#Malaysian game
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littlemxhoney · 1 year ago
Games for tea lovers ☕
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Teacup (Steam & Nintendo Switch)
You play as Teacup, a shy and introverted young frog who loves drinking tea and reading. Before hosting a tea party, she realizes she is completely out of tea, and must venture into the woods around her to find the herbs she needs to restock her pantry.
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Kabaret (Steam)
Welcome to the Kabaret - where monsters from Southeast Asian myths and folklores dwell. Perform tea ceremonies, play traditional games, and question your humanity in this dark fantasy folklore adventure game.
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Pekoe (Steam)
Pekoe is a cute cat-filled tea-making simulation game about taking the time for self-care and connecting with the things that make you happy. As the newest resident and teahouse owner in town, you’ll learn everything there is to harvesting, preparing, and serving tea.
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Cuisineer (Steam)
Cuisineer is a wholesome food-focused game where you play as Pom, a young adventurer turned restaurateur. One day, you return to your hometown only to find your parents’ restaurant closed for business and deep in debt. With boba and spatula in hand, you must dungeon-delve to collect ingredients and re-open your family's shop!
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thebleedingwoodland · 1 year ago
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Being busy with real life, so I just watched The Sims channel on Youtube, I found youtube video
EA what is this? l Sims 4 For Rent Expansion Pack by Matinee
Ha ha ha.
"Coconut rice"?
What the ****, EA? As a Southeast Asian I never heard of term "Coconut rice"
I asked my real friend from Malaysia, and she was confused with word "Coconut rice" too, she laughed then replied to me, "You mean Nasi Lemak? *laughing emoticon*"
^ Yes, seriously, but I cannot show her chat screenshot due to privacy.
Probably Coconut rice is word invented by Westerners or White Caucasian race. As if the word sounds like "Rice" with grated "Coconut" toppings, which sounds very misleading.
As Southeast Asian, we say dishes that have rice cooked with coconut milk in direct name of the dish, not just "Coconut milk rice" or "Nasi Santan". Malaysians call it Nasi Lemak. Indonesians call it Nasi Uduk. Thais call it ข้าวเหนียวมะม่วง (Khao Niao Mamuang) --> Thai Mango Sticky Rice
Here are pictures of Coconut Milk. For this kind of product it is called "Coconut Cream" because it has little amount of water. 100% legit my own photos I took from nearby minimarket.
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By Googling "Nasi Lemak", here is the result:
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How could EA, as big massive company make stupid mistake like this? Designer is not just 1 person in studio. There are Intern, Junior Designer, Senior Designer, Supervisor, Art Director. And there are a lot of people in the studio who can supervise and give feedback and advise internally. And yet they cannot Googling "Nasi Lemak" properly. What's the point of Supervisor and Art Director once again? Makan gaji buta? Eating salary without giving effort at all?
EA wrongly represented Nasi Lemak with random rice texture, but then they decided to just "renaming" it with Western/White Caucasian term "Coconut rice" instead of giving update correct Nasi Lemak mesh.
As a designer from corporate who had worked in video game company before, I can tell you this apologize is not sincere and lazy. The proper apologize is supposedly making proper new mesh update of Nasi Lemak.
CC creator, icemunmun, from India, has already created functional Nasi Lemak. CC LINK DOWNLOAD
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EA is massive company releasing The Sims as AAA video game titles from The Sims 1,2,3,4 with many expensive expansion packs who brought them massive profit yet they didn't want to spend any effort to give correct proper update with one new mesh.
As if they already know they made mistake and decided to not wanting to spend any more effort because
They already gained massive profit from international sales... and don't care much about players from Southeast Asian countries including Malaysian that their content depicted wrongly in-game as they thought Southeast Asian players are not profitable enough compared to USA and European players.
Ignorance about Asian culture, instead of hiring Southeast Asian people as staff/source person who are willing to give authentic information. They non-Asian people must be thinking that "Nasi Lemak and Coconut rice are the same thing because contains coconut!!"
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Yes I know EA studio who created The Sims 4 content is from U.S.A. Here I need to tell you something, U.S.A. people: We Asians, including Europeans, took food very seriously. Food is culture. If you U.S.A people depict our food wrongly, it means you insult our culture. I heard many Europeans complained about U.S.A people who don't take European food culture very seriously. What if USA flag is wrongly depicted by other flag such as Australian flag or Malaysian flag? I bet you USA people are very offended, right?
People tend to learn something from media, movies and video games. Because many Westerners don't know Nasi Lemak, they will think Nasi Lemak looks like porridge like what depicted in-game. Despite White Caucasian of British colonizer had colonized Malaysia, yet many White Caucasian people still don't know what Nasi Lemak looks like.
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This is not first time EA misinterpreted Asian culture. EA has wrongly misinterpreted Chinese culture very badly in Shang Simla world.
Thank you sister Martinee for daring to speak up about this issue.
What EA depicted as "Nasi Lemak"
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Looks like baby porridge I ate because I was sick.
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sweetoro · 2 years ago
Demonstration of Mahjong Tile Fixing / Demonstrasi Cara Memperbaiki Buah...
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sloshed-cinema · 1 year ago
Roh (2019)
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Home is supposed to be a space of safety and togetherness. It’s funny how all it takes sometimes is for something to go bump in the night for you to realize just how false and hollow that sense of security truly is. Roh paints with simple brush strokes, building its anxiety and tension through extreme stillness and a sense of anticipation and dread faced by the characters. There is something lurking off in the periphery, and maybe if they don’t look it won’t come for them. Elsewhere, simple gestures do all the work to create tension. Rocks strike the side of a home or something climbs on the roof, drawing out the vulnerability of those bamboo walls. Rhythmic knocking from an unseen force draws the ear. Something as simple as a pestle rolling across the floor can be frightening in the right context. This feels evocative of The Witch with dashes of Eyes of Fire, less the psychotronic visuals which make that latter film so bonkers. While not particularly bloody, it doesn’t pull its punches in the annihilation of a family by a force of evil.
Heightening the uncertainty facing this family is a sense of extreme isolation: widowed mother Mak only meets two other adults, a hunter and Tok, a seer of sorts. Both of these strangers are treated with hostility at first, and any offers for help, oblique though they may be, are rebuffed swiftly. Mak does come to trust Tok, for she seems helpful, offering rituals to ward off the danger her children are in after a young girl follows them home and curses them before slitting her own throat. The hunter, Pemburu, is coded to be untrustworthy, interwoven with a boogeyman figure that Mak warns her children about. But as things become ever more dire, just who—if anyone—can be trusted becomes muddier and muddier. The concluding conversation between Tok and Pemburu sees a victory in the war for Evil, Tok’s reflection in a bowl of water showing her true evil nature an interesting touch. The Lord works in mysterious ways, but perhaps that’s not the ‘Him’ she refers to…
Someone says 'jungle'.
An animal is named.
Something is on fire.
Someone goes under the house.
Rhythmic banging begins.
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wolverinedoctorwho · 1 year ago
No Straight Roads is an interesting game so far but I cannot take Kliff seriously because of how much he sounds like this YouTuber named Oxhorn
Like. Here's Kliff:
And here's one of Oxhorn's videos:
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mariacallous · 4 months ago
This is a gift article
In the final week of this election season, the Republican Party is running two different campaigns. One of them is an ugly and angry but conventional political enterprise. Donald Trump and other Republicans make speeches; party operatives seek to get out the vote; money is spent in swing states; television and radio advertisements proliferate. The people running that campaign are focused on winning the election.
Last night, in New York City’s Madison Square Garden, we caught a glimpse of the other campaign. This is the campaign that is psychologically preparing Americans for an assault on the electoral system, a second January 6, if Trump doesn’t win—or else an assault on the political system and the rule of law if he does. Listen carefully to the words of Tucker Carlson, the pundit fired from Fox News partly for his role in lying about the 2020 election. Warming up the crowd for Trump, he mocked the very idea that Kamala Harris could win: “It’s going to be pretty hard to look at us and say, ‘You know what? Kamala Harris, she got 85 million votes because she’s so impressive as the first Samoan Malaysian, low-I.Q., former California prosecutor ever to be elected president.”
“Samoan Malaysian” was Carlson’s way of mocking Harris’s mixed-race background, and “low-IQ” is self-explanatory—but “85 million” is a number of votes she could in fact win. And how, Carlson suggested, could there be such a “groundswell of popular support” for a person he demeaned as a mongrel, an incompetent, an idiot? The answer was clear: There can’t be, and if anyone says it happened, then we will contest it.
All of this is part of the game: the Trump campaign’s loud confidence, despite dead-even polls; its decision, in the final days, to take the candidate outside the swing states to New York, New Mexico, and Virginia, because we’ve got this in the bag (and not, say, because filling arenas in Pennsylvania is getting harder); the hyping of Republican-early-voter numbers, even though no evidence indicates that these are new voters, just people who are no longer being discouraged from voting early. Also the multiple attempts, across the country, to remove large numbers of people from the rolls; the many claims, with no justification, that “illegal immigrants” are voting or even, as Trump implied during the September debate, that illegal immigrants are being deliberately imported into the country in order to vote; Vance’s declaration that he will accept the election results as long as “only legal American citizens” vote.
At Madison Square Garden, Trump doubled down on that rhetoric. He repeated past claims about the “invasion” of immigrants; about “Venezuelan gangs” occupying American cities, even Times Square; and he offered an instant solution: “On day one, I will launch the largest deportation program in American history to get these criminals out. I will rescue every city and town that has been invaded and conquered, and we will put these vicious and bloodthirsty criminals in jail.” But he left open the question of who exactly all these “criminals” might be, because he seemed to be talking about not just immigrants but also his political opponents, “the enemy within.” The United States, he said, “is now an occupied country, but it will soon be an occupied country no longer … November 5, 2024, nine days from now, will be Liberation Day in America.”
The insults we heard from many speakers at Madison Square Garden, including the description of Puerto Rico as “garbage” or of Harris as “the anti-Christ” or of Hillary Clinton as a “sick son of a bitch”—insults that can also be heard in a thousand podcast episodes featuring Carlson, Elon Musk, J. D. Vance, and their ilk—are part of the same effort. Trump’s electorate is being primed to equate his political opposition with infection, pollution, and demonic power, and to accept violence and chaos as a legitimate, necessary response to these primal, lethal threats.
As I wrote earlier this month, this kind of language, imported from the 1930s, has never before been part of mainstream American presidential politics, because no other political candidate in modern history has used an election to undermine the legal basis of the American political system. But if we are an occupied country, then Joe Biden is not the legitimately elected president of the United States. If we are an occupied country, then the American government is not a set of institutions established over centuries by Congress, but rather a sinister cabal that must be dismantled at any price. If we are an occupied country, then of course the Trump administration can break the law, commit acts of violence, or even trash the Constitution in order to “liberate” Americans, either after Trump has lost the election or after he has won it.
This kind of language is not being used accidentally or incidentally. It is not a joke, even when used by professional comedians. These insults are central to Trump’s message, which is why they were featured at a venue he reveres. They are also classic authoritarian tactics that have worked before, not only in the 1930s but also in places such as modern Venezuela and modern Russia, countries where the public was also prepared over many years to accept lawlessness and violence from the state. The same tactics are working in the United States right now. Election workers, whose job is to carry out the will of the voters, are already the subject of violent threats and harassment. At least two ballot boxes have been attacked.
The natural human instinct is to dismiss, ignore, or downplay these kinds of threats. But that’s the point: You are meant to accept this language and behavior, to consider this kind of rhetoric “baked in” to any Trump campaign. You are supposed to just get used to the idea that Trump wishes he had “Hitler’s generals” or that he uses the Stalinist phrase “enemies of the people” to describe his opponents. Because once you think that’s normal, then you’ll accept the next step. Even when that next step is an assault on democracy and the rule of law.
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reimenaashelyee · 1 year ago
Hello! I would like to know why you support Palestine over Israel especially since Israel gives equal rights and freedom to LGBTQA++ people and women.
I don't know anon, my home country Malaysia doesn't legally support LGBTQA+ people and discriminates against women too... The logic / gotcha you're trying to imply from your question falls apart for anyone who lives in a socially conservative country (which is the majority of the world btw). Do you also agree the lives and rights of myself, other queer Malaysians and other Malaysians have less value objectively and in a conflict, should be killed indiscriminately because our country is LGBTQA+ intolerant? Yes or no? Get off anon and tell me to my face right now. The lives and safety of civilian people and children are unconditional. Just because a country has a better position on some social rights doesn't mean it is absolved or excused from performing war crimes and other human right violations. See: the US, UK, Australia etc. Folks are free to call out those wrongs whenever they occur. If your sense of justice, empathy and compassion is dependent on zero sum games and conditionality and no nuance, then you're not practising justice, empathy or compassion, but total arrogance and regressiveness. There is no argument to be had here.
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crystal-wingeddragon-spikes · 2 months ago
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"Love, love, love, la la love. La La Love, makes the world goes 'round."
"You can't hurt me with things that you do, I'll pick up dandelions and give them to you."
"Puppy dogs, kitty cats swimming in love."
It is all fun and games for Bubbles and Buttercup, but Blossom's perfectionism is shredding on that guitar as hard as I shredded on my Wacom.
I literally just learned what Blossom was singing a few days ago. When I was little, I asked me elder siblings, I asked my parents, I even sent a letter to UBC (Now TrueVision), the company responsible for broadcasting Cartoon Network in Thailand, they played the song on-air a few times before the host said she has no idea.
You kids and your Internet today.
It's normal for old Thai cartoon to leave the song in its original language. I might be biased because of my familiarity, but I prefer it that way.
You are telling me The Malaysians has their own dub, but Thais doesn't?
At first, it was meant to be a set of 3 puzzle-pieces keychain design, 3-part heart join together. However, I realized that Bubbles's drum kit is huge. So, I moved her to the top of the heart, and space her sisters far away, but that just looks wrong. I think it can be done for everything except the band.
It is also inspired by the 2016 intro sequence texture, yes, I don't hate it. The original concept leans on more heavily on gray scales to make the girls' colour pops out, but that just seems wrong, considering what this episode was about.
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missshinazugawa · 3 months ago
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I normally don't post anything about controversial subjects, but this time as one of the member in Love and Deepspace community, I wanted to speak up about this horrible issues going on currently.
I've been in the LnD community for a while, from February 2024 till now, it is sad that CN server is spreading hate about Sylus just because they think Sylus 'plagarized' Zayne. While in reality, I know damn well they most of them came back to the game BECAUSE OF SYLUS
Be fucking for real, no ML has been plagarizing any ML. I'm Malaysian Chinese, even me myself felt so embarassed for yall CHINESE PLAYERS to spread hate about one of our beloved. Imagine how devastated Sylus will be if he's real and when he knows this.
Fuck yall mean Sylus doesn't deserve to be famous because he was released late?? This is something that an uneducated people sounds like. I don't see yall hating on Caleb? Cuz tell me why yall want your ADOPTIVE BROTHER to be one of your love interest, its fucking weird. Not to be racist, but yall Chinese glorify that indirect sibling relationship as romance so much.
I will stand for Sylus bcuz he loves us just as much CN Sylus fans loves him. Imagine it's your fave ML, Zayne, Rafayel, Xavier getting hatred, would you guys want that? Seriously isn't Confucius our ancestors? What did he taught us? Yall should be ashame. TRULY AND REALLY, REALLY AND TRULY ASHAMED.
Sylus is the fucking reason LnD blows up. Yes, before he was released, we thought he is the villain in the storyline, but as we play through the game, we do realized he's actually a sweetheart, he is our beloved. But no, yall clearly wanna headcanon him as a red flag, he's a bad guy, he doesn't love MC. Excuse me, are we playing the same game?
It is clear, as we play the game, our first impression on different LIs is different, Sylus looks like he's a bad guy, a villain that likes forced love but actually someone who will do anything to us, no forcing us.
Zayne looks cold outside, but deep down he cared for MC so much, he's willing to love us in every single universe no matter Astra cursed him to not love us. He's warm inside.
Rafayel carefree and often bratty and petulant personality on the surface, but when he's with MC, his beloved, he can be childlish, whiny and all pouty.
Xavier looks like an honest boy, a golden retriever,acts clueless but he's the most possesive LI ever.
From all of this, didn't we already know, or obviously know that all LI have something beyond the surface? Don't villainize any of them for fuck sake. Pls use the brain.
No one is forcing anyone consume other's content, if you love Zayne, then look at Zayne's content, but if you love Sylus too, you as a Zayne main can go look at Sylus's content too, IT IS THAT SIMPLE.
Sylus didn't ruin us, as a Zayne main before, I can assure you, he didnt ruin me. It's just that I prefer Sylus because he is my type, I love his reassurance on Mc's insecurities, I wish I have someone like Sylus beside me, I still love Zayne regardless. It's called OTOME GAME for a REASON.
Please don't give up on defending our beloved as Sylus's fans. We love him and seems like we are the only one that knows him deeply.
If you're a player in LnD, we should stand together, no matter which character we love.
fuck CN antis
Humans doesnt want each other to enjoy A GAME in peace clearly speaks about how childlish we are as mankind. I don't see yall fighting for women's right that much since yall CN people likes Trump.
The post in the ss is from X user @sub_textually
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panvani · 4 months ago
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@gorps I think that's a pretty reasonable response to the opening of the game and, while not the intended one, fairly obvious. It's a bit difficult to sum up what Signalis is * about * to someone who's never experienced the game (because it's very much a game you experience) but it might be good to start by saying that Signalis is a game about a truth that is too horrifying to comprehend and, to that end, tends to involve a lot of misdirection in its storytelling.
The purpose of using the trappings of East Germany is fairly obvious to me, having played the game multiple times, and it basically comes down to the game wanting to signal a dystopian setting that coincides with Germany and (as mentioned in the tags of a different post) the two aesthetic archetypes for that are East Germany and the Third Reich. Signalis did not choose this latter option for obvious reasons. Beyond aesthetics, however, the setting does not sincerely attempt to imitate East Germany or the USSR, and these aesthetics are inherently farcical, beginning with the assumption that you are dealing with a setting that is overseen by a "government" as opposed to a carceral institution or a family.
A common misinterpretation (or at least I'll confidently call it a misinterpretation) of Signalis is that it's necessarily about a society or an institution rather than an individual. Signalis is a very personal and a very individual story that encompasses a number of themes, notably the alienation of racial minorities in Germany. Yuri Stern has stated that their identity as a Malaysian-Chinese-Austrian person living in Germany affects the themes of their work, and Signalis establishes a pretty extensive library of geometric and linguistic symbols to communicate this idea.
Like I said, I don't think reading the trappings of Signalis as anti-communist is like, wrong, per se, so much as short-sighted or missing the forests for the trees. The game is much more about racist, psychiatric, and domestic violence within modern day Germany and has really no interest in commenting on the USSR or communism as a system.
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mononijikayu · 5 months ago
since i published some works (l'amour de ma vie which is a suguru fic and the second chapter of sukuna's actor au), i'm going to take a break today and tomorrow (maybe) !!! but i'd like to see what you wanna see before kinktober kicks off!!!
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siriusly-parker · 10 months ago
OKAY nanami is a foodie and knows how to cook. How would you headcanon his cooking skills? Is he a skilled amateur home cook? What type of dishes would he make?
ohhhhh these are my favourite kind of asks!! omgggg don’t get me started on cook nanami 😭😭 [kinda got carried away loll] ˖ ᡣ𐭩 ⊹ ࣪ ౨ৎ˚₊
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nanami is most definitely a calm and collected man, in and outside the kitchen. he just dreams of a peaceful life, of maple syrup and butter-drenched pancakes in the early mornings with you. he’s a good cook, and he finds great pleasure in taking care of his loved ones through the meals he so meticulously prepares. gojo even offers one too many times to fund his restaurant if he ever decided to create a business out of his cooking skills. kento denies every time, but he knows the white haired sorcerer only means praise. he doesn’t want to lose his love for cooking by making it his day job and source of income. he’d only end up burning out from the brutal rush of the culinary industry. but he can’t deny that he’s fantasized about opening a small restaurant along the edge of a soothing malaysian beach with the love of his life. he’s be old and withered and you’d still be beautiful and immensely loved by him. he’d cook you your favourite dishes, and you’d scold him, saying there are clients waiting for their orders. he shakes his head, pushing the daydream away. the corners of his lips quirk up, remembering he is in the kitchen. cooking. for you. no clients, no stress, just his deep affection for the woman perched on the kitchen counter and the sizzling sound of the frying meat on the stove. he chuckles at your exaggerated inhale of the fatty aroma, leaning closer towards the heat. “careful, honey.” you pout as he seemingly pushes you away, but he’s quick to kiss it off. he’s rather smooch away your frowns and pouts than any burns. this was a recurrent situation一nanami happily cooking whatever complicated dish you desired, and you sitting there, watching him, and eventually, getting overly excited. he loves cooking for you, and you love to watch. you wouldn’t admit it, but you’re not often focused on the food he’s making, eyes wandering to how his back muscles twitch, his forearm flexes and the veins on his hands pop as he strongly, yet precisely, holds the expensive usuba knife you got for his birthday and swiftly chops whatever it is that he’s chopping. you can’t truthfully say you care at the moment, completely lost in thoughts. that is, until he pulls you out of your trance with a gentle peck on your warm, and now probably flushed, cheek. “you’re staring.” he teasingly coos, but how could you not stare? when he’s so… him. and you think you’re sleek and that by asking to help him every so often, you’d be off the hook. he sees right through your not-so-clever game. but he doesn’t mind, so he doesn't spoil your fun. there’s nothing he loves more than cooking for his girlfriend, so what a bonus it is to have her soothing presence and saccharine smile to keep him company?
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୨ৎ˙��.˚ ᡣ𐭩 hope this made your request justice!!
꩜ likes, comments + reblogs are very appreciated!! requests are open! <3
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erinntsu · 3 months ago
[S A F E T Y scene] | MOUTHWASHING Animation
Made this in two days because I AM obsessed with this two!! I love this game and I felt my heart shattered sm. YES i am in denial theyre alive. SHUT UP
Yipie yipie yipieeee :3
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yunyunbby · 10 months ago
I have made nothing for Tsukasa's birthday so here are some random facts about him:
He and Shizuku were in the same school when they were kids. They only started to talk to each other because Shiho and Saki are friends.
Tsukasa's latest casual clothes price is 25,800 yen. Which is 165.97 us dollars. (Also for us Malaysian it's 777.73 myr which is a price that will make me cry)
One of the first games that Tsukasa plays with Toya is a Where's Waldo book.
The Tenma siblings tend to buy fancy/shiny things as their first option without checking the price.
Tsukasa is a big eater. For example, while emunene shares their parfait together, Tsukasa wants to eat it by himself (rip rui lol)
Tsukasa is the One in the Weirdo One Two title. Meaning that the students see Tsukasa as the weirdo first before Rui came.
Mafuyu calls Tsukasa as Tenma-kun in the April fools 2023 but in canon Mafuyu calls Tsukasa as Tenma-san
Minori and Tsukasa are the only ones where when they shout, the screen would show they sky. Meaning they shout really loud.
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affectionatecorpse · 7 months ago
Neon J is just such a valuable character to me, honestly. It goes beyond "haha funny military robot man" but when you actually realise what Malaysia (where the game was made and set) is like then it's just like WOW, this character is so so important.
Malaysia isn't really a fan of people who fit outside a box, like the SAGA community. So in knowing that, having a Malaysian man be skinny with a snatched waist, wear a soft red turtleneck, be a single dad to 5 sons who dance in a way traditionally assigned to women, have a beautiful autotuned voice, and being so openly emotional and caring towards his people, while also not falling back on stereotypes by making him all overly dramatically sensitive and campy and addressing how he's incredibly tough, strong and brave, with a military background, and have him survive a bad injury that left him half machine, yet he's still as lively and stubborn as ever??? He's so cool???
Props to NSR for having a male character be kind hearted and unafraid of toxic masculinity and also have very grabbable hips, which I have only good intentions for (lie).
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quarterlifekitty · 29 days ago
I'm not Malaysian but I lived there for a bit
I love the fact that we are all connected by the invisible red string of fate that is divulging in smut of fictional video game war criminals - brings a tear to my eye :⁠,⁠-⁠)
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