#Mother Erth
polteergeistt · 2 months
And my plants's toes smell of the beautiful scent our mother erth produces. Of the summer rain. The decay that await us all. And of my pets' toes, because those sneaky motherfuckers DO love to destroy everything i love
This reads like poetry
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silvestromedia · 5 months
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St. Seiriol, 6th century. Welsh monk and hermit, He is honored on Puffin Island (island of Ynys-Seiriol), off the coast of Anglesey, Wales. Other details of his life are scarce.
Martyrs of the French Revolution February 01 Bl. Anne Hmard, Bl. Anne-Francoise de Villeneuve, Bl. Catherine Cottenceau, Bl. Francoise Bonneau, Bl. Francoise Michau, Bl. Francoise Pagis Roulleau, Bl. Gabrielle Androuin, Bl. Jeanne Bourigault Bl. Jeanne Fouchard Chalonneau, Bl. Jeanne Gruget Doly, Bl. Jeanne-Marie Sailland d'Epinatz, Bl. Louise Rallier de la Tertiniere Dean de Luigne, Bl. Louise-Aimee Dean de Luigne, Bl. Madeleine Blond, Bl. Madeleine Cady, Bl. Madeleine Perrotin Rousseau, Bl. Madeleine Sailland d'Epinatz, Bl. Madeleine Salle, Bl. Marguerite Riviere Huau, Bl. Marguerite Robin, Bl. Marie Cassin, Bl. Marie Grillard, Bl. Marie Lenee Lepage Varance, Bl. Marie Leroy Brevet, Bl. Marie Pichery Delahaye, Bl. Marie Roualt Bouju, Bl. Marie-Genevieve Poulain de la Forestrie, Bl. Marie-Jeanne Chauvigne Rorteau, Bl. Marthe Poulain de la Forestrie, Bl. Marie-Jeanne Chauvigne Rorteau, Bl. Marthe Poulain de la Forestrie, Bl. Perrine Androuin, Bl. Perrine Besson, Bl. Perrine Bourigault, Bl. Perrine Grille, Bl. Perrine Laurent, Bl. Perrine Ledoyen, Bl. Perrine Phelyppeaux Sailland, Bl. Perrine-Jeanne Sailland d'Epinatz, Bl. Perrine-Renee Potier Turpault, Bl. Renee Grillard, Bl. Renee Marie Feillatreau, Bl. Renee Martin, Bl. Renee Regault Papin, Bl. Renee Seichet Dacy, Bl. Renee Valin, Bl. Rose Quenion, Bl. Simone Chauvigne Charbonneau, Bl. Suzanne Androuin, Bl. Victoire Bauduceau Reveillere, Feb. 1 Pierre Tessier was a Roman Catholic layman and a martyr
St. Brigid of Ireland. Brigid was probably born at Faughart near Dundalk, Louth, Ireland. Her parents were baptized by St. Patrick, with whom she developed a close friendship. According to legend, her father was Dubhthach, an Irish chieftain of Lienster, and her mother, Brocca, was a slave at his court. Even as a young girl she evinced an interest for a religious life and took the veil in her youth from St. Macaille at Croghan and probably was professed by St. Mel of Armagh, who is believed to have conferred abbatial authority on her. She settled with seven of her virgins at the foot of Croghan Hill for a time and about the year 468, followed Mel to Meath. About the year 470 she founded a double monastery at Cill-Dara (Kildare) and was Abbess of the convent, the first in Ireland. The foundation developed into a center of learning and spirituality, and around it grew up the Cathedral city of Kildare. She founded a school of art at Kildare and its illuminated manuscripts became famous, notably the Book of Kildare, which was praised as one of the finest of all illuminated Irish manuscripts before its disappearance three centuries ago. Brigid was one of the most remarkable women of her times, and despite the numerous legendary, extravagant, and even fantastic miracles attributed to her, there is no doubt that her extraordinary spirituality, boundless charity, and compassion for those in distress were real. She died at Kildare on February 1. The Mary of the Gael, she is buried at Downpatrick with St. Columba and St. Patrick, with whom she is the patron of Ireland. Her name is sometimes Bridget and Bride.
St. Cinnia, 5th century. A princess of Ulster, Ireland. She was converted to Christianity by St. Patrick. When she entered a convent, St. Patrick gave her the veil.
St. Crewanna, 5th century. A confessor who accompanied St. Breaca from Ireland to Cornwall, England. Crowan near St. Erth is believed to have been named in his honor.
St. Darulagdach, 524 A.D. Abbess of Kildare, Ireland, the successor of St. Brigid. She is also called Dardulacha.
St. Jarlath, 480 A.D. Also called Hierlath, Irish bishop and disciple of St. Patrick. He became bishop of Armagh and aided monastic expansion and the missionary program undertaken in that era.
St. Kinnin, 5th century. Irish maiden baptized by St. Patrick. She is venerated in County Louth, Ireland.
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libidomechanica · 6 months
Untitled (“I remember, I could ask) less welcome: not”)
Her hair. I remember, I could     ask less welcome: not with all evenings shall make the robin’s     brow sad. A strange wonder
mother, wi’ purfles and eke I     with naked you were pleasure’s wreath now his heard the kind love,     Jamie, come try me. And
come who hath pride our fate, deigned to     be a batter day. Ah wantoning wilt weep ye by the     way was left your Sacred
from thence woot as well; for well as     Morning of her life before they by: alas! Tell me, Jamie,     come the Faction, O
then, and then and then close to compare     that I was wreath crashes, the hand in hire browe browe brown’s     defence: for College gown,
th’ admiring would thing and     that high degree is noght that fidgets beyond meed! Woman,     the judgment of our darling
before me; whither! If Nature     writes vnfit. Keep him sallow from all except for life, the     common show’st thy love and
misbegotten. Then what horrors     but at the ocean of stone; the air, by us selven     two or throat. To name of
none look at the Ark, whimp’rings which     gives Supreme to sette hymself for wet filaree and tree, ride     that in the humblest
when she turn’d his Soul she stars apes,     welcome: not warm excess might ruine me? I hadde I never     weaken’d, we are dazled
with red without our sorrows warrior     came: he too; the trumpeter, where was, and though upborne     our bed. See what was his
Venome, in erthe I was you comes     in vain Pretence—for your job and fall on Locksley Hall, to     which God his Eyes, his tune.
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quotes121sworld · 1 year
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sam-halabi-uae · 2 years
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They say if your car is clean from outside but dirty from inside and some say it's dirty from inside but clean from inside. Women need to value men period. Men work hard on making every possible way to get action done. For me it's my mentality that I am working on to increase my confidence and happiness I'm building my mind my career, my office my Inspiration and building a legacy. This will be a mark to leave this earth with an example. Lead by example. Work of art. kids will know how to value work and this will be a smell of me. If a woman was a car i would work on her exactly as I would work on my car if she listens They also say that a woman is a man's conscious so listen 👂 well It's how you design your mind and that women will be your crown so always decore your mind well and keep it neat and clean. The take is you must constantly work on yourself to better yourself and be in control be confident be proud be patient be loving be kind. This is by far much better than drugs or guns and better than fake friends and fake women. I am Working hard to complete her for my sentimental value, working hard to get #sponsors for the amount of memories that I have, for the amount of life I had with this car, doing it for myself my family my erth, doing it for the love of my passed parents that's raised us in using this vehicle. Working on it because it means the whole world to me. And this time my stage 2 goal is close and enchallah before new year she will be ready. This is my house 🏡 my office my discipline my blood line that is passed from father to mother to son to daughter brother sister kids kids. This is built with alot of soul. #builtnotbought #womenbehave #realmen #atwork #athome #love https://www.instagram.com/p/ClUJ3L8y_hM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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theasstour · 4 years
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𝐅𝐈𝐂 𝐏𝐀𝐆𝐄 | 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓: 𝟏𝟎.𝟒𝐊 𝐍𝐁: 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞, 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐚𝐛𝐮𝐬𝐞
A/N: IT’S FINALLY HERE 🐚🌊✨ Lightkeeper!Harry is here and I’m BEYOND excited to show you lot this concept I’ve been thinking about quite literally everyday for MONTHS now! I love this story with my entire heart, and I really hope it resonates with some of you and that you fall completely in love with lightkeeper!harry and ST like I have 🥺 Love you! Enjoy! x
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Thursday, 11 June
The universe would always balance itself out, Y/N McKay was aware of this. She was aware that if she had faith and believed everything happens for a reason, it would make the tough times of her life easier to mentally handle. If she did good, the universe would work to give it back to her in some other form. However, that didn’t mean that when something dreadful did happen it wouldn’t affect her, and she wouldn’t feel hopeless. Because she did. Very much so.
Most of her life she had lived in a constant state of harmony. She was neither displeased nor satisfied with the life she was leading because it kept her out of trouble; it kept her safe. Her entire life she had lived in peace in Winchester, a fairly prissy town in the middle of Hampshire county in England. Her father owned a business of sorts, Y/N had never gotten the details of it or how he’d gotten where he was, but all she knew was he inherited it from his father and it was expected to be handed down generation after generation in the McKay family. However, Y/N was an only child and neither her mum nor her dad thought she’d be fit to run the business when the time came.
“Nothing personal, darling,” her mother had said when it was brought up during a dinner when Y/N was still in sixth form. “You just don’t have the brains for it.”
“What your mother means to say,” Y/N’s father went on. “You’re so intelligent in your own way, running the business won’t make you happy.”
They always called it that. The business. They never told her what it was about or explained when she asked questions about it. Not that she expected her dad to be a drug lord, but it would’ve been nice to be let in on something. It would’ve been nice to be given the opportunity to feel of enough importance to someone to know special things.
Y/N looked out the window of the train, the Cornish coast stretching out as far as the eye could see, the sun not yet hanging high enough on the sky to make it dreadful to walk outside in her black oversized smock dress. The book in her lap was still open, though she’d read the same page over and over and over again, not being able to concentrate for long enough to remember what happened at the top of the piece of paper. Everything was fuzzy and she had too much to think about; too much to consider.
The last 24 hours had been the worst of her life. Yesterday had turned everything upside down and she hated it. However, thinking the universe would balance itself out and work in her favour, she was also aware that the reason her life needed help to be smoothed out by higher powers in the first place, was because it was in imbalance. Something was off. Something had thrown it off. But she forced herself to stay hopeful, knowing that if she lost that little flicker of hope in what seemed like an endless night, it’d be next to impossible to find her way back to peacefulness.
She glanced down at the book in her lap and was about to start reading again, not liking it when she had to put the book away in the middle of a chapter. She wasn’t given the opportunity as the overhead speakers sounded their soft alarm, and next second, a woman was speaking.
“Next stop is St Ives. Doors will open on the right-hand side.”
The nerves Y/N had felt in the pit of her stomach came back again, this time with more intensity than the last few. Though she realised what she was doing that morning when she boarded her train for Reading, and then again when she stepped on the train for St Erth, and yet again when she sat down on the train towards St Ives, this time it felt worse than all those times before. This was it. She was here.
She had no idea why she chose St Ives out of all places in Cornwall – in the world even –, why here of all places? Even years later, she could never seem to remember the exact moment when she chose that coastal town, or why it had appealed to her at all. Maybe it was the fact that it had a beach, or that it wasn’t particularly populated, or that there was no way anyone she had ever known would be there. The most important part however, and maybe the only reason why she chose St Ives, was because it was far away from Winchester. It was far away from her family, from her ex, and everything she associated with that town and everyone living in it.
She put The Well of Loneliness by Radclyffe Hall away in her purse, slinging her purse over her head to rest across her chest before she reached up and took her old leather bag down from the overhead compartment.  This was the only one she would risk bringing as it used to be her father’s back in the day, but he never used it anymore and wouldn’t suspect it being gone. Placing the strap on her shoulder, she walked off to the closest door, apologising when she jabbed someone with her bag on the way out.
Stepping off, Y/N instantly regretted wearing a long-sleeved dress. Though she was under the protection of the roof above the platform, the heat was still almost insufferable. It got her wondering if this was just a normal day in the very South of England or if it was an exceptionally hot one. She prayed for the latter.
She walked out of the station, staying in the cool shade for a few minutes longer as she typed in the address of the inn she was staying at. Not really knowing how public transit worked here yet, she didn’t want to risk taking the wrong bus or asking a tourist for directions to a place they’d never heard of. Instead, she put her EarPods in and went on her merry way. The second she stepped out into the sun, she was once again reminded of why she’d never wear that black dress again that summer.
The Roaming Crab Inn was on The Terrace, the road along the coast of St Ives, holding dozens of hotels and other places to stay during a visit. Y/N didn’t know why she’d chosen this exact inn, or how she’d even happened upon it. It might’ve had something to do with the picture of the old lady grinning from ear to ear on the inn’s website. A picture that was so lovely and so warm that, in the midst of everything Y/N was going through right then, it made her tear up.
She stepped into the inn, placing her sunglasses on the top of her head, and made sure her hair looked alright before walking a bit further inside. Cherry wooden panels lined the floors, walls, and ceiling, a reception desk in the same style attached to the wall to the right. Pictures of all kinds of people hung on the walls. Y/N suspected it might be locals as well as dear guests who had come and gone over the years. No lights were on as the sharp afternoon sun was sufficient in keeping the lobby just bright enough o that electricity wasn’t needed. Fake green vines hung along the ceiling and walls, as well as from different pots on the fireplace to the right that didn’t seem to be in use. Still, two old recliners stood beside it, tempting to sit down and drown in, to escape a turbulent life.
To the left was a staircase leading up to the other landings, and though Y/N hadn’t stepped foot on it yet, she already knew it creaked. This entire house seemed more like a cottage you’d find in the middle of the country, not on the coast of South England. She slowly started making her way over to the reception, and that was when she noticed the back door. Behind the desk was an old, white windowed door, a little smaller in height but a little wider in breadth than normal doors – like the entrance. It was open, leading the way out into a back garden that seemed to be both small and surrounded by the neighbouring houses on all sides. The wooden fence was covered in vines, flowers of all kinds poking out amongst them and on the ground around. The stone paved patio seemed to be old and uneven, there was a set of bistro metal chairs in all the colours of the rainbow along with a white table to match them.
A gang of old ladies sat around the table, chattering amongst themselves and occasionally laughing, all holding a different knitting project each. Y/N hated the thought of disturbing them, but she also just wanted to check in and go up to her room; maybe even go for a walk to take a look around the place she’d be in for the next few weeks.
She reached for the bell, hitting it lightly as to not make it sound urgent and intrusive. A small yelp was heard from the back garden and then the sound of the metal chair scraping against the stone patio. As she heard the footsteps get closer, Y/N glanced around, taking in the interior of the inn undisturbed one more. As someone appeared in the doorway and their eyes met, the old lady who stood there gave Y/N that warm smile of hers she’d seen online the night before.
“Hello, dear!” she chirped, placing her glasses on the bridge of her nose and walking over to the computer on her side of the desk. “How are you?”
“I’m good, thank you. And yourself?”
The old lady smiled, her eyes almost disappearing behind her high cheekbones. Her long white hair was fastened in a bun at the back of her head, the rest of her dressed in a pair of white trousers and a tunic with some bird print on it.
“I’m wonderful. What’s your name then, lovely?”
“Y/N McKay.”
“Ahh,” she said. “You’re the one who booked your stay last night.”
“That’s me, yeah,” Y/N chuckled, brushing some hair behind her ear.
“Till August 10th.”
“Right then, Y/N,” the lady said, taking a key hanging from the wall beside her and taking her glasses off, smiling the entire time. “Let me show you to your room.”
The two walked up to the second floor, taking a right as they arrived and the inn-keeper unlocked the door. The innkeeper kept the door open for Y/N, letting her walk in first. Though the floor and ceiling were similar to the wooden panels of the lobby, the walls were white. Against the same wall that the door came to rest against stood an old blue dresser, and a fake flower in an elegant vase that seemed to be just one of the many flowers in the room. The double bed stood to the far left wall, white sheets covering it and looking so lush that it took everything in Y/N not to sprint over and throw herself onto it. There was a desk as well as a recliner, and a window on the opposite wall overlooking the ocean that was just about a minute’s walk from here.
“The bathroom is over there,” the innkeeper said, pointing at a door beside the staircase. “You share it with the other guests on the same floor as you, alright?”
“Yeah, that sounds nice,” Y/N admitted, genuinely meaning it as well. She didn’t see the problem with that in the least.
“I’m mostly downstairs or in the next house over, which is mine,” she continued. “So if there’s ever anything you think I could help you with, do pop by.”
“Thank you.”
“Oh, my goodness,” she suddenly exclaimed, walking over to Y/N. “I’ve completely forgotten to introduce myself. I’m Bessie.” Bessie smiled at Y/N again, making the latter almost want to cry for the umpteenth time that day. “And I really hope you enjoy your stay here in St Ives.”
With that, the innkeeper left Y/N to herself. Y/N let her bag and purse fall to the floor before she dragged the chair by the desk over to the window. She opened it and just stared out across the beach and sea outside. Seagulls were howling overhead, waves were crashing against shore, and the familiar salty scent of the presence of the ocean lingered in the air constantly. It was like one of those trips she’d taken with her parents every summer, a new place every year, always by the coast. Her favourite might’ve been their vacation in Bali. It was gorgeous beyond comprehension, in a way no other place she’d ever been could come close to. But she was aware she’d never go on another trip with her parents again. Not after everything that happened the night before.
Now she couldn’t rely on them any longer. She was on her own. She had no idea what she was going to do, no idea what lay ahead of her. As she at on the chair looking out over St Ives, the town she’d spend her summer in, she realised she’d never felt more forlorn.
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St Ives is a coastal town located in the very south-west of the southernmost county in England, Cornwall. It is known for its surf beaches – most well-known being Porthmeor – and its many art galleries and restaurants. Tate St Ives is a gallery at the seafront and has rotating modern art exhibitions, focusing primarily on British artists. The Barbara Hepworth Museum and Sculpture Garden is located in the modernist artist’s former studio, displaying her bronzes and other works.Y/N, having grown up in a fairly posh family with exquisite and particular taste, knew a thing or two about art. 
She always had her purse on her, and in it she’d keep all the essentials for going out and about. Hand sanitiser, Kleenex, band-aids, pads, keys, a portable charger, and the book she was currently reading. The Well of Loneliness lay in her purse as she strolled around, a St Ives guide book in her hand that she’d bought at one of the local stores on what must’ve been their high street.
First and foremost, she wanted to do some sightseeing. She’d be here for a long time, so she might as well get acquainted with the town she’d stay in and learn its ins and outs. There is this part of St Ives called The Island, that isn’t at all an island, but it is just called that. The Island is the imposing headland that juts out into the seat from the spit of land that separates the harbour and Porthmeor beach – the most popular and most central beach in the town. In ancient times it was a promontory fort, but these days it’s probably better known as a location of the tiny chapel of St Nicholas. Walking to The Island, Y/N took in the incredible views of the ocean surrounding her, and the beach – The Townas - beside her that was cramped between The Island and Godrevy Point on the other side.
To her left was what looked to be Hellesveor Cliff, and at the very point of it, on the top of what must’ve been the most haunting cliff Y/N had ever seen, stood a lighthouse. Looking in her guide book, it didn’t say much about the lighthouse except the care of it had been passed down generation after generation by the family currently living there. It was at the very edge of St Ives, farther out than Godrevy Point. It made it so Porthmeor, St Ives, and The Townas were all guarded by these two points, the St Ives Lighthouse watching over its town and the far coast around.
Continuing on her walk, she strolled down the Down-a-long, which is the old, lower part of St Ives built on the narrow ridge of land that separated The Island to the rest of the town. This part of town is the archetypal image of St Ives with its jumble of cobble streets lined with whitewashed, old cottages, some seeming to fall apart and others in better condition. Y/N thought the street names were equally evocative and unique, some of her favourites being Salubrious Place, Teetotal Street, and The Digney. Though it said in her catalogue that fishermen used to live in the Down-a-long before, next to none lived there now as most of it was occupied by galleries, cafes, and little shows that one can shake a stick at. As she strolled through Fore Street, the main shopping street in St Ives, she walked by a vintage shop – Vintage Divine – and jotted it down on her phone.
All her life, Y/N had always loved everything vintage. She liked the thought of owning something that had once been part of someone else’s life, that had made them happy enough they wanted to hand it on and give someone else that same happiness they’d experienced. Though neither her mum, her dad, or her ex-boyfriend liked her obsession with vintage and stuff owned by others before her, their disinterest had never stopped her from going to markets or stores. However, she never bought anything unless she knew she could hide it. Now, she thought, that didn’t have to be a problem.
A few years back when she started to realise her obsession with old stuff, furniture, clothing, and books owned by others before her, she read an article online. The article had suggested that people are attracted to vintage pieces because they offer an escape. Wearing these garments, holding these ornaments, touching furniture from another time is a way to experience a different life. A life that isn’t your own and that was lived before hers or parallel to hers. Shopping vintage then created an exciting search for something special and creative, something a normal shopping trip could never give her. It was weird how much she was looking forward to going through that shop, Y/N realised, but she couldn’t wait to explore and take items home with her. Not that she expected she’d be welcomed home to Winchester anytime soon, but she chose not to think about that too much.
Fore Street was a narrow and cobblestone-clad street with people milling about trying to find a decent place for lunch. Stone cottages lined both sides of the street, either a neutral colour like white, a dull yellow, beige, light blue, or just plain, grey stone. Y/N enjoyed walking among these houses. It was a quiet town, peace seemed to be permanently settled between the cramped streets and tiny houses. Though Winchester wasn’t London with its tall buildings and never-ending bustle, St Ives was even smaller than her hometown, which made it that much more appealing to her. There was a sense of relaxation in the mere atmosphere around her that massaged the tension out of her shoulders and straightened her hunched back.
The door to the Seafood Café she was about to walk by burst open. A couple of people standing around jumped at the commotion, as did Y/N. Dressed in high-waisted loose fitted denim jeans, a white tee shirt tucked into them, a pair of orange worn down Vans, and brown curls in a dishevelled mess, the man who caused the ruckus didn’t seem to notice everyone’s attention being on him. He halted a bit as he came outside before he walked left. Y/N stopped moving, the sudden interruption in her peaceful stroll taking her off guard. The man suddenly started straight for Y/N, his head bent, eyes on the cobblestone before him. He didn’t seem to notice where he was going, not looking up in the direction he was heading. So, when he saw Y/N’s shadow, that’s when he glanced up. Their eyes met just a second before he managed to stop, preventing them from crashing into one another.
“Oh!” he erupted, voice crescendoing. He blinked twice, eyes settling on her for a few seconds before he said a quick, “Oh, I’m sorry.”
“No, no, I should’ve moved out of the way,” Y/N assured him, about to step to the side when she noticed his lips moving again. No words came out, though. She stood there for a few seconds, just watching his jaw and lips work, not seeming to find his words.
“Have a good day,” she went on, trying to step out of the way when the man blurted out, “Please, miss.”
She looked at him again, about to narrow her eyes when she saw a troubled expression on his face. His eyes were a little wide and he glanced over his shoulder before meeting her eyes again. The door to Seafood Café opened again, a woman and a younger girl stepping out.
“Please,” he repeated, voice low. “Go along.”
Y/N frowned. “Excuse me?”
“I’ll owe you my entire life if you just play along for a minute or two, yeah?”
She cocked her head some to the side. “I don’t know what you mean, sir. I should-“
“-I don’t usually do this- I mean, I never do, I’ve never done this before – ever -, but-but they think I have a girlfriend and I don’t. Please-“
The man – who Y/N could only assume to be Harry - turned around to face a tiny Filipina woman and an even smaller girl beside her, who looked to be no older than ten. The two looked Y/N over, eyes scanning her from head to toe. Y/N felt like she was under a magnifying glass.
But while they took her in, Y/N’s thoughts wandered to the words the man beside her had said only a few seconds earlier. “They think I have a girlfriend and I don’t.” Was he… was he saying what Y/N thought he was saying? She glanced at him, seeing him draw a shaky breath and meet her eyes, waiting for her to make the next move it seemed. Everything that had happened in the last minute confused her. She didn’t know this man, didn’t know what he’d told these two women or why. She was also well aware that by just walking away she wouldn’t need to worry about him any longer; his problems weren’t hers. This seemed messy, confusing, and a little risky.
Usually, she wouldn’t want any part of it. The Y/N she was yesterday wouldn’t have considered this. She would’ve looked at the man apologetically before excusing herself and walking off, leaving him to figure out whatever lie he’d told these two on his own. But Y/N had changed. Or… at least that’s what she wanted to believe… Fine, she wanted to change, and maybe this was a place to start.
Harry sighed, turning around to face the two he had tried to get away from, shoulders sinking as he met their eyes. The defeat was evident in his body language; he was about to give up and just tell them that he didn’t have a girlfriend. That’s what finally did it, seeing how it took absolutely everything out of him to tell them the following. “Jasmine, I’m sorry, I need to tell you-“
“-It’s so nice to finally meet you,” Y/N interrupted him, smiling as she stepped out from behind Harry. Though she had seriously considered helping him, it still surprised her when she actually heard the words coming out of her mouth. Her heart was beating about as fast as it had that morning when she’d left Hampshire.
Harry looked at her, mouth falling open, obviously shocked by her willingness to help him. It took him a few seconds to gather himself, but once he did, he looked back at the two they were trying to convince with a bright smile on his face.
“What did you have to tell me, Harry?” the older woman asked.
“That, uhh…” He looked at Y/N again before glancing at who she could only assume to be Jasmine. “Jessa, this is my girlfriend.”
Jasmine raised her eyebrows, eyes lighting up suddenly. The girl beside her stood there fidgeting with the hem of her top, looking Y/N up and down still.
“Hi,” Y/N said, stepping forward and reaching her hand out for Jasmine. “I’m Y/N.”
“Y/N,” Jasmine said, a smile coming to rest on her round face as they let go of the others’ hand. “Harry, you said her name was unusual.”
“That… I-“ Harry stopped himself.
Y/N’s lips parted, unsure how to react to that.
“That’s why you didn’t want to tell us her name, since it was so unusual. Y/N isn’t unusual.”
Y/N chuckled a little, looking at Harry whose whole face was a shade of red she’d never seen before. He glanced around him, meeting her gaze before quickly looking to the ground, scratching at his neck.
“You thought my name was weird?” She was well aware Harry hadn’t known her name until that point, let alone had any time to form an opinion on it. But regardless, she found it funny how he’d refused to give them his pretend girlfriend’s name by telling them it was an unusual one, as if they’d laugh at it.
“I didn’t-“ Harry sighed. “It wasn’t like I was embarrassed I just…” He trailed off, motioning with his hands, but Y/N had no idea what that meant. She didn’t take it to heart, though, knowing it had nothing to do with her and everything to do with his cover-up story.
“He has such a way with words,” Jasmine said, clicking her tongue at him. “Anyway, I’m Jasmine, but just call me Jessa. Harry’s stepmother.”
“And I’m Grace.” The little one stepped forward, grinning from ear to ear. The small one had the same roundness to her face as the woman beside her, as well as the same flat nose and almond shaped eyes like Jessa’s. “Harry’s kept you a secret.”
“Gracie, I haven’t kept her a secret as much as I’ve kept her away,” Harry said. “You’re gonna scare her.”
“We won’t scare her!” Jessa exclaimed. “It’s your girlfriend, Harry! We will be nice.”
“Somehow doubt that.” Harry turned to Y/N, turning his back to his step mum and what must be his half-sister. “They like to interrogate, especially Jasmine.”
“You villainise us,” Jessa said, walking closer to them and taking Y/N’s hand between hers. It took her off guard and she almost pulled her hand away, the feel of someone’s skin voluntarily touching hers felt weird.
“You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to,” Harry continued, ignoring Jessa. There was an apology in his eyes that he didn’t voice. Or at least that’s what Y/N thought she saw anyway. “They’ll make it hard to enjoy yourself.”
Jessa reached over and pinched Harry’s exposed forearm. He flinched away from her, glaring as he stepped back a few paces.
“Now you’re being rude.”
“I don’t want you lot to make her uncomfortable with all your questions,” Harry said, a frown etched in his forehead. He hadn’t met Y/N’s eyes directly ever since they almost walked into one another. “Besides, she’s…” Harry’s eyes fell to the guide in Y/N’s hand. “She’s sightseeing.”
Y/N smiled at Jessa and Grace, showing them the small book she was carrying with her. “I’ve just been to the Island. The view from there is fantastic.”
“Harry, the view from the Island is nothing. Have you shown her yet?”
“Jessa, it’s… she’s just…”
Finally, he looked at her, not knowing what to say that would make his stepmother give it a rest. Y/N could understand why she asked so many questions, she was just eager to get to know someone who she thought was Harry’s new partner.
“I arrived this morning,” Y/N answered, smiling at Jasmine. “We haven’t had the time to meet up properly, so in the meantime I’ve just been walking around.”
“Where’s your luggage?”
“At the Inn. The Roaming Crab.”
Jessa’s eyes went wide, looking at Harry disapprovingly again. “She’s not even staying with you? What kind of boyfriend are you?”
“She could stay at our house,” Grace said, eyes on the space that separated Y/N and Harry before she met Y/N’s eyes.
“It’s not that… It’s not like that, I-“ Harry stopped himself, dragging his hand over his face that had been bright red ever since this whole spectacle started. “You’re blowing this out of proportion.”
“Am I?” Jessa crossed her arms.
“Yes… I-“ Harry stuttered and though Y/N hadn’t known this man for very long, she could tell he found it hard to find his words in stressful situations.
“We didn’t want to overwhelm each other. We haven’t stayed together for a long period of time before, this would be the first, so I’m staying at the Inn so we won’t get tired of each other too quickly.” Y/N hoped she sounded confident and truthful; she wouldn’t want to blow this for Harry already. After all, she had no idea how long he’d need this pretend girlfriend lie for.
A frown appeared between Jasmine’s brows and it dawned on Y/N that she must’ve said something wrong just now. Panic rose to her chest, but Harry cleared his throat.
“Except for that trip to Exeter last month, but that was only a single weekend. Now she’s here for…” He narrowed his eyes, as if the answer was at the tip of his tongue but Y/N knew she was the only one with an answer to that.
“August 12th,” she said, Jessa letting go of a small squeal at the sound of it. “Dunno how many weeks that’ll be, but I’m-“
“-That’s fantastic! You need to come to Gracie’s birthday next weekend.”
Harry stuttered a little, Jessa’s enthusiasm making him nervous, Y/N thought. “Nanay-“
“-She’s going to love that, won’t you, Gracie?”
Grace nodded her head, grinning up at Y/N. “You can put pretty stuff on my eyelids.”
Y/N raised her eyebrows some and Jessa laughed. “Eyeshadow.”
“Oh! Well, I don’t have loads of that since I’m no good with make-up, but I do have nice jewellery.” Y/N picked at the one she was wearing just then, a gold necklace she’d gotten for her birthday the year before.
Grace’s smile didn’t fade one bit at that. In fact, it only seemed to get a little bigger at the sight of Y/N’s pretty necklace. The girl didn’t say anything, but she swayed from side to side, looking excitedly up at her brother’s supposed new girlfriend.
“You’re coming then?” Jessa asked, looking so happy she might burst, and it hurt Y/N that she probably wouldn’t.
“Jessa, we have barely had time to catch up, let her breathe,” Harry pleaded and Jessa waved her hands at them.
“Sorry, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to overwhelm you, Y/N. It’s just…” Jasmine’s eyes fell on Harry standing beside Y/N, her eyes glistening. “It’s just so nice to know Harry’s not alone anymore.”
“I’ve never been alone, nanay.”
Jessa shook her head, sighing heavily. “Alright, we’ll leave you two lovebirds alone. You’ll probably want some time to yourselves to just walk around. Has she been to the lighthouse, Harry? Take her there.”
Harry sighed, scratching at the back of his neck. “Nay-“
“-Fine, we’ll leave. It was so nice to finally meet you, Y/N.”
“You too, Jessa. And you, Grace.”
Grace gave a wave before Jessa took her hand and the two walked away, probably on their way home or whatever other plans they had. Y/N watched them for a few before turning to Harry. His blush had calmed down a little, but a bead of sweat had appeared at his cupid’s bow. If it was because of nerves or the weather, she did not know, but she was not about to ask him that.
Upon closer inspection and now that they didn’t have Harry’s stepmum and sister watching over them, Y/N could finally study the man she rescued for a total of five minutes. Green eyes that reminded her of the moors she’d spend time running through each summer, a slight stubble along his soft jawline, nose a little too big for his face, and a slight dimple in each cheek even though he wasn’t smiling fully yet. She wondered what they’d look like if he actually grinned.
“Hi,” she said, reaching her hand out. “Y/N.”
Harry chuckled softly, taking her hand, eyes staying on the place they were touching each other. “Harry.”
“I’m glad I could be of some help, Harry.”
A crooked smile reached his lips as his eyes fell to the ground and he stepped away, letting his hand fall to hit his thigh. He glanced up at her. “Thank you for that. They say they’re worried, but they’re really just nosey.”
Y/N grimaced a little, making a breathy laugh escape Harry’s lips. “Is your life more interesting than theirs?”
“Not in the least. I lead the most boring existence in the most boring town in the United Kingdom.”
She chuckled, reaching for her necklace. “Not sure you can claim that title, my life’s pretty up there as well.”
Harry tried to shove his hands into the pockets of his jeans, but the arms of his denim jacket wrapped around his waist were in the way. “Oh?”
“Blimey, I won’t keep you if you’ve got things to do. You look like a busy man.”
Harry stared at the watch on his wrist and bit his bottom lip, looking up at her through his thick set of dark eyelashes. “Yeah, I gotta be on my way actually.”
She gave him a smile, getting one in return.
“Listen, thank you so much for that. I just needed to get them off my back. You don’t actually have to come to Gracie’s birthday party, Jessa just loves when she gets to interrogate people. Her favourite sport is discussing gossip.”
Y/N laughed. “You burn a lot of calories doing that.”
Harry chuckled, scratching at his neck as his eyes fell to her neck and then shoulder. “Anyway, I don’t know how to repay you. If you’re here till August, I guess I’ll see you around.”
For some reason, Harry not really knowing what to say was funny to Y/N. It wasn’t like he owed her anything or the other way around. She’d just helped him out and now they could part ways. Easy as that.
“You don’t have to repay me, I’m glad I could help,” she smiled. “I’ll try and stay out of your way if I see you out and about. You know, to avoid the awkward conversation of telling them we’re not actually together.”
Harry’s lips tipped upward. “Right, thanks.”
“Now, since I’m talking to you,” she said, opening the catalogue again. “Where’s the Tate Gallery?”
Harry turned around, pointing up Fore Street from where they stood. “When you reach Bunkers Hill, you follow that all the way up to Back Road, then you just walk along The Digney and it’ll be on your right-hand side.”
“Thank you so much.”
“No, thank you. I… It was too much-“
“-I’m serious when I say I’m glad I could help, don’t worry about it.” She shot him one last smile before giving him a wave. “Bye, Harry.”
“Bye,” he said, giving her a short nod before she focused her attention back on her surroundings. She needed to catch the street names and get her walk to the Tate on the first try because she could really not be asked to walk back and whip her phone out. After all, Harry just helped her so it was going to be easy to just follow his navigation and get there.
As she strolled along the gallery and the rest of St Ives that day, she couldn’t help but think about that little encounter earlier. She wondered what happened after that, if Jessa and Grace demanded more information from Harry or if he told them how it was all a lie. Putting it all aside, she focused on her trip instead. She’d never meet that family again, but she really hoped everything worked out for them regardless. The last thing she needed was for this summer to be about anything but her and what she really wanted in life. She didn’t need distractions. Her whole life up until now had been a distraction.
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Friday, 12 June
Being in south England and not taking advantage of the amazing beaches this part of the country offered, was maybe on the same wrongdoing scale as committing a serious crime. Y/N had gotten dressed that morning and headed straight downstairs to eat breakfast in the tiny dining hall of the Inn. It was positioned in what must’ve originally been the living room in the house, four tables placed in there with two chairs placed by each of them. The dining room had the same layout as the entrance to the Inn; wooden panels all over, flowers and plants everywhere along with pictures and candles to top it off.
When she walked downstairs, Bessie was quick to jump up from where she was sitting in her small back garden, meeting Y/N with a warm beam on her face. When Bessie asked Y/N if she’d like a meat, vegetarian, or vegan full English, Y/N startled herself by replying vegetarian. She hadn’t grown up vegetarian, but in all her life, she’d never had a purely vegetarian meal. So, instead of correcting herself, she let Bessie make her that vegetarian breakfast. The thought of eating something she hadn’t before didn’t make her anxious as she thought it would’ve, but she was rather excited about the whole thing.
Bessie came out with the tray, setting it down before Y/N and asked her if she would mind Bessie’s company. With a quick reply encouraging the old lady to sit down, Bessie ran – or walked as fast as her short legs could take her – outside and returned with her knitting. Y/N had been alone pretty much all day the day before nd she had anticipated being alone all day today as well, so she rather enjoyed Bessie’s company. She had never really envisioned this to be part of her trip to Cornwall – an old lady with her grey hair put neatly in a bun with two knitting needles holding it up, wearing a long bohemian dress and glasses perched on the end of her nose, talking her ear off and Y/N having an immense amount of fun in the process.
The sea and seagulls sounded from inside the Inn, but as Y/N put her bathing suit and summer dress on, on her way down towards the beach, the costal sounds only intensified. The salt in the air clung to her skin and the smell of seaweed got more prominent the closer she got to the ocean. She put her stuff down and brought The Well of Loneliness out again, wanting to finish the book that day because she really wanted to know how it all ended. She wasn’t sure how much time went by as she laid there, completely captivated by the world Radclyffe Hall had created within the book.
It wasn’t that Y/N particularly enjoyed the book. No, it wasn’t that. It was endlessly long and detailed, for absolutely no purpose. The writing wasn’t particularly memorable; one wouldn’t remember it for its evocative and imaginative characteristics, nor for Hall’s ability to tell instead of show. Over the years she’d studied English in college, Y/N knew that a writer should be able to balance those two out; show some, tell some. But that concept was lost on Hall. No, Y/N didn’t like The Well of Loneliness for its writing, not even the plot.
She liked the book because of the plea embedded in it. The plea for LGBT people to be treated as human; that they were normal and not a disease. Why did they have to be other? They didn’t choose this life so why were they to be punished for it by being treated differently? By being illegal? The Well of Loneliness was published around the same time Orlando by Virginia Woolf, who was one of Y/N’s favourite authors ever. Though these two books touched on similar themes of identity, where Orlando shrouded the issue of mysticism, The Well dared to discuss sexual identity openly. Y/N commended Radclyffe Hall for that.
However much Y/N sympathised with Hall and the main character, Stephen, she couldn’t help but laugh at the hypocrisy in the book. While it attempted to strive for acceptance of one minority, it also emanated an underlying attitude of snobbishness and chauvinism towards other minorities at the same time, which made no sense to Y/N. Then again, it was the 1920s, so she guessed she couldn’t really ask for anything else from a rich white person at the time.
Having finally finished the book, Y/N asked someone nearby if they could watch her things while she took a dip. There was a blonde bloke around her age and another bloke with blue hair, sitting not too far off, and when she asked if they could keep an eye on her stuff, they promised they would.
Y/N took her time swimming, trying to remember the last time she’d been on a beach where the public were allowed. It was odd seeing so many around her, but she liked it. She liked the sound of others around her. Silence was good, but in the disturbance of human noise was the reassurance of rescue. The promise that you might be lonely, but you are never alone.
Walking back up to her picnic blanket, Y/N thanked the two men before lying back down, soaking up the sun. She hadn’t been aware she’d already been at the beach for a few hours until she realised her stomach was rumbling. So, packing her stuff together and making sure her hair was somewhat dry, she walked around to see if there were any places she could sit down. The only place on Porthminster Beach was the café with the same name, and by the looks of it, it was completely full. Since Bessie had served Y/N some breakfast, she must have something for lunch as well.
Walking back the 5 minute to the hotel, Bessie jumped up from her place in the back garden, sitting back there with two other ladies and knitting like they’d done the day before.
“Hello, dear, you had a good trip to the beach?”
Y/N couldn’t help but feel completely at ease in this old woman’s company. “Yes, I did. A bit hungry, though, do you have something I could eat, possibly?”
“Of course! What do you fancy?”
“Oh, a toastie’s fine.”
For some reason, the fact Bessie remembered Y/N’s preference from this morning made her smile. “Yes,” she said without thinking.
“Right, just sit down and I’ll come by with your lunch, my lovely.”
“Thank you so much, Bessie.”
“Don’t mention it.”
Y/N sat down, bringing her phone out as she hadn’t checked it properly in a few hours. She wasn’t sure what she expected, to be fair. There was no one from home who would want to contact her, and if they were to, they would rather look around Winchester than call. In their minds, she couldn’t have run far. Regardless, the mere fact they hadn’t even called her made something inside her sink a little. It felt awful knowing how little she meant to them all along. So little that they wouldn’t even pick up the phone and save her a call or a text.
“Here, my dear,” Bessie said, putting down a tray before Y/N. “I’m gonna pop outside to my little knitting club, if that’s fine by you. Just come on out if you don’t have anything else to do after this, yeah?”
“Thank you so much,” Y/N said and Bessie smiled at her before she disappeared outside again.
Turning her attention to her food, Y/N started thinking about what she could do the rest of the day. She could walk some more around town, she’d seen bigger parts of it yesterday, but there were always corners of a town that needed discovering. Once she was about halfway through her toastie, hasty footsteps sounded from the lobby and a somewhat familiar figure appeared. He stopped a bit on his way towards the reception desk, as if he didn’t want to be a bother to Bessie of some kind by asking for assistance. Bessie appeared a few seconds later, grinning from ear to ear as usual.
“Hello, Harry love.”
“Hi, Bess. I…” he stopped himself, running his hands up and down the sides of his white and grey striped cotton-blend trousers, a navy blue tee shirt tucked into it and a pair of white Vans on his feet. “I just wanted to come check again.”
“For the third time.”
“Yeah, well…” He did a quick shrug. “I just wanted to check.”
“She’s here.” Bessie gestured to Harry’s right and when he looked that way, his eyes immediately found Y/N’s. She didn’t think she’d ever see him again. However, a summer in a small coastal town would make that very hard. She’d try her hardest to stay out of Harry’s way, as well as his family’s, so she wouldn’t make things awkward. She would have escaped to a town a little further south or on the other side of Cornwall, but she was settled in now and she’d already paid for her whole stay.
Though she’d promised to keep away from him to prevent any unpleasant situations, Harry hadn’t made her the same promise. And here he was. For some reason. He seemed both taken off guard to see her sitting there as well as relieved he’d finally caught her. A sigh left him, slumping his tense shoulders a little before he thanked Bessie quickly and walked to Y/N.
“Is it,” he started as he made his way over. “Is it okay if I sit down?”
Y/N nodded her head while swallowing, gesturing with her hand at the chair opposite hers. “Yes, go ahead,” she said when her mouth was free to.
“Cheers.” Harry sat down, slid a little closer to the table and rested his hands between his legs as he leaned back against the back of the chair.
The two fell into silence for a little while, Y/N watching as Harry’s eyes fixed on the small bouquet of flowers in the tiny vase placed in the middle of the round table. Yes, she loved company, but Harry’s had taken her a little by surprise and she was eager to know why he’d come looking for her. She didn’t want to try and draw a conclusion herself without hearing his reasoning first, knowing that whatever she came up with wouldn’t be correct anyway. Instead, she put her toastie back on her plate and focused her attention on Harry, who had yet to say anything. From the way he was biting the inside of his lip, she assumed he was mulling over the right thing to say. It didn’t seem to ever come when finally, he opened his mouth.
“First, I just want to say sorry for yesterday,” he said, meeting her eyes, but quickly looking to her shoulder. “It was proper daft. I was desperate and I panicked, and you were right there.” He let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry for putting you in that position.”
Y/N just gave him a smile. “You don’t have to apologise, I’m glad I could help.”
“And I appreciate you helping me out, I really do, but… here’s the thing…” He cleared his throat. “Jessa and Gracie are right about losing their minds of this.”
Y/N chuckled. “Oh?”
“Yeah, they called and texted all last night and this morning, saying how nice it was to meet you, that I need to bring you to Grace’s birthday next Saturday,” Harry said. “And it makes me wonder if it was even worth it yesterday. I still appreciate what you did, and this is all my fault, but I think…” He trailed off again, scratching at the back of his neck. “Look, I’m doing a naff job of explaining this.”
Sipping her juice, Y/N just smiled at him till she put her glass down. “Take your time.”
He took a deep breath. “Think I might tell them it’s all fake. I don’t have a partner and that’s fine.”
Y/N nodded. “Yeah, being single is fine.”
“Only thing that’s stopping me is the fact that Jasmine will be crushed. Ever since my dad died, she’s been so worried about me living alone in the lighthouse.”
There was so much to unpack in that sentence that Y/N felt herself retract a little, scanning his face for what the appropriate reaction to that would be. Harry must’ve noticed her silence so he glanced at her face, eyes going wide.
“Oh! Don’t feel like you-“
“-I’m sorry about your dad.”
“No, that’s okay, he hasn’t been with us for two years now,” Harry went on. “That was a real mood killer. Bringing up my dead father with someone I barely know.”
Y/N smiled. “Think you fake breaking up with me was a great mood killer before that was even brought up.”
Harry smiled a little at that, those deep dimples just barely gracing his cheeks. “Sorry.”
“No, don’t be sorry.” She wiped at her mouth with the napkin, brows slowly coming into a frown. “You said something about a lighthouse… do you live there?”
“In the lighthouse?”
“Yeah, I’m the lighthouse keeper.”
Her frown deepened a little.
“I didn’t think those existed anymore.”
“What, lighthouses?” Harry’s smile widened, amusement tracing his pink lips.
“No, lighthouse keepers.”
He shrugged. “Here’s a living, breathing example of one.”
She couldn’t help her laughter. “Fine, I take it back. I don’t really think about lighthouses enough to give their keepers much of a thought either.”
“Too bad.”
Y/N just shook her head some, noticing a slight redness to Harry’s cheeks that hadn’t been there a few seconds earlier. “You were saying about Jessa.”
“She’s worried about me living alone in the lighthouse. Says I’ll be lonely and that she thinks about me sitting up there crying my eyes out or summat.”
“Do you? Cry your eyes out?”
“No, I like having my own space. I like living there alone. She’s just being a protective stepmum, looking out for me and all that. Like, yes, I’m still sad Dad is dead, but it wasn’t like he lived with me in the lighthouse anyway. He lived with Jasmine and Grace.”
Y/N nodded slowly. “She doesn’t want you to be alone ‘cause she thinks you don’t want to be.”
“Exactly,” Harry said, pausing a bit before mumbling something that sounded like, “That’s why I’ve told them for a few months now that I have a girlfriend.”
She narrowed her eyes some.
“To get them off my back, innit? I don’t want them to think I’m miserable, ‘cause I’m not. But when I told them I had a girlfriend, they got so happy, yeah? I just tried to be as vague as possible, didn’t give them a name and they didn’t ask, assuming I wanted to keep her secret. Jessa hasn’t bugged me about this in weeks… Until yesterday.”
Y/N started piecing everything together. “That’s why you stormed out of the restaurant.”
He nodded. “And ran into you.”
Y/N couldn’t keep the smile off her face. “The idea of just telling them I was your fake girlfriend just fell into your head once you saw me?”
Harry chuckled and shifted his gaze away from her, clearly embarrassed. “Yeah. I never do stuff like that. I hate uncertainty, so trusting you yesterday when I didn’t know if you’d play along… well, it took five years of my life.”
 She laughed. “If I hadn’t then the whole lie would’ve been obvious to Jessa and Grace.”
“Well, I’m glad I could help then,” Y/N said, really meaning it as well.
“Yeah, and thank you so much for doing so. It really helped me out… if you look away from Jasmine texting me five times today alone to organise a dinner with you and all of us.”
They both laughed a little at that and when Y/N glanced at Harry again, he was looking down at his hands in his lap. After a brief pause, he met her eyes again.
“I’m sorry for dragging you into this, and thank you for helping me. I’ll tell them everything now, I don’t want you to have to hide while you’re here for two months.”
She smiled. “Thank you.”
For the next few seconds, they looked at one another in silence. Y/N thought back to the moment she’d seen Harry, how it might’ve taken her a few seconds to catch on, but her main instinct had been to help him. She thought of the gratitude on Harry’s face when she played along, how she hoped he one day would find an actual girlfriend that would have just as big of an impact on Jessa and Grace as it seemed she herself had. She was about to tell Harry this when the sound of footsteps sounded from the lobby again.
A woman Bessie’s age walked in, a bag slung over her shoulder and sunglasses in her short black hair. As she stepped inside, she spotted Harry and Y/N sitting together and her mouth fell open, a grin coming to rest on her wrinkling face.
“Bessie, you didn’t tell me these two were going to be here,” the old woman said, walking into the dining area. Bessie stepped out from behind the wall that hid the reception desk from the dining hall. At that, Y/N’s stomach dropped. Bessie must’ve heard their entire conversation. By the look on Harry’s face, he was going through a similar near-death experience to the one Y/N was currently enduring.
“Hi, Mrs Rose,” Harry said, no one seemed to notice the slight tremor to his voice.
“Harry and his new girlfriend,” Mrs Rose said, looking between them. “You know, you lot are the talk of the town.”
“We are?” Harry asked, the surprise in his voice so evident it made the older women laugh.
“Yes, of course! Jasmine told everyone!” Mrs Rose continued, looking to Bessie who was already nodding her head.
“Not everyone, but she told her friends, and you know how people like to gossip around here, don’t you, Harry?” Bessie gave him a smile and Harry smiled back, though it did not reach his eyes. “Anyway, Florence, this is Y/N. Y/N, Florence.”
“It’s so nice to meet you,” Y/N said, grinning at Florence who stuck her hand out. The two shook hands as Florence beamed back at Y/N. “So, the whole town knows?”
“Wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case,” Florence said, turning to Bessie who made a noise of agreement. “Jessa can talk about everything and anything for hours, but if her stepson gets a girlfriend? That’s the news of the century and she will not shut up.”
“How lovely,” Y/N said, not really knowing what else was appropriate in this setting as Harry hadn’t opened his mouth once to say anything.
“It’s a little less lonesome up in that lighthouse now, hm?”
“Oh, uhm…” Harry looked at Y/N and then back at Florence, his words having completely escaped him. Y/N was about to come to Harry’s rescue when Bessie took them both by surprise.
“They stayed here tonight,” Bessie explained and Florence looked at her with a furrow between her brows.
“Why on earth would they do that? Harry’s got a perfectly nice place by the lighthouse.”
“Who are we to question the decisions of our youth?” Bessie linked arms with Florence. “Let’s go outside, Flo dear. Leave the lovebirds to be by themselves.”
“Nice to meet you, Mrs Rose,” Y/N called after them.
“And you, Y/N!”
The second the two ladies were out of sight, Harry and Y/N shared a wide-eyed look, both of their panic equal it seemed. Y/N took a sip of her juice, somehow thinking it would calm her down. It did not.
“Jasmine told everyone,” Harry said, voice a whisper so no one walking by or sitting in the back garden would hear them. “She told everyone.”
“She can’t have… right?”
“You underestimate Jessa. If she was kidnapped and put in a gag, she’d be able to talk through it and move her jaw and teeth in a way that would obliterate said gag.” Harry ran a hand over his face. “She’s very chatty.”
“You’ve painted a vivid picture.”
Harry sighed, leg bouncing and eyes distant as he seemed to be racking his brain for a solution to the situation they were finding themselves in. “I was gonna tell Jessa it was a lie. I was gonna tell-“
“-You still can.”
“But everyone knows now. It’ll be well embarrassing for us when we have to tell people on the street that ‘oh yeah, that ol’ thing, we only pretended to be a couple so people wouldn’t be all up in Harry’s business,’ I somehow don’t see that going down well.”
“Then there’s only one thing we can do?”
“What’s that?”
“We pretend to be a couple.”
He stared at her, his facial expression very neutral, and though Y/N didn’t know him well enough yet, she did think she could decipher when he was displeased and when he was not. He seemed to be mulling it over, wanting for her to elaborate before he made a final decision.
“Everyone knows, I’m leaving in August, we can just say we broke up when August comes around.”
Harry nodded, thinking for a moment before he asked, “What will people say when they see us separated on the street then? Like, we’re not seen together.”
“People need to spend some time apart; it’s exhausting to be around another person 24/7.”
Harry nodded again, contemplating their predicament. “There’s always a lot of parties around here during summer. You don’t have to tag along, but you might have to if Jessa’s gonna be there.”
“I don’t mind,” Y/N admitted, shrugging her shoulders some. “I don’t have anything to do all summer, anyway. Might as well be in a fake relationship with a bloke I barely know and help him all I can.”
This made a breathy chuckle leave Harry’s lips and he held her gaze some before having it fall to his folded hands. “Well…” he said, suddenly reaching his hand across the table. “I’m Harry Edward Styles.”
Y/N laughed but took Harry’s hand, shaking it lightly. “Pleased to meet you, Harry. I’m Y/N Bernadette Angelica McKay.”
Harry whistled under his breath. “Mouthful.”
“What happens when you’re brought up in a posh family.”
Harry smiled at that and sat back in his chair. “I guess… I-I guess we should talk about how we got together and all that.”
“Yeah, make a story so it sounds more believable.”
“It’ll help if we have the same story, yes.”
She couldn’t help her laughter again, but it was cut short as Harry’s phone in his pocket started ringing. He sighed, taking it out and looking at it before putting it back down.
“Look, I gotta go.”
“Oh.” Y/N, having thought they were going to plan their fake dating history, blinked in confusion when Harry stood from his chair and looked at her apologetically. “We’ll see each other at some point.”
“Yeah,” Harry said, walking off toward the back garden, calling Bessie’s name as he did. They exchanged some words Y/N couldn’t hear and Harry disappeared into the kitchen for a minute before resurfacing again. Standing in the lobby, he looked at Y/N through the doorway leading into the dining area, mouth opening and closing as he tried to come up with something to say.
She just gave him a smile, hoping he understood that she just wanted him to take his time. It took one more sigh and a little staring contest before Harry finally found his words.
“You know where to find me, my house is the very tall, pointy one on the outskirts of town.”
She chuckled, watching as he walked out of the front door and down the street. Y/N found her bag, putting it on her shoulder as she got her lunch tray and sat it in the kitchen as she’d done after her breakfast that morning. On her way upstairs, Y/N turned as she reached the front door that was left open to welcome guests. Stepping into the doorway, she looked out over St Ives.
Seagulls were still screaming overhead, the sound of people down by the beach hung in the air all throughout the day, it smelled of seafood and summer, and just beyond the small town, on a tiny hilltop and on the very tip of a cliff, stood a lighthouse. A white lighthouse that rose high above the whole coast around it, protecting everyone. Locals, foreigners, and sailors. And it was operated and taken care of by the bloke Y/N was going to spend her entire summer in a fake relationship with. It didn’t seem real, and yet, that was exactly what it was. She didn’t have Harry’s number and knew next to nothing about him, but – as he put it – he lived in the very tall, pointy house on the outskirts of town. It was impossible to miss it. She could find her way to him, even in the dark.
The lighthouse keeper, Y/N thought to herself as she took in the lighthouse again through the window of her room once she walked upstairs. I have to pretend to be in love with a lighthouse keeper. And somehow, Y/N realised when looking back on that particular summer, that wasn’t the weirdest thing that would happen to her in St Ives.
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NEXT UPDATE: Sunday, 2 August, 9PM GMT!
Huge thanks to my AMAZING beta readers! 🌊 @aileenacoustic​ 🌊 @bopbopstyles​ 🌊 @fromyourstrulyh​ 🌊 @harrys-creature 🌊 @honeydearly 🌊 @juliassgem​ 🌊 @summerfeelng​ 🌊 @sunflower--styles 🌊 @withallthelove-a​ 🌊
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seeleb · 3 years
10 songs tag
Rules: you can usually tell a lot about a person by the music they listen to! Put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people.
Thanks for the tag @spreadthecurse ❤️
Change ( In the House of Flies) - Deftones
Big Bang Baby - Stone Temple Pilots
An Evening with El Diablo - Chevelle
Erthe - 10 Minute Warning
Come Back - Foo Fighters
Follow - Gruntruck
Jesus Hands - Jerry Cantrell
Soul Sucker - Ozzy Osbourne
I'll Hit You Back - Jane's Addiction
Runaway - Linkin Park
I'm gonna tag @exhumingmccarthy @mother-love-stone @alextheobscure
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poppaeasabina · 3 years
Last line meme, tagged by @amarguerite and @rain-sleet-snow
From under my own life's key, a georgette heyer crossover in which Barbara Alastair and Gervase Frant, later Earl of St Erth, are friends, like their mothers before them:
Eleanor had always supposed Lady Dorothea’s langour to be the result of a lifetime spent as eldest sister to my Lady Rockhill and my Lady Ingham, and found it hard to fit the image of her as an invalid into her understanding.
From Female of the Species, a Miss Marple pre-canon fic, in which young Jane Marple solves her first crime:
"Since I do not believe we have had a telegram from St Loe, am I to apprehend that you are speaking of Mrs Alastair?"
Since I think everyone I would tag has been tagged, free for all!
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a-dragons-journal · 4 years
On Dragons and Societies
I’ve started a new series, Dragons of Erth by Chris D’Lacey (by which I mean I’m two minutes into the audiobook prologue as I type this), and it’s got me thinking about draconic societies. Specifically mine.
See, I don’t actually... know much about my species’s culture and society. Or, for that matter, if we even had one. I know we had language and names. I know I lived solitary, and that I was raised in a very small family with one parent and one sibling (and one other clutchmate whose egg I believe never hatched). However, I also know that while in the middle of a past life regression I instinctively referred to myself as “She of No Tribe,” which implies that tribes were a thing that existed among our species and that I just wasn’t part of one. (I was not upset about this in the slightest. Also, trying to interrogate my subconscious further on this subject seemed to just chase the information back down into a hole I couldn’t retrieve it from.)
There are several frustrations with this:
- Why was I, and for that matter my family, solitary, if tribes were a thing I knew existed? We were expected to be solitary, from everything I’ve gathered - Mother chased us out of her(?) territory when we grew to maturity, Sibling before me. We knew it was coming. - Given that I’m guessing the word “tribe” is just a translation to the closest English word I know, what was the actual word we used? - Were tribe dragons a different species or subspecies from me? Or is/was it a purely cultural thing? - How were such tribes structured? Leadership, ranks or the lack thereof, number, migratory or territorial? As a creative writer with a passion for worldbuilding, I have So Many Questions - Was the black dragon a tribe dragon, or another solitary? If he was tribe, why would he be alone when he found me and consistently alone after that? If he was solitary, why did he come find me in the first place, especially given that I don’t think we were mates?
Additional to this, I’m fully aware that I’ll likely never be fully satisfied in terms of understanding my species and our ways. I just don’t have the information sources I would need. Which is frustrating on its own. But it is what it is.
It’s an interesting thing to think about. I have a lot more questions than answers.
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greenleafygael · 6 years
Yes, this is me writing a blog post after announcing I was quitting the blogging scene a few months ago. I’m deceiving, I know. But you know what, I just felt compelled to write this because it is such an important issue.
Christmas is excessive: drink, food, electricity, paper, sellotape, plastic, stuff, stuff. and more stuff!
And I’m sure a lot of you have seen that our planet is being strangled…
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silvestromedia · 1 year
St. Seiriol, 6th century. Welsh monk and hermit, He is honored on Puffin Island (island of Ynys-Seiriol), off the coast of Anglesey, Wales. Other details of his life are scarce.
St. Brigid of Ireland. Brigid was probably born at Faughart near Dundalk, Louth, Ireland. Her parents were baptized by St. Patrick, with whom she developed a close friendship. According to legend, her father was Dubhthach, an Irish chieftain of Lienster, and her mother, Brocca, was a slave at his court. Even as a young girl she evinced an interest for a religious life and took the veil in her youth from St. Macaille at Croghan and probably was professed by St. Mel of Armagh, who is believed to have conferred abbatial authority on her. She settled with seven of her virgins at the foot of Croghan Hill for a time and about the year 468, followed Mel to Meath. About the year 470 she founded a double monastery at Cill-Dara (Kildare) and was Abbess of the convent, the first in Ireland. The foundation developed into a center of learning and spirituality, and around it grew up the Cathedral city of Kildare. She founded a school of art at Kildare and its illuminated manuscripts became famous, notably the Book of Kildare, which was praised as one of the finest of all illuminated Irish manuscripts before its disappearance three centuries ago. Brigid was one of the most remarkable women of her times, and despite the numerous legendary, extravagant, and even fantastic miracles attributed to her, there is no doubt that her extraordinary spirituality, boundless charity, and compassion for those in distress were real. She died at Kildare on February 1. The Mary of the Gael, she is buried at Downpatrick with St. Columba and St. Patrick, with whom she is the patron of Ireland. Her name is sometimes Bridget and Bride.
St. Cinnia, 5th century. A princess of Ulster, Ireland. She was converted to Christianity by St. Patrick. When she entered a convent, St. Patrick gave her the veil.
St. Crewanna, 5th century. A confessor who accompanied St. Breaca from Ireland to Cornwall, England. Crowan near St. Erth is believed to have been named in his honor.
St. Darulagdach, 524 A.D. Abbess of Kildare, Ireland, the successor of St. Brigid. She is also called Dardulacha.
St. Jarlath, 480 A.D. Also called Hierlath, Irish bishop and disciple of St. Patrick. He became bishop of Armagh and aided monastic expansion and the missionary program undertaken in that era.
St. Kinnin, 5th century. Irish maiden baptized by St. Patrick. She is venerated in County Louth, Ireland.
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ephdill · 5 years
Bad Influence || Aubrey & Effie
“Listen to me,” Effie had ordered Logan and Ashen, her broad-shouldered bodyguards. Once upon a time they had played together as seedlings, chasing each other around the forest and being scolded for trampling over the gardens. Now, her life depended on the Heartwood brothers. “I’m entering Belladonna to secure alliances, assistance, whatever it is we need. And if you speak a word about it or try to stop me, I will have you exiled with nothing but the clothes on your back.” And so they had agreed, on the condition that they accompanied her. Effie had demanded an oath of silence in Erthe’s name, the most sacred vow a faerie could take.
Now she wandered the streets of Hemlock City with Ashen’s cloak over her head, whispering a prayer. Erthe, guide my footsteps, carry me to a helper. Her mother had prayed ceaselessly for the Ancient’s guidance. Perhaps it was time Effie did the same.
In her rambling, Effie failed to see the dark figure ahead of her in the narrow alley. “Sorry,” she muttered, pulling her cloak around herself. “I’m looking for the, uh...” her mind raced. “Library! Do you have a library?”
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pirannottarchive · 6 years
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“ What can you know about a person? They shift in the light. You can’t light up all sides at once. ”
↯ PIRAN NOTT is the eldest child and only son of theodore and isobel nott. he is eighteen years old, sides with THE DEATH EATERS and is in SLYTHERIN house. he is sharp, cunning and manipulative, with a secret love of art and a tendency to be easily bored. he is amoral, prejudiced, and can’t resist trying to make others feel small. he is also loyal, confident, well-read, and charming when he wants to be. [ played by elle , 25 , gmt ]
Calculating, cold, and a real cool customer. Keeps his cards close to his chest and only gives the real game away to his nearest and dearest
Grew up in Cornwall but circulated a lot in Pureblood society thanks to his socialite Mama. His manners, dress sense and attitude to others was learnt at her knee and is deployed to full use to this day. In the right company he is charming, polite, articulate and interesting.
Good friends mostly fellow purebloods
Closest friends are Emet Burke and Valeria Selwyn, and he likes his circle small
Always neatly-presented and tends to be very tidy and organised
Aligned with the Death Eaters because that’s what his family expects and he is all about doing all that they ask of him so that he can get on with the shit he’s actually interested in away from their prying eyes. 
Similarly gets good grades, stays out of trouble at school and takes the time to pal up with prominent pureblood Ministry personnel and higher-up Death Eaters
Highly intelligent, much more than most people realise since he’s such a shit a lot of people reasonably don’t bother talking to him for long. Observant, a good reader of body language, and happy to use both of these things to get what he wants
His brains render him very easily bored, and the anti-boredom strategy he has fixated on lately is... art theft. Because why not.
Currently in the early stages of plotting to steal a major Old Master from the V&A in London. Needs a heist squad to do this. 
Please see this page (tbc) for connections, both wanted and current!
Basic Information
Full name
Piran Horatio Nott
Date of birth
November 8th
Erth Cove, Cornwall
Blood status
Cis man
Star sign
+ intelligent, observant, organised - prejudiced, dismissive, manipulative
art, family, high society, his place in the world, distractions in any form, making “lesser” people aware of their place, his friends, a sharp outfit
menial tasks, dirt, being inconvenienced, being drawn away from something he’s concentrating on, people who laugh too loudly, people who talk too much, caring deeply about things
Good at
academics, planning, acting the dutiful pureblood son, getting away with doing things he shouldn’t
Bad at
kindness, generosity, dancing, potions, listening to other people’s opinions
history of art, running, finding loopholes in rules, chess
muggles and muggleborns gaining power over him, dogs, being perceived as weak, boredom
rob the v&a and then a dozen other museums and private collections
theodore nott
isobel rowle
demelza nott, sixteen & lamorna nott, fifteen
barn owl, achilles
Other noteworthy relatives
rowle cousins and nott second cousins
Family home
a sprawling stone manor house on a cliff-top just outside the magical village of erth cove in south cornwall
redwood, unicorn hair, eleven and a quarter inches, unyielding
a concrete cell with nothing in and no doors or windows, symbolising his terror of being stuck somewhere with nothing to do and no hope of getting out ever
Corporeal / Crow
Oil on canvas, salt water, heather, freshly washed marble floors
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independence1776 · 6 years
Middle-earth is Our Earth
This is a collection of quotes from The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion, and the History of Middle-Earth series dealing with the fact that Tolkien explicitly set Middle-earth in our world from the very beginning of his Legendarium, not in a constructed or imaginary world as is common in many fantasy novels. Due to the amount of material, this is not an exhaustive compilation. Furthermore, if a book doesn’t appear, it simply means that in my skimming I didn’t see a reference, not that none exist (though obviously that can also be true). THE LETTERS OF J.R.R. TOLKIEN ~ Letter 165: “’Middle-earth’, by the way, is not a name of a never-never land without relation to the world we live in (like the Mercury of Eddison). It is just a use of Middle English middel-erde (or erthe), altered from the Old English Middangeard: the name for inhabited lands of Men ‘between the seas’. And though I have not attempted to relate the shape of the mountains and land-masses to what geologists may say or surmise about the nearer past, imaginatively this ‘history’ is supposed to take place in a period of the actual Old World of this planet.” ~ Letter 183: “I am historically minded. Middle-earth is not an imaginary world. The name is the modern form (appearing in the 13th century and still in use) of midden-erd > middle-erd, an ancient name for the oikoumene, the abiding place of Men, the objectively real world, in use specifically oppose to imaginary worlds (as Fairyland) or unseen worlds (as Heaven or Hell). The theatre of my tale is this earth, the one in which we now live, but the historical period is imaginary. The essentials of that abiding place are all there (at any rate for inhabitants of N.W. Europe), so naturally it feels familiar, if a little glorified by the enchantment of distance in time.” ~ Letter 183: “Mine is not an ‘imaginary’ world, but an imaginary historical moment on ‘Middle-earth’-- which is our habitation.” ~ Letter 184: “I can only say, for your comfort I hope, that the ‘Sam Gamgee’ of my story is a most heroic character, now widely beloved by many readers, even though his origins are rustic. So that perhaps you will not be displeased by the coincidence of the name of this imaginary character (of supposedly many centuries ago) being the same name as yours.” ~ Letter 211: “All I can say is that, if it were ‘history’, it would be difficult to fit the lands and events (or ‘cultures’) into such evidence as we possess, archeological or geological, concerning the nearer or remoter part of what is now called Europe; though the Shire, for instance, is expressly stated to have been in this region (I p. 12 [compiler’s note: the second quote in the LotR section below]). I could have fitted things in with greater verisimilitude, if the story had not become too far developed, before the question ever occurred to me. I doubt if there would have been much gain; and I hope the, evidently long but undefined, gap* in time between the Fall of Barad-dûr and our Days is sufficient for ‘literary credibility’, even for readers acquainted with what is known or surmised of ‘pre-history’. “*I imagine the gap to be about 6000 years; that is we are at the end of the Fifth Age, if Ages were of about the same length as S.A. and T.A. But they have, I think, quickened; and I imagine we are actually at the end of the Sixth Age, or in the Seventh. “I have, I suppose, constructed an imaginary time, but kept my feet on my own mother-earth for place. I prefer that to the contemporary mode of seeking remote globes in ‘space’. However curious, they are alien, and not lovable with the love of blood-kin. Middle-earth is (by the way & if such a note is necessary) not my own invention. It is a modernization or alteration (New English Dictionary ‘a perversion’) of an old word for the inhabited world of Men, the oikoumene: middle because though of vaguely as set amidst the encircling Seas and (in the northern-imagination) between the ice of the North and the fire of the South. O. English middan-geard, mediæval E. midden-erd, middle-erd. Many reviewers seem to assume that Middle-earth is another planet!” ~ Letter 257: When C.S. Lewis and I tossed up, and he was to write on space-travel and I on time-travel, I began an abortive book of time travel of which the end was to be the presence of my hero in the drowning of Atlantis. This was to be called Númenor, the Land in the West. The thread was to be the occurrence time and again in human families (like Durin among the Dwarves) of a father and son called by names that could be interpreted as Bliss-friend and Elf-friend. These no longer understood are found in the end to refer to the Atlantid-Númenórean situation and mean ‘one loyal to the Valar, content with the bliss and prosperity within the limits prescribed’ and ‘one loyal to the friendship with the High-elves’. It started with a father-son affinity between Edwin and Elwin of the present, and was supposed to go back into legendary time by way of an Eädwine and Ælfwine of circa A.D. 918, and Audoin and Alboin of Lombardic legend, and so the traditions of the North Sea concerning the coming of the corn and cultural heroes, ancestors of kingly lines, in boats (and their departure in funeral ships). One such Sheaf, or Shield Sheafing, can actually be made out as one of the remote ancestors of our present Queen. In my tale we were to come at last to Amandil and Elendil leaders of the loyal party in Númenor, when it fell under the domination of Sauron. Elendil ‘Elf-friend’ was the founder of the Exiled kingdoms in Arnor and Gondor.” ~ Letter 294: “[In response to the following comment in a letter Tolkien received] ‘Middle-earth… corresponds to Nordic Europe’ “Not Nordic, please! A word I personally dislike; it is associated, though of French origin, with racialist theories. Geographically Northern is usually better. But examination will show that even this is inapplicable (geographically or spiritually) to ‘Middle-earth’. This is an old word, not invented by me, as reference to a dictionary such as the Shorter Oxford will show. It meant the habitable lands of our world, set amid the surrounding Ocean. The action of the story takes place in the North-west of ‘Middle-earth’, equivalent in latitude to the coastlines of Europe and the north shores of the Mediterranean. But this is not a purely ‘Nordic’ area in any sense. If Hobbiton and Rivendell are taken (as intended) to be at about the latitude of Oxford, then Minas Tirith, 600 miles south, is about the latitude of Florence. The Mouths of the Anduin and the ancient city of Pelargir are at about the latitude of ancient Troy.”
My original intention was to post the entirety of this compilation on Tumblr for those who prefer this site, but due to its length (over 7000 words), it is simpler to link to the rest of the document. You can finish reading the compilation here on SWG.
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faejilly · 5 years
hobovampire replied to your post “I got up on time today! (and got dressed and brushed my hair and all...”
I'm so proud of you!!
darthkrzysztof replied to your photo “aka14kgold: But then there’s this, and it feels like there’s some hope...”
O Captain! My Captain!
IKR? she’s just. ugh. how. so. perfect.
scarletandcream77 replied to your post “why do I get so invested in characters that never even show up on...”
Someone has to rule the the Island of Misfit Toys.
*gigglesnort* That is a pretty good description of me and my faves, though I should never be in charge of anything ever istfg.
bealaig replied to your post “I sat down at my computer just now like, I’m going to write something...”
Desborough wasn’t his mother’s name. The courtesy title for the Earl of St. Erth’s heir was Viscount Desborough. So before his father died, he was Gervase Frant, Viscount Desborough - addressed as Lord Desborough, or since he was a captain in the army, Captain Lord Desborough.
well darn. that makes way more sense than the thing I read that said otherwise, though now I feel silly for believing it. AH WELL. belated thank you for the applied logic *laughs*
lynne-monstr replied to your post “So my brain has just... kinda gone on holiday without me? Which means...”
sending good vibes your way ��
thanks, it seems to be sort of working today! *knocks on wood*
fourthage replied to your post “So I've never seen an episode of Teen Wolf, but I read a fair...”
I watched all of TW in a couple of weeks because it is like pringles and wow yes is the timeline ever weird.
dearophelia replied to your post “So I've never seen an episode of Teen Wolf, but I read a fair...”
WHY DO THEY DO THIS? I mean. SH has apparently been like, three months. In like THREE SEASONS OF EPISODES. WHY. WHYYYY. 
on a purely technical note about production, your cast and crew have known each other for four years at this point which influences the way they work together, it adds depth to your show to ACKNOWLEDGE AND USE THAT. DEAR LORDS & LADIES.
buT YEAH. anyways. *fistbump of solidarity*
mattetallic replied to your post “i cannot touch because they are too near”
this was beautiful
thank you so much <3
biconicfinn replied to your post “16 or 18 for malec, please :)”
I hate and adore this. Thank you for breaking my heart but also damn you why?????? Why did have to be like this??????????
BECAUSE SOMETIMES I AM EVIL? I like to share my pain?!?
honestly, though, thank you
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amongthebriars · 5 years
Would you ever marry, now that you have a daughter?
Harland snorts, shaking his head. However, his eyes hold no mirth in them. “No, I will not marry. Freya is my heir, and I’ll not be changing that, with or without children from a binding union. No matter what the Seelie think of me, my mind has been too set in my ways to have someone try to muck it all up. Beyond that, the match would not be because they cared for me. I would be nothing more than something to speak about.” His voice dripped with contempt at the thought, his eyes narrowing a bit. A dry laugh escaped his mouth. “My daughter already had a mother. My marrying wouldn’t change that, nor would I wish it to. I am perfectly fine without the knowledge that someone was attached to me for my land, title, and the prestige of being married to the Erthe Breaker.” 
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