#Making another for fun because I really enjoy doing them
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panvnsleake · 2 days ago
rocking back and forth over this. this has affected us permanently
got some stuff to say. do note im like the most illiterate person ever so its likely none of these speculations are right 🤑🤑🤑
long post ahead brace yourself -🍞
the part 30 seconds in with charlie and airy. i mean airy created his world yaknow. but much like a kid he doesn't have much experience with being whats basically god. this airy is pre season one (jessie, julien, oscar, max, sandra and thomas). he's testing out his abilities and stuff yaknow
38 seconds in where airy is like. a monster's silhouette for one frame. i think this shows how um. 1st batch of s2 saw airy as a monster. he's one solid color because they never see his face or know him any deeper than "guy who kidnapped me and forced me to compete in his show and caused trauma in the process". ya
50 seconds in he looks confused when he pulls up the awesome roots. maybe like uh. him trying/failing to understand his power and impact over people. in the show he almost/actually kills someone and he's just like "woops. sorry." because. he doesn't understand how powerful he is. he's playing god and yet to him this is all just him having fun
atom not having the same amount of electrons as protons (which means he's probably not a stable isotope) makes me a teeny tiny bit upset im sorry its so dumb. we're not mad at you franklin promise
58 sec the roots are consuming him the show is consuming him the plane is his everything
1 min 7 sec. the plane, which he created for fun, ends up being his and others' demise. or something
1 min 13 sec this has to mean something. do you see how Darker Airy has like. horns. and is cracked unlike Lighter Airy. maybe LIghter Airy is like. past airy and Darker Airy is present airy, or lighter is how he really is and darker is how the contestants percieve him??? dunno :(
1 min 25 sec "everyone else is like me" yeah dude you're right. when i got here airy was also here and i started noticing him and i aren't really that different. the contestants have similarities to him. some have more than others but you can compare and contrast everyone to airy. also we like how stone's eyes are open. and how airy's crack is the sun. do you guys remember that the sun was missing after airy died in one 18. Yeah.
1 min 32 sec and any other scene with the Plants And Roots on contestants/airy. Yet again the show took over their lives some way or another. It had an impact on them. liams job, relationships, dignity and existence were all thrown away because of ONE.
1 min 35 sec lightning because 1. ONE 13 2. airy's power is causing harm to him. i think maybe
1 sec later we SHOUTED because of this oh my TRILOBITE. we just love this part so much the main 4 are much more similar to airy then they'd enjoy knowing. stares my source (charlotte) down
THE WHOLE ANIMAL SEGMENT IS SO PRETTY. OH TRILOBITE... okay ummm i think this represents airy's control over stuff and also his disconnection from society. yeha. notice how all (i think. maybe the bunny and bugs dont count but shhh) these animals are wild. there's not one that's a typical domestic animal. and i think thats so awesome
2 min 24 sec thats probably an actual compound but i cant figure out which one 💔💔💔 uhhh this means something too probably but like im getting cramps and im moody right now soryg
last scene. like. 2 min 30 sec. liam is like. i dont think hes pretty a-oj guys. haha. maybe this hints at like. cycles. moon cycle. everythings a damn cycle. liam becomes the next airy 🤑🤑🤑
that white flower that pops up on amelias arm and liams shoulder probably has symbolism too but i cant identify it....oughhhhh
okay thanks for coming to my ramble. you're free now -🍞
go see https://youtu.be/3w_HJduFh5o?si=owL4eEGnLXf7wX9J
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rosieyart · 2 days ago
okay, by popular demand (and by popular demand, i mean 3 people and my inability to keep my mouth shut) i am here with my saiou/ousai relationship + mini character analysis. this is an elaboration on this ask i got earlier !!
i should mention that i’ve only ever played through v3 once, so there is probably a lot i am missing, nuance wise and what not. i also haven’t edited this well, so it’s kinda just a word dump (sorry), so i’m not sure how understandable/coherent it’ll be. nor do i know how original my ideas are; there’s probably someone who’s dumped their opinions exactly like mine somewhere… in any case, here is my conclusion on why i think saiou is a rather intriguing ship and why i’m personally drawn to them, individually n otherwise ✌️
ouma kokichi. god what a complex character. some might argue otherwise, but i think his character and his arc throughout the game is not only hard to crack/understand, but integral to the v3 plot and overarching themes presented. well never truly know what he was thinking, and so many have already fought tooth and nail to defend or oppose him. in my humble opinion, however, the way i see it is this: ouma’s overall goal was to unite everyone against an active, obvious threat in the killing game. the mastermind was hidden amongst them, as they decided found out on, and by outing himself as the mastermind, making himself a clear and obvious target, it encouraged the remaining survivors to build trust within one another and fight together. kokichi realized very early on that no one was going to trust anyone as long as there was a hidden mastermind posing as a student within their group. he knew they weren’t going to get anywhere if they kept doubting each other — so in a very unorthodox way, he united them together. they didn’t need a friend, he realized, they needed an enemy. and by default, he sort of becomes shuichi’s nemesis as most antagonists in the games do.
i was on tiktok the other day and found this comment that i thought made a good point, regarding kokichi’s character and why people hate him.
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though i am biased, i think it’s fair to say that in a world without the killing game, kokichi would want to be friends with shuichi. or at the very least, he’d be intrigued by him and push shuichi’s buttons to figure him out. i think it’s funny and such a nice detail to notice, but just as shuichi (and us, by default) are confused about kokichi and his actions, shuichi himself is actually a mystery to ouma as well. in the eng version, kokichi had shuichi labeled “trustworthy?” on his whiteboard meanwhile in the jp version, it’s “tricky/can’t figure him out.” in both versions regardless of translation, i think it’s fair to say that kokichi is intrigued and wants to understand shuichi better. one part of their dynamic i really love is the whole “i’m gonna annoy because it’s so fun and you react to said annoyances in ways i thoroughly enjoy.” and it’s fun, and silly, but i think it’s also kokichi’s way of figuring shuichi out. shuichi is… an anomaly. he’s an ultimate detective who’s supposed to search for the truth, yet he is ironically afraid of what he’ll find out. he has a knack for discovering and unearthing mysteries (he can’t help but connect two dots together) and yet he simultaneously is hesitant to discover more. he wants to find the truth, but is willing to tell lies in the classroom trials. this is a really fun juxtaposition with kokichi, who is notorious for telling lies and skirting around the truth like it’s the plague. and yet, they both want the same thing: to find out the truth and be done with this killing game. one is searching for the liars within their group, the other is finding out the truths.
this is one reason why i really enjoy saiou. one of the biggest themes for drv3 is the relationship between truths and lies. there’s the overarching “truth” of their world which is that it’s gone to hellfire and everyone but them are dead. the world ended. except, nope! that’s a lie! the *real* truth is that they’re in a killing game show. kokichi is known for telling lies, and so when he reveals the fire destroyed world outside and says that this is the truth out of the outside world, it’s ironic. kokichi knows there’s something else up, but he reveals the truth of the outside world to them (this, from what i understand/theorize, is ultimately to further everyone’s hatred towards ouma and help them form a close and trusting bond together, but the symbolism behind it is really interesting to me). “here is your truth,” he says, and they can’t dispute it as a lie because it’s right there in front of them. just like they couldn’t dispute gonta in the fourth trial.
except… what *really* defines truth? kokichi must’ve known the outside world was a lie, or that there was something more to it, otherwise why did he go through with his suicide in chap 5? to beat a dead horse: he tells a lie about the “truth” that is the outside world. we circle back to this lie vs truth theme in chapter six when shuichi starts questioning his sense of self. what is really true if he used to be someone else? if his memories and experiences are fake, does that make himself a fake human? a fake person? ultimately we come to know that it doesn’t matter — *he* gets to choose his own truth, even if there are lies buried beneath them. his memories may be fake, but his emotions and feelings aren’t. you cant fake the beating of your own heart or the pain you feel at knowing it’s all unreal, that it’s all a *lie*.
one thing i just thought was so so clever and genuinely helped me understand kokichi more was his friendship reward. for every friendship star completion thingy you complete, you get their underwear (💀) and a special skill to use in the trials. kokichi’s friendship reward is “kind lie.” he has a multitude of lies under his belt — real ones, hurtful ones, white ones, and ofc kind ones. you could argue his plan to deceive everyone as the mastermind was both a hurtful lie and a kind lie — he was ultimately lying for the greater good (imo). shuichi, despite being afraid of the truth, has no problem lying for the greater good either. i was so confused about the whole “perjury” aspect added to this game. i thought it was just another lame addition that didn’t make sense as a means of attempting to change it up a little in comparison to the last two games. but now i understand it’s greater purpose. lying is ultimately not a bad thing. not always, anyway. lying, as we find out, can help us pursue the truth. and i think kokichi knows this to be true in some ways, which is why he’s always acting so oblivious and naive at some times — or outright lying when he knows the truth is the opposite of what he’s saying. without a doubt, kokichi seriously helped move debates along during the trials. pretty sure whether you hate him or love him, people could agree to that. even if he appeared to be spouting nonsense or derailing the conversation, shuichi being the detective he is was able to slowly but surely understand (if only somewhat minimally) kokichi’s methods and thinking process. which is why chap 5 was so wild because it quite literally was all up to shuichi. kokichi single handedly put his trust into kaito to follow through with the plan, and shuichi to figure it out; NO ONE ELSE would’ve been able to figure it out except shuichi (except maybe maki but she was too stubborn to see thru to the truth). and that is like. holy shit??? that’s crazy to me and i think it shows that despite not trusting anyone and not knowing how it was going to turn out, kokichi took that gamble anyway. and it worked! except yknow. it also didn’t, in a way. all in all, the lying aspect of the trail grounds ties into the bigger overarching theme of choosing your own truth to live, and choosing what lies to believe in — good or bad.
side note: i think it’s so funny how mad kokichi gets when shuichi lies about seeing him in the virtual world in chapter four. had shuichi not lied, we wouldn’t have figured out it was gonta (or more likely, kokichi would’ve spoon fed the answer to everyone a bit more). gonta wasn’t supposed to have memory loss, and i have to wonder if not lying about kokichi would’ve made the trial go along if gonta still had his memories from the virtual world. in any case, when shuichi pulled the “yeah i actually did see you walk up the stairs” — the fact he LIED (mr “i’m searching for the truth so we can live and find the culprit” detective) to notorious king of liars ouma kokichi was so funny to me. like girl. ofc kokichi’s gonna realize you lied. and he did and he got so fucking mad over it and kokichi being petty like that and just saying “yeah okay gonta’s the culprit” is so funny to me. bro was LIVID he decided to just up and say the truth to be petty 😭
moving on, i think the big three characters juxtaposed with shuichi is something to note. those three being kaede, kaito, and kokichi. mayyyybe i’m looking a bit too much into this but i want to mention their relationship with shuichi and their character designs because it feels very intentional to me. a while back i discovered shuichi and kokichi have inverted color palettes — black with light accents vs white with dark accents. grey-ish yellow vs purple eyes. but the eye color inversion also actually applies to kaito and kaede, who, just like kokichi, have purple eyes. here is my argument: purple is an important color to the story, as it overall conveys a symbolism for trust and truth. if you look at those three’s color palettes, purple is a notable color. for kaito, it’s dominating. kaede, she’s a bit more desaturated, and kokichi it’s like his accent color. barely there, but noticeable nonetheless.
kaede is our first culprit (except she isn’t since her plan failed). she is trusting and sweet and kind and encouraging. she is desperate, *desperate* to find the mastermind first thing because she is heavily determined to help everyone escape. her color palette is a mix of purple and pink, with pink being more prominent and her purple being a more lavender shade. she’s desaturated in color, especially in her eyes, and i want to say this is likely symbolic of her desire to find the truth, yet her willingness to deceive others simultaneously. she’s not a bad person, far from it, but when she “kills” rantarou, she doesn’t own up to it immediately. she owns up to it eventually, but she also doesn’t take advantage of the first blood perk as a means of further trying to find the mastermind. she is willing to lie about her plan to shuichi (even if it’s lie by deception/not telling) and willing to take a risk to find and kill the mastermind. this, i believe, is why her eyes are so desaturated in purple; she is telling the truth, but it’s watered down.
kaito is almost the complete opposite of kokichi, but also not exactly the same as kaede. out of the three, he has the brightest purple eyes and the most purple on his body. he is a living, breathing, walking example of trust and truth. he wants to find the truth so badly and would never even THINK to tell a lie. would never even consider murder, even if it was the mastermind. his hair is purple, his jacket is purple, and his eyes are purple as all hell. purple, in my opinion, is a huge color resembling truth and trust. he *trusts* maki just because he wants to. he *trusts* shuichi just because he wants to. he wants to believe in them because he wants to find the good in everyone. his trust in them help bolster shuichi into a better mindset, especially after kaede, and encourages him to keep going. kaito might not be the brightest, nor the most helpful in the trials, but emotionally he is vital to shuichi. because he *trusts* shuichi.
kokichi has the least amount of purple in his color palette, but i think his purple accents are the most important out of all of the purple trio. if purple is the color of truth and trust, then having that color reflected on kokichi almost seems ironic and misinforming. except it isn’t. ouma kokichi, the notorious king of lies, is actually quite good at leading everyone towards the truth. the only purple on him is in the dyed tips if his hair and his eyes— almost like the truth his bleeding out of him, or rather just barely visible that you can’t make it out unless you focus hard enough. after all, at first glance i imagine everyone would take in the checkered scarf and the fact black and white is so prominent on him. i think it’s symbolic to have purple as his eye color. it’s a nice character design aspect imo, but it also harkens back to that one saying “the eyes are the window to the soul” or something long that line. despite what kokichi might say or do, the truth is in his eyes (literally). it’s silent and unassuming, but it’s there. his eyes are actually a brighter and darker purple than kaede’s. not as bright as kaito’s, but still something to note.
with all this being said, shuichi gets a difference sense of truth and trust from each of them. kaede provides him an equal dose of truths and lies, kaito gives him absolute truth, and kokichi gives him almost all lies to find the truth.
and i really, *really* love the dynamic between shuichi and kokichi with this whole truth vs lie theme. kokichi, as we learn in his free time events, loves to play games. he’s a bit childish but still extremely mature. his way of having fun is messing with people (though not necessarily in a mean way. after all, he makes the stakes extremely high and concerning, like killing yourself if you lose — but he still purposefully rigs each game so they end in a tie, or with shuichi winning. hell, he STABS himself, hurts himself, in the knife game that is in the final FTE and holy shit if that isn’t foreshadowing for chapter five idk what is. he is willing to hurt himself to avoid others getting hurt. obviously this can get more complicated when it comes to chap. 4. you could argue he hurt miu and gonta terribly and he should’ve died if what i said was true, but i would counter argue by saying the killing game would’ve gone on and on, just like tsumugi wanted, without his intervention there… still a heart wrenching trial nonetheless and gonta and miu both deserved better imo. but what would danganronpa be without unfair trials and bullshit like that?).
it’s this push and this pull, this dance, if you will, between shuichi and kokichi. kokichi is a trickster pulling various stunts and never revealing his hand, and shuichi is a detective trying to uncover his secrets. i think kokichi gets thrilled at the prospect of being uncovered like that — he lies and he lies and he *wants* someone to catch him. after all, in the love suite hotel his entire thing is phantom thief being captured by detective shuichi…… the fact he still says “because i love you shuichi” is fucking insane, but that’s actually not the most important part here. during the love suite, he brings up playing games again, just like in the FTEs. “you weren’t bored playing with me, were you?” kokichi asks. and then “are you mad because i toyed with you? don’t worry. i’m always thinking about you!—“ (bombastic side eye 🤨🏳️‍🌈) “—you’re always trying your best to catch me. i really have to give it my all to win .” and then shuichi points out directly after that he seems to be enjoying himself, despite being a “cornered criminal.” and that’s when kokichi admits that he *wants* shuichi to catch him. ….. oh boy the connotations here are kinda crazy but…. it gets even crazier. i cant believe this part is voice acted but here i’ll just link the video so people can watch. (from 4:32 to 5:10) a lot of this, esp towards the end, is likely for the whole romantic love suite hotel roleplaying thing going on to appease the audience playing the v3, but even still it’s such a fun dynamic. again, the push and the pull. it almost feels like a game of tag, the thing going on between shuichi and kokichi. except it’s hard sometimes to figure out who’s running after who. overall, kokichi is a liar and it’s hard to tell what he says is true, and shuichi is a detective hungry for truths.
side note 2.0: i think a lot of people hate saiou because it feels toxic and i can sorta see where they’re coming from: from a very bare bones glossing over their character dynamic, i could potentially see how they got to that conclusion, but i don’t think that conclusion did any real deep diving into their dynamic and characters. so no, saiou is not toxic. and also, it should be mentioned the moment shuichi shows signs of unease in the love suite hotel after kokichi shoved him over the bed, bro was up and out. kokichi respect boundaries and understands a no when he hears one 😁👍
tldr: truths vs. lies. games. purple = truths and trust. chasing after one another. saiousai cool ✌️👍
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bellaxgiornata · 2 days ago
random jax thought that i must unleash:
a marilyn monroe ‘Happy Birthday Mr.President’ moment with jax?? i feel like that man would lose his mind tbh
Ohhh! Please unleash any and all Jax thoughts you have! And okay, I read this ask from you the other night and I've been thinking about it nonstop because it gave me another thought, so let me add another little layer onto this with a little headcanon of mine--singing happy birthday to Jax in lingerie.
HEAR ME OUT. I have a strangely strong belief that Jax has little experience being able to appreciate actual lingerie, not just a sexy bra and panties set. Think about it--the man never really did relationships after Tara left just after high school besides marrying Wendy. And Wendy probably spent her money on drugs and alcohol instead of legitimate lingerie because why the hell would she? I'm guessing most hangarounds at the clubhouse weren't dressed in lingerie beneath their clothes because it just doesn't seem logical (and that shit is expensive). Now, maybe some of the pornstars from Caracara could've had some sort of costume or something he'd enjoyed, but considering how we've seen them in 'the morning after' scenes in the show, I'm guessing they wouldn't really be wearing any lingerie, either. Most of Jax's sex is just spur of the moment, which just doesn't go hand in hand with dressing for it, you know?
So I'm throwing some headcanon thots on this out below the cut (clearly 18+ like everything on my blog). It's also an idea I want to explore in far more detail in my Jax fic All That I Can Give with my ex-prostitute!Reader who works at Diosa. Because I just want Jax to have some fun with lingerie, alright? I genuinely believe he hasn't had the pleasure of something so simple.
Jax is not the kind of guy who would make a big deal out of his birthday. In fact, he probably forgets it every year. And the guys at the clubhouse probably do, too. It comes and goes like every other damn day to him and he doesn't even think twice about it.
Except you do. Because you wouldn't forget his birthday. You've been planning an evening at home with him when he's finally done dealing with club business for over a week now. And maybe it's not some massive birthday party that you're throwing for him, and you don't have any expensive gift to give him, but you do have something you're wanting to do--surprise him with lingerie.
You're already dressed in it waiting in the bedroom when he comes home, a nervous excitement flooding you the moment you hear him cut the engine on his bike before you hear the front door open a minute later. And then you hear Jax's usual "Where you at, baby?" greeting you from down the hall before you call out from the bedroom.
The moment Jax sees you sitting on the end of the bed, legs crossed in the sexy number you have on with a cake in your lap, his entire demeanor shifts. The tension and exhaustion from his day just disappears from his body instantly and a devilish grin spreads across his mouth instead. His eyes slowly and openly rake over you in clear approval because "Goddamn, baby, where did this little thing come from?"
And when you tell him you bought it just for his birthday, making him sit down on the bed as you set the cake aside on the dresser--where, let's be real, it's going to be forgotten for quite awhile--Jax is practically salivating as his hands keep pawing at you. He's grabbing at your ass and your thighs, your breasts and your back. His eyes don't even know where the hell to focus, just continually roaming all over you as he thinks about how he wants to have you first in that damn thing.
But when you start singing happy birthday to him, sitting down in his lap on the bed, neither of you give a shit whether you can actually sing well or not. Jax is already half-hard, his bottom lip caught between his teeth as he waits for you to finish--but he can't even manage that. You don't even get all the way through singing before he's spinning you on his lap to straddle him, his hands and mouth exploring every inch of you like it's the first time all over again.
You can damn well guarantee you won't be leaving the bedroom for the rest of the night. Jax is going to have you over and over in every goddamn position he can fold you into just so he can appreciate every angle of your body in that lingerie set. "Fuck, baby, you're not taking this off tonight. I'm gonna fucking ruin you in it."
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fromdawntiltwilight · 18 hours ago
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Move close to me and hear what I say
Now it's time dance and time to pray
It's torture time my little child
So follow me into the night
Let me drag you down
Let me kiss your neck
Please don't be afraid I'll show
Things you won't forget
Bloodsucker ~ Paralyzed Age
I wasn't expecting this to need tws, but, uhm, I got carried away. So: verbal abuse, I guess? Mentions of violence. Assholes acting as such. Angst? Hurt and no comfort? Uhm.
"I'm not falling for it", she said. Sitting on the barren earth against a tree at the edge of the meadow where they camped, Dawn looked up towards Astarion. She could hear the others celebrating in the distance: the chatter, the music, the laughter.
She'd had her fair share of cheap wine that night: it would've been easy to use it as an excuse to say yes to the pale elf who was towering above her. Instead, she looked at him, her lips pursed and her chin up.
Astarion laughed at her response. A dry chuckle that couldn't reach his crimson eyes. "Falling for what? My offer is quite simple and honest, darling. Here", he said. He reached for her hand and she let him place it on top of his exposed chest. She blushed and averted her gaze. "I swear it on my dead, little heart." He leaned against the tree, still towering above her, yet close enough that she could hear him whisper. "I want you." A purr echoing in her mind and choking her dry throat.
She swallowed and let out a soft breath. It could have been easy to pretend, to let him get away with it. Maybe, if she deluded herself hard enough, she could close her eyes and pretend that he really loved her. But it wouldn't do either of them any good.
"You don't want me", she retaliated instead, retracting her hand. Astarion blinked, his smile faltering. "And I don't...", she stumbled upon her words and had to look away. "Fuck for fun", she spat out. She forced herself up, still dizzy from the wine and thankful for the rough bark of the tree against her back, grounding her. She was now standing as tall as him.
Their eyes met again and she could see a vulnerability behind his mask, making her resolve weaker for a brief moment.
"Not like this", she added, shaking her head.
"I'm not going to offer it again", he said, his voice sharp as the blade of the knives he used to slaughter his enemies. He leaned further into her, not touching her but close enough that she could feel his breath on the tip of her nose.
"I enjoy your company too much to take you on your offer, Astarion". He froze in place.
And then, he started laughing. She turned her head on the side, letting out another sigh, before meeting his gaze again. The way he looked at her now sent a shiver down her spine. Finally, she could see the vicious predator, the vampire, the anger behind the perfectly crafted mask.
"You don't know me. You know nothing, miss know-it-all. You are naive, sheltered, blinded by your limited beliefs, by your limited life experience." His voice was sweet as honey when he spoke, but his eyes were darting daggers her way, keeping her in place. She blinked slowly and swallowed hard, then nodded. Her passiveness encouraged him to continue. "You are right about something, though. I don't want you. How could I?" He laughed in her face. She felt her heart heavy in her chest and a knot in her stomach, as if all the wine that she had during the night wanted to come out. But she wasn't going to take the humiliation without putting him in his place. She could feel her fingers tingle, and imagined all the possible ways in which she could make him pay. For a brief second, he disappeared: all she could see was darkness, all she could hear was a rumbling thunder in her ears and the fire pulsating in her veins.
She wanted to hurt him back, but she knew better than that. However he must've sensed the shift in the air, noticed her tensing jaw or her cold glare, because his nostrils flared, pupils dilated and he had stopped laughing. His reaction brought her back. She frowned, shaking her head, a familiar shudder taking over her body.
"Enjoy the rest of the night", she muttered before disappearing into the forest.
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awkward-writes-shit · 2 days ago
hiiii, i would love to see the tf2 men with a lover that acts like junkrat
have a great day/night :)
chat I’m so sorry this one took me so long 😭😭
Hello there I’m so sorry but I don’t know Junkrats personality enough to write them exactly, so I just went for a chaotic S/O. If that’s not okay then I totally get it and can try to rewrite this.
Mercenaries with a Chaotic S/O
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In this order: Scout, Pyro, Medic, Heavy, Spy, Sniper, Soldier, Engineer, Demoman
You being chaotic is probably what attracted him to you.
And by attracted I mean made him follow you around for months like a puppy.
Like, he’s a little crazy, you’re crazy, match made in heaven.
Will try to impress you by doing really crazy stuff like attempting to rocket jump off a building, but it’ll just end up with you needing to help him to the infirmary.
One time you were crawling around in the vents, saw him, and decided to jump down onto him as a surprise…
You’re now sworn to secrecy about how high hitched his scream is
You thought Scout was attached to your hip? Well, meet your new hip.
LOVES how chaotic you are. Often gets into mischief with you, with ends up with both of you being scolded by Engi for how careless you two were being.
In one ear out the other though for both of you :3
Kind of person where if they see you doing something they know you’re not supposed to, they stand look out for you
Loves how much energy you have.
Favourite thing to do with you is set stuff on fire (Of course)
One time you found a shopping cart, built a ramp, and rode down in the shopping cart, only to miss the ramp and go straight through a wall in the base
Just guess where you ended up.
But they still had so much fun with you and are always willing to do that with you.
You’re going to kill that man someday with how worried you make him
Like what the hell are you doing on the roof?! What do you mean you built a zip line out of some yarn and a clothing hanger?! Absolutely not.
He needs some ibuprofen from the amount of headaches you give him, but is always there to stitch you up.
Just please stop coming in with your head bleeding when the respawn is getting the routine maintenance, he gets so scared
Also is the kind of person who treats you like a toddler climbing a bookshelf
Constantly pulling you off of anything you’re trying to climb to get to
Fridge? Yoink. Wall? Yoink. Vents? Yoink. And the list goes on
Does test on you to see what makes you so chaotic. (He still doesn’t know)
Big brother mode go brrrrrr
Constantly holding onto the back of your shirt to prevent you from doing something stupid
So no, you will not be fighting Soldiers raccoon army any time soon :(
Or doing anything he deems dangerous.
Yes he knows your a full grown adult but he’s still so worried about you.
I’m sorry I just can’t see him as someone who can be with someone super chaotic
Kind of person who can’t handle the constant panic of you crashing through the window randomly and just being fine
(He’s too old. Old old man)
You two are yin and yang
Like that one image of the super tired person with the slightly evil and hyper personality on a monkey leash
Does NOT enjoy seeing you crash down from out of nowhere and just be fine. Like, what? How?
He just has a bad back and the old man disease. Different from Spy because he’s just old.
The only reason he hasn’t let you get yourself killed is because he finds joy in watching you skidadle across the battlefield as he Snipes. You look like a Kiwi (the bird) to him
(I love all the redraws as him as a Kiwi)
Yet another person who’s able to keep up with your chaotic behaviour, mostly due to the fact that he’s can only insane.
Yall do chaotic things together, which usually ends in the infirmary getting scolded.
He won’t listen unless he gets a lollipop, then you two find something else just as stupid to do.
Yes he can be bribed with candy or shiny objects I will die on this hill.
More than willing to try rocket jumping with you on his back. (Half the time it does not go well because you both get distracted
You two get concussions together and I mean that in the most weirdly romantic way possible 🥰🥰
Fatherly vibes 100% I will fight you on this
Constantly scared for your life and safety
Like no… Please don’t jump off that building to try to get to the thing you got stuck in a tree… Please just get a ladder…
Probably builds something to try to keep you safe
You’re not allowed in his workshop because one time you got a little too silly with the handsaw
Yet another person who you’ll probably end up killing out of pure fear
More than willing to do stuff with you when drunk, but the moment he’s sober (not at all often) he’s so scared that you’re gonna die
Like “WHOA 🤩” to “WHOA 😨”
Y’all bomb stuff together ❤️
But like many others, the infirmary is your new home.
You two also get yourselves thrown out windows way too often
Don’t ask how, it just happens (Brain trauma)
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Sorry that some are shorter than others. Brain went plop. :(
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mareastrorum · 9 hours ago
Story time.
When I was a kid, my mom signed me and my siblings up for Tae Kwon Do classes for various reasons. One of the more fun reasons was that Dragon Ball Z was on Toonami and it was a thing we all enjoyed, so it was easy to convince us to behave for an hour a day several times a week. Easily half of the kids in class were DBZ fans. The owner was a DBZ fan. The giant hulk of a Navy vet who sparred with me was a DBZ fan. We all loved the show.
The classes were taught about half a mile down one road from where we lived, so on Saturdays, we would walk the whole way on our own to and from class. One of the fun reasons was that there was a comic book shop about halfway there that sold manga and Japanese merch, so we left early and spent maybe $1-2 of money we had each hoarded on cards, comics, etc. (I’ve worked since I was 7ish doing stuff for cash.) I had a collection of DBZ trading cards and comics in Japanese. The shopkeeper was sworn to secrecy lest he lose sales because we weren’t actually supposed to have spending money.
One day, on the Computer, I learned that a DBZ video game for PlayStation was going to come out in the U.S. and it was going to have the newest characters in it and some characters from the rumored GT sequel that wasn’t even translated to English yet. HYPE. I eagerly awaited news only to find none. I couldn’t call retailers to check if they had it because this was back when calls were charged per minute and most of the big stores were technically not local even though they were in the same county. I asked the comic book guy if he knew what happened, and since he was also looking forward to the game, he checked around. Not available anywhere nearby. I’d have to go to downtown Los Angeles in person to maybe find a copy. It may as well have been in Siberia.
I looked on the Computer to see what other people were doing on the various Geocities fan webrings whose URLs I had memorized (because I couldn’t bookmark any of them or my mom would find out I was spending money on stuff). Online shopping wasn’t really a thing yet, and the only thing they could find was that the game was supposed to be available in the U.S., but it was either bullshit or there were basically no copies made. Apparently, it was a hit in Japan, and the most I could find was a picture of the cover art.
I went to the comic book guy to complain the next Saturday, and he introduced me to a new idea: there’s a Japanese version of the game that he saw on eBay, this new website where people sold their stuff online. But the game would only work on a U.S. PlayStation if I used a kit to circumvent the DRM. It wouldn’t be in English, but at least I’d be able to play.
Off I went home to learn about eBay on the Computer. THERE WAS THE GAME. A whole $20 plus shipping. I had to look up what shipping was because I didn’t know the term. So more like $30. And I needed a bank card or credit card to buy on eBay. (I didn’t care about the 18 or older disclaimer because I had lied about that on every website I had ever visited.)
I did not make a plan. I went and got my cash box (I’d bought it at the flea market) that I hid in the box spring under my mattress and counted out $30. I then immediately confronted my mom when she got home. I WANT A GAME. HERE’S THE MONEY. BUY IT ON EBAY. I had to explain eBay. She did not ask where I got the money because I had perfect grades and that was all that mattered.
A month later, the game arrived from Asia, and I cannot recall if it was actually Japanese on the shipping labels or if it was Chinese because I couldn’t tell the difference. It had the right box art though. Tried it on the PlayStation, and indeed, it did not work.
Next Saturday, I went to the comic book guy to buy the kit to jailbreak the PlayStation. He did not believe me that I had bought the game. I showed him the error message that popped up on the screen because I wrote it down in my notebook. He eventually relented and sold me the kit. Another $7! (But I’d brought $10 because I had learned this bullshit was expensive, so I got more comics and cards too.)
After class, we ran home. We were martial arts kids, that was practically a cooldown.
THE KIT WORKED. I added a spring to the mechanism to keep the lid open, started with a disk that tricks the regional DRM, then switched the disk at prompting to start the game. We had no idea what any of it said, but it was a simple fighting game, and all the characters had portraits anyway. Button mashing paradise. I was the coolest kid at TKD classes because I was the only one anyone knew with this DBZ game.
I charged kids a quarter each to come with us after class to play my regionally jailbroken Japanese (or maybe Chinese) DBZ PlayStation fighter game. I made my money back by Christmas.
I was 9.
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gallashagger · 3 days ago
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during a conversation, liam gets jinxed and can’t speak. the reader enjoys teasing him, while he goes out of his way to get the reader to say his name.
short smut • lowercase intended
not proof read !
you were at the studio with the band, tagging along with liam. after recording a million takes of the same song, liam exhaustedly sat next to you.
“should we do another take?” noel asked unsure, making everyone in the room groan. “i’m sorry im the only one who wants this to be perfect.” he threw his hands in the air in defense. “it is perfect!” you and liam managed to say at the same time. “jinx!” you yelled, sitting up excitedly.
liam opened his mouth to talk, but your finger pressed against his lips. “you can’t talk until i say your name.” the band immediately erupted into laughter. “oh my god this is gonna be great!”
“please never say his name!” noel laughed. liam just crossed his arms in silence, accepting his fate. shortly after, you two went home, liam stubbornly looking out the window the whole time.
you took this has an opportunity to mess with him. you would say any word that started with L to get him excited, ask him questions you knew he couldn’t answer, etc. you were having all the fun in the world, but of course, liam wouldn’t let it stay that way.
later that night you stood in the bathroom getting ready for bed. as you were doing your routine, you watched in the mirror as liam walked behind you. he wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his chin on your shoulder, making you feel kinda bad for this jinx thing.
“what are you doing?” you asked before he shot you a little glare, remembering he can’t talk. a smirk then plastered on his face as his hands roamed up and down your body.
“you’re not gonna get me to say your name.” you turned around and looked up at him, but his smirk didn’t falter. he leaned in and kissed you, pressing his whole body into you. as he did so, you gasped feeling his hard on press into you.
as you were about to say his name, you caught yourself. “ill give you a hand, but you still can’t talk.” you offered, and liam’s eyes widened. you wanted to help him because you felt a little bad, but it was too fun winding him up.
liam’s smirk only grew as you kissed his neck. you reached your hand down between the two of you and palmed him through his jeans. he opened his mouth, trying his best to hold back all his noises.
you slowly dropped to your knees, unbuttoning his jeans and pulling them down. you traced the skin above the waistband of his boxers and hooked your fingers around them. you gently tugged on them but wouldn’t take them off, and liam got frustrated.
“eager, huh?” you looked up after he had quickly pulled them down for you. he flipped you off, making you chuckle. you grabbed the base of his cock and started to slowly stroke him. you heard his breath hitch as he leaned forward to grab the edge of the counter behind you.
he instinctively thrusted into your hand and you added your mouth. you licked his entire length to the tip before wrapping your lips around him. you bobbed your head taking more of him every time. you could tell he was struggling to stay silent, and the whole scene before you was really hot.
you moved your hands to his hips and let your mouth take control. the way he fucked your mouth, snd just knowing how you made him feel, it was the biggest turn on.
liam caught how you clenched your legs together and shifted uncomfortably, trying to find some friction. his hand moved to your head and he grabbed your hair as he pulled out of your mouth. you let go, confused as he helped you to your feet.
“what’s wrong?” you asked. liam shook his head before spinning you around. his front pressed into your back, pressing you into the counter. you pushed against him and arched your back as he rolled his hips, the friction doing wonders for the both of you.
his hand instantly moved to your clit and rubbed it through your pants. his other hand moved up to knead your breasts. his fingers slid lower in your pants and swiftly slid into your hole. you bit your lip as you moaned, keeping yourself from screaming out his name as he curled his fingers just right
he could tell you were close, so he pulled out his fingers making you whimper. he pulled down your bottoms and without warning he slammed into you. you gasped, grabbing onto the counter for your life. his hands dug into your hips hard enough to bruise you as he railed you.
you moaned out a list of cuss words, all while trying not to say his name, but it got to a point where you couldn’t take it anymore. when his hand trailed infront and started to rub your clit, you knew you were done.
he continuously hit your g spot perfectly and you couldn’t hold yourself back. you cried out his name and looked up in the mirror, catching his expression.
he finally didn’t hold back his moans, and soon enough you came. not long after he cussed as he came.
after a minute or two he pulled out and wrapped his arms around you. “knew i’d break you.” he kissed your shoulder. “shut up, you dick.” you smiled, turning around in his arms. you playfully hit him before you both moved to get dressed.
i hate this it SUCKS
i need some fluff requests cus i’ve basically only written smut and i feel like a whore ✌️🙂 ok that’s a joke but srs 😓
ok so my fuckign dumbass forgot to put tags on this how did that happen
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jbuffyangel · 3 days ago
Hello Barry Allen: Arrow 2x08 Review (The Scientist)
It is bittersweet to remember how much I loved Barry Allen, before The Flash made me hate him with the fiery intensity of a thousand suns, but that’s a topic for another time. Let’s just enjoy this precious golden retriever who comes to Starling City to be the third point in an Olicity love triangle.
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And y’all – I love me a good love triangle. Let’s dig in…
Olicity and Barry Allen
Full disclosure I did not know Barry Allen was The Flash when Grant Gustin guest starred on Arrow. I missed every foreshadowing moment of the forthcoming spinoff because I barely knew who The Flash was and really didn’t care.
The husband, of course, filled me in and oddly enough it didn’t tick off in my brain that they were pairing FELICITY SMOAK with one of the most famous comic book characters – a character even more popular than the Green Arrow. This is not something you do if the female character is simply comic relief. (No, I am never letting that Katie Cassidy comment go. Should I move on? Yes. Will I? No.) Season 2 Jen wasn’t that smart y’all. Bottom line, if Season 2 is a chess game, then Felicity Smoak’s pawn will become a queen. 
There is a break in a Queen Consolidated warehouse and this is where Oliver, Diggle, Captain Lance and Felicity first meet Barry Allen.
Lance: Who the hell are you?
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This is one of Oliver’s all-time best comedic lines. Stephen Amell is bringing humor to Oliver’s blinding jealously, which is a lot of fun. It also offsets Oliver’s egomaniacal hypocrisy and makes him far more tolerable. Good choice, Mr. Amell!
Barry: I’m Barry Allen. I’m from the Central City Police Department. I’m with the Crime Scene Investigation unit. We’re working on a case with some similar unexplained elements to Central City. So, when the report of your robbery came over the wire, my captain sent me up here.
I bought his story. Oliver does not.
Barry is convinced it’s one guy who broke down a door of reinforced titanium and the security footage seems to support his theory. Also, the bruising pattern on the dead guard’s neck suggests someone used one hand to break it.
Barry: I’m guessing you don’t know how hard it is to break someone’s nec.
Oliver: Hmm? No. No idea.
Barry also figures out what was stolen – an industrial centrifuge (it separates liquid), which is a very big and heavy machine the thief ripped out of the ground.  Felicity offers some explanations, and Barry adds his two cents and soon these two adorable nerds are sparking off all the science.
Felicity: What did you say your name was?
Barry: Barry. Allen.
Felicity: Felicity. Smoak.
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Source: @buffysummers
Barry looks at Felicity for about 1.2 seconds too long and Oliver gives him THE LOOK. Let’s keep those eyes on the centrifuge, Mr. Allen. I’m cackling. Jealous Oliver is one of the best Olivers.
The thing is Barry’s theories are based on evidence and Oliver is taking them very seriously because he knows exactly what can produce that kind of strength in one man.
Both Diggle and Felicity find additional evidence (and video footage!) that proves Barry Allen is dead on. The pup has some smarts! He arrives at Queen Consolidated at Felicity’s invitation. I just love that this young buck is popping up on Oliver’s turf and annoying the crap out of him.
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Source: @oliver-and-felicity
Barry makes Felicity laugh and Oliver finds this puzzling. Felicity enjoys laughter and not a simmering pile of brooding man pain??!!
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Felicity is socializing with another male. This cannot be born. Oliver gently pulls Felicity toward him, and more precisely away from Barry Allen, to ask a very important question.
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Source: @kurtweller
The way Stephen’s voice rises to a full soprano is flat out hilarious. I accept no other interpretations.
Felicity accurately points out that forensic science is not really her thing, and she could genuinely use Barry’s help to figure out this latest mystery. Oliver agrees, and boy he is not happy about it, but all he can do is make sad puppy eyes as Felicity flounces off with her new “friend.”
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Felicity and Barry gather evidence, and this is the first time Emily Bett Rickards has an equal sparring partner to banter with. The reason Barry and Felicity click so much is because they are basically the same person.  That said, inviting Barry into the home office is putting him precariously close to Oliver and team’s nighttime activities and, just like Felicity, Barry is no dummy. He’s done his research on The Vigilante, and it is safe to say that Barry Allen is a fanboy.
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Source: @lyricalarrow
Barry: Green. That’s interesting, right? I mean, why green? Black would be better for stealth and urban camouflage, but personally I think that he trained in some sort of forest or jungle environment and the green is a nod to that.
I love Grant’s reading of this line because no detail is too small for Barry – he’s fascinated by Felicity’s attempt at monosyllabic. But more worrisome for Felicity is Barry, once again, is dead on.
Felicity: I don’t give the vigilante much thought.
Oh girl. You are so bad at lying.
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Barry: Police reports show that he uses carbon arrows, but if he switched to an aluminum carbon composite, he would have far better penetration.
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Source: @eddiethawne
This inadvertent sexual innuendo is almost as bad as “It feels really good having you inside me.”
Barry is also convinced that the vigilante has partners. Ok, so let’s just give the kid a job and call it a day. I do like that the writers acknowledge all the obvious things the police should figure out about the vigilante through Barry Allen’s obsessive fanboy investigation. In this way, I feel a kinship to him.
Felicity is curious as to why Barry is so curious, which gives us his character’s back story. His mother was murdered. They never caught the guy who did it and maybe the vigilante would. Barry Allen is looking for a hero. (SAD PANDA)
Barry and Felicity found the truck that stole the centrifuge, and it was just used to rob a blood bank. Oliver pressures Barry for more information about his “similar case” in Central City, but Barry is equally as bad of a liar as Felicity. Actually, he’s worse. Oliver is done with the close proximity to Felicity and the lies.
Oliver: I want you to look into this Allen kid. There’s more to him than he’s letting on.
Diggle: His intentions seem pretty clear to me.
This is why I love Diggle, and he will forever be the number one Olicity shipper. He will nudge Oliver about Felicity when necessary. This teasing remark is also a direct message to Oliver, without flatly calling him out. Barry is being clear about his feelings for Felicity and Oliver is not. Diggle lets Oliver know he has some competition and it’s time to get in the game. But Oliver, no matter how much he knows Diggle is right, is nowhere near ready to do that. Hence, his absolute dejection.
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Source: @oliver-and-felicity
This is why Barry Allen is so necessary. It’s been quite a run of Olicity episodes thus far. First, we have the Russia debacle, with Oliver sleeping with Isabel and Felicity was hurt and jealous. Oliver also takes the opportunity to tell Felicity that even though he feels something for her he will never be with her. It’s a pretty definitive slamming of the door on any potential relationship between these two, except these feelings keep brimming to the surface.
Oliver heroically saves Felicity from the Count like a scene straight out of a romance novel. Nothing bonds two people like shared trauma. Oliver also tells Felicity that he will always choose her because nothing is more important to him. I mean honestly this man set the swoon standards.
But these are also some very frustrating episodes – for both Felicity and the viewers. He clearly has feelings for her, will die for her, will kill for her, betray his code for her, but refuses to be with her. So… where the hell does that put them? Oliver and Felicity are in a very murky gray zone.
Oliver knows Felicity wants to be with him. Even if she was trying to hide it (like she is in this episode).
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Source: terushimasyuuji
The pain of the Russia debacle made Felicity’s feelings clear.  Even Oliver isn’t that stupid, which is what prompted the “I have feelings for you, but I’m going to let you down easy because I’m a selfless hero who is also the dumbest of pine trees to ever exist.” Of course, Oliver likes all Felicity’s attention and concern (because he’s in love with her even if he won’t freaking admit it). Whether they want to admit it or not, there is a serious power imbalance between the two of them. Oliver is calling all the shots.
But it's Felicity's life too. Felicity is asserting her independence with Barry. She is taking Oliver at his word. Ok, you don’t want to be with me? Fine. I will move on. Felicity isn’t trying to make Oliver jealous. In fact, I don’t think she notices he’s jealous at all. I think there’s a large part of her still feels, despite all the moments she’s shared with Oliver and the things he’s said, that he will never feel for her what she feels for him.
Felicity’s feelings for Barry are genuine, which is why it’s driving Oliver crazy. He’s been able to enjoy all the emotional benefits of a relationship with Felicity, without actually being with her. Barry Allen a big bucket of cold water on all the warm fuzzy feelings.  He’s also a flashing red warning sign. Oliver needs to understand there is a shelf life to all this “I must suffer because I am undeserving of love.” His trauma will cost him Felicity.  She will not wait forever for him. 
And there was some part of Oliver, deep down, that thought Felicity would wait forever for him. This is where the egotistical hypocrisy comes in. It’s okay for Oliver to have girlfriends and sleep with whoever he wants when he wants, but Felicity so much as looks at another man, and Oliver is ready to break his neck with his bare hands.
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Felicity is a hot ticket. Some guy will absolutely cut in front of you to be with her. This is so Dawson Leary. Yuck. Take it away Pacey Witter.
Pacey: Look at that girl, Dawson. Just take a good look. She's a freaking goddess, man. How long did you think it was gonna be before some guy comes along and is interested in her? I mean, really, dude! And when that happens, what are you gonna do?
Dawson: I'm just gonna take it all as it comes.
Pacey: You're gonna take it as it comes. Oh great, well perhaps you should start figuring out right now because the guy that comes along is not gonna be your best friend and he's not gonna ask for your permission. The guy that comes along is gonna take one look at that woman and just cut right in on ya.
So, am I that bothered that Oliver gets the crap beaten out of him a couple times? Nah. Not really. He had it coming. Maybe the Mirakuru soldier can knock some sense into his concrete head.
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Source: @olicitygifs
This was so overly dramatic. Oliver is an enormous man child with muscles. He’s not upset Felicity was a little rough with the medical tape. Didn’t this man use to suture his own bullet wounds, but he can’t handle Felicity’s soft womanly hands against a little scrape? Boy, please. He can’t yell at her about Barry, so he yells about her nursing skills.  
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Oliver decides to come clean with what he knows about the super strength thief. He tells Felicity and Diggle about the serum on Lian Yu designed to create human weapons. Oliver assures them that Ivo and anyone injected with the serum are dead (spoiler alert Oliver, jeez) and he burned the last of it on the island.
Oliver asks Felicity to analyze the blood on the bent arrowhead.
Felicity: Barry and I will get right on it.
Diggle: I think our Miss Smoak is smitten.
Both statements cause Oliver physical pain. The man can barely breathe. Alright, I’m starting to feel a little sorry for him.
Diggle confirms that Oliver’s suspicions are right about Barry. He’s not being honest about who he is. A very pissy Oliver comes in hot, pumped up on jealousy, testosterone filled overprotection and raging hypocrisy, to confront Barry for lying about who he is – in front of Felicity. Naturally.
Barry immediately confesses the real reason he’s in Starling City. His father is in prison for his mother’s murder. Barry knows his father is innocent because he witnessed the crime. A blur with a person inside killed Barry Allen’s mother. Nobody believes him because that’s crazy. So, he seeks out the crazy cases like a super strength thief in the hopes it will lead to his mother’s real killer and freeing his father. He’s so damn earnest and hopeful, it’s like watching Oliver beat the crap out of a fluffy bunny. This is not a good look when trying to show your not-wife what a douchebag her new boyfriend is. Barry leaves town, which also costs Felicity her date to Moira’s welcome home party Oliver randomly decided to throw.
Instead of immediately apologizing to both Barry and Felicity, Oliver doubles down and defends what he did. Apologizing is not really his forte, so this is not unexpected.
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Source: @owenelliots-blog1
I love my unproblematic queen who can acknowledge the mountain of hypocrisy Oliver is standing on. YEAH, BIG GUY. YOU LIE ABOUT YOUR IDENTITY EVERY DAY AND USED TO KILL PEOPLE ON THE REGULAR. TAKE SEVERAL SEATS.
The party for Moira is a disaster. Shockingly nobody shows up to celebrate the freedom of the woman who helped kill hundreds of people in Glades. What a shocker. I love you Oliver, but you are so out of touch sometimes with normal people. Also, the elitist rich of Starling City don’t want to be tainted by associating with the Queen family.
Oliver has thought about his actions and acknowledges he overreacted about Barry.
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Source: @dianaclairmonts
I love that she doesn’t let him off the hook right away. Felicity is mad and she has every right to be. Barry shouldn’t have lied. I agree with Oliver on this one small point. But both he and Felicity know it wasn’t all nobility, like he’s some standard bearer for the truth, that made Oliver confront Barry like he did. Oliver was trying to obliterate any potential “something” growing between Felicity and Barry – and they both know it.
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Source: @o-rigamii
My kingdom for these two to dance. Let us not speak of how long we had to wait for it to happen. YEARS, people. YEARS.
Oliver: I know. That’s why I called him. They will card him at the bar.
Awww. He called Barry. Oliver is trying to make it right. I’m even going to allow the snark because it was hilarious. Did you notice Oliver immediately racing to the bar and downing a shot with Isabel to avoid watching Felicity dance with this kid? I did.
Oliver’s acknowledges he has no right to interfere in any relationship Felicity wants with Barry, primarily because he refuses to give her one with him. Oliver is trying to be the better man, to stand back and allow Felicity the happiness he feels he cannot give her. But all I want is for Oliver to cut in. Diggle is right. He needs to get in the game!
Whatever may be happening with Barry – it’s going to be long distance because he needs to go back to Central City, or he’ll be fired. He leaves without kissing Felicity. They are both wistfully hesitant. Interesting.
Is it too soon for a kiss? Yes, especially in the land of television. I like Barry, but I don’t actually want Felicity to end up with him. He’s the third point in the love triangle and that’s all. He’s a mechanism to get Oliver’s ass in gear. I don’t need to see them make out. Also, Barry Allen has always been a little asexual to me.
For Felicity, it’s one thing to say you’re moving on. It is another thing to actually do it. Maybe it’s not so easy for Miss Smoak to put Oliver behind her.
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Source: @oliverqueenz
Barry and Felicity determine the sedative in the thief’s blood is Ketamine. (Isn’t that shit for horses?) The only place that has enough for the centrifuge is an ARGUS disaster bunker. It’s time for Oliver to suit up, but Felicity is not sure he should go.  The simple fact is the thief’s muscle mass is the same as concrete. Oliver is going to be punching a literal brick wall.
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Source: @oliverqueenz
Oliver is a little taken aback. It’s not like Felicity not to believe in him. But this is not lack of belief, it’s a legitimate concern when faced with a scientific reality. Sure, Malcolm Merlyn was bad, but he wasn’t made out of concreate. You can push those romantic feelings as far down as possible, but they will always rise to the surface when the person you love is about to face mortal danger.
Like it or not, Oliver Queen is the Arrow. It is his responsibility to stop guys like this, so he faces off with the super soldier – and gets his ass handed to him on a platter. This guy bounces Oliver around like a ping pong ball. Oliver was also injected with an unknown substance during the fight.
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Source: @mrsmaudlin
Diggle and Felicity find him unconscious, but don’t know how to save him because they don’t know what substance he’s poisoned with. Diggle is ready to call 911 and blow the whole vigilante cover to smithereens, but Felicity has another idea. One that can save Oliver and protect his identity – if this person will keep his secret.
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Source: @bifelicitys
One second Barry Allen is waiting at the train station and the next he’s waking up in the Arrow cave, with Felicity begging him to save Oliver.
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And Oliver is not going to be happy with this turn of events.
Slade and Shado
Slade is in serious trouble. He’s burned half to hell and fading fast. So, is it a little odd that Shado chooses NOW to question Oliver about his romantic life? Yes, but a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.
Shado: How do you know that girl?
The girl in question is Sara. ISN’T THAT SUCH AN INTERESTING QUESTION OLIVER? Yes, please do explain to Shado how you know Sara.
Oliver: Sara was on my father’s boat… with me.
Shado: What about the girl in the picture? Laurel. The girl you told me you were in love with.
Oliver: Sara is her sister.
Shado is disgusted, which is the natural and appropriate reaction to anyone finding out about Oliver cheating on Laurel with her sister. This is a canon event, Shado. We can’t interfere. You must realize for yourself why it is impossible to ship Oliver with either Laurel or Sara. I bet Slade isn’t looking so bad right now.
Sara: I guess a lot happened in the last year.
Shado finding out about Sara. Sara is finding out about Shado. Oh, what a tangled web Ollie weaved. Honestly, he was just so slutty.
Just imagine you are Sara. I’m choosing Sara since she’s known Oliver longer, but Shado has every right to be angry too. But imagine you are Sara, and you betrayed your only sister for a guy who hooked up with someone else after you’ve been barely “dead” a year. We know Oliver didn’t forget about Sara, but that’s exactly what it feels like. Such a mess. I can’t imagine Sara loving the choices she made right now.
Did you notice Shado said, “The girl you WERE [Laurel] in love with.” That’s past tense my friends and Oliver doesn’t correct her. Now, Shado might believe Oliver is in love with her (although neither has said these words in a year). Oliver might not want to correct Shado in front of Sara. There could be lots of reasons. It’s difficult to juggle three love interests at the same time. But I don’t think this past tense reference is a small thing. 
Team Flashback is on the run and looking for a way to save Slade. Eventually they find the serum and must decide if Slade should take it. They don’t have all the necessary ingredients for a successful super soldier, however.
Oliver: What happens if we give it to Slade without the sedative?
Sara: He’ll die for sure.  
Shado: He’s going to die anyway.
That was dark Shado. Dark but true. Ultimately, it’s Slade’s call and he tells Oliver to inject him with the serum. But before he does, Slade uses his last moments to apologize to Shado.
Slade: I’m sorry. For not telling you how I really feel.
Then he touches her hair. SOB. I know some people think this storyline with Slade and Shado came out of nowhere, but I don’t agree. They built this relationship since Season 1, and it makes absolute sense that Slade fell in love with Shado. And it makes absolutely sense why he hid his feelings for so long.
Oliver is SHOCKED by Slade’s confession. At least he is consistently clueless about love in all timelines. What I love more than anything else is Shado doesn’t give two shits about Oliver’s reaction. Her focus is on Slade and only Slade. See? She’s making better choices too.
Slade’s reaction to the serum is violent, complete with bleeding eyes, and then he dies which was slightly anticlimactic to be honest. Oliver and Shado have barely begun to mourn him when Ivo shows up and kidnaps all three. This guy is like a bad case of herpes. He just won’t go away.
Moira and Malcolm
Malcolm is back and he wants Moira to tell Thea who her biological father is.  
Moira: You killed Tommy. You killed your son. You cannot have my daughter.
Murdering your child should disqualify you from ever parenting again – I feel like that should be a law. We need to ask why Malcolm cares about Thea now when he never did before? Well, he’s a sociopath so there’s that. Malcolm is all about his “legacy” and now that Tommy is gone – Thea is it. Not that he was ever happy with Tommy in the legacy department, but Thea isn’t replacement Tommy. You don’t swap one child for the other. Doesn’t work that way.
But this isn’t the Moira of Season 1. She’s done fearing Malcolm. When his villain monologue reveals he trained in Nanda Parbat, Moira makes a couple calls. She notifies Rha’s Al Ghul that Malcolm is in Starling City.  Since he’s alive, this allows Rha’s AL Ghul the pleasure of killing Malcolm for the Undertaking betraying their code.  Is this the first Rha’s Al Ghul mention? The Batman fan in me is geeking out.
Moira: So, my advice to you, Malcolm… run.
I am here for bad ass Moira not taking any more shit. She still doesn’t tell Thea about Malcolm and quite frankly I’m fine with it. I don’t want Thea to know.  Can the Queen family just be happy for five minutes?
Stray Thoughts
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If you are wondering where the pink in my blog comes from – it’s this dress. I think the only dress I love more than this one is the 3x01 red dress.
Oliver and Felicity looked so good this episode. Oliver in suspenders is a lot. I am amazed at their self control.
Felicity: Is it ok to laugh because I was ordered to say anything about you being in prison just to avoid any awkward exchanges.
Oliver: Like that one.
I would die for her.
“Why couldn’t you be marooned in Aruba?” Felicity is so real for this. I’ve been to Aruba. I would love to be marooned there.
“Oliver is a good son, if not the best judge of character.” SHOTS FIRED!! Moira vs Isabel is the Bitch Off I’ve been waiting for.
Put the purse down, Felicity. You aren’t going to get ripped off while dancing with Barry at the Queen mansion.
Sara learned all the science last year. I guess she didn’t have cable tv, so I’ve chosen to find this believable.
Roy is getting a little too close to this Max/super soldier thing and Oliver wants him to back off for his safety– especially since Thea is involved. When Roy refuses, because he’s Roy, the Arrow shoots him. I love Oliver’s Season 2 problem solving skills.
Listen to the Watchover podcast reaction to 2x08!
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Disclaimer: Any gifs on the blog are not mine. If you would like a gif removed from my reviews, please message me!
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star-trekster · 4 months ago
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Geordi+Data with @/littleguysdaily template! Little guys :)
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sysig · 2 months ago
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Cards 👏 cards 👏 cards 👏 (Patreon)
#Doodles#Osmosis Jones#Damned#Ozzy#Drix#Thrax#You may remember my DAX card - cough - and also my Stanley card! Also cough huh actually lol#Stanley's looked much more like this tho#Which would be because they're all part of the same printed set!#I actually have another like dozen-ish of these#Might show 'em off in the end-of-year roundup 👀 But for now it's just these guys! The sillies!#In very legible ink lol - I can read it and they're my notes so that's the important bit#I think Thrax's last name would actually be ''Roja'' tho so that's on me#Also why is Drix called Drixenol when his full first name is Drixobenzometaphendramine - where's the L come from#I've been Jonesing - pun intended - to fill out Ozzy's ''personality'' section for aaaggesss#I keep trying to pick at a scene with him and it's just not turning out! Need an easy-overview of his traits and features lol#I did actually have a new idea after making these so I think I was onto something lol#He has a very fun character type ♪ He's oddly socially aware for how annoying he can be! He does it on purpose!!#Drix is the exact opposite so they're great contrasts to each other hehe <3 Drix Tries to be helpful and fumbles it but he's so earnest!#Also finally got me decided on their room placements - so much easier to coordinate them at Night with that square#They don't have roommates Yet but based on who was inhabiting which rooms originally....o3o It's an idea isn't it hmmm#I went and read Thrax's description on one of his wiki pages as well and he was described as ''Cold'' and I was like uhm???#Like yes he does kill in cold-blood - he's pretty unflinching and indiscriminate with what and who he aims his fire power at#But with his hot-headed attitude and overall heat aesthetic I have a difficult time calling him Cold exactly - cool for sure! Haha#But yeah I dunno about that - he's also a nerd which I find very fun haha sets up a powerpoint presentation for his thugs#And just ends up doing the main bit himself anyway! He just likes to talk about his plans hehehe#It really is double-fun to have them all from different points in their timelines ahh ♪ Who and what they know so fun to play in#The secret-keeping and surprises are my favourite part! Mismatch and uncertainty! Love that#I also had a lot of fun with their background splashes :) Ozzy gets blue cells - Drix gets his pills and some fizzles#And Thrax's cell-destroying fire and flames were stylized so cool! Also has a bit of a pollen look as well! I enjoy
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buttercup-art · 5 months ago
#so i've been dealing with some irl stuff recently#nothing too bad. it was just really frustrating and exhausting for me. and really putting a damper on my mood and my art#and i'm sorry if i've been acting a little weird or not saying too much or anything#or if i've been kinda inactive for the past few days#but i'll be okay!#i just wanted to let you guys know what's been kinda going on#i'm slowly working on something really sweet involving Hugo and Noa. so that's been making me feel better#i need something happy and soft between them lol#also! I've been playing The Quarry recently!#the writing is kinda stupid and almost all of the characters act like they don't have a brain. but that's what makes it so fun!#and i'm pretty sure the devs did that intentionally. to make it seem more like a campy monster flick#i'm really enjoying it so far! the werewolves are really cool!#also it's really funny to me how they just pop like balloons whenever they're transforming#i thought it was gonna be a slow transformation. but no. their skin just immediately explodes off#and then they somehow get it all back when they turn back into humans? idk how that works but it's pretty rad#also also! the thing with the tarot cards is really cool!#i missed a lot in the beginning because i didn't know what i was looking for#and the fortune teller lady in between chapters kept getting mad at me for not finding any#but i eventually started to get it! when the game decided to really put one in my face in chapter 3 lol#and the thing with the tarot cards representing the different characters in the game got me thinking about what card Noa would probably be#i think Seven of Swords would be right up her alley#because it's associated with deception. dishonesty. betrayal. and acting strategically#and it could also signify self-deception and confessions. which is all very true for her character#aaahh now i wanna make a tarot card design for her!#but that's an idea for another day#anyway sorry for sorta rambling a bit#i hope you all are doing okay
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good-beanswrites · 1 year ago
hi! may i request some mikoto + amane (platonic obvs) … anything? they are very dear to me 😭
Yes!!! Thank you so much for the request -- they really are such a good pair ;-; (The thing is, I had so many nice scenes in mind about how they parallel each other, but they wouldn't know or reveal that about each other so I kept restarting...) Anyway, here's something right after Mikoto's first trial/verdict!
Mikoto could pick up on someone’s bad mood from a mile away, though the skill was unnecessary when the other party very clearly and calmly informed him, “I’m in a bad mood.”
After refusing his offer, Amane turned back to a thick textbook she’d been taking notes on. Didn’t kids usually complain that school was already a prison? She must have wanted the full experience. He'd worked nonstop at his studies as well, but this was a new level. Amane often reminded him of his little sister, though she always took the extra step like this. His sister would have jumped at this opportunity to play a few rounds of their favorite card game.
“It’ll be fun!”
He flashed a smile, but it had no effect on her severe expression. “I know you’re just trying to comfort me about our verdicts. I refuse to be pitied.”
“Comfort and pity are two very different things. But anyway, it wasn’t either of those things.” He gave an easy shrug “To be honest, I’m just a little bored. It’s weird not having any work to do during the day.” 
Mikoto couldn’t remember the last time in his life he’d had so many hours to himself. A lot of the others were fun to play games with. A few of the sportier prisoners helped him stay active. He enjoyed smoking breaks with the other men. Still, he was left to his own devices for the majority of his time. It was maddening. He’d recently requested some more art supplies, having used up the last batch, but they had yet to come in. Now with the verdict announcement, he wasn’t sure they’d ever arrive.
“That is your own problem. I already have something to do.” Her eyes lingered on the cards for the briefest of moments before returning to the book. “I told you, I’m not in the mood for it.”
Regardless of her hostility, he took a seat beside her. He leaned his arms out on the table. “We don’t have to play the same game.” The last time they'd played as a big group, several prisoners pulling the tables together to fit everyone. Amane had kept very quiet, eyes darting around at the cards as she tried to keep up with the rules. Not many of the others noticed the frustration clear in her face. Mikoto wasn’t the type to let her win out of pity, though he had begun to mutter the rules and strategies to himself a bit more as the night went on… 
“Is there a game you liked to play at home?”
 “No. There was no time for games in the house.” 
“All work and no play… hah… I know what that’s like.” He slumped his cheek onto his arm, lazily shuffling the cards around. He felt bad for bothering the girl if she truly was upset. He thought it was the bad experience that made her reject him, he hadn’t realized there were also family issues attached. Usually he could read people well; maybe he was losing his touch. He seemed to be losing touch with a lot of things, these days.
He readied a game of solitaire. 
“Mikoto?” Amane kept her face turned away. “There was… one game.”
“Yeah?” Mikoto shuffled the cards back together. He slid them over to her. “You should teach me!” 
She didn’t touch them. “You probably already know it.”
“Nah, I only know a few games. I’m better with tarot cards, though those aren’t really the gaming type. Come on, what is it?”
She told him the name of the game, insisting it wouldn’t be worth playing. She kept her attention on the textbook, but her eyes weren’t reading any of it. 
“Ahh, I’ve heard of that one! We start with four cards, right?” He started dealing them out.
“No, five –” she pointed to the deck, urging him to add two more. 
“Right, right.” He laughed lightly. “And the goal is to get pairs, and put them in a pile, uhh, here.”
Amane shook her head. She shifted her body slightly towards him. “You must be thinking of a different game. There’s actually three piles for pairs. One here, one here, and when it’s your opponent’s turn…” 
Her eyes gleamed as she explained the rules. She pointed to various cards, telling him exact moves and point values. “And to win, you need to –” Her expression shifted. “You… you already knew all this.”
“Of course not!” He put on his most convincing smile. 
She deflated. “You’re not a very good liar.”
“Tch, tell that to the warden.”
His shoulders sagged along with her. If Amane could see right through him, why was the rest of Milgram still coming up with stories about what he did and didn’t do? “Well, I might already know the rules, but it’s been a long time since I’ve played. You can still give me a hand. Plus, if you really are in such a bad mood, it’ll be good to take a break from your studies. You should always take a break when things get too overwhelming, yeah?”
She gave him a withering stare.
“Eh? What’s that face for?”
“Alright, let’s play. You can go first.”
“I mean it, what was that look? Aw, come on…”
#milgram#mikoto kayano#amane momose#see - the thing is they both had crimes about 'protecting themself' but both would deny it was for that reason#they both seem to have some family trauma but would never admit it#theyre both used to putting on their best behavior and being 'good' for others but hardly realize that themselves#they are both in denial all the time !!!!!#so i tried to show them getting along for their own perceived reasons -- mikoto thinks he likes her because she reminds him of his sister#and amane thinks she likes him because hes being kind about their verdicts#and while both are right theyre Also drawn to each other because they are very similar at their core#and both have skills with reading people/picking up on cues making it tough to lie to one another#that forced honesty makes for a solid friendship haha!#i also remember a comment from yamanaka that amane would be the worst at card games because shed have trouble with the rules#she seems old enough to handle complex games but she probably never got to play a lot at home ;---; and mikoto probably learns a lot of#types of games (and tarot) so can connect with even more people#i thought long and hard on whether mikoto would let someone else win but he doesnt seem the type (plus amane would notice)#once again i know amane starts speaking in the plural but this comes a bit before that#yaay thank you so much for the request! this was really fun to do - i hope you enjoy!#ive thought a lot about amane and john but less on her and mikoto lol so this was nice :D#drabbles
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astro-g0re · 3 months ago
Genuinely AI and character ai will never replace the absolute joy and excitement of planning out a whole plot and story with potential reactions, ideas, concept, and art with the other person
The people only using character ai really don't know the soul and fun that comes with doing actual roleplay that stays consistent and won't repeat the same sentence/motion a million times over
#also actual roleplaying to me is genuinely so fun if done right#i will always fight and stand by roleplay#especially since its my way to cope project and sometimes enjoy things i never see#also it improves my writing and art a lot because i will get so invested in scenes that I detail them out or even draw it#plus if you really want you can loosely go off what happens in the roleplay to make into a fanfic for others to enjoy (with permission ofc)#roleplay at least for me keeps my mind active and creative too#cai and all that other rp ai bullshit is all the same where it has it all laid out for you to where it basically limits what you wanna do#ive tried to understand and honestly i dont get it#the characters are never accurate its always bland and there's no fun when you don't come up with ideas with another actual person#hell even characterizing the way you want isn't the same with ai bs because you can't really personalize those characters#sorry for the rant i just really like roleplaying#also before anyone argues about it: as long as they're cool with what you want in an rp and you communicate it you can do whatever you want#we're all freaks here and another freak isn't going to judge you unless you're actively breaking their boundaries or making them uncomfy#trust me there's some people i know that will rp anything as long as its not one or two specific things#and theyre really chill and cool btw#like every interaction and relationship with any being: communication is important and the key
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triglycercule · 2 months ago
mtt anniversary is on september 1st but i'm already having idess over here in january,,,,,,
#do you think they'd make a big deal out of it or would it just be another day#horror would forgot 500% (he's so REAL) (i forget the day i immigrated to america every year 💀💀💀)#dust would remember it but he'd only bring it up if horror or killer brought it up#killer??? i have no fucking idea man#(i haven't been mtt posting lately (even though i have 8 things in queue i wanna edit so i can post) because of killer#i STILL dont wanna get him wrong (because if i get his character wrong i suck AND that messes up the rest of the trio too#so once i do my killer analysis (SOON TRUST 🙏🙏🙏) ill finally get back to mtt posting and thinking 🙂🙂☹️🙂🙂🙂)#for their anniversary what should they do for shits and giggles.......hmmmhmmmmhmhmhmhmhmhmhm.........#in my head they've already visited so mant different countries and aus and done any and all activity with eachother#its like i can't even imagine them doing something special for their anniversary because they've already DONE IT ALL#that's really cute but also REALLY BORING!!!!! they should do something really fun :3#i dont know what but i can see them at a stupidly fancy restaurant#killer does the 'here comes the airplane' thing to horror and because he's in a good mood horror plays along#even though none of them dare to care that much dust makes a toast so fucking sincere and kind and honest#that it makes horror blush and killer genuinely tears up#and they just have such a nice time chilling and relaxing and just enjoying each other's company#for ONCE theyre not fighting!!!! this moment is too inoffensive to try and disrupt anyways#alright and just to drag some blood into this (because cmmoooonnnn its mtt) they go out for a night of crime later on#because they ALWAYS come up with something new and fun to do together that is also very illegal and very wrong#alone they are fairly chill. together they make eachother worse. getting along together???? THEY RUIN THE WORLD#tricule rant#anyways i love the murder time trio september mtt anniversary i'll make that on my calendar ASAP
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13eyond13 · 3 months ago
So the book club that I've been in since 2022 has 9 regular members now including me, and we have collectively read a total of 28 books together now. This month we put all of our book choices and the members' ratings of the books on an Excel spreadsheet, and have been having fun figuring out various trends and statistics and so on – what decades we have mostly read from, what countries, what genres, what our most and least highly rated picks were for each year, etc. I also thought it would be fun to use the spreadsheet on my own to figure out who rates things most and least similarly to each other in the club. What shocked me was that I found out that I scored the number one most similar/compatible rater to every single other person in the club except two (I was 2nd most similar rater for somebody and 4th most similar rater for the other). Also, apparently me and the guy who I scored least compatible with based on our ratings/taste have the top rated book selections on average in the club so far. I'm not at all sure what this means except that I just know from now on I'm going to have this secret semi-subconscious goal in my mind of inching my way higher in this one outlier book club member's taste compatibility scoring for 2025 hahaha
#not like in a 'im going to change my ratings or book selections intentionally to do so' way#just like in a 'im going to be paying closer attention to this from now on and watching it with interest' sort of way#because there's nothing i love more than setting myself dumb secret challenges and experiments#this book club member also scored as the member with the most unpredictable ratings i think?#you just never know what he's gonna think of something which makes it interesting i suppose#like for example when i was being really harsh on study for obedience he ended up rating it 4 stars#also there are SO many questions in my mind about why i am most compatible with 6 out of 8 of the members there rn#like is it mostly because of me or them or just a mix of both#i plotted our ratings out on a line for each book and saw that very often i tend to be in the middling upper portion of the ratings we give#like im almost never the one giving it the highest rating of all but im also usually more generous with the stars i give than the others#and ive never given the lowest rating in the group of all on any book either#so is it just like not being too extreme but also slightly more positive with your ratings leads to being most likely to match others?#i think it must also depend on how other people are rating them. like are they using other people's ratings to decide their own or not#i tend to try to just rate the books based purely on my own taste and regardless of what the others thought#but idk about everybody else#also im glad that i think most of us are also trying to be fair like we will rate our own books low if we genuinely didn't enjoy them too#ALSO AT THE END OF THE DAY book club is definitely about more than just slapping a star rating on a book#and the star rating sometimes has little to do with how great a book club discussion you'll get out of it#but i still think we're having a friendly competition over trying to get the highest ratings from the others#idk sorry this is how i actually have fun hahaha like this is my team sports#another weird stat i found interesting was that i have given out an average of 3.15 stars to the books#and my selections for the club have been rated an average of 3.14 stars by the group#i was the only member to have these numbers be so close together as well#p
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crownconstellation · 4 months ago
i have a confession to make i'm kind of getting bored with wilting y :(
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