#Middleweight Title
wrestlingmgc · 14 days
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Campeón Nacional de Peso Semicompleto Bárbaro Cavernario
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rightnewshindi · 1 month
UFC 305: इजराइल के अदेसान्या को हराकर ड्रिकस डु प्लेसिस ने मिडिलवेट खिताब रखा बरकरार
Dricus Du Plessis: मुकाबले के बाद दोनों ने एक-दूसरे को सम्मान दिया, एक-दूसरे को गले लगाया और हाथ मिलाया, इसके बाद काफी देर तक शब्दों का आदान-प्रदान हुआ, जिसके बाद अदेसान्या ने जीत के लिए डु प्लेसिस का हाथ उठाया। डु प्लेसिस ने कहा, “मैं इस डिवीज़न के सबसे महान स्ट्राइकरों में से एक से लड़ रहा था, मुझे उस टेकडाउन की ज़रूरत थी। इस स्तर पर लोगों को नीचे रखना मुश्किल है और यह आदमी वापस उठने का बादशाह…
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ohnococo · 10 months
JJK MMA Fighter AU Headcanons
[Headcanons for Toji, Geto, Gojo, and Sukuna as MMA Fighters]
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MMA fighter Toji Fushiguro, who keeps everyone on his training team shocked when he consistently makes weight because he eats whatever he wants until about a month before weigh ins. When he’s fighting he’s always lean and cut as hell despite said “fuck it” diet.
MMA fighter Toji is a light heavyweight, he could choose to fight as a heavyweight if he wanted, but he’d be at the lower end of the weight class and if he bulked up any more it would affect his flexibility.
MMA fighter Toji is a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and holds the record for fastest submission. Absolute master of sneaky submissions, to the point that opponents will try to avoid being taken down by him at all costs. Suits him, if he doesn’t win by submission he’ll win by points alone because they’re too afraid to get in his (long) reach. He hates boring fights though, so expect lots of taunting in these cases.
MMA fighter Toji’s early fight record is a bit spotty, but once he hits his prime a few years in his record is nearly flawless. Except for one fight that gets brought up a lot more than he would like where he was knocked out cold. 
MMA fighter Toji comes from a fighting family, a boxing family specifically, but absolutely does not associate himself with them. When he was young and talked more shit he asked a few of them to fight him, but they either blew him off or refused to have an MMA match - it was boxing only or nothing. 
MMA fighter Toji gets his chance to fight someone from the Zen’in family eventually, and decides he won’t take them to the ground at all - he’ll box them. He wins by knockout in the second round. 
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MMA fighter Suguru Geto is a middleweight. He sticks to his wheelhouse and you won’t find him moving weight classes or suddenly trying any flashy moves.
MMA fighter Geto whose background was initially in Judo, and early on he made the smart choice to supplement it with Brazilian jiu-jitsu. That paired with his strength and stamina make him a dangerous combo and he’s known for getting almost anyone down for a little ground and pound until he earns himself a stoppage win. 
MMA fighter Geto doesn’t have to make weight, he just stays at weight. Thanks to this he’s a frequent late call-in when other fighters have had to back out at the last minute. His diet is clean and measured and he has to be on rest for a good while to really indulge. He just prefers being a clean eater. 
MMA fighter Geto can get in his head sometimes about his opponents though, particularly if they’re known to be slippery on the ground and hard to get a favourable position against. His losses tend to be a result of hanging back too much and letting it go to judges' decision - in which case it’ll be his lack of striking that gets him. At his best, though? He’s fearsome and will hold a title at some point in his career.
MMA fighter Geto is neither a trash talker, nor a show off, so he doesn’t get quite as much press as other fighters. Some of his fans theorise that he’d have much more title shots and bigger fights if he were to play up his personality for viewers, but even more fans like and respect that he’s himself and is a purist in his fighting. He gets the job done, without bells and whistles.
MMA fighter Geto has excellent sportsmanship. Even if he’s a clear winner he doesn’t ever downplay his opponent’s skills or talk badly about them. Always taps gloves before a fight, and the second the person taps or the ref waves his arms to stop, he’s letting go and checking on his opponent. This behaviour earns him lots of respect and lots of friends among his peers. It’s beneficial in the end because lots of other fighters enjoy training with him, and Suguru is particularly good at incorporating new things he picks up seamlessly into his existing skill set.
MMA fighter Suguru Geto who, of his generation of big names, is most expected to become a trainer upon retirement. He’s always helpful to even the most inexperienced fighters during training, and generally has really great insights on fighting. 
MMA fighter Geto always gets dragged out to at least one place to celebrate after a win. His training partner Satoru Gojo insists on it. Though he doesn’t stay out late and will always end the night icing his muscles and drinking loads of water to recover.
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MMA fighter Satoru Gojo is the poster boy for his company. He has sponsorships galore. He’s handsome, interviews well, keeps his nose clean as far as the public is concerned, and is an amazing fighter.
MMA fighter Gojo’s talent was noticed early, so he’s been in some kind of combat sport competitively since he was a kid. Judo, taekwondo, anything he could try he’s done for at least a summer. He later refocused on primarily Muay Thai and kickboxing.
MMA fighter Gojo is a lightweight in his early career, but as he gets older and bulks up a little Gojo moves up into the welterweight class where he really shines. He has an incredible reach thanks to his long limbs, which poses problems for anyone against him. 
MMA fighter Gojo is an all rounder - dangerous standing and dangerous on the ground, but if an opponent is strong enough they can carve out some points by holding him down so he doesn’t have the chance to get momentum on those powerful kicks. 
MMA fighter Gojo can eat whatever he wants and not put on weight, he never seems sluggish after his big meals or sugary treats either and no one understands how. He just seems to eat whatever he wants without consequence, although as he gets into his late 20s his manager and trainers are always on his ass about eating better. He listens… sometimes.
MMA fighter Gojo will taunt and tease loads before and during fights, but really does have good sportsmanship. He always taps gloves at the beginning of a match, compliments his opponent and hugs or pats them on the back post-match, and you won’t find him breaking rules. Say he mis-judges a punch and hits someone on the back of the head or his foot slips during a thigh kick and he gets them in the groin, he’ll feel genuinely bad and allow them all the time the referee can for recovery before the match resumes. 
MMA fighter Gojo parties hard after a match. Not necessarily drinking, but he’s going out on the town, dancing, being his happy loud self, eating all the things his trainers begged him not to in the lead up to weigh-ins. Even though his manager initially worried he would make a fool of himself, it actually only helps his image. Many fans will come across him in a bar or club after a match and get pictures with him. He’s just friendly and takes the time, even if he’s trying to unwind. 
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MMA fighter Ryomen Sukuna whose only losses are disqualifications for times he got too carried away - if that even counts. No one has ever beaten him outright. Despite this he has some of the gnarliest cauliflower ear you’ve ever seen.
MMA fighter Sukuna who got kicked out of his first MMA company for poor conduct. 
MMA fighter Sukuna is a heavyweight that specialises in boxing and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu - the latter gives a lot of his opponents trouble because at this weight class they’re expecting a glorified boxing/kick boxing match and don’t know what’s coming once they’re on the ground.
MMA fighter Sukuna always has some viewers debating on whether he’s a fraud for how, despite winning, he’s always down on points in his scorecard. It’s only because he likes eating punches from opponents if only to show them that he can shake them off like nothing, and he gets his own points deducted for rule breaking. Punches to the back of the head, kneeing downed opponents, but he only does these things once in a match to avoid disqualification nowadays. The points don’t matter to him anyway, he finishes the fight when he feels like it.
MMA fighter Sukuna secured a spot on title cards from a young age, thanks to his impressive frame and even more impressive taunting in the press leading up to fights. 
MMA fighter Sukuna once dropped down two weight classes just to fuck up someone he doesn’t like on record. People count him out for the physical strain dropping so much muscle would have on anyone else, but this isn’t just anyone else, it’s Ryomen Sukuna.
MMA fighter Sukuna who, as he ages, has to teach new up and comers a lesson again and again. The more someone talks about him being past his prime, the harder they’ll fall. Though he’ll still talk non-stop about how early MMA was better, when you could fight anyone of any weight class and there weren’t so many rules around how to safely beat someone. 
MMA fighter Sukuna who, after yet another win, celebrates by drinking and feasting and fucking. Just pure hedonism. He’s had a few belligerent moments, and a few encounters of getting a little too hot and heavy in the corner of a club, but he’s just too popular as a sort of “heel” in the MMA world that organisers make any press around more illegal activities disappear. 
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saltnsugarbear · 1 day
I'm forever black-eyed, a product of a broken home
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summary: boxer!lip gallagher headcanons and foundation building <3
title from: "Black-Eyed" by Placebo
word count: 1.4k
content warnings: I mean, like boxing is an aggressive sport so, she gets dirty at the end so MDNI!!!, choking kink mention, cumplay mentioned
side note: was originally soft and world building and doing research for boxing but,,,,, olive politely ruined all those thoughts
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just some simple thoughts to begin! to test the waters!
-a middleweight boxer, just to begin. on a good week he could qualify for light heavyweight but he's properly enrolled in the middeweight division
-which just, is no commentary on JAW, however doing some looking into and looking for the general weight of a healthy 5'7" man puts him somewhere in the middleweight/barely light heavyweight division. but if we consider the Gallagher household income and diet they probably have, Lip is 100% in the middleweight division
-Lip is most well known for his jabs and uppercuts, his style is very agressive
-he's also known for taking a heavy beating in just about every fight he has.
-carl was big into Rambo, constantly playing First Blood when he could. so he naturally tried to see if any of Stallone's movies where similar. Lip was somehow enamored with Rocky when they borrowed it from the library.
-Carl didn't love Rocky like at all lmao, he wanted more fighting in there. Debbie loved Rocky and Adrian's relationship, she thinks they're adorable and romantic.
-This idea hinges on Lip being more aggressive in high school, getting into a lot more fights. This might be due to bullying or just being an overall aggressive kid with little dog syndrome
-At a certain point he's threatened with juvie and or foster care or he can put his anger into something more productive. Lip chose the latter.
-Kevin suggests boxing and even offers to help teach him if he wanted
-he does that thing that boys do where he thinks he can do it all by himself because he watched a movie about it a few times (he's seen every Rocky movie he can get his hands on)
-however jumping right into boxing is much harder than he thought it would be (surprise!) (dummy /affectionate)
-Lip is out of shape, has smokers lungs, and just,,,,, does not know how to throw a proper punch lmao
-so the first day at the gym he's dying
-soooo he goes to Kevin with his tail between his legs and begs him to teach him how to box
-now Kevin is FIT like
-like FIT.
-and Kevin is more than happy to help train Lip
-so through out high-school he spends his free time at the gym after he's done his homework and the work of kids who have paid him
-he gets fit, builds some muscle, adopts a slightly healthier diet
-once he's in college he gets a slightly less regimented schedule due to being out of the house
-he gets a little out of shape, doesn't do as many workouts and sparing matches as he should
-so when he drops out of college he goes back starts getting back into shape to actually start fighting!!
-sigh not to bring back Patsy's reader but like you probably work at Patsy's or maybe the Alibi Room??? some where he and his family frequent a lot!
-and he's just kind of like,,,, a little punk who wants your attention so bad lowkey cause like
-you mind your business! nice, respectful, keeps to themselves
-what he doesn't know is you're so drawn to him cause you've been watching the muscled guy dote on his baby brother and his sister and his other brother
-but also he's a punkass!!
-so you eventually entertain him and go on dates with him and he's
-yeah he's cocky about his stats but he's also just so sweet
-he starts doing fights for money a little before you guys start dating
-uses half his fighting earnings for his family, the other half he's got his own squirrel fund going
-when you guys are dating, he uses that other half to spoil you <3
-this next one is from Maggie's brain but I love it
-watching him during training, when he doesn't really need to wear his gloves, and seeing him send people flat to the ground is,,,,
-mind boggling, as his partner
-because you know that those hands are soft and loving
-just that morning, he was holding your face softly and memorizing each detail he could get his fingers on
-the night before, his hands were firm but soft on your thighs
-so seeing him knock grown men flat is mind boggling anddddd I mean you can guess right?
-turns you on a little bit that's what I'm getting at
-whenever olive comes in it becomes a whore house 🙄 (SO AFFECTIONATE I LOVE YOU OLIVE AND YOUR DIRTY MIND THANK YOU THANK YOU)
-olive thinks boxer lip has a choking kink and she would be correct
-which feeds into her bicep kink whatever whatever we love her
-fucking him in the locker room after good fight and he's not super busted up (you guys seen what Rocky looks like? busted eyelids and shit) (not lip, he's gonna have a bruise and a little cut be he's okay <3)
-he's very sweaty and very pent up and running off the adrenaline of the fight and winning
-also wearing his boxing shorts around!! just comfy clothes
-but we was talking about him fucking you in his robe which is very KVE of him *I've not seen Iron Claw I'm just saying what I've seen from the girlies
-I just think he kind of loves seeing Gallagher painted across your shoulders (or even your ass if he's got it on his shorts)
-but also he would have like a fun stage name guys what do we think his stage name would be
-like The Italian Stallion fucks like Rocky Balboa ate with that
-but he could also just be Lip
-Lip 🥰 in the blue corner <3
-whereas 🥵The Italian Stallion🥵 in the red corner?
-idk help guys
-anyways boxer lip has some CRAZY stamina
-like CRAZY stamina
-you think you're ready to conk out after two rounds? yeah well Lips not so
-but he's soso sweet about it
-I'm back I've done some research and my idea works, walk with me
-this man is horny, we all know that like
-like he's HORNY
-anyways he goes like
-like crazy
-he's got one of your legs up over his shoulder, the other pressed up against his side where it's wrapped around his middle
-he has already made you come twice and your thirds on the way
-the squelching as he fucks you is pornographic, and he fucking loves it
-you simply cannot think, he's kept you teetering on the edge of overstimulation but all you can focus on is the feeling of him fucking into you, his shoulder flexing under your leg
-and he's being soso sweet cooing in your ear, telling you how good you feel, how he's going to fill you up so nice and you just need to go one more round with him after cause he wants to make sure you remember him before he fights later
-your third orgasm is what draws out Lip's first orgasm
-he's really gentle about how he rolls his hips into you, you can feel the mixture of both your release slipping out of you
-he's pressing soft, soft kisses to your face, telling you how good you are and how you feel just sooo good
-you can feel his cock twitch inside of you and the slow beginnings of him getting hard again
-and he's just being so
-"Come on baby, just need one more from ya" "Gonna let me fill you one more time?" "gotta make sure it sticks baby" "Wanna make sure you remember me when I'm up in the ring"
-and who are you to deny his soft pleas
-so like after he reaches his second orgasm inside of you and he pulls out, he cannot stop looking at where the mix of you release slips out of you
-and he's hard again this punk
-but, you're just so sleepy and so floaty
-so Lip gets himself off above you, fucking himself into his hand using both of your guys cum as a lubricant
-anyways blah blah, he paints your tummy in his cum, it reaches just under your chest and this feeds into the marking thing he's got
-someone stop this man he's tooooo horny
-anyways he cleans you up (collects the cum he can and slips it into you, pushing it softly into you with his fingers, trying to keep the rest of your release from slipping out even more)
-but as you're drifting off, he makes sure to clean you up, dress you back in some cozy sleep clothes
-boxer lip the beloved
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brawltogethernow · 1 year
That whole thing about Wade dominating any team up he's in unless they file down his personality, do you think the same can be said for Peter? I mean, he pretty much WAS the main character for Marvel's Team Up series.
(x) Sort of. Peter's a great one-off team-up character! That's why MTU ended up with the formula of "Spider-Man meets a different crossover character for five minutes every month and they do weird shit" even though that was not the original plan. His magnetism Imfao. He's got a snappy personality and general milieu to bounce off of, he's a middleweight hitter who can slot into a broad variety of superscenarios, and it's pretty easy to justify why he's popping up somewhere deciding things are his business. There are literally hundreds of great team-up issues with this man, lowball estimate. He is frequently the showpiece but not usually to the detriment of showing off the other characters, I think.
The issue arises when you want Spider-Man to be recurring member of your team book. The allure of this is he can crouch on the ceiling to make your group shots look more dynamic, draw in readers, and will theoretically generate quips. The problem is that if his personality is toggled on and he doesn't have an extremely compelling reason to be there he will pick a fight and leave. Like it's not a coincidence he guest starred all over the Marvel universe while essentially never being associated with a team for forty years, even though the concept came up semiregularly in multiple titles. This was not because Marvel didn't like the money generated by putting Spider-Man on more comic covers, it was just that they gave a shit about avoiding "he would not fucking say that" scenarios at the time.
Come the current century this became less of a priority in stages, and they finally started lobotomizing him so he would crouch on the ceiling and quip for them. My talking about filing Wade down to keep him on the X-Men roster without making it a meta book was a hypothetical, but this is just day to day business. Very occasionally enough of Peter's personality creeps back up through a crack in the asphalt for him to attack one of his own team members or refuse to be in a book.
The like...three......times they put the effort in to herd him into a team book properly, though, he's slotted in fine I think? Like yes he's the only thing a lot of people remember about Secret Wars (compelled him to be in all 12 issues by teleporting everyone to space and stranding them, mollified him with F4 members, he still attacked the X-Men) but it's not his fault he's the fanciest dog in the show that's a later storyline rippleback thing.
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crissiebaby · 4 months
Million Diaper Baby: Chapter 1
DISCLAIMER: This story contains diaper usage, humiliation, domination, sissification, chastity, masturbation/diaper sex, and other ABDL themes. I hope you enjoy!
Commissioned By: Gun1242
In 2025, an up-and-coming Middleweight boxer named Blake “The Bullet” Rodgers stepped into the ring for his chance at a title belt. The event that occurred three rounds into his boxing match would forever change the sport as The Bullet delivered a nasty blow to his opponent’s lower gut, triggering a messy accident in the heart of Madison Square Garden. With his rival unable to continue, the fight concluded in an unprecedented TKO victory for The Bullet, and his legendary punch from that day became known as The Hollow Point.
Many of Blake’s fellow boxers would soon strive to emulate his signature move to achieve quick TKOs, and the sport of boxing became inundated with muddy undies before the year was out. The prospect of banning hits to the lower midsection was a bridge too far for the vast majority of athletes and spectators, leaving the International Boxing Federation to make the only plausible decision they could. Henceforth, diapers became a uniform requirement for boxers at all levels…
Thumping his gloves together fiercely, it was safe to say Matthew Armstrong was having an off day. Sweat dripped from the ends of his spiky hair as he danced his way toward the center of the ring for the eighth round of his sparring match. His opponent was someone he had bested on numerous occasions, emphasizing to anyone watching that he was not performing at 100 percent mentally. Adding to his frustration, the feisty Welterweight knew the reason for his poor performance was entirely petty. This pushed him to become more reckless as he proceeded to take his anger out on his hapless competitor with a series of wild punches.
“It’s here!”
Suddenly, a female voice echoed from across the gym, distracting Matthew at the worst possible moment. His opponent’s glove made contact with the side of his jaw, resulting in an unintentional sucker punch that put the frazzled fighter on his obnoxiously crinkly ass. It wasn’t even a particularly hard hit, making the fact that it unbalanced him even more aggravating. Pushing himself off the canvas floor, he didn’t even wait for the bell to ring as he exited the ring in a huff.
“G-Good match,” called out Matthew’s opponent, his voice brimming with clumsy anxiety.
Matthew paid no mind to his sparring partner as he beelined to the other side of the boxing gym without a word of comradery. Instead, his focus was locked on a group of fellow boxers who were standing in a semi-circle around a large cardboard box. Dawning a sour expression, he folded his arms over his chest defensively and joined the crowd of onlookers.
“Eeee! I’m so excited! It feels like Christmas!” said the girl tearing into the well-sealed box with a pair of safety scissors. Dreaming of this moment since she was old enough to walk, Lightweight brawler, Amy Stone, tore open the parcel and proudly unveiled her big sponsor to her fellow competitors, “Heh! I think I’m gonna be covered on boxing diapers for the foreseeable future.” Her small gathering clapped and chuckled lightheartedly as she held up a package of plain white diapers with a giant CrissBaby Diaper Company logo boldly located on the rear of the padding. Years of intensive training and dedication had finally been worth it, and now, she was ready to leave her mark on the sport. She hugged the diaper pack to her chest, fighting back tears of joy.
Amy’s smile briefly faltered as Matthew’s breathy dejection snagged her ear. Her gaze narrowed playfully as she turned to see him sulking as he sauntered away from the group.
“Stupid CrissBaby,” muttered Matthew, failing to mask his seething jealousy. There was little doubt pertaining to who the best boxer in the gym unequivocally was. At only 26, his professional record stood at an awe-inspiring 19-0-2, and he’d bested damn near every local guy in his weight class multiple times over. And yet, despite his obvious prowess, he had yet to accrue any sponsorships to help take him to the next level, leaving him to scrounge for any cheap fight he could get his gloves on. He didn’t want to be bitter, especially toward Amy of all people, but he couldn’t deny that he was feeling raw about the whole situation.
Receiving a light punch to the shoulder from behind, Matthew narrowly avoided a trip to the ground as he stumbled forward. “Who the fu-” he shouted, ready to lay the smack down on whoever had the gall to hit him when his back was turned. His rage faltered as he turned around to see Amy smirking at him. He exhaled forcefully through his nose like a bull attempting to mind its manners in a china shop, “Oh…it’s just you.”
“Hehe! You looked so mad, bro. I must’ve really pissed you off for you to go straight to your corkscrew,” teased Amy, who was able to tell what punch Matthew was going throw based on his stance alone. After two decades of fighting alongside each other, she could read Matthew like a book and knew precisely how to poke at his most hair-triggered buttons. Unfortunately, while Matthew had always been highly competitive, envy was one of his rarer emotions, leading to a gross miscalculation as she carried on with her heedless taunts, “Oh, c’mon, Matti. Lighten up, will ya! Just because we have to wear diapers doesn’t mean you gotta act like a party pooper.” She reached forward to place a hand on Matthew’s shoulder, only for him to brush her away.
A small line of pink formed along the bridge of Matthew’s nose. “I told you never to call me that here,” he said in a hushed volume, referring to Amy’s incessant need to feminize his name at all times. He allowed her to get away with it when they were alone but that was only because of the massive crush he had on her. His eyes shifted to the handful of onlookers who had previously been present for Amy’s unboxing, praying that none of them overheard his embarrassing nickname, “And lay off the diaper jokes, will ya? Not all of us are so privileged to have CrissBaby pay for ours.”
Matthew’s pointed comment struck a nerve within Amy, who wasn’t looking to have her success ridiculed over nothing more than a harmless goof in her eyes. “Oh, is that what this is about? I thought you were slinking away cuz you just got put on your ass by a rookie. Not sure that’s the kind of performance CrissBaby would be interested in,” she shot back vengefully, displaying her own brand of brash egoism. Several more fighters bunched in around the bickering besties, amused by the verbal onslaught that was rapidly ramping up.
“19 wins and zero losses, bitch. Records speak for themselves. Tell me, what was yours again? 13-3? 4? You’ll have to forgive me for forgetting since I only have to keep track of one number,” said Matthew, earning a chorus of “oohs” from the male spectators.
“Okay, asshole, for the record, it’s 14 and 2,” clapped back Amy, who wasn’t about to let her win-loss count be downplayed, “And don’t act like your record isn’t inflated with amateurs and journeymen. I take my losses on the chin cuz those were hard fucking fights. I bet your pansy ass is gonna ball like a baby the day you get laid out.”
With no regard for his short-tempered retort from moments prior, Matthew was high on the belief that he had Amy right where he wanted her if she was already cussing. He rolled his eyes, knowing of how much that imprudent gesture ground her gears. “Too bad you’re never gonna find out. Sorry, Ames, but I don’t plan on losing any time soon,” he said, utilizing the three inches of height he had over Amy to look down on her.
“Wanna put those words to the test?” asked Amy, her tone deadly serious as she stepped forward and got up in Matthew’s face. In the back of her mind, she knew this was possibly one of the dumbest things she could do. Even if she were to completely erase the annoying gender divide, she easily weighed 20 pounds less than Matthew, giving him a significant upper hand from a sheer power standpoint. That being said, Matthew had talked far too much shit to not put his money where his mouth is. If anyone was going to knock him down a peg, it was going to be her.
Caught off guard by Amy’s impromptu challenge, Matthew found himself atop a very awkward hot seat. He had sparred with Amy countless times when they were growing up but he hadn’t faced off against his childhood friend since middle school. Cornered by his arrogance, he knew this was a lose-lose situation. “Sorry, I don’t fight girls,” he replied, his cheering section quickly turning on him as the “oohs” swapped to “awws” within seconds of his answer, “Shut the fuck up! I don’t see you pussies going toe-to-toe with any of the girls here.”
“Yeah, that’s because they’re smart enough not to run their mouths around me. Maybe take a page from their book if you’re gonna chicken out,” heckled Amy, twisting the knife for presumably the final time given Matthew’s cowardly rebuttal.
However, Amy never could’ve predicted the kind of fire her needling statement would spark behind Matthew’s eyes. Balling his fists, his knuckles crackled like a fuse being ignited. He still had no intention of fighting her but he wasn’t about to announce that to the whole gym after such blatant indignation. Letting his male fragility take the wheel, he knew exactly what to say to get Amy to balk. “Fine but if I win, you have to go on a date with me,” he said, a wicked grin forming on his mug, “And you have to dress up nice, too. No sweatpants allowed.” The “oohs” returned in his favor.
Amy’s smug visage shattered nigh instantaneously as Matthew’s shocking stipulation sank in. She wished she could say this was a first but Matthew had been coming onto her since the two of them were old enough to tell the difference between guys and girls. Despite being keenly aware of Matthew’s gushy feelings, she never reciprocated. She’d been around enough macho airheads to know that type of guy wasn’t her type. And yet, Matthew still harbored a deep affection for her, forcing her to constantly find new ways to let him down easily for the sanctity of their friendship. This was clearly a face-saving move to get her to back down, and she had to admit it was surprisingly effective. Had it been any other muscle-clad douchebag pulling a stunt like this, she would’ve decked him right then and there, but this was Matthew she was dealing with. If he wanted to up the ante to this extent, she was determined to make him regret it, “Fine, but if I win, you have to do whatever I say for an entire week. No ifs, ands, or buts. No backing out.” She extended her hand toward Matthew whilst maintaining a withering glare and refusing to so much as blink. “So, Matti, do we have a deal?”
Glancing at the now gym-wide audience encircling Amy and him, Matt knew any chance of this argument ending civilly was long gone. Their brawl seemed almost inevitable at this point. His fingers curled around Amy’s hand viciously, showcasing his superior grip strength. “You’re on,” he said starkly, oblivious to the blushy fate that lay ahead of him.
Matching the intensity of her opponent’s grip, Amy squared up with Matthew. Permitting her devious mind to wander as she looked him up and down, she could already feel the horns growing out of her head. She would certainly make him pay in more ways than one if she wound up stuck on a crappy date with him. But should she happen to pull off an upset, he was going to be in for a world of humiliation unlike anything he’s ever experienced.
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Edited by AllySmolShork
Special Thanks to Our CrissBaby Diaper Company Investors: BlushyBen DD JFN Nike PrincessKittenLizzi SissyDina Strawberry Sweetsamantharebecca & One Anonymous Investor
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theanticool · 2 months
Takanori Gomi vs Hayato 'Mach' Sakurai - Pride Shockwave 2005
Mentioned the tournament earlier so here is the final.
Back in 2001, Hayato Sakurai was considered one of, if not THE #1 P4P fighter in the sport. He was certainly considered its top welterweight. He was the Shooto Middleweight (WW now) champion and started his career 18-0-2. But along came a young Brazilian fighter named Anderson Silva, who upset Mach and took the Shooto title from him. From there, the welterweight division got bigger and far more wrestler focused. Guys like Matt Hughes and Jake Shields emerged as these big imposing physical forces who overpowered Mach. A chance was needed eventually. He cut down to lightweight in 2005 to take part in the PRIDE LW tournament.
Takanori Gomi was a prodigal grappler turned KO artist. Having got his real start in competitive martial arts in freestyle and catch wrestling tournaments. He started his MMA career 14-0, capturing the Shooto LW title. After dropping a couple fights to BJ Penn and Joachim Hansen, something changed. Gomi just started knocking people out. In 2004, he stopped all 5 of his opponents in the PRIDE ring. 4 of them were by (T)KO and one of them was over former UFC champion Jens Pulver.
Both fighters would meet in the finals.
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dukes-cassettetape · 4 months
A Legend is being born right before our eyes!
⚫🐉 Hēilóng "The Black Dragon"
👑 Last of the 3 African Kings
🌍 The Greatest African Fighter in UFC History
🌊🌬🔥⛰ The Last Stylebender⛰🔥🌬🌊
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By the end of the year, with a win in his rumored upcoming fight vs Dricus de Plessis, Izzy will make history and officially be on his way to becoming the greatest Middleweight of All Time.
with the Dricus win he'll have:
🏅 12 title fights
🏅 11 PPV headliners
🏅 9 title fight wins
🏅 8+ fight bonuses
🏅 5 title defenses
🏅👊🏾 Most Knockdowns in UFC Middleweight History
🏆🏆🏆 3x Undisputed Middleweight Champion
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he is on the verge of Middleweight GOAT status. once he beats Dricus, if he can win the Strickland rematch then turn around and beat the winner of Whittaker vs Chimaev, he'll have tied Silva in title wins at 11. couple that with his résumé, his strength of schedule, his activity, the fact that he did what Silva couldn't by recapturing the title twice, and all of the hype storylines behind a lot of his fights; he could be looking at a pretty strong case for having surpassed Anderson.
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onefootin1941 · 1 year
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Pier Angeli and Paul Newman in Somebody Up There Likes Me, 1956. Directed by Robert Wise. Written by Ernest Lehman, Rocky Graziano and Roland Barber.
Boxer Rocky Graziano's biopic, based on his autobiography, from childhood to his World Middleweight Championship title win at age 28 in 1947.
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knightyoomyoui · 1 year
The Tale Of The Bloodline | TWICE MiSaMo (Mina, Sana & Momo) x Male Reader- CHAPTER 7: “Double Coronation”
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STREAM MISAMO’S “Do not touch” MV! PREVIOUSLY ON TTOTB CHAPTER 6: [The Fighting Machine]...
THIS LUNATIC IS CHOKING JENNIE OUT!" Knight said as Seulgi succeeds on making Jennie powerless, crashing onto the canvas where it allowed her to tighten the hold further and wrap her legs around Jennie to make her sleeper hold unescapable.
"The Queen Of Doom, this crazed maniacal Seulgi delivering the doomsday prophecy she has prepared for The Korean Warrior!"
Jennie is doing everything she can to escape Seulgi's sleephold, slapping and hitting her head from behind but that only makes the latter become infuriated and tighten the choke even more, which Jennie now started to struggle on her breathing.
"We need help out here! Somebody send help to Jennie here guys!" Knight pleaded on the commentary as they can see how Jennie is beginning to fade away.
"Wait, Jennie is trying to fight her way out of Seulgi's sleeper hold!" Kwangsoo reacts as the crowd cheered when Jennie slightly gets up on her knees with Seulgi still wrapped on her back.
"... but not enough." Knight continued when the crowd became saddened that Jennie has already given up, her body dropped again.
"Kang Seulgi has completely decimated Kim Jennie."
The show ends with The Bloodline walking out of the arena as Momo didn't lose nor win in her first match while Jennie was left faded to black by Seulgi until the medical and security personnel finally rushed to the ring to provide assistance for Jennie and separate Seulgi from her.
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SEPTEMBER 13, 2023  | FIVE DAYS LATER The current Tokyo Middleweight Champion of JFF's developmental program UCF which stands for Upgrade Combat Federation Jeon Somi along with her bestfriend and sidekick Kim Sejeong are currently standing in the middle of the ring in front of 5,000 people around the performance center for their scheduled segment. "It's the 5 year anniversary of Upgrade Combat Federation and the same thing we said a year ago still stands today." Sejeong said in her mic, doing hand gestures to express her words more impactful. She spreads her arms and poses boastfully. "We are too good to be humble!"
Somi smirks and nodded. Sejeong continues to speak. "And that's why our tandem is still in the center stage." "Hey, Sejeong-ah let's get straight into it." Somi excused Sejeong, placing her hand on her shoulder. She followed, allowing the champ to do the talk this time. "Choi Yena, she ain't gonna make it here tonight, okay?", she said; referring to her rival who got viciously attacked in the backstage earlier. Yena was even supposed to fight Somi for the title in the main event. "But let's be completely honest here, I just did Yena a favor. I know girls like Choi Yena, she ain't built enough to handle this life." Somi patted her title belt wrapped around her waist. "She doesn't know what it takes to be the A-champion." "Talk that talk, Somi-ya." "Everybody in the back, they're praying for my downfall. They don't wanna see me win. You got people from different brands to come here and try to take what I built." Somi said. "Heavy lies the head that wears the crown, and you are all looking at the one with the heaviest head and the biggest crown here in UCF!" Somi pointed at herself while unbuckling and raising the title belt on her right arm, Sejeong is hyping and praising her bestfriend more as a support. The arrogant fun they've been having didn't last long when the arena suddenly went dark as the familiar theme resonated through the speakers. Once the titantron played in the entrance screens, the crowd popped in amazement while Somi and Sejeong are still staring unbelievingly at the person who just showed up for tonight's show. "Uhh... what?" the color commentator of UCF, Ok Taecyeon expresses his mixture of surprise and confusion after this particular prizefighter makes her unexpected appearance tonight. "Man, this place is shaking! W-we never thought that we would see Hirai Momo again!" he said. The recently main roster debuted Hirai Momo walks down in the pathway while the crowd goes chanting "MOMO!" along with the flow of her badass theme. "Yeah, and she's dressed to fight too!" Taecyeon's partner in commentary, Cha Eunwoo agreed. "Listen, I didn't think we will see her again after seeing her antics from Clash In The Combat in Seoul, South Korea ten days ago when she costs Kim Jennie the Japan Undisputed World Championship by helping her cousin, Yuta Nakamoto. As far as I'm concerned, Hirai isn't welcome here. Somi needs the time off." Momo is now climbing the steel stairs through the ring. Somi watches her as she goes while the fear and irritation gets her, shaking her head while whispering "ah damn it." "It's Hirai now who is sitting at the biggest table in JFF." "Well she's hasn't been invited into this particular table, hasn't she?" Momo enters the ring, grabs a microphone from the production staff and stands in front of Sejeong and Somi who were yelling "Get out!", "Leave!" and "You don't belong here anymore!" while the crowd goes contrast rather at their pleads, saying "We want this!" otherwise. "Somi, like I said before: I GOT NEXT!" Momo stated, officially announcing that she's the one who stepped up as the replacement for Choi Yena tonight with General Manager Bang Sihyuk to accept that request. Momo immediately Somi, Sejeong charges at her but she she threw her rather out of the ring. She shouted a battlecry as the crowd cheered. "Momo is dropping everything now at this point.", Taecyeon said. "We said, expect the unexpected." "Is this gonna happen?" "Yeah, same question. is it really gonna happen?" The referee enters the rings and monitors Momo just in case the brawl continues. Somi who is agitated, went all around the ring as she composes herself before finally enter the ring to accept Momo's challenge. With the two fighters now being in the ring, the referee called for the bell to ring and start the match.
-------------------------- As the match progresses, both of them slowly stood up but Somi went first, goes to jump attack Momo but she caught her by gripping both her legs. She throws her away then went for a punch. Somi stepped back into the ropes, tries to return the favor but Momo blocked, again she did another shot then another and another until she starts to target Somi's midsection either, firing fast blasts on it. Momo pulls Somi's arm and pushes her through the ropes on the other sides, she catapulted and Momo greeted her with a shuddering super kick onto her face. Somi bounced through the ropes again after getting dazed and Momo carried her to be slammed with a Samoan Drop maneuver.  The weakened Som crawls in the corner while the fired up Momo shakes the ropes aggressively, earning anoher cheers from the  crowd watching the fight. "It's Hirai now, adrenaline will make you do crazy things." Taecyeon said. Momo went to the opposite corner, clutching her knee that was previously targeted by Somi. "Blowing up a real head of steam, that knee having a big effect on Hirai's body." Momo runs ahead to the sitting Somi and harshly bumped her rear through Somi's head as she flew herself in the corner. She tugged Somi's body again and she landed perfectly on her shoulders again as she carried her. Meanwhile, Sejeong who is watching at the ringside to support her friend distracts Momo as she climbs up at the apron. The referee stopped her, Momo saw her and Sejeong quickly surrendered only for Somi to attack Momo as she turns around with double knees pressed on her face. Momo got dizzy, the exhausted Somi noticed and encouraged herself to get up with a mad slam of her hand in the ring. She stands up and runs through the ropes but Momo quickly recovered, throwing her up and catch her for another Samoan Drop. "What goes up, comes crashing down! Now this could be it?" Momo hooked Somi's leg, the referee slides in and began to count. "Tokyo Middleweight on the line, Hirai with the cover and..." "1... 2...-" Somi kicks out. Momo looked in the disbelief while the exhaustion is also present within her now too. Both remained laid on the ring, Sejeong climbs again and problematically searching ways to help Somi retain the title and not just by watching her for support. The referee is giving her a warning, adding more to her troubles. "Kim Sejeong knows and realizes there's nothing she can do at this point." Eunwoo said. Sejeong jumped out with her hands both up, proving that she's following and  that she's not gonna do something that will ruin the match as the referee simulteanously guarding her and checking up on both fighters. "Take one more look. Somi thought she had her, but then she gets dropped." Taecyeon said as the screen shows the replay of Momo's counter to Somi's impending attack. "And in that moment, Hirai thought she had Jeon and she thought she had her first taste of gold." As Momo stands up, Sejeong once again climbs up to attempt distracting her but it completely failed when instead she received a superkick, crashing back into the ringside. She turns around, saw a glimpse of Somi already about to blindside her as she bounced in the ropes and fly through her but with a quick instinct, Momo clutched Somi's arm and slammed her roughly with a Urinagi move. "Went for too many times, paid off the first time, not the second time, no chance!" Eunwoo called as Momo went out of the ropes and climbs in the turnbuckles. "Could this be the moment?" "No chance!"
"Flying Momo! Hirai got all of it!" Taecyeon exclaimed as Momo successfully splashes brutally onto Somi's helpless body. Momo hooks the leg, the referee began to count with the crowd joining. "1...2...3!" "What the hell?! WE GOT A NEW CHAMPION!" Taecyeon yelled shockingly as the bell rang for the finish. The crowd erupted in joy while the other has this astounded look in their faces. "Here is your winner, and the NEWWWWWWWWWWWWW Tokyo Middleweight Champion, Hirai Momo!!!" the ring announcer proclaims as the referee hands in the title belt and approaches to Momo who is still kneeling and heaving in her deep breaths. "W-what is this, this was not supposed to be how the night ended." Taecyeon said. "I-is the Tokyo Middleweight going to Knockdown?!" "Looks like it is, Taecyeon. But one thing's definitely we're sure of is that... The Bloodline has another gold to be stored in their prized collection!" Eunwoo replied. The show ended with Sejeong feeling pity for her defeated friend and frustrated at herself for not being able to help properly while Momo stands tall in the middle of the ring, celebrating with her newly won championship for the first time in her career in front of the Tokyo crowd. -------------------------- SEPTEMBER 16, 2023 | THREE DAYS LATER The current Japan's Tag Team Champions Myoui Mina and YN and 'The Honorary Muse' Minatozaki Sana are at the backstage along with the newly crowned Tokyo Middleweight Champion Hirai Momo. They were cheering her up for her match tonight with her challenger for the title against the fighter Jeong Yunho. "Let's go, Momo! It's about time to represent The Bloodline again tonight, but you already know that." Mina said to her cousin who wasn't looking again them, rather focused at somewhere else but still listening to their words of motivation. "Yeah! We're abut to go out there and handle business. We got your back just like we did last week. Let's go get it, Momoring!" YN starts to jump up and down at the rising excitement he's feeling of being involved in another chaos with his family. Suddenly, she was stopped by Momo who pressed her arm on his chest. All of them looked confused at Momo. "I got this. Yours are off the game today, YN." Momo said to YN who became silent. She turns around and gazed. "Hey, Sana. You're going?" Sana looked at her puzzledly. "M-me?" YN and Mina directed their eyes at the Honorary Muse, especially YN who looked baffled and ridiculous at her. "Gotta go guys." Sana patted Mina who gave her a proud smile while YN glared as she makes her exit behind Momo off the curtains with the theme began playing in the arena. ------------------------- Momo pushes Yunho through the ropes, she attempted for a superkick but Yunho caught her feet. He used both to add more strenghth as she carried Momo and plants her down to the ring. He covered Momo, the referee began to count. "1....2...-" Momo kicks out at two. Yunho lifts her body up and locks her head up to prepare her for his finsiher called the Endgame but Momo separated and blows the back of Yunho's neck. The athletic warrior gets stunned. Momo hooked his arm for a Urinagi slam but Yunho prevented, dragging her feet down and roll her up for a pin. "1...2...-" Momo kicks out. Another near fall has been broken. Yunho charges through her at the corner but she defended with an elbow to the side of the face. Seeing him bent his body had Momo to take the opportunity by sprinting through the ropes and attack him for crossbody but instead she was caught in the mid-air by the powerful Yunho. He throws her behind with a fallaway slam, Yunho positioned himself at the corner. "And now, it's Yunho's opportunity to claim the gold." Knight says as he watches the fuming fighter dialing up his advantage. He ran, but thankfully Momo was pulled out of the ring by Sana. Yunho was irritated by what she did, so he went out of the ring and start chasing Sana around like cat and dog. Sana entered the ring and slides off. Yunho still chased her but instead met with a surprise superkick by Momo who remerged in the ring. Momo hanged her arm around Yunho and lifted him up, slamming him down hard to the canvas with her finisher, the Ultra Urinagi to secure a victory. "1...2...3" The bell rang, Hirai Momo successfully retains her title thanks to the assistance by Minatozaki Sana. She snatches the belt away from the referee and instead took the honor to hand it to the champion and raise her arm proud to display the representative of The Bloodline in front of the booing crowd. --------------------------------------- Minutes later, it's time for The Honorary Muse to focus on her own worry as she faces the high-flying, superhuman-like fighter Lee Jihoon or better known by his alias Woozi in a match tonight also. With The Bloodline on the ringside for her, watching and supporting her through the match, they saw Sana trying to set up Woozi for a Purple Thunderbomb with couple of arm pounces on his spine. She carried him but Woozi backflips, Sana tried to grab back but Woozi avoided her by stepping on her shoulders and perform another backflip then a kick straight onto her jaw. Sana collapses in the ring, Woozi did a taunt and climbs through the turnbuckle. However, Mina climbs in the apron, distracting Woozi as she got blocked by the referee. That allowed Sana to slowly get up and carry Woozi from behind with a clean Purple Thunderbomb. She pinned him exactly as she slammed his body, but Woozi kicks out at two afterwards. Sana pulls up Woozi but the latter tries to fight back with some punches around her body. She lets him go, runs through the ropes but Woozi jumped and wraps his legs around her leg then spin her for an amazing hurricanranna move. He pins Sana, but she kicked out at two also. "Woozi not looking to slow down." Kwangsoo said as the fighter carried Sana on his shoulder but he dropped her shortly when he observed YN climbing up through the apron and quickly fought him with a punch. "And now, once again but this time it's the 'Main Event' Myoui YN. Sana from behind, rolling up Woozi for the victory, and Woozi kicks out again!" Woozi runs and bounces at the ropes and delivers a terrifying high knee right into Sana's face. YN backs up again but Woozi parkours in the middle rope then lures him away with a flying kick on the face. Sana caught Woozi again from behind, surprising him with a suplex then a cover. However, the referee didn't counted right away because the pissed off and arrogant YN tried to enter the ring again to lay his hands finally on Woozi. As YN backs out in anger, the referee then counts but Woozi kicks out. Sana peeked at the ropes to talk with YN. "What are you doing?" "I'm trying to get on him!" "I had him!" "I'm just helping you, okay?!" YN continues to push her back in the match and spit his excuses but Sana had enough, she rolled out of the ring and stares dangerously at YN as she pushes him. "WHAT ARE YOU REALLY TRYING TO DO, HUH?" "OH, SO NOW YOU'RE BLAMING ME?" "YOU COULD'VE STAYED THERE! CAN'T YOU SEE I ALREADY HAD HIM?" "THEN GO BACK AND FOCUS ON THE MATCH THEN! I'M TELLING YOU RIGHT NOW, I'M JUST LOOKING AFTER YOU!" YN and Sana traded barbs with each other, Mina steps in between and tries to break up their argument. They were too occupied to settle with this conflict that they didn't even noticed Woozi charging at them with a high cannonball to take them all out at the ringside. Woozi grabs Sana and rolled her back in the ring. He climbs up to the corner and stand at the top rope before he executes a picture perfect shooting star press through Sana's poor body. "With a style! Highlight of the night and Woozi gets the win!" Knight exclaimed as the referee counted to three on the pinned Sana. The referee raised his arm in victory. Woozi let the ring immediately when Momo enters and tries to chase him. Woozi celebrates with the crowd with The Bloodline suffered in the growth of their problem as they failed to provide their service for Sana in return.
SEPTEMBER 23, 2023 | ONE WEEK LATER After Yuta Nakamoto delivers his speech for The Bloodline's Acknowledgment Ceremony to celebrate and congratulate Hirai Momo's title win last week as a complete group, they were about to leave the ring when Sana requests for a mic to be handed. "Can we cut the music for a moment, please? Can we just cut the music for one moment?" Sana speaks as she requested for Yuta's theme to be stopped. That took the rest to face her confusingly, especially Yuta. "Guys, I'm sorry. Sorry." Sana apologizes as she knew what that looks could have mean about. YN began to yell "What are you doing, Sana?!" and even Jinyoung who just asked her calmly. Jinyoung saw Yuta gesturing for an initiative. He gets another mic and gave it to him. "I-I just wanted to say that I know I'm not technically 'Blood', right." Sana mimics the quotation mark. "But the way you guys are taken me in as a family as of late, I wanted to show my gratitude and I wanted to ofcourse, publicly acknowledge The Empire Chief." Sana pointed her hand at Yuta who nodded and satisfied at her respectful remark. Yuta grins and smiles impressively at Sana who blushed at that reaction. The crowd then chanted her name loudly, capturing Yuta's attention. "I like you, Sana." Yuta said. Sana's eyes widened and her face nearly reddened. She wasn't entirely sure what it actually meant. Her heartbeats quickened but she tried to be steady. "I like you.... but what are you talking for, right now? What are you saying right now?" Sana's face turns clueless. "I get it. I've been seeing what's happening here but like... why are still here?" She gasped and furrowed her eyebrow, encapsulating her confusion further. The crowd slowly booed. "What is going on, muse? Why do you still have that scarf on? Why are you still tagging along with us? This whole thing, w-what is this about? What do you want?' Sana remained silent, she doesn't know what to respond other than just to release some "huhs?" and "what?". "I'll tell you what I want. I want you to take that scarf off." "TAKE IT OUT! TAKE THAT SCARF OFF!" YN shouted at Sana who got taken aback. "Y-Yuta, I don't know if you're kidding or not kidding but if this is about what happened between me and Woozi last week, I-..." "Sana... I'm not going to tell you again. Take. that. scarf. off. Now." "LISTEN NOW, SANA! TAKE. THAT. SHIRT. OFF!" YN yelled at her again. Jinyoung snatches the mic away from Sana's hand. Sana still tries to explain but it all just falls in deaf ears of The Empire Chief. "YN." YN aggressively tugs, untangles, and rips the scarf out of Sana's hair and neck. The Japanese woman was frightened and nervous at what is going on for her. "See, this is what I'm talking about, I need you to listen for once. I don't want to see you in that scarf ever again, do you understand me? You ain't ever gonna wear a Bloodline scarf, EVER AGAIN!" Sana just stares terrifyingly and heartbroken at everything she's listening to Yuta's words. The man she deeply idolizes, respects, and admires discreetly... is the one who is commanding right in front of her to leave him and his family alone with utter dislikedness. She feels like she's about to cry, her body starts to slightly shiver in her emotions. "You ain't ever gonna wear that scarf...
... because I got you a new one." Yuta reaches inside his shirt and throws a red cloth at Sana who catched it while shocked at what she just heard. YN who is walking around behind feeling confident and relieved, had to halt all that when he saw Sana holding a piece of clothing. Sana slowly unfolded the scarf and spreaded it, showing to everyone what it looks like. The red scarf has The Bloodline logo and prints on it with the letters spelled out "THE HONORARY MUSE" engraved on it. "Wow." Both Knight and Kwangsoo reacted in awe while the crowd cheered and clapped for Sana who still can't processed what just happened. "I guess, welcome to the family." As Sana reads the words again and realized that Yuta himself gave that scarf to her, that only confirms one thing. She finally did it. She is now an official honorary member, an Honorary Muse for The Bloodline. Sana became delighted and jumps in glee. She excitedly wears the scarf around her head and neck then raised her arms in glory. Yuta just amusingly watched Sana being very happy with the gift. Sana quickly high fives and hugs Mina and Momo who couldn't contain their happiness for their new co-member and friend. For YN though who is uncomfortable and humiliated, Sana mocks him closer to his face before facing Yuta. "Anything you wanna say?" Yuta smirked. "Yes. As a matter of fact, I do. I ACKNOWLEDGE YOU, EMPIRE CHIEF!" Sana stepped forward to approach Yuta, circling her arms to embrace him thankfully which made him unaware of. Yuta felt Sana shake through her sniffs as she finally cried on his shoulders. To comfort and be guilty of the prank that he planned to do to make her mistakenly believe that she's going to be kicked out and declined to be part of his family, he made his apology with a simple caress and pats on her back while repeatedly telling her to slow down her cries. The show ended with The Bloodline: Mina, Jinyoung, and Momo celebrates  while YN is on the corner, watching Yuta and Sana hugging together with a frown and mixed feelings disturbing him inside, not with disappointment anymore... but because of something confusing that he couldn't yet exactly identify the reason why.
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wrestlingmgc · 15 days
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Campeón Nacional de Peso Medio Guerrero Maya, Jr.
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redtsundere-writes · 4 months
since this will be the last chapter....
can you post a special sneak peek?
Jinx's Chapter 14 Sneak Peek.
“The UFC 300 fight card comes with a bang, as it will be a double championship night!” The host of a sports news program enthusiastically announced to a panel of experts.
“That's right! First, we’ll see The Snake de Medusa versus The Fury. Will The Snake be able to regain her title after her injury?” One of the drivers asked openly to the table to start the debate. 
“Are you nervous?” Choso asked me, leaving his empty plate on the glass table. 
“A lot, but I'll just get into the octagon, I'll do what I have to do, and I'll take down Maki no matter what,” I answered excitedly. 
“That's my girl,” Choso proudly placed a warm kiss on my cheek. 
In the time we have been together, my relationship with Choso has been the most beautiful and healthy one I have ever had in my life. He always cares about me, cooks for me and supports me in all my decisions. We had less than 3 months living together, and I still maintained the same opinion I had of him. It was a pleasure to wake up next to him every morning, do housework together and make love in the shower from time to time. I loved doing everything together with him. 
“I made you a green juice before I came here,” he said handing me one of my reusable bottles I had at home. I hated green juice, but I had to drink it for my own good.  
“Yuta Okkotsu was to face Toge Inumaki for the middleweight belt, but Inumaki suffered an injury that will prevent the fight from taking place. Do they already know who his replacement will be?” One of the commentators asked with curiosity. 
Yuta and Toge have always been friendly rivals. Outside the UFC they are almost always seen together at events and parties, but once they get in the ring, they are ready to kill each other. That energy of brotherhood and competitiveness makes their fights even more entertaining and among the bestsellers in the business. This rematch had been announced for 3 months. It was a shame that shortly before the event, Inumaki could no longer participate. I wanted to see the fight too. 
“It's a good thing you mentioned it, because we have exclusive news for Total Sport! Toge Inumaki's replacement will be no one more and no one less than Sukuna Ryomen!” At that name, I can't help but spit out the green juice. 
“What?!” I yelled as I got up from the sofa. 
“Just like that! Sukuna will finally go after a second title.” 
My mouth dropped open in shock. Sukuna and I would be at the same event! What wonderful news! After I moved to Nagoya, Sukuna hardly ever gave me any sign of life. He would either leave me on read or answer my messages weeks later. I sent hundreds of emails to Nanami to schedule a training session together, but I never received a reply. Every time Choso took me to one of his family events, I expected to see him there, in his fancy suit and expensive sunglasses. Unfortunately, Yuuji would always arrive alone and tell me that Sukuna was busy. It was frustrating to get in touch with him, but at last we would see each other again. 
“I'll get to see Sukuna fight live again, what a thrill!” I squealed in excitement as Choso wiped up the mess I had made with a napkin. 
“Are you that excited to see him?” I asked dryly. 
“Of course I am. I was his coach for a year, and he improved so much in such a short time. I want to see how much he has improved without me,” I answered wistfully. 
As much as I loved being back as a fighter, sometimes I liked to remember when I was his coach. The time when I could coexist in the mixed martial arts world and I didn't get hurt often. The best of both worlds. Even though I had my peace of mind, I missed Sukuna making me angry, laughing or crying with joy. 
“Do you miss him that much?” Choso asked me out of the blue, avoiding my gaze completely. 
“A little. It's just that it's been so long since I last saw him that I'm excited to see how he's doing,” I answered as I sat back down on the couch. 
It had been a year since we last saw each other. When we said goodbye after leaving his penthouse, I didn't think it would take me that long to see him again. If I was already excited to return to the octagon for my title, now I was happy to know that Sukuna would see me fight live for the first time. A smile crept onto my face at the idea.
I'll be posting the last chapter tomorrow at 8 pm PST!
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There is video at the end of this article
The Igbo people, also spelled and formerly called Ibo, are an ethnic group in Nigeria. They are mostly found in Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu, and Imo States. A sizable Igbo population is also found in Delta and Rivers States. Large ethnic Igbo populations are found in the Republic of Cameroon, Gabon, and Equatorial Guinea, as well as outside Africa. There has been much speculation about the origins of the Igbo people as it is unknown how exactly the group came to form. Geographically, the Igbo homeland is divided into two unequal sections by the Niger River – an eastern (which is the larger of the two) and a western section. The Igbo people are one of the largest ethnic groups in Africa.
Igbo traditional wrestling is a very popular sport in the Igbo community and has been since its origin. It is a practice and acknowledgement of skill and strength, as well as promotion of indigenous language, culture, norms, values, and traditions by young, physically capable Igbo men. In Igbo Land, a man is believed to prove his physical strength when he is able to fight off his aggressors and so wrestling shows strength and courage. Before the wresting season, young men who will be competing would have trained for months. A young man who comes out victorious in a traditional wrestling match is admired and respected by all levels of the community. He is seen as a warrior or a distinguished wrestler.
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Perhaps Nigeria’s most popular pro wrestler of all time, Power Mike, hailed from the Igbo region
Traditional wrestling contests sometimes are used to settle local disputes and conflict between two villages. It is also used to determine the right groom in cases where a young woman has many suitors, in such cases a wrestling match is arranged where all the suitors battle it out and whoever emerges victorious marries the woman. It is also a form of entertainment, usually the chief of the village and his chieftains are seated and the villagers gather around the village square too to watch.
Wrestling matches take place in traditional rings, a ring filled with sand which cushions their fall. A flute boy is present to provide special tunes that stir the heart, this is believed to give added strength to the weak. Spectators are also present to cheer the wrestlers on and encourage them just as it is now in professional wrestling. The winner of the contest takes home a prize which can be money or other gifts.
World rated professional wrestlers that have emerged to rule the world of pro-wrestling from Igbo land are: the late Power Mike, former world heavyweight champion and title holder; the late Ben Lion Heart, former commonwealth wrestling champion; the late Iron Fineface, former African Middleweight champion; Former African tag team champions Iron Saigun and Iron Bone; world heavyweight champion Ultimate Commander and a host of other Igbo pro wrestlers like Mr. Sharpman, Golden Power, and so on, making the Nigerian nation proud.
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Claressa Shields
Claressa Shields was born in 1995 in Flint, Michigan. Shields won gold medals in women's middlweight boxing at the 2012 and 2016 Olympics. She also won gold in these events at the 2014 and 2016 World Championships. In 2022, Shields won the WBO middleweight title. This, along with her previous titles, made her the first boxer, male or female, to be an undisputed champion in three different weight classes.
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mmagoats · 1 year
MMA GOATS - Blog 1
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The question “Who is the greatest of all time” or “Who’s the G.O.A.T” has always been a question asked anytime people are great at the things they do. In the realm of MMA especially, this question is one of the most heated and argued you could try and answer because of how the game is constantly evolving along with the fighters and their styles and also because of the sheer amount of fighters that have come and gone throughout the history of MMA. But in my list, I’ll chose fighters that I think are undeniably great that they stick out from the rest. So I'm going to try and rank all of the greatest fighters based on their achievements, what they brought and or meant to the sport of MMA and based on how they inspired me to get into combat sports.
In my goat tier list, the fighters are going to be placed between 1 and 10 with ten being the absolute top goat of MMA and one being at the bottom respectively. Also, each spot can and probably will hold more than one person because I believe that there has been too much talent throughout the history of MMA just to be put into a top 10.
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With all that out of the way I want to state some of my honorable mentions before I start the list. 
Maurício “Shogun” Rua
Shogun Rua is definitely a great, competing in Pride where he held wins over big names such as Rampage Jackson, Alistair Overeem and Big Nog. It’s more because of who he took out and the age he did it that I find impressive enough to have me place him here, but definitely other have done it better.
Wanderlei Silva “Axe Murderer”
Fighting for reasons to be desirable, Wanderlei is one that sits comfortably in honorable mentions for claiming the middleweight championship at Pride, holding title defenses and competing for multiple grand prix. I find his story compelling and his drive being the aspect I wish I had (plus his nickname is cool).
TJ Dillashaw 
Arguably the best bantamweight champion the UFC had for his time, being a two time champion with multiple title defenses and an unrivaled underdog story. He’s here because he was the first great champion in his division so I almost feel obliged, but in my opinion is not the best in regards to the people that came after him.
“Big Nog” Antônio Rodrigo Nogueira
The big brother and other half of “Little Nog”, Big Nog fought in early Japanese fight promotion alongside people like Fedor and later fought in UFC and Pride. I think it’s his rivalry with his brother he always end up winning against that I can relate to.
Alistair Overeem 
Another name that deserves a place in honorable mentions, a man who learned martial arts to defend himself from bullies and held multiple heavyweight champion titles and the first to hold world titles in MMA and kickboxing at the same time. He’s here because he’s the first on the list that has reached double champ status, but did so in a division at a time that I think was pretty simple and boring, lacking technique and skill (but still, something about 200 pound men kickboxing makes for great entertainment that I’ll get my attention).
Quinton “Rampage” Jackson 
Rampage Jackson started as a wrestler at the age of 17, eventually trying out MMA after the success of other wrestlers, something that led to him getting multiple championships in the likes of UFC and Pride. Overall, he a great fighter but a better personality and I find him to be just a likeable person.
Chael Sonnen “The American Gangster”
Chael was a notorious figure during the early days of UFC in 1997 and a great villain for the scene, deserving a mention for not just his skill but his trash-talk and the eyes he brought to the game even though he never won a title. The only reason he’s here and not on the top is that I want to give a chance to the other fighters to be on my goat list of MMA, otherwise he would take over the entire thing.
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luxsit · 1 month
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James Leslie Darcy (28 October 1895 – 24 May 1917) was an Australian boxer. He was a Middleweight, but held the Australian Heavyweight title at the same time.
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