#Muhammad University of Islam
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manga-and-stuff · 5 months ago
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Source: Fullmetal Alchemist Hagane no Renkinjutsushi 鋼の錬金術師
by Hiromu Arakawa
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islam-defined · 1 year ago
Indeed, Allah created everything, by a perfect measure (54:49)
Anything that is created by a measurement produces the product with perfection, whether it is its shape, size, appearance, lifespan or quality. Whenever humans produce something, it is certified for its perfection in the name of guarantee and warrantee. The product is also sent to R & D center for finding faults in it, so that any discrepancies in it could be removed.
In fact, Allah created everything, in truth, with perfect measure, in flawless shapes, with a time-span, with a purpose and their destiny.
So Allah declares, “He has perfected everything what He has created” (27:88, 32:7 etc) and then He CLAIMS, “Did they never observe the sky above them and understand how We built it and beautified it; without any flaws” (50:6).
Flawlessness in prefect measure. Really, Let’s check:
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And I am not able to produce more, Allah's creation is infinite. Allah says, “To Allah belongs whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth. Verily, Allah, He is Al-Ghani (Free of all needs), Worthy of all praise" [31:26]
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Allah says, "If all the trees on earth were pens and the ocean were ink, refilled by seven other oceans, the Words of Allah would not be exhausted". [31:27]
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Here I look into existence of Allah, in His creation of insect, fluid and hexagon. Quran says, "Surely Allah is Almighty, All-Wise. O people! Your creation and your resurrection for accountability on the Day of Judgement, is as easy as creating and resurrecting just one soul”. [31:28]
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totheidiot · 6 months ago
that new testament john x jesus post of mine is doing so good i might have to start cooking up another new testament related post. can't complain religious history when it comes to christianity and islam is of my most favorite things and i love to talk about it. if you want my thoughts on something concerning specifically the life of jesus and anything regarding islam before the sunni-shia split, shoot me an ask. i will come to you with an extremely long analysis post, trust.
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wordofprophet · 11 months ago
7 Scientific Miracles of Holy Quran ☄️
1) Expansion of the Universe (51:47) 2) The Big Bang (21:30) 3) The Sky's Protection (21:32) 4) Iron was sent down from outer space. (57:25) 5) Sun And the Moon moving on its own orbit. (21:33) 6) Pain Receptors (4:56) 7) Internal waves in the oceans (24:40)
. . . #allah#mohammadﷺ#quran#islam#makkah#madinah#hajj#miracle#explorepage#exploremore#viral#viralreels#instagram#trend#miracles#space#miracleshappen#science#trendingreels#trending#fyp#foryou#reels#reelsinstagram#sciencefacts#universe#bigbang#travel#inshaallah
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muslim-world · 1 month ago
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illogarithmil · 1 year ago
One day my fellow historians will achieve their ultimate triumph and demonstrate that polytheism has never existed, we've all been transcendental monotheists forever and we still are actually (sorry neopagans :( )
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chillinaris · 2 years ago
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SIAPA yang melihat kisah luar biasa ini di halaman depan The New York Times hari ini? Ini adalah salah satu cerita paling populer minggu ini!
Penanggalan karbon baru-baru ini dari manuskrip Al-Quran kuno di Universitas Birmingham kini telah menambahkan lebih banyak lagi bukti mengenai tingkat kepastian Alquran yang tak tertandingi. Folio-folio ini diberi tanggal Karbon 14 dalam jangka waktu yang sama, atau mungkin tidak lama setelah Nabi kita (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam). Dengan kata lain, jika perkamen ini tidak ditulis untuk/oleh seorang Sahabat, maka ditulis oleh/untuk seorang murid dari salah satu Sahabat.
Dalam gambar ini, yang disiapkan oleh Prof Godlas, Anda dapat melihat manuskrip asli, yang ditulis dalam manuskrip Hijazi kuno, dan membandingkannya dengan padanannya yang diketik modern.
Koleksi ini, disebut 'koleksi Mingana' (setelah peneliti Alphonse Mingana, meninggal 1937) dibeli oleh Mingana baik di Irak atau Suriah, hampir seratus tahun yang lalu. Edward Cadbury, pendiri perusahaan cokelat terkenal, mensponsori perjalanan Mingana ke Timur Tengah. Koleksinya, yang meliputi ratusan manuskrip, sebagian besar disimpan di University of Birmingham, di Inggris.
Banyak Muslim bertanya kepada saya, 'Mengapa begitu banyak dokumen dan manuskrip Islam berakhir di tanah dan perpustakaan non-Muslim?' Singkatnya, tanggapannya adalah: kolonialisme, dan kekuatan uang. Beberapa manuskrip hanya 'diperoleh'; tetapi sebagian besar dijual oleh pemilik pribadi, atau di pasar gelap, kepada pelancong dari Eropa yang dapat membayar harga yang dianggap sangat tinggi pada saat itu.
Dan terus terang, itu adalah hal yang baik. Dunia Muslim sama sekali tidak memiliki (juga tidak memiliki!) teknologi terbaru atau sarana ilmiah untuk mengurus manuskrip ini seperti yang dilakukan dunia Barat sekarang. Keyakinan saya adalah bahwa Kehendak Ilahi mengizinkan manuskrip-manuskrip ini dipelihara dengan cara sebaik mungkin, bahkan jika itu terjadi di tangan orang-orang yang tidak mempercayainya sejak awal.
“Sesungguhnya Kami telah menurunkan Peringatan ini, dan Kami pasti akan melestarikannya” [Quran]
[Foto dan huruf Arab diketik milik Prof Alan Godlas]
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blackstarlineage · 2 months ago
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Brother Khalid Abdul Muhammad (1948–2001) was a prominent African-American activist and orator known for his unapologetic views on race and social justice. He was a fiery speaker and a great figure in the fight against systemic racism and oppression.
Khalid Muhammad was born Harold Moore Jr. in Houston, Texas. He attended Dillard University in New Orleans, where he studied theology. Later, he furthered his studies at Pepperdine University in California. It was during his college years that he became involved with the Nation of Islam (NOI).
Khalid Muhammad rose to prominence within the Nation of Islam as a minister and a top aide to Louis Farrakhan. He became the National Spokesman for the NOI and was known for his powerful speeches advocating black empowerment, self-reliance, and resistance against white supremacy. However, his incendiary remarks, particularly in a 1993 speech at Kean College, led to his suspension from the Nation of Islam.
After leaving the NOI, Khalid Muhammad became active in the New Black Panther Party (NBPP), an organization that claims ideological lineage to the original Black Panther Party but with distinct differences such as being more pan african centred. He became the group's chairman in 1998, using his leadership to expand its platform of black empowerment and militant resistance to racial injustice.
The NBPP, under Khalid Muhammad's leadership, was known for its radical and militant stance. It advocated for black self-defense, reparations for slavery, and independence from systemic oppression. Critics, including members of the original Black Panther Party, accused the NBPP of distorting the original Panthers' legacy and focusing more on confrontational rhetoric.
Khalid Muhammad's speeches often emphasized black pride, self-determination, and unity. Khalid Muhammad supporters viewed him as a fearless advocate for the black community. His death in 2001 from a brain "aneurysm" marked the end of a contentious but impactful career in activism.
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vague-humanoid · 2 years ago
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Jonathan Eig was deep in the Duke University archives researching his new biography of Martin Luther King Jr. when he made an alarming discovery: King’s harshest and most famous criticism of Malcolm X, in which he accused his fellow civil rights leader of “fiery, demagogic oratory,” appears to have been fabricated.
“I think its historic reverberations are huge,” Eig told The Washington Post. “We’ve been teaching people for decades, for generations, that King had this harsh criticism of Malcolm X, and it’s just not true.”
The quote came from a January 1965 Playboy interview with author Alex Haley, a then-43-year-old Black journalist, and was the longest published interview King ever did. Because of the severity of King’s criticism, it has been repeated countless times, cast as a dividing line between King and Malcolm X. The new revelation “shows that King was much more open-minded about Malcolm than we’ve tended to portray him,” Eig said.
Haley’s legacy has been tarnished by accusations of plagiarism and historical inaccuracy in his most famous book, “Roots,” but this latest finding could open up more of his work to criticism, especially “The Autobiography of Malcolm X: As Told to Alex Haley” — released nine months after Malcolm X’s assassination in 1965.
Malcolm X, a member of the Nation of Islam, had frequently attacked King and his commitment to nonviolence, going so far as to call King a “modern Uncle Tom.” But his criticism often had “strategic purposes,” Eig said.
In acting as “a foil” to King, his message had more value to the media. “King saw value in being a foil to Malcolm sometimes, too. But I think at their core they had a lot in common. They certainly shared a lot of the same goals,” Eig said.
Eig, who previously wrote acclaimed biographies of Muhammad Ali and Lou Gehrig, said he found the fabrication in the course of his standard book research for “King: A Life,” due out May 16. When a subject has given a long interview, he’ll look through the archives of the journalist who conducted it, hoping to find notes or tapes with previously unpublished anecdotes.
He did not find a recording of Haley’s interview with King in the Haley archives at Duke, but he did find what appears to be an unedited transcript of the full interview, likely typed by a secretary straight from a recording, Eig said. Eig provided The Post with a copy of the transcript.
On page 60 of the 84-pagedocument, Haley asks, “Dr. King, would you care to comment upon the articulate former Black Muslim, Malcolm X?”
King responds: “I have met Malcolm X, but circumstances didn’t enable me to talk with him for more than a minute. I totally disagree with many of his political and philosophical views, as I understand them. He is very articulate, as you say. I don’t want to seem to sound as if I feel so self-righteous, or absolutist, that I think I have the only truth, the only way. Maybe he does have some of the answer. But I know that I have so often felt that I wished that he would talk less of violence, because I don’t think that violence can solve our problem. And in his litany of expressing the despair of the Negro, without offering a positive, creative approach, I think that he falls into a rut sometimes.”
That is not how King’s response appeared in the published interview. While the top part is nearly identical with the transcript, it ended in Playboy like this: “And in his litany of articulating the despair of the Negro without offering any positive, creative alternative,I feel that Malcolm has done himself and our people a great disservice. Fiery, demagogic oratory in the black ghettos, urging Negroes to arm themselves and prepare to engage in violence, as he has done, can reap nothing but grief.”
Some of the phrases added to King’s answer appear to be taken significantly out of context, while others appear to be fabricated:
@meanmisscharles @russianspacegeckosexparty @ubernegro @that-biracial-geek-girl @redstarovermoundcity
Eig has shared this discovery with a number of King scholars, and the changes “jumped out” to them as “a real fraud,” Eig said. “They’re like, ‘Oh my God, I’ve been teaching that to my students for years,’ and now they have to rethink it,” Eig said.
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a-shade-of-blue · 2 months ago
Masterlist of Vetted Fundraisers from the Palestinians who directly contacted me (12-17 December)
17 December
Fayrouz/ Fairuz (@fairouz-33, fairouz33): Fayrouz and her husband Jawad have 2 children: Muhammad (4) and Ahmed (1). Their house has been destroyed and they are now displaced and living in a tent. Muhammad has contacted hepatitis. (https://gofund.me/61a191c6) (#316 on @/gazavetters vetted list)
Mohammed Qeshta, Shorooq (@shorooq-mahmoud): Shorooq is a nursing graduate and is married to Mohammed. She gave birth to her first child Jamal on 6 Oct 2023. Their house has been destroyed. They managed to evacuate to Egypt after 124 days of genocide, but they’ve used up all their money doing so. They do not have a source of income in Egypt. They are fundraising to support themselves and also to get both Mohammed and Shorooq’s family out of Gaza.  (https://gofund.me/7c7c09d1) (Shared by bilal-salah0) (€255 raised of €25K target)
Ahmed Dawoud (@kmhan89): Ahmed and his wife Nour have 3 children: Kamel, Mohammed and Hamza. The oldest is 5 and Hamza was born 2 months before this genocide. Their house has been bombed and Ahmed’s business was completely destroyed. (https://gofund.me/41763bda) (#351 on @/gazavetters vetted list) (€5,067 raised of €20K goal, last donation was 6 months ago, they’ve been fundraising since February)
Nasreen Shawa (@nasreenshawa): Nasreen is 37 years old and used to work in a women’s protection organization. She has 4 children: Leila (13), Amal (8), Mohamed (4) and baby Samaa (1). They are living with Nasreen’s mother and brother Islam. Nasreen’s husband has been killed. They are fundraising to buy basic necessities like milk and medicine! (https://gofund.me/89e68f78) (#334 on @/gazavetters vetted list) ($965 USD raised of $20K target)
16 December
Doaa Ayyad (@malakandmasa025): Doaa is 21 years old and a university student who was about to graduate. She has 2 daughters: Malak and Masa.  Malak has Down Syndrome and is also suffering from heart problems. Masa is only 1 year old. They have been displaced from Northern Gaza and is now living in a tent in Rafah. (https://gofund.me/38d59a5e) (shared by 90-ghost)
Alaa Salama (@alaafamely55, @alaafamely0): Alaa (30) and his wife Nabila (28) have 2 children: Muhammad (7) and Sham (6). Their house has been destroyed and the children are suffering from malnutrition. (https://gofund.me/d60c16c1) (#339 on @/gazavetters vetted list)
Rahaf Al-Ghandour (@kisirahaf, @rahafmah): Rahaf has 5 children and she has lost her husband. Her 3 eldest children are missing out on their university studies and the younger children have also been deprived of their education. (https://gofund.me/707255fd) (shared by bilal-salah0) (£409 raised of £100K target)
Rahaf (@rahf2012): Rahaf is only 13 years old. She and her family have been displaced for more than 10 times and are now living in a tent. Her little brother is sick. (https://gofund.me/986196ba) (shared by 90-ghost) ($180 USD raised of $50K goal)
15 December
Rewaa Amir (@rewaa-gfm, @rewaa-amir-family2, @rewaaamir, @rewaaamir-family): Rewaa and her husband Mutez Akrem have 5 children: Kinan (13) who dreams of being a doctor, Taim (10) a catlover who wishes to become a vet, Akram (7), Amir (5) and Salma (3). (https://gofund.me/1550d98c) (#155 on @/gazavetters vetted list) ($666 CAD raised of $55K target)
Asmaa Abed (@freegazas-world, free-palestines-world): Asmaa’s new house was completely burnt and destroyed, and she and her family evacuated to Khan Yunis. They are raising funds to buy basic necessities. (https://gofund.me/1d58b4f4) (Vetted by association. Asmaa is a sister of Mohiy (@/mohiy-gaza2) (shared by 90-ghost))
Anwer Hells, Kifah (@kifah-hilles): Kifah and her husband Anwer are from Northern Gaza but they are now displaced in Deir el-Balah. They used to work in trade and imports. They are now fundraising to buy basic necessities. (https://gofund.me/ac6a5bd0) (shared by 90-ghost) (€200 raised of €30K target)
Marwan Alhabil (@merwangaza): Marwan and his wife are 70 years old. Marwan’s wife suffers from severe herniated disc and she also has severe osteoporosis and diabetes. Marwan’s wife has also broken her foot.  (https://gofund.me/25c4628e) (shared by 90-ghost) (€1,243 raised of €30K target, fundraising since July)
14 December
Hatem Hellis, Massa (@massagaza): Hatem and his children are from Shujaiya neighborhood in the northern Gaza Strip, but their house has been destroyed. They are now displaced in a tent in Deir al-Balah. (https://gofund.me/76daf41a) (shared by 90-ghost) (€878 raised of €45K target)
Momen Afana, Walaa (@walafamily1992): Momen is a dentist while his wife Wala is a mathematics teacher. They have 3 children: Youmna (5), Roua (8), and Tala (10). An airstrike killed 13 of their family members and destroyed their home. Momen’s spine was fractured and dislocated in two places due to the bombing. Even while injured, Momen has been offering dental care to displaced people in Gaza.  (https://gofund.me/e01d33c8) (Line 203, Case No JT03H on Project Watermelon Vetted fundraiser list, Project Watermelon has also posted with Walaa on the dental tent Momen set up to provide dental services for children in Gaza, see here)
13 December 
Ahmad Abu Al-Amrain (@ahmadfrompalestine2002, @ahmadfromgaza @ahmad382002): Ahmad is a pharmacy student and was supposed to graduate uni this year. He is still trying to finish his studies online. His father has pneumonia. Ahmad and his family is displaced and are now living in a tent. (https://gofund.me/4509ce4b) (#119 on @/gazavetters vetted list)
Serin Sameer (@seringaza92, @helpserin): Serin’s family consists of his parents and parents and four brothers, three of whom are married with kids. They have lost their sister-in-law and their nine-month-old niece. (https://gofund.me/56f689ca) (Vetted by association! Serin is a friend of @/abedallhferwanagaza (#60 on @/gazavetters vetted list, #964 on the Butterfly Effect Project vetted fundraiser list)) ($655 CAD raised of $100K goal, fundraising since July)
Ghada Muhaisen (@ghada-knan20): Ghada is 20 years old. She gave birth to a baby in a contaminated tent in the middle of this genocide. Her husband broke his foot while trying to provide for the family. (https://gofund.me/4d504edf) (#289 on @/gazavetters vetted list)
Marah (@marahkatoa2000): Marah is a 23-year-old university student. She has a brother and they used to own a supermarket that is now destroyed. Her mother suffers from an enlarged thyroid gland and diabetes. Her father had a stroke after learning of the deat of their relatives. (https://gofund.me/96e4f26a) (shared by 90-ghost, shared by bilal-salah0) (£820 raised of £20K goal)
Enas Shukry Issa Balousha (@enasfamily33, @enasfamily): Enas is a widowed mother and she has 2 children: Mohammed (7) and Hala (5). Her house has been destroyed and her husband Anas was killed in a bombing while on his way to work. (https://gofund.me/93a61d0b) (shared by 90-ghost) ($595 USD raised of $75K goal)
Jaber Mohammad Al-Dahdouh (@jaberdahdoh2000): Jaber is 13 years old and he has 4 siblings: Shabaan, Hanan, Ahmed, and Ameera. They are from Northern Gaza but they are now displaced in Nuseriat. (https://gofund.me/b7d4c9f4) (shared by 90-ghost) (€860 raised of €20K goal)
12 December
Hussam Al-Qazzaz (@hananqazaz, @hossamqazaz12): Hussam has 4 children: Bashar, Hani, Dianah, and baby Habiba who was born in the middle of this genocide. His mother mother suffers from high blood pressure, and his father suffers from intensive burns. (https://gofund.me/44c3cf74) (#287 on @/gazavetters vetted list) (€1,178 raised of €55K goal, fundraising since April)
Anas Ahmed Al Ammarin (@anasahmed05): Anas used to have 5 siblings. Israel took his oldest brother Muhammad (29) hostage and they have received no news of him. Israel killed Anas’s second-eldest brother Abdulrahman (24), who has just graduated at the top of his class. Anas is only 19 years old and is now the oldest of his remaining siblings. He almost bled to death in the bombing before his parents found him 3 days later. His left arm was amputated with no anaesthetic. (https://gogetfunding.com/help-a-disabled-survivor-get-a-prosthetic-arm/) (Vetted by @/RadioWatermelon on Twitter (this is not a vetter I'm familiar with, would appreciate if anyone has more info), this is his new Twitter account: @/3naskom. For more info see post here and here) (€492 raised of €30,000 goal)
Click here for my Google Doc with my complete masterlist of all the Palestinian gfm asks I've received
Info on how gfm campaigns vetted:  See here, here, here and here.
See post here for other verified ways to send aid to Gaza.
Daily Clicks on Arab.org. Every click made is registered in their system and generates donation from sponsors/advertisers.
See links below for my Masterlists of Vetted Fundraisers from the Palestinians who sent me asks for if you want to help more people! As well as resources for palestinian students if you are a palestinian student!
Masterlists of Vetted Fundraisers
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 13 - 25 July.
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 26 -29 July.
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 30 July - 1 August.
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 2 - 5 August.
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 6 - 10 August.
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 11 - 14 August.
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 15 - 18 August
Click here for my Masterlist for fundrasiers from 19 - 21 August
Click here for my Masterlist for fundrasiers from 22 - 24 August
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 25 - 28 August
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 29 August - 1 September
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 2 - 5 September.
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 6-10 September.
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 11-14 September.
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 15-18 September.
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 19-22 September.
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 23-26 September.
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 27-30 September.
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 1-4 October.
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 5-9 October.
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 10-14 October.
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 15-21 October.
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 22-26 October.
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 27 October - 2 November.
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 3-12 November.
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 13-22 November.
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 23-28 November.
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 29 November - 5 December.
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 6-11 December.
Resources for Palestinian Students!
Initiatives and resources to support Palestinian students, academics and universities:
This is a list of initiatives and resources for Gazan students seeking to complete their studies, including initiatives, resources, training and scholarships. See list here.
Scholarships for Displaced Palestinian students:
Putting this here for the palestininans who follow me: If you are a displaced Palestinian student looking to fund your education, this document lists the scholarships available around the world for displaced Palestinian students.
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newnitz · 11 months ago
I don't really see people talking about how cultural Christianity is applied to Jews.
In Christianity, Jews are the people who rejected and betrayed Jesus and are punished with statelessness and destitution, whose only redemption is accepting the Messiah and the Son of God. This is the basis of several antisemitic tropes, most prominently deception, religious supercessionism and the Wandering Jew.
In cultural Christianity, these tropes are considered tenants of Judaism rather than Christianity, as Judaism is considered Christianity without Jesus.
Christians see themselves as tortured saints, persecuted for spreading the truth of Jesus and God across the globe. Missionaries who go to non-Christian lands to try and get the people to convert by fearmongering with damnation to Hell see themselves as victims when they're rebuffed and asked to stop.
Cultural Christian non-Christians are usually atheists and adherents of folk religion revivalist movements who have suffered religious abuse, as many sects of Christianity normalize emotional abuse by instilling inherent guilt in the Original Sin and even physical abuse in "Spare the rod; spoil the child". These cultural Christians see the millennia of antisemitism and roll their eyes, to them we're just another sect of delusional religious people with a persecution complex.
To become a Christian all you need to do is accept the Father Son and Holy Spirit, to affirm your beliefs and confess your sins. To become a Jew you are either born a Jew, or you learn the Jewish culture and religion for months on end and must live half a year under the strictest restrictions of the Jewish lifestyle to show commitment. That is the difference between a universal religion and an ethnoreligion.
In a Culturally Christian world there is no room for ethnoreligions, and they do not exist. All religions are about your faith and which God(s) you believe in. So in a Cultural Christian's eyes, a country of Jews is a country that holds one faith supreme above all others and conditions rights with conversion, as that's how Christian countries have historically been.
Christianity's common ground with Jews comes from the Roman Empire appropriating the religion from the Cult of Jesus, and making it more appealing to the masses by introducing Greco-Roman and Germanic folk religion aspects into it. Xmas is Yule but with Jesus, Easter is a fertility holiday but with Jesus and so on. In the eyes of the Cultural Christian, Christianity and Judaism are two once-antagonistic sects of the same religion, no different than Catholics and Protestants.
Cultural Christianity erases and appropriates Judaism and is as inherently hateful of Jews as religious Christianity.
Now, when it comes to the elephant in the room: Islam.
Islam, like Christianity, is a universal religion. You must believe in Allah and accept the prophets, which include both Jesus and Muhammad. It is no more inherently violent than Christianity, though it's no less. In the Christian's eyes, Islam is the competitor, the enemy. The Muslims conquered Christian lands and converted them, and they've fought holy wars against one another throughout the Middle Ages.
To become a Muslim the Cultural Christian doesn't need to unlearn any of the core tenets of their culture. They can simply apply it to Islam.
Which is why many Cultural Christians, damaged by Christianity, are sympathetic to Islam. And since Muslims and Jews are no longer on good terms, they use this sympathy to give themselves a free pass to be antisemitic. Whether Muslims check their converts for bigotry, allow it or are powerless to stop them, that's another issue.
Jews are not diet Christians. We have less in common with you than you have with Muslims. Unlearn Christian cultural appropriation.
And no, I don't care that it's "offensive" to associate you with Christianity due to the religious abuse you endured. You still see the world through a Christian lens.
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worfsbarmitzvah · 6 months ago
I've thought about how gentile Abrahamic religions are antisemitic religious colonialism before and it pisses me off a ton and I'm thankful you said it, but now that it's someone besides me saying it, I'm gonna give some criticism (please don't take this personally)
Everything up to Abraham (particularly Adam and Noah) have G-d creating and tending to the entirety of humanity, right?
During Abraham's time, it should stand for something that G-d tends to Hagar and Ishmael, right? Especially since Hagar gives her own name for G-d and He makes a promise to Ishmael that he'll be the father of nations (or something like that). And I think the Prophet Muhammad is supposed to be descended from Ishmael.
And Noahides are a whole Thing in all this too ofc.
But the bigger thing is there are definitely texts and interpretations that take G-d being the G-d of the Hebrews and extend it to Henotheism, but for the Jews who are purely monotheists and say there is truly only one G-d in existence and He belongs only to us, isn't it cruel to totally deny the vast majority of humanity the Divine, especially if He is still their Creator and controls the world(s) they live in?
this whole thing is coming from the assumption that judaism was always monotheistic. it wasn’t. at one point in time we were monolatrous, meaning we only worshipped one g-d but didn’t deny the existence of others. hell, the language used in the torah supports this (the way the text treats egypt’s g-ds being perhaps the most prominent example). hashem has always been our specific g-d, since before the idea emerged that he is the only g-d. our/the world’s perception of him may have since evolved into this idea of one singular deity, but it has not always been that way.
hagar and ishmael still come from our mythology surrounding our particular g-d. the idea then emerged in islam, which was born with the same jewish roots that christianity was, that muslims were descended from ishmael. and, like, i don’t really mind or care about that either way. ishmael’s not a super major figure in our folklore. the story, along others in breishit, genuinely does lend itself to the idea that hashem can be the guardian of many different peoples, families, and nations. and to tell the truth i don’t genuinely have much of a problem with sharing some folklore and roots.
but it NEEDS to be acknowledged where those roots come from. for so much of history, right up until today, christians and muslims have pretended they know our g-d and our folklore and our history better than we do. they have MURDERED us for worshipping our g-d and practicing our customs in OUR way, the way we have been since before their religions and cultures emerged. if the religions that find their roots in our culture were more willing to listen to us, respect us, and learn from us, maybe i’d be less angry. but they’re not. they’ve tried and tried and tried to eradicate us and erase where they came from and make our stuff theirs. i don’t think it has to be like that forever but i don’t think we’re very close to it not being like that as of now.
also, i can’t think of a single cultural mythology that doesn’t have a creation story of some kind. it’s just the kind of thing that societies do when they try to make sense of their place in the grand scheme. the fact that we believe our g-d created the entire world does not actually mean that that story or that g-d belongs to the entire world. the fact that everybody thinks our creation myth applies to and belongs to them is just more evidence of how widely our culture has been co-opted.
there’s nothing we can do to change the fact that our g-d has been made universal (either through the natural evolution of our theology or from colonialism and cultural theft, more likely a combination of both) and i have to be fine with that. sure, fine, the people who have adopted our g-d as their own without actually bothering to understand us at all can outnumber us by orders of magnitude.
but why does our holy city have to also be their holy city? the christians have the vatican and rome and islam has mecca and medina. why do they need jerusalem? why can’t even that just be ours?
again, i have to push this aside and be okay with sharing if i truly want to have peace in our land. and i do, because i love eretz yisrael and yerushalayim more than i hate what has been done to her. the situation has grown so far beyond the injustices i am angry about that it is impossible to right those injustices without creating brand new ones. so i will be okay with sharing our g-d, our texts, and our land. but that doesn’t mean the injustice of it won’t burn like a fire in my heart.
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islam-defined · 2 years ago
The Universe is expanding
Dr Alfred Kroner, Prof of Geology & the Chairman of the Deptt of Geology at the Institute of Geosciences, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany, said: “Thinking where Muhammad came from . . . I think it is almost impossible that he could have known about things like the common origin of the universe, because scientists have only found out within the last few years, with very complicated and advanced technological methods, that this is the case…… Somebody who did not know something about nuclear physics fourteen hundred years ago could not, I think, be in a position to find out from his own mind, for instance, that the earth and the heavens had the same origin….”
In 1924 a Swedish astronomer discovered that the universe is expanding. In June 2016 NASA and ESA scientists found that the universe is growing faster than thought earlier when Hubble Space Telescope provided some information in this matter.
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karlmarxmaybe · 6 months ago
Vetted by @nabulsi and @el-shab-hussein, #305 in the list:
The goal is in norwegian kroner, 11 kronor is worth 1 USD and every 1110 kroner is 100 USD. You can donate USD.
The story of the organizer, Ayman Al-Habil (@nour20habil), in his own words:
My name is Ayman Al-Habil, the father of ten, 5 females and 5 males (Aya, Heba, Nour, Malak, Mustafa, Muhammad, Ahmed, Yazan) On October 7, 2023, our lives were completely changed, the bombing of our house on our head was martyred My brother, and all my children were injured, some of them were described as severe. We had to migrate to the beach camp, then we moved to the south of the Gaza Strip (Deir al-Balah camp). I lived in a tent in December, the long, rainy winter, the weather was cold every day, drowning from the rain, and my family and I spent four months in tents.Then I migrated to Rafah, specifically on March 18, 2024. I left Deir al-Balah. I went to Rafah. I could not find a shelter. We spent the whole night in the truck. Then I started looking for shelter for me and my children.I found a school affiliated with Anruwa, my family and I sat in a classroomSchools are our shelters, as the class was divided into 4 families. Life was very difficult, neither water nor food nor sanitation, diseases and epidemics spread widely, as I had diabetes and cartilage, and my 5-year-old son, Ahmed, had hepatitis, and my 3-year-old child had osteoporosis. Hepatitis, with great difficulty, provided treatment for the difficulty of living, the financial situation and the high price of the drug My eldest daughter, Aya, graduated from the Faculty of Nursing,My daughter Heba is a software engineering graduate from the Islamic University of my daughter Nour studying English commerce at Gaza Training College: GTC: affiliated with Unrow الصور My son Mustafa is a high school student, Ahmed is in the first grade of primary school, and Muhammad is in the fifth grade of primary school,I recently lost my mother who had Cancer Help me rebuild my house Help me to escape death and extermination My children and your donations will help me make this possible and improve our tragic situation Thanks to your financial support, it will be part of my life change. I want to tell you every 11 kronor is worth 1 USD and every 1110 kroner is 100 USD.
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crusera · 10 months ago
The Sultan, they said, was a good man. Soft, quickly moved to tears. Out of compassion, he bought the freedom of a Christian woman's stolen daughter. Even Walther von der Vogelweide, the minnesinger in distant Germany, praised the "mildness" of the powerful ruler in the Orient, whose name has a good reputation in the West: Saladin, a righteous man.
He was a man who always kept his word, even to his enemies.
He let his subjects drag him to court, because God's laws applied equally to everyone. Also for him, the ruler who managed to do what no one had ever managed before: to unite the Islamic world of the Middle East after centuries of discord and to wrest Jerusalem, the holy city of the Muslims, from the Christians in 1187.
His name translates as "righteousness of faith", and Saladin is indeed a devout Muslim. Nevertheless, after his conquest of the Holy Land, he allowed the Christians and Jews there to continue praying to their God. This is another reason why, more than half a millennium later, Western Enlightenment thinkers would make him the epitome of the tolerant ruler.
But this al-Malik an-Nasir Salah ad-Din Abu'l-Muzaffer Yusuf ibn Ayyub ibn Shadi, known as Saladin for short, also had other sides.
He could be treacherous, vile and mean. He did not shy away from murder. Nevertheless, this man fascinated his contemporaries. He became one of the most revered rulers of the Islamic world and the most important opponent of the Crusaders.
Saladin was born in 1138 in Tikrit (in present-day Iraq), the son of a Kurdish officer. During his political career, Saladin was the first to bring Egypt's army under his control.
Saladin, a Sunni, now founds two universities where theology is taught according to Sunni theology - a signal that he is on the side of the population. He also abolished a number of taxes that contradicted the Koran and the teachings of the Prophet.
Saladin's subsequent conquests shock the Christian world. By 1174, his power extended from North Africa to the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula. In 1186, he ruled from the Nile to the Tigris.
At the height of his power, the Sultan even dreamed of taking the Holy War to Europe, conquering Rome - and putting the Pope in chains.
The Crusaders conquered Jerusalem in 1099 and held it until Saladin besieged it in 1187 and handed it over to the Ayyubid dynasty, a Muslim sultanate that ruled the Middle East at the beginning of the 12th century.
Saladin wanted to recapture the city, which had previously been ruled by Muslims.
For Muslims, Jerusalem is a place where important events in the life of Jesus and other important personalities took place. It is also the place where the Prophet Mohammed ascended to heaven according to the traditional interpretation of the Koran and other texts.
In Sunni Islam, Jerusalem is the third holiest city after Mecca and Medina. Muslims believe that Muhammad was brought to Jerusalem during his night journey (Isra and Mi'raj).
The name Jesus is mentioned twenty-five times in the Holy Qur'an, often in the form 'Isa ibn Maryam, which means "Jesus, son of Mary". In the Quran, he is given the unique title "Messiah" (al-masih in Arabic), which means "anointed one". He is considered one of many prophets from the lineage of the Prophet Ibrahim, or Abraham (peace be upon him). Many Muslim traditions regard it as an ideal example of spirituality. Unlike Christians, who generally believe in a triune God, Muslims believe that Jesus was a great prophet who was to lead mankind on the straight path of monotheism and obedience to God (Allah).
When Jerusalem also fell, two kings and an emperor set off for the Holy Land with their armies from 1189 onwards. One of the monarchs is King Richard I of England. Even before the armed pilgrimage, he had already earned himself an honourable name: "Lionheart."
Saladin lies in wait for the Christians in the forests of Arsuf near the Mediterranean coast. But King Richard of England had anticipated the attack; on 7 September 1191, his troops won a clear victory. Nevertheless, the Muslim army is still strong enough to block the road to Jerusalem.
Saladin's reconquest of Jerusalem in 1187 prompted Pope Gregory VIII to organize the Third Crusade. From 1189 to 1192, Saladin lost Acre and Jaffa and was defeated in the field at Arsūf. The Crusaders retreated to Europe without seizing Jerusalem, but Saladin's military reputation had been damaged. He died in 1193.
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whencyclopedia · 27 days ago
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Persian Rose-and-Nightingale Paintings
Rose-and-nightingale paintings and patterns (gul-u-bulbul) are a subtheme of the bird-flower (gul-u-morḡ) genre in Persian art. Bird-and-flower paintings are of Chinese origin and include pictorial elements such as flowers and plants, birds, and occasionally butterflies. This motif was then appropriated by the Persians and throughout the centuries evolved from being a decorative element within the art of books to an independent genre of painting.
Both the rose and the nightingale have important status within Persian art and literature, with roses also having a conspicuous role in Persian traditions, ceremonies, and economics. From the pre-Islamic era and Zoroastrian rituals to the Islamic period, roses have enjoyed a significant position both symbolically and practically. Roses have been associated with the prophets of Islam, especially Prophet Muhammad (570-632 CE), and they were one of the main Persian exports during the Safavid era (c. 1501-1739), which also contributed to their more abundant presence in art. The importance and presence of this motif increased so much during the Qajar Dynasty (1794-1925) that it even came to symbolize the country itself. The word 'rose' (gul) also became a generic term for all flowers. As Layla S. Diba notes:
The bird and flower decorative theme was one of the most prominent in Persian art, originating in manuscript illustration and evolving as a decorative motif and independent painting genre. This theme enjoyed such popularity due to its universal appeal and range of both earthly and divine floral meanings which it conveys. (12)
The bird-and-flower subject was popular in China from the early Tang Dynasty (618-907) and was one of the major types of Chinese painting which included birds, flowers, insects, and pets. Chinese artist-scholars depicted this motif using different stylistic and technical approaches ranging from realistic to overtly expressionistic. Regardless of the method of painting, the bird-and-flower motif had a symbolic meaning and reflected the ideas of the artist-scholar. Although the bird-and-flower theme (especially roses) had been used in Persian literature and poetry since the 11th century and throughout its golden age, it only appeared within the art of books during the Ilkhanid period in the 14th century due to Chinese influence.
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