#Myron Bolitar Series
praiseinchains · 3 months
Gratitude Journal Entry (7/3/24)
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Today I'm Grateful For:
*I enjoyed the 'Finest Hours' so much that I got it on DVD, and it was delivered today, 5 days earlier than expected!
*While at lunch, my mom and I got my brother's birthday cake ordered. We're not a family who does birthday cakes, but in honor of my 30th birthday I decided I wanted my own (a personalized carrot cake with cream cheese frosting) and my brother mentioned that he wished he could have one too. He's a peanut butter freak, so we got him a Reese's Peanut Butter Blizzard cake from Dairy Queen. He has no idea and won't until he picks it up on Sunday, so I'm really excited!
*That my appointment went well. My lungs look good, but the doctor is more concerned about the mass in my skull base. Because of its location, it can cause problems with breathing, which he believes is what's causing my shortness of breath. He also says I have neuromuscular issues, caused by my NMO, which could be ANOTHER problem with my breathing if those muscles are weak. I go back next Tuesday for another test to confirm his theory and then we'll video chat in a month about the results.
Something I'm Proud Of:
Probably silly, but since we left so early for my appointment, I didn't have enough time to write in my journal. When we got home (after being gone all day) I was so sore and wiped out that all I wanted was to forgo writing in my journal or doing my daily poem and just wait until tomorrow. But I'm doing both anyway, when I normally wouldn't have. Keeping up on my journaling is very healthy for me emotionally and writing this book of poems will be life-changing for me, so I'm not going to fail.
Tomorrow I'm Looking Forward To:
*Straightening up my room. I'd really like to create a space for writing at my desk. Plus, my room is a bit small for my big furniture that it's hard to keep it as clean as I'd like.
*Getting the first book in the new series I started. I just finished the 11th book and would like some background to see if I want to read the whole series, but so far, I REALLY love the characters. If you've not heard of the Myron Bolitar series by Harlan Coben, you ought to check it out.
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imitationgame77 · 3 months
Deal Breaker (1995) (Myron Bolitar series 1)
I am surprised to find that there are not many posts on Bolitar series on social media. (not zero but...) So I thought I write some myself.
The Bolitar series is written by Harlan Coben, and has won some major crime fiction awards, including Edgar Award.
There are 12 books starring the original protagonist Myron Bolitar, 1 spinoff with his best friend Win as the first-person-narrator and protagonist, and also 3 young adult books featuring Myron's nephew Mickey Bolitar.
Character: Myron Bolitar
In the first book, Dear Breaker where we meet our protagonist for the first time, he is introduced as a 31-year old basketball-player-turned sports rep. He is 6 feet 4 inches tall, blue-eyed and good looking. He was a very talented and famous basketball player, and was about to become a famous professional athlete when a tragic accident abruptly ended his career. Broken, but he put his energy into study and went to Harvard Law School and has become an attorney.
Myron is from a Jewish background and is still living with his parents. Despite some exasperation in over-protective interest from his parents, he loves his parents, and his stable family background is probably what gives stabillity to Myron's character.
It is not explicitly explained how, but the series mentions several times that Myron and his best friend Win used to work for FBI in some special capacity since when they were at Duke University. And they are known to the police, FBI, and some shady people.
He can handle dangerous and stressful situations, and is good at his job (sport rep). He also has the tendency to get himself involved in various cases (e.g., missing people, unsolved murder), even though he is not a detective and has no official standing in investigative job.
Character: Windsor "Win" Horne Lockwood III
Win is often described as Myron's sidekick. In Deal Breaker, he is also a 31-year old bachelor. He is from an old moneyed family, and he looks exactly like his name. In the first book he is described as:
His features were classical patrician, almost too handsome, like something crafted in porcelain. His attire was always thoroughbred prep [...]. Win even had that creepy accent, the one that did not originate from any particular geographical location as much as from certain prep schools like Andover and Exeter.
Because of his arrogant appearance and demeanor people usually hated him at first sight. So did Myron when he saw his picture on arrival at Duke University as a freshman, but met him on the first day and has become best friends since then.
Despite his preppy appearance, it becomes quickly clear that he has dark sides. He loves violence, given a right opportunity, and does not hesitate to hurt people. He is fiercely protective of Myron (Win had a funny way of reacting when someone tried to hurt Myron. It wasn’t always pretty.)
We get to know him better and see his character develop through the series. In Deal Breaker, we just know that he fights extremely well and has fearsome reputation, very good at his job (Investments & Securies), and is a very loyal friend of Myron.
Character: Esperanza Diaz
In Deal Breaker, she is working as Myron's associate-secretary. She used to be a famous professional wrestler known by her stage name Little Pochahontas. She is also a loyal friend of Myron's, and she also gets on well with Win.
Deal Breaker tells a story where Myron investigates a case of Kathy Culver who had gone missing over a year ago and presumed dead. She was a fiance of a rookie quarterback that Myron represents. Kathy was also a younger sister of Myron's on-off girlfriend Jessica he has been besotted with.
It is a page-turner (typical Harlan Coben), and we get to see Myron does investigation with the help of Win and Esperanza, as well as fights his ground as a new sports agency against big reps with dangerous gang in the background. He makes some powerful enemies which haunt him in subsequent stories.
Myron and Win do not appear together that much, but their double-act is quite fun. Considering that Win has much shorter screentime, he still comes across as Myron's buddy and partner. (They both love Batman - an old TV series version, and talk about it a lot.)
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aquila1nz · 1 year
I was poking wikipedia and other descriptions of Harlan Coben's Myron and Mickey Bolitar books (which I haven't read), and realised Shira doesn't seem to exist in the books (or maybe she does in name but not form). So the original series of books are about Mickey's uncle, an ex-basketball player detective called Myron. And in the spinoff Mickey books, when his father dies and his mother is in hospital he goes to live with Uncle Myron. Meanwhile in the TV show it's his Aunt Shira who moves back to her home town to look after Mickey; Myron seems to still exist, mentioned as a local basketball legend, but he's not present.
So I think it's like those TV series set in Gotham where Batman is mysteriously absent. There are deals in the works for the Myron Bolitar books to be filmed, and they don't want the character introduced first in a YA series set 9 books into the Myron series.
Shira gives them that distance. What is nice is that it seems you can still see Myron's hands off bachelor-uncle existence in Shira's character, something likely to please a lesbian audience. She's also into basketball - it's established that she spent the same long hours her brothers did practicing shooting hoops in the driveway. When she pressures Mickey into attending a school basketball event so she can spend time around Hannah I'm left wondering if Hannah exists in the book? Does Myron romance his old high school girlfriend, now married to the police chief? I'm going to guess Myron didn't date said police chief in high school, but I'll bet in the original they were the best friends, and rivals for the same girl.
If so, that's how we got out lesbian storyline. Not yet sure how we scored two though.
Anyone actually read Shelter?
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void-of-chill · 8 months
Why I think Netflix should pick up Harlan Coben's Shelter:
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Almost all of Harlan Coben's book adaptations are on Netflix. He's a prolific author with a strong following. So I think it’s safe to assume that a lot of his book fans have a Netflix subscription, adding more potential viewership and ratings to the show. I think the success of his recent Netflix adaptation Fool Me Once further proves my point.
Shira Bolitar replaced Myron Bolitar, Mickey's uncle in the books, due to Coben's contractual agreement with Netflix; Netflix plans to produce adaptations based on the Myron Bolitar book series which prevented his character from being introduced in Shelter. But Myron wasn't entirely written off as his character is mentioned here and there throughout the show. If Shelter was now on Netflix instead of Prime, I'd assume those contractual restrictions would give some leeway to introduce Myron Bolitar into Shelter Season 2. His inclusion would bring more viewers to the show as there are A LOT of readers who love this character.
Following point #2, Myron Bolitar finally being included in Shelter would be a great introduction/transition to when his own series is eventually adapted and released onto Netflix. *It also seems that Harlan Coben may still be interested in the Shelter series. He was promoting Fool Me Once after its release on Netflix but still took time to post and share some love for Shelter, despite it being cancelled on Prime.
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isagrimorie · 1 year
Huh. Okay, so I have never read a single Harlan Coben book but apparently he’s very prolific and I assume a good writer? I don’t know.
Apparently Shira Bolitar is the character created for the show— because Shelter is based on the spinoff of the Myron Bolitar series.
Myron is a sports agent with a law degree, who was a basketball player in highschool.
Shira Bolitar replaces Myron in the series since Netflix bought the rights for the Myron Bolitar series. So Amazon can’t touch Myron but Harlan and Charlotte Coben did write the pilot for Shelter.
So they’re the ones who added Shira Bolitar into the show.
Shira was also the star basketball player in highschool. I hope Shira doesn’t share Myron’s love life, because I want Shira and Hannah to really end up together.
I also hope Shira takes a more active role investigating her brother’s “death”.
Anyway, I’m interested to see where this is all going, and what the plan is for Shira in this show.
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sternbagel · 5 years
I’ve been on GoodReads like off and on all day going through and making my list for my 2020 challenge, rating books I’ve read in the past, and compiling recommendations from people. It’s something I should have done a long time ago but I’m gonna make the conscious decision this year to read more books and pick back up a hobby that I love and wish I’d never dropped, much like I started writing last year after years of not doing it. 
(as an aside, please read Fool by Christopher Moore because I was reminded of it today and forgot how much I love it and I can’t believe it’s been like 10 years since I read it, and in high school no less)
so I went to go rate The Awakening by Kate Chopin (another high school read that I still love) and noticed a lot of one star reviews. And lemme just say, that while there are some legit criticisms of the book, any one star review should just be tossed out the window and not counted because half of them are from men and the other half are from misogynistic women. It’s funny how that hasn’t changed one bit since I saw the same types of people in my class say the same things these reviews are saying. 
anyway if you wanna add me on GoodReads or just gimme recommendations here please feel free. I’m into just about anything except erotica (but sex scenes in other books don’t deter me, so don’t worry about that), but mainly like to stick to thrillers, suspense (not exactly horror but I’m willing to try), crime, and action/adventure. 
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love-and-hisses · 3 years
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Back in 2010, we fostered 4 little bottle babies we named after some of our favorite book characters - Reacher (Lee Childs' Jack Reacher series), Bolitar (Harlan Coben's Myron Bolitar series), Rhyme (Jeffery Deaver's Lincoln Rhyme series) and Corbett/Corbie (Robert McCammon's Matthew Corbett series). Reacher, the little gray and white kitten, was adopted by Kathy (who would go on a few years later to adopt another of our fosters, Mr. Stripey (now Gladstone.)) ⁠ ..⁠ Reacher's 12th birthday was on Tuesday, and here (the bottom two pictures) is what he looks like today. Kathy said "Happy birthday, Reacher! Lordy you're 12. What rhymes with 12? Not much. But you're a sweet, good boy, even if you're such a feral-acting scaredy cat that the vet has to sedate you to touch you. I always know when you're hiding nearby - that super loud purr fills the room and gives you away. I'm glad to be your person! ❤ I wish you would get to know other people, but as long as you lurrrrve me and your adopted brother, we'll be OK."⁠ ...⁠ I seriously cannot believe it's been 12 years. Happy (belated) birthday to Reacher, as well as Rhyme and Bolitar, wherever you are. (We adopted Corbie ourselves, who passed away unexpectedly at the age of 5.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZzX-TVtf28/?utm_medium=tumblr
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riley1cannon · 2 years
Book asks - 1 and 6, please :)
book you’ve reread the most times?
Hmm, this is a toughie, but I will call it a tie between Barbara Hambly's Those Who Hunt the Night, my favorite vampire novel (yes, even more than Dracula), the first two Richard Jury-Melrose Plant mysteries--The Man With a Load of Mischief & The Old Fox Deceiv'd, and A Study in Scarlet/Sign of Four/Hound of the Baskervilles, all of which I have read so many times they are committed to memory, but that won't stop me rereading them again.
6. what books have you read in the last month?
Let's see... Deal Breaker by Harlan Coben (the first Myron Bolitar mystery; a bit dated, but really enjoyed it even so), Witch Please by Ann Aguirre (did not like that one), The Newcomer by Mary Kay Andrews (ehh...I liked it, but a few nips and tucks here and there would not have come amiss), Murder at the Beacon Bakeshop by Darci Hannah (sort of liked it; would have liked it more with a different heroine and best friend; the dog and setting were great), Murder at Wedgefield Manor by Erica Ruth Neubaurer (loved loved loved this one!). Currently reading: Artifact by Gigi Pandian, the first Jaya Jones adventure mystery, and enjoying it very much; and The Lady Has a Past, an entry in the Burning Cove romantic suspense series by Amanda Quick--also loving that one.
Thank you!
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lesbienneanarchiste · 3 years
Are the Myron Bolitar books Good™️? No. Do I appreciate that Harlan Coben wrote an incredibly popular and well selling series of thrillers based on his self insert gary stu? Yes.
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fredhandbag · 3 years
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This is a stack of Firsts - first in a series or debut novels. So many great characters here - Kate Foster, Robin Carter, Kim Stone, Jack Reacher, Kendra Michaels, Evan Smoak, Father Tim, Penn Cage, Virgil Flowers, Myron Bolitar, Dirk Pitt, Lincoln Rhyme, Joe Pickett, Stephanie Plum, Jack West, Lucas Davenport, Sara Linton, Temperance Brennan, Harry Bosch, and Jack Ryan. Many of these have been around for 20+ books. Do you like to read series? Do you start with the first book? What’s your favorite long-running character? #characterdrivenfiction #jackreacher #kendramichaels #penncage #myronbolitar #orphanx #slaughtersquad #dirkpitt #sigmaforce #harrybosch #mitfordseries #carolwyer #angelamarsons #bookstagram #bookshelves #booknerd #bookhoarder #bookworm #sodacityreads #bookish #bookreview #hardcover #bookcover #bookhaul #literarycrimefiction #homelibrary #fiction #domesticthriller #crimefiction #thriller https://www.instagram.com/p/CUzv9cOrf-9/?utm_medium=tumblr
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joebloggshere · 4 years
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Win by Harlan Coben
This is a real page turner!  I’m not sure if I actually like Win (Windsor Horne Lockwood III) the narrator and main protagonist but he’s certainly interesting.  I am also not able to yet mesh his physical descriptions to get a really clear picture of him.
The character I’m really intrigued by and want to learn more about is Myron, but since this is the first book in a new series from Coben, I’m sure that will be forthcoming.  ——  ah…. just had a look and in fact Myron Bolitar already has his own series of 11 books (many awards) and spin-off books/series on his nephew Mickey for the y/a reader.  Shows I don’t read enough Harlan Coben!   Will have to go back and read some Myron Bolitar titles - anyone want to recommend one or should I start at the beginning?
Win is certainly not a black-and-white do-gooder and his sense of morality could open a good number of debates.  I think this book would make an excellent water-cooler discussion one!
Enjoy.  Recommended.
Courtesy of NetGalley.  
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imitationgame77 · 3 months
What is Aromanticism???
Here on Tumblr, I see many posts mentioning aroace, aromantic, queer-platonic, etc., and I have been trying to understand, but still find it difficult.
If a person describes self as aromantic (= have no experience of romantic feelings towards others), this is fine. It is subjective definition, so must be respected.
But I don't know what it means when a relationship between two individuals is just described as aromantic, I don't know how to interpret that, unless there are more descriptions.
It is almost like dividing all the fruits into apple and non-apple. We can accept that it is NOT an apple, but then what is it?
Obviously, if we are talking about two individuals who can agree on their interpersonal relationship, that is fine. But when there is not necessarily agreement between the two participating individuals, how do the outsiders know?
Even more so, if these are fictional characters.
An American psychologist Robert Sternberg developed the famous "Triangular Theory of Love" in 1980s, where he characterised love between individuals with 3 factors: Intimacy, Passion, and Commitment. When these are combined you get 7 types of love. (Liking, infatuation, empty love, romantic love, companionate love, fatuous love, and non-love).
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Generally, passion is interpreted as related to physical/sexual attraction.
So, if you see two individuals who seem to like each other a lot, but remove Passion from the picture, you are left with either "Liking" or "Companionate Love".
Companionate love is great for long-term relationship where the excitement is gone, but trust, caring feeling and understanding are still there. But I feel uncertain about calling ALL the GREAT relationships minus the Passion part as just "companionate". Something feels missing.
Why can we not call that excitement when you get to know someone and you just click? Instant chemistry, and you know that this person is going to be a great friend to you. Sometimes you can get infatuated with your new friend.
Friend or best friend are also good terms, but they don't encapusulate the specialness - some people have lots of best friends. (Or so they say.) Sometimes, there is a sense of exclusivity - resulting in jealousy when a third party comes along.
I wish there is a term to describe a relationship where two individuals care for each other greatly, can understand and accept each other with all the differences and irritating bits about each other, so special and valuable that do not want to lose each other, and gain greatest pleasure in each other's company above everything else.
I think it is possible to have this without sexual or physical attraction, can even have other friends or sexual relationships elsewhere. But this is THE most significant relationship that transcends everything else.
When people see some of these traits, we tend to think of them romantic. Even when we do not expect them to have relationships like lovers do. Because we see chemistry, bond, trust and everything that we desire. Maybe, the same brain areas that process very romantic things respond in a similar way.
I see this in Holmes and Watson (original), Sherlock and John (BBC Sherlock), House and Wilson (House, MD), Myron Bolitar and Win (Harlan Coben's Myron Bolitar series), and recently, Murderbot and ART. (That used to include Aziraphale and Crowley while their passion bit was subtext)
I don't imagine them in sexual or other physically intimate relationships, but the special bond between each of these pairs feels romantic. Because they are so special.
I need a simple word. Not a word meaning "not-something"...
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nevcolleil · 5 years
I was on AO3 and I recognized your username while looking at the very limited Myron Bolitar fanfiction. (I love your stories by the way) Do you still consider yourself apart of the Myron Bolitar fandom(if you can call it that?) Or is it more of a past thing?
@andrew-constantine I definitely still do! I will always be a fan of the books and a fervent Myron/Win shipper! Alas, with no new books available and little action going on in the fandom, I don't often get the inspiration to express my love for all things Bolitar-et-al... But I keep telling myself I'm going to do a reread of the series one day.
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malsrp · 5 years
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HUGE book clear out - over 150 books. Most names/authors below! They're in various conditions - some are pristine, others are a bit worn, but I will provide you with pictures of any specific book you want so that you can decide. Prices vary - I’ll tell you if you message/reply (in your currency) Some books are ex-library stock bought at sales, so they contain stamps and such.
Postage costs will be calculated for it to be sent via mail, this will be included in total cost.
Books below:
Alex Connor - Memory of Bones Alice Sebold - Lucky Anchee Min - Empress Orchid (Empress Orchid #1) Andy Lane - Fire Storm (Young Sherlock Holmes #4) Angie Sage - MAGYK (Septimus Heap) Anthony Ryan - Blood Song (Raven's Shadow #1) Ann Cleeves - Hidden Depths Anne Pellowski - Winding Valley Farm Arthur Golden - Memoirs of a Geisha Beverly Barton - The Murder Game (Griffin Powell #8) Bob Servant - Delete This At Your Peril: The Bob Servant Emails Brandon Sanderson - The Alloy of Law (Mistborn #4) Brian Freeman - Immoral Carol Smith - Without Warning Chris Carter - The Crucifix Killer (Robert Hunter #1) Elizabeth Chadwick - Shadows and Strongholds Eoin Colfer - The Supernaturalist G.M. Berrow - Twilight Sparkle & the Crystal Heart Spell George R.R. Martin. - A Dance with Dragons: After the Feast (A Song of Ice & Fire #5.2) Jack London - The Call of the Wild & White Fang J.K. Rowling - The Casual Vacancy James Joyce - Dubliners Juliet Marillier - Daughter of the Forest (Sevenwaters #1) Jo Nesbø - The Devil's Star (Harrry Hole #5) Jodi Picoult - My Sister's Keeper John Lutz - Serial Jonas Jonasson - The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared (The Hundred-Year-Old Man #1) Jordan Belfort - The Wolf of Wall Street Jonathon Nasaw - The Girls He Adored Julia Golding - The Gorgon's Gaze Kathryn Stockett - The Help Kazuo Ishiguro - Never Let Me Go Kenneth Oppel - Dusk Keri Arthur - Tempting Evil Khaled Hosseini - The Kite Runner L.J, Smith - The Forbidden Game (The Forbidden Game 1-3) - £2 Laurell K. Hamilton - Mistral's Kiss (Meredith Gentry #5) Lindsey Davis - The Ides of April (Flavia Albia Mystery #1) Linwood Barclay - Too Close to Home Lisa Gardner - Say Goodbye Louise Welsh - A Lovely Way To Burn Lynda La Plante - Cold Shoulder Mark Billingham - Scaredy Cat (Tom Thorne #2) Mercedes Lackey - The Wizard of Karres Michael Cordy - The Colour of Death Nick Stone - King of Swords Peter David - Fantastic Four Philip K. Dick - Paycheck Philip Pullman - The Tiger in the Well (Sally Lockhart #3) R.J. Palacio - Wonder Rebecca Chance - Killer Queens Richard Yates - Revolutionary Road Robert Louis Stevenson - The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde & Other Stories. Robyn Young - Brethren (Brethren Trilogy #1) Rudyard Kipling - Just So Stories (Wordsworth Collection) Scott Frost - Never Fear (Alex Delilo #2) Simon Kernick - Relentless (Tina Boyd #2) Steve Voake - The Dreamwalker's Child Susan Abulhawa - Mornings in Jenin Ted Eliott; Terry Rossio - Pirates of the Carribean - The Adventure So Far Tony DiTerlizzi - The Field Guide (The Spiderwick Chronicles #1) Tracy Chevalier - The Last Runaway Vittoria Bowles - Get Started In Italian William Jefferies - Bloody River Blues (John Bellam #2)
ALISON WEIR Innocent Traitor The Captive Queen The Lady Elizabeth
ANTHONY HOROWITZ - Nightrise (The Power of Five #3) Point Blanc (Alex Rider #2)
CECILIA AHERN If You Could See Me Now P.S, I Love You The Time of My Life
CARLOS RUIZ ZAFON The Shadow of the Wind (The Cemetery of Forgotten Books #1) The Angel's Game (The Cemetery of Forgotten Books #2)
DAN BROWN Angels and Demons (Robert Langdon #1) The Da Vinci Code (Robert Langdon #2) The Lost Symbol (Robert Langdon #3) Inferno (Robert Langdon #4) Deception Point Digital Fortress
CHRISTOPHER PAOLINI Eragon (Inheritance #1) Eldest (Inheritance #2) Brisingr (Inheritance #3)
HARLAN COBEN Tell No One (Standalone) / Back Spin (Myron Bolitar #4) (2-in-1) One False Move (Myron Bolitar #5) The Final Detail (Myron Bolitar #6) Gone For Good
JOE ABERCROMBIE The First Law Trilogy Box Set (Current eBay price £14, selling for £10)
JEFFERY DEAVER Shallow Graves (A Location Scout Series) The Bone Collector (Lincoln Rhyme #1) The Coffin Dancer (Lincoln Rhyme #2) The Cold Moon (Lincoln Rhyme #7) Twisted (The Collective Stories of Jefferey Deaver)
KARIN SLAUGHTER A Faint Cold Fear Fallen (Will Trent #5) Indelible (Grant County #4) Skin Privilege (Grant County #6)
KATE MOSSE Labyrinth (Languedoc Trilogy #1) Sepulchre (Languedoc Trilogy #2)
LAUREN KATE Torment (Fallen #2) Passion (Fallen #3)
MICHAEL WHITE Michael White Michael White
NANCY HADDOCK La Vida Vampire (Oldest City Vampire #1) Last Vampire Standing (Oldest City Vampire #2)
P.J. TRACY Play to Kill (Twin Cities #5) Want To Play? (Monkeewrench #1)
ROBERT MUCHAMORE Black Friday (Cherub 2, #3) Man vs. Beast (Cherub #6) The Sleepwalker (Cherub #9)
SHERRILYN KENYON Kiss of the Night (Dark-Hunter #5) Devil May Cry (Dark-Hunter #11)
SIMON BECKETT Written in Bone (David Hunter #2) Whispers of the Dead (David Hunter #3)
STIEG LARSSON The Girl Who Played With Fire (Millennium Trilogy #2) - £1 The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest (Millennium Trilogy #3) - £1
SUSANNA GREGORY A Plague on Both Your Houses (Matthew Bartholomew #1) Murder on High Holborn (Thomas Chaloner #9)
VICTORIA HOLT The King of the Castle The Secret Woman
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Favourite Character Meme
Thank you for tagging me @indigo--disco As always, I love these and you’re the only one that ever tags me which I love you for! 
RULES: Name 10 favourite characters from ten different things (books, tv, film, etc.) then tag ten people.
Robert Sugden (TV - Emmerdale)
Jac Naylor (TV- Holby City)
Ben Mitchell (TV - Eastenders)
Rocky Balboa (Film - Rocky)
Ron Weasley (Book/Film - Harry Potter)
Lord Percy (TV - Blackadder II)
Windsor Horne Lockwood III (Books - Myron Bolitar series by Harlan Coben)
The Doctor (TV- Doctor Who)
Chandler Bing (TV - Friends)
Maurice Moss (TV - IT Crowd)
I don’t know if you do much outside fandom but I tag @ee-ballum @lovelysiren88 @gatergirl @hufflepuffy1 @queerklingonkehleyr @star12345x and @youbirddarling and anyone else who wants to join in or I’ve missed out. I love to know more about everyone!
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sothynda · 6 years
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name:  oliver. nickname/s:  chen, oli- nath to the people here who have known me since the beginning. height:  156cm. nationality:  brazilian. favorite fruit(s):  strawberries, grapes, watermelon, tangerines & banana. favorite season:  it’s literally hot where i live 24/7, but i do like autumn. favorite scents:  wet grass, apple detergent, cinnamon. favorite animals:  felines and reptiles, basically. i love ‘em all. tea, coffee, hot cocoa: coffee. forever coffee.  average hours of sleep:  it varies- my body is weird. sometimes i sleep for like, 12 hours straight, and sometimes i can’t even sleep for 6 without constantly waking up. when my blog was created:  july, 2016. i have an archived version of this blog that was created on may, 2015. random fact:  i have a tattoo on my back of The Neverending Story’s Auryn. favorite food:  hnnnng that’s difficult- pasta? favorite t.v. shows:  i basically only watch The Walking Dead, so there’s that. favorite movie:  literally everything Ghibli? favorite vine:  there’s just too many sexuality:  ace. pronouns:  mostly he/him, but i go for they/them as well. favorite book series:  Harlan Coben’s Myron Bolitar books. favorite video game(s):  Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age franchise, The Walking Dead franchise, and definitely every Pokemon game. favorite band(s):  Mumford & Sons!!!!, Starset, Seafret, and Panic! At The Disco. favorite subject: biology.  guys or girls:  i’m way too gay for this world, so 95% guys last time I cried:  at the end of Pokemon Ultra Sun. yes i’m fucking 12 sue me what I should be doing:  finishing my driving classes, probably. favorite fandom:  eh, i dunno.
tagged by : @lotusdelusion ♡  
tagging :  @odigcs / @tryferotis, whichever blog you’re on; @xmenageriie; @lethallenn; @kagxra.
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