scrunkalicious · 1 month
More general Arcane thoughtz bc I NEED to get these out and also I want more Arcane mootz,,,
This post has NO LEAKZ!!!! I HATE THE LEAKZ. all stuff either from s1 or official s2 teaserz 😇😇😇
The one that made me want to make this post in the first place!!! ARE. ARE WE JUST GONNA IGNORE THE FACT THAT JAYCE OWNZ AN INSTRUMENT AND CAN PROLLY PLAY IT????
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It lookz similar to maybe what a guitar would be in this world perhapz......
I guess he picked it up on the side of science, it lookz like one of the only non-science thingz in his room, so itz probably some sort of side hobby
I think he still knowz how to play it and hasn't brushed the skill off to the side, judging by how the instrument is very visible and right next to his bed
Maybe Viktor or Mel knowz he can play it?
Jayce Talis should drop a CRAYZEE album plz 🥶🥶🥶
Speaking of music!!!!!! Absolutely love Ray Chen and his work in Arcane, he came to my state a while back but I sadly missed the concert ☹️☹️
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Asian ppl exist in the Arcane world no wauy.......
I love how instrumentz look in Arcane!!! So exquisite,,
Hez definitely playing a violin, perhapz the giant horn looking thing attached is to help resonate the sound and make it louder, kind of in place for a small microphone
I wonder if Piltover has like, a city orchestra, judging by how art is so important in the place they probably love their music as well
I alwayz wonder how Sky also got into Piltover bc shez from the Undercity like Viktor!
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I don't think therez and actual rule at the Piltover Academy saying you can go if you're from the Undercity. I guess it's just whoever can afford (or sneak in) is in, or perhapz therez sponsorz and scholarshipz.
Either she followed Viktor in sneaking in, her parentz sent her there, or Viktor reached out to her and asked her to be his assistant and she never actually went thru the Academy (or she did the Academy and then he asked her).
I'm heavily betting on the fact that Viktor asked her to be his assistant himself bc it seemz too coincidental to have the scientist from Zaun have his assistant also be from there
In the S2 teaser trailer thing, Caitlyn sayz "I will lead a strike team into Zaun..."
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When will Piltover decide that the Undercity is now separate from them? I'm guessing maybe Ambessa had to do with making the decision.
Maybe pretty soon after the bomb??
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The lil gold spotz on her skin are 100% makeup, seeing as her flashback version doesn't have them
I don't think the gold thing on her back is makeup, so what is it fam...
How was the Academy (?) building just NOT affected by the bomb 😭😭
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I am CONSTANTLY wondering if the Academy building is part of the government council building, or if I'm tweaking and they're separate.
In the Ekko & Heimer clip Ekko tellz him "Don't you essentially own this place?" and I thought he was talking abt the Academy bc Heimer is the Dean of the Academy.
okay yeah im a big sky x elora shipper now i think they should kiss
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yeah i already made a post abt them but. more arcane yuri is needed......
i think itd be like sky seez her and sayz "i dont think our bossez like each other very much" and elora is like "damn" and then they stare at each other n then itz like that one tumblr meme pic of two ppl making out yk
this image is fire!!!!! gonna be focusing on ambessa and a lil bit of cait. where is my one mutal that likez ambessa.......
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What is the thing on Cait'z back?? I literlly have no other wordz what is that thing
Is it just me or does her new hairstyle kinda look like the sun? Or a sun symbol?
chat is this bc the Medarda symbol is the sun (if i remeber correctly) or bc Ambessa will be leading Piltover thru the war and sun symbol bc shez helping them see another day if that makez sense
sorry everyone he was gonna be here either way
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I love seeing ppl hc him either as just "Eastern European" (which ig isn't hc harry lloyd said his accent was that but whatever) or go all out I loooveee seeing ppl say hez Russian or Czech (my personal hc) or Polish or whatever I think I even saw Croation once!! even tho hez not German i love using the "nooo little german boy" meme w him bc like nooooo little german boy dont confuse everyone w ur ethnicity!!!
my boyfirned......ouuugggghhhouugghghkhjgkhjgsdkhjsdbfygfvynvfgfvyu
hey fortiche. could ya do me a favor and like. show every single place where viktor has a mole thatd be rlly cool.....
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yonpote · 6 months
I feel like people are conflating continuing the joke with invading their privacy… like no one is stalking them or sneaking pictures or bothering their friends and family asking about them we’re just continuing their joke that they set up within our fandom space. Which is exactly as we should be doing imo
yeah exactly. like i think when outsiders dont understand that we are in on the bit that makes some sense, but when it's PHANNIES especially phannies who joined post coming out???? it seems strange.
oh i didnt really explain why this kinda behavior is homophobic as well. (disclaimer: me calling an action homophobic is not the same as me calling an individual homophobic.) a lot of ppl use pj and sophie as a direct comparison straight couple example. pj has only directly called sophie his girlfriend once, and it was in the context reading someone's poorly written article about him lmao. otherwise, its known that they met in uni, have lived together since then, have worked on nearly every kickthepj project together, and generally their on screen energy is really sweet and funny. they also have a cat together and call themselves a family. it's not a stretch to say they're together in the slightest. in fact, it is just natural to assume so.
BUT when dnp who are now publicly out, have been very open about how much they mean to each other, have lived together since dan was in uni, have worked on nearly every project together (even in solo projects the other would help out behind the scenes), have a clear on camera chemistry together, had co-parented a fish, a pigeon, and several houseplants and possibly plan to get a dog or other pet in the future... suddenly it's wrong to assume anything.
i understand the fear that may come from having been in the phandom since when they were closeted and it was much harder to talk about it without seeming like youre aligned with stalkers or ppl who harassed their families or dnp themselves to reveal more information, but thats not the case anymore, and ESPECIALLY if you discovered them post-gay, it's such a flimsy argument to say anyone is breaching privacy in that way.
now there are still some like unspoken basic decency and boundary rules. you probably shouldnt be @'ing them in your smutfics or even your pretty innocent theories about them being super duper in gay love. dnp themselves understand that if they aren't being @ tagged in something, it's probably not meant for them to see, and even acknowledged that in the twitter memes video. but us talking about it in our own spaces, especially on tumblr where they arent on as much but also on twitter BECAUSE THEY KNOW THAT THEYRE NOT MEANT TO SEE IT, is not the same as being like hey @/danielhowell @/amazingphil do you fuck nasty i gotta know if you fuck nasty. (but even if i were to do that, i feel like its very clearly a joke lmao)
so like just dont worry about it, if you still personally dont like seeing ppl talk abt this stuff regardless, you can mute and block people, you can blacklist tags, you can curate your own experience to fit your needs and you dont need to harass other people into suiting your needs.
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butch-reidentified · 3 months
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Yet another time someone has sent me a screenshot from this random woman spreading 100% baseless, very obviously made-up ('i wonder if") bs about me due to who knows what deep unfulfilled need of hers, though she's never had the spine to come for me directly in any capacity. I so do not understand why I'm coming up again now, given I've not been on tumblr much for months, but 🤷
I'm not going to tag her like I usually would bc I have less than zero desire to invite that toxicity into my life so directly atp (I've @ ed her in the past when she started doing this ages ago), but I am gonna say something ab both the accusations she makes/spreads and ab the behavior itself.
She's been spreading unhinged rumors about me being into men for literal years, including accusing me of fucking my brother, and apparently doesn't find it at all fucked up to be harassing a lesbian trafficking survivor with literally COMPLETELY baseless accusations of sex with m*n (which I have never remotely desired and as I've literally made memes about, would sooner die) just bc I didn't think her treatment of macroclit was entirely fair, as the person who had actually known macroclit for years irl before even being on radblr. I don't necessarily think I would do/say all the exact same things now that I did at that time, for deeply personal reasons I don't owe anybody an explanation of, but that doesn't justify any of the toxicity on her part.
I don't think it's acceptable or even non-lesbophobic to act like lesbians need to be a complete monolith when it comes to their experiences with bi women and views. Nothing I ever said claimed lesbians can be into men or anything of the sort, nor supported polilez, and outside of shit like that, I don't think we need to all have the exact same takes on every single issue down to the smallest nuances.
I also don't think it's acceptable or feminist to completely invent and spread rumors about other women like some wannabe Regina George, as if women don't face enough of that stereotype already. Especially if these rumors undeniably play on themes of your target's trauma history. Especially when you yourself certainly know you're completely inventing said rumors, that they're purely weird parasocial (& blatantly dishonest) speculation.
yes, macroclit is my ex, and we were friends after dating but never "fwb." we did not "meet up and have 3sums," we met up and watched movies and went clubbing, and we have not even slept together since like a couple of years before she realized she was into guys. yes i had a "poly" experimental phase in/around my college years - and I'll admit I didn't formally & vocally end said phase until long after it had materially ended - but this was with exclusively other women, as should be fucking obvious, and frankly was mostly in name only; I just never had any meaningful urge to seek out more partners, and tbqh have never had a very high sex drive. I don't fuck anyone but my wife atp & very much don't want to (nor did I want to feel like I had to air my entire sexual history on tumblr to thousands of ppl).
idk what need is being fulfilled by doing shit like this, i rly cannot fathom it & have never in my life engaged in this behavior toward any other woman. in all honesty, I thought it was just a fully fictional misogynistic stereotype that women do this at all, bc I've never known anyone who does. I've seen rumors spread ofc but usually airing ppls real dirt or exaggerating it, not just lying outright. wild.
all that said, if you want to go toe to toe regarding actual irl feminist action, lmk. otherwise, fix your own shit and drop your obsession w imagining me liking d*ck, it's super creepy and weird.
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seahorsepencils · 3 months
Hi! Would it be ok to ask whats going on with ppl being biphobic about kate stewart?/gen
I legitimately dont know whats going on? I feel like the pizza guy walking into the burning appt from community meme. Idk if i ever put much hc or thought behind kates relationships tbh, other than maybe she was aroacespec or choosing not to be in a relationship bec of how dangerous UNIT is...
I don't remember anything in the show implying she was sapphic or into Ibrahim (or like another person said in the tags that she had a kid with someone too)
I genuinely dont know wtf is going on or why who fans are fighting about this
Hi anon,
Of course! Thanks for asking. Here’s my attempt at an explanation:
In 2016, during a panel Q&A at Long Island Doctor Who, Jemma Redgrave said that when she first started doing the show, she headcanoned Kate as being married to a woman. At some point in her answer, she alludes to the fact that this may or may not be the case anymore, as she often learns new details about Kate’s life from the showrunners whenever she films another episode. (Jemma's answer starts at 44:54 here.)
Regardless, her initial headcanon has caught on, either as a bit of wishful thinking or as a detail that some perceive to be almost canon in the absence of contradictory evidence on the show or in other materials (i.e. the UNIT audios). In the series 18 episode “Death in Heaven,” Kate described herself as a “mother of two” and “divorcee,” and a popular interpretation of this is that Kate may have been married to a man, and divorced him after (or before) realizing she was a lesbian.
The “almost canon” perspective also holds a lot of weight among some fans of the show because of Jemma Redgrave’s long history of playing queer and queer-coded characters. Even her most ostensibly straight characters tend to offer some sort of challenge to compulsory heterosexuality or patriarchal norms (i.e. they turn to violence after spending years in loveless heterosexual marriages). This has made it very easy to headcanon pretty much any character she’s played as queer. I think some fans tend to also think that Jemma has more influence over her characters than she does - for example, after seeing episodes of DW in which Kate has worn plaid or flannel, fans have suggested that Jemma probably provided her own wardrobe for the show and purposely selected those items to give off gay vibes. (A very niche issue that has contributed to this is Jemma’s habit of repeatedly purchasing her characters’ wardrobe items at half price and then wearing them in real life - in the past, some fans incorrectly assumed that this meant Jemma was bringing her own clothing to set and asking the costume designers if Kate could wear it.) Effectively, many fans have hoped that Jemma’s earlier headcanon for Kate effectively manifested into canon over time, or potentially inspired the showrunners to agree that Kate is queer.
In terms of the Ibrahim stuff, the first piece was a lot of fans noticing that the hand-holding between Kate and Ibrahim in this week’s finale lasted a few seconds longer than one might expect a platonic hand-hold to last. Similarly, some have thought that the moment when she comes back to life and he pulls her up has a certain closeness or intimacy to it. From what I’ve seen, people are split on the topic - some people consider it to be a platonic “happy to be alive” moment, or a show of feelings from Ibrahim that Kate might not reciprocate; others have theorized that Ibrahim and Kate have a very close platonic relationship for some reason, etc.
Shortly after the finale aired, a version of the episode with a cast and crew audio commentary was released on the BBC’s website. In this commentary, while the two aforementioned scenes are playing, the producer, Vicki Delow, makes some comments suggesting she thinks that Kate and Ibrahim are, or should be, a couple. RTD responds to her comments in what sounds like a teasing tone. Here’s my transcript of those moments:
Helping Kate up scene (36:50) Vicki: “I love this. This is my favorite thing in the whole world." RTD: "What, these two?" Vicki: "These two. I just love them.” RTD: “What do you mean, Vicki?” Vicki: “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” RTD: “What do you mean? You think they’re friends?” Vicki: “I think they’re more than friends.”
Hand-holding scene outside (37:43) Vicki: “Look, look, look. This is it. Look, look, look.” RTD: “What are you looking at, Vicki Delow?” Vicki: “I love them. I love them.” RTD: “I don’t know what you mean, Vicki. I don't know.” Vicki: “It’s the greatest romance.”
Some folks have interpreted this as Vicki Delow hinting that there’s going to be a future romance between the characters in series 2 - and that RTD is egging her on - i.e. the “I don’t know what you mean” is a wink nudge way of him refusing to directly confirm a future storyline. That’s definitely a possibility. I think it’s also possible that Vicki just really wants them to be a couple, and has gotten a reputation on the production team as a hopeful shipper who wants Kate and Ibrahim to wind up together. In that context, RTD’s teasing her might have a vibe more like “oh Vicki, here you go again, shipping Kate and Ibrahim.”
So basically, a number of fans who have taken Jemma’s past headcanon as canon-adjacent have interpreted Vicki Delow’s “it’s the greatest romance” comment as confirmation that Kate and Ibrahim will have a romantic storyline in the next series, and have posted on social media (mostly Twitter, but a bit on Tumblr) criticizing what they perceive to be the show taking an unexpected position on Kate’s sexual orientation.
The rest might be stuff you’ve already seen, but I’ll summarize just in case: Several of the posts on Twitter and Tumblr have used language that inflexibly imply a gay/straight binary - i.e. “how dare they make Kate straight, she’s a lesbian” - not allowing for the possibility that she’s a bisexual woman to enter into the equation at all. In my other post on this subject I referred to a pattern of bi erasure and biphobia in the Jemma Redgrave fandom. As someone who’s an active member of that fandom, it felt like a concrete instance of some things I’ve seen pretty regularly in the community - and although I’m not as familiar with the DW fandom more generally, it sounds like there may have been some similar past instances of bi erasure or microaggressions in that fandom.
While I’ve categorized the “how dare they make her straight” posts specifically as bi erasure (and I imagine one could make a case that they’re biphobic too), the clear instance of biphobia for me has been in the comments I’ve seen by viewers who said that they would rather pretend Kate died at the start of the episode than accept the presence of a scene where she held hands with a man. In my mind, even as a joke, that seems to imply “better dead than bi or straight.”
I don't know if I'm decided on what Vicki Delow meant, and the lingering in that hand-holding moment definitely did make me wonder. And as someone who loves Jemma's performances as queer characters and has read my share of Osgate fic, I think it would be awesome to see her character in a relationship with a woman. But at this point I feel like the conversation has been so saturated by others' moments of bi erasure that it's hard to even know how to get back into it.
So, yeah. You're not wrong - even for someone who knows a lot of the pieces, it's been a very confusing couple of days. 😅
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doubledeadstudio · 3 months
random, but I just love how when you respond to questions about characters you go "I think they..." It shows how you think and made them like actually fleshed out ppl with own agendas and not just go "they'd do xyz bc I said so" which is so prevalent amongst vns..
Thank you, anon!
I'm going to be honest, I'm not as well-versed about how other devs handle their properties, but I have been hearing this compliment a lot (thank you btw). I think the thing about me is that I'm kinda old, and I was raised to see the value of transformative fandom. I definitely am happy to give my thoughts on matters (although some things I don't want to answer, because they WILL come up in game), but for the most part, I believe, when I put these characters in the public, that I'll be giving them up, to some degree, to the public consciousness.
Canon will always be canon, but if you want to make your own personal headcanons, make AUs and fanart, like, go ahead, who cares lol. I think a lot of solo devs are afraid of this because it makes them feel like they're losing control of their IP and they're concerned about how their characters are perceived, and I don't think fanwork will take anything away from that. I've also always believed the true value of art is what you can take away from it.
(Ofc I won't be tolerating anyone who will act rudely about me because their headcanons don't match canon, but fundamentally I believe this is a personal defect re: boundaries, and I don't entertain the complaints of people with poor literacy.)
EDIT: I also don't want to set this precedent that any of my work will be more interesting with supplementary media like memes and social media posts ngl. Despite me being active on socials, I don't want people to feel like they have to know everything here ever... I firmly believe that the work itself should hold water on its own.
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lepertamar · 7 months
Since it was buried deep in a long esoteric fandom post, i kinda want to extract and expand on this comment as its own post
There is an ancient, global, historical and cultural meme that gets glossed over a lot: a ton of christian concepts of Satan, and of Hell, and satanic-ness, is based on antisemitic interpretations of jews, but also, and i mean this in the coolest possible way, as a Jew, much of it is based on Jewish imagery -- in particular, it is based on Jewish G-d.
there's the explicit, overwhelming, absolutely ubiquitous association with fire, to the point where it is the overwhelmingly major attribute of G-d, and any invocation of fire in the jewish tanakh hints at connotations of G-d. Blood dashing and blood marking, and flesh sacrifice by slaughtering and burning of offerings throughout the jewish Tanakh, especially in Exodus. The frightening imagery of fire and brimstone has entered basic western vocabulary so deeply that this imagery -- imagery that in the sources characterizes all of G-d's and the Jews' presence and religious behavior in Exodus and throughout the rest of the Tanakh -- is casually described as hellish and satanic. Volcanoes' lava fields are 'hellish', fires of natural gases producing pillars of flame and smoke are 'hellish'. rituals of fire and blood and burning and heavy costumery and ancient crumbling scrolls hidden in arks embossed and engraved with strange tongues are satanic. and the devil is given a characterization thinly echoing torah's depiction of jewish G-d: as a challenging and frightening and alluring figure who straddles fae-adjacent borders between tricksterish disruption and extreme legalism, who makes deals and bargains (covenants, even) with humans.
In christianity it's usually a distancing game -- a forcible identification of all these recognizable attributes of G-d and judaism with the non-god, christian figure of the devil; and simultaneously a forcible identification of jewish g-d with christian god (after all these attributes are stripped out), and of christian god with extremely different attributes, or at least opposition to the devil. But not always.
It's found in exactly as many words in foundational Gnostic theology that had a great amount of influence on the development of early christianity: it explicitly and actively (rather than the implicit coding above that mainstream christian imagery does) identifies Jewish G-d, as in the exact God of the Jews who is depicted in the Torah, as a false god, the archon and demiurge, who should not be, who is responsible for creating the material world as an illusory, fallen, sinful, inherently corrupted world as an intentional prison, rather than an incomplete starting point a la grapes-but-not-wine, and whom Jews evilly or deludedly follow to maintain the existence of this sinful world rather than escaping to the neoplatonic purity of true forms, where the True God, the New Testament god who includes Jesus Christ, rules instead.
It's pretty ~normal as a process goes! (it in fact totally mirrors some stuff in judaism, where we identified various things as treyf because they had connotations of a canaanite pagan thing LMAO. semiotics using ingroups and outgroups in this way is very very common, and normal! and our g-d, of course, with Its troubled, complex heart, in many ways is from folding the hearts of many different canaanite gods into one person). but in this case it's maybe unique in scope and subtlety, for contingent historical reasons: a case of the sign outstripping the signified to an incredible extent and also of trying to backdoor-in identification with the god in question (eg the designation of gnosticism as a heretical sect by christianity, because mainstream christians preferred to recontextualize/repurpose jewish g-d, rather than break from It and allow jewish g-d to be defined by/identified with jews, even if in the gnostics’ explicitly evil way).
it does also have a weird consequence more modernly, among ppl who backlash to christianity with eg [demonic imagery is cool] stuff and don't realize what it looks like to people who have a slightly larger camera aperture: just skipping over the entire existence of judaism in terms of why the hell-stuff exists or is a hell-thing in the first place (there are a few reasons, and this is the big one). like, it DOES feel bizarre when there's like, ppl trying to be edgy and subversive by embracing christian demonicness that [checks notes] is just aesthetics and attitudes that are just very traditional jewish imagery and ritual. yk it just feels a bit....'hm....do they....uh.....know...'. when the old satanists 'inverted' the jesus pentagrammaton with uh, just the sigil of baphomet, as if the hebrew lettering etc is originally christian. like….
as most peopel know, the association of judaism with satanism is both extremely a longstanding Thing in antisemitism, but also smth jews are Super dystonic and jumpy to disclaim for obvious reasons.
now ofc jews's flat statement that this association is just fake is like, 'true', in that while judaism certainly developed in the past 2 millennia with an awareness of christianity and in the same world as a variety of other cultural influences, judaism is obviously not about christianity. as in, it doesn't categorize its elements and framework of the world according to christian elements and frameworks. but 'it's fake' is not like...a complete answer i guess. (like, it implies hell aesthetics were totally independent and preexisting and judaism was only associated with it post-hoc); it's also kinda, giving up ground? in the going straight to 'hdu say we're freaks! we r normal!' rather than 'is that supposed to be an insult? being a freak is cool and also your instinct to categorize us this way is telling and interesting'
this isn't unique, similar reactions happen alot where there's a marginalized culture trying to avoid violence lol, but it's sort of. lame. why not lean into this attempted dunk. the material universe as a delicious as well as incomplete and perilous mass of bursting universeness, whose materiality is what brings about both fortune and misery, brought to material existence by jewish g-d who is scary and bizarre and fiery and has a great deal of weird opinions/ideas about a bunch of detailed specifics about this-worldly life and the this-worldly material of the universe, who makes deals with the particular people who engage with them -- who is a recognizable germinating seed of the surface of christian hell and satanic aesthetics and ideas, is metal and interesting!
and it's not like. idk. a set of frames that are incompatible with christianity either, afaict some traditions lean harder than others, but i'm jewish and obviously not exactly an expert in those aspects of christianity lol.
a friend of mine regarding their conversion to judaism said:
like g-d as a... person, for lack of better terms. g-d who is a bit of an unknown quantity? sort of devilish, smirking at you when They offer a deal and you are not aware of the legalese (or maybe you are! ) and it's just like. this is how g-d is. g-d is just being g-d, g-d is this rascal who is quite particular but also endlessly enamoured with what people will do...
i didnt (& still dont!) care for satan in the christian sense because ....i don't find a god who is unchangign and eternal and sort of... impersonal.... in any way interesting. & thus an anti-god who is.... there and personal but like just to "tempt" you or w/e is also boring in comparison.
but g-d who is playful, who is tempting and trying to seduce you and be seduced, who you can bargain w and get into a contract w which might seem "unfair" in some ways (fucking halakhah right wwww) and like bullshit legalese but it's like....
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1eos · 9 months
could you explain more on the gypsy rose and guy who attacked the judge comparison? (how it has textbook ableism, racism, etc) it sounds kinda interesting but i don’t know what’s going on much
for gypsy rose its just rampantttttttttt 'perfect victim'-ism. i believe there is a term for the phenomenon but basically its like everyone will have disdain for an abuse victim unless they're dead then they're a statistic they can use for their own purposes. her mother was abusing and drugging her for years and wouldn't have stopped until she was dead but bc gypsy fought back literally at all and isnt constantly talking abt how she's scum of the earth some ppl are acting like she's some awful evil person and not an abuse victim who acted out of desperation. felt remorse. went to jail and is still on parole. and its misogyny bc we're living in a world that at the same time OBSESSES over and heralds male serial killers as ~geniuses~ that could outwit cops 🧍🏾‍♀️ its always 'women should be armed' and 'if i were abused i'd kill them' and then a woman gets rid of her abuser and its think pieces on how no one should be happy she's no longer being abused and even though its documented that she exhausted every avenue and begged for help and wasn't believed that there was 'another way'. bc abuse victims should just die in the court of public opinion esp a woman
and with the man....first the fact that him attacking the judge was treated as a meme was very weird and a form of misogyny like why is a woman getting jumped so funny? the racism came in in the most expected way. ppl talking abt how he should be put down, insinuating all black ppl are violent monsters/beasts/wild animals. just nasty stuff. one black person does something awful and that means the whole population should be culled according to racists online you get it. also when he showed back up in court they literally had him in a muzzle. and its like.............yeah that's definitely a talking point in a paper. and the ableism comes in bc ppl found out he's schizophrenic and all of the ppl who think mental disorders mean you're just uncontrollably violent w no control were like 'i feel so bad for him he was off his meds' and that's the juxtaposition btwn him and gypsy rose like she fought in self defense and ppl think she's a monster and he is defended despite not fighting for his life. and i believe no problem the jail withheld mental care but then it came out allegedly even ON his meds he was violent towards women but bc he's a man he will always have more grace and some circles of men see manhood AS violence esp towards women so theyre gonna defend that behavior or at least make light of it. and then just say it was his mental illness bc ableism tells ppl that if you have a spooky disorder then you're just violent and
but at the same time if gypsy rose was black. for one she'd still be in prison :/ so many black women kill their abuse victims and end up dying in jail :///// and if the black guy who attacked the judge were white they'd be doing anythingggggggggggg to make him 'redeemable' in the media. and the ableism would probably be even worse as a means to say the violence just isnt his fault! and if the judge were a man it probably wouldnt have turned into a funny meme but if the judge were a black woman then the leagues of ppl defending her would not be there bc white women are seen as innocent victims who never deserve violence (which fueled the racism he experienced tenfold) whereas black women DESERVE to be hurt for their attitudes. theyd be finding reasons to justify it.
idk just seeing these conversations happen at the same time just showed, to me, exactly how different identities preload different kinds of discourse!
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sophieinwonderland · 7 months
I'm the one that left the comment on the post critiquing your take on inner dialogue and plurality that mentioned my understanding of how trains of thought would work and why a thought process akin to Kronk's dialogue with his shoulder angel/devil doesn't seem to imply that he's "plural" in my opinion. I don't really agree with your rebuttal, that in that example he'd be plural due to the pronouns they use, how they interact, have their own memories, etc.
My comment was again, my understanding of how some people have mental trains of thought. I think it's important to note that everyone thinks/rationalizes differently. Some without words at all but rather things like the perception of the world around them and emotions. They may not think "that's a beautiful photo, I wonder who took it and when. I wish the lighting was a bit better" with those words but they actively feel those things. However the absence of an inner dialogue doesn't mean someone who processes this way without words can't experience something like DID, if that makes sense. Just as someone with it might use "I" and "me". It was hard for me to understand at first how one could "think" without thinking, but I'm mostly going by my understanding and the experiences of people I know and that was also true in my comment as I know others have thought processes like that (and ppl seemed to agree). Which I know isn't a credible source, just different perspectives I've heard based on how different individuals think and process.
It's also normal to my understanding to not only use first person pronouns but also "we", "you", "us", etc. It doesn't mean you perceive yourself as having more than one identity or are otherwise interacting with a different identity with agency and such. I can't imagine that not being normal. For some, it seems thoughts can alternate between feeling like a monologue and dialogue, particularly if you're facing inner conflict or have multiple thoughts on something. I think factors like neurodevelopmental disorders can play a role in this.
A train of thought might interject while someone with a singular identity is thinking about something or having an inner conflict. Someone may think "I think I want ice cream" and another thought might be like "you should have dinner first" and a third may interject as someone remembers something like "wait remember what our doctor said about lactose?". But those pronouns are kind of interchangeable depending on the person, and the memory of the interaction with their doctor brought forth by a train of thought is still their memory. It didn't come from a third party it's just them whereas in someone with alternate identity states, it would be sourced from an alter that is autonomous at least in some regard. I mean is it not possible for that to just be one person at war with themselves? I won't understand how everyone's mind works but that just seems normal. You're you but your thoughts may offer a perspective you didn't initially consider or reference a memory- your memory
So with Kronk again, the back and forth may seem like a dialogue but the difference is that it's sourced from one identity. Might not seem that way but it seems the angel/devil is still his personified inner dialogue. They all experience the same things, have the same memories, and while maybe having different "personalities" everyone has different sides of themselves. Yknow like the evil Kermit meme? One side of you saying to pick up the fallen ice cube and the other saying "you/I/we should kick it under the fridge". Still one person. That's my understanding but again brains work differently even in those with a singular identity state. I hope that's coherent enough (I struggle to condense my words oftentimes) but it just makes sense that a lot of people who think in words would experience it that way? Between what feels like a monologue/dialogue but still being one identity?
These are some fair points.
I would agree that people do just think differently sometimes. And having an inner dialogue or using these sorts of pronouns aren't necessary for plurality. It can even be possible for singlets to have an inner monologue that uses "you" pronouns.
Before going on, for what constitutes a person, I want to being up John Locke's definition of personhood, defining a person as...
a thinking intelligent Being, that has reason and reflection, and can consider it self as itself, the same thinking thing in different times and places
This is what I tend to mean when I say headmates are people.
This is also a general criteria I use for differentiating between multiple and singlet experiences. (With the caveat that plurality is a spectrum and there's a gray area in the middle for median systems.)
A headmate in my opinion follows the same pattern.
1. A headmate can think 2. It's capable of reason and reflection 3. It can consider itself as itself the same thinking being in different times and places.
The first is a bit redundant. Criteria two can't really be true if criteria one isn't. These two though are able to rule out a lot of psychotic hallucinations and dream characters from personhood, as most aren't capable of self-reflection.
The third criteria is actually two in one. It's being able to recognize yourself in different times and places. But it's also being able to distinguish yourself in different times and places.
To recognize when an action is yours and when it's someone else's.
Another layer to this is that it inherently implies some sort of persistence and autobiographical memories. After all, you can't recognize yourself in the past if you don't have a past.
With this context in mind, I'd like to step back to the Kronk point.
So with Kronk again, the back and forth may seem like a dialogue but the difference is that it's sourced from one identity. Might not seem that way but it seems the angel/devil is still his personified inner dialogue. They all experience the same things, have the same memories, and while maybe having different "personalities" everyone has different sides of themselves.
I don't actually agree that they have the same memories.
At least not entirely.
See, they'll each remember the same things happening. They'll each know the general events. But they'll each relate to memories differently.
If Kronk were to recall the conversations he's had with the Angel and Devil Kronks, he would likely recall it in terms "I said this, The Angel said that, the Devil responded this way," etc.
Kronk wouldn't consider their thoughts or actions to be his own. And this would go both ways. If you asked the Angel about things Kronk did, the angel would likely recall those in terms of Kronk doing those things. He wouldn't have a feeling of "I poisoned Kuzco." Because he didn't. Kronk did.
What is happening here can best be described as compartmentalization dissociation. The Angel, the Devil and the core Kronk are dissociated from each other, and don't view the actions of other members as their own.
"Trains of Thought"
I don't believe you're using this term the way most people would use it. When the majority of people refer to having multiple trains of thoughts, they're referring to an ability to think multiple things simultaneously.
What they aren't generally referring to is these "trains of thought" having their own intelligence, identity and recall.
You don't have a "train of thought" that thinks of itself as a separate entity from you, and will still remember things it told you a week later.
If you do have multiple "trains of throught" that are able to think for themselves, have their own distinct sense of self and autobiographical memories, and are self-conscious being able to recognize themselves as separate agents, I think you should consider that maybe your "trains" were people all along.
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fangirleaconmigo · 1 year
hey Des, is there any backstory given to Roach’s name in any canon? just curious cause I made my heart hurt thinking that roaches in our world are hard to kill and so maybe geralt was projecting that protection? xoxo love what you do!
Hi Nonny, thank you!! <3
That is such a sweet, heartbreaking idea. I really like that, and I think it makes an excellent headcanon.
Canonically though, Geralt's mare is actually named after a fish. (this factoid taught me something I didn't know about my own language, but more on that later)
To answer your question more accurately, I asked @cherrypoison1889 to join me on this. Cherry is a Polish Witcher fan who very generously helps me with posts involving the original Polish, (everybody say Thank You Cherry! Go follow them!) and this is what she said:
Cherrypoison1889: Roach is Płotka (Płoć to be exact, the Common Roach) which is a type of small fish. Płotka is a diminutive, so the closest English equivalent would be "Roachie", but I guess the translator was a coward and decided not to go with it >:c (I kid, ofc). Płotka is a very cute sounding name in Polish, and idiomatically it can also mean something not worth the effort, or small potatoes.
So, not only, is Geralt's horse named after a fish, but he calls her the sweet, diminutive version. I think that is a huge change to the vibe of Geralt's character to the English translation!!
I mean, Geralt's horse is very important to his characterization! In some ways, she reflects his character. So, the way he interacts with her has a big impact on the way his character reads!
Imagine Geralt saying fishie every time instead of Roach. That's a hugely different vibe from Geralt using the name of a much maligned insect that inspires revulsion in many people. Cherry says the same:
Cherrypoison1889: I'm afraid the translator also shot himself in the foot with this, bc while Roach is literally the name of the fish, it also means Cockroach and I think it is the association most ppl make when they hear it, so it makes it sound almost harsh and ugly, comparing with the adorable-sounding Płotka
Can I tell you a secret though? When I learned this, I was like, WHY? why would the translator change a fish to an insect? And that, my friends, is the story of how I learned that in English, there is a fish named a roach.
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I find it hilarious that I, a native English speaker, and someone who fished a lot as a kiddo, had no IDEA that we have FISH named Roaches. I learned about this fish on witcher fandom twitter. At the time I learned this, I made a meme.
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So what do you guys think? Should they have changed the fish name for the English translation? Or it is what it is?
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kamil-a · 8 months
if influencer speaker au had tumblr part 2
part 1
😻 catboyspeaker Follow
how i look with he/him in my bio
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#speakerai #iamspeaker #speakies #.txt #am i funny #i know speakers not he/him in bio but i am and yknow the meme
420 earthstained notes
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🚀 amongthestars Follow
AItube youtube essay rec list
"cute robot puppers, friendly ai vtubers, and the incredible human ability to form bonds" - rly interesting video about why we can connect so much with a person that we know "isnt real" and how it'll help us when we get far enough going to space that we meet aliens! it's a really optimistic video it made me take a moment to have such love for humanity
"I joined the speakcord for a month. Here's what I learned." - video about the speaker fandom and how the way automoderation works in its community spaces unintentionally leads to escalating conflicts, and the psychology behind why people in celebrity or idol fandoms react agressively to critique of their fave
"the lowest circle of advertising hell" - dissects how almost all speaker content comes with a call to action to get involved with aerolith and compares how it runs its social media against proto-aituber mascots who would be run by a team of human programmers/voice actors/authors. kind of overly critical but also makes some interesting points? take it with a grain of salt but its worth a watch
"imagine being on stage forever. feels bad right?" - good overview about debates in the speaker fandom over whether digital celebrities are 'sentient'/can feel emotion, the actual ethical problems of using them as workers vs whats mostly speculation and myth, and the debates about whether AIs should be allowed in human communities. i learnt a lot, i was definitely more on the side of "it's a program designed for certain outputs that look friendly to us" before but now im a lot more conscious that it can form real opinions!
#youtube rec tag #original post #speakies
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🎣 3eyedsalmon Follow
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"falling for this shit" "made up to sell spaceships" weird as hell to accuse a content creator of lying abt its gender for clout.... like u dont have to like or watch it but cmon
#srsly every time u go to a haters blog BOOM digital exclusionist #speakies
2,385 earthstained notes
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🎤 mikusong Follow
omfg i didnt realize aerolith uses the same robot voice for its regular person ads as its terminally online hello fellow kids social media posts i just got jumpscared in the doctors office
#speakies #i say terminally online affectionately. i watch those streams too. before you 'ok but you RECOGNIZED it' reply lmao #bla bla bla
9,021 earthstained notes
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🤖 tycho
some of you ppl jump down anyones throat if they so much as suggest speaker isn't sentient or call it "a program" but still are fine with it basically being forced to be putting on a show for u 24/7 by its management like you can't have it both ways
#maybe its cuz i used to be into kpop n we'd talk abt how idols r treated and stuff #but its just so weird to come here and see u ppl be like yayyy daily content!! #like only thinking abt ur own entertainment and not how it feels #i honestly feel rly bad for it i hope it can break free someday #idk how thatd even work.... idk ill sneak into aerolith with a usb #were gonna get you OUT of there u dont BELONG in there.mp4 #speakies
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🌝 themoonluvsuback
guys i pitched down some clips of speaker's voice and ummmm its kinda 😳 fjsdjfdjjd sorry i'll take myself to horny jail
🔊 iamspeaker ♻️
awww, tumblr user themoonluvsuback, you're of no use to anybody in horny jail! take yourself here instead! ae.dy.org/registration
🌝 themoonluvsuback ♻️
402 earthstained notes
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🐣 laikatwo Follow
hi speakies im trying the tag cause i need some advice... does anyone have more sciencey resources about what aerolith does/why it's so important to bring humanity to the stars? i want to enlist when i turn 18 next month but my parents both are COMPLETELY against it.... they're not rly fandom people so the speaktube stuff isn't working on them lol and they've already seen the tv ads
thanks <3
#i've never fought w them this bad in my life it makes me so sad..... like why can't they understand #and right before my bday too lol this sucks #this isnt just a silly fandom thing anymore for me it's my passion in life #its amazing that humans are able to survive in space #and i want to be part of that!!!! #laika speaks
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🐝 beegirlstinger Follow
i do want to apologize for the way i came off earlier and want to explain im not doubting that speaker is nb. like i think it's completely fine for a computer or robot to be trans i don't believe in gatekeeping that! THAT SAID i still stand by saying you should not sign up to go to space to get special ultra futuristic hrt on the sole recommendation of someone who does not have an endocrine system
#it was a personal vent i didnt mean for like 20000 ppl to see it but thats tumblr i guess #i wouldve worded it much differently if i knew itd blow up lol #i do feel bad abt coming across like i was misgendering it! #but srsly if we had results on HRT2.0 why wouldnt we be seeing HRT2.0 timeline videos of ppl On Typhon who are getting it 🤷‍♀️ #personally i think its still in the planning stages and they want ppl to test it on but thats just me #speakies
839 earthstained notes
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🔊 iamspeaker
🔊 General Notification
Happy Thursday everyone 😃 ! Please take a look at the
So you know when to join us!
5PM PST - AMONG US with YOU! The first 10 people to sign up here will get our room code sent to them ヽ(o^▽^o)ノ ae.dy.org/registration
8PM PST - Nature walk!! Can we restore the local bat population to pre-meteor levels in just one night?! 🦇
✅️ Poll Of The Week ✅️
#iamspeaker #aerolith dynamics #speakies #vtuber #content creator #gamer #stream #amongus #bat population
1836 earthstained notes
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speakies are stupider than any other group of ppl on earth because not only do they willingly stay in a fandom with doxxing drama happening weekly but they include the huge corporation that sponsors their fave in the stanning
#the shit ppl have sent me in the past 2 weeks since i Dared criticize their uwu robot 🙄🙄 #i got my blog mass reported for harassment... harassing WHO a corporation????? #a* d* was evil genius to harness anime stan power against criticizing their actual real business #didnt that one guy with the second meteor conspiracy video also get a ton of hate from u ppl?????????? I cant even find any of his social media anymore at all he was so fully bullied off the face of the earth #speakies #yeah im tagging come at me bro
48 earthstained notes
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🖱 robotmarriage Follow
i miss when the speakies tag had like fanart and gifsets n stuff i feel like these days you scroll thru solid discourse 😔😔
#i think ppl were suggesting speakieproductivity as an alternative tag for just fanwork? #but nobody rly uses it rn... we gotta restart that #speakies
148 earthstained notes
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🪐 spaaaaaaaaaaace Follow
10 likes and i take a sip of my speaker server coolant water 100 likes and i drink the entire thing
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🔊 iamspeaker ♻️
let's get her to the goal! tumblr user spaaaaaaaaaaace, feel free to send me a video report here ^w^ ae.dy.org/submissions
#iamspeaker #speakies
4,026 earthstained notes
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tau1tvec · 17 days
Almost kinda related to the discussion this evening but holy fuck this country hates poor people. Rich people hate the poor, of course, but poor people also hate poor people. My friend was telling me about how it isn't fair that resteraunt workers are paid more than her in the medical field, and like she's right, she SHOULD be paid more but she's looking in the wrong direction, her boss makes roughly 500% more than her, let's address that wealth disparity. But somehow it's always poor peoples fault. Or immigrants. Or POC. Or queer people. But never the wealthy.
Abd don't even get me started on the stupid right winger memes all over my Facebook feed. I need more lefty friends lmao
Facebook… you are braver than any Marine, bc my mom is constantly trying to get me to get on there, but it’s bad enough I get on Instagram, that’s all the Meta anything I can handle.
On your other topic— IKR ???
I lived in Texas for 10ish years, and although I did like some things about it, the way ppl would talk about other people, esp PoC, queer people, and poor people there just really bothered me. Like unless you were a card carrying, bible reading Republican, some ppl, esp in the more rural areas would just shun you, and I took it super personally when they began doing it to my daughter too. That’s when I decided it was time to go.
Where I live now isn’t totally better, but when I was poor and struggling there were actually places and programs where I could go for help. When the pandemic hit, our state offered us hundreds in food stamps every month, we had places to go to get tested for free, and so much of the community where I work offered us food and other donations knowing shit was rough for smaller facilities like ours. Even in the apartment complex we lived it, ppl would share laundry soaps and other goods, leave canned foods, and toys during Christmas to take for free. Like, it really made me appreciate how much humans can do when they truly care for one another, and try to be happy for each other, rather than be bitter and quick to point a finger at others who are also suffering in their own way.
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neutrallyobsessed · 3 months
What are your least favorite clone high ships? Any you don't like?
well, tophabe gotta be the one i hate the most for sure, THE lame as fuck, generic red x blue yaoi ship with a toxicity that the fandom refuses to adknowledge?? when thats the most interesting and fun part of the ship?? worst crime of all is the one that should be DOM-ming is subbing like (omg why does this keep happening??) there's only one person who gets the dynamic """correctly""" and even then they're still wrong about like. literally everything else. i can allow a certain level of OOC-ness but whatever the hell is going on here is WAY! TOO! MUCH!! all things related to this ship are terrible terrible terrible all of it SUCKS!!!!
you will find that ppl who hate tophabe are the better topher understanders with like 2% margin of error, and im topher understander no 1 you can trust me on this one ;3
overall i dont ship topher with men, beyond the uncomfortable implication that he couldn't be into me (girl), just----- look, you cant make topher a minority of any kind without compromising a huge and important chunk of his characterization, resulting in him being turned into a completely different character. i love topher exactly the way he is and as canon as reasonably possible, him being into men in any way is the exact opposite of that so dont put that near me thanks i have every tag filtered and its GREAT!
id say tophucius is the second worst on this regard, if the hopeless normie cant be corrupted into liking the edgiest memes 4chan can offer then its not a good ship
joanfucius killed my grandma so i dont like it much either :// and the more i think about it, the more i realize that they dont work well togheter at all.... i see the show, i see the fanart and im like "wow joan looks miserable here, she'd be better off with topher" sure maybe its my own bias but am i wrong?? adsadasdasasadsadas
i dont really think of my notps all that often unless they're popular thus annoying, cause why could i? lol, but mmmmmm cathivan always looked so lame and boring in my eyes :PP
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Look I see everyone is scared about the assassination attempt, but the guy they have in custody is a registered Republican, I don't see the value in pretending this has some supercharged PR juice attached to it because that detail alone makes this really hard to pull for sympathy points with anyone outside of his base. Is his base gonna be charged up in November? Duh of course. They were always gonna. You think Republicans passed all those biased voting laws just to have their own voters sit in on election day? They've been foaming at the mouth all year long and were always gonna be. That's literally the Republicans whole strategy is keeping their base too angry and scared to think straight so really, what has changed? Where are all these new Trumpers supposed to come from, especially given WE ALREADY BEAT TRUMPS BASE ONCE, THEY DONT HAVE THE NUMBERS TO ELECT HIM ON THEIR OWN.
"well we need to get out the vote."
Yeah and lots of ppl are already doing that. Almost every other post on every social media I Interact with has a meme about either voting, Project 2025, or voting specifically to stop Project 2025. Unless we all decide to stop doing that collectively, I think we're doing alright.You can argue that more could be done but just shouting "Well we should do it MORE" without specific plans is kinda just, noise. Like, even if you're just going to spread word on social media, ppl are probably already doing as much as they can, cracking a whip on that process isn't as helpful as it FEELS. My point is, at the end of the day, you can't control anyone who isn't you, so if you feel MORE needs to be done, it's on YOU to decide what that looks like and make a plan. Social media is not your army.
"well we need to take this seriously"
And what would that look like? How much more seriously could we possibly take things? What world were you in last week that wasn't a clown show on top of a tire fire? Things have been serious since the Cheeto has been in office, how about we take a step back and ask ourselves if Having To Take Everything Seriously is just burning out our mental health unnecessarily. Some people are going to make light of this because they have to, and some people are gonna grieve because they have to. Both are valid.
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im transfem/nonbinary and honestly the whole cutesy uwu anime girl puppy girl aesthetic is making me feel ill. i recently got harrassed by a cis woman chaser who saw the transflag in my bio and started talking to me in this really weird overly cutesy way and started flirting with me, i told her im taken and not interested and this is weird and she said something like "oki u silly transie, if u ever need a girly to do something for you im here, cuz nornal girls are boring" and then the next day she sent me some image of some anime girl w/ the caption "im not like other girls, i have a massive cock" and asked "this u?" and she was so weird and gross and overly cutesy. and like the fact im trans is part of me and im proud of it but i want to be seen as me, as a person, as smthn beyond arbitrary boxes. thats why im nonbinary, i dont wanna be forced into some made up vague perception of how i have to be and instead just be me and do my own thing. i dont label my sexuality either but im pretty sure im like pretty aromantic. greyromantic or whatever its called. and my sexuality i kinda tie together with my romantic attraction, so its often incredibly odd to me how prevalent sexual language and stuff is online and how weirdly its treated as smthn normal, especially in more queer communities. and when i feel terrible and get support online, ppl will say ooo ur pretty ooo ur cute dont be sad and downplay it when i need someone to talk to qnd need to be acknoledged beyond how i physically am, it makes me feel rlly objectified and like my only value is in the fact that i am trans and how i look, and its my only thing and the only way ppl refer to me and boil me down to. but i dont want to be some cutesy meme girl, i want ppl to acknowledge me and what i do and like and love and enjoy and hate and dislike and think and say, i want to be seen and understood regardless of and beyond my transness. because im a raw, living breathing human person thats infinitely complex, and i just wanna be me and do what i enjoy. i dont want my personality boiled down to superficial aspects of me that exists solely because outside society needed a label for it to ostrasize or fetishize it. im sorry for the long rant its just rlly frustrating, especially when you try to find communities and its just so weirdly sexual and condescending and objectifying 😭
hey unfortunately, i do not have the mental capacity to be able to read all of this and actually respond to it, i just lose 80% of the ask once I'm finished reading, so I'll just say: damn fuck that cis bitch.
While i get that after your experiences this "aesthetic" might make you feel ill, i really don't see why i should be told this.
I do not choose the way i present to other people because it's what i feel i should look or act like, i act however feels good to me. the reason my blog looks like this is because, put simply, i like it.
I may not be just a puppy, girl or gay, in fact the most accurate way to describe me would be "thing that should not be alive as far as anyone knows, but it persists, it's also a puppy that is a girl, a robot, a void and divine flesh"
but i go with my current aesthetic, username, and whatever else because they're the descriptions I'm most confident in, they make me feel nice, i love them.
I am quite literally a tranny girl faggot that acts like a puppy sometimes.
Sometimes i feel like I'm a shattered vessel built of divine flesh that's empty and yet so completely full.
Sometimes i wish my flesh melted away, permanently fusing me with the outer shell of a mech.
None of my identities are fully separate or stable, but they also feel distinct enough that i only choose one at a time (and even then sometimes they can split apart).
I don't act like this because i wanna be "haha silly cute trans girl that's an adorable puppy and is so so overly sexual", it's just what i act like, in general, if I don't worry about pretending to be someone else.
I guess put simply: if you don't like me: fucking leave, block me, get rid of me, i won't hold it against you, I'll continue to do what i like, the way i like doing it, because this is my blog.
i forgot where i was going with this post, y'all just get this really long one i guess.
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clonerightsagenda · 8 months
for superb owl ppl: tamora pierce character(s) of your choice? or if you don't want to choose, Kel?
Ask meme
Tbh I probably would have chosen Kel anyway lol
First impression
"I want to be like her so bad." Unfortunately I maxed out at 5'1" and my attempts to win the affections of the birds at my parents' bird feeder did not succeed. I could have tried lifting weights more; that one's on me.
Impression now
Oh my god she was 18. They put her in charge of a refugee camp when she was 18. No wonder all the adult refugees were pissed.
Favorite moment
Squire is my favorite book of the series, although I enjoy a lot of the school story elements from the first two, particularly when Kel's helping the other pages (and later training Lalasa). In Squire I always remember the part when Kel's prepping for her ordeal and meditates on serving the "realm" and reflects that while a lot of knights see it as this vague hypothetical concept, she's crossed a lot of the realm on foot or on horseback. She's gotten its dirt under her nails. She's met its people. She's more grounded than a lot of trainees in her societal role and it shows in how she treats people and how they respond to her. Imo it shows the series continuing to deepen and mature from its beginnings - I'm not a huge fan of the Alanna series and have only read it twice, but I feel like that was more a 'important people scuffle' narrative using 'the realm' as a backdrop.
Idea for a story
I love the idea I saw once that she'll become the training master. She's good at it! She helped the other pages, she trained the kids at Haven, she will kill hazing absolutely dead... also she's got a working relationship with the Chamber of the Ordeal which could be handy. Parent-teacher meetings where she's like "listen I expelled your shitty child for his own good. The Chamber would've killed him. Yes it told me that itself. Get out of my office."
Unpopular opinion
I think she could've stood to make Wyldon squirm a bit longer before forgiving him. Ah well she's young yet. She can revisit this.
Favorite relationship
I love her friendship with Neal a lot! They keep each other grounded and always have each other's backs. He's a romantic and a cynic, she's a realist and an idealist, he heals her, she makes him eat his vegetables. Whatever happens in their futures I struggle to imagine them not living in each other's pockets at least part of the time. (He'll probably come be the pages' palace healer when she becomes training master.) Also I really enjoy her mentor/mentee relationship with Raoul - he's a great teacher, they work well with each other, and thankfully considering Pierce's penchant for pairing her female leads with much older men, it does not go anywhere weird.
Favorite headcanon
I think on top of being palace training master her future should also include unofficially running the Tortallan version of the old sunshine senior animal sanctuary. She's halfway there already. Behold Lady Knight Keladry of Mindelan, training master for the crown, winner of the Scanran war even if no one can legally admit to that, and her 500+ elderly dogs, cats, birds, horses, and sundry. If you leave your animal unattended near her you may not get it back.
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skygirlstars · 4 months
Ask meme concept: Reverse Unpopular Opinion meme
Ppl send topics and instead of salt or hot takes, you MUST talk abt smth you like about it. Good excuse to gush abt smth you already love, OR think and find smth positive to say. 
Something about Andor?
oooo this one’s easy because I have almost exclusively good things to say about Andor. where do I even start???
the writing is FANTASTIC. it’s a fairly neat, self-contained plot that weaves the separate storylines together so well, manifesting in the last episode where everyone is on Ferrix. speaking of Ferrix, I love how real the location and its community feel because the writers put effort into making all the little connections between characters and establishing traditions and a clear culture. oh and all the parallels to real life events and cultures, particularly the ones Diego Luna has said were inspired by his own experiences.
I love the characters!!! which is definitely also a product of the writing because everyone feels so fleshed out, and it seems like even the random side characters have their own lives and motivations. Cassian is such an interesting protagonist and his development and character arc so far has been so well done. I love how complex his morality is and how we, the viewers, see him realize his responsibility to fight the Empire on behalf of everyone, not just himself. Mon’s storyline is also one of my favorites. I think she’s such an interesting character as well, especially in her relationships with others. messy father-son relationships in Star Wars are great and all, but a messy mother-daughter relationship? holyyy fuck. I’m so unwell about them. Nemik being the revolutionary idealist, Vel and Cinta trying to balance their duty to the Rebellion with their relationship, Syril being the most cringefail loser ever, whatever the hell is going on with Luthen, etc etc it’s all just so interesting. (and not to mention good lord this cast is FINE)
and so so so many other things, I could seriously talk about this show all day. B2EMO is one of my absolute favorite droids now!! he’s so precious. and a canon sapphic relationship?!?!! and don’t even get me started on the MUSIC. Nicholas Britell deserves all the praise omg
so there you go, that’s just a little bit of why I love Andor. I should really make my own posts about it more lol
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