”
He sat up from his leaning position against the wall, bringing you with him, and looked you in the eyes. “How is it your fault? You didn’t do anything!” He tried to convince you, still whispering so the others wouldn’t butt their way into your business .
You let out a sad laugh as you felt your nose burning. “Exactly. I didn’t fucking do anything,” you wiped your nose slightly with the back of your hand to subside the sting. “I didn’t notice what she was doing. If I only noticed and was a little more attentive then Gyeong-su would be alive! It’s my fau-”
“No,” Su-hyeok insisted as he brought your head back into his chest to keep the guilty thoughts at bay. His heartbeat worked just enough for your soul to take a breath. “No, (Y/n). It’s not your fault. How could you have possibly known what she was going to do. You didn’t need to be attentive at that moment because it was someone who was supposed to be loyal to the group and not fucking kill someone. That is not your fault. Thinking like that will just drive you insane.”
At his words, a small sob escaped your lips and your body started to shake with your silent tears as he trailed his hand up and down your back. His lips were pressed against the crown of your head as he whispered the reassurances that you were needing.
After you calmed down and wiped away the tears on your face with your sleeve, you sat up and gave Su-hyeok a grateful smile.
“Thank you,” you breathed.
“You don’t need to thank me.”
It was then you noticed how close the two of you were, faces only inches apart and you could see his eyes travel from your own down to your lips a few times. You backed away with your cheeks flushed and gave him a small smile. He seemed delighted with the effect he had on you and that made your cheeks burn even hotter.
“I’m going to go sit by Nam-ra, I haven’t really spoken to her much in the past day,” you told him, avoiding eye contact as you stood up.
“Okay,” he smiled and got up himself before winking at you and walking over to lean against the counter where Wu-jin was sitting. You took a breath to cool your cheeks and calm your nerves before going over to sit next to Nam-ra.
“Hey there, prez,” you greeted and she met you with a cheeky grin.
She nudged you in the side. “Hey there, lovergirl. How’s it like in paradise, hm?” She teased in a whispered voice and you covered your face with your hands.
“Stop that, we’re just friends!” You whined softly and she giggled for a moment until her face slowly fell back into a frown.
You didn’t want to ask if she was okay because you knew the answer would be no. Nobody was okay right now, Nam-ra wasn’t any different. Instead, you just grabbed her hand and held it in your own affectionately while she leaned her head on your shoulder.
You stayed like that for a while until Cheong-san spoke up and broke the silence. “I didn’t hear anything at all. I just couldn’t hear anything.”
“Like what?” Su-hyeok asked but Cheong-san didn’t lift his gaze from where he stared at the floor.
“I mean after Na-yeon went out and then Ms. Park went after her. I didn’t hear anything after that.”
“You mean, screaming?” Su-hyeok asked and Cheong-san finally looked up at his friend to confirm.
“Maybe they didn’t die, then. They wouldn’t have been quiet if zombies were biting them,” Dae-su spoke his thoughts. “They must be alive.”
You let out a hum of acknowledgment while everyone else stayed silent and he huffed in annoyance, feeling left out. “Why won’t you respond? No one answers me. I’m always talking to myself,” he looked down and played with his tie. You couldn’t help feeling bad even though you were the only one to acknowledge his thoughts, albeit with only a hum.
Just as you were about to say something, On-jo beat you to the punch. “I think you’re right.”
“Forget it,” Dae-su waved her off with an eye roll but she continued.
“I didn’t hear anything either.”
“Me neither,” Hyo-ryung threw in her own thoughts. “ I was scared because I didn’t know how I’d feel if I heard them screaming, but I didn’t hear anything.”
“Come to think of it, neither did I,” Joon-yeong added.
“Then I’m right. They’re alive, right?” Dae-su asked and Joon-yeong nodded in confirmation.
“Should she be alive?” Ji-min asked angrily and you turned slightly to look at her, Nam-ra still resting her head on your shoulder, unmoving.
“What do you mean?” Joon-yeong asked.
“She’s a murderer. She killed Gyeong-su and walked out of here on her own. Is it even right for her to be alive?” She asked angrily, using rage as a coping mechanism for everything that was happening. “Aren’t you all being fake?”
“What about Ms. Park? Should she have died too?” Wu-jin questioned and Ji-min was quick to reply.
“Is that our fault?”
“Either way, we’re responsible for what happened,” he argued.
“Why is that? What did we do wrong?” She asked and you turned back to looking at your hands which were interlocked with Nam-ra’s, unable to look at the emotion in Ji-min’s eyes anymore. “Na-yeon killed someone, then played the victim, and chose to leave on her own. All because we didn’t listen to her,” She defended her own argument and Wu-jin remained silent. “If no one’s on your side, is it okay to kill?” Everyone stayed silent as they churned her question over in their brains. “Ms. Park acted like we were wrong. We didn’t tell Na-yeon to go out there. We didn’t tell Ms. Park to go out there, either. Why should we feel bad? What the hell did we do wrong?” Hyo-ryung leaned over to hug Ji-min and comfort her but the hand she placed on her shoulder was shoved off.
You noticed On-jo looking down at the table and a teardrop falling down her cheek and you reached over to grab onto her hand with your free one, squeezing gently. Surprisingly, she didn’t look shocked by your movements or the fact that you would do something like this, she just gave you a watery smile and sniffed before slightly wiping her nose on the sleeve of her slightly bloodied jacket.
Speaking of jackets, you realized you still didn’t have your own after using it to cover up Hyeon-ju when she came into the classroom. Although it wasn’t cold right now, you were sure it would be later, especially with the broken-open window.
“Hey,” Su-hyeok spoke up and interrupted everyone’s thoughts. “I feel weird saying this, but-”
He was interrupted when Wu-jin smacked his stomach. “Don’t say it.”
Su-hyeok groaned and took a strange moment of silence before continuing with what he was going to say. “Does anyone else have to go to the bathroom by any chance?” Nobody responded. “Am I the only one?”
Dae-su raised his hand slightly. “I do.”
“We have to go, too, actually. But we can’t go out,” Hyo-ryung spoke on behalf of her and Ji-min.
“I also have to go,” you added in and everyone’s head snapped towards you, making you shrink back in on yourself and press your cheek against the crown of Nam-ra’s head in embarrassment.
Joon-yeong sighed before pressing his forehead against the table.
“I’ve had to poop for a while,” Dae-su spoke up again and you held back the smile that threatened to take over your face.
“Dude… that’s… ew,” Wu-jin told him as he threw a pencil at him which was placed near his sitting spot.
“Why are you blaming me for this? Su-hyeok’s the one who brought it up. Poopings not a crime.”
“It’s not a crime, but-” Wu-jin told him with an amused face.
“But what? Don’t you need to go?”
“Yes, I do. Not poop, but, you know…” He informed.
“What about you?” Dae-su asked Cheong-san as he pointed at him, pleading for anyone to be on his side.
“I don’t… Pooping? No.”
He turned to Hyo-ryung. “Don’t you need to go?”
“Why are you asking me?” She whined.
“Why are you getting annoyed?” He shot back.
“What do you want from us? We can’t go out, anyways.”
Dae-su sighed deeply before his eyes caught on yours and he shot up straight. “(Y/n)!”
You smiled, amused, and Dae-su looked ecstatic at your expression. “Yes, Dae-su?”
“Do you need to go? Do you need to poop?” He asked, practically begging you to agree.
Your head tilted a bit as you looked up while thinking. “Yes,” you finally replied.
His hands shot up in victory. “Really?”
“No,” you laughed and he deflated like a balloon back into his seat with a playful glare. “I do have to go though.”
He sighed out again before he looked at the window. “I have an idea.”
You sighed and slapped your forehead, knowing exactly where he was going with this and not liking it one bit.
Dae-su walked up to the window, leaning against it slightly. “First, the girls and the guys will take turns.”
“Where?” Hyo-ryung asked, not understanding the context clues or deliberately being ignorant in hopes of him choosing a different answer.
He looked at her before gesturing to the window in front of him. “Here.”
She scoffed. “You’re crazy.”
“Stop it, man,” Cheong-san said and rolled his eyes at Dae-su’s strange suggestion.
“Why?” The boy asked with a slight whine. “The girls can wait in the other room, and the guys can just pee out the window.”
“What about… poop?” Wu-jin and you groaned out while shrinking in on yourself as you were sure you knew exactly what his idea would be.
He pointed at Wu-jin before looking back at the window. “Poop. Well…” He was silent for a moment as he thought before he slapped the frame in realization. “You can take your pants off and hang out the window,” he explained and climbed up the window so his butt was hanging off on one side while he held onto the window frame. “Like this.”
You couldn’t help yourself from snorting at his demonstration. “Outside!” He went on as you hid your smiling face underneath the collar of your green sweater. He stepped down from the window. “Like you’re taking a dump off of a cliff,” he then squatted down before continuing. “Like this.”
“What reaction is he hoping for?” You heard Wu-jin whisper before you spoke yourself.
“You seem to know a lot about this, Dae-su,” you teased. “I’m guessing you’ve had a lot of experience with pooping off of cliffs.”
He looked at you with an unamused look and you couldn’t help yourself from bursting out into laughter that everyone else joined in on as Dae-su rolled his eyes in annoyance. Nam-ra lifted her head from your shoulder and hid her smile behind her hand.
“I’m being serious!” He exclaimed over the laughter.
“Stop being ridiculous,” Hyo-ryung told him with an eyeroll after she calmed down.
“But someone has to hold you, so you don’t fall!” He quickly added when he saw a break in the giggles.
“How are you going to wipe your butt?” Joon-yeong asked him.
“Well, someone else should.”
“What is he saying?” Hyo-ryung facepalmed.
“Let’s just hold it,” Ju-min told everyone. “If the rescuers come-”
“It’ll take a while for them to get here,” On-jo looked at her as she interrupted her before looking down at her hands woefully. “It may be the same outside of the school.”
Nobody moved. Nobody spoke. The joking and laughter filled atmosphere was replaced with the sullen one as everyone thought of the situation they were still in.
“I don’t know how long we’ll be stuck here, but my dad always told me to separate the bathroom from where you sleep if you find yourself stranded,” On-jo continued, sounding like she had an idea.
“What do you suggest?” You implored.
“We create a makeshift bathroom for the time being,” she said confidently.
“Where will we create a bathroom and how?” Ji-min inquired, confused.
“Right there,” On-jo pointed to the recording booth and everyone turned to look.
“That’s smart, if we do some things to make it more private it could be the perfect place to make one. Good thinking,” you praised her and she blushed slightly as she looked back down to her hands while a small smile graced her features. You stood up with a slight hop before turning to On-jo and clapping your hands together. “Okay, boss lady! First order of motion?”
She tried to hide her smile but failed as a small laugh escaped her. She stood up herself and turned to look at the group of girls. “Nam-ra and you guys, try to look for something to cover the window.”
They nodded before scattering across the room to find things they could use.
“Cheong-san and Joon-yeong,” both boys turned to her at their names being called. “Make something that can absorb urine and feces to use as a toilet,” they nodded and got to work. “And then the rest of you…” she paused, knowing they needed something else but not sure what it was.
“A screen?” You suggested and she snapped in your direction in appreciation.
“Yes! A screen.”
“A screen?” Wu-jin asked to confirm in slight confusion and On-jo nodded.
“Yes, a screen to block.”
Wu-jin, Su-hyeok, and you walked into the recording booth and looked around. The both of them seemed stuck on what to use but you saw something immediately.
You walked over to where a few filing cabinets were and started moving one of them so it was positioned parallel to the wall with the window. Going over to start moving the second one, Su-hyeok realized you had been doing the work while they were just watching. He slapped Wu-jin’s chest before jogging over to you with a smile.
“How about you two move that one,” you pointed over to another filing cabinet on the other side of the room. “And I’ll move this one so they can be ‘walls’ on each side of that one,” you then pointed to the previous filing cabinet you had moved which was across from the window.
Su-hyeok frowned before moving over to where you were and going on the other side of the filing cabinet you were about to move. You reached over to smack the back of his head. “I don’t need help, idiot. Go help Wu-jin,” you pointed to where Wu-jin was struggling to move the filing cabinet on his own despite trying to seem like he wasn’t. Su-hyeok turned and rubbed his head where you smacked him before you could see the smile and blush that blessed his cheeks. He mentally slapped himself.
All she did was slap me on the head and call me an idiot, why the fuck am I smiling?
You laughed as you watched him walk away and he blushed harder at the sound of it.
Oh… that’s why.
After moving the two filing cabinets, you moving yours comically faster than the two boys did and rolling your eyes before helping them, you walked out of the room to see Dae-su laying his head down on the table. Cheong-san and Joon-yeong were almost done with what you assumed was the makeshift bathroom.
You walked over to them and rested a hand on Joon-yeong’s shoulder as you leaned over to look at the basket. “Is this the homemade toilet?”
Joon-yeong jumped at first before relaxing. “Yeah, we’re trying to figure something out for where to sit, though. With just this, everyone would probably just have to hover above it.”
You nodded and looked around for a second before something caught your eye and both of them lit up. You practically skipped over to the seat next to Dae-su and grabbed his neck pillow from where it was resting and walked back over to the two boys.
“Put this on top, I think this might be the best option we’ll have,” you suggested and placed the pillow on top of the rags in the basket.
“Dae-su's got a big butt, so let's…” he said as he opened up the button that held the two ends of the pillow together and spread it a bit.
“Perfect!” you smiled and opened the recording booth’s door for the two of them as they brought the basket inside. Walking over to where Nam-ra, On-jo, and the rest of them had set up a little circle of chairs, you sat in the one next to where Nam-ra was standing just as everyone was rushed out of the room by Su-hyeok who slammed the door harder than he probably intended to. You laughed.
“Do you want to sit down? I can pull up another chair,” you suggested to your best friend but she just politely shook her head with a smile. You held your hands up in mock surrender. “Okay, if you say so.”
After a little while, it was your turn and you used it quickly before grabbing a hand sanitizer bottle from one of the cabinets and pumping a little into your hand.
“Oh, thank god!” You heard and turned around to see On-jo, followed by Hyo-ryung, beside you. “I was worried about that. Even if we’re in a zombie apocalypse, I don’t really want to go to the bathroom and not wash my hands,” the bob hair cutted girl said in relief before holding her hand out. You put some in her hand and then some in On-jo’s as well and both grinned at you gratefully.
The bottle got passed around as everyone took a little and then started chatting.
“At least there are cops and soldiers out there, right?” Hyo-ryung questioned hopefully.
“But if you watch the movies, they can’t do anything either, right?” Wu-jin answered with his own question.
“I’m hoping that this situation will be different from the movies, that this thing will have a cure and everyone outside of the school is doing just fine,” you muttered with slight optimism. Hyo-ryung smiled at you and grabbed your hand.
“Exactly, and they always save everyone in the end.”
The door slammed shut and you noticed Joon-yeong, who had been standing outside of the door, waiting for his turn, had gone inside and Dae-su was standing on the other side with the tissue box you all had designated at the toilet paper in his hand.
Everyone’s face had turned sour as the smell of the recording booth flooded out with the small time the door was open.
“Shit!” Su-hyeok exclaimed as you all plugged your nose or wafted away the stench with your hand. “Why don’t you just stay inside?”
“Does it smell?” Dae-su asked cluelessly.
The door to the studio opened again before slamming as Joon-yeong came running out. “S-shit.”
“What?” Dae-su asked again as Joon-yeong ran towards the window to get some fresh air. “Stop being so dramatic. It doesn't smell at all.
“Oh, it does more than just smell. I’m pretty sure the zombies will bust down the door just because of that,” you joked and grabbed a piece of paper from behind you to use as a fan and blow away the air.
“Sit somewhere else,” Hyo-ryung demanded as Dae-su sat in the seat next to her but he just ignored her and she rolled her eyes.
You looked up at Nam-ra and saw that she was just staring off blankly out the window. “What’s up? What are you looking at?” You asked her.
She took a breath and hesitated before speaking her mind. “There’s nobody there. There are no lights on in the stores and apartments out there. They all ran away.”
“Or died…” You added depressingly.
“What do you mean by that?” On-jo quizzed.
“No one’s coming here to save us,” Name-ra stated.
“Why do you have to be so pessimistic?” Joon-yeong asked as he shifted uncomfortably under the change of tone in the air.
“Don’t you know my mom?” She shifted so she was leaning against the wall with her arms crossed over her chest. “She would’ve torn the school apart looking for me, but she isn’t here yet.”
“So, what do you wanna do?” Ji-min asked in a bitter voice and Nam-ra turned to look at her, annoyed.
When you realized she wasn’t going to reply, you replied on her behalf. “I think she’s just trying to point out the facts, even if they are depressing,” you looked up at Nam-ra to see if your assumption was correct and she nodded.
Ji-min turned to face you. “We all know that no one’s coming. So I think we should just figure out what we’re gonna do next.
“We have to wait to be rescued,” On-jo vocalized. You all looked to her and you especially knew that she might have the best knowledge of what to do in a situation like this considering she had some information passed down to her from her dad. “We can’t leave somewhere safe to go somewhere dangerous.”
“But from the place where we are right now, we’re not exactly in a visible spot for someone to see and rescue us from,” you told her, knowing that even if rescuers showed up to save people, they would most likely go to the roof first before anywhere else if at all.
“And what if nobody comes?” Nam-ra added on and you nodded.
“We haven't been waiting that long yet,” the girl insisted as she stared up at her.
“How long do you think we have to wait? Do you think we should wait until we die?” Nam-ra asked in a slightly snarky tone which you winced at but didn’t make any move to interfere.
“No,” On-jo clarified. “I’m saying let’s wait as long as we can.”
“But when will we know when we can’t?” You asked and On-jo just looked at you, her mouth opening and closing a few times before she looked down at her lap.
“I don’t know… but there’s no way we can go out right now, anyway.”
“It’s probably because it’s nighttime. I’m sure somebody will come in the morning, maybe. There are a lot of choppers flying around,” Su-hyeok pointed out and everyone looked out the window to inspect the sky for a second before leaning back. He let out a sigh. “Let’s just wait until tomorrow, and we’ll see.”
Everyone nodded in agreement when Joon-yeong took in a deep breath and ran back into the recording studio while plugging his nose which you and Hyo-ryung slightly giggled at. Su-hyeok looked down with a smile at the sound but you didn’t notice it from how you leaned forward to talk to Hyo-ryung. You also didn’t notice the questioning looks that On-jo passed back and forth between you and Su-hyeok.
| Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 |
Lmk if you want to be added or removed!
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saranghaes-stuff · 1 year
Hello guys,
I want your guys help if you know this wattpad aouad fanfic.
I don't know if it is offensive to ask for a wattpad fanfic on tumblr, if it is then sorry. But I really want to find this story again. I am trying to find it but no luck. This is my only chance 🙏
It is a aouad x reader, (Gwinam,Suhyeok,cheongsan) likes y/n
And she is like a brat girl,always writing something on her diary and her diary is very precious to us and everybody knows that. When the outbreak happens she was at canteen with her friends but got seperated but Gwinam saves her and they went to kitchen. Gwinam usually calls her princess throughout the story. They had there moment in kitchen making jokes and fighting zombies where Gwinam makes a joke that how even zombie's wants to eat y/n ass. She then went on different way to find her friends and Gwinam reluctantly let her leave. Gwinam said that if they met again then he will kiss her because according to him e ven the zombies could understand the sexual tention between them.
Then she met suhyeok and namra and went to the class through ladder. I remember there was also a part where she was bit or something but she didn't change ( her eyes became red and heightened sense of smell) Gwinam came to the broadcasting room in order to find her and take her with him but got to know that she is bit. Then gwinam kinds of kidnaps her from that broadcasting room and they went out.
There was a part were she lost her diary but suhyeok finds it and told her that ( that part comes when Gwinam was going to kill the principle)
There was a part where nayeon goes through her diary and told everyone that she f***** Suhyeok in past.
This story was still going on and I lost it.😖 please if anyone had read this story then please tell me the name or link please it is like the awesome story.
Please help guys,
Thank you.
(The ask a question part that cones above is totally my mistake 🙂
I wanted to change it to ask anonymous but I couldn't and this happened I now I can't move it away sorry😅)
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sasha-zoe7 · 4 months
Nam Ra and Su-hyeok are Regulus and James Variants..
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moonfie · 1 year
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All Of Us Are Dead!
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lukaxsekai · 1 year
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dark green blue packs
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kisses4dogs · 1 year
What if we survived the zombie apocalypse together? (Failed)
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allofuswantgwinam · 2 years
i shoulda done a kinktober for Yoon Gwi Nam. Maybe i still will for funsies, i thought of that last night OR WAIT, I could do it for just All Of Us Are Dead and do other characters too?
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hydriko · 1 year
dont mind me and my late aouad obsession
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beyondthescenes37 · 2 years
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: 지금 우리 학교는 | All of Us Are Dead (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Choi Nam Ra/Lee Su Hyeok, Choi Nam Ra & Lee Su Hyeok Characters: Lee Su Hyeok (All of Us Are Dead), Choi Nam Ra Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Established Relationship, Aged-Up Character(s), Hand Jobs, Oral Sex, Sex, Rough Sex, Praise Kink, Dirty Talk, First Love, True Love, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Porn with Feelings Summary:
Two years after the Jonas Virus outbreak at Hyosan and after the containment of the virus, the Hyosan High survivors are finally cleared to return to school.
Namra tries to tutor Suhyeok in Chemistry, but Suhyeok has other plans.
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jovialnutprincess · 8 months
Ideias para uma imagine de all of us are dead? Pode ser de qualquer Personagem.
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prev 06 - next 08
“Run!” Su-hyeok yelled out as he pushed and hit some zombies to slow them and get them away from them both. Min-jee pushed a few away as she looked around trying to figure out where to go. As she ran by she saw an open classroom, "fuck it," she mumbled. As she glanced inside the room not seeing many zombies, she picked up something from the floor before grabbing Su-hyeok.
With one final push that Su-hyeok did, she grabbed his sleeve and pulled him with her into the class. As she pulled him with her she threw the textbook in her hand roughly so it could hit the wall making noises. The zombies in the room ran over to the textbook. Min-jee crouched down pulling Su-hyeok with her and they both crawled to a table and hide behind it. The zombies moved on from the textbook and walked around mindlessly around the room. One specific zombie got close as it sniffed around but just moved away soon after. Su-hyeok and Min-jee took a quiet deep breath and relaxed a bit the best they could while still having their guard up as they figured out their next move. 
For a while, they sat there being aware of their surroundings. Su-hyeok looked around before looking over at Min-jee who was deep in thought, "Move." She looked up and over at the spot he had indicated to move to. It was right across from them, a table with a red tablecloth on top, the cloth reached the bottom which was great. She thought it over at shook her head. He glanced at it knowing it was risky but what else could they do?
“You move.” 
“Fine.” Su-hyeok peeked his head out and looked around to see if he was in clear for a small moment. Just as quickly as he checked he moved to that spot. They both waited until Min-jee looked over at the window and pointed toward it. Su-hyeok nodded and got up. An art object fell but was quickly caught, unlike the pencil that was too late to make a grab at. Clink! The pencil fell and one of the zombies on the floor heard. Once it saw Su-hyeok it began to make its way over to him. 
“Watch out!” A different zombie spotted her and was going for her until su-hyeok body-slammed it. He had kicked away the one on the floor before going to Min-jee. Su-hyeok pushed a table in front of one of the zombies that were in the room beside the one on the floor. He helped her up and both ran to the window. Min-jee looked behind them as Su-hyeok rushed to open the window. Another zombie came and latched itself onto Su-hyeok. Min-jee grabbed it and pushed it away, Su-hyeok looked back as he climbed onto the window sill before pushing a metal supply storage on the zombie and helping Min-jee out the best he could. Su-hyeok climbed out first almost falling but managed to steady himself. He looked around and rushed to the other side, "Be careful. Come over here on this side." 
Min-jee quickly followed right after, she looked down and quickly went over to the side Su-hyeok was on. For a moment she almost didn't make it due to one of them grabbing her leg. She kicked them off but tragically as the zombie that grabbed her fell back, they took Min-jee's shoe with them. Once out and away from them, she pressed her forehead against the window frame. 
"Gimme a moment," she mumbled as she let one of her arms go to take off her backpack and transfer it to the front. She maneuvered herself carefully with one hand holding onto the door frame. Su-hyeok stared at her in bewilderment as she did all that taking her sweet time. Soon after she sighed quietly and looked over at him, "what?"
"Nothing." He looked away and looked around. Min-jee looked at the zombies and pouted while glaring at one of them. Su-hyeok glanced at her and the zombies before looking down and closing his eyes as he slightly shook his head. Now they both stood outside standing on the edges.
"We should keep moving," Min-jee said sadly since she lost her shoe. She looked over at the zombies and shook her head at the three zombies that wanted them, especially the one that took her shoe. Su-hyeok looked around and nodded, "okay." Slowly they both began to move horizontally as they were limited. 
Police station
"A virus?" Jae-ik said as she stared at Mr. Lee. He shook his head and moved his head down bringing his hand up to his forehead as he sighed, "so what you're saying is this entire mess was created by a virus you created?" 
Mr. Lee nodded his head, Jae-ik didn't know what to think, his mind couldn't grasp what Lee Byeong-chan had created. He's heard many things throughout his career, but this... This was different. He dropped his pen down and leaned back against his chair, "Fine. A virus. Why did you create the virus?"
"Detective. Do you have any children?"
Nursery school
Laughter was heard outside by kids playing in the playground. Hee su was in the bathroom, small whimpers would be heard if someone was to walk in. Her legs were wet from her fluids and blood. The floor from the stall Hee-su was at was wet, if you looked closely you could see that there was some blood too. There were some bloody baby wipes on the floor, an opened bottle of rubbing alcohol, medicine, scissors, and a retractable razor knife. Hee-su sat on the toilet and pushed, a loud cry from a baby was heard throughout the bathroom.  Hee-su held her newborn as a small tear escaped from her eye before cutting off the umbilical cord and wrapping it in a white cloth/blanket that she found. She put the baby down somewhere safe before cleaning up her mess and washing her hands. She cleaned her legs, wet her face, and fixed her hair. Soon she was done, she walked out and looked back thinking if her decision was the best. As much as she wanted it, it was best not to. She was still young and didn't have any support system unless she was to tell her friends. Hee-su then continued to walk before stopping and looking at a mother interacting with her child. Guilt was forming in Hee-su as well as worry, but she brushed it off and carried on walking away. 
"Could you let your child just die? No parent in the world could do that." Mr. Lee said before getting cut off by Jae-ik, "Enough of your bullshit. Just answer my question. What kind of virus is it and-" before he could finish someone else cut him off after opening the door, "Jae-ik. Emergency. Chief wants everyone to come. Hurry." They were out of breath, but they delivered the quick notice, he then ran off to tell others. Jae-ik got up heading to the door, "it's too late. Everyone will die. Don't bother having hope."
Su-hyeok and Min-jee continued to move until Su-hyeok stopped due to a pipe being in the way, "what happened?"
"Hold on," Su-hyeok went to the edge and hugged the wall as his hand reached for the other side as he did his leg was looking for the edge. Just as he was about to continue his foot slipped, "oh fuck." He whispered from fear before going back to his previous spot, "I can't get to the other side."
"It's fine but can you stop breathing so heavily, you're giving me anxiety. Are you scared of heights?"
"We're four levels up, if we fell we'd break or sprain something depending on how well those bushes cushion our fall. So relax or I swear I will push you off just to test it out and Hwa-“ Min-jee coughed to cut herself off before moving on and holding tightly onto the window frames.
"What was that?"
"What was what?"
"In the end, what were you g-" Four bodies fell out from beside them. They looked down as the two of them got up and ran off as if nothing happened. The other two were hanging by a rope. As they continued to look the rope was from the hose the school had, there Cheong-san was hanging while trying his best to kick off the zombie that was hanging on his leg.
"Cheong-san. Look down."
"I know."
"If you know then why don't you kick it off already."
"She's holding on, moron. What are you doing?"
"I know that."
"Drop her then. Drop her now."
"I'm trying," Cheong-san mumbled as he tried his best to kick the zombie off.
"Try harder then."
"What are you doing, you moron?"
"It looks like you're giving her a pat on the head with your foot."
"Hey!" They both yelled out towards Cheong-san who failed to bring himself up on the rope. 
"Hey. I'll come to you."
"No, don't come. Don't. Don't come." It was too late Su-hyeok was already making his way over the pipe to the other side. Min-jee just stared at them both. 
"I'm coming."
"Don't! I said, don't!"
Su-hyeok struggled a bit even though Min-jee helped him the best she could from the other side, "wait. back up, I can't cross over." Min-jee moved back to her spot and watched Su-hyeok go back too since he failed once again. 
"Bare-su, Min-jee, above you!" They both looked up and saw a zombie looking down at them drooling especially at Su-hyeok since he was right above him. His bloody drool fell onto Su-hyeok's cheek. The zombie kept reaching out and just as it looked like it was going to fall Min-jee moved over to a corner away from it while Su-hyeok took a risk and jumped over to the rope. The zombie fell onto the ground before getting up and running off just like the others. The rope jerked slightly from the sudden movement Su-hyeok caused.
"You okay, Min-jee?" Min-jee nodded and looked at them, "yeah... I'm great."
Su-hyeok then looked down and began to climb down from Cheong-san's body, "Hey. My back."
"Stay still. I'll help you."
"What are you doing?" Su-hyeok was now hugging Cheong-san's body, "wait, will you? Moron." He looked down and began to kick the zombie off Cheong-san's leg. 
Down below them Gyeong-su, On-jo, Dae-su, and Wu-jin looked out the window, "it's Bare-su. Bare-su!"
"Min-jee is there too. Min-jee!"
After a few more kicks the zombie's grip lessened and it fell. The teens went in as it fell before sticking their heads out, Gyeong-su stuck half his body out.
"it's Bare-su. Bare-su! Are you okay?"
"Min-jee? Mj! Are you okay too?"
"Shit. I told you to drop her. Why couldn't you drop her?"
"Hey. Stop hugging me. You're grossing me out. We still need to help Min-jee after."
"I'm not hugging you, moron."
"Get lost." Cheong-san looked over and smiled.
"Do you like this?" Su-hyeok smiled and soon both climbed down. They then helped Su-hyeok in especially On-jo who grabbed his hand, "Are you okay Bare-su?"
"Good to see that you're okay."
Cheong-san stood outside holding onto the window frame, "Min-jee give us a second." 
"Nah it's cool, take your time."
"Move the rope in her direction maybe?"
Cheong-san nodded at Soo-jin’s suggestion before moving the rope the best he could to get it within Min-jee's reach.
"Do you reach it?"
Min-jee looked at it and shook her head, "try."
"How if I bend down to reach then goodbye me. It won't work."
Cheong-san pursed his lips and held onto the rope while moving back to the open window, "she can't reach."
"Tell her to jump."
"She's not athletic though. She could fall and bye-bye Min-jee."
"Too bad, it was nice knowing her."
“Soo-jin! Shush."
"I was joking lol, give me a moment." Soo-jin walked over to the window and looked up the best she could to look at Min-jee, "Jump!"
"What the fuck do you mean jump?! Are you crazy!"
"Yes, not as much as you, but yes so jump!" 
"You jump."
"I'm not the one in your position, just pull an anime move or something." Hwa-young thought for a moment and walked over to Soo-jin and did the same, "that's true, put yourself in some hero, slayer, whatever scenario and go for it." Min-jee leaned her head back and took deep breaths, “That’s not easy.” 
“Just do it!” She moved over a bit to get closer to the rope and let one of her hands stretch out while she bent down the best she could. “There’s too many.”
“Then jump!” 
"Go for it, you got this!" Cheong-san said as he let go of the rope so that Min-jee could get it easily once she jumped.
"what if I don't and I fall?" Wu-jin and Hyo-ryung-ryeong went over to the window to look out at the girl, "just jump, nothing will happen." yeah besides falling and attracting zombies and there goes Min-jee again.
"It'll be okay Min-jee."
Hwa-young looked up at Min-jee, "We won't let you fall just jump and grab it tightly once it's in your grasp and latch yourself onto it."
"It doesn't look secure, especially after what Su-hyeok did with Cheong-san."
"Don't make it sound like that!"
"Hey! It'll be fine, so jump now."
"Fine... Gimme a moment." Min-jee took a deep breath and pushed herself off the wall jumping off the edge with her arms extended outwards. As soon as she felt the hose in her grasp she grabbed onto it tightly and moved her legs to wrap themselves around it, it's a good thing she wears shorts under. Her eyes were closed tight as she winced from the slight rope burn it caused on her hands as she held it tightly to prevent herself from sliding more. She swung from side to side for a bit due to the impact, she shook a bit before beginning to giggle from fear.
"Is she?..."
"Yeah, she is. She sometimes laughs when scared, hurt, and other random times that she shouldn't."
"Climb down loser."
"Fuck off, I’m Spider-man now.” Min-jee very slowly began to climb down the rope steadily. Soon she reached the others, Gyeong-su, Cheong-san, and Wu-jin helped her in, "Are you okay, Mj?" The girl was unable to respond as she was quickly pulled into a hug
"Don't do that again."
"Close it."
Hwa-young and Soo-jin went towards the short girl and hugged her tightly as they reunited, “I- I can't.. breathe." She whispered as she tapped on both of the tall girl's shoulders, "stupid don't do that again."
"Pull that shit again and I'll push you down the stairs," Soo-jin mumbled soon all let go of Min-jee so that she could breathe due to Ms. Park telling them to do so as she swore she saw the girl turn blue. 
"close it. Close the window... Close the window! Please!"
Ms. Park closed the window as Gyeong-su jumped off from where he was and went up to Na-yeon, "didn't you see Cheong-san coming in? We can't close it until he gets in."
"Is it wrong to say to close it?"
"Is your survival all that matters?"
"I can't stand you, stupid welfie."
Everyone stared at Na-yeon as soon as those words left her mouth. Min-jee made a confused face as if asking what did she just say? Hwa-young just stared at Na-yeon. Soo-jin’s mouth fell open in disbelief. Gyeong-su grabbed her shoulder roughly and pushed her to face him causing her to fall back onto a chair behind her, "Hey. What the fuck did you just say?"
Cheong-san grabbed Gyeong-su's arm and pulled him back, "stop it. What is it?"
"Did you just hit me?"
"Yeah, say it again."
Ms. Park looked behind her and rushed forward between the three students, "cut it out. What are you doing?"
"He just hit me."
"You called me a welfie first."
"Was I wrong?"
"How could you say that?" Cheong-san said. 
"What's a welfie? Huh? What is it? What's a welfie?"
The trio’s jaws tensed, and Min-jee relaxed a bit as she kept her glare at Na-yeon.
 "A person on welfare."
"A person on welfare. 'welfie' for short," Su-hyeok spoke before Min-jee could. Ms. Park turned back around to face Na-yeon, "Na-yeon, you're wrong for saying that. Don't you ever say that again. And Gyeong-su, if you hit someone for saying that, you're the one who loses. You understand what I mean right?"
"No." Gyeong-su looked away.
"Kids, we shouldn't be fighting among ourselves right now. We don't know what's going on-"
"Aren't they zombies?"
"Where are the other teachers? Did you call the cops?"
"I'm sure someone did. I don't have my phone."
"We called too, but they're not coming. Both the police and the first responders."
"They'll be here soon. Let's wait here a little longer."
"Ms. Park. Hyeon-ju's hands were cold too. So were I-sak's. What if it started with Hyeon-ju?"
"She went to the hospital."
"Then she must have spread it somehow here."
"then maybe it spread there too."
"Maybe that's why no one's coming." Ms. Park's had a distraught expression as she listened to everyone who spoke up. Joon-Yeong looked at the computer for a while before getting up and limping towards it, "Hold on. This works, right? Hey, the internet."
"Excuse me, Ms. Park." 
"Here. Sit," Dae-su grabbed a chair and moved it towards Joon-Yeong so he could sit down, "thanks. Please, work. I assume so."
"Will it work? Is it on?" Most of the students went to crowd around it. Su-hyeok stayed in his corner, Soo-jin sighed and moved over to the table near him so she could watch from afar the students that were huddled up around the computer. Cheong-san looked over at the window as Min-jee moved. Min-jee moved over to the window next to Gyeong-su and pressed her forehead against it and closed her eyes. Soo-jin moved and went to huddle around the computer to see if it worked and if it did to see what was going on even though she and all the others were living the answer. 
"Why is it not turning on?"
"It just came on."
"Move the mouse, it's probably asleep."
"I see, sorry."
"It's for work, so it's slow." Min-jee stood there for a while staring at her hands that hurt. She pouted and brushed it off before walking over to the door to look around and went over to the sound room where the intercom was to sit down. She looked at the students through the glass before huddling up on the corner of the table and laying her head down to take a nap. 
"Maybe it has no connection."
"No, I'm sure it does." 
Nam-ra watched Min-jee go into the other room and glanced at Su-hyeok before walking towards him, and tapping on his shoulder, "I don't think it'll work."
"In the science lab."
"I came from the art room. What's in the science room?"
"Oh, well..." Nam-ra looked down as she stumbled from her words slightly. A sound was then heard indicating the computer works, "it worked." Su-hyeok then went over to where everyone was huddled around Joon-Yeong and looked at the screen. Hwa-young looked behind her and saw Min-jee was napping. 
"Open the browser."
"The browser."
"Type in 'zombie virus."
"Type in 'zombie' first."
"No, just..."
"Type in 'Hyosan.'"
"See what's trending." The swinging hose now gained Nam-ra's attention. 
"Damn it."
"Search 'Emergency.'"
"Just go to the news."
"Yeah, try the news."
"There won't be anything."
"What do we type in?"
Joon-Yeong then decided to go on a social media platform and check it out. 
Hee-su’s adventure
Hee-su was still pale and weak but she continued to walk down as she arrived at an intersection where a car had stopped near her to drop someone off. she paused on the sidewalk getting dizzy. Looking up she noticed a police car speeding in her direction. She dropped to the ground as the police car crashed into the car that was near Hee-su, it ended up mounting it and almost hitting Hee-su had she not fallen back to the floor. The car's tires continued to roll, two kind strangers rushed over to Hee-su to check on her, "oh my goodness. Are you alright?"
"Are you okay? Get up." 
"Stand up." Both strangers grabbed her arm and helped her stand up.
"Call an ambulance."
"Alright. Come this way." A few more civilians rushed over to the police car as the door opened and the policeman fell out. One of the civilians took out their phone and began to record the incident, "what's going on?"
"Are you alright?"
"Are you okay?" Two cops began to spasm on the floor. One held their neck whereas the other was moving around in pain on the floor, he was badly injured. Call an ambulance." As more came to check they realize someone was in the back of the car, "someone is in the back. Come out." They opened the door and the person that came out immediately attacked the nearest person. They were a zombie. The victims screamed in agony while others backed up. 
"What's the matter with you?" 
"What's wrong with you?"
"Should we take them to the hospital?"
"Oh, my god." The man that was recording said out loud as the others that had been attacked and were attacked began to spasm with bones cracking and moving in ways a human wouldn't. 
"Stay away." The man said as he backed up and began to run away while the handcuffed zombie chased him. Hee-su watched, without thinking much about it she ran back into the nursery and grabbed the baby she had left in the corner of the bathroom. She grabbed it and ran outside, it had gotten more chaotic. The phone guy had circled back and fell, the handcuff zombie tore open his stomach and ate them. Hee-su ran away with her guard up while holding her newborn baby. Others ran away, and a few screams were heard. 
"I'll check Facebook." Joon-Yeong typed on the board before pushing his glasses up, Dae-su turned to look at him, "I'm on Instagram."
"How many followers do you have?" Dae-su looked away focusing back on the screen, "check Facebook."
The Notifications sound popped around a few times once Joon-Yeong had logged in. He had a lot of notifications, he mumbled an okay as he searched for what they needed to search.
"How many friends do you have? You have so many alerts. You have over 1,700!" Joon-Yeong didn't respond, a few seconds after he found a video that was taken not that long ago. The video was recorded of a cop car that crashed and an infected person attacking whoever was near, "that's strange... I'll check the messages first." He typed around again but stopped. Everyone had gotten startled by the hose that broke the window, "fuck! What the..."
"What the hell?"
"What the hell? What was that?" The hose continued to sway back and forth breaking the window more, glass shattered spreading everywhere. 
"Did someone not make it in?" Wu-jin asked. Cheong-san carefully walked towards the window keeping his eyes on it, "No. We're all here."
"Don't go!"
"Cheong-san. Be careful."
"Do you see something?"
"What is it?" Gyeong-su carefully walked towards them and looked around before waving at the other students, "It must be the wind."
"Tsk, that scared me." Cheong-san leaned forward about to stick his head out to check it out until he quickly stepped back due to a zombie appearing out of nowhere as they hung upside down.
"Cheong-san! Get away from the window!"
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nunafilms · 24 days
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You should've kicked his crotch and thrown him some compensation. That's what I wanted to do, but I got scared when I faced him.
No Gain, No Love 손해 보기 싫어서 (2024)
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numerodixe · 3 months
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Jang Nara & Nam Ji Hyun for ELLE Korea - June 2024
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lying-on-floors · 10 months
All Of Us Are Dead as Text Posts
I made all of these a while ago and I don't think I posted them here.
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I'm gonna rewatch the show, so I might make more.
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quack-quack-snacks · 11 months
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Star Crossed - Chapter 1
| Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 |
The Star Crossed Masterlist
My All Of Us Are Dead Masterlist
My Navigation and Masterlist
Warnings: Na-yeon. Word Count: 4,147
Waking up was always the hardest part of the day for you. Your body resisted it with all its might and sometimes the temptation was too strong to resist.
Or at least it would be if you didn’t have an older brother there to smack you with a pillow until you got up.
Your arms instinctually went up to protect your face as you screeched when your attacker would not stop. You heard Gwi-nam laugh as you rolled around in your bed, trying to avoid the insistent hits of the fluffy pillow. Finally, he stopped. He was grinning until it turned into an annoyed scowl.
“I have been trying to wake you up for the past 30 minutes, now you only have 15 to get ready for school or else I’m leaving you here.”
You knew the threat was empty and he would wait all day for you if you needed it but you still practically leaped out of the bed at his words.
“Okay, okay! I’m sorry! I’ll be ready soon, I promise!” You quickly rushed to the bathroom to start your morning routine, brushing your teeth only until you were satisfied they felt and smelled clean before going on to styling your hair into a simple but cute hairdo. Quickly getting changed, you rushed out of your room and slid into the kitchen using your socked feet. Grabbing a quick breakfast time you could eat on the way, you rushed to put your shoes on.
When Gwi-nam walked out of his bedroom, unrushed and calm, you looked at him, confused.
“Why aren’t you rushing?” You questioned, slightly out of breath and slowly catching on as his lips tilted into a large and mischievous grin. You looked at the clock on the wall of your living room and looked back at him comically slowly. It was 40 minutes before you needed to leave. “Oh, you little shit! I’m gonna kill you!” You stood up, one shoe still untied but that didn’t stop you from running after him as he ran away and laughed loudly at your reaction.
You and Gwi-nam walked across the crosswalk, both walking in a comfortable silence until you both saw them.
Myeong-hwan and his 'friends.'
The small smile you wore as you walked dropped as soon as you saw them.
“Have fun,” You whispered to Gwi-nam, trying to keep the bitterness out of your tone. It seemed to work because he just gave you a small smile and ruffled your hair which you smacked him for. Ignoring the way his entire persona changed as he walked over to the group, you put your headphones on and turned your music up until you could no longer hear the chatter of the people around you before walking into the school and heading for your classroom, knowing the bell would be going off soon.
You arrived just as the warning bell went off and went to sit in your assigned seat next to the window beside Nam-ra. She was already there, early as always, and you gave her a small smile before sitting down, taking your headphones out and putting them away as well as turning your phone off completely and taking out your old one. Luckily, you hadn’t been caught not turning in your phone yet and Ms. Park continued to believe the phone you turned in each day without fail was your only phone.
You were a good student, why wouldn’t she believe you.
Ms. Park was one of the only people in the school - including the teachers - who never really looked at you based on who you were related to, which you were always grateful for.
You slipped your actual phone into your backpack just as all the other students started to flood into the classroom.
You saw one person in particular who walked in. She always sat behind you, relatively quiet and you only ever saw her hang around one person who you assumed was her close friend if not her boyfriend. You never really knew her or anything but you remembered her name from it being mentioned in passing. Hee-su.
You turned around as you saw her walk unsteadily to her desk which sat right behind Nam-ra. Her skin was as pale as ash and her face seemed lightly shiny with a thin layer of sweat. She clutched her stomach almost in pain.
“H-hey, are you okay?” You questioned her hesitantly. Rightly so as she looked up to you in a panic and stared at you with a slightly terrified look in her eyes.
“Yes,” she said almost too quickly. You felt hurt for a moment as you figured she was just scared of you because of your brother like so many others were until you saw the fear in her eyes. This wasn’t a fear directed at you but more of a fear of getting found out, of being caught. “Y-yes, I’m fine.” Her hand found its way back down where she almost imperceptibly caressed her sweatshirt covered stomach. You let out a silent gasp and she looked at you with an unbridled amount of terror when she realized you had figured it out.
You gave her a hesitant and small, but extremely genuine, smile as you slowly reached for the hand that she had resting on her desk to give it a small squeeze. She returned the smile after a moment of her face being in complete shock as she was completely shocked by your actions. You let her hand go and turned around just as you noticed two girls behind her putting on sweatpants underneath their skirts. You let out a small faint laugh as you did see them. Although you stopped doing that years ago, it was always a perk to know how to change your clothes in public even while wearing a full set.
A large group of boys gathered your attention once you turned back around and you watched them as they talked and laughed with each other. You didn’t bother listening to their conversation but you just watched as your arms formed a pillow on the desk for your chin to rest on and you dreamed about what it would be like to be a part of a group like that.
Suddenly, the girl you knew as On-jo stormed into the classroom, obviously annoyed, and threw a backpack at Cheong-san who just smirked at her as she sat down. You smiled lightly as you saw their interaction, they did this every single day without fail and you couldn’t help but find it endearing. Anyone with eyes could see that Cheong-san liked On-jo except for her apparently.
Even though you didn’t know any of the people in your class, you knew all of their names. Perks of being the outcast you guessed. You hardly had anyone to focus your attention on so you focused your attention on the people around you. You had Nam-ra but she was always absorbed into her schoolwork.
She had disclosed her insecurities and fears before: how she was scared to let her grades drop and her mom to get angry at her; how she was scared to open up to anyone else and get to know them because of how her mother would compare her to them as well as because she never really knew how; how she was hesitant to let you over to her house or even just tell her mom about you because she wasn’t sure how she would react to you being apart of the Yoon family. Though Nam-ra never judged you based on your family for even a second, she knew her mother would.
It hurt at times but you understood.
So you decided to get to know your classmates through your ears and their voices.
Getting snapped out of your thoughts when the right classroom door opened again, you noticed a familiar tall figure walk in and take his bag off before walking over to the group of boys who were still talking about a girl who worked at a store they had went to.
You heard Wu-jin make a comment about smelling his feet from across the classroom and you let out a small giggle.
One which caught the attention of the talked about boy and he looked over at you with his brown eyes. He shot you a small smile before walking over and draping his arms over the shoulders of Gyeong-su and Cheong-san.
“Then I’ll break his fingers-” Wu-jin started but was cut off as a familiarly irritating voice filled the air and Na-yeon walked in.
“Hey!” Unfortunately for Gyeong-su, he was sitting on her desk so he gained the full force of her wrath.
“Whoa. What the fuck?” Joon-yeong exclaims as Na-yeon walks up to them and he flinches slightly at her presence which you stiffle a laugh at, not bothering to pick your head up from your arms as you continue to watch them, waiting for what would happen next.
“Get off of there. You stink.” Na-yeon said to Gyeong-su and he got quickly got off, a little confused by her harsh demeanor.
“Oh, okay. My bad,” he said while getting up. “What’s the big deal? Sorry.” He tried to use his sleeve to wipe the surface of the desk off before she yanked her bag off and smacked his hand away.
“Cut it out! You’re so dirty,” she insulted.
Gyeong-su blinked once as he comprehended what she just said to him. “Hey, what the hell?” He asked, you could hear the slight trace of annoyance and hurt beneath the calm outer tone he portrayed.
Cheong-san came up behind him and wrapped his arms around him to prevent him from starting something in the classroom. “Hey, just let it go,” he said as the bell chimed.
“What the hell is your problem?” Wu-jin asked as he walked past her and she elbowed him in the ribs.
At the display of slight aggression, you lifted your head from your hands and Na-yeon noticed immediately. The fight went out of her eyes and she just stood there, looking at you fearfully as you sat back in your chair and glared at her with your arms crossed and your head tilted ever so slightly to the side.
The others did not seem to notice her lack of involvement in the argument anymore and continued asking her questions before Ms. Park entered the room. “Hey, you punks.” Her tone implied how tired she was of dealing with her students’ shit and you turned your head to the window to hide your slight smile at it. “Come on guys. Take your seats. Come on, move it!” She rolled her eyes as she got to her desk and placed her things down as the class finally settled down and everyone was in their seats.
“Hi there,” she said to the class, her face still portraying her annoyed face until she heard half of the class repeat her greeting back to her, some even waving childishly at her. She smiled. “Hi. Good morning. Time to hand in your phones, everyone!”
Starting with the front row, everyone stood up to hand their phones in and place them into the grey box with little numbered rectangular holes marking each one for the phones to fit in until the end of each day. Before you could even consider standing up, Nam-ra grabbed your phone from where it was placed on your desk and started walking towards Ms. Park’s desk with it. It was something she had offered to do the second day you had started chatting and considering each other to be friends and she had done it ever since.
After everyone had given their phones over, Ms. Park started speaking again. “Who’s in touch with Hyeon-ju?” Nobody answered but a few looked hesitant. “Nobody? So none of you have tried calling her today?”
Joon-yeong cleared his throat before speaking, “Uh, we cleaned the science lab together yesterday, but I haven’t seen her since.”
She sighed, “Okay, if anyone hears from her sometime within the next few days, let me know right away, okay?” Everyone nodded and replied with ‘Okay’s.’ She pulled one of the phones from the box and started doing something with it as she started going back to the topic of school. “Exams start soon, so get your acts together.”
You could see from in front of you the two “brothers” fighting as Wu-jin saw Dae-su holding his phone underneath the table when suddenly his and another phone, you guessed either On-jo’s or I-sak’s just based on location, rang out with a notification.
“I heard that,” Ms. Park let out a little groan of annoyance. “Hand over your phones, please.”
As Dae-su and I-sak stood up to go and turn their phones in, Dae-su made a show of holding onto his phone for dear life with two hands as Ms. Park tried to take it. It slipped from his grasp and she gave him a certain look as he backed away and gave a slight bow in apology.
Noticing one of the phones was not what she knew it should have been, Park took it out and saw it was On-jo’s number slot. “On-jo. This is your phone from last year.” The class snickered. “Take it please.” As On-jo did the walk of shame to replace her old and broken phone with her new and working one, Ms. Park placed the box in one of her drawers. “I will be back in a few minutes. Nam-ra, please watch over the class in my absence.”
Nam-ra gave a nod and Ms. Park smiled before walking out. True to her word, she was only gone for a few minutes before coming back in and starting the class.
For the majority of the class, you just drew little figures and doodles in the corner on your notebook, not writing much down and only paying attention through listening. Because your brother took this class last year, you would often sit down with him at the kitchen counter after school and do your homework with him. Being too skilled for your own grade, he would always print a copy of his work for you to do. You would whine and complain each time but it was nice to have something a bit more challenging - especially something like learning a new language as complex as English - since you were constantly bored in class.
Little did you know it would lead to you being bored in most of your classes the next year too. Oh well, at least you were fluent in English now.
“‘In fact, none of us are completely free from prejudice. We all have preconceived ideas about others.’” Ms. Park recited in English before switching back to Korean. “Here, ‘free from’ means the lacking in or unencumbered by. Anyone want to interpret this?” She started tapping on the wall as she waited for someone to volunteer. Just before she was about to pick someone to answer, the scraping of a chair against the granite floor was heard and you turned in your seat to look at Hee-su as she stood up. She looked even worse than she did before. “Okay. Hee-su?”
Ms. Park smiled in relief as she waited for her to respond only to get a shaky and quiet reply back. “I need to use the bathroom.”
“Oh, okay. Go.”
You gave Hee-su a reassuring smile when she looked down at you in a panic and you could see some of her anxiety melting off of her shoulders before she grabbed her bag and slowly walked - or wobbled - out of the classroom and in the direction of what you knew to be the nurse’s office.
Just as you were about to turn back around, your eyes caught on another’s. Su-hyeok sat there and was looking at you with a soft look in his eyes and his lips upturned into a small smile that he seemed to only have reserved for you based off of how you’ve seen him smile around his friends.
To be honest you weren’t sure if you should feel special or left out.
Giving him a small smile back, you turned back around in your seat just as the teacher called on Nam-ra to answer and she expressed her interpretation of the quote.
“The truth is, all of us have some sort of prejudice. We all have preconceptions about other people,” she said confidently and you looked down to hide your proud smirk while twirling your pencil around in your hands.
“Hmm, okay, nice,” Park praised before directing her attention to Su-hyeok who was drawing and smiling into his notebook, obviously not paying attention to what Nam-ra was saying or anything being taught. “Next, Bare-su. Stand up.”
Some of the students let out small giggles as they heard what she called him. “Yes?” he asked, unsure of why he was being called on.
“What’s with ‘Bare-su’?” She asked and he just stood there for a few moments in silence as he comprehended her words. Luckily, or unluckily depending on who you ask, Joon-seong answered for him.
“It’s short for Barefoot Su-hyeok. Bare-su for short.”
“He hates wearing socks. He’s so weird about it,” Dae-su interjected after Joon-seong was finished before looking back at Su-hyeok and maintaining eye contact while saying, “I can smell it from a mile away,” and plugging his nose dramatically as his face scrunched up as if smelling something extremely gross.
You let out an airy laugh that you thought was quiet enough to not be heard, especially under the noise of your classmates laughing as well, but Dae-su practically gave himself whiplash from how fast he spun around to look at you in surprise.
It was no secret you were not the most expressive of people at the school, competing with Nam-ra for how little you showed most of the time.
Although just like her, it was a defense mechanism.
“Okay, Bare-su,” Ms. Park said after her own laughs had calmed down. “What did Nam-ra say a minute ago?” She interrogated and you could basically see how Su-hyeok froze under her gaze.
Dae-su, who still had been looking at you in shock, whipped back around to face forward when you caught his eye and gave him a small and unsure smile.
“Uh…” Su-hyeok started and you looked back over at him only to see him looking at you almost in a plea for help. You were sure to everyone else, though, it just looked like he was looking at Nam-ra.
The whole class mocked him and he smiled while rolling his eyes. “She was absolutely correct. A hundred percent,” he confidently stated and the class, including Ms. Park, all laughed at his attempt to get out of the situation.
“What was her absolutely correct answer then?” Ms. Park didn’t let up.
“Hmm… All right,” he started again and shot you one last hopeful look. “I-huh?”
Everything stopped when the left door slid open and a bloody Hyeon-ju walked into the classroom. A few students stood up and walked toward her before she collapsed onto the floor with Ms. Park just barely catching her. At that, everyone, including yourself, stood up and rushed over to the scene. You slid onto your knees to kneel beside your teacher, ignoring how your knees ached from the impact, and placed your fingers over her pulse to find her heartbeat extremely irregular; speeding up to a BPM of 160 then slowing back down to a 40.
“Her heartbeat is irregular, I’ve never felt or seen something like this. She is also sweating profusely despite being very cold. She should be covered with blankets to help sweat off whatever infection she’s contracted as well as taken to the hospital immediately.” You told Ms. Park in a low tone that only the people in the small circle surrounding the girl could hear.
Then, you could hear the soft and slurred words she was saying, leaning your head down closer to hear what they were.
“Ms. Park…” she whispered, her eyes unfocused and head lolling back despite being in Ms. Park’s arms.
“Yeah, it’s me. Do you recognize me?” Said woman asked.
“He grabbed me… The science teacher grabbed me and locked me up.”
Ms. Park, as well as most of the other students, had a shocked look on her face before she shook it off. “He locked you up? The science teacher? Mr. Lee Byeong-chan?”
“He tied me up…” Hyeon-ju sounded more slurred yet scared by the second as she continued with her story.
“I told you, didn’t I?” Na-yeon said arrogantly from behind the scene.
“Na-yeon, shut it,” you spoke out quietly while taking off your jacket and using it to cover Hyeon-ju’s startlingly still body. You assumed it must have been because of the shock.
Because of your concentration, you didn’t see the petrified look on Na-yeon’s face and how she bowed down slightly toward you.
“I suggest we take her to the infirmary at least, there you should call for an ambulance to come and get her so she can be put into more suitable hands,” you started to take over the situation since you could tell Ms. Park was obviously too shocked and shaken by what was happening that all she could do was hold Hyeon-ju in her arms. “Su-hyeok, you’re the strongest so you should carry her there,” you looked him in the eyes as you spoke and could see the determination lighting a fire within them. “On-jo, I-sak,” both girls stiffened at your voice being directed at them which you tried not to let affect you or your voice and continued with your instructions. “You two should go along with him and Ms. Park to be of any assistance they might need. The nurse is alone today so she might need help.”
Both girls nodded at your instructions and you quickly grabbed Hyeon-ju to help situate her onto Su-hyeok’s back. Just before they all left, you whispered a quick, “Be careful,” into Su-hyeok’s ear and he only gave a very mild nod before rushing off with the three girls.
You all sat there as you waited for the teacher and students to get back, most ignoring Ms. Park’s instructions of staying in your seats and doing your school work in favor of gossiping or playing cards with each other.
You sat with your headphones in and your music playing just loud enough to blare out the noise of everyone talking as you rested your head on your arms once again. When I-sak came in, you lowered your music and heard her talking about what happened with the girl.
“It’s no joke. She was biting people and thrashing around!” As you tried to gather all of her symptoms together and come up with a diagnosis, the closest thing you could come up with was just a cold with how little information you were given. The biting part didn’t make a whole lot of sense.
Whatever the science teacher did to her must have been something extreme.
Before you knew it, the bell had rung and neither On-jo nor Su-hyeok had returned so you wrote a note on a sticky note for Su-hyeok and waited for everyone to leave the classroom. Nam-ra told you she would save a spot for you at your normal lunch table until you told her not to worry about it and you were more than likely just going to eat it while underneath the cherry blossom tree like you did most days anyways. She nodded in acknowledgement and gave you a smile and a wink as she saw the name written on the sticky note. Once everyone had left, you walked over to Su-hyeok’s desk and placed the sticky note on his desk. As you went to walk away, you noticed a drawing of the top half of a girl holding a flower in the top right corner of his open-notebook. She looked familiar but you couldn’t place your finger on it. Noticing the slight pang in your chest, you shook your head and just decided you would ask him about it when you guys were to call next; maybe even earlier if you could catch him when nobody was around.
After grabbing your lunch and heading down to the garden section where only a few people hung around during lunch, you situated yourself underneath the cherry blossom tree and started munching on your food. With your headphones in and your music playing, you were unable to hear the screams of terror that were slowly getting louder as they approached you.
As you leaned your head back against the tree trunk, the rhythmic beat of your favorite song playing through your ears and the rest of the world canceled out, you didn’t notice the horde getting closer.
| Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 |
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dramastream · 2 years
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1.06│Netflix's All of Us Are Dead (2022 – ) dir. Lee Jae Gyoo
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