thenamesmobu · 1 year
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Anw yeah, these two💅
You guys have no idea how in love these two are. One shows it and the other doesn't. They've been mutually pining with each other for years and they are not yet official. They're the kind of ship that's frustrating because it is the slowest slow-burn you'll ever see in your life.
But dw, they got official in the end👍👍✨️✨️
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lordincognito · 4 months
The first thing Neuvillette does when he wakes up is just spend some time admiring his partner, reaching to pull him closer and run his fingers through Wriothesleys hair, leaning in to place a few kisses to his neck.
With that, he pulled the blanket over them again, purring happily, his tail twisting to curl around Wriothesleys calves, basically trapping the man although being sure to keep his hold loose. While waiting for him to wake up for a while, he took up nuzzling into his partners cheek, purring rather noisily as he smothered him with cuddles.
“Mon amour,” He murmured softly, kissing his cheek and pulling him just a bit closer until he’s resting on the purring dragons chest, “Are you awake, my love? I apologize if I wake you up with this…” Neuvillette whispered softly, running his fingers gently through his partners dark locks, smiling softly at him, trying his best not to wake up the man if he wasn’t already awake.
~ @monsieur-neuvillette ( Giving a style I use on my other blogs a run if you don’t mind :3 )
He felt like a weighted blanket was coiled around him ,it felt comforting. The blanket also seemed to be vibrating.....Wait a damn minute blankets don't do that, he realizes in his grogginess from stirring awake... Blankets don't comb your hair either so that can only mean one thing...He is being cuddled by his boyfriend.
What a great way to wake up!
"How many times do I need to tell you to stop apologizing for giving me affection silly~" he mumbles half awake as he snuggles closer to the dragon's chest, arms wrapping around his waist.
"You know the best ways to wake me up and you're going to turn me into a very spoiled boyfriend and an even more spoiled husband." He exclaims, now fully awake, eyes looking up to gaze tenderly at his partner.
"My sweetheart my beloved who knows exactly how to make sure I feel loved, your partner, me who is feeling very cheesy right now, would like you to know that I'm yours forever....I love you"
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cluelessbees · 1 year
what's on your s5 wishlist? the silly, goofy things!!!
OHHH thank you for the ask hehe 💜💜
Sorry this is a day late I’ve been travelling 😭
Okay so silly stuff I want to Happen hmmm- It’s kinda tough because my brain always just analyses so how does one think of goofy things 🧍/j
Okay let me see. I think I want more of sassy Will- I love when he just disses his siblings and friends. I want more of that 😌.
I want Robin to interact with both Will and Mike more. I just think the chaos that would ensue would just be fun to watch.
I want more of the og Party!!! I just want their dynamic i need it i need more of the kids together please! LIKE Dustin and Lucas bickering and Byler being parents. Or Lucas and Mike butting heads and Dustin and Will are just watching in the sideline.
Dustin and lucas reacting to byler is a need 😤👌
Give me more Jonathan and Mike because that dynamic sounds fun. Also stonathan—
Kinda wanna see Erica and Will interact tbh 👀
But yeah sorry if these are vague If i think of more I’ll send them as asks 😌💜💜
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rebeltigera · 2 months
been a while, getting destroyed by tests and engineering projects HH SO how is SL!Macaque and Wukong doingg? PLUS GOD MACAQUE’A DESIGN IS GORGEOUS 💙
hope you’ve been doing well Rebel! (Have you see the Underworld Saga for EPIC FJAIAKWN) ALSO HYDRATE
The hoarded asks answers be likeskskksk I don't even know why I didn't respond to this
Gay monkeys are doing fine like you can see through last posts, te G!Mac have indeed glorious bathrobe. Did I ever show you guys his second design? Yes? No? Idk, have it either way
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are u talking about one of my fav sagas
Yes I've had my fair share of listening to it , I looove it , I want to do animatics so bad but motivation for those is so low sksmskk
(Underworld my beloved)
and to thunder saga too, (I steal the Scylla song alr, it's my oc vs every monkey here alr-)
It's so unfair that Mr. Jalapeno create a saga after saga n they are better every time
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raisukujira · 11 months
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narumitsu!! my beloved gay lawyers ❤️💙
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
♥️💙 I thought this is cute but Please request like this kinda a prologue but the day when Gabriel was born, Miguel is holding his son for the first time and thanking shyreader for giving him a chance being a father. https://www.tumblr.com/gay-dorito-dust/719858448136896512/would-you-be-willing-please-to-write-a-miguel-x
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When Miguel caught wind that you were going into labour, nothing else mattered in that moment to him other then being there with you to welcome the new life you both had a hand in creating.
Lyla had never seen this man move as fast as he did upon hearing the news that it almost replicated how he reacted when you told him that you were expecting; worried, scared, frightful, all of which hid the underlying excitement and happiness that he felt. And if she was being honest? It was defiantly a welcomed change to the usual brooding, solemn, isolated male she was use to, and she had you to thank for that.
Not only does Lyla thank you for coming into Miguel’s life when he needed someone with a gentle touch, but also for bringing back life and optimism into Miguel’s life. She may take the piss out of him now and then but she only did so in hopes of helping him lighten up from loosing…everything.
‘Want to hold your baby?’ You asked Miguel, looking up from admiring the bundle of joy that was fast asleep in your arms, his tiny hands gripping onto you tightly.
‘Are you sure? I don’t want-‘
‘You won’t hurt him,’ you cut him off to sooth his worries, ‘you could never hurt our Gabriel. He’s as tough as his daddy, or so I’m told.’
Miguel visibly perked at this. ‘Gabriel.’ He repeated the name that came out of his mouth as a whisper filled with fondness with a hint of bittersweetness for the past long gone. ‘Yeah, I named him Gabriel, in honour of Gabriella, I know how special she was to you and I wanted to keep her memory alive in anyway I could.’ You told him, unsure as to how he would react to your reasoning behind it but you didn’t expect to see tears streaming down his face.
Naturally you assumed his tears were a result of you reopening his old wounds, you tried to raise a hand to wipe away his tears without waking up Gabriel, ‘I’m sorry sweetheart, I can change the name of it’s too much, I didn’t meant for you to cry.’ You rambled on but were cut off when Miguel held your hand to his cheek, pressing a flurry of kisses into your palm, whispering praises into your skin. ‘Don’t apologise my beloved.’ He reassured you, letting go of your hand so it could go back to cradling Gabriel as Miguel rested his forehead against yours, purring softly, which never failed in drawing a smile on your face as you felt yourself physically relax into him when you knew that Miguel wasn’t upset.
‘I’m just incredibly thankful for you for blessing me with the opportunity to be a father.’ Miguel told you before pressing another flurry of kisses into your forehead. ‘You deserve this Miguel, you deserve to live the life you’ve always wanted, to live the life as a father to our baby boy who very much would like to be held by you.’ You told him as you gently passed the small bundle over to Miguel, who held him snug against his chest as he looked down at his son with so much love and affection that it almost made you cry just looking at him.
Miguel could immediately tell apart which features Gabriel had inherited from you and the ones he inherited from him by the way his chubby little hand was reaching out to grasp at something; only to make little noises of disgruntlement when he couldn’t latch onto anything but air. ‘Daddy’s here Gabriel, I’m right here, I’ll always be right here, there’s no need to get stressed.’ Miguel cooed as he managed to free a hand to stroke his son’s warm chubby chipmunk cheeks, chuckling to himself when he saw how quick Gabriel was to latch a hand onto his pointer finger. Gabriel’s grasp was a strong one that Miguel knew he wouldn’t be surprised if his son had inherited some of his spider-abilities.
‘You and your mother are both blessings to me, I hope you know that Gabriel and just know that for you and your mother, I’d do anything to keep you both safe…I can’t afford to loose you both…I’d loose my mind if I did. So I’m sorry if I come off as overprotective but just know it comes from a good place.’ Miguel states as he looked over at you when he felt you head rest against his bicep; only to see that you were fast asleep. A smile broke out of Miguel’s face as he leaned over to press another kiss to your forehead. ‘Thank you for all your hard work in bringing about our baby boy, now it’s time for you to rest and to let me take care of you both because that’s what a father does; protects his family.’
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Guys, guys, your gay is showing 😁😁😁🤣
Can they be anymore obvious than this?😂😂😂
Ryliver🥹🥹🥹 my beloveds🥹🥹🥹💚💙
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leighways · 5 months
@theoutli3r IS MY MAIN @supernaldiaspora IS MY GIRLTHING
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Hiya!! What about the M6 with a Mc who comes out as Bi? 💙💜🩷 (love you)
The Arcana HCs: M6 when MC comes out as bi
~ I'm hoping this will heal me from the disaster that was my outing XD I'm keeping it really lighthearted because one of the original creators' goals was writing about a world where homophobia isn't a thing, and because all M6 are bi as well. Here you go anon, you are loved more than you know! - brainrot ~
He's very surprised
Not because he thought you only swung one way. He just assumed that you were bi. In Julian's world, everyone is by default bi unless determined otherwise
It's the part where you feel the need to confess it to him like it's news that catches him off guard
Slightly concerned at first that this might be your way of telling him that you're more attracted to his sister than him
Once he realizes that no, you're telling him because it was something you hadn't told many people before, he's determined to make an occasion out of it
Tonight's going to be a date night with his bi beloved. Rowdy Raven? Gondola ride? Romantic walk on the beach? You have so many options (wink wink)
If you still want to keep your orientation quiet, you'll have to tell him explicitly because he is not a natural secret keeper and will mention it to everyone he meets
They're not the type of person to label anything in the first place, so hearing your news means you sat down and thought about it and found something that describes you
And now you're sharing it with him. He's honored to have your trust like this and loves you very much (which he tells you right away with a big long hug)
Once you're down from your emotional high, they'll let go of you just enough for you to see the teasing grin spread across their face
"So you're really saying, is that with all the options in the world, you still chose me?"
So many bi puns
"Bi, MC! Bi!" all while repeatedly flicking his wrist up and down in the universal gay salute instead of waving normally
Won't confirm or deny your orientation to anyone unless you tell them it's fine
Will compare "types" with you of what you generally find attractive and point out candidates on the street
Oh, she knew
Her whole arcana-given ability is insightfulness and everything about you (to her) is a big bi flag
She's wondering why you feel the need to state the obvious, so her reaction is a little flat. She's waiting for you to make your point
Oh, wait, wait, you're sharing something with her that you thought she didn't know!
Darling MC, she loves you, she thinks the most perfect thing you could ever be is yourself, thank you for trusting her with this, she's deeply honored and very touched
And slightly insulted that you thought she couldn't tell
Since this is supposed to be news, would you like a coming out event? Maybe a simple soiree so things don't feel too overwhelming? Of course if it's a grand announcement you want, it's a grand announcement you'll get
Wears bi colors for the rest of the week in support
Him too. Did you want to bond over it?
Because he finds the chickens considerably more interesting than any attraction he experiences (besides his attraction to you)
He didn't already know or already suspect. He's just not very surprised or reactive because it's not a big deal to him
But if you want to talk about it, go ahead
He'll just chop this wood while he listens
Of course, this won't be his reaction if it's a very emotional moment for you. In that case, he's getting ready to comfort and sit with you before he even knows what this is about
Will ask you about your story. Did you realize recently or a long time ago? What was that moment like? How long were you in the closet? Is this going to stay a secret for you?
Would holding a chicken help?
Here, hold this baby chick while you talk
Nothing much changes. You're still you. He still loves you. He's still proud of you. Life goes on
Ohmygosh, SAME
Wait, you two never explicitly told each other what your orientations were!
Ok ok, you say it again when you're ready, and then she'll tell you properly too, and then you'll be officially out to each other
Tears up slightly afterwards because this feels really romantic and it's another wonderful thing to share in common with her exciting, attractive, perfect, BI partner-in-crime
She wants to commemorate this step in your relationship so she'll plan some bi-themed baking projects
But she wants to make a lot of them, which means she'll need more people to feed, and hey MC, how do you feel about a little celebration?
Impromptu pride barbecue in her garden with her palace friends and Nevivon family members
Frequently brings up your superpower as proof of your shared greatness
Okay, and?
C'mon, it seemed like you had something exciting to tell him, is it a bi-themed party?
Did you get matching bi capes? Purple isn't his color but he'll wear them with you for the drama
You're really going to have to spell out what your news means to you before he has the slightest clue on how to respond
Slightly peeved because if it was such a big deal to you then he wishes that you felt safe enough with him to tell him sooner, but he's not going to get upset with you for that
Don't worry about whether or not he loves you. You're the best, who else would he fall in love with?
He really doesn't care what category of people you're okay with having in your pants as long as he falls into it
If he's bi, and you're bi, that means bi people must simply be the best, and he will introduce himself as "Lucio the bi" until you stop him
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🌈 Queer Romances to Love All Year Round
🦇 Good morning, my beloved bookish bats. We're halfway through pride month, but there are still so many amazing queer books to read! To celebrate that love is love mentality, here are 78 queer romance novels you can add to your tbr! Don't forget to #readqueerallyear, and that none of us are free until all of us are free. 💜
❤️ Delilah Green Doesn’t Care - Ashley Herring Blake 🧡 Skye Falling - Mia McKenzie 💛 The Breakup Lists - Adib Khorram 💚 Prince of the Palisades - Julian Winters 💙 Solomon’s Crown - Natasha Siegel 💜 The Borrow a Boyfriend Club - Page Powars
❤️ Full Shift - Jennifer Dugan 🧡 A Shore Thing - Joanna Lowell 💛 Showmance - Chad Beguelin 💚 Exes & Foes - Amanda Woody 💙 Full Disclosure - Camryn Garrett 💜 When You Were Everything - Ashley Woodfolk
❤️ Playing the Palace - Paul Rudnick 🧡 I’m So (Not) Over You - Kosoko Jackson 💛 When Katie Met Cassidy - Camille Perri 💚 Captive Prince - C. S. Pacat 💙 The Lovers - Rebekah Faubion 💜 That Summer Feeling - Bridget Morrissey
❤️ Wild Things - Laura Kay 🧡 Experienced - Kate Young 💛 Lose You to Find Me - Erik J. Brown 💚 The Lesbiana’s Guide to Catholic School - Sonora Reyes 💙 Nate Plus One - Kevin van Whye 💜 Countries of Origin - Javier Fuentes
❤️ The Passing Playbook - Isaac Fitzsimons 🧡 But How Are You, Really - Ella Dawson 💛 Looking for a Sign - Susie Dumond 💚 The Prospects - KT Hoffman 💙 Last Night at the Telegraph Club - Malinda Lo 💜 Malice - Heather Walter
❤️ You Should See Me in a Crown - Leah Johnson 🧡 Let’s Talk about Love - Claire Kann 💛 Bonds of Brass - Emily Skrutskie 💚 Looking for Love in All the Haunted Places - Claire Kann 💙 The Stars and the Blackness Between Them - Junauda Petrus 💜 In Charm’s Way - Lana Harper
❤️ Everything Leads to You - Nina LaCour 🧡 Marriage of a Thousand Lies - SJ Sindu 💛 I Think I Love You - Auriane Desombre 💚 Lavash at First Sight - Taleen Voskuni 💙 The Bump - Sidney Karger 💜 The Disenchantment - Celia Bell
❤️ The Dos and Donuts of Love - Adiba Jaigirdar 🧡 Riley Weaver Needs A Date To The Gaybutante Ball - Jason June 💛 Epically Earnest - Molly Horan 💚 Out of the Blue - Jason June 💙 Flip the Script - Lyla Lee 💜 Imogen, Obviously - Becky Albertalli
❤️ Café Con Lychee - Emery Lee 🧡 A Little Bit Country - Brian D. Kennedy 💛 Late to the Party - Kelly Quindlen 💚 The Key to You and Me - Jaye Robin Brown 💙 What If It’s Us - Becky Albertalli & Adam Silvera 💜 The Falling in Love Montage - Ciara Smyth
❤️ The Love Curse of Melody McIntyre - Robin Talley 🧡 Meet Cute Diary - Emery Lee 💛 Love & Other Natural Disasters - Misa Sugiura 💚 Date Me, Bryson Keller - Kevin van Whye 💙 Just Your Local Bisexual Disaster - Andrea Mosqueda 💜 Pumpkin by Julie Murphy
❤️ She Gets the Girl by Rachel Lippincott - Alyson Derrick 🧡 Home Field Advantage - Dahlia Adler 💛 The (Un)Popular Vote - Jasper Sanchez 💚 Melt With You - Jennifer Dugan 💙 Cool for the Summer by Dahlia Adler 💜 Hani and Ishu’s Guide to Fake Dating - Adiba Jaigirdar
❤️ I Kissed Shara Wheeler - Casey McQuiston 🧡 Jay’s Gay Agenda - Jason June 💛 Triple Sec - TJ Alexander 💚 Finally Fitz - Marisa Kanter 💙 I’ll Be the One - Lyla Lee 💜 This Is Kind of an Epic Love Story - Kacen Callender
❤️ May the Best Man Win - ZR Ellor 🧡 One Last Stop - Casey McQuiston 💛 Late Bloomer - Mazey Eddings 💚 The Fiancee Farce - Alexandria Bellefleur 💙 Stars Collide - Rachel Lacey 💜 Truly, Madly, Deeply - Alexandria Bellefleur
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awakentrashpanda · 4 months
I drew pansexual Dogday for pride month 
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Rambles and poll underneath 
💖 a part of me thinks that when he first heard the word, he genuinely thought that being pansexual meant being attracted to frying pans (himbo Dogday my beloved)
💛 but then, when he learned what the word actually means he was like “oh wait that’s me!”
💙 throughout elementary middle and his first year of high school this man would collect crushes like they were Pokémon cards 
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wofsidequesters · 2 months
!!! Introduction !!!
Hello! Welcome, all, to the official ask blog for my WoF OCs!
Everyone seems to really like their lore and general storyline, so I figured I should make an ask blog!
I'll introduce myself first- I'm @yellow-computer-mouse, and I go by Yellow, Snowfall (Snowy with friends), Winter, Aeolus, or Oscar! :3 I mark my rambles with 📻, the same as my other ask blogs!
Now, to introduce the stars of the show... (sorry that their ref sheets are inconsistent, I'll get them all together someday!)
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Aroflux Bisexual
The true main character, Wishcloud lived a fairly calm life in a small cottage just beneath SkyWing territory with her father, Sharpeye, her mother, Sparrow, and her sister, Chickadee. Wishcloud was happy to stay right where she was, but Chickadee always wanted to explore. She would go out on journalism trips to interview passing dragons, hoping to learn all she could about the continent.
However, one day, Chickadee did not return. Days, weeks, months passed, and still, no sign of Wishcloud's beloved sister. Wishcloud assumed she ran away, and eventually, she too left the nest. She took up residence in the NightWing village, where she met her friend Saffron. Eventually, Wishcloud discovers her sister's true end: she was murdered in cold blood. Wishcloud has since made it her mission to track down her sister's killer, no matter what it takes.
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Saffron grew up in the rainforest, raised with all the other RainWings. They all thought it was a little odd she was clearly half SandWing, but Saffron didn't care! She was fine! Never mind the odd looks they gave her, or her lack of venom, or the whispers of some Chameleon. She had never heard of this guy! She was just like any normal RainWing!
Until she wasn't. The rainforest turned on her, and she went to go live in a small town on the edge of SkyWing and SandWing territory. She met an old veteran by the name of Jackal, and he mentioned his mother having an affair with a RainWing at one point, ten years after he was born. The pieces fell into place, and Saffron decided to stay with Jackal and his husband, Pine, for a while until she heard there was a new queen of the rainforest. She tentatively headed back, where Queen Glory accepted her with open wings. She met Wishcloud, and the rest was history (see Wishcloud's character summary).
Igneous and Sandshrike!
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Aromantic asexual
Igneous was abandoned at hatching, much like his best friend, Sandshrike (or Shrike, for short). The two were practically joined at the hip, and they certainly gave Jackal and Pine some trouble as hatchlings. They always wanted to be some legendary heroes someday (well, Shrike did), and this chick Saffron was offering just that! Of course they'd accept!
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Fuji never wanted to be much like other SkyWings, which was fine, because they never wanted to be much like him, either. He got odd looks for his light scales, and rumors questioning his bloodline got him booted from the kingdom. He set up a small cafe known as The Nettle Nest in a quaint little area between the Diamond Spray Delta, the Bay of a Thousand Scales, and the rainforest. He had two common patrons, sisters, Tragedy and Disaster. They were welcome to stop by, and the two often helped him and his husband, Agrias, out with his business. It was hardly a living...
...Until it was. All of a sudden, he had 7 dragons (counting the Sea/Night sisters) coming in every day to discuss murder. Oh well. All press is good press, he supposed, and they tipped well enough.
Tragedy and Disaster! (base by @sombrathedragon)
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Tragedy and her sister, Disaster, were aptly named according to their parents. At least, that's what they assumed. Their parents weren't around, abandoning them on the shore as eggs. They were raised by a small troop of MudWings, getting snippets of what a dragon should be. They wandered, taking refuge at a small cafe, The Nettle Nest. The owner agreed to let them stay with him as long as they helped out with work. They agreed, moving in with him.
Disaster came to her sister one day confessing an odd dream. A vision, she called it, describing how certain she was of who their father is: a SeaWing prince. It made sense, she argued, seeing as there were 32 of them. Tragedy was much more doubtful. Surely they would know if they had royal blood. Besides, she had more important things to think about, like the true crime case brought to her by two overeager hybrids. It was a good distraction.
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The NightWing twins, the first of many to regain their tribe's powers, were cursed under a blood moon to only see devastation. Armageddon and Harbinger, as they were titled, grew up thick as thieves. Harbinger only wanted to blend in, Armageddon only wanted to prove his worth, but the red stars on their foreheads served as omens to their powers. The two were plagued by nightmares, horrible visions of fire and twisters and a dragon the color of rust with striking gold eyes.
Harbinger assumed it was only the worst possible futures, writing it off as nothing. Armageddon wanted to take action. He took a dagger, snuck off into the night, and returned with blood on his talons. Upon his return, the two were attacked by a mob of fearful NightWings, afraid of what the twins may do next. Harbinger was banished from his tribe, taking up residence in the rainforest, while Armageddon fled, his whereabouts never certain.
!!! Rules !!!
Here are just some basic rules and boundaries for the blog, so you can enjoy your stay here to the fullest!
No NSFW. I am a minor.
No serious roleplays. I'm okay with you introducing your OCs, but I have a storyline, and I don't want to work your character in. Same with canon characters- they all have a place.
I reserve the right to leave an ask unanswered. If it makes me uncomfortable, I don't have to answer it. That being said, don't assume I'm ignoring you! I will be posting art with every ask, so these will take a while! I'll post mostly on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays.
Feel free to be a recurring anon! I love that type of thing :) Also, please send deep, lore-filled asks if you want! It's what keeps ask blogs running!
~ 📻
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drazenarts · 4 months
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Wanted to share all the edits I’ve done for my beloved Draža over the past 3 years. Maybe I’ll make one for Tumblr this year but idk. I’m honestly tired of the rampant homophobia from old hags in this fandom, so it’s made me not want to interact as much.
☺️✨🫶🏻🏳️‍🌈 Anyway stan gay Draža or go.
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tarmac-rat · 2 months
OC Smash or Pass
Tagged by the fabulous trio of @trashcatsnark @beammeupbroadway and @glitchinginthegarden to put my girl up for vetting here :3
RULES: pretty self explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc).
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First image by me, second image by @togepies, third image by @janeofthechoir12, fourth image/artwork by @letsjam-art
Quick Facts
Full Name: Riley "V" Bakker Aldana V Height: 5'9" Age: 24 (DOB: December 10th, 2052) Pronouns: She/Her Sexuality: Bisexual Features: Mop of electric blue hair + shaved sides, neon green glow-in-the-dark Kiroshis, severely crooked nose, light splash of freckles, scar over the right corner of her lip, blue cloud tattoo sleeve down her left arm, steel-plated cybernetic right leg, incurable case of RBF
Cute in that 'girl next door' kinda way. Takes just enough care of her looks to not look like a total slob, and knows how to class it up when she wants to/sees a need to.
Once she warms up to a person, there's nothing on heaven or earth she wouldn't move for them.
Loves driving. Will let you be a passenger princess on the back of her beloved Kusanagi CT-3X. She might even let you DJ if she's in a good mood (but absolutely no Samurai).
While she prefers to be on top, she's got no qualms with feeling out the situation and switching around as her partners desire. Position-wise, she's a Swiss Army Knife.
Lowkey very funny when she wants to be, and isn't above poking fun at herself when she does something dumb.
A mechanic at heart who loves tuning bikes and modding guns. She loves giving gifts and she'll make you homemade shit she MacGyvered out of an old radio if you're into that kind of thing.
Secret cuddler. She'll deny it, but she is.
Anger issues up the wazoo. Hope your love language is shouting matches!
Wardrobe consists almost entirely of old tank tops and cargo pants.
Tends to assume the worst in people right off the bat and she'll take any reason she can to justify her opinion and split on you. She's devoted once she trusts you but you gotta earn that trust, and she doesn't give it easily.
Outwardly very closed off and cold, and doesn't like to give that much information about herself away. You're gonna need a wrecking crew to break down all those walls.
She's somewhat vanilla in the bedroom-- it's not that she hates kink on principle, she just doesn't feel the need nor have the desire to experiment.
Will not stop talking about how much she wants to run away from her life and go back to living in the desert.
If you piss her off...well, let's just say she nicknamed her leg "The Nutcracker" for a reason.
Gonna tag @clusterfxckedbysirens @ghostoffuturespast @seraphfighter @luvwich @fly-amanitaa (sorry for any double tags in there) to give this a try if you want!
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incorrectsprolden · 2 years
your heartstopper faves if we could see more of their social media accounts lol: 3/?— NICK NELSON
i’d like to think that nick would try to plan his instagram feed but he’s a bisexual, so he’d be a little indecisive; but he’s trying his best. i love him lol
i really wanna do michael’s instagram next, so drop your fave fancasts of him and other suggestions!!
click the links to check out my other edits; we have CHARLIE and TORI done so far. feel free to like, reblog or comment– i really appreciate it!!
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liked by imogen.heaney, reading_with_isaac, cfspring, and 50 others
nicholaszzzzz: a bisexual and “an ally” go camping
[tagged imogen.heaney in a post]
imogen.heaney: that was such an embarrassing moment for me ENOUGH 😭😭
cfspring: i love your little friendship its so cute
imogen.heaney: besties since year 7 (real)
darcytheegg: my fave bisexual with his fave ally
the.xu.tao: me & imogen 🤝 being your supportive straight friends
itsellesuniverse: STOP!! did the tao xu just admit he’s friends with nick nelson
reading_with_isaac: caught 📸📸
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liked by nottorispring, michaelholden123, itsellesuniverse, and 101 others
nicholaszzzzz: hacked 🐶🐾
saharsguitar: nellie do you have something to say to the people? 🤨🎤
cfspring: she said “bork” she told me herself
saharsguitar: okay thank you for that follow up
nottorispring: this is so real of you nick
the.xu.tao: this is the only time i’ll like your post nick
michaelholden123: do you guys ever think about what dog breed you’d be? i think i would be goldendoodle or sheepdog
nicholaszzzzz: yes i have actually and we all know i’m the human embodiment of a golden retriever
cfspring: its true, i can vouch for that
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liked by cfspring, the.xu.tao, darcytheegg, and 150 others
nicholaszzzzz: another year with my favourite boy. happy birthday my beloved, i love you darling 🤍✨
[tagged cfspring in a post]
itsellesuniverse: i’m literally obsessed with you two
nottorispring: happy birthday you aries legend ♈️
imogen.heaney: you cuties!! happy bday charlie!!
cfspring: i’ll cry nick- i’ll cry so loud
nicholaszzzzz: its my boyfriend privilege to announce your birthday to the world. i love you, my love 💙
tara.jones.xo: absolute cuties– happy birthday charlie!! 🎉
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liked by tara.jones.xo, saharsguitar, itsellesuniverse, and 45 others
nicholaszzzzz: tell me you like the mcu without telling me you like the mcu… i’ll go first
nicholaszzzzz: also charlie got me the ‘i love you 3000’ sign and before you all ask, yes i cried
cfspring: you cried a lot, actually 🥹
the.xu.tao: we need to work on expanding your movie taste nicholas because this is a crime
nicholaszzzzz: then you’re gonna be real upset when you see my iron man shrine
tara.jones.xo: the colour coordination of the photo collage, we love to see it
itsellesuniverse: from one artist to another, yes
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liked by reading_with_isaac, darcytheegg, itsellesuniverse, and 65 others
nicholaszzzzz: rugby szn ft. a charlie spring cameo
reading_with_isaac: does anyone here actually understand the game of rugby
the.xu.tao: nope absolutely not
tara.jones.xo: why do you think i do ballet?
darcytheegg: at least i got to know the local gays
saharsguitar: i just wanna watch one game
cfspring: @/nottorispring wanna come too? 👀
nottorispring: you would have to pay me so much money to watch a sports game, charles
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liked by nottorispring, michaelholden123, saharsguitar, and 20 others
nicholaszzzzz: one thing about me, i LOVE minimalism 🪷
imogen.heaney: i think we as a society need to talk about how nice nick’s handwriting is bc- hello??!!
darcytheegg: okay pull through with the MUJI brand
cfspring: get ✍️ nick ✍️ more ✍️ muji ✍️ stuff ✍️
nicholaszzzzz: stop do not spend that much on me charlie
cfspring: don’t tell me what to do nick
the.xu.tao: stop flirting in the comments pls-
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liked by reading_with_isaac, cfspring, imogen.heaney, and 200 others
nicholaszzzzz: staring at the sunset, babe 🌅
the.xu.tao: okay has anyone checked up on charlie?
nottorispring: he’s been screaming and crying for 10 minutes now lol
itsellesuniverse: the taylor swift lyric, okay i like it
saharsguitar: @/cfspring bestie, are you okay?? comment something to let us know
cfspring: unfollow me now, this is gonna be the only thing i talk about for the next week
darcytheegg: rip charlie spring, nothing happened to him expect nicholas luke nelson
imogen.heaney: photo credits to me, you’re welcome
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liked by cfspring, the.xu.tao, tara.jones.xo, and 159 others
nicholaszzzzz: the world is so obsessed with defining sexuality for everyone and attaching labels to it. any time any person openly leaves the sexual norm, their sexuality becomes, more often than not, the absolute defining characteristic of that person.
it becomes the first thing people think about and often the first thing they mention. every other part of that person all but disappears — dan pearce 💗💜💙
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