#Macaque being obvious
nekohime19 · 4 months
Mini Mac # 6 : lil guy and Monkey King first outing (some would say date)
Macaque is so obvious in this chap, he's just thinking every lovesick things Wukong does is some weird Monkey King business. Poor Wukong, 😔.
Macaque wasn't nervous, he was only meticulously preparing his outing with the great sage. So what if he imagined everything that could go wrong? What if he prepared ways to save himself if it went downhill? He only liked to be prepared. The winds passed through the wall's cracks and flipped his ears, something it liked to do to tease him. Macaque huffed and shooed it away with a flick of wrist.
“It's good to be prepared.” Grumbled Macaque as he stuffed his homemade sleeping powder inside one of his bags. “There will be no storms right?” The wind brushed his cheeks affectionately and ruffled his head, Macaque rolled his eyes but let it do as it pleased. “Good.”
Macaque took a deep breath and tightened his bags around him, he messed with the red cloth covering his body a little, making sure no inch of his skin was showing. He hesitated at the edge of his room, wondering if it was truly a good idea. The wind, not one to stay still, pushed him forward towards the shadowed passages of the walls. Macaque stumbled a little, he threw a glare at the void behind him, at what he assumed was the wind position, and hissed when the echoes of a cackle tickled his ears. As much as the black-furred monkey wanted to be mad, some part of him was grateful for the wind's pushiness, he had a tendency to get stuck in the recess of his mind when it came to matters such as those. Macaque ran towards his nearest hole and slipped inside the house once he found it. The westward wing was seemingly empty, not a sign of a giant golden-furred monkey in view. Macaque straightened himself, let his ears unfold and listened to his surroundings. Sun Wukong was on the mansion's threshold, his tail thumping excitedly against the stone stair leading to the mansion main door.
The black-furred monkey let a smirk grace his lips, amused by the sage's impatience, and jumped in the shadows, traveling through them. The shadows were always particularly gentle with him, they embraced him with glee and let him swim around them as he pleased. Macaque liked to travel in the darkness, but he had to admit it could be exhausting, especially since manhandling shadows required a lot of energy.
Macaque smirked when he found the sage innocently waiting for him, blind to the world around him, and jumped out of his shadows, startling him a little. Sun Wukong yelped and turned towards him with pursed lips, half-mad, half-amused.
“Can't you come out of my shadow normally for once?” Huffed the King with crossed arms, cheeks tinted with the slightest of red.
“I like my entrances, so no thank you.” Replied the macaque with a puffed out chest. Sun Wukong rolled his eyes but Macaque noticed the soft smile hiding at the edges of his lips, the sage was rarely upset with his antics, in fact he never truly got mad at him. He got frustrated at times, especially when Macaque decided to mess with his peaches, but never mad. It was something Macaque appreciated in his own way and why he kept messing with the sage in the first place, he knew Sun Wukong wouldn't be upset by those harmless pranks.
Sun Wukong summoned his cloud with a flick of wrist and turned towards the macaque with something akin to nervosity swirling in his eyes.
“Is this okay for you?” Asked the sage as he gestured towards his cloud. Macaque knew he would have to be close to the King when he asked for this outing. It was the King himself who proposed the idea, but Macaque had been the one to ask for a sight of the moon, the longing inside of him winning over any fears he fostered towards the outside world. Fortunately, Macaque wasn't afraid of height, he knew the wind would come to his aid if he fell out of the cloud, and even if by some misfortune the wind couldn't come, his shadows would cushion his fall. The black-furred monkey climbed the cloud and sat at its edges, the texture was odd, something soft and elastic, it wasn't unpleasant. Sun Wukong huffed a laugh and sat behind him, his tail shyly brushing the macaque's back. Macaque raised an eyebrow but decided to not mention it, after all the touch was so light it felt like it wasn't even there.“Buckle up, lil bud.” Laughed the sage as he began to steer his cloud outside of the cave.
Sun Wukong commanded the waterfall hiding the cave with a single gesture, cutting the water in half with his will alone. It would be impressive coming from anyone else, but as it was Macaque knew commanding the water wasn't even a tenth of Sun Wukong's power.
Macaque had to admit, the mountain was splendous, the lush green expended everywhere, highlighted by the moon kind veil. Of course, he saw the mountain the day he arrived on the eastward bone-white shores, but at this time he was more preoccupied by the need to find a shelter and his own survival, he didn't spend much time admiring the beauty of nature. Nonetheless, more than the mountain jade colored forests, what Macaque found the most fascinating was the moon itself. He couldn't look away from the pale disk lightening the darkness, each rays touching his face with grace and warmth. Sun Wukong guided the cloud to a valley hidden in the heart of large trees, the sky was clear in this place, the swaying grass illuminated by the pure light of the night's ruler.
Macaque felt nostalgia fill him. He hadn't seen the moon since he decided to take refuge inside of the water-curtain cave. Macaque had always adored the moon, the night in itself was a time he liked (especially since he was born from the shadows) and the moon had been his guide more than once, a comfort in the most dire of his travels. Shadows were always wary of light, but at the same time they craved it to exist. The moon's light was Macaque's favorite, it was not burning like any other, but kind and welcoming. The black-furred monkey turned towards the sage, wanting to thank him for this outing. Sun Wukong was looking at him, face softened by something Macaque couldn't recognize. Macaque wondered if the sage was drunk, he looked like it with his flushed cheeks and wagging tail.
“You're okay?” Asked the macaque with a raised eyebrow. Sun Wukong startled, broken of whatever trance he was in, and looked away with reddening cheeks.
“Y-yeah, everything's fine.”
“Hm, well thank you for this.” Mumbled the macaque with the shadow of a smile on his face. Sun Wukong threw a glance at him, immediately his fur fluffed up and his tail wagged harder.
“Anytime.” Mumbled the sage with a longing sigh on his lips.
Macaque frowned at the weird behavior but decided to not comment on it, it was a lovely night after all, he could bear the sage’s oddness if it offered him such a view.
+ meme!!
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+ cut scenes
Macaque : the moon is very beautiful!😊
SWK *looking at Mac* : yeah 😍
Macaque : why are you looking at me the moon is in the sky you dimwit 🤨
SWK *crying inside* : yeah 😭
Macaque : Hey, about that offer you made...you know about going outside...
SWK *immediately straightening* : yeah? 😳
Macaque *embarrassed* : I was thinking, maybe, if you have time, you know bc I'm bored, You could show me the moon?
SWK *almost in tears* : of course! 🥹
SWK *drunk at one brotherhood fest* : and then he told me to show him the moon, he's sooo cute, I can't 😍🥹🥰
Peng *at the rest* : who the fuck is he talking about? 🤨
Azure : I have no idea, brother. 😔
Bull King : just nods along with him like the rest of us
The wind *after the outing* : spill the drama six-ears, how was your date ?
Macaque : Idk what you means by date but it was nice seeing the moon. SWK was looking at me instead of the moon, that was weird 🤔
The wind *chuckling* : Oh yeah? I'm not surprised 😏
Macaque : maybe he was surveilling me?
The wind *flicking Macaque's ears* : 😫😑
SWK *rolling around in bed and giggling like a schoolgirl after the outing* : Agjisbzhabgs, he was so cute!! 😍🥰, I'm melting 🫠
Monkey passing by : 👀
SWK : you saw nothing! 😳
Monkey : 👀👀
SWK : here, food 😣
Monkey : 🙈
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lunar-wandering · 4 months
do y'all think Macaque is falling back into the role that Azure and the others put on him by remaining on the outskirts of the group because he thinks his input/presence is unwanted (and yeah his presence isn't really wanted by MK and the others BUT. something about the fact Macaque is placing himself at the edge of the group, the edge that Azure and the others pushed him to, doesn't really sit well)
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#Monkie Kid#lego monkie kid#monkie kid spoilers#lmk spoilers#im gonna be completely honest: i think the only reason Mac HASN'T apologized is cause he thinks they wont listen to it#so he's trying to do things WAY more subtly and it's NOT working out#and when i say ''he thinks they won't listen'' i dont mean he thinks they won't forgive him#honestly the group would be split 50/50 between ''forgives him'' and ''suspicious but willing to let him try''#i FULL OUT mean he thinks they won't listen. that they won't even hear his apology and will just talk over/ignore him#or completely misinterpret what he's saying#THAT'S what he thinks#when he was being the villain he was putting on a show. it's HILARIOUS how obvious his actions are a front when you rewatch s1 and s2#but like?? being actually him?? he does NOT expect them to listen to him when he's just himself#sort of like a. ''if you want people to listen you have to anger/frighten them into paying attention'' kind of mentality#not a good mentality to have#it DOES explain why he reacts Like That whenever someone does something that indicates they DID pay attention though#like. listen hear me out. i do NOT think Macaque expected MK to remember the Warrior thing.#so when MK brought it up it hit him like a truck#also why he reacts like that when Wukong somewhat seriously answers his ''you know this is just the calm before the storm'' question#+ when Wukong says ''we''#cause he does not consider himself part of the group. hence staying on the outskirts#GOD this guy is such a delicious pack of trauma to dissect. thank you lego for giving me not one#not two#but THREE traumatized monkeys to analyze
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itsabouttimex2 · 1 month
Not sure if you have covered this, but I’ll ask. How would you have gone about Macaque’s redemption arc…if it’s possible with how he was written before season four? No hate or debate, just curious. I like alternate takes on characters :3
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Hmm okay I thought on this for a little bit, and the crux of my problem with Macaque’s arc is that he’s established late Season Three to be “not a bad person” when-
1. He enjoys hurting people
2. He goes out of his way to hurt people
3. He hurts many people
4. He expresses no regret or remorse for hurting people
5. He faces no consequences for hurting innocent people aside from his intended victims winning their fights against him
6. His victims are reduced to a hivemind of non-autonomous set dressings who have no feelings on his presence or past crimes
And he promptly just becomes a person that everyone is okay with despite everything. So, if we have to keep the “one good action is enough to redeem you for betrayal, deceit, slandering, multiple counts of assault and attempted murder”, then we need to shift some things.
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So I think the best thing to do if we want the actual “redemption arc” to hit the way it’s supposed to in canon is-
1. Thin his list of victims
2. Thin his list of crimes to the point that one good deed is actually a reasonable atonement for all of them
3. Play up his victimhood at the hands of the Mayor
4. Establish his inability to escape from the Lady Bone Demon much sooner
If the crux of his arc is just being forgiven by ONE of his many victims and then becoming a good person, then we just need to sharply reduce the amount of victims he has to make the immediate and all-encompassing forgiveness feel more realistic.
When he’s “sieging” the city in Macaque, the Smoke Demon ignores everyone who isn’t MK and deals no structural damage, creating no victims aside from the Monkie Kid.
When he’s performing in Shadowplay, Macaque portals MK away to fight him alone, leaving everyone else unharmed, creating no victims aside from the kid.
Then, when he’s stolen away by the Mayor, either:
1. Lady Bone Demon implants him with her powers right away, preventing him from running away and immediately establishing him as desperate, or, what I’d argue for-
2. Send the Mayor with him.
When he receives the compass and is released, Macaque pulls a Bone Key-
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and throws it away, trying to shadow portal away, only to be greeted by
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The Mayor, who proceeds to outright accompany Macaque on this journey, thereby serving as a foil to Tang Sanzang.
Where Sun Wukong was taken under the wing of someone who genuinely cared for him and wanted to see him improve, Macaque is forcibly dragged along by an outright malicious figure who wants to see him rot.
(Fuck, have Lady Bone Demon give Macaque an ice circlet to seal the “foil” deal! Have him be forced into these actions in outright agony! It would help Sun Wukong sympathize with him, expediting the “forgiveness” that a redemption arc needs!)
In fact, every time Macaque tries to leave, or steps out of line or even just fails? You hear an offscreen thud and yelping and then when we get to see him next, there’s new bruises on his body, new tears in his clothes. His fur becomes messy. His eyes grow haunted.
Play up his victimhood to coax the audience into sympathizing with him.
Macaque tries to run. The Mayor hurts him. He tries to stall. The Mayor hurts him. He tries to argue. The Mayor hurts him. He tries to fight back. The Mayor beats him back into subservience.
Establish that Macaque has utterly exhausted all avenues of “escape” before he resorts to attacking the Monkie Kids, and even then, have him try to avoid the majority of them in favor of MK, only to be forced by the Mayor into actually fighting Mei, Tang, Sandy, and Pigsy.
So now every character understands why he’s doing this- and don’t have a reason to hold it against him or expect any further atonement because none of his worst actions (like sieging the Dragon Palace) actually need to be addressed- they aren’t his fault.
That basically solves all the problems I have with the “arc” as it stands, honestly.
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lmk-vibes · 1 year
Okay so we all agree this is foreshadowing something with mk right? (I personally believe it will be something like how mei lost control or he will be used by someone)
Anyway so these guys weren't there for that moment-
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Mk defence squad perhaps??? :DD!!
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cloud-somersault · 4 months
Macaque Moodboard for When He Hears Wukong's Tantrum From Miles Away and Still Decides Not to Visit Him
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rebeltigera · 13 days
I love the idea that Mei in the shadow lord au is just done with everything and everyone's bullshit and is calling everyone out
Wukong for obvious reasons, Iron Fan's secret keeping hypocrite ass, DBK's enabling ass, and Macaque being petty and kidnapping her best friend and holding him hostage away from his friends and family over a beef that MK has no part in (she is not buying that bullshit orchrid excuse)
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genderfluid-insomniac · 3 months
I have just been going through all of you x reader stuff, and it's amazing! I'm not sure if requests are open or not. (If they're not, you may ignore me), but I was wondering how Macaque would be if his partner was pregnant, specifically with a little baby girl during and after the pregnancy?
I love this idea so much and I may have gotten a bit carried away and I didn't expect this post to be this long lol
Macaque x pregnant!reader
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Macaque during the pregnancy:
If you thought he was protective before then get ready for being watched/”guarded” all the time and he’s not going to hide being protective if anything he’s going to be obvious that if anyone dares mess or threatens to hurt you then it’s over for them. He’ll tone it down a tad if you ask him to but he’s not taking any risks since he doesn’t want to lose you in any way nor his child.
He’s patient when you’re dealing with the pregnancy and all its symptoms however every time you get morning sickness his anxiety flares up, worrying about your health and your cubs’. He’s never been happier for his six ears and how sensitive they are because he can hear his cub's heartbeat and every sound they make.
There’s no lying he is going to be a bit judgy when you ask and eat your strange food combinations or cravings but he’ll humor you regardless. Depending on what they are he might try some of them with you and others he will draw a hard no at.
Both of you didn’t want the gender to be revealed at all via the ultrasound or the whispers of the future Macaque hears so you both are very excited to meet your child when they come into the world and grow up with two hopeful loving parents. The later in your pregnancy the more you start to show and the more he is obviously lovestruck but doesn’t seem to care.
At night when you’re resting on the bed or couch your husband will have his head resting on your tummy, smiling softly whenever he feels the baby kick, and use his abilities to perform stories on the walls in front of you. You’re never left feeling helpless or forgotten since he’s so doting on you more than before however don’t think that doesn’t mean that you’re off the hook for his teasing and flirts.
The larger your belly gets and the harder regular chores get the more he’s going to insist and make sure you’re off your feet, helping you to feel comfortable and less stressed. Macaque will let you keep doing regular things if you insist on doing them but the moment you wince or feel discomfort he’s sweeping you off your feet again literally.
Once the day gets here and your water breaks he’s panicking and not hiding it that well since with help from Sandy and the gang had told him the full dos and don’ts of pregnancy. He knows you’re in good hands but seeing you yell in pain and hearing you cry as you’re feeling contractions breaks his heart.
He doesn’t risk using his shadow portals in case it hurts his cub and you and rushes you to the hospital, not taking no for an answer when he’s asked if he’s sure he wants to come in or asks you if you want him in. There isn’t ever a time when he’s not by your side and holding your hand, letting you squeeze it as much as you want, and soothing you with comforting words.
When the time finally happens you’re screaming and gripping his hand like you’re hanging off a cliff for dear life, both apologizing for making his ears hurt and pleading for it to be over. He was frankly a bit disturbed that you apologized for hurting him via your screaming but held you as close as he could until you both heard the cry of your new cub.
Macaque after the pregnancy:
The moment you both heard your child cry everything else no longer mattered and you opened your arms to signal you wanted to hold your child, cradling their sweet baby girl in your arms and crying out of joy. You looked up at Macaque with tears streaming down your face and sobbing happily when you saw the same expression mirror on his face, resting your foreheads against one another and kissing him gently.
His cub had your hair color fur and four lotus-shaped ears like his that twitched and flicked about when you both traced over them with your fingers. Her fists curled up and she rubbed her eyes that slowly opened to show your eye color reflected with gold flecks scattered around the iris.
Macaque couldn’t help the bittersweet feeling that his cub had his ears which you constantly called precious but also worried considering all the hate he got from others for his “freaky” ears. You must’ve seen his conflicted expression because you kissed his cheek and then your cubs who was swaddled in a comfy blanket.
When you moved for him to hold your baby he tensed up at first not wanting to possibly hurt his baby girl in any way but all his worries melted when she looked up at him and wrapped his tail around hers. He made a promise to himself that he’d protect his daughter and lover no matter what.
The days after you gave birth were hard and Macaque was there for all of it, helping you out whenever you could and getting you actual food since both of you agreed the hospital food was disgusting. Your baby was pretty well-behaved and was mostly quiet thanks to a sound-dampening spell your lover placed on her ears, handing her off to one another and to the nurses when they needed to check on her.
When you were finally let out of the hospital he still didn’t use his portal out of concern for his baby and you, calling Sandy to help you both back home with your wheelchair and gratefully accepting the baby gifts he gave you both. While you were still in the hospital Macaque sent a couple of clones back to your apartment to baby-proof everything and also install a lock on the door of his dojo.
The following weeks weren’t pretty since parenting is never easy and you both share the burden of the sleepless nights which doesn’t happen that much since it turns out that your baby was an easy cub just very clingy. Macaque had mixed feelings about that since he liked having you all to himself but now had to share you with his daughter, who he loved more than anything but was also getting used to sharing you.
Macaque was protective during the pregnancy and still remains so as Yingyue grows up, deciding to name their baby girl after how she was just as beautiful as the moon and just as calm and soothing. Every time a picture of the sky was in her view she babbled out excited noises and often would put on special shadow plays for his precious daughter.
He watches everyone like a hawk when the gang meets his daughter specifically Wukong for reasons. Already in advance, he put a sound-dampening spell on her sensitive ears knowing MK and Mei wouldn’t be able to not scream or at least MK would remember after a second or so. They all adored his cub even Wukong who wished him congratulations as Macaque just stared lovingly at his little girl.
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Hi are your requests still open? If they are can I request the jealous and he’s mad , prompts on the Macaque master list??? Please and thank you 🙏🏻!!!
LMK Macaque: Jealousy.
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Word Count: 1915.
Content/Trigger Warnings: pushy guy that can't take a hint.
Authors Notes: Here's the He's Mad request too ^^. (wip)
<---Previous | Masterlist | Next--->
There were a lot of things Macaque learned since his reincarnation, especially about himself. One thing he never thought would have to be that seeing men around you made his skin crawl. In the few months you've known each other, seeing you smile with someone that wasn't him made his skin crawl. Seeing you laugh and smile with someone else made his skin crawl, and seeing someone make physical contact with you made his fur stand on end, and he often found himself snarling with his tail twitching uncontrollably. 
Unfortunately for Macaque, a certain Monkey King had witnessed the snarling this time. Wukong smirked mischievously when he saw what had made his beloved friend so… primal. He studied Macaque closely as the male, he forgot his name, constantly flirted with you. Now, usually Wukong would have put the guy in his place for bugging you… BUT SEEING MACAQUE LIKE THIS WAS SO FUCKING HILARIOUS! 
The male in question was the one you went on a double date with, from what you had told Wukong, it was when you saw Macaque again. Did he get past his jealousy at how close you got to the other demon? Course not, but he eventually learned to get over himself since you seemed happy when you told him about what happened that day, and how your date went. 
Since then, Wukong and basically everyone else, but you noticed how possessive Macaque was where you were concerned, especially if you get hit on. 
Sooo… like right now. As you promised, you visited the noodle shop the first chance you got. You ‘just so happened’ to run into Macaque on the way there so you invited him to tag along and enjoyed small talk on the way there. What you didn't expect though was to see a familiar face, well, faces. One of them being Wukong, who was enjoying noodles and talking with MK, the other being your friend Sofia and her boyfriend Jeremy.
At first, you didn't acknowledge Sofia and her company sitting at a table, only focused on your belly as you ordered a nice big bowl of noodles that Pigsy was eager to get. Sofia was the one to acknowledge you first, waving you over, but you motioned for her to give you a minute.
Why is this tool here? Macaque thought to himself in annoyance, Wukong snickering silently when he noticed his old friend’s pout.
“Aren't you hungry?” you turned your attention to Macaque with a smile, taking account of his sour mood. “You okay, Mac?”
The nickname made his heart race for some reason, and he had to look away from you. After a few seconds, he offered you a simple nod before he too ordered a bowl of noodles.
“(Y/n)!” Sofia yelled at you over.
“I said wait!” you snapped at your impatient friend before carefully taking the delicious bowl of noodles. “I'll be right back,” you looked at Wukong and MK.
“Take your time,” Wukong grinned as MK too waved you off with a reassuring smile.
“Sorry,” you smiled at Macaque, “you can join us if you want.”
“You go, I'll be here,” he assured, not trusting himself to be close to the male and risk hurting him.
“Suit yourself,” you shrugged and walked over to Sofia’s table with your bowl.
He was being so obvious about it, but you were oblivious to it… or maybe you just didn't care? Who knows. With Macaque falling more into his animalistic side as the time went on, Wukong had entertainment to last him years. Growling and hissing quietly, everyone was expecting the guy to disappear when this was all over, if he was lucky enough to stay alive that long. 
The group all watched as you greeted Sofia, then looked at Macaque who glared daggers at the male who tried talking to you, then back to you. You weren't looking forward to talking to him again, so you tried to collect yourself the closer you got to the table, having no choice but to sit next to him and talk to Sofia who sat in front of you.
“What’s wrong, bud?” Wukong’s voice never failed to irk him. “Jealous that your pretty girl’s getting hit on?”
Something about you being called his girl made his heart race again, hearing it from Wukong felt like an acceptance he didn't know he craved. His eyes lingered on you for a while before Wukong leaned in front of him to see his face.
“You really gonna sit here and brood?”
“I'm not brooding, I don't brood,”
“Sure you don't, bud,” he patted Macaque’s shoulder and sat beside him again. “You better not disappoint me, ya know.”
“What are you talking about?” Macaque looked at Wukong with a raised brow.
“I've decided to give you a chance to be with (Y/n),” he stated as if it were obvious. “Don't make me regret it~” he glanced at you and the male who sat beside you. “You aren't gonna let some human guy take her from you… are you?”
“She doesn't want him,” Macaque brushed him off and turned to eat his noodles. 
“Oh yeah? And how would you know that, tough guy?” he raised a brow, curious about Macaque’s confident posture.
“You didn't see how annoyed she was with him that day,” he glanced at Wukong.
“People change,” Wukong sang teasingly as he got up in Macaque’s face. “Case in point, you're all in love~”
“Shut up, moron,” he shoved Wukong’s face away from him. “She's facing away from him, focused on her friend and not making eye contact with the guy.”
“Oh~” Wukong smirked teasingly, “you're really studying her while acting all cool and collecting,” he leaned into his ear. “But we both know that seeing her close to that guy is making your blood boil,.” his grin grew when he noticed the shadow under Macaque seemed to grow. “I'm proud though, way to work on your self-control, man.”
“Hey, did you get to see that new movie showing? I heard it’s really good,” the voice got their attention and they both focused on you. 
“No, I didn't get the chance to see it yet,” you said boredly before slurping your noodles. This would have to be the first time you acknowledged him since you sat down.
“We should go see it sometime, while it’s still showing,” Lin Shi, desperate determined to get a second date out of you, suggested with a smile. 
“No, thanks, I'm good,”
“Why not?” he tilted his head and leaned in close to see your face. “Didn't you like our last date?”
It was infuriating. You thought to yourself, but chose not to respond.
“C'mon, lay off man, she's not interested,” Jeremy said, but was ignored.
“One chance,” he said softly with a smile he thought was charming.
“Don't want to,” you glanced at him. “Like ever,” you added, but it was clear he didn't know when he was beaten.
“C'mon, one night won't hurt anyone,” he chuckled softly, attempting to touch you but he couldn't move.
“You'd be surprised,” Macaque snarled, finally cutting in, using his ability to secure Lin Shi by his shadow. “She said she doesn't want to go with you,” Lin Shi looked at Macaque with a raised brow.
“I wasn't talking to you, monkey boy,” he said and motioned for him to beat it. “Now move before I make you.”
“Are you challenging me?” Macaque chuckled in amusement. 
“Macaque, don't,” you warned, trying to avoid a fight.
“Better listen to her, wouldn't want to hurt you too bad,” he glared at the dark themed primate.
“Lin, cool it, man. Don't go picking a fight,” his friend, Sofia’s new boyfriend, tried to calm things down before they escalated.
“Trust me, you don't want to pick a fight with him,” you warned, looking at Wukong with a ‘help me’ look, but he only smiled at you and gave an ‘oh well’ shrug. 
This damn bastard is just enjoying the show! You thought to yourself in annoyance. I'm gonna thump him when this is over!
“You think I'm afraid of some monkey demon?” He laughed a bit, his red eyes making an appearance and took you both by surprise. The lack of shock from Jeremy and Sofia made it clear they already knew he was a demon. 
Seeing someone’s true colours really is something to behold… you thought to yourself as you watched Shin. 
“Oh ho, so you're a demon too, huh?” Macaque tilted his head a bit, clearly amused. 
“What of it, emo boy?” Lin Shi glared.
“Oh boy,” you mumbled.
Before Macaque could react, you did something that shocked everyone, Wukong and MK’s jaw dropped as you grabbed him and kissed him like your life depended on it. It was rash, but it calmed him down real quick. You slowly pulled back, looking at him as his face flushed darker.
“Not how I thought our first kiss would happen, but I’ll take it,” he winked and grinned one of his infamous cocky grins when he collected himself. Now it was your turn to blush, you were quick to look away from him and look at the shocked group in front of you. 
“You're actually with that freak?” he asked in disgust, you were about to give him a piece of your mind for calling Macaque a freak, but the six eared Macaque rested a hand on your shoulder.
“Yes she is,” he said with confidence that made you blush. The aura that surrounded him darkened, his gaze turned sinister and made the guy stumble back, tripping over himself. “So beat it and leave her alone before I make you regret it.” he glared at Shin before he stiffly smiled. “Are we clear?”
“Yeah, we’re clear” he nodded vigorously, lips quivering.
“Beat it,” he ordered, “before I show you what I can really do.”
You all watched the terrified demon bolt out of the noodle shop, tripping over himself to get away. You've never seen someone run as fast as Shin did.
That was kinda hot… you thought to yourself as you looked up at Macaque from the corner of your eye.
I'm never going to be able to live this down… he thought to himself when he got a glimpse of Wukong’s mischievous, shit eating grin, but then focused on Sofia and her boyfriend.
“You're that puppet guy, aren't you,” Sofia asked knowingly. 
She's a sharp one. He thought to himself as he folded his arms.
“Yeah,” Macaque nodded.
“And the date you went on…?” she trailed off as she looked at you.
“Yep…” you said awkwardly. “With him.”
“You had a boyfriend… AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?!” she snapped, making you flinch even though you thought you were prepared for it.
“We’re not really… dating yet…” you rubbed your fingers together sheepishly.
“Yet, huh?” Macaque smirked at you, making you glanced at him once more, but quickly looked away.
“Well…” you blushed and refused to look at him. “I didn't go out with you for nothing…”
“Well then,” he looked down at you with a grin, “wanna go see that new movie that started showing?” 
“Yeah,” you managed a smile when you finally looked at him. “I'd like that…”
“Finally!” Sofia’s loud voice made you jump a bit as she grinned that grin you didn't trust. “I finally have someone to embarrass (Y/n)!”
“Oh gods no…” you mumbled, blushing as Macaque simply grinned and enjoyed it fully.
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zephyrusswinds · 4 months
Everyone's always like "oh Wukong getting the circlet back is gonna bring some good Shadowpeach drama" but like... How would Mk feel??? I can just imagine Wukong freaking the fuck out and Mk of all people is the only one who can calm him down, the WHOLE gang (including Macaque) just remind of the journey. ESPECIALLY TANG.
like bro... how hard is it to have some sunburst duo angst guys.... all I want to see is Mk realizing how emotionally fucked up Wukong is and him being the only person he's emotionally vulnerable with, I really wanna see how Mk and swk interacting like this because Mk feels like swk is all holy and shit, but I am in desperate need of swk being forced to show how actually broken he is, and who else can he trust BUT Mk?
mk Is one of the few ppl who actually care abt him, and in return, all of the love Wukong feels is directed towards him, which naturally has caused Mk to idolize him- even if he knows swk was never the best person. swk throughout s1-s3 has never truly been vulnerable w/ him, and in s4 Mk only scratches through the surface of the emotional trauma his mentor has. And so I feel like having Wukong freak the fuck out about the circlet is the first step in Wukong actually healing. I feel like he'll only confide in Mk how much he's scared or whatever because Mk is the only person who doesn't remind him of his past (the journey, specifically), and so the circlet has little to no association with him.
and I know some ppl would make the argument that "oh Macaque has known him emotionally or whatever" but I don't necessarily believe that means Macaque would comfort him in the same way Mk would. in the s5 trailer, it's MK putting his arm on Wukong when Li Jing put the circlet onto him, not MACAQUE. this proves that Mk cares abt him heavily (physically AND emotionally), but I don't disagree that Macaque cares, I just think that Mk is more prone to caring about him explicitally than Mac. it's obvious that he's way too early in his character arc to care for Wukong like Mk does.
and I think that that care would lead into Mk being more open w/ Wukong, and maybe after all that, Wukong would confide in him more.
i feel like at this point Mk will have to take on the task of being Wukong's emotional support system, he'll have to grapple with all the shit Wukong has been through, and I fully believe he'll wonder how tf Wukong was able to live with all that. especially now, when he's being forced to remember his past (in a more physical sense, that is, s4 was more emotional than anything)
SO when Li Jing puts the circlet back onto him, maybe Wukong will instinctually lean into the emotional comfort Mk provides him? and since he's probably the only person who's been willing to actually listen to him, maybe he'll open up to him more, now that he practically has no choice.
or he'll have a panic attack while Mk holds him in his arms and desperately tries to calm him down while the rest of the gang watches without realizing that they're making things worse, but hey, what do i know
i am a firm believer in Wukong having severe PTSD from the journey if you couldn't tell already
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duckwithablog · 2 years
Okay! So um, can I request a headcanon for SWK, Macaque and Nezha with a s/o who often loves to suprise them by giving Eskimo kisses or just straight up kiss their noses all of the time. Sometimes they even forget they are in public places while doing so too!
Reader is a she/her
I hope this isn't too much! This is kind of my first time requesting, =.=
Don't worry! This is a pretty simple request, you did good!
I'm pretty sure the term 'eskimo kisses' are sort of offensive? Not dissing you, ofc, I doubt you had any bad intentions! So I'll just refer to calling it 'nose kisses' for this request :]]
Nose Kisses! (Wukong, Macaque and Nezha)
Sun Wukong
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Bro loves your kisses so much
He is obsessed, you dont understand-
He thinks it's because of his monkey genes, but whenever you give him a kiss on the nose he just gets instant heart eyes
Automatically goes "aww" whenever you kiss him on the nose
You sometimes get him caught off guard with the kisses, but he recovers fast
Always pulls you in for a quick cuddle whenever you kiss his nose, or at least a quick hug
Most times, Wukong just (gently) grabs your face and then pulls you in so he can kiss you on the nose too
Other times he just full on gives you a smooch on the lips
VERY insistent on kissing you back, it's like his own personal code or something
DO NOT try to run away after giving him a kiss on the nose, HE WILL chase after you!
Will pepper your face in kisses if you ever tried
Overall, he is so happy whenever you kiss him on the nose. Or kiss him anywhere, really
Mans is touch starved, what did we expect-
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Won't admit it, but he secretly just waits for you to kiss him on the nose
Literally will set up an entire scene where there's an obvious opportunity for you to do it
He lays on the couch, pretending to be asleep? He's waiting for you to come up and give him a kiss
He somehow gets into a fight that got his face (particularly his nose) hurt? Says that you have to kiss him better for the pain to go away
Putting his face super close to yours whenever you're cuddling? Damn, his nose is looking pretty kissable don't you think-
He thinks he's being slick when he's doing this
He is not slick at all, you figured it out a long time ago
Why can't you just ask for kisses like a normal person bro, damn
Macaque is like, on the other side of the spectrum as Wukong
He obviously enjoys your kisses, but also... Doesn't want to show how much he loves it??
At least, not visibly. His wagging tail always gives him away though
He shows how much he appreciates your kiss by giving you a surprise nose kiss! He's a bastard like that
This guy is also really touch starved, he just has a harder time trying to show how much he loves it
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Is somehow always caught off guard whenever you kiss him on the nose
You'd think he'd get used to it over time, but nah. He's always somehow a bit surprised whenever you give him a nose kiss
Incredibly flustered when you first give him nose kisses. Especially when in front of other people
Not that he doesn't mind! He just isn't used to such affection
After you kiss his nose, he'd politely ask if he can kiss you back
He's a gentleman like that
Please don't bring up the blush on his face, he will refuse to acknowledge it
Nezha feels like he has to pay you back somehow with all the kisses you give him
Like, it's an entire urge he gets whenever you kiss him that he has to do something for you
(feel free to abuse this fact to get free stuff from him lmao)
Instead of kissing you on the nose, he'd just kiss you on the forehead or cheek
Sometimes, he'd kiss your hand like some sort of prince
Overall, not as touch starved as the other two, but definitely treasures your kisses.... Even if he does get jumpscared by them
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lint-beetle4 · 1 month
Can u do a Macaque x Female reader smut. The scenario is that they had some history and dont want the group to know(but they eventually find out). One night, Macaque and reader talks and they let out how they felt ever since they split. " Like even though I was mad at u I still loved u" or like "When it rained I remembered how u liked it". Then they just make love knowing they missed each other.
Old Scars (Macaque x Fem!Reader Smut)
The Guardian and The Warrior were like the stars and the moon, their light reaching where The Sun's rays missed, casting the world in their protective glow
This story is as old as time itself, yet many failed to realize that as the sun and his shadow grew, the stars twinkled weakly compared to the light around them
So, as The Moon chased The Sun, the stars were left to glow in the dark sky, forever to wait for the cold moonlight to return with the sun's rays
You and Macaque were old, ancient in modern times
Of course, that meant you naturally found each other when empires were thriving and the world seemed big, gravitating towards the other as immortal beings
Yet, something happened between the two of you, something that led to you leaving Macaque's side and away from Wukong
In the modern age, you found him again, surrounded by new friends and old foes
You wanted to run from him, but you couldn't escape his ears. He still remembered what your heartbeat sounded like
So there you were, surrounded by strangers while two pairs of eyes looked at you with such melancholy--deep down, you wondered if death would set you free from the pain you've lived through
"So, Monkey King--this another enemy of yours?" Pigsy sighed, turning to you with a tired gaze. "Look, you're gonna fight, do it outside my shop, will ya?"
You averted your gaze from the surprised monkeys before you, shaking your head with a nervous smile. "No, no, I just smelled the food from your shop. I--err--wanted to buy some noodles."
Pigsy perked up, shock evident in his face. "Oh--Well, you have any preferences in your noodles?"
"No, this is my first time trying them if I'm honest." You chuckled, remembering the lands you've traveled during your life. "I'll have whatever you think is best."
"One house special then."
As you waited for the food, you felt more eyes on you, a group of familiar energies before you. Macaque looked away, almost hiding behind Wukong as a young man turned to the monkey.
"Monkey King?"
Wukong sighed, still looking at you with those pathetic eyes. "It's been so long. Where do I even begin?"
"By letting me eat my food," You shrugged, grabbing the hot bowl. "You haven't changed a bit, Great Sage. I see Macaque still hides behind you as well."
Macaque remained unresponsive to your quip, and you merely ate in spite of it. Wukong stepped closer to you. "Where have you been all this time? I couldn't find you anywhere after--"
"Sorry, but just--not here, Wukong." You set down your chopsticks, eyes boring into the shadow behind him. "I'm trying to eat."
A girl stepped up to you, eyes naively curious yet her voice confident and strong. "So, what your deal with those two?"
You fought back a laugh. "We just have--a complicated past is all. Macaque and I were a team, partners. But, I was too weak to stay by his side. I'm not powerful like him and Wukong."
"It wasn't like that." Macaque growled, glaring at you. "You never came back-- We needed you."
"You didn't need shit, Liu-Er." You stood up, broth sour on your tongue as you paid for you meal with a hefty tip. "Neither of you did."
You left the building quietly, returning to your home.
The presence of The Warrior was obvious to those who knew him--you were no exception. Turning your head, the glowing eyes of your shadow widened, Macaque emerging strangely quiet.
"You needed anything?"
Macaque sighed, a growl underneath his throat. "Look, I just--the argument--everything that happened I just--"
"You what?" You snapped, eyes glaring daggers into the agitated simian. "You didn't mean to leave me behind, fueled by your petty anger towards Wukong? You didn't mean to attack Wukong's master, leaving me alone--?"
"He left us first!"
"The moment Wukong was freed from that mountain-- the moment you laid eyes on him again, you went mad!" You shouted, voice quivering against your will. "You died for a cause that didn't exist. You died trying to send Wukong to his old ways."
Macaque practically snarled. "He killed me."
"I know." You whispered, hugging yourself tightly. "I tried to stop you. I tried to save you from yourself, and you pushed me away."
"You hurt me, Macaque." You shuddered. "And because I couldn't stop you, you got killed trying to be a monster."
"It's just like you to take the blame for something that doesn't involve you." Macaque scoffed. "The world has been brought to its knees more than once, but now you show up, spewing your self-pity?"
"You said it yourself--You didn't want to see me around anymore." You sighed. "Plus, Wukong wasn't too pleased that I didn't tell him about your plan. I didn't want to be a memory lingering over his head, so I simply just--left."
"Oh please, you know Wukong loves to see you." Macaque rolled his eyes. "...I didn't mean it."
"I didn't mean to hurt you like that. I didn't mean to push you away...You were right," Macaque's gaze lowered, his shoulder tense. "I was a fool to try and convince Wukong away from his journey, and I paid the price for it."
"That day--When I left, before I--" Macaque sighed, gritting his teeth. "Before that, I was so afraid of losing you. I was angry at Wukong--at myself, but I was afraid you'd join Wukong and leave me behind."
Macaque reached out, gently grabbing your hand. "I didn't want to be alone. I didn't want to be forgotten."
"When Wukong told me everything," You smiled sadly. "It was raining... like that Sun had hidden itself away, allowing only darkness in the world. I was--I was--I felt like I lost everything that day."
"I didn't see Wukong again after that, and--" You swallowed harshly, tears emerging from the corner of your eyes. "Every time it rained, I knew I wouldn't see you again either."
You felt strong arms embrace you, squeezing you gently. "I came back."
"I saw--" You laughed. "You certainly made an entry with how much property damage you caused."
Macaque smiled fondly, nuzzling into your hair. "What did you expect? You know I have a knack for the dramatics."
"I missed you so much." You kissed the shadow demon's cheek. "I could never stop loving you, y'know."
Macaque cupped your face, pecking your lips. "Neither could I. I'm so glad to have a second chance with you in it."
In a flash, Macaque had taken you to your bedroom, kisses and light nips littering your neck.
You chuckled beneath the increasingly desperate monkey--only you could get him so worked up with a few words. Macaque tore off your clothes--actually ripping a hole in one of them to your dismay-- hands fondling your body, squeezing your breasts as another traced circles into your hips.
You jolted as Macaque's teeth lightly bit around your nipple, tongue soothing you quickly. The shadow monkey was meticulous in showing his dedication to you, biting at you collarbones and shoulders and rubbing at the soft skin in your inner-thigh.
You gasped lightly as his finger entered your pussy, stroking the inner walls with pressure that you out of breath in an instant. Macaque entered another finger, stretching you slightly as his scissored the two appendages, curling up to find the sensitive spot that made you moan loudly.
His hand drilled into you, fingers digging into your walls while another hand help your hips down. You grinded against hand, practically screaming his name as you felt his tongue lap at your clit, his mouth sucking it lightly.
Your body felt light, drifting through the waves of pleasure that were rising in your core. Feeling your pussy tighten against the fingers that abused your g-spot, you whimper lightly, hips trying to grind deeper into them.
Macaque's voice was by your ear, familiar shadows stimulating your clit and hugging your body, "Go on, cum for me. Let me hear that beautiful voice of yours."
You moaned deeply, feeling your orgasm wash over you almost painfully. You breathed heavily as Macaque pet your thighs comfortingly. You looked at lover, seeing his flushed face gleam at you warmly.
Eyes drifting, you saw how painfully hard Macaque was. Lifting your heavy body, you laid Macaque on his back, crawling over him as your second wind slowly came to you.
"I've craved you for so long, my shade." You smiled, stroking Macaque's cock as he looked at you with wide eyes. "Eternity could pass, and I'll still crave you more."
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starrclown · 13 days
☆ LMK headcannons before I go to sleep ☆
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Ao Lie has a BIG smile because of him being a horse. He also has super sharp teeth because he's a dragon as well. This results in a HUGE smiled with razor sharp teeth that most people don't like.
Mei has a smaller smile with duller teeth because of how far down the generational line she is. She also has smaller horns and very few scales.
Tang is SUPER competitive in games. Like HARD core competitive.
Macaque has SERIOUS resting bitch face. He looks made all the time besides when he's with Wukong or the monkies.
Mk didn't know what kind of relationship Wukong and the monkeys had so when the little ones called him "Dad" and "Grandpa" instead of "King", it confused the hell out of him.
Mk also didn't know that Redson was Wukong uncle till Wukong casually dropped it in a training session.
Wukong is Redsons godfather.
Macaque hates having long hair because it makes him too hot for his liking. Hell cut it if it gets past the bottom of his neck.
Sandy has a fluffy orange cat and named him "Wukong". He has also done this with Mk, Mei, Tang, Pigsy, and recently, Redson.
Redson loves ice cream but he has to eat it super quick or it will melt.
Wukong is SEVERELY claustrophobic for obvious reasons. DBK is also claustrophobic, but to a lighter sense.
Macaque uses corny jokes and flirts on Wukong and somehow Wukong finds it charming.
In the battlefield Wukong is elegant and precise, in his normal life he slams his hip into ever corner possible.
Chang'e is NOT a lightweight. She could drink for hours and only be buzzed.
Wukong hides under Chang'es counter so that way he can still be on the show but not be on camera. He likes to luck bowls she's not using anymore or hand her ingredients. He's her "special tester" to make sure the foods good. If you look closely enough you can see his hand popping up.
Wukong likes to compare hand sizes alot because of how diffrent all his friends are. Most of the time his friends hands swallow him because obviously he's alot smaller, but Macaque's and Mk's hands aren't much bigger than his.
Mei would dox you if she felt like you deserve it.
Wukong found the camera Mei placed on him and got rid of it immediately. Redson copied this.
Both Wukong and Redson have curly hair but they straighten it.
Pigsy is the smallest in his family. His mom, dad, grandma, Tang, and Mk are all bigger than him.
Tang has a older sister. He also has a few cousins. His family is LOADED.
Tangs mom was disapproving of Pigsy. Tangs dad LOVES him and Mk. Opposite on Pigsys side. His dad HATES tang but his mom loves him.
Sandy is a active reader and has many favorite books. He likes to talk to Wukong or Tang about them.
Mk has to have braces until he was about 20.
Mei international dyed her hair to make her parents mad but she atcually ended up liking it so she kept it.
Pigsy is Mks favorite parent. He is not shy about this fact and will say it when asked.
Redson is very blunt. He's not always trying to hurt your feelings, sometimes it's just hit tone making him sound meaner than what he's trying to convey.
Sandy is still looking for Hunstman.
Wukong does nit care what gender is. He doenst care if you think he's a boy, girl, or anything else. As far as he's concerned he's just a monkey and that's all that matters.
Wukong is extremely warm so the monkeys (and Macaque when Wukong kets him in his bed) snuggles up to him and grabs him so they can feel the warmth.
Mayor bits ice cream. He also bites jawbreakers.
Azure eats like he just got out of prison. Wukong is a slower eater and makes fun of him for his quick pace.
Yellow Tusk needs glasses but he won't wear them.
Peng is the kinda gut where THEY can make a joke insulting their friends but will get PISSED if you try and do it too.
Nezha has a HORRENDOUS sleep squedule that he picked up from both his job and Wukong.
Pif snaps more than she'd like. Things make her frustrated quickly and she snaps because of it. She's yelled at Redson more than she'd like to because of it. Redaon never knows what to expect feom her so he's very careful not to make her angry. DBK isn't much better.
Macaque makes jokes about Wukongs weight and him getting bigger but he doenst like it when he can hear Wukong critize his body. He likes how soft Wukong is.
Wukong has always been chubby exept when he was on the journey and starving. That kinda skinny wasn't okay.
Wukong likes to mess up Tangs hair cause he finds it funny that Tang looks exactly like his master just with hair. Tang let's him do it cause he know it makes him feel better.
Nezha crashes at Wukong's place when he's tired of work. Wukong offers him a room but he normally falls asleep to quickly on the couch.
I'm so sleepy yall but at least I got motzeralla sticks today.
These are always so fun to make.
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awriternamedart · 1 month
“No, Wukong, you don’t get to worry about me anymore.” 
Wukong froze, eyes shocked wide as Macaque spat back at him, still clutching his upper arm. Thin, fragile lines of contempt lined his voice, fangs peering over curled lips as he straightened up.
“This is the fourth time, Macaque! What are you even doing?!” Shaking his head, Sun Wukong groaned before he pulled a chunk of hair, the gold flash echoing as it shifted into a roll of bandages. “I could smell the blood clear from my house!”
“I can take care of it myself.”
“Sure, whatever, now come on, you need to clean it out.”
“I know that.” Macaque bit back, recoiling as Wukong tried to reach for him. Smacking away the outstretched paw before he rounded around the king, Macaque kept the grip on his arm tight, purple glitching and fizzing away as glamor fell to reveal tattered clothes and a scarred face, eyebags deep under golden irises. His ears twitched as he turned away. “Leave, Wukong. You'll only make it worse.”
“Ouch.” And still, he trotted after him, slipping the roll of bandages into the fold of his clothes. “Cmon, Macaque, can you stop being stubborn for literally 30 seconds? It won’t even take a paragraph to write!”
Macaque just pulled his lips tight as they approached one of the many rivers, pulling off his cape and armor to tug the shoulders off of his outfit. 
Wukong couldn’t hide the wince that ran through his body. Macaque’s dark fur made deep scars all the more obvious, shocks of skin where fur will never easily regrow dotting his shoulders and back. He was just lucky that Macaque was very obviously ignoring him right now, casting his gaze aside before sighing and sitting next to Macaque anyway.
“I know I dont have the right to worry about you anymore but you aren’t giving me a choice here, bud-! You keep showing up with these cuts and bruises, even the little ones have noticed!” Macaque hissed as Wukong snagged his wrist to stop him from using his paw to clean the bloodied cut, easily breaking from his grasp as he went to rip another chunk off the end of his cape. “Tell me whats going on, if your in danger-”
“What, you'll get the kid involved in more of your fucked up shit!?” Wukong fell back as Macaque rounded on him, snapping before immediately recoiling with a grunt. Blood fell dark against his black fur, hard to notice if it weren’t for how big the wound itself was. “Just- just leave it, Wukong. You're the last person I want to see right now.” 
“Bud-!” Hesitation consumed Wukong. Ice gripped at his shoulders, halting him from reaching out- helpless but to watch as he turned away, slipping through his paws again, again- Just when he had just started to get him back-!
He grit his teeth. 
Macaque yelped when he was dragged back, fangs bare as he went to snap at Wukong- before cold water seeped into the wound, another hiss escaping his throat. The pressure wasn’t too heavy, just startling, gentle swipes to begin cleaning out the dirt and fur muddied in red. 
“Oh, shut up, Macaque.” It was just a slight grumble, Wukong’s gaze never once flickering up to Macaque’s face as he pulled away the cloth to dip it back in the stream, wringing out excess water before turning back to the wound. A brief moment passed before he returned to gently wiping away the grime left behind. “You can slap me later, relax.” 
And.. Macaque did just that. Tense muscle and tight shoulders drooped ever so slightly, just the slightest hiss escaping his teeth when he got a bit too deep into the wound- though he didn’t fight it. It had been so long since he had let someone else help him lick his wounds, yet it felt so natural to let Wukong help him out, this innate part of him just… felt safe.
He hated it so much.
“Soooo.. You gonna tell me why you keep popping up all bloodied or am I just gonna have to guess?” Startling out of his swirling thoughts, Macaque’s ears perked up before he glanced over at Wukong. The withering look in his eyes was enough to make Wukong snicker at the very least as he unraveled the bandage. “Oh, don't you worry bud, I can absolutely keep guessin until the sun comes up tomorrow!”
“Please don't, it's grating enough.” 
Wukong had to laugh at that, missing the slight smile on Macaque’s face as he ripped the bandage and tied it off. 
“Excuse you, there are tons of people who’d love to listen to me yap their ears off!” 
“Keep telling yourself that, Wukong.” A paw landed on his forehead, playfully shoving the king back as soon as the tie was done before Macaque went to stand up, pulling on one of his sleeves and simply tucking the other one away. His fur was still wet, ok, no way he’s dealing with it getting on his outfit more. Cleaning was a pain. “Maybe someday I'll actually believe it.”
“So where are you going?” 
“Who knows, somewhere where I don’t have to hear you anymore.” Macaque just shrugged, shaking his head and mane out. Ugh, his fur was so rough now- he hadn’t had a moment's break. Who knows who could be lurking now? Either way, he had to get back, now that blood’s stench wouldn’t stick to him to badly-
“Back to beating up threats behind the kids back, then?”
Macaque froze before he could open a shadow, paw still outstretched as Wukong stood up behind him, arms folded. The playful lilt in his voice had vanished, simply watching as Macaque glared at him over his shoulder. Something mournful took its place- something that lingered in the shadows of golden eyes, that made Macaque quickly look away.
“Bud, the kid can handle himself-”
“The world is more dangerous than ever. MK doesn’t need more hell on his plate- and I sure as hell don’t see you helping him out.” He spat at Wukong, growling in his anger. Adrenaline had made him more snappy than usual already but this- this was deeply seeded. “Someone has to do the dirty work so the kid doesn’t have to.”
“Then why does it have to be you, Macaque?!" 
Black fur puffed up, his tail swinging back and forth, back and forth. Wukong just watched, almost wanted to reach out- but he fell back on himself as Macaque’s agitation dropped, tail falling still. 
“Look, bud- I can’t stop you, I know that and all and I trust your judgment and everything but-” Wukong pushed a paw through his mane with a sigh, trying to pick out his words carefully- he wasn’t good at that, but he was trying, ok? He just.. 
He found himself just staring at Macaque. Yellow and black worn fabric looked back, dirty and well worn. The red cape he always wore was slung over the warriors shoulder, scars running rampant across his body- and those were just the ones Wukong could see. Just how many of them had he gotten for others, for MK, for.. He didn't like it. He didn’t like it one bit, but- did that even matter to Macaque anymore?
“...just. Just try not to overdo it. Get help when you need it.”
“....tch. Can’t even admit it.” With a gentle vwoomp, the shadow under Macaque’s paws dipped into purple-orange, something that surprised Wukong. But before he could say anything, the other just glared back at him, sadness lingering under his scarred eye. “...You're pathetic, Wukong.”
And before Sun Wukong could say anything, he disappeared, the shadow closing up on the ground and vanishing as if it were never there. The wind rustled among the leaves, the babbling rush of the river’s flow his only accompaniment as his shoulders sagged, pushing his mane from his face.
“...I know.”
Worry Is A Hell That Haunts You - awriternamedart
KoFi - Socials
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lunar-wandering · 3 months
🎤 what are your shadowpeach hcs broski?
IM SO GLAD YOU ASKED allow me to go absolutely insane;
ive mentioned this one before but, Macaque is bi, and Wukong is... incomprehensible to humans. however if he's hanging out with Macaque he will say he's also bi out of solidarity
Wukong is the one who got Macaque hooked on peaches, shockingly enough peaches became one of Macaque's comfort foods, and despite all the stuff that went down in between them, this is still true to this day- even if he avoids peaches usually now, he still really craves them.
Wukong covers up any liking for Macaque via "it's not like I like you or anything" type stuff, Macaque on the other hand covers it up with villain dramatics. they both think the other is being completely genuine in this regard despite how obvious it is to otherwise
i know most people decide one of them is easier to fluster than the other, but i think they're both equally easy to fluster, just in different ways. for example, if Macaque wanted to fluster Wukong, he'd have to be more forceful about it. as in like, kabedons, pinning Wukong to the ground, Very Obvious Flirting, or gripping Wukong's face and loudly complimenting him. If he's too gentle with it, Wukong either brushes it off, or is oblivious to it. on the other hand, Wukong needs to be more gentle to really fluster Macaque, cause if he's too forceful with it, Macaque will panic-default back into his villain act. so he needs to be softer- gentle touches, holding hands, whispering Macaque's nickname into his ears, stuff like that.
there comes a point eventually where they stop arguing because they're actually upset and start arguing just for fun because even though they've worked through most of their bullshit it feels weird now to not argue after they've been doing it for so long. usually this ends with them roughhousing on the ground- and this is what leads to stuff like Wukong accidentally bruising Macaque's knee over an argument about cereal.
i like to think that when they were still on slightly bad terms but were trying to work things out, one of the things they decided to do was just. sit there and silently braid each other's hair after an argument. like an "they're mad at each other but don't want the other to leave" kind of thing.
they keep stealing each other's stuff. originally Macaque was doing it just to antagonize Wukong, and then Wukong started taking some of Macaque's stuff, so it became a challenge. there's been quite a few times where Macaque has used a shadowportal to just take Wukong's food without him noticing.
speaking of shadows, Macaque just genuinely likes to chill in Wukong's shadow- whether or not Wukong is aware of it. (he is, most of the time, if he's not heavily distracted that is. he figures he can keep a better eye on Macaque this way if he lets the other believe he doesn't know).
there are points in time where Wukong will become extra hesitant but gentle/affectionate with Macaque. usually this is cause he was reminded of Macaque's death. Macaque himself has no idea that that's why Wukong sometimes acts 'so weird'. (he gets very confused when Wukong won't banter with him during these times- earlier on in them working stuff out his attempts to get Wukong to banter with him might make Wukong snap at him- which at least is something Macaque views as normal. this was not good for either of them but it eventually ends up working out sjdlfksjflks)
because of their coping methods and Wukong's tendency to attempt to repress stuff, they tried to force their relationship to be back to how it was prior to everything once. this did not end well.
Wukong was actually the one to initiate their first kiss (or, well, maybe their first kiss after everything if you hc they were in a relationship before), but it was 100% just to get Macaque to shut up. it worked, but it also made them both have a mental breakdown afterwards
they both crave physical contact from the other but both hesitate to do so. like, they'll get in each other's personal space, but then both will wait cause they want the other to initiate contact. usually this'd end in them getting irritated over that not happening and they end up rolling on the ground fighting so they kinda get the contact they were craving but also at the same time not really.
MK is so done with their bullshit. He's been the reluctant spectator to most of this. He HAS threatened to lock them in a closet together just so they'd work their shit out.
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 month
The Egg Aus where Wukong spends a significant amount of time in Heaven, Peaches, and TMKATI Wu have glasses. Basically his eyes are so fucked up from the Furnace that he actually has terrible eyes sight and that's why he 'can't read.' It's not that he never learned how, he jsut can't see shit unless he's using Gold Vision due to the injuries he sustained during the Havoc in Heaven
we be talking in dms about this - Wukong needs glasses/eye care. I have an older TMKATI post about it here + here + Goddess of Eyesight.
Although our dear monkey boy is a medical nerd, he's terrified of actually seeing someone for his own ailments (getting nearly executed a bunch by celestials does that to you).
But in the cases where his adoptive family (mortal or celestial) get a hold of him, they demand he seek medical help for his obvious scars and eye problems.
Man can't read not because he can't but because he can't see. He ain't got his prescription!
Princess Yanguang - Goddess of Eyesight, is so hilarious to remember, since she's almost achingly normal compared to the rest of her family.
Yanguang: "Mother, Father, there's something I truly desire and I wish for your blessing." Jade Emperor & Xiwangmu, sharing panicked thoughts: "Oh crap, she's in love, isn't she?" "She's always been so independent, she's never shy to ask something she wants." Yanguang: "i want to study Optometry." Jade Emperor & Xiwangmu: (*MASSIVE sighs of relief!*) Jade Emperor: "Oh thank the Pure Ones, I thought it was something terrible. Yeah, you can go study eye medicine or what have you." Yanguang: "Sweet." (*goes to Earth and stays as an immortal Optometrist*)
this of course leads to hilarious interactions with Wukong/Peaches, whom she manages to convince to let her look at his damaged eyes.
Wukong: "Yeah they've been red and gold since the Furnace. Ever since then I've been able to activate Gold Vision." Yanguang: "You burned your corneas, dumbass." Wukong: "Huh?" Yanguang: "Glamours don't work on people with already damaged eyesight. Your species likely has Gold Vision-built in and it activates with sight decay." Wukong: "Sooooo... about glasses-" Yanguang: "You need them. And you desperately need eye drops. Same thing happened with Tieshan's boy when he kept setting fire to everything." Wukong: "Dang it."
Peaches/Wukong chooses to wear contacts most of the time for appearance’s sake, and he dislikes the feeling of "stuff" on his head (circlet and celestial trauma). He does bust out the glasses if he just needs to read something real quick.
We also pointed out in the DMs that with Wukong having Gold Vision, Macaque having his Six Ears, and MK being the Worst Liar Ever, the monkeys accidentally form;
See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil;
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Divine monkeys be anti-scamming measurements.
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genderfluid-insomniac · 6 months
Can I request Redson, Mk, Sun Wukong and Mei with a Raiden Ei reader/ s/o? (I can only imagine how they would react to reader pull the sword out of her chest 😭)
Thank you very much if you have time for my request!
Redson, Mk, Sun Wukong, and Mei with a Raiden Ei!reader (separately)
He’s seen a lot since the day he found the staff and it would be reasonable for him to think he’s seen every weird thing. But one day when he was out on a date with you, another villain of the week attacked right beside you both and you saw a large piece of debris coming towards you. You pulled out your sword from your chest and cleanly sliced the large piece of stone in half.
Meanwhile, MK has thousands of thoughts buzzing around, many of them wondering how he didn’t find out about this sooner. How are you able to do this without cutting your chest? Were you scared to show him your sword chest thing? Why don’t you use it more often? Why did you hide the cool boob sword from him?!
Be prepared for an abundance of questions being yelled at you as he’s fighting off the demon. He’ll deal with priorities later and get lectured about it by Wukong, Macaque, Pigsy, Sandy, Tang, Red Son, Mei, etc (pretty much everyone who cares about his wellbeing)
He will be asking to see it again whenever you’re okay with it and every time it’s like he’s seeing it for the first time. There are stars in his eyes as he admires the skill you have of not hurting yourself but also how gorgeous your blade is. This man is trying his best to hold back the wave of questions due to his confusion on how you actually do it since not one bit of it makes sense to him.
Genuinely loves it and tries to replicate it or somehow make it known how amazing and impressive she finds your ability.
She is genuinely more in love with you and wants to see you perform to your ability as much as you allow. Endlessly complimenting you about your skills and grace whilst also looking badass.
Despite accidentally injuring herself many times Mei continues to try and replicate it because of how much she wants to be able to do it with you. You and the others will have to stop her from injuring herself too much. Whenever a battle is going on you and her will match your styles, you summoning your glowing violet sword with your girlfriend in tow and mimicking you.
She will constantly ask to see your sword up close and admire the beautiful style of the metal, tracing the intricate designs carved into the hilt and end of the blade. Mei of course loves anything shiny so you might have to steal your sword back because she isn’t going to give it back easily.
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Sun Wukong
He probably has the opposite reaction compared to the rest since he’s centuries old and he’s seen a lot of strange things. However, all of that goes out the window when a piece of debris nearly hits you causing you to take out your sword in front of the group and effectively slashing the debris into rubble behind you. You see a look of shock and a failed attempt to push down his excitement now that he knows you’ve unintentionally hidden this amazing and pretty attractive ability of yours.
He’s not going to ask that many questions and plead for you to do it again and again so he can fully see how it works and functions. Of course, the obvious next step is for you both to spar until both of you are exhausted or it comes to a draw and then he’s going to admire your sword while you both rest. The shiny glowy object is very pretty to look at even to you.
When you both are cuddling or relaxing he’ll sometimes ask to “play” with your sword and trace the details or carving in the high-quality steel, being careful it doesn’t cut him because he’d rather not get up from the warm cuddle pile you both have and not so subtly replaying the memory of how you summoned your sword in the first place.
This does mean that you’re going to join MK in training sometimes and momentarily distract Wukong because you are his lover but also he’s still drawn into your swordsmanship skills which causes either of you to get a hit in. He pouts angrily pouts at you while telling MK that he just got lucky and he let it happen to teach him another lesson but neither of you buy a word of that lie.
Despite everyone else’s reactions, he’s very confused about how this works or even how you don’t get cut every time you do it, and thinking about it makes him go into a spiral of curiosity.
Like MK be prepared for many questions about your ability and the permission for him to examine your sword for a couple of hours, you aren’t banished from his workshop but he’s going to hyperfixed the sword and its ability. So you may not get much attention unless it’s to get him to eat and drink or necessary things because he must find out.
Red Son does find it attractive and is very impressed with your skill as you wield the blade when you’re training or just fighting in general. He is a gentleman so he’s wary of staring at your chest for too long so you can definitely see a light blush on his cheeks if you look at him at just the right time.
Don’t get me wrong he is very impressed with your ability but also wonders if he could somehow improve your ability if you request it. If not then he’s still curious but he does eventually stop given this is a world where magic and demonic bullshit exist and sometimes stuff just doesn’t make sense.
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