craft2eu · 1 year
Hella Jongerius - PHOENIX - REBORN BEAUTY: München bis 18.06.2023
Im Mittelpunkt der Installation „Phoenix – reborn beauty“ in der Neuen Sammlung in München steht ein Tisch. Ein Tisch, der Generationen verbindet: Für Menschen, die sich um ihn versammeln und Porzellanstücke, mit denen er gedeckt ist. Alle Teller, die diese Tafel schmücken, haben eine Geschichte. Manche wurden geerbt, andere verschenkt, wieder andere auf dem Second-Hand-Markt gekauft. Nun…
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handwark · 2 years
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michaeldemanega · 2 years
Manufactum - von der Dauerhaftigkeit der Dinge
Manufactum – von der Dauerhaftigkeit der Dinge
Im Jahr 1987 gründet der ehemalige Landesgeschäftsführer der Grünen in Nordrhein-Westfalen, Thomas Hoof, das Unternehmen Manufactum als Versandhaus für hochwertige Produkte. 30 Jahre später verkauft Thomas Hoof das inzwischen millionenschwere Unternehmen an die Otto-Gruppe. Die Geschichte von Manufactum ist ein Geschichte der Wertigkeit der Dinge. Manufactum verkauft das, was andere nicht mehr…
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trenchandwhite · 10 months
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rosenbraut · 2 months
I’m really craving one of those artfully crafted, painfully expensive sandwiches. Baguette loaded with smoked salmon and baby spinach or Camembert and raspberries. You know it’s too much and once you’ve had 75% of it, you’ll feel slightly nauseous. You know it’s too expensive. But they look so pretty in the display case, arranged next to 7€ pistachio croissants and 9€ strawberry tarts.
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bookshelfdreams · 1 year
This is what a man's work looks like
God, you're such an idiot.
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Look yourself, born into wealth, having never done a day of manual labour in your life. Look at you, in your fine shirt, your stupid waistcoat, the virginal, overpriced leather apron you ordered at Ye Olde Manufactum. Look at yourself, strolling through your garden, meticulously maintained by servants.
Standing there, doing the worst butchering ever known to man, with no regard for the value of anything; your ruined clothes, the life of the animal you killed, your own son's emotional wellbeing.
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What a disgrace.
You're not here to provide anything of value - sustenance, protection, security. This is what a man's work looks like if you have failed to make anything positive of yourself, of your social standing, your relationships, the many many blessings you received. If you have failed as a man, as a father.
Here you stand, atop all your power and privilege, and know nothing better to do with it than call your own young child names to make yourself feel better. You, who has nothing to take pride in but your ability to beat down those who are weaker than you.
You goddamn clown. You moron.
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germanpostwarmodern · 11 months
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The so-called the Ulm Stool undoubtedly is one of the best-known designs originating from the HfG in Ulm, Germany’s most significant postwar design school. In 2021 the HfG-Archiv devoted an exhibition to the stool entitled „Der Ulmer Hocker: Idee - Ikone - Idol“, a comprehensive overview of its history, the development of its iconic status and its afterlife as a reference work up for interpretation.
As a follow-up to the exhibition its organizers Viktoria Lea Heinrich, Thomas Hensel & Martin Mäntele recently published the eponymous volume with AV Edition that further elaborates the content of the exhibition. The first and major surprise is the insight into the genesis of the stool which actually has more „fathers“ than just Max Bill who is often credited alone for its design. The idea indeed originated with Bill as a result of the chronically tight financial situation of the HfG: in order to be able to furnish the school building Bill developed a simple, durable and multifunctional stool that was easy to produce with the means and machines at hand. But before it went into production at the HfG’s carpentry, design and construction were revised based on input provided by Hans Gugelot, Paul Hildinger and Josef Schlecker, the carpentry’s and metal workshop’s heads, in order to improve ease of production.
Subsequently Thomas Hensel goes into detail about the iconisation of the stool based on the theory of art as on operating system. Hensel applies it to the design world and carves out how e.g. the feuilleton and the retailer Manufactum turned an everyday object into an icon. Concurrently the stool gained a nimbus as a HfG artifact that, as a halo effect, transfers qualities assigned to the stool on to its owner and in the sense of Bourdieu contributes to the latter’s cultural capital.
Beyond this historical & theoretical discussion of its significance the authors also include many variations and copies of the Ulm Stool, physical evidence of its continuing relevance. As a result of these multifocal perspectives on a legendary piece of furniture the book offers a historical and sociocultural analysis of the Ulmer Hocker that is both insightful & thought-provoking.
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fabiansteinhauer · 2 years
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St. Petersburg
Man muss nicht in einer Kommunalka gewohnt haben, es reicht, in irgendeiner Wohnung im großen Ensemble des Petersburger Stadtzentrums gewohnt zu haben. Wenn man dort einmal alle vier Jahreszeiten mitbekommen hat, dann haben sich alle Elemente, die dazu gehören, eingebrannt.
Ilja Pjanikov malt seit Jahren die Innenräume, die russischen Flure, die schweren Heizkörper, die übrig gebliebenen Herde und Spülen der Sowjetunion. Inzwischen unterrichtet er auch an der Kinderkunstschule, zu der wir früher Goscha geschickt haben, in dieser Schule findet man instant hochkonzentrierte Petersburger Stadtkultur. Das ist eine der Szenen, die vom Kunstbetrieb abgekoppelt sind, wenn man unter Kunstbetrieb versteht, was so auf Biennalen, Messen und documentas stattfindet. Es ist davon nicht abgekoppelt, wenn man darunter auch die nerdigen 'Subkulturen' versteht, die sich immer noch um Malerei sammeln, die akademisch hochraffiniert ist. Solche Szenen gibt es in England, in Spanien, in Italien und Frankreich häufiger als in Deutschland, oft verknüpft mit dem Hochadel, Sport- und Tierzuchtvereinen. Man lässt Fürsten und Pferde, Hunde, Hamster und Herzöge nur von Leuten malen, die richtig etwas vom Handwerk verstehen. Den Rest dürfen die anderen übernehmen. In St. Petersburg gibt es diese Szene auch, nur ohne Hochadel und Zuchtvereine, also noch bestens sowjetisch erzogen. Die Malerei dazu ist teilweise auch schnell Ware für die Straßenhändler am Newski Prospekt, teilweise sogar in erschreckend großer Anzahl, aber das ist das Brotgeschäft. Pjanikov malt unbeirrbar Petersburger Interieurs, sogar irritierend (un-)zeitgenössisch, als würde die Ironie etwas verschnarcht oder schlicht eingeschlafen sein.
Es gibt noch viele solche Innenräume, bis zum Einfall Russlands in die Ukraine habe ich regelmäßig die Immobilienportale durchsucht. Bis Mitte der Neunziger hatte auch der Außenraum diese Anmutungen. Im  Гостиный Двор gab es noch die Küchengeräte, gegen die alles von manufactum wie Leichtplastik wirkt, tonnenschwere Bettwäsche und Bratpfannen, ich habe gleich alles gekauft, hält nämlich.
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vorunruhestand · 3 months
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twistednuns · 6 months
March 2024
My class is in a confidence/conflict training at the moment and I loved what the trainer said about how to deal with annoying people and information. I needed to hear that: stand up straight and look them in the eye. And don't believe everything you hear.
Du hast den geilsten Arsch der Welt - I found a postcard with this line on my desk in the classroom. I was about to be flattered when I noted the little addition "mich" at the bottom. Fun.
The lady who stopped me on the street just to tell me that she loved my outfit. It's quite pathetic how simple it is to lift someone's mood. I wanna pay more compliments, too. I'd really love to adopt a more positive focus!
Browsing Sephora and &otherstories with Margit. Food, cinnamon buns and a very interesting play at Residenztheater, Prima Facie. I loved when she hung up disgusting/intimidating portraits of old, white men during the court scene. Impressive.
MONKI tahin. The highlight of every breakfast for a while now.
Visiting Ralf in Jena. He picked me up from the train station and I felt at ease immediately. The whole weekend was very relaxed, close, beautiful. We are very good together. I loved lying around on the dock by the river in Paradies park - the first real outdoor session this spring. Talking about everything. Cuddling and getting to know each other in his apartment. Playing the piano together. Finally revisiting the planetarium. I met his friends Jona and Steve at a small concert. The next day, he dragged me up a hill. We enjoyed the view, then shot at a beer can with bow and arrow. We stopped at a cafe and walked back down. I walked 32000 steps that weekend!
A two-day English language teacher training about creative methods. I really enjoyed being the student for a change. I need to go back to school myself in one way or another.
Buying sourdough bread and a chocolate croissant at manufactum during my lunch break. A friendly interaction with two other customers.
Vietnamese food followed by a massage.
Turning a game of chess around. I won - even though I'd made a grave mistake early on and lost my Queen.
A yin and yang pattern on my freshly brewed coffee.
Seeing some if my stained glassware lined up in the dishwasher. Such pretty colours!
Another long talk with the osteopath about kinks, energy, addiction. I found out he used to be a Lindy Hop instructor and NEED to befriend him now. I also loved how my body felt after the session. I had a cup of coffee at 4pm: great strategy - felt super energized in yoga class! Is there a connection? I loved my low pain / high energy level that day.
Inspiration: writing and illustrating a children's book (found a cute know-it-all book the other day) and founding an online business (listened to one of Christina's Holistic CEO podcast episodes).
Listening to music by Iniko.
Preparing a treasure map for Lian's birthday party.
Heike's surprising rap part in Joyful Joyful.
Buying a big stack of boxes at IKEA. I'm kinda looking forward to organizing my basement compartment now.
Interacting with the little ones in my role as Earth Demon. Mara looking me straight in the face saying "I've seen you somewhere... I KNOW you!" Talking to Ale, meeting Tommy. Getting along fine with Jessy. Retreating to functioning mode but transitioning into a very relaxed night with Christian, Tobi, Tommy and Charlie the cat (who kept jumping on my lap, demanding affection). I had a fit of shivers and C. helped me stay grounded. Felt unreal. Sleeping it off. Meeting the gang again at 4am. Cooking for everyone the next day. And reconnecting with C. After a bad week. He shared his emotions and thoughts with me, said: "WHEN we're vibing we're vibing extremely hard." Sex was intense. He shook my hand afterwards and congratulated me for being part of his most intense sexual experience so far. He tried affirmation porn on me, calling me his Goddess. Mentioned my beautiful face and promised to always be there for me.
A mental image I might have to turn into an actual painting: Nina Hagen dragging me forwards as my inner heroine and Mara holding me back as my little demon because it's not safe to step ahead.
Letting my fingertips run over C's head and face in surprising patterns to the rhythm of the music. He said it felt like a little spider spinning a neuronal network.
My body doing the work for me. I didn't feel like going to Pub Quiz and I actually fell asleep that evening and had to excuse myself after waking up too late.
People staring at me in the morning. Or rather, looking at me as if I'm the most interesting person they've seen that day.
A new haircut! It's layered and light and I have lovely face-framing pieces now.
Buying a strawberry-ice-cream-coloured T-shirt. And Lagerfeld-esque aviator sunglasses. And nail polish in a deep, dark, golden bronze. Just in case.
Thinking about my goals for 2024. The ones that's really help me progress. The scary ones.
A women's Tantra circle at Rote Mondin (a magical yurt right in the middle of the city, next to the train tracks). I noticed how much time I'm spending in masculine energy, and how much easier it often is for me to be "one of the dudes". I felt an impulse to learn more about Tantra and finally read the book I've had for months now. And afterwards, Simone came up to me and asked me about my community in Munich, and electronic music. My gaydar was on, rightfully so. A nice connection.
Unearthing delicious green pesto from my freezer. Thank you, me from the past.
Finally putting on a sweater after having endured the cold for far too long.
Trying out for the solo part in Joyful Joyful. Improving so much in the second round.
Feli sent me a few stickers her friends have made of her. I put one on my water bottle!
Listening to inspiring podcasts in the car.
Smelling of Georg's laundry detergent after our osteopathy sessions.
Wearing yellow.
Being more relaxed at work. I LOVE having two days off now, it makes such a big difference.
Exchanging gifs of our "astral bodies" with Ralf when we wanted to cuddle but were so far apart. His was a proud unicorn with a rainbow mane, mine a cheeky cat. Of course.
Dill pickles.
Building two nifty shelf units for the basement. Starting to unpack all the boxes of art supplies I brought from my old school. It already looks like an art studio or store down there. But I didn't have the energy to declutter yet. There is still so much stuff I don't need. Donate, sell, gift. My mission for next week.
Cuddle movie night at Luna's. Finally seeing Burner friends again after a longer hiatus. Getting freaky with Robert. Playfights, petting Heinrich's cat personality, floating on the K cloud.
Cheering up C in the morning. Going to Anatolian brunch with Luna, Patri, David, Tobi, Lukas and Jazz. Afterwards we went to a pop-up plant sale and I had to advise everyone after they'd found out that I'm a crazy plant lady. Returning to Filzhof with Tobi, ordering pizza and playing a board game together.
What happens to me every few years: I hear the first notes of Madonna's Frozen which reminds me of how fascinating I find the song.
Feeling C's sparkly fire energy inside of me. Simply telling him to "enjoy". Helping him out with identifying the holes in his personality.
Yoga Sunday with Lucie. Meeting her husband Gerald. Dancing and shaking to the beat of the drums with my eyes closed. doTERRA essential oils in Wild Orange and a grounding blend. Drinking infused water, playing with an orange. Singing together, harmonizing. Enjoying the movement and my strength. Falling asleep immediately during the break. Blueberry cake. Feeling all the muscles between my ribs the next day. Waking up to their song in my head: I am the light of my soul, I am beautiful, I am bountiful, I am bliss, I am I am.
Accidentally creating a twinset when I bought a shirt in exactly the same shade of soft green as a cardigan I already had.
Talking with my students about war, stereotypes, human rights and asylum.
Solving a conflict with communication instead of passive aggression.
Feeling snackish. Eating a bunch of raw vegetables with tzatziki. Healthy, crunchy, delicious.
Finally finishing my review for 2023.
Reading Leonora Carrington's biography. I'm so inspired - and I'm realising that I've always been a Surrealism fangirl.
Buying a comfortable bra that actually fits me and gives my boobs a nice shape. What a rarity.
Seeing the fluffy orange neighbour cat for the first time after the winter. And sitting outside on the balcony chair for the first time, too!
Starting to read The Perfectionist's Guide to Losing Control - I felt seen and couldn't put it down.
Seeing Pictures of an Exhibition by Mussorgsky in Gasteig HP8 with my class. It was a lovely concert - with little acts and explanations in-between!
A short trip to Valencia with my bestie. First and foremost, we LOVED the aromatic smell of the orange blossoms everywhere. We noticed it for the first time on our first night, walking over a deserted plaza in the rain. It followed us on our strolls through the city. Walking through the Central Market one morning, there were even more interesting smells. All the fresh fruit and baked goods... So rich! / A cat sleeping in the sunshine behind a homeless man. A dude wearing a red bandana and wide-leg pants. / Taking lots of picture of orange trees instead of the architecture. Creating a photo-love-story of Sash and her food. Modeling my autumn colour outfit in front of an orange wall. / Walking through Ruzafa. Discovering interesting art galleries, used book stores, vintage shops. When I entered Kowalski Cosas Bellas Artes I immediately knew I was in danger zone. So many interesting things to discover! I had such a lovely conversation (in Spanish!!) with the owner and he recommended lots of his favourite museums, bars and restaurants in the area. / Angel numbers following me around as I go, glitter on the floor leading the way. / Warm soft-bake cookies with dark chocolate, walnuts and sea salt. Iced latte. Hot ramen noodle soup with the perfect miso egg. / Cycling through the impressive Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias. The Science Museum was super interesting. I learned a lot about space travel and human genetics. And, my favourite thing: watching little chicklets hatching! They looked exhausted but kept hacking at their siblings. Such a special thing to witness! / Touching the Mediterranean. Ice-cream by the sea. How I love a good 180° ocean view. / After the little Surrealism exhibition, we walked through a park and I saw a gorgeous cat cuddling up to a lady on a bench. They both found a friend that afternoon! / Really good interior design and architecture - well, Valencia was the European Capital of Design in 2022 and it shows. We stayed in Casa Clarita, an art hotel designed by Jaime Hayon. / Too much shopping. The Nice Things store. Crush gallery. Vintage stores. / Palm trees against old brick walls. / Inspiring art. Little paintings by Alberto Porta (Zush). / Agua de Valencia in a glass almost as big as my head. We fell asleep early that evening. Strong stuff. / Spending a lot of time with Sash for a change. We don't see each other often anymore but it's nice that we still click. Oh, and finding out that she is a Manifesting Generator, too! Power couple. //
An adorable selfie of Christian and Mara. Felt a little jealous!
Going on a trip down south with Christian and Lian. First we stopped at Chiemsee where we threw gifts for my mum in the water. C. threw a coloured egg, introducing himself to my mum and wishing her Happy Easter. He told her that he is with me now. I brought her crystals and a bunch of flowers, a big orange rose in the middle. I attached a little feather and incense to it and released everything to the water. A fragrant little boat. I sent a few tears after it, they merged with the lake water. I told her I missed her and that I'm so much like her - more and more as time passes. Afterwards we visited C.'s friend and "spirit guide" Gyan who actually reminded me a lot of my mother. A wise older man with a lust for life and a rich past. We ate his delicious apple marzipan and walnut cake with a big dollop of cream. Then we went on a walk down to the river and threw big stones into the water. On the way back, we collected wild garlic and I made pesto which we ate with spaghetti. A beautiful afternoon.
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craft2eu · 1 year
Staatspreis MANUFACTUM für angewandte Kunst und Design im Handwerk: Köln vom 27.05. bis 13.08.2023
Das Museum für Angewandte Kunst Köln (MAKK) präsentiert mit der Ausstellung „MANUFACTUM“ insgesamt 116 von einer Fachjury aus 312 Einreichungen ausgewählte Arbeiten. Unter diesen Nominées wählte eine Preis-Jury Arbeiten von sechs Kunsthandwerker*innen und Designer*innen und zeichnete diese mit dem Staatspreis Maunufaktum 2023 aus. Die Preise wurden am 27. Mai durch den Schirmherrn…
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nat-2 · 3 years
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🏭 our sustainable rugged rainboots for all the ⚒ workers , 👩🏽‍🚒brave women, 🤔philosophs, 🎣 fishermen, 🐎 horsewhisperers x 🤠rugged studs . nat-2 Prime rainboots 👢 are made from a patented mix of recycled cork🍾 and rubber 🥛 german engineering since 1856. 🛒buy now @coilex @manufactum @homagestoreberlin @_amonstore_ @avocadostore.de @graefin_von_zeppelin @gummistiefelhaus @hubertundtherese @kiyan_design and other fine stores . . . . . . . . . . . #nat2 #nat2rugged #nat2footwear #sidetracked #wavesandwoods #thegoodlife #kinfolk #apartamento #walden #rampstyle #southasastateofmind #esquire #ecofashion #sustainablefashion #theheritagepost #coilex #coachella #burningman #manufactum #coolhunting #wellies #germanengineering #monocle #obscura #travelgram #highsnobiety #hsdesign #hypebeast #sustainableboots #germany (hier: Coilex Store) https://www.instagram.com/p/COYvbaDHOP_/?igshid=16k7o22l0n63c
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vienna-city · 5 years
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trenchandwhite · 10 months
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localr · 6 years
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Orange is the new #Gin #distillery #manufactum #copenhagen #announcing #cocktails #bars #berlin (hier: Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpy2ELglBb_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mcyvykerfwws
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florenceisyou · 3 years
Manufactum, fra linguaggi artistici e artigianato
Manufactum, fra linguaggi artistici e artigianato
Battute finali per la prima prima edizione di Scandicci → Resistenza, il progetto multidisciplinare che incontra vari linguaggi della scena e che, lunedì 12 e martedì 13 luglio, si chiude al Pomario del Castello dell’Acciaiolo di Scandicci con “Manufactum”: uno spettacolo che nasce da una serie di riflessioni, colloqui, incontri, con rappresentanti di MITA – Istituto Tecnico Superiore per la Moda…
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