#Man I hope these will be good
Snapshots of Summer
Alright I decided to do it, I'm starting a new project and it's focusing on the snap shots of the the months everyone was in the Human Realm.
I'm going to use the pictures as inspiration, but there may be made up ones as well.
I'm not sure how long it's going to be but I hope I can make a good number of these.
AO3 Link
Word Count: 1+K
It had been a few weeks since they’d all transported the human realm. Progress on the portal door had been slow, and the cleaning of the house had been stalled due to the discovery of a possum's nest.
Camila had been getting concerned, watching the children becoming more and more disheartened with each failure. It hadn’t taken much for her to start looking into things they could do as a group, and with the summer weather had been nice, she'd also found coupons for renting a raft.
It hadn’t taken much convincing to get all the kids loaded up and out to the river.
“How exactly do we raft on rapids?” Gus was leaning forward from the middle seat as they drove, fingers constantly circling to keep up the illusion hiding Amity flying alongside them. Vee gently pushed him back, a soft smile on her face while Gus looked sheepish, but them alongside Hunter and Willow looked expectantly at Camila.
She laughed, glancing at him with the rearview “Well, we get in a raft and then we paddle out to the rapids. From there, the rapids will do most of the work while we just steer.” 
“And these rafts are built to withstand the water?” Hunter’s brow furrowed, a look on his face that Camila was slowly coming to associate as him taking on too much responsibility. 
Luz leaned forward, lightly nudging at Hunter’s arm as she answered “They are perfectly safe Hunter. The river water is the same as the rain, and people have been rafting for a long time now.”
“We’ll also be wearing protection. Me and Luz have done plenty in the past, so I promise we’ll all be alright. And you’ll have fun!” Camila added, glancing down at her GPS “Thirty more minutes and we’ll be there.”
That got a cheer from all the kids, before they turned toward one another, chatting excitedly about the trip, what’d they’d seen so far, and what was still there to experience here in the human realm.
It both lifted Camila’s spirits and made her heart feel heavy at the reminder of where the kids had come from.
It had been a bit of a hassle getting everyone set up to actually start rafting.
Getting everyone to put sunscreen on took longer than it was meant to. Hunter had a hard time understanding how much had to actually use and accidentally squeezed almost half a bottle on himself. It had taken some time to clean up the mess, but once everyone was properly covered, they’d moved on to life jackets and helmets.
Being mindful of hidden ears, while Gus excitedly inspected his jacket, had kept the kids' spirits up. Once done with that, Camila was stuck deciding how to divide their little group.
The rental place’s biggest raft would only fit five, so Camila rented a kayak for the other two people to use. But that left the problem of how to split everyone up. Camila was only sure that Luz and herself would each be in one, but she wasn’t sure who to put with them. She also wasn’t sure if it would be better for her to be in the raft or Luz. 
As she muttered to herself, she missed three of the kids coming up beside her. 
“Mom?” Luz tilted her head leaning, just into her mother’s peripheral. 
Jolting out of her focus, Camila looked at her, then at Hunter and Willow “Oh, I’m sorry, sweetie. What is it?”
Luz canted her head towards Hunter, a small smirk on her face as he straightened up.
“Ms. Noceda,” Hunter paused at the look Camila sent him, “Er, I mean Camila. Luz was telling me how this river rafting works, and I would like to offer to be one of the rowers?”
Willow held up a hand, adding on too “I would too! It looks like a lot of fun!”
Camila smiled, tension seeping out of her shoulders and she nodded “Alright we can work with that.” She looked over at teenagers again, thinking it over for another moment before deciding. “Willow, you’ll be in the kayak with me. Hunter, you and Luz will be in the raft. You will need to figure out one more person to row, though.”
Luz and Hunter shared a quick look, both then glancing at Willow before smirking and looking back at the rest of their group. 
“Gus! Want to try your hand at rowing the raft?” Luz’s voice cut clear through to the other three, temporarily halting their conversation as all three looked at her.
Gus pumped both his arms up into the air, getting startled smiles from both Vee and Amity as he shouted an affirmative. 
Camila laughed at both Gus’ enthusiasm and the fond expression on the other kids’ faces. “So it’s settled! Let’s get you two a rundown of how to row, and Luz?” Camila waited for a moment to be sure her daughter was listening “Can you give Gus a lesson? I think he’d be best suited for guiding.”
Luz nodded, giving a quick salute before jogging back, wrapping an arm around Gus as she started explaining what he would need to do.
Camila watched for a moment before turning her attention back to Hunter and Willow, going over the same rules and advice Luz was giving Gus.
They were finally in the water, rowing down the calm parts slowly on the way to the rapids.
All the kids were having a good time. The ones from the demon realm were leaning over the sides, running hands through the water and taking in the sights of forest on the sides of the banks. 
Even Willow and Gus had forgotten about their rowing duties temporarily to lean over and touch the water or watch any aquatic life that happened to dart past. 
Luz and Hunter kept their raft steady, Luz falling into the role naturally while Hunter seemed stiff, eyes forward like he was ready for anything to come. It was something that didn’t sit well with Camila, but Vee shared a quick glance with Luz, who smirked in return, and splashed at Hunter. He sputtered, shaking his head before looking at both girls, and giving a disapproving pout.
Luz stuck her tongue out before facing forward again, and Vee only giggled, shrugging apologetically. 
Amity and Gus’ laughs carried against the breeze, and Camila heard the snap of Willow’s camera.
Camila’s heart felt lighter by the second, and she perked up when she noticed the water begin to get rougher, not much further ahead. “Get ready kids! We’re about to hit the rapids!” 
There were some cheers that got washed away under the noise of the water churning. 
Willow and Camila’s kayak hit the waters first, and Camila heard a quiet yelp from Willow as they started bouncing along the waves. “You alright Willow?”
“I’m good Camila!” Willow’s voice was chipper, and followed by a cheer as the waves carried them further. 
The shrieks from the raft behind them were a mix of excitement and concern when they hit the same patch as them. 
That carried on until they finally hit calm waters again. Camila was sure to paddle them forward enough to not accidentally get hit by the raft. When Camila turned her head to ask Willow what she thought, she heard one last set of screams while Willow giggled and snapped a picture. 
She didn’t manage to see what Willow had captured, but she did see the aftermath. Amity was still wrapped around Luz, who’s arm had come down to wrap around her girlfriend’s shoulders while she was still laughing. Vee was starting to straighten back up from her crouch. Gus was only still straight, likely due to holding a paddle, while Hunter was stiff as a board, paddle already back in the water as looked back at the water as if assessing the danger. 
Camila smiled, while Willow was still giggling, carefully taking a moment to write on the new photo she’d taken for their scrapbook. 
The ink was a bit smudged due to the water, and the kids' faces were anything but ‘picture perfect’, but it was exactly what fit this little family Camila believed. 
It only became more perfect when, as they were returning the raft and kayak, Vee and Gus came running from the gift shop of the rental place showing off stickers they had bought to go with the picture. 
Amity and Hunter had gone back to the car, pulling out the cooler and snacks they had packed for after their fun. 
Camila stood back, taking in the sight of all six kids animatedly talking about the river ride. Laughing and playfully pushing at one another as they ate and started winding down. 
It wasn’t perfect, and it would certainly be rough, much like the rapids they were on not long ago, but Camila couldn’t help but think that everything would work out.
She’d make sure these kids got all the help they needed for it to work out, if nothing else. Including getting them a break now and then from their current projects, no matter how big or small that break was. 
She just hoped it was enough, and that she could keep that promise.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Dog Meshi.
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nikki-rook · 1 year
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smitten | adjective | smit·​ten deeply affected with or struck by strong feelings of attraction, affection, or infatuation
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andstuffsketches · 1 month
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finally watched Reign of the Supermen
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lylahammar · 5 months
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lesbianballofgender · 8 months
Happy 55th birthday to our feral, light and fluffy, serious actor and truly just the nicest person: Michael Sheen!!
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moondrifterr · 2 months
"my life is worthwile.."
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vylet pony's music seeping into my veins real time
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retroautomaton · 4 months
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millany · 6 months
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After shopping
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saragrosie · 2 months
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As promised, incredibly stupid s4-5 drawings
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callsignchicha · 4 months
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Sorry that its kind of a long post, too tired to figure out why the ‘read more’ thingie isn’t working :’3
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littleprincepaladin · 9 months
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what a hell of a way to die!
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jkvjimin · 4 months
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JEON JUNGKOOK + fire stage performances 🔥 (cr. 0613data, namuspromised, moreloveforhobi)
happy birthday, steph! @cosmicdreamgrl 💗
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rainingcatsandjune · 2 months
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haha heyy its been a while 😭😭 sorry for the lack of activity here,,, school has been kicking my butt + i've gotten SUPER hyperfixated on disco elysium,,,, BUT THE MOMENT I SAW THE ORIGINAL I KNEW I HAD TO DRAW SAM AS THIS RAHSBBFBDN i seriously need to catch up on the recent audios 😭😭😭 ANYWAY enjoy :)
vvvvv ORIGINAL BELOW vvvvv
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shhhhghhshhshhsh youre telling me this ISNT sam??? like????
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his daughter is not a weapon!
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nikki-rook · 1 year
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Michael Sheen as Aziraphale Appreciation Post - Good Omens [S2]
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