#Stormlight Archive spoilers
corvidpolyglot · 6 days
hyped to see gavilar die again in sa5! good riddance you fucker imagine how many toxic scientist yuri scenarios navani could've been in without you
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gallium-spoon · 4 months
I've reached the part of Rhythm of War where Kaladin invents group therapy but also refuses to go to group therapy
Kaladin: I think it would be helpful to get a group of people who have been through similar trauma together in a safe calm environment where they could talk to each other. They could support each other and won't feel judged because they've had similar experiences. I think this will work because I've been through some traumatic events and I would benefit from something like that
Kaladin's friends: so you'll be joining this group too right?
Kaladin: Oh. No.
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hanavesinauttija · 11 months
I keep thinking about that one scene with Adolin and Sadeas. My man's like "Mwahahaha! You are powerless to stop me, Adolin! I will continue to undermine your father despite all that has happened! My plan is perfect! You and your bridgemen are nothing but dust under my boot! And the best part is I can gloat about it to you as much as I please in this here abandoned alleyway with absolutely no witnesses!"
And Adolin goes "No witnesses, you say?"
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aphroditesmoon · 10 months
I've been trying so hard to find an asian/wasian shallan fc since everyone took the "She's pale" and fancasts her as white even though she's confirmed to have epicanthic folds and is inspired by Mongols by brandon. So for your consideration; Havana Rose Liu as Shallan Davar
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azure-sorceress · 1 month
I remember being a little shocked at how Nomad was acting for most of The Sunlit Man, the way he just didn't care about others around him and how he spoke so bitterly and with no respect for anyone. Now, I know that it made sense considering what he had been through, but after realizing he was Sigzil, that really bothered me. What had happened to that curious, excited Windrunner that we know from the Stormlight Archive?
But now I just finished rereading The Way of Kings and you know what? Sigzil acted almost exactly like that when he was a slave. Before Kaladin saved him and the rest of Bridge Four, Sigzil was bitter and rude and just didn't care about anything or anyone.
It's great writing from Sanderson, of course. But my heart breaks even more for Sigzil. The fact that he had to go back to that mentality that he had when he was a slave so long after... It's just tragic.
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rotheninth · 2 months
just realised both shallan and adolin have committed full on murder but the only place that KALADIN has killed is the battle field.
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cosmerelists · 4 days
Stormlight Characters Switch Roles for a Day
As request by anon. :) [Some spoilers for Stormlight! Includes some roles people only have in later books]
It's important to me for you all to know that these combos were generated by a random number generator. Here is how fate (=random number generator) has decreed that Stormlight characters will be swapped around! How will they do in their new job?
1. Renarin takes on Jasnah's role as Queen of Alethkar
Renarin: [smiling beatifically] Rlain: You're stressed out of your mind, aren't you? Renarin (calmly): I am about to vibrate out of my skin, yeah. Rlain: Does it help that we already have three preemptive surrenders from nations who "don't want to risk angering the all-seeing prophetic god-king of Alethkar"? Renarin: What?! Rlain: Just kidding. Rlain: ...There's only been one surrender so far. Renarin: ... Renarin: I didn't even SAY anything!
2. Navani takes on Kaladin's role as leader of Bridge 4
Navani (Hour 1): I'm not a commander, of course. I'll stay out of the way and allow Teft and the other lieutenants to handle things. Navani (Hour 4): I'm not a commander, of course, but I have suggested a few small improvements. If Teft and the other lieutenants can make them work, then that's great. Navani (Hour 8): With the help of Teft and the other lieutenants, we have created nineteen new devices that have improved the efficiency of Bridge 4 by 35%. I'm so glad I can support them in some small way. Navani (Hour 12): Wait a second...I'm actually amazing at this.
3. Shallan takes on Adolin's role as duelist
Jakamov stands in the dueling ring, frozen. The 7 Shallans surround him, taunting him. One of them seems to know all of his secrets. One of them wears the face of an old girlfriend whom he ghosted. One of them has his mother's frown--only her frown. All of them have swords. All of them are watching him. Shallan (actually up in the stands): I'm so great at this, actually. Adolin: Shallan...he's crying.
4. Dalinar takes on Shallan's role as Ghostblood spy
Dalinar tramps into a seedy bar. Everyone takes one look at him and immediately they all file out. He is alone. Dalinar: ... Dalinar: And I wore a fake mustache and everything.
5. Teft takes on Dalinar's role as leader of Urithiru
Teft: Kal...congratulations on becoming the leader of Urithiru. Kaladin: I'M PRETTY SURE THAT'S NOT HOW THIS WORKS
6. Szeth takes on Navani's role as artefabrian
Navani: Well...you've certainly been...busy. Szeth: I am physically incapable of not giving a role my all. Navani: So... Navani: ... Navani: They're all complicated instruments of horrible death, huh? Szeth: I like the one with the spring.
7. Sadeas takes on Szeth's role as the Assassin in White
Sadeas: Ialai...can you have your assassins kill all these men? Ialai: Already sent 'em out. Sadeas: I love you! Sadeas: Wow...this job was so easy and not emotionally taxing in the slightest.
8. Leshwi takes on Sadeas' role as betrayer of Dalinar
Leshwi: I feel like........I'm just going to fly down and stab him. Leshwi: Well, after I introduce myself of course. Leshwi: And allow him to summon his sword for an honorable duel. Lezian: You suck at betrayal. Leshwi: ...Thank you?
9. Rlain takes on Wit's role as the King's/Queen's Wit
Rlain: I see that you have chosen to wear yellow to this feast. Rlain: It was a good choice. It looks nice on you. Wit: I want to cry. Rlain: What? I said it to Amusement.
10. Wit takes on Rock's role as Bridge 4's cook
Wit: As a vegetarian whose morals are supernaturally enforced...I'm gonna introduce you all to a little something I call "Tofu." Rock: YOU'RE FIRED
11. Jasnah takes on Teft's role as Kaladin's lieutenant
Jasnah (holding an enormous notebook): I have some suggestions...Captain. Kaladin: M-My life is flashing before my eyes!
12. Adolin takes on Lirin's role as ultra-pacifist doctor
Adolin: Okay, but...dueling is pacifist, right? No one dies. Lirin: Play-violence is still violence! People get injured and it's so horrible and pointless! Adolin: What about fighting but, like, noble fighting? Lirin: D-Do you know what pacifist MEANS? Adolin: But my sword is my best friend! Lirin: ...every day the Almighty tests my patience.
13. Lirin takes on Renarin's role as Prophet of the Everstorm
Lirin: ...and that is how and why I know that something bad is coming, and why I think you need to prepare to save everyone. Dalinar: Wow...you just...said all that. To me. Directly. With details. Lirin: I understand that you may choose to execute me for blasphemy or whatever, but I couldn't sit back and allow people to die for my own comfort. Dalinar: What a mature and straightforward way to handle that!
14. Rock takes on Rlain's roll as "Parshendi" spy
Rock: Here are everyone's secrets! Rlain: I am...impressed. How did you get all this intelligence so quickly? Rock: People LOVE talking to the cook!
15. Kaladin takes on Leshwi's role as leader of shanay-im
Kaladin: So...you guys...can't die? Shanay-im guy: That is correct. Kaladin (tears welling up in his eyes): S-So...I can be commander of a squad where...no one ever dies? I-Is this happening? Shanay-im guy: However, we have to kill someone and take over their body to return. Kaladin: GOD FUCKING DAMMIT
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andromeda-lv · 2 months
Brandon Sanderson: here's a random 3 page chapter about a homeless guy eating fries
Also he's a god who destroyed two planets and plots to take over the world but I will never mention anything about it until another seemingly unrelated book series.
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brookeuwo · 2 years
Everybody talks about Kaladin admiring Shallan’s self-destructive coping mechanisms, but nobody ever mentions when Venli comes across Kaladin crumpled over the corpse of one of his closest friends, immobilized due to the sheer weight of his sorrow, about to go on a murderous rampage, and goes “damn. I wish I could feel like that”
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cosmere-polls · 3 months
poll suggested by @imonlyhereforcrem
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knight-of-skyloft · 7 months
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corvidpolyglot · 15 days
I've been seeing a lot of fun predictions for stormlight 5 but I haven't seen a lot of people mentioning the smoking gun that's just been waiting around since book 1:
(1) every major Rosharan city lies within an oddly symmetrical crater (2) there used to be a city where the shattered plains are (3) the cracks in the shattered plains look an awful lot like frequency patterns (like from a tuning fork) (4) frequency and rhythm are really big things on Roshar
I think it's not unlikely that there's a superweapon on Roshar that was capable of just... breaking cities. Possibly one known by the Dawnsingers, possibly one introduced with human arrivals from Ashyn, but definitely something big. And, notably, there is a very important city to the protagonists right now, and we're coming up to the middle point of the overarching plot. It would not be surprising if someone very old (read: a Fused, or possibly the Bondsmith Herald) remembered that there was a superweapon around and decided to use it on Urithiru.
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honuofhawaii · 8 months
I’ll never not find it funny that Kaladin is the tallest Alethi character we meet (as far as I’ve been able to tell). Kaladin is taller than Dalinar. One of Dalinars main physical descriptions is that he’s physically imposing, and sure that’s not just a height thing, but it’s also not not a height thing. Like Dalinar is supposed to be tall, he’s definitely used being able to look down to meet someone’s eyes. I just find it funny that he has to ever so slightly look up to meet Kal’s.
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hanavesinauttija · 11 months
I think more fantasy protagonists should be evil. There's so much media where they're like "I can't kill him, that'd make me just as bad as them." No girl, fuck him up! Murder him in cold blood!
Vin Venture and Adolin Kholin had it right. Kill the bastard.
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chumsterfire · 1 year
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Navani and Raboniel: Rhythm of War
I've heard Since I was younger That oil and water don't mix They're polar opposites With a molecular rift you can't fix
But I swear with all your burnt bridges You could leech what's caustic and find A rudimentary lye Some kinda miraculous bind
Soap by: The Oh Hello's
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skyisawalker · 1 year
Shoutout to Dalinar for being the tragic back story trope turned on its head. For most characters it's just that something bad happened and they went from being good to being very evil and killing indiscriminately. For Dalinar something bad happened and he went from being evil and killing indiscriminately to being good. Absoloute guy
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