#Multiverse theory
lanascurse · 7 days
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Literally. It’s impossible to not believe in the concept of shifting. Antis will never get it, but that’s fine. At least we know our power.
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perpetuallyburntout · 2 months
Thinking about how Bill Cipher IS real as long as you believe in the multiverse theory (which very well could be true, I see no reason to argue against it). He exists in different universes, several of them in fact, and he’d assumably be fully aware of this.
Now, can he move between these universes? No idea. But he has a lot of powerful abilities, I don’t see why he wouldn’t be able to do this as well. Especially if you take into consideration The Book of Bill, where he’s reaching out to this world, this universe.
So, yeah, Bill Cipher is “just an idea,” except there’s a universe where he’s more than that, and he’s able to communicate across universes to one where he doesn’t physically exist.
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theangelshifter · 4 months
There’s only ONE “impossible” of the multiverse and that’s it being destroyed.
Think about it: The multiverse is infinite, right? Infinity can’t be destroyed. There’s infinite possibilities.
So therefore, there’s nothing impossible for you when you’re talking about the multiverse.
I also think it’s really funny when movies are talking like, “dude if we don’t do ___ it’ll destroy the multiverse.”BECAUSE NO. That can’t happen. If anything of the multiverse gets destroyed it’ll only be a small section. Wouldn’t even be a whole 1% due to how big the multiverse really is.
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eternalfayee · 6 months
def in a little bit of a “shifting slump” but will be focusing on lucid dreaming again 💪🏾
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coockie8 · 24 days
you seem like someone who subscribes to the multiverse theory which suggests that every story ever written is real in an alternate universe so how can you be okay with incest and pedo ships? 🤔
these people are real in their universe! these are real people!!
Sure, but they're not real in this universe, and this is the universe I live in, and in this universe they're not fucking real.
Like did you really think you said something here?
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What proof do you have that shifting is real? Where does it come from? Which cultures practice it? Do you guys even have any backup for your claims. I’m not even coming at you at all i’m genuinely curious and would like to know so i could read.
It’s a fair question.
Shifting is, essentially, experiencing a different reality. This is a metaphysical practice, so it’s unlikely to be proven in the way many people want (ex: some kind of brain scan).
Perhaps a brain scan would show certain signs of increased brain activity if a person were meditating and doing a shifting “method”, but the actual final act of shifting isn’t a physical process at all. You shift via your consciousness.
Most people believe in shifting for a combination of reasons. For me, it’s a mixture of reading about thousands of others first-hand experiences and my own scientific and spiritual beliefs.
There are countless experiences shared online by shifters, even by people who have no idea this community exists. People who don’t know the word “reality shifting” but say they explored “persistent realms” or lived for years within dreams. There are entire shifting podcasts where people share their experiences in heavy detail, and speak so casually, it makes it difficult to believe it’s all a well-constructed lie. My favorite is the GetShifty podcast. Their first episode is “What is reality shifting?” and touches on a lot of the things I mention here.
In physics, the multiverse theory has been around for a long time, and there is some notable evidence for it. You’ve probably heard of the famous double-slit experiment, which showed that light can act as either a wave or a particle, and condenses into one upon observation. This could indicate that parallel realities exist, with each potential outcome existing, and collapsing into one once observed (AKA, someone intentionally shifting to it).
As for religion/cultures, the concept of multiple realities and reaching them via deep meditation seems to be mentioned in the Yoga Vasistha. I’ve actually only recently begun reading it, and am finding it super fascinating, so I may make a separate post about it sometime.
The famous author Neville Goddard also has many books about manifestation and his approach to it. He has mentioned his experience of being in a meditation and experiencing a different reality. He called it “worlds within worlds.”
You don’t even have to be into “new age spirituality” type things to believe in shifting, though. I’m a Muslim and I find my study of Sufism to have MANY things intertwined with the concept of non-dualism, which is arguably central to one of the main shifting theories (the consciousness theory).
I have soo many thoughts on shifting and I have some more things I want to post in the future so if any of this is interesting to you guys, lmk and I can share haha
I hope this was helpful!
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lovebvni · 2 months
what do people mean when they say 'you're already in your dr or you're always in your dr'??? i feel like once i understand this it will help me in my shifting journey but i just dont understand
it means your conscience is already there. your conscience is part of you, so you are there.
to put it simply, it’s like having a baby monitor app on your phone. you can see everything that’s going on in the baby’s room without being there in the 3D. you can check on the baby, talk to the baby, whatever. but even when you are there, if yoy go back in the recording and see yourself.
sure, all of you isn’t there (like you may not be able to feel, smell, or touch) but you can still interact with it. you can see it in your minds eye!
that’s how i see it in the simplest way.
a harder explanation to grasp is part of the multiverse theory (in my opinion). if you exist everywhere and there are infinite realities, then you are always aware of where you are. maybe not fully, but partially. like how you’re not always aware of your breathing, but after reading that line you start consciously breathing instead of subconsciously doing it.
you’re always in your desired reality because it overlaps with this one. you can see it and interact with it perfectly
i hope this helps!!
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loiswasadevil · 3 months
Most if not all media is actually another Universe that is channeled to the writers mind via cosmic means whether they know it or not.
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dotshifts · 1 month
do u think there is multiple realms that we are unaware of because this is our main realm kind of like the multiverse theory or why people have dopplegangers or why things like glitch in the matrix keeps occuring
so what exactly do u believe we are in? cause ngl its starting to feel like a timeloop where the same unsurprising global events keep occuring and nothing really improves and each year seems more unstable than the previous year
What I believe and always will believed and I STAND BY THIS is the multiverse theory
I have read a few books on the scientific explanations on it and how atoms only materialise once it has been observed meaning infinite realities exist all at once at the same time as ENERGY and FREQUENCY until it has been observed which then ultimately it materialises within your awareness as you observed it.
I believe we shift to different realities everyday based off our assumptions and beliefs.
I do think tho there is no main realm as we are awareness experiencing itself with no limits, unless we put limits onto ourselves.
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oliviabutsmart · 11 months
Physics Friday #15 [DWQ]: Multiverse theories
Preamble: What is DWQ?
This is another mini-series that will be ongoing. Similar to opinion posts, there is another type of post that I want to explore.
DWQ - Dealing with Quacks (alternatively, Crackpots or Nuts)
Both crackpots and quacks are unified by what they do. They propose there is something "fundamentally wrong with physics" and that they have this new theory that will change everything.
Their theory is about some fundamental truth with the universe. That the "physics establishment" is constantly attempting to chase ridiculous theories because they don't want to accept reality.
A crackpot is someone who generally has expertise in physics, or a related field like chemistry or engineering. Often they are motivated by a desire for fame.
A quack is someone who has no experience in the field, often with a monetary interest in what they are selling.
"Nuts", which is short for "religious nuts" are those who promote their ideas out of faith and a desire to spread their beliefs. They are more likely to strawman existing ideas first.
I hope that you, the reader, can already understand why I don't like these people. They muddy the waters, mess around with science communication, and give the profession a bad rep. They also lie and pedal disinformation, which ends up acting as a gateway to more serious conspiracy theories within the medical or political realm.
It's also important to identify that this acts on a scale. Technically, some string theorists are a lite form of crackpot - particularly in the way they present their theories and ideas to the public.
But they are significantly more respectable than a flat-earther, or a self-help guru, or a evangelical apologist.
The Multitude of Multiverse theories, or the MultiMultiverse
Multiverse theor(ies) are usually strawmans made by religious fanatics. Think PragerU as a great example.
The argument goes like this:
Scientists have no empirical explanation for fine tuning or the reason for the existence of the universe
In order to explain it, they constructed multiverse theory to explain the source of it
By occam's razor, the simpler argument is the existence of a creator entity, that fine-tuned things for us
Of course you can see how bad the arguments are. The problem is of course that science hasn't accepted any multiverse theory.
Multiverse theories are neat explanations or consequences of other theories, but they are either limited in their explanatory power, or their efficacy to test.
But what are the multiple multiverse theories? Here's three that people claim are multiverse theories:
Many worlds interpretation (a QM thing, and only a multiverse theory in pop culture)
Inflation multiverse theory (one possible consequence of the cosmic inflation hypothesis)
Just an actual multiverse theory (arguable cosmic inflation can lie here)
Many Worlds Interpretation
I've already run through the main gambit of what the Everett interpretation is, so I'm going to tackle this from a pop sci perspective.
When you were younger, you might've heard that the many worlds interpretation literally means many worlds. That with every decision you make, you create a new seperate branching reality. And that multiple realities can simultaneously exist.
Of course, there is an issue with this. Mainly that there aren't multiple realities - there is just one reality, in a superposition of states.
This superposition dictates there is one reality, just that this reality is probabilistic. These realties aren't separated by physical space. It's just one big 'wavefunction'.
Decisions in the many worlds interpretations are also examples of when pop sci goes wrong. It's not necessarily the religious nuts who cause this misconception.
What causes more splits in the wave function is the interactions within it. When an electron collides with a positron, when a chemical in your brain goes from one end to the other. Interaction is what creates these splits.
Technically, decisions are caused by the interactions between electrical signals in our brain, and us making a decision often involves interacting with the world around us. This is how the misconception arises, but the reality is that the split occurs well before and well after a choice is made.
Of course, it's important to state that, the many worlds interpretation is still not the "correct" interpretation. What it posits hasn't been proven.
Inflation Multiverse theory
Inflation theory in itself is already a bit on the rocks in terms of an explanation of why our universe is the way it is. There isn't really any way we can use GR/the standard model to explain why inflation happened. At least, without having to add an extra field or constant in our equations.
Generally, inflation is explained using the addition of a new inflaton field, which in the higher temperatures of the early universe, caused a rapid expansion of spacetime.
This rapid expansion is generated by the field living in a heightened energy state.
At some point, the field reaches a sudden drop-off, at which point the expansion rate suddenly slows down to our expected GR level. The inflaton field then remains at a local minima.
Where does the Multiverse theory come into this?
The drop-off of the inflaton field is not universal. It only occurs at particular points in spacetime. This creates a 'bubble' of space that slowly expands in comparison to the surrounding ocean of space that is rapidly expanding.
We exist in one of these bubbles, which expands at a normal rate. But we aren't the only bubble.
There could be several bubbles surrounding us. All separated by physical space that expands at incredible rates. These bubbles create an effective multiverse.
It's not technically a multiverse because every bubble is still in one single physical universe.
Generally, this version of inflation multiverse theory is better accepted as it has inflation theory to back it up. But it's still not provable, so it's not regarded as truth.
The actual Multiverse theories
There are several multiverse theories. But the key thread linking the other multiverses, is that there is no physical way to traverse the space in-between worlds, and that each universe is seperate in beyond a physical capacity.
I can't go into many different multiverse theories, because the main point is that they're all either bullshit or thought experiments.
One example is the "temporal multiverse theory" which states that time is actually a 3-dimensional quantity, were our multiverses are caused by separations in time.
When you go back in time and alter the past, you end up in an alternate timeline future. This is a common way to interpret most time travel movies or scenarios.
Another is the "10-dimension" theory. There are 3 dimensions of space, 3 dimensions of time, and 3 dimensions of "universe". What is this universe dimension? Well it's effectively supposed to be an altering of the fundamental physical parameters.
The problem is that we don't think that the universe happens to perfectly have three degrees of freedom in it's construction.
The 10th dimension is usually unexplained in this theory.
So what was that fundamentalist strawman about?
There is an idea in physics called "quantum darwinism". This theory basically states that from the many worlds interpretation, there will be one probabilistic reality where human consciousness lives in. And thus that version of reality will be the one we see, as it was fit for human life.
This principle can be extended to various different versions of multiverse theory. That out of the many possible realities, we observe the reality that created the perfect conditions for human life.
This argument, that the universe was predisposed to observation, because it had to circularly, is called the anthropic principle. It can be said that it's an extension of the copernican principle.
And that's it. That's the strawman. Of course, this form of darwinism is not really an actual theory, more a thought experiment.
This post is slightly less long than the other ones but still a lot. Oops! Ruh roh!
Anyways, I hope y'all like this post with a different topic. They will be rarer because I want to take my time tackling these types of posts. Please lmk if you think this post was informative or if you'd like to see more!
Next week will probably be on Baryon Acoustic Oscillations. Follow if you wanna see more!
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bunnhwaa · 1 year
two things with Miguel's theory I'm not getting and something everybody else has probably already talked about by now but I need to rant about it because this shit is slowly eating away at my brain:
1. this whole theory was created because Miguel started comparing his situation with Miles's, sparking that whole "don't play a role that wasn't meant for you" attitude, but to me there's a huge plot hole in that mindset - Miles never chose to be spiderman
like the entire reason why those dimensions collapsed was because Miguel went out of his way to travel to another dimension and father a child that wasn't his, that's not comparable to Miles because Miles didn't go out of his way to get bit by a radioactive spider from another dimension, the spider got drawn towards him because of Kingpin's collider and he's been dealing with it in the best way he can. Miles became spiderman because of someone else's actions, which means that for his universe, it was fate. He quite literally couldn't have dealt with that in any other way and it bothers me how Miguel is self projecting onto Miles by insinuating that he doesn't deserve to exist, especially when you consider the fact that there isn't some sort of uniform way that a spiderman is supposed to get bitten, they just get bit a deal with the aftermath.
which then leads to my next point...
2. canon events aren't completely linear, they're single incidents that coincidentally happen to every spiderman
from my perspective, canon events aren't these uniform rules that you have to abide by, they're similarities in the multiverse that just so happen to align because they have a common denominator - someone playing the role as spiderman
like it's not a "every spiderman does this exact same action and goes through these exact same movements and watches someone die in the exact same way" type of thing, it's a "every spiderman watches a police chief they have close relations with die" type of thing, which leaves a ton of room for leniency
(honestly, that by itself contradicts Miguel's "you're not meant to be spiderman" thing because Miles has canon events just like everyone else, which means that being spiderman was his fate, but that's not the main point I'm leaning into)
the way a spiderman goes through a canon event doesn't mean as much as the canon event actually happening, a main example being Miles getting bitten by a spider that technically wasn't his, but still becoming spiderman and going through canon events just like everyone else
so that leads me to ask another question: if all of Miles's other canon events happened without fail, then what did Miguel see in Miles that led him into believing that he'd be able to save his dad if he tried to?
because as far as I'm aware, all of the other spidermen at the very least attempted to save their police chiefs and failed at doing so, they didn't sit back and watch them die like Miguel is tryna force Miles to do: so wouldn't Miguel going to Miles's dimension and fighting him have an effect on Miles's canon event? in a similar way that Miles went to Pavitr's dimension and interrupted Pavitr's canon event by saving his police chief for him?
like obviously I don't think Miguel will go out of his way to save Jefferson, but if Jefferson is supposed to die while Miles tries to save him, then wouldn't stopping Miles from trying to save Jefferson have the opposite effect??
and here's an extra third point that I thought of while typing this all out:
3. if Miguel believes that Miles being an anomaly gives him the potential to break out of canon events, then he's blatantly ignoring the large probability that Miles has the potential to save his dad and everyone in his dimension, not just one or the other
because if Miles has the ability of creating a bad outcome then he has the ability of creating a good outcome, one cannot exist without the other so even if we lean into Miguel's theory, we have to heavily rely on his self projection in order for it to make sense
and this isn't even me getting into the possibility that all of the other spiders likely realized Miguel's theory was off way earlier on (they're super geniuses so I hope they did) but didn't argue against Miguel because of the lingering "what if he's right", that one in a million chance. the fear of the unknown kept them from questioning what didn't make sense and that resulted in them throwing Miles under the bus
wit allat bullshit goin on, I'm honestly not that surprised that Hobie openly supported Miles from the start, that "fear what you don't know" mentality is often used by fascist leaning governments to manipulate the mass populous, and Hobie, living in a fascist apocalyptic society, peeped that shit immediately and dipped from HQ after he made sure Miles was okay on his own
so uh...yeah! Miguel is tweaking and mentally unwell, spiderpeople in general aren't that good with friendships, Miles needs to reconsider his friendship tier list and set some boundaries because that "they won't take care of you and accept you the way we do" line Rio said hit him hard, (I feel like that's an allegory towards blackness and the experience black kids go through when venturing out on our own and finding our place in outside spaces so I might do another post on that but idk), but Hobie's pretty chill so I hope him and Miles become best buds in the next movie that'd be really nice
yup, that's it I think, if you have more to add please do so I'm so hyperfixated on this shit it's kinda insane actually-
(I started typing this out at 7AM and used a fuck ton of colors so I hope this is understandable, if I'm completely off base and misunderstood the whole multiverse thing please call me out cause I wanna understand this shit so badly)
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Theory: (two theories, but still)
In Multiverse of Madness, we saw that Strange and America changed forms depending on what universe they were in. But in the Spider-Verse films, we saw that that’s not how it works (see Andrew Garfield and Donald Glover still being non-animated). This has lead to two theories.
A) when traveling with America, you change for the universe because she is a multiversal being and made for every universe, and her portals change you to fit your surroundings.
B) beings from Earth 199999 change depending on their universe. Meaning that if Peter 1 were to fall into the Spider-Verse (pun intended), he would become a cartoon. This could also mean that if Miles went to Earth 199999, he would become non-animated.
The America Theory (as I’m calling it) seems more likely, but what do y’all think?
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eternalfayee · 7 months
i need more percy jackson shifter friends please 😭
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spyglassrealms · 1 year
Pocket Guide to Intercosmic Travel
So, you've just become aware of the multiverse! Eternity, reality, omnicosm– no matter what you call the largest unit of existence that supersedes mortal notions of time and space, you're going to need to reframe your perspective on it. Here's a handy guide to get you started!
Multiversal Structure
The multiverse is composed of two aspects: universes (aka cosmoses or yggdrasili) and nullspace (aka aether or ginnungagap).
A natural-born universe, also called a “cosmos” or “yggdrasil,” originates as a single infinite point containing all of the spacetime and mass-energy of its existence in compressed form. This is called a “seed singularity” or just a “seedling”: a singularity of infinite potential. This seedling sprouts infinitely-branching possible spacetimes after initial expansion; any possible split fork moment in probability down to the quantum level creates a new timeline (or “branch”) extending off of the previous one.
Once a universe has grown out its branches all the way to the very end, after entropy has rendered every single worldline into a uniform smear of cold, stable, subatomic matter, gravitational force is absolutely uniform across the entirety of spacetime. This causes the ends of the branches to collapse into new seed singularities and pinch off, drifting free through nullspace until accumulated exposure to the primordial background energy triggers germination through quantum flux. Because time and causality don't apply outside the spacetime of a universe, the reproductive cycles of universes form an infinite chain of reincarnation.
A pseudocosm or pseudoverse, colloquially called a “Haven,” is an artificial cosmos created by one or more godlike hyperichal beings. Usually created by heavily altering a harvested seedling, these constructs often defy standard universal structure, existing in stable localized monocausality with deliberately maintained (cyclical) entropy. They exist effectively as sandboxes for the transcendent hyperichals, allowing them to “play god.”
Nullspace, also called the “aether” or “ginnungagap,” is the “space” in which universes exist, though it is impossible to actually conceptualize as a “space” because it doesn't technically exist. Nullspace is both infinite and imaginary, meaning that there is no relative position in it: every cosmos exists both adjacent to and far apart from each other. Nullspace is uniformly suffused with a unique form of energy, called primordial or aethereal energy, which has no carrier particle and contains infinite potential. This infinite raw energy is thought to be the driving force of the quantum vacuum fluctuations in each causal universe, which also serves to trigger singularity expansion in newborn universes.
Intercosmic Travel
When an object native to a cosmos exits its branch without a protective pocket of spacetime, its waveform collapses. An object removed from its original spacetime becomes detached from its native past, future, and alternate instances (its “worldline”), inhabiting a new causal lineage tethered to itself alone. When sapient beings accomplish this (except in the case of hyperichal transcendence), their new causal lineage is often called a “personal timeline” or, more succinctly, “lifeline.” Material beings who are capable of intercosmic travel are called, among other things: “Travellers,” “aethernauts,” or “planeswalkers.” Non-material, transcendent beings who have converted themselves to a causality-free post-cosmic format and, effectively, achieved “godhood” are called hyperichals, or simply “Drifters.”
Hyperichals are sapient beings who have converted themselves into stable, complex superstring resonance patterns which exist outside the spatiotemporal limits of their cosmos of origin. They have attained final and complete knowledge of physics, and have total mastery over the workings of reality through post-singularity thaumatech. This allows them to not only travel freely across the multiverse, but control the structure of reality itself. It is the most literal form of godhood there is; in fact, most universes with known gods are actually the subjects of hyperichal influence.
The best system yet conceived for cartographing specific instants in a given universe is that of the Cosmos Index in the Gardener's Eternal Archive; available in physical, metaphysical, digital, gravirtual, hyperwave, psychonic, superstring compact resonance, and other formats for convenience. Its method is quite similar to that of the hypothetical Library of Babel: a primary starting point followed by a long string of increasingly specific divergence points in time and space. The end result is that the full address of any point in the multiverse is a large paragraph of absolutely eye-watering numerical gibberish, punctuated by the occasional semicolon. Fortunately, the index includes a spot for a cosmic prime-branch's colloquial names as well, making things easier for all Travellers. This is also useful for including pseudocosms, such as the notorious realm of “Crundle.”
A parallel to this project is the Traveller Index, which functions essentially as a “multiverse phonebook” - it is a compendium of all known beings who are capable of intercosmic travel. Each entry consists of a being’s preferred identity, cosmos and specific instant of origin, and a superstring code –much like a hyperichal consciousness, a “superstring code” is a sub-quantum resonance pattern unique to each individual Traveller’s “lifeline.” There are technically infinite entries in the full Index, but its natural form exists in a superimposed state unbound by time or space. When it is localized for active reference, it can have anywhere from a dozen entries to trillions of entries.
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20kmemesunderthesea · 5 months
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I was in a mood.
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alchemicalwerewolf · 4 months
I wanna hear your secret to time travel and body switching
ok. I’ll just give you the basic overview for now because I literally have drawers full of diagrams and theories I’ve made. I’m not insane I promise, I’m just running experiments.
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so this is my example I just made because I’m not home to show you my detailed example.
the dots are important moments in time. The different colors differentiate dimensions. . Sometimes things in a dimension are the same and some are different. When you time travel, it creates a separate mini dimension, as if making a new color. All the dots of moments will line up until the point of time travel, when you branch off, and jump to the separate dimension which is actually then a mixture of different dimensions depending on if you go forward backwards and how far either way. It makes sense I promise, I just dunno how to voice it.
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