#Mythical Investigations
mimiblue64 · 5 months
Okay, here I go, I have drawn something, it has flaws, but it's a drawing that I feel happy with, I think it's more interesting the lore and the story behind than the drawing itself ^^.
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So this is Mi, also goes by Mimi or MI-02, she has been created in the Labs of Mythical Investigations, a corporation that dedicates to experiment with pokemon, mostly Mythicals, showing the facade to the society and civils that they work for a better world for humans and pokemon. Mi is a super human, a hybrid created with human and pokemon DNA, so the corporation can use her as a lab rat to test medicines that can work both for pokemon and humans, doing unethical experiments on her...
Gladly, Mi scaped at a really young age, and learned to live on her own, and since she has pokemon DNA in her, she has some powers of really strong pokemon, some are really cool. Thanks to her powers she could survive and protect the mistreated ones, the pokemon with her are considered family, Mi lives in the wild with them, protecting and loving her family.
I want to say so much about Mi and her abbilities, but I think I could write and write about her and the post will be endless, you can ask about Mi if you want ^^, I'm excited to share my own pokemon story that I have been creating over a year ago.
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festival-of-pudding · 2 years
y'all look at this text my mom just sent me
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my 73 year old mother watching Britbox like "ah yes, I recall when my daughter was apeshit unhinged for this young man" 💗💗
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legionofmyth · 1 year
Vaesen: Nordic Horror Roleplaying - Adventure Ideas
🎲 #Vaesen: Nordic Horror Roleplaying: Embark on haunting investigations, unravel dark mysteries, and confront otherworldly creatures in a chilling Nordic setting. #Horror #TTRPG #RPG #FreeLeaguePublishing #YearZeroEngine
Vaesen – [PDF]Embark on haunting investigations, unravel dark mysteries, and confront otherworldly creatures in a chilling Nordic setting with these Vaesen adventure ideas. Step into the Mythic North, a land where real myths come alive. Vaesen – Nordic Horror Roleplaying by Nils Hintze takes you on a chilling journey through a Gothic setting steeped in Nordic folklore. Encounter bloodcurdling…
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ozzgin · 8 months
“Do you mean it in the sense that Reader goes through monster boyfriends and is quick to dump them for the next catch”
Yep. Just a vile reader who’s breaking hearts left and right. I think you’ll write it beautifully if you channel your evil side like when you play the sims! ☺️
Yandere! Monsters x Heartbreaker! Reader
You've always been a free spirit, unable to settle on a single partner. Even after being abruptly transported into a different dimension where you are the only human surrounded by monsters, this habit of yours has persisted. Except monsters, as you will see, are harder to discard than humans. They aren't as willing to accept rejection.
Content: female reader, reader is a player, monster smut
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Ah, how troublesome. He won't stop calling. You lazily pick up the phone and look for the options to block the number, clicking your tongue in irritation. You'd specifically told him you're not interested in anything serious. "Who's calling?" The man shuffles under the sheets, still half-asleep. "No one." You respond curtly, glaring at the intruder. "It's morning already, by the way. When are you leaving?"
You slam the door shut before the overnight guest can bring up the classic "Will I see you again", and exhale theatrically in relief. Finally alone again. You look up and shake your fist menacingly, as if whichever entity governing this world is responsible for your bad luck. You've always been utterly indifferent towards committed relationships, and yet most fuck buddies end up head over heels for you, dragging themselves at your feet like pitiful beggars. Pathetic and a pain in the ass to deal with.
Well, someone must be up there, because your situation feels too much like a sassy answer to your complaint. You've just rushed out of your apartment a moment ago and last time you checked, the concierge office wasn't on a rocky hill covered in deep cracks erupting with lava, stretching out into the seemingly unending horizon. Where the hell are you? You turn on your heels, reaching for the door, only to find out - who would've expected? - that it's gone. Great. Your immediate explanation is that the guy you've mistakenly brought home last night must've slipped something in your drinks. All this for a sloppy, clumsy eating out.
The worry of being drugged vanishes quickly once the first creatures of the realm appear. Hard to believe anything on the market could cause such detailed hallucinations that can sniff and touch you: Some alligator-looking minions with eyes popping out of their backs slid out of a nearby crevice to investigate the newcomer. Ironically enough, they seem to be the ones shocked by your appearance. Once they've hesitantly assessed your presence, they scurry aside to discuss their findings. "What could it be?" You hear one mumble, completely baffled. For whatever reason you can understand their language, so you decide to speed up their detective work. "Ever heard of human?" You shout, with a hint of sarcasm in your voice. The beasts gasp in unison. "Nonsense! Straight out of a children's tale!"
Eventually, after a lot of confusion and pointed fingers, you manage to figure out your predicament. You've somehow landed in a world of monsters, where humans are more of a fictional, mythical existence. Thankfully they don't seem to consider your potential as food, though you're not sure if the sudden, massive ambush of creatures is any better. The alligator-like quadrupeds brought you to the nearest settlement and had to form a barrier to stop the curious beasts from almost trampling you in their frenzy to see "the human". You've garnered ridiculous amounts of attention, yet such reaction is to be expected; how often would an earthling wander into their world? It could very well be a lifetime singularity for many.
As the days pass and you become more accustomed to your fate, you begin to feel that familiar calling. It doesn't look like you'll be going home anytime soon and a lady has her needs. Additionally, whatever popularity you had back in the human world is a minuscule fraction of what you're currently experiencing here. In the eyes of the monsters, you're an exotic treat that cannot be refused. It shouldn't be too hard to find yourself a partner, or two. Or three. Who keeps count nowadays?
You remember stumbling upon a postcard print of "The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife" at some museum shop. You immediately picked up the thick cardboard, eyeing the artwork in amusement. A woman enveloped in the limbs of two octopuses and very obviously enjoying herself. Who even came up with the pairing, you wondered at the time. Whatever the artist was thinking, you can certainly see his point now. The first one to receive your indecent proposal was an eldritch creature of sorts, something straight out of Lovecraft's lucid dreams. Dark, long tendrils sprawling out of an amorphous core - which you assume is its head based on the bulging, glistening orbs hungrily staring at you. Your whole body is throbbing under the tight hold of the slippery tentacles, wrapping around you in masterful intricacy. You could see the result featured in a bondage magazine, though you don't...can't ponder much on it given the fact you're, well, stuffed with monstrous appendages. You doubt any genital variation back home could compare. The monster is even polite enough to occasionally wipe away the continuous stream of drool spilling out of your whining mouth. Towards the end you barely have a voice anymore, throat sore from the loud moans and merciless constriction. Your muscles contract all at once, overwhelmed by the sensations. Whatever sensitive areas you might have are presently aching under the needy fondling of the creature.
Mind-blowing. The memory is enough to have you wet and squirming with desire. Even more so when you consider the other varieties of monsters ready to fuck you senseless. Soon enough you're surveying the neighborhood for the ideal suitors and thankfully you don't have to worry about making wrong choices, as there's always a next target. Thus the following weeks fill you with a particular kind of nostalgia (among other things and fluids), reminding you of the bed-hopping in the human realm. From werewolves drowning out your whimpers with their desperate howling, to hooved legs of hybrids violently thrusting into you until you're a dripping mess. "Look at me" is what one of the beasts demanded in a low growl, turning you on with its ragged voice and clawed hand encircling your frail neck. Although you had to ask it where exactly to look, given it was covered entirely in eyes.
You yawn and stare at the ceiling, reminiscing about the depraved fuckfest you're currently recovering from. You might've overdone it with the last one. Alas, you came enough times to make up for it. Just as you turn around to readjust the ice pack, you hear a loud thud coming from the entrance. You (carefully) sit up and rub your eyes, trying to focus on the shadow figure approaching your bed. It's one of the lizard monsters, swiftly slithering across the wall and landing over you with an angered expression. "Where the fuck is that dog?" it inquires with a hiss. "What? Who're you talking about?" you mumble, wildly confused. "The one that dared to touch you."
Oh, not this crap again. You almost roll your eyes. "You never said anything about us being together." Is your annoyed reply. "What? I thought it'd be obvious you belong to me!" You're about to question the strange logic, but your couple's quarrel is interrupted by the sound of shattered glass. The many-eyed monster crawls its way in with fluid, uncanny movements, releasing a deafening screech once it notices the lizard in your bed. "Off! Get off my human now!" is what it finally manages to verbalize in its fury. Okay, it seems to be the common belief. To clear off any shred of doubt remaining, the ceiling gives in and crumbles like putty under the weight of an enormous tentacle. You scream and cover your face from the bits of rubble flying everywhere, but you're quickly sheltered by another thick appendage looping itself around you, against the wrathful protests of the lizard. You did not anticipate the eldritch creature could expand to this gargantuan size.
For the first time since arriving here, you feel homesick. At least back home you could get rid of your annoying admirers with the slide of a button. Is there a larger scale alternative for cosmic blasphemies? You shake your fist (up? down? you can't tell in the darkness of the tentacle shield) towards the entity once more. Damn it, you've learned your lesson. Several steps must’ve been skipped before reaching a pack of angry, possessive monsters fighting over your ownership.
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xxtc-96xx · 11 days
I’m surprised Gary isn’t trying to capture the twos, or Mew considering he’s part of that Pokemon research group whose main goal is finding and studying every Pokemon. Especially legendary and mythicals.
What I never understood was why Project Mew didn’t have more interest in the fact there was a mewTWO just wandering around and had no further investigations on it after Goh and Ash encountered him. Since their end goal was mew
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annabelle--cane · 8 months
guys I’ve cracked the code. so, I’ve been thinking, the title of “the magnus archives” was central to the whole conceit of the show, and according to word-of-god it was also the name of the mega ritual jonah pulled off with jon as the lynchpin (magnus + archives), but the magnus protocol doesn’t even take place in the magnus institute. we’ve had a case about it, sure, and sam’s investigating, but it’s still a change in approach, it feels less directly relevant. I’d been thinking that the title might mean “the protocol to follow in the event of magnus, what to do when something happens with the magnus institute,” but I’ve been reading some stuff and. I think I have an idea.
on the left below is the official tmagp logo, showing the OIAR coat of arms on a big chunky computer screen, and on the left is the alchemical symbol for the philosopher’s stone, the mythical substance that was meant to transform base metals into gold and make a potion for eternal life.
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as several other people have pointed out, the central medallion of the coat of arms is laid out like the symbol for the philosopher’s stone flipped upside down, and if you stare into the black part of the screen on the logo, you’ll see a bunch more very faint symbols scattered all over the place, and all the marketing materials to do with tmagp have just been dripping in these things. can’t move for alchemical symbols. just lousy with ‘em.
alchemy was all about working towards discovering the philosopher’s stone, and this process of changing both materials and the self on a journey of discovery has been referred to as the “great work” of alchemy, or, to use the more common latin phrase, the “magnum opus” of alchemy. “magnus” and “magnum” are different declensions of the same latin word, meaning big, or great, and what I’m seeing when I look at the logo is the big word “magnus” under the symbol for the alchemical magnum opus. I think the title has nothing to do with jonah magnus or the magnus institute, I think it means the protocol for creating the philosopher’s stone.
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Mythic Phantom
This is a little something I whipped up over a while thinking about merging the DP and Riordanverse universes together, and I thank @geraldmariaivo for helping me think my way through it. If you want the ao3 version you can find it here, and I hope you enjoy the fic!
Most Underworld Gods felt it when Vlad’s current permanent Portal opened, but they all Felt it when Danny’s accident happened. A child’s death throes is hard to ignore after all. Pantheons world wide decided that was America’s problem, and Hel decided it was Persephone’s problem, and Haides felt it would close on its own. No gate to Khaos can stay open for long after all.
When Ember went globally live, Muses and Music Gods and Hypnos heard the way she sang, called out to the mortals to never be forgotten. Danny and Tucker dealt with her swiftly enough that she was remembered, noted even, but disregarded.
When the Fright Knight’s sword was drawn, many Fear Gods turned toward Amity, but Danny dealt with it swiftly. Most regarded it as an anomaly but Phobos and Deimos sent subordinate spirits to investigate the town and report anything interesting.
Hades and Persephone noted the invasion of Ghost Cops and saw that Danny had it handled in only a few days, which they would count as a quest fulfilled. Clearly, Amity Park was a contained issue, and the Master Bolt had gone missing by now so they have other things to deal with. The House of Life have some reservations but agree.
Then Pariah Dark got out, and the Gods scrambled to do something about that. In only a week however, He was dealt with too.  A closer eye was warranted. By everyone, not just the Observants.
Whoever these agents were, be they half-bloods or spirits or even minor gods, most wouldn’t see Young Blood and thus would fear Danny was losing it too. When he calmed down, they’d sigh in relief. The two future Ghost Villains who show up outside of the do-over would raise alarms at how fast ghosts can progress, but hey, it’s handled.
When the Hellenic spies are pulled back home for safety during the winter solstice, pleasantly surprised by Ghost activity dying down at the same time, Artemis and Luna, Khonshu and more felt something wrong happening as the Ghostwriter possessed the moon to speak.
When Duul Amon returned to the land of the living, the House of Life sent agents to the town, and Tucker Foley was immediately offered magic lessons. His is power over stone and steel, glass and gems, as well as an ear for the voices of machines. Between terrakinesis and technopathy, Tucker’s limits with his staff became only what he understood about technology.
Then entire copies of the Ghost Boy (Prince? King?) appear, attacking him, manipulating him for the elder, but he lets her go free after he’s rescued? Truly fascinating. Psychopomps keep an eye on Elle wherever she goes - she’s always very close to melting after all. The titan army also keep an eye on her, a powerful being both like and unlike the Gods, much the same as a Titan, Giant, or Monster.
Then the Reality Gauntlet is found by a mortal man, a rogue Magician, while the boy is busy trying to stop it and save the world, Lydia is keeping House of Life magicians and even Odin’s Ravens from finding Freakshow, so some Camp Jupiter heroes are being sent on a quest to deal with him. Then he gets the fucking gems and turns the world into a circus for 10 minutes.
Before the Boy tricks him, takes the Gauntlet, resets the world to before his identity was revealed to the world, (though perhaps not quite fooling the memories of Gods, who Are the world) and destroying the Gauntlet and gems in a single blast.
An artifact presumed by the Ghost Investigation Ward to be powerful enough to destroy the Infinite Realms, reduced to molten ash by one burst of power.
What to do about the young Phantom is a matter of discussion during the solstice meeting on Olympus.  Hades is sent to investigate the boy and finds that he is a godling of Kaos Themself, which sparks yet further debate on what to do when Artemis goes missing.
But then the Son of Hades stumbled upon Elmerton and witnessed a duel between Gods firsthand.
Danny Phantom faced off against Vortex, the ghost of all weather and sky and storm gods who had faded over the millennia, all on his own.  Even in defeat, Danny stole half of Vortex’s power, and less than a week later, he defeated the calamity that even two pantheons worth of gods could not.
The Titans would be horrible for humanity as a whole, and the Olympians were bad for half bloods as well.  Danny Phantom, however, could be just what most half bloods were after.  He needed training in mortal form, clearly, but that could be an angle for Nico to use.
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intheholler · 8 months
okay. i'm up to episode five now, so, by increasingly popular demand lol:
my initial thoughts about old gods of appalachia
i think it's really smart in what it relays as "appalachian horror," because this is actually what The Appalachian Gothic is supposed to give
what i mean is it's not just like the usual spoopy mythical forest/"don't investigate the noises in the woods" stuff alone. dgmw, obviously i love the urban legends
but the gothic of an area or time period needs cultural elements tied in to really make it chilling, and this does it well. it stands out in the way that it incorporates the genuine horrors of humanity in appalachia with the supernatural element everyone is drawn to about these mountains. it's very creatively done
like in the barlo, kentucky saga i am currently listening to, it's the dangerous coal mines and the near-possessed preacher turning all hellfire n brimstone at the behest of the haints. it preys (i use this word positively here) on this mix of very specific but common fears, both existential and otherwise, held by residents of the appalachian south. love it
as an aside, i love the narrator's accent because it sounds like mine :') a lifetime of code switching means mine isn't quite as strong unfortunately, but our pronunciation habits and colloquialisms are next to identical, so there manages to be this like warm and nostalgic feeling to it, too
because it's honestly so nice to hear my accent and my family's accent as a critical part of a superb story being told, and not just as a vehicle for mockery and stereotypes :')))
all in all... it is Good Shit
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Gold Turtle Necklace from Ancient Colchis (modern-day Georgia/South Caucasus) c. 450 BCE: this necklace was crafted from 31 turtle-shaped pendants, each one made of g0ld
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The necklace was discovered during excavations at a site known as Vani, in Georgia (the country, not the state). Ancient Vani once served as the religious and administrative center for the Kingdom of Colchis; as I've previously discussed, Colchis was also known as the homeland of the fabled Golden Fleece, and to much of the ancient world, the Colchians themselves were renowned for their skills in goldsmithing.
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The turtle pendants on this necklace are all decorated with ornate filigree and granulation patterns. The eyes of the 30 smaller turtles were originally made with glass inlay, while the eyes of the largest turtle (seen in the center) were made from drops of gold.
As this article also notes (translated from Georgian):
[This necklace] is unique because of the zoomorphic depiction that it presents. Among the known examples of goldsmithing from antiquity, the depiction of a turtle is not attested anywhere other than the Vani necklace. 
The local origin of the necklace is primarily indicated by the stylistic unity of the pendants with other examples of Colchian goldsmithing. It should be noted that the land turtle depicted on the pendants was widespread in Colchis.
The excavations at Vani have uncovered lots of other artifacts made by Colchian goldsmiths. These artifacts include temple ornaments, zoomorphic figures, pieces of jewelry, diadems, headdresses, hairpins, drinking vessels, and appliqués, among other things, and they've provided some really valuable insights into the unique goldsmithing traditions that existed among the peoples of Colchis -- and the myths that evolved as a result.
A few of the other golden artifacts from Vani:
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Top: headdress ornament featuring an openwork design, c. 350-300 BCE; the central panel of this piece depicts a stag and three other deer, while the frame is topped by two lions and several rows of birds; Bottom: a diadem with a set of temple ornaments, c. 400-350 BCE; all of the panels along the front of the diadem depict scenes of prey animals being hunted by lions
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Top: necklace with a series of ram-shaped pendants, c. 400-350 BCE; each pendant was forged from two separate castings that were sealed together to form a complete shape, and the ears/horns were then soldered onto each piece; Bottom: set of bracelets with boar finials, c. 460-440 BCE
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Golden appliqués depicting various animals, c. 400-300 BCE
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Set of temple ornaments that depict two pairs of riders on horseback, c. 400-350 BCE
And a map showing the location of modern-day Georgia (just for reference):
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As this map illustrates, Georgia is nestled right at the crossroads between Europe and Asia, with the Black Sea located on one side and the Caspian not far from the other; it is bordered by Russia to the North and by Turkey, Armenia, and Azerbaijan to the South
Sources & More Info:
National Geographic (Georgian): Golden Kolkheti
Atinati: The Golden Kingdom of Colchis
Smithsonian: Summary of "Wine, Worship, and Sacrifice: the Golden Graves of Ancient Vani" Exhibition
Burusi (Georgian): The Archaeological Discoveries at Vani
Quaternary International: A Modern Field Investigation of the Mythical “Gold Sands” of Ancient Colchis and the “Golden Fleece” Phenomena
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respectthepetty · 10 months
The Eagle & the Serpent in The Sign
As a lover of tattoos, I noticed in the trailer that Phaya has wings tattooed on his back as well as another design.
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Also in the trailer for the show, there was a shot of a book titled Legend of Naga & Garuda.
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They are important mythical (and religious) entities. Garuda is a birdlike deity and is in a constant battle with snakelike Naga.
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We saw them in the trailer as well.
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The title card for the series also features them. The eagle is on the left and the serpent is on the right with its tail being the top of the wording.
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This is Naga in creature-form confronting our Garuda in human form .
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Phaya comes from a wealthy family (in any life).
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And was in the air force before being recruited into the special investigations unit, which could be the reason for the wings tattoo.
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So who could the serpent in human form?
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And because I always pay attention to colors, Chalothon wears green ties, so this could be him or someone sent on his behalf watching Tharn.
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In the trailer, Phaya speaks to a woman wearing a gold serpent crown and serpents on her necklace.
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She mentions her sister will find Phaya in any life, and when we see Wansarat, she shares the same accessories with a serpent belt and bracelets as well but in green.
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She was Naga's in their past lives.
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But in this life,
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she will be Phaya's.
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Because Phaya is "of the air" he will struggle with water.
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And he has since he was a child.
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In the tale of Garuda and Naga, their conflict stems from powerful water that Naga possessed.
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Note that there are three kids who see Phaya drowning: Tharn, Yai, and another unnamed kid.
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One kid appears to wear green.
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Wild Ass Theory - That kid is Chalothon and he had something to do with Phaya being in that water.
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Tharn's parents died in an accident when he was a child, and he almost died as well.
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He has the gift of foresight, and Garuda's most known wife is Unnati who was known for her wisdom. His gift is tied to karma, and as a child, he was told to free himself from the person he was tied to in a previous life, he needed to return a protective amulet to its owner.
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Two Theories - I think for Tharn to no longer be tied to Chalothon, he had to save Phaya who is the person Chalothon has wronged in the past (and possible present) or Wansarat betrayed Chalothon by saving Phaya in a previous life therefore tying them together forever, and she must save him in every life now.
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So when will the necklace reappear?
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Because Phaya seemed to be wearing some sort of necklace when he confronted Tharn in the bathroom.
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Bonus: We have a lion on the squad.
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And Yai's girlfriend, Sand, is played by Yoshi who is transgender and Miss Tiffany's Universe 2017, so Yai better keep his eye on the prize and quit looking at other girls.
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bloodrayneultima · 19 days
Hey everyone 🤗.here to tell you a little bit about my book.its called#Of Shadows And Dark Things.it is about the hero, who's nickname is Ro,as he investigates supernatural creatures at the request of the group he is forced to work with, #the agency.the agency is a pro human branch of the government that works in secret around the world to protect people from supernatural beings.or so they say.in fact, they do whatever they can to kill supernatural beings no matter how innocent they are.Ro is a# supernatural himself, being a very rare kind of immortal.he looks like he is 25 or maybe 30,but is in fact over a thousand years old.it is his mastery of various combat techniques and weapon styles,as well as hundreds of years of experience dealing with multiple# mythical creatures that gives him his edge in battle.but he doesn't always win.... this blog will be devoted to his books,as well as to the other two series's I'm working on.more on them later.i will have more to tell you next time.please like and follow for more updates and details.
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theresattrpgforthat · 6 months
Do you have any games that involve urban fantasy with less focus on fighting than something like Dresden or Shadowrun?
THEME: Urban Fantasy (Minimal Fighting)
Hello there! What I've got here is quite a mix, I wasn't sure how much violence you wanted (or didn't want) so I have a little bit of romance, a little bit of nostalgia, and a little bit of horror!
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City of Mist, by Son of Oak Games.
City of Mist is a role-playing game of film-noir investigation and super-powered action. It is set in a modern metropolis rife with crime, conspiracies, and mysteries. The protagonists are Rifts, ordinary people who became the living embodiment of a legend, their Mythos. While your Rifts may seek to strike a balance between the mysterious nature of their Mythos and their mortal aspirations, the powers within them always threaten to tear their lives apart. They have unwittingly become a part of a secret world of clashing stories, and soon other legends will come looking for them with demands.
City of Mist is a combination of PbtA and FATE, giving your characters descriptive tags to use for both their benefit and their detriment as they go about solving mysteries in a supernaturally-saturated city. The primary theme of the game is mystery, and thus more than anything your characters will be primed for investigation. That’s not to say that there isn’t violence - but violence and fighting can be de-emphasized if the group is more interested in the mystery side of things.
Character Creation involves a combination of mundane and supernatural themes, as your character is endeavouring to strike a balance with the parts of themselves that they recognize (student, parent, office worker, ex-partner) and the parts of themselves that are hard to understand (mythical beast, deity, folktale, urban legend). What’s important to define is your daily routine, your personality, and what kind of supernatural powers you have.
This game isn’t explicitly anti-violent, but it absolutely provides you with ways to solve problems that aren’t violent, so I think City of Mist is worth checking out.
Scary Monsters & Nice Sprites, by Pammu.
Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites is a narrative RPG about spending your night in one of the only clubs in your city that’s safe for creatures of the night like yourself. All you want to do is have some fun just like the humans do. Play a supernatural creature of choice, put some sick EDM on the speakers and get your game on!
This game works best for an even number of players, up to 6, and is GM-less. It combines urban monsters with flirting, dark clubs and hookups. Each of your characters will look for a partner by doing things that will appeal to the other players. If they like what you do, they’ll reward you with tokens, which you can spend to improve the atmosphere of the club. Fill another player’s intimacy meter, you’ve won them over, and the two of you decide how the night ends for both of your characters.
If you want a game about flirting and the magic of a nightclub, this is your game.
The Far Roofs, by Jenna Katerin Moran.
The Far Roofs is an original role playing system and bundled campaign using pens or pencils, paper, six-sided dice, ten-sided dice, playing cards, and a bag of letter tiles. It's complete in one volume: with this one book and the equipment above, you'll have everything you need to play. 
As the story progresses, your characters will gain access to over 150 unique, narrative-focused powers developed and refined over the course of a decade for the Chuubo's Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine RPG before being simplified and adapted for use herein.
The Far Roofs is still being Kickstarted, but Moran’s work on Chuubo’s Wish-Granting Engine produced a game that emphasizes wonder and emotional experience. The Far Roofs looks to deliver along the same lines, and the examples of play point towards investigation, social interaction, and magic powers. Jenna Moran is also known for her unique and evocative storytelling in her work, so I think it’s definitely worth checking out.
Lighthearted, by Kurt & Kate Potts.
Welcome to the magical 80s dream world of Lighthearted. You are a Prep, Jock, Geek, Rebel, or Outcast, like those kids in The Breakfast Club, except you are just about to start magic community college. Through play, we'll explore how you grow out of your high school cliques all while dealing with magical mishaps, college parties, vampires, and worse—finals!
Lighthearted is a complete tabletop roleplaying game that uses the language of film and television to reimagine the coming of age stories popular in 80s teen movies like Weird Science and Sixteen Candles, but with a modern fantasy spin. It's set in an alternate 1980s with fantasy elements weaved into the most outlandish bits of 80’s pop culture. There are fantasy religions mixed in with mall culture, dark magic cold wars, and magical glamours instead of plastic surgery.
This is a game of magic and coming-of-age, as you play first-year students at a magical community college. You’re off to the big city, and the big world - will you survive your first college party? Your first vampire?
The whole game feels like the neon lights of a vibrant night-life combined with the nostalgia of an 80’s film. Your magic is attached to how you feel, so as your emotions change, so will your effectiveness at certain actions. If you want a game that’s as light as its name, and you are seeking out rosy-tinted nostalgia, this might be your game.
Changeling: the Lost, by Onyx Path.
Once upon a time, they took you from your home. They promised you a place at their side, and meaning in your life, and they surrounded you with beautiful things. But the beautiful things were oh so sharp, and they laughed when you bled.
Day by day, they changed you. But day by day, your will grew stronger. On the last day, you smashed your way through the beautiful things and ran, not noticing as you bled or feeling as you cried.
You fought with courage and cleverness and took yourself home. Now the beauty and the horror are yours, to have and to hold and to live.
Welcome to once upon right fucking now.
So I’m familiar only with the 1st edition of Changeling, but as far as I understand, the setting and core premise of the game is the same in the 2nd edition. Changeling: the Lost is a game of fairy trauma. Your characters are survivors of a fae horrorscape, a place both wondrous and terrifying all at once. This game is solidly in the horror genre, but it contains within it a taste of the magical, and it’s also the reason I got into roleplaying in the first place.
As in many Chronicles of Darkness games, fighting is an option in here, but it’s not a wise option. Getting into fights pulls at your characters’ ability to understand the difference between our world and the world of Fae, it’s very easy to sustain supernatural damage that is hard to heal, and, well, sometimes it’s hard to tell who your real enemies are in the first place.
I’d say that Changeling is more of a political game than anything else. Your characters will have to dance through the highly literal wording of faerie pledges, and untangle difficult relationships between Courts that are both safe havens and potential beds of sedition. This is a violent game, but much of the violence possible in Changeling isn’t physical - it's emotional.
This Night On The Rooftops, by C.M. Ruebsaat.
This is a game about gazing out over the smokestacks after dark, with the wind in your hair and a friend at your side and a thousand lights of progress on the streets below. 
This Night on the Rooftops is a collaborative storytelling game for 2-5 players about friendship, growing up, and revolution. You will play members of a gang of children in The City, a fantastic world of industry and dying magic, where witches labour alongside factory-workers to make ends meet.
This game looks slightly less modern, but it takes the fantasy aspect of witchcraft and places it inside an industrial city. The game uses a modified version of the No Dice No Masters rule set, which is excellent for stories that have an ebb and flow to them, managed through the use of token expenditure. This game is also GM-less, giving everyone at the table the same amount of control over what happens next.
Since the characters are a gang of teenage witches looking to make ends meet, this game doesn’t strike me as one that prioritizes fighting or violence. The city looks big enough to grind up the characters if they’re not careful, so they’ll likely have to find solutions to problems that don’t get them (or their dependants) in trouble. If the game is like other No Dice No Masters games that I’m familiar with, the group will also have a big say over which elements of the city are the most intriguing to them.
Partners: The Urban Fantasy File, by Tin Star Games.
Some murders are just elf defence…
Vampires are real, magic is real, elves are real - and murder is still very very real. This expansion takes you and your Partner down the moonlit streets of urban fantasy, where the dead sometimes get back up again but crime is still a mystery needing two heads to solve.
The base game for this, Partners, is a two-player mystery-solving game about a pair of detectives, a straight-shooter and a wildcard. You’ll need the base rules to play, but this supplement brings in dead elves, suspicious vampires, and other common characters in any urban fantasy genre. It can work as a one-shot, or as a series of episodes. If you want a game that's primarily about solving a mystery more than anything else, this is is for you.
Solacebound, by Sascha Moore.
Young monsters played at the boundary between the worlds. They slipped and stranded in a human city. Isolated and unwelcome, they search for each others help and a way back.
Solacebound is a GM-less Game for 3-5 people to play over a few hours. Search a sprawling, oppressive city for your friends, find out who is willing to give you a roof, bash back against authorities, cook together and console each other. Will you find a way back home before all passages close?
You are teenage monsters trying to find their way through an urban environment, in a place that is hostile to them. You survive by hiding out, finding each-other, and do things together to make sure you keep each-other healthy. Cards from a deck act as resources, but also as an oracle to help you describe the fallout of any given action, and the emotions that are attached to it. This is a game about metaphors, about what it is like to live in a place that fears you, so I definitely recommend making sure the entire table knows what this is about before starting a game.
You Might Also Want to Check Out
Subway Runners, by Gem Room Games.
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legionofmyth · 1 year
Vaesen: Nordic Horror Roleplaying - Vaesen
🎲 #Vaesen: Nordic Horror Roleplaying: Utilize the Year Zero Engine to blend investigation, folklore, and horror elements to unravel mysteries and face the unknown. #Horror #TTRPG #RPG #FreeLeaguePublishing #YearZeroEngine
Vaesen – [PDF]In Vaesen: Nordic Horror Roleplaying, Vaesen refers to supernatural creatures that are inspired by Nordic folklore and myths. These entities embody the dark and mysterious aspects of the Mythic North. Vaesen can take various forms and often possess eerie and unsettling traits. They include creatures such as trolls, hulders, draugr, nisses, and other mythical beings deeply rooted in…
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httpskuzuu · 9 months
if your not busy then can you make more yandere chuuya l'm down bad for him lol!😭
The best gift
can we give reader a therapy session? thanks
Yandere!Chuuya x Reader
English is not my mother tongue, sorry for the mistakes
summary: Chuuya just wants to make you happy (I love that man)
tw: failed escape attempt, mention of punishment, broken leg, feelings of abandonment? idk
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He couldn't be more fed up with you.
I mean, he loves you, but the fact that you are always unwilling to correspond to him is something that really hurts him deeply.
He even thought of locking you up in complete darkness, no light, no food. He wanted you to crawl to him afterward and ask him to get you out. He wanted to make you say you loved him.
He never got around to putting that plan into action, obviously. He's not that horrible! He's not a monster. He really loves you.
Sure anyone would put you through the most grotesque tortures to make you submissive. But he was different, you should appreciate him more.
As much as he knows you have reasons, he still finds it completely overkill because, come on, you have everything you want just by asking nicely! Everything but freedom, of course.
You want expensive clothes? Okay. You want diamond jewelry? In less than five seconds, you'll have them in your hands. Want to travel to exotic destinations? He's taking you, just don't leave his side.
All he asks is a little obedience from you, it's not that hard, is it? He's looking out for your happiness too, the more submission from you, the better quality of life. It's a win-win.
But you didn't seem to understand that.
You were in bed, lying there, not wanting to move an inch of your body. Chuuya broke your leg just two days ago. The pain was unbearable.
You didn't talk to him since that, well, except for the moment he broke it. You cried to him and begged him, as silly as it sounds, to make the pain stop.
You wished Chuuya was some mythical God so he could fulfill your earlier request.
The pain didn't make you think well, so you were crying to Chuuya, talking about your cat and how much you missed him. Chuuya was by your side, stroking your hair, listening to you attentively.
You always mentioned your cat, how you wanted him with you now, how much you loved him. In fact, most of the time when an argument happened, it was because you mentioned that you wanted to go home with your cat!
Was an animal really that important to you? Well, if it made you happy, Chuuya would bring it home. Maybe then you'd stop crying randomly throughout the day, or fighting him. Imagining you, a fighter, turning into someone with a more passive behavior just because of a cat, drove him crazy.
Chuuya warned you that he was leaving, but that he would be back quickly, he left you a pain pill along with a glass of water. He hoped you would notice that he was not so cruel, after all, he could have left you lying on the floor, with two broken legs instead of just one, as was his idea at the beginning.
You were left alone in the house. You had never felt more lonely and bad in your life. Your friends, your family, your pet, what will become of them?
You feel miserable, left to your own devices. Why didn't they come for you? Did they care about you in the first place? You were sure there should have been an investigation into your disappearance by now, but what if there wasn't? What if you weren't important enough to them?
Were you that hard to love? But Chuuya loved you, in an obsessive way, but he did. Wouldn't that be the purest kind of love?
You don't know why you keep fighting, but it's something normal in you, like something wrapped in your DNA. You feel attacked, helpless, by something bigger that can't be stopped, so you grit your teeth trying to feel safe. It's not working the same for you anymore.
You didn't try to escape because this life was bad. You tried to escape because you didn't want to be forgotten by others. What kind of life is one in which you are a ghost trapped?
But you are not selfish, you hope they are doing well. You hope they have the happiness you can't seem to achieve.
You cried until you heard the door open. You hadn't noticed that Chuuya had come home.
You looked at him for a few seconds, he had with him a black gift box, tied with a ribbon. You didn't want gifts, you didn't want jewelry that could buy you.
Sure, that was until you heard a meow come out of the box. You stopped crying almost automatically and looked at it in surprise. You could even feel the glint settling in your eyes.
Chuuya pretended not to hear the meowing. "Why didn't you take the pill? You can't complain about the pain and then be stubborn enough not to take it."
"What's in the box?"
"A present for you. I thought it might make you happier." He sat on the edge of the bed, resting the box on his legs. "You know, I don't like to see you cry."
His gloved hand reaches to your cheek and wipes away the tears. There is an impulse in your body to fight, to refuse to be touched, but you stayed still.
Chuuya put the box on the bed next to you. You struggle and manage to sit up in bed, your leg throbbing with pain, but you ignore it. You have more important things to do now.
You don't even look at Chuuya for approval to open the box, you just open it. And there it is, your faithful friend who always stood by your side. Your cat.
You cry again.
Your cat seems happy to see you again, he nuzzles his head against your hand affectionately and meows at you. You take him in your arms and hug him.
"Do you like the present?" Chuuya's voice comes through in the place only ruled by your sobs. Of course you like it, how could you not? You missed this kitten so much, it had been so long since you hadn't seen him.
You nod your head. "Very much, I like it very much. Thank you Chuuya." Your voice shakes from the sobs, but that doesn't matter anymore.
You don't have to keep staying defensive when you have a friend with you.
"I thought maybe your cat could help you to be calmer, to stop fighting."
There was always something hidden. Chuuya wanted to see you happy, of course, but if he could gain some of that happiness from you, he would gladly do so.
You nod again. "Yes, it will help me." You wipe the tears from your cheeks as you smile.
It looks like you're both happy for once.
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lilydalexf · 3 months
🌲👽 X-Files Survival/Wilderness Fic Recs
Here are some very good X-Files survival or wilderness fics. Because @thatsaprettycoolposter and @pookie-mulder asked! This list does not include post-colonization fics, which are also all survival fics of a sort. Enjoy!
Alligator Moon by jordan big monster in swamp attacks FBI agents
Antidote by Rachel Howard and Karen Rasch Strange doings in a tiny western town bring Mulder and Scully out to investigate. Once there, they uncover a deadly experiment that may cost both of them their lives.
Backtracking by Kel and Scetti What do Charlie Scully, the Alien Bounty Hunter, and Jesse "the Body" Ventura all have in common? Last April you could have found all three of them in Minnesota.
By the Wind Grieved by Karen Rasch Months have passed and Mulder is back. But things are not as they once were. He doesn’t know who he is or what Scully and he are to each other. Together they must reclaim the past before their enemies take away their future.
A Cabin in the Woods by @leiascully Mulder and Scully, on the run, stay for a while in a cabin in the mountains in Montana. A series of interlacing vignettes.
a cabin in the woods by @monikafilefan Being stuck in this rustic cabin, clearly left to age among the wilderness had Scully feeling wild herself, and it felt as if their bodies danced to an ancient song among the elements.
Camping by Amperage and Livengoo Fox Mulder and Dana Scully have survived abductions, serial killers, mutants and aliens but the Partner Cooperation Program Wilderness Encounter may finally do them in. After poison ivy and catfish, who wouldn’t long for a nice, safe killer mutant?
A Change of Seasons by Jo-Ann Lassiter A search for a mythical beast in the woods of Pennsylvania takes an alarming turn for the worse when Mulder's minor in ury escalates into a life-threatening disease.
Changing Tides by QofMush Who says change is all bad?
Circumnavigation by Suzanne Schramm Sometimes you don't know where you're going until you get there.
Coming Back by Karen Rasch Mulder gets a call from Mrs. Scully, who fears for Dana's safety. Following her instructions, he tracks his partner to a cabin in the mountains where he finds that she does indeed need his help. Memories of her time away have come back with a vengeance. (Sequel: The Calm After The Storm)
Dark Water by Suzanne Schramm Prehistoric insects. Mothmen. Now it’s a publicity-shy tribe of murderers. Just another nice trip to the forest with Mulder.
Falling Snow by Snark Mulder, Scully and a mysterious woman from Mulder's past crash in the snowy landscape of the Colorado winter.
Frozen by @dashakay The end of a case, and a stay in a log cabin during a blizzard, lead Scully to take the biggest risk of her life.
Last Chance Falls by @slippinmickeys A man. A women. A forest. A hit squad. An adventure.
The Lost by Wintersong Mulder and Scully are trapped in the remote wilderness and the art of surviving was not what they expected.
Old Growth Forest by Andrea Mulder and Scully investigate the disappearances of homeless people in Madison, Wisconsin and seemingly end up suffering the same fate.
A Path of Salt by Analise Mulder ditches Scully yet again to help an old friend in the Park Service. But Scully has never been one to sit and wait.
Tam Lin by Pequod When your local young men disappear, only to turn up dead a year later, sometimes it helps to have friends in high places. Myth and murder combine in a remote Scottish village, and Mulder and Scully investigate. The Fairy Queen is out to revenge the loss of her most prized knight, Tam Lin. Mulder believes but Scully’s not so sure, until Mulder takes a walk in the woods.
Tempest by Missy Pennington Mulder and Scully survive a plane crash to find themselves injured and stranded in the Appalachian wilderness. (Sequels: Distance, Wild Places, and Escape Me Never)
Untitled by @o6666666 Prompt: Mulder takes Scully camping and they make love for the second time ever under the stars.
Waiting in Motion by mountainphile After leaving the hot spring (in "Miraculous Manifestation"), Scully and Mulder take an unexpected detour on the way home. Dark secrets emerge when they seek shelter in a raging storm...and an intriguing X-file rears its head... (Sequel: Signs of Life)
Way Through the Woods by Pellinor and Rebecca Rusnak Three months ago, someone noticed something unusual about Scully. Now, in a desperate attempt to stave off the inevitable, Mulder has disappeared, and Scully’s only chance of finding him include an unlikely ally and an untrustworthy informant. As they make their way through the woods, can Mulder and Scully find each other, or is the future lost?
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literalcatpod · 1 month
54. Making a Human Resources Officer in External Containment Bureau Feat. Mint Rabbit
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Pam Shrewt is the office cat of your nightmares, working as the mayor of a small Alaskan town by day, and a member of Human Resources in an anomaly investigation squad by night. People who know our inspirations, Shrewt is how you spell it, right? I don’t feel like looking it up. Anyway, thank you to Mint Rabbit, the face behind the popular Tumblr blog @theresattrpgforthat, for bringing External Containment Bureau by Mythic Gazetteer onto our show!
There’s A TTRPG For That: https://www.tumblr.com/theresattrpgforthat
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Cover art, midroll theme, and Intro/Outro music made by Joel Holland
Thanks for listening! We’ll Cat-ch you later!
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