#Moving towards Home and First Writing Since and Running Orders especially
the-hot-zone · 6 months
hi i just read ur poem abt love and the meanings of each word and i almost cried. usually poems don’t do it for me and i find them boring and sometimes the writers just try too hard to get across their point (no offense to any poem writers it’s just not my cup of tea ❤️) but the way you wrote abt love and finding it in everyday things really struck a cord in me. not to mention ur wording and phrasing which just adds to whole vibe of it. anyways this was one of the few poems that i feel like i can read over and over again because of how good it is and how much thought and feeling was put into it without being overbearing. much love and keep finding love in the small things ❤️❤️❤️
Hello anon, you are incredibly kind. I hope you are well.
That poem is now very old (by my standards), but your appreciation of it allows me to look kindly back on it. Here are some recommendations for you, if you are interested, of poems that have been in my mind as of late:
>Watching my Friend Pretend Her Heart Isn’t Breaking by Rosemerry Trommer
>How to Write a Poem in a Time of War by Joy Harjo
>Running Orders by Lena Khalaf Tuffaha
>Marie Howe's For Three Days
>My Father by Ollie Schminsky:
>First Writing Since by Suheir Hammad
>Moving towards Home by June Jordan
>"Who Remembers the Armenians?" by Najwan Darwish
And, if you are interested perhaps in why poets make the choices they do, I suggest the book Why Poetry by Matthew Zapruder. It has been influential on my style as a poet.
Most of all, I hope that you, too, can continue to find love in the small things. Much love, anon. Be well.
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lovezbrownies · 9 months
Fem! Yandere Military Chief
Hello! My third fanfic this is so exciting >0< I can't wait to write more, especially since I have even more characters in mind to write for!
Word count: 1,033
Warnings!: Nsfw mentions, physical abuse (towaards reader), Torture (towards reader and others), murder (not towards reader), hinted psychological abuse (towards reader), isolation of reader, death of a parent, controlling behaviour, obsessive and possessive behaviour, essentially this woman is a red flag.
Name: Gen Ludenhart.
Gen adored you, oh how she adored you. Even in an important meeting like this she can’t focus on the words being said as she fantasizes about finally coming back home to her sweet darling. You and Gen have been in a relationship for three beautifully long years. Gen, being the lovely wife she is, ensured you moved in with her within the first two months of dating and married within a year in.
The work day felt long, but the ride home felt even longer. The anticipation of finally seeing her cute spouse waiting at home for her made Gen count down the very seconds until her arrival back home. And once Gen finally enters her mansion (paid for by the noble court for her deeds.) she feels an immediate relief wash over her now, knowing she is within the vicinity of her beloved darling.
Gen is, as usual, greeted by the head maid. ‘’Call my darling down to the lounge room, will you Reina?” Reina nods, walking off to complete the task given to her. Gen goes to said lounge room, looking at herself in the mirror hanging on one of the walls, making sure she looks her best for you.
The soft clicking of shoes alerts Gen as she seats herself on her favourite armchair, waiting impatiently, staring at the entrance until you finally enter, behind you stood Reina. Gen waved a dismissal wave towards Reina as she holds out her arms, “Ah my dear, how I’ve missed you so~ Come, come, sit.’’ You knew the routine. Gen comes back home, she calls for you, you sit on her lap until she has held her pent up frustration as long as she can and takes the both of you to your private chambers for some ‘’fun time’’.
It never gets old, even when she is pleasuring you she incorporates something new in the way she gives you pleasure, always doting, always caring, always watching. You’ve tried all you could to plan some escape behind Gen’s back, she might be strategically smart but when it comes to you? She’s stupid in love, can’t even see how uncomfortable you are 85% of the time. So that would mean it would be easy to run away right?
Wrong. The only obstacle to your masterful escape was Reina. Loyal fucking Reina. It feels like she can constantly read your plan, anytime you see an opportunity such as an open window or an unlocked door to the outside and begin thinking up a plan she almost immediately cracks down on it and shuts down any chance of escape. Gen doesn’t see it but Reina is devoted solely to Gen, no one’s sure if its out of love or because Gen pays for her loyalty, whatever the case, she is annoying.
Either way, it seems like you are eternally stuck with Gen, to the end of days. Maybe that would’ve been nice, maybe her coddling you would’ve been comforting, had she not falsely accused your father of a heinous crime, ordering him to be executed. Had she not left your mother widowed, now poor and jobless, barely able to sustain herself. Had she not made everyone turn their backs on you after she had blackmailed them. Had she not kidnapped, tortured, and murdered your betrothed, your darling, your dear girlfriend. Maybe then, you would’ve reciprocated all the affection, cuddles, adoration.
Life wasn’t meant to be like this, sitting on the lap of the person who killed your father and your girlfriend and ruined your life completely. But when you don’t agree to her terms, the aggression she was trained to use on a daily basis returns home with her and she tortures you for hours on end, never relenting until you learn your lesson. Life is not perfect or sweet. Life is miserable, she is psychotic. Even the mere mention of her name strikes fear within your heart.
Anytime you see anyone from the outside world, which is almost never, you beg them to save you from the vicious claws belonging to Gen Aliya Ludenhart. The first was Reina, that resulted in a slap across the face. Gen believed that would be the only time so she didn’t want to be cruel, yet. The second was the Chief of Police, Grimm Ludenhart, now, considering he was supposed to save people from criminals, he did the opposite. He let you stay with this fucking psycho, warned her even, told her to be harsher. And she was, this time she had taken her electric baton, and fried your skin for half an hour. All the scarring had been healed and removed by sweet Gen, citing that she didn’t want her darling angel to be insecure of her scarring, and due to public image as well.
People with elemental powers usually made you star struck and jealous of their power. Some people even have two elements, and Gen seemingly is also dual-elemented. Would’ve been amazing if she was a real doting, caring, loving, not psychotic murderer. But she always uses her powers against you, she controls earth, so when you need to be punished she uses her earth magic. When the sessions of torture end she makes you feel all better with her water magic. “See, dear? I do this because I love you, if I didn’t love you I wouldn’t have healed you, no I’d leave you for dead just like that pest ex-girlfriend of yours! You should be more grateful for me, love! Or else you would’ve ended up with a psycho!” She is the damn psycho you ended up with, but okay.
All in all, you will never have a normal life again, Gen A. Ludenhart will make to sure to have complete control over every decision you make, every step you take, she will be watching you. What’s worse is that everyone is on her side, either afraid of what she would do to them if they help you, or they agree with what she’s doing– Ahem her brother Grimm Ahem– and encourage her whole-heartedly. Have fun thinking of all the people who died because you asked her for directions once in some random marketplace.
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pcttymcrlecu · 8 months
dreams of someone ✒︎ m.barzal
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summary: all lina’s dreams seemingly had come true – and then she met mat in a time where they both needed ... someone
featuring: mat barzal, lina thorne (oc), sydney esiason martin, and the rest of the martin family in mention
word count: 3.8k
warnings: none -- there is a ton of food mention though especially of the baked variety
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dedication: this little one shot was written for bre (@fallinallincurls) for demi's winter fic exchange!
the last time ii wrote about mat was two or so years ago so please give me some grace. but writing this was the exact challenge that i needed so i really did enjoy writing it for you and adjusting it to suit your desires. so, i hope it meets your expectations and that you enjoy it!
and a little dedication as per always to demi (@wyattjohnston) for hosting and understanding that life sometimes happens.
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It was a typical opening morning for Lina Thorne. She’d woken up at 4:30am, showered and got herself ready for her shift. It was a quick morning stroll to her place when the city that never sleeps was a lot quieter than and the sun was still well below the horizon and wouldn’t be painting the skies until the first batch of cookies was in the oven. The woman couldn’t hide the yawn that left her mouth as her key slid into the lock and the front door to the store opened.
Lina never imagined that she be living the dream in New York City, especially since her dreams of staying out in the big city upon finishing her internship with her mentor never came true. Instead, she found herself dreaming of what life in the big city could be for her, working in a bakery out in Boston honing her skills and surprisingly making herself seemingly at home. She had been referred for the position by her mentor despite his own wants to let the young chef go. Working her way into management and securing respect and acknowledgement in the pastry world. All an up-and-coming pastry chef could ask for. It wasn’t until during a prep day that her boss mentioned a position that she was put into consideration for that would lead her back to the city of her dreams and training not only as a baker but rather the head baker of the newest branch of the bakery she’d happily called home for the last three years.
However, as stood in the commercial kitchen under bright cool lights, being able to say she ran the little bakery on the island, she couldn’t help but pat herself on the back. The nerves had initially consumed her and although her boss and the owner of the bakery had been around for training of staff, prepping for the opening and the grand opening itself. Almost as soon as the store was open and running within the week, she was then solely in charge. It was days like this, however, that she loved the most. Mornings where she was able to get back into the very reason why she got into baking in the first place. It was a time when she could take a moment to herself and just breathe. Especially on a day like today when she had a big order to fill out, for none other than one of her newest friends in the neighbourhood.
Lina’s eyes flitted towards the clock, keenly aware that it was fast approaching time to slip the decorated sign on the door and let customers know that they were open. She had since been joined by two baristas and two of the bakers who were due to take over from her once the store opened up whilst she got her deliveries done before working through paperwork. The shout from one of the aforementioned baristas shook her out of her haze as she iced the cookies in front of her. Calling out for a moment, she finished up the cookie she was decorating before placing the pining bag down and reaching for the dishtowel. 
Walking out into the front, she sent a smile to the two college students who were pulling down chairs and wiping tables before her eyes landed on a familiar head of hair tapping their fingers against her counter. Pulling a face of confusion, she moved towards him dropping the dishtowel.
“We’re not open yet.” She spoke before crossing her arms as he turned towards her. A smile that she could only describe as cheeky sat on his lips as he gave her a little shrug before leaning towards her.
“I was told to pick up a cookie deliver. Sydney’s orders,” He spoke with amusement filling his words, “There’s no saying no to that woman.”
“Mat, Syd’s order is set for delivery.” She wasn’t quite sure if she believed in what he was saying but it wasn’t in her nature to be unkind.
Lina had met Mat by chance and obviously all thanks to the woman currently in question. Sydney and a couple of the other wives and girlfriends of the Islanders had dropped by for a coffee date from which Sydney had made it her newest spot and was happily welcomed by the bakery’s staff as a regular. The more time Sydney spent in the establishment, the more opportunities she got to speak with young women and truly it was hard to say no to that woman. Before she knew it, she was being invited to dinners, and girls’ nights – she had even frequented hockey games which was something she hadn’t done since she was in culinary school. The late nights of the games just didn’t align with the early morning that was required of her at the store. It was one of the rare late nights she had free when she was invited by Sydney to a dinner party at the Martin residence and she had run into Mat. The story according to Syd was that Mat was only invited because of a recent break-up and them wanting him to be around people who loved him and wanted nothing but happiness for him. It, and Lina will quote, “is not a matchmaking setup” like other introductions to Sydney’s male friends of the same age as the baker had been.
The two had been seated next to one another and Mat’s glum mood had caught her attention. But not knowing anything of his current situation and maybe having had a little too much fun doing unplanned pres with the hostess with the mostess gifting her looser lips than normal, she had made a remark about his apparent brooding. A thought she assumed was just that but upon hearing the chatter quieten down a little, she realised her words most definitely left her mouth. Slowly lowering her glass to the table, she turned to apologise to the male beside her when the snort that he let out left her sorry and confused. It was all quickly replaced with intrigue when he shot back with a retort of his own, prompting the two adults into a comfortable and playful argument. It was that moment where instead of anticipating the presence of a certain blonde every day, she noticed a certain brunet make a place for himself at the table closest to the counter by the display case.
The baker had been warned against Matt’s teammates but none other than Matt himself. She’d gotten the idea that Matt was keenly aware of his wife’s ability to befriend people and more importantly take them under her wing, if how quickly she was welcomed into the family dynamic of Martins was anything to go by. Regarding dating, who was she to question a man who spent most of his time with said teammates, she doubted she’d ever even meet and if she ever did, so many faces pass through her doors, she wouldn’t even remember them. Which is why the hockey player who had chosen to make himself a fixture had initially garnered a little apprehension from her but without fail, he always came in and grabbed a coffee (and a cake on those days he chose to treat himself), his a seat and left when he was all done, never without a generous tip. He was kind enough to her staff and even kinder to the other regulars who were in at the same time as him, so she let him be. All business is good business, even though she knew for a fact there were coffee shops much closer to his apartment, the arena and even the practice facility. But who was she to complain.
She couldn’t remember when it started but she eventually started joining him when he’d visit in the mornings. Their chats were surprisingly something familiar, and comfortable, like talking to an old friend. They joked and teased but most of the time they just let go. It had been a couple weeks since they first met, and it wasn’t until the second week of them sharing a drink that he’d actually opened up about why he was looking so glum the night they had met and why he was hanging around her café. How he got her store details from Sydney and how he was drawn to the fact that she didn’t handle him as though he was fragile. How all he had wanted when it felt like someone he cared about deeply had uprooted him from his very foundation was normalcy. And that’s what Lina gave him. He was just another friend of a friend to her; he was just Mat to her. Not heartbroken Mat, not healing Mat, not even NHL superstar – Just Mat.
“Well, you’re not all that Mathew.” She had stated to which he could only respond with a soft ‘Exactly’. Ever since that moment, they had shared ample time with one another both in and outside of his coffee trips. And despite the time Mat has been spending within their four brick walls, it was still a surprise to see him at the store before opening.
“Can’t be, she sent me a frantic message at 7 telling me she needed a favour and who am I to fulfil my favourite uncle duties,” He explained before sending a wink her way, “Anything for Winnie.”
“Yeah, she lied to you,” She answered, giving him a double pat on the shoulder and a short cackle before moving over and opening the gate for the man, “One time only, might as well put you to work.”
The two of them made their way to the kitchen and while Mat went to wash his hands (not before Lina pointed a firm finger towards the sink to gently direct him to do so), Lina grabbed him a free apron and tossed it over his shoulder. Moving back to the station where the last of the cookies were waiting to be decorated and then packed away for delivery. 
“So, what can I do?” Mat slipped the apron over his head as he leaned over to observe the spread of baked goods before glancing back over at her. His confident smile slowly slipped off his face as she grabbed a piping bag and handed it over to him.
“I line, you flood.”
“Didn’t you train like three years for this?” Giving the bag a gentle squish and frowning when no icing flowed out.
“It’s basically impossible to mess it up, it’s like colour by numbers,” She explained softly as she grabbed a pair of scissors and snipped the end of the piping bag while adjusting his hand to make sure no icing was wasted. Pulling the cookies, she was previously working on in front of him all lined and ready to fill in front of him, before gesturing towards the piping bag and gesturing back to the cookies. “Match the flood colour to the line colour. Winnie does it all the time.”
“While I know that’s not really true, the dig hurts.” His free hand flew up to his chest in mock hurt before laughing and finally putting icing to cookie with an almost amusing amount of concentration.
“Get filling pretty boy, I will not have my little princess disappointed.”
The two of them worked almost like a well-oiled machine. It almost felt like she was back in culinary school, helping out with the younger years. They weren’t always perfect, but their hearts were always in the right place and if there was one thing she had learnt about Mat was that his heart was always in the right place. Almost to a fault. The whole bravado he put on was more like a mask. At least in front of her. He never had any walls up with her, but he definitely had worn the walls she constructed when she moved down. She always knew that those walls had to come down eventually, but she definitely didn’t expect it would come from a chance encounter with a random stranger. The girls and her staff had done their fair share and warming her up and making her feel at home but the first time she ever truly let herself be with no pretences and no fears of being judged and not fitting in was sitting in the store over a cup of coffee with Mat.
Before long, all the cookies, cupcakes, and the grand finale cake of it all were packed into the refrigerated bakery van ready for transportation to the Martins' house, where preparations, if the texts and calls she had received from Sydney were anything to go by, were well underway.  Despite Mat’s pleas to drive, Lina kept a firm hold of the keys until they were safely parked in their friends’ driveway. Grabbing her garment bag from its place hanging in the backseat, she walked up to the front door. Mat’s knuckles were knocking against the wooden door as Lina reached him up on the front step. His eyes were drawn to the bag in her hand, and he couldn’t help but bring up his curiosity.
“What’s with the change of attire?” 
“As if I’m going to spend the rest of the day in clothing that’s covered in powdered sugar, flour and dried batter and dough. Plus, if I’m going to be around kids with surprisingly sticky hands, I’m going to start with a fresh slate.” Her words were light and humorous and before Mat could even attempt a response, the door opened and a hand was wrapped around Lina’s wrist, pulling her into the house quickly.
“Thank goodness you’re here, I need your help.” The blonde in front of her pulled her to the side before aggressively motioning to Mat who was still pulling his shoes off. He almost comically pointed to himself before looking behind him only to be physically pulled into their little huddle a second later, “There’s so much left to sort out and both Alice and Winnie want pancakes. Help Matty and I out?”
“Don’t think I’m your guy, I’mma just –“ 
“Of course we can help, go do what you need to do,” Lina responded, grabbing onto Mat’s arm before he walked away. Sydney gave her a smile and with a blown kiss, she was gone. Once her friend was out of view, Lina’s hand swung up to Mat’s shoulder, “Really?”
“What?” He was greeted simply with a shaken head as she slipped her own shoes off along with her jacket before she walked into the kitchen. Pouting at the lack of an answer, he followed her quickly “What?”
Mat watched as she made quick work of pulling out the necessary ingredients and equipment for the pancakes. Pulling up one of the bar stools, he settled into a routine that was very much a typical evening for them. Since he frequented the store so much, Lina had decided that for all the real estate he was taking away from her other customers, he had to give something back and that was how he became her official taste tester. Once, every other month they’d get together and along with a constantly refilled glass of wine (courtesy of Mat), she’d bake all her experimental recipes and flavour pairings on him. It was one of the things that she loved about him. She loved simply baking with no pressure of it being commercially viable and nothing is better than baking for someone who is more than happy to consume. Even if it means she has to put up with the constant whining about how her goods are going to make a certain someone work harder at the gym.
The two worked in a comfortable quiet, Mat had put music on the Alexa quiet enough not to disturb anything happening in the other parts of the house. Mat was picking at the tester pancake before he hopped off the stool and made his way over to the cupboard and pulled out the Nutella and a spoon, before settling himself beside the baker who was humming along to the music.
“What happened to all that ‘I’m a disciplined athlete’ talk?”
“I’m just a man and you’re out here teasing me with all those amazing treats you made me decorate and now you expect me to not have at least one spoonful of chocolatey goodness?” Forcefully scooping up a spoonful of said spread, her pointed it in her direction for a moment before shoving it in his mouth, “You have too much faith in me.”
“Oh, now that is pushing it,” She said flipping one of the pastries onto a plate before turning to face him as she poured more batter on the hot plate, “Would you please just cut some strawberries and stuff?”
Although it wasn’t without complaints, sure enough, they were working side by side. Lina flipping pancakes and Matt cutting strawberries into quarters as they quietly spoke about their weeks, catching each other up on their respective TV shows. 
“You know this is what I miss the most.” Lina hummed in question at his statement, only slightly inclining her head in his direction, “I miss just having someone to talk to. To exist with. To be with.”
Silence flooded through the pair as her head turned towards him as he continued chopping the fruit, a bittersweet smile on his face. She took a deep breath as she felt a wave of emotion flood through her as his words processed in her head. Her hand was on the dial, turning the heat off and placing the spatula down. Her words came out as an unsteady breath as she turned fully towards him.  “Oh Mat…” 
“I know I’ve already talked you to death about … that situation but –“ Mat lowered the knife but still made no effort to look in her direction and shook his head slightly before huffing out a quiet laugh,  “It’s not just that you didn’t treat me like I could break but the time we spent together, the conversations we had. It almost felt like having someone again. Except this time, it was in the shape of friend – someone I can’t lose. Until I kept getting to know how wonderful you are.”
The words to comfort the man in front of her were proving difficult to come by so Lina simply stepped towards him and did the only thing she could think of, wrapped her arms around him. With one arm around his back and the other holding onto his arm, she laid her head on his arm and gave him a gentle squeeze.
“I’ve done the whole break up thing before I don’t know why this time it was difficult. I guess I got too comfortable with the wrong person, I don’t know but I know it was wrong now. I knew it was wrong the moment I had coffee with you for the first time because you made me feel more heard and all you were doing was entertaining a customer who wouldn’t leave your store.” She couldn’t help the laugh that left her, giving him a whole-body nudge and shaking her head as it pressed against his bicep muttering a soft ‘not true’.
Lina felt Mat’s head move to look towards her, moving her own to look up at him but keeping him in her soft hug. She would never admit it to him, considering the subconscious promise she made to herself upon finding out he was still working through his breakup. Their eyes met and he couldn’t help the smile that floated onto his lips until a little embarrassment covered his face,  “Sydney didn’t tell me to come and collect Win’s treats, I just hoped if I turned up, I wouldn’t have to share your attention with your customers.” 
“I’ve told you before Mathew you never have to be jealous of customers taking me away from you. I’ll always be there for you,” She muttered, pulling away before turning him until they were chest to chest, “I know we joke but I truly will always be there for you. Maybe covered in icing but always there.”
“And I you,” At his words, she wrapped her arms around his neck giving him a proper hug.
Inhaling deeply, she felt him do the same as his arms wrapped firmly around her trapping her between them, not that she was complaining. Her mind rushed through the past couple weeks of her life since meeting the man and she couldn’t believe just how close and open she had got with him. There were people she’d met during culinary school and knew for 4 years and worked with in Boston for 3 years who didn’t know as much about who she was outside of the kitchen as Mat did, and she’d barely known him for a couple months.
He had an interest in getting to know her and just wanted to sit and speak with her, whether or not he had his own ulterior motives for appreciating her company, they bonded. They spent a lot of time together doing nothing more than talking in their own little world. Lina would go as far as to say that she knew him and not just superficially but at a much deeper level and she could entirely feel what he was saying about how being with her feels because she felt the exact same way. Releasing him from her hold, she was suspended on her toes as Mat took a little longer to pull his arms away. She laughed softly, keeping her hands perched on his shoulders as she looked up at him with a soft and gentle smile.
“You bring me peace too,” She whispered, letting out a breath as she steeled herself to admit her truth to him, something that she’d become very comfortable with so what did she have to lose this time, “I love being your someone, because you’re my someone.”
If Mat was smiling before, the smile that took over her face at her words was rivalling the sun. A deep sigh left his mouth, and it was almost like all the tension that had filled his body since he started speaking had been loosened instantly. His shoulder dropped as the tension fell away and his hands found hers up on his shoulders, holding them tight between them. He went to speak but a shout of ‘LiLi’ filled both of their ears from the living room. Touching his forehead against hers, they both laughed gently as the shouts got closer and more frequently. Pushing back up on her toes, Lina pressed a firm kiss to his cheek before pulling away. Giving him one last peck on the cheek before she properly pulled away.
“Later?” He simply smiled at her question as the sound of small footfalls got closer.
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onlygenxhere · 7 months
For the @jatpfebfanfest my secret giftee is @daintyduck99
So it was a no brainer that I needed to write a Reggie-centric story. It’s a little softer than I’d originally thought it would be and fairly cannon-ish. Hope you like it!
A day in the life of a ghost bassist
The alarm on the phone Ray gave him just last week went off under Reggie’s pillow and he pulled it out to silence it quickly before it could wake the others up.
He rolled over on his back and rubbed his eyes waking up quickly. The need to sleep was new since Julie’s magical hug made them all solid to her and visible to others if she was touching them.
Ray had been just as cool as he’d hoped he’d be when she’d told him about them and welcomed them into their home, or at least the studio, without too much hesitation.
He looked to his left and was only a little surprised to not see Luke there. He was pretty sure he knew where he’d eventually crashed.
Luke was probably the only one that wasn’t a fan of needing to sleep again. He hadn’t been much of a fan of sleeping when he was alive so it wasn’t surprising.
Reggie got up, got dressed and put the sofa bed back together so they could use it as a sofa this afternoon.
Poofing into the kitchen he started the coffee like he did every morning now. He could have some if he wanted but he mostly just liked the smell.  Once that was going, he moved to the other side of the kitchen and started to empty the dishwasher having noticed Ray must have run it before he went to bed last night.
He was just finishing up when he heard footsteps coming down the stairs.
“Good morning Reggie,” Ray said through a yawn as he came in the room. “How are you this morning?”
“Good morning Ray.” He sang as Ray went to the coffee maker and poured himself a cup.
He watched as Ray added a little sugar and a lot of cream before taking a long sip. “I could get used to this.” He chuckled and turned to smile in his general direction.
“Happy to help,” Reggie sang.
And he was, happy, so happy to help. He didn’t have any money, none of them did but he’d found ways of helping out that everyone seemed to really appreciate.
Especially Ray.
Reggie thought they owed him just as much as they owed Julie for letting them live here for free. Not to mention how he looked out for them all like they were part of the family.
He watched as Ray pulled a notepad off a pile of mail and slid it over toward where Reggie was near the dishwasher along with a pen. “Would you mind working on a grocery list while I start pancakes?”
He quickly wrote ‘no problem’ on the page he’d been doing math with Carlos on last night before flipping to a clean sheet and writing grocery list at the top.
Reggie moved around the room checking what they needed and adding to the list as Ray got out the pancake mix and started working on the batter.
“Are you boys eating today?” Ray asked as he poured the first pancake on the griddle.
They ate now.
Drinking juice and soda had come first but they started experimenting with food shortly after that. But much like sleep they didn’t need to eat as much as they did when they were alive.
Ray had ordered pizza for dinner last night and they had all had several slices, so he wasn’t feeling particularly hungry this morning and he doubted Alex was either.
But Luke might be hungry.
Out of the three of them, well the four of them counting Willie sometimes, Luke was sleeping and eating more than the rest of them.
He looked up at the ceiling guessing that’s where Luke had probably fallen asleep. He fell asleep in Julie’s room writing music more often than not the past couple of weeks.
He wrote quickly on a blank page. ‘Make a few more for Luke just in case’ and showed it to Ray. He chuckled and looked up at the ceiling shaking his head. Apparently, he knew where Luke most likely was too.
That was another cool thing about Ray. He trusted them as much as he trusted Julie as long as they kept being honest with him. Reggie would do anything to keep that trust. It was something he’d never had with an adult before.
“You’re probably right.” He turned to add a little more pancake mix to the bowl. “If you’re done with the list, you should probably go wake up Julie and Carlos for school… and Luke if he’s eating.”
“On it…” He sang and poofed upstairs to just outside Julie’s door and knocked softly.
He counted to thirty and knocked again. This time he heard some rustling before a very sleepy Julie opened the door.
“Morning Reggie,” She rasped before turning to go flop back on her bed face down.
“Your dad is making pancakes.” Reggie giggled at her dramatics and followed her inside noticing Luke still sleeping over in the pillow pile by the window. His guitar was lying across his chest like he’d fallen asleep in the middle of playing.
He lay back on the bed beside her. “What time did you fall asleep?”
“About one I think.” She turned her head to look at him through a curtain of hair.
Reggie brushed her curls back from her face and she smiled at him before glancing over at the still sleeping Luke. “Why is he so hard to say no to?”
“Don’t ask me.” He laughed. “I’ve never been able to tell him no either.”
They both turned to look at a drooling Luke fondly.
“Do you think he’s ok?” Julie whispered. Reggie turned back to see her looking at him worriedly. “He’s sleeping and eating so much more than you and Alex and it’s worrying me.”
“I think it’s you.” He tucked another wayward curl behind her ear. “He spends more time with you than we do.”
Julie hummed and scooted over to lay her head on his shoulder. ”Maybe you should hang out with us more so we can test out your theory. Maybe, it’s a good thing.”
“I think it’s a good thing Julie.” He sighed and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her to his chest. “I hope so any way and I’d love to spend more time with you.”
“Me too,” A raspy voice said from the floor.
“Go back to sleep,” Julie and Reggie said in unison.
“Can’t,” Luke said laying his guitar on the floor, stretching and groaning loudly. “I smell pancakes.”
Both he and Julie took deep breaths too and he could definitely smell the cooking pancakes now. Ray probably had a nice stack ready.
He sighed and started to get up. “Better go get Carlos.”
Julie whined at the loss of her pillow as he pulled away, making him laugh. There was nothing more he’d like to do than cuddle with Julie a little while longer but she had school and he would not be the reason she was late.
“You gotta get ready anyway.” He laughed. “You know if you don’t get moving Carlos is going to beat you to the bathroom.”
“Ugh, stop with your logic.” She groaned. “I’m going.”
Reggie straightened up Julie’s bed for her as she gathered her things and headed toward the bathroom.
He picked a blanket up off the end of the bed and turned to Luke who was still sitting there watching him. “You need to go help Ray so Julie can have her room to get dressed.”
Luke grinned at him. “Yes boss.”
Reggie rolled his eyes. “Julie’s the boss.”
“Maybe I need two bosses.” Luke smirked.
Reggie threw the blanket over his head so Luke couldn’t see the blush he could feel creeping up his neck to his cheeks.
He wasn’t going to think too much about that right now he had things to do.
He heard Luke poof out without another word, hopefully to go help Ray, as he headed down the hall to Carlos’ room and knocked.
“Is that you Reggie?”
He gave another knock for ‘Yes’ just before Carlos opened the door with his phone pointed at him already talking.
“Say hello to my ghost friend all you ghost toasters out there!”
Reggie chuckled as Carlos paned up and down his blanket clad body which he was sure looked like it was floating in midair.
“Give us a wave ghost boy.”
Reggie held the blanket in his hand and waved but kept quiet.
He and Carlos had a deal, that’s why he’d showed up at his door in the blanket. He’d do ghost things on camera for Carlos’ me-tube channel but only if Carlos got ready for school on time and kept up his grades. 
“That’s it for today ghost toasters.” Carlos grinned at Reggie from behind the phone and he did a little shimmy for the camera, “Until next time!”
Carlos put the phone down and laughed. “That was awesome!”
“Your dad made pancakes.” Reggie sang after he pulled the blanket off his head.
“I can smell them!” Carlos took a deep breath and then ran through him and down the stairs.
“Hey!” Reggie yelled and shivered. He really wasn’t a fan of people walking through him. It was cool at first but now it just felt weird.
He could feel how hungry Carlos was and it was making him feel a little hungry too. Even if there weren’t any pancakes left there was always Pop tarts or cereal if he still felt hungry when he was done with his last official task of the morning.
Reggie poofed back into the studio and called quietly up to the loft. “Alex, are you awake? Julie and Carlos are leaving for school soon.”
He could have poofed directly in the loft but he’d interrupted Alex and Willie once and once had been enough for all of them.
Speaking of Willie, it was his head and not Alex’s that popped over the railing. “He’s still sleeping Reg.”
“Did you sleep any?” Reggie asked quietly.
Willie beamed down at him. “I did!” He whispered loudly, “A couple hours at least.
Reggie nodded. Willie had been hanging out with them more and more in the last couple of weeks and whatever was going on with him and the guys seemed to be affecting him too.
He really hoped it was a good thing.
“You should come to practice this afternoon.” Reggie grinned up at him.
He nodded. “I will.” Then he gestured back toward where Alex must be still sleeping and Reggie waved him away. He was so happy for Alex and they all really liked Willie.
Reggie checked Alex, and Willie, off his mental to do list and poofed back into the kitchen to see how things were going there.
Carlos must have inhaled his breakfast because there was a dirty plate in the sink and no Carlos at the table.
Julie and Luke were both still eating and talking quietly while Ray was cooking up the last of the batter.
“Reggie’s back dad,” Julie said smiling over at him.
“Oh, good,” Ray smiled in his general direction. “There’re a few extra pancakes if you want some.”
His stomach growled. Guess he was hungry.
“Thank you.” He sang as he fixed himself a plate and sat down at the table with Luke and Julie. Both of them were pretty much done but were still discussing practice this afternoon and what gigs they had coming up this weekend. Luke was taking notes in his ever present notebook.
Reggie ate quietly as they talked, just soaking in the them of it all.  Both Julie and Luke had said they wanted him around more and he was going to take them up on it even though a lot of the time it felt like he was intruding. They obviously had more than friendly feelings for each other but as far as he knew they hadn’t acted on them. Sometimes it felt like they were waiting for something…  
Ray interrupted the quiet conversation as he ate his own breakfast leaning on the island to remind Julie she needed to finish up and get ready to go in the next ten minutes. Then he put his plate in the sink and hurried up the stairs to get ready to go himself.
“Hey why don’t you go with Jules today Reg,” Luke said getting up and taking his and Julie’s plates to the sink.
He looked at Julie, who nodded as she got up to pack her school bag.
“Yeah, I’ll stay and clean up for a change.” Luke winked at him. “Ray already likes you more than me.”
“That sounds good to me too.” Julie grabbed her lunch from the fridge and gave Luke a pat on the shoulder as she passed. “Reg can help me study for my history test today.”
“Sure!” Reggie bounced up to go add his plate to the sink. He loved helping Julie study. It was the same stuff he’d learned when he was in high school. There were a lot of new things to learn after twenty-five years but what they taught in tenth grade history hadn’t seemed to change much.
“Yeah,” Luke laughed. “I’d rather do the dishes.”
“I know you would.” Julie giggled as Ray came back down the stairs with Carlos following close behind.
“Who would what?” Carlos asked, heading to the fridge to grab his lunch.
“Luke would rather do the dishes than help me study for my history test.”
“Me too,” Carlos groaned. “I hate history.”
“Honestly it wasn’t my favorite subject in school either,” Ray said as he poured himself a travel mug of coffee and Carlos finished packing his bag. “But it’s still something you should know.”
“Tell Carlos if he knows enough stuff, he could be on Jeopardy one day,” Reggie said giving Julie a wink. 
Julie laughed and relayed Reggie’s comment.
“Now that’s a good reason to study.” Carlos grinned before dashing out the door. “Shotgun!”
“Whatever works,” Ray shook his head and laughed. “Thanks Reggie.”
“Bye Luke,” Julie said as she picked up her bag.
Reggie gently took it out of her hands and put it over his own shoulder. “I got it.”
“Bye Jules, have a good day.” Luke waved a soapy hand at them. “Hurry back Reg I wanna show you and Alex what Julie and I came up with last night.”
“I will,” Reggie grinned back at him as they headed out the door, “Can’t wait to hear it.” Luke seemed to always have new music or lyrics to show them nearly every morning and Reggie didn’t think he’d ever get tired of hearing about it.
He hurried to the van and slid in beside Julie shutting the door behind him.
They got right to work going over Julie history notes as Ray and Carlos chatted in the front seat about Carlos’ baseball game coming up this weekend. Reggie was halfway listening to them as he quizzed Julie.
Ray was such a good dad offering to take Carlos to the park after school and pitch to him so he could practice hitting.
Reggie couldn’t remember his dad ever offering to do well… anything for him… ever.
Oh, yeah, he did offer to give him a reason to cry if he got upset but he was pretty sure that didn’t count.  
“You ok Reg?” Julie laid her hand on his arm.
“Sure,” he grinned.
“It’s just you asked me that question already.”
“Oh,” he looked down at the notebook in his hands. “Sorry, sorry, I got it…”
“Hey,” she squeezed his arm. “You know you can talk to me about anything right?”
He bit his lip and nodded glancing at the back of Ray’s head to see if he’d heard Julie but he was pulling into the drop off lane to let Carlos out, so he was probably distracted.
She leaned closer and whispered. “You’re wishing you could talk to my dad more aren’t you?”
He nodded and cut his eyes back to her feeling a little guilty. Julie was great, the guys were great and he loved them all but sometimes he just wished…
“You could write him a letter?” She shrugged. “I know it’s not the same as a conversation but it would be private and knowing my dad he’d definitely write you back.”
Ray pulled to a stop in front of the middle school and they all wished Carlos a good day as he practically fell out of the van to go catch up with his friends. It gave Reggie a moment to think about Julie’s idea.
He wasn’t exactly sure what he wanted to say to Ray so maybe writing it out would help him figure out why he wanted to talk to him so much anyway.
“That’s a good idea,” he said quietly as Ray pulled back out onto the street and headed for the high school next door.
Julie grinned at him before digging around in her bag and pulling out a notebook. She pulled out a few pages and then handed it to him. “Here, this will get you started till I can get some more.” She chuckled. “I needed to get you and Alex notebooks to write music in anyway.” She bumped her shoulder against his. “Luke and I aren’t the only writers in the band.”
“Thank you Julie.” He felt himself blush. She was so amazing. He loved her as much as he loved Luke and Alex… some days maybe even a little bit more than that, like right now.
She grinned at him before pulling out a folder to put the ripped-out pages in. Reorganizing her book bag quickly as Ray pulled into the drop off lane at the high school.
“Ready for your test mija?” Ray looked at them, well Julie since he couldn’t see Reggie, in the rearview mirror.
She nodded and laughed. “With a tutor like Reggie I’m sure I’ll ace it.” She bumped his shoulder again and gave him a wink as her dad came to a stop in front of the high school.
“See you both later,” she said as she got out of the van. “Love you!”
Reggie felt a funny feeling in his chest as he watched Julie walk away. Kinda like the jolts that had almost killed them but not quite as murdery.
“You still here Reggie?” Ray asked as he pulled back into traffic.
He poofed into the passenger seat and knocked on the dash alerting Ray to his new location.
“I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate all your help.” Ray glanced over in his general direction and smiled. “I know I joked this morning that I could get used to all this help but… it wasn’t really a joke.”
It was quiet for a moment so he gave a little knock on the dash to let Ray know he was still listening.
“Thanks.” He laughed. “It’s been hard with Rose gone and I thought…” he glanced toward him again. “I thought adding you all to the family would be hard.” He shook his head, “That it would be more than I could handle but…” He shook his head again. “Each one of you boys have been a blessing to this family, especially you Reggie.”
He wanted to say thank you but he couldn’t clear his throat enough to sing the words he was so choked up at what Ray had said. It meant so much that Ray appreciated his help.
He reached in the backseat and grabbed the notebook Julie had left him and a pen that was tucked between the seats.
He scribbled a large THANK YOU on the first blank page he got to and held it up for Ray to see while he was stopped at a light.
“You are very welcome, Reggie.” Ray chuckled as he reached for the radio switching it over to another station. “This is the channel Luke and I always listen to on the way back home.” Ray glanced toward him again as the light turned green. “He was very offended to know this is considered an oldies station.”
The end of Better Man by Pearl Jam reverberated through the vans speakers and Reggie grinned. It was so hard to believe this song was considered old now. It had come out less than a year before they died. They had all loved Pearl Jam and Green Day and Nirvana and so many other bands that hadn’t made it to the twenty-first century.
He watched as Ray tapped his fingers on the steering wheel keeping time to the beat.
It was even weirder to think if he’d lived he’d be way closer to Ray’s age than Julie’s.
Better man ended and the piano cords of another familiar song started to ring through the van.
“Come on Reggie,” Ray laughed and turned the radio up. “Rose always used to say Journey would be disappointed if we didn’t sing along.”
He stared at Ray as he started to sing.
Just a small time girl Living in a lonely world
He grinned and immediately joined in, knowing all the words by heart.
She took the midnight train going anywhere…
Ray wasn’t the best singer but he wasn’t terrible and the louder he sang the better he was.
Strangers, waiting Up and down the boulevard Their shadows searchin’ in the night
Reggie sang along with him, harmonizing when he could. Because that was always fun to figure out.
Some will win, some will lose Some are born to sing the blues
He remembered singing this song with his mom when he was a kid. Before she stopped singing, before she only yelled.
Streetlight, people Living just to find emotion Hiding somewhere in the night
Ray was grinning wider than he thought he’d ever seen him. Singing loud and off key, glancing at him every once in a while as they headed back to the house hitting green lights the whole way and Reggie felt this wave of happiness fill him up. When that famous chorus finally hit, he really let go, singing loud and proud and just so glad to be right here, right now, in the world.
Don’t stop believing Hold on to the feeling Streetlights, people oooohhhhhh!
Ray pulled back in the driveway just as the song finished and turned the car off. He was looking at him like he could actually see him.
Then he watched as Ray reached across the center console and laid his hand on his arm. 
It was warm and solid and not fazing through him… Reggie gasped, “Ray!?”
Ray was smiling so wide his cheeks must have hurt. “Guess we just needed to believe.”
Reggie laughed as the tears started to run down his face and Ray pulled him into a tight hug.
He never could have imagined when he woke up this morning and went through his usual routine of helping out it would end with him finally getting to hug Ray like he’d wanted to for so long now.
Maybe Julie wasn’t the only Molina with magic and even more miracles were waiting for them if they just believed. 
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hello hello! i love your character analysis(?) posts, and i would love to hear your thoughts on Avior 👀 /nf
alright im on the train home from uni so its rantin' time - this'll probably be a long one, so strap in theydies and gentlethems!
avior! avior. his first arc was incredibly interesting to me, as i'm a big fan of moral quandries. the idea of keeping a massive secret from a loved one for their safety is super compelling, doubly so if that secrecy is justified (looking at you, blake).
this guy is smart, which is refreshing. avior might be highly emotional (pin this for later), but he's a strategist by nature. unlike a lot of other characters (looking at you again, blake), avior is able (to a certain point) to put his own feelings and goals aside for the sake of others. however - as we'll get to later, avior also has a tendency to decide what people want for them, rather than asking. admittedly, he's usually right, but his execution almost always ends up making someone upset with him.
avior has a lot of flaws, but that's what makes him so interesting! i'd argue avior's biggest character flaw is his immaturity, with selfishness as a close second. he can be shockingly inconsiderate at times, especially if he believes he's doing it for the greater good. avior often hides behind his intellect as an excuse to be detached from things he deems unimportant. obviously he dials it up on purpose to keep starlight at arm's length, but his real feelings towards some of their less good ideas do start to show through from time to time.
on the other side of that coin, avior is very reactionary when it comes to things he does care about. he's a passionate person who regularly has to handle very strong emotions, and it shows. watching avior torture himself by keeping someone he loves at a distance by being a dick is - well, not fun, but it's very strong and entertaining character work.
i think these two things come to a head in the imperium. avior's desire to keep everything running smoothy clashes with his (for lack of a better term) humanity. we can see this in the way he is distrustful (and rightfully so) of the vampire hoardes showing up on the academy's doorstep, yet he goes ballistic at vega for suggesting that they're disposable soldiers who can be killed for resisting orders. i think it's pretty clear in both the prime and imperium timelines that avior is a pacifist, but is often forced into violence either directly or by proxy. imperium!avior has a lot of people relying on him, and he really wasn't built for that pressure.
as an aside, i think it's interesting to see how each character reacts to extreme stress. it was perfectly put in that one heritage tumblr post - your characters are geodes. to see what they're really made of, you need to break them. avior is very reactionary, so you might expect him to snap, but he crumbles. avior's prime universe breakdown is super interesting (which i know is a wild statement, but i'm making it through a purely analytical lens, so hear me out). he's 36 at time of writing, but that is staggeringly young compared to daemons who have been around since before the beginning of time. he doesn't know who he is yet. avior might resist it when questioned, but he wants - needs - guidance, and he knows that. i think avior struggles with impostor syndrome, especially in the imperium. he's nervous to move away from the security blanket that is the older daemons, and getting booted into a pocket dimension by blake has forced his hand.
let's talk about the finale, and start of arc 2! avior and starlight are dumped out on the street by ancient deathless gods. cool. the inversion starts. less cool. avior's first instinct is to investigate and report back to the chorus - his curiosity is back after being beaten out of him by spending 2 years completely isolated. he's horrified by the carnage, which is completely expected, but i also think speaks to how sheltered he is. obviously, everyone in the general area is caught off guard by what is essentially shades shooting fish in a barrel, but avior's revulsion is unique. he hasn't spent enough time in elegy to learn real damage control, let alone for a large number of people. david is a good contrast here - of course he wants to help individuals, but he recognises that his first priority should be the safety of as many people as possible. granted, it's his job, but even sam starts to coordinate muster points once he's caught onto the situation (and, admittedly, made sure vincent hasn't torn through a wall looking for lovely).
avior then presents his (*) memories of e'laetum and min'ara to the chorus, as well as calling them for backup at the inversion point, but they're unconvinced. we'll be here all day if i got into chorus politics here - but i think their hesitancy is, among other reasons, caused by avior's presentation of the information. he's panicking. insistant. desperate to get the chorus involved as quickly as possible to stop people from suffering. this is another of avior's flaws - he's a lot more human than he thinks.
you could chalk that up to his age and inexperience, but avior displays a level of empathy (ironically) and care for humans that a lot of other daemons do not. that's definitely not a bad thing, but avior seems to be completely unaware of this fact and thus leaves it unmeasured. i think avior might have had a chance of at least swaying the chorus if he had presented his evidence with logic and detachment. here's a screen recording of meeting e'laetum and min'ara and the information they gave, be it true or not. you can all feel mass casualties in the spellsong. shades are involved, and a lot of them, so the sovereigns are definitely up to something. avior is far too smart to not put the pieces together that this display of raw power by the sovereigns is a sign that their strength is returning. but, unfortunately, the chorus (specifically circinus) only see avior's emotions clouding his judgement, and dismiss him.
i'm worried that an extended period of being completely alone has stunted avior's emotional development, especially considering he never spent much time interacting with elegy in the first place. even someone like gavin (who chose to stay in elegy after years of mistreatment) responded to the inversion fairly rationally, considering he spent the entire time being agonisingly ripped apart at the seams. yes, they're different people, but gavin's exposure to people from fairly early in his life is definitely a contributing factor.
avior has a lot of potential directions for his character to go in, but i think the most likely one is his emotional regulation. he's too focused on the immediate future, which is a microscopic amount of time for a daemon that lives for an indefinite amount of time. he's childish. again, not a bad thing - but avior's inexperience and lack of emotional development have a strong effect on his behaviour. i hope he learns to recognise that before it bites him in the ass.
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how about an enemies to lovers (because yk im a sucker for it sksksk) with mcu!peter where they are set up for a blind date on christmas eve and when they find out they’re like, “you?!” okay bye 😭
Thank you for the request! I loved writing this one even though I feel like I suck at writing enemies to lovers haha. I hope you like it though! Excuse the writing I might be a bit rusty.
WC: 1.6k (I got carried away)
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This was dumb. 
In fact, it was the definition of a dumb thing to do at Christmas and yet here you were on Christmas eve, waiting in the freezing cold for your blind date to show up. A date you had been avoiding for months. 
Your best friend had been trying to fix you up with someone in order to ‘lift your holiday cheer’ and knowing that your last breakup was the last straw in a long line of unsuitable suitors. You still regretted drunkenly telling her that she could pick who you dated from then on since your taste seemed questionable at best. 
You didn’t expect her to take the joke so seriously. And after excuses of finals, family visits and unexplained illnesses, here you were at an ice skating rink of all places. 
The bitter cold gnawed at your face, the only part of your skin that was exposed to the chill. You felt the time tick by slowly, starting to believe you had been stood up or if there was even someone coming at all. It wouldn’t be the first cruel joke of the year but you knew your friend wouldn’t do this to you. 
You were just about ready to give up, grab a hot chocolate and go home. A cheesy christmas movie to watch about two strangers falling in love sounded perfectly bittersweet right about now. 
Within the blink of an eye something flew across the street nearby, gaining the attention of passersby. You heard some kids talking about seeing a superhero swing by and had to check it out but before you could move two steps forward through the snowy New York streets, someone came running up to you. 
Someone oddly familiar and not at all welcoming. 
Peter Parker. Your famed college rival with a smartass and good looks to match. He seemed to beat you to every question, every class and every photography job for the school paper. 
You looked down at your phone, hoping he would walk past to someone else and not confirm your suspicions that he was your blind date. Your warm breath clouded the screen as you scrolled through your facebook feed, not daring to look up. 
You scrunched up your face and bit your lip as you glanced up, noticing that Peter was just as surprised to see you as you had been to see him. He was trying to catch his breath even though his apartment was only around the corner. 
“Please don’t tell me-” 
“I’m your date.” 
Suspicions confirmed. You tried to hide your sigh of disdain, mainly towards your friend and smiled slightly at him. She was always saying how cute the both of you would be as a couple and when you’d finally ‘hook up’ but up until now you thought she had been joking. 
Sure, Peter had good looks and a certain charm about him that was easy to fall for but you were not going to be another girl caught up in his web. He always pretended he was oblivious to the looks he got from others and the flirtatious jokes they would make but no one was that innocent especially not a college student who was top of his class. 
“Something wrong?” Peter caught your distant gaze and bit his lip, a sheepish expression on his face. “I’m sorry I’m late, I got caught up in something.” 
“It’s fine.” You smiled and thought you’d make the most of it since you were both here, finals finished and Christmas just around the corner. What was the worst that could happen? 
Turns out that attempting to ice skate was the worst that could happen. You ended up spending more time on your ass then on your feet and that’s only when Peter wasn’t trying to catch you from falling. 
“Here.” Peter outstretched his hand towards you after another magnificent fall, a kind smile on his face that rubbed you the wrong way. 
You took his hand with a sigh and was surprised when he didn’t let go, continuing to skate around the rink whilst keeping you balanced. 
“I bet you’re loving this aren’t you?” 
Peter turned his head towards you, skating like a pro and keeping his balance even when he wasn’t looking where he was going. You were surprised he wasn’t doing tricks around the rink. 
“Loving what?” 
“Me failing.” You scoffed and rolled your eyes, feeling embarrassed. As if the date wasn’t bad enough. Although holding a nice warm hand wasn’t too bad of a feeling. 
Peter stopped you by skating in front, keeping a hold of your hands and looking you in the eye with a serious look. “No one can be great at everything. Not even someone as smart and as pretty as you.” 
Your eyes went wide at his words, cheeks burning pink in spite of yourself. Peter quickly brushed and stumbled over what he had said but you smirked and poked his side with your free hand. 
“You think I’m pretty?” 
Peter laughed and tried to hide his cheeks that were burning red before jokingly taking his hand away. You gasped and dragged him back as you nearly fell, pulling him a bit too close to you. His chest was almost pressed up against you, his warm breath fanning your face as his laughter died down. 
Your lips were so close that if you moved any closer you would be kissing Peter, feeling the warmth of his lips on yours and finding out what it would be like to kiss him. You quickly shook off that feeling as you pulled away from Peter, a stranger struggling to skate and balance bombarding straight through the both of you and almost sending you flying once more. 
Peter caught you with expert reflexes in a dip position, smiling down at you before helping you up. “I didn’t expect you to fall for me so much and so quickly.”
���Oh shut up Parker.” You pushed at his chest and hid your blush by skating away from him, holding onto the railings as you made your exit off of the rink. You’d had enough of embarrassing yourself for one day. 
Peter wasn’t far behind you as he caught up quickly and sat by you on a bench near the outdoor heater. 
“Are you okay?” Peter asked tentatively, offering his coat to wrap around you as he noticed you shivering. You gave him a slight smile and draped his coat over your shoulders, enjoying the scent of cologne that filled your senses. 
“I just didn’t expect you of all people to show up tonight.” You regretted the harsh words as soon as they left your lips, turning to watch the ice skaters. 
“Oh.” Peter’s face fell as did the usual cheery tone in his voice. “I thought you knew that I asked your friend to set us up.” 
You immediately looked back at him in surprise and raised a brow. “You asked them to set up the date?” 
Peter sensed the surprise and disbelief on your face and in your voice and slowly nodded, rubbing the back of his neck as he realized something had gotten lost in communication. 
“Y-yeah. I wanted to ask you out but I was too shy and every time I tried to talk to you, you looked busy.” Peter shrugged his shoulders and stuck his hands in his pockets, looking at the heater beside him.
You felt the blood rush to your cheeks, a welcome warmth from the cold but your body still sat frozen in shock. It suddenly felt like a very weird dream that you had had once where Peter had surprised you with a kiss under the mistletoe. 
It was the only question that fell from your lips even though there were a million rushing around in your mind. Peter’s lips quirked upwards as he looked back at you, his own cheeks turning pink. 
“Isn’t it obvious?” Peter spoke gently, as if it were only the two of you in the world, placing his gloved hand over yours. You looked at him dumbfounded and shook your head slowly. Maybe Peter wasn’t the only oblivious one. 
“I like you Y/n.” 
Your heart increased its speed tenfold as you heard Peter utter those words, the ones you didn’t know you had been waiting for. It was as if a new door had opened, a door to a whole new possibility. 
Peter didn’t hate you, he had a crush on you. And maybe you had a crush on him too. 
Suddenly, everything made sense. The looks he gave you weren’t looks of annoyance or of jealousy and when he asked for your help he wasn’t trying to rub it in your face that he could already do something like you knew he could. 
“Y/n?” Peter noticed you were staring off into the distance once more and tried to catch your attention back to earth. “Y/n are you-” 
“I-I like you too.” 
Your voice was quiet and nervous, unsure of if you should say it back but knowing it was how you felt and maybe it was how you’d felt for a long time. 
“Really?” Peter’s smile widened, challenging the stars with how bright it was. “I mean great, that’s great!” 
You giggled and blushed harder, meeting Peter’s gaze. The date suddenly didn’t seem like such a bad idea after all. 
“You want to grab a hot chocolate?” 
You nodded eagerly and kissed Peter’s rosy cheek, getting up from your seat. This time you were the one to outstretch your hand to him and welcomed the warmth of his hand joined in yours.
Tags: @glowunderthemoon @spideyspeaches @the-girl-in-the-chair @parkersdahlia @seolaseoul @feliciahardly @farfrombarnes @heyhihellowhatsup0
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sunflowerrex · 1 year
Eli Vanto and music (or at least when Thrawn notices)
I feel like Eli would be the kind to constantly be consuming or making music. On my drive home from work today I thought up a few examples of this- or at least the examples that thrawn notices
I know some of these are iffy cannonically, but just roll w it or scroll on :)
this is also my first time writing anything fic related, like literally ever so if you have any recommendations or tips pls let me know!! I also dont know if i should call this a drabble or ficlet or what it is so feel free to tag as you feel is right
(Bisexual! Eli, Thrawn is... jealous?, Yea hes def jealous, Eli is a fucken tease, Thrawn is bad with feelings, I will most definitely be writting more installments of this bc omg this is FUN)
CW: Alcohol, getting/being drunk, 18+ to be safe, clubs/bars
Minors DNI :)
First Time- Heads will Roll, Yeah Yeah Yeah's
Eli had more friends than Thrawn did at the academy, Thrawn knew this and Eli denied it. Eli enjoyed ocassionally going out with said other friends- particuarly on the weekends. While Thrawn had been in these sorts of scenes in the past, he didn't actively seek them out. Nevertheless, Eli- being Eli, manages to convince Thrawn out for a night.
It was mid-fall on the city planet, and the air was comfortably cool with a crisp breeze that would sweep through to cause a chill to run down the spine.
When Eli had dragged Thrawn out of their quarters, it was just past sundown and the world was painted in a blue glow- the kind that makes you slow down to take it all in.
Eli had dressed in a set of civilian clothes- slightly fitted blue jeans, chelsea boots, a short sleeve button up. This was unlike anything Thrawn had ever seen him in and he silently thought to himself that he looked good.
Entering the club, the atmospheric change was one that Thrawn could feel with every one of his senses.
The temperature became warm and fuzzy, loud music and chatter clouded the room, the smell of high-end fragrances and booze was heavy in the air. There were all sorts of species- none like Thrawn, of course- but the variety could allow him to blend in ever so slightly easier.
A pair of waving humans caugh Eli's attention, who grabbed the cuff of Thrawns sleeve to pull him through the crowd behind the tan skinned human.
The trio chattered while Thrawn continued to observe his surroundings, the way that the group of Twi'leks in the corner danced on each other, the bartender mixing fantastical looking beverages to serve to the seemingly intoxicated group next to them.
His eyes continued to scan over the dancing strangers, all huddled in close and moving to the beat of the-
Snapping back to the moment, Thrawn was meeted with a sickeningly sweet smile from Eli, and the curious eyes of the two that were known as "his friends".
It took only a few seconds for it to dawn onto Thrawn that he was being introduced. He quickly put up a polite smile, "pleasant to meet you both".
Eli's smile grew a little bigger.
Thrawn lifted the glass once again, taking down the amber liquid. Eli's friends lingered for about an hour before dissapearing on the dance floor, leaving Thrawn and Eli at the bar.
Not much had been said between the two in the 20 minutes they had been alone, excpet for Eli offering Thrawn different drink options. He settled on simply ordering two of anything he got, and Thrawn was silently grateful.
Eli placed his empty glass down on the counter with slightly more force than before, prompting Thrawn to look his way.
"My apologies if I have bored you, Cadet Vanto."
Eli responded with a tight lipped smile, too polite to say anything, especially since he had been the one to drag Thrawn out. He then flagged down the bartender, and soon after three small glasses of clear liquid were placed in front of the two.
One was pushed by Eli in front of Thrawn, the other two he dragged towards himself.
Picking up one of the glasses, he raised it up, brought it back down to tap the counter, and then took it in one go- his head tilting back.
He followed with the second one, and waited for Thrawn to follow suite.
After a few moments of Thrawn just looking at Eli, the later eventually got the memo and took the third shot down.
The music faded into a song higher in volume and intensity.
"Dripping with Alchemy, shiver stop shivvering"
With a quick smirk, a "wish me luck", Eli winked at Thrawn and made his way out towards the group of people. Thrawn watched with fascination at how he naviagted the large mass, eventually ending next to a young female twi'lek.
Thrawn sat with his hands folded on the counter, watching his aide and the stranger he had found.
"off off with your head, dance dance till youre dead"
Eli was positioned behind the twi'lek, skin pressed to skin as his top was now completely unbuttoned.
He ran his hands up and down the twi'lek, painting a masterpiece with his movements. Their hips pressed into each other and swayed with the grooves of the music.
Thrawn had always found his aide captivating, but never like, well like this. His movements were intoxicating, and Thrawn couldn't pry himself away from watching.
The twi'lek spun around, kissing Eli's neck, encouraging him to throw his head back, a small amount of sweat accumulating along his hairline.
Mouth slightly agape and smiling, his eyes closed. He continued to trace her body as she kissed up and down his neck.
As she moved away to spin back around to keep grinding against him- Eli opened his eyes to meet Thrawns, giving him a hazy, drunken smile before putting his attention back to his partner.
Thrawn left shortly after he witnessed this interaction of Eli and the twi'lek, with a strange feeling that he was unsure of. He wasn't sad, or upset, but it was something peculiar. He brushed it off on his walk back to their room.
When Eli didn't return until the next morning with purple marks scattered on his neck and chest, Thrawn determined that this feeling was an unpleasant one.
Second Time: Love it if we made it, The 1975
A few months after the Club Incident, Thrawn encountered Eli's music endevours a second time.
Thrawn followed a strict schedule- usually down to the minute. When he goes on his runs after his and Eli's workout sessions, Eli usually heads back to their room to do whatever.
Today though, Thrawn started to develop a headache shortly into the run and he decided to call it quits early.
Usually Eli has this 2ish hours to himself, where he can exist in his own space without any fear of judgement or questioning from his chiss roommate.
It usually starts with a shower to wash off the sweat.
When Thrawn entered their room unexpectedly early, he was met with an absense of Eli in the main area, the shower running, the refresher door open, and some decently loud music playing.
The music was familiar, as he had heard bits of it when Eli had his headphones up too high. This was different though- now he could hear all the words of the song.
"Start with misdemeanors and we'll make a business out of them
And we can find out the information access all the applications
That are hardening positions based on miscommunication"
Along with the sounds of the band and the singer, was a mumbly sounding fog overtop of it all.
Thrawn stopped outside the fresher, listening to the music and mumbly sounds trying to figure out what was happening in there.
Was Eli working through some issue? Talking it outloud to help organize his thoughts? It was a sound that was definitely coming from Eli- Thrawn just could not decipher what he was mumbling about.
"And poison me, daddy, I've got the Jones right through my bones"
Thrawn listened closely the words, trying to find a meaning of them that could make sense as to why Eli would enjoy it.
What parts of this did he resonate with? Which chords hit home to him?
Thrawn moved to sit on his bunk, the music still loud and clear as he continued to think through how this song would relate to Eli.
The next bit of the song seemed to clarify this a little more.
"The war has been incited, and guess what? You're all invited
And you're famous, modernity has failed us"
Eli seemed to sing this bit a little louder, growing up to the chorus where he sang it clear and bodly, the syllables punching off his tongue, pitches gliding from his throat with ease.
He was surprisingly good, really good. Thrawn listened now simply for the enjoyment of getting to hear Eli.
"And I'd love it, if we, made it."
"I'd love it if we made it"
It dawns on Thrawn that the mumbly sounds that he initally heard was Eli singing along, just much much quieter with less confidence.
As soon as the song ended, the shower turned off as if Eli had been waiting to get out until the tune had finished.
A few moments later, Eli strolled out of the fresher, his skin still damp, hair dropping water onto his chest, a blue towel wrapped around his hips showing off his impressive muscular build and v-cut.
In his hands he held a datapad, Thrawn assumed thats what he had been playing the music from.
"It was an honor to get to hear you, why didn't you show me your talent sooner?" Thrawn expressed his content with being able to hear his aide.
Eli jumped slightly, not expecting Thrawn to be back. He quickly grabbed the towel as an extra security it wouldn't fall, tossed the datapad onto his desk, and adjusted his posture a bit.
Thrawn could see warmth spreading across his face quickly, and he assumed that the man was embarassed to have been caught.
He attmepted to cover his embarassment, "Sorry sir, I didn't know that you had returned, I would have turned it off if I knew"
Thrawn tilted his head as he eyed up Eli, confused by his response "There would have been no need, cadet Vanto, like I expressed, you have a lovely voice. I do not mind"
Eli gave an embarassed smile in return, quickly grabbed a pair of sweats and a t shirt, and vanished back into the fresher-shutting the door this time.
Thrawn had hoped that he could hear his aide sing again sometime, it would be nice to see him in the open and unafraid. This way Thrawn would have been able to see how the music affects him as a whole, rather than just guessing what the meaning was to him.
He opened his data pad again to read up on some studies, a warm feeling inside him that he couldn't comprehend.
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annawrites444 · 2 months
Matchups! George Weasley x Masc! Gryffindor Reader
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Full Bouquet 💐Matchups Request for @hannibalhhusband
A/N: So sorry this took literal months to post-i'll try to get the rest of my requests done and then try to write a few more of my ideas!! This is also one of my first times writing for a masc reader-I hope it's decent 😭Thank you for your patience <3
Another note: this is going to be written with Fred and George Weasley as the WWW co-owners already so this is probably taking place during the 6th movie before the big war. 
You weren’t sure how you wound up in this position, once again running through the old Hogwarts halls with a Weasley at your side. You both raced from Filch trying to reach the outskirts of campus in order to apparate back to the shop. Filch’s grating voice was heard shouting after you and you were pretty sure he set Mrs.Norris on you both (yes the cat). George found your hand while running, giving you a cheeky grin before leading you into a small empty classroom to hide from the caretaker, “Do you think he’s mad about the dungbombs?” he asked, his tone dripping with sarcasm. “Well they do give off a disgusting smell, I don’t think anyone in their right mind would want to be near one of those when they go off.” you chuckle between ragged breaths as you were both quite tired from this exhausting chase. You glanced down at your interlocked hands, George noticed them as well but made no move to remove his hands, his face flushing red even though he tried to be nonchalant about it. “Next time you want to hold my hands, Weasley, you could just ask.” you teased him before sending him a wink that probably sent him to the moon. George played it off and tried to act normal while his face slowly burned more and more, “Jax, you know we need to focus and find a way out of here to get back to the shop.” He changed the subject and began to fidget with your hands, you just gave him an amused look before scanning your surroundings, well we could always jump out of that window over there.” you suggest with a chuckle, you weren’t entirely joking. It was possible it would just be an un-smart decision to jump about three stories down from a window…. Your suggestion gave George some sort of hope and though it had a risky outcome he thought it was the most appealing solution you’d get especially since you could hear Mrs. Norris meowing right outside your door most likely to alert Filch that you were both hiding there. “Well I guess that’s our only option now” George leads you toward the window, unlocking it with a simple Alohomora spell. You could feel the warm breeze blow into the classroom. While George was stumped on how to get down without breaking all the bones in his body, you summoned your broom to fly toward the windowsill right outside. Letting out a gasp of surprise, George gave you that winning smile once again before saying, “After you” gesturing for you to jump onto your broom first. You give him a grin in return and jump down, holding onto the broomstick, trying to keep it steady in the air, George soon hopped down after you, wrapping his arms around your waist. As you flew off toward Diagon Alley, you passed a few jokes around about Filch’s reaction to your pranks, conversing about Ginny and his family and just having easy going conversations until you arrived back home. Safe to say that while you weren’t caught by Filch you ended up catching something else, you caught feelings. 
Summer Afternoon-Blaise Jenkins 
I’m not sure that this may be your style but the relationship dynamic I can see you sharing with George definitely gives me summer vibes! It’s also an underrated song :) 
Considering your love languages and what I believe George’s to be, I think you’d be constantly shown physical affection in some form every day. Whether it was in a quick forehead kiss, holding hands or pinkies. Honestly it’s super cute how you both might seek each other out before leaving your flat or the store to give one another a peck on the cheek or a hug goodbye. 
You get roped into the Weasleys' new adventure and projects almost every day at the shop. You three could be found in the twin’s office or just wandering around the shop before and after hours testing out your latest ideas and inventions, sometimes they worked, other times… well at least you tried something new! But regardless you are their go-to anytime they want to test a cool product before they launch it, (literally and figuratively). 
I can imagine you trying to use some newfound peace and inspiration to paint in your time off and just hearing loud ass fireworks in the background and of course followed by two overly excited voices, and while this day-to-day life may be a bit chaotic I think George would be some form of solace for you in those times when you want company but might want some quiet for hobbies like drawing or playing your current favorite instrument. 
Also yes George would 100% win you the cutest plushie from an arcade or carnival from any sort of festival or activity, he loved to see the smile it brought to your face and the utter joy he’d feel when you’d give him a bone crushing hug as a thanks. Now your bed and shelves in your shared apartment are covered with so many different stuffed animals than you know what to do with. But who’s complaining…?
Oooh and you can bet that George loves your style, he even starts to dress a little bit like you, asking you to do his eyeliner or to borrow any cool silver chains for jewelry you may have. And it’s a little endearing that he loves that kind of gothic and lolita inspired style like you do! 
You already know he and Fred are both interested in the muggle world probably because of their dad’s fascination, so when you introduce them to videogames…??!! Yeah they’re never getting up from the couch. I can already picture them trying to play games and maybe even thinking the characters in your TV/PC can hear them talk 😭
When it comes to any sort of mental health issues you may have George would always be understanding and tries his best to take care of and accommodate you! He may not be completely able to relate to everything but He’d love to lend an ear…. (nvm bad joke..)
On an unrelated note though, if Hp was set with modern cell phones, George and Fred would 100% be sending you back some crazy memes too. You might send a few for a good laugh to George, but be prepared for him to send you the craziest stuff ever, especially like tiktoks or instagram reels if you have any social media. I’m not sure if you know about that 2020 tiktok trend called “Deep tiktok” where people would edit like crazy ass videos and animations but imagine out of pocket stuff like that 😭
Overall George is always that kind spark of energy and fun and I can really see him being with a similar kind of person like you! 
Feel free to like and reblog if you enjoyed and please don't repost on any other platform other than Tumblr :) Thank you!
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lulupen2023 · 1 year
Bells' secret diary 2/7
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Teignmouth, My house, 2nd april 1992
Hello, Diary, I'm back,
I have so much to tell you and it is true that I should go in order…
No, i can't
I'M OFFICIALLY IN A BAAAAAANNNNDD WOOAAAHHHH!!!! I couldn't wait to tell you ... write it to you .. in short, let you know!
I left you at yesterday afternoon, when against all the most adverse forecasts I managed to tidy my bedroom for real.
And when the bell rang shortly after, I had to maintain a certain composure so as not to show I was panting after running to open the door.
It was Dominic. He’s always smiling. And he brought a guitar with him.
Unfortunately I wasn't quick enough to carry him up to my room and my grandmother met him already armed with freshly baked cookies.
“You are my dear Matthew's friend, how nice to meet you!” She smiled at him, extending the plate towards him.
What a bloody debacle! I had exchanged four flipping words with him, only for his extreme courtesy he agreed to come to my house and my grandmother came out with these heavy and too classifying names.
I was one step away from going into the garden, taking the shovel and burying myself alive… but do you want to know what Dominic replied?
“Mrs. Matthew's Grandmother, time will tell. For now I consider myself just a very well received guest and very lucky to have tasted such good biscuits!”
Did I mention that boy is really adorable?
Do you think my grandmother was the greatest danger?
Well, it's because you don't know my mum, who appeared out of nowhere and looked so deeply into Dominic’s eyes as if she wanted to read his soul… and mum is psychic, she knows about this stuff.
"I am pleased to see that my son has decided to broaden his connections, he is always so alone, I always tell him that, however it’s a beautiful thing, guitar and piano cannot be his friends in the physical sense of the word!” If first I wanted to use the shovel to bury myself, after that I wanted to take it and give myself a sharp blow on the head.
Dominic looked at her almost deeper than she had done and then replied: "Mrs Bellamy, ou’re right  to be happy for that, too much solitude is not good for anyone." I mean, do you understand? He didn't walk away, embarrassed, or worse, annoyed, or worse than worst, disgusted.
At least Paul was away from home, so once the obstacles were over, we got to my room..
He said I have a nice room, and he especially liked the posters. I found out that we have a lot of musical tastes in common, but we differ a lot on others.
He has taken  his guitar, I took mine, an acoustic, like his, although I think the electric is more fun. We sat on my bed and he asked me to play him something.
Since we both like Nirvana, I chose 'Come as you are', but without singing it.
He cut me off midway, saying that the chord change was too abrupt, he showed me how it should be done.. and I have to admit that he did it much more harmoniously.
He proposed that we play it together and a beautiful synergy was immediately created, only then I anticipated a chord change, I was too frantic and ruined everything.
However, Dominic wasn’t mad at me  at all for that, he put his guitar on the floor to slide towards me, he placed his hand on mine, on the neck of the guitar and made me understand the exact moment in which the chord needs to be changed.
I didn't expect that contact, it left me a little bewildered and I don't understand why... maybe it was the irrepressible desire I have to perfect myself on the guitar.
After that we tried once more playing it together and this time the synchronicity was perfect.
He complimented me a lot and I gloated like a fool.
Before leaving, he told me he hadn't missed noticing the piano I have downstairs and wanted me to play him something.
Usually I don't do it for anyone but mum, grandma or Paul… instead I sat on the stool, I chose to play the Nocturne 1 in F sharp minor by Rachmaninov and it seemed to me the most natural thing in the world.
And this was yesterday, let's move on to today... because I anticipated it, didn't I? After the lessons, today there was the audition.
I went to the classroom we had agreed on, by then deserted, where Dominic and three other guys were waiting for me, the remaining members of Carnage Mayhem, who however looked more like someone who is doing you a favor by staying there.
But not Dominic, I had his undivided attention.
This time I chose AC/DC with my beloved electric guitar, ready to perform  'Highway to Hell', I connected it to the amplifier and I no longer thought if I was respecting the passage of the chords, if the riffs I chose were too risky, as well as totally improvised; I let myself be totally carried away by the music. And I even sang, I had fun making those screams like a possessed, hahaha.
The three guys - if they didn't bother to learn my name I don't see why I should - gave a sterile micro applause… but Dominic, ooohhh, he was literally excited, he screamed, he cheered me, yes, his hands were worn out from applauding me and then he ran towards me, grabbing me by the shoulders.
“Carnage Mayhem do indeed have a new guitarist!” He announced, super smiling. “And also a singer, I might add.” then he only said this to me, in my ear: "And after your performance yesterday afternoon at your house, which was incredible, I can certainly say a pianist, too."
I'm not used to all this attention, to seeing my talent - hell yeah, Diary, at least I don't have to be modest with you, I have an immense fucking talent and it can't remain confined to my room, much less this shit hole town. - recognized, but above all so appreciated.
And as if I didn't fill enough roles already, Dominic left me with a question that's been racking my brain: "Can you even write songs?"
Yes, come on, I think I can do it… or at least I'll try.
Ah, d’ you know he told me I can call him 'Dom'? And I told him he can call me 'Matt'… I don't know, it makes it more confidential, I like it better.
However,Dom is way, way too kind… he must be gay for sure!
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thetoxicgamer · 2 years
Fairytale DRX Run is going all the way to Worlds 2022 finale against League’s final boss
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Never doubt the underdogs, especially when they feel more than at home in a new meta and carry that momentum all the way from almost missing qualifying for the event to the finals, if there is one recurring thread at this year's League of Legends World Championship. In yet another intense series towards the end of this year’s Worlds, DRX once again fed off of the expectations of fans to capsize the reigning LCK champions, Gen.G; a team that, on paper, many believed would have an easy path to the finals. But after an opening game that foreshadowed a sweep for Gen.G, a power awoke in the LCK’s fourth seed that earned them a rightful spot opposite T1 in the finals. The Biggest Hurdle To Overcome Heading into this series, DRX had not been able to take down Gen.G in a single encounter between the teams during the regular 2022 LCK season. Even as the teams qualified for both playoffs this year, DRX failed to progress past their first matches, while Gen.G moved on to write new chapters in their rivalry against T1—who defeated the LPL’s JDG yesterday to become the first team entering this year’s Worlds finals. And many fans expected similar domination from Gen.G, the reigning LCK champions, especially after utter domination in game one. But starting with game two, it became very clear DRX, having gotten to this point from the play-offs stage in Mexico City as the LCK’s fourth seed, were not ready to concede their run in the Worlds semifinals, despite the odds stacked against them. Leading DRX through their first and second wins of the year against Gen.G was Zeka, whose exceptional gameplay and ability to surpass even the most veteran mid laners was crucial in DRX’s reverse sweep of the reigning world champions, EDG, to get to this point. Between Ahri and Akali, Zeka spent the entirety of games two and three running through and around the competition, preventing Chovy from even finding an opportunity. https://twitter.com/lolesports/status/1586864477340778496 Much of this success for DRX in game three was also attributed to Pyosik, whose quick grasp on the state of his lanes ensured him and top laner Kingen a solid early game lead, completely exposing the Flash-less Doran. In doing so, DRX enjoyed nearly every objective on the map as it spawned, as well as made it difficult for the members of Gen.G to find solace under their own turrets. But the fourth game of the series, the match point for DRX to enter the Worlds finals, was all about the bot lanes. Into a heavy AD-focused composition, BeryL piloted Braum, capable of blocking nearly any enemy attack if timed correctly. Within seven minutes, BeryL said his goodbyes to the bot lane in order to roam alongside his jungler Pyosik’s Kindred, once again fearless in their attempts to dive the reigning LCK champions. With a Braum, Gragas, and Galio in DRX’s frontline, there was no way for Gen.G to efficiently access the team’s marksmen—Pyosik’s Kindred and Deft’s Varus—and remove the immense sources of damage from their opponents. Despite Ruler doing everything he could to chip down DRX, there was little the former world champion ADC could do but watch with the rest of his team as the team that barely qualified for play-ins advanced to the Worlds finals. From Play-ins To Finals This will be the first time two teams from the LCK have headlined a Worlds finals since 2017, where Samsung Galaxy shocked everyone by sweeping through SKT T1 in a rematch from the finals of the year prior, ending what could have been a fourth-consecutive Worlds win for SKT. Yet while many expected Gen.G to emerge victorious from today’s series, thus meeting T1 in their third finals matchup this year to break their one-to-one score, it will instead be the fourth seed of the LCK, DRX, staring at the winningest org in professional League history in the Worlds finals. The team now cements itself as the first to ever progress from the play-ins stage to the Worlds finals in the history of the international tournament. https://twitter.com/lolesports/status/1586884116745691137 Just last week, DRX’s ADC Deft celebrated finally advancing past the quarterfinals of Worlds in seven years—on his birthday, no less—leading to a memorable emotional moment that brought together fans around the world. Now, should he be willing to add another accolade to his nearly decade-long career, he will have to get past Faker, who debuted in the LCK in the same year as the ADC. But facing Faker directly will be Zeka, who debuted in the LCK just this year after time in the LPL and has used the Worlds stage to prove himself among a sea of talented mid laners. Yet just like Faker, Zeka has shown that he is more than capable of performing on a handful of champions, completely removing talented players like Xiaohu and Chovy from the competition. Whether DRX or T1 emerge victorious in the 2022 League World Championship finals this Saturday, the players of DRX can look back at a historic run with pride either way. Read the full article
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longvs · 2 years
Td chequebook cost
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novasdarling · 3 years
could u do yan chrollo with a corruption k!nk?
Oh happily! Hopefully, I did it properly.
Just Answer Me
TW: Kidnapping, Abuse, Noncon, Manipulation, Mentions of Murder, Mentions of Sex, Reader Sort of Breaking Mentally, Female Reader in mind when writing
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Life was becoming easier in a way. You were ripped from your home months ago and brought to live with a stranger. A stranger who claimed to love you and demanded your obedience and submission to him. It was hard, the first few weeks especially. Spent screaming at him, cursing him for what he was doing. For destroying your life. For locking you away. For forcing you to play the part in his sick little fantasies. Chrollo was the name of the man who had done all this to you. He wanted you to become his sweet little housewife for him. As much as your previous self would hate to admit it, you had. Cleaning and cooking for him before he gets back from jobs or errands. It was mainly mundane, but it saved you from his wrath. From his so-called punishments. At least now he was nicer to you, especially during sex. He used to be so rough, only focusing on himself. It felt like sex was a punishment. A way to prove that he had some kind of sick power over you. Now though, now he took care of you as well. He made you feel good, made you want him. Things had changed so much. You weren't an idiot, this feeling of being wanted and pleased only came from him originally because of your nen. He needed your ability and for some reason, he found it more fun to let you keep it instead of taking it for himself. It's not like it was useful to get away anyway. He stated several times he allowed you to keep it as a sign of mercy, to show you how good he could be to those he loves and cared for when they behaved. It was a threat that if you tried to use it to get away, he'd take it.
The click of the locks on the front door made you shoot your head towards it. You were just finishing up cleaning the living room. Chrollo was home so early. You swore it was at least two more hours till he go home. You hadn’t even started on dinner. Swiftly moving toward the door you saw him enter. Quickly locking the door behind him. He still didn’t 100% trust you, and to be honest maybe you would take a chance to run again if you could. The only thing that truly stopped you from running again was his wrath. Your leg still hadn’t healed properly from the last time you tried.
“You’re home early.”
Your voice was meek and small. Still unsure about him fully. Chrollo took off his shoes and walked towards you.
“Am I not wanted?”
Something in his eyes was challenging you, daring you to answer this wrong.
“Oh no, I-I just haven’t started dinner and I didn’t want you to wait is all…”
It wasn’t completely a lie, you did want to have everything done for him. Especially since the times, you had fallen too far behind you had paid dearly. Chrollo hummed in response walking closer. He pulled you close and laid his hand on your cheek. Stroking your cheek sweetly. He placed a kiss on the top of your head.
“How sweet of you.”
You couldn’t help but lean in. He was your captor, but now he was your only form of comfort. You needed him, needed his touch. It was sick to want him so badly, you knew that, but there what could you do? Chrollo was your means to survival.
“How about we just simply order in my love? Is that alright?”
Chrollo took your small nods as enough of an answer. He picked his phone up quickly ordering the food, not even bothering to ask you what you wanted to eat. Instead of picking for you. He never gave you many choices. According to him, choices were rewards. You not being ready for him, even though he was early. He seemed to be upset enough that you weren't completely ready for him no matter what to take a choice away from you.
Dinner came and you both ate at the table. Silence sat between you two. You weren't sure what to bring up, to ask him about work or not to. Chrollo could be tricky when it came to conversation. Sometimes he liked to tease and torment you with details of his last mission. The murder in every detail. You knew he liked to watch you force yourself to sit there and listen. Want to make him happy, yet unable to hide the disgust on your face. The silence finally disappeared when you asked him how his day was and if he had any new jobs lined up. Hoping he would take pity on you and not give you the true details. You were lucky, he wasn't in one of his moods. Offering you a standard reply, vague enough you could pretend he wasn't a murderer. Chrollo was simple when he wanted to be. Giving you simple replies, having simple wants, though he had admitted to you how you were the one thing in his life that was anything but simple to him. It was better to leave those comments alone instead of reading into them.
“Are you done, my love?”
He had already finished. The question was meant more like a statement. A warning to finish now. Quickly finishing your food you nodded. Chrollo came to take your plates and clean up. You knew what this meant when he was the one offering to do the tasks he had designated to you. Moments later his hand gently grabbed yours, leading you to the bedroom. You were right, he wanted sex. He had been gone so much recently that there wasn’t really any time for it. You had to really think about the last time you two got any time together. Sure he had made space for quickies, but he never care too much for those. Telling you they were only useful when he needed quick relief.
There was no choice, but to follow. Giving in to his wants and needs even if there was still a part of you begging your feet to stop and turn to run. Following Chrollo to the bedroom, you braced yourself for the night that was awaiting you. Be good and he’ll reward you. You repeated that statement over and over in your head. Once making it into the room, Chrollo began to kiss and touch you. His fingers were so gentle, so eager running over your body. Sliding under your shirt, playing with your bra. His kisses were the same, so delicate and eager. As if he was attempting to slowly devour you bit by bit. It felt nice, as nice as you could lie to yourself. But then he stopped. Instead, he walked across the room to go through some drawers until he got what he wanted. Walking back towards you with what looked like a book with stuff peaking out. Opening the book he showed you one of the pictures that were stuffed in it. Chrollo pointed to it. It was several men walking, it looked like it was from security surveillance.
“Tell me everything about them.”
He wanted you to use your nen. Use your ability to see everything about someone with simply just seeing a picture of them. The thing he originally kept you around for.
He was impatient, demanding you to cooperate. You couldn’t blame him, you had become everything he wanted out of you. No surprise he now wants to use you as a weapon. But you couldn’t. No matter how much you knew he would hurt you if you said no. You just couldn’t. This wasn't like the other times. He never asked about someone like this, usually, he just wanted to know people's schedules without going through the trouble of actually looking. Or knowing where someone hid something.
“Please don’t make me.”
All you could do was beg, beg and hope he could find it somewhere in himself to understand. To know you didn't want to have blood on your hands. The hand that was pointing to the picture now roped itself to the back of your neck. Grabbing at your baby hairs. Forcing you to look up at him.
“I thought you were doing so well. Don't ruin it. I don't want to hurt you, my love."
You wished he had just stolen your nen and used it himself. It would be easier for the both of you if he did. You wouldn’t have to suffer knowing you were aiding in murders and he would get what he wanted so much faster. But he just had to drag you into this. Break you down further than you already were.
Tears were streaming down your cheeks. Praying to whatever being would listen that just this once he’d show pity.
Closing your eyes seemed to only anger him further. He had dragged you to the bed by your hair. Pushing you down on and shoving your face into the book.
“The more I ask the worse it’s going to be.”
You couldn't do this, no. You couldn't be a part of his crimes, at least not murder. Theft didn't mean much. You could live with yourself if you just gave information about where items were kept and when they weren't being watched. This was so much more, you would be the one responsible for those men's murders just as much as him.
“Fine, I understand. It must be so hard for you, my dear." He pulled you up, sitting you on the edge of the bed properly. "I can't imagine how hard this is. You weren't made for this, no." He cupped your cheeks. Putting the book on the bed beside you. Using his thumb to wipe the tears that fell. "No, you weren't, but I need you and so does your mother." That got your attention. "I would hate for something to happen to her and unfortunelty sometimes I can't always control the troupe the way I please. I would hate to see if one of them blamed you for the lack of information and took it out on someone. Like your mother. I believe she still lives in that little house at the end of that street. Right? The blue one? She still believes you’re alive and will come home one day. It would be such a shame if the person she so desperately misses is the reason for her death. Wouldn’t it?”
He was offering you a trade. These men’s lives for your mothers. Chrollo knew you’d give in. Your mom was all you had left. If you were the reason she died, you weren’t sure you could survive it. The vague threat of one of the members going after her. It was a lie, he could control them. If one of them did that, it would be because he told them to. Not wanting to get his own hands so dirty with someone so close to you.
“Please Chrollo?”
“I'll make sure she's safe if you give me the information on those men. Simple. I just want to know something about them.”
“Just take it. Just take it please.”
He knew what you were talking about. You wanted no part in this, but he needed you to join him. He wouldn't take your nen no matter how much you cried and begged him to do it. For some reason you couldn't understand, he wanted you to join him in his crimes. It was like he got off on you becoming like him. Something you swore you never would be.
“No. I mean” He leaned in to whisper against your skin before planting a kiss against your neck. “I would never steal against my love. We’re a couple my dear and well. Couples help each other. They work together. So one more time. Tell me about them.”
You activated your nen in order to spare your mother. Taking the picture in your hands and answering the questions he wanted. He leaned in and kissed your forehead when you were done. Thanking you for your help.
“See. Was that so hard.”
It was and he knew that.
He pulled you up so he could hold you against him. Caressing your skin, nipping at your neck.
“Now you’re not better than me. You’ve got some blood on your hands too my sweet little murder.”
You tried to defend yourself, but he was right. You gave him the information that would lead to these men's deaths to save your mother. Your crying only intensified. Chrollo tried to shush you, to calm you down.
"It’s okay my love because even if others see you as a monster. To me," He went back to caressing your face, placing gentle kissing on your forehead and cheeks. "to me, you’re my precious little flower. Now, how about I reward you, my dear.”
Saying no wasn’t an option, but honestly, if it could take your mind off of what you just did, you’d let him do anything he wanted to you. Chrollo was right, you were no better than him now. As you laid there under him, letting him have a fill of your body it was all you could think about. You were no better than him now.
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ramzawrites · 4 years
Ok I have coffeed up 🦀🦀🦀
Could I request a fic about a Male Reader Border Collie Hybridbeing hired to look after the pets of the Syndicate while theyre at a meeting? Having to feed every single dog, Ranboos cat, Carl, the parrots, Steve the bear, etc? Trying to wrangle the foxes because theyre trying to eat poison potatoes, shooing zombies off the turtle eggs? -🌱🌟
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The Syndicate’s Pet Sitter - BorderCollie!Hybrid!Reader
Pairings: none
Characters included: Technoblade, Philza, Ranboo, Nihachu
Warnings: n/a
Series: A request for my beloved 🌱🌟<3
Summary: The Syndicate is meeting up early in the morning and didn’t have the chance to feed their pets yet. Luckily Y/N who lives there as well but isn’t part of the Syndicate can take care of them. And no that is totally not because Border Collies are good herding dogs.
Words count: 4732
Authors Note: I just noticed I missed the foxes oh no ;_; Why do the Syndicate have so many pets I swear! I hope you guys enjoy this! Esp you 🌱🌟 since you requested it! I also haven’t had the chance to properly look over it look for typos, I apologize! I’ll deal with that as soon as I can! Also thanks for the prompt 😌 I have a weakness for animals and dogs
The chest let out a strained creak as Technoblade closed it for what felt like the hundredth time. He was preparing for the next meeting of the Syndicate and this time he, as well as Phil, had actually planned a few things other than just showing the newest members where the headquarters were and setting up the rules for the organization.
While both men were busy running from chest to chest collecting materials and writing down information into books, they were accompanied by a soft rhythmic thud as well.
That sound came from Y/N. More specifically his tail swishing up and down as he was sitting in front of a window on the windowsill. Watching peacefully as the two went about their business.
Y/N was a Dog Hybrid. A Border Collie Hybrid to be specific. He has been technically living with Techno and Philza for a while now but Techno liked to act as if he was just some stranger to him.
When Y/N first came to the SMP Philza and Techno were the first people he met and ever since then he has gotten quite attached to them.
At first Techno tried to get rid off him, especially since he always gave him wishy washy answers concerning his opinions on governments but Y/N wouldn’t let himself get spooked off that easily and even begun building his own little home close to them without asking. At that point Techno had to accept defeat and let him begrudgingly stay.
Philza liked to poke fun at that fact but he also understood Techno’s caution. Though over time Y/N has shown to be a trusty ally that could keep secrets, even once leading people astray since they became dangerously close to their home. Because of that Philza brought once the idea up that maybe they should let Y/N join the Syndicate after all as well.
Of course Techno immediately shut down the idea for the simple fact that not once has Y/N ever clearly stated that he was against any kind of government. There was no point in arguing with the Pig Hybrid about this particular topic so Philza just dropped the issue altogether.
That said after Niki came over to join the Syndicate and Ranboo got roped in it as well, Y/N managed to at least learn of the name of the organization.
He even asked to join to which Techno just said “Prove to us you are an anarchist and maybe I will think about it.”
“So you are saying you just want me to tell you the things you want to hear in order to get in? Doesn’t seem that smart to me.”
Y/N would always pull out these snide remarks whenever that topic came up.
For some reason Y/N woke up early and found that both Philza and Techno got up early as well so he just let himself in, sat down next to the window and begun happily munching on some cold steak for breakfast.
Techno made a point of ignoring him only muttering something about a “damn mutt” under his breath while Philza was chuckling to himself. Y/N’s fluffy dog ears obviously picked up on it but the happy swags of his tail continued on, knowing that if Techno really was annoyed by him, he would have already intervened way back when he begun building his home.
Phil was rummaging through a chest, trying to find some extra paper only to suddenly stop moving and turn around to look at Y/N, his arms still in the chest.
“Y/N?” adding a whistle to ensure that he would gain his attention.
As a response the Dog Hybrid looked absolutely aghast “Did you just-? Did you just whistle at me? Did you, Philza, just whistle at me to get my attention? Like a dog?”
“Sorry, just kind of happened but since you are here I have a request for you.”
Now Technoblade stopped whatever he was doing as well to observe what was happening in front of him, curious what he was proposing. A smirk adorning his features knowing full well that Philza probably whistled on purpose seeing how Y/N was kind of an unwelcome guest right now.
“You can request but no guarantee I will fulfill your request, old man.” Y/N spoke through an exaggerated pout.
This only earned him a tired sigh from Philza “Yeah, Yeah. As you can see we are up early for a reason but this also means we didn’t have the chance yet to feed the animals. Could you feed them all and make sure they’ll be alright while we are gone? You know how this place can get with pets.”
“All? Like all the pets? Like you want me to feed all the pets and take care of them?” Y/N was obviously intimated by the idea of the task judging with how his voice jumped up an octave to the end of the question. But who could blame him. Over time the group managed to amass a comical amount of pets which included a full hound army, polar bears, turtles, cows, Carl the Horse and in Ranboo’s case even parrots.
That reminded him.
“Does that include Ranboo’s bird and cat?”
“Does what include my bird and cat?” Suddenly the door swung open as Ranboo stepped inside Techno’s home. Cramping up the small cabin even more. The cold winter air only managing to sneak in for a short moment before he made sure to close the wooden door again.
Techno chuckled “We are asking Y/N here to feed our pets while we are busy at our meeting and to make sure they are safe while we are gone. He has time after all.”
Y/N’s shocked expression turned to a frown. Oh they did that deliberately alright.
Ranboo took a moment to take in the scene before he slowly nodded “Oh, if that is the case then I would actually really appreciate it if you could take a look at my parrot and cat. I haven’t had the chance to feed them yet since I ran out of seeds for the bird. Actually the reason I came over here was because I wanted to ask you guys if you had some extra.”
Techno’s smirk was ever present on his face as he motioned with his hand towards his mass of chests “Somewhere in there we have some but I’m sure Y/N will find them and take care of your pets as well.”
“Would you?”
Ranboo sounded so genuine and almost surprised by this that Y/N couldn’t come up with a snarky response but instead he looked defeated.
“I- alright. I will take care of your pets while you do your stupid Syndicate meeting.”
“We trained him well, Techno.”
“That we did, old friend.”
Now Y/N’s happy tail wagging did finally stop and he jumped up away from the window, surprising Ranboo in the process “You didn’t train me! I’m not one of your dogs!”
He knew they were joking but he still couldn’t let that stand.
Philza stepped closer to Y/N and put one of his hands on his head between his ears. Giving a short pat only to remove his hand again “Yes, we know. If that was true you would be listening to us at all times. Anyways, I spotted Niki outside and we are ready, so, we’ll be going. Make sure nothing happens to the animals! We are putting our trust in you!”
Before Y/N could protest or retract his agreement the group made sure to leave the little hut as fast as possible. Ranboo was very confused but still followed the others outside to loudly greet Niki.
Y/N himself was so bewildered by this whole situation he didn’t even make the effort to run out to greet Niki as well. Instead his thoughts begun to swirl around his new responsibilities.
What do Polar Bears eat? How is he going to feed all of the dogs? By Ender he hoped that Techno had all the necessary things in one of his chests.
That’s when a stray thought hit him “Did they hire me as pet sitter because I’m a Border Collie Hybrid? Did they seriously make me the pet sitter because Border Collie’s are stereotypically good herding dogs?”
That thought had to set in for a moment as he was asking himself if this seriously could be the case and knowing them that might have very well been a thought that crossed their minds. They all joked around about their hybrid parts but this was just ridiculous.
He didn’t know how yet but somehow he will make sure that the damn Pig and the Birdbrain will get this back tenfold. Ranboo was okay in Y/N’s book since he mostly got pulled into this by the others but even then he was still on thin ice.
“I better get going.” He whispered in order to try to pull himself out of his thoughts.
First on the agenda were the Polar Bears. Mostly since he wasn’t exactly sure how to go about it and just wanted to get it over with but also one of the Bears was laying inside the hut. Snuggling close to the fire place.
That polar bear was Steve and Techno often made comments of him being his emotional support animal and at this point Y/N just believed him. With Techno who knew at this point.
Well what would Steve eat? Just some meat?
How he didn’t immediately come to that conclusion he didn’t know but better late than never.
Y/N excitedly rubbed his hands together. Time to snoop through Techno’s things. No way in hell is he going to use his own resources to feed their pets. Hence why he begun looking through Techno’s chests. Taking note of things like stray armor, golden apples and enchantment books.
Somewhere in a corner he found some cooked fish. Should be fine, right?
Taking a couple of fish he moved over to Steve who was still lazily draped on the ground enjoying the heat from the fire. Carefully and slowly Y/N put down a couple of fish in front of his big snout. His dog ears pressed down on his head as he stared rigidly at the bear. Hoping for the best.
Steve’s black nose begun to twitch. He slowly opened up his eyes and lazily begun nudging the food closer to his snout with his big paw. Snacking on the pile of fish.
“Okay? I’m guessing that’s fine? I think?”
Just to make sure he still threw more fish towards him and then made his way with a second pile outside where Ed was waiting for his food as well. Ed was way more active and often enough obstructs the way up the stairs that lead to both Philza’s and Techno’s house.
Philza was always annoyed at Ed because of that particular reason. Though today he was a good Polar Bear that was sitting next to the stairs staring at Ender knows what.
Y/N threw him his pile of fish and watched for a second as he happily begun munching on them.
“Guess I’m doing alright after all.”
Almost as if to answer the bear suddenly begun to move towards Y/N which made him panic. Stepping back, trying to understand what he was doing now. Sure the bears are cute but also big and dangerous if they wanted to be.
But Ed bowed his head down and softly pressed his head against Y/N’s chest.
“Is this a thanks, buddy? Aw, no problem.”
Tentatively Y/N placed his hand on the bear’s head to give him one or two scritches. To which Ed then let out a deep puff of air through his nose and immediately moved back to his food to continue his breakfast.
All the Polar Bears are fed. Now only the whole hound army, cows, parrot, Carl the Horse, Turtles and Enderchest the Cat were left. Oh by Ender. That is still a lot.
Y/N immediately ran back into Techno’s hut and begun to search through his chests again. Grabbing things like Seeds, Sea Grass, more fish and some steak.
The parrot and cat were the easiest to deal with first so he decided to run into Ranboo’s house. Even if just to avoid the cold outside for a tiny bit longer.
He climbed down the ladder and found the parrot patiently waiting for him. Excitedly squawking as soon as he saw him.
Placing the seeds in front of the animal Y/N took a good look at the colorful bird.
“How are you doing? Keeping Ranboo company? Making sure he isn’t feeling too lonely?”
“Company! Company!” Ranbird answered in a shrill voice only to continue picking up the seeds off the ground.
Y/N liked spending time with Ranboo. He was a bit of an enigma with his memory issues and interesting behavior at points but Y/N loved hanging out with him. He would always try to offer to play pranks on Techno but Ranboo was too apprehensive about it, not wanting to make the scary Pig Hybrid mad at him.
The two had a bit of a running joke going on where both Ranboo and Y/N would call the other weird. Ranboo for his weird behavior and Y/N for the simple fact that he apparently didn’t fear Techno at all. Philza and Ranboo having to mostly hold him back before he could seriously upset Techno.
“Enderchest? Come here!” Y/N called out and continued to do the typical mouth noises to attract cats. Luckily he did come around a corner.
Happily meowing when Enderchest saw Y/N. Chirping as he pressed his body against Y/N’s legs.
“See, you are a kitty and I am a dog hybrid but we like each other.” Was he still a bit salty about the fact that they most certainly chose him to take care of the pets due to his Hybrid side?
Yes. Definitely.
Sure, no one else was there who could deal with it but on the other hand normally they were always so prepared for everything so this must have been planned beforehand. They didn’t feed the animals on purpose because obviously he was there and had time.
A loud meow pulled Y/N back out of his thoughts again.
“Sorry, Enderchest. You are right it’s food time.”
He then took out two fish and placed it in front of the cat who immediately put them in his mouth and ran off with them. Probably to eat in peace.
Next on the list was Carl. If Y/N didn’t make sure that Carl was absolutely doing alright and was fed Techno would kill him. And while Y/N liked to joke with Techno and pretend that he wasn’t as dangerous as everyone else is treating him like, he also knew that Carl is so important to him that Techno let him get himself kidnapped by the Butcher Army for the horse’s safety.
Technoblade hid his horse behind a wall but Philza one day accidentally found it. Y/N immediately took the chance to build an actual hidden entrance. He liked being a bit of an annoyance for Techno but if he can somehow help out, he will.
Pressing a button on the stone wall gave away to the little stable he and Philza made for Carl.
Some Hay and other food was always ready for Carl so all Y/N had to do was put some of it in the tray and make sure he still had water. Everything seemed fine so Y/N took a second to pet him.
“No idea why Techno is so attached to you but you do seem like a good one. He protects you so you better make sure to not disappoint him as well.”
Carl neighed and nuzzled his nose into Y/N’s shoulder. Softly nabbing on the clothes which made the man laugh in return and softly shoved Carl’s face away from him.
“My clothes aren’t food, buddy!”
Luckily Carl didn’t continue to screw around and instead concentrated on his actual food.
The next pit stop were the turtles and cows. It was easy feeding them since you just placed down the food and then let them go about their day. No, the dog army would be a problem later. They might be war dogs but they were still playful dogs.
Y/N closed up the stable for Carl and made his way through the snow towards the cows first. Opening up a chest that stood close by. He placed it there a few days back with a ton of wheat. It was meant as way to help with the feeding. It was meant for the others since these cows didn’t belong to him but now he was stuck with the responsibility after all.
The cows were happily chewing on the food that Y/N threw into their enclosure and seemed to be doing alright as well so he moved on to the turtles.
For the turtles he actually had to get into the enclosure. Putting the kelp down near the water so the turtles inside the water could see him placing the food down as well. All the while he had to make sure to not accidentally walk on top of the eggs that some of these turtles have laid.
The animals themselves seemed to ignore Y/N. Just slowly crawling along the coarse sand or floating inside the water.
That’s when Y/N heard a groan from behind him. A groan he knew too well.
“Oh no you don’t!”
Y/N swiveled around and pulled out his netherite sword. A sword he made with the help of Philza. During his travels in the nether he found some ancient debris but since he never worked with that material he asked Phil for help. Which was also the reason why the purple sword was called Swordza.
“You helped me make it, I’m naming it after you.” He said to Philza’s dismay.
Right now though the reason why he turned around so fast was that he heard the familiar retching sound of a zombie. It was still early in the morning no surprise there that a loose zombie might be around the place.
Also no surprise that the zombie appeared around the turtle enclosure. For some reason they loved trampling down turtle eggs which was really just barbaric if you really thought about it. Beings that seemingly just wandered around the overworld with no goal but as soon as they spot turtle eggs they suddenly know exactly where to go. Well, besides when they find a human to attack.
The zombie limped towards the turtles.
Y/N didn’t wait long to react. He immediately took a running start and jumped over the fence. Striking down with his sword while he was landing, giving the attack a little more oomph. Together with the enchantments on the sword the zombie fell down into a burning mess. Gurgling sounds escaping it only to die down. A growl escaped Y/N’s throat as he stared at the dead mob.
“Nothing will happen to the little ones while I have anything to say about it!”
He took another sweeping look around the place but found nothing out of the ordinary. With a relieved sigh he put his sword back. The turtles were fed and safe.
Though as he looked around his eyes fell unto the hoard of dogs. All fenced in under a self-made roof. Most of the dogs were laying around either in a small pile or alone. Some were trotting around or even playing but it seemed like the dogs were still tired.
It was time to deal with them.
Y/N walked over to the dogs and as he stepped closer the animals immediately took notice of him. A few running over to him while others just patiently stared. As he got closer to the fence the nearest dogs put their front paws on the fence. Barking excitedly.
If Y/N went in like this some will run out and that was not something he wanted to deal with. There was still some adrenaline pumping through his veins from back when he spotted the zombie but he was still slowly beginning to freeze. Honestly he wanted to get through this fast so he can go back into his cabin and enjoy the warmth of his hearth.
Maybe even begin to plot on how to get back at the Syndicate for doing this to him.
But this wasn’t important right now.
Y/N let out a sharp and loud whistle “Away! Come one! Move out of the way!” He pointed to a corner and surprisingly the dogs seemed to understand that he wanted them away from the gates.
When he opened said gate the dogs patiently waited for him to move in and close it again before they suddenly begun to swarm him. Jumping up trying to lick his face or they began sniffing him out.
“Hey! Stop! I can’t feed you like that!”
He had a frown on his face but his tail was happily swinging from side to side as the dogs greeted him.
“Okay, stop! Sit!”
Luckily the dogs were well trained since they immediately sat down. Still panting in excitement and whining but now they weren’t trying to pull Y/N down to play with him.
In return Y/N got out the steaks out of his inventory and walked past the dogs. Giving each one of them their share. Whenever some dogs begun to scuffle over the food all Y/N had to do was to whistle or yell “Stop!” and they would listen.
Truthfully he feared that feeding the dogs would be the most difficult task of all the animals but as it turned out they listened to him rather well. It’s probably only because Techno trained them so well but still, maybe there is a way Y/N could use this power for himself.
It didn’t take long for Y/N to feed all the dogs but once he reached the last one the first dogs were already done eating and happily following Y/N around the fenced off area. Sometimes barking, hoping to get his attention. While his ears would always move in the direction of the barking dogs, he made  appoint to concentrate on the dogs that he was actually interacting with.
Though when he was done he finally turned around to look at the happy dogs “You guys are needy, did you know that?”
As if to answer a dog right in front of him sat down and woofed at him.
Y/N rolled his eyes and knelt down, scratching that one particular dog behind his ear “You little pooch.”
That was a mistake. A huge mistake.
As he went down and balanced on the front of his feet the other dogs saw their chance as he went down to their height, practically jumping on.
Startled the Hybrid let out a yelp as the dogs pushed him on his back. Licking his face or tugging on his clothes.
He tried pushing the dogs away from his face but it he was unsuccessful. For every dog he pushed away two new dogs would try to jump into that new space. Sadly also pushing the dogs away seemed to be something fun for them.
At some point Y/N managed to get back up but still got swarmed by the dogs. All the dogs now in a happy playful mood after having eaten. Y/N could just tell them off but everyone on the outside could see that he had fun as well playing and tussling with the dogs.
Over time that tussling just became the dogs jumping into Y/N arms so he could throw them a few feet away while simultaneously trying to not fall down as some dogs begun tugging on his clothes again. The longer it kept going the more tired he got which was hi downfall. Quite literally.
He fell over again and while the dogs swarmed around him they too were getting tired and just laid down next to him. Framing his body or just straight up laying on top of him, one dog even snuggled up to his head, ending up more as a pillow for him.
At first Y/N tried to struggle against being buried alive by the animals but as soon as he noticed the warmth engulfing his body instead of the cold harsh wind he accepted his fate.
After all he was done with feeding the pets.
“Horrible. Techno would be proud with how relentless you all are.” A yawn escaped his lips which seemed to infect a few of the dogs as well.
It really didn’t take long for him to fall asleep. It was warm, soft and he felt safe.
The meeting for the Syndicate took longer than expected. They spent way too much time trying to find a common goal to start with. They didn’t want to do something huge at the beginning but start small, something that would test their cooperation and teamwork.
Though after they finally found something and started planning a few hours had past and since both Ranboo and Niki apparently had people to meet they had to stop the meeting early.
“You think the animals will be fine?” Ranboo asked Philza as they stepped out of their hidden headquarters.
The older man just waved off his question “Ah, they will be fine! We rag on Y/N often but we can trust him with things like these. He’s a good one even if he absolutely refuses to give Techno a straight answer when it comes to governments. I do believe he is only doing that to annoy him though.”
As the group approached their home again everyone took a good look around.
“Well, everything seems normal.” Techno noted.
Niki scowled “Aw I had hoped to see him. I couldn’t even say hello when I got here.”
That’s when Ranboo stopped dead in his track. He wanted to go home to get ready for Snowchester but something inside the dog pen caught his attention “Oh by Ender! There is an arm! The dogs have an arm!”
The other three ran over, confused with what the hell he was talking about only to see he was right. There was an arm sticking outside of the dogpile. Why did the dogs pile up in the first place though?
Out of nowhere Phil snorted and pressed his hand against his chest and mouth. Trying to stifle a laugh.
Niki still looked shocked and worried, confused with Phil’s reaction “What? Philza, why are you laughing?”
“Let me show you. Y/N! Are you awake, mate?”
At first nothing happened but then suddenly the arm moved and retreated back inside the dogpile. Now the others understood what happened.
Both Niki and Ranboo looked a bit embarrassed that they genuinely thought that these dogs might have ripped off an arm and were now cuddling with it.
Techno stayed stoic as always. Folding his arms in front of his chest, waiting for Y/N to properly react.
“Y/N, come on!” Phil called out again.
A muffled groan came from the pile of dogs and Y/N’s head appeared as he sat up “What?” He whined “I was having such a nice dream!”
“Oh my- Y/N! Good morning!” Niki greeted the Hybrid happily.
In response Y/N got a bit out of his furry burial but still pulled one of the ferocious war dogs closer to himself, hugging it. His tail now out as well showing the others his happy mood as he slowly drifted off again.
“Hello, Niki.” He sounded still half asleep. At least the others assumed since his face was buried in the dogs grey fur.
“Y/N please get away from my hound army. They are bred to fight and kill not for hugs and naps.” Techno grumbled.
“Then why are they so comfy and love me so much. They love me so much more than you” He made sure to drawl out the word “love” to really hammer that fact in.
“Let’s make Y/N then our go to pet sitter.” Phil noted.
This seemed to wake up Y/N, he immediately looked up with a scowl “No! I am not going to be your pet sitter! You put me in that role in the first place because I’m a Border Collie Hybrid, or am I wrong? If it’s true that’s seriously screwed up, by the way!”
Techno sighed “Yep, there he is. Now he is awake alright.”
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bittykimmy13 · 2 years
Beneath the Surface (GT) - Chapter 1
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Synopsis:  After a freak accident leaves Galen injured, Leigh offers to help rehabilitate him through water therapy-- even if he's a grumpy giant who blames her for his injury.
This story was commissioned by @sizechuan​!! She gave me the privilege of writing her super fun and cute idea, and I hope y’all enjoy it too!! 
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The lack of early-morning traffic in Rockrest meant that Leigh had no excuse for being late. But that certainly never stopped her before. At least she could assuage her team’s annoyance with the box of donuts sitting in the passenger’s seat of her pick-up truck.
After a wide yawn, she took a sip of coffee and squinted at the first threads of warm color glinting over the morning tide. A salty breeze fluttered in and out of her open windows. She’d have to get down to the beach before heading to the Sealife Sanctuary. The coastal town may be sleepy at that hour, but the local sea turtles were plenty active. There were nests to monitor, plus the task of keeping an eye out for new ones.
And if that wasn’t enough, visitor season was in full swing and tours would be booked up for the day before lunchtime, which would give her almost no time to squeeze in animal rehab in the pavilion.
She blew a stop sign that she never paid any mind to this early in the morning and turned toward the nearest beach access.
If she could finish up with the turtle nests before the full sunrise, maybe she wouldn’t be so late after all. Still, the day ahead was jam-packed. And with tourists creating long lines at the local businesses, she’d have to help with late-night orders at the bakery when she got home—
“Watch it!”
Leigh slammed the brakes and jolted hard against the seatbelt. White knuckling the steering wheel, she peered through the windshield and looked up—and up, and up—until she saw the face of the person who had shouted. 
It was one of the bigger folk. He was easily over fifteen feet tall. She gave him only a quick glimpse before looking down at her lap, but she saw more than enough to recognize him. Black-frame glasses. Ash-brown hair peeked out from under a beanie. And a few facial scars framing a menacing scowl.
Galen Kader.
Of the five giants who had graduated in Leigh’s senior class, Galen was the only one who hadn’t moved away to the city. He still lived in the lackluster giant neighborhood on the other side of town, but she so rarely saw him, part of her had assumed he’d finally left.
And in case their past interaction hadn’t been bad enough, now she’d nearly put her truck through his legs.
“I-I’m so sorry!” She turned her truck the other way, the tires desperately kicking up traction before she jolted to another stop and glanced up and back at him. He hadn’t moved, his eyes narrowed down at her. She made a vague gesture at the passenger seat. “I-I have donuts if you…” She trailed off as he rolled his eyes and continued walking in the opposite direction. “... Okay, gotcha! Have a good one!”
Easing the truck back into motion less chaotically, she gave an involuntary shudder, unable to shake the image of Galen’s expression. Not the friendliest face to meet in the morning—especially one so big.
She decided to head to a different beach access—one where she wouldn’t risk literally running into Galen again. As she made her way up a hill, she considered her options. But she wasn’t able to dwell on her indecisiveness for more than a second before she caught sight of something coming up in the middle of the street. Something much smaller than a two-story high person.
A mud turtle was making its leisurely way across the road as if it didn’t know that cars existed.
“Oh, hell no. Buddy, you’re gonna get yourself squashed.” Leigh stopped the truck, feeling the weight of the vehicle tug backward down the hill. She put on the parking brake—something that took her a second to figure out since she needed it so rarely, living at sea level.
There were no other cars around, but she still hurried out and jogged to reach the turtle.
“Do you know how lucky you are?” she told it as she gently grabbed its shell with both hands. “Sea turtles are usually my thing, but I’m making an exception for you.”
Leigh carried the turtle in the direction it had been scuttling and set it down safely on the other side. Before she could wish it a safe journey, a resounding THUNK echoed through the sleepy streets, followed by a booming shout of pain.
She whirled.
Her pick-up was gone.
Her wide eyes snapped further down the street, and she found where it had gone. 
It had rolled backward down the hill. And it had crashed directly into Galen, who was laying on his side in the middle of the street, locked up in pain and cursing up a storm. 
She whispered a few choice words herself as she sprinted to him.
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Leigh stared at her untouched food. “I can’t believe I did that,” she muttered for the millionth time. She buried her face in her hands and groaned, her face growing hot as if she was living it all over again.
“Legally, you didn’t do anything.” Beth reached across the table and swiped a handful of Leigh’s fries. “And as your lawyer, I suggest you stop moping around like you did something wrong—and especially refrain from making any implication that this unfortunate incident was somehow your doing.”
“What would’ve happened if the parking brake wasn’t faulty?” Leigh shoved the rest of her meal over to Beth. “What if it had been my fault? Would I be in jail?”
“Mm.” Beth frowned, swirling a couple of fries through ketchup. “Probably not. But things would’ve been much messier. At least this way, you don’t have to pay a cent.”
No matter how much Beth assured her that she was in no legal trouble, Leigh couldn’t stop being jittery with guilt. If it wasn’t for Beth’s research, she probably wouldn’t have found out about the recall on her truck. It wasn’t her fault that the parking brake was lousy. The pick-up was already being worked on at the nearest dealership in Hastbury. Until then, Beth offered to give her rides when she could.
It had all happened so fast. 
It was lucky that emergency services were able to contact a couple of local giants to help Galen walk after the accident. From then on, she hadn’t seen him in person. He’d managed to get to the single giant doctor in town, while Leigh sought Beth’s help. Now, two days later, they’d sorted things out over a video call with Galen. And Leigh felt as lousy as the parking brake.
Beth had done all the talking while Galen scowled and gave clipped responses through the camera. After everything, Beth insisted that Leigh could pay her by treating her to lunch—nothing more.
“Do you know how he’s gonna recover?” Leigh asked.
“I mean, that’s not our problem. But from what I could glean, he’ll just have to heal naturally.”
“Seriously?” Leigh’s eyes widened, and she sat back in her seat. “A knee sprain like that needs therapy to heal properly. He’s lucky the ligament wasn’t completely torn. Then… then he would’ve needed surgery!”
“Hey, deep breath.” Beth reached across the table and clasped Leigh’s hand. “Repeat after me: Not.”
Leigh sighed. “Not.”
Pouting, Leigh snatched her hand free. “But I could’ve stopped it from happening if I hadn’t—”
“Ugh!” Beth threw her hands up. “Why do you care so much? I mean, you saw the dirty looks he gave you during the video conference, right? Doesn’t he remember what you did for him back in high school? You were grounded for like a week after that!”
“That was years ago! I dunno, maybe he didn’t look so thrilled with me because I hit him with my truck, Elizabeth!”
“Ah-agh!” Beth reached across and put a finger to Leigh’s lips. “We don’t say that.”
Leigh rolled her eyes and pushed Beth’s hand away. “Besides, he probably doesn’t even remember about the cake thing. It’s been, what, over ten years? We were barely sophomores.”
Evidently, Beth was done talking circles about the situation. She went back to focusing on her food and ordering another victory mimosa, even though this hadn’t been an actual court case. 
While she was distracted, Leigh drummed her fingers on the table. She thought about Galen. And the lack of medical care for him. And the Sealife Sanctuary. And the pavilion. Slowly, an idea formed, and it didn’t take long for Beth to catch on to her expression.
“Whatever you’re thinking,” Beth said, “I advise you to stop thinking it.”
Leigh pushed her chair back and stood. “You got Galen’s address, right?”
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There was no way around it. Galen’s shitty insurance wouldn’t cover the cost of physical therapy in Hastbury.
He was lucky enough to get a couple of weeks off from work without the danger of being fired. They wouldn’t dare get rid of him. The construction company would never say no to someone who could lift five times more than their best workers combined. They just didn’t have to pay him while he was on leave.
He found himself wishing he had gotten injured on the job instead. Then maybe he could’ve gotten multiple visits with a physical therapist instead of having to settle for a single appointment with the local doctor who was like a hundred years old. 
And as he was so politely informed by Leigh Harvey’s lawyer, she wouldn’t have to cover the cost of anything—the doctor visit, emergency services, therapy, nothing. While he would love to blame her for being careless, the truck had been faulty—allegedly.
Couldn’t she have heard about the recall before she ruined my life? Galen thought bitterly.
She’d looked on the verge of tears during the whole video call. Her face hadn’t changed too drastically since high school. They had talked a few times back then, but he’d messed that up for good with the cake incident. He remembered her lawyer from school too, though she was a couple of years older. Beth had always been a loud-mouth; no wonder she’d chosen this career path.
While Galen was wallowing in his thoughts, a tiny knock came at the door.
He thought about ignoring it, but the knock came again insistently. Sighing heavily, she pushed himself off the couch and winced. He could still walk, but with an embarrassing limp. Each step sent a shockwave of pain through his knee, like he wanted to sit on the ground and never get up again. His bruises were nothing short of horrific, too.
“What?” he muttered, pulling the door open.
To his bewilderment, Leigh and Beth were standing on his front porch. Leigh was swirling her black ponytail between her fingers. Her dark eyes were trained on the ground. Beth was standing closer, blond hair in a perfect bun. She smiled up at him pleasantly, entirely unintimidated. 
“Elizabeth Murphy, attorney at law and best friend to this gorgeous and woefully misguided creature,” she announced.
“I know who you are, Beth,” he said flatly. “What do you want?”
Beth tilted her chin higher. “My client is generously offering a proposal. For a low price, she can assist you with aquatic therapy, five evenings a week for the next two weeks. Are you in?”
He had no answer because what she was saying made no sense. The confusion must have been palpable on his face because Leigh shuffled forward a few steps. They made eye contact for a brief moment before she looked past him.
“I studied physical therapy for a few courses. With a sprain like yours, I should be able to help you best in the water. We’ve got an empty pool at the pavilion at Sealife Sanctuary. You know, where we keep the sea turtles and stuff.”
Involuntarily, Galen curled his lip at the mention of turtles. All he could think of was Leigh apologizing profusely while he was sprawled on the street in agony. She kept repeating that she was trying to save a turtle—that’s why she’d left her truck like that.
“I don’t need help,” Galen said, though he knew that was a lie. He clenched his jaw. “Besides, it doesn’t look like you want to be anywhere near me. What makes you think you could handle helping me through therapy, trapped in a pool with me?”
“Oh, my client would not be getting in the water with you,” Beth said. “She’d just guide you through what to do.”
He scoffed. “Pretty sure I could get as much help from videos online.”
“But where would you get the water for it?” Beth pointed out. “I don’t think you’d do so hot with the waves pummeling you in the ocean.”
Galen let out a sharp huff and leaned on the doorframe, knowing that only put his pain on his display. But there was no hiding that it hurt to stand there. Chances were, he wouldn’t get better in two weeks without help. He couldn’t afford to take off any more time than that. 
If his insurance wouldn’t cover therapy, then he may as well get help from the one who caused this mess.
“Fine,” he sighed.
“Six PM, Monday,” Beth said, ushering Leigh off at once. “The pavilion behind Sealife Sanctuary. Don’t be late!”
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((Author’s note: What do y’all think so far? I loooove grump/sunshine dynamics to bits, and throwing in a snarky supporting character is just *chef’s kiss* for me))
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elles-archives · 2 years
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Ransom Drysdale x Wife!Reader
In for a Penny Part: Epilogue
Word Count: 576
Series Warnings: Smut, Angst, Fluff, Spoilers for Knives Out, Talks of pregnancy, Murder, Swearing, Potentially dark themes (but not really), Death, Nausea, Anxiety. (I may add more as the series progresses)
Part Warnings: None
Series Summary: When Harlan Thrombey is found dead, the last person you would think is responsible is. The only problem is how far do you go to protect the ones you love the most.
(A/N: So this is the end... for now. Thank you again for all the support I have had - Ellen )
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These last five years have been some of the best in my life.
Four years ago, I gave birth to mine and Ransom’s first daughter. Freya Hope Drysdale. To say she was the light of Ransom’s life would be and understatement. From the first time he held her, Ransom was wrapped around her little finger. As she grew older, she became the spitting image of her father, even insisting that she dressed just like him.
A year and a half after we had Freya, I found out I was pregnant again. This time with twins. I was more nervous throughout my pregnancy than I was when I was pregnant with Freya, however when Harmony Louise and Daniel Theodore Drysdale were born, the amount of happiness both me and Ransom felt was out of this world.
The joy me and Ransom felt at the expansion of our family wasn’t the only change throughout the Thrombey/Drysdale clan though. The day Marta was arrested, Linda found a note written in invisible ink from Harlan. It exposed an affair that Richard had been having with a woman two times younger than him. That was the start though as it turns out, Richard was seeing more than just this woman.
Since then, me and Linda had gotten along better than ever. She admitted the mistakes she made when raising Ransom and although nothing could ever fix them, at least she was trying with her grandchildren. Ransom was a little reluctant at first about her spending time with them, but I finally managed to persuade him to give her a chance and so far things were going well.
We rarely hear from the rest of the family. Meg will come over to see Freya, Harmony and Daniel every once in a while. Otherwise, the only time we hear from any of them is when Linda holds a family meal.
Snide remarks towards Ransom though have calmed down no end. Since he proved to them that he could be a responsible parent and had also started writing they laid off him. However, Ransom doesn’t go through Blood Like Wine to publish his books anymore. Instead, he invested his inheritance into creating his own publishing company.
Writing on the Wall was doing brilliantly. Walt was almost running Blood Like Wine into the ground. The Netflix deals were falling through, and authors were leaving the company as they didn’t want to watch their books fail. This caused Ransom to have many more clients, especially as he was running his publishing company the same way Harlan ran his.
Me on the other hand, I was promoted three years ago after I came back from my first maternity leave. I was now head of paediatrics at the hospital. This caused almost a double in my wage and more freedom around my work hours. When the twins were born, the five of us moved to a bigger house just outside Boston. This allowed me to have an office, Ransom to have a study and everyone to have their own rooms as well as a garden for the children to run around in. With my office, I was able to work from home more.
The lie me and Ransom told five years ago was never brought up again. The guilt never really left me, but I managed to bury it in order to have the family life I had always wanted. Even at the cost of other people’s lives.
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dienamights · 3 years
Unfavorable Guidance | H.Shinso
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​✎ Mindjack has been doing these kind of jobs since he was recruited as a hero, he is unmistakingly the best at them, doesn’t need anyone butting their noses in his business, especially you, the sly fox in disguise, offering your tainted helping hand.
✎ Protagonists: Hitoshi Shinso x Fem!Reader.
✎ Word count: 6.4K
✎Category: noncon/dubcon, Smut MDNI, Prohero!au
✎Caution(!):  noncon/dubcon, Smut 18+ MDNI please, , mentions of alcohol, mentions of murder, minor character death, sex under quirk use, spitting, degrading, swearing, manipulation, unprotected sex. 
✎ Author’s notes: I KNOW I’M LATE EUFGKHDFVBDFXL, but here is my contribution to @daisy-bakugo​ 2k event Vice City! Please take the time to read everyone’s work if you haven’t! Thank you so much for letting me participate.
I listened to this throughout the entire process of writing it, if you’re familiar with Kingdom Hearts, some names will ring a bell to you lol. also I hate the header and the summary but you’re just gonna have to live w it for now cause its 8 am I NEED SLEEP
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The annual auction of Vice City is one of the biggest social events of the year. The wealthiest families and richest people in the world come from everywhere in attempts to win what is secretly considered the greatest treasures of all time. Greatest and most expensive.
Alas, the after party held later on is what people are all secretly actually waiting for, where the most exquisite and rarest artifacts of the year get auctioned off to whoever is lucky enough to even be included in the guest list.
While not all are there for the auctions, it certainly is the perfect opportunity for anyone who's anyone in the world to show off their wealth. Filthy rich people sway all around, laughing and bragging. Venetian crystal chandeliers, velvet carpets, gambling, and alcohol. Men with their cigars, men with their wives, and men with their arm candies, their escorts or mistresses.
Yet, Shinso isn’t here for the luxury, he isn't here for the fame and the fortune, nor the reputation people thrive for when they buy those - meaningless, he calls them - relics. No, he is here on a mission, one he certainly wants to be done and over with because he wants to go home. He loosens his tie with an aggravated sigh before knocking back the last of his only gin and tonic, the bitter taste prickling his throat as he surveys the crowd of people all around him while he stands idly by the bar.
He knew it’d be a pain in the ass the second he got the mission assigned to him from the agency, the words “intel” and “Vice City'' of all places forced a frown upon his face, yet, being the most suitable for this job, he couldn't really decline.
Mindjack isn’t the type of hero you see on billboards and magazines, isn’t the type of hero to kiss babies’ heads that get thrusted at him in meet and greets, he certainly isn’t one to have those adoring fan clubs that follow his every move, posting about his greatest conquests. Oh no, he is a hero that works in dingy jobs with filthy manipulative men in black markets and the human trafficking industry, undercover -lie through your teeth throughout the whole ordeal- kind of hero, the kind of hero that goes home at the end of his missions with no gratitude towards his work, because nobody knows who he is or what he contributes to the society.
For the longest time, Shinso accepted the life he’s living, he didn’t look for validation from the citizens, knowing his work is always beyond the scope of their knowledge and their awareness, but sometimes, just sometimes, the sour droplets of envy would foul his mouth when his amethysts for eyes scan over the extravagant heroes, making a show out of saving their cities and getting praised and awarded and loved for doing what they’re supposed to be doing, their job. 
“Squeeze that glass a bit more and you’d break it”
A voice just like silk, weaving around him and entrancing him, Shinso blinked twice before his eyes dragged over to you, oh so beautiful and oh so close. Your nimble fingers wrapped around his fingers, the lacey glove lightly scratches his hand before he lets go of the glass in surprise, dropping it into yours. You giggle sweetly, turning around to place it on the bar before ordering your own, but not without looking at him over your shoulder and sending him a smile.
“What will it be, sugar tits?” the bartender leans over the counter, towel thrown on his shoulder as he sends you what's supposed to be a sultry look. Your elbow is placed on the counter while you rest your chin on your hand, smiling temptingly at him. “Anything that’ll get you to stop staring at my boobs.” Shinso almost laughs at the contrast between your smile and your voice, sharp and venomous, and the man leans back so far from you like he’s been stung. Walking away to work on a drink for you.
Shinso’s eyes rake your body without his knowledge, he admires the dress adorning your body, hugging you in all the right places, cascading down to the floor, and that slit my god, your legs looking endless in those heels he wonders how you can strut so elegantly with them on. A snap of your fingers breaks his trance and he tries - keyword tries - to act nonchalant to his obvious ogling and you only laugh in return.
You hum lowly, “So,” you’re turning to face him as you lean back on the counter, pushing your chest out to grasp even more of his attention, “what's an esteemed hero like you doing in a place like this?” It takes Shinso a good minute before he narrows his eyes, left foot back and ready to either take you down or run away if you were to involve greater forces. No one is supposed to know about his true identity, no one is supposed to know that there is a hero within them.
But what shakes his demeanor is the way you dangle his wallet in front of him, like dangling a stupid feather for some silly cat, waiting for it to jump at you to entertain you. Shinso swallows with a struggle, deciding that using his quirk to retrieve his wallet back will lead to him leaving, and he didn’t want that. He’s been keeping an eye on the wanted man for hours now, and it’ll all go to waste because of your slimy little hands and your-
“Here,” you toss it back to him, and he stumbles a bit before catching it properly, eyeing you for any sudden movements, but you simply turn back around in time to hold the drink from the bartender’s hand with a smile dazzling your lips. “You’re getting intel on The Wise?” you mumble against your cup, sipping slowly, eyes never leaving Shinso’s glaring ones. How the fuck do you know?
“You’re not the first.” you smirk, finger wiping the smeared lipstick against the glass before circling the rim. “You all look the same, thinking you’re better than them because of your position in the society, only for that ego to come and bite you right in the ass.” It’s almost ironic how poisonous your voice could get while still maintaining that mesmerizing smile, and oddly enough, Shinso’s eyes keep drooping despite his desperate attempt to fight against them.
You hum again, the click of your heels sounding muffled to him, eyes blurring when you get so close to him your breath tickles his cheek. “But you’re different, hmm? You’re gonna make the bad guy go away?” 
“Yes.” it's rushed, almost desperate, and the hero is astonished at how he sounds. “Then, lemme help you… Hitoshi.”
A blink, and you’re gone just like you vanished right from under his nose, slipped right between his fingers. A low curse escapes Shinso’s lips and he turns around swiftly to question the bartender, hell bent on getting any information on the girl that just revealed his entire identity and mission to him in a matter of seconds. 
“How can I help you, sir?” the question boggles his mind, the big burly man with an attitude problem wasn’t there anymore, replaced by another sweet woman that held concern in her eyes at his sight. “You’ve been staring at the wall for a while there, need me to call your driver to get you back?” 
“Wa- but I- She,” Shinso’s body started heating up in anger, worry, embarrassment, he doesn’t really know, but what he wants to know right this instant is how long he’s been out of it and for god’s sake, why?
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Shinso doesn’t really consider himself to be the sharpest tool in the shed, but dammit did he feel like a complete idiot letting you run off like that, a quick trip to the restroom for a splash of water clears his head enough for him to pull back his wallet from his pocket, flipping through it and finding something he was absolutely sure wasn’t there prior to your visit. A silver card, with ‘Surveillance room’ scribbled on a note behind it.
Caving in and accepting whatever help you were offering him, Shinso slides the card through the reader, sighing in relief upon the satisfying ding sound, followed by the door opening to the surveillance room.
“Now that’s what’m talking about.” life got so much easier now that he could watch The Wise through multiple screens, making it hard to miss a single move of his. The hero allows himself to relax a bit, hand messing with his hair and tired eyes blinking in irritation against the glare of the screens. The Wise was the mastermind of Organization XIII, as their name intel, they’re consisting of the same thirteen members that founded it years ago, nobody really knows how they started, what shocked the whole world is how grand their first crime actually was, bloodbath of the century -they would call it, seventeen slaughtered heroes, followed by their families, including women and children, thousands of millions of ¥ in money laundering atop of it, all within a span of 4 months, that was years ago, back in their prime.
Now, with eight of them behind bars, the remaining five were able to stay under the radar, distributing whatever money they were able to keep between them and fleeing to different parts of the world. Just because they were apart, didn’t mean they were any less dangerous, The Wise is a prime example for that, brutally murdering three of the undercover heroes sent his way to bring him back to justice, but they weren’t Shinso, he’d try to remind himself.
May their soul rest in peace, they were those heroes he felt dissociated from, the type of heroes to flaunt their powers, monetize the peoples’ knowledge of their quirks, uncover the secrets of their job, they were easy targets for people like The Wise, he’d know their weaknesses and how to take them down before they even think about pursuing him. Now, Mindjack was a different story, he wasn’t held on a pedestal by the people he saves, simply because they don’t recognize him, while he would loath that reality sometimes, he thanks the god for it today, as he’s watching the man’s call out for a drink.
Amethyst eyes scan the remaining screens, widening upon the sight of you looking right back at them, you are a vixen to him, eyes half lidded with a smile so intoxicating it does nothing but entrance whoever was lucky enough to catch its sight. Lace clad fingers wrapping around a piece of paper, you are so beautiful, Shinso tries to stop his mind from wandering, imagining what you wore underneath that angel crafted dress, envisioning what those fingers could do to please him, the same fingers that held the unfolded paper, the word ‘RUN’ smeared across it in lipstick.
Wait a minute, run?
Even before the poor hero could react, the similar satisfying -now dreadful- ding rings in his ear, before the door opens behind him, illuminating the room even more. Shinso stands to face two men, both as surprised as he is to see another occupant in the room. Right before any of them move, the hero opens his mouth and prays to god that whatever way he’s winging it works. “You got a permit to be here?”
Jesus one of you answer, and they both do - the left having fingers curving into talons while the right pulled at strings from the tips of his fingers, both ready to attack - and by god Shinso couldn’t be happier upon hearing a sound, because the minute the word ‘yes’ slips through their lips, Mindjack is smiling like a madman, welcoming the look of glossy eyes and heavy heads like a beloved relative’s return back home. 
“Great… Now,” the two manipulated  men face him, unaware of the dreaded fate bestowed upon them, while Shinso just can’t seem to keep the glint in his eyes at bay. “Why don’t you put on a show for me,” he breathes, smiling down at the ground before looking at them. ”Choke the fucking life out of each other.” The men don’t even blink, quick to face each other and jump, hands wrapped around throats like a vice, Shinso only moves away from the men on the floor as they thrash and kick at each other, limbs flailing as they try to force the life out of each other.
Turning his back against them, Shinso eyes the screen he was monitoring before their entrance, ignoring the groans and gasps of air behind him. He curses under his breath when he sees The Wise getting up from his place, heading towards a room that is supposed to be monitored by screen #6, but is purposely out of service. If he isn’t able to question The Wise or even keep an eye on him, then he’s gonna head on over to the next best thing. Gargled screams echo through the corridor as the hero makes his exit, making sure the door clicks shut behind him, he wouldn’t want to cause disturbance to the esteemed guests of the society of lowlifes.
Mindjack works in dingy jobs with filthy manipulative men in black markets and the human trafficking industry, killing machines that didn’t spare the live of the innocents, so why should he spare theirs? 
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Shinso makes it back to the main event, immediately finding you between guests, sitting so pretty on the poker table, eyes drawing him closer, the grin adorning your lips now wobbly, easy for him to distinguish as fake, forced, a façade kept for the people surrounding the table. He is hasteful in settling himself in the chair near you, shoulders tense when different pairs of eyes fall upon him, the dealer shuffles the deck to draw cards for Shinso, but you hold your hand out with a smile. “He’ll sit this one out, by my lucky onlooker.” A round of laughter causes Shinso to flush in embarrassment, feeling degraded and looked down upon by all these lowlifes, petty thieves and criminals, thinking they’re better than him, oh he’ll show them.(1)
It takes a few rounds for the table to empty out, now occupied by Shinso and yourself, the dealer asks him to move over to the next chair before they start their game. “Place your bets.” you’re quick to slide over a few of your chips to his side - some black, others red and blue, he didn’t really pay that much attention to them- your eyes daring him to reject your invitation to take the money to play.
He only blinks at you, his eyes seemingly never wanting to lose sight of you as he fights with himself to sit straight to face the dealer again, the man proceeds to deal both of you the cards for you to review before placing your bets. “You tricked me.” Shinso is almost appalled at the hurt laced in his voice, as if the two of you had a bond that was never meant to be broken. “don’t believe so, told you to run didn’ I?” The mockery in your voice is a hoax, the single twitch in your brow catches his attention and he can only deem it as you being stressed, whether it be because of the ordeal regarding the surveillance room or not is beyond him. No, he was stupid and foolish and he will not fall for your silly games again. “Exactly, you knew they were coming.” you hum in response to his accusation.
“Call.” Dropping a few of your chips on the table, your eyes shift momentarily to him, “I did, I said I’d help you and here I am.” He slams his bet on the table, ‘Raise’ gritted right through his teeth at your words. “I don’t want your help!” He reveals his cards on the table, a way to show his disinterest in your assistance as the dealer announces ‘Flush’ at his hand. Your eyes meet again from above your cards, now narrowing down instead of the half lidded look you seem to always have “You don’t want it, but you need it.” The façade you held before is slowly but surely breaking, now a deep frown tugging at your lip as you reveal your own hand, brows furrowing even further in challenge as you hum in displeasure when the dealer announces your ‘Full House’ hand to be the winner of this round.(2)
Shinso moves swiftly to stand when he sees you do the same, right before his entire world starts to spin, lights and colors mingling together and causing his head to spin, he sits down again, head between his hands as he tries to calm himself down, it's probably the strain of the mission, maybe it’s the weight bestowed upon his shoulders to finish it up. The hero lifts his head up to ask you, about something he himself isn’t even sure of, he just wants to hear your voice, like a drug to him that he can’t help but ask for more. Except when he does, you aren’t there, the table is occupied by different people, the dealer is another man with longer hair and slimmer figure, and by god did Shinso want to rip his hair out.
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The minute he feels like he could get back on his own to feet without falling down on his ass, Hitoshi is quick to check his pockets, adamant to find a clue your sneaky hands slid into one of his pockets while he was out, despite the tantrum he almost threw at not wanting your help nor guidance, and he does find something, a simple metal key, attached to it was a tag with the number XIII on it. 
In his shock, he almost drops the key on the ground but barely holds himself together to avoid any further embarrassment, Shinso takes deep breaths, knowing that the key in his possession is his entry to the heart of the organization, and especially to The Wise. 
Every year, specifically at the Vice City annual auction afterparty, The Wise holds a meeting with the most dangerous men within the continent, the most loathsome masterminds of the criminal world, all in the hopes of recruiting one of them into the organization, to uphold its name and spread its message. Every year, with no recruitment yet. 
With trembling hands, Shinso stuffs the key back into his pocket, eyes on the lookout for anyone who might’ve caught the key in his hand, but sighs in relief when he sees some engrossed in their meaningless poker and absurd talks, while the majority have made their way to the next hall over for the auction that is being held. He takes the stairs three at a time up the floors, facing a red oak double door, the same forsaken number engraved into it. After multiple failed attempts at inserting the key in the lock, he finally does with a huff, hearing the lock echoing in his ears before pushing the door open.
To be honest, Shinso didn’t know what he was expecting to see on the other side of the door, he thought maybe he’d watch weaponry trade off, perhaps people brawling and fighting amongst each other for the title of being the new members. But he certainly didn’t expect to be engulfed in jazz music, men with their cigars laughing and chatting, without a single care in the world, as if their hands weren’t tainted with the blood of the innocents, oh how he loathed them. In an attempt to fit in, he grabs a glass of whiskey from the butler standing by the door, nodding to him in thanks before moseying his way over to the corner in the room, he’d be damned if he got caught in the crossfire of those lunatics.
A stage is set up in the front of the room, and it takes a second for him to acknowledge the pole placed right at its center, it takes him another few seconds to see the beauty dancing on that pole, Shinso’s eyes rake her body without his knowledge, he admires the lingerie adorning her body, hugging her in all the right places, garter snug against her thighs as she twirls, her legs looking endless in those heels he wonders how she can dance so elegantly with them on… wait a minute. 
As if predicting the minute he realized it was you, you twirl to face him, lips pulled into a smile yet again, a giggle interrupting your humming as your body twists and turns on the pole. Shinso isn’t really sure how long he sits there captivated by your body, the only thing breaking his trance is the clap on his back and the heavy weight that sits next to him. “Beauty, isn’t she?”
Bile rises to Shinso’s throat at the mere sound of the person next to him, fear stills him in his place, restricting any movement he’s even thinking of doing, all he could do is sit, widened eyes and sweaty brows at the sight of The Wise right beside him. 
“Don’cha love it when women like her,” The Wise points at you with his cigar, “work to please men like us?” His arm now completely wrapped around Shinso’s shoulder as the hero feels his soul levitating from his body. “Look aroun’ya,” and he does, and only then does he really pay attention, he should’ve seen it all along, the glossy eyes, the droopy heads, it's a sight he was so well accustomed to that his brain normalized it to him. With whatever courage he musters up, he shifts his eyes to look at the man beside him, noticing the ear plugs he wore, and right then the gears start to turn in his head. “My most prized possession I tell’ya.” 
Of course you would be, how else would you have access to all these things, the card, the key, the vanishing from thin air, it all makes sense now.
“Enjoying yourselves, gentlemen?” your words are flowing like honey to his ears, a low buzz ringing in his brain as you spoke to the men in front of you. His ability to frown is nonexistent, a relaxed look adorning his face as he looks up at you, so elegant and beautiful in whatever hugged that miracle of a body.
“Sure are,” The Wise jerks Shinso by the shoulder, and he realizes that was done to break whatever trance he was in, he could only glare back at you when you smile at them, that conniving smile that hosted all the lies you spouted to him.
“y/n,” He calls you and by God if this isn’t the most beautiful name Shinso ever hears, what a shame it's being tainted by the voice of this criminal. “Wadda ya say to takin’ this fine boy to the red room, hm?” The man urges him to stand and take your hand, which he did at the blink of an eye, his body moving on it’s own to graze his lips against your knuckles in a breathless kiss. “Treat’m real nice for me.” The hero’s feet take him to follow you, his steps light, like walking on clouds, the sway of your hips pulling him closer to you until his chest is flush against your back, pushing you to move faster into the room you are pointed towards.
Walking aimlessly through hallways, taking lefts and rights he would never be able to recollect in his current state, you both enter a room, red just like The Wise called it, crimson silk sheets fitted on a king sized bed, maroon loveseats and plush carpets, everything in that red hue that it's almost nauseating. 
Bringing your hands in a loud clap, the fogginess in Shinso’s vision dissolves, your creased brows and frown now more prominent to him than ever, his eyes catch the scar trailing from the back of your neck to your cleavage, confused as to why his usual perceptive self would miss it, but then again, he doesn’t feel like he was ever himself throughout this whole ordeal.
To say he was furious is an understatement, he never felt more played in his life, he is Mindjack, the most conniving hero of all of Japan, he was manipulative and sly , known by his people to get jobs done, no matter who his opponent is, he always comes back victorious. And when his ears pick up your sigh of relief, he could only see red, he is hurt, he is scared, but now its his act, his turn to fuck shit up, he wants to hurt, he wants to scare.
“Fuckin’ lying bitch,” It takes him all but two steps for his body to graze yours, tantalizing eyes boring down into yours as you gasp at the close proximity, “you were workin’ with’em this entire fuckin’ time?”
“N-no that’s not it,” you stutter, flustered at his overwhelming presence, trying to put some distance between you and the fuming man by pushing his chest, “Please, I need you to listen to me.” 
“Oh, now you’re beggin’ hmm?” his firm warm hands circle your wrists, tugging them away from his body and using them to pull you even closer to him, his breath now grazing the tops of your cheeks, “Didn’t your boss tell you to treat me right?” he breathes, “well, get to it, slut.”
“That’s not what this is Hitoshi, just listen-” for the love of all that’s pure in this world, why does the sound of his name exceed his perception of how happiness is supposed to reverberate in his ear? “Keep my name outta your mouth, or I swear,” He hisses at you, the grip on your wrists tightening as you whimper out in pain. 
“You think you can just toy with me? Have me running around and following your orders like a lil bitch!?” He sees you trembling, lips wobbly and in tears, how ironic, he doesn’t know a few words would get you to start tearing up, the change in demeanor from when he first met you confuses him for a second, but only a second, because he’ll be damned if he falls for any of your tricks anymore. “N-no, I swear it isn’t like that, just p-please, please c-calm down! Let me explain myself-” the ugly cackle he lets out shuts you up, teary eyes widening as they fall on his, the aura he’s radiating is terrifying to say the least, your knees shaking in dread at what’s about to fold.
“You think you can play my game and win?”
It takes you a minute to answer, the word no echoing in your head, throbbing in your brain so painfully you forget the words that follow it, but what you can’t forget, what you will never forget, no matter how delirious you feel, is the look of pure sin across Shinso’s face, grin rivaling that of the Cheshire cat, because you were now simply a measly little pawn in his game. 
Mindjack works in dingy jobs with filthy manipulative men in black markets and the human trafficking industry, criminals that broke every law in their way to get what they desire, so why couldn’t he indulge even a little himself? 
He lets go of your wrists, watching as your arms sway next to your body like dead weight before he turns around to flop down on the loveseat, legs spread wide as he waves his hand over to you.
“Waddaya waitin’ for,” he knows you can’t answer him, but it feels so fucking good to hold such power over you after all you’ve put him through. “Now, strip.” the surge of power he feels jolts his dick up in excitement as he watches you take off your lingerie, moves robotic and forced, eyes glazed over both with tears and his control over your dumb little brain. Hitoshi is no villain, he is a respectable hero, but he’s been called that all his childhood, he might as well live up to that expectation, one way or another.
Shinso stands when you’re fully naked in front of him, long legs circling you and taking you all in, the back of his hand grazes your nipple and he all but groans as it pebbles at his touch. But god, he was nowhere near being done with you.
“Spread your legs for me on that bed,” he grins at the way you follow his orders even before he asks, “will ya?” you settle yourself on the bed before slowly dropping your weight on your back, hazy eyes staring up into the ceiling as your arms bring themselves down to circle the back of your knees, pulling them up close to your chest to expose yourself to him. 
Shinso’s cock twitches in his pants again at the opportunity to just seath it into you without any warning, but he barely holds himself back, approaching your body and feeling himself salivating at the sight, what a sight it is, your pussy looking so fucking beautiful clenching over nothing, the sight tempting him to just dive his face right in to get a taste of your juices.
Taking off his suit jacket and rolling the sleeves of his shirt, Shinso presses his thumb to your clit, frowning when he notices how dry you are, of course you would be, he chuckles to no one, puckering his lip to spit right at the nub, watching it trail down to your clenching hole, the sight igniting a flame within him, he does it again, simply to watch your spit hide in your cunt, impatient to follow suit and bury himself in there. 
His thumb is quick to draw circles with your clit, needing for your orgasm to wash over you quickly, eager for the things he’d do to you after he preps you enough to take him. The usual comforting silence is thick between you, no moans escaping your ajar mouth as your arousal seeps out of your pussy, he prods your hole with his finger to collect your nectar, smearing it across your clit again to rub even faster against it.
The only indication of you coming undone is when your thighs start to shake, your body curling in on itself as your back arches, your cunt gushing on his fingers, and Shinso is almost disappointed to not hear you moan out his name in pleasure. But he isn’t that disheartened, he’s bound to hear you scream.
You on the other hand, are petrified at the way your body is being handled, feeling yourself looking down at the horror being folded in front of you, this isn’t you, this is a shell of who you are, wrapped around his finger, at his mercy, and you want out, no matter the cost. But, you are to regret these words, because you see him unbuckling his belt, you hear the zipper drilling in your ear, and you watch him lay atop you, feeling your lungs constrict at the weight settling upon it, and to your utmost terror, the only thing that breaks his bind on you is when you feel his warm head prodding at your entrance, right before seething completely in, your throat prickling when you wail hoarsely in pain at feeling like being split into two.
“No, nonononon, st-stop please, please!” You’re crying, legs thrashing and arms flailing trying to push this monster off of you, but you can’t, you think as your walls pulsate in pain at the intrusion, you’ll never be able to with him placing his entire weight on you like that, and the way he pulls out before impaling you again has you seeing stars in the worst way possible. Desperate for an escape, you grab a chuck of his hair, your nails digging into his scalp before you yank, your jaw throbbing at how tight you clench your teeth in pain and disgust and pure panic. The strength you muster to pull his head up is in vain, because it only jerks his face deeper into your neck, right where your scar trails, and he bites, so hard you’re certain it draws blood. 
Only then does he lift his head up, his upper lip smeared with a smidge of blood, your blood, before he spits right into your mouth. Sick to your stomach at the metallic taste invading your taste buds, you spit right up at him, mindless to the debris falling right back at your face, your mascara running down your cheeks as you sneer up at him. Even as he laughs teasingly at you.
“Don’t worry slut,” He rasps, his nose brushing against yours as his thrusts find a pace, pulling out to the tip before pushing himself fully inside, “It’ll feel good in a minute.” and it does, he feels more of your arousal coating his cock as he snaps his hips against yours, your wails and whimpers slowly yet surely are coated more with lust as you moan out his name. “See tha’, almost too easy…” almost too good to be true.
And it is, because when his eyes struggle to find yours, he is reminded by the feeling that overtook him this entire evening, and when he sees the corner of your lips pull lightly does he want to rip your head right out, but the minute he moves his hand, he is overwhelmed by how wobbly he feels, how your face distorts and misshapes before he is met with the sight of the ceiling, the sight you grew accustomed to when he was taking advantage of your unconsciousness. 
He groans when he feels you impaling yourself on his cock, pussy clenching so tight as you bop yourself up and down his shaft, your tits bouncing with you as he looks up at you, so mesmerized and entranced by your beauty all he does is hold your hips, helping you lift yourself up before dropping you on him, the squelching sound that follows it music to his ears.
You plant your hands against his chest, hips rolling as you pant at his lips, both of you so drunk on the feeling of each other and chasing your highs, “You gonna listen to me, when I ask you to?” His hand claps against your ass at your question, “Yes, yes oh God, anythin’ just don’t stop.” He can’t help but want more of you, want to feel his cock push against you even further, so he plants his feet firm against the bed, hand grabbing handfuls of your ass as he starts thrusting up at you, moaning against your neck when he shoots ropes of his cum inside of your sopping cunt, squeezing him so tight and milking him, and all of what Shinso remembers is the way you arch your back, pressing your chest against his as your whimper out his name, as he feels your juices dripping against his balls and down on the sheets beneath you. After that, all he could see was black.
Shinso awakes startled, eyes darting in alarm before he relaxes when he confirms he’s alone, the red silky sheets now draped over his lower body, pooling at his lap when he sits up to look around once more, desperate for any sign of you. Yet he only sees a brown folder on top of the love seat, impressively thick with the amount of papers stacked inside it, and when Shinso reaches for it, he catches the note that slipped off and draped down on the floor, reading it and scowling at it. ‘You promised you’d listen’
And boy is he more than lucky to listen to you when you asked him to. Because that folder has every tiny little detail he needs to know about The Wise, from the quirks of his circulating bodyguards to the keys to his multiple homes within the world. Pictures upon pictures of the man, decoded letters and basically intel on his entire criminal record.
Fucking finally, Shinso gets to just go home no that everything’s over and done with.
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Limited Edition Sneak Peek:
It is way too early for Shinso, the sun glaring at him as he makes his way into the agency, the honking cars and chattering people feeding into his migraine so early in the morning, and he groans as he pushes his door open, ready to get back to his regular routine after the incident at Vice City.
It hasn’t been even a week, but it sure was eventful, using the folder you left him, Mindjack was able to capture The Wise the very next day, via the map of the routes he takes that was attached in the folder. They were able to ambush him, easily being able to bring the right heroes for the job to overcome the quirks of both his workers and himself. Now the mastermind of Organization XIII was behind bars, making the job of catching the remaining members now much easier.
It almost felt like child’s play, at least, that’s what the heroes made it out to be, flexing their powers and their potential, when they were well aware that all their efforts would’ve been in vain if you and your folder weren't there to aid them in every step.
To say that guilt ate him up is an understatement, he feels himself decaying from the inside out from resentment, he figures he spent too much time in the dark, that it started to mess with him, manipulate him, carve him into someone he isn’t, someone that isn’t fit to be a hero. He feels like was walking into a tunnel with no way out, engulfed and trapped in pure merciless darkness, that ate away at his soul every step he took further in.
Shinso trudges up the stairs with a heavy heart, the dread at what he did to you, especially that your intent to help him didn’t waver despite his actions loomed over him, and he couldn’t remember the last time he felt like he didn’t deserve the life that he’s living in right now. 
Yet, the saying ‘there's a light at the end of the tunnel’ rings in his ear, the minute he opens up the door to his office, eyes widening at the sight before him, smile so dazzlingly sweet, a voice just like silk, weaving around him and entrancing him as the words captivated him despite their simplicity.
“Missed me, Hitoshi?”
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(1) its common in poker for women to be onlookers, like the wives of the players for example, the jab at him being an onlooker is basically just a sexist joke to make the people around the table laugh to ease their mind.
(2) to help gain more perspective about the poker scene you can read the elaboration here
Aaaand more about the reader’s quirk here!
Hope you enjoyed! Also, PLEASE if you could theorize with me after reading the fic I’d love you forever, ask me about the reader’s quirk, ask me about some hidden meanings between the scenes JUST ANYTHING. MWAH
Borrowers (taglist):
@hanji-is-life @anarchicmartyr @sleepykyan @yourprincess-maybe @wolfygirl1900 @tteokdoroki​
@theehoneybunii @nanamisbento​ (not sure if you wanted to be tagged for bakuhoe only of all my fics, so sorry if its the former!)
if you want to be tagged with for any of my fics let me know ♡
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