#Michele Ghislieri
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thepastisalreadywritten · 2 years ago
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St. Pius V was born Michele Ghislieri on 17 January 1504 to poor parents of noble lineage in Bosco, near Alexandria, Lombardy.
He worked as a shepherd until the age of 14 when he encountered two Dominicans who recognized his intelligence and virtue. He joined the Dominicans and was ordained a priest at 24.
He taught philosophy and theology for 16 years during which he was elected prior of many houses.
He was known for his austere penances, his long hours of prayer and fasting, and the holiness of his speech.
He was elected Bishop of Sutri in 1556. He served as an inquisitor in Milan and Lombardi, then as inquisitor general of the Church and a cardinal in 1557.
He was known in this capacity as an able yet unflinching man who rigorously fought heresy and corruption wherever he encountered it.
He was elected pope on 7 January 1566, with the influential backing of his friend St. Charles Borromeo and took the name Pius V. 
He immediately put into action his vast program of reform by getting rid of many of the extravagant luxuries then prevalent in his court.
He gave the money usually invested in these luxuries to the poor whom he personally cared for, washing their feet, consoling those near death, and tending to lepers and the very sick.
He spent long hours before the Blessed Sacrament despite his heavy workload.
His pontificate was dedicated to applying the reforms of the Council of Trent, raising the standard of morality and reforming the clergy, and strongly supporting foreign missions.
The Catechism of the Council of Trent was completed during his reign. He revised the Roman Breviary and Missal, which remained in use until the reforms of Vatican II.
His six year pontificate saw him constantly at war with two massive enemy forces -- the Protestant heretics and the spread of their doctrines in the West, and the Turkish armies who were advancing from the East.
He encouraged efforts to battle Protestantism by education and preaching, and giving strong support to the newly formed Society of Jesus, founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola.
He excommunicated Queen Elizabeth I and supported Catholics who were oppressed and intimidated by Protestant princes, especially in Germany.
He worked hard to unite the Christian armies against the Turks. The most famous success of his papacy was the miraculous victory of the Christian fleet in the Battle of Lepanto on 7 October 1571.
The island of Malta was attacked by the Turkish fleet and nearly every man defending the fortress was killed in battle.
The Pope sent out a fleet to meet the enemy, requesting that each man on board pray the Rosary and receive communion.
Meanwhile, he called on all of Europe to recite the Rosary and ordered a 40 hour devotion in Rome during which time the battle took place.
The Christian fleet, vastly outnumbered by the Turks, inflicted an impossible defeat on the Turkish navy, demolishing the entire fleet.
In memory of the triumph, he declared the day the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary because of her intercession in answering the mass recitation of the Rosary and obtaining the victory.
He has also been called ‘Pope of the Rosary’ for this reason.
Pope Pius V died seven months later on 1 May 1572 of a painful disease, uttering "O Lord, increase my sufferings and my patience!"
He is enshrined at Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome.
He was beatified by Pope Clement X on 1 May 1672 and was canonized by Pope Clement XI on 22 May 1712.
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aki1975 · 9 months ago
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Andrea Pozzo - Roma Sant’Ignazio di Loyola - Apoteosi di Sant’Ignazio - 1694
I conflitti religiosi che nel Cinquecento avevano visto una composizione con la Pace di Augusta in cui Carlo V aveva accettato il principio del “cuius regio eius religio” sfociano nel Seicento in due tendenze contrapposte:
- le meraviglie del Barocco e le opere della Controriforma cattolica;
- l’ampio scenario della Guerra dei Trent’Anni.
La Guerra dei Trent’Anni può essere riassunta lungo queste tappe:
- 1594 - Enrico IV Borbone, convertendosi al Cattolicesimo, Re di Francia
- 1598 - Morte di Filippo II
- 1603 - Morte di Elisabetta I
- 1618 - i rappresentanti dell’imperatore cattolico Ferdinando II d’Asburgo, che cerca di creare uno stato moderno, vengono defenestrati dai protestanti boemi
- 1620 - Sacro Macello dei protestanti in Valtellina
- 1624 - Richelieu Primo Ministro
- 1628 - il generale boemo Wallenstein, al servizio degli Asburgo, sconfigge l’esercito danese
- 1631 - il candidato francese al Ducato di Mantova e del Monferrato Carlo I Gonzaga - Nevers prevale, anche grazie all’abilità diplomatica di Mazzarino, sul candidato sostenuto dagli Asburgo di Spagna e dai Savoia dopo la guerra del Monferrato in cui dilaga la peste raccontata nei Promessi Sposi. Nello stesso anno l’Impero saccheggia Magdeburgo, città alleata degli Svedesi
- 1642 - Mazzarino succede a Richelieu
- 1643 - i Francesi, guidate dal Duca d’Enghien (poi Principe di Condè) sconfiggono gli Spagnoli a Rocroi. Luigi XIV Borbone Re di Francia
- 1648 - Pace di Westfalia. Fine del conflitto in cui si profila la leadership francese sull’Europa: gli Asburgo si concentrano sui possedimenti propri (Austria e Ungheria) anziché sull’Impero;
- 1649 - Carlo I Stuart decapitato in Inghilterra
Il Seicento, secolo in Italia di decadenza politica ed economica, è però anche il secolo di Carlo e Federico Borromeo e del Barocco ispirato dalla Controriforma i cui eventi principali sono:
- 1534 - Alessandro Farnese, fratello di Giulia, amante di Alessandro VI Borgia, eletto Papa Paolo III. Approvazione della Compagnia di Gesù
- 1542 - Paolo III istituisce l’Inquisizione
- 1545 - Concilio di Trento: accentramento del potere papale, importanza delle opere e non solo della grazia, formazione del clero, impegno pastorale
- 1566 - Michele Ghislieri eletto Papa Pio V, il Papa che raccoglie la Lega che vince a Lepanto nel 1571
- 1572 - Il bolognese Ugo Boncompagni eletto Papa Gregorio XIII, promotore non solo del calendario gregoriano, ma anche di importanti iniziative religiose, pastorali e culturali. Nel 1580 viene inaugurato il Quirinale
- 1589 - Fontana del Mosè sotto il pontificato di Sisto V che fa erigere obelischi e migliorare il tessuto urbanistico dell’Urbe: è il modello della “Ecclesia triumphans” dopo il contrasto alle eresie dei decenni precedenti
- 1592 - Clemente VIII Aldobrandini Papa
- 1600 - Cappella Contarelli a San Luigi dei Francesi (Caravaggio). Giordano Bruno al rogo a Campo dei Fiori, decapitata Beatrice Cenci
- 1605 - Camillo Borghese eletto Papa Paolo V. Cappella Cerasi in Santa Maria del Popolo (Caravaggio)
- 1612 - Carlo Maderno inaugura la nuova facciata di San Pietro
- 1623 - Maffeo Barberini eletto Papa Urbano VIII
- 1626 - Baldacchino di San Pietro (Bernini)
- 1633 - Abiura di Galileo
- 1651 - grazie alla mediazione di Olimpia Maidalchini, Innocenzo X Pamphili affida al Bernini la Fontana dei Fiumi che completa Piazza Navona
- 1652 - Estasi di Santa Teresa a Santa Maria della Vittoria (Bernini)
- 1655 - Fabio Chigi eletto Papa Alessandro VII
- 1657 - Colonnato di San Pietro (Bernini)
- 1660 - Sant’Ivo alla Sapienza (Borromini)
- 1667 - Oratorio dei Filippini (Borromini), Santa Maria della Pace (Pietro da Cortona)
Terminato lo slancio mecenatistico dei pontefici, l’Apoteosi di Sant’Ignazio con la finta cupola commissionata ad Andrea Pozzo dai Gesuiti segna nel 1694 la fine del Barocco a Roma.
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cristianesimocattolico · 6 years ago
San Pio V, il difensore della Cristianità
San Pio V, il difensore della Cristianità
Si rimane colpiti al leggere l’elenco delle cose fatte nei sei anni di pontificato di san Pio V (1504-1572), uno dei maggiori personaggi della Riforma cattolica, che difese la retta fede dalle eresie e legò il suo nome alla battaglia di Lepanto.
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inesfav · 5 years ago
Guardia Piemontese, la Guardia Lombarda
Guardia Piemontese, la Guardia Lombarda
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Racchiusa tra mari e monti, meglio conosciuta come l’isola linguistica del meridione, Guardia Piemontese ha origini che risalgono al lontano XII sec., quando alcuni rifugiati piemontesi, per sfuggire alla miseria e alle persecuzioni, si stabilirono sul territorio vivendo in pace con i paesi limitrofi per molti secoli. (more…)
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cruger2984 · 3 years ago
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THE DESCRIPTION OF POPE SAINT PIUS V The Pope of the Holy Rosary Feast Day: April 30
"Utinam dirigantur viæ meæ ad custodiendas justificationes tuas (O that my ways may be directed to keep thy justifications.)" -Papal motto of Pius V based on Psalms 119:5
The pope who is the initiator of the feast of the Holy Rosary, was born Antonio Ghislieri, on January 17, 1504 in Bosco in the Duchy of Milan. At the age of 14, he entered the Dominican order and taking the name Michele, passing from the monastery of Voghera to that of Vigevano, and thence to Bologna. Ordained a priest at Genoa in 1528, he was sent by his order to Pavia, where he lectured for sixteen years. At Parma he advanced thirty propositions in support of the papal chair and against the Protestant Reformation.
Elected as pope on January 8, 1566, through the influential backing of Charles Borromeo, he was crowned ten days later, on his 62nd birthday by the protodeacon.
This zealous Dominican pope vigorously implemented the reform of the Church. Following the decrees of the Council of Trent, he instructed the bishops to reside in their diocese, and parish priests to teach catechism to the youth. After removing corruption and nepotism from the Roman Curia, he cleansed the Papal States from brigands and prostitutes. His disciplinary penalties were so severe, that he was accused of transforming Rome into a monastery. It was during his pontificate, that the new breviary, missal and catechism, were published.
His papal bull, Regnans in Excelsis (Reigning on High), is issued on February 1570, and that bull results in the excommunication of Queen Elizabeth I.
The Pope's greatest success was the Battle of Lepanto, fought off the coast of Greece on October 7, 1571, and it was the first major defeat of the Ottoman Empire. The victory was attributed to the help of the Blessed Virgin Mary, whose aid was invoked through praying the rosary. In commemoration of that event, he instituted the feast of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary on October 7, and inserted the titled Mary, Help of Christians in the Litany of the Blessed Mother.
Pius V died on May 1, 1572 at the age of 68, and is succeeded by Ugo Boncompagni, who will later on to become Pope Gregory XIII. He is beatified by Pope Clement X in 1672 and canonized by Pope Clement XI in 1712.
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personal-reporter · 4 years ago
Pio V, Papa coraggioso
Pio V, Papa coraggioso
Il Papa che introdusse la Veste bianca… Antonio Ghislieri nacque il 17 gennaio 1504 a Bosco Marengo, in provincia di Alessandria, da una famiglia molto povera e a quattordici anni entrò nel convento dei domenicani osservanti di Voghera, prendendo il nome di Michele. (more…)
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ibarbouron-us · 5 years ago
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foreverpraying · 5 years ago
April 30 is the feast day of St. Pius V., Pope
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Source of picture: https://angelusnews.com
Life of St. Pius V.
Pope from 1566-1572 and one of the foremost leaders of the Catholic Reformation.
Born Antonio Ghislieri in Bosco, Italy, to a poor family, he labored as a shepherd until the age of fourteen and then joined the Dominicans, being ordained in 1528. Called Brother Michele, he studied at Bologna and Genoa, and then taught theology and philosophy for sixteen years before holding the posts of master of novices and prior for several Dominican houses. Named inquisitor for Como and Bergamo, he was so capable in the fulfillment of his office that by 1558, he was named grand inquisitor.
He was unanimously elected a pope in 1566. As pope, Pius saw his main objective as the continuation of the massive program of reform for the Church. He published the Roman Catechism, the revised Roman Breviary, and the Roman Missal; he also declared Thomas Aquinas a Doctor of the Church, commanded a new edition of the works of Thomas Aquinas, and created a commission to revise the Vulgate.
In dealing with the threat of the Ottoman Turks who were advancing steadily across the Mediterranean, Pius organized a formidable alliance between Venice and Spain, culminating in the Battle of Lepanto, which was a complete and shattering triumph over the Turks. The day of the victory was declared the Feast Day of Our Lady of Victory in recognition of Our Lady's intercession in answer to the saying of the Rosary all over Catholic Europe. Pius also spurred the reforms of the Church by example.
He insisted upon wearing his coarse Dominican robes, even beneath the magnificent vestments worn by the popes, and was wholeheartedly devoted to the religious life.
Source: https://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=5515
 Prayer to St. Pius V.
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Source of picture: www.flickr.com/photos/paullew
Father, you chose Saint Pius V as pope of your Church to protect the faith and give you more fitting worship. By his prayers, help us celebrate your holy mysteries with a living faith and an effective love. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.
Source: https://prayers4reparation.wordpress.com
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lesser-known-composers · 5 years ago
The Coro e Orchestra Ghislieri led by Giulio Prandi perform the 'Mass in D major’ by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi during the Utrecht Early Music Festival 2019. The musicians Solo soprano: Francesca Boncompagni Solo alto: Maria Chiara Gallo Coro e Orchestra Ghislieri Soprano: Sonia Tedla, Caterina Iora, Claudia Di Carlo, Maria Candela Scalabrini, Karin Selva, Valentina Argentieri, Emma Popolani, Marta Redaelli Alto: Maria Chiara Gallo, Giulia Beatini, Silvia Bertoluzza, Silvia Capobianco, Isabella Di Pietro Tenor: Michele Concato, Federico Kaftal, Massimo Lombardi, Jorge Losana, Simone Milesi Bass: Matteo Bellotto, Renato Cadel, Marco Grattarola, Alessandro Nuccio, Filippo Tuccimei First violin: Marco Bianchi, Barbara Altobello, Diego Castelli, Renata Spotti Second violin: Alberto Stevanin,Valeria Caponnetto, Abramo Raule, Elena Telò Viola: Elisa Imbalzano, Marco Diatto Cello: Jorge Alberto Guerrero, Claudia Poz Double bass: Nicola Barbieri Oboe: Aviad Gershoni, Katy Elkin Trumpet: Matteo Macchia, Marcello Trinchero Horn: Gabriele Rocchetti, Francesco Meucci Theorbo: Gabriele Palomba Bassoon: Valentino Zucchiatti Organ: Maria Cecilia Farina Conductor: Giulio Prandi
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anastpaul · 6 years ago
Saint of the Day – Saint Pope Pius V OP (1504-1572) – born Antonio Ghislieri (from 1518 called Michele Ghislieri, OP) 17 January 1504 at Bosco, diocese of Alessandria, Lombardy, Italy, was head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States from 8 January 1566 to his death in 1572.   He died on 1 May 1572 in Rome, Italy, apparently of a renal disorder caused by kidney stones.   He was a reformer, an apostle of prayer and charity, a great organiser, Marian devotee and apostle of the Holy Rosary, lover of the Holy Cross.  Pius V was highly ascetic. 
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He wore a hair shirt beneath the simple habit of a Dominican friar (for which reason he is often attributed with the institution of the White cassock worn by the Holy Father) and was often seen in bare feet.  In the time of a great famine in Rome he imported corn at his own expense from Sicily and France, a considerable part of which he distributed among the poor and sold the rest to the public at a very low price.  After the papal election, instead of hosting an elaborate banquet, he ordered that the food be given to people in real need.   Tradition holds that he once restored a beggar’s severed foot.
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He is chiefly notable for his role in the Council of Trent, the Counter-Reformation, the Battle of Lepanto and the standardisation of the Roman rite within the Latin Church. Pius V declared Thomas Aquinas a Doctor of the Church.
As a cardinal, Ghislieri gained a reputation for putting orthodoxy before personalities, prosecuting eight French bishops for heresy.   He also stood firm against nepotism, rebuking his predecessor Pope Pius IV to his face when he wanted to make a 13-year-old member of his family a cardinal and subsidise a nephew from the papal treasury.
By means of the papal bull of 1570, Regnans in Excelsis, Pius V excommunicated Elizabeth I of England for heresy and persecution of English Catholics during her reign. He also arranged the formation of the Holy League, an alliance of Catholic states to combat the advancement of the Ottoman Empire in Eastern Europe. 
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Although outnumbered, the Holy League famously defeated the Ottomans at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571.   St Pius V attributed the victory to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and instituted the feast of Our Lady of Victory.   Biographers report that as the Battle of Lepanto ended, Pius rose and went over to a window, where he stood gazing toward the East. “…Looking at the sky, he cried out, ‘A truce to business, our great task at present is to thank God for the victory which He has just given the Christian army’.”
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Pope Pius V was from a poor Italian family and had entered the Dominican order at age 14.   A teacher, a master of novices, a bishop and finally a cardinal, he was a strict and honest man, as well as a zealous reformer.   He wept when he was told in 1566 that he had been elected pope.   The 18-year-long Council of Trent had ended 3 years before and he, as Holy Father, had the task of implementing it.
The previous pope had been easygoing but Pius V made immediate changes.   At first, the people complained that the atmosphere of Rome became like that of a monastery.   But soon the pope’s personal character changed their minds.   He ordered that the gifts given at his coronation be sent to hospitals and to those in need.   The Church finances were examined, the army was reduced and the lifestyles of the cardinals and bishops were simplified.   Seminaries were established, synods were held, dioceses were organised, and parish priests were called to regular meetings.   A new catechism was completed.   Parish priests were made responsible for Catholic education.   The Roman Missal became the sole Mass book for the Western Church (with a few minor exceptions) for four centuries.
His first care as Pope was to reform the Roman court and capital by the strict example of his household and the severe punishment of all offenders.   He next endeavoured to obtain from the Catholic powers the recognition of the Tridentine decrees, two of which he urgently enforced-the residence of bishops and the establishment of diocesan seminaries.
He revised the Missal and Breviary and reformed the ecclesiastical music.   Nor was he less active in protecting the Church.
We see him at the same time supporting the Catholic King of France against the Huguenot rebels, encouraging Mary Queen of Scots, in the bitterness of her captivity and excommunicating her rival the usurper Elizabeth, when the best blood of England had flowed upon the scaffold and the measure of her crimes was full.
But it was at Lepanto that the Saint’s power was most manifest, there, in October, 1571, by the holy league which he had formed but still more by his prayers to the great Mother of God, the aged Pontiff crushed the Ottoman forces and saved Christendom from the Turk.
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St Pius was accustomed to kiss the feet of his crucifix on leaving or entering his room. One day the feet moved away from his lips.   Sorrow filled his heart and he made acts of contrition, fearing that he must have committed some secret offence but still he could not kiss the feet.   It was afterwards found that they had been poisoned by an enemy.
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After only six years as pope, Pius V died of a painful disease, of which he had never complained.   He was buried in the chapel of St Andrea which was close to the tomb of Pope Pius III, in the Vatican. Although his will requested he be buried in Bosco, Pope Sixtus V built a monument in the chapel of SS. Sacramento in the Liberian basilica. His remains were transferred there on 9 January 1588.  The front of his tomb has a lid of gilded bronze which shows a likeness of the dead pope. Most of the time this is left open to allow the veneration of the saint’s remains.
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Portrait of Pius V by Pierre Le Gros on the tomb
In 1696, the process of Pius V’s canonisation was started through the efforts of the Master of the Order of Preachers, Antonin Cloche.   He also immediately commissioned a representative tomb from the sculptor Pierre Le Gros the Younger, to be erected in the Sistine Chapel of the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore.   The pope’s body was placed in it in 1698.   Pope Pius V was beatified by Pope Clement X in the year 1672 and was Canonised by Pope Clement XI (1700–21) on 22 May 1712.
Blessed Cardinal John Henry Newman declared that:
 “St Pius V was stern and severe, as far as a heart burning and melted with divine love could be so … Yet such energy and vigour as his were necessary for the times.   He was a soldier of Christ in a time of insurrection and rebellion, when in a spiritual sense, martial law was proclaimed.”
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Saint of the Day – Saint Pope Pius V (1504-1572) Saint of the Day - Saint Pope Pius V OP (1504-1572) - born Antonio Ghislieri (from 1518 called…
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tradizioni-barcellona · 3 years ago
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SABATO 30 APRILE 2022 - ♦️ SAN PIO V° Papa ♦️ Papa Pio V, al secolo Antonio (in religione Michele) Ghislieri (Bosco Marengo, 17 gennaio 1504 – Roma, 1º maggio 1572), è stato il 225º vescovo di Roma e papa della Chiesa cattolica, sovrano dello Stato Pontificio, oltre agli altri titoli propri del romano pontefice, dal 7 gennaio 1566 alla sua morte. Teologo e inquisitore domenicano, operò per la riforma della Chiesa secondo i dettami del Concilio di Trento. Con san Carlo Borromeo e sant'Ignazio di Loyola è considerato tra i principali artefici e promotori della Controriforma. Durante il suo pontificato furono pubblicati il nuovo Messale romano, il Breviario e il Catechismo, furono intraprese le revisioni della Vulgata e del Corpus Iuris Canonici. Intransigente tanto nel governo dello Stato Pontificio quanto nella politica estera, fondò la sua azione sulla difesa del Cattolicesimo dall'eresia e sull'ampliamento dei diritti giurisdizionali della Chiesa; nel tentativo di favorire l'ascesa al trono inglese della cattolica Maria Stuart, scomunicò Elisabetta I d'Inghilterra. La sua figura è legata alla costituzione della Lega Santa e alla vittoriosa Battaglia di Lepanto (1571). Fu beatificato nel 1672 da papa Clemente X e canonizzato il 22 maggio 1712 da papa Clemente XI. Da Il Santo del Giorno. Tradizioni Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto - Sicilia #Tradizioni_Barcellona_Pozzo_di_Gotto_Sicilia #Sicilia_Terra_di_Tradizioni Rubrica #Santo_del_Giorno (presso Roma, Italia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc_MpUXsN4H/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thepastisalreadywritten · 8 months ago
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St. Pius V was born Michele Ghislieri on 17 January 1504 to poor parents of noble lineage at Bosco, near Alexandria, Lombardy.
He worked as a shepherd until the age of 14 when he encountered two Dominicans who recognized his intelligence and virtue.
He joined the Dominicans and was ordained a priest at 24. He taught philosophy and theology for 16 years during which he was elected prior of many houses.
He was known for his austere penances, his long hours of prayer and fasting, and the holiness of his speech.
He was elected Bishop of Sutri in 1556 and served as an inquisitor in Milan and Lombardi, then as inquisitor general of the Church and a cardinal in 1557.
He was known in this capacity as an able, yet unflinching man who rigorously fought heresy and corruption wherever he encountered it.
He was elected Pope on 7 January 1566, with the influential backing of his friend, St. Charles Borromeo, and took the name Pius V. 
He immediately put into action his vast program of reform by getting rid of many of the extravagant luxuries then prevalent in his court.
He gave the money usually invested in these luxuries to the poor whom he personally cared for, washing their feet, consoling those near death, and tending to lepers and the very sick.
He spent long hours before the Blessed Sacrament despite his heavy workload.
His pontificate was dedicated to applying the reforms of the Council of Trent, raising the standard of morality and reforming the clergy, and strongly supporting foreign missions.
The Catechism of the Council of Trent was completed during his reign.
He revised the Roman Breviary and Missal, which remained in use until the reforms of Vatican II.
His six year pontificate saw him constantly at war with two massive enemy forces — the Protestant heretics and the spread of their doctrines in the West, and the Turkish armies who were advancing from the East.
He encouraged efforts to battle Protestantism by education and preaching, and giving strong support to the newly formed Society of Jesus, founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola.
He excommunicated Queen Elizabeth I and supported Catholics who were oppressed and intimidated by Protestant princes, especially in Germany.
He worked hard to unite the Christian armies against the Turks, and perhaps the most famous success of his papacy was the miraculous victory of the Christian fleet in the Battle of Lepanto on 7 October 1571.
The island of Malta was attacked by the Turkish fleet, and nearly every man defending the fortress was killed in battle.
The Pope sent out a fleet to meet the enemy, requesting that each man on board pray the Rosary and receive communion.
Meanwhile, he called on all of Europe to recite the Rosary and ordered a 40 hour devotion in Rome during which time the battle took place.
The Christian fleet, vastly outnumbered by the Turks, inflicted an impossible defeat on the Turkish navy, demolishing the entire fleet.
In memory of the triumph, he declared the day the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary because of her intercession in answering the mass recitation of the Rosary and obtaining the victory.
He has also been called ‘the Pope of the Rosary’ for this reason.
Pope Pius V died seven months later on 1 May 1572 of a painful disease, uttering "O Lord, increase my sufferings and my patience!"
He is enshrined at Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome.
He was beatified by Clement X on 1 May 1672. He was canonized by Clement XI on 22 May 1712.
He is the patron saint of First Communicants and pilgrims.
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aki1975 · 1 month ago
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Ascoli - Piazza del Popolo - XIII sec.
Gli acquedotti e le vie hanno rappresentato sia all’epoca dei Romani che a quella dei Papi le arterie che collegavano Roma ai suoi possedimenti. L’acqua, il sale e le merci, fra le quali il marmo travertino, affluivano per creare la Città Eterna.
Conquistata nel 289 a. C., Ascoli è posta sulla Via Salaria ed ha protettore un vescovo cristiano, Emidio, martirizzato da Diocleziano.
Fu conquistata dai Longobardi e dominata dai Franchi finché nel 1185 divenne Comune: le 100 torri gentilizie furono smantellate da Federico II e dal figlio Manfredi. Sotto la protezione della Santa Sede riacquistò poi autonomia e si governò grazie ai Capitani del Popolo.
Visitata da San Francesco, nel 1288 ebbe un suo concittadino eletto Papa, Niccolò IV anche se nel 1348 subì il dominio dei Malatesta e le lotte tra bande e potenti famiglie: per questo nel 1502 si assoggettò ai Papi da cui ricevette protezione e difesa.
Fra questi da Paolo III Farnese a cui è dedicata la statua del Palazzo dei Capitani del Popolo e dal marchigiano Sisto V eletto Papa nel 1585, il pontefice che fece erigere l’Aqua Felix, il primo acquedotto costruito dopo la caduta dell’Impero Romano.
Una cronologia essenziale del Papato di quel periodo è la seguente:
1492 - 1503 Rodrigo Borgia Papa Alessandro VI
1503 - 1503 Pio III
1503 - 1513 Giulio II Della Rovere. Guidò la Lega di Cambrai che sconfisse i Veneziani ad Agnadello (1509) ed affidò a Raffaello le Stanze Vaticane (1511) e a Michelangelo la volta della Cappella Sistina (1512).
1513 - 1521 Giovanni di Lorenzo de’ Medici Papa Leone X. Nel 1517 Lutero affisse le sue tesi a Wittenberg
1522 - 1523 Adriano VI
1523 - 1534 Giulio di Giuliano de’ Medici Papa Clemente VII. Dovette fronteggiare la Riforma luterana, contrastare Carlo V fino a subire il Sacco di Roma (1527) e a incoronarlo imperatore (1530) oltre allo Scisma anglicano (1534).
1534 - 1549 Paolo III Farnese, fratello dell’amante di Papa Borgia Giulia, già legato pontificio nelle Marche e vescovo a Parma. Commissionò a Michelangelo il Giudizio Universale (1534), scomunicò Enrico VIII (1538), autorizzò la fondazione dei Gesuiti (1540), sottomise Perugia dove edificò la Rocca Paolina (1543), iniziò il Concilio di Trento (1545) e creò per il figlio Pier Luigi il Ducato di Parma e Piacenza (1545).
1550 - 1555 Giulio III
1555 - 1559 Paolo IV Carafa. Osteggiò la Pace di Augusta di Carlo V (“cuius regio eius religio”) e nominò Michele Ghislieri Grande Inquisitore.
1559 - 1565 Pio IV
1566 - 1572 Michele Ghislieri Papa Pio V. Fondò il Collegio omonimo a Pavia, elevò Cosimo I Granduca di Toscana per la lotta contro gli ugonotti che quest’ultimo condusse in Francia (1569), scomunicò Elisabetta d’Inghilterra (1570), promosse la coalizione che sconfisse gli Ottomani a Lepanto (1571).
Successivamente la valle del Tronto è stata per secoli il confine fra lo Stato Pontificio e il Regno delle Due Sicilie fino all’Unità d’Italia.
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cristianesimocattolico · 3 years ago
Gli oratori per san Pio V, il Papa del Rosario
Gli oratori per san Pio V, il Papa del Rosario
L’1 maggio di 450 anni fa moriva il domenicano Michele Ghislieri, divenuto Papa nel 1566 con il nome di Pio V. Instancabile difensore della fede, attribuì la vittoria di Lepanto all’intercessione della Madre celeste. Diversi gli oratori musicali a lui dedicati, tra cui “L’empietà delusa”, che ci dice quanto il demonio trovasse scomodo questo grande santo. (more…)
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dominikanid · 3 years ago
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Kapel Paus Pius V, seorang imam Dominikan bernama Michele Ghislieri yang menjadi Paus ke-224 tahun 1566, juga ada biara/kuria Ordo Pewarta ini. Kalau bertanya mengapa Paus sampai saat ini selalu mengenakan jubah putih maka Paus inilah jawabannya, sebagai tanda kasih persaudaraan keluarga terhadap Ordo, dan sebagai tanda kerendahan hati. PEN@ Katolik #dominikanindonesia #ordodominikan #ordopewarta #ordoofpreachers #katolik #catholic #martinusdeporres #saintdominic #stdominic #martindeporres #stmartindeporres #laudare #benedicere #praedicare #yayasansantomartinusdeporres #dominikanid #dominikan #santodominikus #story #ordopraedicatorum #instagram #orderofpreachers #dominicanfriars #dominicanorder #gereja #op #pope #popepiusv #saintpiusv #Mmcheleghislieri (at Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTT7CbehIzB/?utm_medium=tumblr
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quotedacademia · 5 years ago
Pero aquel divorcio entre desconfianza del juez y confianza del confesor, que fra Michele Ghislieri consideraba como irreconciliables planteaba un problema más amplio a la nueva realidad eclesiástica, que se preparaba a tomar el puesto de la Iglesia medieval. La colaboración que aquellos dos hombres eran capaces de asumir no debe ocultar la diferencia de perspectiva en la que se movían: el inquisidor romano, formado en la lucha contra los herejes, tenía ante sus ojos una oposición simple: de un lado la verdad, del otro, el error. Los jesuitas llegaban a los campos calabreses desde la periferia del mundo cristiano o desde experiencias decididamente adquiridas fuera de sus confines -Egipto, las Indias-...
Adriano Prosperi, “El inquisidor como confesor.”, en Studia Historica. Historia Moderna 13 (1995): 68.
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