#Meryl Concord
elfietheespeon · 2 months
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Narrator 2: Sherman finds himself swarmed, swept up in a massive communal bear hug. Have you ever been hugged by an entire town?
(Midst Season 3 Episode 14; Shindig)
It's CR takeover time, everybody! In celebration of the Moonward trailer (releasing on July 24th), from now until July 23rd, send in your Midst fanart to critrole.com/submit!! It doesn't have to be new, either.
Our goal is to flood this week's fanart gallery with Midst as much as possible, so don't be afraid to submit whatever you've made, regardless of medium.
We ride at Unset, my foldet siblings. To (wholesome) battle!
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saintfu · 5 months
That nutcracker really was a shitty gift.
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danikatze · 3 months
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[ID in alt text]
"Lark does something Tzila has never seen her do before. She smiles."
(Excuse me while I cry a little)
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Little Women (2019, Greta Gerwig)
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kerosene-in-a-blender · 3 months
One thing (among many) that Midst does incredibly well is that the narrators use character death as a narrative tool expertly. Every death in the series does something and each death tends to have a narrative weight that's proportional to the narrative weight the deceased character had while alive.
Stationary Hill's Postmaster and Agatha Ledge are both minor characters whose deaths, while they are felt by the characters who knew them in universe, mostly serve to highlight the danger the other characters find themselves in, as the Moon Tearror hits Stationary Hill and the remaining Breach members (and Jonas Spahr) are plummeting through a razor-sharp mica field respectively. Meryl Concord is likewise a fairly minor character whose death serves both to mirror her brother Atticus's* (more on him later) and usher in the final phase of the conflict against Weepe by showing the how dangerous the heaving mass of tearror unleashed from his puppeteered body is. All these deaths serve to establish the lethal stakes of the situations each death occurs in, but are ultimately not dwelt upon too long by the narrative. This works because these are minor characters; they had little enough presence that the story can swiftly move on in their absence without feeling like a disservice to them.
Milton Fleit Sr. and Imelda Goldfinch are both antagonistic characters who ultimately die fairly ignoble deaths that the narrative doesn't dwell too long on, largely because, as the finale itself points out in regards to Imelda, none of the living characters we follow care enough about either of them to dwell on their deaths. But despite his both their deaths are heavily symbolically loaded. Milton Fleit Sr. dies in the same moment that Valor dies and the Trust begins bleeding out. Imelda Goldfinch dies in the moment that all her scheming to get Weepe in control of the Trust because she believes the Trust needs a man like him to lead it comes to nothing because Weepe at this point is a dying, broken man aggressively lashing out at everything around him. The narrative spends little time dwelling on the deaths of the characters themselves, and that works despite how important of a character Imelda in particular was, because it serves to highlight that ultimately, both of their lives, spent devoted heart and soul to the Trust, came to absolutely nothing because the Trust died with them.
Atticus Concord, Fuze Peabody, and Kozma Lazlo are important secondary characters whose deaths end up as catalysts for major plot developments later in the story. Atticus, in his attempt to blackmail Weepe and Saskia over the Black Candle Cabaret's role in the Breach route, ended up both murdered by Weepe and providing him with the means to facilitate his raise into the upper echelons of Trust society (in the form of his meticulously documented notes on every Breached employee of the Cabaret). His death is also the reason Meryl enters the story and avenging him is the reason she stabs Weepe and in doing so directly shapes the final confrontation between Midst's three protagonists. Fuze's murder after informing Phineas and Spahr via letter that he had information about the Trust's most infamous murder case resulted in Phineas' attack on Sherman in the Cabaret, Phineas impulsively running off after Tzila in a desperate bid to avoid Spahr saying he'd failed, Sherman selling Lark out to the Trust, and the Trust's focus throughout season 3 on finding Lark in order to solve to the economic crisis caused by Midst's moon exploding. Kozma's death at the hands of Weepe after threatening the Upper Trust is the trigger for the Breach's attack on the Central Vault, which is what ushers in the final act of the story. It is also the moment in which we learn that before he was Moc Weepe that character was a Fold Baron whom the other Barons, spearheaded by Kozma, attempted to murder by throwing him into the Fold Depths in a mica sarcophagus.** These characters were all major drivers of certain aspects of the plot in life, and they remained so in death, with each one of their demises having ripple effects that lasted through to the end of the story. The deaths of all three of these characters were also very heavily telegraphed. Weepe threatens Atticus on their first meeting with death if he's fucking with the Cabaret, Fuze is introduced as a man who is going to be murdered before too long, and Kozma's death is foreshadowed in the episode icon for "Baron", which shows someone's red blood in Weepe's pump apparatus.
The two most plot-central characters to die***, Moc Weepe and Saskia del Norma likewise had their deaths telegraphed to the audience in advance of them actually happening, with the narrators describing Weepe's happenstance first meeting with Imelda Goldfinch as spelling his doom and the way Saskia looks at Sherman, and tells him to go on without her at the end of "Shindig" signalling that something major is happening with her other body in the Highest Light and that whatever it is is not good for her. These deaths also were both given a lot of narrative breathing room. Saskia's death is in many ways the primary narrative subject of not only "Ghosts", the episode in which she has her final confrontation with Weepe before expiring, but also "Shindig", the episode that showed us why she made the choice to shred the remaining explosive beads at the cost of one of her bodies (and eventually her life). This post here is a great breakdown of how key an episode "Shindig" is in understanding Saskia and her motivations at the end. As mentioned above the narrators called Weepe's doom as early as season 1, and in many ways the entire series was a slow build towards his demise, especially after Imelda's actions (and Spahr's inactions) in "Inside" lead to a drastic worsening of his Fold condition. Weepe's immanent death hangs over "Ghosts" as much as Saskia's does, as Mother Trauma says, Saskia doesn't have long, but neither does Weepe. The finale also takes time out of the frenetic pacing of the final battle to have a quiet moment with the last remaining exhausted flicker of Moc Weepe, to show that above all else he is just tired and wants to finally rest. These deaths are given a lot of time to sit and settle because these are central characters, and their deaths have as much narrative weight as their lives do. As well, in Saskia's case, she remains central to the plot after her death, as it is what drives Weepe into the despair fueled rampage that he spends the final two episodes of the show in, and it is in her name that the Stationarians charge Weepe and the Company.
Every character who dies in Midst has their death count for something, in a narrative sense, but how much that death is doing is proportional to the weight the character had in the narrative while alive, and that helps make each death feel appropriate, narratively earned and appropriately impactful.
*Meryl Concord is Weepe's last onscreen victim, just as her brother is his first, and they both die the same way, being horribly dissolved by the Fold strain in his blood.
**The word "sarcophagus" is also used to describe what Lark creates to contain the leaking Fold from Weepe's corpse. Moc Weepe began and ended in a sarcophagus of glittering material, the first which excited Fold and the second which calmed it.
***It's debatable whether or not Lark's fate counts as "dead", as it seems she more became a permanent part of the Fold than anything else. Regardless, the pattern still applies, Lark's acceptance of the Fold and it's acceptance of her has been a part of her arc from the beginning of the show, and the moment where she joined it was another quiet moment in an action packed finale that was allowed to breathe and settle with the audience.
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playerkingsley · 3 months
a little more than half the episode left for meryl concord to show up. let her crack a nut
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okay, but how the fuck does Meryl Concord fit into all of this, the fact that she's looking for Atticus and knows Weepe did something to vanish him has gotta be relevant, but HOW
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hoarding-stories · 4 months
I love the narrators continuing to give us no clarity whatsoever about Meryl Concord
What do you mean she doesn't like nuts
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lawless-walrus · 5 months
spoilers for S3E12 of midst
Weepe and Saskia’s relationship has occupied my damn brain space since inside, and their reunion has been my most anticipated event to happen in ANY media since we learned in breakfast that Saskia was going to the light with Harry. One little pet peeve I’ve had with not writing this sooner is seeing people be very reductive with what’s gonna happen, or even their relationship. Which is easy to fall into, considering weepe doesn’t seem to be anything other than an opalescent, weird, evil bastard when you shine a light on him. But just like his body, there are very dark things hiding within his character. And a big part of season 3 has been seeing those dark things finally begin to show. So let’s get inside these 2 characters heads fully and completely, to understand their relationship with eachother.
Both Saskia and weepe are mysterious characters at first, on the second episode the only thing we are sure of either of them is that they run the black candle, are criminals, and are a bit quirky. Concord is even initially taken aback by the funky dynamic they had. Let’s start with Saskia, who, for all that she has to hide, is much more clear to us as a character than Mr. Moc Weepe. She was the owner of the black candle cabaret, which weepe says in was kind of crappy when he first saw it, before he stepped in to help make it the very successful business it is. And she’s also a valorous trustee, which means she immigrated to midst from the Un before weepe did. She’s been in midst for a very long time. Infact, she was one of the first settlers of stationary hill back in 598. Judging that she’s in her early 40’s according to Sara in the tumblr AMA, Saskia would be at most 18 when she arrived at stationary hill, meaning that she has been a part of Stationary hill and midst for both the entirety of its life, and for the entirety of her adult life. She would die for this place. Twice. She’s been shown time and time again to be an idealist and someone who deeply cares about each and every member of this community. And that extends to Mr. Moc Weepe. To quote her in Coda “See, I told you! I promised I was gonna work on him.”. What this line implies is that upon arriving on stationary hill, people were quick to assume/realize that Moc Weepe is kind of a freak. He’s not someone anyone would like working at their place of business based on first impressions. But Saskia is an idealist, and partnered with weepe anyway. And he seems to have been a very good bet, as he has transformed the black candle cabaret into an enviable establishment across the cosmos. Weepe was an exceptional justification of her idealism.
Saskia was disappointed when Weepe betrayed her. Not shocked. Disappointed. She was so upset that the man she helped get better, the person who helped her in-turn turn the black candle cabaret into something special, someone who, like Saskia, had gotten involved in the community enough these last 6-7 years to earn the nickname the mayor of stationary hill, would fuck her and everything else over. She thought, hoped, he had changed. And Moc Weepe seems to believe in interest that he’s incapable of that. That he is a man who cannot do good. But moving beyond business partners for a second. In the quote I’m pulling from coda early on in the last paragraph, just before weepe mentions that Saskia really had to pull his leg to come on stage and sing with her. Which begs the question, why does she want to sing with him? An answer so easy it’s almost a no brainer to bring up. Saskia wanted to sing with weepe because she likes singing with weepe, because she cares about weepe. And weepe tore out her heart not just by betraying everyone, to the trust, but by proving Saskia wrong. That being patient with him, that loving him (whatever form that love may be), was an unwise decision. In episode 16 of season 2, she through away the nutcracker for 2 reasons. 1 to not give Meryl any hints that it was weepe or someone involved in the cabaret who killed Atticus (which she instantly realizes and suspects when she learns he is dead), and to remove any trace of weepe from her life. Helping that man may still be in the cards, Saskia isn’t a spiteful person. She could’ve killed weepe in the tearorr if she wanted to. She is still an idealist. But being close with him again. Him becoming a part of her life again. That is something she does not want. Unfortunately for her however. She is now in a city ruled by him, a fact that she brings up twice in episode 3x10. And yet she stays behind to help lark and Phineas. Even though she is determined to keep weepe out of her life. She will not run.
Moc Weepe was someone else once. Maybe we’ll never know who exactly that was. But we do know that he was the Baron of Fold Shallows before Kozma. He too would’ve been young when midst was founded. Quite young when he was put in a mica maiden and dropped into the fold abyss. A boy you could say. And ever since then, he has stated that the only thing keeping him together was the thought of seeing Kozma Lazlo again and turning her into a nice damp puddle. In interest, he states that midst was supposed to be a quick pit stop. But he ended up staying there instead. For up to 7 years. She made him stay. Weepe is an incredibly cynical person. Weepe has rarely a nice thing to say about any character he interacts with in the entire series. He has never, not even once, been interested in one of Imelda’s speeches about doing the right thing. And he has a very nihilistic attitude about doing what he has to to survive. But while he certainly took a radical business minded, capitalist, hustle grind mindset while running the black candle cabaret, he seemed to start doing more than just surviving. He accidentally made a home there. He stayed in one place for too long, and put down roots without meaning too (sound familiar Lark) He usually doesn’t give a shit about consequences, but he cared then. He cared about Saskia’s opinion of him. Because she believed in him. In the Arca chamber, in what he perceived to be potentially his final moments, he called out to her, as if in his deluded state, Saskia would be the one to save him from the other side. And in some ways she did. She gave him a place to stay, a business partnership, an opportunity to do good. And he was doing it.
Despite what weepe says about that he would’ve fucked the black candle over later if he didn’t do it now, he didn’t fuck the black candle cabaret over for 4 years. In fact, when it was raided, it was in the best state it had ever been in. And when he ran out of the cabaret with only his medical case, he almost cried because he was leaving her and this wonderful place behind for good.
Weepe is now tripotentiary, and has killed Kozma Lazlo. He is the richest person in the entire cosmos. And yet Saskia Del Norma still keeps coming up, even though she is not there. In his mind and everyone else around him, she is gone forever. He left her, and she will never come back. We’ve talked before how cult psychology works best without other relationships outside the cult. Weepe only became forced to be a trustee because the islet of midst, the black candle cabaret, and Saskia del Norma, are all gone forever to him. He has no one but Imelda (who is a whole can of worms I’ll get into some other day). And like Saskia, we get to contrasting reactions from weepe about the other. When weepe is dying in the Arca chamber, he reaches out to Saskia. When he’s at his lowest, when all is lost, he turns to the one person who believed in and cared about him. But when he’s reminded of her or the ruin of midst, like in episode 5 and 12 of season 3, he gets anxious, and steers the conversation elsewhere, rather aggressively in interest. He physically reacts to both times it’s brought up. In his new life as leader of the trust, as that old him who ruled over a vast number of islets with an ironfist, that opportunity he once had to be a good person in his and others eyes makes him very uncomfortable. He doesn’t want that reminder of when his cynicism weakened, the reminder that he gave up on being good, to come with him into his life as Baron again. But, in inside he still called to Saskia in that chamber. And he doesn’t know she’s alive. He doesn’t know that the person who once cared for him is in the light right now. And if he meets her, if he sees that she is there and real, he will not run.
(I’m still working on my essay for Imelda, I’ve been working on it for 2 weeks.)
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magadauthan · 8 months
There was a lot of (justified) fandom fussing about the changes to Meryl's character in Tristamp. She's junior to a grumpy old drunk, where before she was the HBIC. She's as wet behind the ears as it gets and very naïve to the realities of the NML outback. She doesn't have any derringers. She's even shorter. And where is Milly wtf.
We all know by now that Tristamp is a reinterpretation and kinda-sorta a prequel to the main storyline, so some of those concerns have been addressed.
Meryl is the Everyman of the series and represents the viewer, and we grow alongside her as she learns about what props up her sheltered previous life in November. She's a cub reporter, so the expository monologuing that takes place when she and Roberto are around can be partially excused. She's finding out about the world, and gumption is all she has to run on. And sass. Lots of sass.
One major difference for her character arc is her personal tragedy. '98 Meryl and Trimax Meryl are office ladies who either got assigned the Vash detail or applied for it; Tristamp Meryl chose her story, as far as we know. '98 Meryl doesn't go through a major trauma other than what happens with Legato, and in Trimax, Vash is the trauma when he inadvertently downloads his memories into her.
Tristamp Meryl can't hold on to Tonis, and she loses her innocence in that moment when all her book learning and good intentions can't save him from losing his arm and falling. From then on, she has to live with the guilt, the same way Vash lives with his guilt over everyone who's suffered from associating with him and his own good intentions gone wrong (Rollo). Her burden is her own; she's not bearing it on behalf of Vash.
As the series moves on, she's told many times to stop, to back off, to go home, and she bears that additional burden when Roberto ultimately sacrifices himself for her persistence. Meryl tells Roberto he can leave, but he's no fool; she'll get wiped out in no time. He's not going to leave her out there by herself, and Vash and Wolfwood aren't going to look after her. That's not their job; it's his job. Meryl wants the scoop, in the classic teacher's pet overachiever paradigm. Roberto is there because his bosses said he had to keep her from getting herself killed in the process. He gets killed instead.
All of this is to say that Tristamp Meryl and her motivations have gone off in a very different direction than either of her progenitors, in ways that will keep her central to the plot. Which is a good thing - one criticism of Trimax is that the insurance girls disappear for long periods of time (not for nothing, but Livio and Elendira had a metaphorical peeing contest for an entire tankoubon.)
Zazie's interest in Meryl was another new wrinkle. Zazie is the voice of the planet, and it stands to reason that they felt more concordance with Nai. He styles himself as the speaker for the hivemind of Plants, which they understand on an instinctive level, and unlike the interloper humans, his mission statement is to eschew the rapacious consumption shown by the human trash. Sounds like a good deal, right? That's until Nai shows his hand and demonstrates that he does not give one single shit about anything but his agenda, and he doesn't mind wiping out the Wams along with the humans. It's the first time we see Zazie get worried. Maybe they made a bad bet.
They know Meryl-as-reporter and that her role is to speak to humans, which is what they're used to with Nai. She and they know the truth about JuLai and what Vash was trying to do. So, they pick Meryl as their new liaison with humankind, warning her that the bet has to pay off this time.
And Meryl of all people knows that trying isn't enough.
Her character design reflects her tragedy. She's wearing sunglasses, which may be a style choice but can also represent that she has something to hide. She's gone from wanting to be respectable to ditching her assignment and sneaking off to JuLai to pay her respects. She gets threats from her superiors about getting busted down to insurance duty for insubordination. She chooses to earn those derringers. Meryl Stryfe is the rebel who champions the weirdos, and she didn't do it for Vash; she did it for herself.
With all that in mind, it will be interesting to see how her relationship with Vash is different this time. I'd argue that they aren't close in Tristamp.
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illusion-of-death · 3 months
Clearly Atticus and Meryl Concord’s last name had to be that specifically because it’s a type of grape jelly
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jestersloverre · 4 months
Now that we’re so close to midst s3 e17 I’m once again wondering what the fuck is up with Meryl concord???? And also Atticus concord???? And how this is all going to bite Weepe in the ass???
Are they actually siblings? Were they previously one person and now got split into two people? Is Atticus going to be raised from the dead thru fold magic? Will Barty and Lloyd be okay if he is raised from the dead??? Has Meryl been a red herring this whole time????
I have no idea but god the speculation is so fun, I really don’t know what to expect
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piapiatoss · 1 month
Profil Aktor dan Aktris Terkenal Dunia
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Dunia perfilman selalu dipenuhi oleh bintang-bintang berbakat yang mampu menghidupkan karakter-karakter luar biasa di layar lebar. Aktor dan aktris terkenal dunia bukan hanya dikenal karena kemampuan akting mereka, tetapi juga karena pengaruh mereka dalam industri film dan budaya populer. Berikut adalah profil beberapa aktor dan aktris terkenal yang telah meninggalkan jejak tak terlupakan dalam sejarah perfilman.
1. Meryl Streep
Meryl Streep sering dianggap sebagai salah satu aktris terbesar sepanjang masa. Lahir pada 22 Juni 1949 di Summit, New Jersey, Streep telah memenangkan tiga Academy Awards dan dinominasikan sebanyak 21 kali, sebuah rekor yang mencerminkan bakat luar biasanya. Ia dikenal karena kemampuannya dalam memainkan berbagai peran, dari drama berat seperti "Sophie's Choice" hingga komedi musikal seperti "Mamma Mia!". Keahlian akting dan dedikasinya membuatnya menjadi panutan bagi banyak aktor dan aktris muda.
2. Robert De Niro
Robert De Niro, lahir pada 17 Agustus 1943 di New York City, adalah aktor yang dikenal karena dedikasinya dalam memerankan karakter-karakter kompleks. Ia dua kali memenangkan Academy Award untuk penampilannya dalam "The Godfather Part II" dan "Raging Bull". De Niro sering bekerja sama dengan sutradara Martin Scorsese, menciptakan beberapa film ikonik seperti "Taxi Driver" dan "Goodfellas". Kemampuannya dalam membawa karakter ke kehidupan nyata dengan intensitas dan kedalaman membuatnya menjadi salah satu aktor terbaik sepanjang masa.
3. Leonardo DiCaprio
Leonardo DiCaprio, lahir pada 11 November 1974 di Los Angeles, California, telah berkembang dari bintang remaja menjadi salah satu aktor paling dihormati di Hollywood. DiCaprio pertama kali menarik perhatian dunia melalui film "Titanic" pada tahun 1997. Sejak itu, ia telah membintangi banyak film sukses, termasuk "Inception", "The Wolf of Wall Street", dan "The Revenant", yang memberikannya penghargaan Oscar pertama sebagai Aktor Terbaik. Komitmennya terhadap peran dan dedikasinya pada isu-isu lingkungan menambah dimensi lain pada karirnya.
4. Cate Blanchett
Cate Blanchett, lahir pada 14 Mei 1969 di Melbourne, Australia, adalah aktris dengan jangkauan akting yang luar biasa. Ia telah memenangkan dua Academy Awards, satu untuk perannya sebagai Katharine Hepburn dalam "The Aviator" dan satu lagi untuk perannya dalam "Blue Jasmine". Blanchett dikenal karena kemampuannya menghidupkan karakter-karakter yang kuat dan beragam, baik dalam film besar seperti "The Lord of the Rings" maupun drama kecil seperti "Carol". Keanggunan dan keahliannya membuatnya menjadi salah satu aktris paling dihormati dalam industri ini.
5. Denzel Washington
Denzel Washington, lahir pada 28 Desember 1954 di Mount Vernon, New York, adalah salah satu aktor paling berbakat dan berpengaruh di dunia. Ia telah memenangkan dua Academy Awards, satu untuk perannya dalam "Glory" dan satu lagi dalam "Training Day". Washington dikenal karena kemampuannya untuk memerankan karakter-karakter yang kuat dan karismatik. Film-filmnya seperti "Malcolm X", "The Hurricane", dan "Fences" telah menunjukkan kedalamannya sebagai aktor dan komitmennya pada kualitas akting yang tinggi.
6. Audrey Hepburn
Audrey Hepburn, lahir pada 4 Mei 1929 di Brussels, Belgia, adalah ikon film klasik yang dikenal karena kecantikannya yang anggun dan bakat aktingnya yang luar biasa. Hepburn memenangkan Academy Award untuk perannya dalam "Roman Holiday" dan dikenal luas melalui film-film seperti "Breakfast at Tiffany's" dan "My Fair Lady". Selain karir filmnya, Hepburn juga dikenal karena kerja kemanusiaannya sebagai duta UNICEF, menunjukkan dedikasinya pada membantu orang lain di seluruh dunia.
7. Tom Hanks
Tom Hanks, lahir pada 9 Juli 1956 di Concord, California, adalah aktor yang dicintai banyak orang karena peran-perannya yang hangat dan relatable. Hanks telah memenangkan dua Academy Awards berturut-turut untuk perannya dalam "Philadelphia" dan "Forrest Gump". Ia juga dikenal melalui film-film seperti "Saving Private Ryan", "Cast Away", dan "The Terminal". Kemampuannya untuk membawakan karakter yang beragam dengan kejujuran dan kemanusiaan membuatnya menjadi salah satu aktor paling disukai di Hollywood.
Para aktor dan aktris ini telah menunjukkan dedikasi, bakat, dan kerja keras dalam setiap peran yang mereka mainkan. Mereka bukan hanya menghibur, tetapi juga menginspirasi dan menggerakkan penonton di seluruh dunia. Dengan kontribusi mereka yang luar biasa dalam dunia perfilman, mereka telah mengukir nama mereka dalam sejarah sebagai bintang-bintang yang tak terlupakan.
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Little Women (2019, Greta Gerwig)
Little Women is a 2019 film written and directed by Greta Gerwig.
The film is the seventh film adaptation of Louisa May Alcott's novel of the same name. The cast includes Saoirse Ronan, Emma Watson, Florence Pugh, Eliza Scanlen, Laura Dern, Timothée Chalamet, Meryl Streep, Tracy Letts, Bob Odenkirk, James Norton, Louis Garrel and Chris Cooper.
New York, 1868. Josephine "Jo" March is a young teacher who lives in a boarding house and tries to make her way as a writer, however only managing to publish short stories with a local publisher, Mr. Dashwood.
Concord, Massachusetts, 1861.
In October 2013, Sony announced that it was working on a new film adaptation of Little Women, nineteen years after the previous one: Olivia Mich would write the screenplay, for the production of Robin Swicord and Denise Di Novi. In March 2015, produced Amy Pascal joined the development, while Sarah Polley entered negotiations, which later failed, to rewrite the film and potentially direct it. In August 2016, Greta Gerwig was tapped to rewrite the screenplay. In June 2018, in light of the success of her film Lady Bird, she was also made official as director.
Arnon Milchan's New Regency Pictures and Columbia Pictures co-financed the film.
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playerkingsley · 3 months
the real reason atticus & meryl concord chose their aliases is finally revealed: so the narrators could make a joke about jelly
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admittedly, I'm hoping that Meryl Concord coming into the narrative results in it coming to light that Weepe killed her brother and used his documentation of the Breach front at the cabaret to gain pretty much everything he has in his account
in other words, catch Weepe in the act of having stolen Valor
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