#khem beach
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thailand-tourist-places · 6 months ago
Phu Quoc Beaches
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the-beane-identity · 1 year ago
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Khem Beach is a natural cove on the southeastern corner of Phu Quoc, a tropical Vietnamese island in the Gulf of Thailand. The girls have never seen anywhere like this in the world, and they spent the day in their newfound paradise swimming and trying local seafood.
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tropic-havens · 3 months ago
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Khem Beach, Phu Quoc, Kien Giang, Vietnam
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blue-grama · 1 year ago
The Sign finale probably should have disappointed me, but... didn't?
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It's been a heck of a run lately with Thai BLs that haven't quite stuck the landing, and it's got me pondering why The Sign worked for me despite sometimes feeling like a storyboard for a longer, better show.
I don't think they pulled off the emotional payoff they needed, despite that last reunion scene being so pretty and well-acted, simply because too much happened offscreen, from Khem's recovery from a gunshot wound to the entire multlifetime Tharn/Chalothon dynamic getting resolved without us seeing any of it. But somehow I wasn't that mad about it? And ultimately I think it's because this show did so many things well and so many things I'd love to see more of that I'm just like, yep, I enjoyed that ride sirs, please show me something this gorgeous again. In that sense it's joining something like Manner of Death or Kinnporsche where it's like, plot holes? Yes. Bizarre tonal shifts? Absolutely. Occasionally insane writing choices? Uh-huh. Love it anyway? You betcha. So here's what really, really worked for me:
I am always going to be onboard with QL that isn't solely coming-of-age or coming out. I'm not against those stories, of course, but give me gay romance with adult characters who know themselves and are doing adult things. I'm also a partisan for romances with high external stakes, so the mixture of crime and reincarnation was catnip to me.
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Do I care that none of this training makes any sense? No.
2. Setting
Listen. Is The Sign the reason I have a document on my laptop titled "Imaginary trip to Thailand without ever seeing a beach?" Not exactly. But it's also not not the reason.
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I am being willingly manipulated by the Thai Tourism Authority.
Kidding, kidding, but I do love when my Thai shows feel Thai or my Korean shows feel Korean, etc etc. I want to be driven to Wikipedia to learn more! Half the fun of watching stuff from not your own country.
3. Chemistry
I think @biochemjess covered what was underwritten about the romance in The Sign. Billy and Babe carried it on their backs and it was hard to dislike their romance, even when the series skipped over key beats.
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Any time the pink lighting came out, you were gonna be in for a good time.
4. The camerawork
I don't know enough about film to speak intelligently about this, but the camerawork and aesthetics of this show were just so lovely to watch. It was really doing a lot. @chaos0pikachu wrote about it better than I ever could.
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We had some really lovely storytelling and visual parallels, too, like the first episode and finale both having a big action warehouse scene, or the multiple times that Phaya and Tharn ended up overlooking the Mekong river.
5. It was always kinda off the rails
I know some people felt this show started out with a strong premise and didn't live up to it, but I gotta say, I didn't have that experience. It was always kinda a bonkers watch for me. There were long training montages, random bodies in the shallows, missing genitals, extended performance art, that comedy flashback to Khem and Thongthai's college years... I never knew what I was going to get each Saturday. And I kind of loved that? I'm into unhinged. I was comparing this in my head to Last Twilight, which did disappoint me in the end, and I think it's because Last Twilight was NOT always bonkers and DID set itself up to tell a straighforward story, then dropped the ideas it had been juggling in the last episode. The Sign always felt chaotic to me, so a chaotic ending was par for the course. This is where I'd compare it to KinnPorsche, which had the weirdest fucking ending, but like, okay??? Why not!
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End result? I see the flaws, but I'm giving this show tender forehead kisses anyway. Here's hoping for more like it.
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matan4il · 2 years ago
For Mileapo posts, I try not to step on anyone's toes, not even unintentionally, but it's not easy. It does make me sometimes not post something in case others will, and then some of the stuff I don't post doesn't get shared here at all. It's a bit hard to keep track. So, here's some stuff that I haven't seen on Tumblr from various dates.
Mileapo had lunch at a restaurant with Thailand's Tourism authority today (Sep 5):
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They were both wearing Dior!
While Mile's mom later (Aug 26) posted the full pic, among the first batch of pics she uploaded (Aug 22) from the Man Suang gala (Aug 21) she included a pic where both Tong and Bas are cropped out. Basically JUST the Romsaithongs are in this one. ;)
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And today she also posted pics from the new Vogue pics of Mile as Chat and Apo as Khem in Man Suang. She could have only posted pics with Mile or pics featuring both Mile and Apo, but she also included two pics of just Apo...
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That woman adopted Apo without thinking twice about it.
A fan shared that during one of the screenings for Man Suang (Aug 26), a group of Apo fans were chanting his name while Mile specifically was speaking. Apo hushed them:
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Mile and Apo both uploaded Dior pics today, they also liked and commented on each other's posts. Since it's the winter collection, Apo commented two snowmen emojis on Mile's post, while Mile commented with the rocker hand emoji on Apo's, and Apo replied with the partying emoji...
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(I've seen the pics shared, but not the comments...)
And lastly, from the Shopee Game Show, which will air on Sep 9, and was probably recorded Sep 1 at the latest, Mile and Apo were asked to mimick what it's like when they're hungry. Apo rubbed his tummy, while Mile ended up staring at Apo...
Apo shared on IG his invitation to a Piaget event on Sep 12 to 14 in a heritage house in Bangkok.
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On the wall, a postcard can be seen from a beach, on the right it bears the (incomplete, because the pic cuts out) date "19.08.20..." and on the left it says "w/ BOC for photobook...":
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So this seems to be from the BOC cast trip to Phuket, from which Mile posted pics taken of him by Apo, dating them Aug 19, 2022:
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(for all my Mileapo/Kinnporsche posts, click here)
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aladybetween2majors · 1 year ago
The Sign Episode 1 Thoughts.
It's been a while since I've been into a show enough to post on it so I'm really grateful for this especially after I just binged I feel you linger in the Air and I'm in my feels over how amazing it was.
Seeing The Sign after IFYLITA makes me so happy because of how much BL has improved as a genre. The diversity of stories just keeps getting better and better and I'm glad I get to witness it 😊
Enough with my feelings 😂
1. I'll be honest, while I love the whole action BL thing, I actually fast forwarded through the first part because I'm not too into fight sequences, I love the fact that it's happening but I don't really care enough to watch it. I'm here for the characters.
I've already read some posts on reddit about the fight scenes seeming amateur and I'm like, that's what you're focusing on?🙄 Sure the scenes aren't hollywood level but they're the best we've seen in BL so far and I know the entire cast and crew put their backs into it to make it work. I think it came out great.
2. I hate Chart and already love Tharn. I didn't realize Babe(Tharn's actor) was that small😂 but he's my new Baby and I'll do anything for him.
3. Billy is so fine 😊 that's it.
4. Yai's abs have me caressing my screen anytime he shows up.
5. I already like the side couple although the cheating has me giving Khem the side eye. I hope we get enough info on that.
6. I hope the fantasy element is incorporated well into the story and is able to work well with the mystery that we have building up.
7. I loved the pratfall kiss and I really like the buildup to Tharn and Phaya's relationship. I like how they met and how Tharn has been protecting Phaya. The scene on the beach with both of them alone had me smiling.
This was a great setup episode. We have our main characters and the friend group in place already. I can't wait for more.
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How I imagine Khem and Chatra at the end of When The Nightingale Sings.
Happy and carefree (at least for the moment,) on a beautiful beach or by a river.
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The pixelated butts continue to bring me both joy and confusion
Khem my beloved himbo. I love that he just exclusively calls Thongtai "Baby"in everyday conversation.
Phaya, no one likes an overachiever, and going to the beach alone at night is dangerous
The Creature returns! Gosh Freen is so pretty.
Tharn's Spidey Senses have activated, thank goodness, because Phaya is a dumbass
Love that we're still pretending Babe and Freen look anything alike 😆
Mean Cop Daddy is big mad, but like, justified
Didn't Phaya straight up tell Akk that he was going to investigate Tam's death though? Like, he shouldn't be surprised?
(hooya continues to amuse me)
Study montage, I wish you worked in real life
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girlacticrailroad · 18 days ago
us, episode 8
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Not even Mim acting her ass off can save this one I’m afraid ;_;
Welp. Honeymoon’s over folks. After an encouraging step in the right direction last week, this week’s episode of Us trips over its own shoelaces and steps on a fucking rake. It’s shocking that something so clumsy was made by the creators of 23.5. Maybe high school comedy was just more in their wheelhouse, or maybe the editor called in sick and the sound mixer was hungover. At any rate, this episode is so messy it makes Pluto feel like an Oscar Wilde play.
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Okay to be fair this scene was cute as hell though.
It’s not all bad! It’s just that the good stuff feels utterly disconnected from whatever the plot is supposed to be. The scenes of Bua, Titang, Rak, and Pam being an adorable little found family? Hell yeah! And I appreciate the message that family is more than blood...and blood maybe isn’t always family...? Well, we’re still getting some mixed messages on that last point, but regardless, it’s very sweet to see these four women finding love and acceptance in each other, and Grandma Bua is such a gem, I would die for her. We’ve come a long way from Gap in our Thai GL grandmother representation.
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If any harm comes to this woman I will boycott GMMTV.
The scene in which Kawi’s Mom (who does have a name, I really ought to know it by now) apologizes to him for failing to save their family also works. It’s tragic when that brief moment of connection is destroyed as soon as Khem enters the room. And I did enjoy some of the PamRak fluff, especially the toenail painting. Okay I admit that this is the same kind of fluff-for-fluff’s-sake marshmallow sweetness that sickened me in The Loyal Pin—so maybe I am a hypocrite. To be clear, I am nearing my limit. How many morning snuggle scenes do we really need? But if there’s one key ingredient helping all the sugar go down, it’s how grounded and everyday these scenes are. No fancy dinners or candlelit beaches for these broke bitches. FOR THE MOST PART, no conspicuous consumption. I appreciate not feeling like the fluff is just there to sell me something.
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I say “for the most part” because of course there is one scene where the fluff is obviously just there to sell you something and it is fucking bananas. I’m already not a big fan of how jealousy is romanticized in GLs, but it’s even worse when it serves no character or narrative purpose. Pam is jealous for literally no reason except someone thought it was a cute way to market a yogurt drink. And I know they need to fund these shows somehow, but there had to be a better way to shoehorn this into the script—maybe one that didn’t make Pam seem as controlling as Dokrak’s dad, perhaps? It’s probably not a great sign for your script either if the only real conflict between the leads in the past five episodes is a silly fight written in to justify product placement.
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And the first prize in Seductive Bar Leaning goes to...
Oh right. I was trying to mention things I liked about this episode. Well, Mim does have more opportunity to shine as Nene. Oat and Nene remain the most interesting characters in Us because they both want something and are willing to do something about it. Oat wants Nene to open up and be vulnerable, Nene wants to feel powerful and in control, and these desires put them at odds with each other. It’s Screenwriting 101 but it works.
And that’s about it for stuff that works. The rest of Episode 8 is one bewildering choice after another. It starts from the very first scene in which Kawi confronts his ex and his sister about all the boinking they’ve been up to behind his back. Aaand all that tension built up in the last episode goes poof when it turns out he’s just a very nice guy who doesn’t resent them at all. Why is he so chill all of a sudden? I wish I knew, since Nene was pushing him in the opposite direction, and he seems on the verge of a psychotic break most of the time. Anyway, this tension-free encounter between Pam, Rak, and Kawi somehow continues for almost ten minutes. Yes, a fifth of this episode is a nice little chat in a park about how Kawi thinks Pam is really neat.
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When the resolution to your conflict for the past seven episodes is “actually this character doesn’t care about the conflict.”
The writers must have sensed that this scene wasn’t pulling much weight because they follow it up with another scene between Pam and Kawi to remind you that they are both still keeping secrets. No one would blame you for forgetting, since their secrets never matter. Pam is never put in a position where she has to keep any information from Dokrak, or use Dokrak to gain information, or anything like that, and Kawi’s secret is still just a vague question mark that makes him sad and sweaty sometimes. But like, come on—he definitely killed Pam’s parents, right? Or thinks he’s responsible? I can’t imagine any other dark secret he could possibly have that would matter in this story and not be pulled completely out of thin air.
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Yet another fascinating clue bringing us thiiiisss close to solving the Kawi puzzle-box.
Then there is the hospital clusterfuck scene, where half the cast bumps into each other at the hospital. Despite the potential for drama here, nothing really happens. Nene is sinister, Dad is mad, Rak is defiant, Kawi is nervous. Haven’t we seen all this before? The only escalation is that Dad gets into hot water with Mom when he has Nene removed from her patient list. There’s a lot of weird editing in this episode, but this sequence is especially jarring: It seems like Dad argues with Nene, assigns her to a different psychiatrist, and argues with Mom about the reassignment all in the space of about five minutes.
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“Code pink—implementing Phase 3 of Operation Slay. Oh sorry I just said that because it sounded hot. What was the plan again?”
In the whole episode, the one really significant development is when Pam finally backs out of Nene’s scheme (whatever it is) in the final scene. Which was bound to happen eventually, but I have no idea why it’s happening now. What pushes Pam to finally draw the line here? Again I have no clue what’s going on in her head because the script forgot to develop her character for the past seven episodes. But at least it’s a direction that makes sense for her. Nene, on the other hand, makes no sense in this scene. Clearly she knows her justification for targeting Rak and Kawi is flimsy, which is why she hasn’t told Pam the truth—she knows she only wants to see them suffer because Khem was a part of their lives and refused to be part of hers. Why would she ever think Pam would be more inclined to help her ruin the lives of these poor abused kids after hearing her tragic backstory? It’s the stupidest move a master manipulator bent on revenge could ever make, and it’s absurd that someone who’s been so emotionally guarded would open up suddenly now. It’s not even clear why she needs Pam for her plot!
Here’s an idea: Just make this the Nene episode. Show us her tragic backstory right away. It doesn’t need to be a story she’s telling Pam. Put us in her POV and show us a flashback. These are the memories of her mother she’s forced to relive every day. Let us spend some time with her in her daily life so we see how empty it is, and how badly she needs this grand revenge scheme to give her a sense of purpose. Show us the insecurity that makes her so secretive—why she can’t possibly let anyone know why she hates the Chitarak family so much, because she’s terrified of being as delusional and pathetic as her mother was. Then, when Oat repairs the shoes, we know why it’s the wrong move. And, when Pam threatens to pull away, have Nene fucking lie! She can make up a story to justify why the whole family deserves punishment. Let her craft a story about how Kawi and Dokrak were cruel to her, like a clever manipulator would.
Pam’s decision to split with Nene would be so much more powerful that way. Because she knows Dokrak—and she believes in the Rak she knows and loves more than she believes Nene’s lies. It would be a more powerful moment for Nene, too, forcing her to come to terms with the fact that, even when she has total control over the narrative, she can’t control Pam.
Sadly that is not the episode we got this week, and my confidence in Us is at an all-time low. My only hope now is that Oat and Nene will somehow emerge from the wreckage unscathed.
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joytime-vn · 1 month ago
where is phu quoc
 Where is Phu Quoc? 4+ Reasons Why Vietnam's Pearl Island Attracts Tourists
Phu Quoc is often referred to as the "pearl" of Vietnam, known for its pristine natural beauty and idyllic beaches. So, where is Phu Quoc, and what makes it so attractive, drawing millions of tourists every year? Let’s explore this breathtaking destination with Joytime!
1. Where is Phu Quoc Island? Geographic features of Phu Quoc 
Phu Quoc is the largest island in Vietnam, situated in the southwest region of the country, within the Gulf of Thailand.
1.1. Geographical location
Phu Quoc, also known as Pearl Island, is close to the Cambodian border, approximately 14 nautical miles from Kampot Province. This proximity facilitates trade and tourism between the two countries.
1.2. Characteristic terrain
Phu Quoc stands out with its unique shape, which resembles a fish wagging its tail in the Gulf of Thailand. The island’s terrain slopes from north to south and features diverse plains and hills, including over 99 mountains. Such varied terrain characteristics contribute to its majestic and untouched allure. 
1.3. Natural area
Phu Quoc covers an area of approximately 580 km² (574 square kilometers), almost the same size as Singapore (719 km²). This makes Phu Quoc the largest island in Vietnam, which offers a rich and diverse natural landscape.
1.4. Climate and Weather
Located in southern Vietnam, Phu Quoc experiences a tropical monsoon climate with two distinct seasons
2. 4 Reasons Why Phu Quoc Island is a Must-Visit Destination 
Phu Quoc attracts millions of tourists each year, with over 5.9 million visitors in 2024 alone (Source: Dan Tri Newspaper, December 24, 2024). Then, what makes Phu Quoc so irresistibly attractive?
2.1. A precious gem in the East Sea with a diverse ecosystem
The island's primary allure lies in its untouched beauty and numerous idyllic beaches stretching from north to south
2.2. A paradise for relaxation with countless interesting destinations
Phu Quoc boasts numerous famous destinations, each offering a unique experience. Popular beaches with fine white sand and crystal-clear waters include Bai Sao, Bai Khem, Bai Vong, and Ganh Dau. 
2.3. Delicious dishes with a culinary exploration journey
Visitors are impressed not only by Phu Quoc’s natural beauty but also by its distinctive and flavorful cuisine. 
2.4. Strongly developed infrastructure
With its booming tourism sector, Phu Quoc has made substantial investments in infrastructure to maximize convenience for visitors....
Website: https://joytime.vn/en/blog/where-is-phu-quoc-d=9508.html
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vietpowertravel · 3 months ago
Discover the Top 10 Beautiful Beach Resorts for Families in Vietnam
Vietnam with its beautiful long coastline is an ideal paradise for family vacations. Here is a list of the 10 best beach resorts, offering relaxing spaces and memorable experiences for all members.
Top 10 Beach Resorts for Families
Vinpearl Resort & Spa Phu Quoc The resort is located on the quiet Bai Dai beach, featuring a water park, children's play area and VinWonders. This is an ideal place for families to relax and enjoy nature. Address: Bai Dai Beach, Phu Quoc Island, Kien Giang. Price Range: $150 to $250 per night.
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Furama Resort Da Nang With a classic architectural style, Furama is located on Bac My An beach. The resort offers many activities such as exploring Ngu Hanh Son and Hoi An Ancient Town, along with a children's play area. Address: 105 Vo Nguyen Giap Street Bac My An Beach Da Nang. Price Range: $180 - $320 per night.
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The Anam Cam Ranh The resort has a traditional Vietnamese style, surrounded by greenery and a large swimming pool. Families can relax at the spa or participate in cultural activities. Address: Nguyen Tat Thanh Boulevard, Cam Ranh, Khanh Hoa. Price Range: $170 - $300 per night.
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Premier Village Phu Quoc Resort This resort features modern villas, private swimming pools and an outdoor playground for children. Nearby is Phu Quoc night market, where the whole family can explore local cuisine. Address: Ong Doi Cape, An Thoi, Phu Quoc. Price Range: $200 - $400/night.
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Hyatt Regency Danang Resort and Spa Located on Non Nuoc beach, Hyatt Regency has 5 swimming pools, Camp Hyatt children's playground and is close to Marble Mountains. This is the perfect place to enjoy a family vacation. Address: 5 Truong Sa Street, Hoa Hai Ward, Ngu Hanh Son, Da Nang. Price Range: $160 - $350 per night.
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JW Marriott Phu Quoc Emerald Bay Resort & Spa Inspired by the architecture of Lamarck University, this resort is located on Khem Beach, with luxurious space and many recreational activities such as water sports and cooking classes. Address: Khem Beach, An Thoi Town, Phu Quoc. Price Range: $350 - $600 nightly.
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Four Seasons Resort The Nam Hai, Hoi An Luxury resort with villas with private pools, traditional Vietnamese architecture and many activities such as cooking classes or tours of Hoi An Ancient Town. Address: Block Ha My Dong B, Dien Duong Ward, Dien Ban, Quang Nam. Price Range: $500 - $1,200 per night.
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Six Senses Ninh Van Bay Located in the middle of nature, this resort can only be reached by boat. With eco-villas, private pools and activities such as trekking and scuba diving, this is an ideal choice for families who love adventure. Address: Ninh Van Bay, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa. Price Range: $500 - $900 per night.
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Fusion Resort Cam Ranh A tranquil resort on Cam Ranh beach, featuring minimalist villas and private pools. Families can participate in yoga, tai chi or relax at the spa. Address: Lot D10B, Northern Peninsula Cam Ranh, Khanh Hoa. Price Range: $250 - $500 per night.
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Anantara Mui Ne Resort Located on Mui Ne Beach, Anantara combines traditional Vietnamese charm with modern amenities. Families can enjoy sandboarding, water sports and cooking classes. Address: Mui Ne Beach, Binh Thuan Province. Price Range: $200 - $450 per night.
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Full details about each resort can be found in this article.
Plan Your Family Vacation Ideal time: December to May for Phu Quoc, Con Dao; February to September for Da Nang, Hoi An. Packing list: Don't forget sunscreen, swimsuit and basic medicine. Transportation: Use domestic flights or private cars for more convenience when traveling with children. Explore more interesting articles on our blog or visit the our homepage to find the ideal itineraries for your family.
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reviewwhotell · 2 years ago
Marriott Bonvoy
Marriott Bonvoy – Chuỗi khách sạn 5 sao lớn nhất Việt Nam, với nhiều khách sạn và resort ở các tỉnh thành lớn trên cả nước như: khách sạn Hà Nội, Resort Phú Quốc khách sạn 5 sao quận 1, resort 5 sao Phú Quốc, resort Đà Nẵng, khách sạn 5 sao Đà Nẵng, khách sạn 5 sao Hà Nội, khách sạn Sài Gòn, khách sạn Mễ Trì, khách sạn quận 1, khách sạn Sài Gòn, khách sạn Đồng Khởi… Đặt phòng ngay và nhận rất nhiều ưu đãi hấp dẫn tại: https://www.marriott.com/vi/default.mi Địa chỉ khách sạn tại các tỉnh thành ở Việt Nam: 1, Khách sạn JW Hotel Marriott Hà Nội: số 8, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội , (phone: 024 3833 5588) 2, Khách sạn Sheraton Hà Nội: tọa lạc tại số K5 Nghi Tàm ngay sát bên Hồ Tây (phone: 024 3719 9000) 3, Khách sạn Sheraton Sài Gòn: số 88 Đồng Khởi, ngay trung tâm quận 1 thành phố Hồ Chí Minh (phone: 028 3827 2828) 4, Khách sạn Renaissance Riverside Sài Gòn: 15 Đ. Tôn Đức Thắng, Bến Nghé, Quận 1, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh (phone: 028 3822 0033) 5, Khách sạn Le Méridien Sài Gòn: số 3C Tôn Đức Thắng, có vị trí thuận lợi ngay bên bờ sông Sài Gòn tại Quận 1 (phone: 028 6263 6688) 6, Khách sạn Vinpearl Landmark 81: 720A Đ. Điện Biên Phủ, Phường 22, Bình Thạnh, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh (phone: 028 3971 8888) 7, JW Marriott Phú Quốc Emerald Bay Resort & Spa: Khem Beach, An Thới, Phú Quốc, Kiên Giang (phone: 0297 3779 999) 8, Khách sạn Sheraton Phú Quốc: Khu Bãi Dài, Tp. Phú Quốc (phone: 0297 3619 999) 9, Danang Marriott Resort: 7 Trường Sa, Street, Ngũ Hành Sơn, Đà Nẵng (phone: 0236 3968 888) 10, Khách sạn Four Points by Sheraton Đà Nẵng: 120 Võ Nguyên Giáp, ngay sát bờ biển Mỹ Khê (phone: 0236 3997 979) 11,Sheraton Grand Đà Nẵng Resort: vị trí đắc địa số 35 Trường Sa, cách sân bay quốc tế Đà Nẵng (phone: 0236 3988 999) 12, Sheraton Nha Trang Hotel & Spa City, 28 Trần Phú, Lộc Thọ, Nha Trang, Khánh Hòa (phone: 0258 3880 000 ) 13, Sheraton Cần Thơ: 209 Đ. 30 Tháng 4, Xuân Khánh, Ninh Kiều, Cần Thơ (phone: 0292 3761 888) 14, Sheraton Hải Phòng: Khu do thị, Hà Nội - Hải Phòng, Vinhomes Imperia, Hồng Bàng, Hải Phòng (phone: 0225 3266 888) 15, Four Points by Sheraton Lạng Sơn: Trần Hưng Đạo, Chi Lăng, Thành phố Lạng Sơn, Lạng Sơn (phone: 0205 3782 999) 16, Fairfield by Marriott South Bình Dương: City, No 5 Huu Nghi Avenue Vietnam-Singapore, Ward, Industrial Park (Vsip, Thuận An, Bình Dương) (phone: 0274 3787 300) 17,Sheraton Nha Trang Resort & Spa: City, 28 Trần Phú, Lộc Thọ, Nha Trang, Khánh Hòa (phone: 0258 3880 000) 18, Renaissance Hoi An Resort & Spa : Block 6, Phước Hải, Cửa Đại, Hội An (phone: +84 235-3753333) 19, Vinpearl Beach Front, A Tribute Portfolio Hotel, Nha Trang: 78-80 Trần Phú, Lộc Thọ, Nha Trang, Khánh Hòa (phone: 0258 3599 099) 20, Courtyard by Marriott Danang Han River: 14 Lý Tự Trọng, Thạch Thang, Hải Châu, Đà Nẵng (phone: 098 484 62 61) 21, The Westin Resort & Spa Cam Ranh: Lô D14a Bắc Bán Đảo Cam Ranh, Phường Cam Hải Đông, Huyện Cam Lâm (phone: +84 258-3993888) Nha Trang Marriott Resort & Spa, Hon Tre Island
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reviewhotell · 2 years ago
Marriott Bonvoy – Chuỗi khách sạn 5 sao lớn nhất Việt Nam, với nhiều khách sạn và resort ở các tỉnh thành lớn trên cả nước như: khách sạn Hà Nội, Resort Phú Quốc khách sạn 5 sao quận 1, resort 5 sao Phú Quốc, resort Đà Nẵng, khách sạn 5 sao Đà Nẵng, khách sạn 5 sao Hà Nội, khách sạn Sài Gòn, khách sạn Mễ Trì, khách sạn quận 1, khách sạn Sài Gòn, khách sạn Đồng Khởi… Đặt phòng ngay và nhận rất nhiều ưu đãi hấp dẫn tại: https://www.marriott.com/vi/default.mi Địa chỉ khách sạn tại các tỉnh thành ở Việt Nam: 1, Khách sạn JW Hotel Marriott Hà Nội: số 8, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội , (phone: 024 3833 5588) 2 , Khách sạn Sheraton Hà Nội: tọa lạc tại số K5 Nghi Tàm ngay sát bên Hồ Tây (phone: 024 3719 9000) 3, Khách sạn Sheraton Sài Gòn: số 88 Đồng Khởi, ngay trung tâm quận 1 thành phố Hồ Chí Minh (phone: 028 3827 2828) 4, Khách sạn Renaissance Riverside Sài Gòn: 15 Đ. Tôn Đức Thắng, Bến Nghé, Quận 1, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh (phone: 028 3822 0033) 5, Khách sạn Le Méridien Sài Gòn: số 3C Tôn Đức Thắng, có vị trí thuận lợi ngay bên bờ sông Sài Gòn tại Quận 1 (phone: 028 6263 6688) 6,Khách sạn Vinpearl Landmark 81: 720A Đ. Điện Biên Phủ, Phường 22, Bình Thạnh, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh (phone: 028 3971 8888) 7, JW Marriott Phú Quốc Emerald Bay Resort & Spa: Khem Beach, An Thới, Phú Quốc, Kiên Giang (phone: 0297 3779 999) 8, Khách sạn Sheraton Phú Quốc: Khu Bãi Dài, Tp. Phú Quốc (phone: 0297 3619 999) 9, Danang Marriott Resort: 7 Trường Sa, Street, Ngũ Hành Sơn, Đà Nẵng (phone: 0236 3968 888) 10,Khách sạn Four Points by Sheraton Đà Nẵng: 120 Võ Nguyên Giáp, ngay sát bờ biển Mỹ Khê (phone: 0236 3997 979) 11, Sheraton Grand Đà Nẵng Resort: vị trí đắc địa số 35 Trường Sa, cách sân bay quốc tế Đà Nẵng (phone: 0236 3988 999) 12, Sheraton Nha Trang Hotel & Spa City, 28 Trần Phú, Lộc Thọ, Nha Trang, Khánh Hòa (phone: 0258 3880 000 ) 13, Sheraton Cần Thơ: 209 Đ. 30 Tháng 4, Xuân Khánh, Ninh Kiều, Cần Thơ (phone: 0292 3761 888) 14,Sheraton Hải Phòng: Khu do thị, Hà Nội - Hải Phòng, Vinhomes Imperia, Hồng Bàng, Hải Phòng (phone: 0225 3266 888) 15, Four Points by Sheraton Lạng Sơn: Trần Hưng Đạo, Chi Lăng, Thành phố Lạng Sơn, Lạng Sơn (phone: 0205 3782 999) 16,Fairfield by Marriott South Bình Dương: City, No 5 Huu Nghi Avenue Vietnam-Singapore, Ward, Industrial Park (Vsip, Thuận An, Bình Dương) (phone: 0274 3787 300) 17, Sheraton Nha Trang Resort & Spa: City, 28 Trần Phú, Lộc Thọ, Nha Trang, Khánh Hòa (phone: 0258 3880 000) 18, Renaissance Hoi An Resort & Spa : Block 6, Phước Hải, Cửa Đại, Hội An (phone: +84 235-3753333) 19, Vinpearl Beach Front, A Tribute Portfolio Hotel, Nha Trang: 78-80 Trần Phú, Lộc Thọ, Nha Trang, Khánh Hòa (phone: 0258 3599 099) 20, Courtyard by Marriott Danang Han River: 14 Lý Tự Trọng, Thạch Thang, Hải Châu, Đà Nẵng (phone: 098 484 62 61) 21, The Westin Resort & Spa Cam Ranh: Lô D14a Bắc Bán Đảo Cam Ranh, Phường Cam Hải Đông, Huyện Cam Lâm (phone: +84 258-3993888) 21 Nha Trang Marriott Resort & Spa, Hon Tre Island
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reviewhotel · 2 years ago
khách sạn cao cấp tại hà nội
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Marriott Bonvoy – Chuỗi khách sạn 5 sao lớn nhất Việt Nam, với nhiều khách sạn và resort ở các tỉnh thành lớn trên cả nước như: khách sạn Hà Nội, Resort Phú Quốc khách sạn 5 sao quận 1, resort 5 sao Phú Quốc, resort Đà Nẵng, khách sạn 5 sao Đà Nẵng, khách sạn 5 sao Hà Nội, khách sạn Sài Gòn, khách sạn Mễ Trì, khách sạn quận 1, khách sạn Sài Gòn, khách sạn Đồng Khởi…
Đặt phòng ngay và nhận rất nhiều ưu đãi hấp dẫn tại: https://www.marriott.com/vi/default.mi
Địa chỉ khách sạn tại các tỉnh thành ở Việt Nam
Khách sạn JW Hotel Marriott Hà Nội: số 8, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội , (phone: 024 3833 5588) 
Khách sạn Sheraton Hà Nội: tọa lạc tại số K5 Nghi Tàm ngay sát bên Hồ Tây (phone: 024 3719 9000) 
Khách sạn Sheraton Sài Gòn: số 88 Đồng Khởi, ngay trung tâm quận 1 thành phố Hồ Chí Minh (phone: 028 3827 2828)
Khách sạn Renaissance Riverside Sài Gòn: 15 Đ. Tôn Đức Thắng, Bến Nghé, Quận 1, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh (phone: 028 3822 0033)
Khách sạn Le Méridien Sài Gòn: số 3C Tôn Đức Thắng, có vị trí thuận lợi ngay bên bờ sông Sài Gòn tại Quận 1 (phone: 028 6263 6688)
Khách sạn Vinpearl Landmark 81: 720A Đ. Điện Biên Phủ, Phường 22, Bình Thạnh, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh (phone: 028 3971 8888)
JW Marriott Phú Quốc Emerald Bay Resort & Spa: Khem Beach, An Thới, Phú Quốc, Kiên Giang (phone: 0297 3779 999)
Khách sạn Sheraton Phú Quốc: Khu Bãi Dài, Tp. Phú Quốc (phone: 0297 3619 999) 
Danang Marriott Resort: 7 Trường Sa, Street, Ngũ Hành Sơn, Đà Nẵng (phone: 0236 3968 888)
Khách sạn Four Points by Sheraton Đà Nẵng: 120 Võ Nguyên Giáp, ngay sát bờ biển Mỹ Khê (phone: 0236 3997 979)
Sheraton Grand Đà Nẵng Resort: vị trí đắc địa số 35 Trường Sa, cách sân bay quốc tế Đà Nẵng (phone: 0236 3988 999)
Sheraton Nha Trang Hotel & Spa City, 28 Trần Phú, Lộc Thọ, Nha Trang, Khánh Hòa  (phone: 0258 3880 000 )
Sheraton Cần Thơ: 209 Đ. 30 Tháng 4, Xuân Khánh, Ninh Kiều, Cần Thơ (phone: 0292 3761 888) 
Sheraton Hải Phòng: Khu do thị, Hà Nội - Hải Phòng, Vinhomes Imperia, Hồng Bàng, Hải Phòng (phone: 0225 3266 888)
Four Points by Sheraton Lạng Sơn: Trần Hưng Đạo, Chi Lăng, Thành phố Lạng Sơn, Lạng Sơn (phone: 0205 3782 999)
Fairfield by Marriott South Bình Dương: City, No 5 Huu Nghi Avenue Vietnam-Singapore, Ward, Industrial Park (Vsip, Thuận An, Bình Dương) (phone: 0274 3787 300) 
Sheraton Nha Trang Resort & Spa: City, 28 Trần Phú, Lộc Thọ, Nha Trang, Khánh Hòa (phone: 0258 3880 000)
 Renaissance Hoi An Resort & Spa : Block 6, Phước Hải, Cửa Đại, Hội An (phone: +84 235-3753333)
 Vinpearl Beach Front, A Tribute Portfolio Hotel, Nha Trang: 78-80 Trần Phú, Lộc Thọ, Nha Trang, Khánh Hòa (phone: 0258 3599 099) 
Courtyard by Marriott Danang Han River: 14 Lý Tự Trọng, Thạch Thang, Hải Châu, Đà Nẵng (phone: 098 484 62 61)
The Westin Resort & Spa Cam Ranh: Lô D14a Bắc Bán Đảo Cam Ranh, Phường Cam Hải Đông, Huyện Cam Lâm (phone: +84 258-3993888)
Nha Trang Marriott Resort & Spa, Hon Tre Island
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timnhanh · 2 years ago
"Bí kíp" du lịch Đảo Ngọc Phú Quốc
Phú Quốc nằm ở đâu hoặc thuộc tỉnh nào là những câu hỏi đang được quan tâm và tìm kiếm nhiều nhất trên internet. Để giải đáp cho những câu hỏi này, hãy đọc bài viết dưới đây. Thông tin sau đây sẽ giúp bạn có một chuyến đi thuận lợi hơn.
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Đảo Phú Quốc vô cùng hấp dẫn với vẻ đẹp tuyệt vời (Ảnh ST). Phú Quốc là một hòn đảo lớn nằm cách xa đất liền và là hòn đảo có diện tích rộng nhất ở Việt Nam với tổng diện tích lên tới 574km2. Nằm ở phía tây nam của Việt Nam và thuộc vịnh Thái Lan, hòn đảo này có vĩ độ từ 9º53′ đến 10º28′ vĩ độ bắc và kinh độ từ 103º49′ đến 10405′ đông. Đảo Phú Quốc nằm gần Campuchia, cách bờ biển tỉnh Kampot khoảng 14 hải lý. Đối với Việt Nam, đảo cách thành phố Rạch Giá khoảng 65 hải lý (tức 120km) và thị xã Hà Tiên khoảng 25 hải lý (tức 45km).
Phú Quốc thuộc tỉnh nào?
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Tham gia chèo thuyền trên bờ biển Phú Quốc (Ảnh ST). Phú Quốc, được xem như "đảo ngọc", được hình thành từ 22 đảo nhỏ xung quanh, tạo thành Huyện đảo Phú Quốc, thuộc tỉnh Kiên Giang. Trong số này, đảo Phú Quốc là đảo có diện tích lớn nhất ở Việt Nam. Trên đảo hiện có 2 thị trấn quan trọng là An Thới và Dương Đông, cùng với 8 xã. Theo số liệu thống kê năm 2015 của tỉnh Kiên Giang, dân số trên đảo đã đạt hơn 102.000 người.
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Phú Quốc là điểm đến lý tưởng để thưởng thức kỳ nghỉ dưỡng (Ảnh ST).
Bản đồ hướng dẫn du lịch đảo Phú Quốc
Vì đây là hòn đảo lớn nhất ở Việt Nam, việc khám phá được tất cả các vẻ đẹp của nó không phải là điều dễ dàng. Vì vậy, để có thể khám phá hòn đảo này một cách thuận tiện, du khách nên có một bản đồ hoặc một cuốn cẩm nang du lịch Phú Quốc. Điều này sẽ giúp du khách dễ dàng và thoải mái trong việc khám phá hòn đảo xinh đẹp này.
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Ảnh ST cho thấy bản đồ của Phú Quốc. Từ hình ảnh bản đồ Phú Quốc trên, chúng ta có thể thấy rằng đảo có địa hình kéo dài xuống phía Nam và mở rộng về phía Tây. Khu vực phía Bắc của đảo là nơi tập trung các khu rừng nguyên sinh với hệ sinh thái đa dạng và phong phú. Trong khi đó, phía Nam của đảo lại có nhiều bãi biển hoang sơ và hấp dẫn. Dương Đông, một thị trấn đặt tại vị trí đắc địa giữa trung tâm đảo Phú Quốc, tạo điều kiện thuận lợi cho du khách khám phá nhiều địa điểm du lịch theo nhiều hướng khác nhau.
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Ảnh ST cho thấy bản đồ du lịch của Phú Quốc. Nếu bạn quay về phía Bắc, bạn sẽ được trải nghiệm không gian thoáng đãng, trong lành, lý tưởng cho một kỳ nghỉ thư giãn. Còn nếu bạn muốn tận hưởng những bãi biển tuyệt đẹp và thỏa sức vui chơi, thì phía Nam chính là điểm đến hoàn hảo nhất. Dưới đây là danh sách các tuyến đường chính để bạn tham khảo khi khám phá các địa điểm du lịch tại Phú Quốc.
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Dưới đáy biển Phú Quốc, ta ngắm nhìn những san hô tuyệt đẹp (Ảnh ST). Quốc lộ 46: Đây là con đường chính kết nối hai thị trấn Dương Đông và An Thới với nhau. Nếu du khách đi qua con đường này, họ sẽ có cơ hội tham quan một số địa điểm nổi tiếng ở Phú Quốc. Trong số đó, có thể kể đến di tích lịch sử nhà tù Phú Quốc, Bãi Sao, Bãi Khem và Cảng An Thới. Cư dân địa phương thường gọi con đường này là "Nguyễn Văn Cừ". Quốc lộ 47 là tuyến đường kết nối thị trấn Dương Đông với hai xã Hàm Ninh và Dương Tơ. Ngoài ra, nó cũng là con đường dẫn đến Quốc lộ 46.
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Phú Quốc - Thiên đường nghỉ ngơi tuyệt vời (Ảnh ST). Con đường Nguyễn Trung Trực là tuyến đường nối từ thị trấn Dương Đông tới xã Bãi Thơm, mang đến cho du khách một lựa chọn thuận tiện để đến đích. Đoạn đường Dương Đông- Cửa Cạn- Gành Dầu là tuyến đường nối giữa thị trấn Dương Đông và hai xã Gành Dầu và Cửa Cạn. Khi đi dọc tuyến đường này, khách du lịch có thể ghé thăm các điểm đến du lịch như Bãi Dài, bãi biển Gành Dầu, bãi biển Vũng Bầu, biển Cửa Cạn và Bãi Ông Lang.
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Đảo Phú Quốc - Địa điểm lý tưởng để chụp ảnh check-in đẹp. Đường Suối Cái - Mũi Dương là một tuyến đường đất đỏ, sau đó sẽ dẫn bạn đến đường mòn của Rừng Quốc gia Phú Quốc. Bạn cũng có thể đi từ xã Gành Dầu hoặc đường Nguyễn Trung Trực. Đường Trần Hưng Đạo: Nếu bạn muốn khám phá khu vực bãi biển Long Beach, hãy lựa chọn con đường này.
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Ảnh Dinh Cậu được ngắm nhìn từ xa. Đường 30 Tháng 4 là một trong những tuyến đường chính ở thị trấn Dương Đông. Nó sẽ dẫn bạn đến đền Dinh Cậu, Quốc lộ 47, đường Hùng Vương và đường Trần Hưng Đạo. Read the full article
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thestreetphilosopher-blog · 4 years ago
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Spiderman picked up at Khem beach, Phu Quoc.
(Background: translating Ram Dass)
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