#Mirabile Visu
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tortoisesshells · 2 years ago
@jomiddlemarch requested a perspective flip of "Physician, Heal Thyself - Or, Our New England Cousin: Being An Unpublished Excerpt From the Lives of the Staff and Volunteers of Mansion House Hospital, Alexandria, Virginia, in the late War" - this is not the perspective flip requested, because I have the reading comprehension of a bear (perhaps even one hopped up on cocaine), but:
A monster then, a dream (G, Mercy Street, ~800 words, Jed Foster/Mary Phinney, no real warnings except for vampirism/slapdash crossover with Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, I guess?)
In which Mary Phinney has pointed questions for Jed Foster,
The dentist’s apprentice was whistling tunelessly down the great hall of Mansion House in the slanting afternoon light; the haphazard arrangements of the ailing and the dying did not seem to impede his progress much, for all he barely seemed to look. His box of tools was missing, Jed Foster realized, belatedly – there was something strange in the way he moved as a result. Perhaps. Jed shook his head, as though to shake loose something stuck in the cotton wool of withdrawal and blood-lust and exhaustion, but nothing came to him: it was still the waning summer of 1862, and the great crimes of a guilty nation – to quote a man he had no business quoting, except that it would please Mary Phinney – were being washed out by a tide of blood.
Some part of him hoped Adam and his whole brood of the damned would choke on it. Jed, as alive to the irony as any of the walking dead could be, certainly was – choking, he meant.
But all this was ignoring the head nurse, who was busy about her tasks beside him. It was poor coin to pay her for his parole with (and the half-second’s pull of his whole being towards the thud of her pulse in her neck, worse still!) and so he put it all out of his mind, save her and her causes and her counsel: “There is something wrong with that man,” he said.
Read the Rest on AO3!
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semusepsu · 2 months ago
tagged by @fishmech
Last song: Zero - The Smashing Pumpkins
Favorite color: right now I'm feeling maroon.
Last book: Currently reading The Scum Villain's Self Saving System by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Last movie:
Last show: Nobody Wants This
sweet/spicy/savory: savory, all though something with all of these flavors is my fave
Relationship status: single
Last thing I googled: mirabile visu
Current obsessions: Trying to come up with a conlang that would be easy-to-learn for anyone who speaks at least one of the top ten most spoken languages.
Looking forward to: Holiday party I'm going to next weekend
tagging: @venndaai, @unefemmedamnee, @aurpiment, @stainlesssteellocust , @signipotens, @lotuseaterconference, @cosettetape1, and anyone who wants to do it.
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firewoodfigs · 1 year ago
Tagged by the resplendent @roseofbattles :)
1. New York / poetry readings — sometime around September, I got to feed an old, ostensibly impractical dream that’s emerged and lurked around since two decades ago. I wrote a poem and got to read it aloud in a wonderful art studio around Chelsea, teeming with so much talent and heart, thanks to the incredible @mirabile---visu. Thank you, dear friend, for giving my poem a home. I will remember this forever and hold dear to heart all the honest conversations we had over pizza, art and wine <3 you are such an inspiration and I can’t wait to see you again! Thank you too to the insanely talented @go-haywire for putting my words into print and allowing them to rest in a well-bound sanctuary — I carried it with me in New York as a lucky charm, and will always be eternally grateful for your generosity and faith.
2. New Zealand — sometime in April, in between jobs, I got to visit the amazing @tsaritsa in NZ, and it was two weeks of peace and great novelty, including but not limited to riding on a horse, feeding penguins, and donning on a firefighter costume! We also walked a ton and talked a lot and gazed upon a blanket of stars. Thank you for all your hospitality and love which I will never forget (and see you in 2024?!)
3. Other travels — I travelled a lot around Asia this year, for work and for fun! I got to see the cherry blossoms for the first time in my life with Japan with my partner. We also got to celebrate his birthday there, and it was an all around lovely trip; I’m really happy he got to have this break because he’s been truly working so hard in 2023. I also ushered in the new year with a dear friend in South Korea; the fireworks were nothing short of spectacular! We got a strawberry shortcake after and returned to our cute little apartment to just wind down and pen down our hopes for 2023 :) I also got to visit Thailand, Vietnam and Malaysia for work, which were really exciting experiences!
4. Job switch — sometime in April, I was confronted with this HUGE dilemma of staying here in my hometown or moving to… a tax-free desert… the latter meant I’d at least be able to stay with my previous firm, but after a lot of coffees and deep consideration I decided it was better to move on to someplace else and stay put so I could spend more time with my partner. In hindsight it was probably the best decision I could’ve made; 2023 has been quite emotionally distressing for us and I would’ve hated to see him ensure all of that alone. I was mildly apprehensive at first about the switch, but I’ve been really blessed to have the most wonderful colleagues and bosses and am really excited to see what’s in store next :)
5. Meeting new friends, and in a similar vein, catching up and reuniting with old ones :) New York was a dream, in large part due to meeting some of the most luminous souls I’ve had the serendipitous pleasure of knowing during the pandemic—first over a screen, and then in person, over karaoke, and bagels, and coffee, and ice cream, and of course fried chicken LOL. @x-rainflame-x @roseofbattles @nightofnyx8 @beware-thegemini @thatisadamnfinecupofcoffee @annespelledwithane it was so so precious getting to meet you all in New York and I will cherish our time there together forever!
6. Learning a language—I try to learn at least one new word a day, and I’ve also been working on my Japanese since moving into a Japanese firm. It really helps as well to have colleagues that I can practice with—I took classes briefly in college but it sort of just drifted out of my memory after the pandemic because I didn’t speak it regularly, but now that I do it’s been super fun!
7. Getting into Spy x Family — and consequently, getting back into fic writing :) all of this is @nightofnyx8’s fault btw, now I have to pretend I like this stupid fake family a normal amount (when I’m just obsessed an unhealthy amount lmao)
8. Fraud/investigations work — this basically consumed the entirety of my Nov/Dec and there’s not much I can divulge about it (apart from the fact that it pretty much aged me by a decade) but… I felt like Loid Forger and it was fun being a spy for a month. the end
9. Dealing better with anxiety (?)—question mark because my progress is… questionable. On one hand I think I’ve gotten a lot better at regulating (or perhaps suppressing) a lot of associated feelings, but it still gets frightening on occasion when the dam breaks free without much prior warning. Regardless I think it’s a marked improvement from the countless menty bs back in college lmao. To be very frank, having a stable income of sorts has helped a great deal; in college I was constantly plagued with the fear of not having enough to purchase required materials or at times food, and it was just a lot to deal with. It felt like there was no room for failure because I only had myself to rely upon, and success was the only tenable avenue out of poverty, but being able to now obtain necessities and even additional wants has done wonders for my mental health. It’s true that money doesn’t happiness, and I spend a great deal of time daily mulling over capitalism and consumerism and the like, but I cannot deny the sense of security it affords.
10. And finally, falling deeper in love everyday :) it’s easy to think we know a great deal about someone, except we don’t. People may appear simple, but the truth is we’re all a work in progress, and by extension, a continuing story. I could read a million books and write a million poems, but beloved, believe me—you will always be my favourite.
Goodbye 2023, and hello 2024!
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Irving Penn, 1971.
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cuppateadeer · 3 years ago
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Vergil? Is that you?
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flutteringphalanges · 5 years ago
Master Post of my Multi-Chapter Dracula Fanfictions
Bad Moon Rising
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten (Part One)
Chapter Ten (Part Two)
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Mirabile Visu
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten (Part One)
Chapter Ten (Part Two)
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Caught in a Riptide
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Capture Twelve
Strangers in the Night
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Stifling the Howling Wolves
Chapter One
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countess-sorina · 4 years ago
Ad Meliora (Towards Better Things)
A/N: More so a short collection of moments leading from Sorina’s birth up until her first year. This was written back in 2020 and only now published since it is the dark!Sorina universe. Prompts welcome for any age!
Newborn: Sorina cries nonstop the first few days after her birth. Dracula feels frustrated, confused, and like a failure. During one moment of weakness, he feels angry towards Agatha as if she abandoned him. He immediately feels horribly guilty afterwards. However, on the midnight of her fourth day of life, an idea comes to mind. Digging into an old chest, he finds Agatha’s old tunic. Carefully, he wraps it around Sorina. For the first time ever, she is finally lulled into a deep sleep. She never wails as hard again.
Month One: Sorina seems to calm down at the sound of Dracula’s singing and his voice. She tries to turn her head (and succeeds just the slightest) when he approaches. Dracula notices that she’s even beginning to smile a little (or it’s just gas)...
Month Two: Sorina is definitely getting stronger now. She’s started to lift her head, and seems to show recognition and excitement when Dracula gives her attention. She’s more vocal and has become more wriggling (which makes Dracula nervous, he doesn’t want her rolling off of the bed)
Month Three: Sorina definitely makes eye contact now. She’s a very happy baby, much to Dracula relief. He reads to her during “tummy time” as she lays on her stomach on a rug near the fire. She sees to enjoy it.
Month Four: He is both excited and slightly disappointed when Sorina bites down on his hand, drawing blood. She has inherited his fangs (which appear at random) and they are sharp enough to pierce his impenetrable skin. She’s taken to chewing on things that perhaps she shouldn’t and loves small toys (a ball and some wooden blocks) he bought from the village. She giggles and smiles, and he can’t help but do the same--even if she does bite him.
Month Five: Sorina makes faces all of the time, sometimes trying to mimic his. She babbles at him, patting his cheeks when she wants his attention. She’s been attempting to try to crawl, but mostly rolls around. He’s begun to baby proof the castle as much as he can.
Month Six: One night he finds her sitting up in her crib giggling. He praises her, picking her up and kissing all over her face. Part of him considers getting a mirror so she can see her reflection. He heard somewhere babies like that. But he can’t get himself to. The guilt doesn’t sit right.
Month Seven: Dracula yells when Sorina almost crawls into the fireplace, startling her. She begins to cry and he immediately lifts her up to comfort her. He reminds himself to somehow block the fireplace or even get rid of it entirely.
Month Eight: Blood. Sorina drinks blood. Sure she’s survived on cow’s milk, but out of curiosity, he offered her some. Just a few drops from one of his victims. She drank it up hungrily. How proud he is. His little girl and her vampiric tendencies. What other traits might she have? He decides not to push it further...for now.
Month Nine: “Papa!” Dracula’s heart nearly stops at the word. He looks down and sees Sorina sitting on her bottom, arms reaching up towards him. He beams, brighter than he ever has before. “Papa!” It’s more demanding now, she grunts as she reaches for him. He lifts her up and kisses her all over. Oh if Agatha could only see.
Month Ten: Exactly on the day marking her tenth month of her life, she stands up. Not only does she do that, but she begins to stumble around, just a few steps before falling. Sorina holds onto furniture as she does it. He takes her by both hands and helps her around further. She’s grinning, laughing hard. So happy. His little girl. Step by shaking step, she’s moving along.
Month Eleven: Sorina has started to climb. Furniture. Steps. She listens--annoyed, but adheres to his commands when he tells her to get down. She knows a few words now: “No” “Papa” “Up” “Baba--well, she means bat”. Oh how she’s grown. How big she’s gotten. He both loves and hates it. He worries that in the blink of an eye, she’ll be all grown up. But for now, he enjoys the time he has. Cuddles her. Holds her close. His. All his.
Twelve Months/One Year: “Mama?” Sorina points down curiously at her mother’s grave from where Dracula holds her in his arms. He nods his head, “Yes, that is your mother. Would you like to give her your flower?” The little girl smiles, tossing the daisy onto her mother’s grave marker. One year. Had it already been that? He places a kiss on Sorina’s head, eyes cast down on his late wife. Oh Agatha, if you could see what she’s become. You’d be so proud. “Love you,” Sorina says, catching his attention. “Love me?” “Of course,” he murmured, smiling as he held her close. “Both of you, forever and always.” Exhaling, he glanced down at the former nun’s grave once more. With a small smile, he turned on his heels as he and little Sorina made their way back towards the castle. Back to their home.
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catilinas · 5 years ago
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forestduck · 2 years ago
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Mirabile Visu
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littlemixer01 · 5 years ago
Best Dracula 2020 fanfics to read: 
If I was your vampire by: crazyTXgradstudent  
Tear you apart by: bamf_librarian (librawrian)
Mirabile Visu by: FlutteringPhalanges                                       
A sun in the Night sky by:  FlutteringPhalanges (Part 2 of story)
Princes of the undead by: ss9 (my most favourite story)
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tortoisesshells · 4 years ago
It had been years, it felt like, before she’d felt truly secure. Happiness and contentment were things she’d slowly grown into; or perhaps they’d only covered over her oldest, darkest feelings, and so been easily ripped away, when – (Nellie braced herself, palms flat against her stiff bodice, as though she could push the fresh sight of the two sharp-cut slate markers and empty-eyed death’s-heads away by force of arms alone) –
When the fever took her husband, and then the cough took her little Jenny.
put a “🌹” in my inbox & I’ll give you a random sentence of a random WIP I’m currently working on!
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ofoneshotsandficlets · 5 years ago
A Peaceful Moment
@mitsukatsu Roughly based on Mirabile Visu where pregnant Agatha and Dracula have a moment together discussing the baby.
“Don’t allow your filthy mind to twist this, but you feel very good.” 
Agatha sighed softly as she leaned back against Dracula’s chest, the heat from the bath water rising from the copper tub. His skin was cool, soothing as his arms wrapped around her, holding her close. After a moment, his hands slid down and rested on the large swell of her stomach. The baby within her womb squirmed at its father’s touch, a small smile crossing the former nun’s features at the sensation. They’d both missed him. It was quite a fascinating phenomenon. 
“Have you been good, Little One?” The vampire inquired, his thumb stroking the spot where the child kicked. “Quite active I see.” 
“Rarely lets me sleep while you’re out,” Agatha mumbled. “I blame you.” 
“Hm.” Dracula smirked, pointed nails ever so gently running across her swollen belly. “She’s strong. That’ll do her some good as she grows.”
“How do you know it’s a girl?” The woman inquired, tilting her face up to meet his gaze. “It could be a boy.”
“No.” The Count shook his head chuckling. “It’s a girl, I know these things.” He stroked her abdomen and, as if in response, the infant kicked. “See? The child agrees with me. It’s a girl. My daughter. Our first child.” 
“Our first?” Agatha questioned, an eyebrow quirked as she looked at him. “What makes you think I want more?” 
“Certainly you don’t wish for our child to not have siblings.” The vampire countered. “You and I, Agatha Van Helsing, will have a brood of offspring. An army.” He pressed his lips to the top of her head. “If you’ll have me.” 
“Maybe if you keep in my good graces.” She smiled, resting her hands over his. “Perhaps I’ll consider a second..”
And as if to contribute, both felt the strong kick from their daughter. Dracula and Agatha smiled at each other. She would surely be a force to be reckoned with. The daughter of a vampire and a nun. Quite the phenomenon.
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firewoodfigs · 1 year ago
ayo … i’m on a poetry high and basically devouring every poetry website i can find and i’m still looking for new stuff. so please drop ur fave poets/poems 🙏🙏 or even ur fave poem u wrote urself i’m starved
omg aaaahhh i love questions about poetry and i'm always delighted to hear when people go on a poetry high (and that it's still very much alive)! unfortunately i read most of my poetry off books that i thrifted, but Poetry Foundation is a pretty reliable archive and fairly easy to navigate if you have a name in mind :) i also really enjoy the stuff curated on @secretchords_apoemfortheday and @apoemaday, and if i have a specific author/anthology i'm looking for i usually just try my luck with online PDFs.
in terms of specific recommendations, the following is a little list of mine (with links included!):
Louise Glück (who recently passed away, but left behind a very lasting legacy. A Summer Garden is marvelous; a field of stars.)
Mary Oliver (The Summer Day is one of my personal all-time favourites!)
e.e. cummings (i carry your heart with me(i carry it in) is a timeless classic)
Robert Frost (Nothing Gold Can Stay is especially apt for the fall!)
William Blake (The Tyger is terribly royai-coded lol)
Pablo Neruda (love is so short / forgetting is so long)
Frank O'Hara (Lunch Poems)
W.H. Auden (if equal affection cannot be / let the more loving one be me)
Richard Siken (Crush)
Carol Ann Duffy (there you are on the bed / like a gift, like a touchable dream)
Sylvia Plath (not technically poetry, and I know Plath has lamented her prose on multiple occasions, but The Bell Jar is easily one of my favourite novels and reads like a poem--the imagery is so visceral and gripping, and the overarching metaphor of a bell jar is just insane)
Ilya Kaminsky (Deaf Republic)
Mark Nepo (how the heart makes a duet of wonder and grief)
my own poems are generally marked #poetry on my tumblr page (although the tags are frustratingly uncooperative most of the time...). some of my favourite poems i wrote are:
the diametrics of dialogue (conversations with you) -- this is a deeply personal piece which i recently had the privilege of reading in new york thanks to the phenomenal @mirabile---visu, and i will cherish it dearly always :)
when creation creates
an anthem for youth undoomed
America and the moon
remember, beloved
we lived in a state
love crept through the garden gate (in the process of turning this into a song!)
magnum opus and the queen of hearts will always have a special place in my heart as well because they were the first ones that got published online :)
enjoy, lovely (and welcome to the wonderful star-eaten world of poetry)! <3
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yama-bato · 1 year ago
Kiki Smith.
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prismarine-parrots · 6 years ago
Initium eius a servo Hermitcraft grian in domo propria mundi. Et erat alioquin unioni intermissum a servo, sicut est dies aut est de hoc quod est intense working frui aliquo tempore et aliquo brainstorm consilia quid esset facturus proximo post Sahara.
"Salve, mi nomen grian and- whaaaaat diaboli."
Iam non ignarus erat circumitam ab diem. April prius: Aprilis est fatuum.
Exspectabam tamen non penitus totam Hermitcraft servo?
Fui in insula, et pariunt, quae est a forsit quod non cognovi grian log off hic.
"Bene, stultus est et Aprilis est hodie scio, sed hic quod factum ...! Venit super me et super planning pranking caeteris, ne pranked me esse? Non est hic?"
Grian 's "De Nonne tu?" Lux cinereo concretum buxum sto e pulveris erat, defuit. Solum rei est unum obstructionum de pulveris, et caelum est unum obstructionum de rubrum temere villam quæ erat vitree in qua hic esset. Nec tamen est Veni esset integrum, non erat verum est.
Grian circumspicit et scratched eius caput in ignominiam.
"Non habeo idea est, quod suus 'iens on. Ego vadam etiam per Neque enim aliud est fatum videatur Hub et ..."
Sicut aedificator tripudio in porta justo murice velum operuit mirabile visu sono ipso aspectu et infernalis warping runs longiores. Mox e lintre prodigium stuporem magis miror.
'Quod factum est centrum et fundamentum ad inferiorem ?! "
Ubi autem semel in admirabile unum Season VI-ut-octo gradus in mundo, ubi nunc est malesuada euismod a, o-Jack maris et lucerna, per caeruleum tapete aut obstructionum, et fragmen griseo vitree. His erat inter aperta et cuneos in planum primum semestre commoratus netherrack heremitas in libero tempus purgandum et time- spawnable cursus erat. Ergo inter grids ad Zombie pigmen galore erant aliqui defluet ossa et occasionaliter coruscare. Neque enim solum videtur quod unus porta.
"Omnes nos labore! Menses et consumpta opus in this- ut bene, alii autem: Ego iustus fodit a copulabis centum novellis ovibus netherrack et adhuc!" Grian suam conquestus est, quod secundum metaphoram viewers video esse eius post vigilantes.
Et conversus ad portam vidit scalam sagged humero suo modulo Mirandula claudere postes basi censuerant.
"O nihil, quod factum est ad turpia? Hoc non est bonum ... bene oblivisci quod hodie est planning si reliquum igitur servo, si sic Im 'iens circum et calamitatem cum venerit quod in servo, "grian attenuate arrisit, ut sciat plene bene Xisuma ac verisimile est hanc duobus aliis profecti sunt.
In foribus exspectabat lintre quinque secundis et egressus Overworld antequam in corpore nigro purpureo.
Et statim cadit in Oceanum.
Grian renavit ad superficiem et saliente tussis.
"In venias!" Conquestus conculcantes aquam (quod cum obtinuisset optimus temporum usu fuisse faciendi quantum oceanus) respexit ad basin Oceano. Aqua in vas superna suffusas quod celeriter et ad purgandum eum lentium salsa licet laneum quando inutilis esset infecta. Posuit super oculos, ita ut par footage et anhelavit.
"Mea basi"
Et basis erat basically esse. Solum defuit exemplum temere moenibus neque eget male habens centrum apud inferos. Candida per duas columnas duas ibi concreti, ubi multitudine coalescit quondam turris et in minoribus basi una turrium fundamenta grian extra cardines albo nerd impedimentum concretum.
"Haec insaniens ..." grian in derisum tibi sensus tremendum. "Omnia abiit! Meum in cibum thesauris, qui superius labrum non radit machine- O, nihil, non video tamen aliquid vitree, o nooooo ..."
Grian ducti ab eius basi in annulum quo sciebat viros esse circa eum ingens basi nollet esse. Ille uno in loco inventus est circulus-wide obstructionum aqua ad superficiem. Uidet et grian caput quassans Donec ante oculos iam completam oleo turrem aedificare altitudo illius.
'QUALES pulmentum haec, guys ... id credere non possum. Quam diu eam accipere et ad haec guys facere esses nisi quod uti WorldEdit? TNT? Ut exsisto pia, hoc tamquam moles molem de TNT usus. si disperdam eos cum basi TNT, Im 'okay cum honestus est. non est meus ventus obstructionum! nolite solliciti esse guys, ego autem hic ante cibum de mundo, nisi, sicut ego tibi unius ludio ludius ludere iam in Hermitcraft! '
Detinuit giggles malum sciens nimirum quod eos esse tota die et ignorantis erat litteralis. Grian extruxerat est in alio aliquo reali, coelitum Locate ad trahendum in agente adnexarum l lascivia spectatoribus suis, et tamen est prorsus exitum invenire vias, ut solitarii consumens Prank ab initio est. Sed iam ad risum tenere character- prolapsis consiliorum maximorum futurum consilia dare fugeret
"Ego videre ad aliud opus basium 's! Xisuma s? Falsum est! Mumbo scriptor!" Et felis anhelavit "Quid accidit Mumball ?!"
Tulitque anulum in saltu s artificis sui Architech est et turpis. plurimum ad stationem Architech intactam adhuc et in statione pontis saepibus hinc inde usque ad nihilum suggestu et faciens mirabilia quaedam similis mari aggere. Quod non abstulit adhuc enim quinque seconds a grian exitium venit in visum est in proximo.
"O noooooo," risit grian miserabile 'et ratio repono "
In compagibus (ALIQUANTULO squished) basi sphaerica praeditum esse omnino integrum. Et omni speculo videri potest fracti sunt, inter quas est tenendum vitrum aqua repono ratio AD ad mumbo est ratio. Inundaverunt aquae super pectora, sunt enim inter uias urbis onto rura inferius.
«Hoc dictum est ..." aedificavit autem gemens et volavit super sphaera, non defuit aqua ad terram in omnibus. Bumbo Balloni cuncta conspicit unum in summitate levitating mumbo potestate crinibus ora nives golems intus partis defuit vagari post quatuor versus Micro biomes aureis.
"Mumbo? Mumbo mihi est hic? Mumbo jumbo! Mumboooooooooooo! Noli postulo ut satus et cantant canticum AFK? Mumbo jumbo, in quo vos non estis, needtobeeee ... Bene, quod est etiam peius quam mihi cantores et cantatrices, cum aeger eram. ne remix esse. O ne nunc Im 'iens impetro a Saccharum carmen etiam non! ego autem si vere loquitur prohibere ... "
Quod autem in una fossa humo operui maculosus grian tecta pelagus staturam. Compertoque Plautum et in ipso jucundo et anhelans descendit ut eam in spe: mumbo de horto in quo fuit in lectulo suo.
"Mumbo! Venite ad vultus ad quod factum est basis? Est insaniam convertunt!" Exclamaverunt grian, sperans per hoc non unumquemque April stulti miscent se possit ad coclear. Tamen putavit se repente factum fuerat mumbo Alienor resistit.
An sto armis, armis indutus est in griseo mortuus zonam, cum mumbo supra caput, a quo librum edidit in magica arma habere tamquam sicut ludio ludius stans.
Grian sto ad suffusionem vultus.
Cecidit super arma dedere et erectas falsum stare. "Mumbo nulla! Sufficit vobis quod iam vertitur in armis resistere? Et horror sum ego solus ille solitarius non abiit in domum suam in armis sto quia hodie? Quid saevis aversatus eum! Wow, sicut et canetis Joe ' risisse se ad caput quassans.
"Lorem, quod fuit ipsum ridiculam, sed nescio quid facere nunc. Keep servo bibendum? Im 'solus unus online, to ... quod suus' iens impetro odiosis sine ullo penitus, et figure ex quo factum est in calculonis servi ... "grian prope dixit" ludo "quod dedisset velámen ab illa oblivione, quae fuit Aprilis insipiens est.
Et buzzed telephonum nigrum in sinum macilentos jeans. Everriculum eum, et erat servo notitia a text.
xisumavoid joined ludum.
<Xisumavoid> quod factum est ad basis ?!<Xisumavoid> grian! Quid fecisti?!<Xisumavoid> illic 'ubique ipsos custodes?
xisumavoid usura magicae custos appositus occidit lectis.
<Xisumavoid> mihi in occursum ad shopping regio. Nunc.
"Im 'iens ut esse in tribulationis adeo ut ne quidem aliquid mihi faciunt,« grian gemens' non dicam tibi in occursum eius cum eo. Hoc autem non est vir mecum VEL in veste pullum? "
Parvam cameram suam removit grian nuntiavit devoratur insula aedificare moles superposita.
"Hoc est pulmentum sicut bene! Heu! In Stock commutationem, iTrade, Tek Skies- meam ad ALEX tabernam"
Locus erat utraque genera mali. Velit esse centrum inferni, in stativis grian T, in turpia mumbo umoris et visum totum agrum shopping WorldEdit cutouts tabernas media constructum erat ut staret, sive directe sive gradatim scandit.
"Non habeo verba ..." grian murmurati estis ad se. Non solum quae est, sed quae ex se erat, et currens non dico ad aes sonans repetita ejus, et fundes in mumbo, quemadmodum.
Egressus foras in platea portae iTrade et vidi cum inferno.
"Xisuma? Certe novi te insanire, sed quod modo non sum confusa! Questus sum cogitavi et hoc ad me?" Conclamat.
Nullum responsum.
Grian frowned. "Xisuma?"
Et testudo et conspuebant atris conditur ille apud inferos warbled portal.
"Grian, nescio quid did-"
"Non me"
"Per memetipsum iuravi, si dicitur quod esset vir in costume- pullum"
'Non fuit? Meum basi fuerit ad cardines Nerd! Cur hoc facio, ut ad me? " Grian interrogavit. Ecce confundentur et cessavit ostendere fabricator Xisuma certamen incessit oculi visor purpureum.
"Quis ergo fecit?" X postulavit. Grian humeros contraxit.
"Quomodo scio si me? Non enim ego iam in diebus duas"
«O mihi dies ..." X ponet manum suam super cassidem, et respicere ad caelum. "Non intellegis..."
Et stetit tacitus cogitare quasi una hora incerta est nec dicere in hoc quod facere pulmentum.
"Tu certus Vestri 'non trying ut ad me?"
"PROH, tam densa ... stulti estis, si vos nec fecistis illam, et fecistis vobis videtur?"
Et exclamaverunt voce paulo ante grian Xisuma mouisset viridi qualis non simul. Et circum Milesia vellera ad...
"01001000 01000101 01001100 01001100 01001111 00100000 01000111 01010010 01001001 01000001 01001110"
Et alii dixerunt quod hoc non debeat iterari, in PG-oneshot.
At cum apud se est frigida sanguinis grian cucurrit oculi nigrum inanimatum.
"NPC ?! te vidi justum in domo mea?"
"Et Ego te cogitavi ut interdictum, quod malum Xisuma! Get servo meo off!" X iussit.
«Et quid tibi donat ius circa iubes?"
"01001100 01000101 01010100 00100000 01010101 01010011 00100000 01000010 01010101 01001001 01001100 01000100 00100000 01000001 00100000 01010010 01010101 01010011 01010100 01001001 01000011 00100000 01001000 01001111 01010101 01010011 01000101"
"NON!" Statim conversa grian reclamantes abibis autem alternis versio ipse conversus post tergum suum fervens oculis rubet.
"Et mane die altera cogitavi!" Hic squeaked per. X erexit et frons grian sed dixit nihil.
"Vides hunc praeclarum chao fecit nobis?" Nuntiatum Xisuma mali, quo initiatus est brachium suum shopping regio ut destruatur "putas te adhuc servo? No! EGO sum iam Hermitcraft admin of"
"01000001 01001110 01000100 00100000 01001001 00100000 01000001 01001101 00100000 01010100 01001000 01000101 00100000 01000010 01010101 01001001 01001100 01000100 01000101 01010010 00100000 01001110 01001111 01010111 00100000 01000111 01010010 01001001 01000001 01001110" NPC grian verisimile non habuisse eundem vicit, malicious risus quam, si fecerit malum X poterant.
X grian et oculos alter ad alterum constituamus super hoc probabile cum quaesivisset hoc idem alter ex altera.
Et non dicitur aliquid de Doppelganger?
Admin rufus et attenuate arrisit usque ad tenuit manum.
"Pueri Bene, suus 'bonus est currere. Sed Hermitcraft servo mea modo:" Malum X grinned. "Dic vale mundo autem viri pretiosam".
"01000111 01001111 01001111 01000100 01000010 01011001 01000101"
Grian coepi ut dimisso capite morior, sperans invenire viam suam, ut judicio contendam adversum intellegentiae artificialis par versionem Xisuma et aliis. Sed ex digitis NPC grian conniveret ferunt, nam iam rubra micantes et omnia consumantur.
Grian caput quassans lightheaded Sensus: invenies circumspicit et se ipsum in quadam confusa cognitione omnium players The Hub et nota cityscape.
Xisuma ipse, scilicet patiens esse in effectis eiusdem a coactus e servo ut bene.
"O mihi dies: Quid accidit?"
"I no clue possedi hominem. Sed hoc vel demens Aprilis in ipso facinore, abiit iniuriam vel iustus perdidit," grian gemitus. "Cum vocasset eam nunc erit quæ ad normalis a mane ..."
X remigibus grunnisse Elpenora excepit. "Scio quod me supra in hac parte, sed non omnia? Puto nos iustus habere amisit Hermitcraft! Admin et si Im 'non amplius, et ego non usore in calculonis servi tui et calce abjecistis malum qui X et Dudus erat et ... et ... "
Certum est non Adeptus grian certiorem adipiscing maxime quia hoc facinore centum sentio. Simpliciter sursum ejus memoria et specula super nasum suum, faciens certus sunt usque X scriptor libri commemorare terrore, smirking ad hoc ipsum, ut iret usque ad magnum video in fine diei.
Ibi paucos esse cognitum quasi Perks prankster. Et hac occasione non est praetereundum fiat in modo me potes?
X male cum sociis suis reduxit et risus donec usus est / calcitrant calce abjecistis grian et imperium in contrarium in calculonis servi. Uterque apparuit in oculis eius statimque egrediens hysterics tenens lacrimas genibus posse videatur.
"Quod Erat pretiosa!"
"01001001 00100000 01000001 01000111 01010010 01000101 01000101 00100000 01010100 01001000 01000001 01010100 00100000 01010111 01000001 01010011 00100000 01010110 01000101 01010010 01011001 00100000 01000110 01010101 01001110 01001110 01011001" NPC Grian agreed in his robotic tone. "01001001 00100000 01010100 01001000 01001001 01001110 01001011 00100000 01001001 01010100 00100000 01001001 01010011 00100000 01010100 01001001 01001101 01000101 00100000 01010100 01001111 00100000 01010010 01000101 01010100 01010101 01010010 01001110 00100000 01010100 01001111 00100000 01001101 01011001 00100000 01000011 01001100 01001111 01010011 01000101 01010100 00100000 01001110 01001111 01010111"
"Awww, bleibst du nicht länger bei Grian?" AI DocM rogavit ut resonaret in spe paululum decido.
"01001001 01010100 00100000 01001001 01010011 00100000 01010100 01001001 01001101 01000101 00100000 01000110 01001111 01010010 00100000 01001101 01000101 00100000 01010100 01001111 00100000 01000111 01001111 00100000 01001000 01001111 01001101 01000101"
"Tu certus vos erant 'iens ut esse tutum si ire in domum suam?" Python rogavit, "Nonne grian aliquid?"
"01001001 00100000 01010111 01001001 01001100 01001100 00100000 01001100 01001001 01001011 01000101 01001100 01011001 00100000 01000111 01000101 01010100 00100000 01011001 01000101 01001100 01001100 01000101 01000100 00100000 01000001 01010100 00100000 01000001 01001110 01000100 00100000 01010100 01001000 01000101 01001110 00100000 01001000 01000101 00100000 01010111 01001111 01010101 01001100 01000100 00100000 01001100 01000001 01010101 01000111 01001000 00100000 01001000 01000101 00100000 01001100 01001001 01001011 01000101 01010011 00100000 01010000 01010010 01000001 01001110 01001011 01010011 00100000 01000001 01001110 01000100 00100000 01010111 01000001 01010011 00100000 01010100 01000001 01001100 01001011 01001001 01001110 01000111 00100000 01001111 01000110 00100000 01000001 01010000 01010010 01001001 01001100 00100000 01000110 01001111 01001111 01001100 00100111 01010011 00100000 01000101 01000001 01010010 01001100 01001001 01000101 01010010"
"Re: sic enim non tantum eo. Damnant," Ex murmurati estis.
"Ich kenne den Mann nicht, er schien ziemlich überrascht zu sein, NPG dort zu sehen," Doc attenuate arrisit ad nutum fundamentalem."Es ist gut, endlich wieder bei den Stunts anzufangen, die er mich angezogen hat."
Dira passus satis scire ex aliquo facta sunt autem qui laborant in aspectu delectationem factum est aliquid rationis. Creeper Rhamnales-physicus, cyborg-off generis dedit illud vero et vibes intelligentes ex illa posset bene. Et rubrum creeper Rhamnales hybrid erat ultra cogitationem pessimam: vibe quam sinister, nisi fuissent hospitalius ad EX, et NPC grian pro brevi concedebatur in calculonis servi quam alii ex aliis solitarii consumens, qui duxerant notitiam eorum de facinore in horas fuerat grian expectantes, partim forte Xisuma, ut adveho online.
"EGO coniecto Peius 'exsisto iens ut primum videt quod Dominus est adhuc X re-admin et movebo, et abscidi novis potestatibus vester vobiscum' X assumed mali, paulo tristis, sed etiam cognoscendi prorsus qui meruit ferat ob hanc rem trahens iterum.
"Wir sehen uns dann, denke ich,sehen uns dann, denke ich," Doc rite dicitur magis et amne transmisso pergeret contra Nec portal.
NPC grian pythonem, et armum separationis, posse rem reddere vale, simpliciter prima abierunt.
EX ingemuit quassans caput et initium protulerunt de machinis Xisuma minister ordinarius prius ereptum esse multos tam inciviliter calce sicut prius.
Of course the first thing I post is April Fool’s XD
Dang, Tumblr’s world limit sucks, I had to cut out the last scene that was like 5 lines :/
Translation: https://beccas-a-kermit.tumblr.com/post/183899408816/the-pranker-gets-pranked
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flutteringphalanges · 5 years ago
Tumblr media
In collaboration with the incredibly talented @mitsukatsu​ who created this gif to go along with this one shot!!! PLEASE follow her! She does a lot of Dragatha art and anything she makes is absolutely gorgeous!
Summary: Based on Mirabile Visu where we see young Sorina seek out her parents during a thunderstorm for comfort before jumping into the present where she sees them again for the first time in well over a century. 
                                         Casting Phantoms
Though the castle walls were thick, the sound of thunder managed to rumble against the ancient stone. Agatha laid underneath her covers, a nightgown the only barrier between her bare skin and Dracula’s body. She felt his fingers run through her hair, combing away what few knots had made themselves home in her locks. It was one of the few times he’d come to her room where they’d forgone sex and instead decided to spend each other’s company huddled close. Times like this were nice. Simple. And as Agatha found her eyelids beginning to droop, a soft voice called out to them. 
“Mommy?! Daddy?!”
Almost immediately, Agatha was pulled from her sleep. She recognized the voice. The panicked scream that melted quickly into hysteria. Someone small, nearly out of breath came tumbling into the room. The former nun sat up abruptly, peering into the darkness as the cries became more audible. Especially when another loud crack of thunder sent the tiny figure into a fit of wails.
At the end of her bed, their three year old daughter stood. Sorina held her blanket close to her chest--something that had been sewn from her mother’s very own habit. Worry struck the woman’s chest as she noticed the tears streaming down the little girl’s cheeks. But before she could even swing her legs off of the bed, Dracula was up and at their child’s side. 
“Micul meu liliac.” He murmured, stroking the strands of hair out of her face. “Whatever is the matter?”
“I got scared.” The little girl sniffled, burying her face into the vampire’s shoulder. “I don’t like thunder.” 
Agatha slid over as Dracula carried Sorina over and sat down. As his arms loosened, their daughter crawled over to her mother. The former nun welcomed her with a hug, pulling her underneath the safety of the blankets. Unlike her father, the child’s body was warm and her tears wet the fabric of her mother’s gown--not that Agatha paid much mind. 
“Shh.” Agatha hushed, softly stroking her daughter’s hair. “Everything is alright. You’re safe now. Your Father and I are here.” Though she hadn’t really ever been in any immediate danger. “And we’re staying.”
The Count joined them as he reclined against the many pillows that rested on the bed. Sorina snuggled up between them, curled around her beloved blanket. It always soothed her. Something about how it smelled reminded the girl of her mother no matter how many times Agatha had washed it over the years. 
“You promise?” Sorina sniffed softly. “Promise not to go?”
“Go where?” Dracula asked gently. 
“Anywhere?” The little girl clarified, looking up at her parents with watery blue eyes. “Anywhere without me.” 
“Never, Little One.” Agatha promised, kissing the top of her head. “Never in a million lifetimes would we leave you.”
“Is that a lot?” She asked curiously. 
“More than I can ever count.” The former nun chuckled. “And if we ever got lost, which will never, ever happen…” she touched her forehead to Sorina’s. “We will always find each other.”
“Always?” Sorina whispered. “Promise?”
“For all of eternity.” The Count murmured, holding her close. “Always.”
The little girl smiled as she let out a long, withheld yawn. “Always...” 
Sorina stood absolutely motionless, her eyes fixed forward. Her breath hitched in her throat as she stared at the sight before. At the two figures who looked back at her in justifiable awe. Decades. Over a century. The human part of her caused her heart to pound against her rib cage, while the vampiric part made her feel alive, overly energized after so, so long. 
This had to be a trick of her mind. It couldn’t be true. After everything she had been told, led to believe, this...this was nothing more than a hallucination. It had to be. And yet, here they both were. Untouched. Looking the same as they did when she was but a child. Sorina stood there in the center of the Jonathan Harker Foundation, lump caught in her throat as she managed to finally muster out the words.
“M...Mommy? Daddy?”
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