#Metta Drop
sw5w · 9 months
Over Metta Drop
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:06:47
Not sure if this should be Metta Drop between Mushroom Mesa and Ebe Crater Valley or not. If yes, then this shot is out of order with the previous scenes in Beggar’s Canyon.
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But if it’s not intended to be Metta Drop, then there’s another unnamed cliff just after the exit of Beggar’s Canyon onto the Desert Plain - which may be represented with this line on the map.
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That is unless Metta Drop is intended to be the drop separating Mushroom Mesa from Ebe Crater Valley, or if it is intended to be the drop at the beginning of Desert Plain. The novelization seems to imply Metta Drop is after Jag Crag Gorge.
Pg 167 of Creating the Worlds of Star Wars 365 Days mentions a change in elevation called "Rick's Rise", which wasn't carried over into the Complete Locations map. (Thanks to Thomas Hansen on Twitter for sending this version of the ILM map)
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On the ILM map, it looks like the Podrace sequence goes like this:
• Anchorhead Arena (which became Mos Espa Grand Arena) • Starlite Flats (on Inside the Worlds/Complete Locations map) • Waldo Road (became Waldo Grade/Waldo Flats on ITW/CL map, featured in 3rd lap in the film) • Gavin Gap (unnamed on ITW/CL map) • Mushroom Mesa (featured in all 3 laps in the film, and present on all maps) • Boulder Bluff (not featured on ITW/CL map or the film?) • Rick Cliff (probably Rick's Rise mentioned in Creating the Worlds 365 - could be this drop) • Ebe Crater Valley (featured in all 3 laps in the film, and present on all maps) • The Notch (featured in all 3 laps in the film, and present on all maps) • Beggar's Canyon (featured in all 3 laps in the film, and present on all maps) • Butte City (not featured on ITW/CL map or the film? Could be the name for the random buildings in Beggar's Canyon?) • Bumpy Road (hard to make out the name to be sure - not featured on ITW/CL map or the film?) • ??? Stone ??? (difficult to make out this name at all - not featured on ITW/CL map or the film?) • Pattern Flats (not featured on ITW/CL map or the film?) • Turtle Tower (not featured on ITW/CL map or the film?) • Droopy Drop (not featured on ITW/CL map - could be this drop) • Dune Sea (seems to be renamed to Desert Plain on the ITW/CL map) • Arch Canyon (featured in all 3 laps in the film, and present on all maps) • Diablo Spa (not featured on ITW/CL map or the film - this may have been some kind of geothermal geyser area judging by the name, cut from the race - seemingly replaced with The Whip on the ITW/CL map) • Jag Crag Gorge (featured in all 3 laps in the film, and present on all maps) • Lagulla Caves (renamed Laguna Caves, and the Lagulla name was repurposed for the Lagulla Ice Cave where Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, and Jar Jar encounter a colo claw fish during their trip through Naboo's core - featured in all 3 laps in the film, and present on all maps) • Tusken's Camp (not named explicitly, nor do we see the actual camp, but this would explain where the Tusken Raiders come from that take shots at the podracers) • Tusken Turn (renamed Canyon Dune Turn, where Teemto Pagalies is shot down in lap 2) • Grandaki (?) (not sure what this is, but it is located in the middle of what became Canyon Dune Turn) • Jawa Camp (not present in the film or ITW/CL maps - would explain where the Jawas came from in the "Extended Lap 2" deleted scene) • Alé Pass (a note included says Uphill - not featured on ITW/CL map or the film) • Bindy Bend (not sure if this is shown in the film or not, but it is included on the ITW/CL map) • Jill's Junction (not featured on ITW/CL map or the film?) • Jett's Chute (featured in all 3 laps in the film, and present on all maps) • Devil's Doorknob (featured in the last 2 laps in the film, and present on all maps) • Hutt Flats (featured in all 3 laps in the film, and present on all maps) • Old Town Ruins (cut from the film and not shown on the ITW/CL map) ** if you think I missed something or got something wrong - let me know!
And another map courtesy of Jon Knoles on Twitter, who worked on Episode I Racer for LucasArts.
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This map seems to combine a few features of the ILM map and the Inside the Worlds/Complete Locations map - and adds a few new locations.
• Arena (on ILM and ITW/CL map, shown in film) • Starlite Flats (on ILM and ITW/CL map, shown in film) • Mushroom Mesa (on ILM and ITW/CL map, shown in film) • Snaky Curve (new! not shown in film) • Ebe Drop (new! seems to be where Metta Drop or Rick's Rise would be located) • Ebe Crater Valley (on ILM and ITW/CL map, shown in film) • Beggar's Canyon (on ILM and ITW/CL map, shown in film) • Butte City (on ILM map) • Dune Sea (renamed to Desert Plain - on ITW/CL map, shown in film) • Droopy Drop (on ILM map - could be one of the drops we see in the film) • Arch Canyon (on ILM and ITW/CL map, shown in film) • Jag Crag (on ILM and ITW/CL map as Jag Crag Gorge, shown in film) • Lagula Cave (renamed to Laguna Cave - on ILM and ITW/CL map, shown in film) • Tusken Turn (renamed to Canyon Dune Turn - on ILM and ITW/CL map, shown in film) • Jawa Bend (new! not shown in film) • Jett's Chute (on ILM and ITW/CL map, shown in film) • Hutt Flats (on ILM and ITW/CL map, shown in film)
If anyone finds any other podrace maps, please send them my way!
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polutrope · 10 months
@ettelene requested Feanor + boycotting a holiday for the modern AU holiday prompts! Here you are, ~775 words of condo developer Feanor, his family, and his many rivals. No warnings besides a little cursing (one f-bomb), as usual.
Amid zoning feud with City Hall, Ambar Metta withdraws funding for Yule Parade
Future of beloved celebration threatened by powerful Beleria development group. Has Finvesen’s grudge gone too far?
F��anor slammed his laptop shut. “Ridiculous accusations,” he muttered into his coffee before taking a sip and grimacing. Too hot.
His phone pinged.
Nelyafinwë 🧡 Did you read it? 8:05am
Fëanáro Slander. Let them lob their accusations at us, you know it’s nothing to do with grudges. If that Singh-Goel had given us the permit for Himring Towers we would not be in this situation. 8:05am
We don’t have the budget! 8:06am
Elu has no one to blame but himself!! 8:07am
Three dots ticked along the bottom of his messaging app. Fëanor slammed the table and slurped his coffee. His eldest could be so infuriating sometimes! What was taking him so long to reply?
Nelyafinwë 🧡 Right. I know. But if Sindar Herald is painting it that way don’t you think we should consider the possible consequences for the business? 8:09am
Thumbs flying in outrage, Fëanor typed a reply. Then deleted it. Then retyped it.
Fëanáro Did your boyfriend put you up to this? 8:11am
Nelyafinwë 🧡 Omg no dad! Fingon hasn’t even seen the article. Curufinwë sent it to me. 8:11am
Fëanáro Curvo sent you this? Why didn’t he tell me himself? 8:11am
Nelyafinwë 🧡 I don’t know. Can I call you? 8:12am
Fëanor closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
Fëanáro Not right now. 8:12am
Have a good day Nelyo 🙂 8:13am
Fëanor swiped his phone app open and clicked the first name in his call history.
“Hello? Dad?” answered Curufin. His voice was hoarse.
“Curufinwë, why didn’t you tell me about that article?”
“What article?”
Fëanor huffed. “The libel about the Yule Parade sponsorship!”
“Oh, yeah — fucking bullshit.”
“Do you know what your brother said to me? That we should ‘consider the business consequences.’”
“Ugh, really? Sorry dad, I was going to call you, I swear. But I didn’t want to just dump it on you — ugh, Nelyo! — but Tyelpë has a cold and he’s staying home from school, I didn’t have a chance to—”
“What! Tyelperinquar isn’t well?” Fëanor’s indignation over the article was immediately swept aside by a surge of panic for his favourite (only) grandchild. “Why didn’t you ask us to take him! Bring him over at once. I have told you a thousand times, your mother and I can take him anytime you need—”
“No, we can’t.” Nerdanel strolled into the dining room, dressed smartly in a long pencil skirt and blazer with her hair pulled back in a tight bun.
Distracted once more, Fëanor lowered the phone from his mouth and gawked at his wife. “What’s the occasion, Raspberry? You look fabulous!”
“I have that meeting about the wire sculptures at the Aelin-Uial Park light display.” She sighed and slipped into a pair of glossy red flats. “They’re saying we can’t afford the blue and green LEDs — well, they were the ones who wanted the tunnel to have an oceanic vibe.”
“I guarantee Singh-Goel’s behind that!” Fëanor shouted, forgetting he had his son on the phone.
Nerdanel rolled her eyes. Scooping up the paper from the foyer table, she dropped it in front of Fëanor. “Here. I think you should read this. Goodbye, dear.”
She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and was out the door.
Fëanor looked at the front page headline.
The holiday spirit is saved! Hithlum Properties picks up the tab for Yule Parade
By Melkor Cifarelli
Underneath this was the grinning face of Fëanor’s greatest rival (damn his brilliant blue eyes and perfect jawline!), he who had won the bid for the redevelopment at Mithrim Lake: Fingolfin Noldoran Finvesen. The biological son of his late beloved father and that gold-digging witch from Valma.
“That bastard!”
“… Dad?” Curufin said on the other end of the line.
“Sorry Curvo dear, I have to go. Oh, Fingolfin, you—! You’ll regret this.”
“Wait, what did he—”
Fëanor ended the call before his son had a chance to finish and furiously scrolled through his contacts for the personal number of Mayor Elu Singh-Goel.
“Yes, hello, Elu! Happy Diwali! Oh - right, of course. What? Of course I knew it happened already. Anyway, I have reconsidered the sponsorship of the Parade. In fact, I’d like to increase Ambar Metta’s funding this year.”
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ratsoh-writes · 5 months
Master list 3: SO is covered in pig blood
Drakefell, Theatertale, Farm swap, Seaswap, Lustfell
Here was the original prompt:
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And the main 10
Barin: while he didn’t see what was in the bucket, he did see the bully begin to tip it. Thinking it was just punch or something, barin dips his SO under him to take the hit, resigning himself to his fate. He’s sputtering in disgust though when the blood hits him. Then his bloodthirsty little brother jumps the guy.
Arwin: so, you have chosen death? For a moment he legitimately thought that SO had been hurt. So arwin does what he always does in a fight: he pushes barin to SO to protect them, then jumps SOs attacker. Nobody dares try to separate them until arwin gets a few good hits in first. It’s well known to never get between a fell Drake and their fight. Arwin only stops if SO or Barin calls him off
Tempo: he doesn’t hesitate, he just grabs SO and shortcuts home. No words or nothing. They land in the shower together, and depending on how far of a jump that was, tempo is either fussing over SO worried, or he’s slumped against the shower wall exhausted lol. Either way he’s concerned about SOs state right now
Vibrato: he lets out a movie worthy horrified scream. Mettaton would’ve praised vibrato for the emotional tone of it if he wasn’t ordering SOs bully out of the party. One really shouldn’t mess with the SO of vibrato, the upcoming star who’s been basically adopted by the metta crew. That’s just asking for a lawsuit.
Cider: oh hell to the no! Cider is seeing red, and before the bully can start mocking his SO too, he swings with a nasty right hook, breaking the bully’s nose. Cider and the jerk have to be pulled apart by two rather burly monsters in order to break up the fight. He’ll feel guilty later for not checking up on his SO first
Barley: he’s most likely drunk off his *ss if this is the kind of party he’s used to going to. So when he and SO are clumsily dancing together, and they both get doused by the blood, he shrieks thinking he’s been turned into a human and starts sobbing on SOs shoulder about how he isn’t ready to have his first period. SO is too busy drunkenly comforting the train wreck that is wasted barley to even realize they were the target
Finn: he heroically pushes SO out of the way when he sees the bucket beginning to tilt. Poor Finn is now covered in blood. He gives his attacker his best glare…. Then promptly bursts into tears. He can’t muster up the anger and is just sad and humiliated instead. Every one with a heart is giving the bully a death glare I’m sure. Finn is well loved after all.
Sails: it’s a party. There’s no doubt he’s high as a kite right now. So when sails sees his SO all red, he tilts his head confused and asks what they’re trying to cosplay. Naturally of course he gets yelled at too, and he’ll be super mad when he learns what actually happened. Nobody bullies his SO! Sails will leave rotten fish in their car later at night.
Lush: he gives the coldest smile known to monster kind as the temperature of the room practically drops. Any monster or human weaker to him is quaking in fear at his aura blasting at full force. Even his SO is looking at lush wide eyed, too stunned to even be mad at the blood. Lush “sweetly” tells the bully that they’re gonna pay his SO a ridiculous amount of gold in retribution. Bully is too cowed to do anything but nod.
Pepper: he saw the bully approaching from practically a mile away. As a fellow b*tch, pepper is an expert at spotting other b*tchy characters lol. Before they can reach SO, he does a well timed kick to bully’s ankle, making them trip and spill the blood all over themselves. Then pepper points and laughs like the bully he is
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creamyandrich · 4 months
for the writing, an idea:
being MTT's personal assistant and being asked to go get him food. And always getting the biggest meal or w/e they have. plump up the star. the ratings are loving the new bod so who's complaining
Mettaton flung the door open, not even giving you an opportunity to knock as you approached his penthouse.
"Oh Darling! There you are! Finally! I'm absolutely famished, dear, you couldn't have been any faster?"
Before you could answer, he ushered you inside, directing you to drop off your armfuls of take-out bags onto his kitchen counter. As you rubbed your sore arms, you watched as he heaved himself onto a barstool at the counter, a small grunt hissing through his teeth. From the chest-up, Mettaton appeared as his usual stunning self, however, lately his lower half had rapidly swelled to frankly comical sizes. As Metta started to dig in to the buffet you brough home for him, you peeked around the counter and saw his huge thighs and ass overflowing from the seat of the barstool. Between his watermelon-sized thighs sat a beanbag chair of a gut, sagging down past his knees and softly jiggling at every small movement.
He noticed your stare and hummed happily, winking and licking some stray sauce off a finger before hungrily stuffing an entire burger down his gullet. You watched as it slid down his throat, sinking down past his chest and settling in his belly, making it that much bigger as he continued to feast...
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mettaloverxx · 20 days
Man this blog is so wholesome,,, If you are still doing them how about classic Metta and Mettafell with a big fluffy apex monster reader?
Thank you. I'm so glad ppl love this blog 💗
Hope you enjoy this anonie!!
Mettaton & Mettafell with a fluffy apex s/o!
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💔Mettafell [aka bug]💔
Mettafell is a very strong and dangerous robot (he is built to kill humans after all) I think some monsters are afraid of him at times sense he can be a...little unstable *cough* (nottomentionthesecretafterdark showswherehe'sknowntokillmonsters forviews) *cough* so I feel once he gets into a relationship with you he feels like you and him are the 1# power couple in the underground. Your giant sharp claws, his metal one. Your sharp fangs, along with his metal spiky ones... you both make the perfect pair, darling!
He definitely shows you off. He'll feature you in some segments of his shows where it shows your raw strength and power. Like he'll set up stage battles with monsters you fight, it's sorta rigid because he always makes sure you win, and he will definitely step in if he feels the other team is being too rough with you or is winning.
Some of bug fans adore you,,, some don't, some have very violent opinions about you and post about it on the undernet but strangely those post don't stay up long and what's even more strange is that those monsters go missing. Huh weird, right?
Mettafell likes to get his claws done with you (ofc!! if you're ok with it) and get matching colors. He mostly does it at home with you because he's very strict with the salon workers-- he gets pissed if they cut them too short.
Bug sells merch with you and him on it, and it looks the coolest. The item that gets sold out most is the posters where bug is posing, holding his 2 chainsaws and your posing beside him with your claws and fangs coved in fake blood. That poster always makes you smile when you look at it because in that photo shoot, the make-up artist accidentally dropped some of the prop blood in your mouth, and it tasted t e r r i b l e, the sruched up nasty face you were making caused mettafell to chuckle and you almost started laughing to when you told him it tasted like 2000 year old of hot garbage in your mouth. And you almost got some of the prop blood in his hair he wasn't too thrilled about that, tho
The both of you are just two big goobers who look scary, but in reality, you're just regular goobers.
His favorite part of the day is when he's alone at home with you, and you let him snuggle into your soft fur while he tells you about his day, and you both talk about wherever comes to mind.
Even though he is literally a murder bot, he feels very safe and secured around you he deeply loves his darling apex with all of his being, and he tells you how much he loves you almost every night as you both fall asleep.
Mettaton the most famous and fabulous celebrity in the underground. Was saw outside posted up with some fluffy apex monster?? What?! His fans were gossiping all about you on the undernet. And of course, you know mettaton made a completely over the top romantic post confirming that you're his partner and how special you are to him.
I think most of his fans think both of you are so adorable together! They make lovely edits of you two.
Mettaton lovesss adding you in his movies, shows, or plays. He secretly feels like you're a good luck charm to him. Even if you're not the best actor or even if your part is super short. being on set with you makes his soul soar. like he knows it's going to be an amazing day when you're here beside him, darling 💗
Sense your strong. I can see mettaton dramatically fainting in your arms a lot. One time, he saw there was a small dent on his arm, and he was like, "...darling the pain... it's unbearable.. I can't possibly go on like this..catch me.." He then would fall in your arms. He does this spontaneously sometimes, so be prepared, lol
Spa days are always fun. mettaton would love to dye your fur! He would love to dye it pink or some other color that would fit you.
And ofc Metta loves shopping for makeup and face care stuff to, so He knows all the brands that will keep your fur soft and shiny
He definitely likes to brush your fur when it's shedding time to! It's relaxing to him.
Sometimes, if there's a little piece of fluff on you that looks like it's getting ready to shed, he'll just walk up to you and gently pull it off
Also, be careful not to get glitter in your fur when you're around him!! Oh, it's too late already in fur :(
Metta treasures the small moments you share together. He trys to take at least one photo of these moments, for he can put the picture in his diary and gush about how much he adores you and write about all the planed dates and vacations he's planing to go on with you.
Mettaton loves you so so so much. You mean the world to him. You're like a light in his life that he never knew he needed before. And now that he has you, he's going to make sure to cherish you 💗
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player-1 · 5 months
Also while we're here, I know that if you talk to Hilda(post abyssals? Maybe?) She'll whisper you something you'll need in the future or something like that and, um. Hilda-
As for Deena's dad we are all just collectively ignoring what the main dev is saying on it and it's glorious. Did someone say something? Must've been the wind.
But anyhow, as for the types, Normal, Ghost, and Psychic are kicked out and Arcane is placed down instead. So back to 7.
The Hilda response will actually be after the main story and back at the Hidden Village, but it's kind of funny that the conversation before that was literally "I know that you're the King of Monsters now and the world is finally at peace, you're effectively immortal because of your mother Nara, and you have a army of Nexomon and humans by your side...But, it's always great to have a backup plan in case something bad happens, right?" That's definitely something that would've made the MC nervous right off the bat.
Yes, I also ignored JV's "lore drops" before I even knew the Discord channel existed, but it's fun to think about how much of a moral conundrum Ulzar and the N1 Protag would've gone through in-game when they had the chance to see Nara's son. Of course, they probably assumed it's some kind of genetic memory mumbo-jumbo or whatever secret Nexomon magic she has access to as Omnicron's kid; but Deena would just calmly explain that she doesn't have to explain everything that goes on in her body but assures them that her kid is a testament to humanity's best and will eventually unify both their species once he's of age...Then she's internally banging her head against a wall wondering how humans can be so smart but so stupid!? (A question that definitely popped up more than once in her lifetime, I'm sure of it :)
While I don't know how the Arcane-type will work in N3 besides the theme of magic (ie. witches and psychics) is already on a slippery slope, but it was also somewhat confirmed that there's going to be dual-type Nexomon as well. Either way, I'm sure the Abyssals' creator (Metta or bust) is going to have a field day with all the new combinations to either insult his siblings with "stronger" descendants (hc the main element Abyssals) or create another host of mutants to mess with the main cast for the fun of it.
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achillean-knight · 4 months
Nearing the end of Mettamay! Recap and thoughts :D (This is just for fun lol)
I think this is the part where I drop off of drawing for Mettamay AAAA But hey, I did really good though! (imo ofc!) The number of days I did and how much I drew MTT himself was insane 👀👀👀
In total I accomplished days: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27! So in total, 21 days! Holy shit LMFAO VERY proud at my commitment yo, I kinda wanna do this again next year if it's on! >:D (just remind me bc I WILL forget probably)
I've mostly dropped off by now, just bc I can't think of what to draw, and my motivation has moved to updating oc's for Art Fight BAHA But the fact I made it so far--- bonkers, bro, absolutely bonkers. This was INCREDIBLY fun and got me through pretty bad burnout, so yah! It was honestly very relaxing to just draw Mettaton for 21 days JHSDGHSD
Also, shout out to Mettamay for getting me to experiment with art aswell! Notably, I've become more comfortable not fully rendering with a painterly style, rather, just using a single pen brush in my software and doing pretty decent cell shading(?), which is epic as bc painting takes... SOOOO long JHDF
And honestly, imo to end off Mettamay for MYSELF Imma rank my favourite pieces I've done for this month, just to look back on and just for funsies KEKEKE
TO RECAP FOR MYSELF, My favourite pieces were these:
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Mostly bc I am so SO happy with the rendering and colours JKSDHGFSD
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First siting of me doing decent rendering in the whole of this challenge 🫵 This one was specifically a blast. The pose- not too great, but for me who is pretty shit at poses, I'm VERYYYYY happy with it >:D Very epic to see I also accomplished kinda comic-like background graphics, dunno how I did it JKHJGHSFGSDJ
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i'm kinda insane about my AU MTT. Salty I forgot the weird cape banner wing things but I love this piece nonetheless ;;w;;! I'm so happy with the design, and getting the chance to draw it for Mettamay was a blast.
LASTLY/SPECIAL MENTION The amount of ghost MTT's I drew have to get their own spotlight. I had so so much fun drawing his ghost form, and honestly? NEW COMFORT CHARACTER UNLOCKED KJSHJHFDG
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Who knew a hot pink ghost of my design would become a comfort PFFT Very happy at his design development since the first one LMAO Bro got edgier hair JHGGFJS thanks to my AU ghost MTT also having edgy af hair KJHJHSDJKDDHSDSJ
BUT YEAH Overall, Metta May was a BLAST And now that I experimented with drawing Mettaton, I think I'm comfortable drawing more of him now >:3 Just--- when motivation hits me LOL
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sailxdia · 9 months
☄️ Welcome, have a seat 🚀
welcome to the blog! It stands for sailing across dimensions and is my fandom; primarily shipping; space. I wanted a space where I could feel comfortable posting lower quality art, edits, and goof off with friends and finally decided to make that space for myself.
Always happy to do ask games, answer head canon questions, be told to draw silly doodles of joy, anything of the sort.
enjoy your time here in this shipper's paradise
If there's anything you want me to tag let me know!
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☄️ Tags 🚀
#x post dia — posts made in house #x post art — art, edits, and similar made in house #x rb imagine — reblogged shipping images #x rp dia — general roleplaying tag from ask to posts — #x rp [name] — sub tags for each 'muse' played (will update as they come up) #x pal dia — tag for Palworld live blogging and whatever else #x stardew dia — tag for Stardew Valley live blogging #x acetorney dia — live blogging the Ace Attorney games! #x agame dia — ask game responses #tag — text
Sub Personal tags #what a beautiful image set ☺️ — 🧲🩻's aesthetic collection rbs
List of fandoms, ships, fictional others, and anything else important under the drop
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☄️ Fandoms 🚀
Batman — The Animated Series & Gotham Knights (VG)
Castlevania — Animation
Welcome Home
Ace Attorney
Name — Specifics
this list can fluctuate and will change at random. Anything of active interest should be here but don't fear asking about others. I might not be into it now but I might get into it because of you!
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☄️ Ships 🚀
Bruce Wayne x Batman — Batman {Primarily in BTAS & Gotham Knights (VG) }
Bruce Wayne/Batman x Lucifer — Batman {Primarily Gotham Knights (VG) } / Lucifer
Constantine x Lucifer — Constantine / Lucifer
Dream of the Endless x Lucifer — ??? Comics
Dean Winchester x John Constantine — Supernatural / Hellblazer
Trevor Belmont x Dracula — Castlevania { Animation }
Slade Wilson x Nightwing — DC
Raven x Robin — Teen Titans
Name x Name — Source { extra deets }
Not all of my ships but similar to fandoms are the ones of my active interest at the moment. mostly here to help give people something to grab at for games and prompts
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☄️ F/Os 🚀
Romantic { 🌌 } Familial — { 🌈 } Platonic — { 🌕 } Adversarial — { 🌩 }
{ 🌌 } Batman — Batman (BTAS & Gotham Knights)
{ 🌌 } Bruce Wayne — Batman (BTAS & Gotham Knights)
{ 🌌 } Trevor Belmont — Castlevania (Animation)
{ 🌌 } Wally Darling — Welcome Home
{ 🌌 } Keisuke Jin — Kamen Rider X
{ 🌌 } Slade Wilson — DC
{ 🌌 } Fenrir — Nexomon
{ 🌌 } Karl Heisenberg — Resident Evil Village
{ 🌌 🌈 } Ishtar — Vampire the Masquerade
{ 🌌 } Alphonse Frankenstein - Victoria's Electric Coffin
{ 🌈 } Lucifer — Lucifer
{ 🌈 } Metta — Nexomon
{ 🌈 } Ziegler — Nexomon
{ 🌕 } Oliver Queen — Arrow
{ 🌕 } Clark Kent — Superman (STAS & Gotham Knights)
{ 🌕 } Zetta — Nexomon
{ 🌩 } Sally Scarlet — Welcome Home
{ x } Name — Source
I don't mind sharing F/Os with others. Sometimes F/Os are actually more of a projection on a specific person I know; for lack of a better way to say it.
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☄️ S/Is 🚀
Trainer Ebon — Pokémon — #x si ebon pkm Vampire Ebon — Vampire the Masquerade — #x si ebon vtm Trainer Dominic — Pokémon — #x si dominic pkm Vampire Dominic — Vampire the Masquerade — #x si dominic vtm Name — Source — #tag
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hadeschan · 9 months
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item # K20A15
RARE Pra Somdej Gru Wat Khlang Klong Khoi, Pim Pra Prataan, Nua Pong. A Buddha amulet with figure of the Temple Principle Buddha Statue, made from mainly holy powder blended with Pong Viset Ha Pragaan (5 kinds of holy powder) of Somdej Pra Buddhachan Toh of Wat Rakhang, blended with holy water and tabby made from seashells. The legend has it that Somdej Pra Buddhachan Toh Phrommarangsi (Somdej Toh) was on his pilgrimage to Wat Khlang Klong Khoi in BE 2375 (CE 1832), and stayed there for years, and made this Batch of amulets. This Batch of amulets was discovered hidden in the area of Wat Khlang Klong Khoi, Ratchaburi Provnce in BE 2490 (CE 1947), BE 2500 (CE 1957), and BE 2516 (CE 1973).
BEST FOR: Má-laeng wan mai dai gin lêuuat in Thai means flies never land on your blood which refers to one who wears amulet made by Somdej Pra Buddhachan Toh his/her drops of blood will never be falling to the ground.“You will NEVER die screaming” Thai people believe that “One will never die screaming and one will die without any suffering at end of life if one is wearing an amulet made by Somdej Pra Buddhachan Toh.” This amulet brings endless food with wealth & prosperity. Anything you wish for, and it could change your life for the better, Klawklad Plodpai (it brings safety, and pushes you away from all danger), Kongkraphan (it makes you invulnerable to all weapon attack), Maha-ut (it stops gun from shooting at you), Metta Maha Niyom (it helps bring loving, caring, and kindness, and compassion from people all around you to you), Maha Larp (it brings Lucky Wealth / wealth fetching), and Kaa Kaai Dee (it helps tempt your customers to buy whatever you are selling, and it helps attract new customers and then keep them coming back. Ponggan Poot-pee pee-saat Kunsai Mondam Sa-niat jan-rai Sat Meepit (it helps ward off evil spirit, demon, bad ghost, bad omen, bad spell, curse, accursedness, black magic, misfortune, doom, and poisonous animals). And this amulet helps protect you from manipulators, backstabbers, and toxic people.
The Batch of Pra Somdej Gru Wat Klang Khlong Khoi
Wat Klang Khlong Khoi, Photharam, Ratchaburi Province on the Mae Klong River Bank was built in the late Kingdom of Ayutthaya (BE 2231 to BE 2310, CE 1688 to CE 1767). The legend has it that in the year BE 2375 (CE 1832), Somdej Pra Buddhachan Toh or Toh Phrommarangsi (1788-1872; B.E. 2331-2415) of Wat Rakhang, Bangkok was on his pilgrimage, and stayed there for practicing Vipassana Meditation for years. It is believed that where Somdej Toh stayed, Somdej Toh would built a “Pra Pang Um Baat”, a standing Buddha statue holding an alms bowl, it was a Buddha gesture of the day Somdej Toh was born, the Wednesday night. The Batch of Pra Somdej Gru Wat Klang Khlong Khoi was first discovered buried under the ground behind Luang Phor Toh Standing Buddha Statue in BE 2490 (CE 1947), and later found buried under the Bodhi Tree, and behind the temple building in BE 2500 (CE 1957), and BE 2016 (CE 1973) hidden at the old temple building of Wat Klang Khlong Khoi. And the materials and the styles of the amulets found are similar to Pra Somdej Wat Rakhang, and Pra Somdej Bang Khun Phrom Buddha amulets made by Somdej Toh.
Pong Viset Ha Pragaan (5 kinds of Holy Powder)
A Pra Somdej amulet MUST contain Pong Viset Ha Pragaan (5 kinds of Holy Powder), and the Pong Viset Ha Pragaan is the COMPONENTS of the following 18 sacred materials:-
1)Din Sor Pong, marly limestone powder.
2)Poon Pleuak hoi, tabby is a type of concrete made by burning oyster shells to create lime, then mixing it with water, sand, ash and broken oyster shells.
3)Din Jet Phong, earth taken from 7 forests where deposit of salts and other minerals are. A mineral lick (also known as a salt lick) is a place where animals can go to lick essential mineral nutrients from a deposit of salts and other minerals. Din Jet Phong is believed to have the force of temptation and distraction.
4)Din Jet Ta, earth taken from 7 bus/boat/railways destination terminals. Thais believe that these areas filled with lovers’ mind power while waiting for one their love one to come homes.
5)Din Lak Muang Jet Lak, earth taken from 7 Holy City Pillars at Holy Pillar Shrines in Thailand that guarded by angels and devas. City Pillars are believed to accumulate the power/energy of protection, prosperity and abundance.
6)Kee Thoop Sai Tain Bucha Pra, joss stick ashes, and candle wicks after offering to Holy Buddha Statues.
7)Dok Galong, powder crushed from sundried snowy orchid tree flowers. The snowy orchid tree flower is believed to have the force of passion.
8)Yod Sawas, powder crushed from sundried young leaves of Guilandina bonduc, commonly known as grey nicker, nicker bean, fever nut or knicker nut. Yod Sawas is believed to have the force of passion and temptation.
9)Yod Ruck Son, powder crushed from sundried double crown flowers. Yod Ruck Son is believed to have the force of love and care.
10)Kee Klai Say-ma, powder crushed from stains, sundried mosses and lichens taken from important temple boundary marking stones. Kee Klai Say-ma is believed to accumulate energy of guarding angles.
11)Kee Klai Pratuu Wang, powder crushed from stains, sundried mosses and lichens taken from gates of the ancient Royal Palaces. Kee Klai Pratuu Wang is believed to accumulate energy of guarding angles.
12)Kee Klai Sao Ta-lung Chang-peuuak, powder crushed from stains, sundried mosses and lichens taken from Royal white elephant hitching Posts. Kee Klai Sao Ta-lung Chang-peuuak is believed to accumulate energy of Devas.
13)Ton Rat-cha-preuk, saw dust of Golden Shower Tree is believed to have force of auspicious omens.
14)Ton Chaiya Preuk, saw dust of Cassia javanica Tree, also known as Java cassia, pink shower, apple blossom tree and rainbow shower tree,  is believed to have force of auspicious omens.
15)Phu Ruam Jai, powder crushed from sundried Betel Vine leaves, those leaves were taken from engagement tray presented during a wedding ceremony to the bride’s parents. Phu Ruam Jai is believed to have power of family unity, support, relationship and happiness.
16)Phu Song Hang, powder crushed from sundried Wild Betel leaves that have double tips. Phu Song Hang is believed to have power of Metta Maha Niyom (gaining loving, caring, kindness and compassion from people all around).
17)Bor Nam Jet Ros, water taken from 7 wells, and water in each well has a taste and not all 7 wells taste the same. Taste is subjective and influenced by the water source, and minerals in them. Bor Nam Jet Ros is believed to have power of Pra Mae Kongka, the mythical Goddess of Water and Rivers.
18)Din Sor Viset or Sila Thikhun, powder of calcite stone, calcite is believed having the ability to amplify and cleanse energy, as well as clear and balance the chakras. It can also absorb and transform negative energy. Calcite is a crystal that calms the mind and enhances mental clarity, and it also connects the emotions with the intellect.
THE FIRST PROCESS (Sang Pong / the preparation of holy materials)
After 18 materials are crushed in fine powder, and then added holy powder, water from 7 wells, and plaster cement as binder. The resultant putty was then rolled into cylinders or slender sticks and dried. During the mixing process of these holy materials, the rituals were performed, the offerings were presented to Buddha, Holy Guru Monks, Devas, Masters (teachers), and holy spirits. The ceremonies were held in the temple buildings in front of the Principle Buddha Statue, and monks were saying sermons to invite Buddha, Holy Guru Monks, Devas, Masters (teachers), and holy spirits to bless on the holy powders. And the ritual of spirit possession is performed, a monk who roll the putty into cylinders or slender sticks his body will be controlled by holy spirits, ghosts of departed master or guru monk or devas.
THE SECOND PROCESS (Kiang Pong Lop Pong / drawing formulas of holy cabalistic writings, and then erase them).
After the sticks of powder are dried, then process of making Pong Viset Ha Pragaan begins. The monk will draw formulas of holy cabalistic writings on a chalkboard made of a sheet of mudstone. The formulas are written accordingly to the ancient scriptures, and while drawing them, the monk must say sermons and prayers to invite the power of Buddha, Devas, and holy ghosts of departed master or guru monk to accumulate their power in the molecule of the powder. At the end of each writing, monk will then erase the formulas of cabalistic writings, and keep the chalk dust in a container for further making Buddha amulets.
The Pong Viset Ha Pragaan must be made orderly, beginning with 1)Pong Pattamang, 2)Pong Itthijay, 3)Pong Maharaj, 4)Pong Buddhakhun, and 5)Pong Tri Nisinghe.
The first holy powder or the precursor to make Pong Viset Ha Pragaan is Pong Pattamang Holy Powder by drawing the formulas of Pattamang cabalistic writings with sermons and prayers. After the completion of Pong Pattamang Holy Powder, it will be divided into 2 parts, one as “Pong Pattamang”, and another one is for making of the next Pong Itthijay Holy Powder. Then returning to the first process of making the chalk sticks and then follow the second process to drawn Itthijay cabalistic writings with sermons and prayers, and keep repeating the processes for the next 3 holy powders.
THE POWER OF PONG VISET HA PRAGAAN (5 kinds of Holy Powders)
1)Pong Pattamang Holy Powder is believed to have magic power of Kongkraphan Chatrie (it makes you invulnerable to all weapon attack), Maha-ut (it stops gun from shooting at you), Kambang Longhon Hai-tua (it makes you invisible in the eyes of the enemies), and Ponggan Poot-pee pee-saat Kunsai Mondam Sat Meepit (it helps ward off evil spirit, demon, bad ghost, bad omen, bad spell, curse and black magic, and poisonous animals).
2)Pong Itthijay Holy Powder, it was made from Pong Pattamang believed to have magic power of Metta Maha Niyom (it helps bring loving, caring, and kindness, and compassion from people all around you to you), and curing and preventing all diseases.
3)Pong Maharaj Holy Powder, it was made from Pong Itthijay believed to have magic power of Klawklad Plodpai (it brings safety, and pushes you away from all danger), Metta Maha Niyom (it helps bring loving, caring, and kindness, and compassion from people all around you to you), and Ponggan Kunsai Mondam (it keeps you away from bad spell, curse and black magic).
4)Pong Buddhakhun Holy Powder, it was made from Pong Maharaj believed to have magic power of Metta Maha Niyom (it helps bring loving, caring, and kindness, and compassion from people all around you to you), Kambang Longhon Hai-tua (it makes you invisible in the eyes of the enemies), and Sador (it helps unlock all bad spells, and lift the curses).
5)Pong Tri Nisinghe Holy Powder, it was made from Pong Buddhakhun believed to have magic power of Metta Maha Niyom (it helps bring loving, caring, and kindness, and compassion from people all around you to you), Ponggan Poot-pee pee-saat Kunsai Mondam Sat Meepit (it helps ward off evil spirit, demon, bad ghost, bad omen, bad spell, curse and black magic, and poisonous animals). Klawklad Plodpai (it brings safety, and pushes you away from all danger), and curing and preventing all diseases.
WRITTEN BY HADES CHAN / w w w . f a c e b o o k . c o m / h a d e s c h a n H K
Pra Long Gru or Pra Gru
Pra “Long Gru” or “Pra Gru”  means amulet that was stored in the chamber of a chedi/stupa or in a container buried under the ground for many of years, and later found by someone.
According to the prophecy in Pali Canon that Buddha’s Dispensation (Buddhism), and Dharma (Buddha’s teaching) would exist and follow 5,000 years after the Buddha passed away or entered nirvana. The “Long Gru” is a Thai traditional practice to preserve Buddha amulets with figure of Buddha in them in the case that after the decline of indigenous religious practices of Buddhism, the future generations would learn that Buddhism ever to have existed on earth.
The Pra Long Gru, Thais believe that after long period of time that the Buddha amulets were kept, the power that was accumulated in each and every amulet would break apart the chamber (in Thai called Gru Takk) that amulets were hidden.
Somdej Toh (1788-1872; B.E. 2331-2415), known formally as Somdej Pra Buddhachan Toh (Toh Phrommarangsi), was one of the most famous Buddhist monks during Thailand’s Rattanakosin Period and continues to be the most widely known monk in Thailand. He is widely revered in Thailand as a monk who is said that he possessed magical powers and his amulets are widely sought after. His images and statues are some of the most widespread religious icons in Bangkok.
Somdej Toh was born in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province, it was believed that he was an illegitimate son of King Rama II. He studied the Buddhist scriptures of the Pāli Canon with several Buddhist masters. After becoming a well-known monk, he became the preceptor for Prince Mongkut, later King Rama IV, when Mongkut became a monk. During Rama IV’s reign Somdej Toh was given the ceremonial name Somdej Pra Buddhachan (Toh Phrommarangsi), the Buddhachan means teacher of Buddhism, given by the King and used to be one of his trusted advisers, having left a lot of teaching stories around him and the King.
He was noted for the skill of his preaching and his use of Thai poetry to reflect the beauty of Buddhism, and for making amulets called Pra Somdej. The amulets were blessed by himself and other respected monks in Thailand. He also appears in many versions of the story of the ghost Mae Nak Phra Khanong, and he is said to be the one to finally subdue her. Somdej Toh also wrote the Pra Khata Chinnabanchon, a protective magical sermon which is widely chant and use among Thais.
DIMENSION: 3.50 cm high / 2.40 cm wide / 0.50 cm thick
item # K20A15
Price: price upon request, pls PM and/or email us [email protected]
Item location: Hong Kong, SAR
Ships to: Worldwide
Delivery: Estimated 7 days handling time after receipt of cleared payment. Please allow additional time if international delivery is subject to customs processing.
Shipping: FREE Thailandpost International registered mail. International items may be subject to customs processing and additional charges.
Payments: PayPal / Western Union / MoneyGram /maybank2u.com / DBS iBanking / Wechat Pay / Alipay / INSTAREM / PromptPay International / Remitly / PAYNOW
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imbonewary · 1 year
Shifting Sans Chapter 6 "Oh Brother"
Chapter 1 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 7
"i see now why you called me," said "Sans" slowly as he finally broke eye contact to look at me appraisingly. "heya, kiddo."
I gasped a deep breath, finally released from his gaze, and swallowed hard. I really wasn't ready for this. I could only register that he was wearing a lot of purple as he very slowly walked around the chairs until he was standing in front of me; telegraphing his movements, obviously trying to not spook me.
Too late for that.
I leaned back, away from him, trapping the wings behind me, against the couch cushion. I'd almost forgotten about them. The overstimulation was very much not helping my mental state. He knelt down.
"my name is sans," he said quietly, calmly. I was too overwhelmed to feel much from him but his kindness and warmth were clear enough on his face. He held out his hand. "don't you know how to greet a new pal?"
I couldn't move. I couldn't breath. All I could do was stare into his too-familiar face. Holy fuck this is so weird.
My hand twitched towards him. I knew what was coming and I couldn't leave him hanging, but it took all of my willpower to move my hand over to his. He held it gently before we both squeezed at the same time, releasing a pair of loud fart sounds. We both snickered as the previous tension blew away with the passing wind. At least the time-space continuum didn't implode as soon as counterparts touched. That's nice.
"O-oh my g-god, Sans," Alphys recovered first. "You're such a ch-child!"
"Nah," I responded with a wink, my smile real for the first time tonight. "The ol' woopie cushion in the hand trick is always funny."
"blew me away," Sans agreed with a grin.
"I'm pretty good a winging it."
"so," Sans said with a chuckle. "what do you call yourself, buddy?"
"Well, I've been calling myself "Sans" but that's not really gonna fly so..." I paused. "Call me Serif."
I could see Metta's smirk over Sans' shoulder. I resisted the urge to stick my tongue out at him.
"well then, serif," he continued as he stood, pulling me up with him. He was about a head taller than me. "as curious as i am about you, i assume you've had a long enough evening already. the kid just took over my spare bedroom so the couch will have to do until we move my office out of the other one. that is, of course, if you're ok with that..."
I could feel his fragile hope, could see it plainly in his face as he looked away awkwardly, free hand on the back of his head. He hadn't let go of my hand and something in me really didn't want him to. I felt... safe? Like my magic recognized him as "me" and clung to the familiarity; two water droplets that finally connected. Honestly, there wasn't even a question.
"I think I'd like that," I said, looking up at him with a smile. He pulled me into a hug, chin barely reaching the top of my head as I was surrounded by a happy calm, and the tension of fear and confusion finally melted away with a sigh as I hugged him back. Such an intense feeling of belonging.
"heh, i always wanted a little brother..."
I'm home.
What a weird feeling.
I squeezed him tighter for a moment before reluctantly pulling away. We could hug more later. If he wanted to. I guess. I wasn't a huge fan of physical intimacy so that thought seems weird for a person I've only just met but I feel like I already know him intimately anyways. I'll think about it more later.
"I didn't come here with more than the clothes on my back," I said, having gone back to holding his hand. "So we can go whenever you're ready, I guess."
“i would've liked to see papyrus but i guess the discussion was too much for him," Sans said, looking up the stairs, disappointed. He turned to Tori and Metta. "would you two like a quick shortcut home or are you alright on your own?"
"A shortcut would be lovely, darling," Metta replied. "But you can just drop me off with Tori, I want to go over what we learned here while it's still fresh."
"sounds good," Sans replied with a nod before looking to me. "i'll be right back, bro, i promise."
My smile fell slightly as I nodded and reluctantly let go only to freeze when he kissed my forehead with a clack, face flushed the bright blue of my magic that I could almost see glowing in my peripherals. With a "schwip" sound, a sphere of light formed around Sans, Matta, and Tori, before it shrank into nothing and they were gone. I guess his "shortcuts" work differently than mine, which were more like portals or doorways. I must've been too distracted to hear their farewells to Alphys, who then turned to me.
"I g-guess that's that then," she said.
"Yeah..." I trailed off before shaking my head. "I never really got to thank you properly for saving my life before, so uh, thanks, Alphys, for not leaving me out to die in the elements, heh. And uh, tell Papyrus thanks for me too, and sorry for being a bit of a pain through all of this."
"D-don't sweat it," she smiled, waving away the need for an apology. "You've obviously b-been through a lot. Oh, and you h-had some slippers on when we f-found you, did you see them in the d-dryer?"
"I didn't look too closely," I admitted. "Had other things on my mind."
"I'll g-go find them," she offered, heading for the bathroom under the stairs. "Hopefully they didn't w-warp with the heat or anything..."
A ball of light expanded in the middle of the room with the opposite sound, more like a "pwish" as the light faded, and Sans was back. We both immediately reached for the others' hand. I blushed again with a nervous chuckle, looking away and scratching my cheek; hopefully I wasn't coming across as too needy. I'd always been the older brother before, never had one. It was nice. 
Something tells me I'm gonna have a lot of new experiences.
"F-found 'em," I was suddenly called back to the present as Alphys held out a pair of dingy slippers that had probably been white at some point.
"Right, thanks," I took them with my free hand, looking back up at Sans. "I'm ready."
Sans nodded.
"thanks for everything, al, and tell paps i missed seeing him."
"Will do," Alphys waved. "H-have a good night Sans, Serif.”
I blinked.
Well that was an interesting experience. Definitely different than my own shortcuts. Wait, with my changed magic, would my shortcuts have changed too? Can I even do shortcuts still? I didn't even think about what existing magic might've been altered with the-
I was pulled out of my spiral into a tight hug, steady arms wrapped around me protectively.
"i don't pretend to know what you've gone through," Sans breathed. "and you don't have to tell me until you're ready. but as long as you're with me i promise i won't let anything like that happen to you ever again, little brother."
Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes as I returned the hug, burying my face in his neck. Don't make promises you can't keep. How could you possibly combat the resets if they're still happening? I wanted to believe him though. I wanted so badly to bask in the safety he offered, the feeling of home. Papyrus had been my only home for so long...
My breath hitched as I clung tighter. There was still a lot to do, a lot to check, but I could think about it later. Just a bit longer.
I can indulge in being happy for a minute, right?
Who am I kidding, I'm not that lucky.
I pulled away.
"I'm really tired," I said, still holding his hand. "Where's that couch you promised?"
"over there," he led me to the front room. "i'll get you a blanket."
I could feel Sans' disappointment as he walked away, finally dropping my hand; he really hadn't wanted to let go and was probably more used to indulging in happiness than I was. I mean, I was disappointed too but still...
I sat down on the old brown couch and traded my slippers for one of the pea green throw pillows, wondering how I was gonna lay down with my new wings when Sans came back. He unfolded a pretty blue blanket, gesturing for me to lay down but I hesitated, looking away and hugging the pillow tighter.
"I..." how selfish am I gonna be tonight? "I don't... wanna be alone... with my thoughts..."
With a warm smile and an almost giddy spike of happiness, Sans draped the blanket over one arm and sat next to me, then put an arm around my waist and pulled me close into his side. I blushed but didn't resist, strangely craving the physical comfort. Sans offered one corner of the blanket to me and I helped him pull it over us both as I snuggled into his side, resting my cheek against his chest. I tried to angle myself slightly for the wings but not even their hypersensitivity could keep me awake. I was too tired to find a better position. I guess hopping universes and nearly freezing to death will do that to a guy.
"If anyone asks," my voice slurred as I nuzzled unto him. "You can tell them I'm your clone. I heard about the barrier and decided now was a good time to come forward." I was drifting off already. "'s more complicated than that but that's the story we're going with."
I barely heard his "good night" as I slipped into oblivion.
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jack just needs to do a cleanse for his whole team cause chile... we all know he's not getting rid of tori no time soon but metta is tied to ur brand. he was soo quick to drop niyah metta should've been next on the docket. welp I guess unless ur not saying the n word with the hard r he doesn't care.
Sadly that's what it looks like
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sw5w · 11 months
He Smashed Up My Pod in the Last Race
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:44:57
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rotationalsymmetry · 2 years
I love intuitive eating concepts, you know?
“If you try on a pair of pants that doesn’t fit, the problem isn’t with your body, it’s that those pants aren’t for you. If you try a diet and it doesn’t work, that doesn’t mean you failed, it means the diet failed you.”
Just, damn, how applicable is that? Even for people who don’t have that much to work through around dieting. “You tried to start a daily meditation habit and dropped it after two days? Guess that plan didn’t work for you. Try something else or don’t, no need to beat up on yourself.”
Some people need their self care to be fun. Some people need it to be social, something they do with others. Some people find specific practices are just unreasonably difficult for them — breath counting doesn’t work, but metta does. Some people never find a form of meditation that’s good for them and that’s fine! What do you want out of meditation (or whatever?) Is there a way to get it that you haven’t tried yet?
Things that are supposed to make your life better are supposed to make your life better. If a thing that is supposed to make your life better leaves you feeling inadequate, well, maybe it failed you.
“I should this, I should that”, you should enjoy your life and do your best to be a good person — kind, fair, patient, honest. Most of enjoying life and most of being a good person have fuckall to do with being able to do the same thing every day on your own with no support/accountability when you’re not even enjoying yourself.
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culturedub · 2 years
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TONIGHT 🔥🔥🔥 CULTURE DUB RADIO SHOW PLAYLIST #780 #playlist 📻 Tune in Tuesday, October 25th 2022 inna Culture Dub Radio Show on Radio Pulsar from 9pm to 11pm (GMT+1) to listen lot of fresh tunes roots, reggae, digital, dub, steppa, electroDub, A jamaican story with Harlem Shuffle Records, the new release of Culture Dub Records with DrObi & Anja G, exclusives tunes from the new LP "Lava" of O.B.F Sound System and win your cd "Fire Drop" of ASHKABAD, hosted by AlexDub : 📻 📻 The Gaytones, Naomi, The Inspirations, JJ Allstars, The Dirty Makers, Dub Shepherds, Pinnacle Sound, Irie Ites, Roots Radics, Stinging Ray, The 18th Parallel, Fruits Records, Cornell Campbell, TriXstar, YOHA and the Dragon Tribe, Metta Frequencies, Kheman, Mighty Patch, Vale, zion.head, Abstracker, Daman, Joe Yorke, Martin Melody, Zentone, High Tone, ZENZILE, Jolly Joseph, Radit echoman, Higher Meditation, Michael Rose, Ashanti Selah, Yaksha, Dan I Locks, Dr.Obi, Anja G, Ashkabad, Forelock, O.B.F Soundsystem, Sr. Wilson, Belén Natalí, Nazamba, High Pressure Sound System, Junior Dread, Massive Dub Corporation, Charlie P, Infiammati Dub, Lion Warriah, FULL DUB, Alix Pilot, Ghislaine Melih ! 🔊 Playlist : https://culturedub.com/blog/culture-dub-show-780-25-octobre-2022-radio-pulsar/ 📻 Win your CD "Fire Drop" of Ashkabad ! Large Up, Alex Dub 📻 www.radio-pulsar.org // 95.9 FM (Poitiers) #radio #radioshow #culturedubshow #culturedubradioshow #fm #webradio #radiopulsar #alexdub #playlist #selection #exclusive #fresh #dubplate #news #roots #rocksteady #reggae #dub #steppa #stepper #electro #lava #win #culturedubrecords @radio.pulsar.95.9 @culturedub @obfsoundsystem @ashkabad_off @drobidubwise @anjagdub @harlemshufflerecords @fruits_records @ruffaroots @iwelcompromo @flowercoastprod @odgprod @bat_records @trixstarmusic @yoha_officiel @irie_ites_official @hightoneofficial @zenzilemusic @jarringeffects @damandub @massivedubcorporation @charliepreggae @lionwarriah @infiammati_dub @mettafrequencies @radit.echoman @higher_meditati0n @dubjunction @yakshasounds @ashantiselahdub @dan_i_locks @zionheadofficial @joeyorkemusic @dubshepherds @jollyjosephshepherds @pinnaclesound (à Radio Pulsar) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkIN6XQMdNv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ratsoh-writes · 2 years
"Awww well congrats to them and to you." Kei grinned before Crow's name drop hit and she looked interested "Isn't that one of the Mettas? I feel like I remember that name from the final plan sign offs on the Mall."
His phone rings and he sighs flipping it up yo his ear
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walkingwitheyesopen · 2 months
Cycles and patterns of pain being a monthly ritual. Due to bleed in a few days. I feel a heaviness In body and mind taking over; lethargy and depression rooted deep, gripping tight. Hard to see it as separate from who I am. Curious and unsure if it’s here with a message and a meaning. If I’m bypassing the game of life too much with high and mighty spiritual truths.
Where is the delicate balance of identity and not identifying. I don’t like it, I don’t like feeling this way. It’s tight and slow and sad. Full of sad. Eyes, arms, womb - everything full of sad. And why? What specific story concedes it. Is it even relevant for me to know, or is awareness and light, care and concern needed. Am I disassociating or detaching - unhealthy or healthy.
Trying to make sense of the insensible. Pushing myself too hard.. not hard for some, just for me. Too much and I crumble. Too much and this body can’t hold presence and power.
So today I sit in the sun. Meditate upon metta, loving kindness. Towards myself and all of the noise inside and out. Heavy and tired, sad and lonely hearted. A familiar story. Does it require action? Is my power and choice being called forth here or do I stay silent and witness. Grow the ability to watch and wait. Breathe. Go slow. Move slow and feel every sensation. Don’t miss a breath whilst life rearranges circumstances in my favour. Hold myself dearly, tightly, in love. Dropping internal conflict and contradiction. Here and now. Always here and now.
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