theraserilda · 4 years
Training, for Aphrodite, was therapeutic. She loved the feel of the swords in her hands and the knives she span through the air hitting target after target. The rush of energy in the heat of it all followed by the sense of her muscles relaxing after a session was something that came as naturally to her as breathing.
But she had other things on her mind. People she wanted to see and places she wanted to explore, and one person in particular had rooted themselves in her mind since their brief interaction on the train.
She found the girl in the arts and crafts room, sitting in a corner with her head buried in some sort of drawing. Drawing, Aphrodite thought with a grim smile. She hesitated for a moment at the door before deciding to edge into the room, moving over the Thera and quietly sitting on the stool next to her.
“Hey,” Aphrodite said, her voice gentle. “I’ve been looking for you.”
Within the solace of the arts and crafts room, Thera found the most unlikely of comforts. It had been months since she’d pick up a pencil to draw, as the time leading up to her reaping had been rather tumultuous. Her father’s illness had rendered him unable to work, which meant she had to take up extra time in the fields. She’d sweated and swung her scythe for more hours than she had cared to count, rendering her physique slim but still weakened by lack of sustenance.
Her time in the training center had proved to be more challenging than she thought, as had the psychological component of the Games. She knew she was being watched. Wherever she went, whatever she did, she felt their eyes on her. Thera’s leg bounced out of nervousness as she drew, but this did not stop her from producing a rather fine piece of art.
She took a deep breath as a new presence amended itself to the room, this particular person being of great interest to the tribute from Nine. “Hey,” she greeted back, unsure of how to mince words in her newfound environment. “Have you?” She placed her pencil down and rested an elbow on the table to support her head. “Why exactly is that?”
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theraserilda · 4 years
Rowan wasn’t a fan. Sure, he was at awe at how the Tribute Center was already way better than any building he has ever been in back home, but that was a given. District Seven was no Capitol. As soon as he could, he went through every room, never staying in any one of them for more than a few minutes, just gawking and observing and keeping in mind where was what. This was the last room. At least he thought it was.
“Oh, sorry, didn’t know someone was in here.” Rowan lowered his head, apologizing for his intrusion. Shame didn’t stop him from approaching, though, but he did pause for a few moments to let that shame simmer within him. When was the last time he played with a pen, just scribbling on a paper, not because of work or anything like that? He couldn’t even remember. “I’m Rowan, by the way, I don’t think we met on the train.”
“You an artist?” He was genuinely interested.
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Privacy was scarce in the Capitol. The second she’d departed the Tribute Train she swore she could feel their eyes on her -- their hungry, contemptuous leers eager to latch onto whatever substance she happened to bring forth. Thera did not want to provide sustenance for them in which would be consumed via twenty-foot high screens, so she stayed silent. Silent in the training centre; silent now.
She kept her head down as she heard the person enter, her attention fixed on the charcoal drawing before her. It was an abstract one -- more of an impressionist sketch than it was true to life. Memories of home now resided on the paper before her, waves of grain etched onto its surface. Had she been another person, she would have ignored them wholly. Kept working and minded her business. But Thera was no such person, and greeted them with a kind smile. “No worries,” she responded, continuing to impress delicate strokes on her artwork. “Nice to meet you, Rowan. I’m Thera.”
She placed her pencil down, finally making eye contact with the boy. His face was not wholly unfamiliar, having seen him from afar. “I guess you could say that,” she smirked before holding her gaze. "I’m not very good, but I try.”
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theraserilda · 4 years
Thera had experienced, by this time, very little of what the Tribute Center had to offer. She avoided the rooftop pool and sauna like the plague, never having been one for water. It was the arts and crafts room that she found solace in after a day of training, her limbs and joints already becoming sore in a fashion she’d never quite experienced before. Years in the grain fields were strenuous, but nothing quite like the physicality of what she had just endured. It was in this room that she scribbled away, the sound of lead making contact with paper being the only one in the room -- until the entrance of another, of course.
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theraserilda · 4 years
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The mononymous EUDOCIA has had their ups and their downs during the many years in which they have served as a Capitol Mentor. Initially reserved for the higher districts, Eudocia’s highly publicized fall from grace the year prior put them back at square one. They are giving it their all to ensure their tribute lands on top, hoping it’ll be enough to return themself to the spotlight once more.
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theraserilda · 4 years
Her night had been sleepless — a continuum of shadows that danced across her room’s walls and ceiling, monsters calling out her name and laughing at her demise. Thera didn’t know what possessed her to do it but she rose from her bed, tapping the electronic button to open her door. Just across from her were her district partner’s quarters; one of the few people she had yet to come into contact with. She balled one of her hands into a fit and rapped gently on the metallic entrance. “Ash?” she called out. “Are you awake?”
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theraserilda · 4 years
When Thera had closed her eyes the previous night, she whispered a quiet mantra to herself. This is bad dream, she muttered. I will wake up. When her eyes shot open, there was a split second in which she swore she could smell her father’s famous bread baking. It was Saturday morning, and she’d spend the day in the fields. She was not in District 9, however, and dread flooded through her the moment she realized where she was.
Hunger inevitably drove Thera to leave her cabin, leading her straight to the dining car. It was there that she saw a lone boy, clinging to a steaming mug that radiated the most wonderful of smells. She found a seat across from the boy, grabbing a mug of her own. “We could never afford coffee back home,” Thera spoke, breaking the silence. She poured herself a cup, the warmth of the liquid immediately warming her cold fingers. Before the two resided a buffet of sumptuous pastries and breakfast foods, all of which were non-existent in Nine. “It’s kind of crazy how much of this I’ve never seen before.”
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Jae had woken up feeling surprisingly alert considering his previous night’s escapades, and after a cold shower he felt even better. Following a night spent in search of whisky, he felt that a search for coffee was only appropriate, and wound up in the lounge early enough to miss his fellow tributes doing the same. For now he was alone, sat at a table with his hands wrapped around a warm mug of the most beautiful smelling pick-me-up. He took a sip and closed his eyes. As he leant back into his chair he brought the cup up to his nose and let the sweet-smelling warmth hit his face. He felt at peace; calm and happy, almost.
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theraserilda · 4 years
There was something familiar in Thera’s eyes, something soft and reserved that he didn’t want to disturb in any way. He tried to remind himself that she was a stranger, that all of this could be part of her strategy, but his heart was still grateful for the company. When they made it to the entertainment car, he sat across from her and immediately started shuffling the cards. It helped to keep his hands busy, to cling to something familiar.
“How about we play, um…,” Calix paused, quickly rifling through every card game he could think of. Back home, he usually just played Solitaire, because he didn’t need a partner for it. “Double Solitaire?”
Somehow, Calix managed to explain the rules without pausing or stumbling over his words once. As he spoke, he grabbed another deck from the cart and began to shuffle it separately. “It’s, uh, pretty instinctive once things get going. And if you want we could…,” He hesitated. It wouldn’t be long before the entire country was watching his entire move. This was the time to get to know people, to make a connected that counted, and he was afraid of the regret he’d feel if he passed the opportunity up. Double Solitaire was fun, but it wasn’t particularly enlightening. He had to take the risk of allowing himself to be known. 
“Um, I don’t know, this could be dumb. I was thinking maybe, after we finish off one of our nine piles on the table, we could ask a question of the other person. I’ll answer honestly. And if you don’t get nine questions in, you can continue asking after the game is done. Just so it’s…fair. You in?”
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Thera, in all of her misguided benevolence and soft words, knew that this was much more than a simple game of cards. It was an evaluation; a way for the two to gauge the others’ disposition and odds. If she were any other tribute, she would gather as much information as possible while revealing as little as possible about herself. That was not the game she was playing, however, and she would be honest. Fair.
“Sounds perfect.” She quickly digested the rules as delineated by Calix, not bothering to speak up whenever something perplexed her. It was not in her character to interrupt another, after all. By the end she gave a quick nod and gathered a collection of cards in her hands.
She mulled over the boy’s proposal, quirking a brow as she did so. It was an intriguing one; an offer she couldn’t refuse. “It’s not dumb,” she spoke, placing down her first card. “Sounds fun.”
As the clock ticked on, Thera soon found herself with her first pile completed. She would ask the first question. Nothing invasive, just something to break the ice. “What’s your favorite season?” Asinine, but simple.
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theraserilda · 4 years
She smiled alongside the girl, watching her lips twitch upwards with increasing interest. Underneath the initial fear was something worth exploring, some ember that would transform into crackling flames if nurtured with care. The small ones are always the most dangerous.
“Give them Hell.” She said. “Whatever you do to the Capitol, they’ll always be doing worse to you. Make them pay for it.”
Yes, Aphrodite had seen girls like Thera enter the arena before. Within their fear lay power, and a certain level of unpredictability that could make them formidable opponents. It would be worthwhile to see just how much nerve she had in her, and whether she would be smart enough to utilise it to her advantage.
“The Capitol’s rules and my own have very little in common.” She thought about it. Was that really true, when it came down to it? No matter what, the result was pretty much the same. Whether she chose to go it alone or with someone worth keeping alive, the Capitol still had their hooks buried deep into her plans. “The whole couple thing kind of freaks me out.”
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It was the unspoken code of District Nine to keep your head down and stay quiet -- a code that Thera had abided by her entire life. Humble beginnings bred the meek youth turned tribute, the one that now found herself before one of the Games’ most formidable tributes. The girl before her was a power keg dressed in red, of whom Thera was unsure would become friend or foe.
“I might have to raise a little hell,” she chuckled softly. In the face of this specific adversity, all she had to do was remain herself. To remain human was an act of rebellion in itself. “Those fuckers have another thing coming.” She looked up modestly, flashing a broader grin. “Sorry for the language.”
Thera was pleased to hear of Aphrodite’s position, leading her to release an irrepressible giggle. “It freaks me out too." She looked around, hoping nobody would hear her next words. “Can I tell you a secret?” Thera bit her lip before looking down in embarrassment. “I’ve never even been in a relationship before.”
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theraserilda · 4 years
“I don’t blame you, Thera. People are complicated.” Fenn smiled and let Thera walk ahead of him into the observation cart. He stopped at the door, looking around at the golden fields - the grain imitated waves as the wind moved through them, and he could almost imagine diving in. The sun felt warm as it kissed his skin, as though it was real, and he could swear he heard the grain rustling over the low hum of the train. He felt settled. Thera was handing him something - a remote. He looked down and then at her smile and the dimples on her cheeks. He could almost feel her heartbeat return to normal - the view had settled her as much as it had him. “In a minute,” he put the remote down and stood right up against the window. “I think we should stop off here for a minute first. Tell me about this place.”
In the gloss of the windows of the observation car, Thera caught a glimpse of the girl that would exist no longer. Never again would she be lost in a sea of grain, rays of the summer sun kissing her delicate flesh. Instead, all that awaited her was darkness -- all consuming and ever famished.
“Home,” she muttered, her eyes fixed on the glass. Her body eased into her seat as the familiarity of Nine raced past her. “This is home.” A slight grin captivated her features despite the touch of sorrow that influenced her tone. “In the summer we used to all go out there and play hide and seek. We’d be out there until the sun went down. Laughing. Playing.”
A beat, followed by a gentle sigh. “All things that won’t happen again, I guess.” She looked down, fiddling with the seams on her sleeve. “Sorry to be such a bummer.”
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theraserilda · 4 years
He took her hand and pulled her to her feet, placing one hand gently on her waist and directing her other to his shoulder. “Sure we do,” he began to softly sing a tune from back home before quickly pausing to give her direction “Just move your feet with mine, let it feel natural,” he recalled as much as he could from the few dances he had been too back home.
The pair were certainly not elegant, but there was an innocence to it. The occasional misstep, followed by an apology and a flash of a smile. For a moment he was able to forget where he was.
It was the tenderness of the moment in which caught the tribute off guard. Without a word, she placed one hand on the boy’s shoulder and allowed him to direct her actions. The song he sang was foreign to her -- one that was nonexistent in her homeland of Nine. She looked down at her feet, clumsily attempting to mimic the boy’s footwork with her own. It took a second, but she was finally able to fall into sync with her partner.
“I might have to call you a bit of a liar,” she murmured abashedly, the slightest tinge of pink coloring her complexion. “You’re a lot better at this than me.”
The duo swayed for a second more before she spoke, “You never told me your name, boy from Eleven.”
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theraserilda · 4 years
Valkyrie lazily turned her head to smirk at the young girl, “A calm Career? It’s a bit of a stereotype, isn’t it?” she turned back to watch the room, “Besides I’m not the only one here with careful control over my emotions.”
“You should be watching everyone, working out who you would work with, who you can work with,” she turned to look straight into the girl’s eyes, “I don’t fancy your chances alone.
She leaned back, letting her gaze soften somewhat, “Though of course, a bad partner choice is worse than no partner at all. And perhaps it doesn’t matter what any of us do, however much we prepare, the game is in the hands of the gamemakers and the people watching us. It’s designed to kill us, after all,” she turned again to look around the room, “In a month’s time almost all of us will be dead, mostly at the hands of another person in this room.”
She turned back to look at Thera, to gauge if the girl had improved at all in their short interaction, “So I suppose you’d best start working out how to kill them, or start planning your grand finale.”
She gave the girl a gentle but unmoving smile, waiting for her response.
I don’t like my chances either. The thought ran through Thera’s mind as her eyes scanned the perimeter. I’m dead either way though, right? She pursed her lips, the knowledge that all but one would soon be dead turning her stomach. Thera took in a sharp breath before exhaling slowly.
“What a fucked up design,” she stated bluntly, returning her eyes to Valkyrie.
Thera held her head up a bit higher, mulling over the possibility of having another person’s blood on her hands. Even with her life on the line, she girl was unsure if she could commit the most reprehensible of sins. “I’m not going to kill anybody. They can’t make me.” Her voice was clear and strong -- a marked departure from her usual tone and demeanor. “I guess I’m just living on borrowed time right now.”
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theraserilda · 4 years
Aphrodite had a new-found appreciation for this girl now that she had unleashed her defiance. It made her all the more entrancing. A loose cannon - just like her.
“You’ve got nerve, that’s already throwing a spanner in the works for the Capitol.” Aphrodite grinned. “Think of all the trouble you could cause for them by not playing by their rules.”
She looked the tribute up and down, sizing her up. Small, - which meant fast, and jumpy - which meant agile. If she could handle herself around a weapon Aphrodite could see her as being somewhat of a threat. A small threat, but enough to make impact.
“So you’re not planning on doing the whole couple thing then?” She asked, cocking her head to one side.
Trouble. A word not often associated with the girl from Nine. As a stickler for the rules, it mortified a young Thera whenever she so much as received a subtle reprimand from her father. In her daily life, she was far from a shit-stirrer. This was far from normalcy, however, and the tribute now found herself with her life on the line.
“I mean, I’m not usually much of a trouble maker.” She felt a grin tugging at the corners of her lips, realization slowly making its way into her bloodstream. “But what have I got left to lose. Right?”
She’d thought about Aphrodite’s question from the second she was herded into a room in District 9 to say her goodbyes. She knew the rules, she’d seen the Games played out more times than she cared to count. Who, if anybody would be her partner? Ash was devastatingly handsome -- this was undeniable. He would be perfect as a partner, save for his unpredictable mouth. If not him, though, then who was the girl left with?
“I’ll have to get back to you on that,” Thera spoke, biting one of her nails in the process. “Too soon to tell. Too much going on in my head.” The girl flashed her eyes at Aphrodite, hoping to peer in a bit closer at the clockwork of the girl’s mind. “How about you? Are you gonna play by their rules?”
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theraserilda · 4 years
Tai remained standing, hand out, grinning. Truthfully, he was not much of a dancer either. “Two left feet? Good. I’ll be in even company” he laughed as he said it. He looked at the nervous girl in front of him, hoping he could perhaps provide her with but a small distraction.
A level playing field, the tribute thought. Perhaps, the only time, she would be on par with another tribute in these Games. Rising slowly, she placed her hand in the boy’s. She’d danced maybe only a handful of times in her life, if that, and felt her nerves beginning to bubble to the surface. “You gotta show me the ropes.” Her gaze met the boy’s, her breath hitching in her throat. “We, uh-” A quick glance around. “We don’t have any music.”
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theraserilda · 4 years
Valkyrie laughed gently, more of an exhale than anything, “My dear I love questions, but you’ll have to learn how to ask them better before I answer them,” she looked around the room.
“It’s the first evening, surely you aren’t already making such big decisions,” she turned to look at the girl, watching her visibly try to steel herself, “Or maybe it’s best to find a partner soon, start building up a relationship before they’re all watching.”
She held Thera’s gaze, making sure that there was no mistake about what was happening here, “You’d be smart to avoid me once we’re in there, it’s true,” she let her lips slowly curl into a smile, “Though until we get started you have nothing to fear from me, I’m not nearly as scary as I might seem.”
Thera, by now, had curled up into a position that allowed herself to wrap her arms around her legs. She rested her head on a knee, drinking in the wisdom that Valkyrie had to offer. Again, the girl was correct. No need to jump to decisions quite yet.
“I mean, I can be pretty dumb at times. But I’m not that dumb.” She grinned slightly. “I haven’t decided on anyone yet.” Thera pondered the possibility of aligning herself with her district partner. It was the most natural choice, the one everybody would be expecting, but something about that didn’t sit quite right with the youth.
The District 9 tribute noted the Career’s confidence. It was a trait that she would be smart to adopt herself. “You’re so...” Her mind drifted for a second, before her mind pinpointed the correct language. “Steady. Level-headed.” Not nearly as frightening as I thought a Career would be, she thought, intelligent enough to not vocalize this. “They’re gonna love you once they see you.”
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theraserilda · 4 years
Calix hesitated only because he hadn’t expected to find kindness here. He didn’t entirely trust it - he probably wouldn’t fully trust this tribute as long as he lived - but a game sounded nice. Maybe he’d forget where he was for a second or two. “Uh, yeah, I’d like that,” he said, steadying his breath and standing. “I’m Calix. District Three. And I’m pretty decent at card games, so.”
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Thera looked the boy up and down as he rose. He was taller than her -- much, taller. “Thera. District Nine.” A meager grin captivated her lips. “Follow me, Calix from District Three.” She spoke his name with subtle gravitas, enjoying the chance to be in the midst of somebody as seemingly shy as she was.
The two then found themselves in the next car over, with Thera finding a seat at a small square table. In a cart next to it she located a deck of cards, handing them over to the boy. “You’ll have to show me how to play. I’m pretty shit at card games.”
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theraserilda · 4 years
Valentine tapped his temple, a look of wisdom on his face. “I have only the best knowledge for the arena. You need it, I’ve got it.” He sat back, arms stretched on the back of the sofa. “Thera. Pretty name. I’m Valentine, pleasures all mine.”
“Valentine. Charming.” She let out a soft chuckle, proceeding to settle into her own seat. Thera tapped her fingers on her leg, a nervous habit formed over many moons. She quickly snapped out of it, realizing the need to seem less skittish than she really was. “What advice do you have for me, oh wise one?”
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theraserilda · 4 years
Fenn did miss home. The wind whistling past the train was different to how the wind whistled at the coast. “I miss it pretty bad. You’d love it - it’s just so big. You feel like there’s a bigger picture than all of this looking out at the ocean.” He shook the memory off of him and turned back to smile at Thera. She was small and sweet and soothing. “Not a big people person, then?” Fenn laughed. “Come on, let’s go find somewhere less stuffy.” Fenn stood and led the way to the door at the end of the carriage, stopping just before the door and turning back to her. “Are you coming?”
Thera’s mind ran wild at the possibilities of what the ocean might be like. The warmth of the sand, the breeze in her hair -- all things she’d never be able to experience. Not in this life time, at least. It was refreshing to be interacting with somebody who could flash a smile her way. Terse words and sour expressions were abundant in the train, so to be with the boy lit up a small smile on her features. “Never been much of a people person, no.” Thera looked down for a second, pondering the reasoning for such kindness before she heard Fenn call back for her.
Rising, she followed suit. It was a short trek before the two reached the final component of the train -- the observation car. Replete with large panels of glass and lofty chairs, Thera amended herself to one. What rushed past was something wholly familiar to the girl -- fields of tall grass, situated in front of the setting sun. “Reminds me of home,” she spoke quietly before noticing a small remote in the middle of them. She reached for it and noted the various landscapes that could be projected: cityscapes, mountains, desolate wastelands, and so on. Thera handed the boy the remote with a grin, speaking as she did so, “You choose.”
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