I want a story: obi-wan goes back to the clone wars and just says "fuck it", he opens his bond to Anakin who physically stumbles back because obi has so much love for him, so much care and trust. the Jedi council tries telling him he can't show that much attachment to his former Padawan and obi, 61 years old mentally, says he can do what he wants and will not be swayed by a bunch of idiots who let a traumatized boy raise another traumatized boy
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looseleafteeaves · 1 year
Amavikka and Tzai
Inspired by @fialleril
Tzai is a tea used in many rituals. Each family has thier own.
In my worlds, Tzai is ALWAYS made of seven ingredients, and water or milk is one of them!
The seven ingredients are for the 7 Winds of the Desert.
(Get ready for a new AU, post-order 66, Obi-wan has been stuck, and missed being able to help people. His hut becomes the first stop on the Tatooine Freedom Trail for many. His hut becomes a home for one.)
(The brewing part is just as important as the ingredients, as the steps honor the other spirits of Tatooine.)
(But thats a secret. I can’t share my recipe. But you can make your own!)
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illuminatedquill · 2 months
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“Evil is boring. Right? I kinda believe in the banality and mundaneness of evil. Evil is just selfish impulses, which at the end of the day are really easy to understand. It's easy to understand why people do bad things. It's like ‘Yeah, okay, you're selfish and scared and cruel, I get it.’ Being good is complex and beautiful and hard.”
- Brennan Lee Mulligan
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the-pineapple-cake · 2 months
I hate when you’re reading an interesting fic and then they through in some stupid subtle anti Jedi thing like ‘Oh the Jedi don’t have mattress because comfort leads to the dark side’ and it’s just like. no the Jedi didn’t do that, don’t be stupid, and so now you just can’t enjoy the fic.
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justmebeingabitch · 1 month
One of the things I particularly love about jedi and that gives me hives when people get wrong is their attitude towards attachment (and I mean what THEY mean when they say attachment which I suspect is a faulty ish translation in the "listen it's not perfect but it's the best word there is in your language" sense)
If Anakin loved Padme instead of just being attached he would have 1 dream of her dying and go straight to the healers to ask for a medical examination no matter what he thought the council would do because love is selfless so as long as she was fine what would it matter? But he's attached so she doesn't actually matter just this idea of their relationship so even while thinking he may be causing her death he doesn't open his trap
Yoda fucking asked and Anakin lied to his face! Worse! Jedi are able to tell when someone's lying so Yoda knew he was lying and respected his boundaries!
Everybody in the goddam franchise acknowledges the Jedi love but some people in the real world have skulls apparently made of bricks
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roseaesynstylae · 3 months
I would love to see a fic where Kal Skirata and his associates meet the Command Batch. (I'll write it myself. Eventually.)
The second Kal -- or any of them, actually, said something along the lines of, oh, I don't know, "Must be hard, working with a bunch a baby-stealers" or more Jedi-bashing shit like that, we all know how they'd react.
Cody: Listens for a moment, then politely sets off a riot.
Rex: "Okay, bitch, get over here."
Wolffe: There's a mass murder. How dare you insult his father?
Doom: Hits the speaker in the groin.
Neyo: "First off, FUCK YOU--"
Fox: "I want a Jedi! I don't give a fuck if they're baby-stealers, I need one!"
Bly: Strangles the speaker.
Bacara: He lets them talk for a while, laughs hysterically, and beats the shit out of them with his helmet. The only one allowed to be an acidic bastard toward his Jedi is him, goddammit! (If Ki-Adi is watching, he's touched by his Commander's display of affection.)
Gree: Proceeds to rip their reasoning apart with detailed fact-checking and citations. He has a slide show with dancing graphics.
Ponds: Gives them the glare his General gives to particularly enraging Separatists.
Monnk: Raises his middle fingers. Then he raises his middle toes.
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milkcioccolato · 1 month
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Lovesick fools, the both of them💖
I have forgotten how to draw, this took me so fucking long😭
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It astounds me how people can hate the jedi council and the jedi code and about anything that make someone a Jedi yet still claim to love Obi-wan. What do you like about him then ?
It also astound me how some people say they actually like the jedi yet still think that they're responsible for Anakin's Fall.
Yes, that's all I wanted to say today.
I just think it's kind of funny.
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starbeltconstellation · 3 months
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Ahh, and THERE it is… 🙃🙃
I have kept my opinions mostly to myself about The Acolyte, because I wasn’t planning on watching it until seeing where it went with the Jedi. Almost everything in SW media has an element of Jedi criticism (sadly 🙄), so I knew that would be a given with this show, so I was holding off on any total judgment until the end.
One thing I KNEW I would despise and would make me not ever watch it is if they actually made canon that the Jedi brutally murdered an entire coven of witches and COVERED UP A MASSACRE (wtf on that part, because they would NOT cover it up, even if they’d made a mistake). Apparently, it is not as bad as I feared, and they don’t destroy the Jedi Order’s characterization entirely.
But THIS line. 🥶🤢
With THIS line that is apparently written in the newest episode—that’s it. You’ve lost me.
Because THIS line is just straight up genocide apologia.
Ohhh, of course they don’t come outright and SAY, “Loool, those space wizards deserved what they got! 🤪🤪✊”, but the implication is pretty clear, all the same.
From the very beginning, I knew the showrunner of The Acolyte didn’t like the Jedi or their culture, and said that her show “wouldn’t be kind to them.”
And I could’ve lived with just the stupid vagueness of portraying the Jedi as a pompous bureaucracy (because it’s just an infectious opinion that’s spread through most of the fandom), without FULLY condemning The Acolyte and declaring the show a terrible portrayal of the Jedi and their morality and culture, along with the CANON aspects of the Dark Side being a cancer in The Force that does nothing but make people miserable and cause imbalance in The Force.
But with THIS LINE that is SO clearly a wink and a nudge to the SW fans who believe the Jedi ‘deserved what they got’… 🙄🤢… I’m sorry, but they’ve officially lost me. 😬🤷‍♀️
There are things that I’d probably like, if I ever can make myself stomach getting through the show: seeing how different cultures view The Force, seeing more of the Jedi Order/culture/Temple/how they teach their students, the characters Sol and Jecki and Yord and Osha—even seeing Jedi fighting style being so different and more defensive while trying to not use their lightsaber unless necessary, since they are in a time of peace.
But for the most part?
With THIS frankly DISGUSTING line, I can say with absolute certainty that The Acolyte is a show that I would never enjoy, and that is frankly not a welcome addition to the SW universe to me.
I appreciate the diversity inclusion, and I find myself relating to that meme that says something like: “When you hate a show, but then realize the other people that hate it are mostly bigots, 🙃🙃” because—unlike THOSE moronic dudebros—my criticism is for the story itself.
It’s a genuine shame. It’s such an interesting premise, getting to see the Jedi in the High Republic Era. But with this… I now know that The Acolyte is a show not worth my—or ANY OTHER pro Jedi fan’s time. 💔😔🤷‍♀️😬
Only thing I’ll say in defense of it: Mr. Sith (?) IS hot. 🔥❤️‍🔥
And that’s the only other praise I can give. 🤷‍♀️
Loool, sorry for the rant. I’m just so pissed off. 😭🤷‍♀️😂
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s0ftand0nly · 1 year
This is about to be a long, kind of rambly post so stick with me if you want to, but I feel like a lot of people who make posts about Anakin have not experienced what it’s like to be groomed into doing what you don’t want to.
And no, I’m not calling Sheev a pedophile. Grooming isn’t inherently sexual. I suppose you could swap the word out for manipulated if that’s what makes you more comfortable.
Anakin did not jump from a good home life to the Jedi temple. He went from being a literal slave with an unhealthy attachment to his mother out of necessity for survival into an environment where he was immediately told that he was wrong. I’m not here to debate whether the Jedi were wrong or if their rules were wrong- I am ONLY saying they were wrong for taking this child, 9 years old, and telling him that he is wrong and a coward for doing what he needed to to survive day to day not even a full week ago.
Anakin was raised as a slave. We see multiple times what it’s like for slaves, but what impacted me the most were the Clone Wars episodes where Obi-wan and Rex are sold into slavery. It’s said explicitly in the episode that the slavers we see frequently make deals with the Hutts, and that fact alone makes it very likely that Shmi and even possibly Anakin were in those camps themselves at one point. These slavers whip and abuse the people there, force them to wear shock collars and leave lasting scars on both Obi-wan and Rex when they were both only there for a couple weeks.
Shmi would have been in one of those camps for years. If Anakin had, it would have been when he was an infant.
We even learn in one episode in season 2 that it’s commonplace to perform surgery on new slaves in order to implant a tracker in them so they can never be free. Anakin was not a normal kid with a normal, happy life.
Enter Sheev, who is immediately in a position of power over him and, not only that, but has consistent access to him. Anakin probably already felt wronged by the Jedi for being told he was a coward, but wow! The senator of Naboo later Chancellor thinks he’s very brave!
Anakin spent his entire life struggling with the Jedi Code- not because he’s inherently evil or selfish like some people like to act, but because he grew up being told the exact opposite. He couldn’t leave his attachments, if he did neither of them would be protected and they would both be killed. He showed anger when told not to because that was all he had ever been shown unless by his mother.
But all the while, he had a little voice in his ear telling him that he’s not like the other Jedi, he’s special, he’s better. Sheev played on his insecurities in every single scene we see them in together. He tells him to react to his anger, to keep his attachments and to be selfish. Anakin only gets worse from there.
Anakin’s problem has never been that he is inherently selfish or inherently evil. His problem was that he had no one close to him to tell him no- and anyone who did he was told to cut off by Sheev.
The tragedy of Anakin’s story has never been that he’s uncaring or cares only about himself, it’s that he was a child (22 in ROTS! i have mutuals older than that!) who was being told what to do and how to act by a man well over three times his age and he listened.
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akizuu · 6 months
Star Wars is so fascinating to me. I have never seen a franchise try so hard to bash one of the very things that made it popular
The jedi
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starscream1998 · 2 months
No The Acolyte is not Anti Jedi. At no point did the show demand you to consider the Jedi as evil or bad you guys simply made that up. It merely points out what I would've hoped most of you should have reasonably concluded several movies, books and tv shows ago; There are moments when the Jedi falter and fuck up just like the rest of us mere mortals. If anything that endears me more to them.
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fanfic-lover-girl · 1 year
Anti Tagging is a Broken System
So there was this anti Zutara post that I saw a while ago that was tagged as both 'anti zutara' and 'zutara'. As you can imagine, zutara bloggers were mad and the OP claimed they tagged the post as 'zutara' as payback for zutara fans bashing kataang in the 'kataang' tag.
There was also a jedi critical post that was considered to be insulting to someone's religion or culture or some other nonsense. The person asked (**demanded**), the post be tagged as 'anti jedi' because seeing it in the 'jedi order' tag was causing real-world harm.
It confirmed my belief that the tagging system is severely broken and lacking.
These are two issues at play that I notice:
Villain vs Hero Double Standard
What's interesting is that this issue is mainly relevant for protagonists. If I want to bash Ozai, Palpatine or Joker on Tumblr, I don't have to tag my posts as anti. Maybe their fans would prefer it but we all know that these men are villains and the lowest scum in media. It's not bashing - it's the cold hard truth.
So why is it that my calling Ozai a bad father is not Ozai bashing, but me calling Aang a bad father is Aang bashing?? Why the double standards?? Sure, the hero will likely be more sympathetic because we are meant to root for them. But at the end of the day, just like Ozai, Aang played favourites and this left scars on his kids even in their fifties. If you are an Aang fan you can try to justify it, but his actions still hurt his kids no matter how you spin it.
What Does 'Anti' Even Mean??
There are too many ways to be anti character, anti ship etc which makes things murky.
Let's use Kataang as an example. Are you anti Kataang because you objectively looked at the ATLA show and you think how it is presented makes it a bad ship? Are you anti KA because you genuinely like the ship but you think it was not developed properly or did not go the way you thought best? Are you anti KA because you are just emotionally repulsed for whatever reason even though canon may give you reasons to support it? Are you anti KA just because it may be popular to be so in your circle?
That's the problem. Theoretically, the first two scenarios could be classified under the general 'kataang' tag. Because people who hold those opinions are not just bashing it for no reason but have objective truths that they have observed about the ship. Saying that Aang kissed Katara without her consent is an objective truth. Why should that be labelled as 'anti kataang'? It's the truth about the ship.
How would I address this?
The general tag should not be treated as a safe space. If you want a safe space, stick to a 'pro' or 'anti' tag. The general tag should be treated like a neutral zone where everything is laid on the table for debate and discourse. So if I browse the Jedi Order tag, I should see metas about cool Jedi powers and master-padawan relationships but also metas about the separation of families and the social harm it causes kids.
People need to stop being babies and grow up. If someone posts a critical meta about the Jedi order, it does not mean they are attacking whatever religion you have or calling for genocide in real life. Do you know how much witchcraft, paganism, atheism and other kinds of Christian bashing posts I see in the Christianity tag?? If you don't like something, just scroll past it like a big kid. Don't send death or rape threats to someone if you disagree with them.
I think if someone does not have substantial or accurate reasons for hating something, they should stick to the anti tag and avoid the general tag.
What do others think?? Tagging is hard because it's up to the discretion of the poster but I hope my arguments here made sense.
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the-pineapple-cake · 2 months
Attachment isn’t love. Why do people need to be reminded of it. It’s just utterly infuriating when that appears in fanfiction. The Jedi weren’t cold, evil people, who didn’t have feelings. That’s Anakin. Maybe we shouldn’t take what Darth Vader said as fact?
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happycattail · 1 year
Same Anti-Jedi from my previous posts: Yeah the Jedi is a cult and they indoctrinated Ashoka
Me: *breathes deeply*
Them: Yeah they had her reliant on them (on purpose) so eventually when she left the order, she struggled with dealing the world and Capitalism because she’s always been taken care of. That’s cult behavior.
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smeraldo-heart · 1 month
More Jedi Textposts
Except I go straight for angst this time and don’t even pretend to have some levity
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Part two on its way….
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