#Marbles is doing great
marblesarelost · 8 days
Damn, it's been a while.
See, I have to get off Tumblr periodically and stay off for a while because unfortunately Tumblr can suck up all of my attention, leaving me with no time in which to actually, you know, work or anything. So when I disappear, dear friends, don't think I'm gone forever. It's just going to be a long break.
Since last I left you, I've been through court reporter school; the only thing I have left for said school is what's called a live mock, which is where a bunch of people pretend to be giving a deposition in which I have to keep up with what everyone's saying and make annotations.
I also am in ... limbo of sorts ... with a court reporting company, waiting to take and pass a live mock with them so I can actually start work. If any of you need a job, can type at a decent rate, and have no problems sitting for a long time, I highly recommend you check out The Court Reporting Academy; they have scholarships available if you're willing to do five jobs at a lower rate than normal, and once you pass, you can make really good money. Like, really good. I know of two court reporting agencies that are paying upwards of $30 an hour, and you can work from home.
So the biggest news is that @Palaquinn and I are living together now in a house. A house that we are buying. That's big news, you guys. The kids are all getting along pretty well, and while we still have boxes everywhere, we're all doing okay.
I'm about to start doing DDPY again, specifically his Kneehab program, because my knees keep getting worse. It wasn't so bad this time last year, but a year of living on the third floor walkup did not help them. That being said, it was my only recourse at that time, and it was a good apartment complex; never had any problem with the landlord or the neighbors, and God bless my downstairs neighbors patience with the fact that both my children walk like elephants.
Bee is doing well; they went to Chicago this summer to the SAIC Young Artists Program or whatever it's called, and they had a great time. They also earned two college credits doing it. I'm proud of them for so many things; they were able to navigate the streets of a very large city by themself, they were able to handle the activities of daily life by themself. Sometimes that can be challenging for them, so I'm proud.
Bonus Kiddo is doing well; they seem to be much more accepting of me these days, which is great, and they even let me hug them sometimes, which is awesome.
Palaquinn is, as always, amazing. I don't know what I'd do without him, it's one of those loves where you don't know how you breathed without them before. Going on two years now and we still have yet to have a fight, which really shouldn't surprise me but does; but I've grown and matured over my years, and we get along and have the same outlook on so many things, it shouldn't surprise me. I still do my best to court him the way he should be courted, the way he always should have been courted, I do my best to remind him of how much he means to me and how deeply I love him just for being who he is. He brings me sunshine every moment of my days.
Football Boy is now learning how to be, of all things, a banker. He's working for a bank here in the area and will eventually be able to do the junior banker type things, he's got his own little area and while he's still training, he's more than just a teller already, though he can do a teller's job as well.
All in all, we're all doing pretty well out here; I'm not looking forward to the winter because I've been assured that this last winter was mild, and to me it definitely was NOT, but maybe I'll be more accustomed to it this year. I'm still going to be surprised if it snows four inches on Halloween, though.
Speaking of Halloween, Bee wants to be, of all characters, Carrie from Stephen King's Carrie. Dear Lord. So we need to get to work shopping for that outfit soon.
As evidenced from my post the other day, I still miss Earthshaker; but i know he is always with me, in his own way. I will never, ever, doubt the existence of life after death again -- I had a couple of experiences this last summer that I cannot explain at all, and I know it was him. I just know. So Earthshaker, as always, pray for us, pray for me.
So in other words, TL;dr, we're all doing really well. We're blessed. We're blessed beyond comprehension. And I hope with all my heart that if you are reading this, that you are blessed as well.
(And seriously if you need work, look into The Court Reporting Academy. Patti is darling, and scholarships are pretty easy to get.)
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scribefindegil · 1 year
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Papercraft Tome for day 2 of GirlWeek!!
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Thinking about how Hoody!Brian had SO many opportunities to kill Alex but hesitated and couldn’t time and time again. He had the guy captured twice and while you could argue that the Operator interrupted him once, he also HAD him at Benedict Hall. He could’ve ended it there, but he couldn’t.
Hoody!Brian could hate him all he wanted, beat him to hell and back, and mock and threaten him, but he never was quite able to pull the trigger. Even at his lowest, even full of hate and contempt for Alex (and some for everyone else alive too), he couldn’t seem to cross that particular line. Which is incredibly interesting to me.
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sn0wbat · 8 months
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sparkle on, tiberius ✨
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wurmwizzard · 12 days
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got a pack o' cheapo malformed marbles on ebay, and one of them arrived with a booty crack 😳
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mcaquila · 5 months
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I only know like two other people irl who like this game, and Clive's permanently intense face is a running joke among us.
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giantkillerjack · 4 months
If media has taught me one thing, it's to never own a paperweight capable of causing traumatic brain injury.
My dad owned a heavy glass paperweight once that tapered into a sturdy sharp point on the top, and the fact that no one was murdered with this at all before his retirement from the lawfirm is the surest proof I have that this reality is in fact not fiction.
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tathrin · 6 months
Yesssssss guess who just learned how to swap usb cords between mice tonight? That's right mate, we are unstoppable now. So you go ahead and discontinue the best mouse ever fucking made, Logitech, that's fine; I'm just going to ship-of-theseus my babies forever and you can't stop me.
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Hello have a Sorry It's Locked chapter 2 doodle I did because I was Having Feelings and they're so good for getting said Feelings out
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Marble Sky Fanrt
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😋: Im already hooked and the lastest episode broke me…
hope you like it…
Okay bye!!
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scribesynnox · 5 months
Ohhhhhh MAN.
@somerandomdudelmao For someone who claims to be “horrible at naming things”, you have been hitting banger names for your characters, they have ALL hit the mark, every single time.
We’ve got Satellite, the satellite moon for the crew. Scultptor, whose name is INCREDIBLY ominous given his very sharp surgical tools and his ease in modifying people’s bodies without their consent. Ain, who’s definition I still haven’t worked out yet because there’s actually a bunch of different definitions for him, but I’m hoping it’s the Hebrew definition because it would be SO fucking funny you don’t understand. Ain as in “eye” or “to see”. Lmao. But also as an extension, it means “to understand and obey” and that fits with the whole “Sculptor’s assistant” thing. Elliptica, the Moon princess of her network, she who covers the sun and turns the sky dark with her presence, with a possible second definition of being “elliptical, difficult to understand”. Likely her name is just in reference to the Ellipse though cuz of the moon thing. Holly, from the Sea Temple, out here protecting Ward and WARD!! My man, my cautious astronaut bodyguard. Poor man went from a verb to a noun and he’s not having a good time with the transition. To ward into a ward. And there’s Alcor, the brighter star of the binary system in the Ursa Major constellation, and uh, speaking of the second half of this duo system. And the whole reason I started this post in the first place.
Oscar! The guy ever, love this himbo. I thought, “man! These names have all been zingers every time with in-depth meanings and foreshadow behind them! Gee, I wonder if it’s the same for Oscar!” AND UH.
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And!! Because I was on a roll with the names, I looked up Alcor and found the name of the other star, Mizar. Went, “I know Oscar’s name is Oscar, but if he’s supposed to be the Mizar to Alcor, I wonder if THIS name means anything.” AND!!!!
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FORGOTTEN? NEGLECTED ONE?? NEGLECTED ONE???? I’ve been wondering how Oscar relationship with his parents are, since we already know that he’s a fantastic older brother to his siblings AND THEN I SEE THIS??? Ominous. But also!! Mizar means apron/cover/wrapping and all that other stuff so is it an indication for Oscar shielding Alcor? Or stifling him? Protecting him from the “dirty” work like an apron, or muffling him under a wrapper?
Though it is interesting how Alcor is the brighter star between the two of them. Cue Treasure Planet moment between Alcor and Oscar, and Oscar giving the “catching some of the light coming off of ya” speech to Alcor, I would just CRY.
All of these may mean nothing. Or it may mean EVERYTHING, and I am vibrating in place to see what happens next.
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unproduciblesmackdown · 3 months
also marble hornets fun fact #92 like it's fun that for once the neurotypical agenda accidentally got a win: when in that s1 "interview" episode apparently there was no particular plan to have tim be a recurring character before a strong audience response of speculation that there must be something more going on with this guy because his fidgeting with a notebook all throughout the video was indication of Liar's Anxiety or whatever; in reality tim sutton was not making any acting choice (to serve then-nonexistent writing) but was spontaneously being someone often fidgeting with paper. then call that unfolding developments
#i don't know much about how s2 / 3 were written save that even as s1 was most fully like fly by the seat of their pants#and obviously not really having chronology / plot focus until even a ways into it#they still did not like have everything nailed down as a story going into s2 or anything like that / were writing Along The Way#though regarding ''no way in the initial decision to have tim Recur did they go 'he will eventually be our protagonist'''#i do think i remember their saying that jay dying was like something decided on relatively early. for [every reason] lmao#just not great at this....it's Just like winston billions in here except also the opposite of that#[one-off character is easily read as just existing a bit nd style; chilling] oh you mean their Malicious Nature?#however though i similarly think the logic / payoff according to their own setup would have been wendy exploding into atoms#they were definitely Not interested in swapping out who gets to be leading this thing no matter what. unto the end#then shoutout to actor tim organically tripping in his Next first appearance but to superior effect lol#wow it's just like that one clip from that one movie. lol that i could actually find it but I Dunno About That Video Title Abbreviation#marble hornets#anyways point is it was Just organic fidgeting b/c of that being something someone does#and then Suspicion that that Must mean he's got Secrets was what was like oh maybe we gotta bring this guy into it lol#and that at first indeed it was maybe like Simply Sinister Secrets but then it's like well he's the main character now. enjoy#and that one guy is tim sutton's dad cameo we gotta get one of those#and in both cases;
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I just wanna say to the OG Ewan Mitchell fans that you are right to gatekeep and in fact you should gatekeep even harder because I barely found out about the guy on HOTD and already I see people on insta and twatter making fun of his face and acting like he’s a creepy weirdo for being private and it’s literally gonna make me froth at the mouth it’s pissing me the hell off
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shewhoeatssand · 14 days
Kaneki is SO cute and squeezable like you can feel the dimension in him sometimes and he8s so pretty and he sometimes likes to play he can play Go he’s amazing he’s talented he feels like something tangible
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prestonmonterey · 27 days
uh oh guys i think i might be. bird...
in a normal way! (copinglink...)
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yepthatsacowalright · 8 months
I really appreciated the video Julien Solomita posted recently (an edited part of one of his Twitch streams) where he talked about online creators leaving the public eye. Specifically these bits really struck me: "I think it's hard for some people to imagine what a person goes through with years kind of compounded of doing something like that in such a public way. You see a little bit of it, right? Like you see videos, and you see posts, and you see some appearances and it's the tip of the iceberg, but not only are you not seeing the other things that happen that make that machine run and that make it all possible, but...you also aren't experiencing the toll that someone has to pay." "There's always a cost... I think what people are starting to realize when they see creators leave is what that cost looks like. For different people it is a different cost...but there's like...an overarching similarity with that cost. There's like a common denominator, which is like it's kind of part of your soul. You're kind of giving a part of yourself to make yourself available in content for the world, and after doing that for a long time it can sometimes, I think, feel like you've forgotten what it feels like to just be a person." It reminded me of a lot of things currently on my mind, including the post John Green made a while ago about what he gained and what he lost as a successful author and YouTuber. More and more I feel like the creative people I admire most all end up feeling this way, and it has me so conflicted and stuck. I used to think what would ultimately hold me back creatively would be fears that I'm not good enough, or that no one would care what I have to say or share, but that's not it. I mean, those are worries, sure, but they aren't enough to stop me. No, what stops me is wondering if I am good enough. If people would care about what I say or share. Because then I would have to pay that toll. Something equal to what I gained would be taken from me, and I would never be able to undo it. I would never stop being The Person Who Did That. I will have no choice but to live with all positives and negatives that unfurl as a result. I would have to continue to do it to maintain the income and the success. Parts of me would not be mine anymore, and what happens to them out in the world would be out of my control forever after. There's something much more terrifying and haunting in that potential outcome. I just still deeply do not know how to reconcile the desire to make a creative, meaningful impact on the world, and the desire to protect what matters to me. It doesn't feel like these should be the only two options. I wish there were more.
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