#My Ideal Top 16
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n1pp · 4 months ago
25 Questions for a Fresh Start
Reflect and take the next step toward your goals!
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1. What are my top three priorities for 2025?
2. What is one habit I want to create this year?
3. What personal qualities do I want to develop?
4. What will success look like for me in 2025?
5. What is one bold goal I've been hesitant to pursue?
6. How will I take care of my mental and physical health this year?
7. What do I need to let go of to move forward?
8. Who in my life supports my growth and goals?
9. How can I add more joy and fun to my daily life?
10. What financial goal do I want to achieve by the end of the year?
11. What new skill will I commit to learning in 2025?
12. How will I organize my time to stay productive and balanced?
13. What motivates me to reach my goals?
14. How will i track my progress and celebrate small wins?
15. What does my ideal work-life balance look like?
16. What experiences or adventures do I want to have in 2025?
17. How can I be more present and mindful in my daily routine?
18. What will I stop doing that no longer serves me?
19. What is one relationship I want to improve this year?
20. How can I contribute more to my community or causes I care about?
21. What are three books I want to read for self-growth?
22. What limiting belief do I need to challenge and overcome in 2025?
23. How will I make time for rest and self-care throughout the year?
24. What is one risk I'm willing to take for personal growth?
25. What legacy do I want to build or continue this year?
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bigbigtruck · 1 year ago
It's getting chilly again so I'm gonna share a cheap hearty easy recipe I like to make in winter
1 tube-thingy hot & spicy sausage (my mom always used Jimmy Dean; I've used turkey sausage and spicy Impossible sausage, your pref)
2 russet potatoes, chopped into bite size pieces (you can use red or gold potatoes, but they aren't as cheap and take a little longer to cook)
1 can black beans, undrained
1 can kidney beans, undrained
1 16 oz can tomatoes, stewed, whole, diced, whatever (I like the fire roasted kind)
1 white onion, diced (yellow is fine too)
2 or 3 cloves garlic, diced
1 or 2 bay leaves
chicken broth or water (I combine them), enough to cover
salt, pepper, thyme and herbs to taste
Sweat the onions in a pan with a little oil or fat; add garlic, add sausage. Stir frequently til sausage is crumbly and brown and onions are caramelized. Throw EVERYTHING in a pot. Stovetop at medium heat or crock pot, whatever. Just dump it all in there. (stir it up of course) I prefer crock pot bc less supervision. Cook til potato chunks are soft. It's good out the pot but way better after 24 hours in the fridge, plus you can skim any excess fat off the top after it's been refrigerated.
Ideal if u live alone for bean reasons but also bc it runs me $7-10 to make 5~6 servings depending on where I shop (but we already have the herbs/bay leaf)
anyway it's good and SUPER fuckwithable if you need substitutions.
I hope nobody reblogged this before I remembered to add the canned tomatoes
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commandershepardvasfuckit · 2 months ago
An Arranged Marriage, part 29
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | Part 27 | Part 28
1.6k words
Zen was back to being Zen, though the affection shared between the two of you was often tinged with frustration from him.
(I am feral over my own character, ask box is always open for talking about my writing or just monster fucking in general!)
You sat next to Zen by the hearth and marveled at his hand while he wrote. Every movement so precise as he penned his letter to his family.
“Making sure I am not leaving anything out?” Zen teased you.
As far as you could tell his handwriting was very tidy, each character perfectly aligned and spaced out evenly. You could not read a word of it but were still enjoying watching him.
“I can’t believe how delicate you are with only three fingers” you said.
“Only three? I cannot understand how you can do anything without your extra fingers getting in the way.”
“No! Five is a good amount to have! Three isn’t enough.”
“I did not hear any complaints about my hand and fingers when I had one in you.”
You buried your face into the side of his arm and he leaned over a bit to nuzzle the top of your head.
“How long will it take for the letter to get there?” you asked.
“It will depend on who I can find to take it. There are some minotaur hunting groups that travel close to my village that I could send it with, but that would probably take weeks. And there are fisherman from my village who sail down this way sometimes to sell anything extra they catch, that is a more direct way to get the letter home, but they only dock here sporadically.”
“And when did you want to go visit?”
“Next month. There is quite an important festival then. Though we may actually get there before the letter then, which would not be ideal” he let out a deep sigh, “I will figure this out, somehow.”
Days flew by much the same way they had for the past week. Zen snuggled up against you whenever he could, lots of your free time spent lounging together while you each did your own thing. It was comfortable.
He made no attempt to initiate anything more than cuddling. His hands lingered on you in the bath, little sighs and whimpers as you felt him half hard against your back, though he often had a nervous and frustrated air about him. You would turn to press the side of your face to his chest and hug on to him, the affection always seeming to settle him down.
Often you caught him looking at you with almost a sad expression, sick of waiting and too worried to start again.
It was still early in the day. Zen was off at the hold, going over supply manifests and trying to figure out how to get what little supplies where scrounged out to the more remote settlements.
Slowly you started helping with the house work more and more. Back at home you never had to do anything, but here it was just you and Zen. You were sweeping up the entryway, Zen did his best to not track dirt in but being that trolls did not wear shoes meant that some always got in anyways.
Usually he would come in and wipe off his feet. Bringing in a bucket of fresh water from the well outside with him and cleaning off with a clean washcloth from the stash of them he kept by the door. Still, dirt or mucky footprints made it in the house and you had taken up the responsibility of dealing with that since Zen really did everything else.
There was a loud knock on the door as you were finishing wiping up a footprint that startled you. You were fairly certain Bira was out of town and you normally did not have other visitors.
Slowly you cracked open the door and were surprised to find Ba’tual looking fairly agitated.
“Oh, what are you-” was all you managed before he cut you off.
“There’s some human at the hold demanding to talk to you right now. He’s refusing to tell Zen or anyone else what it’s about or leave” he told you.
“Did he say his name?”
“Probably, but I wasn’t called in until Zen asked me to come get you, so I don’t know who he is.”
“Yeah, ok, yeah I’ll meet you guys at the hold then. Just let me actually get dressed” you said has you tried to piece it all together and figure out who could be demanding to speak to you.
“Zen specifically told me to escort you there, he doesn’t want you walking alone.”
Ba’tual waited outside while you got dressed and kept a close eye on you as the two of you made your way to the hold. It was a tense walk all the way there, Ba’tual did not seem to have any answers for you besides there was a human there making a scene and demanding to talk to you.
Zen looked visibly agitated when the two of you got to the hold. He was pacing the room with a annoyed expression on his face, nearly a snarl until he saw you. Immediately his expression softened and he rush over to you, placing a large hand on the back of your head as he crouched down to be eye level with you and nuzzled your forehead.
“Hey, what’s going on?” you asked as you nuzzled him back.
“Him” Zen nearly spat.
You peered around Zen to see a human man standing at the edge of the room dressed in your kingdom’s navy uniform. You recognized the man, a petty officer who served under your father and unfortunately someone you knew besides just that.
“What are you doing here?” you asked as the man approached.
“Call off your attack dogs” he sneered and motioned to both Zen and Ba’tual, “I’m here to take you home. And what are you wearing?”
You looked to Zen and Ba’tual who were both hovering close to you, “I can handle him, just give me a little space?”
Neither seemed to like this, but both took a few steps back.
You looked down at your outfit, it was pretty typical clothing for here. A knee length skirt tied around your hips and simple halter top style shirt, both in a soft forest green.
“Home? I am home. And this is perfectly normal for here” you defended.
“It is not suitable or appropriate for a lady of your status to be dressed like that, a poor representation of your family. Not that it matters, we’re leaving now.”
“No” you said firmly, “This is my home, my husband is here. This is where I belong.”
“Husband? That absolute beast? This charade has gone on long enough and served its purpose. Big things are in the works so it’s time to leave. Now.” he took a step towards you and went to grab your wrist.
It always amazed you how fast Zen could move, immediately he was between you and the other man.
“She already told you she was not going with you. You would do well to mind that” Zen’s voice uncharacteristically cold.
The man peered around Zen, “You’re making a massive mistake, this isn’t where you belong.”
“No I think it is” you said.
“Ba” called Zen, “Escort him back to his ship.”
Ba’tual gave him a nodded. Zen stopped him as he passed, placing a hand on his shoulder and telling him something in troll. Ba’tual motioned to several of the guards and they made their way out of the hold.
“You spoke as though you knew him” Zen said.
“Yeah, a while I told you my family promised me to the son of another family if he could make a name for himself in the navy. Well, that was him.”
“He does not seem like a good person. I do not like that an arranged marriage could have stuck you with someone like that.”
“I know, and you don’t have to like it. But it’s how it is where I’m from and it’s not wrong, it’s just different. Plus, we’re in an arranged marriage and it turned out good, didn’t it?”
“That’s different” he muttered.
“How so? Because both of us were told we were getting married and that was that.”
“I believe I am a better person than him.”
“And you are, that’s for sure. But I didn’t know that when I got here. I met a man who was grumpy, didn’t speak to me at all when getting married, left me home alone for hours, and then snapped at me for things I did know.”
“And I have apologized and done better” he interjected.
“You have, but it doesn’t change the fact you were a stranger to me and I didn’t get a good first impression of you, and everything still turned out well” you tugged him back down to your level to nuzzle him and give him a kiss on the cheek, “And what did you tell Ba’tual?”
“To make sure our visitor goes straight back to his ship, no detours, and to take a few guards to sweep the city for anyone who should not be here.”
“Do you think that was really necessary?”
“You did not see how he was talking and acting before you got here. I do not trust him. I am not taking any chances with keeping you safe. I failed in that once, I will not make the same mistakes again.”
Part 30
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@blushycadaver @mochalyluv @hazyspacefairy @littlelovebug98 @tufflepuff23 @lets-imagineastory @emonatural191 @after-laughter-come-tears @plathsotherib @krayziee @zaqnette @graveblanketgreen @lovingbadguys @nogoatsnoglori @bunnibabylilly @selfindulgenthoe @dij-ology
(As per usual, mobile loves to mess with the tag list 😭 sorry if your tag didn’t work! I’ll fix it later when I’m home and on my pc!)
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no-144444 · 5 months ago
persistent perstering- c.leclerc
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Day 13 of fic-tober! fic-tober masterlist
summary: Ferrari drivers are persistent. You’re not looking for love. Too bad he is. 
You liked your job. Ferrari was a good place to work. You’d befriended many of your colleagues, you enjoyed the travel, and though your work was challenging, you felt good. You were the assistant strategist who, granted, usually had better strategies than your boss, but you bite your tongue to keep his massive ego alive. If you could slap him in his dumb fucking face, you would. You liked being in the garage, well, you would if it weren’t for one thing. 
Charles LeClerc. 
Ferrari’s number one, Prince of Monaco, il Predestinato, King of Monza, the Ferrari driver. 
He was a pain in the ass. He followed you around like a love-sick puppy, he hung on every word you said, laughed too hard at all your jokes, talked too much, and he wasn’t exactly your type. 
Well, no one at that moment was. You’d imposed an iron-clad dating ban on yourself when your last relationship ended badly. You weren’t interested in the Monaco dating scene, and even if you were, you wouldn’t start up again with Charles LeClerc. 
“Morning!” You called out to Carlos. The humid air made every piece of clothing you owned too warm, so you were in a vintage Ferrari cropped-tank. You loved your team, even before working there. Behind Carlos, was Charles, not that you knew that. Carlos smiled, coming over to you. 
“How are you doing?” He asked with a smile. 
“Fucking hot,” you chuckled. He nodded. “It's mad weather.”
“I know what you mean,” he nodded. “Charles’ here could barely stand getting out of bed.”
Charles stepped out from behind him with a bright smile. You smiled back politely, and somehow didn’t notice the way his jaw dropped when he saw you. 
“Ready for tonight?” you asked them both. 
“Ready,” Carlos nodded. “And hoping that you’re doing my strategy.” 
You chuckled and followed him into the paddock, Charles tagging behind you both. “Sadly no, but I will be on stand-by for drinks afterwards, first round on me if things go wrong?”
“First round on me if things go right,” Carlos nodded. 
“Well, good luck today,” you smiled. “Can’t wait for the sprint!”
“Thank you,” Carlos smiled and left to go to his side of the garage. 
“Feeling ready for today?” you asked Charles, trying to be polite. 
He nodded. “How bad can it be?”
Very, very bad. Extremely bad. Awful. 
Sprint went like this; 
Lap 2: Charles Engine failure into the pits for a 20 second stop.
Lap 8: Carlos crashes with Norris 
Lap 16: Charles into the barriers. 
Double DNF with the feature race tomorrow and quali tonight? Yeah, you’d all be getting fined for staying late. 
You sat at your desk, looking over the strategy for tomorrow, disheartened at your prospects. Quali had ended 2 hours ago and Charles and Carlos were starting at the bottom of the grid, and it was your job to get them back up into at least the top 10, if not the top 5. Finally, the ball was in your hands in terms of strategy and no matter what, they were going to listen to your calls. The team had all left 30 minutes ago, the cars were fixed with no upgrades and some understeer, but they were drivable. 
“Heading home soon?” Charles’ voice rang out through the empty garage. 
“Nope,” you sighed.
“You’ll work yourself to death,” he sighed. “What are you looking at?”
“Strategy is in my hands tomorrow,” you blurted out. “And I’m fucking freaking out,” You let out a sad chuckle as you felt all of the pressure on your shoulders get heavier and heavier. “I don’t know what to do now. Austin is always a fucking ordeal, and with teh Sprint and you tow trashing the cars we’re so fucked, and they’re finally giving me the chance I’ve been asking for and if I fuck it up they’ll never promote me, even though they know it’s less than ideal circumstances.” 
You took a deep breath as your eyes watered. He placed a hand on your shoulder. “It’s alright,” he whispered. “You can cry.”
You groaned, covering your face. “I don’t want to cry.”
He chuckled softly. “I think you might need to.”
You shook your head, taking deep breaths and wiping your eyes. “No, I-I’m alright.” 
Your breathing quickened. Your heart raced. Your mind clouded. Your ears rang. 
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. 
This couldn’t be happening, not in front of your colleague, not in your workplace not-
And then his lips were on yours? His hands in your hair as you sat there stoic and frozen with anxiety, he fucking kissed you. 
You hastily pushed him off and gathered your things, hoping he would just leave you alone. He rushed out apology after apology until you finally turned to him and screamed. “Leave me the fuck alone Charles! Not everyone is in love with you, alright? I’m Carlos’ friend, not yours! I tolerate you, because I fucking have to, because it’s my job, and because I’m a fucking professional! If you cannot extend those same respectful luxuries, don’t come near me Charles. Just leave me alone!” 
He stood there, shocked, as you stormed off to your hotel room. 
You walked into the paddock the next morning with your head held high and a plan for the strategy. You knew what you were doing, and the only time you’d have to see Charles today would be on your screen in a car driving more than 300 kilometres an hour. Perfect.
When you got to your desk, there was a small note on it with a bouquet of your favourite flowers. 
Dear Y/n,
I am so sorry about my behaviour last night, it was unacceptable. I panicked and I wasn’t sure what to do, but I know now that was not the way to go about it. I am so incredibly sorry, and I promise to leave you be from now on.  Sorry again, Charles. 
A part of you felt bad, another didn’t. I mean, working with F1 drivers, you were used to tall egos on shorter men, with very little to back them up other than their money. You were sick of it, and to be honest, Charles just got the brunt of your anger because he was close to you, and he had just been in the wrong place at the wrong time. 
And I mean, it was a pretty good kiss. But no, he’s a dickhead, right? 
You huffed at your own stupidity. No way you were letting a man get you this confused about what you wanted. You didn’t want…? You wanted…? Fuck, what did you want?
“Hi,” Charles’ sheepish voice came from beside you. You whipped your head around to meet his eyes. “I just wanted to apologise in person as well. I am truly very sorry about last night, I put my own feelings above yours and took advantage, and I am deeply ashamed. I promise-”
And then your lips were on his?
How the tables turn.
navigation for my blog :) (masterlist)
fic-tober masterlist
taglist: @anotherapollokid @theseerbetweenus @simbaaas-stuff @5sospenguinqueen @yootvi
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iid-smile · 4 months ago
content: suggestive (16+), ribbons and bows, suguru may or may not be into getting tied up, playing hot or cold on his body, gn!reader
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it started off as a simple ribbon in his hair.
unfortunately, suguru's hair was too heavy for a measly piece of silk to hold up, so you settle for a half up half down. then a bun (with the help of a few actual hair ties), then space buns, french braids, and a high ponytail.
once you got bored, the bows started going elsewhere. the first was a scrap piece around his pinky, and then you mummified his entire hand into a mess of pink and white, with the loops of the bows extra large and floppy. soon, after lifting his sleeves, there was ribbon one around his bicep, and the other, and both of his forearms too. you half-jokingly offered to put one around his neck, but he profusely disagreed with the idea (unfortunately)
the most absurd place you could think of putting your next bow was around his waist, which was definitely pretty. pretty enough for you to snap a few shots of him looking all cute and dolled up. perhaps it awakened something inside of you, perhaps you'd use these pictures for your own endeavours later on tonight.
at that point, you were ready to clean everything up, he stops you, gripping onto your wrist, his expression almost offended. "aren't you missing somewhere?"
you're genuinely confused, your eyebrows furrowing as slight worry starts to rise. "somewhere... where?" oh. it finally hits you what he's hinting at, but you keep your cool, tilting your head as your lips form into a pout.
his eyes narrow in disbelief, talking as he adjusts your positions so you were comfortably sat on top of him. being a tease was always a good starting point. "are you gonna make me play hot or cold? is that it?" his chuckle sounds bitter, but you can tell he's not serious about it.
you'll take your chances.
his neck: extremely cold, you still wanted to put one there, but whatever. his shoulder: cold, not an ideal spot anyways. over his ribs: warmer, but then the silk wouldn't be long enough to do so. your hand drifted lower and lower, towards his hips, and you seemed to be getting warmer and warmer, but you purposely miss the target.
"now you're just acting dumb." he tugs on your wrists, your chest pushed up against his own. it's impossible to ignore the heat blooming between the two of you. suguru pulls you closer, fingers slipping over your back and into the waistband of your underwear as he whispers. "sorry, but one of these bows might get a little wet."
'a little' was an understatement; it got soaked.
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a/n: never written anything this spicy in my life + i cant find the right dividers
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awarmbowlofhomemadesoup · 3 months ago
Transformers One: What They Value and Rely On Split Orion and D-16 Apart
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Orion Pax and D-16 are one of those friendships in which they're opposites, and that's not really a problem until a significant change comes along.
Being opposites isn't so bad. At times, they complement each other. It's just that they put value on different things.
(spoilers down below)
Let's Talk About the Life of a Miner
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Long before World Wars One and Two started, US miners had already been fighting for their rights against grim conditions. In some cases, they have to pay rent to their employers and buy their own supplies with fake money that they can only exchange in stores owned by said employers.
The life of a cog-less miner is not so different:
They don't own a home.
They are crowded in specialized dormitories in standing, cramped recharging berths.
If Orion can afford a decal for Dee, then it's obvious that they're getting paid, but not enough for them to live independently.
Their options to improve their lives are limited, and they can get fired for accidents beyond their control (Elita-1).
Furthermore, both in real life and in the movie, mining is a dangerous profession enforced by people who don't mine. (Hey, Pinkerton Agency, guess which one of my fingers can transform)
It's no wonder Orion Pax questions if things could be better for them.
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What Does Orion Pax Put Value In
Many of these miners have accepted their reality and focused on their function. But Orion wants to help in other ways. If they can help find the Matrix of Leadership, then they don't have to endure such conditions because Energon would flow again.
So, what does Orion value? The betterment of not just his life, but everyone's.
But there's something else he puts value in so much that he relies on it so much.
Throughout the movie, Orion Pax is shown to think quickly under pressure. His quick thinking and improvisation have helped him escape the guards at the archive, free Jazz enough to save the rest of him from the mining accident and get ahead of the race.
But in the movie, it's not his quick thinking that he puts value in so much that he relies on it.
No. That would be his friendship with D-16.
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Why does he insist that D-16 come with him to the Iacon 5000? Why does he want Dee to go with him to the surface to find the Matrix?
Because he knows he can't do it alone. He needs someone to watch his back as he would with him.
What Does D-16 Put Value In
D-16 puts value on strength. Not just his own but also the power over him. Dee is a very strong guy, even as cog-less. He's definitely bigger than the other miners and can stop a punch from Darkwing.
Being strong, he can endure a lot of stuff (probably including Orion's tendency to get into trouble finding clues about the Matrix). He had accepted the system that they lived in because he could endure it enough to get to places like being on the top leader board of their sector.
His strength also makes him reliable. He sees things through, making him one of the best miners, as Sentinel has acknowledged, and he doesn't bail out when he complains about things.
But that's the problem, when he complains about things, there's something I've noticed.
Dee is pretty much logical to Orion's idealism. Where Orion dreams about better things for everyone, Dee accepts what is and plays its game to win at life.
But when things go wrong, Dee is quick to blame Orion, even when it's not Orion's fault. I can understand Dee blaming Orion for most likely getting into trouble for entering a race for Transformers. But when they find out the truth, Dee quickly blames Orion because they are in danger for knowing the truth.
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It is understandable for him to think that, but unfair in the grand scheme of things when it's the system's fault (also Darkwing's pettiness).
My only understanding, though I may be wrong, is that Dee focuses on power. He's focused on the power of the system that they are in than the need to let everyone know the truth. That they cannot do anything because Sentinel has the power and they don't.
Which is pretty logical, they have to be careful. But Dee isn't focused on caution. He's angry enough to kill him, but he just feels powerless. (Negatron, lol)
And when Dee was given the power, he started turning into a different person. Or rather, what kind of person he would be if he has the power to change things.
The Climactic Breakup
In the later half of the movie, we can see Orion's perspective of D-16 turning into a person he no longer recognizes.
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He tried to talk to him after escaping Sentinel's bots but they got kidnapped by the High Guard.
He tried to intervene when Dee beat up Starscream, but Airachneed and co. attacked them.
Finally, he tried to stop him from killing Sentinel. He knows Dee. He knows Dee would see the job through. He's not just going to stop at one. (And he was right, he wasn't just there to see it.)
In Dee's perspective, Sentinel had taken away their power. Dee was going to make him pay and take his power. Power that Sentinel never deserved and stole from Megatronus.
Orion tried to stop him but was blasted. At this point, perhaps saving Orion has become second nature to Dee over the years of their friendship.
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But because Dee values power and Orion is becoming an obstacle to it, Dee makes a choice.
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And the rest is history.
What Orion Pax Already Knows That D-16 Will Take Millions of Years to Realize
D-16 relies on strength, and Orion Pax relies value on friendship. There's this YouTube short by @EdFormers that shows the parallel between their hands when they save the other.
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When Orion saves Dee in Iacon 5000, his hand is already dropped. He has lost his jetpack, and he knows there's nothing he can do about it. But when Dee saves Megatron after Dee blasts him, Orion's hand is up because he has faith Dee will save him.
When Optimus realizes power is more important for Megatron over what they have, he mourned about it. He told Megatron, "We could have built the future together," because he knows what they could do together.
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Back when they were cog-less, they were able to save Jazz and almost win the Iacon 5000. Dee was the realist to Orion's dreamer. When Dee sees a dead end, Orion sees a window they can jump through. They have each other's back regardless of the fact that Dee wants to better his life and Orion wants to better everyone's including Dee in a way Dee couldn't see.
Until Dee doesn't have his back.
What I'm saying is that they make a great team, what more now that they have cogs? Optimus sees that. Megatron doesn't.
And he won't, even when the Quintessons would come for both Autobots and Decepticons. And he wouldn't, even after millions of years of fighting each other at the cost of Cybertron itself, that they end up warring on Earth.
Because they rely on different things because they value different things, even if they have the same goal.
But when they will finally be on the same page, I believe Optimus Prime and Megatron would be able to achieve greater things.
In the old comics by Marvel, Bob Budiansky made a bio for Optimus Prime where he described that if he was less compassionate and caring, he would have been a more effective military commander. But then, he wouldn’t be Optimus Prime. 
I know one guy who could balance him out.
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josephbrassey · 5 months ago
Last night I was fencing a student and we found ourselves facing eachother in one of those Kurosawa pauses that sometimes happens when two people who know each others moves very well are watching and waiting. I realized his right side was open and his left was guarded. He knew this as well and we were both chambered for cuts-to-longpoint-thrusts, which was the ideal move at that range.
I realized two things in that moment: one, I remembered that I have a known-in-the-club tendency to twitch right before I launch an attack. It’s a nervous habit that I only really manifest under stress. It’s hard to break. Two, I realized that he could reasonably expect me to attack his right. I also frequently take obvious openings because I can often make it not matter that a defense is prepared by being more efficient than my opponent. 16 years of fencing will do that.
So there I am, knowing what move is expected and how it’s being prepared for. So I made a gamble. I twitched voluntarily to provoke the attack to cover their right while skewering me. At the same time I moved very slightly off-line to the side and shot my sword not at his right but at the much MUCH smaller pocket of his left armpit, going over the top of his sword as his point shot over my shoulder and past my head. It landed perfectly.
I’m telling this story because I think there’s a lesson in Liechtenauer’s teachings here that can be applied in general. I did not goad my friend into making a mistake, because he didn’t make one. Based on his own knowledge and experience and high level of skill he did exactly what he should’ve done. I used his intelligence and experience against him.
The lesson that I’ve been rolling around in my head this morning is this: what seems like the sensible choice can in fact be the other person using our own understanding of what is real, and even our extensive knowledge of our area of expertise, against us. You can be played by your own brilliance, sometimes, especially if your opponent is a little clever, knows you well, and leverages it against you.
This works on a lot of levels: moral, intellectual, philosophical. I sort of already knew it, but I’m grateful to a skilled peer and a good exchange for reminding me of it.
You’re never immune to being played by your own ability.
Take from that what you will.
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zvtara-was-never-canon · 7 months ago
Top 15 Maiko moments
Since I made a Kataang list, and I think it's only fair I do it for Maiko too.
#15 - Casually leaning against each other during a meal (03x05)
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I'm starting off the list with the neverending trend that is "Maiko being unbelievably clingy."
I just can't deal witht he fact that these two both have demonstrated some difficulty/discomfort when other people get too touchy with them - yet you leave them in a room together and these motherfuckers suddenly think they're siamese twins.
They're not even trying to be romantic, they just... naturally gravitated towards each other and stayed in that position because it's what feels familiar and comfortable for them.
I remind you guys that The Beach is the episode in which they are at the most incompatible, yet even that episode is visually showing us "These dumbasses are so in love they just naturally act like a couple without even meaning to."
#14 - "It'll be nice to Zuko again. Won't it, Mai?" & Baby Mai's crush on Baby Zuko (02x03 & 02x07)
I know, I know, I'm cheating with this one because they are two separete moments from two different episodes, but SUE ME, I couldn't pick a favorite between them, and I also didn't want to remove the previous moment from the list, and "Top 16" just doesn't doesn't feel right.
I just love the way Mai is acting all shy whenever she so much as looks at Zuko in "Zuko Alone", how she clearly WANTS to hang out with him but doesn't really know how to start a conversation with him and feels all awkward.
And then years later, in the middle of a mission, she's just... happy that she might see him again, even if it's not in the most ideal situation. It's cute and I love it when Mai is happy and showing some of the emotions that hide behind her apathy for seemingly everything and everyone.
#13 - Grumpy dumbasses at the party (03x05)
On this one, those two just skipped several years ahead and went straight to "Bickering like a couple that has been married for fourty years, are clearly about to fight, yet refuse to get any space because WHY would they want to be away from each other? What a strange notion!"
Seriously, I lost count of how many times my grandparents had that exact same conversation when they're feeling the need to be difficult, and that scene made me have the same reaction I always have during these moments:
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They're annoyed at each other, yet they just... refuse to not to be near each other. And Mai's first instinct when she wants something is to tell Zuko to go get it for her, and he does because, once again, they just have no freaking clue how NOT to be a couple (and it took what, fifteen minutes for her to go check on him after their fight because she just doesn't know what the fuck she has to stay for if he's not around? That's a marriage if I've ever seen one).
Also Zuko's line of "That food was for my cranky girlfriend!" makes me laugh every time and it's actually so cute that he wants to spoil his girl even when they're both in a terrible mood.
#12 - First date/kiss (The Lost Adventures Comic)
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This moment is just SO. FREAKING. ADORABLE.
The way we see a bit more of Mai's prankester side (girl was friends with Azula and Ty Lee for a reason) and how Zuko can't help but find it endearing, the way they blush and act all unsure of themselves after he touched her shoulder, how Zuko can't even look at her when he admits that he likes seeing her happy and enjoying herself, Mai basically admiting that for a while she did the equivalent of "Little boy pulling at a girl's hair because he likes her and can't deal with it", and then, of course, the kiss. It's all just great.
And I gotta love how this date only happened because Azula set it up because Zuko was acting all angsty and saying he wouldn't go back to the Fire Nation - so she reminds him that something, or rather someone, he REALLY wants wasn't going to be around much longer, and that boy just doesn't hesitate to take the bait.
Also Azula and Ty Lee were HILARIOUS while spying on them, and the irony that Azula is basically playing 3D chess with her brother's love life for her own benefit, only to then accidentally shoot herself in the foot by the events she set in motion is just too good.
I really wish we could have seen this in a flashback during the actual show. It's just not fair that this little gem is hidden away in a comic.
#11 - Mai covering Zuko's eyes (03x05)
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Yet another silly, very quick moment that I'm likely the only one obsessing over, but I can't help it, I live for stuff like that. Zuko is on full rage mode for being on the island at all and thus Mai is getting very grumpy and annoyed at him... yet the second they witness the gross sight of Li and Lo in bathing suits, she just covers her boyfriend's eyes to spare him of the horror that is old people who ran out of fucks to give (and that is totally not their own fate when they're Li and Lo's age).
The inherent cuteness of their relationship seeping into every scene, even when they are not on their best moment, is just one of the things I love the most about this ship. If they're not "meant for each other" like some dumbasses insist, then how come they're so married?
Plus it was really funny, and I like it when things are funny. The more it makes me giggle, the higher it goes on the list XD
#10 - First on-screen kiss (03x01)
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This moment had me SHOCKED the first time I watched the show. I already thought Mai's crush on Zuko was cute, and I knew the series could make them a couple eventually - but I did not expect them to get together in between seasons. 7-year-old me was like "WAIT, THAT'S ALLOWED?"
Also, I've always loved how that moment started. Zuko is staring dramatically into the horizon, being angsty and walking right into an existential crisis - and Mai just goes "No, we're not doing that." It's just so fucking funny.
And it's also the first exemple of these two being completely unable to keep their hands to themselves. Mai just hugs him, touches his scar, and kisses him, and Zuko, who had trouble even hugging Iroh back, just... lets her. Because he doesn't mind it one bit when she does it.
I just really like how Mai's default way of comforting Zuko is by offering physical affection. It's freaking adorable. Also their "first" kiss happening in a gloomy day, with dark clouds everywhere, yet they're off in their own little world, just happy to be in each other's arms, is "Maiko in a nutshell." Add in some emo music and it becomes the most mid 2000s AMV ever.
#09 - "I'm sorry, Mai" (03x10)
This scene is one that just drives me up the wall with how much I love it. It's such a short little moment, but it's so significant to their relationship. Zuko wants to continue enjoying the life he has at the Fire Nation. He wants all the comfort that comes with being a prince, the approval of his father, the security of knowing he'll always have roof over his head and will one day be Fire Lord - and wants to stay and be with his girlfriend because he LOVES her.
But he can't. Because he knows innocent people will suffer and die if he doesn't stop his father. So he has to leave behind everything he holds dear, including Mai. He can't even say goodbye in person, both because it hurts and because what if something goes wrong and he ends up captured? He can't risk it.
So he leaves her a letter and says aloud an honest apology that he knows she can't hear, because he just HAS to say that he never wanted this.
More importantly though:
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That boy heard Azula's mocking comment in "The Avatar And The Fire Lord" and decided "You know what, maybe I should go see the royal painter and bring Mai along so we can have a portrait of us as a couple."
I just love them so much.
#08 - Confrontation at the Boiling Rock (03x15)
This is a BIG one. Mai is obviously pissed at him because of the way he broke up with her, and she cannot understand why the hell ZUKO, someone who has always been so deeply patriotic and a very proud prince is suddenly leaving everything behind to go help out a bunch of traitors.
Zuko stands his ground, and tries to make her understand - and then out of nowhere he just HAS to brag about how awesome she is when a guard offers to protect her. He simply not hesitate to basically say "Oh yeah, she could totally give me a hard time during a fight, ain't that great?" (Also the fact that the show never gave us a moment of them throwing knives together even though Zuko has a knife too is a CRIME).
But, of course, real life has to "ruin" the moment. Zuko sees an oportunity to go help his friends, and escapes the cell, locks the door - and then they just stare into each other's eyes, for what they know might be the last time.
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Mai's confusion and rage. Zuko's resolve to do what's right no matter the cost. Just that certainty that, whatever they both decide to do now, it will be final. There's no turning back from this. If their relationship ends that day, it ends FOREVER.
It literally lasts just a few seconds, but it's intense and does such an amazing job of allowing the characters to communicate with each other, and the audience, on what they're feeling.
And it's also the perfect set up for:
#07 - "I love Zuko more than I fear you" (03x15)
Literally NO ONE saw this coming, not even Mai herself, and if you tell me you did I'm gonna call you a liar, because OH MY FUCKING GOD!
Everything went wrong, the good guys are about to get captured, the situation is hopeless... and then in comes Mai, risking it all and taking a huge leap of faith.
She doesn't fully get why Zuko is so sure joining the Avatar will be good for their nation. She doesn't know if that will work out like he hopes. But she trusts him, and allows him to go for it, because she knows HIM, knows all the pain he went through trying to be Ozai's perfect son, and if he wants to throw his "perfect" life away just to be the one actually in charge of it, goddammit, she's on board and will do the same.
She knows there's no way she escapes that place with Zuko, it's too late for that. But she can allow HIM to leave "safely", while she stays behind and faces Azula's wrath - and she doesn't care, because she knows there's NOTHING Azula can do to her that would ever hurt as much as living with the knowledge that she just stood by and watched the downfall of the person she loved the most, that she chose to submit to Azula yet again instead of being her own damn self at long last.
It's the proof of Mai's devotion for Zuko, the moment in which her life became her own again, it's one hell of a plot-twist, and leads to yet ANOTHER epic moment of characters staring at each other with daggers in their eyes (and hands), and it's fucking beautiful!
#06 - Fight and reconciliation by the fire (03x05)
I can't lie, I'm a sucker for characters hitting their breaking point, confronting each other, letting all their rage and pain out - and then one puts everything aside to show some vulnerability and care for the other.
Zuko has not been feeling great about himself, and is taking it out on his girlfriend. Mai is not perfect either, and can't see that even Zuko's more "clueless" actions like giving her a sea-shell that she obviously wouldn't like is just him genuinely trying to be nice to her despite his impulse to act like a jerk, because he CARES.
Zuko is feeling insecure, wants reassurance, but Mai doesn't notice, and so he starts feeling threatened by a guy she full on says might as well not exist in her eyes. It's bad, but it's yet more proof that he CARES.
She goes after him after their fight, they open up a bit, Mai reminds Zuko that his sad life doesn't excuse the way he's been acting and when she stands up for herself against AZULA it just makes Zuko go instant simp mode and try to act all smooth and pull her close with that "I like it when you express yourself" (I can never get over that - boy, I know you're a teenager on vacation with your hot girlfriend that looks so cute when she's mad, you two are not alone yet, keep it in your pants!)
And then it happens. Zuko just loses it, can't deny that he is feeling like he is betraying himself because he no longer knows right from wrong and that is freaking him out because, even when he is firmly on the wrong side, he had ALWAYS been sure of his convictions and what he stands for, but now everything is messy and he doesn't know what he should care for.
Cue Mai deciding to forgive him for his angry outburts, for the unfair accusations, for the general unpleasant atitute, and just give him a bit of the support she now sees he had been needing and wasn't getting. A simple, straight-forward "I care about you", and a kiss - which Zuko eagerly accepts, and he IMMEDIATELY just keeps holding her close, all the fighting forgotten because he still has one source of stability in his life, one person he can rely on to be by his side when he doesn't know what he is doing.
05 - Cuddles and dessert (03x09)
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This is the point where it became borderline impossible for me to pick my favorites, and I'll probably regret the order a million times, but I gotta post this already.
I love this scene. I just genuinely adore it with all my heart. Them looking at each other all cute, smiling and unable to keep their hands to themselves, and Zuko just once again showing that he like spoiling his girl by asking a servent to bring something FOR THE LADY. Name literally one other character that has Zuko acting like that - YOU CAN'T! NOT EVEN WHEN HE WENT ON A CUTE DATE WITH SOMEONE ELSE!
The whole vibe is just so domestic and cosy. Literally the only thing that is missing is a cat purring next to them and it'd be my idea of heaven.
#04 - Supportive Mai (03x09)
Nightmares and daydreams really is THE Maiko episode. The fact Zuko goes to Mai's house for comfort and distraction when the meeting he thinks he's been excluded from is happening says a lot about how much she means to him (and for once her parents not being around is a good thing 👀), and then later he opens up to her about what bothered him about being Ozai's perfect son because he trusts her to be there for him. They've truly done some amazing progress after The Beach.
Mai's concern for him is just genuinely touching. Even when she doesn't know exactly what to say or do, she's still trying so hard because she doesn't like seeing Zuko truly down, and that is what made her his safe-space this entire episode.
#03 - "That gloomy girl that sighs a lot?" (03x14)
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Look at that boy. LOOK. AT. THAT. BOY.
He is just so smitten and clearly missing her. He LIKES the traits that the fandom insist makes her "unlikeable", that led to characters making fun of her in universe, the coping mechanism she used to protect herself from being hurt by people like her parents - can't get hurt if you don't care.
And Zuko doesn't see it as something she needs to change in herself, something undesirable, something he puts up with. He likes what everyone insists is a flaw of hers, and will so even when being teased about it because he can relate to being moody and angsty and cranky and wouldn't judge her for it because she's the person that consistently likes that about him too.
#02 - "You're so beautiful when you hate the world" (03x02)
This was the moment that made them one of my favorite Avatar ships. These two just not giving a fuck if that they're being embarrassing and cringy and just judging the whole world together and being disgusted by everything except each other. Not only is it a funny, wholesome moment, it is THE most accurate portrayal of a teen romance I've ever seen in my life. Just two dumbasses being in love and saying whatever nonsense they want, and kind of relating to each other for it.
Also them just basically telling Azula to fuck off because they wanna keeping making out was amazing.
01 - Reunited at the end (03x21)
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Once again. Look at that boy. Just you LOOK. AT. THAT. BOY.
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They're so cute. They're so happy. It's literally what their entire romantic arc in season three had been building up to and I'm forever greateful that the writers didn't rob us, and them, of it just because the fandom can't appreciate a good thing even as it stares them right in the face.
They're both finally on the same page, ready to support each other no matter what, with nothing and no one standing on their way, and allowing themselves to just enjoy their love. It's what they deserve.
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stellacartography · 4 months ago
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Rated E - 28 chapters - Complete & posting weekly(ish) - Banner art by @keirgreeneyes
Mycroft has always done everything right. This is not hyperbole. He has attended the best schools, taken the broadest courses of study, achieved the top marks, engaged in the most suitable extracurricular activities for developing a network with all the ideal people. He has said the right things at precisely the right times, and excelled in every one of his endeavours... From this vantage point he can see how this belief in his own brilliance concealed the flaws in the architecture.
A story about losing a job, making a friend, and deciding what defines a life.
When Mycroft's career nosedives after the events at Sherrinford, he doesn't cope as well as he might have expected. Greg Lestrade has known Mycroft for years as Sherlock's brother and the British government. He'd never have guessed they'd get on so well, but Greg's not one to deny a good thing when it follows him to the family cabin. But when his past comes back to haunt him, Mycroft will have to defend himself while protecting the man he loves.
Chapter 1  ⚙️  Chapter 2  ⚙️  Chapter 3  ⚙️  Chapter 4  ⚙️  Chapter 5  ⚙️  Chapter 6  ⚙️  Chapter 7  ⚙️  Chapter 8  ⚙️ Chapter 9  ⚙️  Chapter 10  ⚙️  Chapter 11  ⚙️  Chapter 12  ⚙️  Chapter 13  ⚙️  Chapter 14  ⚙️  Chapter 15  ⚙️  Chapter 16  ⚙️  Chapter 17  ⚙️  Chapter 18  ⚙️  Chapter 19  ⚙️  Chapter 20  ⚙️  Chapter 21  ⚙️  Chapter 22  ⚙️  Chapter 23  ⚙️  Chapter 24  ⚙️  Chapter 25 ⚙️  Chapter 26 ⚙️  Chapter 27  ⚙️  Chapter 28  ⚙️
I try to post here when I add a chapter but I was having trouble keeping track. So, master post it is! Thank you to all who reblog my posts and updates.
@totallysilvergirl, @copperplatebeech, @the-toad-in-your-piano, @blue-posey, @ewebie, @helloliriels
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Occasionally I see the same (annoying) discourse around both Eowyn and Katniss and I need to talk about it.
Let's talk about Eowyn first. What a lot of people don't realize especially if they've only seen the movies is...in the books Eowyn is essentially suicidal. She doesn't want to fight in the war just because she's Not Like Other Girls and wants to use a sword, she wants to fight because 1) in her eyes that's the only path to glory that is actually valued by her society (this is another thing about Eowyn: she's proud. And not without reason! But it is a trait of her character that tends to go unnoticed).
2)Rohan is in a pretty shit situation when we're introduced to it, and has been for some time. She's been forced to watch her father die, then her mother, then witness the slow degradation of her uncle the king, the banishment of her brother. The state of her country shames her, because of how much she loves what it was and could be. She doesn't see any hope. She's depressed and lonely and angry and is watching the slow, sad death of her country and family. In her mind, death is the only way out, and death in battle is the only honourable way out. In ROTK Aragorn (or was it Gandalf?) says "she looked for death in battle" -- a sentiment reiterated re: Eowyn a couple times in the trilogy. She goes to war because she's hoping she'll die a hero's death, which is the only greatness she can see herself -- or any of her people -- achieving at this point.
And then...she doesn't die. She survives, injured, grieving, traumatized, and for the first time in a long time witnesses healing instead of sickening. And decides her time as a warrior is done, because there's no place for it. She's gained hope by the end of ROTK, and in absence of despair there's no place for a longing for battle.
So. There's my take on Eowyn. But the take I've seen -- luckily only once or twice in her case -- is that her ending weakens her. That by turning her back on war, by marrying Faramir especially, and choosing healing and the tending of growing things she's diminished.
And I hate that perspective. Because the point of Eowyn's ending isn't "strong badass woman settles down with a man and decides to tend gardens instead"; it's "a woman who never allowed herself to have more ambition than 'die in battle' because the world she lived in provided nothing else for her survives into a world that is healed and with any luck holds no place for war and warriors, so she chooses to heal with it." And it should be noted that Tolkien's message on the whole was "we would all be better off in a world where war wasn't necessary, courage is good and building a better world requires it, but once that world is built ideally no one would be going to war at all." And the male characters exemplify this too. Eowyn doesn't "settle down and become a tradwife" or whatever, she settles into a society where everybody is learning to heal, and tend growing things.
Now we move over to Katniss. By this point you can probably guess where I'm going with her too, and it's unfortunately a bit more of an unpopular opinion. But I'll say it: I wholeheartedly disagree with people who think her ultimately having kids with Peeta is a disservice to her character.
Katniss does say a number of times that she doesn't want kids, yes. But it's pretty clear from the very first time she says it that the reason for this is the fucked up society she lives in. She's from the poorest district where raising a healthy child into adulthood is hard enough on its own, and then having to send them to the reaping every year on top of that? Of course she doesn't want kids.
Which...honestly makes the fact that she eventually has them more poignant to me. And I mean eventually -- the epilogue says "it took me five, ten, fifteen years to agree" -- if she's roughly 18 at the end of Mockingjay she'd be in her early 30s by the time the first one is born. A traumatized and seriously impoverished 16 year old living in The Dystopia Of Dystopias and a 30something woman who's living in a world where many of those old problems no longer exist will have very different mindsets.
And yeah I know Tumblr is super intense about taking young people seriously when they say they don't want to be parents, and I agree when it comes to real people whose opinions really matter, but Katniss isn't a real person. Katniss' changing opinions on being a mother aren't really about her - like Eowyn choosing gardening and healing over fighting, they're about her world.
Last year I reread all of the Hunger Games trilogy for the first time since middle school. And was struck by how much the last few pages of Mockingjay really are about healing. The survivors of District 12 come together to plant a meadow over a mass grave of their people. Katniss goes to therapy (!! literally). Peeta spends his days baking bread. And it's hard, the book doesn't shy away from that either. But they do it as a community. And over the years it gets easier.
One of the first things we learn about Katniss, in the very first chapter, is that she never wants kids in the world she lives in. That the last chapter in the final book shows her finally raising children of her own is a show of how healed her world is. We as readers get to see that, from the eyes of a highly cynical protagonist no less, she now considers her world safe enough that another generation can thrive.
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cosmerelists · 2 months ago
How Well Did We Predict Wind & Truth, Based Only on Cosmerelists Posts?
[Obviously, big BIG spoilers for Wind & Truth in this post!!!]
[If you're tagged in this post, it means that you said something interesting in one of my prediction polls, so I'm REALLY sorry if I tagged you but you haven't read the book yet--I'd still recommend waiting until you finish reading it to take a look at what I said about you sorry]
In the runup to Wind & Truth, I published a number of prediction posts & polls trying to guess what would happen. Now it's time to step back and assess how I -- and all of you, via the polls -- did!
1. The Length of WAT (This entry is NOT a spoiler)
Before I get to the actual predictions, shout out to @gekho who used math to accurately predict the length of this book! In my post about Cosmere-themed math problems, I had one asking people to use the previous books to predict the length of Wind and Truth. I didn't think it was actually solvable, but gekho used a graphing program and came up with 1360 plus or minus 45 as the result....and the actual length was 1344! Holy shit!
2. The Windrunner Fifth Ideal
In this post/poll, we tried to guess what the Windrunner Fifth Ideal would be. In the poll, two answers were tied for first place with 19.9% of the vote: "I will protect what is right" and "I will protect more than people's lives." In those guesses, we were...quite wrong! The actual ideal was "I will protect myself so that I can protect others." The closest option offered was "I will protect everyone, including myself," which was the second post popular guess at 15.7%.
Almost good job, us!
3. My Wife Tries to Predict the End
In this post, my wife, who has read 0% of any Sanderson, tried to predict what the ultimate fates of Kaladin, Adolin, Shallan, and Szeth would be.
She guessed that Kaladin would die, and in that, she was wrong! He's immortal, even. Everyone just...thinks...that he's dead... :(
She got Shallan correct, saying that she would merge personalities! RIP Radiant.
She also got Adolin correct, guessing that Adolin would "have a power with his buddy" (=get some sort of special ability with Maya) and that Maya "wouldn't scream too much." And yeah! Adolin & Maya are now the super cool Unoathed Squad, and Maya now talks.
But she failed to predict Szeth's fate, predicting that he would become a Worldhopper when in fact he...just settled down and got married. I don't think any of us saw THAT coming.
4. Honor's New Vessel
In this post/poll, we tried to guess who would pick up the Shard of Honor. The number one choice was Kaladin, with 32.5% of the vote, so we sure got that one wrong. BUT Dalinar was second with 21.3% of the vote, and he did hold it for a hot second, so I think it counts. Sadly, the most correct choice, Taravangian, was not on the poll because who the hell would guess that. ...Other than @godless-of-the-hunt who friggin' NAILED it and guessed EXACTLY that in the tags, and @violet-snail-sfw who agreed.
5. Dalinar Not Being Homophobic
In this passionate post, I argued that when Renarin & Rlain got together, Dalinar would NOT respond homophobically. And in the end...he died before he ever found out they were dating so....
I still think I (would have been) right. As a final piece of evidence, we discovered that Renarin was worried about Navani's reaction. That's...something? I guess?
6. The Third Bondsmith
In this post/poll, we tried to guess who the third Bondsmith candidate would be. As it turned out, we still don't know...and maybe there won't ever be one, now. The top guess, with 16%, was "Someone who is currently a child, like Gavinor or Shallan's future kid," but since this didn't actually happen, I'll call this a bust.
7. General WAT Predictions
In this post, I just threw stuff at the wall. Honestly, I didn't do too bad! Let's do it rapid-fire:
Shallan getting pregnant: WELL, it depends on whether anyone else is reading too much into her "clutching her stomach" at the very, very end, two months after her shower sex with Adolin.
Rlain & Renarin getting together: Hell yeah.
Kaladin swearing the fifth ideal: Hell yeah.
Szeith wearing the fifth ideal: Hell yeah.
Adolin healing Maya & becoming an Edgedancer: Nope. But what actually happened was cooler
Finding out the truth about the Recreance: Yes! Finally
Kandra shows up: I mean, *I* didn't notice any
Someone bonding the Nightwatcher: Nope. :( Should have been Leshwi :( :(
8. Kaladin's fate
In this poll/post, we tried to guess Kaladin's fate but, uh, the actual answer was not an option, as I did not guess that he would become a Herald. The top answer is kind of correct, though: with 31.9% of the vote, the top answer was that Kaladin would simply live and be in Arc 2. Which does TECHNICALLY count, I think!
However, shout out to the people who predicted the whole Herald thing, @actual22plus and @lexiwhatwegot!
9. Will Dalinar Lose?
In this post/poll, we tried to predict the outcome of the duel. The top answer with 37.2% of the vote was that Dalinar wouldn't actually be the champion at all. So we were wrong about that. But, like, my basic choices were "win," "lose," "tie" or "no duel" -- I didn't predict that Dalinar would break the terms of the Contest of Champion themselves, bond Honor, break his oaths, and die immediately. How could I have been so foolish.
10. Who will be Odium's Champion?
Honestly, we nailed this one. The top guess, with 18.6% of the vote, was that Odium's Champion would be "baby Gavinor." And, okay, it wasn't actually a toddler holding a sword and crying like I expected, but it WAS Gavinor, so. We got it.
11. And finally....That Travel Games Post
This one wasn't even meant to be a serious prediction post, guys...and it started going around again pretty much as soon as Wind and Truth came out...and I just feel SO bad...for making a joke about Szeth having a pet sheep named Sweep, and then Szeth really did have a pet sheep which he saw get murdered and eaten and it was so traumatic....
That joke really did not age well. Sorry, Szeth...
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exposed-wires · 8 months ago
Oooo you wanna see my Ishimondo fankids oooooo
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AGE: 18
HEIGHT: 5'10
WEIGHT: 172 lbs
BIRTHDAY: April 30th
PERSONALITY: Sohan can be described as overwhelming, and a handful. Taking into consideration their upbringing, it's no wonder their intense nature is a force to be reckoned with. They're nice for the most part; welcoming to the people they come by. A big stickler when it comes to safety too! Rules...not so much, though they're still abided by for the sake of their father. However, it doesn't mean they're one to look for loopholes- because they do! The more specific you are with wording, the less Sohan is capable of finding a workaround.
While they are an intense individual, when it comes to intense situations, they are surprisingly calm. Then again, that's to be expected for someone who's surrounded by chaos. In the heat of the moment, evading the enemy, the person behind the wheel is the one to keep the most cool.
If Sohan were a storm, they'd be the eye of it.
• Sohan's non-binary in their eyes, but they don't mind however you view them as. If it be more masc or femm [like a fill in the blank]. VERY rarely will they refer to themself as 'he' or 'she', depending on who they're talking to. They are comfortable with the non-binary label though.
• Also, Sohan's eyes flare up [emit a flame-like aura] whenever they're concentrating or focused.
• People call him 'boiled rice' as a nickname. [Sohan means 'coarse' and 'boiled rice', but the direct translation of the word is 'contradictory'].
• They have a red crested cardinal named Ducky
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AGE: 16-17
ULTIMATE: ""Tutor"" [Immoral Compass]
WEIGHT: 202 lbs
BIRTHDAY: March 24th
PERSONALITY: Daichi is a stickler for the rules. It's something he finds comfort in, is well endowed to- like a set of commandments. Sure, the process of abiding to them is... questionable, but that's simply how he is. It works for him, it should for others. Education is no different from it, though he works himself to be at the top. The prime example, or..no, not example; the best. Surpassing him in any matter is unorthodox- especially his field.
His sibling, Sohan, is an unremarkable waste of potential. Intelligence thrown away for whatever they do- so when they got a letter from Hope's Peak Academy regarding that very 'wasted potential'- suffice to say Daichi was not thrilled. Though when he himself acquired his talent far into studies in the reserved course program: he had second thoughts.
As a prime example of academic achievement, why on earth was he given the title of an Immoral Compass?
• He's in the same class as Sohan, as he skipped a grade or two back in elementary. He is incredibly gifted, though his sibling is much smarter than he is [which upsets him, as they don't put good use to that].
• Used to be a reserve course student, until he acquired his... less than ideal talent [grinded for the view, hated how it looked].
• Daichi HAS to be 1st no matter what. Sure, he's inclined to help others with academics but they CANNOT surpass him. He freaks out each time someone gets a better grade than him [has broken multiple pens].
• He has a notebook for any subject, including notes on other people he finds 'interesting' [putting them under a microscope], his own personal thoughts [one which his older sibling reads through like a soap opera], and everyone's grades that he keeps track like fantasy football.
• Is REALLY really good at videogames, which is shocking for someone like Daichi.
• His eyes flare-up when he expresses great feeling of embarrassment.
• With his anger, it marinades instead of immediately exploding. Teehee it festers until it blows up MUCH later.
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AGE: 12
WEIGHT: 90lbs
BIRTHDAY: June 9th
PERSONALITY: A happy go lucky girl who has a knack for playing games, Tokika is a ball of unmanageable energy! She's good at what she does, creating games of any variety to keep everyone capable of playing, and the stakes to stay high! She's having fun if everyone else is having fun! She gets along well with her older siblings, and at times she does drag them into playing dolls or boardgames- but they're happy to do so! 
Tokika is good at mediating conflict on the playground, your so called 'recess referee'. Though at times she does let both sides play out to find a middle ground so everyone's happy. 
• If she had a highschool level Ultimate she'd be either the Ultimate Gamemaster or the Ultimate Devil's Advocate.
• She shares a birthday with her father, Mondo! 
• She's the one organizing family game night, and she INSISTS on it each and every time. 
• Tokika stems from the word 'Toki' (time), and 'ka' (fun). 'Ka' can also come off as a question based statement at the end of sentences, so whenever she asks 'time?' it's like she's saying her name, asking if it's time to play.
• Her eyes flare-up whenever she's on a winning streak. 
• Bit of a devil in disguise?? Just a smidgen.
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The family's all here <33
I definitely need to post more, I'll try to post some stuff about them, I have some art in the folder kek :33
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mmitwcomic · 11 months ago
Update: what happens between chapters 1 & 2?
We reached the end of chapter 1! Yay!! This is another major milestone for me as a webcomic maker, and it feels incredible to be able to say that I've put out this much of a story so far! (as a little fun fact: my first draft of chapter 1 was set to be 90 pages long...I think it's safe to say I've learned a lot about comic panel layouts and better storytelling since then~)
Now that we're here, I'm planning to take a longer break between this chapter and the next, for many reasons! In addition to needing more time to properly finalize and start working on pages for the next chapter, I'll be very busy this summer with other things! If you follow me on my main Cohost page or keep up with my Ko-fi, you'll probably have heard that I'll be participating in dealer's den at a couple conventions! Exciting stuff!
On top of that, I'm experimenting with a new method of taking commissions that may help give me more time to work on the comic. If all goes well, you might start seeing more pages per week in the future! This story has somewhere in the ballpark of 15 or 16 chapters planned, so ideally I'd love to start publishing more at a time so this doesn't take forever!
I've also had more than a few folks suggest opening a Patreon in order to fund the comic, and thus make it sustainable for me to work on it more, and I'm considering it! There's a few logistics that'd need to be worked out, but if it works out then that may also be an option for supporting my work in the near future! (If that's something you're interested in and you have ideas for it, leave a comment so I can gauge interest!)
Chapter 2 will make its appearance sometime in August or September! Stay tuned, things are only gonna get weirder from here~
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coltishcaterpillar · 1 year ago
Unmasked / Platonic!Father Alastor x Teen!Daughter Reader
Chapter I: Introduction
Two days after the Extermination, a bored Emily reads through private records of Heavenly residents and sinners alike.
During her mindless scrolling, she comes across a vintage diary smelling of old paper, from the late 20s-early 30s. It details the life of the teenage adopted daughter of the Radio Demon; up until her death at aged 16 on January 11th, 1934.
WARNINGS: Mentions of Racism
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April 4th, 1932
Have you ever seen a top hat, what one really looks like on a person?
Neither have I, until today. At the end of Merritt Street, there’s a small accessories store that sells jewellery and clothing alike.
I used to frequent there, but I’ve never been a fashionable girl. I’m a larger fan of browsing; just admiring the beauty of art from afar, rather than acquiring it.
I never realized how much I missed the little establishment until I saw my favourite businessperson; Anne Brewster. A short, tout woman she was. Her skin had a grey tinge to it, a pointy nose that popped out her features; bright brown eyes and hair as white as pearls, short and thin as straw.
I greeted her with my usual demeanour. Quiet and curt, a straight wave and a superficial smile. The woman has a tendency to chatter; most of the time I don’t have time to interject, so I just listen.
I went in the shop with Elbert Graves; a fellow classmate of mine in mathematics. He’s not my ideal source of company, I’ll admit. I get along much better with other girls, but this helpless boy is always on my tail, and I can’t bare to tell him to get lost.
We came across a jet-black top hat with a golden ribbon wrapped around its rim. It was on display, but there was no glass so we assumed we could sample it. Elbert looked utterly ridiculous in it; far too flashy, and way too gigantic for his pea-sized head.
I managed a small laugh, as that’s the reaction he would’ve wanted from me. Ever the jokester…
I took a seat on the cushioned chair in front of the store’s entrance. Whilst Elbert was fooling around with other gadgets, Anne took to speaking with me.
She spoke a great deal about her grandchildren, and then inquired me about Papa.
Pa doesn’t usually wander about these places, but he knows Anne from university; they attended the same one in Shreveport, in September of 1908. Pa wanted to become a broadcaster post-secondary (to which he achieved) and Anne wanted to edit the local newspaper part-time; she was getting old, but didn’t want to stop working. She didn’t end up pursuing it, however, she dropped out her third year to take care of Rachel (her eldest grandchild who was 5 at the time.) Then, she inherited this business when Mr. Brewster, her father, died. He owned the shop.
She asked about his job was working out for him. Pa never speaks about work when he arrives home; usually he’s more interested in my daily activities. I don’t listen to Pa’s radio channel anyways, because the subjects he covers doesn’t appeal to me.
I just told her he was thriving; because in a way, he was. Pa was rarely in a sour mood. Of course, he gets moody when I do something out of line from time to time, but his attitude is always uplifting.
Elbert excused himself to the restroom at the back of the desk; that’s when she started talking about adolescent things. Boys…..
“Elbert is a such a handsome boy, don’t you agree?”
“Not particularly.”
“Oh? Why do you say that?”
“His chin is too long, and his head is too small for his broad shoulders. Not to mention his personality isn’t to my tastes. He’s far too extroverted and cheeky.”
“Oh, come now, my lovely. Surely, we can’t all be picky! What ever will you do when you grow into a young woman? Who will be around to take care of you?”
“Pa will, no doubt.”
“Oh, don’t be silly. Your father will be far too senile to care for you when you’re in your prime! You need a strong man!”
“Too senile?! Surely, you jest. Pa may be lanky, but he’s very capable. He was only twenty-five when he adopted me, he’ll only be middle-aged by the time I’m an adult.”
“You say Elbert is cheeky, but I see a lot more cockiness coming from you than I ever have with him.”
“Only an outside observer can properly assess my personality. Perhaps you just see my persona differently than I.”
“Is that so?”
The bell hanging from the door rang; in came a man, dressed in a business suit, a large briefcase held in his right hand. He had been more wrinkly than I had last seen him: Anne’s partner, Mr. Devereaux.
He has a very thick Yorkshire accent; Anne and him met while she was on vacation in London; Mr. Devereaux was studying photography. When they first met in late 1864, they weren’t sure whether or not they could ever be together. Anne is a very brown woman, you see. Very. Mr. Devereaux is about as white as a sheet. People often look down on….colourful couples…? More harshly. They aren’t allowed to be married, so they had to improvise.
Forgive me for not mentioning this sooner, but Anne is actually good friends with my Grandma. Pa is half-Creole, you see, and my Grandma’s roots come from there. So, the Brewsters are actually well-acquainted with my family.
Mr. Devereaux sat his briefcase beside the door, across from where I was seated. He flashed me a toothless smile; quite literally, since they all rotted out of his mouth due to age.
I gave him a curious look back.
“Back from business, old man?” I tease.
He chuckled; giving me an affectionate pat on the head.
“Oh, well, look at you! Already at it with the nosy interrogation, I see! I’ve missed you, sweet girl.” He smiled.
I narrowed my eyes. He didn’t answer the question….
He turned his attention to Anne quite quickly. Leaning over the desk, he planted a kiss on her forehead.
“The trip went smoothly,” He told Anne, “Janice sent you a letter. It should be in the mail soon, my darling.”
Janice was their daughter.
He turned his entire body so it faced me, with an inquisitive look on his face. He then turned and whispered to Anne,
“Al is out late again?”
“I don’t know, my sweet. I’ve seen her out and about all day with Elbert, he must be. It’s nearly nine.”
“I thought his radio shows were done by four?”
“Perhaps the schedule’s changed, dearest. Let’s not be nosy, it’s not our business.”
I let out a deep breath through my nose, standing up. Pa likes to hang around a few stores after work, so I tried my best not to let their observations get to me. Perhaps he was already home!
Anne leaned over from behind Mr. Devereaux.
“Could you go check on Elbert, hun? He’s been in the restroom for quite a while.”
I sigh. Without a response, I head toward the back desk, into the small hallway that had the restrooms.
I knocked on the door, firmly.
“El?” I addressed him by nickname.
“Mhm?” His hun echoed off the door.
I raised an eyebrow. “What have you been doing in there these past fifteen minutes? It was eight-forty when you went in, it’s five to nine already!”
Within seconds, he came out of the door, an awkward smile plastered on his face. A blush dusted his cheeks as well; I narrowed my eyes at him. Did he have the runs?
“Finished?” I asked him without judgment.
“Yes.” He said, curt.
I lead him back to the entrance of the store, passing Anne a smile. I turn my gaze back to Elbert.
“I’m going to be leaving now. I hadn’t realize how late it was. Will you be alright on your own?” I asked, a tint of concern in my voice.
“Of course. See you later?” His tone was hopeful.
Without a pause, I said, “Yes, I’ll see you later.”
I said my goodbyes to Anne and Mr. Devereaux, and sent my regards to Janice.
When I exited the store, it wasn’t as dark and drab as I thought it would be; I still heard birds chirping, and I could see my way almost perfectly. Just another perk of springtime, I suppose.
When I arrived home, Pa was indeed on the couch, his legs crossed, with a newspaper in hand; black coffee was situated on the side table.
“Home at long last, my dear!” He put his newspaper down; and I ran over, kissing him on the cheek.
“Sorry, Papa. How long did you have to wait?”
“Oh, not long at all!” He chuckled heartily.
I turn over to the rounded wooden table in the dining room; a large cloth bag sat on it; my eyes lit up in curiosity.
“Now, now,” Pa waved his finger, “I know that dangerous gaze. Don’t go peeking around my things, dear.”
I put on a thinned-lipped smile, leaning on the armrest.
“What, do you have something to hide, Papa~?” I leaned in, teasingly.
It was meant to be a joke. A rhetorical question. Yet, I couldn’t help but notice his fist clench up, if only for a moment. His body language was saying something different than what his mouth was.
“Is it really too much to ask to keep yourself out of my business?” He bit his lower lip.
When Pa took that tone with me, I knew it was time to pipe down. I decided to change the subject, sitting next to him on the couch.
“Elbert and I took a stroll around the avenue.” I said, tracing along the armrest.
I could FEEL Pa’s eye roll without even looking.
“Out with that wretched boy again, are we?” He took a casual tone as he sipped his coffee, but I knew the mere thought of Elbert irked him.
Pa has never interacted much with my friends, so I thought El would be another drop in the ocean. I think his hatred of him has something to do with that one time he came over here.
Everything was alright until dinner time.
The few hours earlier, Grandma treated us with a generous amount of Jambalaya. She always makes the best, after all.
Elbert made an….observation? While we were eating and it made Pa freeze.
“This is some slave food! Who made it, a peasant?”
All I remember was Pa’s grip tightening so much on the fork. I leaned over to where he was sitting and rubbed his arm a little.
I disliked the comment too. That was my Grandma he was speaking about….
After El left, I noticed Pa staring at the wooden spoon on the shelf. I know that blasted piece of cutlery all too well….
Pa is good at discipline. Even when my other friends came over, he’d always make an effort to chastise them if they didn’t say please or thank you.
Long story short, I think Pa wanted to beat El. That’s probably why he was showing such immaculate restraint at the table. I can’t imagine another person disciplining somebody else’s child would go…smoothly, anyway.
He had valid reason to hate him, I suppose. I’m not fond of Elbert either, but…how do you find it in your heart to say no? I suppose I’ve never really had a backbone, but…it seems that he’s really fond of me.
“How was work?” I asked with a smile.
“It held all of its classic theatrics! You should find it in your soul to listen to my shows, my dear.” He beamed.
I was deep in thought.
“Don’t I hear enough of your voice already?”
Pa chuckled his little chuckle that always made my chest warm.
“You can never have too much of your father!”
Time went on as usual; a few moments later I decided to pack up for bed; Pa went upstairs to get his radio ready to listen to. He always does before he sleeps.
I took that as an opportunity to ponder; I turned my gaze back to the bag on the table. Pa notoriously hunts, but it was far too late for food, so it made me wonder.
I slid toward it with my socks against the hardwood. I breathed in deeply; perhaps there was a certain scent? All I could smell was the dusty fabric; nothing more.
With a sigh, I decided to leave it for now. Maybe it’s….best that I don’t.
Emily blinked once. She recognized the background; that this child of one of the hotel staff in Hell.
Taking the historical piece of literature to St. Peter, she inquired,
“St. Peter, hi! I was just wondering if there is a girl here in Heaven named Y/N L/N?”
St. Peter smiled in delight, getting out his holy book, scanning through all the people with your name; going roughly by last name. His face fell as they came to an end.
“Unfortunately not, Em! It’s…strange, considering the circumstances. Sixteen is very young for a person to end up in Hell…but she isn’t in Heaven.”
Emily frowned, eyeing the diary in her hands. Perhaps she’d find the answer in there….
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orteil42 · 2 years ago
hey so as you may know, i'm currently developing an update to Cookie Clicker's mobile version. one design hurdle since the start was adapting some of the desktop game's gameplay where it may not be applicable on mobile; for instance -
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this upgrade, and other offline production upgrades that stem from it, are absent in the current mobile version due to the mobile game having full offline production by default. now ideally i'd like to bring the it as up to date as i can, including these upgrades (that's at least 16 of them plus some other associated stuff! a decent chunk of content!).
i figured i'd ask you guys how you feel i should handle these. my instinct would be to add it as a bonus to offline production on top of existing cookies per second, ie. having the game closed produces more cookies with these upgrades than when it's open. this feels kind of weird design-wise! (it'd also give mobile an edge over desktop, which i don't think would be the worst thing as it'd make up for some other missing features that, most likely, will still somewhat lag behind desktop. i don't know how long it'll take me to keep porting over all the minigames!)
what do you think?
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hugmekenobi · 1 year ago
S2: The Bad Batch (16)
Chapter Sixteen: Plan 99
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Gif by @dreamswithghosts
Hunter x femaleJedi!reader
Series Summary: Some time has passed since everything that happened at Kamino and you and the Batch are trying to figure out your place in the rapidly changing Imperial galaxy. And you're having to do all this whilst figuring out where your relationship with Hunter fits into it.
Chapter Summary: There was a mission gone wrong and then there's what happened during and after Eriadu.
Masterlist for S1
<Previous Chapter
Genre: Friends (idiots) to Lovers (we're in the lovers stage now)
Chapter Warnings: Canon-typical violence, swearing, MAJOR CHARACTER 'DEATH', HEAVY ANGST, my interpretation of thought processes, relatively detailed injury and torture descriptions, vomiting, slight hurt/comfort, brief kissing, Hemlock being a creep and just generally himself, I project my feelings again and reader makes a questionable choice but it needed to happen, no happy endings here
Word Count: 8.8K
Author's notes: If I have done my job right in any capacity, this'll be a rough one to get through. However, I promise I have a oneshot planned that'll fix some of what just happened and if S3 doesn't fix the rest, I will do it then!
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You helped Hunter with opening the car doors and as you all saw the awful freefall that lay below you, you knew it was going to take a lot to get out of this situation in one piece.
“This… is not ideal.” Tech commented.
“At least we’re not hanging under the car.” Wrecker offered.
“This isn’t much better.” You said before you ducked as a round of blaster fire headed in your direction.
“Echo, get this car moving.” Hunter instructed as the rest of you fired back.
“The explosions must’ve knocked out the power to the rail line.” Echo theorised irritably.
You moved away from the edge of the doors back to the middle of the car. “What if I just take down their railcar? It wouldn’t take long.” You suggested.
Tech shook his head. “I do not think that would be wise. There would be no guarantee that the resulting impact of you destroying that line would not affect the terminal that we need to get moving. And we’d still be stuck here whilst the Empire can easily send more reinforcements and-”
“Okay, fine do it your way.” You interrupted as you went back to focusing your fire on the Imperials.
“I can try to reboot the system, but I will need to plug directly into one of the terminals on the track.” Tech said.
Hunter addressed the rest of you, “You four, give us cover, Tech up top with me.”
Tech and Hunter moved to the next level of the railcar and Hunter gave his brother a boost up to the roof so he could climb onto the track.
As Tech got underway, Hunter opened the other set of doors and opened fire, particularly on any soldiers that were aiming for Tech.
“I am plugged in. Stand by.” Tech said into his comm as he got to work.
You all were doing a decent enough job at holding them back. They had more numbers, but your squad was more skilled, so you were managing okay.
That feeling of things being under control did not last long as Hunter heard the familiar sounds of ships coming your way. “We’ve got three ships inbound.”
You muttered a series of expletives as you scanned the sky around you for them.
“Where? I can’t see them.” Omega asked fearfully.
“Tech, we need power!” You urged into you comm as you could hear them drawing closer with each passing second.
You all took up positions to open fire on them, but it did very little. The ships got a round of shots away and you had to fight to stay balanced as the car shook with the impact.
Tech stared at his datapad and finally the screen turned green. He tapped his comm, “Echo, now!”
Upon Tech’s word, Echo plugged back in, and the railcar finally came back online.
“Tech, get your ass back here.” You hurried as you saw the ships getting ready to make another pass.
Tech unplugged and got himself across to the main track and started running but he could hear the ships getting nearer.  
Hunter concentrated his fire on the oncoming ships. He was able to clip one in the wing and it collided into another which he thought would be enough.
It wasn’t.
The third ship came speeding through and fired a series off shots that found their mark. You all stumbled inside the car as it violently shook and struggled against the onslaught of blaster fire.
The explosion flung Tech backwards, and he fell from the track onto the roof of the bottom half of the car. He tried to stand but the resulting shot had seen to it that the back of the railcar was tearing itself away from the track and as it titled backwards, he went with it. He managed to hook his grappling cable onto one of the grates, but he was stuck hanging over the abyss.
“Come on, Tech! Hurry!” Wrecker implored as he peered down the broken end of the railcar.
“I am climbing as fast as I can.” Tech replied with a grunt as he started to make his way up the cable, but the additional weight and well-placed rogue enemy blaster fire exacerbated the fragile state of the car and it lurched backwards, sending him further down the cable once more.
“Tech!” Omega cried as she saw him fall whilst Wrecker debated the best way to get down the sloped hallway.
“Why aren’t we moving?” Hunter asked Echo as he took refuge from the blaster fire.
“The car’s being ripped from the track.” Another harsh vibration sounded shook through it as he tried to get it moving.
“Wrecker, get him on board.” Hunter pressed, desperation seeping into his voice, before he opened fire on the soldiers again.
Wrecker made to step down, but the car dipped significantly.
“Don’t!” Tech yelled as he fell down even further. “Any shift in weight could send both of these cars over.”
You glanced behind you at Wrecker and Omega and made the call that the others could hold the troopers off. You needed to help Tech now. Channelling the Force, you focused on the point where the two hinges met but it was already fragile, and it would take a lot of energy and focus to keep them together since they were wanting to do anything but and the circumstances were hardly ideal to have that focus but you had to make it work. You could hear more ships coming but you ignored them, you didn’t care.
“You must sever the connection hinge. Now!” Tech instructed.
“Not until you’re up here.” Wrecker argued.
“Tech, I can hold them, just climb or let Wrecker-”
“You can’t keep them steady and wait for me to get up there with the time we have left.” Tech interrupted you as he saw the ships in the distance closing in again.
“She’s got it, Tech.” Wrecker said, doing his best to keep the distress out of his voice as he edged his way forward. As he did so, the cart swayed forward, and he glanced back at you.
“Go.” You said through gritted teeth as you focused on keeping both carts level, but each moment of blaster fire and Wrecker’s added weight were making it harder.
Tech fell a few more metres as the cart continued to pull itself away from the track. He looked around and he knew what he had to do. He needed you all to get away. He wasn’t wrong about this. You all would make it out. He just needed to take himself out of the equation. “There is no time.” He pulled out his blaster. “Plan 99.”
Your heart plummeted. Not that plan, any plan but that one.
Wrecker’s heart filled with dread.
Omega felt nothing but panic.
“Tech, please-” You broke off as you channelled more of your energy into keeping both carts stable, but another round of shots meant the car swung again. Your knees buckled and your hold faltered slightly.
“Don’t you do it, Tech.” Wrecker ordered as he tried to creep forward once more but the cart continued to protest against the strain.
Tech sighed before he accepted his next course of action. It was, in a way, a rather easy decision. Omega had once asked him if they were a family. His answer had been yes, and it was true. He just didn’t think he’d really said it enough, but he loved his family. And what do families do? They protect each other… and that’s exactly what he was going to do. “When have we ever followed orders?” With that, he fired a shot through the glass of the railcar that met its mark, and the connection hinge was severed.
Even if you could hold it, you were out of time. The ships would make their pass at any second and you couldn’t prevent your section of the railcar reconnecting or else none of you would make it out of this.
And you hated it. You fucking hated it, but you were left with no choice; you dropped your hands, released your hold and watched in agony as Tech fell.
“No!” Wrecker cried out as he helplessly watched his brother fade from view and there was nothing he could do nothing to stop it.
“Tech!” Omega yelled.
The railcar reconnected to the track and sped away from the troopers on the opposite side.
Hunter grabbed Omega’s wrist as she moved closer to the open end of the car. “Omega-”
“Go back! Go back!” She said desperately, reaching out as if she could still grab him.
You felt numb. You couldn’t move. Every other noise around you sounded fuzzy. The skulking darkness that had been circling you since Saw Gerrera showed up was asking for a way in. It took every fibre of control to not let it. Hunter’s voice dragged you back to the current moment.
“The car’s going too fast.” Hunter said urgently.
“The system’s fried. I can’t stop it.” Echo replied, desperately trying to plug back in to do something to stop the rapid descent as the back wall of the station grew dangerously close.
You knew your help wouldn’t be fast enough either, and you felt Hunter’s internal conflict as his helmeted gaze darted between you and Omega. It’s Omega first, every time.
Hunter lunged for her just as the cart collided and smashed through the wall of the terminal.
Everything was grey, and dull and bleak.
If it wasn’t for the bitter scent of smoke in the air, she wouldn’t have been sure that she’d even opened her eyes at first.
Debris from the wreckage surrounded her.
And she ached. Her entire body burned with the pain it took to stand.
Tech. She needed to find Tech. He couldn’t be far. She called his name but only managed a few paces before she collapsed once more.
She tried to fight it, but it hurt too much, and the encroaching darkness was too tempting.
As the pain overwhelmed her, she didn’t have the strength to turn it away.
You groaned as you came to and immediately felt woozy as you attempted to sit up. Your hood had already come loose from the collision, but you pushed your mask down to catch your breath and breathe through the soreness radiating through your body.
You brushed the dirt off your face but felt something wet leaving a trail down your cheek. You took off your glove and touched it to find your fingertips covered in blood. You carefully followed the path of blood to the source and winced as you touched the oozing deep cut by your temple. Fighting the dizziness, you looked around to see the others pushing themselves up but then your eyes caught sight of an unmoving figure and your blood ran cold.
You forced yourself to stand, ignoring the shooting pain that coursed through your ankle, and staggered over to Omega. You dropped to your knees next to her and felt for a pulse, which thankfully you found but it was weak. “Omega, come on honey, open your eyes for me.” You begged her as her body shivered beneath your touch. You felt the others come by your side. You hung your head in relief when you saw her eyes flicker open, but she couldn’t stay awake, and you knew she was in bad shape.
“We have to get her out of here.” Hunter said, doing his best to not let the panic he felt upon seeing her like this come through.
Wrecker picked her up. “I got you, kid.”
“Incoming! Get to the Marauder!” Echo shouted as Imperial reinforcements arrived.
You picked up Omega’s bow and provided Wrecker and Omega cover fire as you all retreated back to your ship.
“Head to Ord Mantell. AZ can help her. Hurry!” Hunter instructed Echo as he made his way to the cockpit.
You watched Wrecker gently place her down on your bunk whilst Echo got the ship in the air and into hyperspace.
“You’re bleeding.” Hunter stated, worry etched in his voice as he brushed some of your hair back and caught sight of the mix of fresh and dried blood on your skin.
“I’m fine.” You said groggily as the fading adrenaline meant you had to work harder to fight against the light-headedness you were experiencing. You then noticed the awkward way he clutched his forearm and at the fact standing up straight appeared to cause him some issues. “Are you okay?”
Hunter didn’t answer directly. “Are any of us?”
You glanced around you and felt the anguish in everybody that you knew also resided in your own heart. “No, no we’re not.”
You focused on watching Omega’s chest rise and fall as a way to keep you grounded and willed the journey to go quickly.
“Cid, AZ, we need your help!” You shouted as you limped into the parlour.
Cid took in all of your various injured states and nodded, too taken aback to offer anything else.
AZ dropped the cleaning supplies he was using and flew over to Wrecker. “Follow me.” He led the way to Cid’s room.
“It is best if you leave, and I can work on her without distraction.” AZ instructed.
Neither of them really wanted to, but they didn’t want their presence to be a problem, so they did as he said.
“Where’s Goggles?” Cid asked as Hunter and Wrecker came back into the main parlour.
And it was that question that snapped you all out of what ever fatigued state of denial you were in.
You half collapsed into one of the booths and blinked back the angry, grief-stricken tears that threatened to escape.
Wrecker released a shaky breath and just shook his head as he sat down on one of the bar stools.
And Echo- now that he knew Omega was getting the medical attention she needed- just left the room. For the first time in his life, he needed the solitude.
“We- we lost him.” Hunter just about managed to say as the loss overwhelmed him and he sat down next to you. He welcomed the loving hold you took of his hand as you rested it in your lap and rubbed circles on the back of it and was grateful for tender way you pulled his head to rest on your shoulder. He ignored the slight discomfort the position caused him.
“I’ll give you guys some time alone.” Cid said quietly as she made her way towards the exit.
You all were in too much pain and too emotionally exhausted to notice the comm she took with her.
You’d lost track of how long you’d all spent waiting for AZ to come back with news so when he finally entered the room, the room was ripe with nervous tension. She had to be okay. She just had to be.
“AZ?” You said uneasily.
“Omega’s injuries were severe, but I have stabilised her and she should recover. It is just a matter of time of waiting for her to wake up.”
You all let out a collective breath of relief.
“Thank you.” Hunter said gratefully.
AZ nodded. “Now, what injuries of yours can I assist with?”
“(Y/N) has an actively bleeding head injury and a wounded ankle and Wrecker’s neck is causing him problems. Leave me for last.” Hunter said.
You knew disputing the order wouldn’t be helpful to anyone right now, so you let AZ come over to you first.
After you all were taken care of, AZ went back to monitor Omega and give you guys some space.
“What are we going to do now?” Wrecker asked as AZ left.
Hunter sighed deeply. “We have nothing to go on. No location, no leads. Nothing. And with Tech-” He broke off with a cough before continuing, “With Tech gone and Omega being hurt like that…” He paused for a moment as he considered his next words, “I can’t put her through something like this again. I can’t put any of you through it again. We’re done. We’ll find somewhere to settle.”
“What about Pabu?” Wrecker offered quietly. “She likes it, and we were going to settle there anyway… right?”
Hunter looked to you and you nodded. “He gave us another chance. We should take it any way we can.” You said, clearing your throat as the pain of the loss threatened to overcome you.
“Alright.” Hunter said before he got to his feet. “I’m going to go wait until Omega wakes up.” He left the room.
“Wrecker, will you be okay for a moment?” You asked as you also stood.
Wrecker understood. “Go.”
You bowed your head in thanks and followed Hunter.
You paused by the doorway and studied the way he sat in the chair as he watched over Omega. His posture was tense, and his leg bounced anxiously. You knew he was barely keeping it together, but he was making himself because he was still the leader and had to be. But you wanted to give him a chance to let himself drop the appearance, if only for a moment.
“You don’t have to be strong right now. Not in front of me.” You walked around to the front of the seat and kneeled in front of him. You placed your hand on his cheek to turn his face towards you as he was keeping his eyes firmly on Omega. At your words, it looked like a weight just left his body and he let his head and shoulders hang lowly.
“That plan was never supposed to be used.” He uttered, his throat bobbing as the mask of composure started to drop.
Your heart ached as you felt the guilt and sorrow within him. You reached up and placed your arms around his neck and just held him close to you. I’m so sorry.
“I only got two of them.” Hunter mumbled into the crook of your neck as he met your embrace.
“The ships. There were three and I only got two of them. If I had just made sure, he wouldn’t have fallen from the track. The third got the shot away that killed him.”
You pulled away as you picked up on the way the typical rasp in his voice got lower and more uneven. You cupped his face in your hands and rubbed away the stray tears. “Hunter, you can’t do that to yourself.”
“I was supposed to look after us. By taking that mission, I put everyone in danger and look what happened.”
“You went because you knew it was the right thing to do. It gave us a last chance to get Crosshair back. What happened-” You took a second to draw a calming breath of your own. “What happened was cruel and unfair, but it wasn’t your fault. I know that guilt may never truly fade, I’ve been there, but you still have the rest of us. You still have me. Whenever you need a reminder that this was not your doing, I will be there, I promise.”
Hunter couldn’t help but search for any doubt or lies in your eyes and voice but found none. He pressed his lips into your palm and the sincerity and love in your tone served to remind him that he could do this. “We’ve lost two brothers.”
You brought your forehead to press against his and whispered understandingly, “I know.”
“I can’t lose anyone else.” He breathed against your lips, but he could feel himself starting to regain the composure he knew he was going to need for what was to come.  
You placed a delicate kiss to his mouth. “You won’t.” You caressed your thumb along his cheek before you stood behind him with your hands on his shoulders as you both waited for Omega to come back around.
“Hunter? (Y/N)?” Omega winced with a groan as her eyes opened once more and saw you both standing by her bedside, the worry on your faces now becoming relief.
“Hiya, kid.” Hunter said warmly as he brushed some of her hair back and reached for her hand.
She let Hunter support her back as she tried to sit up and took in the various bandages that graced both of you and her own fading pain prompted the reminder that the mission had gone very wrong. “What happened?”
Before either of you could reply, AZ whirred into the room and Hunter delicately laid her back down.
“Hello, Omega. I am relieved you are awake.” He scanned her. “You each sustained multiple injuries. However, you all will make a full recovery with proper treatment and rest.”
His reassurance helped calm the anxiety you were feeling over her injuries. You tenderly hugged her as Hunter assisted in getting her upright.
“You’re- You’re okay.” Wrecker said with relief as he came into the room. He crouched in front of her. “Don’t scare us like that again.” He put an arm around her in a fond embrace.
You passed her some water. “How do you feel?”
Omega took it from you but didn’t drink it. “I don’t know. The last thing I remember, we were in the railcar when…” She released a horrified gasp as the images came flooding back. “Where’s Tech?”
“Omega, Tech didn’t make it.” Hunter said, his voiced laced with sadness at having to tell her this again. Part of him had hoped she’d remember so she wouldn’t have to go re-experience the hurt of the loss.
“We have to go back! What if he’s hurt? He- He need us. Tell him, Wrecker. We can’t just leave him!” But Wrecker only looked back at her with nothing but sorrow on his face.
“Omega…” Your voice cracked slightly as you attempted to rest a comforting hand on her shoulder.
Omega hit your hand away. “No! Tech’s not gone! He- He can’t be!” Tears fell down her face.
Her reaction nearly broke you all over again.
“I- I know, kid.” Hunter said quietly as he moved to sit beside her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.
Reliving it all got too much for Wrecker. He wiped his eyes and backed out of the room.
You glanced over your shoulder as Wrecker left and you knew Hunter needed to talk to Omega about what the rest of you had discussed. “I’ll give you two a minute.” You said, your voice still thick with emotion.
“Why did Tech do that?” Omega said tearfully after you and Wrecker had left. She wiped her eyes. “He didn’t let us save him.”
“He knew we were out of time.” Hunter explained as simply as he could. “Tech put the squad ahead of himself. He made a sacrifice, Omega, and we’re not gonna waste it.”
“What does that mean?”
“The galaxy has changed, and so have we. It’s time to put being soldiers behind us for good. The three of us think Pabu could be a good place to make a new life for ourselves. And the rest of it, well, we can figure out along the way. Omega, is that something you want?”
She thought it through for a moment before she nodded.
“Then that’s what we’ll do.” Hunter said. This would work. You all could heal together and make it out okay. It would get better.
You pulled yourself onto the bar stool next to the one Wrecker was sitting on. “What can I do?” You asked caringly. You knew there was nothing you could say that would immediately ease the pain of grief, but if there was anything you could do to help, you would.
“Just being here is fine.” Wrecker mumbled roughly as he kept his emotions at bay.
You rested your hand on top of his- an act he gently mirrored with his own before he removed his hand. You know I love you, right? It was a sentiment you realised you had not shared enough with the others and you didn’t want that to continue anymore.
Wrecker breathed deeply. “I love you too… and it’s not just because you’re with Hunter. You became a part of this family long before that.”
The genuine and heartfelt way he said that touched you deeply. You swallowed the lump that formed in your throat. “It’s a pretty good family to have.”
“Tech would’ve been able to tell you the exact date, I’m sure he kept a record of it.” Wrecker said with a sad chuckle.
You managed a half smile at his words. “That would be in character for him.”
A natural quiet descended on the two of you.
“Did we miss something? Did we miss a way to save him?” Wrecker asked into the silence.
The question was one you had been torturing yourself with ever since the ship had left Eriadu. “What we needed was time, and- and Tech knew we were out of it by that point.”
“Yeah.” Wrecker released a dejected sigh. “He always was the smart one.”
“Here. These are on the house.” Cid gifted you both a drink.
“It won’t help.” Wrecker said as he nudged it out the way.
You did the same.
“I’m sorry about Goggles. I always liked him.” Cid said sympathetically.
“Yeah. Us too.” Wrecker said with a crestfallen sigh.
Despite her words, you, and Wrecker both noticed the way she kept avoiding eye contact with both of you.
“What’s with you?” Wrecker asked.
Cid gulped, “You know, I tried to look out for you guys. But you got too much heat on you. And you brought it here to my place of business. I had to make the best of a bad situation.”
You picked up on her awkwardness and agitation. “Cid, what did you do?” You asked as a hollow pit of dread sat heavy in your stomach.
“I’m sorry.” That was all she said before she looked to the door.
You and Wrecker followed her stare, and a squadron of Imperial troopers came marching through the door with their blasters drawn.
You both instinctively reached for your blasters, but both of yours had been lost in the crash.
Wrecker was unaffected by the first stun blast that contacted him, and he charged at the group, but his neck brace severely limited his mobility.
You dodged the stun shot that was sent your way and realised keeping up a pretence would be pointless now. You threw your vibroblade into the shoulder of the closest threat to you before you Force-pushed multiple troopers against the back wall and used your ally to snap the wrists of others that aimed for you.
You turned in the direction of the voice to see Wrecker half-conscious, kneeling on the floor with his wrists bound and a trooper holding a blaster to his head whilst the squad regrouped and pointed their weapons at you.
Your jaw tightened but you did as he ordered and let them take you. A kick to the backs of your knees brought you down. They took your comm off you and, judging by the way the cuffs he put on you were slightly different to Wrecker’s, they’d come prepared. You weren’t going to have an easy way out.
“She was right, Sir. This is the Jedi.” One of the troopers that was holding you down by the top of your shoulder said to Doctor Hemlock as he came through the crowd to stand at the front.
You glanced up at the man you now recognised as Doctor Hemlock who was staring down at you.
He’d acted quickly when he knew the Empire was here and he’d kept Omega safe. That’s what mattered first. She was in the mining tunnels and on her way to Echo. The Empire wouldn’t find her. He could now focus on getting you and Wrecker back.
Hunter rounded the corner to the main parlour with his blaster drawn but his heart stopped at the sight. Both you and Wrecker were cuffed and being held at gunpoint by Imperials and Hemlock was right in the middle. He advanced forward a few paces, but the troopers focused their blasters on him.
“That’s not very strategic, Hunter.” Hemlock cautioned. “You don’t need to use your enhanced senses to know you’re outnumbered.” He turned his attention to the owner of the parlour. “The Empire thanks you for your assistance. Our business is done. Leave.”
“You piece of shit.” You hissed as you fought against the grip the troopers had on you as you watched her take the case of credits and walk out the door.
“Please consider your next move very carefully. I would hate for this to end poorly for all of you.” Hemlock advised. He paused and studied your handiwork on the wounded that were now being evacuated from the building. “Such an exquisite creature.” He brushed the fingers of his ungloved hand across your cheek. “You chose well.” He complimented the Sergeant.
You recoiled from his touch.
“Don’t fucking touch her.” Hunter snarled.
Hemlock ignored the clone for now and kept his attention on you. He lifted your cuffs by the middle. “How can someone so powerful be limited so easily?” He dropped your wrists. “Please. Do me the honour of just trying to use it.”
You stared him down in refusal.
“Or both of them will be killed.” Hemlock said simply.
You gritted your teeth and hoped the message behind your eyes as you looked to Hunter was clear- he had to keep it together.
Hunter didn’t understand what was about to happen. You were telling him to stay calm and remain where he was, but he didn’t fully know why. What was Hemlock talking about?
You braced yourself as you did as Hemlock said. You were met with the expected electric current that shot through your system. You didn’t cry out despite the pain; you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction, but you couldn’t help but fall forward on all fours. You had to take a few deep breaths before kneeling upright once more. The binds themselves had also grown tighter.
“Incredible.” Hemlock mused. “Years spent studying your people and the Force and we have barely scratched the surface of understanding you, yet science still finds ways to prove itself. Go again.”
“No!” Hunter protested. Watching you do that once was bad enough and you were hiding it well, but he knew you were in pain, and he couldn’t let it continue. Instinct took over and he moved a half step closer to you, but the line of blasters stopped him from advancing.
“How touching.” Hemlock mocked, internally thrilled that the reaction from both of you had been as he predicted. It made the process far more enjoyable. “But if you value your fellow clone’s life, you will not stop this.”
“I can- I can handle it.” You said breathlessly as a way reassure Hunter and stop him from doing anything reckless- you knew this torture was as much for him as it was for you, and you needed him alive. But you couldn’t prevent the pained grunt that left your mouth this time and you fell forward once more, and the cuffs pinched the skin of your wrists.
“Again.” Hemlock ordered you.
“Don’t.” Hunter pleaded, but he wasn’t talking to Hemlock, he was looking at you. This wasn’t something you should have to handle. There had to be another way. He should be the one to take that pain.
Whatever it required to keep them both alive. “It’s okay.” You said, your voice hoarse. You did it again and an audible cry fell from your lips.
Hemlock waited until you sat up. “Again.” He demanded.
You inhaled with a wince and did as he said.
The cycle continued until Hemlock said otherwise.
Hunter wanted to stop it. Despite your words, his resolve was weakening by the second. The only thing stopping him from doing something was that Wrecker’s life was also involved here but he couldn’t stand that all he could do was watch you go through this torment over and over again.
Wrecker struggled against his captors as he watched, but they were too many securing him.
“Stop.” Hunter finally growled at Hemlock after this last round saw to it that you were barely able to right yourself. He saw your arms give out from beneath you with the effort it took to remove yourself from the ground. And from the way you were trying to flex them, he guessed you were losing feeling in your fingers.
Hemlock smirked, “I am merely giving her a preview of what’s to come. I need to know what it’ll take to crush someone like her.”
He kneeled beside your crumpled body and spoke into your ear. “I will look forward to breaking you.” He kept eye-contact Hunter.
Hunter was clenching his jaw so hard that his teeth hurt. The thought sickened him.
You believed him. That quiet, menacing tone in his voice told you he truly meant what he was saying and… and that brought out a level of fear you’d never felt before. But you wouldn’t let that happen yet. Your arms trembled as you braced your palms against the floor and you panted through the throbbing discomfort in your body, but you managed to get back to a kneeling position. In a way, you were also grateful for the harsh but secure hold the troopers resumed since it meant you weren’t required to keep yourself stable.
“Such resolve.” Hemlock whispered to you. “And now onto the other matter at hand.” He said breezily as he stood upright once more and addressed Hunter. “Here’s how this is going to go. You will lower your blaster and hand over Omega. And I will allow you to keep breathing.”
“Omega’s not going anywhere with you.”
The fierce protectiveness of the clone brought out a soft snicker from Hemlock. “Oh. Well, who knew clones are so paternal? Fascinating.”
To hear that observation come from that man had bile rising in your throat.
“I was saddened to learn of your friend’s demise. What was his name? Oh, yes. Tech.” Hemlock taunted cruelly.
“Don’t fucking say his name.” You spat as you strained against your captors. An act Wrecker joined you on.
Hemlock merely reached his hand out to one of the soldiers and took the object. “I’m afraid this was all I could salvage. Consider it a gift.” He tossed the broken goggles across the room to Hunter’s feet.
Your strength was returning and at Hemlock’s actions, you attempted to lunge for him, but the troopers acted quickly and, with a strong grip on your shoulders, they forced you back to your knees.
Hemlock was unphased and stepped forward a few paces. “To lose one of your own, it must weigh heavily on you as their leader.” He signalled back to his men who pressed their blasters against the back of yours and Wreckers heads. “And if you don’t lower the blaster now, you will lose more.”
Hunter looked past Hemlock and you and Wrecker.
Wrecker did the best he could do to shake his head.
“Hunter, n-” The sharp tap of a blaster interrupted you.
He wasn’t losing any anyone else. And with Omega gone, the rest of you could find a way out.
You helplessly watched as Hunter put the blaster down and delicately picked up and studied Tech’s goggles.
“Wise decision.” Hemlock praised before he waved his men forward.
Hunter let them pass and allowed himself to be cuffed and brought over to join the two of you.
You and Wrecker were pulled to your feet, and you attempted to wriggle out of their grip, but they wouldn’t give.
“Sir, the girl’s not in the office.” The troopers informed Hemlock as they came back out.
You and Wrecker glanced at Hunter who subtly nodded at the two of you.
You and Wrecker shared a small breath of relief. As long as she was safe, you could manage whatever came next.
“She’s long gone. Like I said, Omega’s not going anywhere with you.” Hunter said to Hemlock.
Hemlock merely hummed. “We’ll see.”
The three of you were escorted out but what you couldn’t work out was why you were still being physically restrained whilst the other two got to walk normally.
Ord Mantell was in chaos.
People were screaming and clamouring to get out of the way of the Imperial soldiers and AT-AT walkers that were making their presence known.
 A series of warning blaster fire halted you all from continuing. You turned in the direction of the fire and your stomach dropped as you saw who was on an upper platform staring down at the rest of you. No, she wasn’t supposed to be here.
“Lower your weapons.” Hemlock instructed his soldiers before he called over to the young girl, “Hello, Omega. We were just talking about you.”
Omega kept her bow activated. “Let them go!”
“Omega, run!” Hunter shouted before he got held back by one of the troopers.
“I won’t let them take you.”
“How about an exchange? If you come with me, your friends will live.” Hemlock negotiated.
“You fucking bastard.” You seethed as you pulled against the hands that were holding the upper part of your arms.
“I don’t believe you.” Omega replied suspiciously.
“I did not come here for them, Omega. I came to return you to Nala Se. She needs your help.”
“He’s lying. They killed the Kaminoans.” Hunter countered.
“Incorrect. Nala Se is alive and well care for.” Hemlock retorted before he returned his attention to the girl. “As you will be.”
“I’m not going with you.” Omega affirmed but she didn’t sense the clone trooper behind her.
“Omega, look out!” You shouted but it was too late.
All of you watched with devastation as Omega met the receiving end of a stun shot and her limp body got picked up by the trooper.
“Scour the city. When you find the third clone, send them back to Eriadu. Governor Tarkin wishes to question you personally.” Hemlock walked over to you. “But you…” He smiled coldly at you. “Your use lies elsewhere.”
Your heart shattered as you realised what that meant.
Hunter’s head turned sharply to look from Hemlock to you and the pained panic on your face mirrored his own. He reacted instantly and ran for you, but he didn’t make it far before the troopers separating the two of you got in the way and shoved him back. He continued to try and fight his way through, but the cuffs limited his effectiveness and a strong punch to his stomach winded him and he hunched over in discomfort. He took a few deep breaths and wriggled free of the two soldiers that had come to bring him back in and tried again but this time he was met with a kick to his already wounded torso.
You were shouting unintelligible sounds of protest as you writhed and struggled against the strong hands holding you back and attempting to drag you away. You managed to stamp on the foot on one of your captors and elbow one of the others in the stomach and their grip faltered.
But they regrouped quickly.
A swift hit of a blaster on your still wounded head had you blinking away black dots. You could do nothing to stop the severe grip one trooper took on the back of your neck, forcing you to hunch over whilst the others grabbed your arms and got ready to take you away.
“Let them.” Hemlock held a hand up to stop the actions of his soldiers. It would only help with his process. Let the two of you have the chance at a last moment together dictated by him and stopped by him. The emotional turmoil it would create would play beautifully.
Still half-dazed, when the troopers let you go, you were left with no choice but to fall to the ground.
Hunter shoved past the line of soldiers and knelt before you. As gently as he could manage, he placed his hands under your chin to push your head up. “I love you.” Hunter choked out.
Hemlock signalled his men.
You wanted to say so much more but you didn’t have the time. “I love you too.” You replied, your voice cracking. Your lips met for the briefest of moments but that was all you managed before you got hauled to your feet and they yanked you away from him.
As he watched your fading figure, Hunter didn’t have the strength to fight the troopers that lifted him to his feet and led him and Wrecker in the opposite direction.
The only thing that was keeping you from giving into the pounding agony that was bouncing around your skull was that Omega was now being carried alongside you. You would hang on for her.
“What are we doing?” One of the remaining troopers asked as he saw the group split off.
“Doctor Hemlock wants her getting a separate shuttle in case the others get away and come looking for them.” The clone in charge of the group answered.
“Please.” You begged with a broken breath as you saw the group separate and Hemlock disappeared down the street with Omega. “Just let me go with her. I won’t-” The butt of a blaster meeting your cheekbone shut you up and you groaned with the stinging pain it left you. Your vision kept blurring in and out of focus.
“Quiet! Keep walking!” The trooper ordered you.
You had so little resolve left. Hopelessness had overwhelmed you, so you followed their orders, your feet dragging as they led you in the direction of wherever the other shuttle was.  
Hunter could feel the fight leaving him as he and Wrecker were escorted to the shuttle that would take them to Eriadu. So much of what he cared about had been ripped from him and now the remaining people in his life that he loved would pay the price for his failure. The echoes of explosions and blaster fire grabbed his attention, and he looked up to see a walker come stomping round the corner but it’s aim was directed towards the Imperials.
“Echo?” Wrecker asked.
“Gotta be Echo.” Hunter agreed as he dug deep for the energy to fight back.
Wrecker broke his cuffs open on the top of his knee and Hunter landed a kick to the trooper behind him to give Wrecker time to undo his cuffs.
The two of them worked on taking care of the remaining troopers and stole their blasters and fired on the clones that were aiming for Echo’s walker. What they couldn’t stop however, was the next walker that rounded the corner that fired on Echo’s.
Echo went to the hatch and jumped out of the walker just as it collapsed to the ground.
“Where are the other two?” Echo asked as he emerged from the downed walker with AZ and took cover with his brothers.
“That Imperial took them.” Wrecker answered.
“It was Hemlock. We’ve got to stop his ship from leaving.” Hunter said.
The three of them scanned for ways out but reinforcements were arriving from both sides. It was then though that Hunter noticed a platform that ran above the landing pad where Hemlock’s shuttle must be and the group of them made their way up to it, avoiding enemy fire as they did so.
Hunter ran ahead to the edge of the platform and could only watch with despair and agony as Hemlock’s shuttle took off. He paid no attention to the surrounding sounds of blaster fire; he couldn’t turn his gaze away from the departing ship.
Half his life was on that ship.
Hell, his heart was on that ship.
And he couldn’t stop it.
He couldn’t stop any of it.
And it broke something in him.
It killed him.
Echo’s voice dragged him back.
“Hunter, we have to go!”
Hunter managed to find his voice. “Get to the Marauder!” He ordered and the three of them started to run once more.
They made it to their ship and managed to take off but there was no relief in the feeling. The air was thick with grief and loss.
“There was no way to track Hemlock’s ship. He could’ve taken them anywhere.” Echo said forlornly from the cockpit.
Hunter glanced back to where Omega’s room was, then he saw Wrecker cradling Tech’s goggles. Then he found himself fiddling with the cord around his neck and his fingertips grazed the small symbol attached to it. He’d failed so many people. Everything he’d promised both to himself and to his squad had fallen apart so quickly before his eyes and he couldn’t do anything to stop it. Well, no more. He refused to let this be how things ended. “We are going to get them back.” He said darkly. “And we don’t stop searching until we do.”
The shuttle you were being taken to was on the other side of the city, but you had finally arrived.
The ramp lowered and you didn’t resist them as they nudged you towards it.
You walked a couple paces but then you spotted the smoke bomb thrown at your feet.
Fog engulfed you.
You were set free but all you registered were the panicked shouts and shots from blasters around you.
The Imperials didn’t last long, in rapid succession you heard the thud of each body that had brought you here.
Then everything went quiet.
A hand from behind grabbed your shoulder.
You reacted quickly and swerved out of the grip and whipped around to land a punch wherever you could reach. You heard the satisfying thump of your fists meeting bone and the figure backed away a few paces.
You readied yourself for the next attack, but it didn’t come.
“That’s a hell of a punch you’ve got. Would hate to see what you’re like when you don’t have cuffs on you.”
You recognised that voice and you pushed the faintness away and peered through the smoke at the figure approaching you, sniper rifle on her shoulder as she massaged her jaw. You relaxed your stance. “Lyra?”
“Hey, stranger.” She greeted you as she began picking the locks of your cuffs.
“What are you doing here?” You massaged your wrists as your binds came loose and you felt the Force start to flow through you again, but it felt… tainted. You searched in the Force around you for any sign of them, but there was nothing there. You really wished that meant they’d found a way out and escaped safely but everything felt disconnected. You weren’t yourself; something had shifted, and you weren’t sure if you would be able to right yourself anymore.
“Rescuing you, kinda thought that much was obvious. Where are the others?”
You felt your throat tighten as you searched for the words, but you couldn’t find them, and your stomach turned with both the aching in your head and your heart. You braced your hands on your knees and threw up.
The smoke had cleared, and Lyra was able to take you in properly. Your ankle was strapped, the skin on your cheek had broken and a purple bruise was starting to take shape and the stitches by your temple were starting to tear open as specks of blood escape the wound. It also wasn’t just your obvious injuries she saw- your body looked heavy with defeat. “What do you need?” She asked kindly.
“I need a ship.” You rasped as you wiped your mouth and stood up.
“You have one.” Lyra pointed to the shuttle right next to you.
“No. I wouldn’t get out of the system in that. They’d find me immediately.” You reached down and took a blaster from one of the unconscious bodies.
“So, you need something off the grid that would not pass any standardised mechanical check?”
“Add in an already scrambled signature and yeah pretty much.” You inhaled deeply as another wave of nausea hit you.
“I know someone who owes me a favour and makes a living from selling ships like that. Can’t promise we’ll get very far but it could work.” She paused as she saw the way you still swayed on your feet. “Are you sure you’re up for that? I can go myself and meet-”
“I’m not getting separated from anyone else.” You said sharply before you straightened your shoulders. “Lead the way.”
You waited as Lyra squared up deal and studied your way out of here. The ship did look like a hunk of scrap metal, but it would get you out unnoticed and that’s all that mattered.
“Okay, let’s go.” Lyra said as she came over to you.
You sighed, “Lyra, thank you. For all of this. But you can’t come with me.”
Lyra placed her hands on hips in defiance. “I have nothing here, they wrecked my stall and raided the other stores. I’m going with you. At the very least, you need someone to treat that serious concussion properly.”
Dealing with your injuries were way down on your priority list. You could feel it creeping in again and you weren’t sure you had the strength to oppose it anymore. “What I am… what I’m going to do, you shouldn’t be around for. I can’t-”
“Can’t be worse than what I’ve seen already. Come on, we gotta get going.” She said with finality as she walked past you and up the ramp to the ship.
On her head be it. You thought to yourself as you followed her up and she got the ship in the air.
Omega walked out the Imperial shuttle with a deep sense of unease. She recognised Mount Tantiss and the presence of Nala Se troubled her. She feared for what this doctor had planned for her.
“Have Emerie see to her injuries.” Hemlock ordered the assistant that came to greet them.
Omega didn’t follow the woman, she just looked to Nala Se. “Why did they bring me here?” She didn’t get to hear a reply for the trooper behind her prodded her back to make her go inside.
Hemlock addressed the Kaminoan after Omega was out of earshot. “Your prime minister mentioned you had an attachment to the young clone, so I’ve returned her to you. Perhaps now, you will reconsider working on the Emperor’s project.”
“What he seeks is not possible.” Nale Se argued.
“Make it possible. If you refuse or fail, Omega will suffer the consequences.” Hemlock threatened.
Satisfied that his threat had landed effectively, he waved the Kaminoan away and went to go inside but a clone voice stopped him.
“Sir, we’ve heard reports on an attack on the squad escorting the Jedi and the shuttle never checked in. It would seem she escaped.”
Hemlock had to hide his surprise. Clearly something had happened he had not anticipated. “That is… unfortunate, but we’ll make do… for now.”
Omega was led into a lab and what she saw horrified her. There were tubes and rows of unconscious clones strapped down onto testing tables. Then her eyes caught sight of someone she knew. “Crosshair!”
She ran over to him and tried to rouse him, “Crosshair? Crosshair?” He showed no signs of movement. She heard the sound of oncoming footsteps and turned to see the woman that must be ‘Emerie’ standing behind her.
“You must be Omega.” Emerie said.
“What did you do to Crosshair?” She asked angrily.
“He’s recovering. I tried to warn him what would happen if he did not cooperate with the doctor.”
“I want to talk to Nala Se.”
“Ironic. You trust the Kaminoan, but not me.”
“I don’t know you.”
“No?” Emerie kneeled in front of the young girl and removed her glasses. “You might know me better than you think.”
Omega furrowed her brow.
“We’re sisters, Omega.”
Lyra finished tending to your head and cheek before she went to the cockpit to give you some time.
As you stared down the corridor and out into the blue clouds of hyperspace, you gained a true moment of clarity. The galaxy and the Empire had taken much from you, but you’d always been able to push through.
In a strange way, you’d even thought you were better off because of where you’d ended up. You had gained a greater sense of purpose, you had room to properly care for the people in your life, you had a family.
But now they’d gone too far. Too much had been taken from you, your family, from the people you loved, and you weren’t going to let it happen anymore. You couldn’t let it happen anymore.
You weren’t as strong as you’d thought you were. Something gets cracked enough times enough times, it’s bound to break.
You were done hiding.
Your arms fell to your sides and your fists clenched and the darkness you had been running from since Eriadu came flooding back. Only this time, this time you weren’t going to fight against it.
This time.
This time, you embraced it.
Tagging: @noeasyisnoisy, @fuckoffthanos, @tpwkcalli, @graciexmarvel, @arctrooper69, @nightmonkeysstuff, @brujaporfavor, @flyingkangaroo, @sunkissedclones, @ladytano420, @keep-calm-and-drink-caf, @yyourmotherr, @xxeiraxx, @dragonrider9905, @skellymom, @lokigirlszendaya, @starwarsnerd111
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