#lucky papyrus
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imbonewary ¡ 4 months ago
I am suuuper writer's blocked right now, so no new chapter, but I did redraw my JumbleTale roster! I will update the blog header soon, but for now...
Here is the main cast, as they appear around the time Serif first arrives in JumbleTale!
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Just because I can, I’ll drop some lore as well; everyone’s souls are displayed here and, while monsters do have white souls, the light they give off is tinted slightly, which reflects character traits and magic affinity; not that a monster can't learn magic that doesn't match their soul color, but it's easier to learn magic that does. That said, here's everyone's attributes (and call signs), from left to right:
Serif is a True Blue (Integrity). Technically, Serif isn’t native to JumbleTale so a different set of rules apply to him, but he is still associated with a soul color. Blue, or Dark Blue, is associated with Integrity; not that Serif can’t lie, he actually lies a lot, but he stays true to who he is, to his core beliefs and principles, no matter what he goes through. “Despite everything, it’s still you.”
Lucky Papyrus is a Just Yellow. Despite being raised to be a weapon by [Redacted] Gaster, Papyrus always had a strong sense of right and wrong no matter how much Gaster tried to beat it out of him. He cares less about what’s technically legal than he does about what’s fair.
Sanatos (Sans) is a Persevering Purple. A mix of Patient and Determined, Sans was quite adept in the realm of politics, until he best friend, King Asriel, died in his arms, causing Sans to retreat from everyone and everything. His specialty is to pick apart a problem into its component parts and recognize the intricate web of side effects a potential solution might have.
Hero Frisk and Buttercup Chara are both Determined Reds. I know there’s theories that Red isn’t actually Determination, but I’m going to go with it anyways, at least until a more concrete explanation is available. I’m also going to cover both at the same time because of how connected they are and that comparing the two is the easiest way to describe them both. Despite both being very Red, Frisk leans more towards Brave Orange while Chara leans more towards Persevering Purple, ending up at a more raspberry color. While Frisk is more likely to brute force a solution, Chara will step back and analyze the situation before finessing a solution. While not technically related to soul color, Frisk’s lack of empathy makes him more ready, willing, and able to do literally anything it takes to accomplish his goals, no matter who he hurts along the way.
Amber Alphys is a Brave Orange. Surprisingly. She is the embodiment of the phrase “Courage isn’t the lack of fear; it’s being scared to death and moving forward anyways”. Trained to be a bodyguard and steed in the Labs, she is powerful and skilled in combat but lacks confidence in social interactions, mostly due to lack of experience in her youth.
Starling (Mettaton/Mettané) is a Persevering Purple. As a Purple bordering Determined Red, Metta ends up with a hot pink color and is surprisingly similar to Chara, who is a Red bordering Purple. Metta is just as dramatic as his robotic counterparts but is more focused on puzzles and riddles than entertainment and fame, putting his detective/deduction skills to good use once Gaster erased himself from existence and left a big hole behind. While most interpretations of Mettaton are a bit of a gossip, this Metta doesn’t mind keeping what he learns to himself if the one it’s about wants him to, happy that he was able to find the knowledge at all.
Doc Toriel is a Kind Green. The driving force behind basically everything Tori does is the deep seated need to help others; this is the main reason she accepted the title of Royal Scientist, not because she loves science, but because she wanted to use the position to help the Lab victims. Bordering Cyan, making her more of a teal/turquoise, highlights her nurturing nature. This also makes her the perfect partner for Metta when working with Lab victims, bringing a gentleness Metta lacks while digging into the truth.
Captain Asgore is a Patient Cyan. Rounding out the group, Asgore embodies Patience in every aspect of his life, from training newbie Guards to dealing with the general public as a Peace Keeper. Patience and Kindness often go hand-in-hand, so he is often mistaken for a Kind Green, but he more just utilizes kindness to get the results he wants; however, he knows that some people aren’t motivated by gentle understanding, and Asgore has no problem using force when needed.
While not pictured, I know the soul colors of several other important, or at least interesting, characters as well. [Redacted] Gaster is a Just Yellow, which Papyrus inherited; he could “justify” anything as being “for the greater good.” Queendyne, or Queen Undyne, is a Brave Orange, bordering Red, and is a bit of a political wrecking ball. Frisk’s cousin, Marriweather or Marri, that took them in before they fell is a Kind Green bordering Yellow, making her a sort of olive green, and we’ll see more of her later. Spear Mouse (Scarf Mouse) is a True Blue while Bronze Masque (Nacarat Jester/red demon) is a Patient Cyan, despite his coloration. Doggo and his protégé Tomcat (Burgerpants) are Patient Cyan and Brave Orange respectively; they fit together like puzzle pieces.
I wrote out a ton more, like five paragraphs worth, before realizing I really should just make a new post for background characters and who all is jumbled.
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This is the same pic from above but with some extra added bits, like Metta’s eventual robot body and Alphys with just her dress and showing off her stripes. Some interesting notes about design choices, in no particular order, are:
Alphys' coat and dress are the same colors as Papyrus' vest and shirt, respectively.
Doc Tori's apron is her Royal Scientist uniform; white lab coats were optional anyways and she likes differentiating herself from the trauma of The Labs. Before the Underground, the uniform was made of leather and styled more like a Blacksmith's apron, since that's more-or-less what the job entailed, but now days it's just sturdy brown cloth. I always did like brown and purple as a color combo.
Asgore's head and mane were really hard for me to wrap my head around before so this time I took a shortcut and traced Simba from The Lion King before I started messing with the design. He still looks a lot like Simba, for better or worse.
I swapped the stripe colors of Frisk and Chara's shirts, partially to reference their jumbled character traits, but also because I think Yellow Justice suits Hero Frisk and Purple Perseverance suits Buttercup Chara better than the other way around.
Sans is the only Boss Monster displayed here, though Asriel, Undyne, and Gaster are all Boss Monsters as well. Boss Monster souls give off more color than their regular counterparts and this can be used to identify them as early as a few years old. In trying to expand on this I’ve come to realize that I really need to write a full post about how Boss Monsters work in JumbleTale, and probably get into monster reproduction as well.
For Metta's wheelchair, I took colors form Mettaton's original box form. Turns out, wheelchairs are really fucking hard to draw. Metta's in particular is based on a more sporty, versatile wheelchair design rather than the common hospital-style wheelchair.
Asgore and Toriel are often compaired to goats but I always thought they looked like they had some lion-like traits as well. Since Doc Tori and Captain Asgore are not Boss Monsters and are not related in any way, I decided to highlight these differences by making Tori a pure goat monster and Asgore a horned lion.
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missholoska ¡ 5 months ago
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happy super late 9th anniversary, undertale 💖
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northstarscowboyhat ¡ 7 months ago
Can't help but imagine that in the Lucky Clover AU, if Frisk were to manage to sneak away and end up befriending Undyne and the skelebros whilst everyone in the Dunes is probably having a panic attack (maybe Flowey caused a distraction or something, like some scaffolding collapsing causing everyone to focus on figuring out how that happened, giving Frisk the ability to sneak away), by the time Martlet finds them they've already managed to make the Underground a bit safer for at least themself.
Doesn't stop them from being grounded though-
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That's exactly the plot set up I had in mind for this AU!
Even though Frisk is under very strict rules by Clover to not leave the Dunes without them, Frisk is constantly wandering off (perhaps influenced by a certain someone...) and exploring the other parts of the Underground. This is how Frisk eventually meets Papyrus, Sans, Undyne, Alphys, and others! And yes, Frisk is always grounded by Clover once they're eventually found and brought home. Doesn't stop them from sneaking out again, though. Clover is getting a taste of their own medicine trying to control this kid LOL.
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erineas ¡ 2 years ago
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They said he would enjoy playing together, now she's showing him her fav game
Crust belongs to @mothiepixie
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forgettable-au ¡ 4 months ago
As someone starting up their own Undertale AU, what’s the best way to like…get people to see it. Is there a method?
The method that worked for me was making mini comics, people really like those! Slowly introduce people to the idea lol
I gained like 2000 followers here BEFORE starting the official comic just doing that :>
Uhm, my AU was easy to introduce because it's not THAT different from normal utdr content
So people saw my posts and and thought, OH! UNDERTALE CONTENT YAY! wait... what do you mean Papyrus is Gaster?
That's where they might catch interest and scroll through the blog
But I think that worked for me because of how similar my au is to regular undertale, people fell right into my trap lmao
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missowo ¡ 5 months ago
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And then, the end. they live happily after.
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Until, i change something new to my own story. See ya =)
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sailorsharkart ¡ 10 months ago
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I’m selling some of my designs as stickers and such on redbubble if anyone is interested 💖
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eunicecarino26 ¡ 6 months ago
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Collab with my bestie from 2 years ago, requested each other's favorite characters. Go follow her Twitter!
(Yes I love villains)
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bunningchaos ¡ 1 year ago
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"Lucky" - The Soul of Kindness
The boi's first appearance is in this post!
Kindness Soul Concept + Items (Apron and Frying Pan) is from Undertale
"Lucky" - Actual name unknown
• He/Him
• Stands at the height of 75 cm
• A child, presumably around the age of 7 - 10. It's unconfirmed as of yet
• He's blind in one eye, hence the eye-patch
• The scarf is eventually given away to Papyrus
• Kindness Soul Trait : Healing
(Passive) Any wounds he sustain is eventually healed slowly - HP regenerate in and out of battle.
In Battle - Every turn, 5 HP is regenerated
Out of Battle - About 10 seconds or less, his HP heals up
(Active) He have the capability of casting healing on others
In battle - ACT > HEAL : 5% of the enemy's HP is healed.
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dumbassv32 ¡ 1 year ago
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remembered my rebelle 5 purchase
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zeke-the-bat ¡ 5 months ago
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This year's painted pumpkin, Oswald The Lucky Rabbit!
Also, there's Sans and Papyrus, I've had those two since last year
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imbonewary ¡ 1 year ago
Shifting Sans Chapter 15 "Walking in a Winter Wonderland"
Chapter 1 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 16
Walking through Snowdin was a surreal experience.
Frisk skipped around me and Papyrus as we passed the Librarby, which looked exactly as I remember it, misspelled sign and all. A brown bear monster in an orange jacket exited, nose buried in a book labeled “Political Science”. They nearly bumped into Papyrus, giving a short greeting before continuing to read and not look where they were going. That must be the same bear that kept going on about how strange politics were back in Snowdin.
I mean, my Snowdin. 
Might need to rename some places, too.
Just beyond the Librarby I noticed two young, white dog monsters building long necked snow dogs, who barked a greeting as we walked by and all three of us waved. They looked so familiar but I couldn’t quite place them.
What really threw me was Grillby’s being replaced with “The Dog House Bar and Grill”. I stood frozen, staring at it until Papyrus grabbed my shoulder, snapping me out of it. I shook my head to clear it before whispering “later” since I didn’t wanna talk about my world so openly. Not yet at least.
We passed the Gyftmas tree in the center of town, decorated festively with gifts scattered beneath it, and the connected Snowed Inn and Snowdin Shop. Looking in the windows revealed Catty at the Inn’s front desk and Bratty at the Shop’s cash register. Where were the bunnies that populated most of my Snowdin? There were plenty of other furry monsters walking around, just going about their day, but I had yet to see a single bunny.
There was no “Welcome to Snowdin” sign as we headed out towards Snowdin forest.
Frisk had been running ahead throughout the town, swimming in Papyrus’ largest sweater, knitted with thick, pale yellow yarn. Their hands barely made it past the elbow of the sleeves, the extra length trailing behind as they waved their outstretched arms around wildly. I couldn’t tell who was in control but whoever it was seemed to be having the most innocent time of their life, kicking up snow while laughing and dancing around in oversized clothing, singing some wordless tune.
It was adorable.
And it hammered home that these two really were just kids. They’d been thrown into an impossible situation, with far more power and responsibility than any kid needed to be dealing with; they were just trying to make the best of it. Not only with the resets but their potential involvement with that “joint family” thing Sans had mentioned; I couldn’t stop thinking about it. For the sake of monster kind, I hope it works. For our personal sakes, I hope it falls through.
The kid stopped and waved at me and Pap in their excitement as we trailed behind them.
“Somethin’ tells me they left their jacket home on purpose,” I said, waving back. They giggled and took off again.
“I don’t know what it is about that sweater but they always wear it at every opportunity,” Papyrus chuckled, allowing himself to feel some affection for the human. He called to them, “Don’t forget about the traps, Frisk!”
“I~ know~,” they sang back before stopping at the bridge marking the edge of the settled area, flopping onto a snowbank and began waving their arms and legs about on the ground.
The bridge wasn’t just painted stone like it was in my world, it was a proper suspension bridge; support cables ran from one side of the crevasse to the other, attached to giant arches with their own inner suspension systems. I was no architect but it looked very complicated.
“Look! I made a snow Sans!” Frisk dragged me away from marveling at the architecture to show me their imprint in the snow. “See the long, flowy sleeves and the poofy pants?”
I looked at the vaguely humanoid imprint. I could see the arms and legs, at least, but any resemblance beyond that was lost on me.
“Looks just like ‘im, kiddo,” I replied with an easy smile. I brushed some of the snow off their back.
“You liar!” Frisk laughed before taking off again. They had way too much energy.
“Walk across the bridge, Frisk, don’t run,” Papyrus instructed. “We don’t need you falling off and getting hurt. Again.”
“Yeah, yeah,” they said dismissively. Despite that, they did slow down and even held onto the guard rail as we all crossed the long bridge. Their fingers poked through the loose knitting of the sweater, letting them hold onto the ropes better. 
I looked down over the side but couldn’t see the bottom, shrouded in darkness. A shiver ran up my spine and I kept going.
How far down does it go?
If I can figure out how to fly, could I find out?
We arrived at the other side without incident.
“So, traps, huh,” I said as Frisk took off again, but sticking closer to us now. “And here I thought humans were welcome around here.”
“Building traps and puzzles as a community is one of the few remaining traditions from before the barrier,” Papyrus responded, giving me an odd look. “Is that not the case where you’re from?”
“Originally yeah, I guess,” I shrugged. “But catching humans became a bigger focus after Asriel died.”
“You said he was still a young Prince when he died, right?” Chara said from somewhere in front of us and I couldn’t help but flinch.
I glanced around.
“Where’s Frisk?” I asked
“He had to, uh, relieve himself,” Chara was suddenly very uncomfortable. I couldn’t see her but I got the distinct impression she couldn’t look at me or Pap in the eye. I barely remember human anatomy from the time I could still consider the Anomaly a friend but I guess even monster food has to do the whole “digestion” thing. Human anatomy was weird.
“That reminds me, I wanted to confirm,” I said, hoping to distract her. “I’ve heard you and Frisk use gendered pronouns for each other while everyone else seems to use neutrals for you. What do you prefer I use?”
“On paper, we identify as gender-fluid, since I’m a girl and Frisk is a boy,” Chara said, still invisible but feeling less uncomfortable. “Using they/them pronouns makes the most sense, especially when referring to the two of us as a single entity. Neither of us are very attached to our genders anyways but gendered pronouns are convenient when referring to only one of us at a time.”
“Gotcha, so neutrals double as plurals for you two,” I nodded as Frisk emerged from a bush to the right of the path. “Back to your original question; yeah, my Asriel was still a kid while yours was an adult, if I remember right. I don’t know everything about his story but I’ll tell what I can if you’ll tell me about your story sometime. And we should probably come up with a name for him, too.”
“Frisk and Papyrus have already heard my story so I can tell you about it while they take care of these next few puzzles,” Chara offered as we came upon an ice field with buttons scattered around it.
“Sounds good to me,” I nodded watching the other two begin to slide around on the ice. “I’ll keep an eye out for anyone approaching.”
“Thank you. I fell into the Underground over a hundred years ago, the first human to have done so in living memory,” Chara began. “Asriel was King at the time and Sans was his closest advisor and best friend. They found me, hurt and scared, and took pity on me, Asriel taking me in as his own child. Due to my upbringing, I felt the need to earn my place in Asriel’s home and did everything in my power to not be a burden, especially with my near constant nightmares. One night, after waking yet again, I decided to practice baking rather than risk going back to sleep and, in my delirious state, I misread a recipe to include buttercups in a pie, rather than cups of butter. I had been introduced to so many strange foods in the Underground that it seemed reasonable enough to put flowers in a pie, and I eventually passed out from exhaustion later that morning. Sans tried some of the pie as I slept and became violently ill as a result. This… did not help my mental state.”
Frisk and Papyrus had solved the ice puzzle and were calling and beckoning me to the other side. While I wouldn’t call myself graceful by any stretch, I skated across the ice with no problems.
“Something similar happened with my Chara,” I stated as we caught up to Pap and Frisk. “The whole buttercups, cups of butter mix up.”
“She’s giving you the long version, huh?” Frisk grinned as we headed to the next puzzle.
“It’s not that long,” Chara huffed.
“It’s long enough,” I whispered. “Someone’s coming.”
A short mouse monster in a cape with a spear twice as tall as themself waved at us from across an open field and Papyrus waved back. Behind them was a tall monster whose body was obscured by a cloak, face covered in a mask. Both began approaching.
“Papyrus, what are you doing here?” the mouse said accusingly. 
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anneimaginesundertale ¡ 9 months ago
All the smooches! XD
How about 4. An accidental brush of lips followed by a pause and going back for another, on purpose. Dealer’s choice, but if you can't decide, maybe Lucky?
Lucky never gets enough love, so let's go with him.
When you'd offered to help Lucky move out of his old office and into a new one, you hadn't realized exactly what that meant. It wasn't just your favorite lawyer skeleton moving offices. It appeared his whole firm was switching places. Cardboard boxes lined the halls, stacked floor to ceiling in teetering piles. The hallways, which were never wide to begin with, were now so narrow that only one person could pass through at a time.
"I am sorry it's so cramped," he said as you awkwardly shifted around each other for the tenth time. "I thought coming in today would give us more space to work, instead of tomorrow with everyone else."
"You probably still did," you said. "Can you imagine this labyrinth with any more people than just us? This would take four times as long!" You picked up another box of files and headed back toward his new office. "At least this way it's just you stepping on my feet and not strangers."
"Did I step on your feet? I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" He set down the box he was holding and moved toward you. "Why didn't you say anything?"
"No, I didn't mean--Oh!" You found yourself quite literally face to face with him, with only the box you were holding between you.
"I didn't hurt you, did I?" he asked.
"No. I was just saying. I like that it's just us here, instead of a bunch of people I don't know."
"I like that too. I truly appreciate your help." He smiled at you.
"I like spending time with you. Even if it's just something like this." You tried to turn so you could put the box you were holding down, intending to give him a hug. Unfortunately, he reached for the box just as you turned. When you swung back in surprise, his face was closer than before. Your lips brushed against his teeth.
You both stepped back in surprise. You managed to actually put the box down. "Do you want to take a break?" you asked breathlessly. "Please?"
"Let's," he agreed. He closed the small distance between you and kissed you properly. It was a good thing you were alone in the office.
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bigoltrashpile ¡ 2 months ago
anon from the Lucky combo post, back again
HOLY SHIT???? forget "bonus points", you're on some Balatro shit, dude. that was unsettling as hell in the best way and I adore it
Hehehehe, I'm glad you liked it!!! It was a lot of fun to write, it's fun to try to balance the sweet and the creepy! Thanks for the request!!
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obwald ¡ 1 year ago
Unironically I think Mick and Os would be good friends with Sans and Papyrus if they ever met
thats literally just them in an alternate universe
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rosescries ¡ 1 year ago
Ok, now I'm curious. How different are the mob skeletons reactions to finding their soulmate and having to share them from their reactions from "Cheating Death"? 
Well, different enough. The main difference here is that their SOULmate isn't on the verge of having their SOUL shattered, and they don't have complete control over them at the moment either. In Cheating Death, everyone thinks Mc is dead, so obviously they're not going to go looking for her. If the Mob boys kidnapped Mc in any other context, there's likely people that would go searching for her and they'd have a harder time keeping her.
Their possessiveness is the same though, they all want her. This is something that'll somewhat touched upon in Bad Habits actually, though not as explicit. The term SOULmate won't even show up. That possessiveness clashes with a lot of things, and some are better about it than others. Or better at hiding it at least.
The Mob boys don't trust really anyone besides their brothers, so they are NOT down with sharing their SOULmate with anyone else. They wouldn't even share a regular datemate with anyone outside of their brother, much less someone they share a SOUL with. They especially don't want to share with different versions of themselves. Some are just better at hiding this fact than others.
Elated at finding their SOULmate: Lucky (Mobswap Sans)
Elated, but somewhat reluctant to engage: Ace (Mobtale Papyrus), Strike (Mobswap Papyrus), Clip (Mobswapfell Papyrus), Doll (Moblust Sans), Sheba (Moblust Papyrus)
A bit reluctant to do anything about this: Guns (Mobtale Sans), Gamble (Mob G!Sans), Vig (Mob G!Papyrus), Hit (Mobfell Sans), Sniper (Mobfell Papyrus)
Doesn't know what to DO: Capo (Mobswapfell Sans), Pass (Horrormob Sans), Button (Horrormob Papyrus)
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