xbuster · 1 year
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good-beansdraws · 5 months
Fe Aspec Week Day 2: Friendship
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An indulgent piece for today!!!! :') It's no secret the trio's friendship has always had a really special place in my heart, and I've been grateful for the taste of acceptance and contentment it brought me during (and long after) I played the game. To see them find the most caring and complete friendship in each other was truly inspiring.
Here's to all of us finding the people that make us "never long for companionship throughout the rest of our days" <3
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vulpinesaint · 2 months
the difference that offering a child kindness and compassion can make... one of the kiddos was crying the other morning missing her mom. Sobbing crying. and i talked to her and she wasn't able to say very much from crying so hard but confirmed that she knew her mom was going to be back and it was going to be a good day and it was going to be alright but she was just inconsolable. and we did some good breaths together but she just couldn't get her breathing under control. so for like ten minutes i just had her drink some water and gave her a hug and sat with her while she cried until we were going off to the next activity and she had to go with different counselors. and by then she'd calmed down a little but was still sniffling and obviously upset but the important part is that even though i didn't even get her to stop crying anytime i saw that little girl the rest of that day and now throughout the rest of the Week after just sitting with her and offering some compassion i see her notice me as she goes by and she always looks right at me and smiles and gives me a little wave when i say hi. like we haven't had any other conversations since then but i can see the way that she recognizes me now. i'm not her favorite counselor i haven't spent more than twenty minutes with her tops but that little girl takes the time to seek out my acknowledgement cause i showed that i care about her.... y'know... cause i was gentle with her and that meant something to her... all to say. it doesn't matter if you have extended interactions with kids. it really doesn't. small things can make such a huge impact on children and i really sincerely think it's so important to show them kindness... help them up when they fall. give them a hug. sit with them while they cry. cause even if it doesn't Fix things even if you don't solve the problem or do anything really materially Helpful you will have shown that child that people care about them. and they notice... they remember... they do...
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that-foul-legacy-lover · 11 months
Just watched a scary movie at the theater and now I'm imagining Foul Legacy holding me to "protect" me (all while Childe is teasing me because I fully admit to being a wimp-)
not gonna lie, i think you and Foul Legacy might be clinging to each other because he also hates being startled
yes, Legacy hugs you tight and lets you bury your face in his fluff- but he also hides in your hair so he doesn't have to watch the screen. whenever there's a loud noise or a jumpscare his fur suddenly poofs up like a startled cat!! he doesn't like watching scary things, yet he can't look away, his crystalline eye wide in anticipation- he always wants to find out how the story concludes, no matter how frightening. but if you're extremely scared, then his own fear dissipates a little, replaced by protectiveness as he hugs you close and purrs reassuringly, the soothing sound helping your jumpiness ease a little
Legacy will hold you particularly tightly for a few nights after that- or if you don't feel safe in your bed, he'll invite you to snuggle down in his blanket nest, your ear pressed against his chest so you can hear each of his deep breaths. if you're alright with it, he'll partially lay on top of you, acting like a warm weighted moth blankets and grounding you to reality if you're frightened. you're not the only one who's a little on edge for the next few days- Legacy jumps and starts at any sudden sound, fur and hair ruffling into a cloud of fuzz that you have to carefully brush back down again. he'll nuzzle against you, chittering insistently like he's protecting you, but really you're both protecting each other from your overactive imaginations
Childe, on the other hand, thinks it's hilarious, and starts dying of laughter when you tell him how jumpy his Abyssal side can be
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blind0raven · 8 months
Hello! Lately I've been fighting to make sure I won't be getting sick (sadly taking a day off cause tomorrow is a busy day for Valentine's day)
However I wanted to update you guys on the 100th Followers Celebration!
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We're on the coloring stage for the 1st part and everything is going ok! Grim is"fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine" cats always land on their feet :)... maybe
Anyway! This lil baby will be finished up soon so I can get started on the 2nd part of the Celebration!!!
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undying-lilies · 4 months
me: man, I wish Cal and Kata got more canon interactions. I don't know what their dynamic would be like now 😔
me: hold up. since when has THAT stopped me
me: proceeds to draw them, make a playlist, and plan an entire fic about them
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acidhued · 3 months
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ravensilversea · 4 months
7, 18 and 25! for the favorites ask game :3
Ask Game
7 - quote?
"art is not about capturing PERFECTION it is about capturing HONESTY OF A MOMENT. because perfection does not exist but raw honesty and connection to this ever passing timeline does. we are here grabbing life out of the stream and holding it in our hands to cry out I WAS HERE" - Chuck Tingle [Original post here]
So one of my frustrations with my creative writing classes in college was that there was this expectation that we should and want to seek perfection in our writing, and I just didn't. I wanted to tell a story, and telling it in the most perfect technical way didn't matter to me- it still doesn't tbh. So I really vibed with this paragraph of that post in particular
18 - constellation?
Orion! He's the first constellation I learned to find in the sky, and still the only one I can find consistently lol
25 - kind of candy?
Cadbury crème eggs! One of the reasons why Easter has the best candy selection of the year imo. I always tried to save them for last when eating my Easter candy as a kid, but I was not always successful. You just can't go wrong with a sweet creme surrounded by milk chocolate ya know?
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beliscary · 6 months
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milfygerard · 7 months
9, 14, and 19 for the My Chemical Romance 2022-2023 Ask Game :)
9. Favorite drum quote?
oh god its a tie between so many. SIT STAY BEG was insane and i might have to go with her. UNKILLABLE/S does make me wanna cry though so shes up there
14. Worst discourse to have come out of the tour?
people genuinely unironically arguing that theyre never coming back and are dead forever despite multiple blatant suggestions that theres music in the works and direct statements that they plan to continue touring at least to hit the countries they couldnt get to in the first wave of the tour. guys gerard SAID that touring was gonna keep happening please calm down stop yoko onoing LS Dunes <- probs not the actual worst discourse but its the one i see the most so its most on my mind. "is the metaman character endorsing or promoting facebook" might be my favorite because i cant think of a funnier concept than gerard way getting a meta sponsorship and promoting them like THAT!
19. Top stage banter moment?
oh god this ones impossible. every time gerard spoke i wanted to cry. I think it has to be every time they spoke at firefly but especially the planetary preamble and "he LOVES SPORTS!!!!! and he LOVES CLOTHES!!!!!"
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takaska · 1 year
12 and 29!!!!!!!!!!!
12. three favourite songs from video games Leaving Earth from Mass Effect 3 is actually the first thing I ever saved as a draft on this site; so I could find it later lmao Nightsong by Neal Acree has been a favorite of mine since I was... probably 9 or 10? Whenever I first heard it lmao The Child You Were by Frances Aravel is a current favorite; from the game I Was A Teenage Exocolonist (god I could rant for ages...)
29. three songs that influenced you most (some songs change or save lives) BYOB by System of a Down was the first song of theirs I'd heard; and they wound up helping to shape A Lot of my political ideals Somewhere I Belong by Linkin Park was one of the first songs I ever recognized seeing myself in, feeling like I never belonged sucked so bad, but... seeing where they got despite their feelings? it meant a lot to me, then and now. Life Is Beautiful by Sixx AM (as well as most of the band's discography tbh) came to me when I needed it most- in highschool lmao. The concept that despite the pain, life is worth living, is something I've fought to keep alive in me
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vani-candy · 2 years
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i was perfectly content with taking this OC to my grave with me because she has extremely self-indulgent properties (ie. oc x canon but the purely platonic version because she's a literal child!!!), but then i got a job and the job made me realize that no, fuck it, i no longer care if i'm considered being 'cringe on main' because i have more important things to worry about than terminally online people on social media LMAOOOOO
this is my Pokemon protag OC!! she was made primarily for PLA and is still technically part of that, but ive been thinking of how she'd act in SV too. its a good thing Gallade is in both and ive been envisioning that as her bestie/ace.
Her name is Hollie and she's 6 years old, LITERAL CHILD, and she fell from the space-time rift with no memories. all she really knows are small details about herself and doesnt really know much about the world at all, so she's that type of kid who constantly asks questions HAHAHAHA,, she's super shy around strangers but can get pretty attached to people she's close to
i'll probably talk n draw her more in the coming days, especially if people wanna see her more c:
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When your favorite cousin also loves Taylor Swift LIKE SIR JUST ADOPT ME AT THIS POINT
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Chatter box anon!! Childe and Reader are married and have a family, and moth foul legacy having the same dynamic with Childe's story quest where he and the traveller were looking after his younger brother, so, i present thee; (*Childe and Legacy being at least semi-different entities makes more sense here) foul legacy who is very over-protective over the kids, even if Childe convinces himself it'll be fine. S/O then drags them and the kids to a picnic where Him, Childe and S/O have to kill slimes and use their visions while their kids aren't looking- Moth, Childe and S/O just taking turns in trying to distract the kids from seeing them actually fight like some cartoon episode; simply because the kids probably have visions too but none of them wanna make the kids start fighting earlier than needed- Foul legacy fretting over the kids the same way Childe frets over Teucer, the saga (TM) bonus: the kids wanna climb the big moths shoulders, and it's mr-cyclops all over again
(If it doesn't make sense then i'm sorry the sleep deprivation mustve hit me like a truck)
*gently pushes you into a bed and tucks you in* PLEASE SLEEP ANON SLEEP IS IMPORTANT!!!!
i am latching on to the part about not wanting to make the kids start fighting early, because sometimes Childe gets irritated with Foul Legacy's fretting. sometimes you can hear him muttering, annoyed, before he buries his head in the crook of your neck to calm down. he never ever takes it out on his family, simply disappearing for a while to fight and let off some steam, but you can tell by the furrow of his brow that he's frustrated
sometimes, he asks how you can remain so calm and understanding, when Foul Legacy worries about every little thing, even the things that won't harm you or the children. and you always just smile and rub his back, saying that it just doesn't bother you
but the truth is, Foul Legacy remembers what it's like, having to fight for your life so young. it might be fuzzier for Childe, now that they're separate beings, but Foul Legacy can recall it clear as day, the first creature he had to kill in the Abyss, and he loathes the thought of that happening for any of your children. it's you who holds him when he whines and cries, knowing Childe's irritated with him, and he wishes that he could get rid of the paranoia that constantly flows through his veins but he simply can't
you're thankful for Foul Legacy's worrying, though, as it makes your outings all the more peaceful as you and Childe watch the children clamber onto a trilling Foul Legacy's shoulders, happy and smiling together
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ratcandy · 2 years
time for me to be Mildly and secretly obsessed with god of war again because ragnarok made me cry like a bitch (spoilers in tags)
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astrxealis · 2 years
being someone who started xiv w 5.3 (basically! though i caught up with everything with 5.5) man all the changed in xiv since then (like the earliest dungeons being changed, the ending of 2.0 with the fights being made to be better) kinda make me sad because i am a sentimental person but also it really has improved the game even if i do miss the past, however uh. worse it may have been! also because my friends who get into ffxiv will never be able to experience what i have and as time goes on that will continue to happen, and then new players as well... so yeah. feeling this way esp with regard to cape westwind the hardest fight in game T___T
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