#Mane 7
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dapper-lil-arts · 7 months ago
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millyicebear · 29 days ago
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Just tired ponies.
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craftyjellyfishcat · 1 year ago
Me, Sherlock Holmes, The Bules brothers, the mane 7 and Hercule Poirot were hanging out at Denny's.
Outside, reality would warp, and a nearby building would get damaged. Also a giant monster would come by or a supervillain would fight a hero.
But Denny's managed to avoid getting damaged and we weren't aware of anything. It was because the crazy would move or settle down.
The dream ended when we all went outside, seeing only the aftermath of the events. (@one-time-i-dreamt)
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evelili · 2 years ago
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oh, heres the thumbnail i did for the youtube version btw (now go read the fic :3)
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ponku-po · 2 years ago
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Mane 7 Redesign - EgitoJuniior
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shimmerclaws · 11 months ago
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i miss them so much ough ..
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imaplatypus-art · 10 months ago
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They're all here 🌩🎈🦋🍎💎🌟🔥! Who's your fave?
Thank you all for tolerating my pony project 😂💞 I had fun and I hope you all enjoyed it! I'm... not sure what to do now 🫠
Reminder: I know I'm not a great designer but this is just for fun!
Available: Redbubble Teepublic
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xbomboi · 11 months ago
Could you possibly elaborate more on your EQ movies?? I'm really interested in this Cove Sunset... 👀
oh yeah actually i would love to talk more about that! so basically i wrote two movies intended to be the penultimate and the final installment in the Equestria Girls series since that’s definitely never going to get an official ending. i wanted to tie up loose ends…
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i made a poster for the second one of the two that i made a few years back right here. but anyway…
the first of the two is called “Royal Nightmare.” the premise is as follows: it’s now spring of the girls’ senior year, and rarity has made the decision to run for queen of the spring fling after being robbed by sunset she tried to run for princess years ago. but when rarity gets possessed by dark magic, sunset has to confront her repressed baggage from the past if she wants to save her friend before it’s too late.
basically, this one deals a lot with sunset’s past with rarity. the film has a mix of the events taking place in the present day as well as flashbacks to the past, being the girls’ freshman year. it covers stuff like sunset arriving for the first time, her meeting flash, how she rose to power, and what she did to rarity (i changed it up just a tad because the junior novelization is a Weird book). it also has a lot of focus on rarijack as well.
the other one, intended as a finale movie, is titled “Forever Friendship.” after finally graduating from canterlot high, the girls are about to move onto the next stages in each of their lives. however, sunset still has unfinished business in regards to herself. together, the girls set out on one last adventure to uncover the truth behind sunset’s family and the sunset from their world. but could this be end?
this one is basically, like, giving sunset closure. in it i explore sunset’s origin and the truth about the Other sunset shimmer. it has an entire conflict that revolves around a discussion of the moral dilemma that comes with having magic in the human world. at heart it’s about sunset finding her purpose once and for all. i can’t say much else without spoiling it.
royal nightmare is complete in THEORY but needs a lot of, like, extra fleshing out and possibly the addition of a few more scenes. also, forever friendship is now missing a song or two because i removed one scene entirely and instead repurposed the song for royal nightmare. also ALSO, they’re a bit old now and i approached them differently than i did when writing for ever after high. i wasn’t totally thinking about completely matching the tone and more about cinematics. it’s not that i bumped the ratings up, but i let dialogue be lengthy and… idk, nuanced? i guess? more so in forever friendship than royal nightmare, at least. and there’s probably an occasional typo in them both.
i would share them, but the thing that makes me hesitant is the fact that for the songs, i made an unlisted youtube playlist of myself singing them each just for people who read them to have reference when the scenes pop up. it wasn’t so embarrassing when it was just being shared between myself and my friends, but the audio is kinda bad and there’s no music it’s just me singing. i didn’t even have the same range as i wanted for some of the songs or the characters so i sound wonky in it. and i can’t redo it now because i’m older and my voice has dropped so that’s a no-go.
idk, maybe i could give in with enough convincing.
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stellarg1ow · 1 year ago
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this blew up on twitter so im posting it here
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masterarchfiend93 · 11 days ago
Hold up….first movie was Twilight fixing the polycule, second was Sunset officially joining the polycule and basically Friendship Games onwards was Sci-Twi on the fence about fully embracing the polycule because Timber had to f*cking exist!
It all makes sense now. The entire plot of Equestria Girls is literally them just being in the closet and slowly coming out about how they are just a pile of girlfriends (eventually wives once they agree on a wedding) and we never got an official conclusion to that! I want that wedding!!
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ask-sonata-dusk · 2 years ago
Why would you be friends with Pinkie Pie, Sonata? Aren’t you guys enemies? Also, does the other Rainbooms even know you guys hang out?
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Sonata: Um...right, Pinkie.
Sonata: Couldn’t have said it better myself…heh…
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ricky-toon · 1 year ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: My Little Pony Generation 4: Friendship Is Magic (Cartoon 2010), My Little Pony, My Little Pony Generation 4: Equestria Girls (Cartoon 2013) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Starlight Glimmer & Trixie Lulamoon (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic), Sunset Shimmer & Starlight Glimmer (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls) Characters: Starlight Glimmer (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic), Sunset Shimmer (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic), Sunset Shimmer (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls), Trixie Lulamoon (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic), Crystal Prep Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls), Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls), Applejack (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls), Rainbow Dash (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls), Rarity (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls), Fluttershy (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls) Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Post-Mirror Magic, Post Fourth Movie, Humans in Equestria (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) Summary:
Following the event of Mirror Magic, Starlight Glimmer went back to Equestria. Much to Sunset's surprise, she soon came back as a transfer student at Canterlot High. But there seemed to be something odd about her friend. It was like she was a completely different person from the one she met...
A story about what human Starlight Glimmer is up to in her world.
(Also available on fimfiction)
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mlpmoviemerch · 1 year ago
New My Little Pony Freeny's Hidden Dissectibles Funboxx Figurine Blind Box Set
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New My Little Pony Freeny's Hidden Dissectibles Funboxx Figurine Blind Box Set available here: https://amzn.to/3vs0l6S
Details below:
Mighty Jaxx are proud to present series one of the My Little Pony Hidden Dissectibles - 4 inch collectible My Little Pony figurines presented in Jason Freeny's iconic dissected style! 
Each pack contains one randomly selected figurine. There are 6 common rarity figures to collect, 2 enchanted glittery rares and an ultra-rare Rainbow Dash (Wonderbolt), which has a 1/48 chance of appearing. 
Don't forget to scan your figurine with your phone! Unlock unique digital experiences and a certificate of authenticity via the Mighty Jaxx app! 
See the insides of Magic with series one of Freeny's Hidden Dissectibles - My Little Pony!
Add a little magic and colour to your collection with the brand new series, featuring your favourite My Little Pony characters like you've never seen before. 
Each pony is dissected in Jason Freeny's iconic dissection style. Rainbow Dash? Fluttershy? Who do you hope you'd get? Will you get the rare Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle (Enchanted), or the ultra rare Rainbow Dash (Wonderbolt)? 
Increase your chances with a tray of 12! With a 1/24 chance for the rares, and 1/48 chance for the ultra-rare, you might be the lucky one to get them all!
Perfect gift for any My Little Pony fan!
Features a Freeny's Hidden Dissectibles funboxx figurine blind box set.
Brand: Mighty Jaxx
Character: My Little Pony
Color: Multicolor 
Assembled Product Dimensions (L x W x H): 2.36 x 2.36 x 2.36 inches
Assembled Product Weight: 2.82 ounces
Inspired by My Little Pony
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ponku-po · 1 year ago
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Favorite Game - The-Butcher-X
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imaplatypus-art · 10 months ago
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Spike redesign 🔥 THE FINALE ART IS NEXT 👀.
Bonus sibling sketch and height chart!
He hatched with wings, but he can barely hover because he was raised by unicorns. Does not have "mail magic," but he is still very helpful to Twi. He learns to fly when Twi gets wings. He is a 100% member of Twilight's family and acknowledged regularly. He is Twilight's first friend and only one for a while. His hatching story is way different(I wrote it out on P A T R E O N and may do a comic) because it's kinda messed up that Celestia used a dragon egg for a entry exam. Plus, I can make him closer in age to Twi and have him no excuse to push him aside 😤
I know I'm not a great designer or writer, but this is just for fun!
See my art before everyone here also I have designed baby & adult Spike on there
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