#Miracles Fertility
miracleshealthcare · 2 years
Best ICSI Treatment Hospital in Gurgaon | Miracles Fertility & IVF Clinic - Miracles Healthcare
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ICSI may be used as part of an IVF treatment. We are best icsi treatment provider in Gurgaon. Call us to know more about other fertility treatments. Book an appointment with the doctor consultation online for the ICSI treatment.
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ahamkara-apologist · 10 days
Do you believe Lightbearers are changed biologically from before they became Lightbearers?
Can't believe I forgot to answer this- I genuinely thought I did until I was scrolling through my inbox and saw it pop up again. Oops.
Anyways, my headcanon is that yes, Lightbearers are biologically different than non-Lightbearers- they become so when their ghost is rezzing them for the first time. During the first rez, their bodies are essentially restructured to better suit being a vessel of Light, with far greater phsyical resiliance, capacity, and overall durability being granted as a boon from the Traveler so that they're not torn to shreds when using even the most basal abilities. Even Lightless, they're still much stronger than a baseline human, they cannot age (their telomeres simply do not degrade and their DNA repair kit becomes more accurate, so they don't incur the gradual DNA loss/nonspecific remedies that lead to the maladies of old age), and they're still paracausally sensitive, even if their conduit for channeling the Light has been cut. Outside of the never-aging and paracasal-sensitivity thing, the effect isn't drastic, but they are still noticibly hardier than a person who'd never directly touched the light of the Traveler would be. Eris, Zavala, and Osiris could be beaten by a sufficiently strong mortal in an arm wrestling contest, for example, but they're all able to learn to use Darkness/walk off injuries with an ease that a Lightless mortal cannot.
After the first rez, additional permanant change is possible, but it requires either paracausal alteration (such as wounds created by Darkness, wounds that were earned and began healing in a no-light zone, or subconcious paracausal alteration, where the Guardian's own body rejects the touch of the Light), or deliberate ghost manipulation. I like to headcanon that by using the Light in much the same way that they would heal, Ghosts can learn to tweak parts of their guardian's bodies to be altered to their liking, which is a method by which transitioning post-rez occurs, in the instance that one was not an exo or did not medically transition before death. It's extremely delicate, but all they have to do is use their bond and the Light to go 'hey, you're missing something, you need to make more of this hormone or grow more of this tissue to fully heal', and bam, gender transed :) This fully depends on the skill of the ghost, however, so its a slow process even if it can theoretically lead to a full transition over time, and certain tissues can only atrophy so far before they need to be cut off. In the case of exos, all the ghosts need to do is block the mental disconnect between the body alterations and the perception of what those should be, and that's about it
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avalentina · 1 year
The Gift
100% Pure Fluff🧸🧸🧸
Kind of part 2 to A family that just can't be
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Image not mine.
Harry talked you into it. He always does get his way, and even with a little pushback from you, he still got it. You agreed to one, ONE. One singular round of IVF.
"H. I don't care that you don't think it's expensive."
"Yes, I'm sure it's worth it to you if we get to have a baby."
"OH MY GOD, HARRY! Stop trying to turn this into a dirty joke, it's a serious topic H."
"I will not continuously set myself up for heartbreak."
"One. One round, if lightning doesn't strike, then maybe it's just not meant to be."
Harry made all the arrangements, doing it privately, sparing no expense, consulting your OBGYN, wanting to do literally everything possible to ensure that your dream of carrying the child, in addition to both of your dreams of having a family all came true.
"I promised you the world, our world, my love. And nothing will keep me from fulfilling that promise." H had said to you this morning when you woke up. He even went as far as to make your favorite breakfast. He also knows how much you love the Dino, so that was the car you took. Today is the day the fertilized eggs get planted back inside you. Tomorrow you're sleeping in, and then the next day Harry has to leave for a week to do a few more shows, but he'll be back in time for the two week check to see if it took.
Anne was checking in on you, you knew Harry asked her to, he hated the fact that he had to leave. You and Gem were having baby safe girl time almost every night. And when the two week check came, your OBGYN was already tearing up.
Seeing her tears you assumed the worst, and by the looks of it, so did Harry.
"Those better be happy tears like mine." She had said to the two of you.
You and Harry froze, once the words she had said sunk in, you finally regained your ability to speak.
"I…I…I'm actually pregnant?" You said, crying again.
"You 100% are." She replied. Harry couldn't hold it together any longer. He hugged you, then hugged your OBGYN and then hugged you again.
She gave you instructions on what to start watching for, some exercises to help, and everything else she could to ensure a healthy and safe pregnancy.
When you and H got back to the house, you grazed your fingers along the door handle to the future nursery with a smile on your face as you and Harry celebrated the miracle inside you.
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ofpine · 2 months
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fuck you miracle gro. carcinogenic ass fertilizer. unsustainable ass peat. i will not be folly to your manipulation. your lies. your pandering to my peers. you peddle only falsehoods. i will use my own feces to fortify my plants before buying your cursed, evil soil. i hope you perish. i hope your factories stop working and be overcome by local flora. and then, finally, may no unsuspecting gardener tend to your filth again.
you can not even spell 'grow' correctly. stupid. miracle grow, i hate you
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oasisr · 11 months
Psalm 113:9
He gives the barren woman a home, making her the joyous mother of children. Praise the Lord!
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anxiousunicorn1124 · 11 months
So I know no one is really reading my blog but it still feels good to type It all out.
Back in March 2023, I had tried getting pregnant by having IUI done. IUI aka insemination. It had failed. My boyfriend and I have been trying for about 2 years with no success. About a month before the IUI, I started seeing a fertility specialist. Given I had PCOS, the doctor prescribed me with metformin. Usually it is prescribed for people with diabetes but can also help with symptoms of PCOS. One big issue with PCOS is infertility or a hard time being able to conceive.
After the IUI failed, I was deeply disappointed. It broke my heart. Just made me feel like something was wrong with me and maybe it just wasn't in the cards for me. Everyone kept saying " stop thinking about it, stop trying, just have fun and when its your time , you'll know" . at first I was like "meh, ok" . I slowly was starting to accept my fate, if I can't get pregnant , there are other options or maybe its just not in the cards. So I kept trying to put it in the back of my mind and just have lots of fun ;) Lots and lots of fun!
Fast forward to October 16th, 2023..
Woke up sick sick sick>_< .. took a covid test and of course was fucking positive.. damn covid got me.. I was home the whole week sick.. kept vomiting every morning on top of annoying cold symptoms.. my boyfriend had also gotten sick with me.. As I kept on puking every morning, I realized my period was late (9/13/23) so Monday 10/23 I decided to take my first pregnancy test and it was POSITIVE! I was in shock and was pacing around the house . it was like 5:30 in the morning. I texted my boyfriend and he was happy and shocked like me!
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2 days later I took another test !
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At this point , this has to be real! Couple days later, I went to the doctors and they once again confirmed a positive pregnancy test.
then this past Wednesday I got an ultrasound and saw my lil peanut for the first time <3
this is our lil miracle and im forever grateful.
Stay tuned for our journey :)
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kits-ships · 11 months
me: -makes seraphina into my darling mary sue (affectionate) with a barely comprehensible background + has her be a ✨fallen angel✨ who is v special, breaks canon repeatedly, has two bfs-
also me: no i cant give her fankids theyre an angel that wouldnt be canon-compliant :/
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nought-shall-go-ill · 2 years
I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before but I refuse to believe that all of the Evans family just died out. Instead, I like to think that the whole lot immigrated to Aus (back when they were literally paying people to do so), and only Lily’s parents stayed behind because “reasons” (maybe even for Lily to attend Hogwarts — more reasons for Petunia’s jealousy much?).
Anyway, wouldn’t it be fun if they/their descendants then bumped into the Grangers when they were on their Amnesia Gap Year? Maybe there’s a wee magical Evans in the mix too, and only years later is the connection to Harry made. There’s much hijinks in the meantime. And basically, yeah, I think that should be the plot of the Cursed Child.
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starry-simming · 2 years
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Guess who’s expecting!! 
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miracleshealthcare · 2 years
Male and Female Infertility Treatment at Best IVF Hospital in Gurgaon - Miracles Fertility & IVF Clinic
Miracles Healthcare - Best IVF Center in Gurgaon - Miracles Fertility & IVF Clinic provides Infertility treatments like IVF, ICSI, PCOD, PCOS & more. Affordable treatments. High success rate.
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countrycutie113 · 2 years
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For all of you who won’t be spending Christmas pregnant, when you thought you would.
For those who thought they would be holding a baby in their arms by Christmas and aren’t.
And for those who thought they’d see two pink lines by Christmas and haven’t.
Even miracles take a little bit of time, and difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations.
Baby dust to all of you! ❤️
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eva-knits12 · 1 year
Fertility Problems
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Trigger warning: Infertility, endometriosis, fluff
Summary: You and your fiance, Jake Jenson, are trying for a baby. You receive some news that explains everything. You finally receive the news that you and Jake have been waiting for.
I'm sitting in the doctor's office, wearing the paper thin gown. Jake is next to me, and the mood is rather somber. A tear rolls down my cheek, and I feel like a failure. Again.
"Cheer up, honey bun. We're going to get through this. We're going to find a way. We'll have a baby somehow," Jake says, wiping a tear away from my cheek.
The doctor comes back, this time with an ultrasound machine. He needs to see what's happening.
"So far, everything looks normal," says the doctor.
Jake is holding my hand, and this provides some comfort for me.
"When was your last menstrual cycle?" asks the doctor.
"Two weeks ago," I say.
"I see that you've already released an egg, so you should be able to conceive, even if you and your fiance, Mr. Jenson go home and have sex right away," says the doctor.
"But why can't I take?" you say, devastated.
"We're doing everything right," says Jake.
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"I'll do some bloodwork, and we'll see what's going on," says the doctor.
I cry some more, and Jake hugs me.
"Oh, honey bun," says Jake.
"This shouldn't be happening to us," you say.
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Jake and I had dreams. We only wanted a little one of our own, a piece of me and a piece of Jake. We both had dreams of taking our little one to soccer, to ballet lessons, holding their hand while walking them to their class room on their first day of school, going to recitals, soccer games, school plays, etc. We dreamed of birthday parties, Christmases with snow falling in the background, a fire in the fireplace, a Christmas tree that is decorated and lit, that it could be seen from outer space, sipping hot cocoa and watching A Christmas Story on TBS for the entire day, with me snuggling next to Jake, and our child parked on the floor, eventually falling asleep, and one of us carrying him or her to bed. At this point, it felt like too much to ask.
The medical assistant comes back, and draws my blood. I'll have to wait a few days for the doctor's call, but the doctor dismisses us. At this point, the doctor is doing everything that he can do, before he recommends a specialist.
Jake helps me get dressed, and I just start bawling.
"Jake, I don't know what to do. We keep trying, and it feels like we're living in a fertility version of Groundhog Day," I say, even more upset.
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Jake puts his arms around me, and a tear falls down his cheek. We just want a baby, and it seems like my friends and my family are easily getting pregnant, and I just can't.
"Why us?," I say, in tears.
Jake and I pay the co-pay, and we go home. When we get home, we turn off our phones, and we just hold each other and start crying. Our dream of having a baby together just seems to be slipping away from us from each passing day.
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A few days later, the doctor calls, and wants to go over my test results. He wants to recommend a specialist.
We go go back to the doctor, and I'm sitting in the exam room, fully clothed, and Jake is holding my hand, which has always provided me with some comfort. I started my period, and I'm in the worst pain ever.
"Well, (y/n), we found out why you've been having trouble conceiving. We looked at your ultrasound scan again, and I took a look at your blood work. I'm going to do an ultrasound sound, since you started your cycle today," the doctor says.
The nurse comes back with the ultrasound machine, and I'm in pain. Jake is brushing my hair away from my forehead, and is kissing me on my forehead.
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"Honey bun, this could explain everything," says Jake.
"Jake, I hope so," I say, trying my best to ignore the pain right now.
The ultrasound tech comes back with the machine, and the doctor is in the room. He finds something that is concerning to him.
"Well, (y/n), I see what's responsible for your pain. This isn't your run of the mill menstrual pain, you have endometriosis. This is one of the things that is responsible for your fertility issues. I also took a look at your blood work, and it you have a hormonal imbalance. You're not getting enough progesterone, and that's also responsible for your infertility," says the doctor.
I feel a sense of relief. Jake just hugs me, and tells me that everything is going to be okay right now, we finally have some answers. The doctor recommends a specialist, and he also starts me on some progesterone therapy.
"Jake, I feel like things are starting to make some sense. Now, we just need to make an appointment with the specialist," you say.
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Jake and I go home, and we have reason to celebrate right now. We order a pizza and decide to play Mario Kart. That night, Jake and I realized that my fertility issues are only bringing us closer together, and that we need to be going through this right now for our little miracle.
A few days later, Jake and I are at the specialist, and I'm sitting on the exam table, and Jake is holding my hand. He kisses my hand, and we start to have a discussion about our options right now.
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"IVF sounds promising. I'm good at masturbating. All I have to do is masturbate in a cup," says Jake.
I laugh because Jake is lighting the mood somehow, and it's just making me feel better right now.
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"Yes, but it's an expensive process, and our insurance will only allow so many takes, according to their state's laws," you say.
"Well, sex is a lot cheaper," says Jake.
"It's fun, too" you say.
The specialist comes in, and does her standard greeting, and takes a look at my medical records that my doctor sent her.
"Well, Miss (y/l/n), I see from your chart that you have endometriosis with low progesterone. I also see that you're trying to conceive with your fiance, Jake Jenson," says the specialist, Dr. Goldberg.
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"It's very frustrating and devastating to keep trying, and nothing happens. Everyone around me is getting pregnant easily, but me, nothing," you say.
"I see so many patients who are in your shoes, so frustration is the first thing they feel when they are trying to conceive, and just can't. So, I'm going to do an exam, and we'll start discussing our options," says Dr. Goldberg.
Dr. Goldberg does her routine exam, and after everything, she felt that I was a good candidate to start fertility treatment. She still wants me to be on my progesterone therapy, but once a month, I'm to go and get an injection.
"Honey bun, everything is falling into place right now," says Jake.
"Jake, I just feel like this is going to happen," I say.
"(y/n), honey bun, this will happen. We've been trying for months, but nothing. We thought that this was an easy process, just like we learned in high school biology and in sex ed, but they don't tell us about infertility," says Jake.
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"Jake, my favorite goofball, you only have one job, and that's to knock me up," you say.
"I can't wait until we have a little goof ball and honey bun of our own, a piece of you, and a piece of me," I say.
"It just feels like we've been trying for so long, and it's exhausting," you say.
"Maybe we should wait for the fertility treatments to do their thing, and the hormone replacement therapy to do it's thing," says Jake.
"You're right. Then when my body is used to it, we can start trying again," you say.
"Oh, honeybun, I just wish this wasn't happening to us. You'd be pregnant by now. I just wish this wasn't the elephant in the womb," says Jake. You laugh. You and Jake decide to stop trying for a while, and it's best to let the treatments do their thing.
Three months later, Jake and I are at Dr. Goldberg's, and she has to ask us questions, do a pregnancy test, and see if the treatments are working. After Dr. Goldberg takes my urine sample, she performs the pregnancy test. Who knew that fertility treatments also involved peeing in a cup?
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Dr. Goldberg sees that my pregnancy test has come out positive. I've been feeling nauseated lately, and I've been throwing up. I chalked it up as a side effect to the treatments, and nausea was one of them.
Dr. Goldberg comes back, and has a smile on her face.
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"(y/n), I hope you're in the mood for some good news!" says Dr. Goldberg, with a sparkle in her eyes.
"Yes, I think this would change everything," you say.
"You and Jake are going to be parents!" says Dr. Goldberg.
I can't say anything right now. I'm completely in shock. Did I just hear that correctly?
It hits me after a few minutes. I start crying tears of joy.
"Jake did you hear that?" I say to Jake.
Jake comes over, and gives me the most loving kiss ever.
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"We did it! We did it! We made a baby!" says an excited Jake.
"Finally, after months of trying, and a few months of treatments, we finally made a baby. We finally made OUR baby!" you say.
Dr. Goldberg hugs the both of us.
"I knew that this would happen. It's always amazing to me when I get to be a part of a couples good news like this. You two need to celebrate!" says Dr. Goldberg.
Jake and I pay the co-pay, and we go home. Jake and I are barely in the door when he opens it, kisses me passionately, and carries me bridal style back to the bedroom. We make love like there's no tomorrow.
"Jake, I can't believe it. We're having a baby!" I say.
"Honey bun, I knew that it would happen sooner or later. Even if we had to keep trying for years, it would happen. It's finally happened! I'm going to be a dad, and holy shit, you're going to be a mom!" says Jake.
"We're finally having our own little goofball or our own little honey bun," you say.
A few days later, I go to the drugstore and purchase three pregnancy tests. I come back, and Jake is sitting there, playing Minecraft.
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My mind flashes back to two months ago, when we went to my cousin's wedding. We left after we had the cake, and we made it back to our hotel and barely made it to our hotel room. When we got in the room, we started the process of making love to each other passionately. We had decided to stop trying, we stopped scheduling sex around the time I was scheduled to ovulate, we decided to stop having sex so that my body could get used to the treatments. Little did we both know that I was ovulating that day. This wasn't even scheduled sex, or even planned sex, this was spontaneous sex.
Clothes were being thrown everywhere. We finally collapse on the bed, and Jake buries himself deep inside me. I let go after a few minutes, and it feels liberating. Jake follows, and then rolls off of me while kissing me passionately again. We fall asleep in each other's arms.
We leave for the airport the next morning. I sit next to Jake on the plane, and he kisses the top of my head, and helps me with my seatbelt.
"Jake, just because I'm going through fertility treatment doesn't make me an invalid," you say.
"Must you make this public knowledge, honey bun?" says Jake.
A few weeks later, I started feeling nauseous and I start throwing up after the nausea kicks in. I chalked it up to the treatments, but little did Jake and I know that we had created our miracle.
After I get home, Jake greets me with a kiss. Jake sees the Walgreens bag, and he gets excited. I give Jake the snacks that he had requested for later.
"Jake, I really need to pee right now. I've been holding it in to take the tests. If I don't go to the bathroom now, I'm going to pee my pants," you say.
"Okay. We're only taking these to set our minds at ease," says Jake.
I go to the bathroom, trying to hold in my pee for a bit longer while I open each test, and take it out of their wrappers. At this point, I'm holding my crotch, trying NOT to pee my pants. I really have to go, and I'm about to burst. I undo my pants, grab a test, and start to pee like there's no tomorrow. I take each one in rapid succession.
"Jake, can you come here?" I have washed my hands, and Jake just holds me close.
"Whatever is on the other side of these tests, we can handle. We are only doing to set our minds at ease", says Jake.
After the three minutes are up, Jake and I both turn the tests over at the same time. All three are positive. Dr. Goldberg was right, I am pregnant! Jake smiles excitedly, I smile excitedly.
Our dream has finally come true!
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A few days later, Jake and I are at the OB/GYN. He is looking at the ultrasound of our teeny miracle.
"Everything looks normal," says Dr. Westing. He moves the transducer around some more, and picks up something else.
"Well, (y/n) I am detecting another heartbeat. Your other baby is hiding behind the first one," says Dr. Westing.
At first, Jake and I are in shock, then it sinks in! We're having twins!
"Jake, this is amazing! Twins! Twins, oh twins," I say.
Jake smiles excitedly!
"Honey bun, we can name them Luke and Leia, Harry and Hermione, Sookie and Eric, Bella and Edward," says Jake.
"One, we don't know if it's twin boys, twin girls, or one of each. Two, we just found this out. Three, I need to get used to this, Four, this is what we've been waiting for all along," I say.
A few months later, we discover that I'm carrying twin girls. Jake and I decide on a princess theme. Jake, wanted a Star Wars theme, but as much I love Star Wars (even more than Jake), I had to stop him.
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"Jake, we are not doing the nursery in a Star Wars theme," you say.
"Well, how about a princess theme?" says Jake.
"Okay, I like that, my sweet goofball," you say.
Jake and I are deciding on names, and we decide on Elsa and Anna, the twin sisters from Frozen. Every morning, and every night, Jake kisses every inch of my pregnant belly, and reminds me everyday how beautiful that I am. Jake tells me that I'm glowing with love, and that our tiny miracles are going to be beautiful and amazing just like their mama.
Jake and I have an intimate wedding at an amazing venue. The venue looks elegant and beautiful. I am wearing a simple, white maternity dress, and Jake is dressed in a simple navy blue suit.
The rings are exchanged, and it's amazing. Our little ones are kicking a lot, and they are enjoying the festivities. My fertility issues were one thing that made me and Jake love each other more, and brought us even closer, when they would have destroyed most couples.
"(y/n), we will go through everything because we had to. You are now carrying our tiny miracles, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Life was just boring with out you, and you make it less boring. You've been there for me, and we've been through thick and thin. We went through hell to get to a better place, and I love you. I love you and what we went through made us stronger," says Jake. "We were then on the same pub trivia team, and I just knew you were the one," says Jake.
"Jake, my sweet goofball, you make life complete, and you make it even more exciting. When we ran into each other at that crowded bookstore, in that long line, we struck up a conversation. From that day forward, I felt like things were complete. Where we're different, we balance each other out. For once, I feel like I'm on stable ground, not on uneven footing. You make life exciting because you see every day as a new adventure," I say. "From our first meeting, and being on that pub trivia team together, I immediately knew that you were the one. We found out we have so much in common," I say.
Jake and I go on a much needed honeymoon, and we just go to Cape Cod, and stay at a quaint little hotel that is right on the beach. Every morning and every night, Jake and I enjoy a walk along the beach, barefoot, and are holding hands and steal kisses every once in a while. It's the best honeymoon, and the twins are always kicking me or sitting on my bladder when I just want a damn nap.
"Girls, mommy needs her rest. You can't keep kicking her and sitting on her bladder all the time like this. It's not nice," says Jake.
I laugh. I can't help that I love this sweet goofball.
A few months later, I go into labor. Jake is more anxious than I am. He goes over the hospital bag list every day. The nursery is all set up, the car seats are in the SUV, and the doctor is there. I deliver our tiny miracles, Anna Eve and Elsa Marie. Me and Jake hold our tiny miracles, and are peppering them with kisses every chance we both get.
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"Jake, I love you so much. We went through everything to get our tiny miracles," I say.
"I love you, too. You're the most beautiful mommy in the world, honey bun," says Jake.
Jake and I exchange a deep and loving kiss.
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sonseulsoleil · 6 months
Okay it’s like 2 AM. But Percy and Annabeth struggle to have a baby for a long time. Mortal fertility doctors say there’s nothing wrong and so they know it’s the gods. More specifically, it’s Hera being a petty bitch. They make offerings to Demeter and Dionysus hoping that blessings from the other fertility gods will help offset Hera’s doings. Annabeth gets pregnant, but Hera is still the goddess of child birth, so she miscarries. After that they stop trying for awhile. It’s too painful. They focus on the demigod kids they foster instead. After awhile, Annabeth gets pregnant again. They haven’t made any more offerings, but Percy wonders if Mr. D still remembers all that Diet Coke and gold. In any case, they’re holding their breath, making lots of offerings, including to Hera. They don’t tell anyone until it’s unavoidable because she’s showing. They don’t look at baby name books or have a baby shower or anything, too afraid of getting attached, of facing that loss and pain again.
But apparently Hera’s found her compassion, because Annabeth gives birth to a healthy baby girl—Annabeth’s spitting image, except for her sea green eyes and the freckles on her cheeks. She’s their little miracle, and the day she is born they burn so many offerings for Hera, it’s a little ridiculous. And some for Dionysus and Demeter, just to be safe.
(What they don’t know: Dionysus has a soft spot for that kid Peter Johnson, and is always down to pick a fight. He never really got along with his step-mom anyway.)
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oasisr · 8 months
God will give you the desires of your heart. ❤️ Even when we are not praying, God is still working and being faithful. He is always the same. He is always looking out for us.
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ryanthedemiboy · 1 year
Now, i'm not usually a fan of edwin, but i had a thought: what if ed was infertile? Whether it was all the trips to the Gate, or physical traumas over the years, or a result of healing himself in Baschool, or whatever else...
What if Ed and Winry went to start a family, and couldn't?
Winry finally gets it into Ed that he's not his father, that he'd be a great father, and then... Nothing.
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k-atsukibakugou · 2 months
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god is a bit of a freak, why's he watching me getting railed on the couch, staying pure for a wedding, he's got fucked up priorities — aka an ancient, obsolete god of fertility hears your prayer
pairing: fertility god!katsuki bakugou x fem!reader w/c: 2.8k warning/s: voyeurism, oral (f!receiving), references to sex rituals and safe sex lmao, i think that's everything, mostly lead up notes: sorry i wrote this fucked up from a cold lmao i hope u all enjoy either way! inspo/acknowledgements: god is a freak by peach prc ty @kweenkatsuki-fics @aquadenks @peachsukii @rabbbitseason for ur interest teehee
crossposted to ao3 • masterlist • wip updates & voting • kofi • askbox
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the ancient tongue was dead, dying a slow death as all languages did, evolving again and again with every civilisation that rose and fell, until it faded into obscurity. with the death of their language, their communication with their believers, the gods faded, too, their followers dwindling more and more as their names were buried along with the civilisations they led. once adored, worshipped, feared, now, their names only existed on scrolls, yellowed and deteriorated beneath layers of mortal history, unspoken in aeons.
katsuki kicked the door shut behind him, the bag of produce in his hand swinging back and forth with the movement. there was once a time where he was lavished with offerings of food he now had to purchase; countless altars he tended to piled with vegetables, wines, fire, soil, blood, accompanied with prayers to answer. he'd all but assimilated into living as a mortal; cooking (he was grateful, at least, for electric stoves, cooking lerthargically over a fire not quite how he wanted to spend eternity), showering, learning, exploring and working alongside the humans that once lived in his shadow.
he was one of the first to deflect from utopia, to abandon his temple, to give up on the belief that the gods, their language could return to how it was, and with it their followers. katsuki had simply grown bored of waiting alone in the stone temple, of wandering the perimeter hoping to find a lost mortal he could grant a miracle to, to find a mortal to bring meaning to godhood again. after all, what was a god without his believers?
he hadn't given up his blessings or miracles, albeit on a smaller scale than he once had, he still granted wishes as he had in utopia's heyday, the offerings he received now smiles across counters as people passed along paperwork, hoping to be one of the lucky ones, praying over pregnancy tests in bathrooms instead of in his altar. he gave up godhood, but he refused to give up his miracles, even if the mortals didn't know he was responsible.
the pot was finally at a rolling boil, his knife poised above the produce when he felt it, the sensation freezing his blood in his veins, the pull of a prayer in his veins, an echoing whisper of his name lighting his nerves alight. the god freezes, blond hair slipping into his eyes as his ears burnt, twitching at every noise, waiting to hear the sweet sound of the prayer once more.
his face falls from shock to a scowl almost immediately, his pupils dilating, his skin itchy from adrenaline, his stomach twisting. it couldn't really be his name. this couldn't be a prayer. not after all this time.
the obsolete incantation runs off your tongue seamlessly; almost melodic, light as you cite the prayer carved into the stone at the base of his statue, your dialect nothing like what the prayer used to sound like, but the more you read, the harder he finds it to hate. your voice clouds his head, every word past your lips making the fog denser behind his eyes. there was a dull pain alongside it, an ache that pulsed with your every breath, the pain of a prayer.
the call of the prayer felt… foreign after so long (a millennium he thinks? maybe more, maybe less, years, decades, centuries and millenniums all blurred into one for immortals), katsuki was accustomed to the silence every god feared, the silence of being abandoned by your believers, of dwindling power and control. even with how it was feared, this almost felt worse; a single prayer cornering him in the kitchen after an aeon alone, a single spotlight in the darkness worse than the endless pitch black.
"told you it was bull." barefoot, he paces back and forth in the apartment, shifting uncomfortably as you traced a fingertip over the carved inscription, the touch feeling as if it was on the very nerves of his scalp, down the curve of his spine, catching on every bump of his vertebra. crimson eyes droop, a thick hand rubbing at the bridge of his nose, an attempt to soothe the pain of your voice bouncing around his head, the sensation of your touch on his effigy.
"hey, stop that," your giggle almost has his feet sliding against the tile, nearly tumbling backward as he stops in his tracks; his muscles straining to follow the magnetism of your voice, the melody of your intoxicating laugh while he rationalises your existence at all.
"is that why you brought me here, huh? you think being in some ancient sex temple means you'll get some?"
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perks of being a god: immortality, immeasurable strength and influence, impenetrable skin (with maybe a couple flaws). downsides of godhood? the power of their followers over them.
it was… overwhelming, the itch beneath a gods skin when a devout believer called their name, the weight of a prayer, the unshakable desire to follow the call. thankfully, the perks also included the facilities to do so; something akin to teleportation, the voice like a blinding beacon in the night, guiding the god.
once upon a time, civilisations ago, it was a lot, too much, the night always lit like it was daylight with the light his followers cast out. his temple existed for this very reason, devout believers building the god a home, a sanctuary for the light of his followers, complete with the marble sculpture of the built god. then, it was at the centre of the village he ruled over, now, you and your lover had hiked up a mountain, and back down into the valley to find it, the stone weathered and covered in vegetation, it was a miracle you'd been able to work your way inside.
dragging his finger over cold stone, every ridge and bump as it once was, katsuki reminisced about a time before the silence, before the darkness, a time when people lined outside his temple with dreams of a child. years ago, women came alone to his temple, clad in robes they'd weaved specially for the fertility ritual (sometimes gifted at their weddings), kneeling in the altar to offer anything they had in exchange for their heir; piles of gold from queens who begged for a prince, beloved and wise to rule their kingdoms peacefully, warriors armed with iron to wish for a knight, strategic and strong enough to return home from battle again and again, farmers gripping their herbs with soil-stained hands, praying for a child born with kindness and thumbs so green the village would survive the winters once more, a marble statue of the god, towering at over 9 feet tall from a sculptor wishing for a child with as much passion for the arts as their parents.
visitors now were only accidental, stumbling upon the temple in the darkness of the valley, seeking shelter, safety, protection. never a prayer tumbling from their lips for an heir (he answered their prayers nonetheless, never allowing harm to befall anyone on his blessed grounds).
peeking from behind a pillar overtaken by the vegetation, he finally spotted you.
you sucked the breath from his lungs, walking further into the temple, a cute, mischievous grin tugging on the corners of your soft lips, chasing your lover with your eyes as he spoke, "you don't think it's romantic? fucking in an ancient sex gods temple?"
"he was the god of fertility, not sex." you step onto the age worn sigil by the base of the imposing statue, brushing layers of grey dust away.
you look so similar to the countless women before who laid on his mark, the way you studied the carved sigil carefully, curiosity and stars sparkling in your eyes, a heat burning beneath your skin, adrenaline spiking in your veins. eras ago, women were bare on the sigil, stone icy against their skin as they drew runes, marking their skin with blood, dirt or ink, in the language native to the gods.
"what's the difference?" their voice was low, lips brushing beneath your jaw, biting at the sensitive skin beneath your ear, nimble fingers sliding beneath your shirt to tug it higher, higher, on your torso, tugging the material over your head with a flick of his wrist.
the god was no stranger to topless women, probably seeing hundreds and thousands of them in his prime, but the way the man in front of you toyed with the fat on your chest nearly making his eyes meet the inside of his skull. your allure was impossible to resist when your boyfriend rolls your nipples between his forefingers and thumbs, tugging on the sensitive skin to pull a delicious whine from your throat.
the silence had made him soft.
"i've been waiting all day for this," katsuki's blood rushes in his ears when you both fall to the floor, limbs already beginning to tangle together, bodies becoming one at the mouth, at the hips, at the chest. your sweet sounds echo in the temple, increasingly breathless the longer you kissed and nipped and sucked and bit at your boyfriend.
the ancient tongue was dead, katsuki knew that, knew you had no way to know what you'd read, like some naive final girl in a cliche horror film, that the very god you were laid at the base of was real, that he could see and hear you, that his cock throbbed watching you. you had no way of knowing what you'd started. carmine eyes study the beat of your heart in your chest, the way your tits look when your breathing quickens, how irresistible you look when deft fingers trace the seam of your panties.
katsuki prays himself for the first time in his long life that he's the only god to see you right now, to watch your face change the lower your boyfriend travels, dragging his tongue over your skin as he goes (katsuki's thankful for every time the mortal man bites at your skin, for the yelp it elicits anytime his canines sink into your flesh). his fingertips twitch at his sides, itching to finalise the ritual you'd started with the single murmur of his name, the first syllable of a language foreign on your tongue but you'd recited it so naturally.
you exclaim your lovers name with another sweet giggle, his hands now gripping your ass, tugging your obstructive underwear down your pillowy thighs, tossing it as far as he can the moment the garment is free from your ankles.
the god's ears scald at the way you sound when the brunet's tongue flicks against your skin, sucking at your pussy just to draw increasingly needier sounds from your pretty mouth. he's not even watching you and he already knows your hips are jumping from the stone floor, grinding onto your lovers mouth and nose to work yourself closer to an orgasm. your moans echo in the stone temple, bouncing in every corner before travelling back to his ears, tempting his attention to you.
he stays steady, sharp carmine eyes narrowing on the altar.
more specifically, the lump of material atop the bench.
your underwear is draped across like an offering of its own to him, far more lewd than gold, iron and herbs, but it made his core ache when the moonlight caught in the centre of the fabric, a small damp spot glistening in the light.
fuck, it hurts, every nerve aching, screaming to finally put an end his celibacy, unbroken for far too long. he hadn't felt a need for a mortal like this since the beginning of his existence, the pure want filling his head with fog. this is a duty, this power he has, it is what he was made for, there was never this heavy, dense fog filling his head before, no follower making his blood burn like you were. and you didn't even know what you'd done.
bakugou's gaze is finally drawn back to you, your spine arching away from the stone, fingers tangling at the base of your boyfriends skull, tugging the hair harshly as you chanted his name, your hips stuttering, grinding messily back and forth on his face, until you stopped. you were still wound tight, your thighs clamped tight around his ears while you recovered, a dopey, lovesick smile planted firm on your cheeks.
your squeal makes his dick twitch, one last flick of his tongue over your overstimulated clit, blond eyebrows furrowing so hard at the centre it makes his head pound, you were making his head hurt. a desperation to finish the ritual filled his lungs, every breath a reminder of his name on your lips, of your panties across the altar, of your naked body atop his mark.
he needed this, needed to bury his cock in a pretty cunt, to fill you until you were a babbling mess, needed you.
sitting back on his knees, your lover wiped your creamy cum from his chin with the back of his hand, spreading it from his face to his fingers, hardly doing anything to clean the mess you'd made of his mouth.
your boyfriend finally moves out of the way, giving katsuki the front row seat he deserves, your thighs shining with slick the masterpiece he'd come to see. unblinking, he thinks he's squeezing his cock through his pants, he's not sure, too hypnotised by the way your hips still twitched, chasing your boyfriends warmth. onyx and ruby eyes alike study your face, glued to the way your eyes roll into your skull when his fingers, still wet with your cum, trace your clit once more, teasing the entrance of your pussy before circling your sensitive nerves once more.
katsuki knows he's stroking his cock now, frantically tugging at the zipper still preventing him from relief, his fist moving at the same pace you grind your hips down to your lovers hand, sucking his fingers into you, squeezing your cunt around them until your thighs shook. his hips rock into his hands when your tongue lolls from your mouth, your moans getting faster and faster once more.
he has to bite his lip to stifle a groan of his own, his fist pumping faster and faster again, squeezing the base of his cock when you press a kiss as soft as silk to his lips, looping your hips around his, tugging him closer when you came again.
"fuck, baby, next time you cum, it's with my cock inside you." dark hair shields your face from katsuki's vision momentarily, your boyfriend leaning over you, searching his discarded coat for something, tugging it closer and pulling each pocket inside out.
your thighs slip from his hips as he moves, wincing as your thighs made contact with the icy stone instead of his warm skin.
"shit, i think i left the condoms in the backpack," sliding the empty jacket over your chest, you tuck it beneath your arms, clutching it close to you with one hand, the other waving your boyfriend off as he ventured back toward the entrance of the temple, your gaze lingering on his ass until he was out of sight.
another perk of godhood: the blessed ground was subject to the chosen gods whims. some gods had their temples in the centre of labyrinthian mazes, others had their temples impossible to find, buried beneath the earth or deep in the ocean, hidden between mountains, camouflaged in vegetation, some invisible until the winter solstice, or until the new moon. katsuki never quite cared for that, leaving his temple as his followers built it for him, not implementing challenges for believers to prove their dedication like others had, only protecting his hallowed ground. until now.
stone scrapes against stone harshly, the coarse sound painfully invading your ears as the temple entrance seals. you drop the jacket into your lap, rushing to shield your ears from the sound with your palms pressed hard to your ears, searching around the room for your boyfriend, for his protection, katsuki supposes, like a mortal man could save you from the god you summoned, from what you started.
stepping out from the dark corner, his figure casts a sharp, long shadow as he stands to his full height in front of the statue. like this, you look identical to the women he used to bestow his miracles on; splayed on his sigil, staring up at him with dewy eyes (your blown pupils imperceptibly widening when your gaze rakes over his large form, taking everything in; blond mess of hair, darting crimson eyes, ruffled shirt as he rushed to hold it in his mouth watching you get your cunt eaten, his still-unzipped pants and finally the impressive bulge of his cock), your lips parting when he finally relaxes his shoulders, now standing easily at the shoulder of his statue.
"you-re—" your eyes dart between the imposing statue and his steely face, your voice airy, wobbling slightly as you continued, "you're real?"
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© all works belong to @k-atsukibakugou, @gwen0m, and dlirious on archive of our own, do not plagiarise, translate, repost, feed my works into ai or recommend my work on other platforms, or bind my fanworks for sale.
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