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imbonewary · 4 months ago
I am suuuper writer's blocked right now, so no new chapter, but I did redraw my JumbleTale roster! I will update the blog header soon, but for now...
Here is the main cast, as they appear around the time Serif first arrives in JumbleTale!
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Just because I can, I’ll drop some lore as well; everyone’s souls are displayed here and, while monsters do have white souls, the light they give off is tinted slightly, which reflects character traits and magic affinity; not that a monster can't learn magic that doesn't match their soul color, but it's easier to learn magic that does. That said, here's everyone's attributes (and call signs), from left to right:
Serif is a True Blue (Integrity). Technically, Serif isn’t native to JumbleTale so a different set of rules apply to him, but he is still associated with a soul color. Blue, or Dark Blue, is associated with Integrity; not that Serif can’t lie, he actually lies a lot, but he stays true to who he is, to his core beliefs and principles, no matter what he goes through. “Despite everything, it’s still you.”
Lucky Papyrus is a Just Yellow. Despite being raised to be a weapon by [Redacted] Gaster, Papyrus always had a strong sense of right and wrong no matter how much Gaster tried to beat it out of him. He cares less about what’s technically legal than he does about what’s fair.
Sanatos (Sans) is a Persevering Purple. A mix of Patient and Determined, Sans was quite adept in the realm of politics, until he best friend, King Asriel, died in his arms, causing Sans to retreat from everyone and everything. His specialty is to pick apart a problem into its component parts and recognize the intricate web of side effects a potential solution might have.
Hero Frisk and Buttercup Chara are both Determined Reds. I know there’s theories that Red isn’t actually Determination, but I’m going to go with it anyways, at least until a more concrete explanation is available. I’m also going to cover both at the same time because of how connected they are and that comparing the two is the easiest way to describe them both. Despite both being very Red, Frisk leans more towards Brave Orange while Chara leans more towards Persevering Purple, ending up at a more raspberry color. While Frisk is more likely to brute force a solution, Chara will step back and analyze the situation before finessing a solution. While not technically related to soul color, Frisk’s lack of empathy makes him more ready, willing, and able to do literally anything it takes to accomplish his goals, no matter who he hurts along the way.
Amber Alphys is a Brave Orange. Surprisingly. She is the embodiment of the phrase “Courage isn’t the lack of fear; it’s being scared to death and moving forward anyways”. Trained to be a bodyguard and steed in the Labs, she is powerful and skilled in combat but lacks confidence in social interactions, mostly due to lack of experience in her youth.
Starling (Mettaton/MettanĂ©) is a Persevering Purple. As a Purple bordering Determined Red, Metta ends up with a hot pink color and is surprisingly similar to Chara, who is a Red bordering Purple. Metta is just as dramatic as his robotic counterparts but is more focused on puzzles and riddles than entertainment and fame, putting his detective/deduction skills to good use once Gaster erased himself from existence and left a big hole behind. While most interpretations of Mettaton are a bit of a gossip, this Metta doesn’t mind keeping what he learns to himself if the one it’s about wants him to, happy that he was able to find the knowledge at all.
Doc Toriel is a Kind Green. The driving force behind basically everything Tori does is the deep seated need to help others; this is the main reason she accepted the title of Royal Scientist, not because she loves science, but because she wanted to use the position to help the Lab victims. Bordering Cyan, making her more of a teal/turquoise, highlights her nurturing nature. This also makes her the perfect partner for Metta when working with Lab victims, bringing a gentleness Metta lacks while digging into the truth.
Captain Asgore is a Patient Cyan. Rounding out the group, Asgore embodies Patience in every aspect of his life, from training newbie Guards to dealing with the general public as a Peace Keeper. Patience and Kindness often go hand-in-hand, so he is often mistaken for a Kind Green, but he more just utilizes kindness to get the results he wants; however, he knows that some people aren’t motivated by gentle understanding, and Asgore has no problem using force when needed.
While not pictured, I know the soul colors of several other important, or at least interesting, characters as well. [Redacted] Gaster is a Just Yellow, which Papyrus inherited; he could “justify” anything as being “for the greater good.” Queendyne, or Queen Undyne, is a Brave Orange, bordering Red, and is a bit of a political wrecking ball. Frisk’s cousin, Marriweather or Marri, that took them in before they fell is a Kind Green bordering Yellow, making her a sort of olive green, and we’ll see more of her later. Spear Mouse (Scarf Mouse) is a True Blue while Bronze Masque (Nacarat Jester/red demon) is a Patient Cyan, despite his coloration. Doggo and his protĂ©gĂ© Tomcat (Burgerpants) are Patient Cyan and Brave Orange respectively; they fit together like puzzle pieces.
I wrote out a ton more, like five paragraphs worth, before realizing I really should just make a new post for background characters and who all is jumbled.
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This is the same pic from above but with some extra added bits, like Metta’s eventual robot body and Alphys with just her dress and showing off her stripes. Some interesting notes about design choices, in no particular order, are:
Alphys' coat and dress are the same colors as Papyrus' vest and shirt, respectively.
Doc Tori's apron is her Royal Scientist uniform; white lab coats were optional anyways and she likes differentiating herself from the trauma of The Labs. Before the Underground, the uniform was made of leather and styled more like a Blacksmith's apron, since that's more-or-less what the job entailed, but now days it's just sturdy brown cloth. I always did like brown and purple as a color combo.
Asgore's head and mane were really hard for me to wrap my head around before so this time I took a shortcut and traced Simba from The Lion King before I started messing with the design. He still looks a lot like Simba, for better or worse.
I swapped the stripe colors of Frisk and Chara's shirts, partially to reference their jumbled character traits, but also because I think Yellow Justice suits Hero Frisk and Purple Perseverance suits Buttercup Chara better than the other way around.
Sans is the only Boss Monster displayed here, though Asriel, Undyne, and Gaster are all Boss Monsters as well. Boss Monster souls give off more color than their regular counterparts and this can be used to identify them as early as a few years old. In trying to expand on this I’ve come to realize that I really need to write a full post about how Boss Monsters work in JumbleTale, and probably get into monster reproduction as well.
For Metta's wheelchair, I took colors form Mettaton's original box form. Turns out, wheelchairs are really fucking hard to draw. Metta's in particular is based on a more sporty, versatile wheelchair design rather than the common hospital-style wheelchair.
Asgore and Toriel are often compaired to goats but I always thought they looked like they had some lion-like traits as well. Since Doc Tori and Captain Asgore are not Boss Monsters and are not related in any way, I decided to highlight these differences by making Tori a pure goat monster and Asgore a horned lion.
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asistenta-virtuala · 3 months ago
COSORI Air Fryer, Slow Cooker și Pressure Cooker – Soluția ideală pentru gătit rapid și sănătos Ăźn 2024
Într-o eră Ăźn care timpul este din ce Ăźn ce mai prețios, iar preocuparea pentru un stil de viață sănătos este tot mai mare, aparatele de gătit inteligente au devenit esențiale Ăźn bucătăriile moderne. COSORI, un brand cunoscut pentru inovarea Ăźn domeniul aparatelor electrice de bucătărie, oferă trei soluții perfecte pentru gătit rapid și sănătos: Air Fryer, Slow Cooker și Pressure Cooker. Acestea

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thailand-tourist-places · 6 months ago
Phu Quoc Beaches
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leafussss · 11 days ago
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“Etiam sanato vulnere cicatrix manet”
(Though the wound is healed, a scar remains) -Publilius Syrus I believe
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vividiangelo · 7 months ago
Etiam sanato vulnere cicatrix manet
Though the wound is healed, a scar remains.
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susieporta · 2 months ago
La Stella
"L'onestĂ  nelle Relazioni"
Questa Ăš una SocietĂ  destinata a spegnersi. A calare il sipario sulle Ferite del Passato. A destituire il Teatro delle Guerre e dei Conflitti intergenerazionali.
Lo farïżœïżœ con i suoi tempi e con avvenimenti impattanti che porteranno a rivedere la qualitĂ  dei rapporti e la sostenibilitĂ  delle antiche "battaglie di genere".
Uomini che screditano donne, donne che squalificano uomini.
Possesso, tradimento, prigioni familiari, aspettative deluse, gabbie dell'ego e della violenza, disagio psichico e gesti di efferata violenza e follia.
Una "separazione e una frammentazione" tra Uomo e Donna mai vissute con cosĂŹ tanto dolore e angoscia.
Separarsi Ăš stato fino ad oggi ancora un movimento "altamente evolutivo" su questo Piano di Coscienza.
Staccarci dall'Altro ci riporta a "noi stessi". Ci consente di ripristinare funzioni, talenti, emozioni sedate o inespresse. Di conoscerci sotto altra forma. Di riacquisire "potere svenduto" o "umiliato".
Per entrambi: Uomini e Donne.
La schiavitĂč di "schema relazionale" non Ăš solo un retaggio del femminile. O una colpa del maschile. E' una dinamica condivisa. E come tale va risolta nell'impegno di tutti. Per costruire nuovi rapporti sani e consapevoli, responsabili e altamente amorevoli.
Non si tratta di "giudicare" l'Altro, di massacrarlo di aspettative, di invettive o di colpe.
E' finito il tempo dei giudizi "morali", dei coltelli lanciati al presunto colpevole o delle rabbiose gabbie dell'infedeltĂ , dell'abbandono, della violenza domestica.
Una Donna puĂČ essere violenta tanto quanto un Uomo nelle Relazioni. E non accorgersene nemmeno. Squalificare l'Altro giorno dopo giorno e nascondersi dietro ai figli o al presunto potere della MaternitĂ .
Un Uomo puĂČ essere esautorato passo a passo nel suo ruolo Paterno e sentirsi ricattato nel "restare", senza realmente far parte della famiglia.
Ci sono Uomini che odiano le Donne. E Donne che odiano gli Uomini. E restano comunque in una condizione di convivenza per fini strumentali, economici o di genitorialitĂ  condivisa.
Ci sono Donne che si sentono perfettamente autonome e autosufficienti e spingono via il Maschile, annullandone ogni profondo potere dell'Origine.
E ci sono Uomini che boicottano e violentano le Donne perché responsabili di possedere il Dono Generativo e di essere detentrici della Creazione e della Connessione dello Spirito.
E poi ci sono Donne che invalidano qualsiasi tentativo di crescita dei loro figli Maschi, costringendoli a vivere nel Mondo del Ricatto Emotivo, nel Possesso al Ventre Materno, nella LibertĂ  Vigilata, nella Debolezza di Autonomia, per tutta la Vita. Togliendogli ogni possibilitĂ  di costruire una distinta identitĂ  di Relazione con le Compagne del Futuro.
Le Relazioni non sono giocattoli. E non sono bidoni della spazzatura.
Sono Sacre.
E vanno spogliate dal moralismo, dalla bestialitĂ , dalla violenza del possesso e della compensazione.
Vanno restituiti i ruoli.
Va sanato il conflitto.
Va ripristinata la libertĂ  di ciascun Essere Umano di slegarsi dalle Aspettative di sistema, dalle forme di Umiliazione e Sopruso, dal Disamore che si respira dentro ogni Relazione del Passato.
Non ci si approccia all'Altro con la Ferita che brucia ancora dentro.
Esso diverrĂ  solo l'ennesima comprova della "inutilitĂ " dell'investimento affettivo.
Ci si presenta davanti all'Altro senza Ferite aperte.
Un tempo forse si poteva "strumentalizzare" l'Altro per l'Evoluzione dello Schema, ma oggi non piĂč.
Oggi siamo responsabili coscienti dei nostri "drammi". Non ci serve ricrearli nuovamente nella Materia.
Sarebbe solo per rispondere all'Automatismo.
Ma ha senso?
Chiedetevi se ha senso strumentalizzare l'Altro perché voi non volete ritornare dentro voi stessi, al vostro Dolore e rendervi responsabili delle vostre Ferite interiori.
I bambini attendono le sgridate dei Genitori per fare ciĂČ che devono fare. Ma non gli Adulti.
Essi si prendono carico delle loro Ferite e non le "scaricano" sull'Altro in termini di accusa, di mancanza o di perdita.
Puliamo il nostro Campo dalle "erbacce emotive", prima di bussare al Cuore dell'Altro.
Altrimenti continueremo a mietere "Carnefici e Vittime".
E non cambierĂ  mai nulla nelle nostre Relazioni.
Fatelo ora.
Prendetevi carico di voi stessi.
Non date la Colpa al "disgraziato di turno" se siete dove siete.
Lo avete attirato voi nel vostro Campo Energetico, tramite la Ferita.
E spetta a voi risolvere la "vostra parte".
E' tempo.
E' giunto il grande movimento energetico della "ri-unione".
E non Ăš per tutti. Ma per coloro che si sono fatti carico della loro pulizia "psichica ed emozionale".
L'Altro non deve essere piĂč un oggetto, una sperimentazione fallita, un bambolotto di pezza o la mammella ristoratrice della vostra Gioia o del vostro Dolore.
E' ciĂČ che Ăš.
E se non lo vedete, non potete pretendere di stare bene nelle Relazioni.
Non funziona cosĂŹ.
Ma oggi che possiamo "sapere" e "sentire" come funziona, approfittiamo per presentarci davanti all'Amore con il vestito piĂč bello, con il sorriso piĂč sincero e con la pace nel Cuore.
Nell'onestĂ . Nella VeritĂ  della vostra creazione interiore.
Mirtilla Esmeralda
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peace-over-clarification · 4 months ago
Yaad karte ho Kya mujhe?
Jab raat ko Chand dekha karte ho toh yaad karte ho Kya mujhe?
Kya abb bhi jab Raat ke Sanato se baate karte huwe subh ki Suraj se gale milte ho toh mere bareme sochte ho?
Abb jab mandiir dekhte ho kabhi raho me toh Mera chehra khayalo me aata hai?
Abb jab khud ko ghere huwe khalipan me sans ruk jaate hai toh Kya Meri aawaz yaad Kiya karte ho?
Kya abhi bhi uss movie ki sound track sun kar Meri baate yaad aati hai?
Yaad karte ho Kya mujhe?
Har Roz toh nhi par kabhi kabhi yaad karte ho Kya?
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bloodyfiona · 5 months ago
Per me, una casa senza libri Ăš:
1) libera scelta di arredare i propri spazi a piacimento
2) segno di persona organizzata, che utilizza un supporto tecnologico per leggere (acquista libri online, invece che cartacei, cosĂŹ puĂČ usare gli spazi domestici in modo alternativo)
3) i 𝘭đ˜Ș𝘣𝘳đ˜Ș đ˜€đ˜©đ˜Š đ˜€đ˜°đ˜Żđ˜”đ˜ąđ˜Żđ˜° sono quelli compresi, e non quelli ostentati
Con questa replica, ho sanato anche l'ignobile tendenza classista dei radical chic - tendenza che non mi riguarda.
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imbonewary · 1 year ago
Shifting Sans Chapter 14 "Called Out"
Chapter 1 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 15
“I’ll put you on speaker,” Frisk said as he took the phone away from his ear, muttering “so I’m not the only one being yelled at.”
“where are you and who all is there?” came Sans’ exasperated voice from the phone. Despite the tone, Papyrus perked up upon hearing Sans’ voice. I don’t have time to analyze his emotional reaction, let alone mine.
“Heya, bro,” I interjected. Hopefully he’ll go easy on us if I remind him he has a brother now. “Me and Frisk are at Pap’s house with the man himself, feeding us soup ‘n sandwiches. How’re things on your end?”
“don’t change the subject, serif, I’m still mad,” Sans announced. “i literally gave you two one job, to call me at noon, and you both failed.”
“I know, bro, I’m sorry,” I continued. “We were just having so much fun getting to know each other we lost track of time.” Not exactly a lie, even if “fun” was a bit of a stretch.
Sans huffed a laugh.  
“fine, i’m glad you two made it to pap’s safe,” Sans relented. Ha, got ‘im.
“Like I said, best friends by the time you get back.”
Frisk gave me some major side eye but kept his mouth shut. I just shrugged at him with my signature Easy Grin.
“i could be called in at any time so i can’t stop by,” Sans continued and Papyrus visibly wilted. “but i did find out that, since frisk fell so recently, they’re the first human whose surface family is being contacted, which will happen tomorrow. the counsel wanted to knock this out as quickly as possible to help with peace talks, but it would’ve been nice to have more time to prepare. you’ll be given the opportunity to return to your human family, frisk, even though you’ve already expressed your desire to stay with me.”
Frisk had opened their mouth to interject, likely to reiterate that they wanted to stay, but simply nodded as Sans had continued. They must’ve then realized they were on a phone call and gave a grunt of recognition as well.  
“we’ll have to discuss it with your human guardian, of course, but there was also talk of a joint care arrangement or dual citizenship as a way to bridge the gap between humans and monsters; trying to make us all one, big, cross-species family. it was just a thought, though, nothing solid yet. it would throw you right in the middle of a political circus and i’m not exactly ready to come out of retirement myself.”
Frisk had stiffened at the idea. Their opinion seemed to be pretty clear.
“You ok, kid?” I breathed, quiet enough for the phone to not pick up. They swallowed.
“I guess I'll have to be there,” they said, staring straight ahead. “Since they want my opinion and all. Merri’s the only one in Ebbot City itself but I bet the others will come running once they smell blood in the water.”
“Once they what?” Papyrus voiced what we were all wondering.
“It’s a surface saying, referring to sharks,” they shrugged, less uncomfortable now that they weren’t actively talking about their family. “Uh, you might not know what sharks are. Sharks are an ocean predator that can smell an injured, bleeding fish from, like, a mile away or something crazy, I don’t remember the actual distance. My point is, they’ll come if they think they can get something out of it. Even if it’s just the satisfaction of knowing they won.”
“i see,” Sans didn’t sound too happy to hear that. He may have to fight for Frisk anyways.
“So if that’s mostly settled, what are you in line for?” I asked, changing the subject for Frisk’s sake. Their emotions were not doing well.
“the counselor for Lab victims,” he replied, allowing the change. “i was able to get an emergency meeting with them since you’re the first new victim to come forward in a while. if i understand correctly, a similar process to human adoption is used for Lab monsters if guardianship is required, so we’ll get some financial aid, among other things, until you can get yourself settled and on your own two feet.”
“Neat,” was my only response. I wonder if I’ll have to come up with some fancy lies about the Deep. This could require some research.
“so, how ‘bout you?” Sans turned it back on us. “what was so enthralling that you forgot to call me?”
Frisk and I glanced at each other. We definitely couldn’t tell him the truth.
Or at least, not the whole truth.
“I was telling ‘em about my world,” I responded after a bit too long of a break. Hopefully Sans didn’t notice. “And they even helped come up with some new names for the more important characters in my old life, just like how I have a new name.”
I shrugged at the others, who were looking at me. It wasn’t exactly a lie, right? Frisk gave me a deadpan thumbs up while Papyrus looked uncomfortable and Chara had disappeared at some point.
“well i hope you don’t mind repeating some of it,” Sans replied. “’cause i’d like to hear about your old life, too. oh, it’s my turn, see you all for dinner!”
And with that, the line went dead.
“Welp, that was fun.”
“How were you so calm under pressure like that?” Frisk asked in awe. “It’s like you knew exactly what to say to make him not be mad at us earlier.”
“Well, he is me,” I said with a shrug, though I couldn’t help but smirk. I think I can fit a lesson in. “So I knew he’d cool off a bit if I called him “bro” since he’s probably not used to it yet. Just one more reason learning empathy is important, yeah?”
“Wait, are you telling me to learn empathy just to manipulate people?!”
“If that’s what it takes,” I replied, taking a bite of my now cold sandwich. Still tasty.
“There are other uses of empathy, of course,” Chara piped up. She’d reappeared behind Frisk.
“And how many of those did it take to convince Frisk to even try to learn?”
” Chara trailed off. Pap looked nonplussed but mildly suspicious of where I was going with this. Neither had a response therefore I win by forfeit.
“If you can figure out what someone else wants, you can convince them it lines up with what you want,” I continued. I think I gained Frisk’s respect at least, even if Chara and Papyrus weren’t quite on board yet. “And getting inside someone’s head is a great way to understand what they want and, more importantly, why. Most people get there through natural empathy but, lacking that, you’ll have to get there through logic and psychology.”
“I see,” Frisk said quietly, thinking very hard about something.
“And that, my friends, is how it’s done,” I announced, taking another bite of sandwich.
“How what’s done?”
“Manipulation, of course,” I replied. Fell right into my trap. “You’d have figured it out on your own eventually, Frisk, but you might need it sooner rather than later, if your description of your family is anything to go by. They sound like they wouldn’t be above manipulating a child to get what they want and you’ll need to be able to recognize it for what it is. And possibly use it in return, but hopefully me and Sans can handle that part.”
While still uncomfortable, realization seemed to dawn on both Papyrus and Chara. My soul clenched as Papyrus gave a small “nyeh heh heh” chuckle.
“You really are Sans’ clone, aren't you, Serif,” he said with a smirk and I tried to hide the sudden twinge of pain with a shrug. I turned back to my sandwich.
“Weren’t we supposed to take some of this Alphys?” Chara came to my rescue with a change of subject.
“That’s right! I need to get back to my post!” Papyrus cried in alarm, shooting to his feet. “I can eat my sandwich while I’m there, are you two done?”
“I am,” Frisk raised his hand.
“Just about,” I said around my last bite of sandwich before washing it down with my lukewarm soup. “It was great, Pap, thanks.”
“Of course it was,” he preened before turning on his heel. “I just need a moment to throw Alphys’ lunch together and we can be off.”
I started gathering dishes.
“And Frisk, grab a jacket from the closet! You’ll not be catching cold on my watch!”
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asistenta-virtuala · 1 year ago
Păr sănătos de la rădăcini pùnă la vùrfuri: Reducere de 25%
Stop căderea excesivă a părului – o gamă specială de produse care previn căderea sezonieră a părului și stimulează creșterea rapidă și sănătoasă a acestuia.
Descoperă secretul unui păr de invidiat cu gama de produse Estel, concepută cu grijă pentru a aborda cele mai sensibile aspecte ale scalpului și pentru a Ăźntări fiecare fir de păr. ĂŽÈ›i prezentăm soluții complete pentru problemele scalpului, pentru ca tu să te bucuri de părul bine Ăźngrijit. Fii stăpĂąnul propriului tău păr, cu Stop căderea excesivă a părului – o gamă specială de produse care previn

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isteric4 · 1 year ago
bambina super carina oggi a lavoro mi ha detto che sono la sua tata preferita 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 il mio cuore ù sanato per sempre
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nytil-sims-storybook · 1 year ago
Callista Sanato
Bidonjour !
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mancino · 2 years ago
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E poi esistono quegli abbracci che ti fanno sentire a casa. Quegli abbracci in cui ti ci perdi, ci versi tutto te stesso, le tue paure, le tue insicurezze, il tuo affetto, il tuo amore. Quegli abbracci in cui non hai fretta di staccarti e vorresti non finissero mai. Quegli abbracci in cui non si avvolgono solo le braccia, ma sono proprio i cuori ad unirsi. In cui tu stringi forte e l'altra persona ancora di piĂč, quasi col rischio di romperci qualcosa, ma alla fine esci sanato nell'animo. Ed Ăš dura staccarsi, perchĂ© in quel momento senti la pelle che si strappa
 E con lei anche un pezzettino di cuore, di te
 Ma che importa, tanto sai che Ăš in buone mani, le tue.......
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lavoripubblici · 2 days ago
❓ Un abuso edilizio raffigurato graficamente all’interno di un permesso di costruire rilasciato dal Comune puĂČ essere considerato sanato?
❓ Cambia qualcosa con il #SalvaCasa?
đŸ§‘â€âš–ïž Interessante pronuncia del Consiglio di Stato
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darius2yoga · 2 months ago
Oportunitati in 2025 - Clase, Ateliere, Retreat-uri
desi vreau sa va povestesc, scriu articole – multe incepute pe tot felul de teme, cred ca cel mai sanatos ar fi sa va anunt, ca ma intorc sa impartasesc, atat din yoga cat si din tantra
 am primit acea fericire, acel mesaj, acea datorie
 cu entuziasm si sper fara prea multe surprize.. va rog sa fiti atenti la ce urmeaza sa va propun acum in 2025 🙂 Yoga Voi reveveni la formatul unor clase din

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sanatoroom · 3 months ago
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