#Megatron’s speeches I mean
iwozlegit · 2 years
|| 🍍• The only reason Optimus Prime is so captivating and moving while giving speeches, is because he spent half a lifetime in awe of a mech who’s words, poetry and speeches captivated and moved an entire planet, and their sparks, towards the will for change.
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margoshrmargoshing · 4 months
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I'm reading Exodus right now and a detail that i cannot get over is the fact that Optimus had to fight the major part of the war before he got the Matrix. Like, yeah, he got renamed alright, but his career path was straight up "some guy —> the goddamn prime", and while he got a new name during the council meeting, he literally stayed the same. fucking. guy
He had to make decisions for a whole planet without the Matrix, he ended someone's life for the first time without the Matrix, and while he had smart talented friends to help, he did this all right after being Some Guy his whole life. He didn't flinch or break down, knowing what war means and understanding that he's responsible for a whole planet's future. All that without the collective wisdom of the Primes or emotional block or whatever, while logically and technically still being Orion Pax.
In the end of the first season of TFP, he forgets all his time as Optimus Prime, but i never understood why did he forget the war he fought as a Prime, but without the Matrix too. It seemed like a logical mistake to me; he didn't remember the council meeting, or the war's beginning, it's unclear what was the last thing he remembers, but i started to imagine how different things would go if he correctly remembered everything right until the moment he got the Matrix. If he remembered the council meeting, their quarrel, the beginning of the war and major fights. He asks if he's worthy, he doesn't remember the whole goddamn war he carried on his shoulders without the Matrix.
The literal first thing he uses his new power and respect for is to stop the council from shooting Megatron, and when Megatron asks what he would do if he didn't ask his army to not shoot Optimus, he replies that he would rather die for his planet.
He may have been unsure of himself, he may have doubted that he can be a Prime, he may not have saw in himself what others did, he may have stayed in the Archive to do archivist work, but the council meeting speech shows us that he is truly full of emotion and fire for his planet and that he is ready to work towards peace.
He is fierceful and kind, strong and gentle, there's so much to him it's insane! I have a lot more moments that fascinate me, but I don't think they'll fit into this post.
He is fucking worthy. This guy is insanely mentally strong even without it, this is why Alpha Trion noticed him, this is why he was chosen. He was just a regular worker one moment, and then he got the whole Cybertron's weight a moment later, and he fucking carried it instead of dropping.
Orion Pax really should be respected.
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Decepticon purring headcanons!
There’s no Dreadwing or Airachnid in this. I forgot they existed.
Edit: Dreadwing has been added!
Shockwave: Purring is an emotional response, which means Shockwave cannot do it. At least, not voluntarily. Maybe the shadowplay isn’t 100% successful, or maybe the fact that it represses emotions doesn’t necessarily mean it prevents all physical response resulting from those emotions.
When Shockwave finds himself purring, it is completely out of his control. He doesn’t see it coming, and he cannot stop it.
It would confuse him. He doesn’t know why his frame is responding in this way because he literally doesn’t have the capacity to understand. Shockwave sometimes has trouble distinguishing emotions he sees in others, especially during complex situations or when the person reacts in an unexpected way. It would be even more difficult to understand how and why he reacts to emotions that are no longer there. I can see him alone in his lab, trying to understand where the sound is coming from until it hits him.
He has a very deep voice, very deep purr to match. It’s not a sound you would immediately register as a purr, and if Shockwave heard it post empurata recovery, he wouldn’t recognise it as his own at first.
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Megatron’s purring is very loud and deep. He sounds like an idling tank, the sound alone making you aware of just how mighty he is. However, he does not do it very often, because there isn’t really anyone Megatron can open up to like that. It’s lonely at the top, especially when you’re purposefully building a reputation as someone to be feared even by your own troops. But he’s part of the “purring while recharging” crowd, and sometimes, when he’s really passionate during a speech or particularly enjoying a battle, you will hear the powerful rumbling of his engine.
Fun fact: Predaking would not be able to purr because he doesn’t have an engine, at least not in the way other cybertronians do. Predacons in general would instead show their trust by shutting their optics, the way tigers do because they can’t purr either. Maybe they’d be able to make a similar sound with their voicebox but it wouldn’t be a true purr, more like a growl.
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I think this gif is really funny. He’s looking under his arm because he can’t see around his ridiculous bigass shoulder pads. Stupid bird /affectionate
Starscream, once he feels relaxed and safe, will purr excessively. It’s very easy to draw the sound out of him if he trusts someone. Unfortunately, this doesn’t really happen often. He has a reputation to maintain among the decepticons, and he is very good at hiding his true feelings. Also, most days he can’t really feel at ease on the Nemesis, he’s constantly watching his back for one reason or another. He does it quite often if he’s alone though, it’s a self-soothing thing. (Cats do that when they’re injured or stressed, and those two things happen to Starscream a lot during the show.) Although it would take a lot of time and patience for him to express a possible vulnerability someone by purring, it’s definitely possible. You would know he’s being genuine about his feelings when he does, because he can’t fake a purr.
Soundwave: Cybertronians that don’t speak are still able to purr because the sound comes from the engine, not the voicebox. But for Soundwave specifically, I’m not sure if it’d be considered breaking his vow of silence if he purred. Must be embarrassing either way. He would probably (attempt to) repress it in most situations. When he does purr, it’s barely audible. Probably makes a whirring sound, and you’d be able to feel the vibration all throughout his frame. Similarly to Megs however, Soundwave doesn’t really have anyone to open up to and be chill with. Personally I don’t ship them, but if you do it’d make sense for them to do it together. Being the only person the other can truly open up to and whatnot.
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Knockout is probably the Decepticon who purrs the most openly. He’s not really ashamed to openly express his feelings. Unlike the high command, he has no reason to really hide it. Knockout has quite a powerful engine, and his purrs sound more like revving than idling.
On the other hand, Breakdown is not as loud as him. Actually, he’s surprisingly quiet for a bot his size. That’s not to say he doesn’t purr as often in Knockout’s company as the doc does in his. It’s a gentle, peaceful sound. You could fall asleep to it.
Dreadwing is not ashamed to let his feelings show. He is professional and composed, yes, but he’s never going to try to hide the fact that he’s happy. He considers doing so to be the same as lying. And sure, Decepticons usually aren’t averse to deceiving, but then again he isn’t your average Decepticon. When he purrs he does so proudly, not considering the continuous rumbling of his engine to be an expression of vulnerability. Rather, an expression of passion. His purrs are loud and make his entire frame vibrate.
He never purrs when he is fighting, considering doing so to be disrespectful but able to understand why someone like Megatron would.
That’s all, folks! Might to an Autobots version, but I don’t know them as well as the cons. That’s mostly be general headcanons.
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samcat71470558 · 4 months
ok but like imagine Starscream in RB
Starscream gets shot down by Megatron over the Atlantic, and ends up washed up on the shore of Griffin Rock. He's disoriented, Energon deficient, and then those forsaken Autobots find him.
But they don't attack.
Heatwave kept saying they should just shoot him on the spot. I mean, it's Starscream we're talking about here, he could wipe them and the island out in a day's work. But yet again, it's Cody Burns, their human companion, who sees potential.
"What if we help him? Maybe he'll be nice if we help him." And so Heatwave ended up having to carry one of the most vicious 'Cons in the galaxy with his team, and house him in his home.
It took three days for Blades to patch the wounds, and three more for him to recover from the stasis and regain his senses completely. By then, Cody'd been itching to see him. So the first day he could, Cody got down into the bunker with all his coolest Earth stuff.
"Hi sir Starscream." He greeted, even making a small bow to the 'Con. Starscream, however, scoffed.
"What do you want, fleshy?" His voice was cold, but his servos gripped his frame nervously. He'd never, other than Miko, encountered a human child that wasn't scared out of their mind. Hell, even less a child that called him sir Starscream! So, against his gruff will, he sat down on the hard, concrete floor. He saw the young boy's face light up, and a strange feeling tugged at his spark. Why was that sparkling so... Happy to see him?
Cody grabbed some of the 'Bot's favourite things: Boulder's art, Heatwave's book on martial art, Blades' cartoons and comics and Chase's law enforcement book. He also grabbed his scrapbook, and some pencils.
"Sir, I'd like to show you some of my friend's favourite things. I know you're probably not very fond of them, since you're a noble Decepticon, but they're not out to harm you. We're a rescue team, and a family."
By the end of Cody's speech and show-and-tell round, Starscream's spark ached. Leaders are supposed to... to like their team? He bit his digit to stay quiet, but the realisation of Megatron's corrupted leadership finally seems to get him.
"He... he's horrible..."
It's out before he realises it, and immediately shrinks back like his leader's about to break down the door and grab his throat. He shuts his optics tight, weapons at ready for whatever happens next.
But instead of cold, sharp digits digging into his frame, he's met by a soft, warm touch. He opens one optic, slowly.
Cody stands next to his arm, and hugs him to the best of his abilities.
"He can't get you here, the 'Bots won't let him get you here."
That simple gesture, after all he's heard about family, is enough to nearly bring him to tears.
Two years later, Chase's held at gunpoint by a heavily damaged Soundwave. And guess who swoops in, now in a flashing white-blue-red paint job, to protect his brother.
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riskyraiker · 5 months
Idk if tumblr removed my request from you or you decided to ignore it but anyways I'm going to request it again??
So I saw your post with xmen x tfp with a mutant reader, so I think you can do this request. Basically, reader is Charlie's younger sister from Hazbin Hotel and she is in a relationship with cons/bots. What would be Optimus and Soundwave (you can another character if you want) to their s/o being the Devil's daughter, is she actually evil as the myths portrayed? What is she doing here on Earth? There will be so many questions.
You can just ignore this if you want.
Oh I apologize, I saw the request, but I'm having trouble organizing school, freetime and writing. So here I wrote this now quickly but efficiently as possible😭😭I wanted to add Megatron and Ratchet to this aswell so I hope you don't mind!
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Y/N Morningstar (Lucifer's daughter)
You were just minding your own business on earth since getting back to hell wouldn't be a problem. Hiding your s/o and their team from humanity was pretty challenging but boring since you're so used to go outside a lot or have something keeping you entertainted. These days only the best part was hanging out with your S/o You have told them about who you're related to, but they don't get human things like hell or heaven yet.
Optimus prime
He didn't understand at first that if you're the daughter of lucifer means that you're a powerful royal being.
He does search your name but only finds mythology about you which he thought wasn't true.
Telling him who you were with a long speech gave him time to process what or who you actually are.
He still loves you the same don't worry about that.
The moment he realizes the mythology he read about you was actually true was when you were furious. Megatron almost beated optimus in a fight.
You looked exactly like the pictures he found of the princess of hell.
He was happy that you weren't pure evil since you're from hell.
He did wonder why you were on earth as a royal demon. Whatever your explanation was, he was content with it.
If he anytime goes somewhere cold for a mission just please heat him up.
No PDA in public, but go around the corner and he's clinging to you
IF! IF your demon form is tall as him! hugs....just hugs.
As long as you're good and treat everyone with respect, you're the perfect couple of the eons.
Didn't believe one piece of scrap you spoke or what he found on the interent.
Once he sees you lose your temper and light things on fire on accident he thought he hasn't recharged enough.
Explain your situation to him and he's really confused.
Supports you anyway, he doesn't care if you're a rare being from hell etc.
he still wonder about one thing: you're from hell where everyone is bad, evil, done sins etc. how come you're so nice and such.
He might have had a spark attack when you changed into your demon form using fire.
His attitude might have changed to somewhat nicer. Definitely not because he doesn't want to get melted.
No PDA. NO! NOT ANYTHING WITH ANYONE AROUND. He likes loves privacy.
Small kisses and smooches if he's working with no one around will make him slightly happier.
Literal princess treatment :D
Warm him up PLEASE.
If your demon form is taller or as tall as him, he WILL be flustered after even one simple hug.
Doesn't question why you're on earth, gladly.
Finds you interesting, but doesn't believe everything you say right away.
Asks Soundwave to find information about this thing called hell and it's beings.
You won him over the moment you lose your temper and the whole room is in flames.
If he finds out you might be more powerful than him he might get angry or jealous.
Asks can your dad (lucifer) to join the decepticons. (He ended up going to knockout for new three fingers)
Questions why are you on earth and not in hell ruling your realm.
He treats you with respect. You're a princess so expect some royal treatment!
He loves your demon form. It looks intimidating and strong.
Might give small PDA sometimes if he's in a good mood enough. Privately? He actually shows that he loves you :D
He's cold all the time! Warm him up and make him less angry thank you!
Wants to see how strong you actually are.
No words (no pun intended xD)
He didn't believe you at first ofc none of them did.
Finds your mythology quite interesting yet foolish until he discovers you're really a royalty from hell itself.
Confused why you're so sweet and nice yet being from hell; the place of sinners.
If he ever shows you a heart on his screen it has little devil horns on it like yours<3
He doesn't do PDA except head pats and taking you with him around the ship. Softie
If your demon form is tall or taller than him pick him up, he might struggle to focus on work again (megatron can do his own work for primus sake!)
Treats you the same, but is protective of you, doesn't care if you can take care of yourself.
If you miss your dad or hell. He gives you a smiley face on his screen and tell you to go visit your home!
AN: Motivation just punched me in the face :D hope you enjoy! Feel free to make anothe request<3 also if anyone here has read anything from me before thank you for the support! It keeps me going:)
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in1-nutshell · 8 months
I’m not sure if you’re accepting requests or not right now or not so if you’re busy or requests are closed you can ignore this sorry for the trouble.
But if you are accepting requests I have a fun lil idea with a bot buddy with a chihuahua alt mode, or is a Predacon that’s like a chihuahua, and this could be in the Transformers Prime universe or the Transformers Animated universe, or whichever of the Transformers universes you think will suit lil chihuahua buddy, all up to you! I hope you have a nice week and things are going well with you! 👁️〰️👁️👍✨
Ooooooh! Never seen a chihuahua bot yet, so let do this!
I randomly picked the continuity for this one along with its characters.
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy with an alt mode of a Chihuahua with Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, and Thrash
SFW, Platonic, Cybertroanian reader
Buddy knew their alt mode wasn’t the most common.
They meant to scan an electric scooter, but they accidentally scanned the small dog that walked in front of it.
Sure, it took some getting used but Buddy made it work. Buddy mainly hung out in the GHOST bases since they could exactly go out on patrol in more populated places.
Being the teams medic and having fiery outbursts from time to time is quite a combination to have.
Optimus Prime
Buddy was one of Prime’s longest team members.
They greatly supported him in building new relations with the humans once Megatron surrendered.
As acting medic for now (where is Ratchet) Buddy had their servos occupied with Prime and the rest of the Cybertronains living on Earth.
Buddy wielding Optimus new patch job.
“I swear Prime… You must be more careful! What were you thinking when you decided to go up against Soundwave and the mini’s, at once!”--Buddy
“All is fine—”--Optimus
“Oh no, you don’t get to give me that speech again! What do you think Ratchet would do if he heard about this?”--Buddy
“… The wrenches?”--Optimus
“The wrenches. Now hold still.”--Buddy
When Optimus brings Buddy out for patrol, Buddy is in his trailer waiting till it’s okay to come out.
Being a smaller bot, Buddy helps the Prime when things are a bit too small for him to grasp.
If Buddy’s temper gets a bit out of hand, the Prime will simply pick them up and tuck them in his arms.
“Prime! Let me go!”--Buddy
“Not now.”--Optimus
“Let me go!”--Buddy
“Would you prefer to have Megatron handle you?”--Optimus
“I feel like I should feel offended.”—Megatron
He just hopes now that Buddy doesn’t find out about Bumblebee or the Terrans yet. They have a reputation of coming off as overprotective, especially of younger bots.
Buddy going through Teletran -1’s data base trying to look for more of Ratchet’s doctor notes.
Finds file named Terrans.
“What’s a Terran?”--Buddy
Buddy looks and finds out about the Terrans, the Maltos home, and Bumblebee.
“What! When did he come out of hiding! When did we get sparklings!”--Buddy
Buddy ran out the base to go see the sparklings themselves.
Meanwhile with Optimus…
“Something just happened.”--Optimus
“What do you mean Prime.”--Megatron
“I feel as if I made a mistake. A terrible mistake…”--Optimus
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Older sibling and little sibling relationship.
Guess who the oldest.
Buddy was one of the last bots he saw before he went into hiding.
Due to strict communication lines, Buddy and Bee couldn’t talk the entire time.
When Buddy caught wind that Bumblebee was in the area, teaching these ‘Terrans’ and had the audacity to not say hello?
Buddy was already out the door.
“Have you seen Buddy? They are usually in the console room, but they aren’t there.”--Optimus
“Strange. Lets check the CCT footage.”--Megatron
Video showing Buddy in their alt mode running out of one of the bases entrances and out into the woods.
“…”—Megatron and Optimus
Transforming noises intensifies.
Bee was outside with Thrash and Mo that morning. He wanted to do a one-on-one training lesson with them seeing as they were having trouble keeping up with the others.
Meanwhile in the Maltos house.
“Today we are going to learn about how to dodge.”--Bumblebee
“Umm. I think the word your looking for is ‘dodge’.--Mo
“No ‘dog’!”--Thrash
Buddy jumping on Bumblebee’s helm making him yelp and fall down.
“Is that a chihuahua?”--Mo
“Robo chihuahua!”--Thrash
Buddy looks at Terrans and kids then smacks Bee in the horns.
Through the yelling and all Bumblebee managed to pry Buddy off his face plate to give them a proper hug.
Buddy, while they were still miffed about the whole situation, couldn’t deny their friend a hug.
It truly had been such a long time without communication and they both just missed each other.
“Aww! Bumblebee has a dog!”--Mo
“Excuse me?”--Buddy
“Thrash, Mo this is Buddy. No they are not my pet, they are a good friend of mine.”--Bumblebee
“A friend that you forgot to message when you’d be back.”--Buddy
“Listen I was busy!”--Bumblebee
“You didn’t tell me about the sparklings! Put me down I want to take a look!”--Buddy
“Don’t pull a Prime on me Bumblebee!”--Buddy
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Thrash was so excited to see Buddy.
Buddy is smaller than Twitch!
Buddy is going into nurse mode trying to check if Thrash and Mo are okay.
Some things are said that make Buddy consider contacting Ratchet for help.
“All right everything seems goo—By the heights of Vos!”--Buddy
“Where’s your energon levels? How are you even standing?!”--Buddy
“Buddy! There don’t run on energon!”--Bumblebee
“Yeah, we drink cave water.”--Thrash
“… cave water”--Buddy
“Its kind of a long story.”--Mo
“And I will hear about this in a bit. Now, Thrash make sure you stretch those joints a bit more often. Mo—”--Buddy
“You scanned Mo?”--Thrash
“You scanned me?”--Mo
“Yes, we’ve been partnering up with humans for a while now, thought it would be beneficial to study a bit about them. Anyways, Mo you might want to start eating more greens.”--Buddy
“Hahaha! Guess your going to have to eat Robbie’s greens to make up for it.”--Thrash
Bumblebee mouthing ‘No’ to Thrash.
“Yeah! He’s my brother! He is with our other sibling in the dug out right now.”--Mo
“More humans?”--Buddy
“Mom, Dad and Robbie are humans. Twitch, Hashtag, Jawbreaker, and Nightshade are Terrans like me!”--Thrash
“Umm, Buddy?”--Thrash
Buddy faints.
After nearly having a spark attack, Buddy decides to talk to them for a bit after Bumblebee suddenly had to step aside for a second to pick up his comms.
Talking to the two was a breath of fresh air for Buddy. Instead of focusing on logistical things and worrying about supplies, Buddy just got to answer simpler questions with the kids.
Buddy has already made a silent vow to protect these two and the other kids they have yet to meet.
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decepti-thots · 8 months
the thing about Autocracy is that yeah, it does a terrible job justifying why on earth Hot Rod would join the autobots, i absolutely agree- it fails to solve a problem it creates in setting up a history and dynamic for Hot Rod that just does not clearly lead into him becoming an autobot at all. (spoiler alert: Autocracy's not a very good comic. water, wet.)
but i can't get on board with AUs where people are like 'clearly, he should have joined the Decepticons' either because like. the exact same reasons for why he has no reason to join the Autobots apply there, AND there's the issue of Megatron giving a speech where he straight up admits/gloats about how he uses violence as an explicit means of control through fear in a big ol' supervillain speech. (and like, the one thing I can give Autocracy is that this speech about how torture exists as a tool of demoralization and not pragmatism is like... accurate?) really if you want to try and do an IDW1 continuity 'Hot Rod refuses to join the autobots because of that Autocracy BS' concept, the obvious route is probably that he remains neutral.
anyway, all this is to say that a hot rod/deadlock AU where they met not in the decepticons or whatever but while deadlock/drift was neutral, that would be SUPER interesting actually, i think. remember, most of the time between drift defecting and drift joining the autobots, he spent unaffiliated; he only joined the autobots at the very end of the war. there's a whole period in there where he was a neutral!
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gatorseverywhere · 2 months
I will send you Transformers thoughts.
- Tarn wants Megatron, but what he needs is a dommy mommy. Or a cat.
- Overlord is a sub.
- Cold constructed mechs would have really fucked up ideas about sex and intimacy. The differences are incredibly pronounced between the survivors of the first batches versus the last ones under the "3 step class"
- Prowl's longest lasting relationship is a monstrosity of a coffee machine that he salvaged from his old station's trash because it, in his opinion, was still operational and gave him the best brew for breakthroughs. Said machine produces a sludge that unfit for most mechanisms consumption and can be classified as a food war crime. Not to Prowl though. He knocks it back with a straight face.
- Megatron most definitely fucked the cassettes.
- Nautilator has a sheet for mechs to fill out their kinks and icks because of the Voice. He also memorized a variety of Megatron's speeches and speaking mannerisms so he could nail the imitation and do things on the fly.
- Riptide has two dicks.
- There should be more cultural misunderstandings between the Lost Colonies and Cybertron. Or have a language barrier.
- Solus Prime was a buff femme with shoulders to bench Megatronus.
- Liege Maximo is a short king with heels.
- Starscream could be trans. All his frame works and trades versus his True Form.
There is a mention of nsfw, proceed with caution
I love all of these-
Tarn definitely wants megatron, he's so down bad for him, Megatron is the only mech who could ever truly put tarn in his place, but the angst possibility is also phenomenal, especially with Meg's defection.
Im not quite sure what you mean by the cold construct bit, but i agree about the fucked up part.
I can not say i agree with overlord being a sub, but maybe when it comes to certain mechs. He's dominant until someone who isnt scared of him actually steps up to his authority. At first, he definitely considers killing the mech, but he decides it could be a fun challenge to let the mech try to dom, then he finds out he definitely does not mind it-
Prowl can stomach the most VILE coffee ever. As long as it keeps him wide awake, he'll drink it. He's tried the alternative, calming things to help him sleep better, like tea (decaf), but it never helps, so to cope with his inability to sleep, he just forces himself to stay awake. Also, yeah he can't hold normal relationships to save his life. Most mechs can't handle his lifestyle.
Meg's and the cassets would be a sight to see bro, he rewards them for doing so well, especially on infiltration missions where they're small enough to sneak into autobot base.
I'm sorry i dont no nautilator very well unfortunately 😔
Two spiked riptide, i love it, he looks like a shark so ofc he gets the double dicks.
Culture difference, i love it, especially when practices are so different, and it's just a culter shock.
Buff femmes is my kryptonite, i need solus to bench press me
Leige maximo is so fine for no reason
We all know starscreams original name was Pretty Poison, so now that means he used to be a femme with that name and changed his name to Starscream. We love a trans king.
Thank you for the asks, i adore all of these ❤️❤️❤️
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altraviolet · 10 months
Hello! I'm not sure if its okay to send asks rn. I'm sorry if they aren't open. I was curious about something small and was hoping to ask you. (If it isnt, pls feel free to ignore me and im sorry again).
I was re-reading some chapters of The Echo Garden and Rodimus mentioned learning Soundwave's Cybertronian so they can have a secret language. (So cute!) I was wondering if they were going to do that? And also, are there any details you could share about the differences between 001 dimension cybertronian and Soundwave's Cybertronian? Also also, the explanations you have for 2938 Cybertronian are very fun to read about.
Hi! It's totally ok to send asks :) I open anon asks every once in a while for people who are nervous about asking not-anon. But asks are always open to people who are signed in.
>if they were going to do that?
Oh yeah... they should, shouldn't they? ;) Good reminder.
>any details you could share about the differences between 001 dimension cybertronian and Soundwave's Cybertronian?
I don't have any really hard and fast rules in mind. Sometimes with worldbuilding you can get away with making general statements without having details sorted out, and that's the case here. If I think about it for a lil bit I can give you this:
-I imagine the LL's NeoCybex has more influence from human language than Soundwave's, due to those mechs being wayyyy more open to conversing with organics, as well as the influence of Movie Night and the movies that they get from Thundercrackers as they travel
-in terms of grammar and structure, I think of the two methods of speech as truly being accents. they can absolutely understand each other. the biggest difference is found in writing. An Earth example would be something like: Urdu and Hindi are mutually understandable via speech, but they each use a different alphabet. 0001 and 3244 have different slang, and the body-based aspects of their language use (field pulses and biolight signaling) are quite different.
I didn't have the time or points of view to get into it in TEG, but every time an alt dimensioner boards the LL, at least a tiny bit of their culture gets absorbed. You've seen it via the 2938 "glittering polymorphy" in Ch 45. I honestly don't have Ambulon or Trailbreaker's influences fleshed out. Those would be interesting to think about and either touch on in this fic, or perhaps in a sequel or related story. This is inspired by the phenomenon that happens in the real world- cultures meeting and swapping ideas/fashion/food/language/etc.
>the explanations you have for 2938 Cybertronian are very fun to read about.
Thank you! After the fic is done, I'mma have an Afterword with a FAQ, and I'll explain the inspiration for that (it's the same as the 'meaning of Soundwave' thing).
This does give me a chance to do something I've been thinking about for a few months: visually representing the way they speak in an economical manner. I wish there was a way to represent in text how the 2938 mechs spoke, while keeping the text accessible to screen readers. If I knew a way to do it, I would've done it throughout the fic in a way that looks something like this:
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That would probably be exhausting and annoying to read, but 2938 Megatron is exhausting to comprehend. I didn't play around much with opacity in the examples here, but if there was an accessible way to do this, I'd love to do it with color and shape and tilt and opacity. Make it as otherworldly as possible.
The only way I know to do this on AO3 would be through images, but they would really stick out against whatever default formatting any particular reader might have. (there's mouse overs as well, but eh, doesn't give the spatial property)
If the fic were being read aloud, you could whisper those words around their 'root' words. But, here we deal in pixels ;)
Anyhoo, hope you enjoyed that little trip into my brain! I love languages and culture and all the good things. Thanks for the ask! :)
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roboromantic · 2 days
OKAY movie was really really good. I do have a couple minor critiques and general thoughts below; no real order just whatever I happen to remember wanting to mention
would it have killed them to have Alpha Trion just say "No child of Primus is born without a T-cog." It would've been significantly less clunky than "son or daughter" and more inclusive; it felt like a step backwards from Earthspark :/
I woulda liked to get to know the Iacon High Guard a bit more, we really didn't get much time with them. We coulda had a bit of a teaser of them by having them attack the train that OP et al. were on, which would also show that they sabotage Sentinel
that said I think the whole "we follow the strongest bot" thing and having Starscream actively push Megatron to fight him harder was a nice change of pace from the "Megatron abuses Starscream" narratives that have kinda been the norm since ...Aligned I guess? it does feel like that means they shoulda followed Optimus at the end since he clearly defeated Megatron, but it doesn't really bother me that much
also it's only been 50 "cycles" since the Primes went offline??? surely SOMEONE besides the High Guard would remember how things used to be
It's interesting that the Primes have been kind of downgraded from being made to fight against Unicron to being made to fight Quintessons, but hey I'm all for chucking the CoP stuff out lmao
speaking of chucking stuff — I don't think they ever mentioned an AllSpark. The Matrix of Leadership was what sort of healed Cybertron instead, which was interesting.
did the scene from the trailer where Megatron looked particularly purple get cut or did I just not notice it
using Airachnid's memory to transmit the incriminating evidence kinda felt like it came from nowhere? like yeah she "sees everything" but the idea of being able to just.....wave her head over a table or st didn't have any kind of setup
the synchronized Creation of both Megatron and Optimus. chef's kiss, perfection, and I'm pretty sure Primus pulling in Orion to transform him into Optimus was staged more or less the same as the scene where Unicron rebuilds Megatron into Galvatron in the '86 movie? very neat detail if true. anyway people in the theater were cheering when Optimus flew back out to fight Megs.
ough. the portrayal of the MegOp friendship and build up to enemity was sooooooooo good. was NOT expecting Megatron to actually shoot Optimus and OUGH GOING FROM "WHY DID YOU DO THAT" TO "I'M DONE SAVING YOU." SCREAMING, CRYING, ETC.
I kinda thought the Quintessons would play a bigger role in the movie, lmao. guess that's potential sequel material? sidenote but I think it would be very funny if they just called it Transformers: Two
establishing Bee as a guy who's been working a shitty job alone for who knows how long I think made him significantly less annoying then I probably would've found him otherwise. I don't think he was THAT bad but. yeah
ok that bit near the start of the movie where OP is like "I feel like I could drill down far enough to touch Primus himself!" followed by Elita saying "You don't have the touch OR the power" made literally no sense. it was very obviously just "hey y'all remember the '86 movie?"
I kinda thought Megatron was going to do a whole "You are being deceived" speech to the masses but sadly no 😔
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lord-squiggletits · 7 months
Fandom posts about Megatron's trial/him being put on the Lost Light that frame Optimus as the bad guy are always so fucking funny to me. And it's almost never "Optimus putting Megatron on the Lost Light was an abuse of authority and unfair to Rodimus and everyone else on the ship" which is an actually valid critique, but I often see it from Megatron fans who are somehow convinced that Optimus was like.............unfair to him?????? By "making" Megatron join the Lost Light? Or by "forcing" him into doing things he didn't want to do?
There's the people who think that being put on the LL was a punishment for Megatron where they were constantly putting him through moral tests designed to make him fail which is.... literally where, where did you get that. The LL was just a random cruiseship of misfits who didn't even ask for Megatron to be on the ship with them, where are ppl getting this idea that Optimus/the LL crew were in some sort of Machiavellan plot to torment Megatron and rub in how he's so evil he'll never be accepted?
Or like the fact that wanting to join the LL in search of the Knights of Cybertron was literally Megatron's own idea and the whole "only the Knights of Cybertron can judge me" thing was a legal loophole that he only pulled out bc he was mad about Starscream publicly humiliating him during his trial? And that if Megatron really didn't want to agree to the terms of his parole, Optimus was just going to keep him in prison until the LL came back with the Knights rather than immediately executing him?
Oh but Optimus made Megatron drink Fool's Energon. Ah yes, it's so evil and unfair of Optimus to make Megatron (one of the deadliest fighters of their entire race) drink a substance to make him weaker due to the fact that in far space, there's no one to enforce Megatron's parole or to stop him if he was lying and really just wanted to kill everyone. And btw Fool's Energon was a placebo the whole time, so Optimus' gay ass couldn't even poison Megatron properly. It was entirely a token gesture made for appearances only.
What about the part where Optimus made Megatron denounce the Decepticons, you cry? Well if one were to actually read the entire speech instead of taking screenshots out of context (something this fandom loves to do), the "we were wrong to assert ourselves" comes directly after a statement about technoism and subjugating organics; in other words, "we were wrong" is referring to the whole colonialism and genocide thing, not saying "we were wrong to rise up against Functionism." (Which btw Optimus was literally a fanboy of Megatron's and agreed with his writings, and pre-war OP did his own undercover work to foil the Senate's plans, and they overthrew the previous Prime Zeta together, so idk where people are getting this idea that Optimus hates Megatron for being a meanie revolutionary that didn't play nice >:((( ).
And given that the Decepticons attacked Megatron's trial to try and break him out, and that there was a splinter faction of Deceptions under Galvatron that were trying to invade Earth again, I think it's pretty fucking reasonable that Optimus would go "So before I very indulgently grant you the rank of captain and let you go on a random cruise ship for your journey of self-actualization, would you mind making a speech to deradicalize the Decepticons? I'm trying to keep society from not descending into another civil war and you helping by telling the Decepticons to Fucking Stop is the least you can do in exchange." I mean if Megatron cared so much about the Decepticons he could've said "No, I'm not going to give that speech, in fact I'm going to stay on Cybertron and speak to the Decepticons my way" but he didn't bc he decided that going on his personal quest was more important than sticking around to integrate the Decepticons back into society.
But somehow, Megatron choosing to make that speech so that he'd be allowed on a ridiculously lenient parole is the big, evil Optimus' fault, and Megatron has nothing to do with how poorly the Decepticons are treated post war, he had no power to stop that apparently.
Like it's just so incredibly weird to me that Megatron fans villainize Optimus for, of all things, letting Megatron join the journey for the Knights of Cybertron. Optimus' decisions were almost entirely driven by personal bias towards Megatron where he abused his authority as Prime to defy what quite literally everyone on Cybertron (and possibly the whole galaxy) wanted, which was Megatron's immediate execution for his crimes. He lets Megatron free of prison with almost no oversight, grants him captaincy of an Autobot ship, gives him a freaking placebo instead of actual weakening energon, and the only thing he demands from Megatron in return is a speech to make the remaining Decepticons who were still fighting (which wasn't even all of them) understand that the war is over. And Megatron accepts all of these terms because the whole thing was his idea that he wanted to be allowed to do. The only reason Optimus' indulgence didn't go badly is bc Megatron wasn't lying and actually meant his heel-face turn.
But somehow all of this makes Optimus the bad guy who's being unfair to Megatron???? Never mind Optimus' flagrant disregard of the law in favor of granting Megatron's personal wish??? Never mind the fact that the conditions for Megatron's parole were incredibly lenient to the point that one of them was a placebo and not hurting Megatron in any way??? Never mind that the speech Optimus made Megatron make was entirely for political reasons to try to stabilize society again and not bc he wanted to humiliate Megatron or something ridiculous like that???
What I mean to say is it's very confusing to me why the discussion of Megatron's trial is "Optimus is so mean/bigoted for making Megatron do what he did and forcing him to live under such strict conditions" and not, idk, "Megatron chose to abandon the Decepticons and publicly denounce their cause for the sake of getting to go on his own personal journey" or even "Megatron was initially going to just submit to trial, and the Knights of Cybertron excuse was something he pulled at the last minute because Starscream made Megatron look like an idiot and Megatron decided he wanted a more Grand and Important legacy than that." Or even "If Megatron cared about the Decepticon,s he would've just refused Optimus' deal and stayed in prison on Cybertron rather than trade the dignity of their cause for his own freedom." Nope. It's all Optimus' fault. Poor Megatron was forced onto the Lost Light and this is such a horrible and unfair punishment for him.
People want Megatron to be a poor downtrodden victim of the Ebul Autobots so bad, when the reality is that post-war/early MTMTE Megatron is nothing more than a dethroned tyrant, severely in denial of of his own shittiness, going on a journey solely to benefit his own ego, and all of MTMTE/LL is about him trying to get better from his stupid pride and self-centered behavior.
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witchofthesouls · 11 months
That last line, Nickel's right Tarn isn't going to leave the nurse destitute and stranded.
I feel like at this point Vos has stopped trying to seduce Tarn even without Nickel's or Koan's prompting. Now he's keeping book on when tarn gets a clue and side bets on what variety of clue stick it's going to take.
Tarn is so confused when venders are giving him free stuff he could only use as courting gifts.
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The one that keeps score is actually Helex. He's making a killing by keeping track of everyone's bets and losses. Like too many people severely overestimate Tarn's self-awareness that's not part of the Cause.
Can his boss memorize every line of Lord Megatron's early works to his late-stage political speeches? Yes. Is Tarn a menace when it comes to rules and regulations? Definitely. Has Helex ever witnessed Tarn actually wind down and be normal off the clock? Never.
Shoot, the only reason the entire ordeal happened was because of Tarn's own hand at the regulations in regards to traitors with expecting mates. So it's still related to the Cause...
Despite Vos' disappointment not being able to get his clutches on the mech that could entwine pain and pleasure in a single word, Vos is deeply entertained by the massive scale of confusion and emotional whiplash the entire ordeal is having on everyone else. Especially since Kaon is literally shocking others if they try opening their mouths about Tarn's new Conjunx status before the guy figures out he's putting far more than the necessary effort into the Donor Clause. If High Command sent a gift to the newlyweds, then it would have been lost in the mail, or Kaon would have buried it deep in his floorboards until his otp got hit by Feelings. ("They're sharing a room, Pet! They're raising sparklings together! They're practically bonded roommates!")
It doesn't help that Tarn actually stonewalls any attempts for the other 'cons to figure out who's his Conjunx. Everyone wants to know and subtly/outright try to snoop, but Tarn thinks it's digs at being a poor donor. Of course, he isn't bringing you to any of the meetings. You're not a Decepticon, just an expecting carrier with an unlucky love life. Plus, you're basically a noncombatent compared to them. You're an excellent nurse and extractor, but that doesn't mean he's going to drag a heavily gravid carrier into a shootout. Nor will he be swayed by bribes like corrupted officials of the old regime, thank you very much.
A few of the 'cons begin to realize that Tarn doesn't even know his updated relationship status. Kaon is over Tarn's shoulder as the tank drones about the "responsibilities of the Cause to the most vulnerable among them" and the "indignities of some medical processes," and he has a terribly dark and focused expression as he gestures a finger across his neck to keep their mouths shut.
Now they're stuck with Tarn's rants about the baster method because he'll never let it go. Never.
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istherewifiinhell · 4 months
im reading comics. ive got a blog. ive got screenshots
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[ID: panel of ravage thinking "Perfect! I cannot imagine a more ideal opportunity! END]
marveltf no.2, or 3&4 in the uk version, 1984.
[Deep breath] Plot: Bill Mantlo, Script: Jim Salicrup, Pencils: Frank Springer, Inks: Kim Demulder, Letters: Janice Chiang, Colour: Nelson Yomtov, Editor: Bob Buduansky, EiC: Jim Shooter
Digital re-master by digikore studios limited. collection edits by Justin Eisinger and Alonzo Simon. editorial notes and assistance by Mark. W. Bellomo
jeez again. well lets start of with the remaster hate, on top of the lettering miscorrections...
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[ID: Comparing the same shot of Soundwave from two versions. 1. the us printing, his plating has been coloured in purple. 2. digital remaster, its been corrected to blue. (Also Megatron happens to be in frame and thinking "As always Starscream slyly seeks to undermine my command, but his advice is sound!") END]
BOOO, they hate his pussy. purplewave you will always be real to me....
(i also dont think the job of a remaster should be to correct originally present errors, or EVER. to 'bring inline visual brand cohesion'. Imagine if they remaster mirage comics with 87 turtle headband colours... riots in the STREETS.
They should simply restore to higher resolution quality lost from age/accessibility accessibility. like high def scans and faded colour correction... i wish we could keep the quality and texture from print u know) (this is not the fault of individuals doing the restore work, whose names i dont even know, just the company that idw hires to do this work)
ANYWAY. commencing with the bullshit.
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[ID: Starscream scowling while Megatron is just behind him. Thinking "Megatron's deductions are most shrewd! I must be careful not to ever let my lust for power cause me to under- estimate his cunning! It is only a matter of time before Starscream commands the decepticons!" END]
ah there we go. im at baseline. im calibrated. locked in
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[ID: Large panel of Bumblebee lifted up on a car mechanics hoist, in the Witwicky garage. Hes saying "Help me, please! I'm dying!" A puddle of fluid draing away underneath him. Sparkplug, in sleepwear, shoes and a cap says "Buster-- This isn't like you-- Playin' a dumb joke on your old man in the middle of the night!" Buster pleading "This is no joke, Dad! Believe me, I'm as surprised as you are! I know it sounds crazy, but I'm sure this car is alive! And unless you do whatever it takes to repair it-- it will die! END]
kjfngjhsddfg BUH. fucked up. if im honest
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[ID: Two panels, Sparkplug looking up to Bee's undercarriage, finding the source of a leak he thinks "Here's the problem!" Off panel Buster explains excitedly "Four other cars then turned into giant robots and started blasting the jet fighters! "O" and Jessie must've split in all the confusion! I hopped into this car and steered it home!" Panel in silhouette, black on vibrant red, Buster gesticulates wildly, continuing "I mean it doesn't have an ignition or gas pedal or--" Sparkplug continues to look up, and interrupts "I don't know what they put in that popcorn at the drive-in, but i hope it s Not habit-forming!" END
KINDA GOES HARD..... if im honest.
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[ID: 1. Buster in Bee's driver's seat, Sparkplug standing outside, speaking to them. Bee: Fear not, Sparkplug Witwicky, I merely plan to relay your generous offer-- Finding some way to convert earthly resources to fuel for Autobot use-- to my leader Optimus Prime! I shall safely return with your son! Sparkplug: Right! Buster: Isn't this the most incredible thing that's ever happened to us?!? Okay, Bumblebee, like, take me to your leader! 2. Two humans, Buster's friends, look at Bee. "Jess, Buster's car just talked!" Jess: "I noticed!" END]
Around here I was coming to understand the off kilter humour their going for, contrasting the bots speech patterns with humans. i dunno if its good reading, but i get it. and yeah they were using a lot of the watchman ass 9 panel layout... if it works eh?
speaking of bot dialogue
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[ID: Three panels, Optimus rallying his troops and they change from bot to alt mode by saying "Autobots, convert to earth-modes! Let's move out!" END]
hmm. still work-shopping that one i see. you know. the classic thing autobots do.... convert and move out... what to catholicism or something??
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[ID: Panel of an asymmetrical and scifi looking castle on a rocky peak. Caption box: Meanwhile, in the half-completed Decepticon base, constructed from various parts of the erstwhile Harrison Nuclear Plant… END]
Different style but apparently comics Megatron still likes himself a castle. Okay dracula. okay NOS-4-A2.
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[ID: Optimus in bot mode, looming over the two humans, he says "I bring you Greetings from Cybertron!" Sparkplug: This one's even bigger than Bumblebee! Buster: Uh-- Hi! END]
He is bigger than Bumblebee... good scale tho, looks right to me anyway. there is a certain charm in this exchange. everyone's suitably and interestingly awkward.
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[ID: Panel of Sunstreaker shooting towards the sky, as Sideswipe takes off with a jet pack. Side: If it's a fight they want, Sunstreaker, we can give it to them! Sun: My electron pulse gun shouldn't disappoint them! Side: While you get 'em in your sights, I'll go meet 'em up close and personal. Sun, thinking: Ever-eager for battle, my brother has rashly employed his energy-draining rocket backpack! END]
ah. so the brother thing is from comics. okay. everything always is isnt it? and yes. all the fight scenes have had dialogue like this.
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[ID: Megatron stepping toward the viewer, menacingly. "Overconfident Fools! They entrusted the human to their weakest member!" He easily thumps Bee's head with one fist. The humans, small enough to be seen in the space between Megatron's legs. On says "He kayoed Bumblebee with just one shot!" END]
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[ID: Two panels, Caption box: And acts-- Megatron holds Sparkplug in one hand, Optimus points his gun and says "Megatron-- surrender the human or suffer the consequences!" Megatron replies "In a word, Optimus-- He fires his canon, the blast engulfing Prime with a "Wawooom" Megatron finishes "--NO!" But meanwhile Sparkplug is free from his grip, shouting "Geronimo!" END]
honestly this whole page of exchanges was great.... its what i love to see them do... get him megs lol. girl ur so funny. beast warsian almost.
...well thats basically it. its a race to find a way to convert earths energies to their use, and The 'Con have kidnapped the one human who seems willing and able to do it. Low on fuel, and on hope, will our intrepid heroes prevail? As Sparkplug's fate hangs in the balance... tune in next time for...
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[ID: Buster looking concerned thinking to himself "How will they be able to rescue Dad-- When it looks like they can't even help themselves?! Caption box: [small next arrow] And along came a... [title text] Spider-man! END]
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timetravelersdoctor · 11 months
How do you think Megatron, Optimus and Elita (EarthSpark) would react if they met Optimus Prime (Shattered Glass)?
Spreading speeches of violence and hate, he made thousands of massacres to plunder and conquer Cybertron, forming the Autobot empire from it. He hung the corpses of several Decepticons to keep his soldiers' morale high, tortured many for simple fun. He took the title of Prime by force and contaminated the matrix of leadership with his evil. He firmly believes that death is the right of all inferior beings and he is completely crazy.
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Till are all gone.
Hi thank you for the ask! I'm sorry it took me a while to get to this I got very distracted with irl stuff. I hope you enjoy!
Tfe Megatron: he is shocked by Shattered glass Prime's existence. he can't process how horrible SG Prime. He couldn't imagine ever crossing the lines that Shattered Optimus has. he is on full alert around him and is fully prepared to be offlined if it means he keeps the kids safe.
Tfe Optimus Prime: Optimus is uncomfortable around his counterpart and like Megatron he is fully alert and more then willing to be offlined. Tfe Optimus recognizes that he can not convince SG Prime to change his ways so he doesn't even try.
Tfe Elita-1: Elita does her best to keep her optics on SG Prime from a distance. She wants to make sure that if needed she can go and get backup. Elita is also prepared to do what it takes to keep people safe.
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transformers-mosaic · 8 months
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Transformers: Mosaic #567 - "The Gift Of Friendship"
Originally posted on December 23rd, 2010
Story, Art - Simon Reeves Colours - Ibai Canales Letters - Franco Villa
deviantART | Seibertron | TFW2005
wada sez: What do you mean, Christmas was a month ago? The Transformers: Mosaic archive train stops for no holiday. On deviantART, Reeves talked about the strip: “was a really rushed mosaic art wise but luckily we had a great (and super fast) colourist to help improve my rushed line art. and of course, franco's lettering skills are awesome considering there was so much text and such small panels. breast feeding flowers are always funny, as is 'angel bee' and finally we now have an answer to the question on all transfans lips- if prime has an energon axe in the cartoon, what energon weapon does cosmos have hiding behind his hand? an energon spade/trowel!! doubt anybody noticed, but ive got sideswipe beating up sunstreakier like he did in last years 'appreciation' xmas mosaic. sludge is a really annoying character to write about. it's awkward to read his narration when he has such a broken speech pattern, but you can't have him speak normally so trying to find a middle ground was challenging. [...] from the time i thought up the story to the final finished product i think took about a week and a half. never again.” He also shared his original idea for a Christmas strip, which he would’ve done if he “had more time”; I’ve mirrored it below, after Villa’s Italian translation of the strip.
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festive mercy 'christmas: late night' starscream is in a security room at decepticon hq arguing with megatron. monitors show the decepticon party. various funny images such as laserbeak tied down on a plate like an xmas turkey.
screamer says "you have no right megatron! i deserve to be at the christmas celebration. not stuck on security detail" megatron says "deserve starscream? you deserve to be stamped down into sub-par decorations for your pitiful performance against prime earlier"
'earlier: christmas afternoon' outside in the snow prime is beating the shit out of starscream using a huge christmas tree prime says "you shall not ruin today for the humans starscream. not this day. not christmas day!" screamer says "mercy prime- i beg of you"
'christmas: early evening' decepticon hq party. starscream is obviously scared as the decepticons are running around. the decepticons have their head replaced by optimus heads. thundercracker says "merry xmas starscream" screamer says "eeep!!" screamer thinks 'everywhere i look i see his face'
now we see that the decepticons dont have prime heads- its just starscreams imagination. a decepticon is throwing up as others get drunk. screamer says "er yeah thundercracker. you too." screamer thinks 'my nerves are shot. i dont know how much longer i can bare this' megatron is watching starscream shake with fear megatron thinks 'look at him. the coward. however, when pushed, prime is an intimidating foe. perhaps his temperary fear is somewhat... understandable?' starscream is whispering (keep away keep away) as his fellow cons dance around him (imaginary prime heads on the decep bodies). megatron thinks ' exposing his fear- humiliate him- a truely delicious present for myself.' decepticons are all cheering "merry christmas!!" megatron thinks '... and yet...' megatron says "starscream relieve soundwave in security. the spoils of war are for winners only" screamer says "th- this is intolerable!! " relieved yet afraid to show it. megatron says with a smirk "and one more thing- merry xmas you waste of energon" screamer replies "merry xmas you over sized scraplet"
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flipping-the-coin · 1 year
Ratchet! Why are you so mean to Orion? He’s been in a bad place.
𝔉𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔬𝔣𝔣𝔦𝔠𝔢 𝔬𝔣 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔪𝔞𝔩 𝔖𝔱𝔢𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔡: ℜ𝔞𝔱𝔠𝔥𝔢𝔱
ℭ𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔯𝔞𝔩 ℑ𝔞𝔠𝔬𝔫 -
ℭ𝔶𝔟𝔢𝔯𝔱𝔯𝔬𝔫𝔦𝔞𝔫 ℭ𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔠𝔦𝔩 ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔪𝔟𝔢𝔯𝔰 -
𝔊𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔫𝔞𝔫𝔠𝔢 𝔇𝔦𝔳𝔦𝔰𝔦𝔬𝔫 -
Mean? You consider my actions merely mean? No, I am well aware that what I have been doing has long since stepped beyond that line into the realms of outright cruelty. However, I have no remorse in that regard. Orion Pax is not the only mech with personal issues and he never will be.
I have treated Orion with no more cruelty than he did Optimus. We fought a war because of HIS lover. We DIED so that he might have his Primus forsaken happy ending. We lost EVERYTHING because Orion Pax saw fit to be selfish when the rest of us could not afford to. My Prime spent every waking moment in absolute agony because of Orion and STILL offered his life to restore our world. I think it is only fair that some of that pain is returned to its originator… especially since Pax will live the rest of his days with all that he wanted while those of us who fought so hard will endure in silence, missing pieces of ourselves and suffering for Orion and Megatron's benefit. If I had my way, Megatron would be executed and Orion Pax would pay his penance in the Primacy serving under them. Perhaps then he would understand the concept of sacrifice.
We gave all we had to the cause, my Prime especially so. There was not a mech more loyal to our purpose than Optimus, and Orion, despite his claims of fighting for a better future, punished my Prime for that loyalty. Orion claims to fear Optimus, he says he is terrified of him because my Prime kept him 'locked away' while ignoring his pleas for mercy. But that leads me to wonder, why be afraid of someone who fought for our world if you are not an enemy of our people? Why would Orion struggle so bitterly to stop our efforts to end the threat Megatron posed if Orion did not truly care for our world, and rather just for his own personal gain? I spent vorns listening to my former friend rattle on and on about how freedom was a right all sentient beings were entitled to. Almost all of my time as a CMO I endured the long ramblings Orion fell into regarding the cruelty of the caste system. Do you have any idea how many speeches I listened to him recite on the subject? How many times I endured his constant prattling even as he abused his rank to pamper his precious gladiator?
He's a hypocrite, and I intend to remind him of it for the remainder of my functioning. He claims Optimus was the monster, and yet was it not because Orion was too selfish to take the Matrix that so many were hurt? He says Optimus was his jailer, hurting him by fighting for the cause ORION stood for. Despite the fact that Optimus stood for Orion's values, did Pax not torture him for it anyway? He's a selfish little glitch who never grew up enough to learn what it means to live for more than just himself.
How a mech like Optimus came from a glitch like Orion is beyond me. From what I see, my Prime may not have always been totally innocent, but at least he was consistent. He kept to his morals and he learned from his mistakes, always striving to be better and to meet the standards of his station and the Autobots. Even if he was wrong in his decisions as Orion claims, he still held himself to a higher standard and worked for a greater good that Orion abandoned long ago. The hatred and distain Pax bears toward the one who was forged from him sickens me. How can he despise the one HE created? Orion made Optimus, he made the war, and HE made the monster Megatron became. Do not mistake my words as sympathy or an excuse for the Primus forsaken slagger that dares to pollute Cybertron with his presence, but I will not lie and say that Megatron was not influenced. All of this death and pain could have been resolved long ago if Orion Pax were willing to see anything beyond his own desires for half a klik and make rational choices.
Optimus's will forbids that any harm come to Orion Pax or Megatron by extension. I honor that wish by never drawing energon. I know my Prime is far more merciful than I am. He has always been that way so long as I can remember. And so with that in mind, I will see justice dealt on his behalf.
I will do whatever it takes to ensure my Prime's legacy is honored and that he is happy. If that means Orion must suffer, then so be it. I hold no remorse.
𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔪𝔞𝔩 𝔖𝔱𝔢𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔡 - ℜ𝔞𝔱𝔠𝔥𝔢𝔱
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