#we need to watch CF soon !!
mollywog · 4 months
Prompt: “How am I supposed to focus when you look at me like that?”
Thank you for the tag @littlemarianah (A Streak of Luck) and @tetheredfeathers (Kiss Me)!
Tagging: @waywardangel-wilds @thesunpersists @rarepairheathen or anyone feeling inspired!
Update: Is he really your crush if you don’t knit him an ugly Scarf by @thesunpersists and this drabble by @waywardangel-wilds
Inspired by a joke made about Haymitch Parent-Trap-ping Everlark during the CF training-like-careers period (can’t find the post but I think it was @thesweetnessofspring)
“How am I supposed to focus when you’re standing over my shoulder like that?!” the girl snaps.
Haymitch’s head is pounding. Between the workouts, the lack of sleep, and withdrawal it’s always pounding. This constant bickering isn’t helping either.
“Yeah, and if you can’t do this with me here, how will you manage with the whole country staring over your shoulder in the arena?” The boy snarks back.
Haymitch guffaws and the girl glares at him before directing her ire back towards the boy, teeth gritted in a snarl, “This is stupid! I know how to make a fire. I’m done here.”
“Katniss,” the kid warns, “we have another half hour till lunch.”
She huffs, “I’ll go run laps then.” The boy opens his mouth, but she cuts him off, “alone!” She turns on her heels and Haymitch watches as he reaches out as if to stop her, before changing his mind and dropping his hand as she storms off.
The mentor clicks his tongue when she’s out of earshot, “you need to take care of that.”
The boy shrugs and begins packing up supplies, “it’s fine, laps are good too. I know she can start a fire.”
“Then maybe you should practice containing one.” He didn’t think it could be worse than before the Victory tour when they were both mopey and sullen. “When has being at odds like this ever worked in either of your favors?”
“Yeah, well, I’m trying to make sure we’re all prepared for what’s coming,” he says and Haymitch knows he means more than just the training regiment he’s got them on. “I don’t know what she wants from me,” Peeta adds in a grumble.
“I think you do. You two smoothed things over pretty well on the Tour.” The boy shoots him a weary look. “Things were peaceful enough here up until the Quell announcement.”
“The Quell changed everything.”
“It did, and she’s still reeling. She’s looking for comfort.”
“Then you do it! If not you, there are plenty of others. She doesn’t need me for that, and soon enough I won’t be around, so she might as well get used to it now.
Haymitch winces at the directness of the statement.
The boy points a finger, “You and I made a deal; we save her. She can’t afford distractions.” He stands poised, waiting for an acknowledgment. The boy accepts his inclined chin as agreement and continues, “Now, I’m going to go make sure she’s keeping pace.”
He watches the boy stalk away. The girl can’t act for shit; if they head to the Quell in this state they’re as good as dead and the rebellion with them. Haymitch curses under his breath. He’s going to need to get involved…
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forgetminot · 1 year
hii!! just wanted to say its so cool to see a writer with pots and cfs, I have both too! I totally understand those and im sending u lots of spoons 🫶 if ur up for it could u please do something fluffy with rick or daryl taking care of an injured reader? thanks so much!!
My Hero.
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♡ Daryl Dixon x !gn reader ♡
[ Warnings : Injury, angst, killing of a deer, profanities, established relationship, very sweet Daryl, fluffff, slightly proof read ]
Author's Note : awwe, sending you lots of spoons right back!! SOO, i might have gotten carried away with this... The start is how the reader gets injured, so it's slightly angsty and the end is full of fluff; like the most fluffy stuff I have written.
Summary : You get injured while out hunting with Daryl, he fixes you right up and makes sure you are okay.
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You liked to think you were getting better at hunting, you started off in the beginning by watching Daryl from afar, trying not to spook him or the animal he was tracking. The further into the apocalypse you got, you crept your way into Daryl's walls and he'd let you tag along once or twice. Now? He refused to go anywhere without you.
"It looks like deer markings, right?" You question as you study the footprints in the mud.
"Mm, yer' right." Daryl nods, continuing to follow the trail. You follow closely behind as you both make your way through the forest, pushing branches out of the way as you go. Daryl stops suddenly, placing his hand in front of you to slow you. "Over there, see it?"
You smile as the deer steps into view and you take your bow from your back, drawing up a shot. Deep breath in. You release the string and the arrow flies through the air with force, hitting the deer square in the neck and it falls to the ground with a thud.
"Nice shot, you're getting better at tha'" You thank Daryl before heading towards the deer, the leaves rustling beneath you.
"Do you think we can get-" You let out a harsh scream as you step straight onto the plate of a bear trap, the sharp jaws digging into your ankle; your bow dropping to the ground and you fall to your knees in pain, hands clawing at the metal around your leg.
"Shit, Don't move!" Daryl is by your side in seconds, hands cupping your jaw as he tilts your head up to look at him. "Deep breaths." You breathe in deeply, holding your breath and then releasing, tears streaming down your cheeks which Daryl is quick to wipe away. "Ya' need to stay calm for me, ok?"
You nod as Daryl bends down to examine the trap. He sighs deeply, looking up at you. "Think I can pry it open." You close your eyes, shaking your head back and forth in panic. "Need yer' to pull your ankle out as soon as I get it open."
Opening your eyes you look down at Daryl, he's staring up at you with panic written all over his face. "Okay" you whisper.
He places both his hands at either side of the jaws and pulls on them harshly. You cry out as the traps jaws leave your wound and you tug your ankle from the trap as it closes with a loud clang. You fall backwards onto the ground, groaning from the pain.
Daryl is already searching through his bag, pulling out any medical supplies you brought with you. You reach for your bag, taking it from your shoulders and handing it to Daryl.
"There should be some vodka in there." Daryl laughs, raising his eyebrows at you in question. "Not like that, it's for medical purposes." You hiss.
"M' sure it is." He places the vodka on the ground beside him as he helps you remove your now destroyed boot and sock; you wince as the fabric peels away from the wound. Daryl picks the bottle back up, removing the cap and throwing it to the side. "It's goin' to sting."
"Just do it." Daryl pours the alcohol over your wound and you scream out in agony as it burns your skin; you grab onto Daryl's shoulder, squeezing tightly as he continues to pour vodka around your ankle. "Fuck, that hurts more than I thought it would."
"Here, drink this." You laugh as Daryl hands you the bottle of remaining vodka and chug it down in one go. "Knew that's why you brought that." You glare at him, pushing him back by the shoulder.
He takes a bandage from the first aid box and carefully applies it around your wound.
"All I can do, ya' definitely going to need stitches though."
"Thank you." You lean forward and press a gentle kiss to his cheek, smiling as you lean away. "My hero." You giggle.
"M' no hero." He states.
"I don't see anyone else around here." You turn your head, looking around the forest. "Except for the dead deer..."
"You're a loud screamer."
"What?" You laugh. "Anyone would scream that loud after stepping on one of those things." You motion to the metal contraption.
"Don't think I would." He replies. You roll your eyes at his response, reaching your hand out towards him.
"Help me up?" He takes your hand, placing his other around your waist as he pulls you up and you groan at the sharp shooting pain coming from your ankle. "Please get me back to Hershel."
"Ain't going to abandon you." Daryl scoops you up in his arms, smiling down at you.
"What about the deer?" You question. "Don't forget my bow."
"I'll get em' later." He answers. "Only worry I have is getting you back home safe."
You wake up in your shared cell, cuddled beneath multiple blankets on your floor mattress; Daryl is beside you, arms wrapped tightly around your waist with his chest firmly against your back. You turn, placing a small kiss against his lips; smiling as his eyes meet yours.
"Hi." He chuckles, pulling you close to him. "How you feelin'?"
"Okay, I'm okay." You say.
"Good." He whispers, kissing your temple lovingly. "You passed out when Hershel was stitching you up."
"That's not a surprise." You grin. "Never have been good with needles."
"I know, told Hershel you would faint. He didn't believe me- Maybe I shoulda' bet on it." He teased.
"Wow!" You giggle. "At least Hershel believed in me."
"Never said I didn't believe in you, I just know you too well." Daryl pulls away from you, sitting up from his position. "Which reminds me, he told me to get him when you woke up." You groan, reaching out and grabbing Daryl's hand.
"Hershel can wait." You say, playing with Daryl's fingers. "Please?" He rolls his eyes, laying back down next to you.
"Fine, five minutes."
"Thank you." You place your hands in Daryl's hair, combing through the knots. "When was the last time you brushed this mess?" You question. He scoffs, looking down at you. "I'm joking!" You smirk.
"Mhm." He hums softly.
"Yeah, angel?"
"You're my hero." You tease, staring up at him.
"Told you-"
"M' no hero" You mimic his words from before. "Seriously, Thank you."
"Wasn't going to just leave you there." He states, taking your hand in his.
"I know." You laugh.. "Just take my thank you."
"Fine, You' welcome." He rolls his eyes as you smile up at him, placing your spare hand on the back of his neck and pulling his lips down against yours. "Love you." He whispers into the kiss.
"I love you too."
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skellymom · 7 months
"Vagabonds" Chapter 10 "Stranded"
Ongoing fanfic Hunter x Reader/Fem Reader/OC
Hunter meets a smuggler Nomaadi Star Woman with a powerful force sensitive teen who changes the trajectory of CF-99's lives...as they ALL try to escape from The Empire together.
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To read Chapter 9:
Word Count: 1.2K
Background: Time is running out for Hunter, Omega, and the crew of The Beldame.
Warning: Star Wars swears, Earth swears, fear, physical pain, fainting, blood, hypothermia, dog bites human, canon-typical violence.
(Credit: Cool moving star dividers by @4ngelic-wh1spers )
As the jovial banter continued, a group of clones stood around the window, watching the planet recede from view. 
“You think She and Little One have a chance?” 
“Much better than staying on Kamino.  The Nomaadi will take good care of ‘em.” 
“Wish I could’a stayed on the planet with ‘em.  Kriffin tired of this rat race.” 
“Miss them already...” 
“Shhh...we can’t.  At least not right NOW.”   
“Maybe sometime...in the future...” 
“Yeah, younger ones go first.” 
“Gotta be REAL careful if we smuggle any more out.” 
A hush fell among the group as the planet disappeared with only cold black space remaining. 
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Far out in cold black space the Dread Beldame drifted. 
After Mad had fainted and fallen to the floor, Sil turned her over. Pale and with a bruise from the fall developing on her face, he could feel the panic rising. 
“Sil...breathe...” Omega had to keep him calm. “Love?” 
The teen floated above the decking; eyes rolled back in their head. No answer. 
Hunter had finally passed out from the horrific sensory stimuli. 
Tiggy shook it off and ambled over to them whimpering. She pressed her body up against Sil to distract him. 
The lights of the Beldame began to flicker. 
“Sil! What’s going on? Are we losing power???” 
Sil snapped to, furiously stroking Tiggy. “We lost main power after the Venator exploded.” He looked terrified. “The auxillary power is starting to fail...lights, gravity...and life support.” 
Omega felt a chill go through her. “We can fix it...RIGHT???” 
“No... we need another ship to hook up to the ‘Dame for recharge and repair.” 
“It’ll be ok, Sil. The Marauder will be here soon!” 
Sil shook his head. “Omega...the explosion pushed us parsecs away from Ord Mantell.” He got up, leaving Mad and Tiggy to check ships comm. He found them inoperable, then stared out into the blackness of space. 
“I... recognize SOME of these stars. No planets or any other large landmarks. But we’ll continue to drift farther out.” He looked resigned to their fate. “Without coordinates, or a way to radio them, it’s going to be near impossible.” 
“Tech and Echo WILL find us!” Omega was hopeful...but she was also scared. 
The lights dimmed again and stayed at half capacity. 
“It’s going to get VERY cold here soon, Omega. And we need to conserve oxygen best we can.” Sil opened a panel and pulled out insulation blankets and oxygen face masks. 
Omega and Sil pulled Hunter, Mad, Love, Tiggy and each other close into a warm huddle, donned their oxygen masks, and hoped for the best. 
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Echo and Tech furiously checked as many comm channels as possible to hail the Beldame. 
Techs voice was rising, “I cannot find them on ANY channel!” 
Echo was starting to worry, but couldn’t concentrate... 
“You stink!” Echo wrinkled up his face. “Get in the refresher, Wrecker!!!  Pick up your armor, too.” 
“Wait” interjected Tech “Who was that clone with you in the sewer tunnel?” 
Echo perked up and turned around in his seat “Another clone on Ord Mantell other than Rex???” 
“He called himself Riffraff.  Escaped off world after Order 66.” 
Echo smiled from ear to ear, “Thank the Maker!  Vod made it.” 
“You know him?” Tech inquired, still checking comm channels, trying not to panic. 
“Yeah, he was a shiny I met from another unit just before joining the Batch.  Good kid, he had promise.” 
“He looked SO OLD though.  Didn’t recognize him as a clone at first.” Wrecker was shocked.  
“I agree with Wrecker, he must have aged to look like a first-generation clone with all the adversity he witnessed during Order 66 and after.  He said he was staying behind to gain intel for a growing rebellion.” Tech’s brow creased stressfully. “STILL cannot hail the Beldame.” 
“Wrecker, shower!” Echo ordered.
“I’M GOIN’! GEEZ!!!” 
“Well, I hope he accomplishes his goal.  The galaxy really needs a strong rebellion.  Maybe more of our brothers will join the fight.”  Echo looked hopeful.  “Inhibitor chips be damned.” 
“I’m worried about the crew of the Beldame” Tech looked to Echo.  “Without a functioning shield they may not have escaped.” 
Echo shook his head, “I REFUSE to even consider that an option.” 
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Darkness penetrated the Beldame. A thin coating of frost covered the huddled, blanketed crew. Omega and Sil were shivering violently from the cold. Love, Mad, and Hunter were still out, but breathing and warm...for now. 
Tiggy, being small and warmly nestled within the center of the group squiggled up through the bodies. She climbed up on Sil’s chest and pressed her canine head against his forehead.  
He felt a strange presence in his mind. The pitter patter of little paws though his thoughts...was the best he could recall. Sil was too weak to care. Concentrating on this was better than the agony of slowly freezing to death. 
“...mega?” Was the best he could muster. 
“Mmm...” She was barely there. He pulled her closer, trying to keep her warm with his body heat. 
How much oxygen did they have left? Even with the masks...it couldn’t last forever. Was it the low oxygen levels or the cold causing them to fight to stay awake? 
Tiggy crawled away from Sil and pulled herself up to Love, who was still levitating, but tied up close to their group for warmth. She whimpered and scratched at Love’s chest. No response. She barked. 
“Tiggy, leave it.” Sil tiredly commanded. 
The puppy whimpered and whined...then bit Love on the chin, drawing blood. 
Love’s eyes popped open with the pain response. 
“Tiggy, NO!”  
Omega intervened. “Sil...I think Tiggy is trying to do something.” 
“Don’t know...” 
Couzin? Love’s eyes rolled back in their head. 
Tiggy bit Love again. HARDER. 
Love’s eye focused on the pup. Oh...can’t...too weak... 
Then Tiggy MASHED her head up against Love’s. Her little tail wagging furiously. Omega and Sil watched closely. 
For what, they didn’t know. 
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Bubbles filled the refresher shower. Wrecker scrubbed away at the stink on his skin. On his third wash to finally be rid of it. 
Plunging his face under the faucet a tune wound an earworm into his head.  
Wrecker hadn’t turned on his holotunes, but an oddly discordant song kept repeating in his head. More like a repeating snippet of a song...with some percussion. 
It became stronger. Then Wrecker started to hum...over...and over. Tapped his foot even. 
He finished, dried off, dressed. Still humming the tune, tapping the percussion now with his knuckle on the bunkroom wall. 
Wrecker wandered to the cockpit... 
Echo and Tech were backtracking coordinates, retrying comm channels, plotting hyperspace lanes...concerned for the worst. 
“Like they just disappeared!” Echo furrowed his brow. 
“Echo...I think we MIGHT have to entertain the idea...” Tech eyed his brother with concern. 
“I know it’s difficult to consider...Echo...” 
“I WON’T accept that they may be...” 
Tech swung his chair around to look at Wrecker. 
Wrecker was grooving along to some type of internal tune. Humming along and tapping on the Marauder’s interior wall. It wasn’t exactly musical, but Wrecker didn’t seem to mind, eyes closed, and he just kept on jamming along. 
Echo took Tech’s lead and watched Wrecker for a few moments.  
“WRECKER!” Echo shouted. 
“Why are you tapping out Basic Standard Code?” 
Wrecker shrugged. “Stuck in my head...can’t stop.” 
“Keep going, Wrecker.” Tech urged, rubbing his chin. 
They watched Wrecker repeat the humming and tapping over and over. 
Echo broke the silence, “DEFINITELY BSC! The message keeps repeating. Don’t know what the other part is...” 
Tech interrupted excitedly. “Notes on the musical scale!” 
Tech repeated the Basic Alphabet that corresponded with the notes to Echo. 
“With the Basic Standard Code...” Echo started the sentence... 
...and Tech finished it, “They’re coordinates!” 
They both spun their seats around and immediately engaged the Marauder. 
Wrecker stopped humming and tapping. “YOU’RE WELCOME!” 
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PLEASE like, comment, and/or REBLOG!
To read Chapter 11:
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obliqueblade · 1 year
Update- Health Concerns/Inspo/ rambling a bit
“So Oblique where have you been?” 
That is a great question reader. The truth is complicated… and rather long. 
Not to be like “ao3 writer moment” but… 
I have cancer. Had it for a while actually. I got diagnosed right at 20, but I had symptoms for a while before that. We had thought it was just my asthma acting up, but nope. 
I have lung cancer. Wooo. 
Funnily enough, about a month or so later, Technoblade released his announcement video. 
It was strange. Knowing that while I was going through treatment, someone I looked up to across the country was doing something similar. I remember watching that video hooked up to my oxygen machine, and feeling a pit in my stomach when he had mentioned being able to see where it was. While I don’t have Sarcoma, most cancer patients, especially those in the ward knew what that meant. 
I made a joke though, that none of my doctors, or friends really appreciated. Statistically, I would die before he did, so I at least wouldn’t have to live in a world without him. 
… clearly, this did not go the way I had hoped. 
Off and on for that year, I was in and out of the hospital in Clevland, Ohio. Now this is not where I live normally, but it was close to my grandparents. I also found out how much I hated snow. Moreso, when your lungs also hate it and you at the same time. 
“Oh, Oblique, just how common is lung cancer in your early 20s?” 
Why dear reader another GREAT question! The answer is- it’s not. Or the early signs are easy to miss. I was one of the youngest patients at CC frequently, and one of the only ones with lung cancer during my stay. We were able to catch it so quickly because my step moms brother had CF, so my mom spent a lot of time in hospitals around people who couldn’t breathe. After the first few times, I couldn’t catch my breath, no matter what I did she wanted me to go and get tested to find out what it was since it was clearly worse than just asthma. We knew it wasn’t CF, because they would’ve found that earlier. Ruled out pneumonia pretty quickly too as it was the middle of summer. My FP happened to think to test cancer, just in case. My Dad and I had laughed, it was such a long shot it was more likely I was just having pretty frequent panic attacks. Now I knew deep down it wasn’t panic attacks and my mom did too, but the C-word was terrifying. 
And then we got the tests back. I knew as soon as he walked in, hell I knew when they did the tests, and yes there are multiple. 
I asked my mom to leave the room, My Dad hadn’t been able to come in that day with us, and I needed to talk to him about how long he thought I had. 
He didn’t reply for a while, and I’ll never forget the look on his face. 
At the time of my diagnosis, I was 19. Statistically, the chance of living to see my 24th birthday was almost impossible. 
Doc pretty much told me that IF I could survive the next 7-12 months without the cancer spreading to my other organs my chances were pretty good. I’d later find out that the chances of it spreading were so high, and if it ever does the chances that I make it almost none. However, even once I passed every year after would be considered a miracle if I got past five. 
He went into the next room and talked to my mom for a while, while I tried to wrap my head around everything. Just how quickly my life had changed. How fast it was all going to happen. What finally broke me, was my youngest sister texting me from one of her middle school classes asking me how it was going. Realizing I’d never get to see her graduate, take her on girls' days, help her through heartbreak, watch her get married. 
At that moment it felt like the cancer had already killed me. It had stolen not only my life but my place in the lives of my family. Doc and Mom came back in at some point during my breakdown and sat with me. 
We didn’t leave that office for a while. When we did, I told my mom that I wanted to be the one to tell my Dad and sister before we talked about where we were going to go. 
So that night after dinner, we sat at the kitchen table, and I simply said 
“This air quality seems to be so shitty, that my lungs have decided to refuse work,” 
And my mother broke into tears, and my dad and sister stared at me like I was crazy. Which I kind of felt I deserved to be. Once we had cleared up the confusion, my dad asked me the same question I had asked the doctor. 
I told him that realistically he was going to have to rely on either my older or younger sister to wipe his ass when he couldn’t do it anymore. I was trying really hard to make light of the situation because I didn’t want everyone to be sad before I died. There would be plenty of time for it afterward anyway. 
Maybe that’s another thing I recognized from Techno’s initial video. Trying so hard to make sure that no one was worried despite knowing what was going to happen. And even though I think deep down a lot of us at least feared, the concept was so ridiculous and insane. How could someone like him just… 
On the day of the announcement, I saw Dreams tweet before the YouTube notification came through. 
I sat in my hospital bed playing Minecraft on the PC I had finally saved up enough to get, and I was on the phone with my best friend back in my home state. All I can remember is saying “Please. Please don’t let it be who I think it is. Please don’t let it be.” The last thing I remember hearing was my friend say “Oh ____ I am so sorry.” 
I hung up the phone and just sobbed. I ripped out my IV and heart monitor culled into a ball on the floor and just lost it. It didn’t take long before my nightly nurse ran into the room and they eventually had to sedate me. 
I woke up a few hours later, and for a moment I thought I had dreamed it. Yet I saw my mom in my room and I knew that I hadn’t. She had started working remotely due to COVID-19 and her job was letting her continue to remote in so she could come to Ohio with me and stay between the hospital and my grandparent's house. My dad would drive, and while Ohio was closer than some of the other hospitals this is still an 8+ hour drive every other week with my sister and stay with me. 
I had actually been doing pretty well at this point. Due to my age, and the fact my cancer had not spread yet, I was a really good candidate for surgery. However, there are underlying health conditions and risks that have to be monitored and dealt with before they can do the surgery. They had to give me enough time between treatments so I still had the strength to survive the surgery. 
When the video was released, I finished up another round of medications, this time ones that showed promising effects and weren’t damaging to my strength so I would survive the surgery. 
After the video came out, my mental health dipped hard, and fast, and my physical health soon followed. Then one of my best friends as the center passed. She was three months younger than me. She had leukemia, and the doctors had been amazed she had lived as long as she had since she had it since she was a kid. They thought she was in remission in her teens, but she relapsed pretty hard right before she turned 19. Halfway through my stay there, she had taken a dip, and her health hadn’t been able to recover. 
At that moment I wanted to die. I couldn’t see a point in living, of fighting, when the time I bought through these treatments maybe would last a few years. My doctors essentially had to rework my treatment plan and appeal to my parents that if they wanted me to live, they needed to have me fight for it. 
So much as those days where my family would come in and beg me to try and fight I just didn’t have it in me. I couldn’t see a life for myself anymore. Now some people may look at that and think it's dumb, like “Oh some guy you never even met, someone who didn’t even know you existed, died and now you’ve decided to just die?” 
Well first off rude. Secondly, I was already suicidal, and you’ll find it’s extremely common for patients with life-threatening diseases to need therapists constantly because they have extreme suicidal tendencies. Also, I want to state that yes I am referencing Techno a lot in this, but know that I am remarking about his passing and how it affected me, I am not doing so as a way to blame or hate him. Obviously, I cannot claim to know what or how he was feeling in those last few months, but I do know that we don’t get a choice when cancer kills us. 
It isn’t up to us. 
Hell, maybe no one is even reading this, maybe I dyed typing it up, or before I posted it. The point is I don’t want some moron to read this and think “Wow attacking a cancer patient, Oblique whatever is next?” 
Dear lord this thing is four pages now, alright to quickly wrap up on why and how I’m back. 
Just before all this went down, I had gotten into Hermitcraft. Now back when I was growing up and living under different circumstances, I wasn’t allowed internet access, so I missed out on a lot in the mid-2010s, one of which being Hermitcraft and well Minecraft as a whole. 
Anyway, I found specifically GoodtimeswithScar and Grian. 
Now, I do watch other Hermits, but at this time I watched these two the most. I never used Twitch before, and while I still don’t really like the platform I loved watching Scar stream. 
Scar, actually, was the reason I got determined to at least try and fight this damn cancer. 
See, before this, I didn’t know about Scar’s illness. I didn’t know he was in a wheelchair and I didn’t know he was on oxygen tanks either. So the first stream I got to watch, lying in my hospital bed, hooked up to about a million blinking machines, I opened it to see someone else wearing oxygen tubes. Someone who was also hooked up to a million different things. Yet, Scar could create some of the most beautiful things I had gotten to see while stuck in that room. It was like he weaved pure magic through the screen. 
So, I came to the conclusion that what the hell. If I died so would my memories. The things I’ve seen and people I’ve met, all of it would go with me. And if there’s one thing I learned from Techno, is that “... the Sun Kast fallacy wouldn’t allow it,”. 
So, we restarted my treatment plan. Eventually, we did the surgery and after making sure I was stabilized and showed no signs of infection, or that the cancer was making a comeback right away they allowed me to be transferred home. Right in time for that good ol’ Southern heat. 
Now, I still have to regularly go to the hospital, as well as wear my lovely little oxygen tubes around, and take PLENTY of drugs (OMG so many cotton mouth is REAL), but not to jinx anything I’ve been doing fairly well these past few weeks. 
Of course, this can change in an instant, and I have to be extremely careful, especially due to Covid (Seriously guys if someone coughs on me I might as well get into the coffin now.) 
As for why I decided to write this fic? Well, in a way the Hermits helped me live. Helped my parents not have to bury one of their kids. Helped me see my sister start high school. Helped me reach my 21st birthday. 
Three years down. 
Realistically, I know there’s going to be a day I get the results that not only is the cancer back, but that it has spread. I know this. And I also know that when that time comes I will have to accept that and move forward as I can. I may never be as great as Alex, and I don’t want to be, but I want to be like him in that I will accept and try to easily go when it’s my time, knowing that I did all that I could. 
In the meantime, I might as well leave something for the small part of the world that I can. 
If and when my updates stop, I’ll leave a message for my friend on how to log into my Tumblr so she can at least give you guys some closure. 
Take care, and I will see you when I see you, Readers! 
So originally, this was going to be posted on the 13th– clearly, that didn’t happen. I had a minor health setback. Bacteria truly is my greatest enemy. I got sent back to the hospital and then saw my specialist on the 13th and a whole new wave of antibiotics. I’m still in the hospital being monitored, which is kinda like every few hours someone comes in and pokes me so I can never sleep. 
Which ya know is fun. 
So I got my roommates to bring my laptop under the guise of doing school work but in reality, I just wanted better access to edit because that’s hard to do on my phone. 
Anyway, I’ll keep you guys posted. Chapter 2 should be posted within the next week or so health providing. Knock on wood.
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0owhatsamsays · 1 year
Good Omens Gods
I warn you, this will sound a little bit crazy, not so solid and it will be long, but hear me out! PLEASE! I need someone to hear this because if I am right, everything changes and I need to discuss it. The ball scene. Every time I watched it, something seemed off. But also, it looked familiar. I rewatched it several times until it hit me. If you have watched Supernatural and if you are a fan, then you must remember the episode with all the gods in the hotel. Dean and Sam were stuck in the hotel with them. There were Kali, Ganesh, etc. The ball could possibly be something similar! Listen, listen! They are stuck in the bookshop by Aziraphale's magic, just like Dean and Sam were stuck in the hotel. And all shopkeepers are actually different gods. Also, you all saw how suspicious was Ms. Cheng, right? When this hit me, I started digging. So! Firstly, I checked some famous gods and then the list of shops that Aziraphale is holding.
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I think Mr. Mutt from the magic shop is Ganesh. The god with the elephant head. I went through the goddess Isis too, but what made me choose Ganesh is that he is often represented with lots of jewelry, and most importantly, his spouse. If he was Isis, his spouse had to be Osiris and his spouse doesn't give away any clues about being Osiris, but they have a serpent tattoo on their chest. And Ganesh is represented with the serpent Vasuki around him, so his spouse probably is Vasuki. His magic shop in Azi's list is "Goldstone's". I searched "Goldstone god" and the first thing that came up was many Ganesh figurines made of goldstone. And the lucky snake from the list is probably Vasuki.
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We continue with Mr. Arnold. We don't know much about him besides he is a musician and a fan of Dr. Who. I just wrote "god of music" and the first that came up was Apollo. Now, Apollo was a musician and something like a doctor. He helped with herbs. See, there is a "herbalist" in the list. Also, Dr. Who - Doctor - got it? :D Moving on... Mrs. Sandwich. The only thing we know about her is that she is ... a seamstress. And the seamstresses worshipped Aphrodite, so maybe she's Aphrodite. EDIT: The other possibility is to be Freya from Norse mythology and we know Neil Gaiman has a book about it. She is almost the same. Also, it would explain the feathers on her head. Freya had a cloak made of falcon feathers. Next - Mr. Brown. He is most suitable to be Mercury: The name "Mercury" is possibly related to the Latin words merx ("merchandise"; cf. merchant, commerce, etc.), mercari (to trade), and merces (wages). Mercury was the god of financial gain, commerce, eloquence, messages, and communication. The most suspicious of all was Ms. Cheng. And we know nothing about her. Only that she is Chinese and has a husband. There is one goddess that makes some sense to be her. It's Chang'e. The names are close, and Chang'e doesn't care much about her husband. Long story short, he acquired two elixirs for immortality - one for him and one for her - but she drank both of them, leaving him with nothing. Why is this relevant? We see Ms. Cheng being rude to her husband in the X-ray deleted scenes. She even hit him with a fan.
Now, Maggie and Nina. I think Nina might be Kali. And I say it only because of her looks and because it is said that Kali was the goddess of death, time, and doomsday. And where does Nina work? Right! Give me coffee or give me death. What days are coming? Doomsday? I am gonna talk about time really soon in another post, so I won't go there now. As for Maggie, she was the toughest to guess, but probably Athena, because Nina described her as the bravest person and Athena is the goddess of bravery and the goddess of war. Maggie is the one who invited the demons in and fought with them. Another thing about her is that she said she had brothers. Athena has more than 20 siblings. Also, one symbol of Athena is the olive tree.
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I think there is no need to explain what I am showing you here, right? Oh, and one more thing about Nina, which I am not sure about because I can't see it well - at the bottom of Azi's list, about Nina's coffee shop he wrote just "No coffee". At least this is how I read it. Only death then? Kali - death?
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Only Justine from Marguerite's and the Italian on the list - I have no idea. Maybe I will find something with time, or if you have read the whole thing and think you can help me figure it out - great! I will be waiting. But if all this turns out to be true, it will explain why everything seems a little bit staged, off, strange, or whatever you want to call it.
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notasapleasure · 2 years
Othello, National Theatre (2013)
We're not here to talk about my state-instilled Pavlovian response (negative) to Shakespeare. We're here to talk about the one Valid Man in this play: Montano.
I don't need to walk it through, you all know the plot, don't you?
Don't you?
Go check it, I'll wait.
This is a great production, with Adrian Lester (of Hustle swag) as Othello, Rory Kinnear as Iago (yes, he of the Badmingtons from OFMD, playing bad guy bingo) and my BELOVED Lady Sarah from Garrow's Law (forever faves), Lyndsey Marshal as Emilia. I say it's great, though it is a modern setting (military) and....really brought home to me how much I don't think this play adapts to a modern setting at all. Not so much for the racial tension, but for the balance of power between the genders. Anyway sorry yes, we're really not here to talk about that. And the modern setting does mean we are blessed with a slutty t-shirt I have no doubt you'll all adore.
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Man of many hats!
Montano was commander of the Venetian army in Cyprus and they were having a Bad Old Time against the Ottomans (yeah, modern setting, I know, just...Shakespeare goggles or whatever). The Duke of Venice decided to relieve him and put Othello in charge instead - and Montano is happy for it! (cf. Iago's response to having his position 'usurped' when Cassio is promoted ahead of him)
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I'm afraid the subs in that first image refer to Desdemona, Othello's wife, not Montano 😏
Anyhoo, Othello's arrival coincides with a storm that wrecks the Turkish fleet, and there is Much Celebration! Meanwhile, Iago has orchestrated a fight between Cassio and Rodriguo - knowing that if he can get Cassio drunk he won't be able to control his temper.
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No one's going to out-do Montano in drinking Othello's health!
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Yes, I made myself figure out an easy-ish way of giffing, finally. I'll take requests later if anyone has any for other scenes...
Montano (totally ignorant of Iago's plans) challenges Cassio to SHOTS SHOT SHOTS (per original script) to Othello's honour.
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Best quality? Hims wiggles.
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Cassio is getting uh. Angry. And goddy. He tries to get everyone to pray with him.
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Iago has a brief chat alone with Montano to claim Cassio is like this all the time and make Montano worry that someone should warn Othello.
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Iago's evidently angling for Montano to do so, but he doesn't really get the chance, as Rodriguo, having provoked Cassio as planned, comes running in pursued by Cassio and Montano tries to break it up.
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Cassio...really is an angry drunk. Who doesn't like Montano pointing out that he is drunk. An alarm is raised, a brawl breaks out, but Cassio really uh. Has it in for the big guy.
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(who hasn't dreamed of climbing him like you're a big cat trying to bring down some kind of glorious ancient megafauna with your teeeth?)
Poor Montano. Bleeding profusely and Othello suggests he started the fight!
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Whump fans, I have so many more stills and a little video clip - it will all be available when I'm done watching through the list, which will be very soon now :')
He has to go away and recuperate for a long time (a LONG time, this play is three hours long, which is very long when you already know how it’s going to end and it’s all just yes ok we know it’s a tragedy ok but where’s the goddamn catharsis???), but pops up again with his head taped up at the end. Mainly to stand around looking miserable while the Tragic Ending plays out, but he remains a good man, and that’s rare in this play.
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The precise moment he realises Desdemona isn’t just...having a nap while they all argue (???)
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Making sure Othello doesn’t get away, but also ready to...run unarmed after Iago. He gives the gun to Desdemona’s uncle and dashes off.
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Brings back Iago, then disarms Othello (again)!
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Striking a pose
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Curtain call!
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Dead? Nope! A talent in a tragedy!
Evil? Not at all! The closest character I think I’ve seen him play to Brasso? And even more of a talent to live and not be evil in a tragedy!
Affects the plot? Yes - and the drinking contest isn’t pre-meditated, nor is his good-natured intervention in Cassio’s fight.
I find this play very long. I love a bit of foreshadowing and fated tragedy, but ever since I had to study this in school I found the ending a let-down after such plainly presented and inevitable misery. Montano is only in a couple of scenes relatively early and a couple at the end. They may be good scenes, and I may be able to see much of merit in the rest of the play, but it is a slog. Look at these screenshots though and tell me 3.5/5 isn’t fair, with the t-shirt gaining that extra .5 all by itself.
Bonus: some stills from the behind the scenes footage of choreography of the brawl. They’re a bit blurry and a lot are just.....his back. I apologise for nothing.
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13 notes · View notes
I wish Kara would speak up for herself. She's the longest-running female OC character, and she's just going along with these storylines, which are supposed to be about Sylvie but end up being about Violet, Hawkins, Hawkami, Stellaride, her love life and anyone, but her individual character OR they end up being using her as a comedic storyline even when it's incredibly inappropriate.
The lacklustre storylines they give to Sylvie are made worse because they have shown they can give her good things outside her love life -seasons 3, 4, 7 and 8.
Watching this season, you wouldn't know that Sylvie is supposed to be the lead character, and it's not about her screentime (some fans have speculated that Kara may have asked for reduced screentime) but the weird and nonsensical storylines they are giving her. Sylvie is just playing supportive friend to Violet and love interest.
PS Where is Ritter??
I think she's in a tough spot. I mean, I've read articles where she expressed where she hoped they'd take the character and what storylines she'd like to see but just like with people who have non-showbiz jobs, you can't really bite the hand that feeds you.
I agree that they've written some wonderful stories for Sylvie so it really makes me wonder if they've just ran out of SLs for her (which is a crap excuse - it's their job to create new and exciting ones). Even with Violet - all the SLs she's had still revolves around her love life. We still barely know anything about her and she's a relatively new character so I'd think some people in the writers room at just lazy and rehashing storylines from 5 seasons ago.
I also get that it is an ensemble show and there's a lot of characters the writers need to write for but the vibe has been strange overall. Ritter got more screen time back when Daniel wasn't a series regular, they got rid of Mason, who Stella called "the missing piece" in favor of some dude I care nothing about and also a whole lot of drama that could be avoided, we barely see Boden at all, storylines still revolve around Hawkins (a recurring character), Severide is still a fire cop and I can't really remember the last time I felt the comforting family feels of 51. In all honestly, I feel like OC is probably going to be renewed especially since NBC isn't getting rid of the 10 pm hour yet but I feel like CF has to end soon especially with DH leaving. I fear Andrea is going to steer the ship in a completely wrong direction.
I barely watch this show anymore but clearly, I still have thoughts 😅
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locustheologicus · 3 months
The 8th World Day of the Poor Message was just released. It's message will be celebrated on Sunday November 17th which will be when CCBQ has its 125 anniversary celebration Mass. The message comes from the Book of Sirach: The prayer of the poor rises up to God.
The message highlights the message of our Catholic social tradition to have a preferential option for the poor. In these times, Pope Francis has us recognize that cultural measures of success cannot come over the basic responsibility we have to those who are without a voice and economically disenfranchised.
The mentality of the world demands that we become somebody, that we make a name for ourselves at any cost, breaking social norms in order to accumulate wealth. How sad of an illusion this is! Happiness cannot be acquired by trampling on the rights and dignity of others.
In the message Pope Francis reminds us also about the responsibility we all have to promote charity and to serve those who are in need, especially in times of war, violence and desperation. A message he shared back in 2013, the year he started his pontificate and released his first exhortation.
Each individual Christian and every community is called to be an instrument of God for the liberation and promotion of the poor, and for enabling them to be fully a part of society. This demands that we be docile and attentive to the cry of the poor and to come to their aid (Evangelii Gaudium, 187).
But this message has us focus on the place of prayer within our Catholic social tradition. This is the central feature of what he offers us with the 8th World Day of the Poor Message. Prayer cannot exist without an openness on our part to act. If we make empty statements of "thoughts and prayers" on any intention but do not involve ourselves to be the hands of God that responds to these intentions then Pope Francis is suggesting that such prayers are indeed empty. If we are asking God to respond to a situation then it is also implied that we, by virtue of our baptism and discipleship, are called to respond to these petitions that we have identified.
Prayer, then, is verified by authentic charity that manifests itself as encounter and proximity. If prayer does not translate into concrete action, it is in vain; indeed, “faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead” (Jas 2:17). However, charity without prayer risks becoming philanthropy that soon exhausts itself. “Without daily prayer lived with fidelity, our acts are empty, they lose their profound soul, and are reduced to being mere activism” (BENEDICT XVI, Catechesis, April 25, 2012). We must avoid this temptation and always be vigilant with the strength and perseverance that comes from the Holy Spirit, who is the giver of life.
At the same time, as we look to respond to social issues it is important to do so within a prayerful spirit. We respond to people's needs not because of some isolated do-good attitude but because we recognize a relationship and responsibility that we all have to one another. A relationship based on our God-given dignity. In order to combat our own hubris it is important we keep ourselves oriented towards God as we consider policies and actions that can help make the world a better place.
I want to add to this a contrbution from the great theologian Jurgen Moltmann who died this past week. His reflection on prayer in his "Ethics of Hope," connects directly to the Pope's message. Moltmann tells us that prayer, imbues us with hope, and this has us more open and attentive, it has us "watching."
In Christian life according to the New Testament, the call to prayer is always linked with the messianic wake-up call to watch... In watching we open our eyes and 'recognize' the hidden Christ who waits for us in the poor, the sick, the weary and heavy-laden (Mt. 25:37). In the faces of the poor we 'see' the face of the crucified God. Today the messianic awakening for God's future is often translated into sensibility for the little things in everyday life. That makes it more realistic but also weaker. Attentiveness in the messianic awakening surely lies in attentiveness for the signs of the times, in which God's future is heralded, so that Christian action, inspired by hope, becomes the anticipation of the coming kingdom in which righteousness and peace kiss each other. So Christian action is accompanied by prayer and watching, by the trust of the heart, by wide open eyes, and by attentive senses.
Prayer, in this case qualified as watchful prayer, directs us to God and God, through prayer, directs our response to the world. Through watchful prayer we gain a greater capacity for conducting an objective social analysis of the world's issues and theologically grounded reflection regarding our own response to these issues. The famous model of see, judge, act, which allows us to read "the signs of the times," is made objectively possible when we are oriented through prayer. Furthermore, both Moltmann and Pope Francis recognize that watchful prayer, prayer that is attentive to the messianic awakening, allows us to enter into a spirit of solidarity with others, especially those in need.
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In the spirit of watchful prayer, Rome Reports also highlights the way Pope Francis discusses the issue of war and how it too stands contrary to Christian discipleship. The reminder here by Pope Francis is to reflect on "how many more people are impoverished by misguided policies involving weapons! How many innocent victims!" Certainly a question worth reflecting on.
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bbina · 5 months
omg i was in the middle of writing my ask out when i got a weverse notif and tried swiping it away but i accidentslly closed the tab 😭😭😭
my memory is gonna fail me here but i'll do my best to rewrite it out🙏🙏
i died a total of 5 times today but btl always resurrects me🫡🫡 the real mvp of this update was actually dad💸 but also #justiceforeunseok cuz not only does his sister who only wants to drive for her bf get promised a car before he does, his life is also put at risk by said sister who only wants to drive for her bf because she was texting the said bf who she wants to drive for while learning to drive for him. i love the song siblings and your assassin au idea i'll need to see that written sometime soon btw i think ur written stuff is spectacular like seriously from what i've read in btl you're so good at conveying emotions through your words 🙏🙏 never be afraid to be confident!!
AND AND ALSO wonbin's hair omg i fear that was the end of me . i was gone. poof! disintegrated! and i feel terribly sorry for the people on my insta cf who had to witness me going feral when i saw the pics😔 but that one insta post with him in the train and the caption being love 119 lisbon ver this post btw i just found it again https://www.instagram.com/p/C5tMpqqR9vy/?igsh=NW9mOXY0djBwdWw3 THAT sent me . he was so crazy for that jsjdjsjdnsjcjs picture this imagine leaving the place u and wonbin grew up in knowing him as the wonbin from love 119 era and returning to see him as wonbin from days in lisbon era like appearance wise Am I Crazy yesni am
i think that is all from me for today i'm so sorry for going on another rant lmao i need sleep😭😭 until next time user bbina i will haunt u again with my lengthy anon asks watch out
— 🫀
omg rip first ask 😭
at least eunseok has a black card under his name and yn doesn’t… well they share it but point still stands! but what does a card have against a brand new car 😔 dad💸 has an obvious favorite and it’s not eunseok nor yn.. its charlie anyways! eunseok risking his life for his sister who calls the gear shift a prndl…. also texted while driving which is like the golden rule of driving… bless eunseok u need a gf stat..
that assassin au was just a lil brainrot tbh 😔 yall can imagine whatever with that 😭
WONTIPOO THERE I SAID IT.. wonpuppy devoters you have a new member… me 🧍🏻 hes so fucking KIYOWO KIYEOBDA AIGOOOOOOOOO also he lowkey looks like lee jongsuk or maybe thats just me cus his hair is so floofy and his luscious lips im OBSESSED like just last night he was posting slutty instagram pictures AND 6 HOURS LATER HES LOOKING LIKE AN ANGEL.. A CHERUB… CUPID FOR ALL WE CARE
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sohannabarberaesque · 7 months
So picture The Banana Splits watching TV at their clubhouse,
basically something in the vein of some tacky jungle adventure-type series in the vein of Ramar of the Jungle, just laughing up the sheer takiness thereof, when, just as the action starts getting rather juicy and the plot thickens--the whole is cut off by the appearance of some children's show host in the safari-jacket-and-pith-helmet getup (cf. Peter Potamus), sounding rather sappy with this announcement:
Hello, boys and girls ... this is your Uncle Fred with a nice fresh news! Among the new arrivals at the local zoo is a spotted leopard; it just arrived from Africa! So kids, this Sunday, why not ask your mom and dad to take you to see the newest attraction at the cathouse?
Whereupon the host breaks up into spontaneous laughter on a par with what Bingo, Drooper, Fleegle and Snorky were going through all along with Ramar, which they found funny considering its dated and campy look, the Splits' laughter continuing even as the TV shifted to an "Indian head" design test pattern spontaneously in the middle of the host's laughing fit, accompanied by the announcement "Please do not adjust the set. We are currently experiencing technical issues. We will return to normal programming as soon as possible," followed in its turn by a recording of Jack Nitzsche's "The Lonely Surfer," a repeat of the announcement as before, followed in its turn by "The Dis-advantages of You" by The Brass Ring, the announcement repeated, then Paul Mauriat's "Love Is Blue," said announcement again, James Last's rendering of "April in Portugal," then--
Let's see how you would finish the story in Hanna-Barberian stylee. All you need do is essentially reblog the post to continue.
At any rate, the preceding is presented in homage to Kermit Schafer's "Pardon My Blooper!" collections of supposed broadcasting erratum, with the "nice fresh news" bit coming from a number of "spa'am" e-mails of the penny stock "pump-and-dump" sort.
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universalinfo · 9 months
5 Ways How CFS Fulfillment Services Can Radically Revamp Your Business Operations
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The business world is always evolving. The way things were done a decade ago is no longer applicable. But amidst these changes, there’s one constant: the need for efficient operations. Here’s where the magic of fulfillment support steps in.
But not just any fulfillment support. At CFS (Client Focused Solutions), we’ve had our finger on the pulse for over three decades, constantly redefining what it means to provide unparalleled fulfillment services. We don’t just talk the talk. We’ve been walking the walk, and our partnerships with businesses across various industries bear testimony to our commitment to excellence.
Curious to know how our offerings can be the game-changer your business needs? Let’s dive in.
1. Say Goodbye to Inventory Worries
Ah, inventory: the backbone of any business selling tangible products. Yet, it’s often a thorn in the side for many businesses. Did you know? Improper inventory management can make or break your venture. Imagine a customer eagerly waiting for a product, only to be told it’s out of stock. Not the ideal scenario, right?
Enter CFS. We’re not just about providing space: we offer peace of mind. Our sprawling 60,000-square-foot facility is like Fort Knox for your products. With a cutting-edge surveillance system watching over every nook and cranny, your goods are always in safe hands. But it doesn’t end there.
Our intuitive online order management system, CFSPRO, is like having a personal assistant for your inventory. Get real-time updates, watch as products move, and even preempt potential stockouts with our re-order feature. It’s like having a crystal ball showing you the future of your stock levels.
2. Enjoy Seamless On-Demand Logistics
Let’s paint a picture. You’ve just landed a massive order, and that’s amazing. But now comes the Herculean task of packing, shipping, and ensuring it reaches your customer on time. Daunting? Only if you’re going it alone.
With CFS in your corner, logistics become a walk in the park. Our team thrives on the nitty-gritty of fulfillment. Whether it’s picking the right packaging, optimizing shipping routes, or even managing multiple distribution points, we revel in these details.
Remember the joy you felt when you started your business? The passion for your product or service? Let us handle the logistics maze so you can recapture that joy and focus on what sparked your business journey in the first place.
3. Dive into a World of Intelligent Reporting
In today’s data-driven world, having access to insights is like having a treasure map. It’s the compass that guides your business decisions. However, delving into the depths of data can be overwhelming. Pie charts, bar graphs, line plots: it’s easy to drown in the sea of numbers and miss the big picture.
But with CFS, data takes on a beautiful, easy-to-understand form. Our fulfillment service doesn’t just stop at delivering your products. We offer a buffet of reports that speak your language. Want to know which products are flying off the shelves? Curious about which items might soon be in short supply? Or perhaps, you’re keen on tracking a specific order? It’s all there.
Beyond just numbers, these insights can shape strategies, predict market trends, and even give you an edge over your competitors. It’s like having a superpower, and we’re here to make sure you wield it effectively.
4. Personalized eStore and Dedicated Client Support
Remember the days when a handshake and a smile sealed the deal? While we still believe in that personal touch, we’re living in the digital age, and an online storefront is the modern handshake. Now, imagine not just having an online store but one that’s tailor-made, reflecting the unique essence of your brand. Dreamy, isn’t it?
At CFS, we turn those dreams into reality. We hand you the keys to a personalized eStore, ensuring your customers enjoy an experience as unique as your brand. But wait, there’s more.
Behind every successful store is a team that’s got its back, and we’re that team for you. With a dedicated client success executive just a call away, you never have to feel lost. Queries, hiccups, or just a chat about how to amplify your store’s potential, we’re all ears and always eager to assist.
And as for those backend tasks (kitting, sorting, inspection, returns, and more) consider them done to perfection. In essence, with us, it’s not just about selling; it’s about selling with style and confidence.
5. Zero in on Cost-Efficiency and Time Savings
Time, as they say, waits for no one. In the fast-paced business realm, this resonates more than ever. Every minute wasted on mundane tasks is a minute lost from innovating, creating, and expanding your business vision. But what if you could buy back that time?
By partnering with CFS, you’re essentially gaining a superpower: the ability to stretch time. How? By letting us handle the intricate, time-consuming processes of fulfillment, you free up hours, days, even weeks. Think about the strategies you could craft, the products you could develop, or simply the downtime you could enjoy. For more details visit here.
Moreover, efficiency is our middle name. With our finely-tuned operations, you can bid adieu to costly errors and oversights. It’s a win-win: you save money and time, all while ensuring your customers are thrilled with seamless service. In the grand game of business, it’s moves like these that take you from being a player to a champion.
In Conclusion
In a world dominated by e-commerce and rapid deliveries, having a robust fulfillment partner is no longer a luxury; it’s a necessity. CFS, with its rich history and commitment to excellence, is poised to be the ally your business needs. From secure storage solutions and on-demand logistics to intelligent reporting and dedicated support, we bring a holistic approach to the table.
So, let’s embrace the future, enhance your operations, and experience the CFS difference. After all, it’s not just about doing business; it’s about doing it right.
Read More:
Fulfillment Service Outsourcing
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shion-yu · 1 year
Day 19 - "Why Wasn't I Enough?"
If he could go back in time and change it all, would he? Whumptober 2023! I’m using the @ailesswhumptober's prompt list. This story is about my OC Al - here’s his profile if you’re so inclined: https://toyhou.se/23743193.albert 
CW/TWs: Suicide (character death), self harm, chronic illness
"I think we should break up." 
The words lingered in the air, heavy and devastating for both of them. Al watched as Ollie's face turned from one of excitement to heartbreak in seconds. Al hated he had caused it; had taken that smile away. But he needed to tell Ollie now so his boyfriend - soon to be ex-boyfriend - could prepare. It wouldn't be fair to wait until the last moment to tell Ollie that their carefully laid plans would no longer be possible. 
"What do you mean?" Ollie asked him, his voice thin. "I don't understand. Don't say that."
Al sighed, adjusting the nasal cannula behind his ears and clearing his throat. He'd been listening to Ollie talk, once again, about how excited he was for the fall. How great moving into their own apartment in New York City would be. Al had let him exist in that dream for a long time - he hadn't wanted to ruin Ollie's finals, or graduation, or the high that had come afterwards. Plus, he'd hoped against hope that he'd miraculously be doing better by now. But it hadn't happened, and so he had to tell the truth no matter how much neither of them wanted to face it.
"You know I won't be well any time soon," Al said tiredly. He'd been in and out of the hospital all year with recurrent respiratory infections and had yet another one now. Although Al's CF had been relatively well controlled through most of his younger childhood, things had started to become a problem when he was in high school. He had missed so many days of classes that he'd had to repeat his freshman year. He met Ollie when he was a junior and Ollie was a sophomore. Ollie had no preconceived notions of Al and had just wanted a friend as he started at his new high school, having suffered terribly from bullying during his freshman year at public school. He'd managed to get a scholarship to Al's private school and Al had been drawn to his delicate but enthusiastic personality. They'd quickly become friends, and then much more. Al had always been the one to push their relationship farther, the gentleman of the couple if you would. He'd bring Ollie gifts and hold the door for him and pay for their meals out. He had been the first to initiate a kiss, then sex; the first to say I love you. He didn't regret it either, but now that he'd gotten sicker he worried that he was no longer the person Ollie had fallen in love with. The idea of holding Ollie back from the dreams he'd worked so hard for was one Al couldn't bear.
"You've worked so hard to get into FIT, with a freaking full scholarship," Al said slowly, looking down at his lap. "That's amazing. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity. But because of my health, I can't go with you anymore. I'm sorry." 
Ollie shook his head quickly, his eyes immediately filled with angry tears. It hurt Al to see him cry, but it was unavoidable. He believed he was doing this for Ollie's sake, because Al knew Ollie would never do it himself even if he wanted to. "How can you say that? No way," Ollie insisted. 
Al sighed, rubbing his temple. "You have to go, Ollie. You earned it. Maybe in another year I'll be healthy enough to join you... But this year, I need to stay here." He'd grown so weak it was even a struggle for him to walk; the apartment they'd found for themselves in New York was on the fourth floor in an old building without an elevator. The nearest subway stop was a good ten minute walk away. His doctors and parents - the people who took care of him - were all here in Ohio. It wouldn't be a good choice to leave now when he was already doing so poorly. "I can't stand the idea of holding you back," Al said, swallowing the pit in his throat back. "I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. Please, go to New York without me."
"Marry me."
Al was caught completely off guard by this question, although it was phrased much more like a statement than anything. Ollie's face looked frighteningly serious. "Wait... What?" Al asked him in shock. "Ollie, no, I can't do that. You know I love you. And I... I'd love to be married to you someday," he said, his voice wavering. "But right now you need to focus on building your career that you worked harder than anyone else to earn. You don't have time to drag me along and be my caretaker."
"Yes, I do," Ollie insisted with such conviction that it intimidated Al. "I love you, and I won't go to New York without you. It's not my dream, it's our dream. I'm sure I can defer my classes for at least one semester, right? That way we can wait until spring and hopefully you'll be all better by then."
Al shook his head in disbelief. "I don't know, Ollie. It sounds like you're sacrificing too much just for me. I can't hold you back."
"You wouldn't hold me back. I can take classes at the community college for a semester and it'll save me money overall," Ollie insisted. "It's my choice, and it's not a sacrifice if we're engaged right?"
"Ollie... Your whole life all you've ever wanted is to get out of this town," Al said sadly. "And what if I'm still not healthy enough by next semester? You can't know that."
"Then I'll stay longer. Yes my dream is to leave this town, but... I have another dream too. To spend the rest of my life married to you. So will you marry me, Al?" 
Later, Al would think back to this moment many times. Sometimes fondly, but mostly with regret. If he could turn back time, take it all back, would he? If he'd said no, things surely would have turned out differently. Ollie never would've lost his scholarship. He never would've had a reason to try to kill himself the first time. He never would've been successful the second time after failing to ever make up for that lost opportunity. In Al's most understanding moments, he realized that there was no way of knowing if these statements were true. Everything might've played out the same no matter what. But when Al was feeling most vulnerable, he regretted his answer because it made him truly believe it was all his fault. He should've known better. He was older, the more rational one from the start.
But instead, he'd said, "Okay." 
It was something he could never take back. They were married a month later, Al by proxy because he was too sick to leave the hospital. Their parents seemed reluctant to give their full blessing, but they did so anyway. They couldn't say no to Ollie's passion and Al, who at one point truly seemed like he might die. That was another maybe. If he'd never made it past twenty, what would have been different? Al felt such guilt related to his illness - both for being sick and for not being sick enough to die. If he had, Ollie would've been forced to move on without him.
It got worse when they moved to New York, trying to recapture that lost dream despite Ollie being unable to be re-accepted into the same program. Al was well enough to join him, but not well enough to work so he was always home. Ollie hated his day job answering complaints at the tabloid magazine and he hated his evening job of bussing tables at the diner. He hated their ugly and cramped apartment that was nothing like the brownstone he'd imagined living in. He hated himself for being so miserable, and he hated Al for being there for him to blame. Many times he lost his temper, usually when drunk, and told Al in no uncertain terms that he could be doing so much more if they weren't together. Al would cry, begging him not to go and Ollie's heart would melt every time. He'd feel guilty and play nice until his regrets overwhelmed him again. It was a vicious cycle.
Was it all bad? No - not most of the time. To the rest of the world, their marriage seemed infallible. They were Ollie and Al, always together and a beautiful couple. Most days, they both believed it too. But the cracks in their foundation could only hold so much regret, and at the end things had really started to crumble. Ollie's patience had worn thin and he snapped at Al often. "Maybe I should just kill myself. That or let's get a divorce." It wasn't the first time he said those words. But it would be the last time, and it was the first time Al had reacted so angrily, truly broken down from years of begging Ollie not to say such terrible things.
"Fine, if you hate me that much then just pick one already, I don't care anymore!" 
Al had regretted saying it even before it had fully left his mouth. He apologized quickly, his outburst leaving Ollie so shocked that it had completely diffused his anger. Eventually Ollie had nodded. Said he was okay. Kissed Al goodnight. They went to sleep side by side, the same as before: Ollie and Al. Together until the end, no matter what. Right?
Ollie didn't leave a note. They'd beaten everything they could have said to each other to death anyways, by the end. All the I love yous, the I'm sorrys, the thank yous. Any attempt at poetic justice would've seemed fake. But after so many threats, Al still didn't expect it to happen for real until he found Ollie's body, all signs of life long gone. 
Would he have done it all differently if he could? Al hoped he would've. But he was also a child, and Ollie had been too. When they were sixteen and seventeen, so in love and not afraid to promise each other the world, it seemed like nothing bad could ever happen as long as they were together. Every declaration of love seemed like the greatest feeling in the world. How could he have given that up? Al still treasured the memory of those early years, marred as they were by what had happened in the end. Even now he didn't want to give them up. So if he could go back in time and change it all, would he? Perhaps selfishly, Al didn't know.
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trustoutdoor · 2 years
Esse driving school edina
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You should ask yourself whether or not you find this agreeable before asking to come and live here. Please watch this short film to get an idea of my values, as I am not willing to compromise them- look on google Annie Leonard, "story of stuff". Having a positive attitude is essential in this respect.
Potential volunteers should keep in mind that this is not a free hostel! You have to be absolutely willing to adapt yourself to the way of life here - with its rules and habits - even if it is not what you are used to.
Also, if you work for a full day, this can be in exchange for a full day to visit one of several attractions or towns nearby (Rome, Assisi, Orvieto, Spoleto, to name a few) This task could be any number of things, but importance is placed on leaving your mark on the home and contributing. You also need to do 4 hours of work everyday on different projects around the property and hopefully creatively contribute to the progress of the home (this could be completing a specific outdoor project, there is plenty of mending and repair work or creative projects like constructing paths with tile pieces). We have a maid that comes every morning so you are not expected to do any serious cleaning, just simple tasks like preparing the kitchen for breakfast, keeping the woodpile stocked from already cut wood (winter), watering plants (summer) and clearing the table after meals. The station is 7 km away (from here you can walk less than 1 km to a bus stop, hitchhike or cycle).ĭaily chores around the kitchen are expected of everyone, even guests, this goes without saying and is not really the 'work' expected in this Workaway. In the case of more volunteers present in the farm we can alternate one full day of active presence with one full day free. We have had wonderfully rich experiences of meeting young and older people coming from all kinds of cultures. There are many projects and types of work but you will be working on your own a lot of the time. The person must be able to work independently and on their own initiative. It is very interesting to note how helpers never stay here with indifference: or they love it ( after a while, time to integrate the motivations) or they hate it and leave soon.(cf negative profile)įrom the volunteer we expect: - and at the end you will have a Master in Domestic Economy :) -įlexibility to adapt to our lifestyle and desire to be integrated. I need some time and observation to create the connection with the volunteer, so I ask patience, goodwillness. Our philosophy: environment respect, domestic economy, recycling any trash, and gratefulness for what we receive from Nature. We use olive oil from our own trees - which is very precious for us! Now we are vegetarian, and on the way to becoming vegan. We eat healthy food from our vegetable garden and make our own bread and jams. We have two positions to fill: one longer term (at least one month) for assisting in taking care of the house and garden, and a shorter term one for odd jobs in the garden, vegetable patch, etc. I would love to receive good vegan cooker, so I can learn more ways to prepare nice meals with what we can find in the veg garden or the fields. and I need someone who can work independently with little guidance.Īctually, I am planning to stop working for the National Health System, which creates sickness and not Health, to dedicate me 100% at the reception of travellers in a very healthy way! This also means that I have less time than I would like to be together. This means that I need the help of someone guaranteeing continuity in the house, garden, feeding the chickens, goat, ) donkeys etc. In fact, I am a general practitioner, very often working away from home, and running a bed&breakfast at the house. We live in the Italian countryside in a very traditional way, although we are not a traditional farm.
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skellymom · 10 months
"Vagabonds" Chapter 8 "Escape From Ord Mantell" - Part 2
Ongoing fanfic Hunter x Reader/Fem Reader/OC
Hunter meets a smuggler Nomaadi Star Woman with a powerful force sensitive teen who changes the trajectory of CF-99's lives...as they ALL try to escape from The Empire together.
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To read Chapter 7:
ᴛʜɪꜱ ꜰɪᴄ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀɪɴꜱ ɴꜱꜰᴡ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ. ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ɴᴏᴛ 18+ ᴅɴɪ
Word Count: 1.7K
Background: MORE poop hitting the fan this chapter! The action is intense!!!
Warning: Star Wars swears, Earth swears, fear, physical pain, fainting, blood, blaster weapons firing at people and ships, canon-typical violence.
(Credit: Cool moving star dividers by @4ngelic-wh1spers )
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Echo and Tech watched the last of the ships on the docking tarmac escape off world.  Everyone and their brother were getting away from Ord Mantell in one hell of a hurry. 
The Marauder started taking heavy hits from blaster fire.  Apparently, whomever was pursuing Hunter and Mad must have gotten intel that the rest of the Batchers were involved and identified their ship...
"Escape From Ord Mantell - Part 2"
Luckily the shield was up.  Tech was getting the Marauder ready to take off and awaiting Wrecker’s return.  Echo was laying down suppressive blaster fire, keeping an eye out for him.   
“WRECKER!  We don’t want to leave without you, but that may SOON be the ONLY option!!!” Tech snapped. 
“Almost there.” Came Wrecker’s voice over the comm. 
More blaster explosions eroding the shield.  Echo scowled and shot back.  “Where IS HE???” 
“Almost there!” Came another reply from the comm. 
“HURRY WRECKER!” Tech’s resolve was starting to wear thin. 
“HERE!” SLAM, SLAM, SLAM!!!  Heavy concussive knocks from the bottom of the ship. 
Echo and Tech looked at each other quizzically. 
“OPEN UP!  Near the sewer line port!!!” 
Tech jumped out of the pilot’s seat and ran to open the Marauders bottom hatch.  He was hit in the face with the horrible miasma of trash and excrement as Wrecker popped up through the opening.  He crawled into the Marauder, turned around, and offered a hand to someone outside the ship.  Tech peered down thought the hatch to see a dirty, bearded man perched at the edge of the docking sewer opening. 
“Come with us!”  Wrecker yelled over the blaster fire. 
“Can’t, vod.  Gotta stay and continue underground intel for the growing Rebellion.  Be safe and live to fight another day!”  He saluted Wrecker and Tech, grabbed the hatch to the sewer, jumped into the hole with a hoot, and slammed the top shut. 
“He’s a CLONE???” Tech blurted out while pinching his nose shut from the offending stench. 
“FOR KRIFF’S SAKE, shut up and close the hatch!  Let’s get out of here!!!” Echo brought them both back to the reality of the situation.  “Wrecker, you smell like ABSOLUTE shit!” 
“I’m ABSOLUTELY covered in it!” 
“Get to the gunner’s seat!  Need more fire power!!!” 
Tech sprinted to the pilot’s seat and engaged the Marauder to take off. 
Wrecker ran to the aft of the ship tearing off armor and blacks in his wake.  He didn’t want to drag all the stinky waste through Omega’s sleeping area.  Everything smelled like sewer, he noticed while peeling off his underwear.  Wrecker was naked as the day he was decanted, and still stunk.  Hunter’s sleep shirt, casually thrown over the rungs of the gunner’s roost ladder days ago, was the only thing he could find to put between his rear end and the gunner’s chair cushion.  Wrecker grimaced, grabbed the shirt, ascended the roost, and planted himself in the chair.  He would have to apologize to Hunter later.   
The Marauder took off from the docking lot tarmac, making a beeline for the open sky.  Several crafts followed in hot pursuit.  Tech gritted his teeth with a sharp ascent out of the planet’s atmosphere.  The ship shook and rattled with the force of its trajectory. 
“Hold her together best you can!  I’m setting up jump coordinates!!!” Echo shouted out calmly with strict concentration to the task at hand. 
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Tech increased the velocity just enough to keep ahead of the pursuing ships, but not tear the Marauder totally apart in the process.  It rattled even more violently at the seams as they broke out of the cloud cover and entered the upper atmosphere above Ord Mantell.  Tech ground his teeth, trying to quell the stress hoping the ship kept integrity.  Beside him, Echo was scomp deep interfacing with the Marauder while his other hand flew over the co-pilot keyboard.  His face calm while communicating with the ship’s computer.  An explosion erupted behind them, shaking the ship.  Wrecker howled enthusiastically, having destroyed another enemy craft.  
The upper atmosphere disappeared behind them, and the Marauder shot out into black, star-studded space.  Tech leveled her out to stop the shaking before they could hit hyperspace, knowing if he didn’t, they would all be done for.   
“Time estimation until hyperspace jump?” 
“Five seconds more.” Echo replied.  “Preparing to scramble our jump signature now.  In 4...3...” 
Immediately next to them a huge Venator Class Imperial cruiser slid out of hyperspace.  The Marauder was so close that Echo and Tech could look right into the Venator’s bridge windows and see the crew.  An awkward moment as the Marauder glided past with Echo and Tech staring at the Venators captain and crew.  Both sides dumbfoundedly watched each other slide by.  The mood was broken when the Marauder passed, and its aft gunner's seat window was visible. 
Wrecker took full advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity to express his feelings for the Empire.  He stood up to give a full-frontal view, both hands up extending middle fingers.  Then he shook his hips and gave them “The Wrecker Wiggle”.  The crew grimaced in horror, then anger. 
Tech made the jump.  The crew felt the ship speed up for a fraction of a second and the stars stretched out as they entered the hyperspace lane, then immediately free float as the whole ship settled in. A soothing blue-white glow permeated the Marauder. 
Both Echo and Tech exhaled with relief and settled into their seats.   
Wrecker jumped down from the gunner’s roost and slid to a stop in the cockpit, arms raised in excitement, “YAAAH!  We did it!!!” 
“Oh stars, MY EYES!” Tech recoiled from seeing Wrecker in his birthday suit. 
“Don’t want to know” Echo averted his gaze “Hailing the Beldame.  They need to know an Imperial starship is incoming!” 
“Hopefully they escaped safely without a shield” Tech glanced over at the replacement part.  He was extremely worried as the probability was low. 
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The Beldame, not far behind the Marauder, shot past Ord Mantell’s upper atmosphere into space.  And was met with the Imperial Venator. 
“OH SHIT!!!” Mad screamed out.  
Sil sat in shock. 
Tiggy growled and barked angrily. 
Omega yelled out to Hunter.  He kept firing at the Tie fighters behind them, knowing their chances of escape were next to zero. 
“Marauder to the Beldame, you have an Imperial Venator incoming!  Do you copy???” 
In response to Echo, Mad shrieked, “We’re SO FUC...” 
The Venator opened fire on the Beldame.  
The sheer size of its firepower hit the Force shield and physically knocked Love back across the interior of the ship. Omega and Mad screamed Love’s name.  Sil had a full-blown panic attack.  Hunter spun around to see Love spring up roiling with dark rage. He couldn’t see their face but could feel the rage permeating the ship, smell it even. The hair on his arms stood up on end, a migraine exploded inside his head, his teeth ached. 
Mad, Sil, and Omega saw Love’s face. They stood up defiantly, bleeding from the temple, eyes, nose, spitting out blood. Love’s eyes glowed red orange, red birthmark vivid against their olive skin. They shook with rage, unable to contain it.   
“Do this, Love. DO IT!” Mad yelled out. She knew this was the only chance they had, or the Empire was going to blow them out of existence.
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The Venator fired again.  Love let loose the fit of rage building within them with an ear-piercing scream, sending everyone covering their ears.  Tiggy bayed painfully in Omega’s lap. Hunter let loose his own scream of pain, as it was too much for him to bear.  Rage flooded past the confines of the ‘Dame, slammed into the Venator’s laser and kept going at top speed.  It pushed the laser back towards the larger ship, destroying the Venator with its own weapon fire.  The ship exploded, blinding the Beldame’s crew and shoving their ship out toward the darkness of space. 
All the pursuing ships were gone.  In an instant...just vaporized. 
The Beldame’s crew sat in shock for a few beats.  Love hovered, bleeding, with a crooked satisfied grin upon their face.  Eyes still glowing red orange.  Hunter emerged from the gunner’s seat, lurching like a drunk and holding his head.  He was in excruciating pain.  His vision was blurred, and he was seeing flashes of light.  Omega let go of Tiggy, unbuckled herself, and ran to him.  She guided Hunter to sit. 
Tiggy circled the ship whining from the stress. 
Sil was still hyperventilating. 
“SIL...Sil...look at me.  I need your help.” 
He was shaking, but Mad had gotten his attention. 
Sil glanced over to Mad.  She looked pasty and pale.  “Auntie?” 
“Breathe with me, ok?” Mad took a deep breath in and let it out slowly, then repeated several times. 
Sil imitated her until he got himself under control. 
Mad pointed, “Grab that cooler for me, Sil...” 
Hunter had dropped it in the middle of the ship before they lifted off, and slipped under seats during the fire fight.  Sil fished the cooler out handing it over to Mad. 
She exhaustedly fumbled with the zipper.  Finally able to open the cooler, Mad lifted out the box of credits, they slipped from her shaky fingers and fell to the floor.  Credits spilled out, but that wasn’t what Mad was after.  She reached in and grabbed what looked like a stim syringe, fumbled and dropped it too.  “Sil...” 
“Auntie...” He grabbed the syringe from the floor.  “Where do you need it?” 
Mad pulled up her shirt and weakly pointed to her abdomen.  “Intramuscular injection.  Right here.” 
Sil jabbed into it and pressed the plunger.  Mad winced and sighed. 
“Thanks...  Hunky...how ya doing back there?” 
Hunter, still holding his head, could only muster a groan.  Omega was holding him and trying to soothe the pain. 
“I’m ok, just worried about Hunter.” 
“On my way over.  Sil...I’m gonna need help getting up.” Mad unbuckled herself out and swung the pilot’s chair around.  She didn’t need to enquire about Love.  Mad could feel Love’s relief and numbness to their injuries.  After these Force outbursts, Love would be in a silent, glazed over state for an hour or two. 
Sil helped Mad stand.  Immediately her vision went starry white as she slipped from Sil’s grasp and fell face first onto the floor. 
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To read Chapter 9:
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jadeittic · 2 years
HS + Y/I: 2022 (SERIES)
WARNINGS: cursing, ig au
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liked by zendaya, noahschnapp, and 4,271,739 others
harrystyles A great photo with a great memory.
view all 303,793 comments
imanvellani omg.
username ok so we’re not gon talk ab how we’re THIS close to getting the album even without knowing the official date yet??? im so hyped for this
username im literally going to faint if they sing it together on tour
anthonymackie bitch YES
username i cant wait any longer omg
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liked by username, and 28,610 others
celebleaks harry styles and yn ln out this morning!
view all 8,173 comments
username whos betting w me that the pictures in the camera yn has in the photo are gonna be the album covers
username leave them alone yall 😭
username the outfits are giving. oh to have such a great sense of fashion like theirs 😩😩😩😩😩😩
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liked by hunterschafer, theweeknd, and 5,628,017 others
yourinstagram this month. whoops! it mustve slipped out…
view all 291,782
username THEIR 1D PICTURES 🤕
username im gonna cry i havent seen these pictures in a while
zayn ❤️
yourinstagram miss u sm u weirdo
username i need a time traveller rn
username the way nostalgia hit me when i saw these pics
username crying?!?!?!
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liked by username, and 64,160 others
ynleaks cast of stranger things on the set of season 4!!
view all 5,621 comments
username i heard that harry was on the set as well!
username just imagine harry getting a small side role somewhere in the series- i would go feral
username robin buckley is my girl, i repeat, robin buckley is my girl
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liked by harrystyles, noahschnapp, and 2,621,917 others
strangerthings someone decided to visit today!
view all 581,472 comments
username yn smoking will forever have me in a chokehold. need a maid? i can cook and clean. need a pet? i can bark. need a mat? you can step on me anytime 🤫🤫
username omg we get actorry back?!?!?!??
username the effect these two have on me. these two can tell me to eat mud and i will
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liked by nataliadyer, oliviarodigo, conangray, and 8,718,918 others
yourinstagram may 20th.
view all 498,736 comments
gigihadid khai, zayn, and i are really proud of you both!
yourinstagram i miss my comfort family sm! ill visit you three soon! :-)
username i love harry so much but the lack of yn is KILLING ME
jamiecampbellbower looking forward to this! cant wait!
anthonymackie so so excited to hear this!!! watch me blast this on set!
imsebastianstan you know, i normally hate your taste in music.. but i might listen with you as well…
yourinstagram i miss my captain america and wintersoldier
chrisevans i exist, you know… 🙄
username you dont know how long ive been waiting for this dream to come true.
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liked by yourinstagram, niallhoran, selenagomez, and 8,617,810 others
harrystyles Writing HS + Y/I in these past 2 months have been a blast with YN. I am more than happy to be writing music with her again. She’s seen me in every version of myself. She’s seen me in my worst clothes and hair, to her seeing me at my lowest.
Thank you to my partner in crime for being there when no one was. Here’s to us, sweetheart.
We present you, HS + Y/I. May 20th. H
view all 679,721 comments
username shitting tears rn? i never thought id cry this hard over a short message 😕😕
niallhoran Hope we can all make music together soon, I miss you all so much!
harrystyles My phone’s always open.
yourinstagram ARE YALL SEEING THIS? 1D REUNION?????? 😁😁😁liampayne louist91 zayn
yourinstagram expect me crying in your house in a few minutes. i cant handle this rn
username when i first laid eyes on these two, i knew that they will be one of the best duos out there.
liampayne Happy for you both ❤️
yourinstagram thank u payno ❣️
harrystyles ❤️
louist91 Not once have i ever gotten a heartwarming letter. Not fair, Harry.
zayn true that
yourinstagram mad bc im special
harrystyles I’ve written you hundreds of letters.
username seeing them all interact again is like a dream i miss them all so much
username crying bricks rn. im so happy for the both of them
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girlinlotsoffandoms · 2 years
✨✨✨ 200 followers, that’s huge, congrats!
And maybe you would use this prompt? we can't risk it for our favourite CF couple Stellaride? 🙏🏻
Thank you friend!!! I love this prompt!!
Enjoy this little teaser of something coming eventually (I've learned to never say coming soon with my writing because soon is always months/years away 😅) to the Maya-verse                            ----------------------------------------------
Stella sat in her car outside the station, talking to Kelly on FaceTime. She watched as First shift made their way to their cars as Second shift started to trickle in. It was her first shift back after taking several off to be with Kelly as he recovered from his most recent near-death experience.
That had been over a month ago. Kelly was back home with her and Maya, on the mend, and their family was together again.
This hadn’t been the first close call since they became parents…but it was the first one since learning their family of three was soon to become a family of four.
When Stella was pregnant with Maya, they waited a little while to tell everyone. This time, though, Stella had found out the day Kelly got hurt, making the realities of their job smack Stella in the face. They couldn’t wait this time. Should something happen, they’d need the support of their friends and team.
“I’m telling Boden, and the others, today,” Stella told Kelly over the phone.
“Are you sure?” Kelly asked.
“We can’t risk it,” Stella declared. “With our jobs and the risks we face every day, after what happened to you? They need to know.”
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