#Military Rivalry
defensenow · 2 months
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brother-emperors · 5 months
Could we get more thoughts on the possessiveness of your version of Pompey please?
a lot of it has to do with wanting everything sulla had and more, and crassus is at that very fun intersection of something sulla had and more. so naturally. he wants crassus in every way sulla had him, and in every way sulla did not. and he'll never get crassus coming to him (like crassus went to sulla) but he can get something else that is more valuable on this stage of politics: a partner.
crassus' own attitude is complementary to pompey's, since he decided to be co consuls with pompey! more than once! in a way, crassus bet his life on pompey. wow.
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deadpresidents · 5 months
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"You know very well, sir, for you were familiar with my views while I was President, what my estimate of [Ulysses S.] Grant was, and I don't know anything that has since occurred that has caused me to change my mind the slightest. I know Grant thoroughly. I had ample opportunity to study him when I was President, and I am convinced he is the greatest farce that was ever thrust upon a people. Why, the little fellow -- excuse me for using the expression, but I can't help pitying him -- the little fellow has nothing in him. He hasn't a single idea. He has no policy, no conception of what the country requires. He doesn't understand the philosophy of a single great question, and is completely lost in trying to understand his situation. He is mendacious, cunning and treacherous. He lied to me flagrantly, by God, and I convicted him by my whole Cabinet; but that even would have been tolerable were it the only instance, but it was not. He lied on many other occasions.
I tell you, sir, Grant is nothing more than a bundle of petty spites, jealousies and resentments. And yet they say Grant is a second Washington. Only think of it, when you compare him with Washington or Jefferson where is he? Why he is so small you must put your finger on him. He, a little upstart, a coward, physically and intellectually, to be compared to George Washington! Why, it makes me laugh. I have more pity for the man than contempt, for I have no spite against him. But I fear for the country when such a man is likened to the father of his country. Why, just look at the inaugural of Washington. He speaks about his fear and trembling in accepting the Presidency, even after all his experience and success. But this little fellow Grant, an upstart, a mere accident of the war, a creature without the ability to comprehend the philosophy of a single great question, says in his inaugural, 'I know the responsibility is great, but I accept it without fear.' Is that like Washington or Jefferson? Pshaw! It's monstrous to think of.
Grant, I tell you, sir has no ideas, no policy. Why, Washington considered that a man's greatness was measured by his morality, by the standard of his soul. And I have always considered that the more soul a man had, the more developed the soul or intellect within him, the more Godlike he became. But, sir, Grant has nothing. Physically and mentally and morally he is a nonentity. Why, sir, his soul is so small that you could put it within the periphery of a hazel nutshell and it might float about for a thousands years without knocking against the walls of the shell. That's the size of his soul.
Just look at the man sitting at a Cabinet council. He has no idea, no policy, no standard, no creed, not faith. How can he guide the people? How can he impress any great improvements or moral ideas upon the nation? He has no object to look forward to, no leading aim to draw the people towards any particular end. He sits there with his Cabinet. One member has bought him a house in Philadelphia, another has given him $65,000, another has given him a carriage, and so on. It is degrading to the office of President of the United States to have such a man there.
They talk about his generalship. Well, he was a mere incident of the war. Men and arms were supplied in abundance, and his forces were so massive that they simply crushed out the rebellion. It would have been done had Grant never been born. Therefore he was a mere incident. But the little fellow has come to think he is somebody really. I can't help pitying him when I think how well I know him and what an infinitesimal creature he really is."
-- Former President Andrew Johnson, delivering a scathing attack on President Ulysses S. Grant, shortly after Johnson left the White House, during an interview with a correspondent from the New York Herald, June 27, 1869
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lesbiansloveseokjin · 4 months
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day 161/548 of jimin's military service
this selca was posted on 150303 with the caption:
The second photo that (looks) like Jin hyung has come out I'm Jimin
(trans cr: Mary @ bts-trans)
bonus post from that day:
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Jenga, Suga hyung, come at me.
(T/N: Jenga is the game they're playing in the picture - trans cr: Mary @ bts-trans)
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rarestdoge · 1 year
Hey Cam! Do you like to play sports? If not, what's your favorite video game?
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"In more detail, I played a shit ton of basketball back in my high school days, and I was one of the best players on my team! It's just a small hobby of mine nowadays, though."
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#I can't look at Cam with glasses without thinking of 🤓#I mean it's PARTLY TRUE-#umm asckually#yeeah he'd definitely correct you on game facts n shit#also Cam has one of those like#mini basketball hoops in his room that you hang up above your door with a mini basketball#he plays around with that when bored#and YES COOL HAT REAL? There will in fact be a full design for that later#just some different clothes for him to wear when he's not at work in the military#and yes it's an N64 themed hat I literally have that hat and went “he'd wear that hat”#that's an official Luigi remote he has there btw#his favorite Mario character is Luigi he LOVES him#he's forced to play as Funky Kong in speedruns because it's the meta but he always uses Luigi outside of his runs#he will FIGHT YOU to play as Luigi#and yeah I know an official Luigi themed nunchuck doesn't exist so#I've decided Cam didn't like that and deadass got one custom made to match#he jokingly has a bunch of Toad wii remotes and uses them when he knows he'll get pissy at a game so he doesn't break his beloved Luigi one#because my ass couldn't help but make a Poofesure reference#he's been in a rivalry with 2 other speedrunners for years on end btw they constantly toss around the world record#I dunno what category he runs yet I'll think about that one#anyhoo HOLY HELL THAT IS ENOUGH RANTING NOW ENJOY THE LORE-#I just love him so much your honor#/#cameron calvin#oc#henry stickmin#thsc#the henry stickmin collection#asks#GODAWFUL shitart
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Courage is the price that life exacts for granting peace, the soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things.
- Amelia Earhart
Although there is a tribal rivalry between the Royal Air Force and the Army Air Corps, there has always been a healthy mutual respect between the two service arms. These days they often work together in joined up operations, at least they were starting to during my time with the AAC. Inter service banter is part of life in the military. Every unit thinks it's the best and will take the piss out of other ones. It is part of what creates a strong identity and family bond within a unit, and what keeps you fighting for each other. But taking the piss out of the RAF is not only a past time with the army but also a pleasure.
One doing the rounds about the RAF went like this: During Tri-Service orders, the General tells the assembly, "Go and secure three hotels in town."The British Army duly formed up an assault team and cordon party, sealed off the hotel, blew the doors in and cleared each floor, room by room.The Royal Navy sent out a shore patrol and entered the hotel, shut all of the windows, turned off all the lights and locked the doors.The Royal Air Force sent an officer and accountant and booked all of the rooms for a month with an option to purchase.
The RAF called us ‘pongos’. For that reason alone we were obligated to take the piss out of them: How do RAF aircrew commit suicide? They jump off their ego onto their IQ. Or this one: What do RAF aircrew use as contraception? Their personalities. It was too easy to wind them up.
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indeedgoodman · 8 months
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wonder-worker · 9 months
how do you think the Lancasters stood the best chance at winning the war?
Imo, if they'd won at Mortimer's Cross or Towton, the Yorkists would be finished.
A lot of the WotR depended on military victories, tbh. We tend to get distracted by fancy discussions like "Who had the best claim?"* or Propaganda Roulette 101, but the fact remains that it was ultimately military victories that sealed the deal and got rid of opposition**. Everything else was pretty wrapping on top of the already-won or to-be-won prize.
*The most useless debate of all **The exception was Richard III's usurpation but that was a fairly unconventional and entirely unexpected usurpation, and in any case it was a military defeat that ended his reign.
#ask#wars of the roses#Remember that the Yorkists were on the brink of total defeat by the end of 1460#The Duke of York and his second son were killed; and his heir was only 18; the King would soon be reclaimed from their grasp#If they'd lost in 1461 their cause would most likely be over#A fairly analogous example would be the Battle of Bosworth - if Richard III had won Henry Tudor's cause would be finished#(and he'd probably be dead)#If the Lancastrians had seized London they'd have a huge advantage but might also encounter some difficulties#including a potential siege and hostility from the aldermen and public. But a military victory would seal the deal#Also I think I've mentioned in some tags before but imo it's clear that the Lancastrians stood a monumentally better chance at#consolidating their power/support/reputation if they won in 1461 rather than 1471#A 1471 military victory would result in victory but would also bring with it a whole host of other problems in terms of consolidation#(Among others: the inevitable head-on national clash between Yorkist and Lancastrian lords in terms of forfeited and restored estates#which had been postponed by Warwick but would undoubtedly take center stage once the royal family was properly established#and would almost definitely result in the eruption of widespread rivalries and resentment from the affected parties;#foreign and domestic policy with regards to the promised war with Burgundy which was very unpopular with the English patriciate; etc)#(That's not even getting into whether Warwick would survive or not and the equally complicated possibilities in either scenario#or George of Clarence: whether their victory would be before or after he switched sides and what that would mean for him)#There's also the obvious fact that Henry VI would still ultimately be King - and that can take VERY different routes depending#on the wider situation#In a completely alternate scenario if they had established themselves when Edward IV was still in exile he would be out of reach#which would over-complicate matters even further#(I'd be personally curious to know if they took any action against royal claims through the female line considering this was a HUGE#aspect of their gendered propaganda in the 1460s to try and delegitimize the Yorkist claim...Henry IV gave them an obvious precedent)#a 1471 victor would also be devastating on a personal level for everyone involved considering Henry's imprisonment and#Margaret and Edward's almost decade-long exile before it#It would be significantly more devastating for Edward IV's widow and four frighteningly young children - especially considering#that unlike Margaret or Anne Neville they lacked the active/direct connection of powerful foreign or national relatives#All in all - It's difficult to say but it's clear that a path forward in 1471 would be tremendously hard#A victory in 1461 would not only forever end the Yorkist challenge but would also ensure a far smoother aftermath for the Lancasters
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trudemaethien · 2 years
For the WIP meme: a gentleman and an officer?
hehe this one is so dumb and so fun; it’s modern military au cody/rex where Rex is an ROTC cadet and Cody is from West Point, attending the same training sorta like basic but not really prior to graduation. fingers crossed I’ll be able to submit it to this year’s codex week collection which is still open for a while—it is mostly done. knock on wood.
There’s a several-day stretch of inclement weather, so the cadets focus on classroom work, specifically preparing for the next exercise, Land Nav trials. There are training-standard powerpoints and worksheets, uncomfortable chairs and ancient blackboards, and the whole time, rain pounding and rattling against the metal roofs. It’s a monotonous lullaby, and the Drill Sergeants take malicious delight in catching drowsy cadets and waking them up.
Rex knows how to fight the pull of sleep. He’s just as tired and bored as the rest of them, but the trick is to give yourself a little jolt of adrenaline every so often. So he thinks about things that make his heart race and his palms sweat, he fakes a near-genuine interest in the material, he sits in the most uncomfortable position in those uncomfortable chairs, and he doesn’t get caught with heavy eyelids.
Sometimes the thoughts aren’t even terror-adjacent. He works out theoretical problems with his thesis project, a piece of tech he’s building to be both all-terrain and observant with enough logic to function tactically, for finding and neutralizing IEDs. Other robots have achieved some or part of these goals, but Rex wants the Rugged Recon Discern/Disarm to be smart enough to go out on its own, practically indestructible, and unable to be corrupted. He doesn’t want his tech misused.
Most of his goals were easy to meet individually: the rough terrain build, the bomb identification parameters, the deescalation logic; but when put together, his robot had developed a series of stubborn ticks. Rex hesitates to call it an attitude problem, or worse a personality, at least out loud, but he does want this thing to make its own decisions. Trying to integrate its systems has been like a wrestling match with a side of juggling and wild-animal taming.
In between land nav problems, of course. They’re allowed to take notes, and Rex takes care not to get too immersed in his R2D2 calculations in the margins to lose the thread of the actual class.
“Pass your worksheets to your battle buddy,” the instructor says, and Rex immediately regrets not sticking to the required math.
Cadet Wolffe mutters “Hey, overachiever, where are we going, to Jupiter?”
Rex suppresses a smile. At least it’s only Derek, who goes to the same university, though he’s not prior service like Rex. “To get more stupider,” he rejoins sarcastically.
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kahuna-burger · 2 years
Random question: Is interservice rivalry a weird USA thing, or is it common for countries with large militaries to a) have very strictly separated branches and b) have strong and encouraged divides between them?
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kesarijournal · 7 months
Pakistan Selections 2024 & its perpetual tightrope destiny
In the grand theater of South Asian politics, Pakistan’s post-election scenario is shaping up to be less of a triumphal procession and more of a high-wire act over a pit of economic despair, political vendettas, and regional brimstone. As the newly minted government takes the stage, one can’t help but admire the audacity—or is it naivety?—of stepping into the limelight where the plot twists rival…
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faultfalha · 1 year
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War with China would be an 'onslaught' like the US hasn't faced in decades. It would be a conflict of unprecedented scale, fought on a new front with new tactics. The United States has not faced a foe like China in generations, and the consequences could be dire. The Chinese are a formidable opponent, and they are not afraid to use brutal tactics. They would not hesitate to use chemical weapons or even nuclear weapons against the United States. The United States would be wise to avoid war with China, it would be a costly and devastating conflict.
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zvaigzdelasas · 8 months
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If America wanted to achieve the complete and near-total unity of the Yemeni people, they have surely succeeded. "Our disagreement with the Houthis will not make us Zionists. We will set aside the past and unite for what is to come. Our rifles beside the Houthis' rifles. We endorse all options in responding to the American and British aggression. We bear the full consequences of supporting the Palestinians. By Allah, we will not sleep while the children of Gaza are under bombardment. Those of us who die become martyrs, and those who live remain honorable."
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From an official in the US-backed "legitimate Yemeni government" "Despite our great rivalry with the Houthis, we will not accept American or British military intervention in our country."
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Another official from the US-backed Yemeni government in exile. Demented Biden has committed his greatest self-own. Decades of foreign policy reversed in 5 minutes. "Any Yemeni supporting the United States, Britain, and the countries of the Zionist ship protection alliance should reconsider their Yemeni identity and Arab roots. These countries protect and support the terrorist Zionist entity that has killed 30,000 children, women, and residents of Gaza. When the Red and Arabian Seas were closed to ships heading to this terrorist entity, this dirty alliance struck Yemen, punishing it for its honorable stance towards Gaza and Palestine. We may differ internally on many issues, but Palestine is our foremost cause and will remain so. Any aggression against Yemen by global terrorist states will be strongly opposed, with millions of the great Yemeni people at the forefront defending the soil of Yemen."
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Oh my god. Yeah, America screwed up big time with their airstrikes. If you can get Alhazmi to hate you, then you're truly lost. This guy is a long time affiliate of the US-backed Islah party. He joins the dozens of other nominally US-backed officials condemning the strikes.
[Machine Translation Follows]
From my point of view, no one will outdo me in my position on the Houthis, but I say what I really see: Attacking any inch of Yemen is considered blatant and condemnable hostility, and no rational person would accept it America and Britain are the main reason for the situation in the region and the crimes being committed there, and they, along with the Zionist entity, are violating all the laws of heaven and earth. Stop the genocide of #Gaza, you murderers.
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henryshaa · 1 year
Is Russia-China alliance real or just a myth? In this video series, Dr. Yu Bin provides insights into why Russia and China are not in an alliance, despite their close partnership in recent years. Using data-driven analysis and historical context, Dr. Yu Bin sheds light on the complex nature of the relationship between the two countries. Dr. Yu Bin's articles on Russo-Chinese Relations: https://cc.pacforum.org/relations/china-russia
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gofishygo · 4 months
to me tf141 x 141! reader is always going to have some sort of place in my heart .
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john price who knows he's breaking the rules, getting ever too close to his sweet subordinate, knowing that his grip on their hand during missions drags for moments too long . but he knows, he's okay with the risks , because it's you . even if it compromises the both of you in ways that would never happen if you'd just stayed apart , raises the price on both of your heads by a tenfold , you've wormed your way into his heart, and know he would make sure you lived there forever .
kyle 'gaz' garrick who'd sworn he'd always stick it to the civvies . less complicated that way, he initially thought , not having to deal with any more danger and conspiracy and the headstrong rivalries he kept to his taskforce , only another pretty face . but you come along , with your tac vest and chipper smile and bright eyes , and you let him breathe . a person who acted far more 'humany' than the rest of the team, but had the agility and strength the spear a gun like a battering bull into an enemy and still make it look incredibly beautiful . and then he forgets how to breathe at the sight of you , all over again .
simon 'ghost' riley who puts his heart out on line and hook for his new teammate . he'd never imagined finding gentleness under such military circumstances, never felt the warmth of his weary and broken heart in living hands ever since his family . but you patch him up and piece him up in and in between long deployments, and he cant help but cherish the fingerprints you leave on him .
john 'soap' mactavish who bores at the idea of a slow and civilian life, with his 'best friend' in the taskforce feeding right into it . testing bombs together, challenging each other to clear courses the fastest . wiping the dirt and blood off of each others faces after the roughest missions , excusing his rising heartbeat by the adrenaline when you fall asleep on his shoulder in the chopper . and when you laugh , it's sharp and loud and the exact hum he wants to drown himself in for the rest of his life .
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shortnotsweet · 8 months
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This technically applies to my Stepmother AU in which Alicent is around six years older than Rhaenyra, and occupies a wicked stepmother role as opposed to ex ‘friends-to-first loves-to-enemies’. Despite lacking the foundation of shared girlhood, both find simultaneous comfort and rivalry in one another, and undergo a gravitational pull. A young Rhaenyra’s eagerness to participate in swordplay and political affairs at a young is accommodated for, and she grows up with a sword in one hand and the weight of experience in another, which further helps pave her way to the throne.
Alicent’s Costuming
Alicent’s clothing is almost entirely bottle, emerald, or forest green. While there is layering present in her skirts and jackets, the accent should always be a darker green than the base color. The fabric is deep, rich, and retains an undeniably high-quality luster. Look to velvets and silks. Gold embroidery lingers around her sleeves, neck, and hemline to elevate the coloring.
Metallic embellishments should be almost military-like, and appear heavy. Contribute to the imagery of chains or shackles in addition to her status
Draws inspiration from historically accurate stiffness and Victorian shapes, with a tapered waist, imposing, puffy sleeves, and a high neckline. Despite inaccuracies, this shape is evocative of someone elegantly and conservatively feminine, repressed, and capable of exerting power over others. Reference a classic, trussed hourglass shape. Skirts should be notably heavy and full; may make noise in movement
The coloring and shapes remain relatively consistent but lack variation; this is to demonstrate a lack of freedom and exploration, as well as an adherence to conventional feminine roles
Despite these limitations, her costuming should always be put-together, coordinated, and unquestionably fashionable. Tight sleeve cuffs may be accompanied by a more traditionally medieval fan sleeve
Shoes should stick mostly to slippers, or flat designs
In this AU, her hair leans more towards a dark brown instead of auburn, as her show counterpart. This is mostly due to faux-book accuracy and to simplify the sketch process, since keeping her hair darker in comparison to Rhaenyra’s lighter hair translates more easily in uncolored renderings.
Keep her hair either in a tidy bun or pulled back and loose; avoid too many intricate shapes, braids, or styles. Occasionally, the hair will hang loose. Lean into medieval or royal headpieces, clips, coverings, etc.
Rhaenyra’s Costuming
Rhaenyra’s clothes are primarily black and red, occasionally accented or substituted with neutrals such as beige, white, or gray. Exceptions may include blue or yellow, but she generally stays in this color palette.
Strong focus is drawn to her shoulders and neckline, sometimes with embroidered or embellished detailing. She often has strong, angular shoulders in her dresses or jackets, occasionally theatrically pointed. Off-the shoulder necklines emphasize her collarbones and a certain broadness.
There should be decent variety in her clothing; there is a hypothetical outfit for every occasion and more (for battle, for riding, everyday, formal, feasts, everyday, etc.), and most should be composed of multiple pieces and utilize generous layering. This includes under-fabric, belts and corsets, jackets and doublets, draped fabric for aesthetic purpose, and even functional capes.
Most of her clothes should provide visual aid for movement; additional fabric to her skirts, for example. Her clothes should be highly stylized but still easy to move in. In riding and battle gear, it is presumed that she wears pants and boots under her skirts, even if they are not visible.
Shoes lean more into boot cuts, still practical but should have a sleek and uniform quality to them. When she walks, she should make some kind of noise. Shoes should usually be black or potentially red, the latter for decorative purposes.
Overall her style should be more contemporary and lean into the fantasy element. She’s not opposed to oriental details or showing skin, and her costumes should reflect both couture-height drama and period-reliant aspects. Longer lines and diagonal hems mean she is not as devoted to an hourglass shape, and her high collars should always be decorative in some respect.
Keep her hair long and mostly loose, sometimes pulled back. Small braids should be implied as incorporated. Occasional hairstyles feature complicated braids. With the exception of highly decorative braided styles, simple buns should be avoided unless accompanied with very high necklines.
Avoid headpieces that are not either a) her crown or b) ceremonial.
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