#Merlin bbc vivian
star-rie · 7 months
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i still can’t believe that georgia actually kissed david tennant and bradley james
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and i still couldn’t get over this picture of david being on set, he’s EVERYWHERE 😭😭😭
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POV you’ve informed the Queen and the Court’s Sorcerer of something and they very clearly know something that they’re not letting on
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dryadalisliv · 7 months
“How do i express my feelings”
Arthur i know it’s for the bit, but i need you to leave… because you’ll never learn to express them. you’ll lie dying, embraced by the man you love, and you will still not know how to tell him that you love him. that you love him so desperately that even when he turns out to be the very thing you were taught to hate, you can still do nothing but love him.
and you will depart this world with ‘thank you’ on your lips and ‘i love you’ in your eyes
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atdawn · 1 year
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MERLIN | 2.10 Sweet Dreams
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multifandom-aroace · 2 months
Gwen's wardrobe in season five makes me sad. (I'm not the best at analysing but please bear with me)
Partly it is the fact that it just doesn't look like something she would wear. Like I get that she looks good. She doesn't look out of place in any way, but her clothes just don't suit her.
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obviously she looks regal and beautifully. she looks like a queen, but she doesn't look like gwen.
I understand that what she wore before wasn't exactly what a queen should be wearing, but it feels like in costume design they went a bit too far in the opposite direction. all the colours are too dark, the details don't really fit with her personality. her costumes throughout the show are all relatively similar but once she becomes queen it feels like she changes completely. this probably reflects how her personality changes, which I also don't like. you would think that since she wasn't raised in nobility she would be fair and kind, not willing to kill a servant girl just because she overheard a conversation. it feels like they set it up from the beginning of the season for us to dislike her.
when I think of guinevere I think of costumes like these
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these flower corsets are some of my favourite things she wears, and she could have worn something similar when she was queen.
I started thinking, in terms of the show, about why she might have changed her costume design so much and then I thought it might have something to do with respect. swen was a servant turned queen, and probably a lot of the people of camelot wouldn't have liked this much. you know, tradition and shit. so she probably drew inspiration from the other nobility she knew and decided to dress like that. for example, a lot of what she wears is similar to what Morgana wore.
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like, obviously thay aren't exactly the same but it feels like there is definitely inspiration here.
this is probably because Morgana was respected (obviously before she because evil).
a lot of the female nobility/royalty clothing we see from camelot and the other kingdoms is Morgana, although we also see this from other visiting people, such as vivian, mithian and elena.
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(best picture I could find of her full dress)
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obviously elena is wearing a wedding dress here but she is literally marrying Arthur (who gwen married which is why she started wearing these clothes in the first place), and we can see that this colour and style is available to her class.
mithian and vivian are both wearing lighter, more delicate styles, and I get that these aren't anything I could see gwen wearing either but it's definitely closer than what she's actually wears. need I remind you that mithian was supposed to marry Arthur as well?
one thing I could find that is similar is literally gwen's coronation dress. while not exactly the same, it does seem very similar to somathing Morgana wore when she became queen
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I feel like the purple and the gold colour scheme seem quite similar, as well as the sleeves and the general embroidered decorations.
I do also feel like this might be the most similar to gwen's original style that she goes in terms of her costumes as queen. it's a lighter colour and the gold decorations feels less heavy than when it is mixed with a darker fabric. this dress is more silky and delicate, rather than one of the first things she wears in season 5
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the gold appears to be maybe a darker shade of gold especially when mixed with the maroon colour of the dress. this dress is clearly perfect for a queen, but it just doesn't feel like gwen. (not necessarily connected to Morgana jsut another point)
i guess what she was trying to do was remind the people of camelot that she was to be respected, and she knew how much people had loved Morgana. vivian and elena, on the other hand, were not. they were only in camelot for a short time but in that time they didn't really get people to like them. vivian was rude and elena was a bit 'weird' to them (not sure how else to describe their reactions to her). gwen didn't even meet mithian because she was in exile (another reason she needed people to respect her), so Morgana was the best person to take inspiration from.
the connection to morgana's outfits could also represent the connection between them later in the season and when gwen is under her control
overall, I think they did gwen dirty in the final season and she definitely deserved better.
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gramnel · 1 year
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Now it's almost half of the alphabet!
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merlin-gifs · 1 year
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MERLIN | 2x10 “Sweet Dreams”
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akelafang · 4 months
Something that's always bothered me is titles and how they are used in Merlin. Why the fuck is Elena referred to as Princess Elena but her father is only ever referred to as Lord Godwyn?! Why is he not King Godwyn? And why is the reverse true for King Olaf and his daughter Lady Vivian?
To alleviate this annoyance I've come up with a theory that I feel explains this inconsistency.
For the ladies, it might have to do with succession. We know Elena is Godwyn's only child so maybe since she's his heir she's styled princess and Vivian might have a brother that's just not mentioned who's the heir. If Vivian's not next in line for the throne maybe that's why she's Lady Vivian instead of princess. Mithian being styled princess and the only child of King Rodor (If Mithian had any siblings I'm pretty sure we'd see them at some point during their kingdom being couped) also supports this idea.
This doesn't explain Godwyn being a Lord but I have an idea for that. He's not a king, he's a regent. I think Elena's mother was the one born into the royal family and was the Queen Regnant with Godwyn as her husband and Lord Consort. After she died he took over as regent until Elena is ready to take the throne, thus making him the ruler of his kingdom but not a king.
I don't know if this theory will hold up to scrutiny from someone with a better understanding of royal titles than me but it's the one I'm choosing to apply to any future ideas involving these characters.
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worthyprnce · 8 days
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✶— day thirteen: lady vivian
first! previous! next!
❕ please do not repost without credits :)
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sneakyboymerlin · 1 month
Gwen and Morgana can do so much better than Leon… Why do so many fics pair them off with him? Just cause he’s available? Do you want only bad things for these girls.
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pyrthcamelot · 11 months
why is it just now that I realise georgia played lady vivian in merlin???
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wtf?? was I living under a rock all this time?? I mean yeah, it's possible
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hoarder-of-dragons · 1 year
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daisymintt · 1 year
Princess Vivian: [lovingly] Sweet Arthur…
Merlin: Yeah, he's pretty sweet, all right. His head is like a hay-covered honeydew.
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hannahhook7744 · 6 months
Modern Merlin Moodboards (Part 3) (Revamped);
Previous parts: Modern Merlin Playlist, Moodboard Masterlist, Modern Will Fic, Modern Gwaine Pie Story, Au, 1 , and 2.
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Character: William of Ealdor.
Modern name: William 'Will' Knightley.
Age: 37 years old.
Modern job: Professional soccer/football player.
Short rundown of their modern life: Will grew up poor in a small town in England after his father (who worked for the royal family) died for their country.
Because of this, he grew up without his father and started to resent royalty, causing him to move to the states the first chance he got after playing football for awhile after his mother died. Which America calls Soccer. Because of this he refers to the sport by both names.
Soon after moving to Nashville, Will started volunteering at Tristan and Izzy's Youth Center, where he went on to meet his wife, Elena. Who he fell for immediately.
During a vacation the two went on not long after they started dating, Will got into a tree chopping accident and was saved by a mysterious doctor, Merlin Everstone, who soon became his best friend and introduced him to most of the other people who he soon began to see as good friends.
When he and Elena got married, Merlin was his best man, and when they adopted their son, Marcel, they made him the God Father.
They are also the godparents of Merlin's own son, Dragonet.
Merlin is also the one Will seeks advice from when he decides to hire someone new because he finds that Merlin has good instincts. Which Elena agrees with.
Which is how they came to hire George and several of his family members.
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Character: Princess Elena of Gawant.
Modern name: Elena Knightley.
Age: 35 years old.
Modern job: Horse Riding Instructor.
Short rundown of their modern life: Elena grew up different and was seen as a problem child by many because of the fact that she was a clumsy tomboy.
Seen as a problem child by everyone except her father who encouraged her to follow her dreams. So she did, becoming an horse riding instructor and a volunteer at the local Youth Center where she met her husband, Will.
Who would be saved by a man named Merlin who became a good friend of theirs and the best man at their wedding after he saved Will during a tree chopping accident that occurred while on vacation.
The man also became the Godfather to their adoptive son, Marcel, after they adopted him and they became the Godparents to his son in turn.
Not long after they adopted Marcel, Elena got back in contact with her cousin, Winnie, who she convinced Will to hire as their son's musicial tutor.
And now they're very happy together.
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Character: Druid boy.
Modern name: Marcel Knightley.
Age: 11 years old.
Modern job: None. He's a student.
Short rundown of their modern life: Marcel Knightley grew up on the streets until he broke into the Knightley house, looking for food where he was found by Will and Elena—who took him in.
He's lived happily with them for the past 5 years ever since.
Though all is not perfect because nightly he is plagued by nightmares that he isn't quite sure are just dreams. Which has caused him to be labeled a problem child by many—which his parents disagree heavily with.
Even when he was oddly terrified of their friends for some unknown reason (which had Merlin cringing).
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Character: Sir Gwaine of Camelot.
Modern name: Gwaine Jones.
Age: 39 years old.
Modern job: Bartender and YouTuber.
Short rundown of their modern life: Gwaine Jones was found in a field in America when he was twelve with serve amenisa and wounds.
When questioned, he could only vaguely recollect that he'd come from a big family with a mother, a father, and a sister specifically. The names turned up nothing and because of that, Gwaine was placed in foster care.
He ran away and picked fights often. Eventually, the system lost track of him due to him constantly moving around.
He hopped trains, rode busses, burrowed bikes, and hitchhiked to get around. Earning money in any way he could (under the table jobs, mowing lawns, helping people move, street performing, boxing, poker playing, etc) until he was finally able to get a bartender license.
Gwaine then saved up to get an RV. Eventually becoming a father of three, marrying Percival, and saving a doctor named Merlin Everstone in a bar fight. Reopening an old scar on his thigh that he doesn't remember how he got in the process.
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Character: Sir Percival of Camelot.
Modern name: Percival 'Percy' Armstrong.
Age: 38 years old.
Modern job: Kindergarten Teacher.
Short rundown of their modern life: Percival 'Percy' Armstrong grew up in a big family with tons of cousins, siblings, aunts, and uncles for the first ten years of his life until they all died in a fire (that was later determined to be arson) that he just barely survived.
After he got out of the hospital, he was placed into foster care and stayed there for three years until he placed into a military boarding school by the state due to misbehavior on his end.
But luckily for him, some of the 'weird' staff at the military liked him so it wasn't all that bad.
There he'd meet Lancelot, who'd eventually introduce him to Leon and Merlin.
Who he then, in turn, introduced to his cute bartender friend (who he is now married to with kids and living in an apartment with) Gwaine.
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Character: Sir Le Bel Inconnu from the legends.
Modern name: Gingalain 'Everard' Jones.
Age: 11 years old.
Modern job: None. He's a student.
Short rundown of their modern life: Gingalain 'Everard' Jones was the product of a one night stand between bartender, Gwaine Jones, and an unknown woman he met at a music festival.
9 months later, he was abandoned at a hospital not far from where the music festival took place only to be picked up by his dad when the hospital was able to get ahold of him.
Gingalain eventually gained a little sister in Constance 6 years later and a step brother in Percival's son, Lohengrin 'Grin' Armstrong 11 years later.
He now lives happily with his siblings, dad, and stepfather, Percival.
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Character: None. This is an original character of mine.
Modern name: Constance Jones.
Age: 5 years old.
Modern job: None. She's a student.
Short rundown of their modern life: Constance Jones was a result of yet another one night stand between bartender, Gwaine Jones, and an unknown woman he met at a bar.
She, like her brother before her, she was abandoned at a hospital until her father was able to pick her up from the hospital.
Now she lives happily with her brothers, dad, and stepdad, Percival.
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Character: Sir Lohengrin from the legends.
Modern name: Lohengrin 'Grin' Armstrong.
Age: 9 months old.
Modern job: None. He's a baby.
Short rundown of their modern life: Lohengrin 'Grin" Armstrong was recently adopted by Percival, who he now lives with alongside Gingalain, Constance, and Gwaine.
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Character: Sir Leon of Camelot.
Modern name: Leonard 'Leon' Grant.
Age: 43 years old.
Modern job: Detective.
Short rundown of their modern life: After watching Percival, Giaus, and Gwen grow older and older while he stayed the same, sir Leon of Camelot realized he was immortal.
Because of this, he's been traveling and has kept running into Merlin.
Eventually, the two realized that the others have been reincarnated (FINALLY) when Lancelot was assigned as Leon's partner at work (who has become his roommate). They've also realized that it isn't just their friends because of Lady Vivian (who is now Leon's wife) and Princess Elena's presence in this time.
Needless to say, they're both scrambling. Trying to find everyone who has reincarnated before Arthur rises because they're sure he's coming soon (they're also trying to figure out WHY he's going to rise and WHY Leon is aging all of a sudden).
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Character: Lady Vivian.
Modern name: Vivian Grant.
Age: 38 years old.
Modern job: Butterfly Habitat Curator.
Short rundown of their modern life: Vivian Grant grew up the daughter of a violently protective socialite and looked down on others—including her future husband, Leon, who eventually showed her that she was wrong for doing so and helped her grow as a person.
They became friends and eventually married after he saved her from a kidnapper and would be murderer.
Afterwards they moved into an apartment building with one of Leon's close friends and detective partner, Lance, where they met and befriended a friendly couple Tristan and Isolde.
Leon also introduced her to a friend of his named Merlin and she never suspected that the two were immortal until her memories started to trinkle back.
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xenioshelios · 8 months
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One of my favourite ships of ppl they didn't have a single interaction X)) I mean they definitely would have met at some point for diplomatic reasons I'm sure :)) women on that show were given so little attention by the writers so I'm pretty much just making headcanons ant every single one of them X))
Also I saw a post abt Mirthian being a sorceress and it's been living in my head rent free they explained the thought process so welll
Best part abt being an artist is you create the context you wanna see in ur fandom hihi
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Merlin rewatch, 2x10 : Sweet dreams.
Episode rewatched on the 16th of april 2024
Summary :
Dignitaries from rival kingdoms descend on Camelot for peace talks, but what King Alined really wants is war and he'll do everything in his power to stir up hostilities, even if it means using magic. 
Alined's jester Trickler puts a spell on Arthur to make him fall madly in love with rival King Olaf's daughter Vivian. Chaos reigns in the palace and Camelot is once more poised on the brink of war. 
Can Merlin free Arthur's heart before the prince loses his head in battle?
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Sounds like a crucial piece of information for Arthur's future, as he is supposedly destined to unite Albion.
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Alined looks as amiable as a prison door. Funny to see how he treats his servant and compare it to how Arthur treats Merlin. I wish we'd see how Uther treats his own servant but it seems like this character doesn't exist.
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That knight handshake cracks me up all the time. Supposing that we don't sneeze or cough into our elbow, this is a very Covid-era like way of saying hello.
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Oh hi Georgia Tennant ! <3
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Arthur, you can be such a gentleman sometimes !
Oh wait THIS IS THE "Destiny and chicken" episode !!!!! Aaaaah I'm excited ! I love this line.
Why does the servant's face looks so familiar to me ? He must have acted in something else I've watched.
Vivian quickly revealing herself to be a brat like one of those Upper East side nepo babies from Gossip girl... That's gonna be fun ! I wonder what Georgia remembers from shooting this episode.
Arthur praising Guinevere <3
"She is one of Camelot's finest". "Then I fear for Camelot".
Milady. You're getting Lady Morgana's private maid. This is special treatment. Be graceful about it.
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The disbelief on Arthur's face !
"Good luck with that one".
And then they laugh. How cute !
I think Vivian is an incredibly interesting character because she serves as a contrast for several character : Guinevere, and Arthur.
Let's not forget that she is acting like a spoiled brat, just like Arthur was when he first met Merlin. He's made some progress since then, and we see that in how he reacts to Vivian's behaviour.
Then, Vivian is a contrast to Guinevere : one is spoilt, demanding and arrogant, the other is hardworking, sweet, humble and kind. Two kinds of woman, two kinds of love interest.
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"You should have heard what she said to Gwen".
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I love these scenes between Arthur and Merlin when they're going about their daily routine, especially when they're in Arthur's bedroom being all domestic. Here, Arthur is dressing for the feast.
He had a hole in his first shirt, created by moths ! It's pretty weird that Merlin doesn't seem to care it would leave a bad impression on the five kings present at the feast. I like to think Merlin is both a bad and an extremely competent servant in his own way. He'll mess with unimportant stuff but will be extremely careful with Arthur's armor and making him look good to other people, especially foreign dignitaries. Well, that's my headcanon.
Merlin truly has no fear, he can just bring up Arthur's love for Gwen like that, out of the blue, when Arthur doesn't want to talk about it and is denying it (even after admitting his feelings about her to Merlin a few episodes ago when they were on their way to rescue Gwen from those bandits).
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Arthur's threats can't make Merlin back down. He knows deep down, Arthur won't hurt him. He can keep on teasing him and laugh a bit about it.
"You're blushing !" "No I'm not."
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Morgana should always be surrounded with pretty women. This should have been her destiny.
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How can Alined treat his servant like a total buffoon when he knows he has magic ?
Also while sometimes love potions can make people act stupid and in funny ways on tv, I think we'd laugh way less if this was GHB.
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Are the CROWN PRINCE'S CHAMBERS never properly guarded ? I swear ! Fuck ! No wonder prisoners keep escaping, the security in this castle is a vast mess ! And why is Arthur not waking up ? You're a soldier for fuck's sake. The way the guy pops up and down like he came from under the mattress and is going back there... Comical but illogical. Get up and leave, maybe ?
"You're dressed".
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Everytime Merlin shows up to Arthur's room in the morning and Arthur is awake, up and dressed, Merlin is surprised.
"Indeed, you are very skilled... at getting people to do things for you." "That is your job".
Merlin is not afraid to spit the truth hahaha.
"I wish to make a proclamation of love".
Arthur you never speak of your feelings so openly. Ever.
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Aww I love when Merlin is arranging Arthur's clothes and basically touching him as part of his job.
"Right. What will you tell your father?" "What does my father matter?" "Well, that's one way of approaching things."
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"Of course" Merlin replies, and Merlin rolls his eyes, because of course even in love Merlin has to do Arthur's job for him.
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Arthur you are clumsy with your feelings and how to express them even under a lovespell, but you still look extremely cute <3
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You know what, this is the kind of scene that make me doubt that Merlin is bi and think he might actually be gay, and his short lived affair with Freya was more about compassion and the feeling of finally be with kin, people who understand him, that about attraction and romantic love.
"Flowers ?" "Excellent. Find some. Perhaps you should also send a note". "Brilliant idea". "Something moving. Something... from the heart. Something... You'll think of something".
Arthur relies so much on Merlin omg. I would say that this is because he's enchanted but I think I remember him making Merlin pick flowers to give Gwen in season 5.
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OHMYGOD MERLIN THIS IS WHAT YOU WROTE TO GWEN ? You have strong Cyrano powers ! It never ends well. Gosh. And the flowers are in the colours of Gwen's favourite outfits : cream and light purple. Merlin, were you ever to court someone, you would have a VERY strong game. Anyone you would woo would fall under your charm instantly.
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Intricate ritual : manhandle your servant as you talk about what you made him do to court the woman you are enchanted to be in love with. Touch him, grab him. And then talk about how beautiful that woman is.
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Merlin you're finally picking up on something.
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This is the face of someone who realised that :
A) There's something wrong happening with Arthur
B) He fucked up.
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Two things to know about Merlin :
He never knocks.
He always has the lamest excuses for being somewhere and they usually involve vermin : moths, woodworms, and now rats.
I love seeing Gwen smile... Her life probably isn't easy, and it shows a nice attention like a bouquet of flowers can change someone's day for the better <3
Haha Merlin trying to get Gaius to help but he can't tell him the specifics because he can't reveal Arthur is actually in love with Gwen ! He's being a good friend.
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One of my favourite lines ever from the show.
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Help he's so insistent and into the food x)
He's so lucky Merlin arrived when he did! Poor Arthur, his feelings are hurt...
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There is no straight explanation for this, Alined.
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Arthur, you're cute. You need a hug.
"It might be worthwhile returning to your old love."
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You know what, this is actually the first time I hear Merlin expressing doubts about Arthur's feelings for Gwen and their relationship.
Part 2 in another post, I can't add more pictures to this one.
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