tanuki-kimono · 2 years
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GREAT novelty knot for this obi shaped like a cute bat. The soft fabric must flutter a bit when you walk, making the bat wings move (LOVE!).
To shape this knot, OP used rubber bands and a sanjûihimo (3 straps elastic belt, Billy Matsunaga has a tutorial on sewing the 4 straps-variation + see how it’s used here).
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Extremely important update about my cat!
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She's fuckin chilling!
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austim · 8 months
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❤️ Valentine's Musubi 🍣
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fattributes · 2 months
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Vegan Musubi
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tokwana · 2 months
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(sakusa has his own car)
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brattylikestoeat · 2 months
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vegan-nom-noms · 1 month
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Tofu Musubi
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necroticboop · 5 months
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✦ Baymax Spam musubi [x]
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nanasis · 5 months
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spacevixenmusic · 22 days
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Source: Sekirei [2008]
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How would you rate Minato's Sekirei group? From your least favorite to favorite.
Okay, let it be known I like all the characters in Sekirei really as they're all cool and/or funny, but from least favorite to most favorite it's:
No. 108 Kusano
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Nothing against Kuu-chan, but she's also just a kid essentially. A kid that's basically in a battle royal. She is really pure, funny, and adorable, but also she's again just a kid. And after seeing her almost be forced to awaken by that creep Mikogami Hayato, I'm just always like "Just leave her out of this and let her be happy!"
No. 02 Matsu
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I can't get over how I found her to be a little weird or creepy when she was first introduced and she struck me as obsessive when I first saw her interact with Minato. Though it is cool how she's such a different type of Sekirei compared to all the others in the show, sticking to computers and strategy only.
No. 88 Musubi
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A good first introduction girl to the Sekirei universe! She's very cute and so sweet, but also a little ditzy/naive and that does add to her cheery, cute character, but I could also see that getting a little frustrating.
No. 06 Homura
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I thought that they were really cool and I liked their fire power. It was also confusing as heck trying to figure out what their deal was when I first watched Sekirei as a kid. I had no idea if they were a guy or actually a girl (I blame there being a lot of 'traps' in the anime I was watching at the time for that). Now I know he's a guy in a girl's body I guess? Or rather, his body, like his powers was, unstable and slowly feminized into a female body, but also can change their gender after they're winged by Minato? I still don't fully understand it, but I still think they're cool and I like how strong they are. Also, being a protector of other 'unwinged' Sekirei was really awesome.
No. 09 Tsukiumi
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In a wave of utter sexiness, she takes the term "traditional woman" to a whole new level haha. I love her outfit and also her hair style! I'll admit, the way she talks can be a little awkward and weird at first, but I also find it cute and endearing! She seems like she'd make an amazing wife!
No. 03 Kazehana
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I mean.... come on. I mean.... COME ON! She's amazing! She's so strong, confident, funny, and oh so sexy! This shouldn't be a surprise given how much I love Anko Mitarashi from Naruto. She was also the first woman I saw do the naked apron cliche in anime, so there's that to add to me favoriting her more than all the others haha.
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tanuki-kimono · 1 year
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Edo period women obi knots, fantastic reference chart by Edo lover Nadeshico Rin.
You can see here several obi musubi favored by city women, of all class and status. Novelty knots were a fashion statement, often lauched by star onnagata kabuki actors, and spread by iki fashionistas such as geisha.
For top to bottom, left to right, you can see here:
Chidori musubi (plover knot) ちどり結び
Shôryû musubi (little dragon knot) 小龍結び
Kichiya musubi (Kichiya knot) 吉弥 結び - named after onnagata actor Uemura Kichiya I in Genroku period, who single handedly launched a new type of knots and obi fashion
Koman musubi (Koman knot) 小万結び - named after a kabuki character in play Yakko no Koman
Nagoya obi (Nagoya belt) 名古屋帯 - Azuchi Momoyama/Early Edo era silk kumihimo tied in butterfly knot
Yanoji musubi (arrow knot) 矢の字結び - created by onnagata actor Segawa Kikunojo II. Also found under the name tateya musubi 立て矢結び (standing arrow knot)
Yoshio musubi (Yoshio knot) よしお結び
Mizuki musubi (Mizuki knot) 水木結び - onnagata actor Mizuki Tatsunosuke is said to have first worn this variation of the Kichiya musubi
Rokô musubi (rôkô knot) 路孝結び - created by onnagata actor Segawa Kikunojo II
Karuta musubi (card knot) カルタ結び - created in early Edo period, looking like 3 playing cards side by side
Hitotsu musubi (single knot) 一つ結び - during Edo, was also called darari musubi だらり結び. Note that it differs from is nowadays called darari obi (worn by maiko)
Tate musubi (standing knot) 立て結び - see yanoji/tateya musubi for variations
Bunko kuzushi (unbalanced knot) 文庫くずし
Heijûrô musubi (Heijûrô knot) 平十郎結び - created by actor Murayama Heijûrô III
Sageshita musubi (falling knot) さげ下結び
(by request of @fireflybettle, hope this will help you ^^)
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Caught my cat making the DreamWorks Face ™️
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austim · 8 months
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❤️ Valentine's Musubi 🍣
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sew-much-to-do · 1 year
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DIY Spam Musubi Onigiri
This recipe for Spam musubi onigiri is easy and can be made in less than 15 minutes. These Japanese-style rice balls are stuffed with delicious teriyaki spam — making them the ideal snack or quick meal.
sew-much-to-do: a visual collection of sewing tutorials/patterns, knitting, diy, crafts, recipes, etc.
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gummi-stims · 5 months
hi im not sure if I requested here before but can I have a terry Bogard stimboard with red, food and video games? If I have I’m sorry for bugging you and have a wonderful day!
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You're not bugging me at all, I love getting requests and I really appreciate that you were specific about some themes/stims you wanted! And no, I don't think you've requested here before unless one got lost. I hope this is good! c: (And I hope I got the right picture, seemed there were a lot of versions of this guy)
🍖- x -🍚
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