#Merlin fic idea
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regulusrules · 3 days ago
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@twistedapple624 do it. the years will pass anyway
Idea for an alternate ending:
Merlin gets Arthur to the lake in time and manage to save him.
They spend the night by the lake just talking, like they have been for the past few days, and realise that neither of them is ready to return to Camelot. For various reasons. They decide to take to the roads instead, just disappear, together.
Eventually their (few remaining) friends start to worry and the queen sends out her knights searching for them. Maybe Gaius points them towards the lake and maybe the knights find a neat pile of Arthurs belongings nearby, like his armour and cape (To heavy to carry and to easy to identify) and just assumes the worst. They knew Arthur was injured, and now presumably dead, but where is Merlin? Perhaps the grief was just to much for him? Perhaps he went home? But Hunith hasn't seen him either.
They are both gone. And life moves on.
Until a few months later when rumors start reaching the castle, about two heroes helping people throughout the realm. A fighter and a sorcerer working together using their skills to take out different threats from low life bandits to magical creatures attacking people.
No one really suspects anythingat first, but Gwen sends out her knights to find these two heroes. To confirm the rumors and if so offer a reward for their bravery. And maybe see if they would be willing to join forces?
It's not until Sir Leon hears a description of the two that he start to wonder.. A blond sword fighter with blue eyes and a regal nose who talks like a noble? A dark haired sorcerer also with blue eyes and a wide infectious smile? And they are constantly bickering and insulting each other? It couldn't be? Could it?
Trying not to get his hopes up Leon still doubles the search efforts.
No matter what they do though the knights seems to always be one step behind the two. Always gone before the knights reach the village or town they just saved. Missed them by a few days, a few hours down to mere minutes.
Somewhere along the way Leon hears about The Kiss. Told by an eye witness who saw the blond grab the warlock by the front of his tunic, haul him in and kiss him fiercely for almost getting himself killed (again, the idiot <- Arthurs note).
And suddenly things are making alot more sense. Why they never came back. Why they are staying away and don't want to be found.
He never tells Gwen. Or anyone. But that is the day Leon starts pulling back, cutting down on the search. Telling everyone it's not worth it, it has been over a year ( several years?) and there are more important things for the knights of Camelot to do then chasing ghosts. It's better if people start moving on with their lives instead. They are not coming back.
An undecided amount of time later Leon finds himself drinking alone in some random tavern in some random town, in an unknown part of the kingdom. When two cloaked strangers sit down uninvited at his table. And as he looks up their hoods fall back to reveal two very familiar and very dear faces.
Merlin grins widely. 'We heard you were looking for us?'
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obsessionrepression · 6 months ago
Kind of want a fic of Arthur being sent on a quest to kill Magic itself, the god of magic, the most powerful sorcerer to walk the Earth, Emrys, and Merlin is just standing in the background sweating
Ok, so maybe Uther hears from some captive druids about Emrys and how he’s magic itself, god of magic, so on so forth. So obviously, to get rid of magic in the world, this Emrys guy has to be killed! So Uther sends Arthur on a quest to get rid of magic once and for all, and of course, Merlin is along for the ride. This could be a pretty cool concept and magic reveal I think. I’m no good at writing though so please someone write this
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merlinmylove · 4 months ago
I have an idea for a Merlin fic but life is chaos so I cannot write it:
So for whatever reason Arthur is away (probably visiting some Lord or Nobel House) and Merlin stays behind (who knows why).
Uthers manservant is ill so he requests Merlin (after all he’s the crown prince’s manservant he should be good enough for the king).
Merlin is now stuck as Uthers servant for a week and I really want to see Merlin try to wake the King up with “rise and shine!! :D”
He talks too much and is entirely too familiar with the King, taking liberties and speaking out of turn, mentioning Arthur by name and not title, is always late with lunch but somehow…
Uther finds him fascinating. He knows Merlin is completely loyal to Arthur (he said so himself in the show). He understands Merlin hears castle gossip like most staff, but he is actually able to understand the significance behind the rumours. Merlin is also trusted by the knights and has insight into the lords and ladies of the court. He sees things, he hears things. Uther can use this
As a physician in training, he is able to treat Uthers old knee injury, and he is clearly learned. He can read and write better than some of the noblemen he’s met. One day Uther enters his chambers and finds Merlin bent over the desk looking over the grain reports “did you notice Lord Chester had been underreporting his grain storage for three years and is selling it under the table to a foreign king?”
Merlin is a terrible manservant…but Uthers clothing had never been cleaner, his armour so polished, his bathwater so hot and his notes so organised. Merlin is continuously late and covered in mud or moss, but somehow Uther finds he doesn’t mind as long as Merlin keeps feeding him important castle gossip.
Arthur gets Merlin back at the end of the week, and Merlin can finally breathe (he’s been a nervous wreck for the last seven days). Uthers servant recovers and the King has a functional servant again as is befitting his station.
But Uther is now willing to overlook some of Merlin’s …ridiculousness and familiarity with Arthur…after all, he’s realised Merlin does have some uses, even though he’s always late with breakfast.
Scenes like this:
“You’re the clumsiest excuse for a servant I’ve ever met!”
“Yes, Arthur says I have the elegance of a newborn lamb”
“Why is there a twig in your hair? It’s unbefitting of your station as servant of the King”
“I fell asleep in a ditch, anyways have you heard Lady Carteret has been seen buying hemlock at the apothecary? I’m sure Lord Carteret is soon to be missing, poor sod”
“Can you never bring me my breakfast on time?!”
“Sorry Sire, the poison tester died this morning after drinking your tea, so I had to brew it myself, and we’re in need of a new poison tester. And in totally unrelated news Lord Milder was seen fleeing the castle”
“Rise and shine!! The sun is up and you should be too!”
“Is this really how you wake your King? And where the hell is my breakfast!”
“Well Arthur usually throws a pillow at me even though it’s my job to wake him in the morning - that lazy arse!”
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I’m not usually one for miscommunication as a trope but hear me out:
Arthur thinks he and Merlin are together because Merlin says shit like “you’re my destiny” and “two sides of the same coin” fairly often.
He even looks fond or proud whenever he calls Arthur a prat, and pet names never suited them. He considered it once but it just felt weird. “Idiot.” Changed to “Idiot <3” when they finally got together and that suits them much better than Darling or Babe or whatever else.
And it’s not like he doesn’t say romantic stuff back, all: “you’re the bravest man I ever met.” Or “you’re the best friend I have and I couldn’t bare to lose you”
Meanwhile, Merlin pinpoints the same moment Arthur believed they started dating as when Arthur started acting more affectionate and Merlin’s crush got dialled up to 11.
Arthur doesn’t seem to mind, so he pushes his luck occasionally and will hug Arthur after a long day or will lean on him if they’re eating together on a hunting trip. Merlin absolutely cherishes these moments, but he’s secretly wishing they meant as much to Arthur as they do to him. (Spoiler alert: they do.)
So they must be together, Merlin just can’t be bothered with titles and with everything that happened, Agravane and Morgana betraying him, it would be ideal to wait for an announcement of their relationship.
He gifts Merlin clothes, new boots, will leave flowers in his chambers and asked for the cook to make more of Merlin’s favourites so he can steal food from Arthur’s plate because he claims it tastes better when it isn’t his food.
Arthur gave Merlin his mother’s sigil, for crying out loud. They’re obviously together.
And even better, (you can pry demi or ace Arthur from my cold dead hands) they don’t even need to be intimate beyond the occasional hug or soft gestures like Merlin brushing the hair from his face before Arthur goes to sleep at night and Arthur doing the same whenever they’re not in the castle and sleeping next to each other. He was worried at first, but Merlin never expected it, which Arthur just takes as: “And how stupid to worry? who knows him better than Merlin? Of course he would already know Arthur didn’t feel comfortable with that sort of stuff.”
Then one day, a delegation comes to Camelot and one of the foreign knights is flirting with Merlin. Arthur sees, and he doesn’t usually feel any need to act on his jealousy because he trusts Merlin, but this knight isn’t flirting in the way Gwaine does that’s just part of who he is, and Merlin looks uncomfortable. So he calls Merlin over to him, starts acting like a prat, and keeps Merlin “busy” all night by keeping his goblet full or usual servants duties.
Then later, Merlin thanks Arthur but says he doesn’t need to worry and he can handle himself. Arthur, finally relaxing after being ready to start a fight for the past three hours, pulls Merlin into a hug and kisses his forehead, because let the medieval gays be soft sometimes. He whispers something like, “I know you don’t like talking about it, and that you’ve said you don’t need a title, but you shouldn’t have to handle everything on your own.”
Merlin pulls back, looking shocked and confused. Then they actually have to talk about everything.
Merlin’s just fine with actually dating the guy he’s got a massive crush on and now he’s more willing to instigate hugs and affection. (Arthur just thought Merlin wasn’t going to push him to not make him uncomfortable but secretly wishes that he would instigate more) They end up sleeping in the same bed in Camelot too, because cuddles and softness, something Arthur wanted for a while but didn’t know how to ask for.
Basically all the problems in the relationship that Arthur was worried about but kinda felt “it’s already more than I could hope for” so didn’t want to bring up get worked out naturally and Merlin, who was previously worried about his friendship getting ruined if they changed the dynamic too much, is shocked by how little actually changed now that they’re together. He just gets to hold Arthur’s hand, can be less subtle about stealing from his dinner, gets to relax and gets an Arthur that’s more clingy and soft now that Merlin knows he’s allowed to reciprocate affection.
They still tease each other, they’re still two idiots sharing a braincell that they occasionally give to Leon to babysit, they’re just more open about being in love now. (More open to each other, anyway. Literally everyone else in Camelot knew long before they did)
Bonus points if they’ve been talking about their relationship and having the important conversation with each other the entire time, just without actually talking about it. Merlin asking why Arthur suddenly changed how affectionate he is and Arthur saying he thought he was allowed. Merlin’s just like “cool, as long as you’re okay. I’m glad you’re feeling more comfortable and relaxed.” And glad there’s no love spells or anything sinister going on. Arthur says he doesn’t like Merlin flirting with Gwaine, even if he doesn’t mean it, and Merlin agrees to stop if it makes him uncomfortable. He doesn’t think too much into it, just thinks Arthur doesn’t like the casual flirting and believes that relationships are important so casual stuff isn’t super comfortable. Merlin is still friends with Gwaine, just makes less jokes about going home with or marrying him.
Like, they’re having entire conversations and maintaining a fully functional healthy relationship, they’re just fucking idiots at the same time.
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princess-of-morkva · 5 months ago
Merlin and Arthur as Orpheus and Eurydice
so we all know about how Orpheus's challenge was actually impossible from the start because if you truly love, you always turn back?
now make it merthur
merlin bargains with the sidhe, the keepers of arthur's sleeping soul in avalon, to allow him a chance to get arthur back. and to do that, he has to lead arthur out of the underworld without turning back to look at him (we all know the story).
arthur, having just woken up and absolutely confused about everything that's going on, keeps pestering merlin with questions, and most importantly, why wouldn't he look at him?
at some point, merlin can't take it anymore, overwhelmed with grief and longing as he is, he forgets himself, just for a second, and turns around to tell Arthur off as he's done many times before.
the second their eyes meet, merlin realises his mistake.
the next second, he's standing in front of the sidhe council again. arthur isn't there.
he is then told, that the price for disobeying the rule was for him to be trapped in avalon instead. arthur can still return to the world of the living, but he now has to do it on his own.
they also say that there is still a chance for merlin to leave avalon, but that is only possible if someone comes for him the same way he has come for arthur - through overcoming the boundary between life and death by the force of their love for him.
merlin doesn't even consider that an option, seeing that there is no one left alive to even remember him, let alone love him. he doesn't think it possible someone could love him, really (merlin's s5 incredible low self esteem "he won't even notice i'm gone")
imagine his surprise when arthur comes barging into avalon demanding merlin be handed back to him
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magiccourageandstrength · 9 months ago
Merlin Sword Fighting Headcanon
You know the headcannon where Merlin knows how to use a sword and turns out that he’s basically a master because of how much training he does with Arthur.
I think that it would be hilarious if he was only able to beat Arthur. Not because he’s skilled with a sword but because he knows Arthur’s every move. He’s been practicing with him for years, he’s bound to anticipate the next strike.
When it comes to any other knight though, Merlin has no idea what to expect. Because he doesn’t know them like he knows Arthur. When he spars with any of the other knights he loses, but when he spars with Arthur he wins in 2 minutes tops.
Imagine Arthur making him fight all of the round table knights and then him (maybe as some kind of punishment for being in the ‘tavern’). Merlin loses to each and every one of the knights. Arthur has been calling him names and poking fun at him as he does.
The tables completely turn when it’s Arthur’s turn to fight him. The knights gather round to watch as Arthur struggles to surprise Merlin with his attacks. Merlin even manages to get in a few jabs before he disarms Arthur.
Merlin brags about it for a week at least and Arthur sets up a private sparring session with him so he can become less predictable.
if there is a fic out there like this please tell me
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magicourageandstrength · 9 months ago
Merlin’s birthday
I need more fics where Merlin doesn’t know his birthday.
Cause he grew up out in the country, and of course they lose track of the days out there. They don’t have a calendar. It makes sense that he might not know the exact date he was born.
When Arthur finds this out he’s absolutely bewildered, like ‘what do you mean you think you’re 22’.
Arthur makes it his mission to find out the day he was born and surprises Merlin with a party or something.
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bellalunadreams · 11 months ago
Merlin Cinderella au 🫣
I’m not good at writing but, I think it would be really cute to have a Cinderella au with everything being the same (setting and Arthur being the prince wise)
It would take place when Merlin just comes to Camelot, and instead of living in the castle, Gauis has a house/healing center in the lower town.
I don’t think the evil stepmother and sisters would come into play. But it would just be Merlin coming to Camelot like in the show and becoming quick friends with people in the kingdom (huge ‘everyone loves Merlin’ believer)
Uthur wants Arthur to marry to continue the bloodline and to secure him as next in line to rule. So he holds a ball for all eligible (noble) suitors in the kingdom (suspended disbelief of Uthurs possible bigotry 💀)
Merlin wants to go cause he thinks it’ll be fun but he can’t since he’s not a noble. He goes looking through Gauis’s old magic books to find a spell to change his appearance and accidentally summons a fairy godmother.
He gets his disguise but it’ll only last till midnight so he makes the most of it and causes as much mischief as possible, when else is he ever gonna get an opportunity to get into the castle and get away with anything he wants with no repercussions? (No one will recognize him 😈)
Arthur is overwhelmed with everyone practically throwing themselves at him so he gets away to the gardens( or something of that sort)
There he spots Merlin setting up a prank or something. He questions what he’s doing and Merlin says something like “are you a snitch?”
Merlin and Arthur proceed to pull pranks on a bunch of the nobles and Arthur has the time of his life for the first time in forever. Merlin doesn’t treat him like the prince, he treats him like just some guy and Arthur loves it.
They settle down back in the gardens with them both in a fit of laughter after their last joke. One of them makes a comment about having not danced the entire night. With the overbearing music of the hall muffled by the quiet of the garden, they dance together under the moonlight.
Arthur makes a comment about not even knowing Merlin’s name when the bells chime for midnight.
Merlin’s eyes widen like saucers and he takes off, shouting apologies as he goes. And in his rush off his neckerchief snags on one of the flower bushes.
Arthur finds the neckerchief and swears he’ll find that mysterious man again.
Merlin makes it back to Gauis’s hut just in time as the spell wears off and passes out in bed
The next morning there’s a royal decree to find the man danced with the prince and lost his neckerchief getting away
I feel that Arthur would be really determined to find him. And he would know that Merlin was not a noble, no noble would behave the way Merlin did.
Arthur would personally go through the whole kingdom, house to house if he had to.
I feel like they would meet again in a really funny way too. Like Merlin would be delivering something for Gauis and they would run into each other like how they met in the show.
As soon as Arthur would hear his snarky comeback he would know that it’s him lol
Arthur would propose to him on the spot with the neckerchief
And they would live snark-ly ever after
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starrieisdelusional · 4 months ago
Morgana-Arthur Role swap au
foaming at the mouth at evil arthur because of that one fanart sebehdndbgs obsessed:
morgana and arthur swap roles. Morgana ruled as queen with gwen at her side to honor uther’s legacy and arthur doing absolutely everything to tear the kingdom apart.
arthur went rogue for all the hypocrisy and lies of uther reign. He was furious about his mother, the final straw when his father drives a sword into his lover’s heart.
Morgana keeping everything in order so the kingdom wont fall apart in the lost of their two kings. because this will be the kingdom that brings the golden age.
arthur despises it. Every single person who spouts about destiny and prophecies. a child cruelly treated just because he’s the one who’ll bring arthur’s end. His heart ache. He made an oath to bring ruin to camelot with excalibur on his side.
**more ramblings
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dollopole · 1 month ago
What I need to see more in Merlin modern AUs fanfictions is Arthur trying to be conventionally funny and therefore him trying to make his friends’ circle laugh, but he just gets all these weird, fond looks because no, he’s not funny, he’s not funny by a fucking mile, but his friends love him, so there’s that.
The one person who always cracks up at Arthur’s jokes, tho? You bet. Merlin will be right there cackling like a fucking duck that’s being chocked by an evil witch and snorting, even if Arthur said the stupidest thing on earth.
They’re that type of couple.
I imagine it going something like this:
Arthur: So then, I asked: how do you make Holy water?
The entire Round Table waits patiently for Arthur’s answer: Ehm… How?
Arthur, smiling: You boil the hell out of it, HA! *slaps hand on the table*
*everyone silently looks at each other, wonders if Uther’s lack of affection permanently affected their friend’s communication skills*
*Meanwhile, Merlin next to him dies of laughter, and slaps Arthur’s shoulder, like he’s the funniest comedian he’s ever crossed paths with*
*Arthur is happy he made Merlin laugh :)*
Gwaine, on the verge of a breakdown: Yeah, no, mate, that was not funny, at all—
Percival goes wide eyed: Do you have a death wish—?!?!
Gwaine: Someone has got to tell him—
*Merlin grabs Gwaine by the collar and growls on his face, while he still laughs at Arthur’s jokes and watches him attempt to make another, thinking he’s got everyone hooked*
Merlin, smiling through gritted teeth: Don’t you dare finish that sentence, Gwaine, or I’ll cut your hair while you sleep.
*Gwaine clutches on his hair like a fair maiden*
*Guinevere wants to be put to death rather than to listen to Arthur trying to be funny, again*
*Elyan is fast asleep because Arthur’s talks vary from animals documentaries to history documentaries*
*Percival reins in Gwaine from getting killed*
*Leon nods and smiles, trying to be supportive, but his laughs are so fake, Merlin shoots him daggers from across the table*
*Lancelot takes videos so he can re-play them when he’s sad, and threaten Merlin with them*
*Merthur going back to their home after the night ended at four in the morning, just because Arthur insisted on explaining how adorable sharks actually are*
*cuddling on the bed, Arthur on Merlin’s chest*
Arthur: It was a funny night, wasn’t it☺️🥰😊?
Merlin, tired to the bones and pecking Arthur on his temple: Of course it was, you made everyone laugh *rubs his shoulder*
Arthur: Yeah, I did☺️🥰😌🤍✨ *happily goes to sleep*
(Merlin will need to find a way to tell his husband that he’s probably the most boring man he ever met in his entire life)
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hannahhook7744 · 5 months ago
Modern Merlin Reincarnation Idea:
The knights, Gwen, and several other players from Merlin are reincarnated. Some more aware of their past lives than others.
Gwaine and Will, being two of them.
Long story short, both Gwaine and Will want their shit and their friends’ shit back from a museum and team up to steal it back, completely unaware that the other is also reincarnated up until the point Merlin and (an immortal) Leon catch them in the act of stealing from THEIR museum.
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quinnoliver · 1 month ago
I didn't need another fic idea but what if Merthur went on a Japan trip....
(Before anyone comes for me, I'm Japanese, and lived there until 2019, worked in the tourism industry as well so I'd say I know more than a quick Google search)
Also, why's the fandom trending today?
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obsessionrepression · 4 months ago
What if post Battle of Camlaan, the only way for Merlin to save Arthur would be for their two halves to become one whole? So I’m thinking maybe they’re both two halves of one soul, and using Merlin’s magic, they become one again, like one single person. Maybe Merlin was trying to give away his immortality and did this accidentally, or maybe he knew what he was doing. Not sure, but I wonder what they would be like as a single entity.
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xxv2axx · 8 months ago
Guys, guys! Hear me out...!!!
Merlin... And "Anyone But You" crossover fic!
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Tell me someone can see my vision! PLSSS
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Kinda tempted to write another Mercelot fic that’s just Merlin and Lancelot’s letters back and forth after Lancelot left Camelot.
Lancelot being a good penpal sending:
“I’m working by the coast for now, there’s a large amount of boar attacking the village I’m staying in so I’m assisting the hunting party. I met a lovely woman named Merida who says I remind her of her late son. She’s been allowing me to stay in her home which I’m very grateful for. I think you’d like her, she almost reminds me of Gaius in some ways.”
Or something normal.
Then Merlin sends back:
“Merida sounds lovely! I always wanted to see the coast. What’s the ocean like? I sent a protection charm to keep you safe against the boar, I know you’re the best swordsman there but I’d feel better knowing you’ve a little magic on your side too while I can’t be. Camelot is well, there’s stories I’ll have to tell you when we’re together again but those can wait. I hope all is well. I miss you. P.s. I can talk to dragons now”
And it’s always added in with no other context, leaving Lancelot to worry about what on earth his warlock is doing, and Merlin feeling glad that he’s not dropping too much of his problems on Lancelot.
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princess-of-morkva · 3 months ago
(actually this is a premise for a modern au fanfic)
Emrys is the God and Saviour of Magic, one who has had many faces and has lived many lives. Every time there is a time of great need, he will be born into a human body, and live to serve his purpose. Never once has he failed the task - not until that one fateful time.
A mortal warrior, a great king was destined to bring peace and prosperity to the land of magic, and it has been his task to help him bring that prophecy to fruition. But being born in a mortal body brings with it the faults of human... feelings, and Emrys was unfortunate enough to be struck by one of the he strongest of them - love.
Love, the horrible thing, clouded his judgement, so much that no longer had he his task in mind, but only the wellbeing of one man. So enraptured by it he was, that everything he stood for, all he was became insignificant to him.
The prophecy was never fulfilled. The man died. He failed.
A love of a god is a dangerous thing, indeed.
In a last desperate effort, he tried to keep his soul, reverse death, deny natural order. But such things were outside his control, and the Goddess of Death would not be defied.
Emrys, then, did the only thing he could think of - tied their souls together, with magic so strong the world has never seen, for all of eternity.
Now, every time Emrys is born, another man is born as well, never too far away.
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