#Marcos Pontes
In Brazil Senate, former Bolsonaro ministers come back with a vengeance
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Four of Jair Bolsonaro’s former cabinet ministers will get a new job in the Senate, official poll results showed this Sunday.
Damares Alves, Marcos Pontes, Sergio Moro, and Tereza Cristina were elected for eight-year terms in the Senate, which holds three seats for each state.
Mr. Moro is the most famous of the bunch. The former judge, who was the biggest star of the Car Wash investigation, served as Justice Minister under Bolsonaro for slightly more than a year. He resigned in April 2020 after accusing the president of political interference in Federal Police investigations.
Damares Alves served as Family and Human Rights minister, a platform she mostly used to push far-right causes. She personally worked to delay Covid vaccination programs for children.
Tereza Cristina and Marcos Pontes served as Agriculture and Science and Technology ministers, respectively.
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safadezaspoliticas · 5 months
[FANFIC] O Astronauta e O Olavista
Autor(a): CapibaraWitch
Link Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/story/367265455-o-astronauta-e-o-olavista
Link Spirit: https://www.spiritfanfiction.com/historia/o-astronauta-e-o-olavista-25551808
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disney violetta x barbie (2023)
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emaadsidiki · 7 months
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Rio de San Salvador (Lovo Bridge & Gondola)
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calyxthenerd · 11 months
My second consideration is that there were a million different alternatives for the finale, but my two favorites are:
Time skip of like 2/3 years (I don’t think they could’ve waited any more than that) and Leonletta wedding + showing how everyone’s lives are going
And the second one and the one I actually believed to have happened: (no joke I legit remember the show ending this way, my brain is freaky) with the kids in the zoom room, talking about memories and everything that has happened to them throughout the years, then they sing Crecimos Juntos while slowly leaving the Studio and then the door closes behind them just the last note hits.
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violetta will frame the fakest group photo in existence and you can’t do anything about it
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alainapaloosa2 · 2 years
Guess who’s back with another one of these
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violettaoncrack · 3 months
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No, no, I wanted a TIP, not a STRIP
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theworldofnoemi · 1 year
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📷😍 Fotografando le gondole 🚤📷😍
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supernova-151 · 1 year
welcome to my little corner of tumblr! my name is iris and im an aspiring filmmaker and writer. if you've stumbled upon my blog i'll presume you're here because of my violetta content, of which i can offer plenty - inside and outside of this platform.
if you wanna check out my miscellaneous art, you can check out the tag #my art right here on this blog, and slowly but surely im starting to tag my writing updates with the tag #my writing.
⇊ care for a more specific looksee into my ao3 content? ⇊
multi-chapter works:
all press is good press: ludmila and naty's lives are completely turned upside down after the publication of a compromising picture.
pairings: luty, jadangie, franletta
chapters: eighteen so far! the finite number remains to be confirmed (meaning i have absolutely no idea how long this'll be but rest assured it'll be lengthy......for better or worse!!)
when in madrid: s2's madrid arc but instead of leonetta and diecesca it's fedemila and naxi - and also a hundred times more dramatic bc it's me like cmon you know that.
pairings: luty (and of course, canon ship events happening in the background)
chapters: currently two chapters published out of ten
kissing lessons: 3x11 "you just need to make him jealous" scene but it Escalates the way the good lord intended (the good lord being me of course)
pairings: luty
chapters: currently one chapter published out of six
bite the hand that feeds you: greek mythology au in which ludmila is princess to the kingdom of argephigus (i know) and camila is a beast hunter that somehow happens to drop by her castle at the worst possible time.
pairings: cadmila, jadangie
chapters: currently two chapters published out of i genuinely have no idea how many (see apigp)
anatomy of a layered friendship: a dead to me au but instead of jen and judy it's priscila and jade. yeah. i KNOW. just trust the process it makes more sense when you read it.
pairings: prade (and background luty)
chapters: currently one chapter published out of ten (don't expect updates here anytime soon but it exists okyyyy)
redhead on redhead: a barely-hanging-by-a-thread violetta castillo decides to experiment her roxy flirting skills on camila. it goes just as you think a premise like this would go.
pairings: camletta, luty
chapters: currently one chapter published out of eight
luty month 2023: collection of stories inspired by the prompts of the 2023 luty month calendar
pairings: luty (but background ships may vary)
chapters: currently one drabble posted out of twenty-eight (slow updates, you've been warned)
crecimos juntos: collection of violetta tumblr drabbles
pairings: depends on the chapter (so far covered luty and marciego)
chapters: currently five drabbles have been posted. i don't really see myself writing that kind of format anymore but never say never!
prisci and shari: a series of fateful days that revolve around former college besties priscila and sharon.
pairings: prisharon
chapters: one drabble has been posted so far but this concept has officially been promoted to drabble collection let’s go!!! everyone cheered (everyone = no one)
and?: four times ludmila and naty asked each other questions, and the one time words weren't necessary.
pairings: luty
helpless alien, brave commander: naty accidentally finds a very personal document of ludmila's. chaos ensues.
pairings: luty
valentine's dayjob: naty is a cupid, an angel with a task to help people find their soulmates on st. valentine's day. while completing her task for the year, an unexpected meeting changes everything she thinks she knows about love.
pairings: luty
it's about the destination: the studio gang decide to spend christmas together, but an unfortunate car ride with a very grumpy ludmila threatens to ruin the jolly mood.
pairings: luty (and background leonetta)
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beautifulvenezia · 9 months
Draw a View of Venice
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carbone14 · 2 years
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Sentinelle chinoise sur le pont Marco Polo – Incident du pont Marco Polo (Lugou Bridge Incident) – Wanping – Chine – Juillet 1937
©Republic of China – Ministry of the National Defense
Les troupes de l'armée japonaise du Guandong s'entraînaient le 7 juillet 1937 près de Wanping, à l'extrémité du pont Marco Polo (Pont de Lugou) situé à 16 km à l'ouest de Pékin. Des coups de feu éclatèrent vers 23 h et un soldat japonais manquait à l'appel. Les Japonais demandèrent la permission de fouiller les maisons de Wanping afin de le retrouver, opération qui leur fut refusée par la Chine. Les Japonais saisirent le casus belli pour faire venir des renforts et encercler la ville. Ce fut le point de départ de la seconde guerre sino-japonaise (Source Wiki).
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separarprapensar · 1 year
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Vamos parar pra pensar sobre os excluídos... Um leproso veio e ajoelhou-se diante de Jesus, implorando para ser curado: “Se o senhor quiser, pode me curar e me deixar limpo”. Cheio de compaixão, Jesus estendeu a mão e tocou nele. “Eu quero”, respondeu. “Seja curado e fique limpo!” No mesmo instante, a lepra desapareceu e o homem foi curado. Marcos 1:40-42 J. Vernon McGee diz que há um lado psicológico tremendo nesse milagre, pois ninguém toca um leproso. Fazia muitos anos que ninguém tocava naquele leproso. Quando dava um passo para a frente, os outros davam um passo para trás. Aquele homem não sabia mais o que era um abraço, um toque no ombro, um aperto de mão. Jesus poderia curá-lo sem o tocar. Mas Jesus viu que aquele homem tinha não apenas uma enfermidade física, mas também uma profunda carência emocional. Jesus tocou a lepra. Mostrou sua autoridade sobre a lei e sobre a enfermidade. Jesus curou as suas emoções, antes de curar a sua enfermidade. O toque de Jesus curou a sua alma, a sua psiquê, a sua auto- estima, a sua imagem destruída. O puro não ficou impuro; entretanto, o puro purificou o impuro. Mesmo que todos o rejeitem, Jesus se compadece. Ele sabe o seu nome, seu problema, sua dor, suas angústias, seus medos. Ele não o escorraça. Em Jesus, Deus fez uma ponte entre Ele e os excluídos. Imagem: The Chosen
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pov: you follow the characters on twitter 🐦✨
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emaadsidiki · 7 months
Bridge of Sighs on Rio del Palazzo
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calyxthenerd · 11 months
I’m going to talk about the character’s looks throughout the seasons because I’m a judgmental bitch:
Now, Maxi, Naty, Broduey, Andres and Fede didn’t really changed their styles very much imo, so I’m just going to skip them
Now, from the little we see of him Marco didn’t change much either but I separated him because I love him because he was there for less time, but I feel the need to add that I love his hair
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Next up we have Diego, now, he looked amazing in season 2, really, I loved that look, but I feel like in season 3, he got a more mature look that really symbolized his growth during that time
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Moving on, we have Fran, now, her on season two was a big step up from season one, but I feel like she really shined on season three, specially with her shorter hair
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Camila, also didn’t really change up her look that much (apart from dying her hair a stronger tone at one point) but I feel like the progression of her character arc really shows in the maturity her outfits gain throughout the show I hope I got the right pictures
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I’m going to have to split this into two because of the image limit but here is part one!
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