#Monstrous Compendium 5
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oldschoolfrp · 7 months ago
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Dragons of Greyhawk: Cloud Dragon, Greyhawk Dragon, Mist Dragon, and Shadow Dragon (Mark Nelson, AD&D 2e Monstrous Compendium 5: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix, TSR, 1990)
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the-griffons-saddlebag · 5 months ago
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💎 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗺! Monstrous Mask
Wondrous item, rare ___ This painted wood mask weighs 3 pounds and resembles a mish-mash of various roaring monsters. While wearing it, you can use an action to cast the “polymorph” spell on yourself from the mask. You transform into a random monstrosity, instead of a beast. When you do, you retain your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. Roll a d6 and consult the table below to determine which monstrosity you transform into: d6 | Monstrosity — 1 | Ankheg 2 | Ettercap 3 | Griffon 4 | Manticore 5 | Owlbear 6 | Winter Wolf For the duration of the spell, you can’t be frightened, and you have advantage on Constitution saving throws made to maintain concentration on the spell. Once this property of the mask has been used, it can’t be used again until the next dusk. ___ ✨ Patrons get huge perks! Access this and hundreds of other item cards, art files, and compendium entries when you support The Griffon's Saddlebag on Patreon for less than $10 a month!
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thecreaturecodex · 1 month ago
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"Alien Cat, step 2" © Cary Narveson, accessed at their ArtStation page here
[The bekkah seems to only appear in the Creature Catalogue, not having come from a Basic D&D adventure nor being reprinted in the Mystara Monstrous Compendium later on in AD&D. It's also not entirely clear what it looks like; the text just refers to it being black, but there's a picture of a sabertooth lynx with the Big Cat entry that might be it, or might just be the giant lynx. The third eye is unique to the art I'm using, but it fits in well with me giving it greensight, inspired by the medieval bestiary lynx being able to see through solid objects. As is often the case for big cat monsters, the damage is high for a creature of its CR; I compensated by bringing down the AC.]
Bekkah CR 11 LN Magical Beast This great black cat is the size of a bear, with a short tail, long ears and oversized paws. It has eerie gray eyes, a third of which sits in the center of its forehead.
The bekkahs are supernatural black-furred felines native to the deepest jungles. They are apex predators, and do not brook intrusion into their territories by other large carnivores. Humanoid hunters are tolerated as long as they do not overhunt, and they pay the bekkah proper deference. This deference is usually in the forms of offerings of meat, although especially desperate or evil societies may do so through humanoid sacrifice. Bekkahs do not go out of their way to hunt humanoids, but are willing to consider them prey.
A bekkah’s combat style does not differ much from those of mundane big cats. They stalk prey and attack from ambush, grabbing their foes in their enormous paws and tearing with claws and teeth. The special offense of the bekkah is in its roar, which carries supernatural fear. A creature that hears a bekkah may be rooted to the spot, unable to flee and thus singled out for a brutal pounce. Bekkahs do not kill needlessly, and if attacked by a party may kill one as a warning to the rest and then retreat with the body to feed.
A bekkah is rarely found unless it wants to be; they are very difficult to track and have magical defenses against divinations. They usually lair in the densest vegetation, which they can pass through without difficulty, anywhere from tangles of roots to the canopies of large trees. Their territories are demarcated with scent marking, deep grooves carved in tree trunks, and oversized paw prints left on trails. Bekkahs are solitary, with males leaving their territories every several years in order to find a mate. Females are good mothers, raising one or two cubs for three years before they leave to find their own territories.
Bekkahs speak Sylvan, but have little to say except to fey creatures and to each other.
Bekkah CR 11 XP 12,800 LN Large magical beast Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., greensight 60 ft., low-light vision, Perception +17, scent
Defense AC 23, touch 13, flat-footed 19 (-1 size, +4 Dex, +10 natural) hp 138 (12d10+72) Fort +13, Ref +12, Will +9 DR 10/magic; Immune fear, paralysis; SR 27 vs. divinations Defensive Abilities elusive
Offense Speed 50 ft. Melee 2 claws + 19 (1d10+8 plus grab), bite +19 (2d8+8) Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Special Attacks pounce, rake (2 claws +19, 1d10+8), roar
Statistics Str 27, Dex 19, Con 21, Int 6, Wis 16, Cha 16 Base Atk +12; CMB +21 (+25 grapple); CMD 35 (39 vs. trip) Feats Ability Focus (roar), Improved Critical (bite), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Skill Focus (Stealth), Toughness Skills Acrobatics +14 (+22 when jumping), Climb +18, Perception +17, Stealth +13 (+25 in forests); Racial Modifiers +4 Acrobatics, +4 Climb, +8 Perception, +4 Stealth (+12 in forested environments) Languages Sylvan SQ woodland stride
Ecology Environment warm forests Organization solitary or pair Treasure incidental
Special Abilities Elusive (Su) A bekkah gains a +20 bonus to the DC to follow its tracks, and is treated as being under the effects of a nondetection spell as a supernatural ability. Roar (Su) As a standard action once every 1d4 rounds, a bekkah can unleash a terrible roar. All creatures within 120 feet must succeed a DC 21 Will save or be shaken and unable to move from its current space for 2d4 rounds. A creature that succeeds this save is immune to the roar of that bekkah for the next 24 hours. This is a mind-influencing fear effect, and the save DC is Charisma based. Woodland Stride (Su) A bekkah’s movement is not impeded by natural vegetation.
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justforbooks · 3 months ago
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The Dead of Winter by Sarah Clegg
From the devilish Krampus legend to a spot of disembowelment, the author takes us on a scary romp through Europe’s most disturbing festive folklore
Shaggy figures with snarling masks and metre-long horns, scenes of wild drunkenness, random assaults on strangers, witches winding your intestines out on a stick, a giant “Yule Cat” who will eat you if you’ve failed to put on new clothes for the day – no, it’s not your annual family get-together, at least I hope not. It’s a compendium of European seasonal lore from the dark side, as explored in this excellent short book by historian and folklorist Sarah Clegg. She combines a trove of good stories with a serious critique of earlier mythographers’ ideas about them, and also takes us on adventures ranging from pre-dawn graveyard walks to the terrors of Salzburg’s pre-Christmas “Krampus night”, named for the monstrous masked figures who prowl its streets on 5 December.
Clegg approaches Christmas by a broad avenue, so we get chapters on Venice’s carnival, Saturnalia festivals in ancient Rome, the witchy shenanigans of Epiphany Eve (also known as Twelfth Night), and the wassails of January, in which good health is wished to apple trees by waving horses’ skulls at them. What all these celebrations share is a mood of maniacal excess and social exuberance. Practices include “guising”, or putting on animal disguises; “mumming”, or enacting plays; and “knocking” – going around banging on doors, asking for treats, and even dragging out unwilling residents to join the merriment. The mayhem can spill over into violence, especially in the town of Matrei in Austria, where the Krampus-like “Klaubauf” figures barge into houses and fight in the streets, to the extent that local authorities advise tourists to stay away and the hospital’s emergency department prepares for an influx of injured people. Even Clegg does not venture to Matrei, but the Krampus night she attends in Salzburg is only slightly less extreme. As she strolls amid the usual market scenes of fairy lights and glühwein stands, she is set upon by a Krampus who whacks her with two sticks. It’s all good festive fun – except that she still has the bruises and welts far into January.
Krampus is traditionally an assistant to Saint Nicholas, or Santa Claus, and even the white-bearded chuckling one himself can be less pleasant than we might think. His punitive side now survives mainly in the idea that he will bring no gifts if you’ve been naughty. That’s nothing compared with the punishments inflicted by other characters in the winter-festival tradition. In northern Europe, Saint Lucy is usually visualised as a gentle, white-clad maiden with a feast day on 13 December. But she can turn from sweetness to savagery in an instant if she catches you going to work instead of celebrating on that day, or if you have forgotten to put out snacks for her and her friends. She is the one who likes winching out your intestines, but for variety she sometimes also seizes children, removes their internal organs, stuffs them with straw, and sews them up again.
In the 19th century, a shift took place towards more polite Christmas behaviour, especially in Victorian Britain. Santa Claus became portly and took to riding around with reindeer. The feasting became less about chaotic public drinking sessions and more about a family dinner presided over by the master of the house: it affirmed the hierarchy rather than upending it. The topsy-turvy elements of the season were transferred to other celebrations such as carnivals and pantomimes, and door-to-door knocking and treating became more associated with Halloween. In England today, the tradition of raucous Christmas home intrusions survives only in the (slightly) less scary form of doorstep carol singers.
Where the wilder rituals remain, they have become more self-consciously folkloric. Clegg introduces us to the wassailers of Chepstow, with their horses’ skulls on poles, and the Marshfield Mummers of Gloucestershire, who dress up like giant ragged mops and put on a play. These events are well-attended, suggesting a revival of interest; Krampus runs have even become popular in parts of the US. Clegg suggests that this might reflect an increasing disenchantment with the tame, Victorian-style Christmas, especially now that it’s so commercialised. The frenzies of last-minute gift shopping or trying to get a train or plane ticket home can’t compete with the frenzy of running around with an animal head.
If so, these mixed feelings about the 19th-century family Christmas were there from the start. Clegg notes that the century that created that kind of Christmas also created a new kind of historian, keen to find dark and ghastly “pagan” rituals lurking behind the politer ones. In 1890, James Frazer’s The Golden Bough sought a key to all mythologies in a supposed long-lost midwinter rite, during which a king was killed so as to be reborn as a new king in spring. The idea was exciting, and the book became a bestseller. The problem, says Clegg, is that there was no good reason to think any such rite ever existed. The book was “a collection of wild, unsubstantiated statements”, built upon a titillating fantasy of “primitive” fertility rituals.
Frazer has been demolished many times before, but Clegg sees his ideas living on in our tendency, even now, to assume that modern practices are rooted in a timeless hinterland of mysterious, pagan antiquity. This is misleading in several ways, she argues. First, we know too little about what really went on in the undocumented past. Second, it casts the people of long-ago Europe as passive transmitters of tradition, rather than as active agents who reimagined and adapted their celebrations through time. “Never mistake folklore for something ancient and unvarying,” she writes. Like most of what humans do, it is “creative and dynamic”.
Also, the notion of solemn and ancient mysteries ignores the idea of having fun. When the fifth-century Bishop of Ravenna, Peter Chrysologus, inquired into local festivities, people assured him that it was all “just for fun”. He thought they were putting him off the scent of something more sinister. For Clegg, they were probably telling the truth. If people, given a day off work and a good excuse, choose to race around dressed as animals, drink a lot and bash each other with sticks, perhaps they do it because it’s a holiday and it’s a laugh.
I’m not surprised Clegg is so attuned to the possibility of fun as a major cultural force, because she has a strong sense of it herself. Her book is both thought-provoking and filled with amusing asides and quips. Like Gibbon, but with more brevity, she puts many of her best jokes in footnotes. We need all the fun we can get, because, as she reminds us in one of her own more serious moments at the end of the book, “beyond the glow of firelight, the shadows are waiting”.
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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rpgsandbox · 1 year ago
Memento Mori - A Roleplaying Game of Dreams and Corruption
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Actual photo of the first edition of Memento Mori
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Memento Mori is a folk-horror roleplaying game set in Europe in 1347.
The Black Death is exacting its toll on Europe, and it will quickly exterminate a third of the population. The characters are a group of Drifters, infected people who come in contact with dark creatures from folklore due to their condition. With every new horror they experience, the characters will become ever less human and increasingly similar to the creatures they are fighting.
Only the Dream burning within them can keep them alive. What will they sacrifice for it?
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Actual photos from the Italian edition of Memento Mori
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Memento Mori has an original game system created to highlight the process of corruption and transformation undergone by the characters.
The system uses two pools of six-sided dice distinguished by color. White dice represent the human skills of Drifters, while black dice represent the supernatural powers and monstrous features that they develop.
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The Drifter Sheet
When rolling dice, the Players’ objective is to roll as many 5 and 6 as possible in order to overcome the difficulty set by the Narrator. The powers developed during the Drifters’ adventure come at a steep price, because the Players are forced to choose a part of their character to sacrifice whenever the corruption grants them a new ability.
Every element on the character sheet is subject to change in order to achieve their Dream and unlock new powers.
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We will produce 3 books for Memento Mori, plus a book-shaped box containing official dice and tarots. You will only need the Memento Mori corebook to start playing.
MEMENTO MORI: [Corebook] 200+ pages in black and white, hard cover, A5 format. The corebook contains everything you need to play, the setting, and a short introductory adventure complete with four Drifters ready to play. All neatly binded, with a canvas-style hardcover with gold lettering, and a ribbon bookmark.
CODEX GIGAS: 200+ pages in black and white, hard cover, A5 format. This expansion is composed of Addendum (setting), Bestiarium (creatures), Herbarium (plants), and Lapidarium (minerals). Thanks to the supernatural myths, descriptions, treasures, and ingredients in this book, the Narrator can lead the group of Drifters beyond the boundaries of the known world.
EX VELUM: 150+ pages in black and white, hard cover, A5 format. In this compendium of esoteric knowledge from Beyond the Veil you will find everything that was previously kept secret from Drifters because too dangerous and too powerful. Rules to use Tarot cards, and menacing revelations, a Lost Bestiarium (secret creatures), Legends from the Ephemeral Land (prominent individuals), and a Grimorium (rituals and magical items).
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ARCA FATI: Box shaped like an A5 hardcover book. This box holds the most precious materials from this edition of Memento Mori. The Tarot deck and the custom-made dice, as well as many other surprises that we may unlock as stretch goals during our campaign. NOTE: You will need the Ex Velum supplement to use Tarots in Memento Mori.
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DEATHLESS EDITION: Slipcase with a detachable magnetic 3-panel Narrator Screen. This slipcase holds the 3 Memento Mori books, and the Arca Fati box. The front is a detachable 3-panel Narrator Screen that features summary tables for all the main game rules.
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Backerkit campaign ends: Feb 8, 2024 at 10:59pm GMT.
Website: [Two Little Mice] [facebook]
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darklordazalin · 1 year ago
Azalin Reviews: Darklord Althea
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Darklord: Althea Domain: Demise Domain Formation: 686 BC Power Level: 💀💀⚫⚫⚫ (2/5 Skulls) Sources: Domains of Dread (2e), Monstrous Compendium I and II (2e)
Within the island chain known as The Finger in the Domain of Lamorida is a small island called Demise that houses a mysterious Darklord who’s history has been obscured by time and most likely the diligent work of our ever present tormentors. This Domain is ruled by the Darklord Althea.
From the sea, Demise appears as a large cone of dark basalt rock sticking out of the ocean with desolate shores. Those brave enough to climb the cone discover the island is a large crater that contains a vast tropical jungle at its center. From this, one could gather that Althea’s homeworld was associated with volcanic activity or, at the very least, far warmer than the arctic climate of Lamordia.
At the very heart of the jungle is a structure made entirely of white stone with a single arched entrance – a portal of a sort with runes engraved all around it. None in the lands of Mists have been able to decipher its meaning and I theorize that is a harsh reminder of Althea’s homeland. Within this structure is a vast labyrinth made of stone and illusions, the combination making it nearly impossible for one to navigate. It is within this maze that Althea is trapped.
No one, not even I, have discovered Althea’s history before she was dragged into the Mists. Her crimes must have been great to not only be imprisoned on an island but also within a labyrinth on that island. What can be determined about Althea is that she is a Medusa. If you’re not familiar with their kind, Medusa are beautiful women with snake scales upon their body and hair made of living snakes. Althea’s isolation has driven her into despair and desperation. She longs for companionship, but her gaze turns most that look upon her into stone. 
Althea’s gaze is quite deadly and she can even extend it into the astral and ethereal planes, but if she is ever to view her own image, she too would be turned to stone. Given that their own reflection is a medusa’s greatest weakness, a vampire medusa would be quite formidable. Perhaps I should conduct some experimentation into the matter…
Althea’s snakes spit venom and she herself is skilled with both bow and sword and though she loathes the maze she is trapped within, it is the perfect lair for one of her kind. Each bend of the maze, she could hide behind, ready to paralyze any that look upon her. 
I find it difficult to fully rate a Darklord who’s history has been so thoroughly obfuscated by the Mists. Without her illusion-filled maze, she would be rather easy to defeat. And given that she is just as fooled by the illusions as any would-be hero, I find her Darklord status a bit lacking. I will grant her two skulls, one for her mysterious past and one for her snakes.
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muad-dweeb · 8 days ago
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lilibetbombshell · 5 months ago
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paperanddice · 2 years ago
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Belker are aggressive and hateful elementals of air and choking smoke. They appear demonic, roiling smoke in a large, clawed and winged form with glowing red eyes, and some theorize that they are a form of hybridization between demons and elementals (perhaps created by the Diabolist's intervention). There is no solid evidence of this theory however, as anti-demon spells and weapons have no additional effects against belkers, and they only tolerate other elementals. Specifically only air and some fire elementals, as earth and water seem to infuriate them as much as humanoids.
A belker attacks by allowing part of its vaporous body to flow into a creature's nose and mouth, filling its throat and lungs with rasping, clawing smoke. The pain of this immobilizes a foe, and those who cannot force the belker out of their lungs in time will have their insides shredded to a bloody mess.
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Blindheim are a species of squat, 4 foot tall frog-like animals that primarily reside in the Underworld. They are hunters that make use of bright lights to confuse and blind prey. The blindheim's eyes always glow a dull red, but they can withdraw the thick membrane over their eyes to unleash a much brighter flash when hunting or confronted by a threat. While blindheims are rarely aggressive on their own, retreating when confronted by anything larger than them, they can be driven into violence under pressure. When their home is invaded they will seek to blind and shred the intruder, and many underground dwelling societies will capture them for different uses. Drow and derro will carry blindheim with them on raids, training them to unleash their blinding gaze on command. Even more cruel, some drow nobles will suspend bound blindheim as exotic light sources during major events as a show of wealth and taste.
Belkers originate from the 2nd edition D&D Monstrous Compendium Planescape Appendix III, and Blindheim originate from the Pathfinder 1e Bestiary 2. This post came out a week ago on my Patreon. If you want to get access to all my monster conversions early, as well as access to my premade adventures and other material I’m working on, consider backing me there!
Belker  Large 3rd level spoiler [elemental]  Initiative: +9 Smoke Claws +8 vs. AC - 16 damage. Lung Invasion +8 vs. PD - The target partially inhales the belker (save ends). While it has the belker inhaled, the target is stuck and weakened, and the belker automatically hits it with smoke claws attacks. The effect also ends if the belker moves or uses lung invasion again. Flight. Smoke Form: 1/battle, as a quick action, the belker can shift its body to pure smoke until the end of its next turn. While in this form, the belker gains resist damage 18+ to all damage except force. AC 18 PD 17 MD 13 HP 88
Blindheim  1st level troop [beast]  Initiative: +4 Bite and Claws +5 vs. AC - 5 damage. Natural Even Hit: The blindheim can pop free from the target. [Group Ability] C: Blinding Gaze +5 vs. PD (1d4 nearby enemies) - The target is hampered due to blindness (save ends). Sustain: The blindheim can repeat this attack as a standard action on its next turn without expending another use of its group ability. If it goes a turn without using this attack, it can no longer sustain the action. Group Ability: For every two blindheim in the battle (round up), one of them can use blinding gaze once during the battle. Swimmer and Wall Climber. AC 17 PD 16 MD 10 HP 26
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collectorscorner · 4 years ago
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oldschoolfrp · 4 years ago
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Greyhawk dragons are born a deep blue-gray then lighten to a shiny steel color in adulthood.  They prefer to live among humans and demihumans in the larger cities, posing as human mages or scholars.  They are highly intelligent (supra-genius 19-20), usually lawful neutral with good tendencies.  (Mark Nelson illus, AD&D 2e Monstrous Compendium 5: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix, TSR, 1990)
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the-griffons-saddlebag · 1 year ago
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💎 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗺! Fang Keeper
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) ___ A “fang keeper” is a dark silver necklace that’s adorned with one or more monstrous fangs. When found, the necklace has 1d4 fangs, which come from one or more creatures with a challenge rating of 1 or lower. Over the course of 1 hour, which can be done during a short rest, you can add one or more teeth to the chain or replace any teeth currently on it; the chain can have no more than 4 teeth on it at a time. While wearing the necklace, you gain the following benefits. 𝘽𝙞𝙩𝙚. Your teeth lengthen and sharpen slightly; your bite becomes a magic natural weapon, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with it, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d8 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike. If you bite a target in this way, you can immediately use your bonus action to clamp down even harder, dealing an extra 1d4 piercing damage to the target as part of the same attack. 𝙎𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙖𝙬. As a bonus action, you can choose a tooth on the necklace. If the tooth came from a creature that had the Bite action, it summons the spectral maw of that creature in front of you, which is instantaneous. Make a melee spell attack with the spectral maw; the spell attack bonus and damage depends on the challenge rating of the creature the tooth came from. If the attack hits, the tooth immediately rots after the attack, and it can’t be used again to summon the maw. On a miss, there’s a 50 percent chance that the tooth rots instead. | Challenge Rating | Spell Attack Bonus | Damage | — | 1 or lower | \+5 to hit | 1d10 + 2 piercing damage | | 2–5 | \+7 to hit | 2d10 + 3 piercing damage | | 6–9 | \+8 to hit | 3d10 + 4 piercing damage | | 10 or higher | \+9 to hit | 4d10 + 5 piercing damage | Once a tooth rots, that same creature’s maw can’t be summoned again. If another tooth on the necklace is from a creature whose maw has already been summoned in this way, it immediately rots. ___ ✨ Patrons get huge perks! Access this and hundreds of other item cards, art files, and compendium entries when you support The Griffon's Saddlebag on Patreon for less than $10 a month!
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gnomegirlgabby-blog · 5 years ago
DND Gnome History
So as the theme of the night is DND Gnomes might as well talk about their history in DND! Thank you Wiki for this!
In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, gnomes are one of the core races available for play as player characters.[1] Some speculate that they are closely related to dwarves; however, gnomes are more tolerant of other races and of magic, and are skilled with illusions.[1] Gnomes are small humanoids, standing 3–3.5 feet (91–107 cm) tall.
Dungeons & Dragons
The gnome first appeared in the original 1974 edition of Dungeons & Dragons,[2] and in its second supplement, Blackmoor (1975).[3]
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition
The gnome appeared as a player character race in the original Player's Handbook (1978).[4][5] The gnome also appeared in the original Monster Manual (1977).[6] A new gnomish subrace, the deep gnome (svirfneblin), was presented as a character race in the original Unearthed Arcana (1985).[7] Another gnome subrace, the tinker gnome (minoi), focused on building mechanical devices, was presented in Dragonlance Adventures. The humorous Solo Quest adventure Gnomes-100, Dragons-0 featured these gnomes in their resistance against the dragon army of Takhisis.[8]
Gnomes were originally introduced to Dungeons & Dragons as a new alternative to dwarves, elves, and halflings.[9][10] They were developed from mythology from a number of different sources, originally being a bearded, short race similar to halflings and dwarves. The gnome's niche in play was made magical, to separate it from the more warrior-like dwarf and the more rogue-like halfling.[11]
Dungeons & Dragons (Basic/BECMI)
The gnome appeared in the Dungeons & Dragons Basic Set as a "monster". The gnome appeared as a player character class in Top Ballista (1989).
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd edition
The gnome appeared as a character race in the second edition Player's Handbook (1989).[12] The gnome also appeared in the Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989).[13] Four gnomish races – forest, rock, tinker, and deep (svirfneblin) – were detailed as player character races in The Complete Book of Gnomes and Halflings (1993).[14]
Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition
The gnome appeared as a character race in the third edition Player's Handbook (2000),[15] and in the 3.5 revised Player's Handbook.[16] Gnomes were detailed for the Forgotten Realms setting in Races of Faerûn (2003).[17] Gnomes were one of the races detailed in Races of Stone (2004).
Throughout D&D history, up to and including the third edition Player's Handbook, spellcaster gnomes were either illusionists or had illusionist as their favored class.[18][19] However, in Dungeons & Dragons v.3.5, gnomes' favored class has been changed to bard, as the favored class of "illusionist" was a subset of the wizard class. The wizard favored class was also already used by elves. In D&D v.3.5, gnomes are inventors and alchemists who love pranks and excel at engineering. The tinker gnomes of Dragonlance are mechanically skilled, though their devices are quite prone to backfiring. It has been suggested that gnomes be given the Eberron class artificer as a favored class, due to their technical aptitude.
Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition
Gnomes appeared in 4th edition as a player character race in Player's Handbook 2 (2009).[20] The gnome appeared in the Monster Manual (2008).
Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition
The gnome was included as a player race in the 5th edition Player's Handbook (2014).[21] Two subraces were introduced with it: the forest gnome and the rock gnome. The Player's Handbook connects the rock gnomes to the tinker gnomes of the Dragonlance setting.
The deep gnome (svirfneblin) is also referenced in the Player's Handbook, and is fully detailed in the 5th edition Monster Manual (2014).[21][22] The Elemental Evil Player's Companion (2015) presents the deep gnome as a player race.[23]
Gnomes in Dungeons & Dragons have been further divided into various subraces:
Rock gnomes are the standard gnome subrace of Third Edition. They live in burrows beneath rolling, wooded hills.
Tinker gnomes are the common gnomes of the Dragonlance campaign setting. In that fictional universe, they dwell in the Mount Nevermind in the world of Krynn.
Svirfneblin, or deep gnomes, dwell in cities deep underground. They are more dangerous than the common rock gnome.
Forest gnomes are smaller than rock gnomes. They are a shy, secretive folk, living deep in wooded areas.[24] Friends to animals, forest gnomes have a racial ability that allows them to speak with small animals.
River Gnomes are graceful and quick. They live in homes dug into the side of riverbanks and speak with river dwelling animals in place of burrowing mammals. They are non-magical but gain +1 to initiative and are proficient swimmers.
Arcane Gnomes are city dwellers. They generally keep to a small community within a larger city. Arcane gnomes are focused on the pursuit of knowledge making their populace, in large part, over-eager inventors or wizards.[25]
Chaos gnomes are the most flamboyant gnomes. Brightly colored and rare, they are strongly inclined towards chaos, as their name suggests.[26]
Whisper gnomes lack the jovial outlook of other gnome races. Sly and suspicious, they are creatures of stealth.[26]
Ice gnomes dwell in the region of Frostfell in the Eberron campaign setting
Fire gnomes live on Bytopia, on the Outer Planes, where they help Flandal Steelskin, the Gnomish god of metal and crafting, in his work.
Sky gnomes appear in the Creature Crucible Top Ballista PC2 published in 1989. They are cunning engineers living in the flying city Serraine above the World of Mystara.
In the Forgotten Realms campaign setting, gnomes are also known as the "Forgotten Folk".
Gnome society had changed greatly over the different editions of Dungeons & Dragons. In the first edition, they were portrayed as intensely curious and intellectual, keeping in theme with their spell-casting niche, with an interest in gemstones.[18] They typically lived in hills, and acted as intermediaries between dwarves, elves, and halflings.
In the second edition, gnomes received further background. According to The Complete Book of Gnomes and Halflings,[27] gnomes have an intricate society based on their love of all kinds of arts, pranks, and their long lives. Their society is based on art; all gnomes must take up some form of art whether music, painting, cooking, building, or any other form that is considered creative by the time they come of age.
Gnomes are naturally friendly, highly social and fun loving people. They are respected by Elves for their communion with nature and knowledge of arcane magic, admired by Halflings for their humor, and sought out by Dwarves for their gemcutting skills.
Garl Glittergold was created by James M. Ward and first appeared in the "Nonhuman Deities" chapter of the original Deities and Demigods (1980) as the god of gnomes.[28]Roger E. Moore detailed several additional gnomish gods in his article "The Gods of the Gnomes" in Dragon #61 (May 1982), including: Baervan Wildwanderer, god of adventure and thieves; Urdlen ("The Crawler Below"), god of evil; Segojan Earthcaller, god of earth and nature; and Flandal Steelskin, god of metalworking;[29] these four newer gods also appeared in the original Unearthed Arcana (1985).[30]
All five of these deities were detailed for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons second edition in the book Monster Mythology (1992) by Carl Sargent, including details about their priesthoods; this book also introduced additional gods including: Baravar Cloakshadow, god of illusions, protection, and deception; Gaerdal Ironhand, god of protection, vigilance, and combat; and Nebelun (The Meddler), god of inventions and good luck.[31] All of these gods also received a very detailed description for their roles in the Forgotten Realms in Demihuman Deities (1998).[32]
Further reading
Tresca, Michael J. (November 2010). The Evolution of Fantasy Role-Playing Games. McFarland. pp. 34–36, 140–141. ISBN 978-0786458950.
Bowman, Sarah Lynne (May 2010). The Functions of Role-Playing Games. McFarland. pp. 151, 165–166. ISBN 978-0786447107.
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So I hope you enjoyed the in depth DND knowledge about gnomes! Link to the gnome article below!
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lichlairs · 5 years ago
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Checkout our new post over at https://lichlair.com/monday-monster-60-flameskull
Monday Monster #60: Flameskull
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I’m very sorry if you got PTSD just from reading that title; I know many out there have suffered at the figurative hands of this monster, which is why I vow to dig deeply into its lore and statblock to see if we can reach some sort of redemption. Without any further ado, let us discuss the…
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The basics
For a floating calcium deposit these things have surprisingly good stats; we’re looking at matching +0 CHA and WIS, a +2 CON, and a single dump stat assigned to STR for a -5 modifier. Today’s monster is both incredibly smart and incredibly dexterous with matching +3 scores to DEX and INT.
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The Flameskull gets +5 to Arcana checks as well as a nice +2 to Perception for a total Passive Perception of 12. They also get 60ft of Darkvision and 40ft of hovering movement. Thanks to that big head of theirs they can also communicate in Common despite, you know, not having a tongue or any of the other important bits we use for talking.
In terms of combat durability, this thing can probably rival creatures of much higher CR. Its measly AC of 13 and average hit point pool of 9d4+18 might not look like much but today’s monster is immune or at the very least resistant to a wide variety of damages. We’re looking at Immunity to Cold, Poison, and Fire damage… you know, only the most widely used type of damage in the game, but as if that weren’t enough, they also have resistance to Lightning, Necrotic, and Piercing damages and cannot be charmed, frightened, paralyzed, poisoned, or prone.
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But even now we’re not quite done yet; Flameskulls also have Magic Resistance for some nice advantage on saving throws, not to mention their Rejuvenation feature that will have them regain all their hit points back after being destroyed unless their magic is dispelled, or they get sprinkled with some of that good holy water. That’s a thing, yeah.
On the bright (ha!) side of things, your party of adventures won’t have to carry torches while they fight this thing because today’s monster does give off 15ft of dim light at a minimum (though it can choose to increase the range and brightness for a further 15ft).
As promised for ranger week, the Flameskull is fully reliant on range spell attacks, its main attack action being a Fire Ray that works with its Multiattack feature. Chances are though, that, before this creature goes down, you’ll want to use up the spells that it gets access to:
Cantrip (at will): mage hand
1st level (3 slots): magic missile, shield
2nd level (2 slots): blur, flaming sphere
3rd level (1 slot): fireball
That’s right, this thing has a goddamned Fireball waiting to go off. Not to mention the fact that it gets the option to use shield on top of all the crazy resistance it already gets. Actual bananas.
Last but not least, today’s monster is considered a tiny undead ans is usually of neutral evil alignment. Although this bit might be a little debatable, it is also technically a CR 4 creature.
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The lore
The Flameskull was first introduced in volume one of the Monstrous Compendium for 2nd edition. As a monster that has been part of the game for most of its history, today’s monster has been through a handful of changes (mostly to do with the list of spells available to them) but remains the same when it comes to its lore. Speaking of older editions though, despite their very bright presentation, these monsters somehow managed to qualify as stealthy back in 4th edition, don’t ask me how though.
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The first thing you should know about these creatures is that they aren’t born and have no way of reproducing amongst themselves. Flame skulls can only be fashioned from the skulls of recently deceased spellcasters or cultists, human wizards in particular, through a dark ritual performed by a powerful necromancer. The skulls themselves are often carved with esoteric runes and symbols.
After being summoned and bound to their master, Flameskulls will listen follow instructions to the letter until their purpose has been fulfilled. Oftentimes they will be used as guardians of particularly important places or treasure, but it’s not completely unheard of for them to be assigned to guarding a living being instead.
While Flamekulls will follow their master’s instructions unlike they can no longer follow them, they do retain a few aspects from their previous life; most notably their intelligence. It is also common for Flameskulls to have a similar spell list to the one they had while alive. The only way for Flameskulls to regain a semblance of autonomy is to complete their task. Of course by the time that happens most of them will have been driven mad by their long years of isolation safeguarding treasure.
Once freed, these creatures would show a curiosity for the world after years of duty. In fact, Flameskulls have been observed to follow adventurers around in search for excitement. In return, Flameskulls might choose to share some of the more obscure knowledge and lore they might have come across in their time as wizards.
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The execution
Okay, hear me out. I think a lot of the reasons why people dislike this creature so much has to do with CR and level. Yes, fighting a Flameskull should be challenging, but there is a very steep curve for Fireball danger at this level. Which is why I want to put forward the idea that your party should not fight a Flameskull, but instead fight three of them.
If you have a higher level party!
My stance on this is this: Flameskulls should be used as minions against higher level adventurers. Take for example this encounter:
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The party finally reaches the top of the evil necromancer’s spire, they trade snarky comments with our heroes, and bam! Our villain smirks and snaps their finger only to have three Flameskulls appear. Heck, it could even be an interesting premise for a villain: a powerful necromancer who is going around killing wizards only to raise them in servitude as Flameskulls.
Keep in mind Flameskulls aren’t only fun in combat situations either! Got a big bad you were fond of only to have your party of aventurers make quick work of them? Why not have them come back as an extra powerful Flameskull under the influence of your next big bad? You could even give them some especial armor or a particularly nasty spell list to toughen them up depending on your party level.
But even if you don’t have a big bad to bring back, Flameskulls can still be plenty fun in social encounters. The idea of luring the party into what appears to be a difficult encounter with a Flameskull only to have the creature start jabbering ridiculous riddles or pestering the party for the rest of the dungeon is extremely fun to me. If done right this creature would very well turn a would be mediocre dungeon into something memorable. Don’t believe me? Give it a try yourself!
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vintagerpg · 5 years ago
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The Underground Notebook is a novel little sourcebook supplement in the form of a binder filled with loose leaf pages dedicated to characters, organizations, places, tech and events of note in the world. Aside of some stat blocks, its all in-world lore. I’m a big fan of this sort of approach to fluff (see my undying love for the Monstrous Compendium binders and the Gamers Handbook of the Marvel Universe) even if the content doesn’t real set my world on fire.
This is sort of the main problem with Underground as a line. The rulebook is fantastic, boasting full color art and glossy pages and a deep well of energy. The supplements are not so lavishly illustrated or printed, and the energy level is all over the place. Notebook is on the sedate end of the scale.
With that, let us pause and discuss the Underground system. It uses the Mayfair Exponential Games System, also known as MEGS, which was the backbone of the DC Heroes RPG. It was designed to let characters of a wide range of power levels interact together without getting smeared.
Like D&D’s THAC0, it is a system that requires a sort of rearranging of brain cells, but once you get it, it is kind of genius. It uses a sliding benchmark scale, where each value of Units is equivalent to a bunch of stuff. One Unit is 125 pounds, 12 feet, 5 seconds, 64 cubic feet; Four Units is double that: 250 pounds, 24 feet, etc. Because you have all these equivalencies, you can add and subtract units related to different things to get meaningful results.
For example.  Say a character with a strength of 25 wants to throw a car that weighs 15 units (1.5 tons). Subtract 15 from 25, you’re left with 10 units for distance - about 100 feet. You can apply this in all sorts of interesting ways. Neat, right? I am by no means a math person, and writing this hurt my head a little bit, but I have to admit, kind of understanding it feels like I now know magic.
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theonyxpath · 6 years ago
Now available in advance PDF from DriveThruRPG: Night Horrors: Shunned by the Moon for Werewolf: The Forsaken 2nd Edition!
You’ve got it into your head that there can’t be much worse than you. You’re a monster, a feral animal, barely controlled and just snapping at unfortunate bastards who cross your path.
Well, newsflash, buster: there’s far worse out there than your hairy hide.
We are mutation. We are forced devolution. We are throwbacks and beings so ancient you wish mommy Luna had kept a lid on us. You’ve got teeth and claws. We use disease as a weapon, tear open the Gauntlet for fun, get into the minds and bodies of your precious families.
You talk a good game. You claim to be “Forsaken.” Oh, poor you.
You don’t know what it is to be unwanted, shunned, truly treated as abominations.
But don’t worry, cousin. We’ll show you. 
Shunned by the Moon includes:
A rich cast of monstrous creatures suitable for Werewolf: The Forsaken, Beast: The Primordial, and other Chronicles of Darkness games.
Thorough examinations of the culture, practices, and abilities of the Pure, the Bale Hounds, and other depraved werewolves.
Threats from the world of spirits, including void spirits, spirit-ridden, and new Hosts such as the Children of Termite, the Wasp Hosts, and the Toad Hosts, among many more.
Human antagonist groups fit to take on any pack of werewolves or direct their attentions against other supernatural foes.
New, terrifying idigam and Father Wolf’s first attempt at predators, the Geryo.
An accessible how-to guide on running your first chronicles of Werewolf, including how to incorporate many of the creatures introduced in this book.
Scarred Lands products for Pathfinder (the Scarred Lands Players Guide and The Wise & The Wicked 2nd Edition) are upwards of 90% off from IPR and Studio 2! Both products are an incredible $5 each!
Kickstarter Update
Our current Kickstarter, Trinity Continuum: Aberrant, launched last week and we’re already at $76,470 of our original $40,000 goal, or 191%, funding after only 16 hours and 40 minutes! Wow! With nearly three weeks left, we’ve hit the following stretch goal, with more to come:
Aberrant Storyguide Screen
Comic compilation: You Are Not Alone
N!WE: N!nterational Wrestling Entertainment supplement featuring professional nova wrestling
Backer T-shirt
1e’s Aberrant Worldwide: Phase I to be scanned, uploaded to DriveThruRPG, and added to PDF bundle
Proteus Nova Compendium: Stat blocks for many of the character bios from the rulebook
Aberrant digital wallpaper
Did you miss one of our previous Kickstarters? The following Kickstarted products are still open for preorders via BackerKit:
Dystopia Rising: Evolution: Dystopia Rising: Evolution rulebook
They Came from Beneath the Sea!: They Came from Beneath the Sea! rulebook
Trinity Continuum: Trinity Continuum (core rules and Trinity Continuum: Æon)
Exalted: Dragon-Blooded: What Fire Has Wrought
Exalted: Lunars: Fangs at the Gate
Vampire: The Masquerade: V5 Chicago by Night
Chronicles of Darkness: Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras 2
Chronicles of Darkness: The Contagion Chronicle
Geist: The Sin-Eaters: Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition
Community Spotlight
The following community-created content for Scarred Lands has been added to the Slarecian Vault in the last week:
Scarred Races: Player Options for the Scarred Lands
Vengeance of the Shunned 2: A Scholarly Schism
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The following community-created content for Realms of Pugmire has been added to Canis Minor in the last week:
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Coming soon: The Storypath Nexus for all your Storypath System needs: starting with Scion, and eventually the Trinity Continuum, They Came from Beneath the Sea!, and Dystopia Rising: Evolution! The FAQ is up now!
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