#yang dae su
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lying-on-floors · 1 year ago
All Of Us Are Dead as Text Posts
I made all of these a while ago and I don't think I posted them here.
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I'm gonna rewatch the show, so I might make more.
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Su-hyeok, post season one: Even the doorknob smells like Nam-ra!
Dae-su: Why are you smelling the doorknob?
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creepycombo · 1 year ago
I honestly believe that Daesu was more in love with the idea of Woojin becoming his brother in law that he was with Hari.
He loved his friend so much he wanted them to be actual bros and he just saw Hari as his gateway to that.
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glitterfairy-21225 · 2 years ago
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Ideas for AoUAD season two, some good, some bad, some absolutely terrifying. Not to say that I want everything on this to happen, obviously, some of these keep up at night shaking in fear (Ha-ri, get behind me). But all things I can see the show maybe doing.
Will reblog once the season comes out. 
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fandomnerdespressourself · 2 years ago
Prev 07 - Next 09
Everyone took a step back except for Cheong-san who decided to fall back instead while the zombie that was just hanging from the hose by it's leg thrashed around, reaching out toward the students as it growled. 
"It's coming in!"
"Cheong-san, come back here." 
"Hey, watch out."
Cheong-san looked around and spotted a mop in the corner. He rushed forward, "Bring Cheong-san back here!" Gyeong-su reached out for Cheong-san but missed him by a centimeter. 
"Hey, wait!" Once Cheong-san grabbed the mop he immediately stepped back and went in a protective stance to hit the zombie with the mop. He quickly began to push the zombie away.
"Push it! Push it away!"
"Did you get it?"
"Does it look like he did? Don't ask stupid questions!"
"Push it!" Each time Cheong-san would try to push it away it would grab the mop.
"Push it! Push it more!" Gyeong-su soon after went to aid Cheong-san and tried to help him push the zombie away. The zombie grabbed onto the window frame away it tried to go in, "the hand!"
"Hey, watch out!" As Gyeong-su was moving its hand away it switch from grabbing the window frame to grabbing his hand, "step back!" He managed to remove his hand and took a few steps back with Cheong-san. The zombie continued to move around, trying to pull itself in. Cheong-san grabbed the broom as a bat and hit it once on the back of the zombie. He looked at the zombie and the wooden mop that was now broken, the mop was now just a stick.
"Don't go near it!"
"Should I go or should you?"
"Move over. Hold on, I can't."
"Go, Dae-su."
"Should I go?"
Su-Hyeok who was nearby on the side watching Cheong-san, rushed forward, "what are you doing?!" He took the stick away from him. Accidentally hitting Gyeong-su in the nose as Su-hyeok pulled back and poked the zombie harshly on its shoulder. The zombie was dormant for a few seconds before it began to screech and pull itself more in rapidly. 
"We're fucked."
"Just push it!"
"Just push it! Push it away!"
"Push it away already!"
"Fuck. It's coming in."
"Su-hyeok! Just throw that away!" Gyeong-su looked at the computer box before snatching it off the table, "Su-hyeok! Move away!"
"Move, Bare-su!" Su-hyeok moved as Gyeong-su raised the computer box above his head and ran towards the zombie. He smacked the computer box hard on the zombie, and both fell. Almost everyone stood in shock with their mouths open, some went over to the window and saw the zombie that had fallen get up and run off, there lay the computer broken.
"That scared me."
"I'm exhausted." 
"Are you okay?" Su-hyeok walked away from the window with Dae-su and Wu-jin as he dropped the stick on the floor, "I'm good."
"Where did it come from?"
Soo-jin looked around in search of the short black-haired girl. Hwa-young walked off to a chair nearby, Na-yeon looked over at Gyeong-su who was beside Cheong-san, and Wu-jin who walked over to him to ask if he was okay.
"Everyone okay?"
"That was scary. I'm okay." Gyeong-su patted Wu-jin's shoulder and walked off, "good thinking." Gyeong-su's nose began to bleed from the hit he had received earlier from Su-hyeok. Na-yeon stared at him before calling him out, "Hey. You..."
Everyone looked over at Gyeong-su wary and far away from him, "Gyeong-su, your nose is bleeding." Gyeong-su wiped his nose confused, "it is?" He stared at his hand for a few seconds deep in thought before remembering that Su-hyeok had hit him accidentally, "this is because Su-hyeok hit me with the mop." He reached over for some tissues and began to clean his nose. Soo-jin squinted her eyes a bit before nodding, "I saw."
Na-yeon shook her head and took a step back, "stand back. Don't come closer. You were bitten, weren't you?" 
"No, I wasn't. Su-hyeok hit me..." He pointed over at Su-hyeok as he held the tissue up to his nose. Just as Gyeong-su moved Na-yeon took some steps back, which bothered Gyeong-su, "why do you keep picking on me?" 
"You were bitten."
"He just said no, do you see any bite marks on his hands or wrists? Huh?" 
"I-sak got a nosebleed just before she turned. On-jo. You know. That's how I-sak was before she turned." Na-yeon looked at the teacher before turning to look at On-jo.
"I wasn't bitten! I swear!... Damn it." He sighed knowing that no one was believing him. 
"Your hand. What is that? What is it?" Gyeong-su looked down and saw three small scratches, "This was from when I picked up the computer! Don't you trust me? This happened while I was saving you. How could you do this?"
"Yah, I'm sure Gyeong-su is fine. I was nearby and I didn't see him get bitten." Soo-jin looked at Hwa-young and nodded her head, "it happened all too fast though." Some students agreed. Cheong-san walked around the table and grabbed Gyeong-su's hand to inspect it, "it's not a bite. It's a scratch. Whoever wants to check, come and check." Dae-su and Su-hyeok were the first to go check. Joon-Yeong checked for a brief moment as he passed by to go check the computer.
"It's a scratch?" 
"It is a scratch. I'm sure of it." 
"Ms. Park, please take a look." 
"Okay." Ms. Park went over to look at Gyeong-su's hand, "I don't see a bite. It's a scratch. Thank goodness. He's okay." Ms. Park let go of his hand and went to go do something. Na-yeon stared at Gyeong-su who in return stared at her bothered, "satisfied?... I asked if you were satisfied!" 
Joon-Yeong frowned slightly as he looked over at Gyeong-su, "but the computer's gone."
"Then the internet... Did you have to throw that of all things?" Dae-su exclaimed slightly. 
"What could I do? It was trying to get in."
"I'm just saying, but yeah you did good. Thank you. Don't get mad. Hey, Na-yeon. Say you're sorry and end this." 
"Why should I?"
"Because you caused all this, he did it to save us while all you did was just stand there doing nothing like always. So apologize." Soo-jin spoke up glaring at Na-yeon in annoyance.
"Stay out of it bitch."
"Are you calling me a bitch? Ha did you bite your tongue while saying that?" 
"Hey. Just say sorry."
"Why should I be sorry? I saw everything. I saw it grab your hand. I'm right. He may have been infected." 
"Na-yeon, that's enough."
"It really touched him."
"Does being touched mean he's infected?"
"Who knows? It might."
"I held I-sak's hand before she fell. Why am I okay."
"He has a wound on his hand. It's different when it's an open wound."
"No, it's not. It's the same thing." Hwa-young looked at Na-yeon weirdly.
"Why, that-"
"Hey." Su-hyeok and Cheong-san moved close to hold back Gyeong-su who was going for Na-yeon. 
"Don't yell at me. Think about it!"
"Na-yeon. I know you've always hated Gyeong-su, but this is completely different from badmouthing him. This is about life and death."
"She's always like this," Ji-min spoke up looking at Na-yeon for a moment before looking away as Na-yeon turned her head to glare at her.
"If it weren't for him, we may all be dead." 
"And now he may kill us."
"I'm about to die because of you."
"Watch your mouth."
"I'm fine right now."
"That's enough, all of you! Shut it."
"Ms. Park-"
"Shut the hell up," Min-jee said while staring into Na-yeon and Gyeong-su's eyes. 
She had just opened her eyes not that long ago and stretched, she could hear some students arguing especially Na-yeon and Gyeong-su. She sighed and closed her eyes again trying to sleep some more until she heard Na-yeon yell again, she heard Ms. Park too as she too was getting frustrated from their argument. Min-jee got up harshly with her jaw tense and an annoyed expression, she was pissed.
She was trying to sleep and here is this crazy girl screaming as if that wouldn't catch the zombies' attention then the other continued into her trap. Everyone turned to look at the short hair girl who still had sleep in her eyes, but you can tell she was extremely peeved. Looking at her caused them to just look at her from their peripheral vision. Gyeong-su kept his stare on the ground while Na-yeon just made a face putting up a facade.
Soo-jin and Hwa-young took a step back, Soo-jin sucked in her teeth creating a tch sound, "we pray for you both." Even Ms. Park took a step back due to the aura the girl had at the moment. 
"I sleep for a few minutes and you're already arguing? What are you? 4, huh? What grade are you in? Elementary? Hell, I think even elementary kids would act better than you two. Get serious, look at the situation we're in. Whether you like it or not you both need to pull your differences aside and help each other survive. If not, you might as well just die." Everyone looked at the girl who kept her glare on Gyeong-su and Na-yeon. No one said anything for a few seconds until Ms. Park spoke up and gently patted the girl's shoulder, "Min-jee is right. Now more than ever we need to help each other out."
"Hey! Let's do this. Stay in the recording room for just 10 minutes, Gyeong-su. I know it'll be hard, but I think that's better than being suspected."
"But he's-"
“He nothing, end of argument. Gyeong-su come on.”
“Wait what?” The Short haired girl grabbed his hand and pulled him to the recording room with her, “If he doesn’t turn Na-yeon I will fuck you up, and I keep my word.” Min-jee said as she passed the light brown-haired girl.
"The others don't suspect me. It's just her."
"Gyeong-su, would you do that, please?"
"Forget 10 minutes. I'll stay half no, a full hour."
"There's no need for that. It takes less than five minutes to turn. Stop overreacting."
"Let's just be sure."
"Will that do? If nothing happens, you'll sincerely apologize, right?"
"Don't ask her. Tell her she will, it's the least she could do." Min-jee said as she looked at Na-yeon who wouldn't look at her. 
"You guys are all okay with that, right?"
"He's clearly fine. If we do this, who would step up next time? Everyone will hide."
"You're right, too, but... Let's consider this a way to learn to trust each other."
"I trust Gyeong-su."
"See you in an hour."
“Me too,” Min-jee yawned and followed Gyeong-su, “wait what?”
“I’m going in with him.”
“No, you aren’t, what are you going to do in there?”
“Uhh… sleep duh.” 
“Min-jee really?” 
“yes, Gyeong-su needs me and.. and Cheong-san for.. for moral support so-“
“Min-jee, it’s okay.” Gyeong-su moved his arm away from her softly as he pushed himself off the table and walked to the recording room. Min-jee stepped aside to let him pass and watched him go in. She looked at the ground for a few seconds before turning around to walk over to Soo-jin and Hwa-young after bumping Na-yeon's shoulder with hers intentionally.
"Should I go in with you?" Asked Dae-su, Gyeong-su only responded by raising his hand up to give them the middle finger. He closed the door glanced over at the glass and sat on the chair facing the wall.
"That stubborn punk." 
"Ten minutes would be fine."
"He's nothing compared to her." Na-yeon shook her head with anger, glaring at Ji-min who had made that comment, and Min-jee who returned the glare but looked away as she saw the black-haired girl smile warmly. She knew it wasn't a warm friendly smile and that caused chills to go down her spine. Out of everyone in the room, Hwa-young and Min-jee scared her the most, and a little bit Soo-jin too as she hung out with them. Many supposedly saw what Hwa-young, Min-jee, and Soo-jin did to two upperclassmen that had been bothering a friend, but those were just 'rumors' just like the other ones of them being in a gang which made people decide that they didn’t want to be on their bad side. 
As Na-yeon looked away her eyes landed on the stick that had been propped up leaning against the wall in a corner. It had blood and not just any blood, zombie blood. 
City council
Everyone crowded around the paramedics. Nam So-Ju held a small flashlight up to the person's eyes, Park Young-hwan was covering his nose and looking at the person in front of them, Kim U-Sin stood on the other side of So-ju watching. The person they were checking had been infected and was tied down on a chair by the others before the paramedics arrived. 
"He's our youngest aide. He collapsed and started convulsing when he returned from the council office..." Said the chief's aide.
"Captain, he smells like a rotting corpse."
"And then he got up, growled, and charged at Assembly Member Park. So we tied him up. We didn't know if we should call the police. Yes?" The chief looked back over at the Assemblywoman, Park Eun-hee, "Why are you telling them that?" 
So-ju looked at the rabid male before speaking up, "let's gag him and move him."
U-Sin grabbed the things and went to stand behind the male who immediately snapped its teeth toward them. 
"One, two, three." Immediately all three sprung into action, So-ju went for the right shoulder pressing it back and holding his head from the top. U-Sin put his arm around it and put them in a chokehold position. Young-hwan quickly moved the gauze bandage towards its mouth so it could bite it, in the progress he got bit and retreated. So-ju looked at him still holding the zombie down, "did you get bitten?"
"It's okay. It's a small bite." Young-hwan glanced at him before going back to gagging the zombie, "wrap him up!" 
"Wrap him." U-Sin removed his arm and started to wrap him with another gauze bandage. The zombie continued to squirm around and snarl. So-ju walkie spoke up for an urgent emergency, knowing they had it under control he took a few steps back and answered as he walked away, "Rescue Team One." 
"As of now, issuing level-three disaster in Hyosan. Everyone report to temporary headquarters." Everyone's phone went off.
"Did you say level-three disaster?" 
"I repeat. Issuing level-three disaster in Hyosan. Everyone report to temporary headquarters." So-ju sighed with a worried expression. Park Eun-hee walked over to him, "what is it?"
"This is the director's order."
"Report where?" 
"Mobilize immediately. Over." The walkie-talkie stopped and So-ju looked over at the Assemblywoman, "Well... Our headquarters was relocated outside the city due to an emergency. The disaster and safety management will control the situation directly." In the background, the Chief's aide is heard complaining on the phone asking the other line if an evacuation order was necessary. He hung up the phone and went over to the Assemblywoman once So-ju had walked back to his crew, "they think it's an acute infection. They expect an evacuation order of Hyosan soon." 
The council sat nearby a corner talking about politics and the situation they were in. So-ju waited for a moment until he received a call and walked away from the chatter, "A virus? What type of virus?"
"I don't think it's a droplet infection, but it hasn't been confirmed. You seem to get infected if you get bit, so don't get bit or make physical contact. We don't have any information on the virus yet, make sure to avoid contact. I hear an assembly member is there." So-ju listened to his Chief until he mentioned not to make any contact. He looked at Young-hwan as realization began to dawn on him, "hold on." He mumbled as she brought the phone away from his ear. 
In that moment while U-Sin was aiding him Young-hwan got a nosebleed, "Young-hwan... Young-hwan, are you okay?" Young-hwan shivered and snarled, he was now bleeding from the mouth, in result, he coughed slightly some blood splattered onto U-sin who was in front of him helping him. He then fell to the floor beginning to spasm, "Young-hwan. Hey." He turned around facing upward, his body twitching and moving in an inhumane way, bones cracking in the process. The council people began to move back, and the chief's aide pointed over at Young-hwan, "that's what happened to our aide earlier. It's the same." Everyone stared at Young-hwan, a few gasped as he lay there still, "is he dead?" U-Sin asked, the body moved, bones cracking, and the now zombie snarled and went straight to attacking U-sin. The council backed up in a corner as they watched, "hey!" So-ju ran over to help U-sin, So-ju removed Young-hwan off of U-sin before pinning him to the ground, "U-Sin, grab the rope! Hurry!" 
"Tie him up!"
"Tie him up, hurry," U-sin immediately went to grab the rope, once he did he tied the zombie's legs and then quickly its arms. 
High school Cafeteria
"Go get it." Whispered Gwi-nam to Hyung-seo who was under the stove with him. 
"You little..." Gwi-Nam reached out and grabbed the back of Hyung-seo's neck. He quietly cried as he pleaded for Gwi-nam to let him go and to stop. In response, Gwi-nam was pushing his head out telling him to go get the knife. Gwi-nam managed to push him out, which cause Hyung-seo to panic more and try to crawl back in even though Gwi-nam was pushing him out.
"Move. Stop that." Hyung-seo grabbed Gwi-nam's leg and pulled him out too. Gwi-nam kicked him off into a zombie that was behind Hyung-seo. He quickly stood up coming to face with another zombie. He crawled out to the other side making whimpering sounds from fear as he tried to get away. He grabbed the cooking table and pushed it under, trapping the zombie that was going after him underneath. As he backed up another rose from the ground and walked out to him, he put a cart in its way causing the zombie to fall. Gwi-nam had reached a dead end until one of the lunch ladies whisper out to him to join them from where they were hiding. Rather than taking her help he grabbed her and used her as a shield from an upcoming zombie who fell by the cart. He pushed them both back, the elder screamed in pain as she and the zombie that was latched onto her shoulder fell back. Gwi-nam kept running around with no plan in mind seeing as he had to dodge two zombies. He fell to the floor and quickly grabbed the knife that was right there in front of him. He pushed another off of him and another came up. He held him away with his arm and grabbed a colander nearby putting it on the zombie's face. He pushed it back to the wall and stabbed it once in the stomach and twice in the neck, he went for the third time but the zombie fell. Gwi-nam stared at it and the knife in shock at what he had just done, but pulled himself together as he fought another one.
"Maybe they're drawn to smell. They go after you like crazy." Wu-jin said as he looked at Dae-su who was deep in thought and shook his head, "I don't smell."
"You sweat a lot." 
"I sweat, but I don't smell." Dae-su sniffed as he looked down at the table, "what is that smell?"
"Your sweat." 
"I think they're more sensitive to sound than smell."
"Yes, sound." Joon-Yeong was sitting at the table as he used a hairbrush from the back as a mirror to check his neck, Su-hyeok was sitting at the table too, just listening to their conversations. Ji-min sat in between Dae-su and Wu-jin at the table. 
"This isn't a movie."
"That's how most zombies are and you saw their eyes. They can't see with those eyes." 
"Sound or smell, I don't know, but..."
Hyo-ryung was behind Wu-jin, she was on the floor sitting beside Ms. Park, "Ms. Park... Some kids probably left the school, right" Ms. Park looked at her before looking at the floor as she nodded, "yes, probably."
"Should we consider ourselves the lucky ones?"
"The fact that we're alive... Means we're lucky." 
"Is that true?" Ms. Park looked at Hyo-ryung and nodded while humming 'yes' she then pulled the teen into a side hug. 
Min-jee leaned on the walls of the corner they were in and yawned, "I could go for another nap."
Soo-jin shook her head, "Lazy ass."
Hwa-young smiled and shook her head, "Dude what happened to your shoe? I forgot to ask earlier." Min-jee looked down at her foot which didn't have a shoe, showing the world the type of socks she wore, today she went with grey socks that had Snoopy and Woodstock on them, "some zombie stole it. It grabbed my leg as I was going out the window, so I pushed it, and bye-bye shoe. I made it, but it cost me my shoe." She pouted as she dramatically told her story. The girls laughed and playfully pushed her, "That's sad Mj."
"Rip Mj's shoe."
"I'm glad you're okay."
The three girls were talking until one of them got quiet, “Do you think we’ll make it out of here?” 
Both girls stopped talking and looked at Hwa-young before nodding, “I- yes of course, the three of us will make it we just have to stick close together and be careful you know.”
Min-jee nodded agreeing with Soo-jin, she can still see the small fear in Hwa-young’s eyes, she stuck her hand out forward and looked at both girls, “I promise to stick close to you guys and we will make it, I won’t leave any of you behind no matter what.” Soo-jin and Hwa-young looked at Min-jee before moving a hand toward her that was in the middle.
“I promise.”
“Me too, Promise.” All three fell into a small comfortable silence before Min-jee moved and tapped on Hwa-young asking if she can nap on her lap, Soo-jin giggled and both girls let the short girl nap. 
Nam-ra sat in a different corner on a chair looking at the ground. Na-yeon sat nearby the door 
On-jo sat on a chair resting her hand on the table as she looked down with a solemn expression. Cheong-san looked at her and walked over to her, "Are you okay?" 
"I keep thinking about I-sak."
"But you held onto her, until the very end." On-jo shook her head, "stop it. That's not comforting." 
"You did nothing wrong. Be strong. Your dad or somebody else will come to save us." They both stared outside the window, Cheong-san stayed there for a bit before deciding to move away to let On-jo be. 
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quack-quack-snacks · 1 year ago
The Star Crossed Masterlist
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Lee Su-hyeok x Fem!Yoon!Reader
Author's Notes: For the sake of fanfiction - and this applies to all of my aouad stories unless stated otherwise - we shall make it so that Gwi-nam never sexually assaulted/harassed Eun-ji and neither did his friend group because what they did WAS SA/SH and I feel like so many people gloss over that fact. They have never SA/SH anyone and are just regular bullies who just harass and beat people up normally. In this story, Gwi-nam and his friends are all seniors instead of juniors as I’m pretty sure they were juniors in the show.  Warnings: Violence, zombies, slight bully!Su-Hyeok in the beginning, (maybe) ooc Gwi-nam, extra extra fluffy fluff, (more to be added as the story progresses)
My Navigation and Masterlist
My All Of Us Are Dead Masterlist
Being an outcast based off of the boy you are the younger sister of for the entirety of your high school experience has been a roller coaster of emotions. Even more so when you include the fact that the only person who doesn’t treat you differently is the ex friend and fellow bully of your older brother. When the zombie apocalypse begins, when feelings arise and friendships are made, you begin to realize life isn’t as bad as you thought it would be. Funny how you only learned that while the world was ending.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 Postponed until further notice - please don’t ask about updates! (:
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giveamadeuschohisownmovie · 2 months ago
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marvelwizardz · 1 month ago
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The fact that everyone who survived All Of Us Are Dead had to lose the person one of the most important people them in order to make it is devastating.
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sleepy-little-moon · 2 years ago
Found out it's official for Another season of All of Us Are Dead😌 who do you guys hope to see?
{Not My Gifs}
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literaturedog · 7 months ago
𝙸 𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚌𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙻𝚎𝚎 𝚂𝚞-𝚑𝚢𝚎𝚘𝚔 𝚋𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚠𝚊𝚐𝚘𝚗 𝚜𝚘 𝙸 𝚠𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍𝚗'𝚝 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚐𝚘 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚊𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚌 𝚏𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚖 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚔𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛. 𝙻𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚕𝚢 𝙸 𝚍𝚒𝚍𝚗'𝚝 𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚢 𝚝𝚘𝚘 𝚏𝚊𝚛 𝚘𝚛 𝚎𝚕𝚜𝚎 𝙸 𝚠𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍𝚗'𝚝 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚐𝚎𝚖 𝚘𝚏 𝚊 𝚏𝚊𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚌.
𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚑𝚊𝚍 𝚋𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚗 𝚖𝚢 𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚏𝚝𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚊 𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝚗𝚘𝚠, 𝚠𝚊𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚘 𝚞𝚙𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚎, 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚒𝚝 𝚒𝚜…
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SYNOPSIS ➢ being an outcast seems to be apart of the school experience. especially when a rumor about you and the gym teacher has caught the ears of gullible listeners.
PAIRING ➢ lee suhyeok x male!reader
AU ➢ enemies-to-lovers au!
CONTENT WARNING ➢ this chapter contains; assault, bullying, homophobia, homophobic slurs, isolation, fighting, scary nightmares, talk of mistreatment to oneself, sleep deprivation. [please let me know if theres anything i missed !]
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thanosscross · 3 months ago
Thanosscross's BigBang/Squid Game masterlist 💕🌺
Hello! Welcome! I write for any squidgames characters along with any BigBang member out of the four boys! <3 (Dae-Sung, T.O.P, G-Dragon, and Tae-Yang) and i'm willing to write anything other than non-con. Requests are open! please let me know if you don't see a character on my masterlist that you'd like to see <3
Get to know me 🥰
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G-Dragon/Kwon Ji-Yong
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Pretty boy Part one Part Two
Jealous princess
Sharing is Caring - Choi Seung Hyun/T.O.P x reader x Kwon Ji-Yong/G-dragon Part two
Rising Stars Part two
Going Home
Cutie Part 2
His girlfriend? or Girl...friend?
Double, Double, Combo - Choi Seung Hyun x reader + Twin! Kwon Ji-Yong part two Part three
Jealous boys - Choi Seung Hyun/T.o.p x reader x Kwon Ji-Yong/G-dragon
Choi Su-bong/Thanos/Player 230
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My girl Part one Part two Part three
my beauty flower
I fucking hate you
There all along Part one
I've got you
Good person
Better as a Team - Thanos x reader + best friend! Nam-Gyu
Thief of your money, thief of your heart - Choi Su Bong/Thanos x reader +twin!brother Nam-Gyu part 2 Part 3
Unsuspected hero
DTI with Thanos and Nam-Gyu
Forgetful reader x Thanos
Choi Seung-Hyun/T.O.P
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Baby part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Baby headcannons!
My darling part two Part three
In my club part two part three part four
Fanboy part 2 part 3
Fake girlfriend, fake boyfriend, silly! Part two part three
Sweet boy
New feeling
Sharing is Caring - Choi Seung Hyun/T.O.P x reader x Kwon Ji-Yong/G-dragon part two
My pain in the ass Part two Part three
Going Home
Thin line between love and hate part one Part two Part three
Double, Double, Combo - Choi Seung Hyun x reader + Twin! Kwon Ji-Yong part two Part three
Round and Round we go Part two
All for show Part two Part three
Your Man
Jealous boys - Choi Seung Hyun/T.o.p x reader x Kwon Ji-Yong/G-dragon
Dad! Choi Seung Hyun!
Saving Grace - Dad! Seung Hyun & Teen! Reader
Found - Dad! Seung Hyun & Teen! Idol! Reader
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Coming soon..👀
Seong Gi-hun/ Player 456
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Nam-Gyu/Player 124
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DTI with Thanos and Nam-Gyu
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Cheong-san: Dae-su, why do you have so many bear traps?
Dae-su: Oh, you’re afraid to tell On-jo you have a crush on her, but you’re not afraid of bears? I don’t get you.
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burningembers91 · 3 months ago
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Welcome to my blog!
I currently write for:
Squid Game
Seong Gi-Hun
The Salesman
Park Gyeong-Seok
Kang Dae-Ho
Hwang In-Ho
Hwang Jung-Ho
Choi Su-Bong (Thanos)
Park Min-Su
Cho Hyun-Ju
The Guest
Father Choi Yoon
The Gangster, The Cop, The Devil
Jang Dong-Soo
The Trauma Code: Heroes on Call
Baek Jang-Hyuk
Park Gyeong-Won
Yang Jae-Won
Han Yu-Rim
Bad and Crazy
Ryu Su-Yeol / K
Do In-Beom
Oh Kyeong-Tae
Andrei Kang
Jeong Yun-Ho
Kim Gun-Woo
Hong Woo-Jin
Hwang Yang-Jung
Lee Du-Yeong
Hong Min-Beom
The Player
Kang Ha-Ri
Do Jin-Woong
The Killing Vote
Kwon Seok-Joo
Kim Mu-Chan
Park Min-Chul
Train to Busan
Suh Seok-Woo
Deliver Us From Evil
Ray the Butcher
Arron Park
Sung Tae-Sik (Alex)
Please note that I only take requests in the form of short prompts, like the ones listed below. If you would like to submit a lyric or quote that isn't listed below, please send it in and I'll see what I can do. I do not write fics based on detailed storylines given to me by others. This is because I already have my storylines fleshed out, along with characters, worlds, plot lines etc.
Fic prompts and lyrics
Sabrina Carpenter Lyrics 💅🏻
Fluffy Prompt List✨
Sexy Time Lyric Prompt List 🚫 18+ only!
NSFW Prompt List 🚫 18+ only!
Angsty Lyric Prompts 💔
Smut Prompt List 🚫 18+ only!
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Squid Game Masterlists
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The Guest Masterlists
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The Gangster, The Cop, The Devil Masterlists
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The Trauma Code: Heroes on Call Masterlist
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Bad and Crazy Masterlists
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Bloodhound Masterlists - Awaiting Upload
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glitterfairy-21225 · 2 years ago
Do you know what it feels like to constantly be checking for an All of us Are Dead season two release date, so that I know when I can write the sequel to my goddamn reaction fic, when I also technically don’t know if the season is gonna deserve a reaction?
It’s not great.
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fandomnerdespressourself · 2 years ago
Yeah Zombies//04
prev 03 - Next 05
All students backed up, Gyeong-su who was closer had quickly backed up as a result of him falling when someone abruptly came in. It was Mr. Kang, Kang Jin-gu, he slammed the door shut and looked at the fifteen students while backing up against the door still frightened and out of breath. Everyone stared at him as he stared back. 
"Mr. Kang," someone mumbled, it was silent for a minute before Mr. Kang spoke, "Are you guys okay?" He asked. Gyeong-su and Hwa-young were the only ones who nodded while everyone just stared. Mr. Kang let out a sigh of relief, gyeong-su moved and walked toward him, "What about you? You weren't bit right?" 
"No. Of course not. I'm fine," The teacher replied before looking at the class with a small smile on his face, "Hey, guys. Let's barricade the door first." Slowly the students moved forward, "Get moving. Hurry. It's okay. We are safe. Let's move this." He ordered. Mostly all the guys besides On-jo and the trio were helping out. Some of the girls lagged a bit before moving to help barricade the door.
"Like this?" 
"Yes. Stack them high. High."
Chairs and tables screeched as the students grabbed them to use for barricading the door. The trio helped a bit, Hwa-young who was a bit spectacle about him tugged on Min-jee's sweater and Soo-jin's shirt pulling them to the side where he wouldn't notice them seeing as he was busy with stacking up the tables and ordering the kids to do so. 
"What's up," Soo-jin asked Hwa-young in a hushed tone, both girls looked at Hwa-young whose eyes were on the teacher, " I don't trust him. Let's stay here for now." "Shouldn't we he-" Hwa-young immediately shook her head, both girls nodded trusting their friend and stood close to her. I-sak who noticed looked over at the teacher. 
"You called the cops, right? We can leave soon, right?" Asked Na-yeon. Mr. Kang without hesitation nor paying much attention said yes while going over to a few students who were slacking, "What are you doing? Block the front door and stack it. Pile them up high. High!" He helped them pile up the tables.
"Stack them up, higher higher."
"Push it closer to the door. More"
I-sak rushed over to On-jo grabbing her arm to stop her while staring over in Mr. King's direction as they almost finished stacking up the tables, "On-jo, what do we do?" On-jo stared at her, "What?" 
"Look. His arm." She replied On-jo looked over at Mr. King's arm, on his right arm over on the side where it was still noticeable a bite mark was there, "Mr. Kang." On-jo called him out, "your arm." Mr. Kang looked over at her, "What are you doing? You three over in the corner, help block the door." 
"You were bitten on your arm!" She called out, everyone looked over at her.
"What?" Everything turned quiet as the students looked at On-jo. 
Mr. Kang looked at his hands and arm. 
"What is it?" 
"This isn't a bite," he finally said while looking at his arms. 
"He said he wasn't bit."
"No," Mr. Kang continued while in denial, "I wasn't bit." He looked up at them and his arm, panic evident on his face and action and he pulled his sleeve down. 
"It's a bite mark," Hwa-young said before On-jo could. 
"I said it wasn't. Don't talk back to me." Mr. Kang said defensively.
"Were you really bitten?" I-sak asked even though she saw the bite mark. Soo-jin moved forward, "he was, look how defensive-" 
"I wasn't! How many times do I have to tell you!?" 
"Then why are you hiding it? Just show it to us!" I-sak yelled back taking a few steps forward. On-jo reached out to her and Wu-jin moved forward a bit.
Mr. Kang stayed silent for a moment staring at I-sak with disbelief and annoyance on his face. I-sak then broke the silence, "Can you please leave."
"Get out." I-sak said as she took a few steps forward On-jo grabbed her arm, "leave."
"You want me to go out there? After all, I did to get here? You want me to go back out!?"
"You were bit. Get out. ...Get out!" I-sak screamed at him, Min-jee looked at I-sak before returning her attention to Mr. Jang, "you fucking bitch! How dare you tell at a teacher." 
"Ah...tch How dare you just come in here only to lie to our face and order us around. Was your plan to come through and take us down with you?!" Min-jee yelled back and moved forward while grabbing I-sak from the back of her sweater and pushing her back behind her. 
"You little.. come closer... Come closer!... Come here!" He said while switching his attention between I-sak and Min-jee. Mr. Jang then gave her a subtle smirk, "you won't come?" He said while walking towards them, Min-jee stayed still, I-sak took a step back, and On-jo held onto her and was about to grab Min-jee from her sweater, but wasn't able to.
"Hey." Mr. Jang got closer, On-jo moved in front of I-sak and stared at Min-jee who stayed in the same place. As Mr. Jang got close to Min-jee. She stared at him and was about to grab a textbook near her, Soo-jin went towards Min-jee with Hwa-young following close behind but was grabbed from their sweaters by Gyeong-su and Cheong-san. Na-yeon squatted down and covered her ears. Wu-Jin, Su-hyeok, and Dae-su held each other. Min-ji held a chair while Ji-min stood next to her, Hyo-ryung was behind Cheong-san and gyeong-su with Soo-jin and Hwa-young next to her. All stared at the teacher.
"Stop. Stop it."
"He was bit."
"Soo-jin... don't."
"Step back." 
"Min-jee move."
Mr. Kang then began to get a nosebleed before he could get to Min-jee. he looked down to wipe it and looked at his hand. At that moment On-jo took the distraction to grab Min-jee from her sweater and pull her back to put more distance away from him.
"Hey look."
"He's beginning to bleed."
Mr. Kang turned to the side still wiping his nose, Su-hyeok, Dae-su, and Wu-jin who were near Mr. Jang backed up as he turned his back against the three girls. Once On-jo had pulled Min-jee back, she grabbed a random backpack from the floor and hit Mr. Jang from the back. Mr. Jang stood still before looking back over at her, Min-jee grabbed On-jo by her sleeve pulling her back. Cheong-san rushed forward toward On-jo, Wu-Jin was about to go but was held back by Su-hyeok and Dae-su.  Gyeong-su was about to do the same but instead stayed still to keep Soo-jin and Hwa-young beside him. 
"Are you out of your mind?" Mr. Jang said once he turned around and took a step forward with his hand raised to hit them before falling over. 
"Stay back!"
"Watch out!"
Some students gasped, and some held each other. All the students looked at the teacher's body which was now lying on the ground. 
"Hey. I think he really was bit."
"Shouldn't we get out of here?" 
"Stay back, he might move."
"Hey. He's turning." Mr. Jang's body at first shivered a bit before it then began to convulse, among the small chatter of the students panicking Mr. Jang's bones cracked.
"Get him out of here! Hurry! Hurry! Throw him out!" Na-yeon called out while covering her ears and glancing over at the now-turned teacher who reached out to students before getting up, as he snarled his eyes laid first upon Min-ji. 
"Min-ji!" Called out Dae-su who was about to go towards her but was held back by Su-hyeok, "Dae-su, wait!" 
"Do something!" Before anyone could Min-ji was thrown on the floor and bitten on the left top corner of her lip.
"No! Dae-su!" Dae-su broke away from Su-hyeok and rushed towards Min-ji, he pulled Mr. Jang off of her. 
Mr. Jang's mouth was now red from Min-ji's blood, as he was pulled away he scratched the air while snarling. Dae-su proceeded to throw him to the side having Mr.Jang’s back hit the floor. With shaky hands Min-ji brought her hand up to her mouth and looked down at her hand, she looked up and around as she held her hand up slightly, and her teary eyes landed on Dae-su, "Min-ji.." Dae-su mumbled.
Min”-ji was scared as she did not want to become like what the others had become, “Dae-su. What do I do? I don't want to die." She hiccuped. Dae-su looked at her with sad eyes not knowing what to do.
Mr. Jang had now fully changed given the fact that he had bloodshot eyes. He got up once again from the floor and went to attack the others. Wu-Jin and Su-hyeok moved away from each other as Mr. Jang targeted them. He turned to Su-hyeok and swung his arm at him.
"Hurry. Get him out of here!" Su-hyeok managed to dodge him and punched the ex-teacher. Mr. Jang went in for a bite but instead was pushed back. Falling on the floor some of his bones crunched, he turned his attention towards Cheong-san. Cheong-san grabbed the nearest table and used it to push Mr. Jang away. Cheong-san struggled a bit, "Cheong-san," called out gyeong-su before he went to go help him. 
“If we manage to take him out, we will still be compromised, we need to go to a difficult room.”
“Fuck, that means we have to run.”
"I don't want to die. Help me." Min-ji said while looking at her classmates specifically Dae-su.
Hwa-young grabbed Soo-jin’s hand and rushed over to the nearest door and began to take the barricade down. Na-yeon followed and helped them take down the tables so that they can get out of the room. Hwa-young and Soo-jin continued to move the tables away from the door, Na-yeon paused and turned around as she heard footsteps behind her, "Stay away. Get away from me. Get away!" She yelled in fear before leaning on a table and pushing Min-ji with her foot away from her.  Min-ji fell back, and Dae-su held his arms out to catch her but didn't. Min-ji was beginning to turn too as her bones cracked and she began to quiver slightly. She groaned slightly, turned around holding her hand out to Dae-su asking for help before she fell unconscious on the floor. Hyo-ryung hid behind Ji-min, and both girls watched Min-ji in fear and with caution. Min-jee watched too, she wanted to look away, but couldn't. Dae-su grabbed the girl quickly as she sprung up from the floor. She thrashed around in his arms snarling, "Stop, Min-ji. Snap out of it. Please." He pleaded. His pleads were useless, Min-ji was gone. 
"We have to get out," Su-hyeok said, he rushed over to Hwa-young and Na-yeon but was late to join the party as Soon-jin had finally moved the last table and slid the door open. 
"Get out!... Get out!... Let's go!" Su-hyeok yelled out before calling out to Cheong-san and Dae-su. Na-yeon pushed past them, Joon-yeong moved away from his hiding spot and went towards the door. Soon everyone followed, Min-jee didn’t move as she looked back over at Dae-su and a now-turned Min-ji who trashed in his hold. Soo-jin grabbed Nam-ra’s hand and pulled her along gently. Hwa-young was already outside with Na-yeon, Ji-min, On-jo, Hyo-ryeong, and Joon-Yeong. 
"Hurry," The students fled the classroom, Dae-su hesitated but pushed Min-ji to the side and ran out. 
"Get out!" 
"Gyeong-su," Cheong-san said as he pushed the table to its side in order to push Mr. Jang away from them, both boys then ran out quickly grabbed Min-jee’s hand, and pulled her along with them. Su-hyeok managed to dodge Min-ji and Mr. Jang as he fell hurting his ankle. Su-hyeok got up, ran out, and quickly slammed the door shut. 
All now fifteen students ran down the hall, some looked back just in case. Na-yeon who was in front abruptly stopped and fell back as a zombie appeared in front of her. More showed up and ran toward the still-alive students. Hwa-young rushed forward and pushed back some zombies, Su-hyeok used his momentum to jump up and push himself from the wall to kick away some zombies. Su-hyeok fought against a few zombies, he pushed them to the wall, into each other, kicked them, bash one of their heads in the window but nothing would stop the relentless zombies. One managed to slip by, but before it can get close Su-hyeok tackled it. Another came by and went straight to Su-hyeok. The zombie's moment didn't last long as he was smacked away by Cheong-san who had managed to remove one of the classroom windows. 
The males copied Cheong-san and started to push away the zombies. They started to struggle again. 
"Watch your hands!" 
Dae-su stood by with the girls before going to remove one of the doors, "Hey! Get out of the way!" He picked up the door running towards them, the five boys moved to the side after pushing them away. Dae-su immediately moved the door in a horizontal way and began to push the zombies. The guys sprung into action to help out. Soo-jin and Min-jee moved first forward to help. 
"Come on!" Soo-jin said while moving forward to get the others to follow. 
"We need to turn!"
"Push it!" 
"Push. More!
"Let's go"
"Shut up Na-yeon and help!"
"Push!" Slowly they moved forward and turned slightly. 
"Run upstairs! Run upstairs!" Yelled Wu-Jin over to the girls. 
"Let's go!" Na-yeon grabbed I-sak's hand while On-jo grabbed Hyo-ryung, Ji-min followed close behind, and Nam-ra barely managed to grab Soo-jin’s hand and drag her with her. Soo-jin wasn't able to call out to Min-jee or Hwa-young as she was pulled up the stairs. Hwa-young stayed back beside Su-hyeok while Min-jee was beside Cheong-san. Slowly with one final push, they all managed to push the zombies down the stairs. Besides Su-hyeok, after a few more pushes and hits he ran up following the rest up the stairs. 
Nam-ra held Soo-jin’s hand tightly as they run up the stairs. 
"Hurry up!"
Nam-ra who was in the lead turned the corner but was pulled back by Soo-jin due to more zombies appearing. Ji-min went beside them to pull them back more, "No! We have to move up!" As they ran, Min-jee’s hand which was in Cheong-san slipped from his grasp as she noticed Hwa-young in the back lagging for Su-hyeok. The group turned back and headed back towards the direction they came from and ran up the stairs. 
"Hurry up! Go up!" Wu-Jin pushed back some zombies before following the rest up.  Min-jee stayed back a bit mid-way up the stairs before going down and grabbed haw-young’s hand, “go up, we’ll be right behind” Hwa-young nodded and sped up. Min-jee looked back over at Su-hyeok he came into view and was struggling slightly to push some zombies away. Min-jee rushed forward to push them off of him, but another came. Cheong-san looked over at Su-hyeok and Min-jee who were helping Su-hyeok get the zombies away. "Hey! Where to?"
"Go to the science lab! Hurry!" 
“Look out for Hwa-young and Soo-jin, we’ll be right behind!” Min-jee said. With hesitation Cheong-san nodded before he ran up the stairs, Wu-Jin was going to go help Min-jee but wasn't able to and just continued to run up with Cheong-san and Hwa-young behind him.
Gyeong-su and Joon-Yeong were already holding off some zombies, and Cheong-san joined them with Hwa-young. I-sak turned back towards Dae-su who had just arrived, "Dae-su! Behind you!" Dae-su turned around and pushed back the zombies, "Help me! Help!" Nam-ra and Son-jin went to help.
"Push!" Yelled Cheong-san, they all pushed back the zombies so that they could reach the science lab. 
"It's locked. Somewhere else!" 
"Where? We're surrounded!"
"It's locked!"
"Shit! Now what?!"
"Break the lock!"
On-jo looked around and spotted a fire hose. 
"I don't know! Just do it!" 
"With what? Can't you see there's nothing around?" 
"Use your head then!"
"No! Why-"
"Dae-su push!" On-jo said cutting off Kyung-Soon and Na-yeon's argument. She moved forward to help push the back and soon reached the fire hose. She opened the door immediately, grabbed it, and rushed over to the lock.
"Watch your hands! Careful!"
On-jo pushed Na-yeon to the side and began to hit the lock.
"Why's it taking long?"
"It won't budge!" She cried out. Soo-jin grabbed the hose and hit the lock harder.
"Above you!"
"Hey, it's climbing over!" Cheong-san slammed the window on the zombie that was climbing over breaking the window on them. It fell back on the floor and began to reach out toward the students' legs. 
"Fuck! I can't hold them off much longer! Hurry!"
Soon after three more hits the lock broke, On-jo removed the lock while So-jin opened the door. 
"It's open!" Na-yeon went in first, and Hyo-ryung followed right after along with the rest. Dae-su was last to go in due to him pushing away a few zombies, one caused him to stumble as a result he broke one of the windows from the science room. He then gave a final push leaving the door behind and ran inside. Hwa-young pulled him in while On-jo slammed the door shut once Dae-su was in. Zombies immediately ran to the door and growled at the students inside. On-jo watched them before looking off to the side and seeing that the phone had fallen out of her pocket. One of the zombies that were coming to join the other stepped on it causing the phone to fling off to the slide further away. Everyone was sweating and out of breath after having to go through all that.
"Fuck." Dae-su breathed out as he wiped his forehead but scream when suddenly a bloody hand wiped itself on his face leaving half of Dae-su's face with someone's unknown blood. The zombies were reaching over and grabbed Dae-su's hair. Joon-Yeong grabbed the nearest object which was a fire extinguisher and hit the zombie who continued to attack. He slammed it against its head before it then fell back, but another immediately took its place. Joon-Yeong did the same thing although he messed up a bit before he ended up with another window. One of the nearby zombies grabbed his hair, causing Joon-Yeong to move back away from them. Ji-min rushed forward to throw some weak objects at them. Cheong-san pushed her gently to the side, "let's move the desks!"
"Block it." They then began to barricade that part of the room to prevent them from going in. 
"Fuck! That scared the hell out of me!" Dae-su yelled out as he moved away and gave Wu-Jin a chair. Gyeong-su held one side, while Cheong-san held the other. Wu-Jin had his back against the table to push it back. 
"Block it." Cheong-san stood up on the desk and grabbed the chairs that Dae-su was passing to him. The other began to barricade the doors. Joon-Yeong stood back looking as if he was about to hurl, he looked at his hands as they shook. 
On-jo was about to help out when Na-yeon grabbed her arms, "Where's the phone? I'll try calling again." 
"I dropped it."
"How could you lose it!" Yelled Na-yeon and pushed On-jo's arms away harshly. 
"Who cares about that right now? This is more urgent." Gyeong-su said as he passed by to grab a table. 
"Who are you to butt in?" Na-yeon turned to Gyeong-su. Everyone paused to look at them.
"It's because you didn't hold the door. If you had, the gym teacher wouldn't have gotten in. We almost died because of you." Gyeong-su looked away from her bothered, "Then maybe you should've held the door."
"You're a fucking asshole." 
Gyeong-su set the table down as he was about to go catch hands with Na-yeon. 
"You bitch." Gyeong-su reached out to grab Na-yeon's from her arm, Na-yeon moved away to get out of his grasp, "How dare you touch me?"
"Gyeong-su chill, Na-yeon keep that mouth of yours shut."
"Fight after you move these. This isn’t the right time for a dispute.” Ji-min said as she looked over at them.
"She's right. Stop it."
"Fight after we finish this, gyeong-su." 
I-sak moved over to Gyeong-su and guided him back away from Na-yeon. 
"This is so annoying!" Na-yeon kicked a chair away and went to lean on a table as she pulled her tie off. Gyeong-su stood to the side, Joon-Yeong was still deep in thought, and Na-yeon was off to the side having a small tantrum moment. Soon after everyone went back into helping barricade the room. On-jo grabbed a chair but paused as she looked around the room. On-jo looked over at Hwa-young once she noticed that Hwa-young kept glancing over at the door. 
"Where's Su-hyeok and Min-jee? Has anyone seen them?'
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cybrasigilism · 23 days ago
No Return, No Reason (Squid Game + Yellowjackets AU)
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contains: NICHE AU POST | yellowjackets x squid game world swap | these are my interpretations of these characters, please be respectful even if my opinions on the characters differ from yours
A/N: IVE HAD THIS AU IN MY HEAD FOR SO LONG NOW ITS PAINFUL. i really love both yellowjackets and squid game, so this is a passion project if nothing else. this post serves as an introduction the characters in this AU :P
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⚽️ THE TEAM ⚽️
➻ cho hyun-ju (#5). the team’s defensive midfielder. her tactical skills are as strong as her footwork, allowing her team to rely on her during a cut-throat game. her collected, yet tenacious, nature has led the team to many victories— including the finals.
➻ choi “thanos” su-bong (#7). one of the team’s two wingers. his hot-headed attitude carries onto the field well, letting him become an absolute menace to the opposing team. on his own, he’s strong, but when he’s paired up with nam-gyu, the team’s second winger? yeah, they’re lethal.
➻ kang dae-ho (#1). the goalie. dae-ho takes his job of defending their team’s net extremely seriously, you’d have to enlist a military to drag him off the field before he gave the opposing team an easy opening to score. he isn’t just the goalie though, dae-ho may very well be this teams biggest cheerleader, on and off the field.
➻ nam-gyu (#10). another one of the team’s two wingers. he’s at his most aggressive when paired up with thanos. when his buddy’s been benched for messing with the opposing team and he’s on his own, nam-gyu isn’t much of a threat at all. he talks a big game, and may seem scary when he’s got thanos around, but his low self-esteem and lack of self confidence puts him at odds on the field when he has to fend for himself.
➻ kim jun-hee (#2). the centerback. don’t let her standoffish demeanour fool you, jun-hee is silent, but deadly. opposing teams should always watch their backs when she’s on the field, because just when they think they’re about to score a goal— BAM, jun-hee swoops in with a surprising defence for someone of her stature. small but mighty, silent but deadly; that’s player #2 in a nutshell.
➻ se-mi (#6). the central midfielder. arguably, the most interesting part of each play lies in se-mi’s hands, seeing as her position takes control of the centre of the game. her team leans on her for the win, but she almost never gets the credit that hyun-ju does. that doesn’t bother se-mi though, her one goal is to play like a team and win.
➻ lee myung-gi (#4). the team’s attacking midfielder. the yin to hyun-ju’s yang on the field. for someone with such an important position in the game, the other defenders will often have to jump in and save any potential goals he might miss. myung-gi often gets flack from his more hot-headed teammates for “screwing them over”, but he thinks they should cut him some more slack— after all, it’s a high pressure situation!
➻ gyeong-su (#9). the teams striker. while he may not be the fastest, and his footwork may be lacklustre at worst— gyeong-su does one thing right and that is scoring. he’s usually the one to cover myung-gi’s ass at the most nail-biting parts of the play, but unlike most, gyeong-su never gives him a hard time for it.
➻ kim young-mi + park min-su. these sweethearts mean well, but due to their poor performance in the games as initial players, they often serve as substituting benchwarmers. while nam-gyu and thanos might mock them for this, don’t think for a second that will dull their team spirit. even while on the bench, the loudest cheers can be heard from these two backing dae-ho with their “rah-rah” behaviour.
COACHES (etc.)
➻ seong gi-hun + hwang in-ho. these two co-coach the team, and they do it with a “good cop/bad cop” dynamic. gi-hun is more skilled with pre and post game pep-talks, lifting spirits after a particularly rough match and boosting morale overall. in-ho rules over the team with more of an iron fist however. he’s extra hard on his players, and claims that if it weren’t for him, they wouldn’t have even touched finals qualifications. gi-hun could argue that in-ho is a bit too hard on the players, but the success rate of the team is more in in-ho’s favour.
➻ park jung-bae. assistant coach. the team all show clear favouritism to jung-bae for his carefree and easygoing nature. think of him like the fun uncle to the parental dynamic that the two head coaches bring. need snacks after practice, or someone to craft fun signs to rally the team? jung-bae is your guy. his positivity is contagious, and was a necessity during the finals-qualifying game.
➻ seon-nyeo. equipment manager. while she may simply be in charge of supplying the equipment, seon-nyeo firmly believes her “involvement” in the team is just as significant as the coaches. she prays for the team before every game, and while the skeptics may side-eye her for this, with how many wins the team has under their belt— how can her involvement be anything but significant?
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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR INDULGING ME! this’ll not be the last you see of this AU, i don’t care if it “doesn’t make sense”, IT MAKES SENSE TO ME AND ILL MAKE IT EVERYBODY’S BUSINESS!
as always, any constructive criticism/advice on how to improve my writing is appreciated and requested! have a fantastic day/night lovelies 💋
tags: @gongyoosgf @kouzih @strangelife122 @agornotsworld @kvstjwonnie @room-722 @marymustdie @pink-apples001 @fiicalapsiholoaga @wonestro @luvlyfandoms @putrescentpoet
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