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pureanonofficial · 2 years ago
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Honored to be a part of the next generation of The Secret Garden.
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hollowed-theory-hall · 5 months ago
hello 👋👋👋
thoughts on Blaise Zabini? there is some scenes in HBP when he's cold pureblood who is looking with hate on Harry
in fics he's usually portraits like pretences boy, no biggot, but in canon he's like it actually
wanna read your opinion ;)
Okay, I actually really like Blaise Zabini and find excuses to write him into my fic. Like I think he's a bitchy bigoted asshole but I love him anyways.
I love the conversation we have with him, Pansy, and Draco at the beginning of HBP, since it's our best look at how the Slytherins interact with each other. I used it a lot in my Theo Nott meta because it's a really good piece of character work that I really like. Like, it shows how none of them are really friends and I'm here for it. I love their scathing friendship where they would all sell each other for one corn chip.
With all that, let's talk about Blaise:
He's good-looking. His mother is mentioned as being incredibly beautiful and clearly her son got it from her:
He recognized a Slytherin from their year, a tall black boy with high cheekbones and long, slanting eyes;
(HBP, 143)
He can be cold and aloof. Like, Blaise is often described as looking bored or indifferent, and it's not common that he shows much of an emotional reaction:
Crabbe and Goyle were gawping at Malfoy; apparently they had had no inkling of any plans to move on to bigger and better things. Even Zabini had allowed a look of curiosity to mar his haughty features.
(HBP, 151)
(Haughty is a word often used for attractive characters in HP, to my above point)
Now, Blaise is intelligent. Like, he seems very aware of people and what bothers them most (which he uses to be an ass). He's not quite a bully like Malfoy, but he likes knowing what's going on with everyone. In the other quotes I bring up I'll mention that as bored as he looks, he's clearly interested in the gossip. He loves having information others want. He likes having that power over Draco, particularly since they seem to have a kind of ego war going on on the down low. (in my opinion, Zabini wins since he's the one who actually manages to look cool and collected).
We also know he's in NEWT potions, so, he likely had an O in Potions adding to the point about him being intelligent.
As I mentioned, he is kind of an ass:
Zabini did not make any sign of recognition or greeting, nor did Harry or Neville: Gryffindor and Slytherin students loathed each other on principle.
(HBP, 143)
“Of course,” said Slughorn, watching Harry closely, “there have been rumors for years. . . . I remember when — well — after that terrible night — Lily — James — and you survived — and the word was that you must have powers beyond the ordinary —” Zabini gave a tiny little cough that was clearly supposed to indicate amused skepticism.
(HBP, 146)
As he pushed past Harry into the darkening corridor, Zabini shot him a filthy look that Harry returned with interest. He, Ginny, and Neville followed Zabini back along the train.
(HBP, 147)
But he's an ass in a very different way from Draco. Draco is in your face with mean comments and making fun of things in an obvious very verbose way, Blaise is an asshole in an aloof kind of way. Like, he thinks himself too good to go out of his way to bully people, and he doesn't need to actively do anything. He's all scathing looks and raised brows and subtle acts of minimizing and belittling people.
He isn't actually close to the other Slytherins and treats them not that differently from how he treats Harry.
It was fortunate that Goyle and Zabini were snarling at each other, [...] “So, Zabini,” said Malfoy, “what did Slughorn want?” “Just trying to make up to well-connected people,” said Zabini, who was still glowering at Goyle. “Not that he managed to find many.”
(HBP, 149)
Blaise doesn't have respect for Draco, Crabbe, or Goyle, and he doesn't need to say it, he shows it. He snarls at Goyle like he would at Harry (who he disrespects and thinks less of). He says there aren't many well-connected people, clearly meaning everyone in the compartment besides himself. He's a dick.
Like I mentioned in the post about Theo, the Slytherins aren't actually friends. Draco uses Blaise's last name, not the first one. They aren't close and they're both aware of it. @indigo-scarf wrote a great post about how Draco and Blaise aren't actually friends, but it isn't unique to them. Crabbe and Goyle turn on Malfoy instantly in book 7 when they think him weak. Even in OotP, they do nothing to help Draco when Harry and George attack him. And Draco clearly doesn't actually trust any of them as in HBP, his main confidante, and friend is Moaning Myrtle. All these Slytherins hang out together because it serves them, not because they like each other.
Similarly, Theo clearly hangs out with Draco in books 5 & 6 only when he has no choice. Pansy is dating Draco, but is making eyes at Blaise like Draco is her second choice. But Blaise doesn't seem interested in Pansy in any way and thinks she is lesser than him as well. Blaise and Theo clearly aren't friendly either as they never hang out and Blaise calls him by his surname, etc. Basically, none of them actually like each other, though I assume some of them do respect each other (to different levels throughout the books. Though I headcanon Blaise and Theo have some grudging silent respect for each other as they consider each other intelligent and on the same level, while they both look down on most of the rest of their year including Draco, Pansy, Crabbe, and Goyle).
Malfoy sat up very suddenly, knocking Pansy’s hand aside. “He invited Longbottom?” “Well, I assume so, as Longbottom was there,” said Zabini indifferently. “What’s Longbottom got to interest Slughorn?” Zabini shrugged.
(HBP, 150)
Here again, Blaise is ridiculing Draco subtly. Basically saying "well, duh, don't be an idiot," without outright saying that but making Draco feel it all the same.
He's also showing how he ravels in getting an invite when Draco didn't. Blaise likes having the cards and power in a situation.
“I wouldn’t bank on an invitation,” said Zabini. “He asked me about Nott’s father when I first arrived. They used to be old friends, apparently, but when he heard he��d been caught at the Ministry he didn’t look happy, and Nott didn’t get an invitation, did he? I don’t think Slughorn’s interested in Death Eaters.” Malfoy looked angry, but forced out a singularly humorless laugh.
(HBP, 151)
And Blaise knows how to get to Draco who is clearly upset. Draco wishes his snide comments were on Blaise's level. I just really enjoy how Blaise shows his disdain for people. And how he thinks of himself as better.
“And you think you’ll be able to do something for him?” asked Zabini scathingly. “Sixteen years old and not even fully qualified yet?”
(HBP, 152)
Again, in the above quote, he belittles Draco and shows his doubts about him and how much Voldemort actually wants him in his service. And he's 100% right that Voldemort is expecting Draco to fail, something even Draco didn't quite realize yet.
All this isn't friendship. It's acquaintances who dislike each other but need each other is what it is. I know that when I'm writing them, that's what I go for. They were raised to see other people as connections or tools, not as friends. So real friendship is rare with these sorts of purebloods, it exists, but it's rare. Like, some of them probably like each other and enjoy each other's company, but I imagine they wouldn't like, actually trust each other.
Ginny calls him a poser and she is somewhat correct. I think Blaise does believe in everything he says he does, but he isn't as cold and bored as he appears. I think he likes knowing gossip and information others don't even if he appears nonchalant about it. That is definitely a pretense, but the bigotry isn't.
I know many fics paint Blaise as someone who isn't actually a bigot (because he's black) but he is. I think he is one of the characters who's honestly an unapologetic blood purist:
“A lot of boys like her,” said Pansy, watching Malfoy out of the corner of her eyes for his reaction. “Even you think she’s goodlooking, don’t you, Blaise, and we all know how hard you are to please!” “I wouldn’t touch a filthy little blood traitor like her whatever she looked like,” said Zabini coldly, and Pansy looked pleased.
(HBP, 150)
He sounds exactly like Bellatrix "Blood Traitor is right next to Mudblood in my book" Lestrange.
Obviously, he says what he is supposed to and what he's been taught all his life, but I think these are his honest views from what he knows. Like, in the Wizarding World skin color clearly doesn't matter much, but blood, oh, they care about blood.
This is somewhat interesting considering the Zabinis aren't among the Sacred 28, whether it's because they immigrated to the UK after Cantankerus Nott wrote the pure blood dictionary or they really are not pure-blooded enough, is unclear. I headcanon it's the former and that the family moved to Britain more recently, after the dictionary was written in the 1930s. And, it kinda makes sense. Like, if the Zabinis were in the continent and backed up Grindlewald, and then after he fell they needed a new start someplace that didn't have as strong feelings about Grindlewald and them, so they moved to the UK. Grindelwald never reached the UK and therefore, they could live there without that stain attached to their name. That's like, my headcanon about the Zabini family.
Despite all his Slytherin tendencies and intelligence, Blaise is quite arrogant. I mentioned he's prideful and thinks himself better than Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle for example, but he thinks himself so above others that he's untouchable. You see it in how loos-lipped he is regarding his mother's crimes:
Zabini, who was interrogated after McLaggen, turned out to have a famously beautiful witch for a mother (from what Harry could make out, she had been married seven times, each of her husbands dying mysteriously and leaving her mounds of gold).
(HBP, 145)
Like, how do you accidentally let that slip in casual conversation?
It's clear he thinks he and his mother are above the law and that no one could do anything to them. He believes in this so much that he doesn't care outright mentioning she maybe murdered her husbands in a room filled with people who don't like him. He feels that secure in none of them doing anything or being able to do anything. (I bet his mom bribed a ton of people).
In my headcanon, Blaise and his mother are pretty close and are each other's only confidantes. Like, they sit together to gossip and judge people. She asks him whether he thinks this next husband is good enough or rich enough. I headcanon she's also cold, bitchy, and arrogant and Blaise models his persona after her (and perhaps her brother or father, but only relatives on her side).
I also imagine he knows his mother killed his father and that she sat him down and explained why so he does back her on that decision. He has his doubts deep down about his mother's ways, but he isn't ready to examine them, or planning on doing so any time soon.
So, yeah, I think Blais is an asshole pureblood bigot who doesn't really have friends and is so incredibly arrogant. But he isn't a bully, he shows his disdain through cold looks and indifference. He also has the potential for interesting character dynamics with his mom and I like him a lot.
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thefluffyrailway-official · 4 months ago
𝐌𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐀𝐬𝐡𝐥𝐞𝐲 (𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲)
That was a beautiful morning on the island of Sodor. Even among that sad cloudy sky, some small rays of light slipped through the clouds. And, since there was no rain forecast for that day, the steamies need not fear for their fur.
At that moment, a pale yellow furred engine with gold and gray eyes, was at the Knapford Shunting Yard, chatting with one of her workmates.
-It's funny to see that Aaron is coming with you Edward- She said. -Wasn't James his mentor?-
The old blue-eyed male nodded.
-Let's say the red boy took the day off. You know, his pups were born recently, and he couldn't visit Rosie before- He explained.
-And that allows me to be with dad during the entire work day!- The young engine laughed.
-You seem excited about that little one- the blonde-furred one smiled.
-I hope you're aware that not because I am your father I'm going to be soft on you boy- Edward stroked his son's head while an amused purr came out of his smoke box.
-I know dad, Thomas warned me about that already- Aaron answered rolling his eyes with a smile.
She smiled. Aaron had recently started his training and could barely see his father. So seeing them together was really adorable.
-And what about your little ones Molly? Neville told me that they'll join Aaron in a couple of months- Edward said.
Molly had four pups, old enough to begin their training to work on the railway. So it was obvious that, sooner or later, someone would ask her about them. They keep telling everyone about it.
-Oh! Well, in fact, STH is already thinking about which engine will be their mentor. The only bad thing is... Well...- The golden-eyed looked down, she seemed worried. -I just hope that Ashley can be named an apprentice alongside her siblings...- She sighed.
Edward placed his front paw on the female's shoulder. -Hey, don't worry, I'm sure she'll recover in time.- He meowed, comforting her.
She smiled slightly. -Thank you Edward. Is there anything else to do here? I have to go see this little smoke ball at the Steamworks.-
-Don't worry about that. Aaron and I will take care of it.- The blue-eyed engine said with a shake of his head, indicating that she should go see her daughter.
Molly said goodbye to both of them and headed towards the Steamworks.
They had been rebuilt a few years ago due to the biological changes of the locomotives after the "Bloody Disaster", a pandemic that wiped out 60% of the world's vehicles.
It had been such a radical change that, even if humans were immune, the vehicle companies that made parts for them were doomed to adapt or disappear.
From that moment on, the so-called "Machine Age" began.
In one of the nests placed in a corner, at the back of the Steamworks, was a small locomotive with gray fur and blue eyes.
Next to her, a young tabby crane, with black and yellow scales, was trying to console her about something that seemed to torment her innocent mind.
-Don't worry Ash. I'm sure we'll find a way for you to recover before the ceremony- He said as he brushed the bangs away from the grey engine's teary eyes.
Molly entered the place and her gaze automatically fell on her pup. Seeing her in that state, she ran towards her with an expression of clear concern on her face.
-Oh dear Lady! What happened Kevin?! Has she had another attack?! - The blonde female asked hysterically as she approached her daughter.
Ash suffered from ash syndrome, his boiler was too small and did not work properly.
So if she made any effort it was very likely that she would end up almost unable to breathe. This was quite common. So the pup stayed in the Steamworkd for almost her entire life. Her mother visited her every day, her father whenever he could, but her siblings... They didn't seem to understand Ash's problem, so they almost never visited her or simply made fun of her because of their jealousy.
Even if she tried not to show it, it was evident that Molly showed much more concern for Ashley than for her other pups.
-Not at the moment. Calm down Molly- Kevin said with a calm tone. -But her siblings told her about their training. And not in the best way in fact...-
Molly sighed.
-What am I going to do with them... I'm so sorry, sweetheart, I don't know how to make them understand you... - the blonde female snuggled up next to her daughter and dried her tears.
-I'll leave you alone, okay?- The young crane said as he stepped back.
-Don't worry mom. I know they love me. But they think you don't.- The blue-eyed girl sobbed. -I wouldn't mind if you didn't come here for a few days. Kevin takes great care of me. And my brothers want to be with you too. Not only with dad.-
Molly remained silent for a few moments.
-Well... But we will continue coming to see you.- She said while giving her a loving lick on the cheek.
The young grayish engine rested her head against her mother's chest.
-Mom... Will I ever be normal?-
-What do you mean honey? You're as normal as your brothers- Molly purred.
-I'm not mom. We are the same age and they already run almost all over the island, they accompany you and dad at work and they are with other engines! While I... The only thing I've done since I was born was lay here... -Ash responded with pain in her voice.
An awkward silence formed between the two female engines for a few minutes.
-Don't worry Ash. Victor said you're improving a lot lately.- Molly tried to calm her daughter down a bit. Although it wasn't very effective.
And so the days passed...
The weeks...
The months...
Ashley was finally much better. But that didn't seem to matter... The day of the ceremony was close and Molly had no news from STH about her.
Until one day...
Molly was with Ash again at the Steamworks. Although she wasn't alone this time. Melody, their oldest daughter, was with them too.
-Don't worry sis. I can wait for you if you want.- She smiled.
Ash shook her head.
-Don't worry about me Mel. I appreciate you to worry. But i will be fine-
Suddenly, Victor's deep voice interrupted the conversation.
-Sorry to interrupt girls. But I think you have a visitor. A very important one in fact- He said with a smile.
The engines looked toward the entrance to the Steamworks.
STH was there! Accompanied by a robust and experienced machine with long greenish fur and eyes of the same color.
-Henry? Sir? What brings you here?- Molly asked curiously.
-Victor has informed me of little Ashley's progress these last few months- he said. -I came to ask your permission to assign Henry as her mentor tomorrow.-
The three females gaped. They looked at each other for a few seconds in total surprise. But Melody was the first to speak.
-I don't know, honey. Do you really think she's ready, Victor?- Molly asked.
The garnet male nodded.
-Her health has improved a lot. She's been accompanying Kevin to pick up medicine lately, remember? And at no time in these 4 months she had another attack.-
The blonde female looked at her daughter.
-Do you feel ready Ashley?-
The little girl was still stunned by the news. She barely listened to her mother. She was too busy admiring her possible future mentor. Who gave her a kind smile upon noticing her cute excited gaze.
-Ashley- Her mother gave her a little touch to make her react.
-YES! YES I WANT!!- The blue-eyed engine screeched.
-It's not about whether you want. You must feel prepared. Are you?- Molly repeated in a serious tone.
The pup's answer was the same. Her tail shook frantically with excitement as she hopped around the large green-eyed male. -Hey calm down little one. You don't wanna get worse right before you start- Henry said as he stopped her jumping by gently placing his paw on the young engine's head.
-Then. You have my permission sir.- Molly smiled proudly.
-I'm glad to hear that. Don't worry Molly. I have discussed it with Henry and Victor and she will take a gentler pace than her brothers until she fully recovers. It would be better if you continue spending the night here at the Steamworks at first Ashley- He explained.
Ash looked down with some disappointment.
-Don't worry, you will do the same as them, but not at the same pace. That doesn't make you less useful than your brothers- STH said comforting the young gray-furred engine.
-Alright sir, i will do my best. I promise i won't let you down!- She giggled.
(AU inspo creds @steam-beasts <3)
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s-lorelei · 14 days ago
The Romanticization of Draco Malfoy and Severus Snape.
Draco Malfoy is not — I repeat, is not — someone to fawn over. He's not a "sexy, morally grey, rich bad boy", he is a BULLY. He hung around awful people by choice, not because of his father. He bullied Harry, Hermione, and Ron by choice.
The people who adore him either:
1- Are movie-only fans and simp over Tom Felton — who is not Draco Malfoy.
2- Don't care that he's terrible and choose to love him and say that he's a broken character. That "I can fix him" mentality is what makes people toxic. (And this goes for any book. I'm looking at you, Dark Fantasy readers)
And I know there's those people who are like, "Well, he changed! He changed after he left school and got away from his father!"
I. Don't. Care.
There is absolutely no reason for children to be bullies growing up, no matter who they had for parents. I hear so many people say "I was bullied in school so I became a bully."
No. That's not an excuse. I was bullied in middle school horribly, and I never thought to myself, "huh, y'know what? I'm gonna bully everyone now."
No 👏🏻 excuse 👏🏻
Seriously. Y'all are the same exact people who love Snape, too. Anyone I've met who is smitten with Draco defends Snape's atrocious treatment of his students.
Movie-only Snape lovers out there, I want you to hear this!
He threatened to poison students to test their antidote potions.
He threatened to poison Neville's toad, Trevor, just because Neville had made a mistake.
He forced Neville to disembowl a cauldron of Horned-Toads as a punishment, because he KNEW Neville loved amphibians.
Attempted to embarrass Hermione and Harry by reading a completely untrue article (written by Rita Skeeter) aloud to his class about Hermione "playing with" Viktor Krum's and Harry's feelings and making her out to be a ho, in which he would pause after every line to allow the Slytherin students to laugh.
In the fourth book, Harry and Draco had a mini duel in front of Snape's classroom while they were all waiting for him to show up; Draco's spell hit Hermione and caused her front teeth to grow super long. When Harry pointed this out right after Snape had taken points from Gryffindor, Snape looked at Hermione and said, "I see no difference."
He tormented Harry about his father on mutiple occasions. And, though Snape had his reasons to loathe James Potter, there was no provocation from Harry and, therefore, Snape had no reason to get involved. (You should, in no way, give children the image that their parents were/are bad. Let them learn that for themselves.)
Accused Harry of stealing from his office (in greater loathing than the movies, aka riled Harry up about his father just to make him angry and possibly let slip that he did it).
Tried to get Sirius killed, even though he had no business in the matter.
Refused to let Harry pass into Dumbledore's office when he found a delirious Barty Crouch in the woods.
And many, many other things.
All in all, Snape is horrible, and no amount of "Always" will change my mind.
Anywho, that concludes the end of another rant because I've typed way too much.
EDIT (for the people who have #no reading comprehension): This is a post about ADULT Snape. I am NOT talking about child Snape. He had every right to despise James (as I mentioned), and Sirius, and Professor Lupin, and Peter (although he doesn't matter because everyone thought he was dead). I have no idea what kind of high some of you all are on, but I'm clearly talking about Snape as a professor, in which he belittles children who don't know any better.
He bullies Harry for being James's son, but what was his reasoning for picking on Neville constantly, hm? Did Frank Longbottom make fun of Snape in school? We don't know because it wasn't mentioned at all. A teacher is meant to help students grow, not beat them down until they feel so useless they wanna disappear. In this case, Snape's actions are not redeemable at all.
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maxdibert · 4 months ago
How do you think Severus would relate to a child of his own, if he had one? What kind of father do you think he would be?
There are so many possible answers to this question because it would really depend on the context in which Snape became a father (before or after the War), his child’s personality, and, of course, what his partner would be like. But, let’s assume we’re talking about a post-War Snape in an AU, because honestly, I can’t imagine canon Severus being a father in any way—it would literally be suicidal. Having a child would not only endanger his mission as a spy but also give his enemies perfect leverage to use against him. And he’s already suffered too much in life to throw in that level of angst. So, starting from a scenario where there’s no war and Severus can focus on being both calm and depressed (because he’d still be depressed, especially if he no longer has a clear purpose keeping him going), I don’t think the idea of fatherhood would really thrill him at first. It’s not like he’s someone who’s ever thought of having children, or at least he ruled out the possibility long ago. If he had a partner who wanted kids, I think he’d agree, but with a terrifying sense of dread about fatherhood because 1) his parental role models are terrible, and he never had a functional upbringing, and 2) he’s never really liked kids. It probably wouldn’t occur to him that maybe the issue is that he doesn’t like other people’s kids, but his own would be different. That’s why I think his partner would be a fundamental factor in this—supporting him throughout the process and keeping him grounded about his own traumas.
That said, I imagine him as a strict but supportive father, one who sets rules and commands respect but without using violence or verbal attacks on his children. He’d especially try to spare them the awful childhood he endured with his own father. But I still see him as the kind of dad who has rules and expects them to be followed, the classic type who cares a lot about grades and school behavior (he was a teacher for 18 years, after all). He’d probably see certain grades as failures if they didn’t meet expectations. He’d likely be a bit awkward with affection, although he’d find his own ways to make his children feel loved, valued, and accepted. He’d be a present father but would struggle to be fully emotionally open, though he’d likely improve this over time and with effort.
I also see him preferring to have daughters, or at least finding it much easier to bond with a daughter. I’ve always thought that it’s simpler for Severus to relate to women (Lily was his first friend, and the other person he spent time with as a child was Petunia, also a girl. As much as he picked on Hermione, he wasn’t as harsh with her as he was with Harry, Neville, or Ron. He seemed to have a fairly close relationship with Narcissa, etc.). Basically, most of the men in his life have been abusers (his father, the Marauders, Dumbledore manipulating and blackmailing him, Voldemort...), so he’s more at ease, or maybe just more himself, when he’s around women. I can see him thinking that he might not fully understand “girl stuff,” but that it’s better than having a son who’s into Quidditch and facing the prospect of not knowing how to deal with a boy who represents all the typical “boy” interests and behaviors that Severus doesn’t really embody. He’d probably have some anxiety over this—something common among men who don’t fit into stereotypical norms associated with their own gender.
Still, whether he had a son or a daughter, he’d try to provide them with a functional and stable home, where there’s affection and respect, allowing them to grow up with the security he never had. I don’t see him as an “easy” father because he has too much baggage, but he’d be aware of that baggage and try to address it when he realizes he’s messed up. He wouldn’t do that for others, but he’d do it for his children.
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dracomort · 5 months ago
Wouldn’t Draco going back in time in TTC cause temporal fraying or whatever sci-fi stuff that they do in time-travel theory? Draco goes back in time and kinda “fix” Tom (well not fix per se, but making Tom a lil bit softer) yada yada. Now there is a chance Draco’s parents might not even born bc of the butterfly effect. Or maybe Harry or Neville would have never been killed and therefore there would be no Boy Who Lived. So Voldemort‘s reign would have not stopped in 1980. And as a result, Draco would have grew up with Voldemort???? And if Draco (the one that went back in time) is still alive by that time then there would be 2 Dracos???? And if Draco wasnt born then how could he travel back in time????
I am sorry. Your writing is lovely. I am just very confused and worried (for fictional characters omg my therapist is gonna loveeeee this)
Haha the time travel in TTC doesn't align with either the book canon time travel or... cursed child time travel. When Draco travelled back in time, he split the universe onto a different timeline. So even if his parents aren't born, he won't cease to exist.
And a lot WILL change. Not just because Draco tempers Tom to a certain extent, but also because he told Tom everything he knows about the future. Harry is never going to be allowed to be born, for example. Of course, neither Draco nor Tom know about Neville...
Regarding the butterfly effect, Draco's friendship with Septimus has already caused a massive ripple:
Draco's friendship with Septimus + his relationship with Tom allowed Tom easy access to Cedrella and the Black family. By using his connections with Alphard and other high status purebloods, he improved her standing within her family and subsequently earned her loyalty. Something he would never have had the chance to gain in the original timeline.
Upon reconnecting with her family, Cedrella names her third son Sirius Weasley instead of Arthur. That alters Arthur/Sirius's relationship with the Blacks and also means Walburga wouldn't name her son Sirius.
The harassment Septimus faced from Grindelwald's supporters wouldn't have vanished had Tom not, um, slaughtered them for unrelated reasons. It would've continued to a point where he was left with chronic magical injuries and had to drop out of the Healing Programme to recover and take on work to financially support his growing family. This would have resulted in a cycle of generational poverty not present in this timeline where he instead graduates and becomes a well-paid Curse Healing specialist.
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justsomerandomfanfic · 1 year ago
Royals - Draco Malfoy X Female Reader
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Title: Royals
Draco Malfoy X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Harry (Mentioned), Ron (Mentioned), Hermione (Mentioned), Reader's family (Mentioned), Lucius, Narcissa, Voldy, Ginny (Mentioned), Weasleys (Mentioned), Neville (Mentioned), Luna (Mentioned), and Death Eaters (Mentioned)
Requested by: Anon!
WC: 2,482
Warnings: Reader's a princess, Battle of Hogwarts, very slight mentions of injuries, mentions of bullying (verbal), Lucius, prejudice, threats, sassy Reader, death mentioned, crying, yelling, deleted scene, teasing, flirting, banter, like one curse word, nicknames, angst, and fluff
The sky was a blueish-gray, and endless dark clouds circled the sky like vultures, eating away at any rays of sunshine that might've pushed its way through. The world around you was that same blueish-gray, with a thick coating of dust, dirt, and grime that wafted into the air with every tired step that you took. The school, the place you had come to find as your second home - a home away from home - was in ruin. The tension in the air was dense, almost suffocating as you held Draco's hand tightly in yours; your wand gripped securely in the other. After the first initial fight, you were bruised and battered, but never once did you leave Draco's side.
You had been inseparable ever since the end of your fourth year together. Before then, you and Draco butted heads, he verbally bullied you, embarrassed you, and called you terrible names based on your blood status. You, on the other hand, were quite quiet, but you didn't hesitate to stand up for yourself. You were both stubborn to a fault, neither of you allowing the other to win in these little verbal fights you both had in the halls. It wasn't until after the end of your third year that you realized how much you cared about Draco Malfoy. It was a bittersweet realization, because, well, it was Draco, and you couldn't help but feel guilty over it - seeing as he used to bully you, and your friends; the Golden Trio.
In October of your fourth year, you noticed a slight change in the Slytherin. He wouldn't make any nasty comments towards you when you passed each other down the hall, and he'd even stop his so-called friends from saying anything to you or about you as well. You were beginning to think he was growing soft, or growing up. And Draco surprised you further by asking you to the Yule Ball later in December. You had begun to see the sensitive, sweet boy beneath that arrogant exterior, and you decided to give him a chance. And from then on, you and Draco grew closer than ever before.
From little dates in the Astronomy Tower, sitting together during shared classes, conversations during free periods near the lake, and even sneaking out past curfew for sharing snacks and kisses; you and Draco became inseparable. You found comfort in his presence, and you could tell that he felt the same way about you. And by the end of your fifth year, Draco asked you to be his girlfriend.
You met Draco's parents not long after, his father insisted that you come, wanting to know everything about the girl that distracted his son from his studies, as it were. Supper at the Malfoy Manor was uncomfortable and awkward. Draco's father was stern and cold, while Draco's mother was polite, and asked pleasant questions; she seemed to have liked you. One thing that puzzled you during that dinner though was that Draco had told you beforehand that his father would never let him have a relationship with someone who wasn't pure of blood. Sadly, his father’s prejudice on your blood status was one of the things that tried to drag you and Draco apart. So why did Lucius Malfoy allow you to continue dating his son? Why did he look you in the eye and almost reluctantly say that you could continue seeing his son? What did you do? What did you say that would warrant such a strange response from a man who held such high expectations for his son? Or... Most importantly, what did he know? What did he know about you? You should've known that something else was simmering behind those malicious gray eyes of his.
Lucius Malfoy knew your secret, and he was going to use it against you; which led to the scariest night of your life.
"I know who you are," You immediately tensed up upon hearing his voice... All you wanted was just some tea.
Turning around, you looked up at the man at the entrance of the kitchen, his long platinum-blonde hair and pale skin stood out against his all-black attire. "Pardon me?" You spoke up, holding the warm mug in your hands, your tea steaming.
Lucius entered the room, slowly, almost as if he was stalking his next prey, which was you. "You are fourth in line to the throne."
At that, you paused, your eyes narrowing slightly, "I don't think I know what you are speaking of, Mr. Malfoy." You replied coolly, taking a sip of your tea.
He smirked, stepping forward another two steps, sweeping a few strands of his hair over his shoulder with a simple swish of his hand, "You're the Princess of Wales."
You scoffed, shaking your head as if his statement was ridiculous, "A princess? Really?"
His smirk fell at your light laughter, "I may despise your kind, but I know well enough of the royal family. And you, Miss L/N, are one of them."
"I'm not a princess, I'm not royalty, and I never was." Ending the conversation as you turned around, facing the counter once more, but you didn't hear him leave.
"Hmm," He hummed, the click-clack of his cane hitting the marble floor made a shiver run down your spine, "It would be such a pity if the Dark Lord got hold of you, my dear."
You sighed, rolling your eyes, "I highly doubt that he would ever take an interest in me, and I assure you, I am just a simple Muggle-born." Turning, you gave the man one last look, "I don't care for your disdainful looks, nor your rude words, and I don't care for your threats, either. If you want to get rid of me, then go right ahead, but you'll regret it. Now, if you'll excuse me, your son and I are going to enjoy our evening." You turned back around, leaving the kitchen without another word.
"And what if I told Draco? Hmm?" He called out to you, turning to watch you leave out into the hall, "I would watch what I say and do carefully."
Your heart pounded in your chest, your palms sweaty. You didn't answer him, instead, you continued walking.
As Voldemort walked forward, his horde of followers trailing behind him, you spotted Hagrid with Harry in his arms. Your grip on Draco's hand tightened as Voldemort came to a stop, his loyal serpent beside him. Your free hand held onto Draco’s arm, your cheek digging into his shoulder at the sound of Ginny's screams.
"Stupid girl. Harry Potter is dead. From this day forth, you put your faith in me." Voldemort exclaimed before turning to his followers with a large grin. "Harry Potter is dead!" He laughed, laughed before continuing, "And now is the time to declare yourself." He stretched his arms out wide, "Come forward and join us..." He paused, "... Or die." His words seemed to echo throughout the grounds, as Lucius called for Draco, followed by his mother, Narcissa.
You tightened your hold on Draco's hand and arm, digging your cheek further into the fabric of his dark, black suit. You began to mutter over and over again, pleading, begging for Draco not to leave your side. Looking up, your eyes met him, his stormy gray eyes that held so much anguish and fear. You bit your lip, trying to quell the tears that threatened to spill.
"Draco!" His father tried once more, more commanding as if he was scolding the young man, Draco's eyes left yours to stare at his parents as his mother took a step forward.
"Come." She said softly, simply, and you began to panic when you felt Draco's hand twitch slightly in your tight hold.
Raising the hand from his arm, you gently cupped his cheek, moving his head to look back at you. "Draco, please," You pleaded, your eyes searching his face, "Please, don't go."
His eyes softened at the sight of your pained expression, "I'm sorry," He whispered to you, making your eyes widen as he slowly slipped out of your hold.
"No, no, Draco!" You called out to him, watching in horror as he made his way to the other side, but not before being engulfed in the Dark Lord's arms in an attempt to hug.
Tears fell freely from your eyes as you felt Luna place a hand on your shoulder, her comfort coming only a moment too late. You stood there, almost a shell of your former self, watching as Neville slowly limped his way forward, and for a moment, you thought you lost another great friend to the dark side as they laughed and laughed. But, from his speech and at the glint of the Gryffiondor sword, you felt a flicker of hope burn within you as Harry sprung to life, practically leaping out of Hagrid's arms. And imagine your surprise when you watched Draco - your Draco - run across the courtyard, tossing him a wand.
A rush of pride filled you as he ran towards you. You met him halfway, jumping into his arms, hugging him close to you as his arms wrapped around your waist with a desperate grip. You buried your face in his neck and breathed in deeply, feeling the warmth of his body against yours. You pulled away and looked up at him, smiling brightly.
"Draco," You murmured to him, squeezing his hand, "Did you plan that or something?" He smiled down at you, but before he could answer you, you whipped your wand out and shot a Death Eater over Draco's shoulder. "We should fight, talk later." You grinned, as Draco took your hand in his.
"Yeah," He muttered, "Good plan, love."
The Battle of Hogwarts was a nasty one, one that you both hoped to never live through again. You and Draco did your best to stop the Death Eaters that came your way, and after what felt like hours of running down halls and fallen corridors, there was finally silence. That silence was followed by a sense of relief and peace that enveloped your bodies and calmed your souls. Entering the Great Hall, you looked up at the sun shining down upon you from the large hole in the ceiling. You couldn't help but smile, tearing up slightly at the realization that Voldemort was dead. Sitting down, you and Draco watched as other students, professors, friends, and parents trickled in, finding their own spot to sit and take a breath after the battle that they all fought so hard to end.
"Thank goodness," You sighed, looking around the hall. You spotted Ginny sitting at a table with most of her family, and Luna before she headed down the hall, and lastly, you waved to Harry, who gave you and Draco both a tired, relieved smile. You looked away from them, focusing on Draco as he sat beside you, his hand resting on top of yours on his knee.
"How are you feeling?" You asked him, leaning in closer to him.
"I'm okay. What about you?" Draco asked, interlacing his fingers with yours, careful of the small cuts on your knuckles from when you punched some random Death Eater.
You hummed, "Like I just got hit by a train," You gave him a light nudge before your eyes widened as you looked up at Draco with a huge grin, "Oh! Now that old Voldy is gone, I have something to tell you."
"What's that?" Draco raised an eyebrow.
You laughed lightly, "Well, it’s all good news, you don’t have to worry." You leaned in, kissing him on the cheek before whispering to him, "I'm a princess."
Draco's eyes widened as he simply stared at you, confused, "What? You're a princess?" He asked, and you nodded.
"I am the Princess of Wales." You told him, "I wanted to tell you but if anyone found out it could endanger them, but now that Voldemort's gone, I can tell anyone I wish."
Draco seemed taken aback, blinking rapidly as he pulled back from you slightly to look at you, "You're pulling my leg here, aren’t you, love?"
You shook your head, "No, I'm not pulling your leg. You know me, Draco, I am a terrible liar, especially to you."
Draco stared at you for a long while, pursing his lips as he watched your eyes. It was true, there was this look that your eyes gave that told Draco that you were lying - that really gave you away. But this time, your eyes just shined right back at him; not a lie in sight. His mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water before he cleared his throat, "I'm dating a princess..."
You laughed at his shocked expression, nodding your head, "Yes, yes, you are."
"Bloody hell," He muttered, making you throw your head back as you laughed.
"Dray..." You place your hand on his arm, "You're sounding like a Weasley!" You giggled, making Draco's gaze on you soften. He shook his head, finding himself laughing along with you, smiling a real, genuine smile that made you feel all warm inside. Just hearing his laugh made you happy, and made you forget everything else that was going on in your life. "So, what do we do now?" You asked him, resting your chin on his shoulder, his fingers playing with your hands in his lap.
Draco only shrugged a shoulder, his eyes glancing up at you, "I haven't a clue. Do you have any ideas?"
"Hmm, a vacation, and after that…" You pondered, pursing your lips lightly as you pulled one of your hands from his to gently card them through his messy hair. "How about you meet my family?" You offered, and Draco's face lit up, "They'd love to meet you."
"Really?" He asked, raising an eyebrow, "Do you think so?"
You nodded, "They already do. Especially my brothers, and they’re pretty protective of me, so that’s like a huge plus." You leaned in, brushing your nose against his before giving him a quick peck on the lips, "They all already love you, I promise, and it's my fault really, seeing how I've written about you since I was thirteen."
Draco's cheeks warmed as he smirked at you, "I'd love to meet them, love." Draco spoke, turning towards you slightly, "Pardon, I mean, your Highness." Draco lightly teased, making you roll your eyes playfully as he leaned in, his nose gently bumping against yours.
You couldn’t stop your smile from growing, “Such a tease.” You muttered before continuing, "I'm glad you came back."
Feeling him nod slightly as his hand came up to cup the back of your neck, his fingers tangling in your hair there. With a small, shaky sigh, Draco answered, "Me too, love, me too." And with that you let yourself sink into his embrace once more.
Main Masterlist | Harry Potter Masterlist
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up-to-some-good · 4 months ago
Here’s a they live AU prompt I came up with. Thought this up after coming across a few James & Lily live fics where despite being good parents, they make the naive/foolish decision of enrolling Harry in the same Kindergarten school as Dudley.
Here’s the Prompt(if up for tackling it):
“So Lils, should we enroll Harry in St. Grogory(the kindergarten school he went to in canon)..?
“NO. We will not!”
“But I thought you wanted him to bond with Dudley?”
“I just saw Dudley a few days ago, being aggressive to another child, much smaller than him. I may care for my sister and nephew, but I will NOT in good conscience James, allow my son to be a target.”
I'm alive! I'm here! I wrote something!
Thank you for the prompt!!
As had become routine when they arrived home, Harry ran straight into James's arms while Lily hung up their coats and put away their shoes.
Saturdays were Lily and Harry days, where she would take Harry out to the park or zoo and James would spend the day at home or meet his friends somewhere for a drink. James had been a stay at home dad for three years. He loved it, but he need a break as much as Lily needed one on one time with the boy. So Saturdays were their solution.
Harry loved their routine. And he especially loved telling his dad all about their day when they got back, leaving Lily to organise dinner without Harry's so-called help.
She made her way over to the kitchen, pressing a kiss to her husband's cheek as she passed. When she got to the fridge, however, she paused before even opening it. Pinned to the fridge with a magnet was an application to St Gregory's Preparatory, with some of Harry's details filled in already.
"James, love," she called.
"Why is there an application to St Gregory's on our fridge?"
He came into the kitchen, Harry still perched on his hip.
"Well," he said with a grin. "I know you want Harry to go to muggle school before Hogwarts, and that you want him to bond a bit with his cousin. So when Petunia mentioned they were sending Dudley there when he's older, I thought we could kill to birds with one stone. You'd like that, right Haz?"
"Yay!" Harry cheered, though that was his usual response to James, so it didn't mean much.
"Oh no," Lily responded. "Definitely not. He'll be going to the school down the road, far, far away from that demon my sister claims is a child."
James choked out a laugh.
"Come again?" he said.
He finally put Harry down, pointing him towards a puzzle in the lounge and promising to join him soon.
"Last week, when we were at Petunia's for dinner, I watched Dudley and Harry playing, and after the eighth time Dudley snatched a toy out of Harry's hand and yelled at him, I realised that our parenting style is not compatible with whatever Petunia and Vernon are doing," she said. "I don't want Harry to grow up around that kid, if I can help it. Dudley is a bully. And I don't want Harry to deal with it."
"Alright." James took the application and threw it in the bin before stepping forward and wrapping his arms around Lily. "So he'll go to the school down the road, and we'll keep our distance from the Dursleys. I can't say I'm terribly upset. Maybe we can invite the Longbottoms over soon to play? Neville is a good kid, and would be a good friend for Harry."
"I love you," Lily whispered. "Thank you."
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neverenoughmarauders · 2 days ago
If you have not read I solemly swear, and you are curious about it, but committing to reading nearly 200K words feels too much, might I recommend the last four chapters? Three of these chapters, 71, 73 and 74 follow the classic 'the boys finally work out what's wrong with Remus' storyline, and I am rather pleased with that storyline, if I am allowed to say so.
Anyways, if you're interested in the writing I am most proud about to this date:
Ch 71 - Desperate Measures: James and Sirius want to drag Peter and Remus out on a full moon adventure--to look for mooncalfs and werewolves. It has never been more important for Remus to come up with believable stories for why he is away each month.
Ch 72 - A Double Date: The realities of the war are starting to press upon our heroes. Neville Prewett speaks out against blood supremacy, but it is his son Fabian who first gets to feel the consequences of his bravery.
Ch 73 - What he Feared Most of All: James and Sirius learn a little about themselves, a fair bit about each other, and a lot about Remus Lupin.
Ch 74 - To keep my friends' secrets: Well, the moment we've all waited for. James, Sirius and Peter confront Remus about what they have learned.
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rewritingcanon · 2 years ago
next gen characters and their favourite parent 🫣
victoire: fleur but maybe only by a margin (very close, bill should not take it personally that victoire just specifically admires fleur more because they are more similar in character, she really loves her dad)
dom: bill because he let her get tattoos before she was 18 and he will brush her hair in the morning when she’s too tired to do it herself
louis: fleur because their mother would never allow louis to leave the house looking ugly and they really appreciate that
molly: percy, because they are similar in person and when he gives her approval it just makes her feel more satisfied yknow
lucy: audrey because her mother lets her get away with more stuff than her dad does, so she feels more comfortable being goofy with her than her dad
fred: george because his love language is irritating people and george will just give the same energy back without any qualms
roxanne: angelina, she feels they have a greater understanding between them and she goes to her mother for advice more often
james: ginny, he is the definition of a momma’s boy who would always go soft on her
albus: ginny, even though he feels he’s more similar to harry, sometimes ginny just saying shit as it is gives him a rare sort of calm he appreciates
lily: harry, she loves making her dad interested in anything and everything shes interested in and he’s always genuinely listening to her
rose: no. she genuinely has no preference she loves her parents the same. she is very consistent in her love for them
hugo: contrary to rose, it honestly depends on the day. ron will sneak him toffee and hot chocolate late on a saturday evening and hugo will deem him the favourite parent, the next day hermione buys him a squishmallow and she is
teddy: …andromeda
scorpius: even though he would rather keel over than ever think of liking one parent more than the other… he was closer with astoria growing up (due to their likeness she could bond with him easier), but obviously as scorpius grows up he gets closer with his dad, and he’ll have more experiences with him than he ever had with his mother.
lysander: rolf because he takes lysander all over the world to pursue his interests in geology. rolf will be trying to tame some swedish serpent whilst lysander is inspecting the pebbles in its cave and thats a normal father-son bonding time for them
lorcan: luna. lorcan has been illustrating for the quibbler since he was 13 because luna genuinely doesnt believe there is any other artist that can perfectly mirror the complexity of peculiar fantastical creatures as her son (it’s literally a stick figure)
alice: neville. she’s a daddy’s girl who has her dad wrapped around her finger. i mean, he loves her so much that he forgives her for hating gardening
frank: hannah. she forces him to help her fold the laundry with her and he hates it, but he still loves her (forcing him to help her with her chores just so she can spend more time with him, i see you hannah)
delphi: voldemort 😻😻 (she needs therapy immediately)
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heidi891 · 2 years ago
Snape & Neville
Many people believe Snape is very nasty towards Neville because Neville could have been the Chosen One or because his parents were aurors, but I don’t agree with those headcanons.
Neville is a traumatised boy. His parents were tortured so badly that they lost their minds. He’s grown up without them with a very strict grandmother as his guardian. His family is an old pureblood family and while they are against the pureblood ideology, they still expect a lot from their heirs. Neville’s parents’ fate most likely only increases pressure put upon him. Neville’s uncle almost killed him to squize some magic out of him, as if saying that it’s better to be dead than a Squib. Neville got his father’s wand instead of the one that chose him, as if being told that he had to be like his father, even if he’s just a sad, scared child.
All that turns Neville into a soft version of Obscurial. He doesn’t fully control his magic. We see it especially during the Potions lessons. At the very first lesson Neville somehow turns his potion into a very corrosive substance that melts his couldron and forces his classmates to climb on their desks. Later in the fourth year we hear that he melted six couldrons during about three months. Neville believes himself to be almost a Squib, but he’s very powerful. All the other students who don’t always succeed in Potions only manage to make some too watery or too thick fluid of the wrong colour that simply doesn’t work, doesn’t do anything.
I can imagine Snape having nightmares about Neville with a melting couldron, surrounded by poisonous fumes, killing Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy and all the other students, because Snape hasn’t managed to make him understand. Those lessons must be terrible for him. In this class there’s Harry Potter who looks like his father that used to bullied Snape, who is disobedient and inattentive, and whose presence reminds Snape of his enormous guilt. There’s also Draco Malfoy who tells his family everything and who has to believe Snape is on his side like a good Death Eater, so that in the future his influencial father can be his witness before Voldemort. There’re also Crabbe and Goyle—also sons of Death Eaters. It’s already very stressful and then there’s Neville with his dangerous potions that can kill everybody in a minute.
Snape doesn’t know how to deal with someone like Neville. Snape has no pedagogical education, no experience. He learnt how to teach by imitating his own teachers who finished school in the first half of the 20th century or even in the 19th century. About a decade before Snape started teaching, physical violence was still allowed as a punishment at Hogwarts.
It’s worth noting that Snape doesn’t take points from Neville and he only gives him one detention after he melted six couldrons.
So what Snape does to Neville is deeply wrong and very misguided but it’s just an attempt to teach him Potions. It doesn’t stem from malice or personal revenge.
And we know it, because when Snape begins to teach DADA—after Neville was encouraged by Lupin, after he learnt much in the Dumbledore’s Army, after he fought in the Ministry, after he got his own wand, after he gained a lot of confidence in his magical abilities—Snape doesn’t bully Neville. It proves that it was a matter of Neville’s performance at Potions, nothing more.
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 1 year ago
Harry Potter OC Masterlist ( A-K )
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Name: Adhara Black
Story: Blackbird
Series: Lament
House: Slytherin
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Alyvia Alyn Lind & Emily Alyn Lind
Love Interest: Theodore Nott
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Name: Adrasteia Avery
Story: Love Thorns
Series: Garden Song
House: tbd
Era: Marauder's Era
Face Claim: Madelaine Petsch & Amy Adams
Love Interest: Gideon Prewett
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Name: Adriana Flores
Story: Is There Somewhere?
House: Slytherin
Era: Marauders Era
Face Claim:  Ester Exposito
Love Interest: James Potter
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Name: Alora Scamander
Story: Chasing Hurricans
Series: Chasing Storms
House: Ravenclaw
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Milly Alcock & Saorise Ronan
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Name: Amalthea Black
Story: Alchemical
Series: Family Jewels
House: Slytherin
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Avi Lake & Natalia Dyer
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Name: Anastasia Campbell
Story: A Whole New World
House: Ilvermorny
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim:  Sofia Carson
Love Interest: George Weasley
With a war brewing on the horizon, everyone was desperate for a bit of hope.  And Kingsley Shacklebolt had the answer. And he had the pitch.It’s our only hope of stopping Potter from spreading more lies, he told Cornelius Fudge.  It’s our only hope of getting Potter away from Umbridge, he told Dumbledore.  It’s our only hope of protecting these children, he told the Order.  It’s our only hope of uniting our countries, he told Headmistress Averill.  It’s the only hope for saving your daughter, he told President Campbell.But, what is it?  It’s the first contact between the British and American magical worlds since Newt Scamander and Gellert Grindelwald fought on American soil.  It’s an exchange program, of sorts.  It’s sending a select group of students from Hogwarts to Ilvermorny for a year, introducing them to their American counterparts.Kingsley knew that it was the only chance to win the war, but even he didn’t anticipate just how much a few Americans could change things in a single year.
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Name: Annette Diggory
Story: Hounds Of Love
House: Hufflepuff
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Willow Shields & Kristine Froseth
Love Interest: George Weasley
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Name: Aquila Black
Story: Do You Believe In Magic?
House: N/A
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Victoria Pedretti
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Name: Ara Black
Story: Blood Calls To Blood
House: Gryffindor
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim:  Mackenzie Foy & Kaya Scodelario
Love Interest: Harry Potter
When Ara Black was a year old, her father was arrested and thrown into Azkaban without a trial, and she was adopted by her Aunt Andromeda.  For the next twelve years, Ara was perfectly fine with being Ara Tonks; with being normal; with being unnoticed.  But when her father breaks out of Azkaban, on her thirteenth birthday no less, she knows that it’s only a matter of time before all her secrets are revealed.
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Name: Bobbie Fortescue
Story: Reverie
House: Hufflepuff
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: McKenna Grace & Ginny Gardner
Love Interest: Ernie MacMillan
Being a child of the first Wizarding War was far from easy.  Like so many, Bobbie’s parents had been killed during the war, and she’d been raised by her grandfather.  A fiercely protective man, having lost both his son and daughter — Bobbie’s Aunt Alice — to death eaters, Bobbie’s little world had been mostly limited to the ice cream parlour and their apartment above it.  Small, safe, lonely. But there were bright spots in her life too.  There was her cousin, Neville, whom she was allowed to visit once a week.  There was Madam Villanelle from Flourish and Blotts, who would always let Bobbie sit and read safely within her grandfather’s view from the parlour.   There was Ernie MacMillan, the sweet boy who always stopped by to say hi when he was in the Alley — to whom Bobbie always snuck a free ice cream.  And there was Hogwarts.  The dream of a future, of a world beyond the small section of Diagon Alley that could easily be seen from her grandfather’s shop.  The dream of friends, of excitement, knowledge, adventure. But when Bobbie gets to Hogwarts, it’s nothing like she expected.  Sorted into Hufflepuff and separated from Neville, she finds herself floundering.  The world outside of the parlour is bigger, louder, more dangerous than Bobbie had ever dreamed, and the only person who seems to notice how badly she’s handling it is none other than Ernie MacMillan himself.
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Name: Carina Goldberg
Story: Do You Believe In Magic
House: Slytherin
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim:  Raffey Cassidy & Danielle Campbell
Love Interest: Harry Potter
Carina Goldberg knew magic was real. She’d known it was real sinceher first brush with accidental magic, when she was only five years old.  Her mum had sat her down to tell her all about the Wizarding World—that she, herself, was a squib, a magic-less child from a magical family, who never expected to have a magical daughter herself.  So, she knew of magic.  But when her owl comes from Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry, she finds that there’s still a lot that she doesn’t know.  She knew nothing about her own family’s dark history, or that her best friend, Harry, was famous in the Wizarding World, and she definitely didn’t know about the evil lurking in the shadows, threatening to destroy the world once more.
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Name: Cassia Potter
Story: The Captain Of My Fate
Series: Invictus
House: Gryffindor
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Danielle Rose Russell
Love Interest: Dimitri Aleksander Volkov
Read it on AO3 HERE | FFnet HERE | Wattpad HERE
December 1981, two months after Voldemort’s defeat, Severus Snape introduced his daughter to the world.  Cassia Lily Snape, his daughter with Lily Evans who’d been kept a secret to protect her from both Voldemort and Lily’s husband, now a year old and living at Hogwarts with her father.Despite her father’s emotional absence, Cassia had never lacked in love, building a family of her own within the castle she called home.  The older she got, the more questions she had about her life and her mother, but she had long since accepted that they would remain unanswered.  But when she turned eleven and finally, finally, becomes a student herself, it’s not Cassia Lily Snape who’s called to be sorted.  It’s Cassia Alice Potter, a girl said to have disappeared ten years earlier.
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Name: Catherine Flamel
Story: Clair De Lune
Series: What Died Didn’t Stay Dead
House: Gryffindor or Beauxbatons
Era: Flamel Era
Face Claim: Emily Carey & Lily Collins
Love Interest: Sébastien Gautier
The only child of Nicholas and Perenelle Flamel, Catherine was just as much of a magical prodigy as her parents.  She had graduated at the top of her class at Beauxbatons, then proceeded to dedicate her passions alchemy and spellcraft to helping her people survive the ever increasing persecution that they were facing all across the continent.  But as time goes on and the struggle gets closer to home, she can’t help but wonder: had she been doing the right thing, or had she only been contributing to the endless death and destruction?
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Name: Celia Longbottom
Story: Wildflower
Series: Garden Song
House: tbd
Era: Marauder's Era
Face Claim: Ella Purnell
Love Interest: Fabian Prewett
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Name: Clio Lupin
Story: Blood Moon
House: Hufflepuff
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Sophie Nélisse & Grace Van Dien
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Name: Corvina Karkaroff
Story: So It Goes
House: Durmstrang
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Stella Maeve
Love Interest: Viktor Krum
Corvina Karkaroff knew the life that was planned out for her.  She knew that her father had arranged her betrothal years earlier, and that within a month of her graduation she would be married.  Her future husband was fond of the dark arts and viewed marriage as a necessity for heirs, wives as nothing more than property – in short, he failed to pass the only request that Corvina might have had.  Still, with barely nine months left of her free life, she was determined to make the most of the time she had.  It was fortunate, really, that this would be the year of the Tri-Wizard Tournament, the year that she could disappear to England and leave her future far behind.  One year.  One glorious year of international relations, thrilling competition, and clandestine meetings with Viktor, before she would have to return home and face reality.  But a lot can happen in one year, and by the time the ship docks back at Durmstrang, who knows what life may have in store.
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Name: Danica Lestrange
Story: Serpentine
House: Slytherin
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim:  Brenna D'Amico & Margaret Qualley
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Name: Dawn Connolly
Story: Stairway To Heaven
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Sabrina Carpenter & Lily James
Love Interest: Sirius Black
When the wizarding world first went to war against Voldemort, seventeen year old Dawn Connolly was right there in the middle of it all. The muggleborn was still in her final year at Hogwarts, but she found herself stepping up within the Order of the Phoenix, alongside the infamous Marauders and her long time best friend and idol, Lily Potter. But one fateful Halloween, only months after finishing school tragedy shook Dawn’s world. Within hours, her closest confidant had died, as had two of her best friends, the third arrested and sent to jail, and the fourth locking himself away from the world. So Dawn packed up her life and returned to the muggle world. She kept her head down until most of her former colleagues had assumed her dead or forgotten about her entirely, working odd jobs in the town of Little Whinging, where she knew Lily’s sister lived. She waitressed, she sang, she wrote, she babysat Harry Potter. It wasn’t perfect, and she continued to grieve for her loved ones, but it was more than she could have hoped for; it was good. And then Sirius Black turns up on her doorstep.
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Name: Deianira Carrow
Story: Melodrama
Series: What Died Didn’t Stay Dead
House: Slytherin
Era: Riddle Era
Face Claim: Emily Carey & Lily Collins
Love Interest: Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle was, in a word, enchanting.  Deianira Carrow was two classes below him, but from her very first day of school, she had never been able to take her eyes off of him.  And somehow, in her third year and his fifth, he set his eyes on her as well.  From that day onwards, Deianira was always by his side.  She was in his innermost circle, his closest confidante, his right hand.  She was his.  And as the years pass by, as her graduation approaches, as schoolboy visions become a reality, Deianira knows one thing for certain.  She will always be his; even if it kills her.
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Name: Dimitri Aleksander Volkov
Story: The Captain Of My Fate
Series: Invictus
House: Durmstrang; Slytherin
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Aidan Gallagher & Thomas Doherty
Love Interest: Cassia Potter
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Name: Dulcinea Ollivander
Story: Moonlight Sonata
House: Ravenclaw
Era: Marauder's Era
Face Claim: Abby Ross & Hannah Murray
Love Interest: Remus Lupin
Dulcinea Ollivander had always believed that Hogwarts would be the best years of her life.  Raised on stories of lifelong friends and adventures that she would remember forever, she couldn’t wait to board the train and experience all of the wonder for herself.  And for the first few years, it had been true.  She’d found a home and a family within Ravenclaw tower, a passion for almost all of her classes, an unexpected love of quidditch, and even a crush in the form of Remus Lupin – it was everything she could have dreamed of and more.  But as Voldemort’s war lands on their doorstep, adventure and wonder must come to an end, and everyone has to decide just how far they’re willing to go to survive.
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Name: Elvira Lestrange
Story: Alchemical
Series: Family Jewels
House: Slytherin
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Dove Cameron
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Name: Emerald Evans
Story: Lightning Strikes
House: Slytherin
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim:  Sophia Lillis & Abigail Cowen
Love Interest: Theodore Nott
Emerald Evans would have once called herself perfectly normal, thank you very much.  Raised by her Aunt Mary in Little Whinging, happy if a little bit lonely, her life was entirely average.  Or so she thought, until a scrawny boy named Harry, with a funny scar and the same eyes as hers, walked into her classroom on the first day of primary school, and everything changed.  More and more often she was noticing things that were decidedly not normal — Aunt Mary holding something that had been across the room only moments before, ending up on a roof with no memory of moving, snakes that sounded more like whispers than hissing.  Little things and no so little things all piling up into one overwhelming, unsolvable puzzle, building and building right up to her eleventh birthday, when an owl flew into her window holding an envelope, of all things.
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Name: Eurydice Crouch
Story: If I Die Young
Series: What Died Didn’t Stay Dead
House: Slytherin
Era: Marauders Era
Face Claim: Emily Carey & Lily Collins
Love Interest: James Potter & Lily Evans
As the only daughter of House Crouch, Eurydice entered Hogwarts knowing that her only job was to secure herself a proper, respectable, political marriage.  It was all that she had been trained for, and she had already prepared a list of suitable suitors to acquaint herself with.  However that list didn’t account for her being sorted into Slytherin – she was supposed to be a Ravenclaw, thank you – and surrounded by families too dark to bolster her father’s political career.  It also didn’t account for a fledging friendship with either James Potter or Lily Evans, let alone for her growing feelings towards not one, but both of them.  And it most certainly didn’t account for Lord Voldemort’s growing obsession with her.
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Name: Gemini Black
Story: Once Bitten, Twice Shy
House: Slytherin
Era: Marauders’ Era
Face Claim: Bailee Madison & Nina Dobrev
Love Interest: Remus Lupin
Six years of inter-house rivalry could never come close to destroying the Black twins’ bond.  Even though most people only saw them as the Gryffindor rebel and the Slytherin princess, Sirius and Gemini were still as close as the day they were born.  After all, they were very much the same.  The only real differences were that Sirius had best friends and that his rebellion was much louder than hers - and that was no accident: the more obvious Sirius was in his opinions, the less anyone noticed Gemini’s.  But, as close as they were, they still had secrets.  Gemini still didn’t know the truth about Remus Lupin and his furry little problem, and Sirius… Sirius still didn’t know that she’d been in love with Remus since they were eleven.  Until one fateful full moon when Gemini goes to the Shrieking Shack to talk Sirius out of pranking Snape, and suddenly, for the first time in sixteen years, something might come between them.
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Name: Gwendolyn Pendragon
Story: Faultlines
Series: What Died Didn’t Stay Dead
House: Ravenclaw
Era: Fantastic Beasts
Face Claim: Emily Carey & Lily Collins
Love Interest: Newt Scamander
Moving to America hadn’t been an easy decision, no matter what Gwendolyn Pendragon’s friends might claim.  Leaving behind her loved ones was hard enough, but abandoning the war effort was even worse.  But with Grinlewald fixated on her family name, the best way for her to protect anyone was to be far away.  It was a good plan, for a time.  But when she runs into her dearest friend for the first time in a decade, she has to face the truth.  Her time is running short, and her past is close on her heels.
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Name: Holly Evans
Story: Toil And Trouble
House: TBD
Era: Marauders’ Era
Face Claim: Sadie Stanley & Sophie Turner & Karen Gillan
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Name: Iliana Prewett
Story: Rose Thorns
Series: Garden Song
House: Slytherin
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Ellie Bamber
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Name: Jessica Stevens
Story: Love and War
House: Gryffindor
Face Claim: Olivia Holt & Emily Vancamp
Era: Marauder's Era / Golden Era
Love Interest: Sirius Black
Everyone talked about the Marauders, close as brothers and all that, but no one ever talked about their female counterparts, close as sisters.  Lily Evans, Marlene McKinnon, Alice Fortescue, Mary Macdonald, and Jessica Stevens.  Best friends since the day they started at Hogwarts, it would always be the six of them.  But, as much as Lily hated James Potter, Jess loved Sirius Black.  And he loved her too.  But with their best friends hating each other, it seemed unlikely that they would ever have a chance to act on those feelings.  Even if they could have, they were a bit busy with a war, blood feuds, secret organizations, and trying to pass their OWLs.  Oh, and let’s not forget, a sickness that seemed to only be affecting muggle-borns like Jess and Lily.
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hollowed-theory-hall · 11 months ago
"gave Snape a stable job....despite being abusive to children (though he probably didn't perceive himself as such)"
I am a tad confused about this. How could Severus not possibly understand that he was being abusive to the kids under his care- especially Harry? Did he feel threatened by the children under his care to the point of viewing them as equals and thus justifying his behaviour to himself (why didn't the other teachers call him out on his shit)
Anonymous: am curious. You mentioned Snape likely doesn't realise that he is abusing the children under his care and mimicking his father. Does he actually feel powerless enough to justify his behaviours to himself? When he sees James in Harry and blames Neville does he see the boys as his equals/ someone above him in power that needs to be put down- thus allowing himself to continue acting the way he does? It's ironic all things considered. For all that Harry looks like James, he takes more after Lily.
Okay, so, I just wrote a post about Snape, but I'll cover here what I'm thinking about this specifically in more detail.
I'm not sure where the quote you mentioned is from, but I can say what I think about the way Snape treats Harry and his students and how he sees it.
So, Severus was abused by his father. From his behavior, what I guess is that a lot of his treatment of his students is him mimicking what he saw from his father.
Like, Severus became a professor at 21. It means his older students knew him as a student. Not to mention he was a terrorist, known Death Eater, who was saved by Dumbledore from being sent to Azkaban. And his students knew this.
So Severus felt like he needed a way to make sure his students would take him seriously. The main example he decided to draw from — his father, Tobias.
We don't know what exactly Tobias Snape did, he was a poor, working-class man who abused his wife and son. And I think when Tobias wanted to be taken seriously, he used fear, insults, and force. So this is what Severus knows.
Severus sees what he does as the only way students would treat him seriously, he doesn't really see it as abuse, as I believe he doesn't really see his father's mistreatment of him as abuse.
Severus always struck me as a character who doesn't want to get better.
I think Severus is one of the abused kids who rationalized his own abuse as something he deserved. He clearly wants to beat himself up about his mistakes. He wants to feel the guilt over pushing Lily away and then over killing her (in his mind). So, to him, in his mind, it's not abuse, it's what they deserve.
Is it good that's what he thinks? No, not at all, it actually sucks. Snape needed therapy.
Now, with Harry specifically, his treatment is different. With Harry, he really does see him as an equal and he needs Harry to treat him seriously. Like, Snape projects James on Harry way more than Sirius does. And Snape can't show anything resembling weakness to Mini-James Potter, so he goes back to his father's methods to be taken seriously. It's about Harry not seeing him as weak like James did.
And revenge, a little bit. Snape is very petty.
He still doesn't see his vengeance as abuse, because, as much as Severus wants to believe he's the one in power, he's scared of Harry more than he's willing to confess. He doesn't see a power imbalance between him and Harry, he doesn't actually see himself in a position of power, because he sees James in Harry. Harry doesn't treat Severus with the respect usually given to professors, which strengthens the way Severus doesn't really see him as a student.
Like, the fact Severus felt the need to remove memories he didn't want Harry to see when teaching him Occlumancy shows how much he fears Harry. Fears the possibility of Harry getting this information and using it against him.
Harry sat there staring at Snape as the lesson began, picturing horrific things happening to him. . . . If only he knew how to do the Cruciatus Curse . . . he’d have Snape flat on his back like that spider, jerking and twitching. . . . “Antidotes!” said Snape, looking around at them all, his cold black eyes glittering unpleasantly. “You should all have prepared your recipes now. I want you to brew them carefully, and then, we will be selecting someone on whom to test one. . . .” Snape’s eyes met Harry’s, and Harry knew what was coming. Snape was going to poison him. Harry imagined picking up his cauldron, and sprinting to the front of the class, and bringing it down on Snape’s greasy head —
(GoF, 300-301)
In the above quote, Harry has these thoughts while Snape is reading his mind — there's eye contact. So Severus sees these thoughts from Harry and doesn't separate this from James, he sees it and thinks that Harry very much might actually spill his entire cauldron on him — like James might've done. So, Severus is taking every instance like this to justify his fear of Harry and his need to keep him down.
With Neville it's different. He doesn't fear Neville the way he fears Harry, I think he does see Neville as someone weaker. In the case of Neville, Severus is, I think, doing what a lot of bullies do, picking on a weaker link to feel better about himself. More in control, more capable. Neville being next to Harry is kinda part of it, I don't think Snape would've been as harsh with Neville if he wasn't near Harry, who makes Snape kinda lose it and feel unbalanced and insecure in his position because he sees him as James more than as Harry.
And I agree with you second Anon, personality-wise, I think Harry isn't very similar to James at all. And he definitely has some of Lily's traits in him, but he's not her either, he's his own person. Something Snape willfully chooses not to see. It's easier for him not to see it, so he chooses not to, so he can keep up with his petty vengeance towards a dead man.
As for why other teachers didn't call him out, well, I think the Wizarding World has a very different approach to child care than the modern western world does.
We know corporal punishment was allowed at Hogwarts and the Wizarding World at large. One of the good things Dumbledore did as a headmaster was stop the use of it at the castle, but it was socially acceptable in the WW even in the 1990s. Actually, even in the muggle UK in the 1990s caning was still allowed in private schools, and Harry is clearly aware of this fact:
“Excuse me, Professor Flitwick, could I borrow Wood for a moment?” Wood? thought Harry, bewildered; was Wood a cane she was going to use on him? But Wood turned out to be a person, a burly fifth-year boy who came out of Flitwick’s class looking confused.
(PS, 109)
Because this is something that was still practiced in the UK. Harry actually had to lie to Aunt Marge that he was getting canned at St. Brutus school since that's something that happened there.
And it also happened in the Wizarding World until very recently, Molly says Arthur still has marks from what was most likely a caning when he was at Hogwarts:
Mrs. Weasley grinned, her eyes twinkling. “Your father and I had been for a nighttime stroll,” she said. “He got caught by Apollyon Pringle — he was the caretaker in those days — your father’s still got the marks.”
(GoF, 616)
Umbridge (and the Carrows) later returns corporeal punishment to Hogwarts, and it's quite clear there is no law against it in the WW:
“Approval for Whipping . . . Approval for Whipping . . . I can do it at last. . . . They’ve had it coming to them for years. . . .” He [Filch] pulled out a piece of parchment, kissed it, then shuffled rapidly back out of the door, clutching it to his chest.
(OotP, 673)
Molly actually beat Fred with a broom (or at least attempted to) and it's considered fine and legal and not abuse:
“Seen the Fizzing Whizbees, Harry?” said Ron, grabbing him and leading him over to their barrel. “And the Jelly Slugs? And the Acid Pops? Fred gave me one of those when I was seven — it burnt a hole right through my tongue. I remember Mum walloping him with her broomstick.” Ron stared broodingly into the Acid Pop box.
(PoA, 200)
Because the Wizarding World (and the UK) in the 1990s had a very different view on abuse and domestic violence. So, yeah, I don't think Severus considered what he did abuse, he considered it harsh discipline, like he himself received as a child. The way everyone ignores Harry's (and Snape's as a child) very clear signs of being abused is also telling. A rough hand and insults with disobedient children is just considered what you do, and not horrifyingly gross behavior like we see it today.
And the other teachers don't step in, because they consider it just as legal and acceptable as Snape. Because it is in the Wizarding World.
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skylarstark4826 · 1 year ago
Seventh-year Potions was proceeding as normal, meaning that Professor Snape was walking amongst the students with a disapproving scowl on his face while said students did their best not to screw up. It was working quite well. Even Neville was relatively calm, feeling that the many tutoring sessions with Hermione were finally paying off and that his Sticking Solution would at last allow him to escape Snape’s classroom without extra homework. He checked the board again, then his book, making sure he put everything into the cauldron in the right order. His potion was bubbling happily, spurting pink sparks. Just like it was supposed to. He sighed a little in relief.
Severus Snape was walking through his classroom, feeling rather frustrated. The potion he’d assigned for today was relatively simple to make, but extremely easy to screw up all the same. As he’d told the class, the Sticking Solution was very potent, and once two things had come into contact with it, they were inseparable for a week, after which some of the stronger magical solvents could be attempted. As little as a single drop was enough to cause this effect, and since the potion was practically colourless, this usually allowed for some unusual accidents. For which he could give detentions. A lot of detentions. His supply cabinet needed organisation and filing, and he really did not want to perform such a dreary task himself. So far though, only Gregory Goyle had come through for him, and there was no chance in hell that he’d let that imbecile anywhere near his storeroom. The only reason the boy had even managed to get into NEWT Potions was a very substantial gift sent over by his father. It seemed the poor man was harbouring illusions that his son would be the next Nicholas Flamel, and as long as the “encouragement” kept coming, he wasn’t one to rob an old man of his dreams… In short, he’d sent the stupid boy back to his common room. It wasn’t like he’d be able to achieve much with the index finger of his wand arm lodged solidly in his right nostril, after all.
He walked over to peer into Longbottom’s cauldron, giving the boy his best glare and making his hand tremble as he added the last ingredient. He was very sad to admit (only to himself, of course) that the potion looked flawless. The irksome Miss Granger had undoubtedly been whispering advice in his ear again. Turning, he planned to stalk over to Harry Potter’s desk and bully him until he did something rash that would warrant detention. It wouldn’t be that hard, seeing as the boy had a temper like a minor volcano. Smirking, he took his first step when chaos broke out.
Neville’s cauldron gave a loud lurching sound and tipped forwards. Neville screamed and tried to catch it. Hermione Granger, sitting next to him, launched forwards to stop him from touching it. At that moment, however, Neville’s sense of self-preservation kicked in, and he jerked backwards, away from the rebelling cauldron. Hermione, who was throwing herself at the spot where he would have been, had he kept moving forwards, lost her balance completely and practically somersaulted over the desk with a panicked cry. Meanwhile, Snape had started to throw himself to the side, reflexes toned through his secret hobby (Pixie wrestling), when he saw Hermione fly through the air towards the floor out of the corner of his eye. And ignored it completely, rolling away from the potion.
A split moment later, he was back on his feet, looking around his classroom angrily. The offending cauldron was standing on Longbottom’s desk, someone having had the presence of mind to cast a Levitation Charm on it before it hit the floor or spilled its contents. Shooting a furious and yet disturbingly satisfied look at Neville, he announced in his silkiest voice, “Detention. Every day for a month.” He would have added a nasty comment about the boy’s utter incompetence had he not been interrupted by a wailing sound at his feet. Looking down, he saw Miss Granger lying there in a crumpled heap. He rolled his eyes.
“I trust you’ve learnt now why you shouldn’t act on your Gryffindor impulses at every turn, Miss Granger,” he said harshly, extending a hand to her. Wincing, she took it, and he pulled her to her feet. She kept the hold on his hand, and he shot her a questioning look, trying to pull away. He couldn’t. Meeting her eyes, he saw first bewilderment and then alarm. Both pulled. Nothing happened. They looked at each other again, and Snape was the first to articulate their mutual thought.
“Bloody hell!”
The classroom became even more disrupted as all the students came running from their desks to get a better look at what’d happened. A majority was hard-pressed to keep the laughter down as the scene played out before them.
“This can’t be happening!” Hermione begged frantically, tugging at her hand with all her might.
“Oh, but I think it is,” came Draco Malfoy’s gleeful voice from behind Neville’s desk. “I’m so sorry, Professor. I can’t imagine the horror of being stuck to that for a week.”
“A week!” Neville shrieked, looking like he was about to faint.
SHMOCK! Harry’s fist replied, connecting with Malfoy’s immaculate face.
Draco screamed, trying to block Harry’s furious punches.
“Mr Potter, detention!” Snape spat. “And you,” he rounded on Neville, tugging hard and making Hermione lose her balance. They both crashed to the floor where she landed on top of him and blushed bright red before rolling off his body. He glared at her. Then he got to his feet and looked around at the shocked students surrounding them. Someone had managed to break up Potter and Malfoy, who were now in the midst of issuing silent death threats to each other. He put on his severest scowl and faced the class.
“Twenty foot of parchment on every substance in this particular potion,” he growled. “Mr Longbottom, an additional 4 months worth of detentions, and I will make sure Filch is very creative.” He turned on Harry. “Mr Potter, one month of detentions for every punch you landed on Mr Malfoy. To be served with Professor Trelawney.” He smiled evilly at the shocked look on the boy’s face. “Oh, and Potter, do try to be nice to her.” The Slytherins sniggered as Harry visibly blanched. It was no secret that Professor Trelawney had a bit of a crush on the Boy Who Lived. There seemed to be a lot of ‘romantic adventures with a mysterious and spiritual woman’ in his future lately. Usually teamed with warnings of gruesome death were he to turn this ‘gift from the higher spheres’ away.
“Class dismissed,” Snape declared, making the spectators quickly vanish their potions and store away their cauldrons. Within a few minutes, the Potions professor and his best student were all alone in the classroom.
For quite some time, they just looked at each other, tugging weakly in deluded attempts to free themselves. Then practicality took over.
“There must be some way to solve this,” she said, pulling their hands towards her to study them. He stumbled with the tug.
“Unless you’re planning to invent a revolutionary solvent, the answer is ‘no’,” he answered, quite irritated.
“Then let’s.” She was looking up at him as though she’d just come up with a cure for Fire-breathing Chicken Pox.
“Let’s what?” he sneered.
“Let’s invent a new solvent, of course.”
“And how, pray tell, are we supposed to manage that, given that we are bloody glued together?” He could feel anger bubbling inside of him. She just scoffed.
“We still have two capable hands, don’t we? We’ll find a way.” He wanted to say something really nasty to that, but was interrupted by the door to his classroom swinging open and Dumbledore marching inside, a worried frown on his face.
“Ah, Severus, Miss Granger. I was told that we had a problem here.”
“Oh, no, everything’s just dandy,” Snape said in his most sarcastic voice, alternating his glares between Hermione and Dumbledore.
“Hrm, yes, well, I’m very sorry for both of you.”
“Really? And here I thought you’d be jumping with joy at me finally having found a girl who’ll stick with me,” Snape drawled. Dumbledore was starting to look annoyed.
“Really, Severus, that attitude will not help solve this problem. Now, how serious is it?”
“You want that on a scale from one to ten?” Dumbledore just looked at him, the blue eyes turning icy. “Well, unless Miss Know-it-all here comes through in her ambitions to find a new and revolutionary solvent, we’ll be stuck like this for a week.”
“A week?” Dumbledore looked slightly aghast, which pleased Snape, but then a different spark crossed his eyes, almost as though he was trying to suppress a laugh. “You know, that might not be a bad idea. Trying to invent a new potion, I mean. You’ll need to find something to do to occupy your time, after all, as you can hardly attend or teach classes in your present condition.” At this, both Hermione and Snape erupted like minor volcanoes.
“I’m not spending an entire week in seclusion with this… this student!”
“Professor, I have to go to class! I’m at the most important point of my academic career! The NEWTs will begin in a little less than two months! I can’t be absent for an entire week!”
“Oh, shut it, Miss Granger! It’s widely known at Hogwarts that you could have taken your NEWTs as early as your fifth year. I figure that the only reason you even bother coming to Potions is to show off your abilities,” Snape spat, turning on her.
“I’m not…!” she started hotly, but he cut her off.
“Oh, really? Then what could your reason possibly be? To ogle your professor perhaps?” He’d meant is as a sarcastic joke and a jibe at the way she’d so tellingly fawned over the nitwit Lockhart in her second year. He was therefore highly taken aback when she first just gaped at him and then blushed furiously, looking away. He just stared at her for what felt like a very long time, utterly incapable of processing what had just happened. He was jerked back to reality when Dumbledore cleared his throat.
“Hrm.” He eyed his Potions master with a serious look on his face. “Severus, despite these… ah… complications,” he smiled gently at Hermione, who didn’t meet his eye, “I hope I can trust you to handle this situation in a professional manner.” Snape just glared at him.
“I can assure you, Headmaster, that I have no desire whatsoever to do otherwise,” he said in a cold voice. “Now, if you’d excuse me, I have papers that need to be marked. Miss Granger, if you please…”
Dumbledore followed the pair with his eyes as they disappeared through the door to Snape’s private quarters. Oh, dear, he thought to himself before turning and walking back up to his office.
The day passed in mostly hostile silence. After having marched away from Dumbledore, Snape dragged Hermione into his work room, where he settled at his desk and started spitting instructions to his auto-quill in a truly vicious manner. Finding herself both embarrassed and completely ignored, Hermione had settled herself on a chair next to him and started reading her Transfiguration book. Five hours later, she finally looked up, registering how hungry she was. Snape had just finished trashing the last essay, and the auto-quill collapsed on the desk, sending out a small howl of exhaustion.
“Excuse me, sir.” He turned around and looked at her with an irritated frown.
“Yes, Miss Granger?”
“It’s just… I’m hungry, sir. I believe we’ve missed dinner.”
“Yes, and that was completely intentional. I’m not sitting in the Great Hall, in front of the entire school, with my hand embarrassingly glued to one of my students.”
“Then how—” 
“I’ll have the house-elves send something from the kitchens,” he said simply. With that, he rose, pulling her with him, and walked through a corridor and into another room. Stopping in front of a big fireplace, he turned to face her again. “Any thoughts of what you might like for dinner?”
“I – um…” She suddenly couldn’t think about food anymore. She looked around the room in total shock. She’d expected something similar to the slightly depressing dungeon classroom, or even to his dark and slightly scary office. Just the thought that she was standing in Professor Snape’s bedroom had her shaking slightly in the knees. The fact that the bedroom was little more than a huge bed didn’t exactly help matters. She couldn’t help staring at the deep green, velvet hangings, the black coverlet and the silver cushions adorning the bed’s surface. Typically Slytherin, yet oddly attractive. She could feel herself being pulled towards it…
“Miss Granger!” Snape’s voice jerked her out of her trance, and she blushed profusely, realising that he’d just caught her staring at his bed in a very inappropriate way. She looked down at her feet, but suddenly felt a strong hand cupping her chin and lifting it to face him. She felt an odd shiver go down her spine at the contact.
“Let me make one thing absolutely clear,” Snape said in a dangerously soft voice. “I don’t know what sort of fantasies you’ve been having about me, and I don’t wish to be enlightened. Just because I’m stuck with you doesn’t mean that I’ll start treating you differently than I have for the past seven years, and I’m quite sure that by the end of this week, you will have forgotten whatever stupid weakness you harbour at the moment and gone back to hating me like a normal Gryffindor student. Now, what would you like for dinner?”
“J-Just soup and bread, please,” she answered, trying to pull herself together. Her skin still tingled from where his hand had touched her face, and she tried to repress it. She’d humiliated herself enough for one day.
The first major problem occurred three hours or so later.
“Erm, Professor, where am I going to sleep?” Hermione asked timidly, trying not to stare at the bed.
“One would have thought your allegedly formidable brain would have worked that out by now,” he drawled. When she didn’t answer, he rolled his eyes. “Naturally, since I have no wish to sleep standing, you’ll sleep in my bed. Now get ready.”
“But, sir, my things—”
“Are in the bathroom. Oh, do shut your mouth, girl. You act like you’ve never heard of magical transportation before,” he said exasperatedly and made way for the bathroom.
A few minutes later, they came out, and Snape started to undo the buttons at the front of his robes. Hermione’s eyes grew wide.
“Um, P-Professor, w-what are you doing?” she stammered, trying not to look at the skin that came into view as the robes fell apart.
“What does it look like I’m doing?” he said, his voice even.
“Um, undressing, but—”
“Which is what people usually do before going to sleep.” He turned to face her. “Do you have a problem with that, Miss Granger?”
“Um, n-no, sir. I just thought, I mean, that we might sleep like this, that’s all,” she half whispered, indicating her robes with her free hand.
“Seriously, Miss Granger, do you have any idea how uncomfortable it is to sleep in full robes? I’ve already told you that you have nothing to fear from me, and I’m certainly not going to let your sense of propriety deprive me of a good night’s sleep.” He eyed her intently, his eyes narrowing as he took in her slightly flushed cheeks and lowered eyes. “Unless,” he said silkily, “it’s yourself that you worry about. Afraid you’ll accost me in your sleep?” He was mocking her, and she felt like sinking through the ground. Mumbling something unintelligible, she crawled into bed and drew up the covers to her chin, trying hard not to notice the ripping sound that told her he’d found a way to remove his robes from the blocked arm, or the warm body that settled itself next to her a few seconds later.
Several hours later, she was still awake. He’d been right, it really was impossible to sleep in full robes. The material tangled itself around her every time she moved until she felt like she was being suffocated. Groaning, she moved her free hand to her throat, undoing the first couple of buttons. She immediately felt a hundred times better and quickly worked her way down, freeing her body. It was a bit awkward, seeing as she had to use her left hand rather than her right, but sheer determination kept her going. Finally, the last button popped free, and she shrugged the fabric off her shoulders. Not wanting to rip the robe like her professor had, she rolled it up as best she could and settled down to get some rest.
She was dreaming again, one of those highly inappropriate dreams she’d promised herself to stop having. She was in bed with Snape, curled up in his arms, one leg thrown casually over his hip. Her head was resting against his chest, and she was breathing in the scent of him, moving her cheek against the warm skin. His breathing was deep and regular, and one of his hands was massaging her lower back. She sighed. She knew it was a dream, and yet it felt so real… Moving closer against him, she pressed her lips to his chest.
He groaned.
The sound only urged her on, and her lips moved over his skin with more confidence. A voice at the back of her head told her to stop, to wake up and shake the dream, but somehow, she couldn’t quite make herself do it. The hand on her lower back slid upwards, tangling itself in her hair and pulling her up for a kiss. His lips moved over hers, slowly at first, then with more intensity as she put her arm around his neck and rubbed against him, vaguely registering the hardness now pressing against her thigh. His tongue came out to taste her, and she moaned into his mouth, encouraging him to deepen the kiss further…
Then everything came to a screeching halt.
The hand in her hair suddenly yanked her head backwards, and she jerked out of the dream. Opening her eyes, she met the black ones of her professor, glittering in a very unsettling way as he tugged harder at her hair, making her cry out in pain.
“Miss Granger, let go of my body, and I’ll let go of your hair.” Mortified, she realised that her left arm was curled intimately around his neck and that one of her thighs was keeping his hips captive. She immediately rolled away, as far as she could while still attached to his hand, that was.
“I’m sorry, sir. I don’t know what I was doing,” she said, bowing her head.
“Really, now? Why is it that I don’t believe you?”
“I – I was asleep."
“How convenient. Next, you’ll be telling me that you were having some sort of erotic dream and that you simply did not realise that you were, in fact, groping one of your professors.”
“No.” Her voice was very quiet, and she didn’t turn to face him. “I just didn’t realise that it wasn’t a dream.”
Before he could say anything else, she tugged hard at his arm, desperately trying to escape from the bed. She nearly succeeded, managing to fall off the side and hitting the floor with a pained cry. Swearing loudly, he massaged his abused tendons before getting to his feet, extending his other hand to pull Hermione off the floor. Instead of reaching out, she just lay there, face against the bed curtains, trying, not too successfully, to hide the fact that tears were creeping down her face. He waited patiently for twenty seconds before tugging at the arm where they were joined together.
“Miss Granger, compose yourself,” he chided, actually trying not to sound overly intimidating for once (which was very difficult considering his current mood). “Get off the floor, and I am willing to forget that this embarrassing fiasco ever happened.” 
She shook where she lay, pulling her legs tighter towards her, forming an anguished ball (he rolled his eyes) before finally, finally taking one deep breath after the other, calming down. After what seemed like an eternity, she stood on trembling legs and dried her eyes with a swift movement of her hand. She still wouldn’t face him.
“I’m sorry, sir. It won’t happen again.”
“Good.” Without another word, he strode towards the bathroom, clenching his teeth as the pain shot through his arm when she stumbled to follow him.
“What about daisy extract?” Slow puffs of purple smoke were rising from a cauldron in the middle of the room as Hermione Granger went through yet another book on magical plants.
“A splendid idea,” came the answer from a few feet away, where Severus Snape was grinding saffron with only one hand, “if you want to develop incurable boils on the back of your hands.”
“Orange blossom?”
“Non-stop vomiting for days on end.”
“Liquorice roots and vanilla?”
“Extra ears sprouting from under your chin. Very flattering.”
“The tail of a newt then, ground with peppermint?”
“You do realise that your grade is slipping with each inane suggestion, do you not?”
He could hardly contain his smirk as the silence stretched out between them. Moving to the side to stir the bubbling cauldron, he briefly inhaled some of the purple smoke. It seemed promising.
“Bring me the ground saffron and a gold ladle, please, Miss Granger,” he said, concentration written on his face as he added one counter-clockwise turn. He could almost feel her anticipation as she placed the fine powder in front of him on the working table. He stopped stirring the potion and added two pinches of the red powder to the cauldron, watching the potion turn a shade of ruby.
With an ease that came of much practice, he dipped the gold ladle into the potion and withdrew a small amount, holding up their combined hands and letting a single drop fall where their palms joined together. Tugging gently, he slowly moved his hand away from hers, triumph gleaming in his eyes.
Until his hand stopped, irrevocably, two inches from Hermione’s slender fingers and then shot back as though attached to a rubber band. A not-so-silent oath escaped his lips.
“Ah, Severus, Miss Granger!” Dumbledore swiftly strode through the dungeon, coming towards them. “Tell me, is there any progress?”
A thousand witty and not-so-witty retorts crossed Severus’ mind before settling on a half-strangled, “I’m afraid not”.
“That’s a terrible shame, my friend,” Dumbledore responded, not sounding overly sorry. “Luckily, I’ve managed to find someone to take your classes on such short notice, so not to worry, not to worry.”
“Who?” It was a miracle, really, how it was actually possible to speak when grinding your teeth so ferociously.
“Horace Slughorn! Your old Head of House. I believe that he will do splendidly. Had to bribe him quite exuberantly to come of course, but once he learned that Harry was still in attendance and taking Potions, he agreed quite readily. Of course, he always did have a soft spot for his mother. Lily Evans was quite remarkable at Potions, as I remember.”
“Yes,” Snape managed to spit out through his rigid jaw. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, Headmaster, I have a problem to quite literally solve. Miss Granger, if you could be so kind as to hand me the scorpion’s tail?”
Turning his back to Albus Dumbledore, he vanished the ruby potion and started afresh.
“I - I’m sorry!”
Hermione’s words were muffled by the pillow she’d thrown herself into after realising that the warm, smooth skin of her professor’s neck against her lips was not a figment of her imagination.
A muttered oath came from the man next to her as he clenched his hands until the knuckles turned white and the nails bit into the skin of his palms. His mind was fighting for control, his anger boiling for having lost it at the pull of arousing dreams and soft skin against his. Thoroughly disgusted with himself and his current situation, he closed his eyes and turned inward, methodically turning his breathing back to normal and clearing his mind of inappropriate, tempting thoughts.
He didn’t speak to her as they awoke later in the morning, simply dragging her about his chambers, pretending she didn’t exist. Despite the warmth in the room, she felt chilled inside and tried to make herself as small as possible in the large chair where she was sitting. Trying to distract herself from her thoughts, she reached for the Daily Prophet on the side table, just to stare in shock at the headline covering most of the bottom of the front page.
Hogwarts Heartbreaker Strikes Again
Miss Hermione Granger (18), who three years ago caused quite a stir at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry by toying with the feelings of two young men (sensitive and fragile Harry Potter – The Boy Who Lived – and internationally renowned Quidditch star Viktor Krum) is again giving evidence of questionable moral behaviour, writes Rita Skeeter, special correspondent. Having apparently grown bored with the boys her age, the devious Miss Granger is now setting her sights on the Hogwarts faculty. Sources claim that she’s been seen often in the company of a certain Severus Snape, Hogwarts Potions master (aged 38), and some say that she even shares his quarters. “She never leaves him alone,” seventh-year prefect Miss Pansy Parkinson tells the Daily Prophet. “On Monday, during class, she just threw herself at him. It’s pathetic really, how she clings to him.” Other students add that, since the affair came to light earlier this week, the suspected couple has been conspicuously absent, and the theory is that Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts, has sent them both away to keep the truth from coming out. Though not strictly illegal, a relationship of this kind is, of course, highly unethical, and one would hope that the Headmaster of one of Europe’s finest Wizarding schools would put Miss Granger’s insatiable lust for seduction under check, in order to protect the students and staff from her assaults, as well as to protect the school’s reputation…
“Bloody bitch! I knew I should never have let her out of that jar!” Hermione screamed, throwing the paper at the fireplace before abruptly getting to her feet. “Well, this time I won’t. Unless it’s to crush her under my shoe,” she half-snarled, marching towards her wand on the desk, only to be stopped by the immobile weight of her Potions professor.
“Accio newspaper.”
She watched as he retrieved the newspaper from the edge of the flames and quickly scanned the article, eyes hardening with every word.
“Are you quite content?” His voice was very quiet, but every syllable so crisp they stung her skin.
He didn’t face her, staring hard into the fire, the newspaper crushed in one of his hands.
“You have made a spectacle out of me and forever destroyed my reputation in this world.” His expression was stony, closed off and forbidding. “I would order you out of my sight, except for the fact that you’re bloody stuck to me!”
“Sir, I –”
“Not a word, Miss Granger.”
Tears of frustration pooling in her eyes, she fell down into her chair again, her shoulders slumped in resignation.
“Miss Granger, please get up and follow me.”
The crisp tones jerked her awake from the exhausted rest she’d accidentally found over her desk, her cheek smudged with ink from the parchment before her. She staggered to her feet and obeyed the pull on her right arm. He moved them swiftly across the floor into his private quarters, leading the way towards the bathroom.
Sighing, she prepared herself for the awkward situation of standing glued to the outside wall, her arm stretched painfully through a small hole that had been charmed on the door to keep the privacy when “attending to one’s affairs” (as her professor called it). Even with a handy Muffliato from the person inside to take away all sound, there was just no getting away from the acute sense of wrongness that she felt at sharing this very personal matter with Severus Snape. She therefore was very much surprised when he didn’t guide their hands through the hole in the door and slam it closed, but pulled her into the bathroom with him.
“Um – Professor, what are we doing in here?” she asked, trying to make herself as inconspicuous as possible.
“It’s quite simple, Miss Granger,” he answered in even tones. “I have been working tirelessly in the lab for four days on end and feel positively grisly. I intend to take a shower. And I think you should take one too.”
She couldn’t stop the small yelp from escaping as her mind started to spin. She too felt like a shower was terribly overdue, but still… Pictures of the two of them writhing naked against each other under the spray of hot water immediately surfaced in her mind and flushed her face. Surely, he couldn’t mean…?
“No, Miss Granger,” he answered smoothly, as though he’d been able to read her thoughts with perfect clarity, “I do not intend to turn the task of taking care of my sanitary needs into a rose-coloured encounter inspired by the latest romance novel! I know that rumour has it that I never set foot in a shower, never mind even own a bottle of shampoo, but since you have at least somewhat higher brain capacity than the people you socialise with, I trust that you already knew that this rumour was just that. Now get in the shower.”
“But, sir, how…?”
“Miss Granger, my patience is waning. I have had a very long day – a very long week actually – and I want to take a long, hot shower and clear my mind of this insane situation we are in. I do not want to stand here and argue with you.”
“I just –"
“For heavens sake!” He turned abruptly and dragged her over to the alcove occupied by a dimly lit shower, easily large enough for two people. “Get in.” Hesitantly, she opened the glass door and stepped inside, looking up at her professor with eyes that spoke of apprehension as he followed her.
“Thank you.” With a wave of his wand, a second glass was erected between them, leaving the same kind of hole for their hands that had previously been charmed onto the bathroom door. “Now, perform a Muffliatoaround yourself.” She obeyed once again, and he nodded in approval.
Steam exited from the tip of his wand and attached itself to the shower walls. After a few seconds, she found herself in a steam-filled cocoon, unable to see either her professor or the rest of the bathroom. Looking around, she saw a small shelf with various shower gels and shampoo bottles and started to relax. Noting that she no longer heard any movement or sound from the other side of the wall, she realised that Snape must have also performed some sort of Silencing Charm. Though still acutely aware of his presence and the fact that he was, most likely, removing all his clothes just a few feet away from her, she managed to get her fingers to stop trembling for long enough to remove her robes and undergarments and hang them on a hook on the alcove wall. A second later, warm water was falling from the double showerhead above, soaking her. Closing her eyes, she turned her face to the spray, pure enjoyment filling her body as the water washed over her.
She remained immobile for quite some time, just letting the water fall, clearing her mind of all thoughts and washing dirt and sweat off her body. She felt stronger, cleansed and able to get through the next few days before she could go back to her own room and attempt to heal the bruises on her ego. She needed her peace of mind back if she were to get through the NEWTs, and wounded pride because the man she fancied did not want to get involved with her wouldn’t help. Sighing, she reached for the shampoo and began cleaning her hair as best she could with only her left hand to help her.
She was just at the end of rinsing the last of the conditioner from her long curls as she felt herself being pulled gently towards the glass barrier which separated her from her professor, and forced her to hunch down as her arm was turned in an unnatural angle. Moving closer, she sensed movement on the other side, and a bottle of some sort being put awkwardly between her fingers and the ones attached to them. A small shock went through her as she felt the hands turn, squeezing the bottle and letting it drop to the floor after fumbling with the cap. The next moment, her hand was touching wet hair, following the one attached to it mindlessly as it worked the shampoo into the dark strands and scalp of the man behind the glass. Closing her eyes, she tried her best to remain focused, to think about something else than the silky feeling of his hair tangled around her fingers, or the feeling of his skin as she brushed across his cheek or neck. She tried not to think about how he must look, on his knees (most likely, considering the position of her arm) and only inches away from her where she pressed against the glass. A shiver went through her, and she leaned her forehead against the barrier, biting her lip in agony as her mind spiralled into overdrive, every fantasy she’d had in the past few months coming into sharper focus with help of the sensory memories of the past few days. The position of her arm relaxed, and she realised that he must have finished with his hair and got to his feet without her noticing.
Suddenly, she felt his fingers touch her arm, and instinctively jerked, wincing slightly as she hit the upper part of the hole in the glass. With a firm grip of her hand, he started to lather her arm with soap, his fingers trailing across her sensitive skin. Feeling her body tighten in response, she let out a small moan of frustration, damning, for the thousandth time, the stupid crush that made her so weak where this particular man was concerned. As abruptly as it had begun, the washing was over, and she straightened up and took a trembling step back from the glass, trying to get her breathing to return to normal.
It hitched in her throat when she realised that the area where she’d rested her forehead was now clear of steam and showed a very clear view of the lower part of her professor’s stomach.
She watched, mesmerised, as water trailed down the taut skin, following the thin line of dark hair which continued out of view. Without realising it, her shaking hand touched the glass, wiping at the steam. Nothing happened, and she wondered if she had somehow, unconsciously, performed magic when trying to abate the rushing arousal that came from touching him before. Then, a hand came into view, stroking the skin of the flat abdomen firmly before slipping downward, exiting her range of vision. She watched the muscles in his stomach clench and unclench as the part of the arm she could still see moved rhythmically along his body. She bit back down on her lip as her mind constructed vivid images of the missing parts of the scene, showing his hand wrapped around his hard length, stroking it back and forth as his breathing grew more shallow and his face relaxed and opened with pleasure. Without thinking, her free hand found one of her breasts, and she moaned in relief as pleasure surged through her and her nipples tightened almost painfully at the touch. Not being able to keep her eyes away from the erotic scene on the other side of the glass - her mind doing an incredibly fine job of showing her what the steamy barrier couldn’t – she lost herself in the combined pleasure of the warm water and her left hand moving over her aching body.
Severus Snape stepped out of the shower, feeling thoroughly invigorated and pleasantly relaxed. Pulling Hermione with him, he moved to sit in front of the fireplace, placing an order for the evening meal to be served. Leaning back comfortably in his chair, he picked up his research notes and started to tackle the problem of finding a new solvent for the Sticking Solution with a fresh mind. His eye wandered briefly to his student where she sat in the next chair, staring into space. The fire was reflected in the damp curls around her face, and he felt a surprising pang of sympathy for her part in their situation. The anger that he’d felt towards her over the week – anger that she should so invade his privacy and make him lose control (albeit subconsciously) of his reactions when he was asleep and vulnerable to the inclinations of his body – lessened now that his body was relaxed and his mind free of its urges. Reaching out, he caught the tray of food that had just appeared out of the fire and set it on the small table between them. A good meal and a night of uninterrupted sleep, and he’d be ready to get back to work in the morning. A small smile formed at the corner of his mouth as he moved in on the food.
“Miss Granger, if you continue to exercise so little control over your teenage hormones, I shall be forced to tie your wrists to my bedposts – except I keep getting the revolting suspicion that you might enjoy that too much. Remove. Your. Hand.”
Wide-eyed and half in shock, Hermione pulled her hand away, mortified by the exploration it had undertaken in the semi-unconscious state between sleep and wakefulness. She could still feel the impossibly smooth skin under her fingers, the contradictory hardness beneath and the twisting, jerking movements against her palm. Flashes from the scene in the shower from the day before penetrated her mind, and she quickly turned, hiding her burning face in her pillow, trying to block out his scathing comments as well as the fuming voice, which she found didn’t help matters at all.
“Do you want some of the potion?”
They had worked the day away in silence, each boiling with anger and frustration. Two cauldrons simmered serenely on the working table.
“How come you are convinced that this one will work when the others haven’t?”
“It’s not an attempt at a solvent, Professor,” she said softly. “It’s a Sleeping Potion.” She looked up at him for the first time since they had locked eyes this morning. “I’m afraid I can’t turn the clock back, but I can try to make things a little easier by giving you a night of peaceful sleep.” Her voice faltered for a second before she continued, “I’m afraid that as far as the solvent is concerned, I’m quite out of ideas, sir.”
Looking around the room, about thirty cauldrons filled the working space. Each and every attempt so far had been a failure. Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and tried to bridle his frustration.
“Take your potion. We’re going to bed. Since this day seems to bring me nothing but torment, I might as well end it.” She held up a small flask to him, into which she’d decanted her potion, but he shook his head. “I have no problem sleeping as long as you let me be, I assure you. Now come to bed.”
Funny how those four words had been such a strong part of her most secret fantasies, she mused, following him, still hand in hand. The reality of him, and his words, had managed to rip away any rosy filters she might have had and replaced them with harshness. He was too prickly, too blunt, too brutal to hold the allure of romantic hope. Still, her fingers burned where he touched them.
Walking into the bedroom, she grasped the flask resolutely and downed the Sleeping Potion.
He awoke from a jumble of erotic dreams to find himself impossibly hard and her on top of him, kissing and licking his stomach, moving downwards. With a flash of panic, he realised that somehow, they were both completely naked. Twisting desperately, he managed to roll her on her back and pin her treacherous hands down above her head, trying to keep out of physical contact. Shaking her hard, he prepared to fix her with a stare and coldly tell her that her luck was out and that she would be spending the rest of the week on the floor. She didn’t wake up, however, but twisted in his arms, arching against him, moaning softly in her sleep as she struggled to get closer.
He pinched her, shook her and slapped her lightly on the cheek, said her name over and over, in a voice that lost more and more of its icy control. She still didn’t wake, but fought against him, kissing whatever skin she managed to reach and mumbling incoherent words of desire and wanting while moving with him on the large bed. In sleep, she lost the insecurity and self-doubt that he had glimpsed over the past few days. She fought against him, not to get away, but to get closer. He felt his control slipping dangerously with every touch and cursed his current situation.
The potion – it had to be the potion – was keeping her from waking up and was allowing her dreams full reign of her body. He went through all known Sleeping Potions in his mind as he tried to peel her hands and mouth off him without causing any physical harm. There was the Dreamless Sleep of course, which was out of the question since the chit was clearly dreaming; the Deep Sleep, which would have rendered her comatose and unable to move, no matter her dreams; the Enchanted Sleep, which… He suddenly jerked away, panting hard. Her hand had managed to snake its way down his body and closed around his pulsing flesh, stroking him. A groan escaped him as he managed to tear the hand away, only to be faced with the reality of her soft, wet lips as her mouth managed to close in on what her hand has just evacuated. His head swam as he tried to make sense of what was happening to him, breathing harshly as he struggled against the impulses of his body to lose his free hand in her curls and just enjoy her ministrations. His body ached and pulsated and her lips seemed to both torment and relieve him, rendering him totally incapable of coherent thought. With a last explosion of willpower, he managed to pull out of her wet mouth and roll them over, effectively pinning her down with his body.
Only to realise that he was now flush against her smooth skin, rubbing against wet heat and being effectively trapped as she wrapped her legs around him and attacked his neck with urgent kisses, begging him to come closer still.
She was walking down the path to the greenhouses with Harry and Ron, only to find a door there which normally belonged to the Charms classroom. She turned to Harry to ask if he didn’t think that this was peculiar, when Harry suddenly turned away and ran off to greet Hagrid, who came towards them, riding baby dragon Norbert (which seemed normal, in spite of the book suddenly in her hand, which said that it was absolutely impossible for a wizard or witch ever to ride a dragon). While staring at the dragon, Ron morphed into Luna on the other side of her, asking if she wanted to pet her thestral.
The dream changed…
She was in Snape’s office, working on a potion, her back aching from having been hunched over her cauldron for too long. Suddenly, he was against her back, his breath hot in her ear as he pressed himself against her, hands coming around to caress her belly. She turned in his arms, and he kissed her hungrily, lifting her up on a nearby desk and attacking her neck with his lips and tongue. Without even being aware of her own actions, she raised her wand (which was suddenly, and with no logical explanation, in her hand) and vanished both their clothes. The sensations intensified, and the kisses grew hungrier as they moved against each other, changing places and positions like clouds of smoke on a windy day. She was on her knees kissing her way down his stomach; he was pushing her roughly against the wall of the greenhouse, where she felt the stinging slap of a nearby Devil’s Snare; the two of them were rolling around on the Quidditch field, caressing, teasing, panting from excitement and effort; she was lying down, her back against the soft sheets of his bed, her legs tightly wrapped around his back as she felt him enter her, filling her body and making her moan loudly with pleasure before covering her mouth with nearly desperate kisses…
He was lost. Lost in her soft, pliant body which rocked and arched against him, lost in her wet kisses and the way her breasts pressed into his chest. He was lost in the way she moaned his name, lost in the way she moaned her desire for him, begging him to take her harder – lost in the way she whispered his name like a thing of satin and gold in his ear.
His mind had left him when his hardness came into direct contact with her wet opening, which seemed to draw him in. Plunging into her, there was no mind, only instinct and age-old pleasure surging through his body. A red haze seemed to cover everything that was thought other than registering the growing sensations in his body and the girl’s wild responses to his touch.
Surging forward again and again, he heard the breath catch in her throat and captured her moan with his mouth as he felt her come around him. He felt the sensation multiply, as it seemed to turn into a cycle of fire, fanning itself to new eruptions with each rise of flames. Shuddering, he jerked his head back, closing his eyes in rapture as he came deep within her.
Feeling his arms shake, his body near collapse, he fell down next to her, pulling her with him to keep the physical connexion. With uneven breaths, he filled his lungs with air and opened his eyes.
Hermione’s face was only inches away, her eyes open and filled with fear and confusion.
The full weight of the implications of what had just happened hit him, and he felt pure, undiluted fear for the first time since the days of the Dark Lord. Would she accuse him of sexual misconduct? Gossip to Potter and Weasley about him? Force him to marry her and have a hundred billion children with his nose and her hair? A thousand scenarios arose before his mind’s eye, growing steadily more gruesome…
And then, she kissed him. Softly, shyly almost, as though touching him for the first time. Sheer surprise stopped him from responding at first, and when the shock left him, he joined her in the careful exploration, very aware of how thin and brittle the ice was where they trod.
He felt a small smile on her lips as they left his, and without a single word she simply laid her head down close to his chest and grew still. Feeling slightly awkward, he draped his free arm around her waist and held her to him. Sooner or later, there would be music to face, but thankfully, it didn’t seem as though this was the moment.
Relaxing his muscles, he allowed his sated body to lull his mind back to sleep.
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queenflareon · 1 year ago
So, I wrote this Drinny Christmas fanfic last year and thought I might post it here.
I saw Aunt Ginny kissing Santa Clause
Harry was truly desperate. He had a promise to keep. To his godson.
Eight months ago, Ron and his wife Natalie had managed to fulfil their dearest wish and adopt a child. Their son Benjamin was three years old and from the moment they met him, he held their whole hearts. The poor child had been given up by his birthparents for having magic and it was also the reason why he had remained unadopted until now. That poor boy had had such a bad start into life and was still very shy and timid.
But when he had heard his cousins Lizzy and Annie, George’s daughters, tell him about seeing Santa while they visited America, the little boys whole face lit up and he asked his parents if he would meet Santa, too. George’s wife Emma and Fred’s wife Marie had grown up together in America both practically being raised by Emma’s grandmother Elisabeth. The two friends had left America as soon as they finished school (and had shortly after met Fred and George), but the love for Elisabeth made them take frequent trips back there. And during the most recent visit, she had insisted to take all her great-grandbabies to take pictures with Santa. While Fred and Marie’s son Eddy and George’s and Emma’s son Jonny were still too small to appreciate the experience, the girl had talked of little else since.
And Harry had made the mistake to promise Benjamin that Santa would visit them on Christmas.
Harry had thought it would be easy. Just one of them had to dress up. Hermione, his fellow godparent, had however pointed out that while Benjamin might not understand it was one of them, the older children would most certainly do. He had wanted to convince Hermione’s fiancé Alex to do it, but they had already promised to join his family on a family vacation as Alex came from a muggle family as well as Hermione, sneaking away for a while wasn’t an option.
So, Harry had spent the day desperately visiting every single person he could think of. Sirius and Remus might have helped, but it was too close full moon. A time when Sirius never left Remus’ side.
Neville would have loved to help, but his wife was due to give birth to their son any day now, so he could leave her.
All this led to Harry standing in front of the office of one of the last people one would associate with Christmas cheer.
“Potter, will you just stand there all day or actually come in? I have other things to do, you know?”, came the voice of Draco Malfoy from the office.
Harry took a deep breath and marched in.
Draco almost burst into laughter after hearing this ridiculous proposition.
“Why on earth would I do that, Potter?”, he asked, not seriously expecting a reply.
Potter’s face grew from embarrassed to determined. “Because you owe me.”
Ah, there it was. Whenever Potter needed even the tiniest thing, he brought that up.
He wasn’t wrong, of course. Potter had spoke in Draco’s favour in his trial after Voldemort was defeated. It was probably the only reason Draco had not been sent to Azkaban and he was even allowed to keep his families fortune, which he had inherited after his father’s death in the last battle. He had even inherited his aunt’s fortune somehow, which he, of course, didn’t touch, but gave to Longbottom so he could use it for something good. And Draco had to admit he had really done well with it.
But all this support was not undeserved on his part. After seeing the horrors Voldemort’s minions had inflicted on the students in Hogwarts, he and a couple of his friends had discreetly started to help the other students. And he had also helped Potter find and destroy one of the horcruxes. That had to be good for something, right?
Still, every time Potter wanted something, he brought this up. And Draco was tired of it. That was ten years ago. He felt like he had really repaid his debt by now.
Just as Draco was about to tell Potter in a not so friendly tone that he was done with this “debt repayment” he caught a glimpse of someone walking past his office. Someone who always caught his eyes.
Instead of a vile refusal, Draco sighed in defeat. “I must admit I don’t understand why you didn’t ask one of the countless members of your fan club, that follow you around here.” Potter visibly flinched. Fair point, Draco also would never let any of the people that grovelled at his feet into his home.
“I will help you. But if I do, this is the last time you can use this ‘You owe me’ crap. This is it, understood?” Potter eagerly agreed and with a “You won’t regret it” and “I’ll owl you the details”, he quickly left Draco’s office.
He didn’t have to know Draco wasn’t doing it for him.
Harry was in the best possible mood as he made his way to the elevator.
“You’re in good spirits today. Did Jennifer give you a proper goodbye before she left to visit her family for the holidays?”, he heard a teasing voice next to him.
Harry laughed as he saw Ginny standing there.
In his sixth year, he had believed himself to be in love with her. When he had tried to kiss her, her reaction was to punch him and then laugh at him. And after a moment, Harry had laughed as well. It was quite an absurd situation after all. While he could admit that she was certainly an attractive woman, she was more like a sister to him, much like Hermione.
“Jennifer’s leaving tomorrow, so I’m still looking forward to my ‘proper goodbye’. What brings you here? You seem to be here more often as of late.”, he remarked as they stepped into the elevator together.
“Can’t I just be a good daughter and visit my dad at work? I don’t have that much to do during the Quidditch season break. And I can’t hang out with mum all day. As much as I love her, she is really driving me insane lately.”, Ginny complained. She was really agitated. Harry knew how much Molly was bothering Ginny about settling down and finding a husband. Ginny had only brought home two guys in the last ten years and both times it had gone terribly. So Harry really didn’t blame Ginny for not sharing details about her love life with her family, especially her mother.
Ginny was rolling her eyes at another of her mother’s tirades of being worried Ginny might end up alone.
It was Christmas Eve and Ginny was at her parents’ home along with Harry and Ron, Fred and George with their families. Percy and Bill and their families would join them the next day and Charlie would drop by tomorrow evening.
“Even Harry is in a happy relationship and ready to settle down.”, Molly exclaimed and turned to the man she had basically adopted as her son. Harry blushed. “We’ll see what the next year will bring.”
Damn, her brothers were all so not helpful. Ginny didn’t want to settle down at the moment.
She was at the peak of her career, finally team captain of the national team as well as the Holyhead Harpies. Holding the record for most goals in a game in world championships. And next tournament, she would take the record for most goals total in the world championship tournament.
What is more, she was perfectly happy with her life. Going out with her friends, enjoying time with her family, spoiling her ever growing number of nieces and nephews. Life was good. She wanted to settle down eventually, but she still had time. She was only 27! And she hoped she wouldn’t have to look for a guy to settle down with anymore. But of course, her mother didn’t know that last part.
“I’m so excited to see Santa.”, her wonderful sister in-law Natalie chimed in. Bless her, she was a good one. Though Natalie’s husband didn’t look happy at the mentioned. Ron at been furious when he heard who Harry had recruited as Santa. But his wife had quickly reprimanded him for it. Their son’s happiness was the most important thing and not holding onto old grudges, she had told him. To everyone’s surprise, Arthur had agreed with her and told everyone ‘What a fine young man’ Draco had become. When that hadn’t convinced Ron, Arthur had said that as a father it was his duty sometimes do things one might not be happy about. After a long list of examples, Ron was still not happy, but promised to behave.
Before anyone could add something to that, a knock at the door announced said man’s arrival.
Ginny watched with glee has her two nieces and three nephews took turns sitting on Santa’s lap. Emma and Natalie were busy taking photographs from every possible angle, much to Santa’s dismay. Fred whispered into Ron’s ear how he should simply enjoy his old enemy being humiliated in front of the whole family. That earned him a grin from Ron and an elbow into his side from his pregnant wife Marie.
But Ginny just stood there, impressed by how well Draco was taking the whole ideal and how sweet he was to the children. Especially with Benjamin who was very shy.
“What do you wish for this year, Benjamin”, he asked the little boy in a fake deep voice.
The little boy looked around to all his family members and was unable to speak.
“You can just whisper it into my ear if you want. I won’t tell anyone.”, Draco promised in a warm voice.
Benjamin considered it for a moment and then went to whisper something as well as he could with the white fluffy wig and beard on Santa’s head. Ginny saw Draco’s eyes water for a moment and flash the boy a smile. “I have no doubt at all that your wish will come true. An such a sweet boy as you will surely get many wonderful gifts as well.” Benjamin hugged Draco tightly before hopping of his lap and ran to his mother.
“I told them, he is a really good man.”, Ginny heard her father say while standing next to her.
“He is.”, she agreed curtly, not meeting her father’s eyes.
“Any woman would be lucky to have him. I’m sure he would take excellent care of anyone.”, he went on. Ginny looked at him in confusion, but he just chuckled lightly and went to see if Marie needed anything.
When Santa was taking his leave of the children, Molly ushered Ginny into the kitchen to take a basket of food out the back to Draco as a thank you. Her mother would never let anyone leave her house without food.
The children were all busy opening one present they were allowed to open this evening and their parents were all chatting about everything and nothing, so it wasn’t hard for Ginny to sneak out into the garden. And there was someone already waiting for her.
“You know, the beard really suits you.”, she teased him while he was practically ripping the fake beard and the wig off his head.
“Very funny!”, he said in a sarcastic tone. “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
She chuckled at that as she presented the basket to him. “My mum packed all this for you. As a thank you for your help. And because she loves feeding people.”
Draco nodded. “That’s very nice of her. Though really not necessary at all.” He was sporting his proud face, as Ginny called it. Some prejudices were really drilled deep into one’s brain.
“Please. Don’t pretend you didn’t practically inhale the birthday cake she had sent to me. It wasn’t your poor house elves that ate it.”, she teased him, poking a finger into his chest.
He gently took her hand in his as his mask crumbled. “I didn’t say your mother wasn’t a great cook. You know full well I enjoy all the leftovers of her food you bring over to my place.”
For a moment, they just stood there and looked into each other’s eyes, countless emotions swirling in their gazes, their bodies filling with warmth, despite standing out in the cold winter air.
“I have to ask. What did Benjamin wish for?”, Ginny said, breaking the comfortable silence between them.
She knew she had to return inside soon even though she could stand out here with her boyfriend forever. Eight months they had been together now, though no one of her family knew that. Bringing home guys was already really rough for her but him? They would go insane.
But Ginny knew she had to eventually. And strangely, she wanted to.
Draco’s warm gaze turned to the hand he was holding. “I will not tell you. I promised him that it’s a secret.”
After giving him her most adorable pout, he added “but it was something very sweet and selfless. He’s a good kid. But don’t tell his father I said that. Don’t want him to get the impression I’ve gone soft.”
Ginny wanted to counter that he had, but she just opted for wrapping her arms around him.
“How did Harry even convince you to do it? I’m pretty sure my brothers made bets about that. I hope you didn’t let him use the ‘You owe me’ thing again.”
Draco was avoiding her gaze, concentrating on rubbing circles on her lower back where his hands were resting around her.
“Oh Draco, you can’t allow him to keep doing this. His requests get more ridiculous each time. It’s been ten years. At some point, it’s truly enough.”, she reprimanded him.
“In my defence, I told him this was the last time he could use that excuse. But it’s not the reason why I agreed. Maybe I just wanted to catch a glimpse at a certain someone. And give her something to smile about.”, he retorted, still avoiding her eyes.
Ginny’s heart warmed even more. She had offered to spend some time with him over Christmas, but he had insisted she should enjoy the time with her family as they rarely were all together these days. He was right about that of course. It still made her sad knowing he was all alone over the holidays. His mother had remarried a few years prior and was living in Paris with her husband and her young stepchildren. She had invited him, of course, but he had told his mother he didn’t want to spend Christmas around small children. In truth though, he always felt like he was disrupting her world when he visited her new family, reminding her of a past life and dark times. Ginny knew Narcissa wouldn’t have cared, but she also knew Draco loved his mother too much to do that. So he always met with his mother apart from her family. The one time Ginny had formally met Narcissa, not too long ago, she had looked at Ginny and told her she was hopeful that would change once she had grandchildren whenever that day would come. And Ginny had blushed at that, naturally.
“I can drop by later for a bit, if you want to.”, Ginny offered despite knowing he would refuse.
“I’m fine, darling. I’ve spent many holidays alone.” He must have seen on her face that had been the wrong thing to say, so he added. “Besides, I will spend the rest of the evening indulging in these delicacies your mother prepared, and I will probably pass out from it.” Ginny chuckled at that.
“I’m afraid I have to get back in now before someone misses me, but I think Santa deserves another reward for his efforts before that.”, she mumbled against his lips before claiming them. He pulled her even closer to him as they deepened the kiss.
The next morning, all the Weasley grandchildren were sitting together and the living room with Lizzy and Annie telling their aunts and uncles who hadn’t been present the night before about their meeting with Santa.
Bill’s and Fleur’s second daughter Claire was barely prevented by her mother from telling her younger cousins that there was no Santa Clause. But her older sister Victoire and Percy’s son Arthie were patiently indulging their younger cousins by agreeing how great meeting Santa must be.
Benjamin was opening a new gift, looking at it in confusion. Practically growing up as a muggle, he was not used to magical toys yet. Lizzy and Annie went to their younger cousin and tried to comfort him, believing he was disappointed in the gift.
“Don’t worry, Benny. If you don’t like it, Aunt Ginny can ask Santa for a new toy.”, Annie said to her cousin, while stroking his back.
All conversation stopped at that. Ginny looked at her nieces in confusion.
“And how would she manage that, sweety?”, George asked his daughters in unsuspecting amusement.
Lizzy answered, “Last night after we opened the presents, we went out and saw Aunt Ginny and Santa kissing.”
Everyone now turned from the girls to Ginny. Naturally, she tried to just play it off and gave a forced chuckle. “It was just a peek on the cheek. To say thank you for taking the time out of his busy schedule to come to you guys.”
But her nieces wouldn’t let her get away with it. “No!”, exclaimed Annie. “It was a grown-up kiss!”, she insisted.
“Like mummy and daddy do when they think we are in the other room.”; Lizzy added.
Well, at least George and Emma are blushing along with her now, Ginny thought to herself.
Before the two five-year-olds could go on, Penelope said “I wonder what’s in that big package.”
Ginny was so grateful at least her sisters-in-law were always willing to save her. But while Ginny was safe from the kids now, she could see she wasn’t so lucky with the adults.
“Well, young lady, I think we need another place setting tonight.”, her mother exclaimed in an upset voice.
Charlie didn’t come home too often. He loved his job, and it kept him very busy. But the rare occasions when he did come home, he always enjoyed himself. Seeing how his nieces and nephews had grown, hearing what was new in the life of his parents and siblings and their partners.
Tonight, there was a strange mood coming from some of his siblings. Well, mostly Ron, to be honest. But no one seemed to explain what had happened. Charlie had asked his father once, but he had only chuckled and mumbled “I knew it”.
But Charlie decided it didn’t really matter. He turned to his right asking his sister how training was going.
Ginny really seemed relieved for the conversation, though Charlie didn’t know why.
Ginny’s new boyfriend (though the couple didn’t seem like they had just started dating) seemed a bit stiff at first, but after a few dishes and some conversations with the women at the table, he seemed to loosen up.
At the end of the night, Draco was even cracking jokes with Fred and George, all the while holding Ginny’s hand under the table. Ginny mostly spent the night happily watching him interact with everyone. And when a conversation over Quidditch started, even Ron joined in.
Charlie chuckled at Ginny’s embarrassed and enraged red face when Molly asked Draco after the kids had gone to bed and they had had a round of fire whiskey how many children they were planning to have. And even more at Draco’s reply “That’s hardly for me to decide. I don’t have to carry them.”
Yes, Charlie thought it had been an perfect evening and he was looking forward to all of them being together again like this next year.
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justtluffythings · 6 months ago
September 2, 1991
Dear Charlie,
I’m fairly certain you would have found your way to dragons with or without me, but I’m more than happy to take the credit. Either way, I’m so glad you’re enjoying it!
The students arrived yesterday, and it was such a strange feeling being on the other side of it. We had the sorting ceremony, and McGonagall asked ME to do it!! I thought that was so sweet of her, and I was so honored to be the one to greet the first-years and get them sorted into their houses. It was such an emotional moment for me. 
And guess who I saw when I went out to introduce myself to them... Ron! He looked so cute in his uniform, and it was so surreal seeing the unsorted uniforms on him. And you know what? He’s made a friend already. And you’ll never believe who it is! HARRY POTTER! I know! Can you believe your brother is friends with THE Harry Potter? And I get to be one of his teachers! It’s crazy.
You’ll be happy to know they’ve both been sorted into Gryffindor, though I was really hoping Ron would join me in Ravenclaw, but those Weasley genes are so deep rooted in Gryffindor, it’s absurd. Maybe I’ll get lucky with Ginny next year; I’ll keep my fingers crossed. Anyway, there’s this adorable Gryffindor girl named Hermione. She’s like a little mini version of me. From her looks to her brains, I’m so surprised she wasn’t sorted into Ravenclaw. But either way, I like her already. I can tell she’ll be a fun one to teach. There’s also this sweet little boy named Neville and this other boy… Draco Malfoy. Doesn’t your dad work with a Malfoy? I’d bet anything it’s his son. And from the stories your dad’s told us, I wouldn’t doubt it if his son turns out to be just as bad as Malfoy Sr. He’s going to be a brat, just you wait and see. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt of course, but if he so much as looks at Ron in the wrong way… so help me Merlin.
Classes start tomorrow, and I’m so nervous. A few measly months ago, I was attending classes and now I’m teaching them? Who allowed this?
When do you get to start working with the dragons? Did they give you a timeline?
Miss you loads,
September 15, 1991
Dear Ronnie,
Oh wow, Harry Potter? Really? I guess we always knew he was Ronald’s age, but I never thought about the possibility of him coming to Hogwarts. Does he really have the lightning scar on his forehead? History of Magic is going to be interesting with him there, that’s for sure. What I wouldn’t give to be a fly on the wall in that class. How is Binns meant to teach about the First Wizarding War with that poor boy in the class? I’m glad he’s chosen to be friends with my brother and not Malfoy though, at least he’ll have someone with a good head on their shoulders showing him the way. And he’s lucky to have you as his professor. You’ll be a good role model for him.
That was so sweet of McGonagall to do, I’m sure she knew how much it would mean to you. And what can I say? Those Weasley genes are strong, so I wouldn’t hold my breath for Ginny if I was you. Hermione and Neville sound great, and it seems like you’re getting to know the first-years fairly well, which is nice. I know you were worried about that. I would wish you good luck on your first day of classes, but they’ve passed already, and besides, I’m sure you were amazing. You’ve always been a great teacher.
I love how protective you are of my brothers. I know they’re safe as long as you’re there.
For the last four weeks, I’ve just been observing, but finally tomorrow, I get to go into the enclosure and work with the dragons up close. I’m a bit nervous, but mostly really excited. I’ll start out by feeding them and cleaning their dung, which isn’t the most fun job in the world, but hey, it’s with dragons so I can’t complain. After a month of doing that, I’ll finally get to start training them, and that’s what I’m looking forward to most.
Tell me how your classes went!
Miss you more,
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