#Taiko musubi
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tanuki-kimono · 1 year ago
Hello, I have a weird question but maybe you can answer it. When I was a teenager I was gifted a yukata and taught to tie the obi to make it look like a bow. That was cute then, but now that I'm in my mid 30s I wonder if this is still appropriate. Are there other ways to tie the obi of a yukata that are maybe a bit more mature ? I love wearing my yukata, but I'm starting to get self-conscious about maybe being too old for that… (I only wear it for matsuri in Japan so it's not like it's often, but it makes me even more self-conscious because I am very clearly not Japanese so I don't want to look ridiculous.) Thank you !
Hi fellow mid-30's kimono wearer :D It's true some styles can feel a bit weird depending on ages.
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Though nothing truly forbids you to keep wearing bunko musubi, if you don't feel confortable with a bow knot or its variations (for ex. this one or this one?), don't despair! there are many (like MANY) other knots which would work with your age and "status" :D
If you wish for something classical, I'd recommend:
Kai no kuchi musubi (clam mouth knot) - a super all purpose knot, worn by women and men alike. It's been around for ages and never went out of style!
Ronin musubi (ronin knot) or katabasami - unisex knots that have been around for a long time too, pretty sturdy and chic.
Karuta musubi (card knot) - easy to tie and quite flat so perfect if you have to ride a car/train or sit on Western chairs.
Taiko musubi (drum knot) or tsunodashi musubi (also called Ginza musubi) - you can fake those ones (usually tied with wider obi) with a hanhaba obi, see examples here and here.
More on the novelty side :
Kamifusen musubi (paper balloon knot) - a more whimsical knot but could still work depending on your style. It asks for preparation but it's very cute :)
Neko mimi musubi (cat ears knot) - there are many variations, with or without hanhaba obi - look at this one for ex
Not-tied obi, a super modern way of wearing obi. Ayaaya has a lot a those, check for example this one and look at her socials for more (especially "frilly" variations)
Any variations of what I call the "waterfall" musubi, where obi ends are elegantly arranged thanks to elastique belts. It's super fashionable atm, see it shown step by step on Billy Matsunaga's channel.
To go further, searching for "hanhaba obi musubi" will gives you a lot of other ideas ;)
Hope it helps, and that you'll have a lot of fun at matsuri!
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maigeiko · 1 year ago
The look of... VIII: Shimizu 清水
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Historical context The first official date in the history of Shimizu Geigi is 1872, when "Machi Geisha" (まち芸者), who were distinct from "Kaku Geisha" (廓芸者), appeared. A Kenban (registry office) was established in 1877. At that time, Machi Geisha and Kaku Geisha combined were around twenty people. Only ten years later, in 1887, their number had increased to 100. The number of Geigi continued to grow.
In 1938, the number of Geigi was around 260, and they were highly regarded nationwide for their skills in art and behaviour. In 1951, a "Shimizu Geigi school" (清水芸妓学校) was opened, around 150 Geigi attending the event.
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In the 1970's, Japan's period of economic growth started tapering off, interest in traditional arts dwindeled, which resulted in less work opportunities for Geigi and the number of Ryotei decreasing. In response to this, local business leaders and Shimizu Geigi started an organisation to help fostering new Geigi (Seibikai 清美会).
By 1985, their number had decreased to thirteen and the Kenban closed. In 1991, local businessmen and Geigi formed a different company (Seibi Co. 清美(株)), which worked as employer for Geigi. Due to a bad economic environment, Shimizu Odori (清水をどり) was last held in 1998, Seibi Co. was dissolved in 2004, and Haru no mai (春の舞) was discontinued in 2009. As a result of this, some of Seibi's employees became independent Geigi.
Allegedly, the number of Geigi hit rock bottom in 2011 with only two remaining. However, in 2012, around eleven Geigi worked in Shimizu. Since then, the city had a steady stream of Geigi coming and going again. At the end of this year, 2023, there are ten Geigi working in the city.
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The look of Shimizu Geiko Local Term: Geigi 芸妓 ※ Hairstyle: Taka shimada, Tsubushi shimada ※ Kanzashi: Kushi, Maezashi, bekko kogai, ear of rice in the new year period ※ Kimono: Homongi, Kuromontsuki Hikizuri ※ Haneri: white ※ Obi: Taiko musubi ※ Obiage: green, pink, white, red ※ Obijime: flat, 1 knot ※ Footwear: Zori
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Casual look ※ Hairstyle: Yohatsu ※ Kanzashi: none ※ Kimono: Homongi, rarely Komon ※ Haneri: white ※ Obi: Taiko musubi ※ Obiage: white, pink ※ Footwear: Zori
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The look of Shimizu Maiko Local term: Shinjin Geigi 新人芸妓 ※ Hairstyle: Momoware Katsura, sometimes real hair styled (shin nihongami) ※ Kanzashi: seasonal and non-seasonal Hanakanzashi, Katsuyama, maezashi, Shidare in all age groups ※ Kimono: Furisode with shoulder tucks or no tucks at all ※ Eri: white with white embroidery, plain white, white with multicolour embroidery, other colours possible especially during summer months ※ Obi: Koken musubi ※ Obiage: flat, mostly red/silver, red/white shibori, other colours also possible (green/beige/light blue) ※ Obijime: flat or round with 1-4 knots. No obidome ※ Footwear: Zôri
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Notes Shimizu was merged with Shizuoka in 2003. Shimizu Geigi and other traditional arts performers are backed by 静岡伝統芸能振興 Shizuoka dentô geinô Shinkô-kai/Shizuoka traditional performing arts promotion association, which is the successor to Seibikai. You might notice I didn't start this post with a historical b/w photo. There are some old photos on the Shizuoka Dentogeino homepage, but they are the size of a postal stamp. And that's it. I feel let down. No chance to explore the historical style of Shimizu. Anyways. "The look of Shimizu/Shizuoka" was requested by @geimaiko. The layout of this post is based on geimaiko's own. Also... geimaiko originally started these series. If you liked this post, you should go and thank her, because without her, there would be no "the look of..." ;)
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Sources https://www.shizuoka-dentogeino.jp/geigi/shizuoka_history/, https://www.shizuoka-dentogeino.jp/geigi/shimizu_history/, http://www.shimizu-port.jp/geigi.html, https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXNZO41971500Z20C12A5L61000/ (headline and preview only), https://www.youtube.com/@shizuokadentogeino/videos
Pictures: Komachi May 17, Makoto May 17, Komachi+Makoto Oct 17 (sources nowhere to be found), Sakurako+Fukutaro Apr 22, Kikuno+Umeka Nov 14, Iroha Jun 20, Iroha Oct 20, Fukutaro Oct 20, Ichiryo+Komachi+Makoto ~2016, Komachi+Sakurako Apr 18, Fukutaro+Sakurako Oct 18, Iroha+Fukutaro+Sakurako Oct 20
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missmyloko · 3 months ago
Hi Justine! ☀️
Today I have questions about kimono 👘
Until I recently bought a fukuro obi, my only obi was a Nagoya obi.
The only knots I've try are taiko musubi and the one that appears in this video: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/lH8Clk3oq3s
I bought my fukuro obi specially for trying furisode knots and I'm a little bit worried about the wrinkles.
Is it possible that some knots can make so many wrinkles in the obi that they make it not suitable for making other knots because those wrinkles are noticeable?
Is it better to have different fukuro obi for different occasions?
Doing the taiko knot won't cause too much in the way of wrinkles unless it's constantly being folded over and over and over again for a long time, but doing the second knot that you linked to will definitely cause major wrinkles quickly. To try and prevent wrinkles on your obi make sure that you're not wearing them for long periods of time in the same knot and to properly fold them when not being worn (you can also add weights on top of an obi after wearing it and folding it to help get wrinkles out). However, over time you may find that you like how easy it becomes to tie an obi in a certain knot as it's been repeatedly tied in that knot. It's always good to have multiple obi on hand for various knots though ^^
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withinstarrynightskies · 2 years ago
[ lI Everything According to Plan II ]
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GENERAL INFORMATION. Name: Tamayo Pronouns: She/her Age: ...more than 100?? Height: 4'11" / 150 cm Birthday: July 2nd Appearance:
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Tamayo's hair is long; braided back into a low bun, is held in place by a floral tama-kanzashi hairpin. She has large, gentle eyes that initially do not possess pupils, only a haze of lavender that fades to dark purple the higher it goes. She wears a dark purple medium-lengthed homongi kimono that is decorated with wavy pale purple tree branches and red flowers, and a cream-colored taiko musubi obi to secure it around her waist, as well as plain white socks and violet zori sandals.
PERSONALITY. Tamayo is a gentle, wise, and incredibly intelligent demon. Despite the generally antagonistic and virulent relationship between humanity and demons, she shows a great deal of kindness towards humans. She made it a part of her mission to assist injured or sick individuals with her expansive medical knowledge. She has a strong preference against violence: instead of killing humans for their blood, she chooses to buy blood under the guise of transfusions. Even if it's wrong, she has to survive somehow. Tamayo was one of the few demons who, after her transformation into one, was able to regain and retain her human emotions. However, despite her usual kind, caring, and considerate disposition and personality, Tamayo displays a more cruel and vicious persona upon confronting Muzan- detesting the man with her entire being. She's not fond of her identity as a demon.
ABILITIES. Being a researcher of demons, Tamayo has extensive knowledge about their curse and anatomy; trying to find a cure to turn demons back to humans. Medical Knowledge. Tamato with extremely honed skills in the fields of medicine and pharmaceuticals, possessing the skill to alter her own body so she could survive on only a small amount of human blood, as well as be free from the curse of Muzan. Demon Transformation. She's only done so twice, but Tamayo possesses the ability to turn living beings into demons.
Her blood demon art isn't a combative one; instead, it's more so hallucinory. Blood Bewitchment. Tamayo's Blood Demon Art revolves around drawing her own blood, and casting various support-type spells using the scent of said blood. Scent of Illusory Blood, Visual Dream. A hallucination that hinders the vision of the affected by creating beautiful flower patterns around them. If need be, Tamayo will create more horrifying images, such as flowers gorily sprouting out of one's body. A more intense version is a full-on illusion of a body, making it look as if it's doing things/looking like something it's not. The most Tamayo can do is create an illusion of one person. Those things only happen as a last resort. Magical Aroma of Daylight. A spell that acts as a truth serum, causing brain function to decrease and will make the recipient confess their lies and not keep their secrets.
STATISTICS. Strength: ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ Stamina: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Speed: ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ Durability: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ Intelligence: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
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Information is subject to change
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givemeyourbonesandorgans · 2 years ago
[ || Everything According to Plan || ]
[ || Tamayo || ]
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A kind and gentle demon, always speaking in a soft tone and never insulting anybody who comes her way. She often travels from town to town, staying at each one for shorts amounts of times.
For those short periods of time, Tamayo keeps her house in a seperate part of the towns she’s in, the area invisible thanks to Yushiro’s blood demon art. She acts as a doctor for humans.
Having tweaked her body, Tamayo is no longer under the curse of Muzan; able to say his name and not needing as much demon blood as the average demon; the blood she consumes is from people who think they’re donating blood for a cause.
Being a researcher of demons, Tamayo has extensive knowledge about their curse and anatomy; trying to find a cure to turn demons back to humans.
Standing at 5’6”, Tamayo’s hair is long; braided back into a low bun, is held in place by a floral tama-kanzashi hairpin. She has large, gentle eyes that initially do not possess pupils, only a haze of lavender that fades to dark purple the higher it goes.
She wears a dark purple medium-lengthed hōmongi kimono that is decorated with wavy pale purple tree branches and red flowers, and a cream-colored taiko musubi obi to secure it around her waist, as well as plain white socks and violet zōri sandals.
Her blood demon art isn’t a combative one; instead, it’s more so hallucinory.
Blood Bewitchment. Tamayo's Blood Demon Art revolves around drawing her own blood, and casting various support-type spells using the scent of said blood.
Scent of Illusory Blood, Visual Dream. A hallucination that hinders the vision of the affected by creating beautiful flower patterns around them. If need be, Tamayo will create more horrifying images, such as flowers gorily sprouting out of one’s body. A more intense version is a full-on illusion of a body, making it look as if it’s doing things/looking like something it’s not. The most Tamayo can do is create an illusion of one person. Those things only happen as a last resort.
Magical Aroma of Daylight. A spell that acts as a truth serum, causing brain function to decrease and will make the recipient confess their lies and not keep their secrets.
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Information is subject to change
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maigeiko · 1 year ago
Hey there @386princess, sorry for not replying earlier. I didn't see you tagged me and only came across your post today. Anyways. Interesting video - seems to be from the early 60's? A Hakoya 箱屋 has a similar job like the Otokoshi in Kyoto. Originally, his job was carrying the Shamisen cases for the Geisha. In the book "I, a Geisha" by Akasaka Geisha Kikuya (1969), she says that Hakoya has changed to be a women's job. In this episode of Tsuiseki from the early 90's, it's said that seven Hakoya exist in the entirety of Tokyo. I find it interesting that the Hakoya is employed as makeup artist in the video you linked. These days, Geisha usually do their makeup themselves. The combination of wearing Hikizuri with Tsunodashi Musubi is common in Tokyo up to this day (unless they wear Kuromontsuki Hikizuri, which is combined with Yanagi Musubi). Taiko musubi is only for the short Kimono (Kurotomesode, Homongi, etc). It is interesting indeed that Okasan Kakuya wears Marumage as her hairstyle. While Tokyo Geisha these days only wear Taka Shimada, Tsubushi Shimada and Maeware/Gakuya Icho. Before WWII, there was more versatility in looks. Since this Okasan probably already was working as a Geisha before the war, she simply continued dressing as she was taught when she was an apprentice.
You Asked For It: Akasaka Geisha
This video, which seems to be showing a short 'day in the life' sort of thing? Was a really enjoyable watch! ^^ I have some questions though, which I honestly don't know the answer to. At point 0:50 in the video, the narrator says the "Hokoya" or "Hakoya" has arrived (I've got no clue what the narrator is saying, since the pronounciation is very butchered), and that he does their makeup, dresses them and ultimately acts as a father figure to the geisha. (Perhaps an Otokoshi, just more involved and a regional difference for the word?) Could you give some insight on this? I've never heard of this before. At 2:10 the okaa-san arrives, she's seen rocking a Hikizuri with the Tsunodashi musubi! She looks great, however instead of wearing the Tsubushi shimada, she seems to be wearing Maru-mage shimada. I've also never seen this before, again... Could you explain this? ^^
@maigeiko You were the first person that popped into my mind, since you're so knowledgeable about Geisha outside of Kyoto.
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saraharakaki · 4 years ago
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Since we all missed Obon season in 2020, I decided to do an Obon-themed project for my portfolio. I just wanted to include myself and my JA culture in the collection of art that's supposed to represent me to the animation industry. But, more importantly... it was fun drawing my childhood memories to some old, staticky odori music. Looking forward to some spam musubi, taiko, dancing, and seeing family and friends in 2022 :) 
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hexpea · 3 years ago
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Ch. 3 - Scintillation
SCINTILLATION: a flash or sparkle of light
We took a break after lunch, a well-earned one for sure. During that time I took the opportunity to nap only to wake up to an extremely sore body. Since Rengoku was to arrive soon, I decided to bathe and make myself a bit more presentable as a human compared to yesterday’s dinner and today’s training session.
I took the opportunity to wear a kimono instead of my regular uniform. It wasn’t often that we were able to wear something other than that damn black suit.
I, of course, started with my white Nagajubon, the kimono-shaped robe that goes underneath the kimono to reduce the need for it to be laundered. I wore this along with the Datejime, the sash that tied the Nagajuban in place. It was decorated in bright lavender stripes with tiny sakura petals strewn about. I had picked it out myself considering this part is hidden beneath the kimono anyway.
Next up was the Kimono itself. Since this was the only kimono I had which was leftover from my Coming of Age ceremony it was in Furisode style, long-sleeves. It, too, was lavender purple that was covered in periwinkle and pastel pink roses. The details of each petal were incredibly intricate. I truly was proud of myself for choosing such a beautiful piece.
I fastened my Kimono with my Obi, the wide, silk sash that goes around the waist. It was one of the most difficult parts considering it needed to be tied in such a way. I kept it simple and tied it in the Taiko Musubi style though it didn’t go along with the Furisode style. Unfortunately since I was tying the knot myself I didn’t have much of a choice.
Next was my Hakama which I chose to match the periwinkle flowers of my Kimono. From there I put on my tabi socks and tied the buckles tight, then I slid on my Zori sandals and called it done.
I took the time to put on some light make-up and tied my hair into a simple bun with two strands of hair at the sides of my face.
I suddenly heard the familiar knock on my door, loud as ever. This time I smiled to myself, actually being ready to accept his presence without looking like I just rolled out of bed.
“Wow,” Rengoku’s breath was stolen as he looked me up and down after I answered the door. Rengoku was dressed in traditional Western style clothing, a white dress shirt and ascot with a blood red vest and black dress pants and loafers. He still carried his sword at his hip which stood out without his usual haori.
“Sorry if I over did it, but I’m taking this date thing seriously,” I playfully wiggled my eyebrows at him. He licked his lips as if his mouth was dry and finally met my gaze after staring at my get-up.
“No, no...you’re beautiful,” he said quickly, “stunning actually. Will you be comfortable during the walk to the station?” I nodded, which was a lie, but there was no way I was changing after how long it took me to get ready.
“Hmm...should I also bring my katana?” I asked, pointing to his blade. He glanced down at his hip and then back at me.
“Not necessary. I just like to bring it just in case. As the host of this date, I’d prefer to be the only one fighting any demons,” he smiled at me and held out his arm just as he did the day before.
“I can’t believe I get to go to town two days in a row,” I said quietly as if to myself, but even the hard-of-hearing Rengoku heard it. He chuckled to himself as I finished the sentence.
“I’m happy to be able to treat you to such a luxury,” half of his tone was teasing and the other half serious, “I figure we’ll go out to eat again and also stroll along the main street to see the shops.”
“Sounds lovely,” I agreed and took his arm, the two of us happily strolling down the hallway. It didn’t take very long for the kimono to become uncomfortable, especially against my sore muscles, but I knew I had to endure it.
“Wait, wait, wait,” Rengoku stopped mid-way down the hallway, “let’s go back for a moment.” He began to drag me back to my room.
He entered and closed the door behind him and looked at me thoughtfully.
“Mayumi, you’re beautiful,” he reassured me yet again with a breathy voice, he stepped forward and caressed my cheek which made my skin flush, strong heat rising to its surface. His skin on the back of his hand was surprisingly soft. “You’re clearly uncomfortable,” he continued, taking free reign and undoing my bun while maintaining eye contact. My hair fell around my shoulders and I gasped from the unexpected movement.
“I know you worked really hard, especially on this messy knot back here,” he chuckled, turning me around and undoing the knot.
“Kyojuro...are you undressing me right now?” I gulped. He quickly paused as I turned my head back to look at him. His face was bright red.
“I don’t mean to...truthfully I’d rather see you comfortable. You’re beautiful just in your uniform...you’re beautiful no matter what you look like,” he explained, “I want you to enjoy your time and I don’t want you to have to worry about what you’re wearing.”
“That’s sweet,” I smiled to myself, “if you’d like to wait outside, I can do the rest.” He gave a firm nod and stepped outside.
I blushed to myself as I undressed in solitude and slipped on my button-up top and skirt. It felt so much better than all of those layers and a tight knot around my waist, especially in the middle of summer.
“Alright, let’s head out,” I joined him in the hallway where he was leaning against the wall in waiting.
“Do you mind if I throw this in your room?” He asked, now holding his vest and ascot. His dress shirt was disheveled and no longer tucked in. “These were equally uncomfortable, so I figured with the formalities out of the way we could just enjoy each other’s company.” I nodded excitedly, taking the silk vest and cotton ascot, throwing it on my messy futon.
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Once we were both comfortable, we quickly headed toward the station. The walk was familiar and we enjoyed great conversation as usual. He was now able to carry the talk instead of having me drone on about Iguro who was now at the very back of my mind and the least of my worries.
The train ride itself was just as joyous though I was yet again flattered and flustered that Rengoku had bought both of our tickets. I genuinely felt like...dare I say it...a princess. Such kindness was relatively unfamiliar considering Iguro wasn’t exactly the romantic type with me.
We ate at the same restaurant we had the night before, selecting something new but equally as delicious from their menu.
From the restaurant, we strolled back onto the busy evening streets of the town. Many shops were lit up in beautiful colors, the shop owners smiling wide and greeting each customer that passed by. Rengoku allowed me to lead the way, agreeing to head into any shop of my choice.
“It’s gorgeous...and it matches my Kimono,” I sighed, holding the Kamikazari after entering one of the shops. “Such a shame,” I muttered to myself, regretting my bad habits that prevented me from taking it home.
“It really does!” Rengoku’s voice boomed through the shop, quickly taking it from my hands.
“Kyojuro!” I scolded, trying to reach his grasp as he held it from me. “What are you-?” He carried it to the back of the shop where the shop owner sat. “Kyojuro,” I followed him, “what are you doing?”
“I’m getting you this,” he looked at me as if he were confused by my frustration.
“Please, you don’t have to…” I slightly begged. I hated how much he was spending on me as of late. It was crazy how quickly we went from just co-slayers who greeted each other and held pleasant conversation when the time presented to such close friends in the matter of forty-eight hours.
“I don’t have to, but I want to,” he insisted, the usual large smile planted on his face. I blushed and kept my mouth shut.
After he purchased the small hair ornament, we walked out onto the street. He held the pin with such dainty fingers in one hand and stopped me by grabbing my shoulder with the other.
“Here, let’s put it on,” he looked up at my hair, putting the pin gently between his teeth before touching my hair. I turned around and allowed him to wrap my hair into a simple bun, sticking the pin in to hold it in place. “I had learned to do this when my mother was too sick to do so herself,” he explained, “she really enjoyed having her hair up and I was determined to learn when she became too weak to do it herself.”
“That’s incredibly sweet, Kyojuro,” my heart fluttered at his sweet but sad story, “thank you for this. It’s really too much…”
“No, it’s not,” he insisted again, “I’m taking you out on a date. This is standard practice from what I understand of it.”
“I definitely feel spoiled, that’s for sure,” I giggled as he remained silent, though something in the air felt as though he wanted to say something.
“There, perfect!” He declared of his work as I turned to look at him, hand gently touching the new bun at the back of my head with a smile.
“Very good,” I complimented, feeling how perfectly he completed the style. “Thank you, Kyojuro,” I gave him a weak smile, my heart fluttering as I stared at him in the glistening evening light.
“Of course, Mayumi,” he smiled back, staring back into my eyes with his piercing irises. Hearing my name roll from his mouth made my body tingle even more. “You look so beautiful,” he added in a near whisper. I tightened my smile, feeling my face heat up as the moment continued.
As I was lost in his eyes, I barely felt as his warm palm cupped the side of my face. I closed my eyes when I realized it and leaned into his touch, placing my own hand over his. My heart felt like it was going to explode out of my chest, nausea creeping up on me like no tomorrow.
He smiled sweetly at my reaction and eventually allowed his hand to leave in exchange for grabbing my own to continue moving through the town. His fingers intertwined with mine, my pounding heart now settling to butterflies in my stomach as we continued down the street.
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We continued moving through the shops, stopping each time I gave a little squeak of interest. Rengoku bought me a few more small trinkets along the way and I whined about his spoiling me over and over again.
We hung around town until the sun went too far down past the horizon and some of the shops began to close.
When we arrived at the train station, something about the aura felt off. The lights were on, but there were no employees to be found and a train was already parked at the station with no engineer.
Rengoku had lost his smile as he stood and took in the scene.
“A demon,” he murmured, placing a quick hand on the hilt of his katana. Though I was scared, I was just as excited knowing that I’d finally get to see Rengoku in action.
I knew that as a Hashira, feeling a demon was like a sixth sense to Rengoku. I couldn’t feel anything, just the fact that something was off about the whole thing.
Without further hesitance, he unsheathed his sword and held it pointed center with two hands as his eyes patrolled back and forth.
“Well...what do we have here?” A shaky, disturbing voice sent chills through my body. I still couldn’t pinpoint where this creature was. “A Hashira! How...delicious…”
“Come out!” Rengoku demanded, staring at one spot toward the ceiling of the station. I joined his gaze but didn’t see anything. His piercing eyes didn’t dare leave that spot. “Quit hiding, show yourself!”
“You’re no fun,” the demon then suddenly appeared, fading in slowly right in the corner where he had been looking. I tried my best to keep my jaw off the floor. How did he even see that thing there?!
Its skin was a dark grey and had long, flowing black hair with completely white eyes. It was as if it were a shadow, or at least could easily camouflage in the shadows.
The demon then dropped from the ceiling, its arms held out as if it were ready to pounce on the two of us. It licked its lips as it started walking toward us. I began to back up a little, but Rengoku held his ground.
“I took out all of the workers here and was just about to indulge on those in the cars before you showed up. It’s very unkind of you to interrupt my meal,” the demon playfully pouted.
“You will not be finishing this meal,” he declared, reinforcing the point of his sword in its direction. He began taking large strides toward the demon. The demon, a beta for sure, tried its best to prepare a counter attack but was quickly decapitated by Rengoku’s move.
“Wow, didn’t even have time to think about how to react,” I chuckled in response to the demon’s death. Rengoku sighed and put his sword back in its place.
“I really don’t know why they even bother with Hashira. Truthfully, the only real fights we face are with the Kizuki,” he shrugged in response, “I hate that we didn’t arrive sooner, we could have saved the lives of the employees.”
“That’s very unfortunate,” I agreed, “but at least the lives of the civilians in the cars should be okay.” Rengoku nodded.
“I’ll send my crow back to Oyakata-sama. He’ll be able to take care of this stuck train and the civilians,” he added as his crow flew to his shoulder, “as for us, I don’t think walking home in the dark is a safe idea. It may be a half hour train ride but it's a good four hour walk.”
“Yeah, no thanks,” I giggled, “back to town we go, I guess. I’m sure there’s an inn we can find.” He gave a single, strong nod, his smile returning.
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We began the walk back to the town. I felt incredibly lucky to have seen a Hashira take out a demon though it was a quick fight...if you’d even call it a fight. My muscles really ached at this point having been walking for most of the evening and the nap I had taken earlier was wearing off. Rengoku had trained my ass off from four am until noon and it was now nearly eleven at night.
“Everything hurts,” I groaned as our walk neared its end, “I definitely need a day off tomorrow.”
“Demons never take a day off!” Rengoku exclaimed excitedly. I gave him an annoyed look, back hunched over from the pain.
“There are only so many demons and there are other demon slayers. I think they can do without me for a day,” I laughed as best as I could, “besides, we have to stay out here for the night and then get our way back to headquarters anyway. I’m looking forward to a nice hot bath and curling up on a mattress for once.”
“It is a real treat,” he agreed, pointing toward an inn that sat on the edge of town.
We entered and Rengoku took the lead at the front desk, even paying for our room. The fact that he had likely put more money out than he wanted tonight made me feel even worse. I hated the idea of being a burden to someone who wanted to take me out. Though he said we shouldn’t, I was sure if he were alone he would have done the four hour walk and then woken up bright and early at four AM anyways.
The innkeeper, with a smile, led us upstairs where all of the rooms were located. He unlocked one of the doors and allowed us inside, giving Rengoku a copy of the key. The two bowed briefly as a goodbye and Rengoku closed the door behind us.
The room had two twin-sized beds and a small bathroom with full plumbing. It was a pretty sizable room as well with two large closets.
“This is nice,” I nodded, staring around the room.
“Would you like to take your bath?” Rengoku asked, hand motioning toward the bathroom. I smiled excitedly. Indoor plumbing was a true luxury having only been invented fifty years prior. Despite it being around for so long, it was still rare to find.
“I’m so ready,” I giggled like a child and scampered to the bathroom. Rengoku followed to check it out with me.
“This is nice,” he repeated, looking around the wood paneled walls and porcelain floor tiles. There was a small bathtub, a single standing sink, and a tiny toilet. It was small, but it was something!
“Now, if you’ll excuse me!” I playfully shoved him back out into the bedroom area and closed the door. I heard his hearty laugh from behind the door.
I then turned to the bathtub and began running the water, placing the plug in the drain. While the tub filled I got undressed and folded my clothing on the edge of the sink.
I dipped my toes into the warm water and began to sink in. On a nearby ledge sat some soap and shampoo as well as a tiny bottle of lotion. It truly felt like luxury!
I cleaned myself and quickly wrapped a towel around my chest. I glanced at my clothing and I realized I would much prefer to put clean clothes on instead of the now dirtied ones.
“Hey, Kyojuro?” I peeked my head out of the door, trying my best to shield my body. He was resting on one of the beds, hands behind his head, his shirt and pants unbuttoned for comfort, and looked quickly in my direction. “Do they happen to have any robes in those closets?” I asked.
“Hmm…” he got up, gripping his pants so they wouldn’t fall around his ankles, and opened one of them, “yes! What luck!” He grabbed one and handed it to me.
“Thanks,” I smiled, slipping the robe through the small crack in the door, “after your turn in here, I’m going to use the tub to hand wash my clothes. I can do yours, too, if you’d like.”
“No thank you,” he smiled sweetly, “no way would I make you wash my clothes. I can join you and we can do it together.” I smiled back and closed the door for a brief moment to wrap the towel around my hair and tie the robe around my body.
Once I was all finished, Rengoku and I traded places. I relaxed on the mattress of the bed opposite to the one he chose. The feeling of the soft fabric and squishy material was pure bliss. Sure, futons are comfortable for what they are, but nothing beats sleeping off the floor and on something a little bit softer. I nearly fell asleep before Rengoku came back.
“Hey, sleepyhead,” I heard Rengoku’s voice, this time soft, as he caressed my face.
“Did I actually fall asleep?” I asked, looking all around in the hopes that it wasn’t morning yet. He nodded with that classic smile on his face. When my eyes finally adjusted, I realized he was only in a towel that was wrapped around his waist and his hair drenched and sticking to his shoulders. I felt heat rise to my face...and in-between my legs.
“I felt bad for waking you, but I figured I’d let you know that I went ahead and scrubbed your uniform clean,” he smiled sweetly, “hopefully it will be dry by tomorrow morning.”
“You did not,” I gasped, sitting up, “I should have helped you! Kyojuro!” Also, you touched my panties...not something I had expected out of tonight...
“No, no, we’re still in town so technically I’m still the host,” he reminded me. I sighed with a bit of exasperation. I was going to owe this man my whole life if he kept this up.
“You’re really doing too much,” I scolded, sitting on the edge of the bed and allowing my hair to fall out of the towel and down my shoulders. I began finger combing it as best as I could, wincing when I felt the knots.
“Well, I’m courting you, so…” he rolled his eyes as if that were obvious. He sat down on his bed and fell back, his legs dangling off the side of the bed. My eyes widened as I saw the soft lump in-between his legs underneath the towel. I quickly looked away out of respect, though my heart and body wanted to misbehave.
“Courting me?” I asked, trying to continue the conversation and distract myself from staring at his half-naked body.
“Well, dating should have intentions, right?” He asked, sitting up.
“It’s our first date, a pity date that you asked me to,” I chuckled, “and to be honest, I’ve just been all nervous and sweaty this whole time. Not to mention how pained my body is from our workout earlier today.”
“I’m sorry…” he mumbled sadly, “I was hoping this was a good time.”
“What?!” I panicked. “This day has been perfect! I just wish I was a better sport.” He gave me a confused look. “For the past two days, being around you has just made me a nervous wreck, growing by the minute the more we’re together.” I admitted and his expression fell into a sweet smile. “Especially now that you’re sitting here half-naked in front of me with only a weak towel covering your...your…” I flapped my hand in his direction as if to signal his naughty bits. His face turned a slight shade of pink though his smile never left.
“I’m glad you told me this,” he stood up, “and to be fair, you only have a weak robe covering yours. He took a step closer, closing the gap between the beds.
I looked up at him as he ran his fingers through my wet hair and held them there. He knelt down in front of me so that I was now looking down at him. He placed his free hand on my knee as his fingers in my hair began to gently rub. “Would you like a massage? That might help your muscles relax.” He asked, voice quiet.
“Sure, it sounds like you got tips from Uzui with all this,” my voice felt like it was shaking just a bit. Did I just admit that I have feelings for him in the most awkward way ever? And he didn’t think anything else of it?!
"Maybe I did," he winked in a joking manner before standing.
He left my side for a moment to head into the bathroom where the small bottle of lotion was located.
“Here, lay back,” he instructed, pouring some of the liquid onto his palms. I did as he instructed, trying my best to keep my robe closed.
He started at my feet. The lotion felt cold to the touch as he applied light pressure to my arches. I hummed at the pleasurable feeling, a tiny drunk smile growing on my face while my eyes closed.
He worked at my feet one at a time, making sure to even get between my toes. He slowly then moved up my legs, massaging my calves, not worrying that lotion was getting all over the bed. He continued to move until he reached my thighs, massaging carefully to not disrupt the rob and reveal me.
I was in pure heaven with the feeling of his rough hands kneading my doughy skin. It felt as though if I were to try and stand up I wouldn’t be able to. My lower half felt like pure mashed potatoes.
“May I get your back and shoulders?” He asked politely, now standing at the end of the bed. My eyes fluttered open when I heard his voice. How could I turn that down?!
“Mhm,” I nodded a little, flipping onto my back and doing my best to arch my back and get the robe off of the top part of my body while hiding my breasts from the flame Hashira behind me.
When my top half was exposed, I plunged back on the mattress and allowed my face to bury itself into the pillow.
The cold lotion hit my back quickly and I nearly squealed. Rengoku gave an apology in a whisper as he kneaded the space near my spine, dragging the knuckles of his thumbs down the center and then allowing his fingers to fan out and press the rest.
My favorite part was my shoulders. He gave a tight squeeze and I grunted in pure pleasure, feeling the crunchy knots find their way out. I could hear a laugh from deep in his chest in response to my satisfied noises.
Over time, he weaned me from the pleasure and I sighed in relief, stretching my body out like a cat -- extending all of my limbs as far as they could go.
“How do you feel?” He asked, smiling and rubbing the leftover lotion all over his hands. I looked at him, head turned deep on the pillow.
“Amazing,” I managed to gurgle out.
I remained there, top still nude, as he went and washed his hands of the lotion. I took a deep breath, feeling the oxygen course through my veins. I felt as if I were on a cloud, being cared for by an angel.
“Hmm…” Rengoku hummed, sitting on the edge of his bed. I peeled my sleepy eye open toward him.
“Hmm?” I repeated with a questioning intonation.
“Your bed is covered in lotion,” he chuckled, “would you like to trade beds so you don’t have to sleep in that?”
“Trade?” I grumbled. “No way, I can stay here. I’m the one covered in lotion anyway.”
“Well, what if we shared?” He asked again. “I figure it’s likely not very comfortable to have the cold, slimy liquid all over the sheets.” I laughed at his description and sat up, facing away from him to put the robe back over my shoulders.
“Are you okay with that?” I asked, genuinely concerned. I didn’t want to impose or be more of a burden than I was already.
“Of course! I’m the one who offered!” He insisted, patting the bed next to him.
He crawled under the covers as I walked to the other side of the bed. It was going to be a tight squeeze considering the size of the twin bed. I hadn’t thought about it until that point. He was nearly on the edge of the bed, lifting the covers to invite me in.
I carefully slid in next to him, feeling my legs against his. He covered the two of us with the blankets and then squeezed his hand back toward himself. The two of us were facing one another. I felt his hot breath over my face as he looked deeply into my eyes, a smaller, sleepier smile on his face.
His bare chest was pressed against mine though the puffy robe I had on shielded the feeling of his skin on mine.
“Did you have a good day today?” He asked in the darkness. I felt his hand come up and start stroking my hair, folding it behind my ear repeatedly.
“Mhm,” I answered quietly, closing my eyes and allowing the feeling to take me into a deep, sweet sleep.
“I’m glad,” he whispered, sighing into peace.
The feeling of his warmth against me was intoxicating. Our legs had begun to tangle themselves together on the small bed. His pelvis was now against mine and the familiar soft bulge I had felt while training earlier that day could be felt through the fabric of the robe. I felt my cheeks turn a little pink as I realized the feeling.
I unfolded myself a bit, allowing my arms to stretch over his body. I wrapped them around his body as best as I could in the tight space. I opened my eyes just a little to see if what I was doing was okay. His eyelids looked heavy, but his gaze never left my face.
Though I was tired, my heart was beating a thousand miles a minute. I worried that he could feel it thanks to the proximity. I had never imagined that I would be sharing a moment like this with the flame Hashira.
I sighed and nestled myself into his neck, this time caving in to my desires. He could definitely feel my heart if I could feel him easily in this position. His beat was steady and strong, just as expected for an admirable warrior.
He had stopped rubbing my hair and instead started to cradle my head, pushing myself closer into his chest. He hummed a bit out of pleasure and I felt it reverberate against my eardrum. I smiled to myself and rubbed my face on his neck, slightly stubbly.
Cradled into one another’s arms, we fell asleep…
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the-insanity-of-mojiru · 3 years ago
seeing some of your kimonos made me want to look into them. im curious about kirisames kimono because i cant tell what kind it is.
Aw, well I’m really honored that you like seeing my kimonos! I’m no expert, though. I just like drawing them, ha ha!
Kirisame wears a one piece yukata and ties his with a Nagoya Obi in a Taiko Musubi with one fold in the front. He ties one sleeve back with a tasuki. Sometimes he wears a haori when he’s going out.
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shimzus-a · 4 years ago
kiyoko owns a small range of yukata, though perhaps a few more than is considered "normal," since she sometimes wears them when sitting in tea ceremonies. most of the colors she picks are simple whites, blues, & deep purples, but ( obviously ) some muted shades of green & pink are fine, too. she doesn't like large patterns, so many of her yukata are wided-spaced flower prints, stripes, or just flat colors with no patterns at all. she doesn't like patterns that are small or spaced close together, because in her mind, the obi ( belt ) is the most important part of the yukata. 
that being said, her underwraps & obi are usually more colorful -- bright reds, yellows, & greens. she doesn't own any particularly expensive ones with embroidery or excessive patterns ( except for the one her family bought her for VERY special events like weddings ). instead, her belts are usually either solid or very minimal in print -- to the point where the print is nearly invisible. 
she used to tie her obi with a bow in the back, but for the past few years she's been wearing it in the square/box style ( taiko musubi ), because it looks more mature. she's also a bit more comfortable tying it rather than the bow ( chouchou musubi ). she would never wear a clip-on bow. ever. it's sinful. 
her hairstyles have also changed to look a bit more mature ( less high school-ish ), & her hairpieces are very minimal. she might wear a silver pin simply to accent her yukata, but would never wear a hair pin with danging parts or bright colors, as is sometimes more popular in youthful looks. this is also reflected in her choices of furoshiki bags as accessories -- which are normally minimal in pattern & serve only to accent her obi/underwrap. 
she does wear geta, though she doesn't particularly love them. they make her walk even slower/more controlled ( & the little clip clop is very cute ).
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tanuki-kimono · 10 months ago
I just found your blog and I am absolutely enamored by all these designs! I did have a quick question though
I'd love to one day visit Japan, and I love the idea of attending a festival in a rented yukata. However, I'm concerned about if I could wear one or not due to the sleeves. I'm disabled and get around using forearm crutches, and have difficulty fitting larger sleeves in them.
I guess I was just curious about if either the sleeves could easily be pulled back to my elbows, or if maybe there are yukata with shorter sleeves (I've never seen them myself at least.)
Hi! I am so happy you fell in love with kimono fashion <3
As for your question, there is a fantastic way to accomodate your crutches: tasuki 襷 sleeves holders. Those are cord used for holding up sleeves out of the way (when doing chores, physical/messy activity, etc).
You can see below how tasuki are tied: basically think of an ∞ with the crossing on your back and the loop up front gathering up sleeves on your sides:
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Depending on your mobility, you can pre-knot the cord beforehand then slip it around your body.
The "right" way of doing it is this one:
Though to be honest, most people do like this and call it a day xD:
I am not sure how your mobility is so I'll also add other options to mix and match in order to nicely enjoy summer festivals in kimono attire:
Happi 法被 (festival coat): if you don't feel confortable strolling all day/night in yukata (the tighness of around your legs might be cumbersome), wearing a coat like those over your "normal" clothes is a good option to still be in festival mood :) Some are sleeveless, some have tube sleeves, and if not pair them with tasuki sleeves holder and you'll be good to go!
(pic below from)
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Nibushiki kimono 二部式着物 / nibushiki yukata 二部式浴衣 (two parts kimono/yukata): exactly what it says on the lid, those are kimono/yukata tailored in two parts, a skirt and a top one. Those might be harder to find in rentals, but have the convenience of being super easy to put on while being less prone to unraveling :) The two parts are also gentler on the figure as you can more easily adapt tighness etc. If you're are able to shop for a yukata beforehand, altering is pretty easy: chop in two, add ties and you're ready to get dressed ;)
Tsuke obi 作り帯 (two parts belt): in the same spirit as above, those are pre-tied obi belt, with a wrap-around part and a knot part. They are super common for children, but also exist for adult. Altering a pre owned obi is also super easy, see for example this past note (for nagoya obi styled taiko knot).
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Yukata can be worn with hanhaba obi (half width belt), heko obi (soft belt), or kaku obi ("men" belt). Heko obi would be my recommendation as those are unisex, comfortable, and suuuuper easy to tie.
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If you want to try hanhaba or kaku, I'd advise for karuta musubi, a flat, sturdy, and unisex knot pretty easy to tie.
Hope your travel project will come true and that you'll have fun :D
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maigeiko · 1 year ago
The look of... VII: Mukojima
Welcome to the 18th installment of this series (my 7th). This time, we’re having a look at the Geigi that work in one of Tokyo's Hanamachi: Mukojima (向島).
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Historical context Geisha started to live in Mukojima in the early Meiji period (1868-1912) [1]. From the Edo to Meiji period, Mukojima was a recreational area for the common people, and was frequented by Yanagibashi and Yoshiwara Geisha with their customers. [3] The earliest record of a Mukojima Geisha (known to me) is Omomo お百, who was featured in "Contemporary Beauties", 1897 [2]. In 1906, 30 Geisha lived in the area. By 1928, their number had increased to 239. In 1940, several Kenban united, further increasing the number of Mukojima Geisha to 1300. Like in all Hanamachi around Japan, their number declined steadily after the second world war. In 1951, their number was 600, in 1993 240 [7], in 1996 170, in 2007 120 [3], in 2020 around 90 [4]. This makes Mukojima approximately as populated as Gion Kobu and Tokyo's largest Hanamachi.
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The look of Mukojima Geiko. Local Term: Geisha 芸者 ※ Hairstyle: Taka shimada, Tsubushi shimada ※ Kanzashi: Kushi, Maezashi, Hirauchi or Tama in the back, rice husk in the new year period ※ Makeup: Oshiroi ※ Kimono: everyday Kimono: Homongi. Kuromontsuki Hikizuri mostly in the new year period or for Erikae, rarely non-black Hikizuri. ※ Haneri: white ※ Obi: Taiko musubi, Yanagi musubi with Kuromontsuki Hikizuri, Tsunodashi musubi with other Hikizuri ※ Obijime: mostly light-coloured. No obijime with yanagi musubi ※ Obiage: mostly red, pink, or white. Seldomly turquoise, white/green, white with red shibori (red/red-white shibori with Kuromontsuki) ※ Footwear: mostly Zori, also Geta
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Casual/Jikata look ※ Hairstyle: Yohatsu ※ Kanzashi: none ※ Makeup: western makeup ※ Kimono: Homongi, Kurotomesode ※ Eri: white ※ Obi: Taiko musubi ※ Obijime: mostly light-coloured. In rare cases with pocchiri ※ Obiage: white with red shibori, pink, white, pink/turquoise ※ Footwear: Zori
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The look of Mukojima Maiko. Local term: Hangyoku 半玉 ※ Hairstyle: Momoware (own hair or wig), Yuiwata for senior Hangyoku (only wig). Shibori, Kanoko and Chinkoro are mostly red, but can also be pink during summer. ※ Kanzashi: seasonal flower kanzashi (1-2 Daikan, Katsuyama, 1-2 Bira-Ôgi, Shidare popular during the entire apprenticeship), Maezashi (optional), Hirauchi. Minimal flower kanzashi with Yuiwata. ※ Makeup: Oshiroi, both lips painted from the start ※ Kimono: Furisode with or without tucks (all variations possible) ※ Eri: mostly white or red/white. But also pink/red, red/purple/green on white base, pink, green, black/pink/white, etc., etc. ※ Obi: kôken musubi ※ Obijime: light-coloured. sometimes with pocchiri ※ Obiage: most common colour variations are red/silver, or red/white shibori. But there are many other combinations. ※ Footwear: mostly Okobo (with red or pink straps), Zori
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Dances [6] Some dances that are local speciality of Mukojima: ※ Asazuma bune かさずまぶね ※ Fuji musume 藤娘 ※ Fukagawa Kuzushi 深川くずし  ※ Gorô ごろう ※ Mukojima ondo 向島音頭 ※ O-Sumio お角力 ※ Otemoyan おてもやん ※ Sôran bushi ソーラン節 ※ Yosakuraya 夜桜や
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Others that you can also see in Ozashiki outside of Mukojima: ※ Ayame Yukata 菖蒲浴衣 ※ Echigo Jishi 越後獅子 ※ Hanami Odori 花見踊り ※ Hatsuharu 初春 ※ Ina bushi 伊那節 ※ Kiyari Kuzushi 木遣りくずし ※ Sawagi さわぎ ※ Setsuhonkaina せつほんかいな ※ Shichi fukujin 七福神 ※ Takeda bushi 武田節 ※ Tatsumi no hidarizuma 辰巳の左褄 ※ Tsurukame 鶴亀 ※ Yakkosan 奴さん ※ Yoshiwara Suzume 吉原すずめ
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Notes Mukojima allows part-time workers, calling them Kamome かもめ [5]. Most of them are students or work in a different job already. Their task is mainly assisting Geisha/Hangyoku in the Ozashiki. Kamome can become Hangyoku or Geisha if they wish to work full-time. Mukojima dancers also play instruments at ozashiki: Hangyoku frequently play shime-daiko, Tachikata more often play ko-tsutsumi, sometimes fue. Shamisen seems so be reserved for Jikata.
Usually, Ryotei and Okiya are separate businesses in Tokyo. In Mukojima, however, several Ryotei also function as Okiya [3], similar to how in Kyoto, several Ochaya also have an attached Okiya.
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Sources - Text [1] Foreign Press Center Japan, Mukojima Press Tour April 2006 https://fpcj.jp/en/assistance-en/tours_notice-en/p=6744/ [2] https://www.flickr.com/photos/blue_ruin_1/28442353867/ [3] numbers 1906-1951, 1996-2007: Sumi Asahara "Tokyo Rokkagai", 2007 [4] not an exact number (account required) https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/tsurukomaiko/hanamachi-population-reference-wip-t2000.html [5] Kamome http://sengoku-japan.com/ [6] dances compiled at Tsurukomaiko, it's by no means a complete list (account required) https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/tsurukomaiko/list-of-dances-in-all-hanamachi-t1988.html [7] 1993: Tsuiseki (追跡): The World of the Geisha, ca. 1993 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkhRWNDwTyM Sources - Pictures Omomo ※ Kingyo Ozashiki ※ Momoka ※ Komachi ※ Yuki+Otokichi ※ Chikage ※ Senyume ※ Hiroya ※ Chikage+Natsuki ※ Tamaki ※ Shingetsu ※ Natsuki (twitter) ※ Soraka (insta) ※ Tomoka ※ Kingyo (fb) ※ Teruka 2x ※ Kanzashi ※ Kintaro (insta) ※ Ayame ※ Kingyo+Rin Ozashiki (fb) ※ Sakura matsuri 2023 I tried to trace back all pictures. If you find the missing links, let me know. "The look of" other Hanamachi: Yamagata, Tokyo Yoshicho, Niigata, Atami, Gifu, Tokyo Kagurazaka, Arima Onsen, Tokyo Asakua, Nagoya, Tokyo Shinbashi, Anjo I Osaka Kitashinchi, II Tokyo Akasaka, III Osaka Nanchi, Fukuoka, V Yuzawa, VI Morioka More Mukojima content: https://maigeiko.tumblr.com/tagged/mukojima Layout: @geimaiko, thanks as always! ♥
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missmyloko · 2 years ago
Have u seen on tomikiku Instagram the outfit of tomitae? It's say she is wearing her obi in a unusual tie why is it so?
Oh! That's how Gion Higashi ties their obi for the tea ceremony for the Gion Odori. It's just a slight variation on the taiko musubi ^^
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stinkfight · 5 years ago
(d/ont rb) i need to vent a lil lol
one of my taiko teachers is so FUCKING wonderful i love her so much man. she makes musubi for us, she shows me photos of her dog, she literally goes out of her way to help out her son in getting art supplies and is genuinely excited for him doing what he enjoys and holy shit i wish i was her kid or at least as LOVED 
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makura-no-soushi · 6 years ago
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Well, I’m satisfied with episode one of Infamy -- maybe I don’t love-love any character yet, but then I didn’t with the first season, either... wait, that’s a lie -- I adored Francis from the second he grumbled about having dinner with his coworkers.
Some things...
That seems like a very fancy obi musubi -- the way her sash is tied -- for the middle-aged mother of a teenage son -- most of them I know just do a taiko musubi. But then perhaps even before dressing she was already being possessed/controlled by Yuko, who presents as a beautiful young woman...
I can check shikata ga nai off my bingo, gaman will most definitely pop up before the season ends.
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I went to a kimono wearing lesson to learn how to tie a taiko musubi. My teachers and I are top grade cute tbh
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